Epaper_24-10-15 KHI

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N A U G U R AT E R S 5 5 B G WA D A R I N T ’ L A I R P O R T

g PM Shehbaz terms Gwadar Airport a gift from China to people of Balochistan

g Gwadar Airport to ser ve as catalyst for economic prosperity, regional connectivity: Premier Li

industries to Pakistan The prime minister said that today both sides had witnessed the signing and exchange of MoUs between the two countries in various fields of industry, commerce and agriculture No doubt these MoUs will shape into agreements very soon through joint efforts of both countries Once again I thank you for your visit to Pakistan out of your busy schedule which is a reflection of your commitment to promoting friendship between the two countries, PM Shehbaz told the Chinese premier P M S H E H B A Z , P R E M I E R L I J O I N T LY

Pakistan, China ink MoUs to fur ther expand bilateral cooperation in multiple sectors


ceremony took place with the

anthems of both countries being played followed by a guard of honour presented to Premier Li by Pakistan s

forces Prime Minister Shehbaz and his Chinese counterpart held delegation-level talks at the Prime Minister ’s House The two leaders discussed a wide range of bilateral regional and global issues focusing on strengthening the Pakistan-China strategic cooperative partnership During the meeting, both leaders expressed satisfaction with the growing ties between the two countries which they described as rooted in “mutual trust and shared principles They reaffirmed their commitment to support each other on core issues and vowed to further enhance cooperation under the second phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Premier Li and Prime Minister Shehbaz stressed the need for timely comple-

tion of ongoing projects particularly those related to industrialisation agricultural modernisation information technology and science and technology They acknowledged that CPEC cooperation has entered a new phase of development, which will bring long-term benefits to Pakistan’s socio-economic growth

Prime Minister Shehbaz assured Premier Li of Pakistan s unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety of Chinese nationals and projects in the country The leaders also discussed strategies to increase Chinese investment in Pakistan, including the relocation of Chinese

at the time of colonization in relative terms are now among the poorest the committee said They have pioneered new approaches, both empirical and theoretical, that have significantly enhanced our understanding of global inequality,” Jakob Svensson, director, and professor of economics at Stockholm University s Institute for International Economic Studies said during a news conference The question of why the gaps between poor and rich nations are so persistent is not new, but remains “among the most urgent in social sciences,” he added The winners of the award officially called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel will receive 11 million Swedish kronor ($1 058 million) from the Swedish central bank The prize money will be shared equally among the winners as was previously the case in 2022 when the reward was split between U S -based economists Ben Bernanke Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig for research into banks and financial

The government has halted payments to 18 Independent Power Producers (IPPs) with a combined capacity of 4,267 MW These IPPs are set to enter negotiations with the government to revise their contracts shifting from the current “takeor-pay model to a take-and-pay system according to sources The sudden halt in payments has raised questions, especially as there has been no official reason provided for this action These IPPs were established under the Power Generation Policies of 1994 and 2002 which aimed to address Pakistan s power shortages at the time Under the take-or-pay model IPPs have been guaranteed payments regardless of whether the electricity is utilized, placing a significant burden on the government’s finances The shift to “takeand-pay” would mean IPPs are only paid for the electricity that is actually supplied to the grid and is expected to be implemented over the next two years T E M P O R A RY PAY M E N T M O R ATO R I U M: While some officials suggest the payment halt is temporary insiders are speculating that this may be linked to broader efforts to prioritize dues to Chinese IPPs This move coincides with Prime Minister Li

Qiang s upcoming visit to Pakistan Another reason being discussed is the need to clear payments related to the early termination agreements with five IPPs as approved earlier by the government


TION: This payment freeze comes on the heels of the government s recent decision to terminate agreements with five other IPPs including The Hub Power Company Limited (HUBCO) and Lalpir Power Limited This termination approved by the cabinet is projected to save Rs60 billion annually for consumers and Rs411 billion for the national treasury The government’s broader goal is to shift all IPPs to the “take-and-pay” model which would pay IPPs only for the energy they generate and supply thus easing the financial burden of capacity payments


S E C TO R? Power Division sources have assured the IMF that they are working on a comprehensive framework to support the transition to a new wholesale energy market expected to be fully functional by 2025 This Competitive Trading Bilateral Contract Market (CTBCM) is expected to introduce more competition in the energy sector and improve overall distribution efficiency

IPPs have been largely cooperative, with some indicating their willingness to renegotiate contracts in the national interest One executive from Liberty Daharki Power one of the affected IPPs even publicly acknowledged the need for contract revisions emphasizing the need for transparency in the process

