Economics Update 2010
Vital Publications for Professionals
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Rowan Williams
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Key Academic Series Great Thinkers in Economics
International Economic Association
Page 9 978-0-230-23654-7 • HB
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Outstanding Scholarship in Economics
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Taiba Batool, Senior Commissioning Editor |
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Office for National Statistics
In 2010 we have a range of topical publications authored and edited by prominent economists and renowned commentators, titles include Crisis and Recovery by the Most Revd and Rt Hon Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and Larry Elliott, Economics Editor at The Guardian, Keynes on the Wireless edited by Donald Moggridge, ECONned by Yves Smith and Keynes Betrayed by Geoff Tily. Our scholarly programme includes key series such as Great Thinkers in Economics highlighting the economics of some of the great historical and contemporary economists and Palgrave Texts in Econometrics, a series of concise themed publications. Highlights from our higher education programme include groundbreaking student texts Institutional Economics by John Groenewegen et al., and Economic Methodology by Marcel Boumans and John B. Davis, which are garnering praise and are already finding their way onto reading lists around the world. Both books represent an important strand of our textbook publishing that caters to teaching programmes that wish to offer a rich array of undergraduate courses. If you would like to find out more about our 2010 publishing program or submit a proposal please visit or contact us directly. Best wishes, Jaime Marshall, Associate Publishing Director |
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Crisis and Recovery Ethics Economics and Justice Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, UK and Larry Elliott, Economics Editor, The Guardian
During the ongoing global financial crisis, a lack of moral and ethical leadership in society has been exposed. The Most Reverend Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and Larry Elliott, The Guardian, bring together their thoughts on the issues of ethics and morality in business, with contriutions from leading business figures. Contents: R.Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury: Foreword / L.Elliott: Economics Editor, The Guardian: Introduction / R.Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury: Theology and the Nature of Accountability / P.Blond, ResPublica: Economics and the Shape of Society / A.Whittaker, FSA: Culture and the Crisis / J.Cruddas MP with J.Rutherford, Editor, Soundings: Values in an Ethical UK Economy / Lord R.Skidelsky: Investment and Public Policy in a Globalized Economy /A.Lent, Senior Policy Officer, TUC: Ethics in a Service Economy / Z.Goldsmith: Marrying the Market with the Environment And contributions from Will Hutton, Executive ViceChair, The Work Foundation and John Reynolds Chair of Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group and Chief Executive of Reynolds Partners Ltd September 2010 Hardback
256pp £20.00
The Economic Crisis and the State of Economics Edited by Robert Skidelsky, Emeritus Professor of Political Economy, University of Warwick, UK (Winner of the Lionel Gelber Prize for International Relations and the Council on Foreign Relations Prize for International Relations for his three-volume biography of the economist John Maynard Keynes and Christian Westerlind Wigstrom, Graduate Student of Philosophy, Merton College, Oxford, UK
The Economic Crisis and the State of Economics brings together leading economists from a diverse set of backgrounds and presents their take on how economics can explain the current crisis but also how the crisis will affect economic thought. Contents: R.Skidelsky: Introduction / PART I: RISK AND UNCERTAINTY IN ECONOMICS / P.Davidson: Risk and Uncertainty / M.Potter: Lessons from Statistical Finance / S.Mukerji: Ambiguity and Economic Activity: Implications for the Current Crises in Credit Markets / PART II: MACROECONOMICS AND THE CURRENT CRISIS / C.Goodhart: Macro Theoretical Failures / M.Desai: Hayek: Another Perspective / C.Bliss: Globalization and the Current Crisis / V.Joshi: Global Imbalances and the Current Crisis / PART III: MODELS, METAPHORS, AND MORALS / J.Kay: Knowledge in Economics / R.Bronk: The Structuring Role of Metaphors and Models / E.Skidelsky: The Moral Critique of Economics March 2010 Hardback
140pp £37.50
Economics and Ethics An Introduction Amitava Krishna Dutt, Professor and Charles K. Wilber, Professor Emeritus, both at University of Notre Dame, USA
This book provides an introduction to the relationship between economics and ethics, explaining why ethics enters economics, how ethics affects individual economic behaviour and the interactions of individuals, and how ethics is important in evaluating the performance of economies and of economic policies. Contents: Preface / PART I: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND / Introduction / Economics Without Ethics? / Approaches to Ethics and Justice / PART II: ETHICAL VALUES, INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS / Individuals, Norms and Ethical Values / Social Interactions and Ethical Values / Markets and Ethical Values / PART III: ETHICAL ISSUES FOR EVALUATING ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC POLICY ANALYSIS / The Morality of Markets and Government Intervention / Individual Preferences, Efficiency and Cost-Benefit Analysis / Production, Income and Growth / Fairness, Distribution and Equality / PART IV: APPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSION / Ethics and Applied Economics / Conclusion / References / Index April 2010 280pp 7 b/w tables and 7 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57595-0
234x156mm 978-0-230-10254-5
235x156mm 978-0-230-25214-1
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International Economics
International Edition 2nd edition Paul Krugman and Robin Wells, both at Princeton University, USA
Offering an accessible and thorough introduction to economics, the text offers real-world examples to bring theory to life. Students and lecturers will benefit from the vast array of supplements, including a companion website with extra material and resources. Contents: Introduction: The Ordinary Business of Life / PART I: WHAT IS ECONOMICS? / PART II: SUPPLY AND DEMAND / PART III: INDIVIDUALS AND MARKETS / PART IV: ECONOMICS AND DECISION MAKING / PART V: THE CONSUMER / PART VI: THE PRODUCTION DECISION / PART VII: MARKET STRUCTURE: BEYOND PERFECT COMPETITION / PART VIII: MICROECONOMICS AND PUBLIC POLICY / PART IX FACTOR MARKETS AND RISK / PART X: INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS / PART XI: LONG-RUN ECONOMIC GROWTH / PART XII: SHORT-RUN ECONOMIC FLUCTUATIONS / PART XIII: STABILIZATION / PART XIV: EVENTS AND IDEAS / PART XV: THE OPEN ECONOMY May 2009 Paperback
1050pp £46.99
9x6mm 978-1-4292-3806-9
Published by Worth Publishers in association with Palgrave Macmillan
Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor, both Professors of Economics, University of California, USA
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money John Maynard Keynes Introduction by Paul Krugman
‘The authors present an innovative mix of theory, stylized facts, application of the theory to current and historical examples, and discussion of recent empirical research. No other textbook has this mix that I find tremendously appealing.’ - Maria Muniagurria, University of Wisconsin, USA The international economy has seen much change over recent years, and there is much talk in the media of the impact of emerging markets such as India and China. Giving a new perspective on International Economics, this engaging text addresses economics with a whole-world perspective and puts emphasis on empirical study. March 2008 Hardback
900pp £49.99
297x210mm 978-0-7167-9904-7
Published by Worth Publishers
Essentials of Economics Paul Krugman, Robin Wells, both at Princeton University, USA and Martha Olney, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Essentials of Economics brings the same captivating writing and innovative features of Krugman/Wells to the one-term combined micro/macro course. It is the ideal text for teaching basic economic principles in a real-world context to students who are not planning to continue up the economics curriculum. February 2007 Hardback
560pp £39.99
Published by Worth Publishers
274x215mm 978-0-7167-5879-2
‘The General Theory is nothing less than an epic journey out of intellectual darkness. That, as much as it’s continuing relevance to economic policy, is what makes it a book for the ages. Read it, and marvel.’ - From the introduction by Paul Krugman In 1936 Keynes published the most provocative book written by any economist of his generation. Arguments about the book continued until his death in 1946 and still continue today. This new edition features a new Introduction by Paul Krugman which discusses the significance and continued relevance of The General Theory. Contents: P.Krugman: Introduction to the 2007 Edition / BOOK 1: INTRODUCTION / The General Theory / The Postulates of the Classical Economics / The Principle of Effective Demand / BOOK 2: DEFINITIONS AND IDEAS / The Choice of Units / Expectation as Determining Output and Employment / The Definition of Income, Saving and Investment / The Meaning of Saving and Investment Further Considered / BOOK 3: THE PROPENSITY TO CONSUME / The Propensity to Consume: I. The Objective Factors / The Propensity to Consume: II. The Subjective Factors / The Marginal Propensity to Consume and the Multiplier / BOOK 4: THE INDUCEMENT TO INVEST / The Marginal Efficiency of Capital / The State of Longterm Expectation / The General Theory of the Rate of Interest / The Classical Theory of the Rate of Interest / The Psychological and Business Incentives to Liquidity / Sundry Observations on the Nature of Capital / The Essential Properties of Interest and Money / The General Theory of Employment Re-stated / BOOK 5: MONEYWAGES AND PRICES / Changes in Money-Wages / The Employment Function / The Theory of Prices / BOOK 6: SHORT NOTES SUGGESTED BY THE GENERAL THEORY / Notes on the Trade Cycle / Notes on Mercantilism, The Usury Laws, Stamped Money and Theories of Under-consumption / Concluding Notes on the Social Philosophy Towards which the General Theory Might Lead October 2007 472pp Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-00476-4
Collected Works of Keynes
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Essays in Biography
Essays in Persuasion
John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes
Introduction by Donald Winch, Emeritus Professor of Intellectual History, University of Sussex, UK (educated at the London School of Economics and Princeton University and has written extensively on the history of economics and the intellectual history of political economy from Adam Smith to Keynes)
Introduction by Donald Moggridge, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Toronto, Canada (educated at Toronto and Cambridge. He was an editor of the Royal Economic Society’s edition of The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes and has written extensively on Keynes and the history of economic policy in the interwar period)
Introduction by Donald Moggridge, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Toronto, Canada (educated at Toronto and Cambridge. He was an editor of the Royal Economic Society’s edition of The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes and has written extensively on Keynes and the history of economic policy in the interwar period)
This reissue of the authoritative Royal Economic Society edition of Essays in Persuasion features a new introduction by Donald Moggridge, which discusses the significance of this definitive work. The essays in this volume show Keynes’ attempts to influence the course of events by public persuasion over the period of 1919-40.
This book brings together John Maynard Keynes’ infamous BBC wireless broadcasts, specially selected from the Royal Economic Society edition of Keynes’ Collected Writings. With an introduction by Donald Moggridge, this unique anthology provides an insight into Keynes’ influence and legendary contribution to economics, which still resonates today.
This reissue of the authoritative Royal Economic Society edition of Essays in Biography features a new introduction by Donald Winch, which examines the continued relevance of this classic work. The volume presents a collection of Keynes’ biographical writings and sketches of his friends and of the great economists of his time. Contents: D.Winch: Introduction / Preface to the First Edition / PART I: SKETCHES OF POLITICIANS / The Council of Four, Paris 1919 / Lloyd George: A Fragment / A Meeting of the Council of Three / Andrew Bonar Law / Herbert Asquith / Edwin Montagou / Arthur Balfour / Winston Churchill / Reginald McKenna / The Great Villiers Connection / Trotsky on England / PART II: LIVES OF ECONOMISTS / Thomas Robert Malthus / William Stanley Jevons / Alfred Marshall / Mary Paley Marshall / Francis Ysidro Edgeworth / Herbert Somerton Foxwell / Sir Henry Cunynghame / Henry Higgs / Alfred Hoare / PART III: BRIEF SKETCHES / Wilhelm Lexis / Frederic Hillersdon Keeling / A. A. Tschuprow / Benjamin Strong / C. P. Sanger / Walter Case / George Broomhall / Frederick Phillips / PART IV: HIS FRIENDS IN KING’S / Frank Ramsey / A. F. R. Wollaston / W. E. Johnson / William Herrick Macaulay / Dilwyn Knox / Julian Bell / PART V: TWO SCIENTISTS / Newton, the Man / Bernard Shaw and Isaac Newton / Einstein / PART VI: TWO MEMOIRS / Melchior: A Defeated Enemy / My Early Beliefs June 2010 Paperback
496pp £22.99
Keynes on the Wireless
234x156mm 978-0-230-24958-5
Contents: D.Moggridge: Introduction / PART I: THE TREATY OF PEACE / Paris / The Capacity of German to Pay Reparations / Proposals for the Reconstruction of Europe / The Changing of Opinion / War Debts and the United States / PART II: INFLATION AND DEFLATION / Inflation / Social Consequences of Changes in the Value of Money / The French Franc / Can Lloyd George do it? / The Great Slump of 1930 / Economy / The Consequences to the Banks of the Collapse of Money Values / PART III: The Return to the Gold Standard / Auri Sacra Fames / Alternative Aims in Monetary Policy / Positive Suggestions for the Future Regulation of Money / The Speeches of the Bank Chairman / The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill / Mitigation by Tariff / The End of the Gold Standard / PART IV: POLITICS / A Short View of Russia / The End of Laissez-Faire / Am I a Liberal? / Liberalism and Labour / PART V: THE FUTURE / Clissold / Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren / PART VI: LATER ESSAYS / The Means to Prosperity / How to Pay for the War June 2010 Paperback
472pp £22.99
Contents: The Problem of Unemployment / Cancellation/The War Debts / Poverty in Plenty / The Bank Rate / University Men in Business / Broadcast on the Slump for CBS Network, USA / Unemployment: A Discussion / Pros and Cons of Tariffs / Roosavelt’s Economic Experiments / Spending and Saving / State Planning / Will Rearmament Cure Unemployment / The World Economic Conference / British Finances After a Year of War / Paying for Twelve Month’s War / Should Saving be Compulsory? / Tax on Lower Incomes / How Much Does Finance Matter / The Arts Council / On Reading Books / The Inter-Allied Debts / Bretton Woods June 2010 Hardback
272pp £25.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23916-6
234x156mm 978-0-230-24957-8
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GENERAL ECONOMICS THE NEW PALGRAVE ECONOMICS COLLECTION Series Editors: Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume Following the recent publication of the award winning and much acclaimed The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, second edition which brings together Nobel Prize winners and the brightest young scholars to survey the discipline, we are pleased to announce The New Palgrave Economics Collection. Due to demand from the economics community these books address key subject areas within the field. Each title is comprised of specially selected articles from the Dictionary and covers a fundamental theme within the discipline. All of the articles have been specifically chosen by the editors of the Dictionary, Steven N.Durlauf and Lawrence E.Blume and are written by leading practitioners in the field. The titles provide the reader with easy to access information on complex and important subject areas, and allow individual scholars and students to have their own personal reference copy. New resources for a new generation of economists Contents for all titles in this series: General Preface / Introduction / List of Contributors / List of Entries / Entries A-Z / Index
Behavioural and Experimental Economics Edited by Steven N. Durlauf, University of Wisconsin, USA and Lawrence E. Blume, Cornell University, USA November 2009 Paperback
280pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-23868-8
Game Theory
Edited by Steven N. Durlauf, University of Wisconsin, USA and Lawrence E. Blume, Cornell University, USA
Edited by Steven N. Durlauf, University of Wisconsin, USA and Lawrence E. Blume, Cornell University, USA
November 2009 Paperback
392pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-23890-9
November 2009 Paperback
368pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-23881-7
Macroeconometrics and Time Series Analysis
Monetary Economics
Economic Growth
Edited by Steven N. Durlauf, University of Wisconsin, USA and Lawrence E. Blume, Cornell University, USA
Edited by Steven N. Durlauf, University of Wisconsin, USA and Lawrence E. Blume, Cornell University, USA
Edited by Steven N. Durlauf, University of Wisconsin, USA and Lawrence E. Blume, Cornell University, USA
November 2009 Paperback
November 2009 Paperback
November 2009 Paperback
288pp £19.99
416pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-23885-5
400pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-23888-6
234x156mm 978-0-230-23883-1
Please use the following ISBN to order all titles in the series: Paperback: 978-0-230-24014-8
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Perspectives on Rules of Origin
The Pursuit of Justice
Analytical and Policy Insights from the Indian Experience
Law and Economics of Legal Institutions
Money and Calculation
Ram Upendra Das, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) and Rajan Sudesh Ratna, Director, Department of Commerce, Government of India
Economic and Sociological Perspectives Edited by Massimo Amato, Luigi Doria and Luca Fantacci all at Bocconi University, Italy
Money is an important instrument of calculation: as a unit of account and means of payment, it serves the purpose of exchange. Yet, it is increasingly becoming itself an object of exchange and calculation on financial markets, which tend less to the production and exchange of real goods. The question therefore is: has the economy lost its measure? Contents: M.Amato, L.Doria & L.Fantacci: Introduction / J.Cartelier: Money is the Scribe of a Market Economy / Y.Biondi: Money without Value, Accounting without Measure: How Economic Theory can Better Fit the Economic and Monetary System We Live / M.Amato: Silence is Gold. Some Preliminary Notes on Money, Speech, and Calculation / L.Fantacci: What Kind of Calculation is implied in the Money Rate of Interest? / D.Bryan& M.Rafferty: A Time and a Place for Everything: Foundations of Commodity Money / L.Doria: Calculating Life and Money as Resources / B.Maurer: Repressed Futures: Financial Derivatives’ Theological Unconscious / H.Kalthoff& U.Vormbusch: Representing and Modelling: The Case of Portfolio Management / A.Preda: Brief Encounters: Calculation and the Interaction Order of Anonymous Electronic Markets September 2010 Hardback
256pp £60.00
Bocconi on Management
216x138mm 978-0-230-27777-9
Rules of origin have emerged as one of the most controversial issues in any trade negotiations. This book analyzes the economics of rules of origin in regional trade agreements. It critically evaluates the empirical aspects, providing fresh perspectives on complex policy-negotiations and rules of origin implementation. Contents: Foreword / Acknowledgement / Conceptual Basis for Rules of Origin / Merits and Demerits of Rules of Origin / Rules of Origin as Practiced in Different RTAs / Rules of Origin in India’s RTAs / Trade in Services / Policy Issues / Conclusion October 2010 256pp 216x138mm 24 b/w tables, 7 figures and 21 charts Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-21729-4
The e3 Concept Brian Holland, Visiting Fellow, Urban Institute, USA
Using case studies, Holland explains how the e3 concept brings employers, educational institutions, and economic developers together to first reinvent themselves internally and then strategize on how to enhance their region’s most valuable asset, people, for the jobs and careers of today.
