Epaper_24-09-9 KHI

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‘ColleCTive efforTs To eradiCaTe polio will CerTainly bear fruiT,’ pM kiCks off




indicated their fear of Imran Khan and his supporters Azhar also hinted at the initiation of a new movement in Punjab against Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, urging party workers to "be ready " The former federal minister paid tribute to jailed PTI leaders such as Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Umar Sarfraz Cheema highlighting that much of PTI s Punjab leadership is currently imprisoned Sher Afzal Marwat echoed similar sentiments, announcing that rallies would soon be held in Punjab advocating for Imran Khan s release and the supremacy of the law and Constitution We will enter Punjab with 50,000 people from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa within a week,” Marwat declared adding that they would face any challenges including tear gas to achieve their goals

Gandapur gives 15-day deadline for release of Imran Khan Addressing the rally, PTI leader and KP

Pakistan’s economic crisis drives women into workforce

be led by a woman prime minister in the 1980s, women CEOs grace power lists in Forbes magazine, and they now make up the ranks of the police and military

The 28-year-old is the first woman in her family to enter the workforce a pattern emerging in urban households coming under increasing financial pressure in Pakistan I don t focus on people, I don t speak to anyone or respond to the hooting, I do my work,” said Sohail, who joined a local ride-hailing service at the start of the year transporting women through the dusty back streets of the city

Before we would be hungry now we get to eat at least two to three meals a day, she added The South Asian nation is locked in a cycle of political and economic crises dependent on IMF bailouts and loans from friendly countries to service its debt

Prolonged inflation has forced up the price of basic groceries such as tomatoes by 100 per cent Electricity and gas bills have risen by 300pc compared to July last year, according to official data Sohail used to help her mother with cooking cleaning and looking after her younger siblings until her father the family s sole earner fell sick The atmosphere in the house was stressful,” she said, with the family dependent on other relatives for money “That’s when I thought I must work ” My vision has changed I will work openly like any man no matter what anyone thinks

‘G E T H E R M A R R I E D’ Pakistan was the first Muslim nation to

However much of Pakistani society operates under a traditional code which requires women to have permission from their family to work outside of the home

According to the United Nations, just 21pc of women participate in Pakistan s workforce most of them in the informal sector and almost half in rural areas working in the fields I am the first girl in the family to work, from both my paternal and maternal side,” said Hina Saleem, a 24year-old telephone operator at a leather factory in Korangi Karachi

The move supported by her mother after her father died was met with resistance from her extended family

Her younger brother was warned that working could lead to socially unacceptable behaviour, such as finding a husband of her choice

My uncles said get her married she told AFP There was lots of pressure on my mother

At the changeover of shifts outside the leather factory, workers arrive in painted buses decorated with chinking bells with a handful of women stepping out amid the crowd of men

Nineteen-year-old Anum Shahzadi who works in the same factory inputting data, was encouraged by her parents to enter the workforce after completing high school, unlike generations before her

“What is the point of education if a girl can t be independent said Shahzadi who now contributes to the household alongside her brother

Bushra Khaliq, executive director for Women In Struggle for Empowerment (WISE) which advocates for political and economic rights for women said that Pakistan was witnessing a shift among urban middle-class women

Up until this point they had been told by society that taking care of their homes and marriage were the ultimate objective,” she told AFP

“But an economic crunch and any social and economic crises bring with them a lot of opportunities

‘W E A R E C O M PA N I O N S’

Farzana Augustine, who belongs to the Christian community, earned her first salary last year at the age of 43 after her husband lost his job during the Covid-19 pandemic My wife had to take over Augustine Saddique explained to AFP But it is nothing to be sad about, we are companions and are running our house together ”

Nineteen-year-old Zahra Afzal moved to Karachi to live with her uncle four years ago after the death of her parents, leaving her small village in central-eastern Pakistan to work as a childminder

“If Zahra was taken by other relatives she would have been married off by now her uncle Kamran Aziz told AFP from their typical one-room home where bedding is

Bandstand Garden, it was later rechristened Municipal Garden on the construction of Victoria Jubilee Hall (later Town Hall) The park also earned the moniker Gol Bagh due to its circular layout Following the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947, the garden was renamed Nasir Bagh in tribute to

we shouldn t regret too much because it would mean improving their chances of getting on the same page As a matter of fact, Khurram Shehzad has a chance of getting on the same page, but like Arshad Nadeem the javelin-thrower he’s probably not

the previous captain Shakibul Hasan is also in the team, poised to prevent Shanto getting on the same page Another applicant for the same page, Mashrafe Mortaza, was actually a member of Parliament when the Army took over It might seem unfair that Bangladesh has so many potential candidates unlike Pakistan but we must remember that applicants don t eat organic food or have any illegitimate daughters Speaking of Imran, he should count himself lucky to be in jail, because he can-

is in office Dr Yunus has got it a little easier than usual because Shanto only became captain this year and