L O N G-T E R M S T R AT E G Y: The government has made it clear that the financial burden of the power sector is unsustainable and reforms like the conversion of IPP contracts are part of a larger strategy to stabilize the energy market Additionally, the government aims to reduce circular debt improve the management of distribution companies and ensure electricity supply is both affordable

new Country Director for Pakistan Ms Fan joined the Pakistan Resident Mission on Monday to officially commence her role As Country Director she will oversee ADB s operations in Pakistan, including the implementation of the country partnership strategy (CPS) that prioritizes lifting growth, increasing resilience and boosting competitiveness She will also lead the consultation for the new CPS covering the period from 2026 to 2030 I am delighted to be back in Pakistan to lead the country office I look forward to promoting ADB’s longstanding partnership with the government and people of Pakistan ” said Ms Fan ADB will continue to work closely with Pakistan s federal and provincial governments the private sector, and other stakeholders to speed-

up economic recovery, implement reforms and champion policies and development processes to create jobs

We ll scale up our support for climate resilience private sector development and institutional development; and we will continue to foster livable cities, rural development, digital ecosystems, growth centers and regional cooperation and integration ” A national of New Zealand Ms Fan holds a Doctorate in Economics from the Australian National University, and Master s and bachelor s degrees from Lanzhou University in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) She has more than 30 years of professional experience including 22 years in ADB

Ms Fan joined ADB in June 2002 as an Economist and since then has held positions of increasing responsibility in various departments across the bank In December 2013, she was appointed as Advisor for ADB’s Strategic Planning Department (SPD) and the Head of its Results Management Unit

In June 2016, she was appointed as the Regional Director of ADB’s Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office (PLCO) and in 2019 as Director for Public Management Financial Sector and Regional Cooperation Division of the East Asia Department Following the introduction of ADB’s New Operating Model in June 2023 Ms Fan was redesignated as Director Finance in Sector Group-Finance where she had been successfully building the pipeline for the finance sector, strategically leading the sovereignnon-sovereign collaborations involving multiple ADB corporative initiatives

As Country Director for Pakistan

Ms Fan succeeds Yong Ye who held the post from 2021 Prior to joining ADB Ms Fan worked as a Policy Adviser at the Department of Finance and Administration in Australia, an Economist at the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research in New Zealand and a Researcher at Lanzhou University in the PRC


TEngro Fer tilizers

with vice president Shehryar Khan inaugurated the help desk here on Monday On the occasion chartered accountant Muhammad Ahmad Shahid, Syed Ejaz Ali Shah, Kamal Mehmood and officials of Smeda were present The matching grant is being provided under the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) of the ministry of Commerce implemented by Small and Medium Enterprises and Development aimed at providing financial assistance to more than 1000 industrial stitching units to revive the textile industry Fazal Moqeem lauded the announcement of a matching grant for industrial stitching units terming it as a milestone initiative toward revival and development of the textile industry Textile industry is rapidly on the decline under the prevailing circumstances, the SCCI chief noted, stating that a number of industrial units were closed and triggered unemployment in the province Fazal Moqeem stressed the need for announcement of such a grant for other sectors, including CNG and petroleum to reactivate the business, industry and trade He viewed that

employment opportunities would be created through promotion of economic activities and industrial growth

The SCCI president asked the business community to take full benefit from the matching grant for expansion and improvement of business and industry Fazal Moqeem emphasized that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government should also take such an initiative to keep the spinning wheel of industry in the province He demanded of the government to announce a special fiscal relief package for sick and non-operational textile and other industrial units Later officials comprehensively briefed the SCCI chief about the matching grant It is worth mentioning here that a number of members of the business community visited the chamber and got information about the grant

The case for

wheat suppor t price subsidies in Pakistan

TF e m i n i s m m i s u n d e r s t o o d :

