Palgrave Macmillan offers a targeted and robust cluster of books that explore the role of women in business, including practical texts and insightful narratives that cover topics ranging from leadership to investing.
How Asian Women Lead Jane Horan 9781137378712 I Jan I $35.00 I £21.99 I HB
Beauty Queen Deborrah Himsel 9781137278821 I April I $26.00 I £17.99 I HB
The Woman’s Guide to Successful Investing Nancy Tengler 9781137403346 I August I $28.00 I £17.99 I HB
Rising Stars Elisabeth Kelan 9780230294011 I Nov 2012 I $42.00 I £26.00 I HB
How Asian Women Lead provides a vastly different picture than Western-focused leadership literature, highlighting obstacles Asian women face reaching the top, and looking beneath the corporate surface to show cultural and family perspectives.
Through interviews with other CEOs, Avon executives past and present, and leadership experts, Himsel explores the unique challenges Jung faced as a female Fortune 500 CEO; the thin line between pride and hubris; and the danger of the so-called “halo effect” in our highstakes times.
Providing proven wealth accumulation strategies, tailored advice and a comprehensive market analysis, this book is a must-read for female investors who want to master volatile markets with longterm success.
An in-depth examination of how to develop the next generation of female leaders, Rising Stars takes a closer look at the motivations, attitudes, and perspectives of Generation Y and what this means for the workplace. Invaluable for Generation Y women to make sense of their own careers and the path they should take next.
The Female Leadership Paradox
Women and the New Business Leadership
Women in Business
Work With Me
Mirella Visser 9780230289208 I May 2011 I $43.00 I £29.00 I HB
Peninah Thomson with Tom Lloyd 9780230271548 I June 2011 I $46.00 I £28.00 I HB
Viki Holton and Fiona Elsa Dent 9780230282803 I May 2012 I $44.00 I £27.00 I HB
Barbara Annis and John Gray 9781137279118 I May 2014 I $17.00 I £11.99 I PB