Edited by Edward J. López, Research Fellow, Independent Institute and Professor of Law and Economics, San Jose State University, USA
The Pursuit of Justice is a realistic yet hopeful analysis of how the law works in practice rather than in theory. The multi-chapter discussion recognizes that decision makers in the law - judges, lawyers, juries, police, forensic experts and more - respond systematically to the incentive structures with which they are confronted. Contents: E.J.Lopez: An Introduction to the Pursuit of Justice / N.Currott: The Rise of Government Law Enforcement in England / R.S.Sobel: Electoral Pressures and the Legal System: Friends or Foes? / R.G.Koppl: Romancing Forensics: Legal Failure in Forensic Science Administration / A.Cordis: Judicial Checks on Corruption / A.Tomic: Effects of Judicial Selection on Criminal Sentencing / I.Somin: Economic Development Takings as Government Failure / J.Brätland: On the Impossibility of ‘Just Compensation’ When Property is Taken / B.H.Barton: The Lawyer-Judge Hypothesis / J.Haymond: Class Action Rent Extraction / C.N.W.Keckler: Cy Pres and its Predators / A.B.Summers: Licensing Lawyers: Failure in the Provision of Legal Services July 2010 Hardback Paperback
352pp £60.00 £20.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-10244-6 978-0-230-10245-3
Published in association with The Independent Institute
Contents: Introduction / Building the Capacity for e3 / Moving from the ABCs to Usable Knowledge: The Changing Role of Education / Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Moving from Place-Based Strategies to CompetencyBased Clusters / Employers and the Workforce System / Aligning Resources to Build e3 Regions / Case Studies of e3 Collaboration / Critiques of the e3 Concept / Conclusions November 2010 Hardback
256pp £42.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-62206-7
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
Quantitative Methods
eConned How Unenlightened Self Interest Damaged Democracy and Corrupted Capitalism Yves Smith, Creator of the influential blog, Naked Capitalism, a top ranked economics and finance blog with over 250,000 unique visitors each month. Smith has appeared, on CNBC, CNN, and FOX Business News, and has written over 40 articles in venues such as The New York Times, Slate, and the Christian Science Monitor
‘There are a lot of phenomenal economics blogs that I find helpful and consult daily. My single favorite: Naked Capitalism. It provides a smart, daily insider look at how Wall Street works and is responding to the crisis.’ - Adam Davidson, NPR Correspondent, International Business and Economics, Editorial Director for Planet Money, NPR’s multimedia project covering the global economy ‘Yves Smith has been working in financial services since 1980 and she brings all her experience to bear in her Naked Capitalism blog. One of the most respected financial bloggers, Smith routinely rips into dodgy economic assumptions and her worldly analysis makes for indispensable reading.’ - Proinsias O’Mahony, ‘I’m going to recommend this week a blog called one to my mind is covering the Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac crisis any better than Yves...He (sic) does an enormous amount of linking through to the Financial Times and various other financial outlets and then comments upon them with a remarkable acuity. We’re in the midst of something so huge and something so tectonic...The blow up of these two entities which have been part of American life for decades is a massive story and it’s been completely misreported...and the best place to really learn about it really are the blogs.’ - Stephen Metcalf, Slate Culture Critic. Slate cultural gabfest, Sept. 10, 2008 eConned is the first book to examine the unquestioned role of economists as policy-makers, and how they helped create an unmitigated economic disaster. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE: HOW ECONOMISTS CAME TO PRACTICE JUNK SCIENCE / The Voodoo of Financial Economics / How Elegant Math Trumped Messy Facts and Made Neoclassical Economics Central / The Blind Men and the Elephant of the Financial System / PART II: THE MARKETING AND INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF PHONY SCIENCE / The Cult of Free Markets / The Codification of Ideology: The Role of the Courts / PART III: THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING: RADICAL DEREGULATION LEADS TO LOOTING / It’s Not the Bubbles, It’s the Leverage / How Deregulation Led to Predation / Large Scale Looting Produces the Perfect Storm / PART IV: ‘HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM’ / The Drunks are Looking Under the Streetlight for Their Keys / Suggested Reforms
for Business, Management and Finance 3rd edition Louise Swift, Medical Statistician, School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice, UK and Sally Piff, School of Management, both at University of East Anglia, UK
Quantitative Methods is a comprehensive guide to the techniques any student of business or finance is likely to need. The authors’ coaching, learning-by-doing approach, coupled with the text’s clear structural outline makes essential mathematical skills far less daunting. Contents: PART I: ESSENTIAL MATHS / Numbers and Symbols / Simplifying Expressions / Solving Problems / Modelling Using Straight Lines / PART II: MORE MATHS / Some Special Equations / Modelling Using Curves / Rates of Change / PART III: DESCRIBING DATA / Pictures of Data / Summarising Data / PART IV: PROBABILITY / Measuring Uncertainty / Numerical Outcomes / Continuous Numerical Outcomes / Some More Probability Distributions / PART V: STATISTICS / Estimation / Testing Hypotheses / Correlation& Regression / Comparing Two Populations / Nonparametric methods / Categorical Data / Forecasting / Statistics in Practice / PART VI: BUSINESS MODELLING / Linear Programming Models / Planning Projects / Models for Inventory Control / Time and Money / Decision Making / Simulating Reality / Controlling Quality / STATISTICAL TABLES / Cumulative Binomial Probabilities / Cumulative Standard Normal Probabilities / Percentage Points of the Standard Normal Distribution / Random Digits / Percentage Points of the t Distribution / Percentage Points of the x2 Distribution March 2010 Paperback
856pp £38.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-21824-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Waterstone’s
April 2010 Hardback
368pp £20.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-62051-3
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Efficiency, Market Dynamics and Industry Growth Jati Sengupta, Professor of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA and Phillip Fanchon, Professor Emeritus, California Polytechnic, and Visiting Professor, University of Paris, France
This book examines the new paradigm of change in technology intensive industries, it provides theoretical and empirical analysis, using nonparametric models of efficiency. Contents: Technology, Efficiency and Market Structure / Introduction / Technology Creation and Diffusion / Efficiency Models of Industry Growth / Industry Growth in Cournot-Nash Framework / Concluding Remarks / Efficiency Models of Industry Growth / Introduction / Production and Cost Dynamics / Adjustment Cost Dynamics / Scale Economies and Learning by Doing / Pareto Efficiency Frontier: DEA Approach / Industry Growth and Optimal Investment / Concluding Remarks / Growth of High-Tech industries: Computers and Pharmaceuticals / Introduction / Measuring Production Efficiency and Growth / Stochastic Frontier Analysis / DEA Models / Efficiency in Computer Industry / Efficiency in Pharmaceutical Industry / Concluding Remarks / Pricing Strategies under Innovations / Introduction / R&D and Market Structure / Strategies of a Dominant Firm / Limit Pricing with Technological Change and Internal Finance / Appendix / Dynamic Models of Productivity and Efficiency / Introduction / Dynamic DEA Models / Growth and Technology / Industry Evolution and Innovation / Hypercompetitive Market Structures / Efficiency and Growth of the Telecom Industry / Introduction / Entry and Efficiency / Market Deregulation / Capital Expenditures / Geographic Separation of Markets / R&D and Productivity / Measuring Efficiency / Ingredients for Efficiency / Concluding Remarks October 2009 176pp 22 b/w tables and 3 figures Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58191-3
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
The Impact of 9/11 on Business and Economics: The Business of Terror The Day that Changed Everything?
Keynes Betrayed
Edited by Matthew J. Morgan, Assistant Professor of Politics, Bentley College, USA
The Impact of 9/11 on Business and Economics is the second volume of the six-volume series The Day that Changed Everything? edited by Matthew J. Morgan. The series brings together from a broad spectrum of disciplines the leading thinkers of our time to reflect on one of the most significant events of our time. October 2009 Hardback
288pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-60837-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance The Contribution of Economic Theory and Related Disciplines Lorenzo Sacconi, Professor, University of Trento and the Inter-University Research Centre, Milan, Italy, Margaret Blair, Professor, Vanderbilt University, USA, Edward Frreeman, Professor, University of Virginia, USA and Alessandro Vercelli University of Siena, Italy.
Corporate social responsibility is examined in this book as multi-stakeholder approach to corporate governance. This volume outlines neo-institutional and stakeholder theories of the firm, new rational choice and social contract normative models, self regulatory and soft law models, and the advances from behavioural economics. October 2010 Hardback
432pp £70.00
Geoff Tily, Office for National Statistics, UK
’…such an important book…not merely another book on the history of Keynes’s monetary thought. It provides compelling evidence of where ‘Keynesians’ of all shades have gone wrong and simultaneously provides them with the ammunition to generalize what passes for modern monetary theory and macroeconomics. It enables macroeconomists to put Keynes back into Keynesian economics.’ Colin Rogers, University of Adelaide, Australia This book argues that Keynesian economists have betrayed Keynes’ theory and policy conclusions, and that the world has been misled about those policies. Keynesians have focused attention on policies for dealing with effects of economic failure as they arise, whereas Keynes was concerned with the cause and then the prevention of economic failure. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: HISTORY / Monetary Economics and Monetary Policy / JMK and the Fourth Grand Monetary Discussion / The Origins of Keynesian Economics / PART II: THEORY / The Saving-Investment Identity and the Transition to the General Theory / The Theory of Liquidity Preference and Debt Management Policy / The Monetary Theory of Real Activity / PART III: MACROECONOMICS AFTER KEYNES / Keynes’s Response to Keynesian Economics / The Keynesian Counter-Revolution and Thereafter / The General Theory and the ‘Facts of Experience’ / Conclusion / Bibliography August 2010 Paperback
360pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-27701-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
234x156mm 978-0-230-23654-7
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Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling
Overlapping Generations Economies
Programming and Simulations Nobuhiro Hosoe, Associate Professor, GRIPS, Kenji Gasawa, Researcher, NRCD and Hideo Hashimoto, Professor Emeritus, Osaka University, Japan
The book provides a comprehensive A-to-Z guide for computable general equilibrium (CGE) models, which can analyze various economic issues empirically. CGE Models been widely used for investigating the impacts of economic integration, eco-taxes on environmental problems, regulatory reforms, taxation reforms and transportation system planning. Contents: Overview / The Simple CGE Model / Computation / Social Accounting Matrix / Calibration and Computational Strategy for General Equilibrium / Standard CGE Model / Macro Closure / Simulating General Equilibria / Interpretation of Simulation Results / Model Extension / Concluding Remarks July 2010 c.85 illustrations Hardback
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Mich Tvede, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Macroeconomics, Finance and Money Essays in Honour of Philip Arestis Edited by Giuseppe Fontana, Professor of Monetary Economics, University of Leeds, UK, John McCombie, Director, Centre for Economic and Public Policy and Fellow in Economics, Downing College, University of Cambridge, UK and Malcolm Sawyer, Professor of Economics and Head of the Economics Department, University of Leeds, UK
This book contains an analysis of overlapping generations economies. Both traditional issues of microeconomics such as the existence of equilibrium and optimality of equilibrium allocations, and new issues such as fluctuations, exchange rates and endogenous growth are studied. Contents: Preface / Introduction / OG Economies / Optimality / Optimal Growth Economies / Stationary OG Economies / Fluctuations / Currencies / OG Economies with Production / Endogenous Growth / Consumers / Preferred Sets and Support Functions / Consumers under Uncertainty / Firms / Appendix A: Sequences, Sets and Functions / Appendix B: Differentiability of Functions / Appendix C: Separation of Convex Sets / Appendix D: Dynamical Systems / References April 2010 Hardback Paperback
256pp £65.00 £30.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-24333-0 978-0-230-24334-7
This volume focuses on current issues of debate in the area of modern macroeconomics and money, written from (a broadly interpreted) post Keynesian perspective. The papers connect with Philip Arestis’ contributions to macroeconomics and money, and pay tribute to his distinguished career. Contents: PART I: MACROECONOMIC THEORY AND POLICY / Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy Design / The Efficiency of ECB and Fed Monetary Policy: Who Promotes Higher Growth and Lower Inflation? / Central Bank Communication, Transparency and Interest Rate Volatility: Evidence from the USA / The Thatcher Experiment’ 1979-1990: Was it Necessary to Cure UK Inflation? / Time to Forget the Phillips’ Curve’ / Monetary Policy and the Phillips’ Curve / Global Imbalance Problem and its Relationship with the Local and International Financial Markets / Finance-led Capitalism, Distribution and Growth - a Stock-flow-consistent Kaleckian View / Finance, Speculation and Stability: Post-Keynesian Policy Proposals / PART II: FINANCIAL CRISIS AND FINANCIAL BUBBLES / The Sub-prime Crisis: A Minsky Moment? / A Reformulated Neo-Wicksellian Model in the Light of Bubbles / The ‘Minsky Moment’ in Perspective / Market Failure, Global Public Goods and Financial Liberalization / Financial Liberalization and Poverty / PART III: FINANCIAL MARKETS AND GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreements and the Instantiation of Neo-liberal Financial Reforms in Developing Countries / Institutions and Finance in Developing Countries: Challenges to Orthodoxy / The Stock Market, Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance in Emerging Countries / Financial Globalization and Innovation March 2010 368pp 23 b/w tables and 34 figures Hardback £75.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22906-8
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Macroeconomic Theory and Macroeconomic Pedagogy Edited by Giuseppe Fontana, Professor of Monetary Economics, University of Leeds, UK and Mark Setterfield, Professor of Economics, Trinity College, Hartford, USA
‘Macroeconomic theory has developed rapidly in the last two decades, but undergraduate teaching and textbooks have not kept up. This timely book surveys approaches to improving pedagogy, focusing on a 3-equation model that is similar in spirit to cutting-edge macro theories but accessible to undergraduates. In addition to its theoretical appeal, the model is better than traditional textbook models for analyzing real-world economic fluctuations.’ Larry Ball, Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA This book aims to showcase and advance recent debates over the extent to which undergraduate macroeconomics teaching models adequately reflect the latest developments in the field. It contains sixteen essays on topics including the 3-equation New Consensus model, extensions and alternatives to this model, and endogenous money and finance. June 2009 75 figures Hardback Paperback
£70.00 £19.99
978-0-230-20203-0 978-0-230-27763-2
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
David Laidler’s Contributions to Economics
Canadian Policy Debates and Case Studies in Honour of David Laidler
Edited by Robert Leeson, Associate Professor of Economics, Murdoch University, Australia
This book provides a collection of essays by leading economists in honour of David Laidler’s contributions to the field of macroeconomics, with important essays on central banking, monetary policy implementation, inflation targeting, monetary theory, monetary framework debates, and the mathematical theory of banking. Contents: Preface / Foreword / Interview / Biographical Sketches / David Laidler on Monetarism / David Laidler’s Contributions to the History of Monetary Economics / Laidler’s Monetarism / What is Good Government? David Laidler’s Views / Milton Friedman Tradeoffs in Monetary Policy / From Money Targeting to Inflation Targeting: The Change in the Role of Money in the Conduct of Monetary Policy / Monetary Institutions and Monetary Theory: Reflections on the History of Monetary Economics / Monetary Policy Implementation: A Microstructure Approach / Monetarism and Market Clearing / Less Than an Ideal Type: Varieties of Real Bills Doctrines / Hans Neisser’s Views on Money and Structural Change, and Modern ‘Quantity Theory’ Implications / Harry Johnson, Keynes and Keynesian Economics / Hawtreyan ‘Credit Deadlock’ or Keynesian ‘Liquidity Trap’? Lessons for Japan from the Great Depression February 2010 392pp 3 charts, 7 figures and 7 tables Hardback £70.00
Edited by Robert Leeson, Associate Professor of Economics, Murdoch University, Australia
This volume brings together some of the world’s leading economists, to focus primarily on Canadian policy issues and case study debates in honour of David Laidler. Commemorating his success and active participation in the research and analysis of monetary policy. Contents: Preface / Foreword / The Canadian Monetary Order: Past, Present and Prospects Comments / Canadian Monetary Policy / Lender of Last Resort - Lessons from Canadian History / Canadian Policy and the Economic Revolution in Asia / Reforming Canadian Medicare: Can an Icon be Redesigned / Tax Incentives for Owner-Occupied Housing - Then and Now / The Political Economy of Inflation Targets: New Zealand and the U.K. / Monetary Union Proposals in North America and Southern Africa: Do the Same Q&A Apply? December 2009 248pp 10 b/w tables and 14 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23734-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
234x156mm 978-0-230-01898-3
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Housing Market Challenges in Europe and the United States Edited by Philip Arestis, Director, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK, Peter Mooslechner, Director and Karin Wagner, Economist, both at Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Housing finance structures and Institutional and regulatory/fiscal aspects in housing have changed significantly in recent years. This book examines the development in housing markets in Europe and the US, and looks at ways to make housing more affordable and housing market developments more stable. Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Notes on the Contributors / Introduction: Housing Market Challenges in Europe and the United States / Housing Markets in Europe and in the USA – What Are the Relevant Issues Today? / Subprime Mortgage Market and Current Financial Crisis / Determinants of Homeownership Rates: Housing Finance and the Role of the State / The Rental Housing Market / Housing Markets, Business Cycles and Economic Policies / European Rental Markets: Regulation or Liberalization? The Spanish Case / Fiscal Aspects of Housing in Europe / Towards a New Housing System in Transitional Countries – The Case of Hungary / House Price and Other Housing Market Data: A User’s Perspective / Residential Property Price Statistics for the Euro Area and the European Union / Housing and Financial Wealth in Austria: What Can Survey Data Tell Us for the Analysis of Financial Stability Issues November 2009 288pp 39 figures and 28 b/w tables Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22903-7
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
International Edition 7th edition
European Edition 6th edition N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University, USA
This edition of the bestselling textbook covers Macroeconomics today, balancing shortrun and long-run issues in a way that emphasizes the relevance of Keynesian and classical ideas to current practice. Featuring the latest data and extensive coverage of the current financial crisis, it is the ideal textbook for uncertain economic times. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / PART II: CLASSICAL THEORY: THE ECONOMY IN THE LONG RUN / PART III: GROWTH THEORY: THE ECONOMY IN THE VERY LONG RUN / PART IV: BUSINESS CYCLE THEORY: THE ECONOMY IN THE SHORT RUN / PART V: MACROECONOMIC POLICY DEBATES / PART VI: MORE ON THE MICROECONOMICS BEHIND MACROECONOMICS November 2009 608pp Paperback £49.99
N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University, USA and Mark P. Taylor, University of Warwick, UK
Mankiw’s Macroeconomics is widely adopted and known for communicating the principles of Macroeconomics in a concise and accessible way. This European edition maintains the core features that have made it a best-selling text, but includes coverage of issues relevant to the European economy and uses European examples and new European cases. November 2007 Paperback
608pp £47.99
260x206mm 978-0-7167-7369-6
Published by Worth Publishers
274x217mm 978-1-4292-3812-0
Published by Worth Publishers Published in association with Palgrave Macmillan
Macroeconomics Study Guide Roger Kaufman, Smith College, USA
This study guide for students, to accompany Macroeconomics offers various ways for students to learn the material in the latest edition and assess their understanding. Included are questions, problems and exercises, which give students the opportunity to review and check their knowledge of the key terms and concepts. October 2009 Paperback
500pp £26.99
275x216mm 978-1-4292-3372-9
Published by Worth Publishers
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2nd edition Paul Krugman and Robin Wells, both at Princeton University, USA
Fully updated and revised, the second edition of this core textbook integrates models with real world examples, so the relevance of the theoretical concept is clear throughout. Contents: PART I: WHAT IS ECONOMICS? / PART II: SUPPLY AND DEMAND / PART III: INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS / PART IV: LONG-RUN ECONOMIC GROWTH / PART V: SHORT-RUN ECONOMIC FLUCTUATIONS / PART VI: STABILIZATION POLICY NEW PART DIVISION /PART VII: EVENTS AND IDEAS / PART VIII: THE OPEN ECONOMY May 2009 Paperback
600pp £39.99
9x6mm 978-1-4292-3807-6
Published by Worth Publishers
Institutional Economics An Introduction
John Groenewegen, Professor of Economics of Infrastructures, Delf University of Technology, The Netherlands, Antoon Spithoven and Annette Van den Berg, both at Utrecht School of Economics, The Netherlands
2nd edition Paul Krugman and Robin Wells, both at Princeton University, USA