FE M I N I S M is a term that is misconstrued in our society It is defined as the advocacy of women s rights on the ground of the equality of sexes Equality of sexes means both men and women should get equal rights and benefits Its main purpose is to eliminate gender discrimination from society, not to prioritize women over men Discussing the history of feminism one gets to know that there are four waves of feminism 1st wave of feminism was the first real political movement for the women of the Western World But before that feminist ideals appeared many times and raised voices for specific issues For instance, in 1792 Mary Wollstonecraft published a revolutionary vindication of women’s rights The 1st wave of feminism specifically focuses on the basic rights of property and the right to vote This wave is associated with an event when 200 women had a gathering in church and came up with twelve resolutions asking for specific rights Its main purpose was to teach society about the fact that women are humans, not property During 1960s-80s was the 2nd wave It was the inspiration for the Civil Rights Movement The feminists emphasized women s role in society and questioned the traditional gender roles Then comes the 3rd wave which raised the concept of intersectional It challenged white women s feminism and asked for the rights of women disregarding the race or color It says there should be no discrimination either based on gender or color It raised the notion of gender equality based on the importance of diverse perspectives Many people believe that feminism has completed its work and is no longer necessary However, the fact is that feminism will be needed until everyone understands the value of each individual and respects them regardless of gender Although people today have higher levels of education compared to the past there are still individuals who misunderstand the purpose of feminism and are unaware of its true meaning It means there should be a separate section of women in buses, trains and other public transport, keeping in view their respect and dignity But it doesn’t mean that men are supposed to offer women their seats It means there should be a specific quota allotted to women in the educational system and offices as well as in the political system of state But it doesn t mean that women are given the right to insult and disrespect men This is a great misconception that feminism is anti-men No, it’s not, rather its purpose is to give women their deserving status and promote

the concept that human rights are women s rights in society Individuals also think that feminism is only about women’s rights This is also a misconception It doesn’t only deal with women’s rights but also plays a major role in women’s issues their security and awareness among people The next misconception that needs to be eliminated is that people think that feminists are radical and hate traditional gender roles Not everything is as it seems All the feminists don t believe in a radical approach, they just want an independent approach for all the women to choose between traditional and non-traditional roles Their demand is freedom of expression and selection for women worldwide Like men they are equally capable of making informed choices They deserve equal rights in all aspects of life whether they want to be a working lady or a stay-at-home partner Some individuals think the feminist approach is only for the privileged, but there’s more beneath the surface In discussions feminists also address the needs of oppressed communities

The increasing culture of pornography, nudity and sexually explicit media has become increasingly challenging for feminists, as it often conflicts with their effor ts to promote g ender equality. Besides that, some individuals still believe in g ender norms and stick to their stereotypes. ItÊs quite a big challeng e to break stereotypes of such people and teach them about the basic principle of Âfreedom of expressionÊ. Also, people are misunderstanding feminism and it has become hard to disprove their beliefs and concepts.

Beyond Carbon: How holistic tree planting fuels sustainable development and communit y empowerment

Ras effective a climate solution as once thought Bill Gates argued in 2023 that the idea of planting enough trees to solve the climate crisis is “complete nonsense ” and the efficacy of tree planting has been a widely debated topic

While it is clear that only planting trees cannot solve the world s climate issues, nor will any single action, arguments for moving away from it altogether are often dismissive of the true potential that culturally-appropriate and holistic tree programs can have within larger development initiatives

The value of the number of trees planted toward mitigating climate impacts must be measured in consideration with the number of women empowered, the number of farming terraces constructed, the number of water pipes installed the number of family incomes stabilized and all other measures involved in community development

TREE PLANTING DONE WRONG: Studies against tree planting as climate action often highlight the impact of underdeveloped tree planting programs, including poor growth rates, destruction of native ecosystems and monoculture plantations that store minimal carbon Such negative effects do exist globally where improperly implemented projects overlook a region s environmental and social contexts In fact, tree planting solely for economic gain (often the case with misdirected companies or individuals at the helm) is counterproductive to climate mitigation goals The true value of tree planting can only be determined when examining them as a whole from a project s conception to its wider development impacts


Few people claim that tree planting is a cure-all solution to our environmental crisis but opposition to tree planting as a major strategy ignores the carefully thought-out projects involving endemic species and local people that have significant, far-reaching impacts

A truly sustainable initiative must begin with a community’s own indication of their goals leading to locally developed action plans to achieve those goals That is to say a tree planted is not simply a tree but an embodiment of a community s discovery of these goals and determination to achieve them

Studies have shown the important value that tree planting projects can have so long as they have clear, locally-determined goals, coordi-

nated efforts between all stakeholders, and a focus on entire ecosystems over single trees People plant trees for a number of different reasons including environmental restoration, economic benefit and cultural or spiritual values

Therefore the number of trees planted cannot be seen as the end goal but rather a single step in a multi-faceted movement towards development It is critical that tree planting be appreciated not only for the trees themselves, but also for their role in the empowerment journeys of communities the construction of vital agriculture and water infrastructure the enhancement of food and water security and the overall fostering of long-term community resilience

