Pakistan Today Paperazzi issue C 94 June 21st , 2015

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the sari look book

s uper dads

Ways to wear your sari this season

FATHER’S DAY EXCLUSIVE! We speak to some of our favorite super dads & super kids this Father’s Day

craving culottes This season’s hottest trends!

Fashion Evolution Featuring Waleed Zaman

all things tbcw 2015

Our roundup of TBCW’s top collections

love to love you Zainab Salman & Rushna Shahjahan on pg. 42

cynosure flow by tauseef ah mad

Issue 94, 21-27 June, 2015


Issue 94, 21-27 June, 2015




06 Fashion Runway! Cynosure Launched a new pret 12 Cover Shoot Cynosure by Tauseef Ahmad 28 Hot in the city Best buy this week! 30 Life on paperazzi Junaid Khan 38 Fashion Evolution Featuring Waleed Zaman 40 Planes, Trains & Automobiles Aden Rehan - Fairy Meadows, Sakardu 42 Love to Love You Zainab Salman & Rushna Shahjahan 48 Craving Culottes This season’s hottest trends!



Publisher Arif Nizami l Publishing Editors: Samina Khan & Meher Tareen l Contributing Editor: Ali Nizami Managing Editor: Alizah Raza | Sub Editors: Mehak Elahi & Natasia Khalid | Creative Director: Muhammad Asif Marketing: Sohail Abbas 0300-4652194, Zahid Ali 0301-8479758, Muddasir Alam 0333-2282905, Zulfiqar Butt 0300-8451634, Kashif Shehzad 0321-2672501, Naeem Ahmed 0300-8430765 Photographer at large: Irfan Younas | Printed at PTPRINT Press, 4- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah Lahore. Paperazzi is a project of Paper Magazine and Pakistan Today. | Contact Details:


fashion runway!

Designer & CEO of Cynosure Tauseef Ahmad (Sitting) with Meera, Shahzad Raza & participating super models

Cynosure recently launched a new pret line by the name of Cynosure flow which was launched with a fabulous fashion walk in Lahore.

Frieha Altaf, Amna Taseer & Sherbano Taseer

Anum & Esha Azhar 06 18



Ameena Quyyum 2015

Naureen & Aliya

Zakir Khan & Haseeb Ahmad

Mehreen Syed, Shahzad Raza & Yousaf (ebuzztoday)


Meera & Frieha Altaf

Xille Huma

Zaib Tauseef & Uzma Chaudhry

Iqan Ahmad

Sabeeka Imam

Amish & Atif

Zara Peerzada 2015









Cynosure is launching another line of contemporary pret Cynosure Flow. The perfect blending of ethnic surfaces with post-modern silhouettes at extremely affordable price points. IN STORES NOW! Designer: Tauseef Ahmad Photography, Hair, Makeup & Styling: Shahzad Raza @ Ather Shahzad Model: Zara Peerzada



















s ham mal qures h i

valentine ’ s d

this father’s day we would like to pay tribute to the most important man in our lives-o ur fathers! How would you describe your relationship with your father? My dad and I don't have a "typical" relationship. I consider him more of a friend. He has always been very caring. What were you like as a son in your teen years? I was a rebellious child. Wild and uncontrollable. Loved to party and adventurous to the core. My dad gave me space and let me ride the phase out. I guess it all ended well. A lesson your father gave you that has made you the person you are today? Table manners. Has your father given you a nickname?

Hero. What makes your father the best in the world? My father has always advised me through life and has been very supportive (both emotionally and financially lol) of every decision I have made. Even if it was a mistake. I guess that has shaped me into the person I am today.

shazah ayub valentine ’ s day

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valentine ’ s day

valentine ’ s day

valentine ’ s day

How would you describe your relationship with your father? If you want to get me to do something you just have to tell my dad because I can never say no to him. He's super protective about me and my siblings and we know no matter how old we get he's always got our back! I love how he's spoilt me throughout my life, but never let it get to my head and that's exactly how I want to raise my kids, one day. What were you like as a daughter in your teen years? I was a dream child! I've been super obedient and never gotten into trouble for anything, even during my teen years!

valentine ’ s day

A lesson your father gave you that has made you the person you are today? I've always admired my dad's large-heartedness, resilience and honesty. He's taught me the most important lesson of my life - the more you give, the more you get!! What makes your father the best in the world? He has and will always put his children before himself. It's always comforting to know that there is someone who will always look out for you and you can count on for anything- for me that's my father.

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shahroz sabzwari How would you describe your relationship with your father? My relationship with dad is actually very formal and not casual at all. My dad is pretty strict which doesn't really mean I'm scared of him but I have to be very disciplined around him. The unconditional love is obviously there from both sides but the whole sharing a joke or having a big laugh about something happens once in a blue moon. What were you like as a son in your teen years? Oh! I was a total mishap. I used to pick fights in school all the time and my parents were always called in because I was in trouble. I always wanted to throw parties and acted like I was 25 at the age of 15. My parents had to put up with a lot.

Has your father given you a nickname?

He calls me Sherry. What makes your father the best in the world? Everyone's dad is the best for them but for me, since I'm the only child, both my parents are simply the best. I have received unconditional and undivided love from both so for me that automatically makes my dad the best in the world because I’ve never had to share his attention with any one else.

How would you describe your relationship with your son? He's the best friend I've ever had, his enthusiasm is infectious.