The second edition of this popular text has been extensively revised and updated to provide students with a comprehensive overview of Microeconomics. Internationally renowned author Paul Krugman and experienced Microeconomics Lecturer Robin Wells use real world examples to explain economic ideas, making them easy to understand. Contents: PART I: WHAT IS ECONOMICS? / PART II: SUPPLY AND DEMAND / PART II: INDIVIDUALS AND MARKETS / PART IV: MAKING DECISIONS / PART V: THE CONSUMER PART VI: THE PRODUCTION DECISION PART VII: MARKET STRUCTURE: BEYOND PERFECT / PART VIII: MICROECONOMICS AND PUBLIC POLICY / PART IX: FACTOR MARKETS AND RISK
International Financial Architecture
December 2008 Paperback
608pp £41.99
G7, IMF, BIS, Debtors and Creditors
Published by Worth Publishers
9x6mm 978-0-230-27878-3
Institutional economics is an increasingly important area, verging into political science and sociology. This concise and lucid textbook, which assumes a basic understanding of neoclassical economics, introduces the key ideas, emphasizing the ‘new’ institutional economics but grounding readers in the traditional perspectives. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / What is Institutional Economics About? / PART II: THEORY / Theoretical Framework / Static Approaches to Institutions / The Dynamics of Institutions / PART III: PRIVATE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES / Markets / Firms / Cooperation between Firms / PART IV: PUBLIC GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES / State Intervention to Protect the Public Interest / Government Failures January 2010 Hardback Paperback
416pp £70.00 £29.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-55073-5 978-0-230-55074-2
Carlos M. Peláez and Carlos A. Peláez, both Managing Director, CMP Associates November 2005 Hardback
432pp £80.00
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9621-3
Palgrave Texts in Finance and Monetary Economics Series Editor: Philip Arestis
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An Introduction to Behavioral Economics Nick Wilkinson, Associate Professor of Economics, Richmond - The American University in London, UK
Games, Strategies and Decision Making Joseph Harrington, Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins University, USA
‘This book is outstanding. It’s written with humour and patience and is extremely accessible to students, while still being as rigorous as any advanced text in the area. The book is both a theorist’s and a student’s delight!’ - Thomas Jeitschko, Michigan State University, USA Contents: PART I: LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS / Introduction to Strategic Reasoning / Building A Model of A Strategic Situation / PART II: SOLVING STRATEGIC FORM GAMES / Eliminating the Impossible: Solving A Game When Rationality is Common Knowledge / Stable Play: Nash Equilibria in Discrete Games with Two Or Three Players / Stable Play: Nash Equilibria in Discrete N-Player Games / Stable Play: Nash Equilibria in Continuous Games / Keep ‘Em Guessing: Randomized Strategies / PART III: SOLVING EXTENSIVE FORM GAMES / Taking Turns: Sequential Games of Perfect Information / Taking Turns in the Dark: Sequential Games of Imperfect Information / PART IV: GAMES OF INCOMPLETE INFORMATION / I Know Something You Don’t Know: Games with Private Information / What You Do Tells Me Who You Are: Signaling Games / Lies and the Lying Liars that Tell Them: Cheap Talk Games / PART V: REPEATED GAMES / Playing Forever: Repeated Interaction with Infinitely-Lived Players / Cooperation and Reputation: Applications of Repeated Interaction with Infinitely-Lived Players / Interaction in Infinitely-Lived Institutions / PART VI: EVOLUTIONARY GAME THEORY AND BIOLOGY / Evolutionary Game Theory and Biology: Evolutionarily Stable Strategies / Evolutionary Game Theory and Biology: Replicator Dynamics December 2008 Hardback
540pp £39.99
‘This book provides a superb introduction to the field of behavioral economics, suitable not only as an introductory text, but also as an entrypoint for those desiring an engaging overview of the field. By providing his own unique and interesting perspective on the material he reviews, Wilkinson succeeds at the difficult task of holding the reader’s interest while providing remarkably comprehensive coverage. This book will help readers to share in the excitement of those currently working in the field.’ - Professor George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University, USA November 2007 Paperback
536pp £27.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-53259-5
Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics Volume 2: Applied Econometrics Edited by Terence C. Mills, Professor of Applied Statistics and Econometrics, Department of Economics, Loughborough University, UK and Kerry Patterson, Professor of Economics, University of Reading, UK
Following the seminal Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics: Volume I, this second volume brings together the finest academics working in econometrics today and explores applied econometrics, containing contributions on subjects including growth/development econometrics and applied econometrics and computing. Contents: PART I: THE METHODOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS / PART II: FORECASTING / PART III: TIME SERIES APPLICATIONS / PART IV: CROSS-SECTION AND PANEL DATA APPLICATIONS / PART V: MICROECONOMETRICS / PART VI: APPLICATIONS OF ECONOMETRICS TO ECONOMIC POLICY / PART VII: APPLICATIONS TO FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS / PART VIII: GROWTH/ DEVELOPMENT ECONOMETRICS / PART X: APPLIED ECONOMETRICS AND COMPUTING A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2009 Hardback
1424pp £120.00
234x156mm 978-1-4039-1799-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
234x156mm 978-0-7167-6630-8
Published by Worth Publishers
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Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics
The Media Industries and their Markets
Wage Structures, Employment Adjustments and Globalization
Volume 1: Econometric Theory
Quantitative Analyses
Evidence from Linked and Firm-level Panel Data
Edited by Terence C. Mills, Professor of Applied Statistics and Econometrics, Loughborough University, UK and Kerry Patterson, Professor of Economics, University of Reading, UK
‘I forecast that this is a text that will be much referenced and cited in the future and certainly welcome its appearance.’ - Sir Clive Granger, University of California, USA Volume I of the Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics covers developments in theoretical econometrics, including essays on the methodology and history of econometrics, developments in time-series and cross-section econometrics, modeling with integrated variables, Bayesian econometrics, simulation methods and a selection of special topics. Contributors: A.Spanos, K.Hoover, R.W.Farebrother, C.Gilbert, D.Qin, J.Davidson, A.R.Tremayne, N.Haldrup, M.Jansson, P.Perron, C.Velasco, T.Terasvirta, A.Bera, Y.Bilias, P.Simlai, H.Lutkepohl, I.Choi, S.Johansen, J.Gonzalo, J-Y.Pitarakis, F.Vahid, B.H.Baltagi, L-F.Ling, W.Greene, R.T.Baillie, C.Brooks, J.Doornik, R.Davidson, J.G.MacKinnon, D.J.Poirier, J.L.Tobias, G.Koop, R.Strachan, H.van Dijk, M.Villani, L.Anselin, A.Harvey, Rossi, J.Racine, A.Ullah, D.Fok, P.H.Franses & R.Paap A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2007 Paperback
1128pp £33.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-1802-4
Edited by Patrick-Yves Badillo, Professor, AixMarseille University, France and Jean-Baptiste Lesourd, Professor, Université de la Méditerranée, France (School of Journalism and Communication of Marseille)
This book looks at quantitative studies on media markets, examining economic environment, supply and concentration in the media, and demand. It presents the most recent econometric research on the media and their markets, and provides insights on media enterprises, such as, corporate strategy, marketing and advertizing. August 2010 256pp Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27770-0
Applied Econometrics Association Series Series Editor: Orhan Güvenen Published in association with the Applied Econometrics Association
Economic Forecasting Nicolas Carnot, Head, International Economic Synthesis Department, Forecasting Directorate, French Ministry of Finances, France, Vincent Koen, Principal Economist, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), France and Bruno Tissot, Senior Economist, Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland August 2005 Hardback Paperback
336pp £80.00 £27.99
Edited by David Marsden, Industrial Relations Department, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK and François Rycx, Associate Professor of Economics, Free University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium
This volume examines the development of linked and panel data sets for European labour market and social policy analysis, with special focus on labour turnover flows and mobility, the role of labour market institutions and firms’ human resource strategies in relation to wages, and the labour market outcomes of internationalization. Contents: PART I: LABOUR TURNOVER FLOWS AND MOBILITY / PART II: WAGES, HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGIES AND INSTITUTIONS / PART III: CONSEQUENCES OF GLOBALIZATION AND DATA CHALLENGES A Full Table of Contents is available at April 2010 288pp 234x156mm 25 b/w tables and 10 figures Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-25154-0
Applied Econometrics Association Series Series Editor: Orhan Güvenen Published in association with the Applied Econometrics Association
234x156mm 978-1-4039-3653-0 978-1-4039-3654-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Applied Econometrics A Modern Approach Using Eviews and Microfit Revised edition Dimitrios Asteriou, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Hellenic Open University, Greece and Stephen G. Hall, Professor of Economics, University of Leicester, UK
This revised edition of Applied Econometrics is an ideal text for students who are looking for a reliable and practical grounding in the subject. Students are introduced to the various forms of econometric data and shown how to transfer and use the data in the most popular software packages. Contents: Introduction / PART ONE: STATISTICAL BACKGROUND AND BASIC DATA HANDLING / The Structure of Economic Data / Working With Data: Basic Data Handling / PART TWO: THE CLASSICAL LINEAR REGRESSION MODEL / Simple Regression / Multiple Regression / PART THREE: VIOLATING THE ASSUMPTIONS OF THE CLRM / Multicollinearity / Heteroskedasticity / Autocorrelation / Misspecification: Wrong Regressors, Measurement Errors and Wrong Functional Forms / PART FOUR: TOPICS IN ECONOMETRICS / Dummy Variables / Dynamic Econometric Models / Simultaneous Equation Models / PART FIVE: TIME SERIES ECONOMETRICS / ARIMA Models and the Box-Jenkins Methodology / Modelling the Variance: ARCH-GARCH Models / Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models and Causality Tests / Non Stationarity and Unit-Root Tests / Cointegration and Error-Correction Models / PART SIX: PANEL DATA ECONOMETRICS / Traditional Panel Data Models / Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels / Non-Stationary Panels / Practicalities in Using EViews and Microfit / Appendix / Statistical Tables March 2007 Paperback
436pp £30.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-50640-4
PALGRAVE TEXTS IN ECONOMETRICS Series Editor: Kerry Patterson This is a series of themed books in econometrics, where the subject is interpreted as including theoretical developments, applied econometrics and more specialized fields of application, for example financial econometrics, the econometrics of panel data sets, forecasting and so on. Each book in the series is directed to particular aspects of the underlying and unifying theme. For more information visit:
A Primer for Unit Root Testing Kerry Patterson, Professor of Economics, University of Reading, UK
‘I would like to congratulate you on writing what I consider to be the most accessible and helpful book on the subject of Time Series Analysis.’ - Professor Abdul Ghaffar Mughal, Central Asian Academy, Uzbekistan This book gives an authoritative overview of the literature on non-stationarity, integration and unit roots, providing direction and guidance. It also provides detailed examples to show how the techniques can be applied in practical situations and the pitfalls to avoid. Contents: List of Figures / Symbols and Abbreviations / Preface / An Introduction to Probability and Random Variables / Time Series Concepts / Dependence / Convergence / An Introduction to Random Walks / Brownian motion: Basic Concepts / Brownian Motion: Differentiation and Integration / Some Examples of Unit root Tests / Glossary / References March 2010 Hardback Paperback
302pp £67.50 £24.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-0204-7 978-1-4039-0205-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Bootstrap Tests for Regression Models Leslie Godfrey, Professor of Econometrics, Department of Econometrics and Related Studies, University of York, UK
An accessible discussion examining computationally-intensive techniques and bootstrap methods, providing ways to improve the finite-sample performance of well-known asymptotic tests for regression models. This book uses the linear regression model as a framework for introducing simulation-based tests to help perform econometric analyses. July 2009 30 b/w tables Hardback Paperback
£65.00 £24.00
978-0-230-20230-6 978-0-230-20231-3
Modelling Non-Stationary Economic Time Series A Multivariate Approach Simon P. Burke, Department of Economics, University of Reading, UK and John Hunter, Department of Economics, Brunel University, UK
Co-integration, equilibrium and equilibrium correction are key concepts in modern applications of econometrics to real world problems. This book provides direction and guidance to the now vast literature facing students and graduate economists. Econometric theory is linked to practical issues such as how to identify equilibrium relationships, how to deal with structural breaks associated with regime changes and what to do when variables are of different orders of integration. June 2005 Hardback Paperback
264pp £70.00 £24.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-0202-3 978-1-4039-0203-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series Terence C. Mills, Professor of Applied Statistics and Econometrics, Department of Economics, Loughborough University, UK
Modelling trends and cycles in economic time series has a long history, with the use of linear trends and moving averages forming the basic tool kit of economists until the 1970s. Several developments in econometrics then led to an overhaul of the techniques used to extract trends and cycles from time series. Terence Mills introduces these various approaches to allow students and researchers to appreciate the variety of techniques and the considerations that underpin their choice for modelling trends and cycles. May 2003 Hardback Paperback
192pp £70.00 £25.99
Manias, Panics and Crashes A History of Financial Crises 6th edition Charles P. Kindleberger, formerly Ford Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and Robert Z. Aliber, Professor of International Economics and Finance, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, USA Foreword by Robert Solow
‘Charles Kindleberger has written, with great polish and style, an analysis of the stages of financial crises over the last two and a half centuries.’ - Patrick Minford, Economic Journal
216x138mm 978-1-4039-0208-5 978-1-4039-0209-2
Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-1-4039-0172-9 Paperback: 978-1-4039-0173-6
‘Manias, Panics and Crashes is a scholarly account for the way that mismanagement of money and credit has led to financial explosions over the centuries.’ - Richard Lambert, Financial Times ‘Professor Kindleberger has the welcome gifts of carrying lightly an immense weight of learning and of always using his imagination in deciding how to deploy it. These gifts are as evident as ever in his latest book.’ - W.Ashworth, Economic History Review ‘Underneath the hilarious anecdotes, the elegant epigrams, and the graceful turns of phrase, Kindleberger is deadly serious. The manner in which human beings earn their livings is no laughing matter to him, especially when they attempt to do so at the expense of one another. As he so effectively demonstrates, manias, panics, and crashes are the consequence of an economic environment that cultivates cupidity, chicanery, and rapaciousness rather than a devout belief in the Golden Rule.’ - Peter L. Bernstein ‘Robert Aliber has produced superb update of the classic book by Charles Kindleberger which remains as relevant as ever.’ - Martin Wolf, Financial Times The sixth edition of Manias, Panics and Crashes, is a scholarly and entertaining account, highlighting the four waves of credit bubbles in the last thirty years. Most of these countries that have experienced a bubble also have received money from abroad, which has led to an appreciation of their currencies and an increase in asset prices. Contents: R.M.Solow: Foreword / Financial Crisis: A Hardy Perennial / Anatomy of a Typical Crisis / Speculative Manias / Fueling the Flames: The Expansion of Credit / The Critical Stage / Euphoria and Economic Booms / Charlie Ponzi, Bernie Madoff, Frauds and Swindles / International Contagion / Bubble Contagion; Tokyo to Bangkok to New York / Policy Responses: Letting it Burn Out / Bagehot and the Lender of Last Resort for Liquidity Crises and Solvency Crises / The International Lender of Last Resort / The Uniqueness of the Lehman Brothers Crisis / The Three Most Tumultuous Decades / The Lessons of History / Appendix / Notes / Index January 2011 Paperback
256pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-57597-4
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The New International Money Game 7th edition Robert Z. Aliber, Professor of International Economics and Finance, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, USA
‘Luckily for all of us, Bob Aliber has updated his monumental work again. Since so much has happened since the last edition, there was much updating to do, and Aliber has done it well.’ - Alan S. Blinder, Princeton University, USA The International Money Game has been fully rewritten to take account of changes in the world economy, it provides a comprehensive overview of international financial developments, including both the structure of payments arrangements and the series of credit and asset bubbles and the financial crises. Contents: List of Figures, Tables, and Boxes / Preface and Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations and Acronyms / Introduction / A System is How the Pieces Fit / The Name of the Game is Money / PART I INTERNATIONAL MONETARY ARRANGEMENTS, MONEY, AND POLITICS / Gold- How Much Is a ‘Barbarous Relic’ Worth? / The Gnomes of Zurich Play in the Largest Market in the World / ‘The Greatest Monetary Agreement in History’ / Radio Luxembourg and the Eurodollar Market are both Offshore Stations / The Dollar and Coco-Cola are both Brand Names / They Invented Money so They Could Have Inflation / Global Imbalances and the Persistent US Trade Deficit / A World Record- Five Asset Price Bubbles in Thirty Years / Another World Record- Four Financial Crisis in Twenty Five Years / Central Bankers Read Election Returns, not Balance Sheets / Monetary Reform- Where Do the Problems Go When They’re Assumed Away / Globalization 1.0- The Silk Road to Asia and the Salt Caravans Across the Sahara / Taxation, Regulation, and the Level Playing Field / Banking on the Wire / The Reverend Thomas Malthus, the OPEC Cartel and the Price of Energy from 1800 to 2100 / The World Market for Bonds and Stocks / MBSs, ABSs,CMOs, CDOs, Zeros, Swaps, Options, and Credit Default Swaps- The Revolution in Finance / ‘Why Are the MultiNational Firms Mostly Americans?’ / Japan- ‘the First Superstate’ / China- The Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla / Russia- From Marxist Command to Market Economy / Fitting the Pieces Once Again July 2010 Hardback Paperback
376pp £75.00 £24.99
New Issues in Financial and Credit Markets Edited by Franco Fiordelisi, Professor of Banking and Finance, University of Rome III, Italy, Philip Molyneux, Professor of Banking and Finance, Bangor Business School, Bangor University, UK and Daniele Previati, Professor of Banking and Finance, University of Roma III, Italy
This collection of conference papers presents a contemporary insight into key trends impacting on the global financial sector post crisis and highlights new policy and research areas affecting banks and other financial institutions. The four main themes are: financial crises, credit activity, capital markets and risk management. Contents: PART I: FINANCIAL CRISES / PART II: THE LENDING BUSINESS: MARKETS AND INSTRUMENTS / PART III: CAPITAL MARKETS AND RISK MANAGEMENT A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2010 240pp 216x138mm 38 b/w tables, 37 figures, 3 charts and 8 graphs Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-27544-7
Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions Series Editor: Philip Molyneux
The Rise and Fall of an Economic Empire With Lessons for Aspiring Economies Colin Read, Professor of Economics and Finance, SUNY College at Plattsburgh, USA
We have seen many empires come and go. From the Roman Empire to the British Empire, we are now witnessing the decline of the US as a superpower. How do economic innovations foster global economic dominance, and how does the natural evolution of an economic empire eventually bring about its demise and replacement by other economic superpowers? Contents: PART I: FROM 10,000 B.C. TO 1776 – THE DISCOVERY OF ECONOMIES OF SCALE / PART II: A SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION / PART III: THE NEW MERCANTILISTS / PART IV: ASPIRING NATIONS / PART V: GROWING PAINS / PART VI: A NEW ECONOMIC ORDER / PART VII: FROM WHERE HAVE WE COME, AND WHERE WILL WE GO? A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2010 24 figures Hardback
234x156mm 978-0-230-01894-5 978-0-230-01897-6
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The Post ‘Great Recession’ US Economy Implications for Financial Markets and the Economy 2nd edition
When Money Was In Fashion Henry Goldman, Goldman Sachs, and the Founding of Wall Street June Breton Fisher, is Henry Goldman’s granddaughter. She has done extensive professional research into her family tree and forged a reconnection with the Sachs
Philip Arestis, Director, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK and Elias Karakitsos, Global Economic Research
The US is slowly recovering from the aftermath of the burst of the ‘new economy’ bubble - which was one of the worst in monetary history. In this updated edition, Philip Arestis and Elias Karakitsos examine the causes and consequences of the burst of the ‘new economy’ bubble and investigate the impact on financial markets. Contents: Prolegomena / Preface / Introduction / The Causes and Consequences of the Internet Bubble / The Current Financial Crisis and the Origins of Excessive Liquidity / Wages and Prices and the Proper Conduct of Monetary Policy / Corporate Profits and Relationship to Investment / Long-Term Risks of Investment Recovery / The Housing Market and Residential Investment / LongTerm Risks of Robust Consumer Behaviour / Foreign Demand / The US External Imbalance and the Dollar: A Long-Term View / The Long-term Risks to Financial Markets / Bibliography July 2010 c. 70 illustrations Hardback
A Comparative Analysis of International Financial Systems Solomon Tadesse, Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, USA
This book is a critical, data-based international comparative analysis of financial systems. June 2010 Hardback
288pp £42.50
The gripping story of the founding of world’s most successful investment bank. Contents: Against all Odds / Growing Pains / Bickering in the Boardroom / Phoenix Rising / The Fine Art of Collecting Fine Art / Family Matters / End of the Line / Acknowledgments May 2010 288pp 21 b/w photographs Hardback £17.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61750-6