A MODEL OF PLANTING TREES FOR DEVELOPMENT: When tree planting is launched as a component of larger development, it often results not only in agroforestry-related outcomes but also other indicators like higher literacy rates increases in girls participation in education water and school infrastructure and other vital priorities that communities identify In Morocco, a community program has been implemented for agricultural advancement food security and women’s empowerment that encompasses tree planting’s transformative potential The program applies a new technique to tree planting that shifts from plastic to biodegradable sapling sacks produced by the local women’s cooperative This project was born from the community’s women themselves who determined that developing their sewing skills would be a rewarding and profitable way to build their cooperative Through this initiative the women benefit from the profits of selling their products and gain a sense of purpose and accomplishment from having built their cooperative In return, their products offer a more sustainable alternative to typical tree planting methods These benefits return to the community and cooperative in the form of income for farmers food products to be consumed or sold, and employment for local people


DEVELOPMENT : Well-designed tree planting programs spark cycles of environmental action and empowerment where each encourages progress in the other For example many tree planting techniques improve soil quality and soils are another major carbon sink When farmers are empowered to undertake agroforestry practices that improve soil, farm ecosystems as a whole benefit and increase in carbon storage capacity Tree planting also creates opportunities for renewable energy Energy input is critical at all steps of agricultural production with renewable energy offering the most sustainable approach For example integrating solar panels with tree planting to power irrigation means that carbon is sequestered through trees while energy-related carbon emissions are reduced This cycle expands beyond the environment through cooperative building for example where alternative livelihood sources are built Sustainable tree planting also enhances food and water security which has outsized impacts on the health and well-being of a community When people feel healthier, they are more able to go to school and work and contribute to their communities Ultimately, we need this kind of cyclical rather than linear action to see long-term development and avert climate catastrophes When systems are more resilient local people become more resilient as well And when people begin to see the benefits of tree planting programs, it empowers them to take their efforts even further While the act of tree planting alone cannot solve all of the world’s climate problems the rhetoric that tree planting is ‘nonsense’ discourages investment into reforestation and afforestation initiatives that are increasingly critical and have proven to be successful in sparking longterm development processes

Dr Yossef Ben-Meir is an American sociologist with a particular interest in the MENA region He lives and works in Marrakesh Morocco Email: yossef@highatlasfoundation org

Sumbul ASim

US-India alliance; A strategic response to China’s rise

the US has realized the centrality of India in this region, and India has reciprocated positively Security is a major reason for the cooperation between the US and India

ST R AT E G I C A L LY, the US-India Alliance is a unique bilateral relationship between two of the largest democracies in the world that seeks to meet two major global needs With India as a rising economic and military power, the US has steadily acknowledged India’s importance as an essential actor in preserving peace in the Indo-Pacific region checking the rise of China and developing the international order Defining the objectives of the G20 through the promotion of a number of fields such as defense trade informational and climate technology, and combating non-traditional threats and insecurities, the alliance aims at creating a synergy of the largest democracies of the world to deepen and strengthen the rules-based international order besides ensuring global economic prosperity and stability This strategic bilateral relation has become more vivid in recent years, with major initiatives like the Quad Security Dialogue, the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum, and DTTI underscoring the vision of the US and India for a safe and prosperous world China s emergence has important consequences for international relations; the United States and India are potential partners in sustaining a reasonable global system These bilateral relations implemented in defense cooperation economic relations as well as diplomatic relations are aimed at checking the growth of China and ensuring peace and security The relations between the US and India have always seen both a phase of cooperation and a phase of tension But in recent years, the two powers have impeached on these issues due to growing apprehensions over China’s growing influence

Indeed the rise of India-US strategic cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region is because

The US has classified India under the ‘Big buddies’ list in defense which allows effective trade of defense and technology Two nations have also signed the so-called Defense Technology and Trade Initiative DTTI to promote the co-production and co-development of defense technologies US defense has stepped up its strategic approach in the Indo-Pacific particularly concerning Asia-Pacific States An important change has recently taken place at the Pentagon: the PACOM has been redesigned into the INDOCACOM India has not threatened US military presence in its region because it knows that stronger security cooperation is good In addition to the cooperation in defense, the relations of trade between the US and India are deepening The US is India s major trading partner with the bilateral trade crossing $150 billion