What is the naughtiest thing your son has ever done? He's picked up my camera, which is half his size and almost as heavy as him and proceeded to take pictures. He also has a knack for finding where we hide the sweets. How do you plan on becoming the best father you can be? That's a good question, I travel a lot, the past three months I've hardly spent any time with

Now that you are a father yourself, is there anything you would like to say to your dad? I have actually. When my daughter Nooreh was born, a month later I went up to my dad and I just said sorry to him. I just wanted to apologise for all the trouble I've given him in my teen years because I realised how difficult and challenging a father’s position is and how much patience it requires.

Zohran, I plan to be there for him whenever he needs me, to be the friend and the parent he will need. Has becoming a father made you see your own father differently? I realize what a pain in the behind I've been as a son and how patient he had to be with me.

valentine ’ s day

ko hi marri

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valentine ’ s day

One parenting rule you live by? Don't underestimate children, treat them how you wanted to be treated when you were a child. Explain things, talk to them, discuss whatever it is you want them to understand. Never shout at a child, it only confuses them and doesn't solve anything. Your child learns from watching you, what you allow him or her to see and experience, and it's your behaviour that gets imprinted on the child.

valentine ’ s day

A lesson your father gave you that has made you the person you are today? Well I chose the same career as my dad and he's always told me never to go for stardom, instead just be a good actor and focus on that. So far the last five or six years that's exactly what I've been aiming for and I think because of that he's been quite happy with me lately.

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valentine ’ s day

How would you describe your relationship with your father? Im the eldest of 4 and my dad and I have a very special bond where we're more friends than father and daughter I would say. He respects my opinion on every important matter and he along with my mom are my guiding force. What were you like as a daughter in your teen years? I was pretty harmless I would think compared to teens today (my dad may have a different story) But being the eldest meant they were the strictest on me. My curfew was 10 pm and guys weren't allowed to call the house. No cellphones. No Facebook. No Instagram. Simpler times.

sukaina taqi

A lesson your father gave you that has made you the person you are today? My dad's all about positivity. He says that a negative attitude leads you nowhere and with a positive mind you can conquer the world. I believe him. Life's too short for moping and regrets. Thats my life motto. Has your father given you a nickname?

valentine ’ s day

valentine ’ s day

I call my dad Babz (shortform for Baba) and he calls me Sukz (Pronounced Soukz not sucks!) What makes your father the best in the world? Not only does he have great looks and an awesome sense of humour, he always takes out the time to listen to whatever I have on my mind, be it a rant on how hot the weather is to serious issues at hand! His positivity makes me realize there is hope on the darkest of days and I know he has my back no matter what. He loves me unconditionally and his family comes first for him and for that he is the best dad in the whole wide world!

faisal farooqui valentine ’ s day

How would you describe your relationship with your daughters? Allah has blessed me with 2 daughters, Maizah (almost 5 years old) and Famia (2 & a half years old), and I have a superb, balanced relationship with them in which we enjoy it at its fullest by maintaining a decorum.

How do you plan on becoming the best dad you can be? By giving them the best I can in my capacity in terms of education, to teach them respect for parents and others, by telling them to become good human beings and to help people as much as they can.

What is the one parenting rule you live by? Discipline and respecting your mother!

After becoming a father, is there anything that you would like to say to your own father?

What is the naughtiest thing your daughters has ever done? They do naughty stuff on a daily basis.

YES! Thank you for everything you did for us, and the upbringing you gave me and my sister. I am not even close to become the humble human being you were but I will keep trying to be better as u always wanted me to be!

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zoe viccaji valentine ’ s day

How would you describe your relationship with your father? I see my father as my guide in many ways. I don't always agree with the way he sees things, but most of the time I can trust his advice and the wisdom that he has with his vast experience. I think our relationship has just got better along the years. We used to clash often and my mother feels it is because we are so similar to each other. But beneath it all I love him very much and admire him for who he is and what he has achieved, quite apart from being a wonderful husband to my mother and father to his children. What were you like as a daughter in your teen years? I got into trouble now and then, and I'm sure I've had my times of defiance, but over all I think I was a pretty easy teenager. The foundation they have built for mutual understanding and respect allowed us to have a lovely father-daughter relationship.

valentine ’ s day

A lesson your father gave you that has made you the person you are today? I think the most important thing I've learn from my father is sincerity, perseverance and hard work. He was the kind of man in his company (was in Pakistan Tobacco company for 39 years!) that everyone turned to if they wanted something done and done well. They knew he would never settle for anything less than the best and always strive for honesty and quality. I see his ethic as a standard that I can live by and has in many ways got me to where I am today. Has your father given you a nickname?

None, he usually refers to me as Zoe or darling :)

What makes your father the best in the world? I'm sure there are many good fathers out there, and I can't make such a sweeping statement. All I know is that I would not wish for anyone other than him to be my father, and I am extremely fortunate to have such a person in my life. He has set the standards very high for whom I will marry, which is my only complaint!

What is the naughtiest thing your daughter has ever done? She poured a cold glass of water on me while I slept. She wanted me to put a Doraemon DVD for her. How do you plan on becoming the best dad in the world? By being there for her (unconditionally).

saif rehman

s day

Now that you are a father yourself, is there anything you would like to say to your dad? Yes, many things, but most important of them would be a hearty feeling of gratitude for the attention, guidance, patience, sacrifice, effort and many other things he did for me as I was growing up.

valentine ’ s day

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valentine ’ s day

What is the one parenting rule you live by? Pure, unadulterated attention for 4-5 hours a day (I try).

