China Business - Featured Titles

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BUSINESS CH I NA BUS I NE S S From small start-ups to multinational corporations, Palgrave Macmillan’s China Business books provide clear insight and practical advice for professionals looking to work with and develop in Chinese markets. The Rise of the New East

China Goes West Joel Backaler 9781137293923 I April 2014 I £19.99 I HB Presenting an unrivalled perspective into the inner-workings of Chinese corporations and their expansion plans for international markets, this book combines executive interviews and first-hand accounts providing the sorely needed context to the rise of Chinese companies in home and overseas markets and how the West can successfully compete.

Ben Simpfendorfer 9781137370051 I June 2014 I £14.99 I HB Taking the reader on a tour of the fast changing East, Simpfendorfer urges the business world to respond by planning for the unexpected. Now that the East has secured its role as a powerful player on the world stage, The Rise of the New East provides simple business strategies for dealing with an increasingly complex global environment.

China and the EU in Context

Risky Business in China


Kerry Brown (ed.) 9781137352385 I April 2014 I £29.99 I HB Brings together the research of worldclass commentators on China from across Europe to explore the policy aspects of the China-EU relationship. Aimed at practitioners, this book shows how to relate to China practically and understand its complexities for business purposes, including investment, social unrest, and China’s five-year program.

Jeremy Gordon 9781137433213 I Sep 2014 I £16.99 I PB Risk is a major reason that companies fail in, or fail to enter, China. Packed with case studies, this unique book demonstrates how correctly applied due diligence can not only reduce business risk in China, but also provide excellent business intelligence to support negotiations and business relationships.

Myth-Busting China’s Numbers

The New Chinese Traveller Gary Bowerman 9781137397287 I Oct 2014 I £14.99 I PB Bowerman explains the emerging trends and developments of Chinese outbound travel, alongside the motivations, desires and expectations of Chinese travelers themselves. Packed with interviews, this book will help businesses create products and services that meet the rapidly evolving and diversifying requirements of tech-savvy Chinese travelers.


Matthew Crabbe 9781137353191 I April 2014 I £14.99 I PB A good understanding of Chinese data gathering methods and reporting structures is invaluable to anyone with business or investment plans in China. This book tackles the veracity of Chinese statistics, raising awareness of abuses and problems in real-life examples that have occurred, and provides practical strategies to reduce risk in the future.





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