An Introduction to Global Financial Markets 6th edition Stephen Valdez, formerly Financial Trainer and Consultant and former Director of Profile Financial Training Plc., and Philip Molyneux, Professor of Banking and Finance, Bangor University, UK
‘…a must read for those beginning to study finance and an essential reference for advanced students of the topic. The coverage of the recent financial crisis is fantastic and provides a thorough update of all the data, markets, institutions, and financial instruments that played a role in the crisis.’ - Allen N. Berger, H. Montague Osteen, Jr., Professor in Banking and Finance, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, USA This book describes the various financial sectors in clear, easy to understand terms. It provides a broad and balanced introduction to financial markets across the world and comprehensive coverage of commercial and investment banking, foreign exchange, money and bond markets, stock markets and derivatives products. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / PART I: INTRODUCTION / The Debt Merry-go-round / PART II: BANKING / Banking Background / The Role of the Central Bank / Commercial Banking / Investment Banking / PART III: SECURITIES MARKETS / The Money and Bond Markets / Stock Exchanges / Hedge Funds and Private Equity / Financial Crisis / PART IV: FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION / Foreign Exchange / European Economic and Monetary Union / PART V: DERIVATIVE PRODUCTS / Traded Options / Financial Futures / Other Derivative Products / PART VI: THE NEW TIGER ECONOMIES / The New Tiger Economies: China and India / PART VII: Trends in the Global Financial Markets / Key Trends / Glossary April 2010 Paperback
528pp £29.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-24309-5
216x138mm 978-0-230-60082-9
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Finance & Financial Markets
Info-Gap Economics
€ uro Crash
3rd edition
An Operational Introduction
The Implications of Monetary Failure in Europe
Yakov Ben-Haim, holds the Yitzhak Moda’i Chair in Technology and Economics, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Keith Pilbeam, Professor of International Economics and Finance, City University London, UK
‘A superb blend of theory, recent practical examples and data analysis allowing students to gain a thorough understanding of the workings of financial markets and of financial instruments amongst various financial issues. It presents an outstanding and unique review of the recent credit crunch with valuable insights and considerable details of its causes and impacts. Students will benefit by working through the challenging questions at the end of each chapter.’ - Jassodra Maharaj, Senior Lecturer in Economics, Royal Docks Business School, University of East London, UK Finance and Financial Markets is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to finance, making the operation of financial institutions, markets and instruments readily understandable for students on business, economics and finance courses and those wanting to understand the workings of the financial world. Contents: The World of Finance / Financial Intermediation and Financial Markets / Financial Institutions / Monetary Policy and Interest Rate Determination / Domestic and International Money Markets / The Domestic and International Bond Market / Portfolio Analysis: Risk and Return in Financial Markets / The Capital Asset Pricing Model / Stockmarkets and Equities / The Efficiency of Financial Markets / The Foreign Exchange Market / Theories of Exchange Rate Determination / Financial Futures / Options / Option Pricing / Swap Markets / Financial Innovation and the Credit Crunch / Regulation of the Financial Sector March 2010 Paperback
544pp £39.99
‘Ben-Haim’s theories and presentation of how to calculate what one NEEDS to know are, or should be, MUST reading for any one seriously involved in any aspect of today’s economic world, from the trader on a desk to a Central Bank head.’ - Lew Weston, Retired Partner, Goldman, Sachs & Co This book is a product of applying info-gap decision theory to policy formulation and evaluation in monetary economics and related domains. Info-gap theory has been applied to planning and decision problems in many areas, including engineering, biological conservation, project management, economics, medicine, homeland security, and more. Contents: Preface / PART I: GETTING STARTED / Info-Gap Theory in Plain English / A First Look: Stylized Example / PART II: ECONOMIC DECISIONS / Monetary Policy / Financial Stability / Topics in Public Policy / Estimation and Forecasting / PART III: WRAPPING UP / The Art of Uncertainty Modelling / Positivism, F-twist, and Robust-Satisficing / References / Author Index / Subject Index April 2010 Hardback
264pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22804-7
Brendan Brown, Director and Head of Research, Mitsuibishi (UFJ) Securities International plc, UK
‘The majority of economic analysts, especially those in financial markets, follow governments, central banks and international institutions in trusting to largescale macroeconomic forecasts...Brendan Brown...belongs to the select band of commentators who prefer to derive their analysis from the market prices of key variables. For this reason alone he deserves our attention.’ - The Financial Times This sequel to the author’s earlier well-received Euro On Trial, shows how European Monetary Union became a main engine of the global credit bubble and puts forward a set of remedies which would reduce the danger of further economic debacle emanating from serious flaws in the present policy-making framework of the European Central Bank. Contents: Euro Indictment / Origins of the Euro-bubble / The Bursting of the Bubble / The Trial / What Remedies? / Bibliography / Index March 2010 Hardback
224pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22910-5
246x189mm 978-0-230-23321-8
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Money Makers
Personal Investment
Inside the New World of Finance and Business
Financial Planning in an Uncertain World
David Snider, Associate Consultant, Bain& Company and Chris Howard, Ph.D. President’s Associates Presidential Professor, Vice President for Strategic and Leadership Initiatives and Director of the Honors College Leadership Centre, University of Oklahoma, USA
Mariana Mazzucato, Chair, Economics of Innovation, The Open University, UK; Visiting Professor, Bocconi University, Italy, Alan Shipman, Lecturer in Economics and Andrew Trigg, Senior Lecturer in Economics, both at The Open University, UK
‘Given the recent economic turmoil, it is more important than ever for people to learn about the dynamics of business and finance. David Snider and Chris Howard provide readers with a clear understanding of key financial industries and deliver insights and analysis from the people leading these fields. This is the book for a savvy layperson interested in exploring business today.’ - Suzy Welch, New York Times bestselling author and columnist, with Jack Welch, for BusinessWeek magazine
‘An excellent undergraduate text which links the practical aspects of personal finance and investment with the relevant socioeconomic theory in an intellectually stimulating manner guaranteed to engage students.’ - Dr. Jim Mallon, Lecturer in Financial Services, School of Accounting, Economics & Statistics, Edinburgh Napier University, UK ‘The authors unlock the doors to the secrets of what every private investor should know - how to secure a more certain tomorrow by embracing the risks and perils of a less-than-certain world today.’ - David Kuo, Investment Expert, The Motley Fool,
In the wake of global financial crisis the businesses driving our modern economy have changed. While elite fields of business and finance play a dominant role in the global economy, how they work remains a mystery to most outsiders. Money Makers reveals the selective and secretive industries of the private sector that drive the modern economy. Contents: Introduction / The Billionaire Borrowers: Private Equity and Leverage Buyouts / From ‘Gaga’ to Google - The Shepherds of Business from Infancy to Infamous: Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship / The Billion Dollar Brokers of Investment Banking / The Million Dollar Analysis of Management Consulting / Market Mavericks and Stock Market Wizards - The Secretive World of Hedge Funds / Leading the Big Guys that Make the Economy Move: The Management of Fortune 500 Companies / Conclusion March 2010 Hardback
256pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61401-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Waterstone’s
Consumer Culture and Personal Finance Money Goes to Market Jacqueline Botterill, Assistant Professor, Brock University, Canada
This book explores the personal savings and credit discourses surrounding postwar British consumer culture. This cultural history highlights the contradictory meanings of home ownership, domesticity, women’s consumerism, and banking deregulation that underwrote unprecedented financial crisis and consumer indebtedness. January 2010 264pp 2 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-00867-0
Consumption and Public Life Series Editors: Frank Trentmann and Richard Wilk
This innovative teaching text provides an introduction to personal investment in a world defined by uncertainty. With a focus on risk, socioeconomic change and the regulatory framework, and a wealth of international case studies, the book covers all the key issues that affect personal investment decisions and their ultimate success or failure. Contents: Themes in Personal Investment / Structure of the Book / PART ONE: PRODUCTS AND PLAYERS / From Saving to Investment / Investment Choices / PART TWO: STRATEGIES AND MARKETS / Risk-return Strategies / Markets and Players / PART THREE: BUBBLES AND THE ECONOMY / Economic Fluctuations / Bubbles and Investment Behaviour / PART FOUR: REGULATION AND THE LONG TERM / Regulating the Financial System / Investing for the Long Term March 2010 Paperback
448pp £36.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-24660-7
Co-publisher The Open University
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Cooperative Banking in Europe Case Studies
Central Bank Reserves and Sovereign Wealth Management
Edited by Vittorio Boscia, Full Professor of Banking and Finance, University of Salento, Italy, Alessandro Carretta, Full Professor of Financial Markets and Institutions; Director, Ph.D Program in Banking and Finance, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy and Paola Schwizer, Full Professor of Banking, University of Parma, Italy
This book investigates the main features of the evolution of the co-operative banking model in European countries, using ‘country case-study’ analysis. Structured in two parts, the first deals with a sample of countries that joined the European Union before 2000; the second part with a sample of newly-admitted European Union member countries. Contents: PART I: CO-OPERATIVE BANKING IN THE WESTERN EU-COUNTRIES / PART II: CO-OPERATIVE BANKING IN THE NEW EU-COUNTRIES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: December 2009 280pp 216x138mm 48 b/w tables, 55 figures, 14 graphs and 4 photographs Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-57677-3
Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions Series Editor: Philip Molyneux ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Edited by Arjan Berkelaar, Principle Investment Officer and Head of Multi Asset Class Investment Strategies, World Bank, USA, Joachim Coche, Senior Asset Management Specialist, Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland and Ken Nyholm, Senior Economist, European Central Bank, Germany
This is an edited collection of essential readings on Reserves Management and Sovereign Wealth Management, from the SAA conference organized by the Bank for International Settlements, the European Central Bank and the World Bank Treasury. It offers an exchange of views on technical and implemental issues of financial models. Contents: PART I: CENTRAL BANK RESERVES MANAGEMENT / PART II: SOVEREIGN WEALTH MANAGEMENT A Full Table of Contents is Available at: December 2009 graphs and tables Hardback
Progress-Driven Entrepreneurs, Private Equity Finance and Regulatory Issues Zuhayr Mikdashi, Professor of Banking and Financial Systems, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
‘Professor Mikdashi’s book on entrepreneurship via the private equity route is propitiously timed…This book is rich in insights.’ - Samuel L. Hayes, Harvard Business School, USA Durable business performance is crucially dependent on a stakeholders’ strategy and accessible entrepreneurial finance available within macro-economic and regulatory environments. These reflections on issues and policies of progress are mainly concerned with enabling entrepreneurial risk-takers to operate within an optimal business environment. Contents: List of Exhibits & Boxes / About The Author / Acknowledgements / S.Hayes: Foreword / Preface / PART I: ENTREPRENEURS OVERCOMING SOCIETAL CHANGES / Case Studies / PART II: FINANCIERS AS BUSINESS DEVELOPERS / Diversity of Entrepreneurial Financiers / Strategies for Investee Companies / Transaction Approaches for Business Deals / Vying for Gain / PART III: INVESTMENT DYNAMICS / B.Leleux: Private Equity as Wealth Recycler / A Concluding Reflection / Index December 2009 Hardback
216pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-51498-0
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Financial Institutions and Markets
Regulation of Banks and Finance
2007-2008 — The Year of Crisis
Theory and Policy after the Credit Crisis
Edited by Robert R. Bliss, Professor, Calloway School of Business and Accountancy, Wake Forest University, USA and George G. Kaufman, Professor of Business Administration at Loyola University, Chicago, USA
This book is a collection of research papers that contribute to the understanding of ongoing developments in financial institutions and markets both in the United States and globally. November 2009 Hardback
228pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-61927-2
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Carlos M. Peláez and Carlos A. Peláez, both Managing Directors, CMP Associates
As the financial crisis engulfs the world economy, there is an ambitious agenda for regulatory reform. This book provides a comprehensive review of the analysis of finance, economics and the law and economics, illuminating past and current banking and financial regulation designed to prevent another credit/dollar crisis and global recession. November 2009 288pp 10 b/w tables and 2 diagrams Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23903-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Financial Regulation after the Global Recession Carlos M. Peláez and Carlos A. Peláez, both Managing Directors, CMP Associates
The failure on the part of Banks to enforce rigorous self regulation has precipitated a deep and prolonged global recession. This book provides a comprehensive review of principles, institutions and experience of financial regulation, to help illustrate current regulatory proposals. November 2009 16 b/w tables Hardback
The Political Economy of Monetary Circuits Tradition and Change in Post-Keynesian Economics Edited by Jean-François Ponsot, Associate Professor of Economics, University Pierre-mendes-France and Sergio Rossi, Professor of Economics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
This book provides cutting-edge material elaborating on monetary circuit theory and postKeynesian monetary economics. It contributes to a new approach to monetary analysis, which provides original insights into the complex fields of money, banking, and finance. October 2009 264pp 15 b/w tables and 16 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-20337-2
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Capitalism Without Capital Dimitris N. Chorafas, International Management Consultant July 2009 288pp 3 b/w tables and 14 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23346-1
Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions Series Editor: Philip Molyneux ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Central Bank Independence, Accountability, and Transparency A Global Perspective Edited by Bernard J. Laurens, International Monetary Fund, Marco Arnone, Catholic University, Italy and Jean-Francois Segalotto, Research Fellow, CeMaFiR
This book explores three key areas of central banking and governance autonomy, accountability and transparency. It looks at links between the areas, as well as assessing the impact of central bank autonomy on macroeconomic performance. The issues are approached from theoretical and empirical perspectives. June 2009 296pp 216x138mm 66 b/w tables and 13 figures Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-20107-1
International Monetary Fund series
International Finance 3rd edition Keith Pilbeam, Professor of International Economics and Finance, City University London, UK
November 2005 Paperback
528pp £38.99
The European Central Bank The New European Leviathan? 2nd edition
‘...probably the best theoretical and historical introduction to the ECB yet published.’ - Mark Joyce, Eurobusiness
Keith Bain, formerly Principal Lecturer, and Peter Howells, both at Department of Economics, University of East London, UK
May 2005 Paperback
March 2009 Hardback Paperback
502pp £64.99 £39.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-20599-4 978-0-230-20595-6
296pp £24.99
Yongfu Huang, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Cambridge, UK
This book examines the emergence of both financial markets and carbon markets, and provides an indepth investigation on the fundamental determinants of financial development. It looks at specific studies from an economic, political and geographical perspective.
246x189mm 978-1-4039-4837-3
Policy and its Theoretical Basis 2nd edition
‘The current financial crisis has thrown the inadequacies of much standard analysis, and not least the mechanical multiplier model of money creation, into sharp relief. Never has a text on monetary economics based on a more realistic model in which banks create money been more needed. Bain and Howells focus on monetary policy, and in particular the control of short term interest rates, and introduce monetary theory as a means of understanding how, why and when monetary policy works. This is theory with a purpose.’ - Professor Richard Jackman, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Determinants of Financial Development
International Finance is a well-established and internationally renowned introduction to the subject for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. It provides comprehensive coverage of both traditional and modern theories relating to the balance of payments, exchange rate determination and the international monetary system. There is extensive use of data and empirical evidence to illustrate the relevance of theories and concepts discussed.
David R. Howarth, Reader in Political Theory, Department of Government, University of Essex, UK and Peter Loedel, Associate Professor and Chair, West Chester University, USA
Monetary Economics
216x138mm 978-1-4039-4159-6
Contents: Preface / Introduction / General Determinants of Financial Development / Private Investment and Financial Development / Political Institutions and Financial Development / Financial Reforms for Financial Development / Geographic Determinants of Carbon Markets / Conclusion / Bibliography September 2010 240pp 27 b/w tables and 9 figures Hardback £65.00
New Labour, Economic Policy and the Abject State Dan Coffey, Senior Lecturer, Leeds University Business School, UK and Carole Thornley, Senior Lecturer, School of Economic and Management Studies, Keele University, UK
Implications for Financial Markets and the Economy Philip Arestis, Director of Research, Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy, University of Cambridge, UK, and Professor of Economics, Levy Economics Institute, USA and Elias Karakitsos, Global Economic Research 328pp £80.00 £24.99
‘...a controversial but fascinating book...a must-read for all our politicians.’ - The Independent
216x138mm 978-1-4039-3649-3 978-1-4039-3650-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Globalization and Varieties of Capitalism
The Post-Bubble US Economy
September 2004 Hardback Paperback
August 2009 Hardback
200pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-55309-5
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The Global Political Economy of the Environment and Tourism
21st Century Keynesian Economics
Gabriela Kütting, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Rutgers University, USA
This book examines how local and global environment-society relations play out in coastal communities dependent on tourism for economic survival. It analyzes the consequences of social and economic policies on remote areas and makes a case for studying the role of environmental values in global environmental governance. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations / Maps/Photos / PART I: INTRODUCTION / Environment, Tourism and Levels of Governance / Environment and Global Political Economy / Consumption and Equity / PART II: CASE STUDIES / Zakynthos / Thassos / Cavo Sidero / Conclusion / Bibliography August 2010 224pp 1 map and 3 b/w photographs Hardback £57.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-24624-9
Legislatures and the Budget Process
The current global financial and economic crisis has called for the revival of Keynesian theory. This sixth volume in the International Papers in Political Economy (IPPE) series focuses on twenty first century Keynesian economics in terms of both theory and application. Contents: I.Grabel: Financial Systems and Economic Development in the 21st Century: Are we all Keynesians Yet? / A.Dutt: Keynesian Growth Theory in the 21st Century / P.Arestis & M.Sawyer: 21st Keynesian Economic Policy / E.Hein: A Keynesian Perspective on Financialisation / C.Lapavitsas: Systemic Failure of Private Banking: A Case for Public Banks / T.Barker: Endogenous Money in 21st Century Keynesian Economics June 2010 264pp 4 b/w tables and 14 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23601-1
International Papers in Political Economy Series Editors: Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
June 2010 204pp 216x138mm 9 b/w illustrations and 10 b/w tables Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-21972-4
Edited by Leila Simona Talani, Director of Studies, Master in European and International Politics and Master in Research, European Studies and Modern Languages Department, University of Bath, UK
This book provides a comprehensive interdisciplinary account of the events leading to the financial crisis, its institutional causes and consequences, its economic characteristics and its socio-political implications. It offers an indepth assessment of the future of global financial stability. Contents: L.Talani: Introduction / P.Grauwe: The Banking Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Remedies / S.Collignon: The Moral Economy of Money and the Future of European Capitalism / E.Jones: Reconsidering the Role of Ideas in Times of Crisis / H.Plaschke: Challenging the Dollar in International Monetary Relations? The Lost Opportunities of the Euro / G.Fazio: Emerging Markets and the Global Financial Crisis / A.Cafruny: Europe in the Global Financial Crisis / L.Talani: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the City of London: Will the UK Finally Decide to Join EMU? / M.Artis: The Global Financial Crisis and British Membership of the Euro: Time to Think Again! / L.Talani: Conclusions: Towards a New Global Financial Regime? May 2010 208pp 27 figures and 7 tables Hardback £60.00
Joachim Wehner, Lecturer in Public Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Contents: Perspectives on Legislative Budgeting / The Institutional Foundations of Fiscal Control / Assessing the Power of the Purse / Explaining Cross-national Patterns / Legislative Institutions and Fiscal Policy Outcomes / The Promise of Top-down Budgeting / Beyond the Myth of Fiscal Control
Towards a New Global Financial Regime?
