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English Pedagogical Module 2

What are your favorite foods?

Curricular Block: Communication and Cultural Awareness, Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts Fifth Grade EGB

Food in Ecuador

Collage with food pictures


7 3

Calculations and measurements





Let’s Start Cooking!


Some/any, quantifiers, Present Simple




h at


Explaining recipes to prepare your favorite food

6 t Ar

Listen to prepare a fruit salad


Typical Ecuadorian food





Cooking, fruits, vegetables

1 Values



Health care


In this unit, we will learn about food and how to prepare delicious recipes. Vegetables






Ice cream



Using the words from the table, complete the following sentences. Share your answers with your classmate.

• I like • I don’t like 1


French fries


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Orange juice

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness Do you like to eat?

calcium. an important mineral found in dairy products dairy. products made from milk recipe. steps or instructions to follow in order to prepare a dish fruit. things such as apples or bananas that grow on a tree vegetables. a plant that you eat for example a potato, onion, etc.

















Ice cream







2. Look up two different examples for each type of food and write them on the lines: • Fruits: • Dairy: • Grains: • Vegetables: • Proteins: 2

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ains Gr

Every time you eat, you put food inside your body. There are different types of food, and we usually mix them when we are preparing a recipe. Fruits and vegetables are very important in your diet because they have the vitamins and minerals that you need to grow healthy. Dairy is the food made with milk, and it has calcium, which is good for your bones. Grains come from cereals and plants to provide us with quick energy and proteins that help our muscles to stay strong.

1. Complete the categories in the circle with the words from the box.

Dai ry


Oral Communication What foods are there in your kitchen?

1. Listen to your teacher or the audio and draw the food in the correct place inside the picture. Tip

Ask for clarification Sometimes when we talk, we don’t understand what the other person says, and we need to ask for clarification. Use these sentences to clarify: • I'm sorry; I think I don't understand. • I didn’t hear that; can you repeat that, please?


• Can you repeat that, please? • Do you mean that …?

2. Game: Which One is My Kitchen? Use the first drawing of the kitchen and place different food in it. Now sit down with a classmate. Take turns to describe your drawing while your classmate draws everything in its correct place in Kitchen B. The winner is the student with fewer mistakes. You can use the words from the list on Page 1.



Kitchen B


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Kitchen A

Reading What food is good for you?

Before reading 1. Classify these foods in the categories in the table below. broccoli cheese

beans fish













peas Protein



chicken Dairy

The Food Plate You Need


After reading

bone. hard part of the body that makes the skeleton

2. Test your partner. Ask your partner the following questions:

dairy. food that comes from milk stay healthy. when you keep your body without illnesses treat. something special that you buy or do

a. What does 50% (per cent) refer to in the reading? b. Give two examples of dairy products. c. Do dairy products contain calcium? d. Give two examples of grains. e. Give two examples of treats. 4

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We all eat food to get the energy our body needs. The problem is that sometimes we do not make the food choices that help us stay healthy. According to different doctors, the image you see here represents a healthy way of eating: 50% of our daily diet for fruits and vegetables. Eat meat, beans and nuts because they have the protein you need. When you choose dairy products like milk, cheese or yogurt, you get calcium for your bones. Finally, remember to include some grains like rice, pasta or bread in your menu. All these healthy food choices will help you get the minerals, vitamins and good fat that you need but you can also have some treats like chocolate or candy!!

Writing What do people from other countries eat?

Kimoto is a Chinese photographer. She is also passionate about good food. She travels around the world and takes pictures of what people eat and drink in different countries. Then, she writes a blog www.foodandtravel.com. Here we have one of her blog entries.

Last month, I visited Japan. I took this photo of a Japanese family and their food. Just look how good and healthy their food is. They eat veg etables a lot. In general, they don’t eat any fast foo d, such as hamburgers or hot dogs. In their trad itional diet, there are no dairy products. But now things are changing, and some young Japanese go to McDonald’s on the weekends.

