New Way News Letter -March 2011

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Great Memories………. “Take My Life and Let it Be” Frances Ridley Havergal (1836 – 1879)

Frances Ridley Havergal, born on December 14, 1836, Astley, Worcestershire, England is often referred to as “the consecration poet” . It has been said that the beauty of a consecrated life has never been more perfectly revealed than in her daily living. At the age of four she began reading and memorizing the Bible. At the age of seven she was already writing her thoughts in verse. She was greatly influenced by her father, William Havergal. Throughout her brief life Miss Havergal was frail and delicate in health, yet she was an avid student, writer and composer. She learned several modern languages as well as Greek and Hebrew. In her childhood years Frances lived in morbid fear that she would not be counted among God’s elect. However, during early adolescence she had a vital conversion experience and later wrote, “There and then I committed my soul to the Saviour and earth and heaven seemed bright from that moment. She was a natural musician with a voice so pleasing that she was sought after a concert soloist. She was also known as a brilliant pianist of the classics. Despite these musical talents, coupled with a vibrant personality offering possibilities for much worldly acclaim her life’s mission was to sing and work for Jesus. “ Take My Life and Let it Be “ was written by Miss Havergal in 1874. She has left the following account: “I went for a little visit of five days. There were ten persons in the house, some were unconverted and long prayed for, some converted bu not rejoicing Christians. He gave me the prayers, “Lord, give me all in this house” And He just did. Before I left the house, everyone has got blessing. The last night of my visit I was too happy to sleep and passed most of the night in renewal of my consecration, and these little couplets formed themselves and chimed in my heart one after another till they finished with “ever only, ALL FOR THEE”

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Her prayer, “Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold,” was not lightly stated. In August, 1878, Miss Havergal wrote to a friend: “The Lord has shown me another little step, and, of course, I have taken it with extreme delight. “Take my silver and my gold” now means shipping off all my ornaments to the church Missionary House, including a jewel cabinet that is really fit for a countess, where all will be accepted and disposed of for me… Nearly fifty articles are being packed up. I don’t think I ever packed a box with such pleasure.” At the age of forty two, when told by her physician that her physical condition was serious and that did not have long to live, Miss Havergal replied, “If I am really going, it is too good to be true” At the bottom of her bed she had her favorite text placed where she could readily see it: “the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin.”

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NEW WAY MINISTRIES (Regd.) 6-2-3/3, A4, PEARLS PARADISE, CHINAWALTAIR, VISAKHAPATNAM – 530 017. Mob: +91 98 49 39 29 32, 94925 33085 Email:

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