Edited by Philip Arestis, Director, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK and Malcolm Sawyer, Professor of Economics and Head of the Economics Department, University of Leeds, UK
The Myth of Fiscal Control
What is the role of legislatures in the budget process? Do powerful assemblies give rise to prospending bias? This survey of legislative budgeting tackles these questions using cross-national data and case studies. It highlights the tension between legislative authority and prudent fiscal policy, exploring strategies for reconciliation.
The Global Crash
216x138mm 978-0-230-24341-5
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Global Political Economy
Globalization and Economic Ethics
Blunting Neoliberalism
Evolution and Dynamics 3rd edition
Distributive Justice in the Knowledge Economy
Tripartism and Economic Reforms in the Developing World
Robert O’Brien, Professor of Global Labour Issues and Chair of the Political Science Department, McMaster University, Canada and Marc Williams, Professor of International Relations, University of New South Wales, Australia
The new third edition of this popular and successful text on the contemporary global political economy and its historical evolution has been systematically revised and updated throughout. The impact of the banking and broader crisis is fully covered and new chapters have been added on security and on theories and methods. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES / Approaches to Global Political Economy / Methods and Theorists / PART II: EVOLUTION / Forging a World Economy 1400-1800 / Industrial Revolution, Pax Britannica and Imperialism / The Twentieth Century: World Wars and the Post-1945 Order / PART III: DYNAMICS / International Trade / Transnational Production / The Global Financial System / Global Division of Labour / Gender / Economic Development / Global Environmental Change / Ideas / Security / Governing the Global Political Economy / Conclusion: Issues in Contemporary GPE Theory March 2010 Hardback Paperback
544pp £65.00 £24.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-24120-6 978-0-230-24121-3
Albino Barrera, Professor of Economics and Humanities, Providence College, USA
What is the appropriate criterion to use for distributive justice? Is it efficiency, need, contribution, entitlement, equality, effort, or ability? This book maintains that far from being rival principles of distributive justice, efficiency and need satisfaction are, in fact, complementary norms in our emerging knowledge economy. Contents: Overlapping Questions: Globalization and Distributive Justice / PART I: THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY / Microelectronics and Market Efficiency / Requisite Agility / PART II: EFFICIENCY AS A CRITERION OF DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE / Efficiency Matters Even More in the Information Age: Considering the Distributive Dimension of Price / PART III: NEED AS A CRITERION OF DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE / Need Satisfaction as a Necessary Condition of Efficiency / Broader Base for Market Initiative, Creativity, and Stability / PART IV: ENTITLEMENT AS A CRITERION OF DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE / Ownership Externalities / Summary and Conclusions: Distributive Justice in the Knowledge Economy February 2010 Paperback
304pp £20.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-62300-2
Edited by Lydia Fraile, Researcher, International Institute for Labour Studies, UK
‘Blunting Neoliberalism provides a wellinformed, comparative analysis of tripartism in developing countries. It is a very original piece of research that develops an innovative and important theory and argument that will be of interest to the broadest scholarship of political economy. In particular, it combines comparative and international political economy and applies them to a new set of empirical issues. The result is an important contribution to both fields of the discipline.’ - Marco Simoni, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK This volume is one of the first books to consider the impact of tripartism across the developing world. It covers eight case studies from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, focusing on developments since the 1990s. These studies show that tripartism has the effect of reducing the social impact of neoliberal economics reforms. Contents: L.Fraile& L.Baccaro: Introduction / S.Avdagic: Tripartism and Economic Reforms in Slovenia and Poland / S.Kuruvilla& M.Liu: Tripartism and Economic Reforms in Singapore and South Korea / G.Falabella & L.Fraile: Tripartism and Economic Reforms in Uruguay and Chile / E.Webster & D.Sikwebu: Tripartism and Economic Reforms in South Africa and Zimbabwe December 2009 256pp 22 b/w tables and 15 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24187-9
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Rethinking Imperialism
The New American Economy
A Study of Capitalist Rule
The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward
John Milios, Professor of Political Economy, National Technical University of Athens, Greece and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Visiting Lecturer, University of the Aegean, Greece
This book aims at presenting and assessing imperialism as a theoretical concept. It aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation, focusing specifically on the tension between Marx’s theoretical system of the Critique of Political Economy and the theories of capitalist expansion and domination. October 2009 2 b/w tables Hardback
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Class Struggle on the Home Front Work, Conflict, and Exploitation in the Household Edited by Graham Cassano, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Oakland University, USA Afterword by Arlie Russell Mochschild
Home/Front examines the gendered exploitation of labour in the household from a postmodern Marxian perspective. The authors of this volume use the anti-foundationalist Marxian economic theories first formulated by Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff to explore power, domination, and exploitation in the modern household. November 2009 Hardback
336pp £67.50
Trade, Labour and Transformation of Community in Asia Edited by Michael Gillan, Lecturer, UWA Business School, University of Western Australia and Bob Pokrant, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director, South Asia Research Unit, Faculty of Media, Society and Culture, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Bruce Bartlett, Economic Historian who has spent the last 30 years working in politics and public policy
‘…Bartlett combines an informed insider’s knowledge and an economic historian’s perspective to create a compelling explanation of where supply side economics came from and what went wrong with Reaganomics.’ David Cay Johnston, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Free Lunch and Perfectly Legal Bartlett explains how economic theories that may be perfectly valid at one moment in time under one set of circumstances tend to lose validity over time because they are misapplied under different circumstances. He makes a compelling, historicallybased case for large tax increases, once anathema to him and his economic allies. Contents: Introduction / The Great Depression: Misunderstanding Deflation / The Triumph of Keynesian Economics / Inflation: The Downfall of Keynesian Economics / The Conservative Counterrevolution / The Rise and Fall of Supply-Side Economics / Starving the Beast Didn’t Work / Dealing With Tomorrow’s Economic Crisis / Epilogue / Appendices November 2009 Hardback
272pp £18.50
This book considers the transformative impact of global trade and production networks on local economies, work and labour organization, and various forms and meanings of ‘community’. It examines the socio-economic transformation in Asia and the restructuring of manufacturing industries, ports and the information technology sector. November 2009 304pp 7 b/w tables and 3 figures Hardback £67.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-22249-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-61587-8
ebook available from: Barnes & Noble, Inc., Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Waterstone’s
216x138mm 978-0-230-22926-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Military Economics The Interaction of Power and Money
Path Dependency and Macroeconomics
Ron Smith, Professor of Applied Economics, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
‘This outstanding book makes an original contribution to the economic analysis of the military sector. The author uses his extensive knowledge of the field to present a highly readable, non-technical and scholarly treatment of why money matters to the military. This is a classic text in applied economics.’ - Keith Hartley, University of York, UK Military power needs to be financed and economic development is often shaped by military conflict, thus the interaction of military and economy, power and money is central to the modern world. This book provides an accessible introduction to the economics of the use of organized force, with a wide range of historical and current examples. Contents: Introduction / Economics / The Military / Values / Facts / Theories / Power and Money / Producing Security / Militarism / Economic Concepts / Uncertainty / Economic-Security Interactions / Security: Are we Safe? / Individual Security / National Security / Global Security / War / Oil / Arms Races and Arms Control / Military Spending: How Much is Enough? / Measures of Military Expenditure / Motives for Arming / Economic Functions of US Military Spending / Hard Choices: UK and France / An Arms Race: India and Pakistan / Military Prices / Military Balance Sheets / Force Acquisition I, Demand: The Biggest Bang for a Buck? Labour / Weapons Procurement / Technology / Force Acquisition II, Supply: The Merchants of Death? / The Arms Industry / Evolution of the Arms Trade / Regulation / Military Capability: How to Win? / Force Employment / Morale / Logistics / Peacekeeping / Economic Choices: Swords or Plowshares? / Budget Constraints / Economic Effects / Technological Spin-off / Economic Warfare / Understanding Military Economics / Acknowledgements, Abbreviations, References, Index October 2009 208pp 5 b/w tables and 7 figures Hardback £60.00
Edited by Philip Arestis, Director, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK and Malcolm Sawyer, Professor of Economics and Head of the Economics Department, University of Leeds, UK
This fifth volume in the International Papers in Political Economy (IPPE) series focuses on the theme of path dependency and macroeconomics in terms of both theory and applications. The volume examines how path dependency is linked with notions of fundamental uncertainty, non-ergodicity and hysteresis. Contents: Preface / P.Arestis & M.Sawyer: Path Dependence and Demand-Supply Interactions in Macroeconomic Analysis / M.Setterfield: Path Dependency, Hysteresis and Macrodynamics / D.Lang: Involuntary Unemployment in a Path Dependent System: The Case of Strong Hysteresis / A.Dutt: Path Dependence, Equilibrium, and Economic Growth / A.Palacia-Vera: Money Wage Rigidity, Monopoly Power and Hysteresis / M.Karanassou& H.Sala: The Rise and Fall of Spanish Unemployment: A Chain Reaction Theory Perspective October 2009 280pp 62 figures and 9 b/w tables Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23600-4
International Papers in Political Economy Series Editors: Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
The Great Interwar Crisis and the Collapse of Globalization Robert Boyce, Senior Lecturer in International History, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
‘This is a splendid piece of scholarship, finely written, exhaustively researched, and interpretively bold. With his emphasis upon the symbiotic relationship of economics and politics, Boyce sees in the late 1920s the real beginnings of the drift toward a new war, and the Anglo-Americans as especially important players in that slow-motion collapse.’ Robert J. Young, University of Winnipeg, Canada Challenging the standard narrative of Interwar International History, this account establishes the causal relationship between the global political and economic crises of the period, and offers a radically new look at the role of ideology, racism and the leading liberal powers in the events between the First and Second World Wars. Contents: List of Tables / Preface / Abbreviations / Introduction / The Liberal Powers, Peace-making and International Security, 1914-19 / The Emasculation of International Security after the Great War / The Limits of Globalisation / The Crisis Begins, 1927-29 / The Crisis, September 1929 - April 1931 / In the Eye of the Storm, May 1931 – February 1932 / The Collapse of the Postwar Order, 1932 - 34 / Conclusion: From the Great Interwar Crisis to the Present / Bibliography October 2009 11 b/w tables Hardback
216x138mm 978-0-230-22853-5
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
The Spectre at the Feast Capitalist Crisis and the Politics of Recession Andrew Gamble, Professor of Politics, University of Cambridge, UK
‘Andrew Gamble is our most formidable exponent of the classical tradition of political economy…He writes with exemplary clarity in limpid English, enlivened with flashes of dry humour…I have learned more from him than from any other political analyst of our generation…The Spectre at the Feast is Gamble at his best…a book that should be compulsory reading in every finance ministry and central bank…[and] the best starting point for the long road to reconstruction that the left now has to take.’ - David Marquand, New Statesman In 2007 a series of events struck the economy like an earthquake. Leading academic Andrew Gamble provides a lively and readable guide to the events and consequences of the current global economic and political crises. He sets the crisis in historical context, explains why it has happened, analyses the global cost and assesses possible solutions. May 2009 Paperback
200pp £15.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23075-0
ebook available from: Waterstone’s
The Determinants of Currency Crises A Political Economy Approach
Globalization A Critical Introduction 2nd Revised and Updated edition
Björn Rother, Economist, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
‘This book cuts to the heart of the policy making process by focusing on how political factors affect exchange rate decisions. By grounding insight from economics, economic history and political science in a consistent methodological framework, the author moves beyond the narrow focus of much of current economic research to produce a compelling account of the political economy of exchange rate decision making.’ Dr. Domenico Lombardi, President, The Oxford Institute for Economic Policy, UK This book explores the role of political factors in the occurrence of currency crises, using an eclectic approach that blends case studies, a rigorous theoretical discussion, and econometric analysis. April 2009 200pp 26 b/w tables and 14 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22181-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Jan Aart Scholte, Professor of Politics and International Studies and Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Globalization and Regionalization, University of Warwick, UK
‘...required reading for anyone interested in the various dimensions of contemporary globalization. Scholte has succeeded in writing a book that is, in fact, much more than an ‘introduction’.’ - Wil Hout, Development and Change August 2005 Paperback
520pp £24.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-97702-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Myilibrary
Globalization and National Economic Welfare Milivoje Panić, Fellow, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, UK January 2005 Paperback
304pp £24.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-4343-9
Globalization and the Welfare State Edited by Bo Södersten, Professor of Economics, University of Lund, Sweden April 2004 Hardback Paperback
264pp £80.00 £21.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-1894-9 978-1-4039-3257-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Human Development Report 2010
The Challenges Ahead
20th Anniversary Edition Edited by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The 20th Anniversary edition is a time to take stock, reflect and move forward. It will build on the tradition of path breaking analysis to better understand human development gains and challenges in a world experiencing unprecedented change, and inform an agenda for reforms to significantly advance future thinking. Contents: A.Sen: Foreword / H.Clark: Introduction / Development as Freedom / Addressing Measurement Challenges / The Advance of People / Progress – Drivers and Barriers / Beyond 2010 October 2010 Paperback
272pp £24.99
Foreign Direct Investments from Emerging Markets
October 2010 90pp figures Hardback
Community, Market and State in Development Edited by Keijiro Otsuka, Professorial Fellow, Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development and Professor, National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies, Japan and Kaliappa Kalirajan, Senior Fellow, Department of Economics, Australian National University, Australia
Overcoming Barriers: Human Mobility and Development
272pp £25.99
279x216mm 978-0-230-23904-3
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Department of Economics, University of Chile
This book provides an in-depth analysis of neoliberal and progressive economic reforms and policies implemented in Chile since the Pinochet dictatorship. The core thesis of the book is that there is not just ‘one Chilean economic model’, but that several have been in force since the coup of 1973.
Collected here are papers from the conference, Thinking Outward, which dealt with a range of issues related to the key players in this process firms, home countries and host countries. In the wake of the financial crisis, these issues remain increasingly critical for developing countries.
