Epaper_24-09-29 KHI

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P T I e n d s P I n d I P r o T e s T a m I d

o r k e r s - P o l I c e c l a s h e s

g CM Gandapur returns to KP as his convoy could not cross hurdles at Burhan Interchange

Clashes between PTI supporters and police

Clashes between Pakistan Tehreeke-Insaf (PTI) supporters and police erupted in Rawalpindi on Saturday, as the situation turned violent during a protest march towards Liaquat Bagh

The area around Committee Chowk became a battleground after PTI workers removed containers set up by the authorities to block their path

Chanting anti-government slogans, large numbers of PTI supporters gathered at Committee Chowk, demanding access to Liaquat Bagh The workers removed the barricades and started marching towards designated venue of the protest but the police responded with tear gas to disperse the crowd, leading to violent clashes along Murree Road

and barriers He announced that there would be large protests in Multan, Mianwali and Faisalabad on October 2 It is your duty to come out,” Waqas said In a separate press conference he lashed out at the Punjab government for the obstacles and impediments created for the PTI He alleged that expired ammunition was used during shelling on the party s supporters and workers

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday accused the previous Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government of sabotaging Pakistan-China relations and impeding progress on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), calling the May 9 riots as an unforgivable sin ”

“The policies of the former party’s government had pushed the country to default but with grace of Allah Almighty and with their collective efforts, Pakistan is now moving towards stability and progress, which is being acknowledged by international institutions ” PM Shehbaz stated while speaking at a press conference in London on Saturday

The prime minister without naming PTI, also termed the 9th May riots targeting Jinnah’s House, GHQ and showing disrespect for the martyrs’ graves as ‘an unpardonable act

Highlighting the dire state of Pakistan s economy when his government took charge, he asserted that the country was on the verge of default

He also expressed his optimism that Pakistan would soon become an Asian Tiger as aspired by his leader and former prime

The confrontation spread quickly, with major clashes reported from Committee Chowk to Liaquat Bagh PTI workers retaliated by hurling stones at the police who responded with more tear gas The escalating violence turned the entire area into a conflict zone, with PTI supporters attempting to push through the heavy police presence

“PTI workers were in large numbers and the police were trying to control the situation but the workers started throwing back the tear gas shells fired at them, a witness told Express News

minister Muhammad Nawaz

Sharif whose efforts had put Pakistan on path of rapid progress and economic stability

He regretted that Nawaz

Sharif s governments were removed through conspiracies

Criticising his predecessors, the prime minister said, “The last government destroyed Pak-China relations and completely halted CPEC

He added that the economic and diplomatic ties between the two nations are now being restored

Addressing corruption allegations against him and his son, Shehbaz Sharif stated “We were accused of corruption but the British National Crime Agency (NCA) cleared us of all charges Satisfaction over approval of

$7bln programme The prime minister also ex-

Hezbollah confir ms Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli strike

to Hezbollah told Reuters that Nasrallah was not reachable


To explore solutions for the Pakistan s growing water crisis, a national consultative workshop attended by the experts from across the country was held here on Friday

The event hosted by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) under the UK Aid-funded Water Resource Accountability in Pakistan (WRAP) Programme was aimed to enhance water management strategies in line with the National Water Policy Over 100 participants including government officials private sector leaders representatives from development agencies, academics, and local community members, attended the workshop They discussed various approaches to tackle water scarcity and highlighted strategies successfully applied in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) through the WRAP Programme

One of the key speakers, Dr Mohsin Hafeez, IWMI s Director for Water, Food, and Ecosystems, emphasized the importance of data in managing water


He pointed out gaps in Pakistan’s current water management systems particularly the lack of an early warning system to prevent floods and other disasters Dr Hafeez also discussed the challenge posed by inaccurate groundwater data, which affects decisionmaking related to water management across the country

He provided an overview of the WRAP Programme which focuses on improving water accounting in Pakistan

Dr Mohsin Hafeez explained that IWMI had developed a water accounting framework for Okara district, along with a Groundwater Management Information System (GMIS) to address water shortages in Punjab The system first piloted in Rahim Yar Khan and Okara, will eventually be expanded to other areas

He added that specialized towers had been installed in various districts including Okara Chakwal Rahim Yar Khan and Sheikhupura to gather essential data on water and carbon emissions in agriculture

Dr Hafeez also highlighted the

importance of collaboration, noting that IWMI had organized four consultation workshops at the provincial level These workshops allowed key stakeholders including federal and provincial government officials, policymakers, and water experts, to discuss water accounting and its role in sustainable water management

Kamal Chairman of the Federal Flood Commission shared insights on water

noted that Pakistan

e e m a I W M I P a k i s t a n s D e p u t y C o u n t r y R e p r e s e n t a t i v e T h e w o r k s h o p u n d e r s c

c ases repor ted across Punjab

PTI ends pindi protest amid workers-police clashes



Shehbaz struck the right notes in speech comparable to any

PRIME Minister Shehbaz Sharif may not have had any acolytes fans or disciples to say what a wonderful speech he made to the United Nations General Assembly His walkout when Israel s Benjamin Netanyahu would have provoked paroxysms if anyone else had carried it out However despite the lack of fanfare Mr Sharif did draw an important comparison between the Palestinian issue and the Kashmir issue He did not take the comparison further in two important respects: first, that the two issues arose at the same time, in the years 1947 and 1948, and both have not been solved Another important point is that both are the direct result of the international community turning a blind eye to them In the case of Israel the political influence of the Zionist lobby in the USA has translated to its blind support for Israel That blind support has led to the present situation, where the Israelis have invaded the Gaza Strip are engaged in genocide, and are not even listening to the USA in its called for a ceasefire Indeed, Israel now seems to be extending the war to Lebanon, with the bombing of Lebanon and the killing of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrollah India has also gotten away with murder literally in Indian Occupied Kashmir because the USA and other Western powers refuse to do anything about its inhuman atrocities there It should not be forgotten that Pakistan has always seen these as conjoined issues, which have a place on the UN agenda The two-state solution, which Israel fervently denies is as much inscribed in a UN resolution as the plebiscite to determine the will of the Kasmiri people which India refuses to hold