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junaid khan

How would you describe your relationship with your father? It is such a strong bond that it's difficult to describe in words but I will try! For me my parents are my world, both of them are my pillars. What were you like as a son in your teen years? I was a very shy person. Well, I still am to some extent but thank the Lord nothing close to how reserved I was in my teenage years. I think that's what bothered my parents. I think they wanted me to be naughty, loud and mischievous like other kids. A lesson your father gave you that has made you the person you are today? Devotion towards hardwork. I think that's what I got from him which made me who I am today. He's my role model!

valentine ’ s day

valentine ’ s day

Has your father given you a nickname? Everyone calls me Junny, but my dad calls me Junaid. He doesn’t like nicknames but there have been rare moments when he calls me Junny. What makes your father the best dad in the world? All morals, rules and respect embedded in me today, I owe to my parents, especially dad. Being my inspirtation, of course my dad is and will always be the best dad for me in whole wide world and I look upto him in every aspect of life.

How would you describe your relationship with your father? We are a small family of four, all of us are super close. My father has always supported me in my endeavours, both of us daughters. So it's been great! What were you like as a daughter in your teen years? Very laid back and not too ambitious which bothered my parents, especially my father. He would push me to apply for colleges etc. But then things changed and I became very ambitious. He enjoyed seeing that. He felt women can achieve the same as men. A lesson your dad gave you that has made you the person you are today? Hard work always pays off, there are no short cuts. He always felt if you have free time, do something constructive with it, work hard while you can. I feel me and my sister have learnt a lot from that. We don't like to sit idol and we have always worked. Has your father given you a nickname?

maheen karim

Poupee (with an accent above the e). It's means doll in French. He has always called both of us sisters that. What makes your father the best dad in the world?

We all love and appreciate our parents and are extremely grateful for all they have done for us. My dad has always been encouraging, he has even let me make my mistakes to learn from them, at work etc, however he's always been there for me when I've needed him and supported me immensely. In my field of work, and regular life. He has shown me the world, educated me highly and made me who I am today. He has made two daughters into strong, smart and hard working wives and in my sisters case a mother, he is equally influential in his grandkids' lives. We are what we are because of him and our mum!

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valentine ’ s day

aymen s aleem How would you describe your relationship with your father? It is difficult to describe something so precious. I feel there is nothing I can say that will capture its true beauty and value for me. The best way I can articulate this is by saying we have a NO FILTER relationship and I really mean it! We talk about everything. I am extremely close to my dad who I prefer calling Sally! He is my biggest strength and my biggest weakness. Hopefully by the end of the interview you will get a better idea of our father-daughter relationship! Just a warning, we are crazyyyyyyy!

Has your father given you a nickname?

My dad calls me Yaman and when introducing me to others he refers to me as “daddy’s darling”. I don’t know why but he does! The moment my dad enters the house in the evening after work; the whole house can hear him scream YAMANNNN which is a signal for me to leave whatever I am doing and see him in his room for an update session of our respective days. I will admit that I wait for that everyday and miss it the most when I’m abroad. What makes your father the best dad in the world?

He is not just my dad he is my best friend, my partner in crime and my go-to person for any and everything one can imagine!

valentine ’ s day

What were you like as a daughter in your teen years? A girl’s father is one of the most influential people in her life. The same was true for me. My mother would agree with me here that in my teens I was a very annoying child but if you asked my father, he would say the exact opposite. But to be honest I was an annoying, talkative and stubborn teenager and the only person who knew how to handle me was my father. I have never said “no” to him in my life.

ahead and take a leap. And I am extremely grateful for it!

A lesson your dad gave you that has made you the person you are today? I was born into a family where dreams, ambitions are only a precursor to reality. My dad has always taught me to have an “I CAN” attitude, which has led me to do so many things. It was the same attitude that enabled me to set a Guinness World Record for the most number of people fitted into a smart car. I took the initiative for it, gathered a team and lead it to success. My environment has always been enabling, enabling to step

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father ’ s day 2 1 s t j une 2 0 1 5

father ’ s day 2 1 s t j une

father ’ s day 2 1 s t j une 2 0 1 5

sania maskatiya How would you describe your relationship with your father? My Aba and I are besties, we discuss everything and take each other's advice and opinion very seriously. What were you like as a daughter in your teen years? I was the rebellious middle child and my aba was always the guiding force for me. A lesson your father gave you that has made you the person you are today? He always told me to believe in myself and to trust my instinct - that confidence that he instilled in me at a very young age , is practically the most important lesson of my life ! Any nickname your dad calls you? Sanima What makes your father the best in the whole world? His selfless and wholehearted love for his children. His constant love and support in all our endeavours is unwavering .

marium jehangir khan How would you describe your relationship with your father? i’ve always been a daddy’s girl. He’s always got my back when I have a fight with my mom or my brother.Even if I’m at fault, he’d do anything to keep me happy.