Around 500 people suffer injuries daily in Karachi road traffic accidents: Repor t

Motorcycles are a common mode of transport in Pakistan particularly among middle-income families While they offer convenience and affordability they also pose significant safety risks, leading to numerous injuries and fatalities

According to a report by Mehfooz Pakistan an independent platform one of the most effective safety measures is the use of helmets which can significantly mitigate the severity and impact of accidents Around 500 people are injured in road traffic accidents in Karachi on a daily basis, with 70 percent of the victims being young motorcyclists More than 1 400 citizens lost their lives and over 18 000 were wounded in road accidents in Karachi in 2023 While these figures are alarming, the actual number of casualties could be even higher, as many accidents go unreported Data

from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) shows that 5,816 people lost their lives and 12,889 suffered injuries from accidents in 2021-22

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported an even higher figure of 28 170 deaths in 2020 Mehfooz Pakistan an independent platform that inculcates better attitudes towards practicing safety in everyday life, emphasizes that preventing motorcycle accidents requires a multifaceted approach, including safe riding practices proper maintenance and awareness from both motorcyclists and other road users Road accidents involving motorcycles are common due to factors such as traffic rule violations, poor road conditions, inadequately maintained bikes, and insufficient driver training Karachi as the largest and most densely populated city often experiences a heavy load of traffic on nearly every artery of the city resulting in a substantial number of road accidents

and compromising road safety Helmets are the single most effective safety device for motorcyclists

They are designed to absorb the impact and protect the head from severe injuries during accidents Unfortunately many motorcyclists neglect helmet safety leading to tragic consequences It is crucial to emphasize the importance of protective gear, especially helmets, in reducing the severity of such accidents While most victims of motorcycle accidents are male female passengers are also frequently at risk

The number of women riding motorcycles is increasing but many still rely on their male family members A common hazard noted for female passenger s is their outer garments, such as a dupattas or shawls becoming entangled in the motorcycle’s chain injuring both the passenger and the rider Reports indicate that at least 15 to 20 women are injured every day in Karachi due to such accidents

Transgender community welcomes launch of first- ever transgender school

Pull and Rawat T Chowk were closed The closure of major routes between Islamabad and Rawalpindi caused significant inconvenience to the residents, despite the provision of alternate routes Police are stationed along these alternate routes to manage traffic Additionally the metro bus service between Rawalpindi Saddar Station and Pak Secretariat was suspended due to the rally in Sangjani as directed by the district administration The PTI had previously postponed the gathering twice

Is the government serious about rightsizing?

TH E story goes that during an inspection of the army’s artillery regiment an officer noticed five men manning a single gun Curious as to what role each man fulfilled the officer inquired as to what process they fired The first man said his job was to load the gun with ammunition The second said he was the one that set the trajectory of the fire The third one explained he was to pull the gun into place The fourth said he had his finger on the trigger at all times, prepared to pull the moment his Captain gave the order The fifth said he was there to hold the reins of the horse because it would get skittish when the gun would fire

The only problem was the conversation was taking place long after horses had stopped pulling artillery guns There was no horse there for the fifth man to hold The story whether true or not has been mythologised as an example of the inefficiencies of big government Pakistan is currently in the midst of a massive rightsizing effort to bring to heel what is a bloated federal government Last month the government made recommendations to abolish some six ministries On the chopping block were subjects such as education and health which have been devolved to the provinces Many approaches have been suggested to implement such reforms over the years Everything from complete devolution to a hybrid system in which the federal government creates a single ministry to monitor all of these provincial subjects have been suggested

Without getting into the merits or demerits of such suggestions one must question whether or not the government is even serious in its efforts The resignation of Dr Kaiser Bengali from the austerity committee the rightsizing committee and the government expenditure committee came on Sunday and by Monday it was clear he had done so in protest The government is not serious about rightsizing and would rather protect jobs for bureaucrats according to the economist