1. In Ecuador people have different diets, depending on the region they live. Chose a region (Mountains, Coast, or Amazon) and write a blog entry about the diet they have. You can use Kimoto’s blog entry as a model.


To write this blog entry, write short sentences. Use the grammar in the box below to write good sentences. Remember to use a capital letter at the beginning and a period at the end of every sentence.

2. Compare your entry blog with three of your partners, and decide which family has the best diet.

Some, any/no Quantifier



We need some milk.


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There is no milk today. I have no milk. Note: The verb is affirmative with no.

Any You can use any instead of no with a negative verb.

There isn’t any milk. Note: The verb is negative with any.

Is there any milk?


A lot means very often or very much.

blog. a record of your activities that you put in the internet for other people to read it

I drink milk a lot.

diet. the type of food that someone usually eats

Do you drink water? A lot.

fast food. hot food that is served very quickly because it is already made

I am a lot taller now than 10 years ago.

traditional. following the customs that have continued in a group of people for a long time 5

Language Through the Arts Do you know what Food Art is?

There are many kinds of art, but one of the most beautiful and tastiest is food. Food Art is the art of preparing, cooking and presenting food in the most creative ways. Many food artists share their creations and inspire us with some awesome models. In their masterpieces they include fruits, vegetables, grains, pasta, meat or other elements related to food.


Look at the following images and label the foods that the food artist has used.

• • • • • • Wikimedia commons / Pdpics

• • • •

awesome. extremely good bon appetit. a phrase, originally from french, meaning “good appetite”, said to someone who is about to eat, meaning “I hope you enjoy your food.” masterpiece. an impressive example of something

1. Now it is time for you to create your masterpiece. For this activity, we are going to work in groups of four. • Step 1: On a sheet of paper, draw a sketch of the piece of art you would like to create. • Step 2: Make a list of ingredients. Use ingredients you easily find at home. • Step 3: Divide the list of ingredients among the members of the group. • Step 4: Bring a small amount of the ingredients to class, and create your masterpiece. • Step 5: Present your creation to the class. • Step 6: If you want to... Bon appetit! You can eat your art creation! 6

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Oral Communication Do you know any proverbs related to food?

Listen to these proverbs 1. Work with your partner, and take turns reading these proverbs.

lligently is an art.”

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat inte

La Rochefoucauld

“The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.” Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

“When the diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. .” When the diet is correct, medicine is of no need

“An apple a day keeps th e doctor away.”



“Fish, to taste right, must swim three times – in water, in butter and in wine.”

“You are what you eat.”



“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Virginia Woolf

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.” Proverb

a little garlic.” “There is no such thing as Vocabulary

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garlic. a plant of the onion family that has a strong taste and smell

2. Get together in groups of three and answer these questions: a. What do you think each of the proverbs means? b. Which proverb do you like the best? Why?

happiness. the feeling of being happy hunger. the feeling you have when you need to eat

c. Are there proverbs related to food in your country?

sauce.a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour

d. Which proverbs from your country are similar to the ones we have read?

taste. the flavor of something


Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness How can I order in a cafe?

1. Listen to the following conversation and answer these questions. a. Where does the conversation take place? b. Does the customer order a cheeseburger or a double hamburger?


c. What kind of cake does the customer order?

“Cafe” is a French word we use in English. It is pronounced with two syllables, and the a is pronounced as the “a” in cat.

d. Is he going to order a drink? e. What kind of cake does the customer order?

Customer: phrases to order in a cafe or restaurant

Waiter/waitress: phrases to take an order in a cafe

• Start with a greeting: “Hi/Hello, Good morning/good evening.”

• • • •

• To order, you can use sentences like: "Can I have …please? I’d like …… please".

What would you like to eat/drink? Anything else? Would you like a drink? Thank you.

(Note: English uses “Good night” only to say goodbye!)

3. With this menu, practice a conversation in a cafe.

2. In pairs, practice this conversation: Waiter/waitress: Next, please! What would you like?

Student A: Waiter/waitress Student B: Customer

Andy: Can I have a pizza, please? Waiter/waitress: What pizza would you like ? Andy: A Margarita pizza, please. Waiter/waitress: Anything else? Andy: Yeah, I’d like some chocolate cake.