Human Development Report 2009
October 2009 Paperback
From Dictatorship to Democracy 2nd edition
Edited by Karl Sauvant, Executive Director of the Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment and a Research Scholar and Lecturer in Law, Columbia Law School, USA with Wolfgang A. Maschek and Geraldine A. McAllister Foreword by Jeffrey Sachs
291x210mm 978-0-230-28445-6
Edited by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Economic Reforms in Chile
Contents: Preface / PART I: AN ACCOUNT OF ONETHIRD OF A CENTURY / Economic Development in Chile since the 1970s / Import Liberalization in 1973-82 / Domestic Financial Liberalization and External Debt in the 1970s: Building a Mayor Crisis / PART II: ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND THE HERITAGE OF THE DICTATORSHIP, 1982-89 / Policy Rectifications and Recovery from the Debt Crisis, 1982-89 / Export Development During the 1980s / PART III: CHALLENGES FOR DEMOCRACY / Export Dynamism and Economic Growth since the 1990s / Income Distribution and Poverty since the 1970s / Managing Capital Inflows in the Nineties / Economic Policy after the 1999 Recession September 2010 304pp 45 b/w tables and 19 figures Hardback £67.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-57738-1
This book draws on the experiences of different countries in Asia and Africa, discussing a number of mechanisms to achieve efficient interactions between state, market, and community. Contents: PART I: AN OVERVIEW / PART II: ROLE OF STATE / PART III: STATE TO COMMUNITY / PART IV: COMMUNITY AND MARKET A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2010 Hardback
304pp £67.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-27458-7
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Minsky, Crisis and Development Edited by Daniela Tavasci, is completing her PhD in Economics and is Teaching Fellow, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK. She has seven years experience in the financial sector; asset management. She studied at Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - Unesco in Buenos Aires and Jan Toporowski, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK
This book provides a systematic account of financial crisis in the developing world by exploring how Minsky’s theory may be extended to countries at early stages of financial development, going beyond the parameters of the established ‘emerging market crisis’ literature. Contents: D.Tavasci & J.Toporowski: Introduction / A.Vercelli: Minsky Moments, Russell Chickens, and Grey Swans / Y.Nersisyan& L.Randall: The Transformation of the Financial System Wray / G.A.Dymski: Financial Globalisation and Financial Exclusion / R.Bellofiore & J.Halevi: Magdoff-Sweezy and Minsky / A.Nesvetailova: Reclaimed by the Mainstream? / C.J.Whalen: A Minsky Perspective on the Global Recession / J.S.Perelstein: Macroeconomic Imbalances in the U.S. / V.Chick: Minsky, Financial Structure and Development / N.Levy-Orlik: Minsky in the New Financial Institutional Framework / L.Ventimiglia & D.Tavasci: Money Manager Capitalism / S.Cheshier & J.Pincus: Minsky au Vietnam / E.Karwowski: Islamic Banking in Malaysia / D.Bezemer, M.Hudson & J.Sommers: Ponzi from the Start / R.Marshall & B.Walters: Financial Crises in an Asian Transitional Economy / V.Arza & P.Espanol: Speculative Behaviour and Financial Fragility / M.Cruz & B.Walters: Financial Crises the Latin American Way / J.P.Painceira: Banks in the Korean Financial Crisis of 1997 / Y.Matsumoto: Minsky and Indonesia August 2010 320pp 38 b/w tablesand 54 figures Hardback £67.50
South-South Migration Implications for Social Policy and Development Edited by Katja Hujo, Research Co-ordinator, Social Policy and Development Programme, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Switzerland and Nicola Piper, Senior Lecturer and Associate Director, Centre for Migration Policy Research, Swansea University, UK
This book seeks to explore the development and policy implications of South-South migration, specifically with regard to the role and challenges for social policy. It examines the linkages and impact of migration on gender and care regimes, human resource flows, remittances, poverty, and political organizations by or for migrants. Contents: K.Hujo & N.Piper: Preface / K.Hujo & N.Piper: Linking Migration, Social Development and Policy in the South - An Introduction / E.Kofman & P.Raghuram: The Implications of Migration for Gender and Care Regimes in the South / J.Meyer: Human Resource Flows from and between Developing Countries: Implications for Social and Public Policies / N.Piper: Migration and Social Development: Organizational and Political Dimensions / H.Haas: Remittances, Migration and Development: Policy Options and Policy Illusions / A.Haan & S.Yayub: Migration and Poverty: Linkages, Knowledge Gaps and Policy Implications / K.Hujo & N.Piper: Bridging Gaps in Research and Policy: Toward Inclusive Migration and Social Policy Regimes - Conclusion August 2010 Hardback
240pp £65.00
Poverty, Hunger and Democracy in Africa David Bigman, Professor of International Trade and Development
The book evaluates alternative policy options for the African countries to overcome the food crisis and the changing structure of world trade to sustain their impressive growth of the early 2000s. These policies must go beyond economic reforms and seek a solution to the entrenched political problems that divided the continent. Contents: Introduction / PART I: WHO IS IN CHARGE? THE ROLE OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND OF THE STATE / PART II: OBSTACLES TO GROWTH: GEOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHY AND THE ENVIRONMENT / PART III: POLITICAL REFORMS TO BUILD THE AFRICAN ECONOMY / PART IV: WHY HAVE THE ADVANCED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES BYPASSED SSA? / PART V: THE FOOD CRISIS / PART VI: THE LONGER TERM REFORMS TO COMBAT HUNGER IN AFRICA A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2010 40 illustrations Hardback
216x138mm 978-0-230-27158-6
Social Policy in a Development Context Series Series Editors: Thandika Mkandawire and Huck-ju Kwon
Published in association with UNRISD
216x138mm 978-0-230-23507-6
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Property Rights Eminent Domain and Regulatory Takings Reexamined
The Dynamics of Local Learning in Global Value Chains Experiences from East Asia
Edited by Bruce L. Benson, Senior Fellow, Independent Institute, USA, DeVoe Moore Distinguished Research Professor of Economics, Florida State University, USA and Contributing Editor of The Independent Review
In an effort to understand the reasons for and consequences of the political backlash to the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Kelo v. New London, this book brings together a diverse group of scholars and practitioners who explore the uses and abuses of eminent domain and regulatory takings. Contents: PART I: PROPOSED CONSTRAINTS ON THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN POWERS / PART II: COMPENSATOIN ISSUES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE / PART III: EMINENT DOMAIN FROM A PUBLIC CHOICE PERSPECTIVE / PART IV: SPILLOVER COSTS OF TAKINGS
Edited by Momoko Kawakami, Deputy Director, Technological Innovation and Economic Growth Studies Group, Inter-disciplinary Studies Centre, Institute of Developing Economies, (JETRO), Japan and Timothy J. Sturgeon, Senior Research Affiliate, Industrial Performance Centre, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
This book investigates the process and mechanism of the capability development of East Asian local manufacturers, which has underpinned their phenomenal rise in the world’s competitive landscape of industrial production during the last few decades. August 2010 240pp Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23849-7
The Rise of China and India Impacts, Prospects and Implications Edited by Amelia U. SantosPaulino, Research Fellow and Project Director, UNUWIDER and Guanghua Wan, Senior Economist, Asian Development Bank
This volume is a timely addition to the emerging literature on the rise of China and India, focusing on how rapid economic growth and geopolitical changes in these countries are reshaping the world economy and global governance. It covers issues such as productivity, labour market, trade competition, and energy. Contents: PART I: THE RISE OF CHINA AND INDIA: DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES AND LESSONS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PART II: ECONOMIC STRUCTURE AND GROWTH / III: TRADE AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT A Full Table of Contents is Available at:
A Full Table of Contents is Available at:
July 2010 336pp 216x138mm 62 b/w tables, 32 figures and 2 charts Hardback £67.50 978-0-230-25273-8
July 2010 Paperback
Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series Editor: Anthony Shorrocks
400pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10247-7
Series produced in association with UNU-WIDER. For more details on the series, please visit:
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Physical Infrastructure Development
Alleviating Poverty through Business Strategy
Balancing the Growth, Equity, and Environmental Imperatives Edited by William Ascher, Donald C. McKenna Professor of Government and Economics, Claremont McKenna College, and Director, Pacific Basin Research Centre, Soka University of America, USA and Corinne Krupp, Associate Professor of the Practice of Public Policy, Duke University’s Terry Sanford School of Public Policy, and serves as Director of Graduate Studies, Sanford School’s Master in International Development Policy, USA
This book addresses the key challenges of balancing economic growth, poverty alleviation, and environmental protection in the development of major physical infrastructure, ranging from transport to energy. Contents: W.Ascher & C.Krupp: Rethinking Infrastructure Development / W.Ascher & C.Krupp: Distributional Implications of Alternative / R.Little: Beyond Privatization / J.Kim & R.Nangia: Infrastructure Development in India and China / W.Ascher: Physical Infrastructure as a Challenge for Far-sighted Thinking and Action / R.Cervero: Transit Transformations / R.Cervero: Urban Reclamation and Regeneration in Seoul, South Korea / C.Krupp: Electrifying Rural Areas / R.Fernholz: Infrastructure and Inclusive Development through ‘Free, Prior and Informed Consent’ of Indigenous People June 2010 Hardback
288pp £52.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-10030-5
Edited by Charles Wankel, Associate Professor of Management, St. John’s University, USA
Social Protection for the Poor and Poorest Concepts, Policies and Politics
Edited by Armando Barrientos, Senior Research Fellow and Research Director, Brooks World Poverty Institute, and Senior Researcher, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, both at University of Manchester, UK; Co-author of Insecurity and Welfare Regimes in Asia, Africa and Latin America and David Hulme, Professor of Development Studies and Associate Director, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, Institute for Development and Management, University of Manchester, UK
A Full Table of Contents is Available at:
Foreword by Frances Stewart
How the for-profit model can be harnessed to provide the poor with a share in the world’s prosperity is discussed through actual cases, and nested in innovative theories of business, social sciences, and philosophy.
October 2010 Paperback
256pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10404-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Social protection is fast becoming a key theme in development policy. This book, now in paperback, examines the political processes shaping social protection policies; compares key conceptual frameworks available for analysis; and provides a comparative discussion on social protection policies focused on the poor and poorest. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / PART II: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS FOR SOCIAL PROTECTIONS: RISKS, NEEDS AND RIGHTS / PART III: WHAT POLICIES WORK FOR THE POOREST? / PART IV: THE POLITICS AND FINANCING OF SOCIAL PROTECTION / PART V: CONCLUSION/ July 2010 368pp 27 tables and 20 figures Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-27358-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
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The Age of Productivity Transforming Economies from the Bottom Up Inter-American Development Bank, (IDB) is an international institution created in 1959 to foster economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Age of Productivity offers a look at how the low productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean is preventing the region from catching up with the developed world. The authors look beyond the traditional macro explanations and dig all the way down to the industry and firm level to uncover the causes. Contents: Latin America’s Productivity Problem / E.Fernández-Arias: Aggregate and Sector-based Productivity Analysis / C.Pagés The Role of Firm Entry, Exit and Resource Allocation in Explaining Productivity / J.Navarro & J.Llisterri Productivity Dynamics: The Role of Innovation / The Role of Market and Policy Failures in Explaining Latin America Productivity Problem / H.Ñopo: Uninsured Risk and Social Protection Policies / A.Chong: Tax Policy / A.Galindo: Financial Market Failures and Policies / A.Izquierdo & E.Cavallo: Macroeconomic Instability and Macroeconomic Policies / M.Mesquita: Product Market Competition Policies / J.Navarro & J.Llisterri: Innovation Policies / E.Fernández-Arias: Industrial Policies / P.Ibarrán & A.Maffioli: SME Policies / Unlocking Productivity Growth / C.Scartascini & M.Tomassi: The Political Economy of Productivity / How to Unlock Productivity Growth in the Region May 2010 Hardback Paperback
368pp £65.00 £22.50
Development in the Americas
234x156mm 978-0-230-62350-7 978-0-230-62352-1
Public Policies for Human Development
Building States and Markets Enterprise Development in Central Asia
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Latin America Edited by Marco V. Sánchez, Economic Affairs Officer, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (UN/DESA), USA, previously associated with the Sub-Regional Office in Mexico City of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Rob Vos, Senior Economist, Inter-American Development Bank, USA and Senior Lecturer, Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands, Enrique Ganuza, Resident Representative of the United Nations in Santiago de Chile and was Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) at the initiation of the project leading to the present publication, Hans Lofgren, Senior Economist of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) of the World Bank, prior to joining the Bank he was Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla, Economist, Poverty and Gender Unit of the Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSPP) of the World Bank, during most of the project’s duration, she was an Economist in the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) of the World Bank
Gül Berna Özcan, Lecturer in European Business and Corporate Governance, School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
The transition economies of Central Asia are faced with the most daunting challenge of modern capitalism: the move from vassal pseudo-states of the former Soviet Union to competitive nations. This book is the first to explore the first fifteen years of economic emergence, and assess the capabilities of these countries to transform their economies. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Map / Introduction: Building States and Markets in Central Asia / Market Building and Social Stratification / Entrepreneurs and Their Perceptions / The Political Economy of Bazaars / The Gendered Economy / Business Interest Representation / International Assistance and Enterprise Development / Entrepreneurs as Moral Men / Conclusion / Appendix / Notes / References / Index February 2010 19 b/w tables Hardback
This book assesses financing strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean, in pursuance of the United Nations’ millennium development goals (MDGs) and their achievement in 2015. It looks at how to make public policies more conducive to support sustained growth and reduce the still widespread poverty and inequality in the region April 2010 120 illustrations Hardback
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Commodities, Governance and Economic Development under Globalization Edited by Machiko Nissanke, Professor of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK and George Mavrotas, Research Fellow and Project Director, World Institute for Development Economics Research, United Nations University (UNU-WIDER), Finland
Alfred Maizels’ work on commodity trade and prices documented trends in a major area of international economic relations. This book elaborates the ideas in the tradition of Maizels’ contributions, and discusses and extends these theories in relation to current problems. Contents: PART I: COMMODITIES, TRADE AND GOVERNANCE: REFLECTIONS ON ALFRED MAIZELS’ LIFE, WORK AND LEGACY / PART II: COMMODITIES AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY IN THE 21ST CENTURY / PART III: CASE STUDIES OF COTTON AND COPPER / PART IV: FINANCE AND GOVERNANCE UNDER GLOBALIZATION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: January 2010 408pp 35 b/w tables and 70 figures Hardback £70.00
Economic Development in Latin America Essay in Honor of Werner Baer
Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict Understanding Group Violence in Multiethnic Societies Edited by Frances Stewart, Professor of Development Economics, Director, International Development Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, and Fellow of Somerville College, University of Oxford, UK
Edited by Hadi Esfahani, University of Illinois, USA, Giovanni Facchini, Department of Economics, University of Essex, UK and Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, University of Illinois, USA
This book addresses a diverse set of challenges facing Latin American economies. These range from the role of neo-liberal policies, deficit targeting, import substitution, role of institutions, trade and regional development and human capital and poverty. January 2010 336pp 47 b/w tables and 38 figures Hardback £67.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-22381-3
Is the World Trade Organization Attractive Enough For Emerging Economies? Critical Essays on the Multilateral Trading System
December 2009 384pp 45 tables and 19 figures Hardback £70.00
Foreword by Kofi Annan
‘Innovative and insightful, this is a timely book now that both the disequalizing forces of globalization and internecine conflicts over resources have heightened ethnic and racial conflicts in many countries. This is not only an excellent academic text but also an accessible source for all engaged in peace building and conflict prevention.’ Thandika Mkandawire, Director, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Contents: PART I: CONCEPTS AND ISSUES / PART II: MEASUREMENT AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS / PART III: HIS AND CONFLICT IN THREE REGIONS / PART IV: CONCLUSIONS AND POLICIES A Full Table of Contents is Available at:
Edited by Zdenek Drabek, Senior Adviser, World Trade Organization, Switzerland
January 2010 392pp 38 figures and 56 tables Paperback £19.99
Do countries benefit from their Membership in the WTO. This book addresses this question and examines the role of the WTO in the process of economic development of emerging markets and other developing countries.
Conflict, Inequality and Ethnicity Series Editor: Frances Stewart
216x138mm 978-0-230-24550-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-58184-5
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Risk, Shocks and Human Development
The Basel Capital Accords in Developing Countries
On the Brink
Challenges for Development Finance Edited by Ricardo FuentesNieva, Policy Specialist and Papa A. Seck, Statistics Specialist, both at United Nations Development Programme
Sudden negative events are part of life, but some are more disastrous than others. This book analyzes the consequences of sudden negative shocks in the short and long term well being of people and how the policies implemented before, during and in the immediate aftermath of the event could help prevent these long lasting effects. December 2009 408pp 234x156mm 47 b/w tables, 26 figures and 2 maps Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-22390-5
Unpaid Work and the Economy Gender, Time-Use and Poverty Edited by Rania Antonopoulos, Director and Research Scholar and Indira Hirway, Director, Centre for Development Alternatives, both at Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, USA
From Agglomeration to Innovation Upgrading Industrial Clusters in Emerging Economies Edited by Akifumi Kuchiki, Executive Vice-President, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDEJETRO), Japan and Masatsugu Tsuji, Professor of Economics, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan; Professor Emeritus, Osaka University, Japan
Edited by Ricardo Gottschalk, Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK
This book is about the new capital adequacy framework – known as Basel II – approved by the Basel Committee in 2004. It aims to discuss Basel II implementation in different categories of developing countries, including emerging market economies, such as Brazil and low-income countries such as Ethiopia and Zambia. Contents: Introduction: Why Basel II Matters / Basel II and International Bank Lending to Developing Countries / Basel II in Emerging Markets: a Comparative Perspective between Brazil and India / The Impacts of Capital Adequacy Requirements on Emerging Markets / Views on Basel II: The Case of Brazil / Views on Basel II: The Case of India / Views on Basel II: The Sub-Saharan African Countries / Basel II and Development Finance: Establishing Regional Guarantee Funds to Ease Access to Credit for SMEs / Conclusions and the Way Forward December 2009 Hardback
208pp £60.00
This book provides a coherent and useful framework to explain the formation of agglomeration and the endogenous innovation process of upgrading industrial clusters to the higher R&D. It contains country studies including; China, India, Japan, Brazil, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. November 2009 384pp 100 b/w tables and 42 figures Hardback £70.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23310-2
IDE- Jetro Series ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-22224-3
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
This book presents research findings from across the global South that substantively improves our understanding of timeuse, poverty and gender equalities, to shed light on why unpaid work is indispensable to economic analysis and effective policy making. December 2009 368pp 47 b/w tables and 23 figures Hardback £70.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21730-0
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Financing Social Policy Mobilizing Resources for Social Development Edited by Katja Hujo, Research Coordinator and Shea McClanahan, Research Analyst, both at Social Policy and Development Programme United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Switzerland
Moving beyond the ‘postWashington consensus’, this book shifts the focus of development policy debates away from expenditures and austerity and towards revenues and resources. The book explores the potential and the developmental impact of different categories of resources for financing social policy in a development context. October 2009 400pp 234x156mm 62 b/w tables and 24 figures Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-57664-3
Firm’s Objectives and Internal Organisation in a Global Economy
Reflexivity and Development Economics
Positive and Normative Analysis
Methodology, Policy and Practice
Edited by Luca Lambertini, Professor of Political Economy, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Italy
The interplay between firms’ internal organization and market behaviour is a long standing issue in industrial economics. This book examines firms’ objectives in the comparatively new perspective shaped by globalization. The positive and normative aspects of theoretical analysis are developed and richly complemented by empirical studies. October 2009 216pp 32 b/w tables and 24 figures Hardback £60.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-22927-3
Published in association with UNRISD
Central Issues in Contemporary Economic Theory and Policy Series Editor: Gustavo Piga
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Social Policy in a Development Context
Daniel Gay, Private UN Consultant
‘This innovative volume by a promising young author demonstrates the importance of reflexivity to both the theory and practice of development economics. This is achieved by methodological argument, developing our understanding of the concept of reflexivity at an abstract level. But it is also achieved by application to two case studies, Vanuatu and Singapore. The work is therefore itself an admirable illustration of its own argument for achieving balance between general argument and attention to particular contexts.’ - Professor Sheila C. Dow, University of Stirling, UK This book outlines a taxonomy of development practice using the notion of reflexivity, and examines it in the case of two countries at opposite ends of the development spectrum: Vanuatu and Singapore. The methodological approach, which gives greater voice to people in developing countries, has practical benefits for economic policy. October 2009 240pp 5 b/w tables and 5 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22016-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth A Case Study in Post-Soviet Ukraine, 1989-2009
Poverty Reduction and Beyond Development Strategies for Low-Income Countries Edited by Takashi Shiraishi, President, Tatsufumi Yamagata, Director, Development Strategies Studies Group, Development Studies Center, both at IDEJETRO and Shahid Yusuf, Economic Advisor, Development Economics Research Group, World Bank
Ararat L. Osipian, PhD candidate in the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations, Peabody College of Education, USA
This book presents theoretical and empirical investigation of the impact of human capital on economic growth in Ukraine during the period of 1989-2009. It defines place and role of human capital in the process of transition from the exogenous to the endogenous forms of growth. Contents: Introduction / Genesis of the Growth Theories / Endogenous Growth in Ukraine / Economic Growth in Ukraine and Other NIS / Empirical Study / Conclusions and Policy Recommendations / Appendices / References / Index October 2009 Hardback
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-61824-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
This book highlights strategies for poverty reduction in developing countries, with emphasis on the power of the market mechanism and vigour of the private sector, focusing ODA on a few longer term challenges and leveraging advances in technology to the fullest, and underlining the importance of human rights and security.
