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Academic work \ Urban Design studio 2019 Location- Chennai, India Area- Concept on city level, Intervention area connecting Pallikaranai marsh, Prototype ( 500 mx 500m) Team Work Pallikaranai plays an important role as major elements coalesce onto this site, i.e. water flows, waste, mobility networks. Due to the natural environment of the watershed, pallikaranai becomes a site of storage and provides for opportunities of groundwater restoration, water storage and water treatment management. The proposal involves restoring and rehabilitating Chennai’s Erys’ Linkages through the formation of an apparatus of a green urbanism network. Chennai’s condition today represents a series of issues,namely, a Damaged Ecological System ,an Interrupted & Uncontrolled Urbanisation,a structure that is unable to deal with risk and a Choked and Clogged Water Waste Infrastructural Network. Therefore, the project aims to address the key issues through 6 fundamental actions, i.e.RESTORE — Ecology Restoration, PROTECT — Risk Management (Flooding), CONNECT — Water Infrastructure, PROTECT — Self Sufficiency, CONNECT & GROW — Mobility Improvement and GROW — Economic Dynamics. A new armature will emerge from the new water system network that will drive new ecological, social and economic development.

Fig,1.1 Fig, 1.2 Fig,1.3

Figure 1.1, Erys Urban Prototype

Figure 1.2, Finger Urban Prototype

Figure 1.3, Canal / River Urban Prototype

Fig, 1.4

Figure 1.4, Coastal Urban Prototype

The masterplan of Pallikaranai follows the structure of a webbed structure development of a high tech park. The masterplan scheme shows the framework of the water, waste, energy and mobility network that closely follows the structure of the site. Based on the conditions of the site, we have identified 4 systems of developments, namely, 1.Coastal Edge Development, 2. Linear Corridor Development, 3. Web/ Fingers Development and 4. Industrial Innovation Gridal Development. Neighbourhood Filtration Courtyard

Urban water fingers complete and reinforce the unique erys netwrok, providing scenic pedetrian friendly environments

In order to solve the issues of Chennai, 6 prototypes are developed such that they are replicable in all the 4 systems: erys, fingers, spine, canal/ river and the coastal island. This linear development strategy can be replicated and adapted in all the 4 systems.






An Ecosystem for Wafer Fab Industry is developed by generating a close-loop industrial chain constituting fabrication units, business parks, incubators and talent housing rendering the site as resilient and dynamic. The project engages with the site by creating specialised functional zones and the proposal is imagined as a collection of mixed-use live-work community that aggregate due to the economic and research advantages of clustering to optimise the land use by permitting high density development of Wafer Fab manufacturing center.


CHENNAI UNCLOGGED The purpose here is exploring high density and high quality urban living environments for Chennai.The existing conditions are mapped through GIS ad later the urban prototypes are mapped and evaluated across indicators to achieve Sustainable urban living for Chennai with the help of GIS modelling (Quantitative and Qualitative approach).




Footprint Area: 785.24 ha, 16% Plot Ratio: 0.55

Impervious Area: 85.7% Soil Biotic Index(SBI) : 14.3%

Net Housing Density: 19.95 DU/Ha Built Area of Residential use: 44 sqm / person Absolute Compactness: 1.61


Academic work \ Urban Design studio 2018 Location- Payalebar Air base, Singapore Area- Intervention area around 23 sq.km (approx.) Team Work An Ecosystem for Wafer Fab Industry is developed by generating a close-loop industrial chain constituting fabrication units, business parks, incubators and talent housing rendering the site as resilient and dynamic. The project engages with the site by creating specialised functional zones and the proposal is imagined as a collection of mixed-use live-work community that aggregate due to the economic and research advantages of clustering to optimise the land use by permitting high density development of Wafer Fab manufacturing center.








Fig. 1

Fig. 2.1

Fig. .1.1

Fig. 1.2

Fig. 1.3

Fig. 1.4

Topographical interventions form the basis for design development by identifying the low-lying lands and high-lands. The high lands are recognized for locating the economic contibutors - Fabrication zones and Central business districts.The low lands are used to soften the urban fabric by converting them into swamps and fresh water catchments.(Shown in Fig, 1.4)



The infrastructure of the site is developed in order to achieve one of the basic goals of the plan i.e. to develop an integrated productive neighborhood by creating synergies between various economic and productive activities. The city grid is extended to generate economic vibrancy and facilitate a mix use corridor integrating the site with its neighborhood. This corridor acts as an interface and catalyses the site with mix use economic development.Furthermore, to strengthen the connectivity, three MRT stations are proposed along the primary spine. Shared networks of utility belts and logistics increases the economic and infrastructure efficiency of the design. The plan also provides areas for future expansion of industries around the technical corridors to achieve the vision of rendering the site as the innovation hub of Singapore.