Waiter/waitress: Would you like a drink?

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Andy: Yes, can I have a coke, please? Waiter/waitress: OK, so that’s a Margarita pizza, a chocolate cake and a coke ? What’s your table number? Andy: Table 53. How much is that? Waiter/waitress: That’s $10 (dollars), please. Andy: Here you are. 8

Oral Communication Do you like to eat healthy food? Tip

Healthy snacks

dys. I always “Hello boys and girls. My name is Gla red these things: check my kitchen, and today I discove ee, but I have any I do not have some milk for my coff some flour in my tea to drink this evening. There isn’t ad for breakfast kitchen, so I cannot prepare my bre have any money, tomorrow. But the problem is that I store. so I can’t buy some groceries at the

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Once you have corrected the mistakes, rewrite the paragraph in the space below.




2. Read about Miss Gladys. She is an old woman and usually makes a lot of mistakes when she talks. Find the five mistakes in the paragraph and underline them.


Freepik / jcomp

You can ask: Is this a healthy snack?


Freepik Freepik


1. Look at the following pictures, and decide with your teacher and classmates if they are healthy snacks or not. Give good reasons for your answers, and circle only the healthy snacks.

Language Through the Arts Do you know what Culinary Art is?

Culinary Art

Freepik / wavebreakmedia

Culinary artists have to prepare food that tastes delicious and also looks beautiful. They need to know cooking techniques, and also nutrition. If you want to learn how to cook, you need to start with a recipe and follow it step by step. When reading a recipe, most sentences in the directions for preparation begin with a verb. The following are some of the most common verbs: • Bake

• Chop

• Fry

• Peel

• Pour

• Slice

• Toast

1. Match these cooking verbs with the images. fry










chop. to cut something into pieces with a knife fry. to cook food in hot oil peel. to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables pour. to make a substance flow from a container slice. to cut something into thin, flat pieces toast. to make bread or other food warm, crisp, and brown by putting it near high heat

2. Answer these questions. Then, ask and answer with a partner. a. W hat foods can you fry? b. W hat foods can you bake? c. W hat foods can you mix? d. W hat foods can you slice? e. W hat foods can you toast? f. W hat foods can you pour? g. W hat foods can you chop? h. W hat foods can you peel? 10

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bake. to cook inside an oven

Oral Communication Math Do you know how to bake cookies?

1. In pairs, answer the following questions: • Do you like to cook? Why/Why not? • Who taught you how to cook? • What are your favorite foods/dishes to cook? • What food don’t you like? Freepik / prostooleh

• Do you think it is important for both men and women to know how to cook? Why/Why not? • Who cooks in your home? Your mom or your dad?

In this module, we are going to learn how to prepare some recipes, but first things first: do you know that the measures of weight and temperature vary depending on the country? So, if you read an American recipe, you will find that the temperature is given in Fahrenheit instead of Centigrade. If you read European recipe, the weight is given in kilograms instead of onces. So, Let’s do some math here.

To convert Centigrade into Fahrenheit: Multiply by 9; then, divide by 5 and add 32. It is important to know the different measurement systems, so that you can prepare recipes from different parts of the world.

Freepik / djvstock

We are going to start transforming Fahrenheit into Centigrade and vice versa.

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Note: To convert Fahrenheit into Centigrade: Subtract 32; then, multiply by 5 and divide by 9.

2. Work in pairs and solve the following math problems. • To bake your cookies, you will need to heat your oven at 350F. Change Fahrenheit into Centigrade. 350 F =

• To bake a turkey, you will need to heat your oven at 220 C. Change Centigrade into Fahrenheit. 220 C =

C 11


Reading What are the essential kitchen tools?

After reading

1. Work in groups of three. Write a top-five list of the essential tools in a kitchen. If you don’t know the words, ask your teacher or look them up in a bilingual dictionary.

