5 minute read
from Palatinate 838
by Palatinate
Seun Twins
Durham Students’ Union President
So, elections are over (thank God) and I am still here as your SU president – YAY! Running and winning in an election as an incumbent is always interesting because students are voting not just for your manifesto but on your competency.
It is cool to have been given an extra 12 months and I thank everyone who has voted for me. What is even more special is that students are investing back into SU democracy, en masse. It is great to see that the SU presidency was so contested; that discussions around our SU democracy were vibrant and thoughtful; that an officer team was successfully elected in transparent elections, whilst respecting the ongoing work of the incumbent officers.
A successful election period does not mean all is well and good in SU democratic processes, but it is a big step in a great direction. This successful election period should be a sign that dissent, discourse and debate are not lost in our SU.
I am still here as your SU president and your current team are still working in the interest of Durham Students.
Stay Safe, Seun

News Charity in memory of Durham student Olivia
Burt donates £26,000 to school pupils
Poppy Askham News Reporter
Olivia Inspires, a charity founded in remembrance of Durham University first-year student Olivia Burt, has donated £26,000 to support young people in the New Forest area.
Olivia’s parents founded Olivia Inspires in 2019 with the goal of allowing “Olivia’s spirit to live on by helping young people in the New Forest to realise their potential”. The charity awards grants to 11-18-year-olds in the New Forest District Council area whose families are facing financial difficulties in order to support their development in STEM subjects, the arts and sports.
The 20-year-old Natural Sciences student at University College died in a tragic accident in Durham in 2018 when a metal barrier collapsed outside Missoula nightclub, now the Slug and Lettuce.
Earlier this year, a coroner agreed to adjourn the inquest into Olivia’s death and in September 2020 the Crown Prosecution confirmed that no individual or organisation would be prosecuted in relation to the case.
Every secondary school in the New Forest District Council area received funding from the charity during the first national Covid-19 lockdown. More than £15,000 was donated to purchase laptops for disadvantaged students.
Other initiatives have included funding for a two-year wood management course for seven local year-ten pupils and a £4,000 grant to provide students at Hounsdown School, Totton with online maths tutoring.
Castle Community Action, a committee at Olivia’s college, recently donated £2,350 to the charity.
In a statement on its website, the team behind Olivia Inspires expressed their gratitude:
“The students fundraised during what has been an incredibly difficult and uncertain year and our thanks go out to everyone involved”.
Members of University College and the Durham University Sailing Club, of which Olivia was a member, are also set to run 500km from Durham to Lymington to raise funds for the organisation.
Durham University Sailing Club are running 500km to raise money
Chloe Swetenham, Commodore of Durham University Sailing, told Palatinate: “Supporting Olivia Inspires is so important (Olivia Inspires) to Durham University Sailing Club to ensure Liv’s memory and her passion reaches and lifts up as many people as she did with us. We have used lockdown as an opportunity to fundraise via Strava challenges, which has been a great success and have loved seeing the money supporting other talented individuals.” A friend of Olivia’s from DUSC said: “Liv’s bravery, her optimism and her kindness is something that remains with me – an ability to bring people together that her friends will forever remember, and that Olivia Inspires aims to continue.”
Colleges keep JCR levies despite lack of events
Kiara Davies
News Reporter
Almost every college Junior Common Room (JCR) levy has remained unchanged despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on student life.
A drastic fall in the number of in-person events this year has prompted calls for refunds for the fees, which are used to subsidise events, maintain the physical JCR space, and fund college societies.
Only St. Chad’s college have lowered their fees, from £30 to £15 a year. Ellie Fitzgerald-Tesh, a firstyear undergraduate at St John’s College, said the lack of action was “frustrating”.
“[I have] only been in Durham for four weeks this year due to the pandemic”, she explained, “with limited online-only events and no JCR-based societies that I’ve signed up to running.” Hatfield College, whose JCR charges students £240 upfront for the duration of their studies, will not offer any compensation to its members.
Saskia Wotton-Cane, Chair of the JCR Presidents’ Committee, and St Cuthbert’s Society JCR President, spoke to Palatinate on behalf of all colleges who charged full levies: “We have all faced mass uncertainty this year. JCRs have been no different. “I am confident that students will overall get their money’s worth from their levies. JCR levies are payments for your whole degree, not just one year.
“What is lost this year will be made up for in cheaper events, sports and societies, and bigger budgets next year, though this will vary from Common Room to Common Room. “We also hope to invite finalists back for events, particularly around rescheduled graduations, where again value for money will be prioritised.”
However, Joseph Cheadle, SRC President at the College of St Hild and St Bede, told Palatinate that they would be reviewing the situation.
“We have responded to concerns by proposing a review of events and value for money over this past academic year with the potential for partial refunds or subsidies as deemed appropriate”.
The Graduate Common Room at Ustinov College, Durham’s only fully postgraduate college, created a new tiered system this year in response to changing circumstances wrought by the pandemic, ranging from a £1 digital-only membership to a £35 in-person event membership.