The resignation marks a scary moment Pakistan is currently mulling over rightsizing because the IMF wants it to But this isn t the first time a government has considered such proposals Every time, however, it seems the interests of politicians and bureaucrats overrules the dire need to clean up the federal government This time around one had hoped the discerning eye of the fund would have been enough to get the job done as it has proven to in the case of privatisation Unfortunately it seems the government might be more interested in giving the IMF the runaround

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami

Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

Rethinking GDP


WH I L E real gross domestic product (GDP or simply national income) economic growth remains one of the main indicators in global academic, and policy discussions as one of the main indicators for economic progress– both of individual countries and globally– the contributor of GDP to economic discourse Simon Kuznets warned of its limitations in this regard Sadly decades have passed since GDP was created by this economist, yet there has been no significant effort globally to move towards a more meaningful indicator of economic development A December 12, 2022 World Economic Forum (WEF) published article ‘A brief history of GDP – and what could come next pointed out in this regard What if your invention changes the world but not in the way you intended it? That is what happened to Simon Kuznets, a Russian-born US economist, who helped develop the concept of gross domestic product, or GDP, almost a century ago For Kuznets, who tried to make sense of the Great Depression and its impact on the economy GDP was a useful measure It helped account how much goods the US economy produced and how quickly it rebounded after the crisis But the economist also warned it was a poor tool for policymaking– to no avail In 1934, long before the Bretton Woods Agreement– and before even the spectre of war– Kuznets warned US Congress not to focus too narrowly on GNP or GDP: “The welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measure of national income he said Hence while GDP remains central to talking about economic development of a particular country voices have continued to gain a lot of weight for using a more multidimensional indicator for better understanding the quantity, and quality of economic well-being of a country The fast-unfolding nature of climate change crisis– but before that the lack of focus on the negative externalities of just increasing GDP without caring much in terms of the rise in environmental, and overall social wellbeing issues, which in itself contributed a lot of momentum to the climate change crisis– and the associated ‘Pandemicene’ phenomenon have put all the more pressure on policymakers as widening of economic approach of expanding wellbeing on these counts has all the more centre-staged during recent years The example of Bhutan stands out in this regard

T h e r e a l i t y a n d t h e r h

given instead of following the usual measure of GDP growth they have shifted to pursuing a far more meaningful measure of economic and social wellbeing, in the shape of coming up with a Goss National Happiness (GNH) index A September 2, Project Syndicate (PS) published article ‘Is gross national happiness the way forward?’ indicated in this regard ‘While much of the world is fixated on the quest for GDP growth wealth and modernity Bhutan– a landlocked kingdom with a tiny population squeezed between India and China– has chosen a different path, emphasizing human happiness and well-being In the 1970s, Bhutan’s fourth king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, declared that GDP was less important than “Gross National Happiness” (GNH) ’ Moreover highlighting the multi-dimensional nature of GNH index something which is sadly missing in the real GDP economic growth concept the same PS published article pointed out Bhutan s GNH index has four pillars: sustainable and equitable socio-economic development, environmental conservation preservation and promotion of culture and good governance The index then has nine domains: psychological well-being health education time use cultural diversity and resilience governance, community vitality, ecological diversity and resilience, and living standards While in essence, GNH index is quite representative of a much better indicator of wellbeing, yet it also holds significant challenges of measurement due to a number of subjective aspects in this measure The same article highlights this aspect and also points towards a more improved indicator in this regard as follows: The challenge in constructing any index is to determine not only which factors to include, but also how to weight each one When it comes to happiness, this challenge is compounded by the ways sentiment shifts over time owing not least to crises from wars to natural disasters and even fear of future calamities Moreover the weighting of factors is likely to vary across generations genders and ethnic or cultural groups Using such a complex index for cross-country comparisons would be particularly difficult With this in mind, an alternative index was developed Introduced in 2012, the World Happiness Report asks nationally representative sets of respondents to evaluate their current lives and to provide assessments of positive and negative emotions Since the WHR is much narrower than Bhutan s GNH Index and does not rely on data that are not widely available across countries, it offers a more useful means of comparing the well-being of various populations ’

development, and social wellbeing, especially given fast-unfolding nature of existential threats call for urg ent, and deep policy action for improving life in a multidimensional way, including environment in par ticular

regarding national security, regional influence and the preservation of the Islamic Republic’s ideological integrity