3. Draw a picture of each of the tools in the boxes below.

Freepik / andmit73

Before reading

While reading


Cutting boards

Mixing bowls


Can opener


Vegetable peeler




2. Compare your tools with the tools chefs suggest you should have in your kitchen. Essential Kitchen Tools As mentioned before, cooking is an art, but to do a great job you need good tools. Here is a list of what chefs suggest that you have in your kitchen if you want to start this exciting activity:

4. Now, go to the kitchen in your home and answer the questions below.

1. knives, 2. cutting boards, 3. mixing bowls, 4. scale, 5. can opener, 6. colander 7. vegetable peeler, 8. spoons 9. whisks, 10. spatulas. Freepik / Macrovector

b. What other kitchen tools (different from the drawings) do you have at home? c. What kitchen tools would you like to have? d. Ask your mom or dad which kitchen tools they consider essential for cooking. Write the names of the tools in English and bring them to the class to share. e. Share your answers with a partner. 12

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a. What kitchen tools from your drawings do you have at home?

Writing What is your favorite recipe?

1. Read this recipe and order the steps. Apple Crisp Apple Crisp is a very popular American recipe Second, place them in a buttered baking dish. To start, peel and slice apples. Then, pour the water over apples and add some salt and cinnamon. Freepik / valentinamaslova

Finally, spread this crumbly mixture over the apples and bake about 45 minutes. After that, in a bowl, work together the sugars, flour, and softened butter (Use a fork to do this). The aroma from baking apple crisp is heavenly. 2. Now listen to the audio and check your answers. 3. Now it is you time to share your favorite recipe. Write your recipe in the space below, and then get together with three of your classmates and share your recipes. Tip

Your name: Recipe name: Note: Your recipe name can be in Spanish.

List of ingredients:

Write your recipe below. Use some of these connectors: To start, first, first of all, after, then, finally, to finish.

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The boldfaced words are called connectors. They are very useful to connect and organize your ideas. In the recipe, the connectors help you with the steps you need to follow to bake this delicious dish. Connectors include: To start, first, first of all, after, then, finally, to finish.

List of tools:


Assessment Reading

Freepik / brgfx

1. Write numbers next to the sentences to put the recipe in order:

Put the vegetables together in a large pot. After 10 minutes, add the beans and the rice.

Get 2 carrots, 1 onion, 1 celery stalk, 1 potato, a cup of rice and a cup of beans.

Add some broth (which is a liquid with chicken or meat flavor) to the pot and let everything cook.

Finally add some spices like salt, pepper, cumin or garlic powder to make the soup tasty.

Wash all the ingredients, and cut all them in small pieces.


1. Listen to the following audio and answer the questions below. a. Write one example of a recipe that needs chocolate powder.

b. What does the audio say about chocolate?

c. Write three products that factories make with chocolate.


1. In this unit you have listened to your classmates’ favorite recipes. Choose one of their recipes and write it below. Your name:

Write your recipe below. Use some of these connectors: To start, first, first of all, after, then, finally, to finish.

Recipe’s name: List of tools:

Recipe: Prohibida su venta. Ministerio de Educación

List of ingredients:


¿Xxxxxxx? What are your favorite foods?




1. Role Play

1. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

Student A: You are a waiter/ waitress to take your customer’s order.

a. Apples and bananas are examples of grains



b. A dairy product has

Student B: You go to a restaurant and order some food.

chocolate salt calcium which is good for your bones. c. An example of protein is bread



d. A cracker is made from dairy



dairy products.



e. Butter and milk are proteins


1. Use the words from the box to write sentences: some


a lot


• • • •

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I’m completing this self-evaluation of what I learned in the module Self-evaluation

I check I do it very well


I can use vocabulary related to different types of food. I can use some quantifiers to describe what people eat. I can order food in a café or restaurant. 15

the box that most applies to me.

I do it somewhat well

I can improve

I can’t do it without help

Project 1

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Typical Ecuadorian Food


Remember the rules for some and any when you write your recipe.