Apart from these two pressing issues, Mr Sharif also pointed out that climate justice was also necessary It does seem unfair that while the world undergoes climate change because of the greed and even rapacity of developed industrial countries, the burden should fall on poor countries like Pakistan and they have to pay the costs for developed countries’ extravagance Ironically, developed countries lend money to poor countries to deal with the impact of climate change, with the result that they have to face a fresh debt burden Mr Sharif showed the Pakistan was engaged in the issues facing the world Unfortunately, nations seem not bwe listening as they pursue their individual goals

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami Editor Profit

of India being an important addition to balance China s growing influence in the area The first virtual QUAD summit was held in March 2021, bringing together leaders from the USA Japan Australia and India The primary focus was on fostering cooperation to ensure regional stability and peace in the Indo-Pacific as well as addressing global concerns like climate change, health challenges, and technological advancement Fast forward to September 21, when the QUAD leaders met in Wilmington, Delaware, for the 6th summit US President Joe Biden Australian PM Anthony Albanese Japanese PM Kishida Fumio and Indian PM Narendra Modi gathered to reaffirm their commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific The summit also marked the second in-person meeting, a c

seen as a coalition for regional security and economic cooperation many analysts question whether its true purpose lies in countering China s rising power During the summit, the leaders discussed a wide array of topics, from economic collaboration to defense cooperation, all with the underlying objective of maintaining peace in the Indo-Pacific region The declarations issued at

IN a recent interview with the Press Trust of India (PTI) Prof Muhammad Yunus the Chief Adviser of the interim government in Bangladesh made a significant remark stating that India would be mistaken to view all political parties other than the Awami League as Islamist or radical This statement carries weight, especially given India's ongoing concerns regarding the political landscape in Bangladesh Media outlets particularly India s Anandabazar newpaper seem to echo these worries and their recent report suggests that Delhi s South Block is uneasy about Yunus s potential ties with Islamist groups, raising questions about the evolving political dynamics in Bangladesh

The narrative emerging from Indian media, particularly Anandabazar reflects the deep-rooted concerns within Indian political and diplomatic circles

The report from Anandabazar cited sources from Delhi s South Block who expressed apprehension over Yunus s interactions with political figures linked to Islamist ideologies, such as Jamaat-e-Islami and Hefazat-e-Islam According to this report, Yunus has successfully engaged in dialogue with most political parties in Bangladesh with the notable exception of the formerly ruling Awami League The backdrop of these concerns can be traced to India s historical stance on Bangladesh s political landscape India has long been a supporter of the Awami League, primarily because of its secularist credentials and its long-standing alliance with New Delhi The possibility that other political forces particularly those with Islamist inclinations could rise to prominence in Bangladesh is seen as a threat to India s interests in the region

the summit included plans to enhance maritime security, prepare for natural disasters, and build resilient infrastructure in member states They also discussed investing in cutting-edge technologies strengthening cybersecurity and boosting cooperation in addressing global challenges such as climate change

An important aspect was the recognition of the need for stronger defense cooperation, although the leaders were careful not to overtly mention military alliances Instead the emphasis was on strategic dialogue and shared values underscoring the importance of stability in the region This focus on non-military issues, however, does not mask the fact that the QUAD has been, and continues to be, viewed as a counterbalance to China's influence in the Pacific, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean India s role in the QUAD is particularly significant Despite its economic and military gaps in comparison to the USA Japan and Australia It has emerged as a key partner due to its strategic position and growing regional influence India has long-standing territorial disputes with China making it a natural ally for countries looking to curb it The USA and its allies have also pledged support to India in its border disputes with China further solidifying the country s role in the alliance What makes India s inclusion in the QUAD intriguing is the country’s developing status It is far from being an economic powerhouse like the USA or Japan and its military capabilities while substantial are not on par with those of its QUAD counterparts Yet India s importance to the group cannot be understated As the world's most populous country and a regional giant, India's involvement in the QUAD is crucial in any effort to counterbalance China s rise The summit also revealed plans to strengthen economic cooperation among the QUAD members The first-ever meeting of QUAD Commerce and Industry Ministers is scheduled in the coming months, aimed at fostering mutual trade, enhancing industrial ties, and promoting economic growth This focus on trade and industry reflects a long-term strategy to create deeper economic interdependencies that can act as a buffer against potential conflicts or rivalries Furthermore the QUAD members have committed to increasing funding for key projects in the Indo-Pacific region through their respective national budgets This financial

The question arises whether India’s continued support for the Awami League is sustainable In recent years the Awami League has faced increasing criticism for its autocratic tendencies The report points out that India s media especially outlets like Anandabazar have failed to scrutinize the Awami League s authoritarian drift adequately Instead, they focused on the potential rise of Islamist forces, ignoring the more immediate reality of a government that has increasingly alienated its people During Sheikh Hasina’s regime Bangladesh has seen growing social conflict particularly concerning minority rights freedom of expression and democratic governance Reports of political repression, extrajudicial killings, and the suppression of dissent have become common Despite these issues, India has maintained its support for the Awami League, possibly due to concerns that a more Islamist government could take power if the party were to fall Yet this stance comes at a cost: it risks alienating large segments of the Bangladeshi population who yearn for political change and democratic reform Anandabazar s reluctance to address these concerns in its coverage reflects a broader trend within the Indian media which has tended to focus more on the perceived threats of radical Islam than on the ousted government s authoritarian practices If India wishes to maintain its influence in Bangladesh it may need to rethink its approach to the political situation there, including re-evaluating its unwavering support for the Awami League The core of Delhi s concern seems to lie in the potential rise of Islamist political forces with Yunus allegedly playing a role in facilitating this shift Anandabazar speculates that Yunus s meetings with Mamunul Haque a leader of Hefazat-e-Islam a group perceived by India as extremist, have raised alarm bells The report implies that by engaging with figures like Haque, Yunus might be providing a platform for Islamist ideologies to gain more traction in Bangladesh’s political sphere This concern is not unfounded If parties like Jamaat-e-Islami or Hefazat-e-Islam gain political power, there could be significant shifts in policies related to education, gender equality, and cultural practices, which would likely exacerbate social tensions in Bangladesh Minority communities, in particular, would feel vulnerable as would secular activists and proponents of more progressive policies However it is crucial to examine whether these