The two nations are trying to give new dimensions to trade relations and investment cooperation through different forums, including the US-India Trade Policy Forum and USIndia Commercial Dialogue India now has one of the fastest-growing economies a very large and expanding consumer market that would interest any investor from the US Ig companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have started investing in India, and many more will also follow the same The US-India partnership is also aimed at enhancing cooperation in connection with regional integration and infrastructure Currently the US has begun implementing the Asia EDGE which stands for Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy in Asia-Pacific Currently, India practices the Act East policy, which focuses on increasing cooperation with Southeast Asia which upholds the objective of the US Both countries are trying to advance connections and infrastructure within the Indo-Pacific as the groups of Asia realize the increasing role of integration in

stability People have questioned the reliability of BRI as well as the indebtedness and strategic encroachment of China The US and India have responded by introducing different models of infrastructure development that are free from corruption environmentally unfriendly and politically non-sensitive

The co-relational partnership between the United States and India is vital to global issues like climate change India ranks high amongst the countries responsible for emissions of greenhouse gases; the US has been partnering with New Delhi to support clean tech and cut emissions PACE is the USAID’s largest initiative with a goal of encouraging the advancement and commercialization of clean energies This has already born fruit, the joint fruit of which is the US-India Clean Energy Finance Initiative The US-India strategic partnership has evolved and deepened threefold since 2000 but has not been devoid of problems This paper provides an overview of trade protectionism and defense cooperation as ongoing and essential topics However the US has been trying hard to tackle these issues, including through measures like the USIndia Defense Cooperation Agreement

Finally the US-India partnership is best understood as a security-based counter reaction to China s This concern is defined both by the desire to stabilize such a vast and rapidly developing region and enhance international cooperation based on objective principles Leveraging defense support, economic relations, and diplomatic relationships boosts peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region

Therefore the bilateral US-India relationship will always be relevant and important in checking China s exploitation of power throughout the progressing years India has increased its economic and defense power significantly and is destined to become one of the world’s most important players and the US wants it to do so Democratic values and strategic partnership between the US and India bring in the virtues of peace and balance The new strate-

gic partnership between the US and India that was established in order to buffer against China s rising dominance has several problems that threaten its success The US-India partnership: The anti-China alliance an emerging strategic partnership soared high by coupling the fears of China s resurgence and possible Note that the US has recently concluded strategic partnerships with other countries as well, like Japan and Australia, for the same purpose Looking at the specific focuses as under: Economic liberalization: There have been issues of trade protectionism where one party the US has placed a tariff on imported Indian goods and

struck their targets Israel has vowed retaliation

surveillance, including facial recognition and social media data mining It does so via search algorithms targeting keywords which psychologists and intelligence agents have identified as indicators of radical inclination or concrete plans

More recently, Israeli agents established an elaborate plan to sabotage a shipment of electronic pagers purchased by Hezbollah Thousands of the devices were distributed to their members When they received a text message generated by the Mossad they all exploded within an hour of each other The next day they did the same thing with cell phones They killed 40 Lebanese including three children Nearly 4,000 were severely injured, many blinded as a result of eye injuries, as they looked at the messages on the screen Israel’s brazen attack represents the first mass sabotage of everyday communication devices used by much of the world It sets an unimaginably dangerous precedent Imagine if, in the future, Israel or other states devise ways not

will continue to do so, likely intensifying their resistance ISRAEL’S ‘BATTLE-TESTED’ WEAPONS INDUSTRY: Israel field tests its weapons against enemies in Palestine Lebanon and Iran They provide proof of concept persuading armies, weapons engineers and intelligence agencies throughout the world to purchase them In turn, they impose precisely the same regime both inside and outside the country This in turn fuels a lucrative weapons export market Israel is ranked 10th in the world regarding the value of such products Its innovation in the development of such weapons systems is followed closely by the world’s weapons buyers The former become products exported to failed states and repressive regimes like Myanmar South Sudan UAE Philippines etc which use them to suppress dissent and settle scores with their enemies just as Israeli does Whatever weapons Israel wants, but does not have it obtains from the US In the case of the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, US-made F35 warplanes, carried US-made bunker-buster bombs while there are unconfirmed reports of AWAC planes monitoring the assassination in real-time All were instrumental in the murder plot All the while the Biden administration uses plausible deniability to excuse it all by claiming Israel didn t warn the US before it acted Either the Pentagon is lying to avoid outrage at its role or it is telling the truth The latter would indicate that the US is providing its most lethal munitions without any control or restraints This violates US law which calls for using exported weapons under international law The Leahy Law requires the government to end weapons shipments to regimes found to have violated human rights The State Department tasked with such oversight has deliberately ignored the findings of multiple agencies that Israel was violating both standards issuing its statement that Israel is not in violation Imagine during WWII, if instead of sending thousands of ships filled with food and weapons to Britain to resist the Nazis, the US decided it was in its interest to send an armada to support Hitler ’s invasion of the island and the Holocaust This is akin to what Biden has done sending a carrier battle group to the region along with 50,000 troops