father ’ s day 2 1 s t j une 2 0 1 5

What were you like as a daughter in your teen years? I think my parents had a really rough time with me as a teenager. I was incredibly moody and distant from them, and they could never figure out why. He handled my teenage years with love and affection. A lesson your father gave you that has made you the person you are today? My dad is the most hardworking man I’ve ever seen in my entire life. He’s truly an inspiration in my life. I’d say the most important lesson he’s taught me is that you can accomplish anything if you truly put your mind to it, and nothing comes easy. Any nickname your father calls you? My father and brother know the one word I hate being called, and that’s ‘baji’. What makes your father the best in the whole world? My dad is the best dad in the world because he’s always given me everything I wanted. He’s given me the opportunity to explore the world. When I’m upset he knows exactly how to cheer me up. Most of

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shezreh mirza How would you describe your relationship with your dad? Partners in crime :) What were you like as a daughter in your teen years? His greatest fan and greatest critic. A lesson your dad gave you that has made you the person you are today? Fight for what you want to achieve in life and be true to yourself and others even if you're the last one standing. Any nickname your dad has given to you? Bambi Why do you think your dad is the best dad in the whole world? He is the most generous and genuine person I know

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father ’ s day 2 1 s t j une 2 0 1 5

father ’ s d

syed zayd bilgrami father ’ s day 2 1 s t j une 2 0 1 5

How would you describe your relationship with your daughters? My daughters are my greatest gift, my best-friends through which I'm re-living a whole new childhood. They are my loves, who provide the best way of removing any sort of stress by their simple laughter. Our relationship is amazing and I couldn’t be more thankful. What is the one parenting rule you live by? Being a father is the most important role I could ever play and if I don’t do it well, no other thing I do really would matter. What is the naughtiest thing your daughters have ever done? This could be an article on its own.. but a memorable one was waking up with my face covered in make up! How do you plan on becoming the best father you can be? For my kids to call me the worlds greatest dad would mean daily visits to the toy shop, candy and iPads. Since none of that is happening, I’ve made it a practice that kids time is integral. As important as my work, or heading to the gym, spending quality time with the kids is top. After becoming a father, is there anything that you would like to say to your own father? It’s funny when I’m with my kids I get a lot of flashbacks of my own childhood, at times being transported into my own dads shoes, through some of my reactions with my kids. I would thank my father for everything and for being a great dad, I sure hope i can be the same for my kids.

izdeyar setna HowHow would you describe your relationship with your dad? I sadly don’t get to hang out with my dad that much as he is very busy but we are very close. What were you like as a son in your teen years? Very Naughty like most teen kids. Not studying going late to school and getting punished. But it was always harmless fun.

Any nickname your dad has given you? Izu Why do you think your dad the best dad in the whole world? He has always been very kind and gentle not only with me but with everyone around him. I am a very luck human being. How would you describe your relationship with your dad? I'm the youngest of six, my relation with my dad has been fantastic. He has loved me and supported me always and given me the liberty to do whatever I want to do in life. What were you like as a son in your teen years? I was an extra pampered and extra spoilt child. He never said No to what ever I wanted to do or wanted. A lesson your dad gave you that has made you the person you are today? He has always taught me to work hard for whatever i Dreamt for in life,be honest with ones work , belive in honour and work for respect Any nickname your dad calls you?

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Faadi Raja Why is your dad the best dad in the whole world? He's the best dad in the world because he has handed down to all his children the right balance of values with wisdom of life. i owe it to my father for what all i am today as a human. he has always taught us the right balance between faith and freedom, strengthened my belief in patience and generosity. I love you abu jan. youre the best father in the world :)

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father ’ s d

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A lesson your dad gave you that has made you the person you are today? A lesson I have learnt from my Dad and Mom Honesty, Hard work and always be Humble.

ri zwan naeem What is your background and training? I have a Bachelors in Accounting from the University of Houston. I have worked in logistics, finance, banking and hospitality before switching to food. Where do you draw inspiration from? People. Everyone around me has something to offer. They all have something to be learned from and I try my best to be inspired from everything good and bad around. Why bad? So I do not make those mistakes. Who/what has been the biggest influence on your work till date? My late uncle and father’s hard work and honesty. Two words that describe them both. They always pushed me

Khalis Food Market

in the s potlight

to do what I want to and work hard towards it. Success and failure is in God’s hands, but the feeling that you gave it your 100 % is what matters. From banking to arranging Pakistan’s first farmer’s market, how did you end up here? Well, I was working in banking in the Middle East when I decided to quit and move back to Pakistan. My cousin and I started Pakistan’s first food magazine, Flavor and I entered the world of food. Made good contacts but we were ahead of our time. When that stopped, I wanted to do something different with food and going the health route seemed lucrative. Of course, creating something that offers a good life to people has its spiritual and moral perks, but creating an alternative food path and reviving a purer lifestyle was imminent. Just happened to be there at the right time. How many farmer’s markets have you put together? With the first market on April 28, 2013, so far I have put together 12 markets. 11 stand alone and one within the DHA Food Festival in April this year. In fact, the market is two years old now. What are some of the major challenges you have faced in setting the Market? How did you overcome them?