IN the initial weeks of his presidency Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has demonstrated a cautious approach to foreign policy opting to align his actions with established regime rhetoric rather than advancing the bold initiatives he championed during his electoral campaign This hesitancy contrasts sharply with the expectations set by his campaign where he vocally criticized Tehran s growing international isolation and pledged to restore Iran s global standing through more pragmatic and constructive diplomatic engagements Pezeshkian’s campaign rhetoric resonated with a populace weary of the socio-economic repercussions stemming from Iran’s strained international relations particularly in the wake of US sanctions and the protracted negotiations surrounding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action His promises of a shift towards a more balanced foreign policy approach, one that could potentially ease Iran’s isolation and improve its economic conditions garnered significant attention and support However since assuming office Pezeshkian s foreign policy actions have largely mirrored the hardline positions traditionally upheld by the Islamic Republic s leadership, raising questions about his ability or willingness to fulfill his campaign promises The continuity in foreign policy under Pezeshkian s administration can be attributed to several factors Firstly the president s office while influential operates within the broader framework of the Islamic Republic s political system, where the Supreme Leader holds ultimate authority over key foreign policy decisions This structural reality inherently limits any president s ability to enact significant changes particularly when such changes might diverge from the established ideological and strategic imperatives of the regime Pezeshkian s adherence to regime slogans suggests a recognition of these limitations and a strategic choice to avoid confrontation with more powerful elements within the state including the Supreme Leader and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Secondly Pezeshkian s cautious stance may reflect a pragmatic assessment of the in-

ternational environment The geopolitical context in which Iran operates is fraught with challenges including ongoing tensions with the West particularly the USA and complex relations with regional powers like Saudi Arabia and Israel In such a volatile environment, Pezeshkian may have concluded that a more cautious approach, one that aligns with the regime’s established positions would be more sustainable in the short term This approach allows him to consolidate power internally and avoid exacerbating external pressures during a period of significant uncertainty However, Pezeshkian s reluctance to deviate from established foreign policy positions has disappointed those who hoped his presidency would mark a departure from the status quo The disconnect between his campaign rhetoric and his early actions in office has led to growing skepticism about his capacity to implement the reforms necessary to reduce Iran s international marginalization As his presidency progresses, Pezeshkian will likely face increasing pressure both domestically and internationally to clarify his foreign policy agenda and demonstrate a more proactive stance in addressing Iran s diplomatic challenges In the complex political landscape of Iran, Ali Pezeshkian, a prominent figure within the reformist camp, is acutely aware of the limitations imposed upon his influence by the supreme authority of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

The Iranian political system characterized by a theocratic hierarchy with Khamenei at its apex does not easily lend itself to the imposition of agendas that deviate from the established ideological and strategic doctrines of the state Pezeshkian’s recognition of this reality is crucial as it underscores the need for a more nuanced approach in navigating the corridors of power in Tehran Pezeshkian s strategy therefore does not involve directly challenging the authority of Khamenei or the Revolutionary Guards, the latter being a formidable military and political force that often aligns closely with the Supreme Leader ’s vision Instead his approach appears to be centered on persuasion a method that while subtle could potentially yield significant results if executed with strategic acumen Persuasion in this context would require Pezeshkian to frame his arguments in a way that resonates with the core concerns of the Iranian leadership particularly

The notion of advocating for a less confrontational posture toward the outside world as Pezeshkian might propose, would necessitate a careful balancing act On one hand, it would involve articulating the potential benefits of reducing tensions with the international community such as economic relief from sanctions improved diplomatic relations and greater stability in the region On the other hand it would require addressing the deepseated mistrust that has historically characterized Iran s interactions with the West, particularly with the USA and its allies For Pezeshkian to succeed in persuading the Supreme Leader and the Revolutionary Guards his arguments would need to align with the strategic interests of the state This could involve emphasizing how a less antagonistic foreign policy might enhance Iran s long-term security by preventing the formation of hostile coalitions against it, thereby allowing the country to consolidate its regional influence without overextending its resources Additionally he could argue that a reduction in external tensions might provide the Revolutionary Guards with the space to focus on internal development projects, which could enhance their domestic legitimacy and economic power However Pezeshkian’s task is complicated by the ideological foundations of the Islamic Republic which have long been defined by resistance to Western influence and a commitment to exporting the Islamic Revolution Any suggestion of softening this stance could be perceived as a threat to the very identity of the state As such, Pezeshkian would need to navigate these ideological sensitivities with care possibly by framing his proposals not as a departure from the revolutionary principles but as an evolution of them adapted to the current global realities