I S R A E L’S M A D M A R C H TO WA R: Biden seems to think this threat will cow Iran from attacking Israel Apparently it hasn’t worked After Israel sent its troops into Lebanon Iran launched 200 missiles targeting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv Though Iron Dome intercepted most of them there are not yet reports concerning any that

state of calibrated escalation Iran could have fired salvos of thousands of missiles Then Israel would have been justified in a massive response provoking all-out war Instead, it fired a smaller number knowing Israel would retaliate in kind Though neither side wants to be blamed for starting such a war, Netanyahu has numerous reasons to want one He is doing everything in his power from the assassinations of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Deif to the assassination of Nasrallah to incite such a catastrophic conflict He needs these wars to distract from his unpopularity at home and to delay his corruption trial He also seeks the distinction of being the only prime minister to launch direct attacks on Israel’s foremost regional enemy Iran and its nuclear program Netanyahu s march toward mayhem continues unobstructed How can President Biden believe the US can play any role in such a process? We have no relations with Iran We have refused to engage in talks with even Iran’s moderate leaders We have proven instrumental in murdering the leader of its primary regional ally

The Biden administration seems either oblivious or uncaring regarding the impact this will have on the country s status in the Arab and Muslim world It is implicated in the genocide in Gaza, which some public health experts estimate to be over 300 000 dead from combat and related causes It is an accessory to the assassination of one of the most admired leaders in the Muslim world There is nothing we would not do for Israel Why would the Arab world not hate America? Even more than it hated this country before these events

Returning to Israeli cyberwarfare, regulation of these weapons lags far behind their development and use on the battlefield Neither the UN nor any country regulates their use permitting Israel to wreak havoc without any restraint from global regulatory authorities It can develop and manufacture ever more lethal weapons with neither ethical nor legal limits

Further, international bodies established to prosecute war crimes such as the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice seem powerless to hold Israel accountable for the use of these weapons of mass mayhem In the former case, its judges failed to issue arrest warrants for Israel s Prime Minister and Defense Minister Despite findings by the ICJ that Israel was committing genocide, it has no enforcement mechanism and Israel has ignored the findings The story of Frankenstein by Mary


vocations the world s largest Christian body still refuses to contemplate the prospect of a modern Phoebe The ordination of female priests was never going to feature in the great debate on the Catholic church that was initiated by Pope Francis in 2021, and concludes this month But confirmation that even the ordination of female deacons has been ruled out is deeply dispiriting Given the huge hopes of reform raised by the “synod on synodality” project – in which the views of believers around the world were canvassed on an unprecedented scale – the unceremonious parking of one of

Syed laique haideR

Father conFesses to beating 10-year old sara shariF to death, say UK police

States not to send any wrong signals to Taiwan independence forces If the U S truly cares about the peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and the prosperity of the region, it should adhere to the one-China principle and the three joint communiques between China and the U S said Mao Ning spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry The Eastern Theater Command of the PLA on Monday organized its troops of army navy air force and the rocket force to conduct Joint Sword2024B drills in the Taiwan Straits and the north, south and east of the island of Taiwan Mao made the remarks at a regular press briefing in response to comments by the U S State Department about the Chinese People s Liberation Army (PLA) s Joint Sword-2024B drills surrounding the Taiwan island The U S should act on its leaders commitment of not supporting Taiwan independence, stop arming Taiwan, and stop sending any erroneous signals to the “Taiwan independence” separatist forces, Mao added The drills are a powerful deterrent to the separatist activities of “Taiwan independence” elements and are legitimate and necessary actions to safeguard national sovereignty and national unity said the command The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Taiwan independence and cross-Straits peace are as irreconcilable as fire and water, and the provocations from the “Taiwan independence” forces will inevitably be met with countermeasures China has always been committed to maintaining peace and stability in the region which is evident to regional countries Mao said Taiwan is part of China and the Taiwan question is China s domestic affair that brooks no foreign interference, she added

China willing to jointly promote high quality Belt and Road cooperation with Indonesia; Xi tells Widodo

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Monday that China is willing to work with Indonesia to jointly promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, ensure the sustainable operation of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway and create more highlights of cooperation to better benefit the people of both countries