Economic Systems Analysis and Policies Explaining Global Differences, Transitions and Developments Solomon I. Cohen, Lecturer, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
The book brings together economic systems and development economics, offering theoretical foundations and empirical evidence. It examines competition, technology, governance, public goods, income transfers, transition, performance, convergence and displacement in a range of countries worldwide. April 2009 464pp 121 b/w tables and 39 figures Hardback £95.00
234x156m 978-0-230-22382-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Contents: Preface / T.Yamagata & T.Shiraishi: Poverty Reduction and Beyond: How Far toward the Goals? / PART I: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES / W.Easterly: Free Markets and Economic Development / S.Yusuf: Reducing Poverty through Innovation / PART II: REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES / T.Yamagata: Industrialization cum Poverty Reduction: The Cases of Bangladesh and Cambodia / S.Mahmud: The Pledge to End Poverty: The Image and the Reality of International Aid for Health and Population / K.Hirano: What Is Happening in ‘Poor’ Africa? / H.Kato & M.Kiyoka: Poverty Reduction and Human Security: The Experience from JICA’s Foreign Aid / Panel Discussion June 2009 208pp 23 figures and 28 b/w tables Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21994-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Growth & Development With Special Reference to Developing Economies 8th edition A.P. Thirlwall, Professor of Applied Economics, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
‘The strengths of Growth and Development lie in its substantive underlying theoretical and empirical economic discussion supported by the copious use of recent and informative statistical data...Thirlwall’s Growth and Development is by far the most useful [text] for theory-driven applied economic analysis and data.’ - Journal of Development Studies For over thirty years this classic text has offered students a comprehensive overview of the economic aspects of growth and development which is clearly written without sacrificing rigour. The focus is on macroeconomic issues with unique chapters on the history of economic thought, project appraisal and input-output analysis and extensive material on growth theory and the growth process in developing countries. Mini case examples and numerous statistics support the theory, while discussion questions and weblinks encourage student reflection. November 2005 Hardback Paperback
720pp £75.00 £37.99
246x189mm 978-1-4039-9600-8 978-1-4039-9601-5
Gender and Development The Japanese Experience in Comparative Perspective Edited by Mayumi Murayama, Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), Japan October 2005 288pp Hardback £70.00
Wider Perspectives on Global Development Edited by UNU-WIDER September 2005 Hardback Paperback
280pp £75.00 £24.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9626-8 978-1-4039-9631-2
Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series Editor: Anthony Shorrocks Series produced in association with UNU-WIDER. For more details on the series, please visit: ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
In Praise of Empires
234x156mm 978-1-4039-3639-4
Social Policy in a Development Context Edited by Thandika Mkanadawire, Director, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) November 2004 tables and figures Hardback Paperback
June 2004 Hardback Paperback
344pp £80.00 £27.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-3482-6 978-1-4039-3495-6
Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series Editor: Anthony Shorrocks Series produced in association with UNU-WIDER. For more details on the series, please visit: ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Poverty, Reconstruction and Growth
Deepak Lal, Department of Economics, University College of Los Angeles, USA 304pp £25.99
Edited by Tony Addison, UNU/WIDER, Finland, Henrik Hansen and Finn Tarp, both at University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Fiscal Policy for Development
Globalization and Order
December 2004 Hardback
Debt Relief for Poor Countries
£85.00 £23.99
978-1-4039-3660-8 978-1-4039-3661-5
Edited by Tony Addison, UNU/WIDER, Finland and Alan Roe, University of Warwick, UK May 2004 360pp tables and figures Hardback £85.00 Paperback £31.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-3480-2 978-0-230-00499-3
Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series Editor: Anthony Shorrocks Series produced in association with UNU-WIDER. For more details on the series, please visit:
Social Policy in a Development Context ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
216x138mm 978-1-4039-4944-8
IDE-JETRO Series ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Serbia’s Transition Towards a Better Future
Economics of Institutional Change
Milica Uvalic, Professor of Economics, University of Perugia, Italy
Central and Eastern Europe Revisited 2nd edition
The book analyzes the twenty years of economic transition from socialism to capitalism in Serbia. It offers a comprehensive evaluation of the achievements and failures of the transition, and explains why its course has been more complex and unique than elsewhere in the former socialist world.
Tomasz Mickiewicz, Senior Lecturer in Economic Restructuring, School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) and Director, Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, University College London, UK
This book is about the process of institutional change: its characteristics, determinants and implications for economic performance. With specific focus on Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, this revised and updated edition examines the process of development, and its interdependence with institutions. Contents: Introduction / Central Planning – Command, Control and Surveillance / Decline and Fall of the Soviet System / Institutions; Institutional Reform / Political Economy of Reforms / Hard Budget Constraint / Liberalisations, Partial Liberalisations and Recessions / Unemployment / Labour Market Institutions / Privatization: Speed, Efficiency, Distribution / The Order of Financial Liberalization / Public Finance: Size and Efficiency of the Government / Anatomy of a Crisis / Bibliography September 2010 Hardback
224pp £65.00
Economic Growth and Structural Features of Transition
Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Serbia on The Eve of Transition / The Early 1990s: Political and Economic Instability / Post-Dayton: Slow Progress with Transition / Serbia’s ‘Velvet’ Revolution and its Aftermath / Embarking on Transition for the Second Time / Transition Strategy Flaws: Privatization and Restructuring / Integrating Serbia into the European Union / The Way to a Better Future: Remaining Challenges / Postface / References May 2010 272pp 30 tables/figures Hardback £67.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-21160-5
Studies in Economic Transition Series Editor: Jens Hölscher
Edited by Enrico Marelli, Professor, Universita di Brescia, Italy and Marcello Signorelli, Associate Professor, Universita di Perugia, Italy
This book examines, theoretically and empirically, the key aspects and differences of economic growth. It provides a comprehensive investigation of the numerous features of development in transition countries, covering the last two decades, from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to the current financial crisis. Contents: PART I: ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT / PART II: STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND REGIONAL PERFORMANCE / PART III: INCOME INEQUALITY AND LABOUR MARKET EVOLUTION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: January 2010 336pp Hardback £67.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-23570-0
Studies in Economic Transition Series Editor: Jens Hölscher
216x138mm 978-0-230-24262-3
Studies in Economic Transition Series Editor: Jens Hölscher
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Transition From Socialist to Market Economies Comparison of European and Asian Experiences Edited by Shinichi Ichimura, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University, Japan, Tsuneaki Sato, Professor Emeritus, Yokohama City University, Japan and William James, Principal Economist, Asian Development Bank
Twenty years after the collapse of communism in Central Eastern European countries and thirty years after the start of market-oriented reforms in China, this book provides a framework for understanding the differing emphasis and sequencing of two reforms and explores in-depth these issues in the demise of communism and the triumph of the market economy. October 2009 296pp 41 b/w tables and 14 figures Hardback £67.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-22803-0
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
The Performance Economy 2nd edition Walter R. Stahel, Head of Risk Management Research, Geneva Association and Founder, Product-Life Institute, Switzerland
The Rise of Technological Power in the South Edited by Xiaolan Fu, Director of Sanjaya Lall Programme for Technology and Management for Development, University Lecturer in Development Studies and Fellow of GreenTempleton College, Oxford University, UK and Luc Soete, Director of UNU-MERIT and Professor of International Economic Relations, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
This book explores the drivers of technological upgrading and catch-up in the emerging economies, paying specific attention to technology and innovation policies, national innovation systems, the role of foreign direct investment and small and medium enterprises. It provides practical implications for other developing countries.
This updated and revised edition outlines strategies and models for how to use technology and knowledge to improve performance, create jobs and increase income. It shows what skills will be required to produce, sell and manage performance over time, and how manual jobs can contribute to reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources. Contents: Producing Performance / Selling Performance / Managing Performance Over Time / Sustainability and The Performance Economy February 2010 Hardback
376pp £70.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58466-2
216x138mm 978-0-230-23840-4
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The Self-Perception of Early Modern Capitalists Edited by Margaret C. Jacob, University of California, Los Angeles, USA and Catherine Secretan
‘This collection is highly original and will appeal to all students of early modern Europe. The editors have assembled front-line pieces of scholarship that put European townsmen, and some townswomen, on the verge of the modern in an entirely new light. The new sources revealed here give a tolerant yet precise view of the early modern middle class that comes out of actually listening to it, and will inspire a new generation of scholars.’ - Deirdre McCloskey, author of The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce (2006) Contents: PART I: SELF-IMAGES / PART II: CAPITALISM AS NORMATIVE / PART III: INDIVIDUALS AND STRIVING A Full Table of Contents is Available at: December 2009 Paperback
290pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-61781-0
International Trade Robert Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor, both Professors of Economics, University of California, USA
Available as a separate text, this contains all the chapters on Trade from the textbook International Economics. Contents: PART ONE: INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE / Trade in the Global Economy / PART TWO: PATTERNS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE / Trade and Technology: The Ricardian Model / Gains and Losses from Trade in the Specific-Factors Model / Trade and Resources: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model / Movement of Labor and Capital Between Countries / PART THREE: NEW EXPLANATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE / Increasing Returns to Scale and Imperfect Competition / Foreign Outsourcing of Goods and Services / PART FOUR: INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICIES / Import Tariffs and Quotas under Perfect Competition / Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition / Export Subsidies in Agriculture and High Technology Industries / International Agreements: Trade, Labor and the Environment January 2008 Paperback
900pp £40.99
Published by Worth Publishers
297x210mm 978-1-4292-1494-0
Non-Standard Employment under Globalization Flexible Work and Social Security in the Newly Industrializing Countries Edited by Koichi Usami, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO
Expansion of nonstandard employment under globalization is widely observed in all of the newly industrializing countries. This book explores the deregulation of labour markets, social protection for nonstandard workers, and social security reforms in accordance with the transformation of employment. Contents: Introduction / Labor and Social Security Reforms in Mexico: From the Perspective of State-Labor Relationships / Re-thinking Argentina’s Labor and Social Security Reform in the 1990s: Agreement on Competitive Corporatism / The Changing Nature of Employment and the Reform of Labor and Social Security Legislation in Post-Apartheid South Africa / The Impact of the Transformation of Labor Relations on Social-Security System Reform in the People’s Republic of China: The Growing Allure and Reality of Corporatism / The Tripartite Relationship and Social Policy in Taiwan: Searching for a New Corporatism? / Labor and Welfare for an Advanced Economy in the Republic of Korea: A Policy Mix of Universalism and Neo-liberalism December 2009 240pp 28 b/w tables and 9 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23848-0
IDE-JETRO Series ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Household Divisions of Labour
The Economics of Codetermination
Teamwork, Gender and Time
Lessons from the German Experience
Elisa Rose Birch, Anh T. Le, both Assistant Professors and Paul W. Miller, Professor, all at University of Western Australia, Australia
This book investigates the extent of gender inequality in the division of labour in the modern household. Through comparisons of the time allocations of single couple families without children, couple families with children and lone parents, a comprehensive account of the evolution of gender inequality over a typical lifecourse is presented. Contents: Preface / Introduction / Time Use Surveys / Time Use: What Previous Studies Tell Us / Singles / Couples without Children / Couples with Children / Lone Parents / Conclusion / References November 2009 272pp 49 b/w tables and 28 figures Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-20158-3
Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Series Editors: Graham Allan and Lynn Jamieson ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
John T. Addison, Hugh C. Lane Professor of Economic Theory, University of South Carolina, USA, and Research Fellow, Centre for Labour and Employment Law, New York University and the University of Coimbra, Portugal
Mixing economic theory and empirical analysis, this book tackles the economics and econometrics of codetermination, rooted in the German Mitbestimmung. The core themes are an examination of the theory and practice of codetermination at plant (work councils) and enterprise (worker directors) levels. Contents: Introduction / Context: What is Codetermination? / The Theory of Codetermination / The Early Econometric Literature on Works Councils / The Emergence of a More Positive View of Workplace Codetermination / The Impact of Workplace of Codetermination / Evaluation of Codetermination at the Enterprise Level / European Rules for Informing and Consulting Workers and the European Dimension / Codetermination in Retrospect and Prospect November 2009 Hardback
192pp £50.00
International and Comparative Labour Law Current Challenges Arturo Bronstein, Secretary General of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law
A stimulating, authoritative account of international employment law written by a leading figure who for many years has shaped global policy, striving to implement fairer working conditions worldwide. We are expertly guided though the context and development of labour law, making this book ideal for study or research. May 2009 footnotes Paperback
Co-publisher International Labour Office
234x156mm 978-0-230-60609-8
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Privatisation against the European Social Model
Edited by Marica Frangakis, Economist, Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Christoph Hermann, Political Scientist, FORBA - Working Life Research Centre, Jörg Huffschmid, Professor of Political Economy and Economic Policy (retired), University of Bremen, Germany and Károly Lóránt, Scientist, ECOSTAT
Challenges for Practice, Theory and Policy Edited by David Billis, Reader Emeritus, Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Addressing a key social policy problem, this book analyzes modern voluntary organizations through the lens of a new theory of hybrid organizations, which is tested and developed in the context of a range of case studies. Essential reading for all interested in the future of the third sector. Contents: D.Billis: Introduction: From Welfare Bureaucracies to Welfare Hybrids / D.Billis: Towards a Theory of Welfare Hybrids / M.Harris: Third Sector Organizations in a Contradictory Policy Environment / C.Comforth & R.Spear: The Governance of Hybrid Organizations / A.Ellis Paine, N.Ockenden & J.Stuart: Volunteers in Hybrid Organizations: A Marginalised Majority? / B.Cairns& R.Hutchison: Community-Based Organizations: Sustainability and Independence / M.Torry: Faith-Based Organizations: A Distinctive Contribution to Welfare? / M.Aiken: Social Enterprises: Challenges from the Field / M.Taylor & J.Howard: Hybridity in Partnership Working: Managing Tensions and Opportunities / D.Mullins & H.Pawson: Social Housing: Agents of Policy or Profits in Disguise? / D.Lewis: Encountering Hybridity: Lessons from Individual Experiences / Conclusions
288pp £60.00 £19.99
The New Configuration of Social Risks
A Critique of European Policies and Proposals for Alternatives
Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector
May 2010 Hardback Paperback
Social Vulnerability in Europe
This book addresses the EU as powerful driver of the wave of privatizations in the network industries and public services since the early 1990s. Based on theoretical arguments and empirical studies it examines the impact of these policies on what is regarded as the normative pillars of the European Social Model. November 2009 288pp 25 b/w tables and 13 figures Hardback £65.00
Edited by Costanzo Ranci, Professor of Economic Sociology, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
This book explores the dimensions and characteristics of social vulnerability in Western Europe. It provides a broad empirical foundation for recent theories on the emergence of new social risks in post-industrial societies, revealing to what extent social risks are compromising the ‘normal’ functioning of the European population. November 2009 320pp 30 figures and 64 b/w tables Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58091-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-22409-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-23463-5 978-0-230-23464-2
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Is Economic Growth Sustainable? Edited by Geoffrey Heal, Paul Garret Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility, Columbia Business School, USA
world’s leading scholars.
How can we determine if current growth patterns are sustainable, and what changes to we need to make to make them more so? This volume addresses these issues in a rigorous yet accessible fashion, presenting the current research of some of the
Contents: Is Growth Sustainable? / What Are the Health Effects of Air Pollution in China? / Why Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture Could be Economically Substantial / Wealth Saving and Sustainability / China, the U.S., and Sustainability: Perspectives Based on Comprehensive Wealth / Counting Nonmarket, Ecological Public Goods: The Elements of a Welfare-Significant Ecological Quantity Index / The Challenge of Crafting Rules to Change Open-Access Resources into Managed Resources / How does Trade affect the Environment? / Corporate Environmentalism: Doing Well by Being Green February 2010 296pp 216x138mm 54 b/w tables and 28 figures Hardback £67.50 978-0-230-23247-1
International Economic Association Series Editor: Michael Kaser
International Real Estate Economics
The New Energy Crisis Climate, Economics and Geopolitics Edited by Jean-Marie Chevalier, Director, Centre de Géopolitique de l’Energie et des Matières Premières, University of Paris-Dauphine, France
Piyush Tiwari and Michael White, both Senior Lecturers in Property, University of Aberdeen, UK
As the real estate market becomes increasingly international, it is essential to understand how specific national markets operate and relate to one another. The authors identify the similarities and differences observed across European, Asian and American markets, providing a framework to explain how these diverse national markets converge. Contents: Contextualising International Real Estate Markets / Theorising International Real Estate 1 / Theorising International Real Estate 2 / Property Market Activity / Institutions in Real Estate Service Provision / European Real Estate Markets / Property Markets in AsiaPacific / Real Estate Markets in North America / Property Markets in Latin America / Towards an Internationalised Real Estate Market January 2010 Hardback Paperback
232pp £50.00 £24.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-50759-3 978-0-230-50758-6
Environmental Economics In Theory and Practice 2nd edition
The New Energy Crisis comes from the recent intrusion of climate change issues into energy economics and geopolitics. Global warming reveals that the current evolution of the world energy consumption is on an unsustainable path. This book explores economic and geopolitical tensions and reinforces ways to overcome the crisis. Contents: C.Mandil: Foreword / J-M.Chevalier: The New Energy Crisis / P.Geoffron & S.Rouhier: The Carbon-Dependent Asian Dynamics / N. Campaner & A.Gubaidullin: Russia and Central Asia: Between East and West / J-M.Chevalier & N.Ouedraogo: Energy Poverty and Economic Development / M.C. Aoun: Middle East and North Africa: Oil Curse or Blessing? / S.Meritet & F.Salaun: The United States: Energy at a Turning Point? / J.Horst Keppler: An European Vision of our Energy Future / D.Lautier & Y.Simon: Energy Finance / J-M.Chevalier: Winning The Battle? May 2009 Hardback
Nick Hanley, Professor of Environmental Economics, Stirling University, UK, Jason F. Shogren, Stroock Distinguished Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Wyoming, USA and Ben White, Senior Lecturer, School of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia, Australia
312pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57739-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
This completely revised and updated edition of Environmental Economics: In Theory and Practice covers all the major topics in the field. Emphasis is placed on the application of economic analysis to real-world environmental problem solving, and examples are drawn from all over the world. November 2006 Paperback
480pp £38.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-97137-6
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The Comparative Economics of Sport
Stefan Szymanski, Professor of Economics, Associate Dean and Director of the MBA Programme, Cass Business School, City University of London, UK
Football Economics and Policy Stefan Szymanski, Professor of Economics, Associate Dean and Director of the MBA Programme, Cass Business School, City University of London, UK
‘Professor Szymanski is the one of the leading academic authorities internationally on sports economics particularly the economics of (association) football. This volume brings together many of his most important contributions to the economics of football. Read, understand, critically evaluate and, most of all, enjoy.’ - Bill Gerrard, Leeds University Business School, UK This volume deals with the competitive structure of football. It examines the relationship between sporting success and economic variables, the structure of European competitions, financial problems in football, their origins and options for reform, racial discrimination in English football, and the economic impact of the World Cup.
‘Szymanski masterfully leads us through his impactful work on sports economics. Always pathbreaking, and sometimes controversial, nobody interested in scholarly progress in the area can ignore this impressive body of work. If you haven’t been following his work over the years, here is your chance to catch up with the best possible guide leading the way! Highly recommended.’ - Rodney Fort, Professor of Sport Management, University of Michigan, USA Starting with a major survey of the economics of sport, this volume involves primarily a comparison of the European and American models of sport, how to restructure leagues to make them more competitive, the analysis of gate-sharing mechanisms, the economic impact of promotion and relegation and a comparison of broadcasting regimes.
Contents: The English Football Industry, Profit, Performance and Industrial Structure / The Market for Soccer Players in England after Bosman: Winners and Losers / The Americanization of European Football / Hearts and Minds and Restrictive Practices Court Case / Broadcasting, Attendance and the Inefficiency of Cartels / A Market Test for Discrimination in the English Professional Soccer Leagues / The Financial Crisis in European Football: An Introduction / English Football / Income Inequality, Competitive Balance and the Attractiveness of Team Sports: Some Evidence and a Natural Experiment from English Soccer / The Champions League and the Coase Theorem / The Economic Impact of the World Cup 2002
Contents: The Economic Design of Sporting Contests / The Political Economy of Sport / Is there a European Model of Sport? / Antitrust and Inefficient Joint Ventures: Why Sports Leagues Should Look More Like McDonald’s and Less like the United Nations / Governance and Vertical Integration in Team Sports / Antitrust, Promotion and Relegation / Equality of Opportunity and Equality of Outcome: Open Leagues, Closed Leagues and Competitive Balance / Promotion and Relegation in Sporting Contests / Competitive Balance and Gate Revenue Sharing in Team Sports / Testing Causality Between Team Performance and Payroll: The Cases of Major League Baseball and English Soccer / Why Have Premium Sports Rights Migrated to Pay-TV in Europe but not in the US
March 2010 Hardback
March 2010 Hardback
272pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23223-5
336pp £65.00
Impact of TRIPS in India An Access to Medicines Perspective Prabodh Malhotra, was born and brought up in India but has been living in Australia since 1980. Thus, he understands both systems. He has taught at a number of universities in Australia. Prabodh has PhD in Economics and Masters in International Business and has published conference papers, journal articles and government reports in these areas. This book is based on his extensive research and fieldwork in India.