There are people who try to bring you down when you do something good and successful, but they do not bother me. Sometimes, the bureaucracy behind getting permissions and other things of similar nature can be bothersome. But overall, through the support of everyone involved we have been fine. I use we a lot when referring to Khalis, and the reason for that is that I am nothing without the stall holders, supporters and attendees, so it has been a collective effort from day one and so far it has benefitted everyone involved. Can you give us an insight on what goes on behind the scenes of a farmer’s market? A lot of phone calls and emails. The minute we announce a market, we are bombarded with

people’s queries. Other than that, meeting new participants and exploring their products and setup is always fun. I love going to farms. The smell, the air and the produce are all so refreshing. I have learned to connect generator and electric wires, move tables and chairs, help carry products and put up banners. What I truly love about Khalis Food Market is that I get to get down and dirty with all types of work. What is something you've learnt the hard way in this industry? Patience. You have to be patient with people who cannot work at your pace. For over a year I had wanted to do a big food festival in Lahore, be a pioneer in it, but patience paid off. When we did the DHA Food Festival in April, 2015, it was bigger than we anticipated. We had over 13,000 people attend and it was one of the major high end food festivals in recent times in Lahore.

What is the most important lesson you've learned as an entrepreneur? Work hard on what you can control, not on what you cannot! What are you passionate about besides your work?

Three Instagram accounts you follow? I actually have Instagram on my phone but I hardly use it, maybe i need to get savvier and incorporate Khalis Food Market on it. Can’t wait to start following @paperazzimagazine :)

I travel, play music, watch TV shows. House of Cards and The Office are awesome.

Your favourite chef? Jamie Zelko (an old friend) and our older cook.

What is the future like for you and the Khalis Food Market? I hope it is happy for me and Khalis Food Market. We have new cities coming later this year, which will remain a surprise and a few newer things. Khalis Food Market will also be part of a bigger Food Festival later this year, so plenty to look forward to.

Two Favorite Organic Dishes? Sautéed chilli asparagus with roast chicken,brussel sprouts and gouda sandwich with sundried tomato.

What’s your work style? On the go, casual and fast paced day.

Colours, Quirky Ring, Rs, 200 Kishmish, Coconut Body Butter, Rs. 2,000

Beech Tree, Black Tote, Rs. 3,250

REMA, Father’s Day Cufflinks, Rs. 14,240

BEST BUYS THIS WEEK Nimrah Khokhar, Jacket with undershirt, Rs. 22,500


High Street, Floral Pants, Rs.1,899

in the city Aurum, Tetris Tissue box Feat. Agate Slices, Rs. 9,000 each

White by Mehar, Zebra Print Chair, Rs.49,000

Design Raft, Cushion, Rs. 1,200




Project Rich, Cufflinks, Rs. 2,500




And Hadi gets hitched Posing with the extremely talented cast of Main Awara Hoon


LIFE on paperazzi

Dubai is always a good idea

Actor Post lunch at 101 Lounge in Dubai! My solo duet

With the full of Life, Bushra Ansari

With the giants of Lollywood. Directors, Syed Noor and Shehzad Refique




Muneeb and I at the Urticaria Awareness Conference

Presenting an award at the 3rd Hum awards!




what we fancy! From the makers of Paperazzi! Find out what tickles our fancy!

fitso Weight watchers in Karachi, order some healthy yet delicious food from Fitso – which offers great culinary qualifications coupled with in depth knowledge of flavor profiles. Don’t forget to try the beef chilli con carne, we love it! To order call on :0345 3059691

on the playlist Bad Blood by Taylor Swift is on repeat this week!

hot couple!

Nadira & Omer Khalid are on our hot couple list this week.

fun stuff

fun & quirky

Chloé’s gold-tone brass ‘Darcey’ ring is accented with a single Swarovski pearl. Designed to sit over three fingers, it will go well with any outfit. 32



Amina Sibtain is a bundle of happiness and joy. You wont get you bored hanging out with her.

hot stuff Yousaf Shahbaz, the brain behind Strata is our favourite. His exquisitive taste in interior design has made us his fan!

on the tele While, Game of Thrones season finale left us with a heavy heart- the good news is Orange Is The New Black is back with its third season on Netflix.

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Telenor bridal couture week 2015 top six collections

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hsy adnan pardesy AYESHA IBRAHIM ASIFA & NABEEL FOZIA HAMMAD Zainab chottani We pick the best and brightest of TBCW 2015!

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adnan pardesy

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Adnan used three different colour palettes in his debut bridal collection; white, gold and chatapati. This variation definitely hit all the right notes. With his signature aesthetics intact, Adnan Pardesy’s bridal collection consisted of lots of construction and basket weaves. The embroidery was intricate and the silhouettes varied from cholis to short length shirts, and from farshi ghararas to tapered cigarette pants.

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ayesha ibrahim

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Ayesha Ibrahim’s collection consisted of pinks, gold and off-white. She kept the hemline longer as opposed to the popular short shirt trend this season. Her silhouette was classic with straight shirts and long jackets.

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asifa & nabeel

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Asifa and Nabeel used a colour palette of subtle grey, peach, gold and red. The collection was perfect for summer brides as it was infused with some floral embroidery and light net dupattas. The cut work embroidery and the edging of the shirts with scallops was definitely a winner.

fozia hammad

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Fouzia used a soft and subtle colour palette of pastels. Her collection was one of the most experimental bridal collections to be seen this season. She showcased some exceptional pieces such as a cape with lehnga and brought back the angarkha with pants. Her embroidery was mostly floral mixed with brocade. The collection was fun and girly.

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Zainab Chottani has redefined the meaning of bridals by using a completely unique colour palette. She abstained from the cliches and went for hues of grey accented with colours such as pastel greens, pastel pinks, reds and even blues. She displayed heavy but delicately done embroidery. Zainab’s collection was breathtaking.