Xi made the remarks during a phone conversation with Indonesian President Joko Widodo During his 10 years as Indonesian president Widodo has visited China eight times and met with Xi 12 times which led the two countries to open a new chapter in jointly building a community with a shared future, as well as building a new pattern of all-round strategic cooperation, Xi said China highly appreciates Widodo s important contribution to the China-Indonesia friendship Xi said adding it is believed that the new Indonesian government will continue its friendly policy towards China and push the building of a China-Indonesia community with a shared future to a higher level

Noting that next year marks the 70th anniversary of the Bandung

Conference Xi said China is ready to work with Indonesia to carry forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the Bandung Spirit, strengthen solidarity and cooperation among Global South countries, safeguard the common interests of developing countries and promote regional and global development prosperity and stability

For his part Widodo said that over the past decade, he has forged a deep friendship with President Xi, leading to significant achievements in the comprehensive strategic part-

nership and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in various fields

He expressed gratitude to China for contributing to Indonesia’s economic development, noting that the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway has become a model for Belt and Road cooperation between the two sides Widodo also expressed confidence that the Indonesia-China relationship will continue its strong momentum of growth under the leadership of Indonesia’s new government

India’s silence on UN condemnation of Israel noted globally


Sharjeel Memon



A N Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has fulfilled another revolutionary promise from his election manifesto the People s Economic Agreement, by launching the Benazir Hari Card in Sindh Under this program, poor farmers and small-scale growers across Sindh will receive targeted subsidies access to easy loans assistance in acquiring modern agricultural technology crop insurance, and immediate government aid in case of natural disasters

According to a press release issued by the Media Cell Bilawal House, Chairman PPP while addressing the inauguration ceremony of the Benazir Hari Card at the Chief Minister s House said that his party has always worked to secure the rights of the poor, farmers, and women He mentioned that the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), introduced by the previous PPP government has become a global example of financial assis-


SCO summit k icks off today as delegates star t arriving


Court (PHC)


Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders including Raja Basharat, Aliya Hamza and Sanam Javed Justice Faheem Wali of PHC passed the order on application moved by PTI leader Raja Basharat seeking transit bail Advocate Alam Khan Adinzai, the counsel of Raja Basharat argued that his client is facing a terrorism case in Taxila He argued that the case was filed on political grounds and that the

their applications The court approved the transit bail for both women until November 8 Pti leader blasts gov t over restrictions on imran khan ahead of protest


Brother of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa s (KP) Chief Minister Faisal Amin Gandapur on Monday strongly condemned the government for its treatment of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan, accusing authorities of crossing all limits in restricting access to the former prime minister

In a recent statement Faisal Amin emphasized that Pakistan is a democratic nation and urged reflection on the country s current political path Khan stressed that PTI s struggle is rooted in ensuring the rule of law and constitutional integrity, pointing to the party’s ongoing legal battles as part of its fight for democracy He criticized the government’s actions, accusing it of resorting to “fascist tactics” by banning meetings with Imran Khan using the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit as a pretext for such restrictions

Highlighting progress in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Khan pointed to a reported 41% increase in the province s revenue, resulting in a surplus of 100 billion rupees He called for the wise and equitable use of public funds across all districts emphasizing the importance of adhering to the 99-point agenda laid out for district administration Amid rising tensions PTI has announced plans for a protest at Islamabad s D-Chowk on October 15, following the postponement of an earlier protest in Lahore Party officials have been instructed to mobilize for the demonstration which is intended to press for justice and access to their leader In response to the government s restrictions PTI leader Sheikh Waqas Akram stated that the protest could be called off if arrangements are made for a meeting between Imran Khan and his family He expressed concerns about the health and well-being of PTI members during this challenging period, urging the government to reconsider its stance

The twenty-third meeting of the Council of the Heads of Government (CHG) of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is set to begin on Tuesday bringing together regional leaders to discuss enhancing collaboration with a focus on trade, economy, and cultural linkages

The delegates from the countries participating in the annual gathering of SCO leaders have already started landing in the federal capital which has got a facelift with colorful lights, floral decorations, SCO countries flags and banners to welcome the dignitaries

The LED display screens have been installed on the main intersections – also beautifully painted with lights and murals The landmarks across the city have been adorned with colorful lights and Pakistani flags, also creating a rare photo-op for the citizens and fodder for social media timelines Premier of the State Council of China Li Qiang along with a high-

level delegation has already landed in the federal capital to attend the moot and hold meetings with Pakistan’s civil and military leadership