commitment is seen as a way to ensure the lasting impact of QUAD initiatives ranging from health care improvements to infrastructure development The establishment of QUAD Financial Development Institutions, which aim to drive investments in clean energy, food security, and quality infrastructure was also welcomed by the leaders The shadow of China loomed large over the discussions While the official language of the meeting was one of peace, cooperation, and shared prosperity, many analysts believe that the real goal of the QUAD is to contain China’s growing influence The timing of the summit is noteworthy as tensions continue to rise globally particularly with the ongoing RussiaUkraine war and the recent escalation in the Middle East between Israel and Lebanon During the summit, Israel launched a brutal attack on Lebanon, killing more than 500 civilians Interestingly, this major global event received no mention during the summit further fuelling speculation that the QUAD s focus is singularly fixed on countering China rather than addressing broader global crises In terms of military power, the USA, Japan, and Australia are undeniably stronger than India However, India's geographic and political significance combined with its large population makes it a pivotal player The alliance appears to be designed not only to promote regional security but also to strategically position India as a counterweight to China in the Indo-Pacific

This is especially important given India s ongoing border disputes with China and its desire to challenge China’s dominance in the region

While the official statements from the Wilmington summit emphasize peace and cooperation it is clear that the QUAD is becoming a more structured and formalized alliance

The regularity of meetings, the institutionalization of QUAD processes across various departments and agencies in member states, and the focus on long-term cooperation suggest that the QUAD is positioning itself for a sustained role in shaping the future of the IndoPacific region

However questions remain about whether the QUAD can achieve its ambitious goals without triggering greater tensions with China As the alliance deepens its economic and defense ties it risks being perceived not just as a coalition for peace but as a strategic power bloc aimed at curbing China s rise India as the least developed of the four members will need to navigate this complex geopolitical landscape carefully, balancing its own regional interests with the broader goals of the QUAD

The 2024 QUAD summit highlighted the growing importance of this alliance in maintaining Indo-Pacific security and stability While its mission is framed as one of peace and cooperation, the underlying strategic objective is clear: to present a united front against China s expanding influence How the QUAD evolves in the coming years will largely depend on how well it can balance these dual roles of peacekeeper and power broker in a rapidly changing global landscape

The writer is a freelance columnist

Reviving the reading culture

The Regional Fallout of Israel-Hezbollah Clashes

The killing of Hasan Nasrallah has complicated things

THE escalation of violence between Israel and Hezbollah during U S Secretary of State Antony Blinken s 10th visit to the region underscores the challenges the USA faces in influencing outcomes in the Middle East This situation highlights the limitations of US diplomacy which has become largely reactive focusing on crisis management rather than shaping events

The USA finds itself in this position due to its unwillingness to exert the necessary force and leverage to achieve the diplomatic goals it professes to seek This scenario reveals broader strategic limitations, reflecting not only the complexity of the IsraeliHezbollah conflict but also the constraints of U S power in the region

The Israel-Hezbollah conflict has deep roots that trace back to the early 1980s, when Hezbollah emerged as a resistance movement following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 Over time Hezbollah backed by Iran and supported by Syria has developed into a formidable military and political force in Lebanon frequently clashing

with Israel The conflict reached a significant point during the 2006 Lebanon War where Israel faced substantial military challenges in containing Hezbollah s guerrilla tactics and rocket attacks The aftermath of this war created a delicate balance of power in the region, where periodic skirmishes and tensions persisted, often threatening to reignite a fullscale conflict

The USA has been deeply involved in the region both in its support for Israel and its broader geopolitical interests particularly in countering Iran s influence US administrations have repeatedly emphasized the need for stability in the Middle East, supporting diplomatic efforts and, at times, military interventions to shape regional dynamics However as the situation between Israel and Hezbollah escalates once again it becomes evident that US influence especially under the Biden administration, has faced significant limitations

The timing of the escalation during Secretary Blinken's 10th trip to the region since the outbreak of renewed violence highlights the marginal impact US diplomacy has had on quelling tensions This marginalization of US influence in managing the Israel-Hezbollah conflict is emblematic of broader issues in US Middle Eastern policy One significant factor contributing to this is the reactive nature of US engagement in the region Instead of proactively shaping diplomatic outcomes or conflict resolutions the USA is often forced to respond to crises as they unfold limiting its ability to effect long-term solutions The Biden Administration, much like its predecessors, has found itself in a difficult position when dealing with the complex dynamics of the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict On

the one hand the USA has long been Israel s strongest ally, providing military aid and diplomatic backing in international forums On the other hand, the USA seeks to avoid further escalation that could destabilize Lebanon and the broader Middle East This balancing act limits the leverage that Washington can exert on either party leaving its diplomacy constrained by conflicting interests

Despite Secretary Blinken’s numerous diplomatic trips and meetings with regional leaders the situation has largely deteriorated This suggests that the administration s efforts have been insufficient in addressing the root causes of the conflict Hezbollah s actions, which are often influenced by Iran s strategic interests, complicate any US attempt at mediation The group’s military capability combined with its deep entrenchment in Lebanese politics makes it a difficult actor to pressure through conventional diplomatic channels Furthermore Israel s security concerns and its readiness to respond with force to Hezbollah provocations further limits diplomatic options