Fig. 2.2

Fig.1 Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2 Fig. 1.3 Fig. 1.4 Fig. 2.1 Fig. 2.2 Fig. 2.3 Fig. 2.4 Fig. 2.5 Fig. 2.6

Green and Blue Network. Horizontal Connecting Axis Vertical Connecting Axis Grid Formation Low & High lands Road Network MRT Connections Shared Logistic Belt Networ. Shared Utility Belt Network. Site Programming Land Use

Fig. 2.3

Fig. 2.4

Fig. 2.5

Fig. 2.6

ECOSYSTEM FOR WAFER FAB INDUSTRY, SINGAPORE MIXED-USE ZONE In addition to the industrial estate, and residential community, a mixeduse commercial and retail zone serves as a city center for shopping, entertainment, offices, business hotels and eating joints. It also serves as a major connection between the two residential areas i.e. Punggol and Tampines. The proposed road connection between Punggol and Tampines forms the basic structure for the Mixed use zone. The 30m wide social pedestrian spine in this zone forms a part of bigger pedestrian spine across the site. The Metro node also falls on this pedestrian spine. This zone mainly comprises of commercial mixed-use, Soho, campus with R&D and community center. It acts as a regional hub for the site and nearby developments. There is a higher GFA along the pedestrian spine and the residential edges of zone 4 which face the greens.There are three types of vertical mixed-use distribution with type 1&2 having commercial& retail as the main component and type 3 having campus as the main component.

Aerial view of the Mixed-use zone

GFA distribution in the Mixed-use zone

Plan of the Mixed-use zone




View of the Metro node in the mixed use zone at Eye level ( above)

Commercial Mixed-Use (180m)

Campus (32m)

Commercial Mixed-Use (140m)


Academic work \ Architecture studio Location- New Delhi Railway station, Delhi, India Area- Intervention area around 60 hectares (approx.) Team Work The project looked at reinvigorating the identity of the station as gateway to the city. The design process started with reciprocating to the Edge Conditions and generation of an Urban Fabric that is responsive to the older settlements.Then later continued with designing a unified Design Language derived from the existing city pattern and redefining the landuse . Looking at spacial conguration, we can see a tilted rectangle, connecting different landmarks on site.At the nothern tip of the rectangle there is the New Delhi Railway station.The Southern Tip is dened by Connaught Place.The Tip on the Right Meets Civic Centre. The Western End, though is out of our site ends at Ramakrishna Ashram.The old city of shahjahanabad and paharganj has a very fine texture with little open spaces.

NEW DELHI RAILWAY STATION Integration of a street (According to Ben Hilier; Social Logic of Spaces) is Determined by the ease with which that street can be reached within a specic radius. According to the theory the built use reforms according to the spacial conguration of the streets. When the destination is restricted to 500 m the streets in pahaarganj becomes epicentre for activities. This refers to the pedestrian and rickshaw traffic. When the destination is limited to 5000 m, Chelsford Road and Bhavbhuti Road are important streets.At 20 km radius Asaf Ali road, Minto road and D.B.Gupta Road are important city level roads. This map refers to city level traffic.

Since the area is near Connaught Place and surrounded majorly by residential landuse, so some part of the residential landuse is altered to commercial.Shahjanabad & Paharganj are highly dense and mixed-use residential, so the built up was decreased to make this area as a breather zone for the surrounding.

NEW DELHI RAILWAY STATION The Exit to the station Marks the Gateway to the city.It offers access and vantage points to Landmarks like Civic Centre and proposed ones like Hotel District, Institutional Complex and Multinodal transit Hubs.Bhavbhuti Marg is retained as a pedestrian thoroughfare.It acts as the spine connecting 3 nodes: Transit hub, commercial plaza and institutional plaza. Fig 1.1, Ground floor Plan Fig 1.2, Vehicular and pedestrian movement Fig 1.3, Roof plan for the site Fig 1.4, Physical model of the site

Fig. 1.4

Fig. 1.2

Fig. 1.3

Fig. 1.1

BANDIRMA PARK COMPETITION Office work, 2017 Location- Balikesir, Turkey Area- Intervention area around 70 hectares (approx.) This is an international competition I was part of while my short stint with Anthill Design. I worked on the Design Institute and presentation drawings.The design institute is articulated to define a series of descending social plazas.

Design Institute Plans & Section

Other than Design institute, the site consists of Retail hub consisting of ‘Souq’ and hotel building with a view towards the sea.The ‘Melnikov’ connects the whole site together bringing in foliage into different buildings at upper level with park on the ground.The retail hub consists of traditional bazars and malls.

