Benefits of Using Stained Concrete in Home Construction Most of the newly constructed homes have large, unfinished garages & basements. Usually, the conventional type of remodeling approaches cover all the floor with tile, carpet, wood, etc. However, the recent trends have brought a whole new concept to Los Angeles home construction. It is spicing up the existing concrete with the acid stains, rather than giving a try to hide it.
About Acid Staining: The stained concrete floors seen in homes, patios, restaurants, & some other places. Few years back the homeowners had their concrete patios stained either with a mottled look or solid colors, but the current trend has moved from indoors to garages & basements. It is due to the versatile nature & cost-effectiveness of concrete. It could be shaped or molded into any pattern or form, that means it isn't limited only to sidewalks, garages, & basements. It is also used in kitchen remodeling projects, coffee or tea tables & even in dining tables for being durable, affordable & artful than the granite or laminate. Much like the wood, it is very porous, and often has stains from fluids, rust, water, & the like. All of them could be enhanced or covered with the help of an acid stain. The surface of a concrete could be painted into artistic patterns. That' why it is the new pallet for the modern home & garden.
Benefits of Using Stained Concrete: Materials used & labor cost are much cheaper as compared to tile, carpet, & wood. It won't fade & last for a long, so no need of replacement It doesn't get scratched or broken. Stains could even cover up the cracks in concrete. Sustainable in nature that avoid consumption of new materials. Low maintenance. Only a weekly mopping with soapy water required. Proper design & installation offer beauty with elegance that is better than almost all other floor coverings. • One of the greatest benefits of using it is the resultant energy savings. It highly capable to absorbing, storing, and slowly releasing heat & coolness. • It does not attract the alergants. • These are environmental friendly. • • • • • • •
When combined with the good sealers & flooring finishes, it look good for several years to come. There is no limitations to design. That's why it is a better choice as compared to the dust & mildew carpets. So, call a concrete contractor in Los Angeles, who could explore an amazing range of possibilities for using concrete in your living space.
Author's Bio: If you are looking for the finest concrete contractors for your next home improvement project, then you could find your right man at Palatin Remodeling. Visit our website now to see some of our artistic works.