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Personalities at UP

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← Bohdan Pomahač and his wife Hana in the UP Armoury courtyard at Václav Havel’s Place

Palacký University and its workplaces have long been working in cooperation with the Czech and international academic elite. Many famous personalities thus travel to Olomouc as guests of the university. In 2021, surgeon Bohdan Pomahač and ambassadors from the United Kingdom, Israel, and India were just a few of the famous who visited UP.

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Surgeon Pomahač visited Olomouc

Renowned plastic surgeon Bohdan Pomahač and his wife Hana visited their alma mater. The graduates of the Faculty of Medicine were welcomed by UP management in the Rector’s Office; the couple also visited Health Day in the UP Armoury courtyard. Pomahač performed the first-ever full-face transplant in the USA.

Ambassadors of Israel, the UK, and India at UP

Several ambassadors visited UP in 2021. Daniel Meron, Ambassador of Israel, met Rector Martin

↑ British Ambassador Nicholas Archer visited CATRIN and its laboratories. ↑ The Indian Ambassador met with UP management as well as with Indian students.

Procházka and discussed the possibilities of deepening collaboration with Israeli partners. The British Ambassador Nicholas Archer discussed the possibilities of cooperation between Olomouc and British researchers with CATRIN management. The Indian Ambassador Hemant H. Kotalwar discussed the possibilities of cooperation with UP management and met with Indian students.

Fischer Lecture delivered by Pavel Jungwirth

Pavel Jungwirth, physical chemist from the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Czech

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Academy of Sciences, delivered the annual lecture, this time on the theme “Water, Water, Everywhere: Myths and Reality” in honour of Josef Ludvík Fischer, the first rector of the reinstated University of Olomouc. J.L. Fischer’s daughter Sylva Fischerová was special guest.

Tomáš Etzler as guest of World of Media

Publicist Tomáš Etzler spoke on his work as a foreign correspondent in China, disinformation, and the political situation in the Czech Republic in the auditorium of the Faculty of Education during

↑ Pavel Jungwirth lectured at UP. the lecture series “The World of Media in the 21st Century”.

Vladimír Dzuro hosted by the Faculty of Law

Vladimír Dzuro, for many years the only Czech investigator working at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, was a guest of the Faculty of Law. His lecture “Deadly Propaganda” was also available on-line. ■

↑ Journalist Tomáš Etzler spoke at the Faculty of Education.

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