While Pezeshkian cannot impose his agenda on Khamenei or the Revolutionary Guards his potential to persuade them lies in his ability to present a less confrontational posture as a strategic necessity rather than a compromise By aligning his proposals with the broader goals of the state and addressing the core concerns of its leadership, Pezeshkian may find a receptive audience for his vision of a more diplomatically engaged Iran

The writer has a PhD in Political Science and can be reached at akramzaheer86@yahoo com

Misconduct in the Police Force

Failing to protect

Dr MuhaMMaD akraM Zaheer

to a massive military response and an ongo-

ing invasion of Gaza The conflict quickly escalated as Hezbollah and the Houthi the proxy forces of Iran and part of the broader Axis of Resistance (AoR) , began attacking Israel from the north and in the Red Sea lane, forcing Israel to fight on multiple fronts

IN February 2022, when Russian President Vladimir Putin declared a special military operation’ in Ukraine, the concept of World War lll started gaining traction Initially expected to be a swift and decisive campaign this conflict has evolved into a protracted war with significant geopolitical ramifications The complexity of the situation for Russia, coupled with the strong support of Western nations for Ukraine, has led to widespread speculation that the world might be entering a new era of global conflict This notion has been further fueled by recent developments in the Middle East South Asia and the potential for escalating tensions in East Asia, particularly concerning Taiwan

The ‘First Front’ aptly describes the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as it represents the initial stage of a potentially global confrontation When Russia launched its military operation against Ukraine, it was widely perceived as a limited regional conflict with clear objectives mainly, the subjugation of Ukraine and the expansion of Russian influence in Eastern Europe However the West’s provocation to invade Ukraine later bolstered by extensive Western military and economic support transformed this conflict into a much larger and more complex confrontation The West s involvement, particularly that of NATO countries, has not only prolonged the war but also turned it into a proxy battle between Russia and the Western alliance On 7 October 2023 the world witnessed the opening of what some analysts are calling the Second Front in the potential global conflict Hamas, a militant organization based in Gaza, launched a devastating surprise attack on Israel The scale and ferocity of the attack caught Israel off guard leading

The significance of the ‘Second Front’ lies in its potential to draw in regional and global powers Iran a key supporter of both Hamas Hezbollah and Houthi has long been at odds with Israel and the USA The escalating violence in Gaza, Yemen and Lebanon could easily spiral into a broader regional war involving Iran Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern nations Additionally the USA’s unwavering support for Israel has the potential to drag it further into the conflict leading to direct confrontations with Iran and its allies

While the First and Second Fronts are currently the most visible manifestations of global tensions, the prospect of a ‘Third Front’ looms large in South and South-East Asia

There could be multiple campaigns by Washington s deep-state policymakers which would destabilize these regions The situation between China and Taiwan has been simmering for decades In recent years, the rhetoric from Beijing has become increasingly assertive with the Chinese leadership making it clear that they are willing to use force if necessary to bring Taiwan under their control

The USA for its part has maintained a policy of strategic ambiguity regarding Taiwan, providing the island with military support while stopping short of outright recognition of its independence However, the growing military presence of the USA in the Indo-Pacific region and its efforts to strengthen alliances with countries like Japan South Korea and Australia suggest that Washington is preparing for the possibility of a conflict with China over Taiwan

Following the student movement in Hong Kong Thailand similar uprisings have occurred in Bangladesh India Kash-

mir, and Pakistan It is evident that the American CIA model has played a role in these developments Bangladesh is a key strategic location for the USA’s Indo-Pacific agenda which explains the rapid fall of its government and the subsequent rise of a pro-US provisional government The primary objective of this shift is to secure a military foothold for the USA in Bangladesh, allowing it to monitor and contain China from multiple fronts Additionally, this move serves to curtail India’s ambitions of becoming a regional power both economically and militarily It is evident that the Indian Navy has a strong presence in the Indian Ocean Consequently, we may witness military campaigns in Kashmir, India, Myanmar, and Taiwan The USA has long harboured plans to establish a Christian state by integrating Arakan of Myanmar southern parts of Bangladesh and Manipur in India By fostering instability in South and South East Asia, America could ignite conflicts across Hong Kong, Taiwan, Myanmar, Kashmir, and India, ultimately paving the way for its Free Indo-Pacific Economic Corridor China has ascended to the position of the world s leading economic superpower while India is rapidly emerging as a significant

The ongoing weaponization of anti-terrorism laws to arrest and silence journalists without any clear indication of what they have done wrong, is revealing the current British Labour government’s inconsistencies and hypocrisy