The USA s reactive posture has become one of the central weaknesses in its Middle Eastern policy Rather than setting the agenda or advancing a comprehensive peace initiative, the USA is frequently responding to immediate crises without addressing the underlying issues that perpetuate violence This reactive approach stems from several factors including do-

mestic political considerations the complexity of the regional power balance and the USA's reluctance to become embroiled in another protracted conflict in the Middle East One of the main reasons the USA remains in a crisis-management mode is its unwillingness to use the level of force or leverage that would be required to shape outcomes decisively The Biden Administration, much like its predecessors, has prioritized diplomatic efforts and multilateralism avoiding the kind of military interventions that characterized US policy in the early 2000s While this reflects a broader shift in US foreign policy towards disengagement from prolonged conflicts it also limits Washington s ability to impose its will on actors like Hezbollah, which are supported by external powers like Iran The reluctance to use force does not only apply to military intervention but also to the economic and diplomatic leverage that the USA holds Washington has significant tools at its disposal, including sanctions, economic aid and diplomatic pressure, that could be used to influence regional actors However these tools have been deployed cautiously with the administration fearing that too much pressure could backfire exacerbating instability or pushing actors like Hezbollah closer to Iran Another key issue is the erosion of US leverage in the Middle East, a process that has been ongoing for several years While the USA remains a dominant player other

The escalation of violence between Israel and Hezbollah

India responded to Iran’s pitch for a confederation with Pakistan

THE Iranian supreme

Ayatollah Khamenei s comment last fortnight about the situation of India’s Muslim community did not sit well with New Delhi The Ministry of External Affairs denounced as unacceptable and misinformed his statement that Muslims in India were suffering just like their counterparts in Myanmar and Gaza Though India signed a deal with Iran in May to develop and operate its Chabahar port some have characterised the engagement between the nations as sub-par This is not the first time Teheran has presented New Delhi with a quandary One almost-forgotten dilemma for India, which stretched over several years, involved the potential challenges that would have been posed by a proposed confederation between Iran and Pakistan The plan was the brainchild of the Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi who had become increasingly concerned about the stability of his rule following the overthrow of the monarchy in neighbouring Iraq in

1958 He began to contemplate strategies to shore up his legitimacy in the eyes of his subjects In the 1950s some nations in West Asia experimented with joining together as confederations In 1958, Syria and Egypt formed the United Arab Republic The same year, the Hashemite kings of Iraq and Jordan united as the Arab Federation This idea appealed to the Shah Neighbouring Pakistan appeared to be the best candidate for such a union given the strong ties between the two countries, as Alex Vatanka explains in his book Iran and Pakistan: Security, Diplomacy and American Influence

During a visit to Pakistan in 1958, the Shah pitched the idea of a confederation with a single army and himself as the head of the entity Though the idea was met with scepticism by Pakistani President Ayub Khan many within the Pakistani power elite supported it, Vatanka writes Among them was Iskander Ali Mirza, the Shia-Bengali who was Pakistan’s first president This confederation would have undoubtedly presented India with some complications When the Indian ambassador to Tehran, BFHB Tyabji, reported to New Delhi that the Shah of Iran was keen on a “real union with Pakistan”, alarm bells were set off in Indian diplomatic circles

However Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was notably composed The correspondence between diplomat MJ Desai to Indian Foreign Secretary Subimal Dutt showcased Nehru s point of view It noted that Nehru did not believe that such a con-

federation was a viable proposition And if, in any case Iran and Pakistan decided to join into a confederation there was nothing India could do Nehru said As Nehru had foreseen that proposition was a tough one to implement Pakistan was already a member of the Central Treaty Organisation along with Turkey, Iran, Iraq and the United Kingdom The other members feared that a confederation of Pakistan and Iran would erode the relevance of the Central Treaty Organisation Vatanka writes Moreover, as Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan CC Desai wrote to Foreign Secretary Dutt, such a confederation would trigger the disintegration of Pakistan Already, the Bengalis of East Pakistan were chafing under the idea of being ruled from Karachi Being governed by Tehran would inevitably lead them to ask for separation leaving only West Pakistan to consider the union with Iran , Desai predicted A country extending from Sylhet in the east to the Caspian Sea in the west was not remotely conceivable CC Desai also highlighted the sentiment of the Pakhtoon community in Western Pakistan The Pakhtoons were split between Afghanistan and Pakistan and would no doubt prefer a union of Pakistan and Afghanistan Desai believed that the idea was a vanity of the Shah of Iran who like his predecessors only seems to be dreaming of extending the frontiers of his empire In the end the idea of a confederation of Pakistan and Iran never found solid ground to move ahead However, as Vatanka notes,

another confederation was frequently proposed until the mid-1970s: a tripartite union between Iran Pakistan and Afghanistan

Since the formation of Pakistan its relations with neighbouring Afghanistan had often been strained The Shah s Iran, at times, had acted as a mediator in these situations but a confederation between the three as a solution to their mutual problems was short-sighted

However it was necessary for the security of Iran to keep the Soviets out of Afghanistan and the threat of communism far from its boundaries Though the Shah s ally, the US, recognised the impracticality of a tripartite confederation, it also saw some potential in uniting the South-West Asian states to counter the Soviet threat in the region Vatanka writes Despite this Washington was aware that direct US mediation in the project would have compromised the stability in South Asia, Vatanka observes For starters, a confederation of Pakistan Afghanistan and Iran would pose a nightmare for India Explicit US support would have further pushed New Delhi away from Washington It was left for the countries to decide Ayub Khan spoke of a confederation of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan for the first time in Quetta on August 6, 1962 He put forward the proposal as something to ponder in the long run as Pakistan s border dispute with Afghanistan was yet to be settled Vatanka recounts Khan asserted that the formation of a union between Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan was crucial; otherwise,