Aerial View of the Site

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DESIGN, KURUKSHETRA - THESIS Academic work \ Architecture thesis\ Individual work Location- Kurukshetra, Haryana, India Area- Intervention area around 9 hectares (approx.) The aim was to create a university campus which will contribute as an economic generator and provide progressive ideas and new knowledge when its research potential is coupled to the problems of its region. The community in turn will then serve as a laboratory and furnish a set of problems to be solved. The design of the campus should inculcate values amongst designers through its built environment.The lowest points on the site were chosen for making Johads.The soil excavated out for Johad could be used for making mounds.

Hostel Elevation

Elevation from Academic Block

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DESIGN Different stages of Design The aim was to maintain a sense of exploration as you go inside the academic blockwith courtyards and open spaces falling on both sides. Also there was an effort for exploring geometries and giving a sense of enclosure. Library is placed almost at the center of the academic block with different departments placed around the moving spine.The human scale was kept in mind and there was an effort to avoid overdimensioned open areas which will lead to thinning of outdoor activities.

RURAL HOUSING KNOWLEDGE NETWORKS- IIT DELHI Research work \ Office project Location- Rajasthan, Mizoram and Himachal Pradesh The Indira Awas Yojana is a flagship programme of the Ministry of Rural Development which aims at rural housing as part of the larger strategy of rural poverty eradication. Indira AwasYojana provides assistance to poor households for the construction of a ‘core house’ with sensitivity to user requirements and adequate provision for incremental improvement. It also provides a choice of materials and construction technology keeping in view among other issues, environmental preservation, energy consumption over the life cycle, ease of maintenance and sustainability. OBJECTIVES 1. Contribute to the enhancement in quality of IAY houses in the state by creating a shortlist of housing typologies for the state based on the specific considerations of climatic factors, disaster vulnerability, natural resources and sock-cultural norms. 2. Prepare a compendium of technologies (building designs, materials, construction techniques and life cycle costs) including existing traditional practices where relevant and with potential for improvement in each housing zone. 3. Suggest a set of suitable foundation, walling, roofing options and other building elements spe cific to each housing zone.



Academic work \ Architecture studio Location- Tikri Kalan, Haryana, India Area- Intervention area around 10 hectares (approx.)

This Transit-Oriented Housing in Tikri Kalan village, which is present on the outskirts of Delhi, forms a part of Housing Design studio for my bachelors. The site is in close proximity with proposed Metro rail corridor. It caters to people of different stratas from daily wage earners,low income groups to high income groups. This neighbourhood is designed as per the UTTIPEC norms for TOD sites by using 60mx60m as the base grid to create comfortably walkable streets. There was an effort to keep the vehicular movement on the periphery by locating most of the commercial centres on the edges and in turn create interactive street edges. This also keeps the amenities within the walkable radius.

TOD HOUSING in TIKRI KALANHOUSING The housing is designed to achieve high density with 3 as FSI. UTTIPEC directives, massing & porosity, pedestrian friendly environment,right to equity were taken into consideration while designing. A brochure with different client profiles was prepared which shows the buildings with different feasible mix of typologies. Also there is rental housing provided with shared facilities for daily wage earners. The edges of the streets are made commercial so as the make them active and limit the public to the periphery to more private neighbourhood in the inside. The different edges are treated reciprocating to the surroundings.


The LIG units are provided as dorms with shared facilities. This typology was introduced for rental housing for daily wagers and other low income groups earning less than Rs. 10,000. These are low towers upto G+4 without lift facility. These towers are strategically placed in between High towers so as to utilise the minimum gap required between two high towers as per the norms. The MIG and HIG units are provided as studio units (mostly for rentals), 1BHK, 2 BHK and 3 BHK units in a high rise tower.Flat for MIG and HIG are vertically seggregated.There are voids on the ground floor as seen in the east elevation to give way to pedestrian and create porosity on the site.







RENDERINGS - OFFICE PROJECTS The renderings forms a part of my internship with Playgroup studio and Space Design Consultants. These include institutional, residentional projects and their interiors. These renderings were done using V-ray with sketch up. Fig 1.1, Farook College , Kerala Fig 1.2, Perinthalmanna House courtyard, Kerala Fig 1.3, Perinthalmanna House Staircase, Kerala Fig 1.4, Mr Babber House, Delhi Fig 1.5, Paul’s Beach House ground floor, Kerala Fig 1.6, Paul’s Beach House upper floor , Kerala Fig 1.7, Quarry House

Fig. 1.2

Fig. 1.5

Fig. 1.1

Fig. 1.3

Fig. 1.6

Fig. 1.1

Fig. 1.4

Fig. 1.7

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