WH I L E the UK s new Labour government has canceled a small portion of its weapons export licenses to Israel and even withdrawn its objection to the International Criminal Court issuing arrest warrants for the Israeli PM and his Defense Minister it is simultaneously launching a campaign targeting its own pro-Palestinian citizens

The ongoing weaponization of anti-terrorism laws to arrest and silence journalists without any clear indication of what they have done wrong is revealing the current British Labour government s inconsistencies and hypocrisy

When British Foreign Secretary David Lammy announced the cancellation of 30 out of 350 weapons export contracts, it admitted that it believes Israel may use those weapons/weapons components in serious breaches of international law If London knows that the Israeli government has been committing war crimes or has reason to believe they will with their weapons why only cut off a fraction of the weapons export contracts? After admitting that the Israelis are committing violations of international law, why then continue to arm them in any way? Also, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has withdrawn the former administration’s protest of ICC prosecutors call to issue arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister Yoav Gallant which was another step towards allegedly holding Israel to account for its actions Despite all of this posturing, the British government allowed Israeli soldiers, who directly participated in what the International Court of Justice (ICJ) considers to plausibly be a genocide to return to the United Kingdom untouched and even allowed them to attend public speaking events

WORRYING TREND: In a worrying trend the British authorities have decided to pursue journalist Richard Medhurst and Palestine Action co-founder, Richard Barnard, using Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000 While Medhurst addressed his arrest in late August upon arriving at Heathrow airport stating that he categorically rejects the claims that he supports or is engaged in terrorism he also stressed that he wasn t told what he actually said to provoke the arrest and was treated like a criminal For Medhurst, he has publicly expressed that the arrest and the fact that he must surrender himself to authorities for

case more severe and he has no idea whether he will be charged under the Terrorism Act or let go Barnard helped co-found the Palestine Action group in 2020 which has actively sought to prevent weapons factories and companies that aid in arming the Israeli military, to halt all operations on British soil Tactics like occupying the factories, barricading areas, spraying red paint on walls and even directly destroying weapons equipment have been employed by the group While there are two charges placed against Barnard for incitement to commit damage the most concerning is evidently the allegation that he has spoken in support of a proscribed terrorist group which is assumed to be Hamas, although his case is unclear From Palestine Action, there are also 16 activists who have been handed jail sentences of up to 16 months Of those are a group known as the ‘Filton 10’ who were all initially detained for a week under the Terrorism Act before being later pursued for non-terrorism-related charges In the case of five activists who were arrested in Scotland, after having occupied a weapons factory and reportedly inflicted over 1 million pounds in damages, they were handed prison sentences According to the judge who gave such heavy 12 14 and 16-month custodial sentences the punishments were intended to set an example

Similarly in the cases of three women who were dealt 12-month conditional discharge sentences for a terrorism-related offense, the Deputy Senior District Judge, Tan Ikram, confirmed that they didn’t intend to support Hamas but that their “lesson had been learned” after crossing the line The three women wore backpacks with images of paragliders attached to them symbolizing one of the methods that Palestinian fighters used to breach Israel s separation fence on October 7 This occurred prior to the above-mentioned cases and was not under the current Labour government, but it demonstrates how such individuals are made examples of THE CASE OF SARAH WILKINSON: Then there is the case of Sarah Wilkinson a social media personality who would post to her hundreds of thousands of followers on a daily basis She has been involved in countless non-violent efforts to support the Palestinian cause even traveling to Jordan in order to help encourage an aid airdrop program for starving Palestinians in northern Gaza and attempting to set sail on a humanitarian flotilla to bring supplies to the people of Gaza At least a dozen balaclava-clad anti-terrorism police raided the 61-year-old activist’s home and arrested her, also seizing her devices She has since been prevented from continuing her online commentary and allegedly banned from using electronic devices While the allegation is that she posted something online in support of Hamas there has been no publicly presented evidence that confirms this In all of these cases, there is a similar pattern of intimidation and example-making These are clearly politicized cases and so far there has been no evidence presented publicly of any explicit support for terrorism by the UK authorities Especially at a time when the British government is itself admitting that it has knowledge of Israeli violations of international law, it begs the question as to why it would be going after critics, journalists and activists who are working to oppose Israeli violations of international law

An excerpt from ‘An Indian Woman in Islamabad: 1997-2000’ by Ruchi Ghanashyam

GH A N A S H YA M often tells a story about Karachi and his favourite sweet called Karachi halwa He always loved this colourful chewy, sugary sweet filled with dry fruits When we landed in Karachi for the first time it was his ambition to try out his favourite sweet in its place of origin