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zainab chottani

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The king of couture as he calls himself, HSY has done it again. This time HSY went for a very rich colour palette consisting of red, orange, green and black! Yes black! We loved that HSY has finally broken the rules and given the brides, black as a colour option for there big day. The black shirt with red lehenga worn by Sadaf Kanwal just stole our hearts. Overall the feel of this collection was very traditional and royal.

fashion evolution

w aleed


In our newest feature, we take a walk down memory lane to see how our favourite celebrities and fashionistas style has evolved over the years!


2011 In 2011 Waleed was playing it safe in neutrals, but rocked long hair and a ponytail!




We love the pop of colour that Waleed Zaman has managed to make his signature style.

2013 Only Waleed could pull off candy pink pants and khussas this effortlessly!

waleed zaman is w ell o n h is way to co n querin g th e pakis tan i fas h i o n pret mar ket w ith h is bran d kays eria . h is deep un ders tan din g of des ign aes th etics an d all th in gs traditi o nal reflect in kays eria ’ s uni que an d beau tifu l des igns . h is eclectic s ens e of fas h i on , intellectual pers ona an d th irs t for k n ow ledge make h im a paperrazi favo urite .

2015 2014 Waleed’s monochrome look was paired beautifully with traditional Peshawari chappals. Take that Paul Smith.

2015 We love how Waleed always adds oomph with one accessory - we have our eyes on this block printed waistcoat!

Waleed draws inspiration from religion, culture and tradition, and this reflects in his personal style!.Hats off to him for pulling off the turban!




travel diaries

travel diaries

travel diaries


travel diaries

travel diaries

travel diaries

aden rehan

fairy meadows, sakardu, deaosai plains & sheosar lake

planes, trains & automobiles

Travelling is great fun! You get to explore a new place, meet new people and get wiser! We want to know more and will share with you exciting travel stories from a few special people in our new section, planes, trains & automobiles! Where did you choose to go and why? People say travel the world, I would advise explore your home first before you are ready to transverse the foreign lands. My most cherished journey till today has been my trip to up North in Pakistan. I chose to see the beauties my motherland is bestowed with hence living up with the innate patriotism, my husband and I decided to hike to Fairy meadows followed by a trip to Sakardu, Deaosai Plains and Sheosar Lake.

to hiking trips with Aitchison College so on our way I had many amusing stories to listen to. I am glad we took our son to this adventurous journey; it was truly an experience and made us proud parents who are not afraid to experience the thrills of life. We hiked for five hours straight to reach to the base camp of killer mountain Nanga Parbat, thanks to my husband for carrying our toddler on his shoulder all through the time we were hiking those steep and dangerous mountains. He truly is a hero haha

Who did you travel with? I travelled with my husband and my one year old son. My husband is a perfect companion when it comes to travelling; it was reminiscent of his childhood days when he used to go

Where did you stay? We stayed at Arcadian Hotel in Naran, followed by one night stay in Shangrilla Resorts in Chillas. The view of the river Indus accompanied with the soothing sound was breath

travel diaries

travel diaries

travel diaries

travel diaries

travel diaries

travel diaries

travel diaries

What is the best shopping spots there? Well, we were never in for shopping but yes we found that Chantilly lace and chiffon fabrics in Sakardu were half priced as being closer to China’s border.

travel diaries

What can you do over there to relax and unwind? In Fairy meadows, Deosai Plains and Sheosar Lake there are no cell phones and televisions. So one gets plenty of time to unwind and stay close to nature. You meet people from different corners of Pakistan along with many from abroad. Their literacy rate would surprise you as the native people understand and talk fluent English. It was completely thought provoking to see a German woman giving speech therapy to the children, upon asking she told us she was a professor in University of Berlin and comes every summer for three months to teach at a self-established institute in Fairy Meadows. In this trip we made friends and brought with us memorable conversations instead of Instagram and check in’s. That was the most valuable way of unwinding. Finally, any tips? Live the moment, take breaks, don’t be afraid, sip from the glaciers, see what Mother Nature has given you. Cherish your own land; know it first before the rest. On another note don’t forget to take Swiss army knife and wet wipes ;)

travel diaries

travel diaries


Tell us about the sights no one should miss out on when I was hiking and sweating and loosing breath I had no idea what was I in for! Upon reaching Fairy Meadows I experienced what heaven feels like. I have seen British landscape but this view of Killer Mountain Nanga Parbat on the bed of glacier and slope of lush green mountains blew life in us. Also Sheosar Lake was much more than what I had wit-

Suggest places for a perfect night out. During the trip we experienced different sort of night outs, one was moon lit with stars shining like huge diamonds in the sky at Fairy Meadows. In Sakardu it was more eventful and festive within Shangrila with troops of German tourists sharing stories as they had come to see Pakistan.

travel diaries

Suggest some amazing restaurants there? When you are travelling up North and drive up hill for more than two days, the result is shortage in the supply of fancy food. We were so tired of eating chicken karai everyday so decided to make native friends in Fairy Meadows and voila!! We were introduced to the purest, delicious and most organic food on this planet. One of our native friend cooked Sonchal(Green leaves) ka saag and Makki ki Roti with cottage cheese and butter. What a feast! It gave us energy to further hike for 5 hours. Also the karak chai served near black water lake in Deosai Plains beats Papa Roti. Period!

nessed in Lake District. It was serenity reaching to another level; it is probably because it is still raw and untouched by commercialism.

travel diaries

taking. In Fairy meadows we chose to stay at Siraye wooden cottages which were very cozy and well equipped. However, in Sakardu who would miss the opportunity of living in Pakistan’s most beautiful, Shangrilla resort where the lake reflects your mirror image. It was comforting and more like a family resort.

fi ve th in gs i lo ve & hate

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

fi ve th in gs i lo ve & hate

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

fi ve th in gs i lo ve & hate

love to love you!