The two-day meeting of SCO CHG the second highest forum within the SCO will be chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif as the current chair of the Council Pakistan had assumed the rotating chair of the SCO CHG for 2023-24 at the previous meeting held in Bishkek on October 26 2023 where the country was represented by that time Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani

The leaders from the SCO member states attending the summit include China’s Premier of the State Council Li Qiang Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Tajik

Prime Minister Kohir Rasulzoda, Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov Kyrgyzstan’s Chairman of Ministers’ Cabinet Zhaparov Akylbek Iran s First Vice President Mohammad Reza Aref and Indian

External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar Besides, Mongolia is participating in the summit as an Observer State being represented by Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai and Turkmenistan as Special Guest represented by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Rashid Meredov

Among other dignitaries attending the moot include SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming Director of Executive Committee SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) Ruslan Mirzayev, Chairman of the Board of SCO Business Council Atif Ikram Shaikh and Chairman of the Council of SCO Interbank Union Marat Yelibayev

The CHG meeting will discuss ongoing cooperation in the fields of economy trade environment socio-cultural linkages and review the performance of the Organization The leaders will adopt important organizational decisions to further enhance cooperation among SCO member States and approve the budget of the Organization

In defiance of SCO conference, PTI continues with its D-Chowk demonstration



The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has instructed its ticket holders and workers nationwide to gather in Islamabad s D-Chowk on October 15 as part of its heightened preparations for a massive demonstration

As party officials stress that protests would go on until their demands are granted the march is a part of a larger plan to demand the release of the party s imprisoned founder, Imran Khan

According to PTI sources, the party leadership has directed employees from several cities to participate in the demonstration at D-Chowk The demonstration will continue till the PTI founder is freed from detention, the leadership has stated Key officials have divided organizational blame for the protest, according to sources Khalid Khurshid the former chief minister of Gilgit-Baltistan has been given charge of overseeing the overall protest while Hammad Azhar a senior party figure, has been given the responsibility of mobilising supporters from Punjab Despite the party’s best efforts PTI sources stated that they have not yet been granted a meeting with their incarcerated party

founder in Adiala Jail This has further galvanised the party’s rank and file prompting a more aggressive push towards the protest In the lead-up to the planned protest, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Chief Minister Ali Amin Khan Gandapur convened a high-level meeting at the CM House in Peshawar The meeting was attended by PTI s national and provincial assembly representatives as well as key party leaders from the province s four regions The meeting focused on devising strategies to ensure maximum participation in the protest, particularly from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Sources confirmed that the strategy for mobilising a significant number of participants has been finalised The party s core leadership is determined to make the protest a large-scale event, tying the success of the demonstration to their key demand the release of their detained leader

The protest s timing coincides with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Islamabad, a high-profile international event, which has put additional pressure on both PTI and the government Party insiders mentioned that they are prepared for a prolonged sit-in if their demands are not met

signalling a potentially extended period of unrest in the capital Meanwhile political figures outside of PTI have called for the protest to be postponed Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman reportedly reached out to PTI leader Asad Qaiser, urging the party to delay the protest in light of the SCO summit Maulana Fazlur Rehman expressed concerns about the potential disruption the protest could cause and called for access to be granted to Imran Khan s personal physician as a gesture of goodwill

During their conversation, the two leaders also discussed various constitutional proposals tabled by JUI-F with Qaiser noting that there was significant alignment between the two parties on several points

Qaiser confirmed that a meeting of opposition parties is scheduled for October 17 to finalise a draft of the constitutional proposals Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) has also appealed to PTI to reconsider the timing of the protest JI s naib emir, Liaquat Baloch, emphasised the importance of the SCO summit for Pakistan, describing it as a matter of national pride He urged PTI to prioritise national dignity over political differences and to postpone the protest until after the summit

Rehman accused MQM Pakistan of being awarded 17 seats despite not securing victories at any polling stations, suggesting this was the result of electoral fraud He further accused the ruling party of interfering with ballot boxes during the recounting of by-elections Rehman also addressed the ongoing protests by Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), urging the party to delay their demonstrations and proposing a meeting with former Prime Minister Imran Khan to discuss the current political situation Additionally Rehman mentioned that the government had canceled contracts with five Independent Power Producers (IPPs) suggesting this would likely lead to further controversy Jamaat-e-Islami, he assured, will continue to oppose any unconstitutional actions and remain committed to advocating for the rights of Sindh’s citizens

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