India, with assistance from the Soviet Union, would subjugate them In India this proposal was discussed in parliament in August 1962 by CK Bhattacharya of the Indian National Congress Prime Minister Nehru reiterated that the proposal lacked substance He said that India had always hoped to live in friendship with Pakistan Occasional strife between the neighbours never altered that DC Sharma of the Congress went a step further to state that Pakistan s proposal of a union with Afghanistan and Iran demonstrated the success of India s Pakistan policy It was an acknowledgment that “ Pakistan knows the strength of India”, he contended, and so was seeking “the help of Iran and Afghanistan to be a match for India In the mid-1970s Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto commissioned policy papers on the potential of a confederation with Iran, Vatanka writes However, the drawbacks far outweighed the gains Moreover the Americans were apathetic towards any such arrangement On September 24 1962 Ayub at a meeting with US President John Kennedy tried to sell the idea of a confederation of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan as the only hopeful way of dealing with the security problem” in the region, but Washington was less than convinced In the end, the idea was shelved for good and disintegrated

about the verdict in New York? she asks, of Trump s conviction on 34 criminal charges arising from hush-money payments to a porn star “I won’t say no But the truth is that I felt more relief than pleasure seeing the rule of law prevail even briefly ” Not done she catalogs the 45th president s sins: Trump was (twice) impeached defeated indicted in four different cases and now convicted of 34 felonies But there is also self-pity aplenty From her own time in the White House, she laments the “bogus Whitewater investigation and Bill’s impeachment ordeal” Bogusness and ordeals are in the eyes of the beholder During Whitewater a scandal over investments in property in Arkansas, the late William Safire used the pages of the New York Times to brand Clinton a “congenital

liar As the Pulitzer Prize winner and Nixon speechwriter saw it, she was simply allergic to truth In the end, Robert Ray, the independent counsel who investigated Whitewater and other matters did not charge her with any crime On the other hand in an October 2000

dr MuhAMMAd AkrAM ZAheer

Trump vows To seek prosecuTion of GooGle if



further contribute

and strength to building a country that is strong in manufacturing and promoting the full revitalization of northeast China President Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission made the remarks in a reply letter to representatives of workers from China First Heavy Industries Co Ltd (CFHI), a leading equipment manufacturer headquartered in Qiqihar City northeast China s Heilongjiang Province In the letter Xi said he had visited CFHI twice and was deeply impressed by the persistent pursuit of technological innovation and product quality by the workers Xi noted that in recent years they have focused on tackling core technological challenges in major equipment manufacturing and made many new breakthroughs, which demonstrated the patriotism and creativity of Chinese industrial

workers in the new era Manufacturing is the foundation of a country and the basis of a strong nation, he stressed, expressing his hope that the workers adhere to the original intention of serving the country with skills and promote the spirit of model workers and craftsmanship He said that centrally-administered enterprises should boost reform and innovation enhance their core functions and competitiveness and work hard to become bigger better and stronger Furthermore they should contribute more to the endeavor to build a great country and move toward national rejuvenation on all fronts


a letter to Xi recently, reporting on their efforts to strengthen technological research and development following Xi s instructions and expressing their determination to contribute to the full revitalization of northeast China and the cause of building China into a great

China to fur ther cooperation with UN for world peace, development: Wang Y i

ples of multilateralism China stands ready to enhance cooperation with the UN, so as to promote world peace and development, translate the vision of the Pact for the Future into reality and chart a better future for humankind Wang said Upholding the authority of the UN and letting the UN play the core role in international affairs is more important than ever now that the international landscape becomes increasingly complicated and global challenges and risks are highlighted, Wang said

China fully supports the work of the UN, including the reform of the current framework governing international finance as well as the UN’s role as the main channel coordinating the application of artificial intelligence in global governance Wang said China s support for the UN also involves facilitating the organization s pursuit of resolutions to the Ukraine crisis and the conflict in Gaza, so that the UN is capable of better maintaining world peace and security he said

Meeting Guterres at the UN headquarters on the sidelines of the ongoing 79th UN General Assembly Wang also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee congratulated the UN on its success in convening the Summit of the Future He said the adoption of the

creative traditional dances while artisans with renowned Uyghur instruments were ready to perform wellknown Uyghur melodies With its strategic location along the Old Silk Road, Xinjiang has served as a hub for East-West cultural interchange As a result, important cultural traditions from other nations were also absorbed by Xinjiang culture adding to its already vibrant art and culture which is the foundation of civilization One of the largest ethnic groups in China, the Uyghur population, has a range of wellknown songs and dances that are included in the Xinjiang Uyghur Muqam Classical music in the style of Uyghur Muqam is distinguished by its varied content distinctive instruments choreography and distinctive Uyghur dances The words of the songs, which are sung in solo and group settings and have varying rhyme and meter, are written by Uyghur poets and folk ballads Therefore in order to strengthen the folk narrative and portray the history and contem-

Guterres expressed appreciation for China s longterm support for the UN and the country s active contribution to the Summit of the Future and hope that all parties will put their commitment into action, jointly implementing the hard-won Pact for the Future

Guterres called on all members of the international community to join hands in opposing protectionism saying that the UN while expecting and believing that China will continue to play an important role in international affairs will spare no effort for peace and fulfill its responsibility for development

porary way of life of the Uyghur people, the performances feature a broad variety of poetry, including poems and proverbs A visit to the Kazanqi Folk Tourism Area reveals yet another noteworthy aspect of the Xinjiang government s preservation of the region s legacy and culture Located in the center of Yining City, Xinjiang s Ili Autonomous Prefecture, lies Kazanqi Folk Tourism Area Uyghurs, Han, Kazakh, Hui, Uzbek, Xibe, Manchu, Russian, Mongol, Tatar, Tajik, and Kyrgyz minority make up the local population Perhaps the clearest illustration of how a people can keep and practice its old culture is Kazanqi Cleverly old dwellings have been archived while occupants