• Paste all the recipes on the walls of the classroom, or on a bulletin board that the teacher prepares. Then, decorate the recipes with drawings and pictures of food.

The class brainstorms typical Ecuadorian foods (It’s OK to say the names of the foods in Spanish!) The teacher writes the list on the board. Each student chooses one of the dishes and, as homework, investigates the recipe for preparing this dish.

• Display your beautiful bulletin board for everybody to see! 16

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• Each student writes the complete recipe on a mini A4 cardboard at home and brings it to the class the next day.

What are your favorite foods?

Review Vocabulary


1. Individually, answer these questions related to the vocabulary words from this module.

a. What percentage of fruits and vegetables do you need to eat to stay healthy?

b. What important mineral can be found in dairy products?

c. What is fast food?

d. Name two healthy snacks.

e. What is culinary art?


1. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box. many

a lot of


a. I do not like apples, so I will bring just b. There are

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c. My mom has

a few to the picnic party.

carrots in the basket. cake recipes, and she prepares them each Sunday.

d. “Thank you, but I don’t need

salt in my food”.

2. Write four sentences about your favorite Ecuadorian food. Use the Present Simple. • • • • 17

Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Awareness Breakfast in Ecuador

Wikimedia commons

Sometimes we just have time for a quick breakfast with coffee or milk with some bread and cheese or jam. But during the weekend, when the family has more time, the different regions in Ecuador have a delicious variety of complete, satisfying meals. In the Highland Region, it is typical to prepare mote pillo or tamales and humitas. In the Coastal Region, a delicious encebollado, ceviche or even bolones and empanadas de verde filled with chicharrón or cheese can accompany a cup of coffee. In each city or town there are a lot of bakeries where people buy freshly baked bread. Breakfast are served with fruit, like papaya, pineapple, babaco, chirimoya, granadilla and beverages, like colada de avena (quaker), horchata or just juices made from these fruits. Adapted from: https://bit.ly/33wX9nu

2. Read the text again and complete the squares with all the food that corresponds. Tip

Coastal Region

Wikimedia commons

It’s difficult to translate names of dishes, so many times in English, we use the same word. For example, ceviche is called “ceviche” in English.

Highlands Region

bakery. a place to prepare and sell bread

Wikimedia commons

meal. the food you eat regularly weekend. Saturday and Sunday


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Oral Communication Let’s Play with Vocabulary Words Have some fun playing these speaking game! The Describing Game For this game, your teacher will divide the class into two groups. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Taking turns, one student of each group will go to the front of the class, facing the class, with his/her back to the board. 2. In silence, the teacher will write a vocabulary word on the board. 3. One by one, the rest of the team will describe that word. Freepik

The team will win a point if the student in front of the class guesses the secret word.

Pronunciation of b and v Tip

1. Listen to your teacher or the audio and pronounce the words correctly:

b is pronounced with the lips closed; v is pronounced catching the lower lip between the teeth.

• ban, van • bat, vat • boat, vote

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2. Take turns listening to these sentences, and then reading them:

3. Circle the b’s and put a square around the v’s. With a partner, pronounce all of the b words, then, all of the v words. Then, take turns reading the sentences. Careful with the v words! Remember where to put your lip.

a. Jim is not feeling very well, and it looks like he ate a poisonous berry. b. We couldn't decide what to name the boat, so we had a vote.

a. My friend brought a little lamb home. b. He went on holiday for about six weeks.

c. I asked the store assistant which vest would suit my new shirt the best.

c. I'm hoping for a better weather tomorrow to visit our grandparents.

d. I bet that the vet is going to tell you that there's nothing wrong with your cat.

d. Can you please record our song and later upload the video on YouTube? 19

Reading Before Reading


1. Choose and circle the word that doesn’t belong on each line. a. Apple




b. Notebook




c. Bread




d. Carrot




e. Ruler




While Reading

Freepik / onyxprj

We all need to eat healthy food. Potato chips, cookies and candy are delicious, but you cannot eat a lot and be healthy. Eating healthy food is good for our bones, muscles and even our hair and nails. It is important to choose from all of the food groups that you can find in your house. For example, grains are important for getting you the fiber that your digestive system needs, and you can find them in rice, oatmeal and bread. Milk, yogurt, butter and cheese are important to get strong bones because these dairy products have a lot of calcium. Proteins like beans, fish, meat, nuts are as important as eggs and chicken in your daily diet. And finally, combining everything with a lot of vegetables and fruits will help you to receive the minerals and vitamins that your body needs.