During our first evening while having dinner with some local friends Ghanashyam casually asked about Karachi halwa and mentioned that it was his favourite sweet To our surprise, none of the locals had heard of the sweet! Perhaps they did not like sweets,” we thought later The next day was the same; no one had heard of Karachi halwa

Someone then suggested a visit to Karachi’s famous sweets shop to look for the famous Karachi halwa The day after some of our friends took Ghanashyam to the famous sweets shop If it sells in Karachi, you ll certainly find it here, one of them said as they entered the shop Ghanashyam looked at the first display of sweets There was no Karachi halwa The same for the second display! Somewhat perplexed he looked helplessly at his friends “There’s another display Bhai Look at that one too You may find it there said the friend He was lucky the third time There at the end was a tray filled with delicious-looking Karachi halwa! He looked at his friends triumphantly and pointing to the tray, said happily, See, this is Karachi Halwa! The friends came closer to look at the sought-after delicacy Instead of being impressed they burst out laughing “This?!” asked one of them adding “This is Bombay halwa! The sweet that we had been enjoying as Karachi halwa was called Bombay halwa in Karachi!

So, where did the halwa originate? Karachi or Mumbai (Bombay)? The word halwa is derived from the Arabic word “Haluw” or “sweet” In Arabic, it is also used for “pretty”, for a pretty girl or a pretty sight This would indicate that Karachi halwa’s origin may be outside the boundaries of undivided India perhaps Iran or the Arab world or even Türkiye Traditional wisdom indicates however that the sweet originated in Karachi We were excited to visit Karachi for the first time Our first drive out of the hotel took us to Clifton, the upscale and affluent neighbourhood of Karachi The driver pointed out the Teen Talwar (Three Swords) monument and explained that the former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had got it built as part of a plan to beautify Karachi Listening to our bemused comments about the somewhat odd-looking structure, he explained that the monument represented the then symbol of Bhutto s political party, the PPP Immediately thereafter, the driver pointed towards Bhutto’s house, 70 Clifton “This house is a landmark in Clifton ” explained the driver Indeed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto addressed many press conferences at 70 Clifton His daughter the late prime minister Benazir Bhutto and her mother Nusrat Bhutto were kept under house arrest for

m a hossain



the op-ed “We continue to work together to disrupt the reckless campaign of sabotage across Europe being waged by Russian intelligence

The pair also explained how they were now using advanced AI and cloud technologies to harness the vast troves of data they collect

The joint article comes days before UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer s visit to Washington on September 13 where he will be re-

KHAN YOUNIS, GAZA A G E N C I E S Facebook has removed a documentary by Turkish Radio Television (TRT) titled *Journalism Under Genocide* which highlights Israeli military crimes against journalists igniting debate over Meta s content moderation policies The film produced by TRT Arabi, sheds light on the experiences of journalists covering conflicts in Gaza and southern Lebanon but Meta claimed it “promoted dangerous individuals and organisations Aired on August 30 the docu-

mentary traces the systematic targeting of journalists since October 7, particularly by Israeli forces, and tells the stories of journalists killed while performing their duties Director Khaldoun Fahmawi explained that the film focused on the TRT Arabi Al Jazeera Reuters and AFP teams working in southern Lebanon emphasising the risks journalists face daily

The documentary also recounts the Israeli military’s attacks on journalists and their families including the story of Mustafa Sawaf a journalist whose family was massacred in an airstrike that killed 47 relatives, including his

ceived by US President Joe Biden They will discuss, among other things, “continuing robust support to Ukraine” and the desire to achieve a truce in Gaza the White House said on Friday This meeting takes place at a time when the two nations stance on Israel is diverging London has announced the suspension of 30 arms export licences to Israel citing a risk that they could be used in violation of international law in war-destroyed Gaza

two sons, Marwan and Montaser Ismail Al-Thawabteh Director General of the Government Media Office reported that 172 journalists have been killed in Gaza due to Israeli targeting He added Our records document the arrest of 36 journalists by Israel during the genocide war on Gaza ” Of these, four have been released while 32 remain imprisoned Despite the film s focus on exposing the dangers faced by journalists, Meta s Facebook removed the content, stating it violated community standards on dangerous individuals and organisations ” The platform’s message explained that the documentary praises or supports individuals and organisations we define as dangerous This removal has sparked accusations of double standards by Meta, particularly regarding Palestinian content Meta has been criticised for imposing strict restrictions on Palestinian content during the conflict angering Palestinian supporters In contrast, Meta recently announced it would consider the term “martyr” neutral under certain conditions and plans to delete posts containing the term Zionist categorising it as hate speech following consultations on its use across their platforms