U N J A B Information Minister Azma Bokhari on Saturday declared that any attempt to cause to destabilisation in the province will not be tolerated saying that the Punjab Police will ensure the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister is taught a

Exper ts emphasize urgent need for endangered language preser vation at 28th International Conference on FEL



National and international experts underscored the urgent need for the development and preservation of endangered languages, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a connection to cultural heritage to strengthen Pakistan s linguistic and cultural landscape The speakers highlighted that the survival and greatness of any nation are intrinsically linked to the preservation of its culture Regrettably, today s youth appear increasingly disconnected from this identity, leading to the erosion of many languages, traditions and cultural heritage These points were articulated during the concluding ceremony of the 28th International Conference on Federation of Endangered Languages The keynote speakers included Dr Jacqueline Tray from Australia, Dr Henrik and Eda Derhovi from the United States, Dr Halim from Turkmenistan, and Dr Saeqa Imtiaz Asif from Pakistan The conference was organized by the Department of English at AIOU in collaboration with the Foundation for Endangered Languages and the Forum for Language Initiatives


‘Safar Shanas’

It is a well-written travelogue by Zubair Nabi a veteran jurist politician and writer from Faisalabad settled in the Canadian town of Calgary The work is divided into three broad chapters each related to an individual travel to a particular country As a globe trotter, the author has travelled widely His insightful observations and narratorial skills tend to lend an aura of imaginative fecundity to his travel experience recounted faithfully in the trilogy covering his journeys to Hijaz-e-Muqaddas Turkiye and Canada

The opening chapter of Safar Shanas concerns the author s visit to the holy land (Madinah, Makkah, and Jeddah) The narrative here encloses his performance of ‘Umra’, appearance at Masjid-e-Nabvi and watching the relics around Makkah and Madinah

In the second chapter the author narrates his experience of living in Calgary (Canada) as an immigrant Because of the presence of a sizeable number of Pakistanis settled in the town, he calls it ‘Mini Pakistan’ In an impressionistic swing as it were the writer reverts to his hometown Faisalabad (in Pakistan) describing the locales of his family s habitation here coupled with a colourful

E-Technology: Corruption Free Punjab

firms the trust of masses on the government The steady transparency in system brings result-oriented decisions which ultimately lead to success in better governance and in saving public money, avoiding it going into the pockets of some individuals in shape of corruption The transparent system also guarantees a strong system of justice in the state and harmony among citizens as well as provision of equal opportunities of jobs to the youths There are certain ways to effectively curb corruption One of them is the usage of E- Technology and billions of dollars have been saved with it across the world

The most leading countries are Denmark, Finland and New Zealand which have consistently been ranked high in transparency and low in corruption because of their robust digital systems and egovernance platforms which have been ensuring transparency in public procurement, financial transactions, and decision-making process

The Key benefits of E- Technology are increased transparency improved accountability and efficient service delivery

The Punjab Government under the leadership of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif has firmly embarked on the journey of E- Technology in the province to make the governance more efficient and transparent so that all doors of corruption could be slammed shut tightly The crest aim of the Punjab Government is to eliminate corruption-oriented system on fast track that is the reason soon after taking the chair of Chief Minister Punjab a step was taken to introduce E- Tendering and EProcurement in place of manual tendering considering it as a major part of corruption-oriented practices in government departments So it was decided to address this system with the introduction of ETechnology and E- Tendering minimizing the chances of corruption

The Punjab Government has successfully implemented E- Tendering and E- Procurement in all departments of the province since the CM Punjab has taken up the charge as CM Punjab It is a fact that in past every government used to give a major chunk of its budget to the development sector along with other major sectors like health and education So a huge amount of government budget was kept for infrastructures But the chances of corruption re-

nostalgia of his past experiences both as a child and an adult

He alludes to his professional pursuits as a jurist (judge and lawyer), his political engagements, his recollection of some important persons like Malik Abdul Ghafoor, his Clerk in the district courts, Mian Nasim Sadiq an eminent bureaucrat known for his administrative proficiency and altruistic temperament and Ch Ghulam Abbas Niswana Advocate his valued professional comrade in arms The narrator s style here, is anecdotal that compels the reader to share and relish his travel experiences ‘Tajziyey aur Tabsiray’ Syed Ruhul Amin is an ardent lover and advocate of the Urdu language He writes columns for the daily Nawa-i-Waqt that are mostly focussed on the importance, practicality, and paramountcy of Urdu as a national language

The book in view contains a selection of his newspaper columns and some essays and reviews highlighting his interest in Urdu and the need to implement it as a national language in letter and spirit besides reviews of some recent publications on diverse topics like Irshad Nama , Tazkiray aur Tajziyey , ‘Kitab Nama’, ‘Aala Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi ki Na’at Goi’ et al

lated practices were there on large scale at different stages The previous governments did not bother to halt these corrupt practices particularly attached with the construction of infrastructures So a huge amount of development budget went into the pockets of officers, political figures, and contractors

The tendering process is the first step to initiate any scheme and major portion of amount of allocated budget of any scheme was wasted in the process of manual tender, involving multiple corrupt practices So, it was the need of the hour to replace it with E- tendering so as corruption oriented manual tendering could effectively and permanently be eliminated When Maryam Nawaz Sharif took charge as the Chief Minister Punjab, she decided to save even the single penny of public, which seemed mirrored in her directions she had been giving in her meetings conducted from time to time She took steps to minimize the corrupt practices She had two tasks before her One she had to set up new state of the art infrastructures and to renovate the existing delipidated infrastructure on modern style Secondly she wanted to introduce such technology which could effectively make the entire process of infrastructure transparent with the aim of saving the public money So, before the commencement of the development projects in roads and public sectors she instructed the Communication and Works Department of the province to take forthwith steps to replace manual process of tendering with E - Tendering Minister for Communication and Works Punjab Malik Sohaib Ahmed Berth being young energetic and foreign qualified along with Secretary Sohail Ashraf took the lead and supervised the shifting process of tenders from manual to E- technology The Punjab Information Technology Board was engaged with a request to develop a comprehensive software for E Tendering The expert team observed the manual process thoroughly and minutely and traced out loopholes