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

fi ve th in gs i lo

bff ’ s Lovers come and go, but best friends are here to stay! You have had your best most memorable, stomach hurting laughs with them. They have an uncanny way of reading your mind. They keep you focused, pick you up when you are down and are always there which is simply priceless. You may be hating them sometimes but that’s only beacuse you love them. We get two best friends to tell us what they love and hate about each other.

Zainab Salman & Rushna Shahjahan fi ve th in gs i lo ve & hate

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

fi ve th in gs i lo

lo ve & hate

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

fi ve th in gs i lo ve & hate

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

i h ate h er becaus e

1. she made me practice the dance moves entire night before her wedding. i still screwed up! she expects everybody to be as good as her that i m clearly not. 2. she drags me to these all these places where i never want to go 3. she is too nice to people 4. she eats kurkura’s and chilli chips that i cannot stand! 5. i hate it when i m trying to get through to her and she’s still sleeping!

1. i love the way she balances her work with her personal life . i dont know how she does it but she does! 2. her passion for her work is truly admirable . she s smart, she s calculative. i love it! 3. i can talk to her for hours about each and everything; day or night, she’s always there for me 4. she has the ability to talk to anybody and instantly puts people at ease. 5. she is her own person and leaves a strong impression on people. she doesn’t get influenced too easily

i h ate h er becaus e

lo ve & hate

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

fi ve th in gs i lo ve & hate

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

1. she is a workaholic and tends to forgets there’s a world that exists outside of her office 2. i hate that i have to drag her to places socially sometimes. 3. i hate early morning calls from her when i m sleeping! thats my nap time and she keeps calling till she gets through lol 4. i hate it when i call her at 11 at night and she s already in bed! who sleeps so early!! 5. we can never agree on eating at the same place. its always a war

fi ve th in gs i lo ve & hate

w h y i lo ve zainab

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

1 . s he tells me i ’m fat when i really am . I ts brutal but i’d be a balloon by now if it was n’t for her cons tant pus h ing . 2 . s he is the mos t tho ughtfu l and loving person i k now. the world can come to an end, i know s he ’d s till s tick aro und 2 . s he is gro unded and very hu m ble. peo ple instantly fall in love with her! I fail to unders tand how s he does that. 3 . i can be crazy and obnoxi o us aro und her. we can laugh for ho urs at silly th ings s pecially mo vies 4. s he ’s m y s upport s ys tem . i can call her frantic in the middle of the night and s he wo u ld have a s olu ti on for everything 5 . s he keeps me ali ve at the mos t boring events. she s a life saver when it comes to that

fi ve th in gs i lo ve & hate

w h y i lo ve rus h na

l o v e to l o v e y o u !

the sari lookbook

magdalena s ztandera s ardar banars i

ru kkay a hay at k han

aleemah n oon

There’s nothing like a timeless banarsi sari. Revamp this traditional design by pairing it with an off-beat blouse, or remain classic in a traditional blouse. Both look great.

ayes ha s alman pr in ted

meher omer

as maa m u m taz

Have fun with fashion this summer and opt for a printed sari. It is the ultimate statement this season.

s ana adil

mehreen s yed mariam tareen s eth i s heer

Sheer is one of this summer’s hottest trends, allowing you to be stylish without showing too much skin. These gorgeous ladies prove that a sheer sari looks equally good with full sleeves, three quarter or half sleeves.

i zza s ami k han

s amira mah m ud lace

zainab firoz

Lace is the epitome of elegance & femininity. Give the classic lace sari a modern twist this season by pairing it with a contrasting blouse.


Lily Aldridge

Sanam Chaudhri

Amna Babar

Faiza Rangoonwala

craving culottes

Culottes are perfect to help you beat the heat and look cool! With a flattering hemline and versatile shape, there are many ways to style this billowy pant. Remember to balance proportions.

Sarah Wassan

Shazah Ayub Natasia Khalid

Nabila Maqsood



Sarah Anees


what’s happening!

Your weekly entertainment guide plus all the upcoming events and much much more! Paperazzi gives you the latest scoop!

father’s day

student discount New York Coffee, an Americanstyle café with outlets in Bahrain & Pakistan, will be launching their much awaited discount card for students. New Yorker Student, to coincide with the upcoming school and summer holidays across Karachi, will help you get amazing discounts and super deals at Karachi’s newest eatery.

Get gifts for Father’s Day that dads love most at Fortress Square mall. Whether the dad you’re shopping for likes to dress up, exercise, cook or relax, surf the mall to pick out the latest and greatest gifts just for him. For further information, please visit fortresssquare.

dignosco Dignosco - A revolutionary force in education counselling . Join the experts for a worryfree application and educational experience. Dignosco students not only secured admissions into top universities but also got scholarships. For more information contact: 03018588860

summer camp

Kick off the summer vacations by registering your child in this amazing summer camp happening in Gulistan-e-Johar, Karachi! From movie time, to arts and crafts, fun talent shows and many educational programs, this program will be just right for your kid. For further information contact 0332-1456997. 50



birthdays Shahrose Chadhry, Zara Peerzada and Umair Fazli have birthdays this week! Here’s to wishing them a great year ahead.