After Reading

amount. quantity

2. Choose the best answer for each question.

fiber. a plant that is really important to have good health mineral. a chemical your body needs to stay healthy oatmeal. made from ground oats

a. What food will help you to get strong bones? protein






b. Eating healthy food will make you sorry






d. This type of food is delicious, but not healthy






e. Grains help you because they provide proteins 20




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c. If you eat vegetables and fruits you will get

Writing Before Writing

Freepik / fabrikasimf

The teacher gives each student a tangerine. The students will have to look at the tangerine, smell it, touch it, peel it, listen to it, and eat it. While they do this, they need to think about what they see, smell, touch, hear, and taste. When they finish their tangerine, they need to write about it.

1. Write a short paragraph about what you experienced when you ate the tangerine. What did you see? What did you smell? What did you taste? Remember to ask your teacher if you need a new word: “How do you say ……… in English?” Use the Simple Past tense.

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When I ate the tangerine, I felt many different sensations.




Start with a topic sentence, like:


Remember to use a concluding sentence.


Language Through the Arts Value: Health care

Every day, in order to stay healthy, a 10-year-old child needs to receive: Grains: 6 ounces Vegetables: 2½ cups Fruit: 1½ cups

Food Math Prepare a healthy menu for your day tomorrow: breakfast, lunch and din ner. Choose from the fo ods in each circle, but remem ber to read the Tips Box so you know the amount yo u need from each group. At the end, write your men u on a mini poster and giv e it to your teacher, so all th e class can decorate a bu lletin board with great ideas fo r healthy menus.

Freepik / whiteshama


Fruits 1 orange 1 small box raisins 1 piece watermelon 1 apple

Protein 1 small piece chicken 1 hamburger 1 handful nuts 1 slice turkey 1 hard-boiled egg

1 piece bread 1 cup cereal 1 cup pasta 3 cups popcorn ½ cup rice Mineduc




Freepik / yusufdemirci

Freepik / lilett

Vegetables 6 small carrots 1 potato 1 cup lettuce 3 pieces broccoli

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Dairy 1 cup milk 2 ounces cheese 1 scoop ice cream 1 cup yogurt


Protein: 5 ounces

Freepik / tartila

Dairy: 3 cups

Oral Communication 1. Ask and answer with a partner. • What is the strangest food you have ever eaten? • What do you do if you see some strange food on your plate?

Wikimedia commons / John Pavelka

• Do your parents tell you to always try strange foods? 2. Look carefully at the image of a food. Ask and answer with a partner. • Which animal do you think It is? • Why is it on a green leaf? • Would you like to eat that dish? Vocabulary

You are going to hear a radio announcement about a famous restaurant: The Strangest Food in the World.

strange. not common

3. Look at the images of the strange foods and their names. Now listen to the audio and circle the foods that are in the Listening.

4. Here pictures of two more dishes at the restaurant. Ask and answer with a partner. a. Which animals do you see in each photo? b. Do you want to taste them? c. If a tourist comes to your city or town, what foods can be strange to him/her?

rose petal soup

Wikimedia commons / Thomas Schoch

milk soup


rice ice cream

Wikimedia commons / Jaiprakashsingh

avocado ice cream


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Lesson D

Communication and Cultural Awareness

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1. You are going to create a comic strip about Ecuadorian food. Imagine an original story about two or three people talking about typical dishes of this country, what they like to eat, what they eat every day, or what they eat during celebrations. Draw the people and write their words in the dialog bubbles. You can ask your teacher for help. Ask: “How do we say …….. in English?” Show your work to another pair when you finish. Take the roles of the characters and repeat the dialog.