The book bears eulogistic flaps by Dr Moinuddin Aqeel Dr Shabbir Ahmad Qadri and Syed Afsar Sajid aside from introductory notes from Dr Zeeshan Tabassum, Dr Irfan Toheed wattoo, and the author himself ‘The Versatile Islamians’ This book is purported to be ‘an anthology of works in English Urdu and Pashto’ It is authored by Syed Altaf Hussain Shah (a retired DG of Pakistan Post) an old Islamian (a student of Islamia College Peshawar latterly Islamia College University, Peshawar), and an ex-President of Khyber Union Islamia College, Peshawar of yore, and now Islamia College University Peshawar is a prestigious educational institution with a rich academic history Noted ex-bureaucrat and poet of English Ejaz Rahim calls this book a wonderful tribute to Islamia College Dr Gul Majid Khan, Vice Chancellor, Islamia College University, Peshawar has contributed the introduction to the book According to him ‘The manuscript is a terrific read that drives you along to unlock the treasure of the alumni capital of our Great Alma Mater and he further hopes that it will be a valuable reference for college graduates seeking to understand how to leverage their alumni identity towards personality development and career growth’

for corruptions like overcharging on bid documents difficulty in obtaining bid documents restriction in information poll system issues of CDR return, on data base of blacklist contractors and others There was no direct management for monitoring of the tenders, and they were held on different days and at different places across the province Keeping in view the PITB team developed software of E Tendering, covering all loopholes effectively and ensuring transparency in tender system The E Tendering gave opportunity to every individual fulfilling the required criteria and sitting any where in the country to see tenders online and to give his bid against a scheme within stipulated date and time With the introduction of E Tendering in the Communication and Works Department all corrupt practices of tender process had been eliminated and a system of transparency had been introduced

The Communication and Works Department Punjab has completed the E Tendering process of more than 500 road and building sectors schemes which the CM Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif approved since she has joined her office One may astonish to know that a huge amount of approximately 28 billion has been saved through E Tender process, showing this huge amount would have been wasted and gone into pockets of some individuals and causing sever loss the government exchequers if E Tender Process has not been adopted timely as per the vision of the CM Punjab No doubt, the government now has the option to utilize saved and secured amount on other public welfare projects

The E Tener method has attained multiple successes like elimination of over charging on documents, elimination of poll system, availability of proper information maintaining the database of blacklist contractors no political interference and direct monitoring by authorities about the process of tenders

The way, the Punjab Government is heading towards e technology, will surely revolutionize the governance and will certainly bring better infrastructure in the province which will not only provide better facility but also soothing environment to masses of the province The performance shown by the CM Punjab in a short span of time is remarkable and the way through which pilferages are being controlled will lead to saving the public money for which the Punjab government is custodian

The book is also a quasi-directory of men of eminence who have had a long but close association with Islamia College/University as their endearing alma mater The list among others, includes Abdur Rauf, Amir Usman, Muhammad Ayaz Wazir, Roedad Khan, Imiaz Ahmad Sahibzada, Dr Sayed Amjad Hussain Mohibul Haq Sahibzada Muhammad Hasham Babar Abdur Rauf Khalid Aziz Ali Najam Dr M Qasim Jan Justice Fida Muhammad Khan Imtiaz Ali Qazilbash Ali Muhammd Jan Aurakzai Dil Jan Khan Khanzada Abdul Halim Khan Dr Syed Chiragh Hussain Shah, Syed Altaf Hussain Ahah (the author himself), Puran Chand Sethi (an

exserviceman), and Brig ® Sad-ul-Hadi Pieces of prose, poetry, and translation attributed to some of these personages have also been added to their respective profiles in the book providing first-hand evidence as to the versatility of such celebrities


Three policemen injured in Bajaur blast

Jibran Ilyas while based outside Pakistan is a significant player in the negative and destructive campaign against state institutions on social media, collaborating with both internal and external elements He is involved in spreading unrest, disrupting law and order, and fostering hatred among the public through various means

Since February 17 2024 X (formerly Twitter) has been largely inaccessible in Pakistan The Ministry of Interior (MoI) submitted a response to the Islamabad High Court (IHC) citing national security concerns and X s refusal to comply with requests under the Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content as the primary reasons for this restriction Final battle for Imran

Tally rises to 24 as another poliovirus c ase detec ted in Hyderabad

Poliovirus cases in Pakistan continue to rise as another case was detected in Sindh s Hyderabad on Saturday taking the total number of polio cases to 24 in the current year so far The fresh case, a two-and-ahalf-year-old child from Sindh’s Hyderabad was diagnosed as having been infected by the poliovirus

According to the National Emergency Operations Centre the child in Hyderabad marked the city s second polio case, bringing the number of polio case in Sindh province to five so far in the current year The latest polio case comes a day after authorities had confirmed that a 10-month-old baby girl in district Kohat of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was diagnosed with the virus, marking the second

case in KP province this year

The infant from Tehsil Darra Adamkhel had contracted the wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) that left her paralysed on September 12

Before that authorities had confirmed that a 30-month-old boy from Pishin, Balochistan, was struck by the poliovirus marking the province’s 15th case this year

All these cases were reported within this week marking almost a daily growth in the number of polio cases leading to increased scrutiny of the country s polio eradication efforts