21 - 27 June


Our fab astrologer Zahid Haider, styles up your stars. Find out what’s in store for you this week!

For your in-depth weekly forecast call 0322-757-5219 E-mail:





This week is about other people, as far as you’re concerned. On Monday and Tuesday, your service is vital to coworkers, family members or the community at large, and your efforts are definitely noticed by the right people. Later in the week, you keep coasting on that altruistic energy, finding that you get a lot more out of helping others than from taking care of your own needs first. Over the weekend, you may go through a psychic growth spurt that’s somewhat awkward, but ultimately quite powerful.

Your ability to put people at ease may be tested early this week, but you should do just fine. You feel grounded and ready for almost anything, and the people around you can sense that all is well. Wednesday and Thursday are great for taking care of health-related concerns in a positive way -- maybe starting a new routine at the gym, taking a yoga class or just eating more cauliflower. Get a friend or family member to join you! The weekend brings intense emotional energy to the forefront, and you might redouble your efforts in one part of your life.

You need to focus on the small stuff early in the week, or it’ll pile up and wreak all kinds of havoc later on! Make sure you don’t put off any errands that can be done today, even if it takes a bit of extra effort on your part. Wednesday and Thursday bring an influx of positive energy, but it’s best used to start new projects rather than finish up old ones. You’ll be getting all the help you need with the new stuff, so don’t worry about planning. This weekend is great for volunteering or just helping out around the house. If your work requires customer service, that should go well also.




Use emails, phone calls and good old-fashioned face time to bring people over to your side early this week. Your communication skills are strong, and persuasion should come quite naturally to you. Slow down a bit on Wednesday and Thursday, as old projects --especially those you had thought were behind you -- have a way of popping back up unexpectedly and dragging you down somewhat. Don’t strike out in any new directions quite yet. The weekend is something of a paradox: While you feel pretty strong, emotionally speaking, you are unable to make up your mind about even the smallest things.

Monday and Tuesday put financial issues squarely on the table, and while the details are clear and not at all misleading, they might still put you to sleep! Try to focus as well as you can, as they are just as important as they look. Later in the week, you can relax somewhat and let friends and family help out with whatever may be going on in your life, though of course they’ll expect you to return the favor in a timely fashion! Something doesn’t seem quite right this weekend, and a little investigation should yield interesting results.

Monday or Tuesday bring a big win for you in some arena of your life. You may want to immediately start building from this achievement or perhaps just slow down and enjoy the fruits of your labors -- it’s entirely up to you. In either case, you should expect minor setbacks later in the week, through no fault of your own. The world is fond of challenging you sometimes, and you always rise to the occasion. You are better able to get your message out this weekend than you have in quite some time, so speak up early and often!

details of your daily routines turn out to be too much for you early this week. They have a way of multiplying beyond belief or understanding, and you may just need to prioritize for now. Things pick up considerably on Wednesday, and your fantastic social energy should help you make up for any shortfalls in record time. If you’re looking for romance, now is the time to say something! Spend at least a little time this weekend thinking about work, if not actually getting the job done.

You learn something that’s kind of big early this week, but there’s no need for you to tell the world -- yet. Hold on to it and see if it gets more valuable over time. Secrets are like gold to you! The rest of the week, starting Wednesday, is easy for you to deal with and ought to be a lot more fun than you had expected. Any challenges on the horizon are overcome, and you might be able to help a friend with their problems. Your intense personal energy this weekend makes people putty in your hands -- use it wisely!

sagittarius capricorn 23November/21December




You’re a rebel, at least on Monday and Tuesday, and you may have a hard time dealing with self-styled authority figures. Real authority -- coming from the law or your employer, for example -- is easier to handle, even if it ruffles your feathers somewhat. The rest of the week is all about your ambitions. Spend a few days letting the world know what you plan to accomplish, especially if you need help with it. The weekend brings your dreams a little closer to reality, though you may need to pull back a bit to see it.

Spend some time early this week dealing with future plans -- you may need to adjust them somewhat or expand them to include others who want to join in. Your good mental energy should help you make the most of it. Work issues are at the forefront of your life on Wednesday and Thursday, possibly extending to Friday, but you should be able to shake free of them by the time the weekend rolls around. You should spend plenty of time with friends, at least one of whom has a special request for you that will pay off in the long run.

Use every last ounce of common sense you have on Monday and Tuesday when it comes to signing deals or making big moves. You shouldn’t necessarily say no to all comers, but you may want to express more skepticism than usual. Midweek is great for forging new social connections, or even launching a new romance if you think the timing is right. Your energy is best used to really reach out to people rather than letting them come to you. An interesting career choice pops up over the weekend -- take your time and consider it carefully.

This week could get pretty confusing if you don’t make an effort to simplify early on, so make sure that you know who you’re dealing with and exactly what they want. Resolve any questions as quickly as possible and then move on. On Wednesday or Thursday, you should try to collect on a debt or favor you are owed -- it should be simpler than you expect. Don’t let the weekend’s good energy fool you, though -- you still need to vet all new opportunities with care before signing on the dotted line.












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