Get in pairs


Oral Communication 1. Here you have a group of mini situations related to food. Sit down with a friend and choose one that you want to prepare. Remember to write a funny dialog, to use the verbs in present or present progressive and the vocabulary words that you are learning in this module. You have a space to write the dialogue at the end of this page.





You are a tourist in Ecuador, but you do not like the food here. You are ver y ver y hungry. Ask someobody in the street for help.


You are in a restaurant and you just finished your dish. It´s time to order a desert. You call the waiter to ask for recommendations.


You need to buy fruits and vegetables at the market. Discuss the price and quality of some food with the vendor.

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Now, write the dialog in this space:



Funny Dialogues with Food

You are Ecuadorian. You are walking down the street when a tourist stops you and asks something. But he only speaks English.

You are a waiter and a person asks for a delicious desert. Explain all the options you have and help this person choose one.

You are A’s neighbor. You want to know the recipe of the famous chocolate cake. Ask for the ingredients and steps for preparing it.

Writing Present Simple

Present Progressive

We use the Present Simple with actions that are routines, repeated, or feelings.

We use the present progressive with actions going on at this moment.



• I eat pineapple every day.

• I am eating a pineapple now.

• I love to cook.

• I am buying groceries to prepare tonight’s meal.

• My Grandma prepares good dishes.


• He likes chocolate very much.

• My mom is preparing a chocolate cake. It smells so good. • He is eating a huge chocolate bar.


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Freepik / 2jarchitecture

Freepik / katemangostar


Freepik / user2735621

1. Use the Present Simple with every day or the Present Progressive with now to describe these images.

Reading Do you like the reality show Hell’s Kitchen?

1. In pairs ask and answer these questions: • Do you watch the reality show Hell’s Kitchen?

Wikimedia commons / Jo-h

• How difficult is it to work as a chef for an important restaurant? • Would you like to work in a kitchen? • Would you like to participate in a reality show?

How difficult is it to work as a chef for an important restaurant? Today Ramsey, the chef, is presenting on TV the first season of his program Hell’s kitchen. Read the following scenes. Scene 1: The chefs are arriving at the kitchen. They are getting to know each other. Chef Jean-Philippe is introducing himself and then he is introducing Gordon Ramsay to the other participants. Scene 2: The chef are going to their kitchens. They are preparing all the kitchen tools and ingredients they need. Scene 3: Gordon Ramsay is giving to each paticipant the récipe that they are preparing tonight. Wikimedia commons / Dave Pullig

Scene 4: The participants are reading the recipes and they are starting to prepare their dishes. Scene 5: Time is running quickly and the participant are feeling stressed. One dish is burning. Another dish falls on the floor.

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Scene 6: Gordon arrives, and now he is tasting the dishes and giving comments about them. 2. Work in groups of three. One is the chef and two are the participants. • Step 1: Assign each person a role.

Vocabulary burn. to be destroyed by fire or extreme heat

• Step 2: Practice the conversations in each scene.

fall. to suddenly go down into the ground

• Step 3: Role play your conversations and have lots of fun!

quickly. at a fast speed 27

Language Through the Arts 1. Read the riddles about food. Write your answer on the line.

Freepik / colorfuelstudio

I´m sweet. You can eat me at your birthday party with all your friends. The chocolate one is the most popular.

I am white, and you can drink me. I come from a cow, I am good for your bones.

I’m a fruit. I’m yellow or green. I’m sour.

I am a fruit. I am brown outside and yellow inside. I am very sweet. I am a vegetable. I am long and orange. Rabbits like to eat me.

I am a vegetable. I am brown, round and small. You can eat me in many different ways.

I am a meat I come from an animal that cannot fly.

I am a grain. I can be found as flakes or powder. Most families prepare colada with me.


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I am a vegetable. I can be white or purple. I make people cry when they cut me.

Oral Communication Tip

Peanut Butter and Jelly 1. This a very popular song among children in the United States. Listen to the song a draw a picture of the underlined lines. Lyrics


Them is p ronounce d 'em in ma ny songs to keep th e rhythm .