Federal govt committed to welfare of ar tistes: Farah D iba

for the film industry as well Both Altaf Hussain and Farah Diba also reminisced about the late actor Rangeela It is worth noting that legendary director Altaf Hussain has directed 87 films to date

thef t to become rampant due to unaffordable tariff


O n Int ’l Literac y D ay, PM S hehbaz declares educ ation emergenc y in countr y


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Sunday declared an education emergency across the country on International Literacy Day, urging the private sector and civil organisations to join hands with the government

Today we reaffirm our commitment to advancing the education agenda, striving for a more informed and sustainable nation,” the prime minister said in a message on International Literacy Day

For this purpose we have declared an educational emergency across the country launched an enrollment campaign for students, and initiated mid-day meals for children in schools,” he stated “Literacy is a fundamental human and constitutional right that guarantee the future of our country he said going on to define literacy as not merely the ability to read and write, but rather a gateway to empowerment, economic opportunities and active participation in society” To reduce the dropout rate and encourage every child to complete their education the prime minister pointed out that the government had introduced scholarships and other incentives

“In this rapidly emerging world developing literacy and skills in line with technology is inevitable the premier stressed

adding that the government was implementing a comprehensive plan to integrate technology into the educational system and ensuring that the youth were equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in the digital economy He said private sector and civil society organisations were equal partners in the government’s efforts By establishing effective partnerships we can link education with employment and self-employment opportunities, creating a stronger and more inclusive workforce,” he added International Literacy Day is observed on September 8 to remind policy-makers practitioners and the public of the critical importance of literacy for creating a more literate, just, peaceful, and sustainable society

Unesco has highlighted that the lack of access to education remains a significant barrier as three out of four children in developing countries cannot read or comprehend a basic text by the age of 10, and there are still 754 million illiterate adults globally, two-thirds of whom are women Govt committed to education for all : President In his message on occasion International Literacy Day President Asif Ali Zardari has called for recommitting to the national cause of promoting the universal right to education President Asif Ali Zardari renewed the commitment of government to make education accessible to all He said education has been declared a fundamental right in the Constitution of Pakistan under Article 25-A


Advisor to Prime Minister and PML-N Punjab President Punjab Rana Sanaullah on Sunday called Imran Khan and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) an “Israeli political brand,” while Defense Minister Khawaja

Asif asserted that PTI founder has the backing of Israel referring to the blog which stated PTI founder is the right person for Pakistan-Israel relations

In a statement on Sunday Sanaullah highlighted that the Times of Israel has revealed the truth behind the so-called revolution and change in Pakistan, providing clarity on the planning and motives behind the May 9 attacks The PML-N leader criticised the ‘foreign funding’ and ‘social service’ initiatives suggesting they were part of a broader scheme aimed at altering Pakistan s Islamic ideology and foreign policy

He stated that reading the Israeli newspaper s article makes it evident why efforts were made to oust Nawaz Sharif, who is credited with advancing Pakistan s nuclear capabilities, introducing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and elevating the country’s economic development to unprecedented levels

Sanaullah also questioned why Israel had supported Imran Khan and why the US Congress had

passed a resolution in favour of his policies suggesting that the connections between these events are now clearly exposed

He argued that Imran Khan and PTI represent an Israeli brand that was strategically given an Islamic touch’ to gain popularity among Muslims He called for a boycott of this “political brand” by all Muslims including those in Pakistan asserting that PTI now faces not just criticism but a need for a reckoning

In a video statement on Sunday Defense Minister Khawaja Asif claimed that Israeli media is writing in favor of the PTI leader, adding that the PTI founder had previously campaigned in favor of a Jewish candidate against a Muslim candidate, Sadiq Khan, in London

Asif further claimed that Israel itself is endorsing the PTI founder politically which according to him poses a threat to Pakistan s international identity Israel is demonstrating the certificate of political adoption of the PTI founder, Asif said He emphasized that Pakistan holds a significant position in the Muslim world, and accused Israel of carrying out the worst massacres in human history

Despite this he stated the PTI founder has failed to openly condemn Israel and instead aligns with the Zionists attempting to undermine the identity of Pakistan

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