So far, Balochistan remains the epicentre of the outbreak with 15 confirmed cases while Sindh has now reported five Additionally Punjab and Islamabad have recorded one case each with KP has reported two case so far this year

Earlier this week, Muhammad Anwarul Haq, the national coordi-

nator for the Polio Emergency Operations Centre, emphasised the urgency of addressing gaps in efforts to fight this disease

Every missed vaccination is an opportunity for the virus to win he warned

Calling for collective action from both the government and the public, Haq highlighted that the solution lies in ensuring timely and repeated vaccinations for all children

Meanwhile Ayesha Raza Farooq the prime minister s focal person for polio eradication, also voiced frustration at the lack of progress and immunisation coverage as a result of parental refusals, often due to misinformation or mistrust Pakistan s polio eradication programme organised an anti-polio campaign in 115 districts of the country this month in which 33 million children under the age of five years were given polio vaccinations

Japanese envoy disc uss cooperation in various sec tors with Nawaz, Mar yam

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz

(PML-N) President Nawaz Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz met with Japanese Ambassador Mitsuhiro Wada to discuss matters of mutual interest enhancing bilateral relations and increasing cooperation in various sectors

Information Advisor Barrister

Khan Saif announced that the decisive battle for the release of PTI founder Imran Khan has commenced He said that all preparations for the protest in Rawalpindi were complete In a statement Barrister Saif mentioned that a grand convoy led by Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur would participate in the protest He stated that people would converge in Rawalpindi in large numbers under Gandapur s leadership He noted that

During the meeting Nawaz Sharif emphasised the commitment to further expand the excellent relations between Pakistan and Japan highlighting Japan s remarkable dedication on the global stage Maryam Nawaz expressed that Nawaz Sharif was interested in increasing the bilateral trade volume between the two countries She commended Japan s cooperation with the Punjab government in improving education health and urban facilities She further mentioned the significant investment potential in Punjab across various sectors, stating that the province offered a conducive environment and incentives for investment Ambassador Mitsuhiro Wada expressed Japan s desire to further strengthen relations with Pakistan

S even labourers k illed in Panjgur ’s miscreants attack



Seven labourers were killed and one was seriously injured in a miscreants attack in Balochistan s Panjgur district on Saturday, according to local authorities

The tragic incident took place when militants stormed a house in Panjgur ’s Khuda Abadan area killing seven labourers with indiscriminate fire and left another seriously injured


7 of annexure F of Indus

Treaty Pakistan’s submissions were made by its designated representative Ahmad Irfan Aslam counsel Sir Daniel Bethlehem KC Professor Philippa Webb and Dr Cameron Miles India s submissions were made by its designated representative and secretary, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ms Debashree Mukherjee, and its counsel, Harish Salve KC Pakistan was also represented by Secretary Ministry of Water Resources Syed Ali Murtaza Indus Waters Commissioner Syed Muhammad Mehar Ali Shah Director General South Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ilyas Mehmood Nizami, legal advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Assad Khan Burki, officials from the Embassy of Pakistan in Vienna Adeel Ahmed Khan and Hassan Abbas and Ms Laura ReesEvans and counsel Abdullah Tariq The parties submissions on the neutral

Security forces and police reached the scene shortly after the attack transporting the bodies and the injured to a nearby hospital A search operation has been launched to track down the perpetrators with the area under tight security

The outlawed Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has been blamed for the attack The victims all labourers hailing from Punjab were working on a house construction project in the area Condemning the attack, Fed-

eral Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi expressed deep sorrow over the senseless killings stating These terrorists have no religion or ethics targeting innocent workers who travel to remote areas for a livelihood The state and security forces will foil the nefarious designs of these foreign-funded antistate elements " Naqvi also extended his condolences to the victims families affirming that those responsible would face the full force of justice

expert s competence under paragraph 7 of annexure F to the Treaty are now complete India was also represented in the meeting by Kushvinder Vohra, ex-officio secretary and chairman Central Water Commission (CWC); Ms Uma Shekhar additional secretary Ministry of External Affairs (MEA); JP Singh joint secretary MEA; Darpan Talwar, its Indus Waters Commissioner; Vivek Tripathi, chief engineer, CWC; Sharvan Kumar, chief engineer (HydroPower Planning & Investigation), Central Electricity Authority Ministry of Power (MoP); Ms Chitrangna Singh director MEA; Naveen Kumar senior joint commissioner for Indus Waters; Narendra Singh Shekhawat and Samarth Agarwal, director of the CWC; Dr Kumar Abhijeet, legal officer, MEA; Vishal Kumar Saini, executive director and Shrish Dubey, general manager of NHPC Ltd MoP; Ms Nidhi Dhiman first secretary of the Embassy of India in Vienna; Ms Chetna Rai and Anandh Venkataramani counsel; and Prof GR Basson and Dr Kim

Wium Olesen technical experts On October 13, 2022, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), pursuant to Article IX and Annexure F of the Indus Waters Treaty 1960 and after consultation with each of the parties appointed Lino as a neutral expert in proceedings commenced by India against the Pakistan concerning the KHEP and the RHEP The neutral expert convened a first meeting with the parties on February 27-28 in 2023 at the headquarters of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Peace Palace in The Hague Following the first meeting the neutral expert s terms of retainer were fixed on May 2, 2023 The terms of retainer also recorded the appointment of Luc Deroo as the neutral expert’s technical assistant On June 1, 2023, the neutral expert issued supplemental rules of procedure including a work programme which was subsequently revised on Aug 21 Oct 11 and Nov 2 2023 and most recently on May 29 and June 4 2024

On June 5 2023 the PCA was appointed as registry and secretariat by the neutral expert The proceedings are administered by the Vienna Office of the PCA, in cooperation with its Mauritius Office On August 31 2023 India submitted its memorial A second meeting with the parties was held

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