Peanut Butter and Jelly. Peanut, peanut butter ~ and jelly! First you take the peanuts, and you crunch ‘em you crunch ‘em. Then you take the peanuts and you mash ‘em, you mash ‘em. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Then you take the bread and you spread it, you spread it. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Next you take the grapes and you pick ‘em, you pick ‘em. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Then you take the grapes and you squish ‘em, you squish ‘em. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Then you take the bread and you spread it, you spread it. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly.

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Now you take the sandwich and you eat it, you eat it. (Mouth full) MMMM, MMM MMMMM. MMM. MM Game: Vocabulary Basketball The class forms 2 groups.

If the answer is correct, the group gets one point and the chance to throw a ball into the trashcan (the ball can be made with recycled paper). If the team makes a basket, it gets an extra point.

Each group takes a turn answering a vocabulary question about food groups. The teacher will ask the questions. Here is an example: “What food is brown on the outside and white on the inside?”

You can use the words from the list on Page 1. 29

Assessment Reading

Pixabay / Bellezza87

1. Read this description of a fish ceviche and then write True (T) or False(F) next to each sentence. To make a great fish ce viche, you need to cut fresh fish in to small pieces. Then, you mix it with a lot of lime or lemon juice un til it is “cooked” in this juice. Next, prep are a mix of hot peppers, red onions, an d salt to give extra flavor to the dish . Cut some tomatoes in to small pieces, some bell peppers (gre en or yellow) and a lot of cilantro. Do n’t forget to mix ever ything and th en, just tr y it to see if it has enough sa lt. Finally, you should add a little bit of vegetable oil and cool it in the refri gerator. When it is time to eat, serve individually and in the same plate put some chifles, patacones or even tosta do or canguil. It is going to be delicious !

Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? a. To make this ceviche you need cooked shrimp. b. You can only use purple onions. c. Tomatoes have to be cut in squares, but without the seeds. d. You need to put in spinach instead of cilantro. e. Serve this ceviche with tostado if you want.


1. Listen to this song and match column A and column B.

a. Cereal like rice

broccoli and spinach will give you good nutrition.

b. Proteins are

inside most beans that you eat.

c. Vegetables are

are examples of protein.

d. There are fruits

provide you with fiber.

e. Nuts and seeds are

for every season.

f. Eggs, beans and fish

like almonds or pumpkin seeds.


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Column B

Freepik / yusufdemirci

Column A

What are your favorite foods?

Assessment Speaking


1. Describe your favorite breakfast meal to your teacher. Remember to use the vocabulary words and the quantifiers that you learned in this module.

1. Write two examples of each food group that you have at home. Dairy: Fruit:


1. Describe in your own words these vocabulary words. d. rice

b. meat

c. cake



a. carrot



e. bread Grammar

1. Write these sentences in order, using the present progressive. Example: Eleanor /some rock music / listen to / in her bedroom. Eleanor is listening to some rock music in her bedroom. a. We / a book about England / read.

b. Look for / Linda / her purse.

c. Santiago / around the lake / walk.

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d. Cards / you /play / with your brother.

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module Self-evaluation

I check Topics

I do it very well

I can talk about my food preferences. I can the use of Present Simple tense and the Present Progressive tense. 31

the box that most applies to me

I do it somewhat well

I can improve

I can’t do it without help

Project 2 A Book ious Full of Delic Food to Eat

need: Materials you white • 4 pieces of A4 per cardboard or pa cut images • Magazines to lors • Markers or co • Glue


g • Colored strin

4. Find examples of that food group in the magazines that you collect and cut them.

1. Fold all of the pieces of cardboard or paper in half. 2. Make two small holes on the folder side and pass a small piece of cord through the holes to transform these pieces of paper or cardboard into a book.

5. Glue each example under the correct food category. 6. Show the book to your family and explain the importance of eating healthy at home.

3. On top of each page, write the name of one food group. 32

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