In India today only thirty-five percent of people have access to medicines. This book examines the rise of drug prices in India, and develops a new healthcare model, which if implemented, would extend access to medicines to India’s entire population. Sensitivity tests show that the proposed model is affordable, equitable and implementable Contents: Foreword / Acknowledgments / Introduction / PART I: INFLUENCE OF GLOBAL FORCES ON ACCESS TO MEDICINES / The World Trade Organization and the TRIPS Agreement / The Global Pharmaceutical Industry and Developing New Drugs / PART II: ACCESS TO MEDICINES IN INDIA / Development of India’s Pharmaceutical Industry / TRIPS and the Indian Patents Regime / Price Controls and Drug Affordability in India: Policy Options / Health Insurance in India / Broadening the Access to Medicines and Healthcare in India / PART III: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE / Is TRIPS Appropriate for Developing Countries? / Which Way Ahead? / Final Conclusions / References October 2010 288pp 216x138mm 32 b/w tables, 6 figures and 2 charts Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-27278-1
216x138mm 978-0-230-23224-2
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Asia and the Global Economic Crisis
China and the World Economy Edited by David Greenaway, Professor and Pro Vice Chancellor, Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalization and Economic Policy, School of Economics, Sir Clive Granger Building, Chris Milner, Professor of International Economics and Head of School, both at University of Nottingham, UK and Shujie Yao, Reader, Department of Economics, University of Portsmouth, UK
Challenges in a Financially Integrated World John Malcolm Dowling, taught at the University of Colorado, USA, Reading University, UK, Melbourne University, Australia, Singapore Management University, Singapore, Thamassat University, Thailand, and served as Assistant Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank, Philippines and Pradumna Bickram Rana, Senior Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
‘Drawing upon a rich set of data and references, this book provides a timely account of the impact of the global downturn on Asian economies, the ways by which policy makers attempted to remedy the situation, and the daunting challenges that Asia is facing. The crisis is not over. Many analytical and policy issues that are brought to light by the severe downturn remain to be addressed, with a fresh look and in depth. The book offers a good start.’ - Wei Ge, Professor of Economics, Bucknell University, USA This book provides an analysis of the global economic crisis from an Asian perspective. It examines the impacts of the policy measures adopted, the remaining challenges in rebalancing the global economy, the next steps in regional economic integration in Asia, and issues related to reform of the international financial architecture.
The rising importance of China and its impact on the world economy has attracted massive interest worldwide. This book examines a wide range of issues related to China and its relationship with the world economy, focusing on its successful development experiences and how its rise may affect the rest of the world in the coming decades. Contents: Introduction / China, the WTO and the Doha Agenda / China and Regional Integration / Balance or Imbalance of China’s Economy versus the World / Has China Displaced Other Asian Countries’ Exports? / China, Commodity Prices and the Terms of Trade / Inward and Outward FDI in China / Outsourcing to China / FDI in China: Facts and Impacts on China and the World Economy / Multinationals and Trade Linkages / Patenting in China / Economic Growth, Foreign Investment and Regional Inequality in China / China’s Labour Market: Evolution and Impediments September 2010 304pp 44 b/w tables and 43 figures Hardback £67.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-52152-0
How the Chinese Economy Works 3rd Revised edition Rongxing Guo, Beijing Graduate School of Cumt, Beijing
This is a revised and updated version of the celebrated ‘Best Book on Chinese Economy’. It sets out to analyze and compare the operational mechanisms of the Chinese economy between the pre- and post-reform periods and through national, regional and local dimensions. Contents: PART I: A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHINA / PART II: SPATIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS / PART III: HUMAN AND CULTURAL CONTEXTS / PART IV: POLITICAL ECONOMIC SYSTEMS IN TRANSITION / PART V: UNDERSTANDING CHINESE ECONOMIC REFORM / PART VI: ECONOMIC GROWTH AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION / PART VII: A MULTIREGIONAL ECONOMIC COMPARISON / PART VIII: SPATIAL ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY / PART IX: INDUSTRIALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS / PART X: THE QUEST FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / PART XI: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC INFLUENCES / PART XII: THE GREATER CHINA AREA: RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT October 2009 408pp 216x138mm 43 b/w tables, 36 figures and 17 b/w illustrations Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-58100-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
September 2010 320pp 216x138mm 57 b/w tables, 42 charts and 7 figures Hardback £67.50 978-0-230-27363-4
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Pan-Asian Integration
Linking East and South Asia Edited by Joseph F. Francois, Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austia, Ganeshan Wignaraja, Asian Development Bank Pradumna Bickram Rana, Senior Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
This book examines the economic, political and institutional dimensions of pan-Asian integration. With little progress made in the Doha Round, there is heightened interest in deeper regional integration in Asia. The book explores regional patterns of trade and investment and the potential for deeper integration. March 2009 Hardback
600pp £75.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-22178-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Economic Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa Real Estate Policies Felix N. Hammond, Senior Lecturer in Real Estate, University of Wolverhampton, UK and Yaw Adarkwah Antwi, Real Estate Markets and Land Policy, LandPro Consultancy, Ghana
This volume explores why real estate policies in Africa have not worked well and examines how they can or should be more organised for efficient and successful outcomes. Contents: Introduction and Background / Economics of African Land Tenure / Conceptual Foundations of Real Estate Policy / Political Economy of Land Tenure / Land Tenure Reforms and Development / Real Estate Information Management and Registration / Measuring Impacts of Real Estate Policies / The Cost of African Real Estate Policies / The Cost of African Real Estate Bureaucracies / Benefits of African Real Estate Policies / Conclusions / Bibliography April 2010 Hardback
From Growth to Convergence Asia’s Next Two Decades Edited by Fan Zhai, Economist, Asian Development Bank
The economic landscape of Asia has transformed in the past two decades. Regional economies are linked, and have achieved prosperity. The region must now look to the future. This book explores issues in Asia’s long-term development, identifying conditions for sustained growth and income convergence. February 2009 Hardback
352pp £70.00
280pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23231-0
Risk Regulation in the United States and European Union Controlling Chaos Lina M. Svedin, completed her Ph.D. at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Department of Political Science, Syracuse University, USA, Adam Luedtke, 2009-2010 Visiting Fellow, Niehaus Centre for Globalization and Governance, USA and Princeton University, USA and Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Utah, USA and Thad E. Hall, Associate Professor of Political Science and Research Fellow, Institution of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah, USA
Globalization and technology have altered public fears and changed expectations of how government should make people safer. This book analyzes how Europeans and Americans perceive and regulate risk. The authors show how public fears about risk are filtered through political systems to pressure governments to insure against risk. Contents: PART I: RISK REGULATION IN A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE / American and European Views on Risk / Divergent and Convergent Trend in the Regulation of Risk / PART II: RISK REGULATION IN FOUR POLICY DOMAINS: SOCIAL RISKS, BIOLOGICAL RISKS, ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS, AND SOCIETAL RISKS / Immigration / Food Safety / Flooding / Election Technology and Election Fraud July 2010 Hardback
224pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-62049-0
234x156mm 978-0-230-22176-5
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The Russian Public Debt and Financial Meltdowns Andrey Vavilov, joined the Russian Ministry of Finance in 1992 and resigned in 1997 as a First Deputy Minister of Finance. He currently serves as a member of the Council of Russian Federation and as a Visiting Senior Scholar in Penn State University and a Scientific Advisor to the Institute for Financial Studies
‘Andrey Vavilov has done a splendid job of integrating modern macroeconomic theory with personal experience. Stunningly coherent, comprehensive and lively. It should be read by anyone who is serious about studying Russian economy.’ - Oleg Viyugin, Chairman of the board of MDM Bank, former Head of the Federal Financial Markets Service (Russian Federation) This book examines history of Russian finances in the period of Russia’s transition from communism to capitalism in the 1990s and in the current decade. It focuses on obstacles to market reforms and macroeconomic policy choices that resulted in the state debt expansion and the financial crisis of 1998. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / External Debt Crisis of the 1990s / Domestic Financial System and Inflation / Virtual Economy and Fiscal Crisis / The Risks of Domestic Debt Expansion / The Causes of Russian Financial Crisis of 1998 / The Debt Crisis and Default / Recovery After the Crisis / Yet Another Crisis (2008-2009) / References July 2010 272pp c. 100 illustrations Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24893-9
The Years of Hunger Volume 5: Soviet Agriculture 1931-1933 R. W. Davies, Emeritus Professor of Soviet Economic Studies, University of Birmingham, UK and Stephen G. Wheatcroft, Professor of Russian History, University of Melbourne, Australia
‘...the book will stand for a long time as a definitive scholarly study in English of the catastrophic famine in the aftermath of the collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union.’- David Moon, English Historical Review An examination of the Soviet agricultural crisis of 1931-1933 which culminated in the major famine of 1933. Making extensive use of Russian and Ukrainian central and local archives, the book reaches new conclusions on how far this famine was ‘organized’ or ‘artificial’, and compares it with other famines in Russia and elsewhere. Contents: List of Tables / Preface / The Second Collectivisation Drive, 1931 / The Second Phase of Dekulakization, 1931 / The 1931 Grain Harvest / Grain Collections from the 1931 Harvest / The 1932 Grain Harvest / Grain Collections from the 1932 Harvest / The 1933 Grain Harvest / Grain Collections from the 1933 Harvest / Crops Other than Grain / The Livestock Disaster / The Sovkhozy / The Kolkhozy / The Famine in Perspective / Appendix: A Note on the Grain Harvests / Tables / Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations used in Text / Abbreviations of Titles of Books and Periodical Publications used in Footnotes / Bibliography / Name Index / Subject Index January 2010 49 b/w tables Paperback
Report on the State of the European Union Volume 3: Crisis in the EU Economic Governance Edited by Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Professor of Economics, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, France and President, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques, France and Jacques Le Cacheux, Observatoire Francois des Conjonctures Economiques, France
The Report on the State of the European Union examines the progress of European integration and focuses on economic aspects of the process. This third volume in the series explores the EU in light of the current crisis. Contents: Europe’s Economic Problem is Political After All! / Globalization and the Twin Protections / Euro Area Polices and Macro Economic Performance, Ten Years On: Institutions, Incentives and Strategies / Fiscal Discipline as a Social Norm: The European Stability Pact / The ECB’s Quiet Hijacking of the Euro Area’s Exchange Rate / The Irish Tiger and the German Frog: The Tale of Size and Growth in the Euro Area / Funding the EU Budget with a Genuine Own Resource: The Case for a European Tax / The EU Environmental Strategy / If it’s Broken, Don’t Fix It: The Government of the Euro area in the EU ‘Reform Treaty’ December 2009 224pp 20 b/w tables and 30 figures Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24156-5
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Designing the European Model Edited by Seppo Honkapohja, Chairman, European Economic Advisory Group, CESifo, Germany and Frank Westermann, Professor of International Economic Policy, Department of Economics, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
This book examines existing problems in the European economy, focusing on labour markets, including labour market reform and outsourcing, as well as macroeconomic issues, such as macroeconomic stabilization in the Euro area and convergence and divergence in economic growth in the EU. Contents: Introduction / PART I: LABOUR MARKETS / Welfare to Work / Labour Market Reform in Europe / Pay-Setting Systems in Europe / Outsourcing / Longer Working Hours / PART II: MACROECONOMIC ISSUES / Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization in the Euro Area / The Road to the Euro / Convergence and Divergence in Economic Growth in the EU / Global Imbalances / PART III: INSTITUTIONS / Rethinking Subsidiarity in the EU / Financial Architecture / Pensions and Children / Education Systems in the EU / Competition Policy April 2009 520pp 70 figures and 113 b/w tables Hardback £75.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-54701-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Globalization, Development and Integration
Report on the State of the European Union
A European Perspective
Volume 1 Edited by Pompeo Della Posta, Associate Professor of Economic Policy, University of Pisa, Italy, Milica Uvalic, Professor of Economics, University of Perugia, Italy and Amy Verdun, Professor of Political Science, University of Victoria, Canada
An interdisciplinary political economy perspective on globalization, discussing its characteristics, its problems for developing countries, and the relationship between globalization and European integration. A book not to be missed by anyone with an interest in globalization. Contents: PART I: GLOBALIZATION: THE GENERAL CONTEXT / PART II: GLOBALIZATION AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / PART III: EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AS A RESPONSE TO GLOBALIZATION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: November 2008 Hardback
368pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-55401-6
Edited by Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Professor of Economics, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, France and President, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques, France and Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa, Presidente, ISAE - Istituto di Studi e Analisi Economica, Italy
The time has come to open a lucid debate on the ways and means to make Europe better deliver democracy and sustainable growth. The Report on the State of the European Union examines the progress of European integration and focus on economic aspects of the process. This volume explores the themes of: democracy and legitimacy, convergence and cohesion, macroeconomic policies and social integration. The report is written in an accessible way and will be a useful resource for academics, students, policymakers, journalists, and government advisors. Contents: PART 1: DEMOCRACY AND LEGITIMACY / PART 2: CONVERGENCE AND COHESION / PART 3: MACROECONOMIC POLICIES / PART 4: SOCIAL INTEGRATION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2005 Hardback Paperback
288pp £70.00 £22.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-1711-9 978-1-4039-1712-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Current Economic Issues in EU Integration Mark Baimbridge, Director, Economics Programme, Jeffrey Harrop and George Philippidis, all at University of Bradford, UK
This book examines selected pertinent topics on issues relating to current and future EU developments. In its initial sections, the book focuses on an array of wide ranging micro (agriculture, industry and competition) and macro (EMU, regional convergence and enlargement) issues. A final section is reserved for discussion on Britain’s future relationship with the EU. In particular, the book posits possible alternative strategies (e.g. NAFTA membership and policy frameworks) and examines these from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. Contents: PART I: AGRICULTURE, COMPETITION AND INDUSTRY / PART II: ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION / PART III: REGIONAL CONVERGENCE AND ENLARGEMENT / PART IV: ALTERNATIVE FUTURES FOR THE UK A Full Table of Contents is Available at: August 2004 Hardback Paperback
240pp £70.00 £27.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-1796-6 978-1-4039-1805-5
Catching the Flu from the United States Synchronisation and Transmission Mechanisms to the Euro Area Filippo di Mauro, Head of Division, Stephane Dees, Principal Economist and Marco J. Lombardi, Economist, all at European Central Bank
Looking at historical crosscountry interactions, this book examines the role of the US in the world economy. Illustrating that US shocks tend to have a global nature and that Monetary Union only partially shelters the Euro area from its external environment, the US should fully assume its responsibility, minimizing shock transmission.
Economic Freedom and the American Dream Joseph Shaanan, Professor of Economics, Bryant University, USA
Shaanan challenges the conventional view that unrestricted economic freedom enhances our economic and political well being. He demonstrates that unrestricted economic freedom provides benefits but also inflicts a heavy toll on democracy, free markets and, paradoxically, economic freedom itself. Contents: Introduction / AMERICA / We the People / Ideology and Myths / The Economy / The Secondary Economy / CORPORATIONS / The Rise of Corporations / Large Corporations / The Corporation and the State / The Media / MARKETS / Competition / Competition Policy / INDIVIDUALS / Fortunes and Fairness / Culture and Materialism / The American Character / AMERICA REVISITED / America’s Economic Success / Final Thoughts February 2010 Hardback
256pp £35.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61775-9
Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Business Cycle Synchronisation: Disentangling Global Trade and Financial Linkages / Business Cycle Synchronisation: The United States and the Euro Area / The United States and the Euro Area: What do Structural Models say about the Linkages? / The United States and the Euro Area: The Role of Asset Prices / Economic Interactions US-Euro Area over the 2007-09 Financial Crisis: What did we Learn? / Relationship US-Euro area in a Context of possible Systemic Changes / Conclusion / Index July 2010 224pp 16 b/w tables and 103 figures Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24323-1
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The State Economic Handbook 2010 Edited by Patrick L. Anderson, Principal and CEO of Anderson Economic Group and Scott D. Watkins, Director of the firm’s Market and Industry Analysis practice area
‘By providing such a broad collection of data, in an easy to use format, The State Economic Handbook is a resource that everyone in economic development should have.’ - Bob Trezise, President, Lansing Economic Development Corporation or Ken Szymusiak, Director, Lansing Economic Development Corporation The State Economic Handbook is a new annual reference book profiling the economy, demography, political environment, and business climates for each of the fifty states. This information, gathered from a variety of sources and clearly presented in one volume, will be of great value to researchers, businesses, news media, and government agencies. December 2009 Hardback
288pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-62116-9
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Che Guevara The Economics of Revolution Helen Yaffe, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, UK Foreword by Lord Meghnad Desai
‘Helen Yaffe’s book demonstrates how good history can make a timely and valuable contribution to contemporary debates. The socialist thought of ‘Che’ Ernesto Guevara (on top of his heroic guerrilla and internationalist role) has special relevance for the current global economic crisis and the strong resurgence of socialist-inspired ‘alternatives’ in Latin America.’ - Tim Anderson, University of Sydney, Australia Che Guevara remains an iconic figure, four decades after his death. Yet his most significant contribution - his work as a member of the Cuban government is rarely discussed. This book explores his impact on Cuba’s economy, through fascinating new archival material and interviews. February 2009 Paperback
368pp £18.99
Keynes’s General Theory After Seventy Years Edited by Robert Dimand, Department of Economics, Connecticut College, USA, Robert Mundell, Professor of Economics, Columbia University,USA and Alessandro Vercelli, Department of Economic Policy, Finance and Development, University of Siena, Italy
This book provides a comprehensive overview of Keynes’ contributions to macroeconomics and offers an in-depth analysis of the contested legacy of The General Theory, a book that marked the emergence of modern macroeconomics from the earlier heritage of monetary theory and business cycle and analysis. February 2010 328pp 7 figures and16 tables Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23599-1
International Economic Association Series Editor: Michael Kaser
234x156mm 978-0-230-21821-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Foucault’s Archaeology of Political Economy
Austrian Economics in Transition
Economic Methodology
From Carl Menger to Friedrich Hayek
Understanding Economics as a Science
Edited by Harald Hagemann, University of Hohenheim, Germany, Tamotsu Nishizawa, Professor of History of Economic Thought, Hitotsubashi University, Japan and Yukihiro Ikeda, Department of Economics, Keio University, Japan
Iara Vigo De Lima, Professor of Economics, Federal University of Parana, Brazil
This book provides a critical reading of Foucault’s writings on the archaeology of political economy, analyzing some of Foucault’s contributions to the methodology of economics, historiography of economic thought and studies on Adam Smith’s context and writings. It reconstructs Foucault’s archaeology, relating it to current debates in economics. Contents: Introduction / PART I: FOUCAULT’S ARCHAEOLOGY / Foucault’s Context / PART II: ARCHAEOLOGY AND METHODOLOGY OF ECONOMICS / Archaeology, Methodology and Historiography of Economics / Political Economy as a Paradigmatic and Epistemic Shift / Some of Foucault’s Contributions to Reconsidering the Debate on Smith’s Context and Writings / Conclusion October 2010 256pp 2 tables and 2 figures Hardback £65.00
This book analyzes both the consistent and changing elements in the Austrian School of Economics since its foundation in the late nineteenth century up to the recent offspring of this School. It investigates the dynamic metamorphosis of the school, mainly with reference to its contact with representatives of history of economic thought. May 2010 4 figures Hardback
German Reparations, 1919–1932
A Historical Survey Leonard Gomes, Principal Lecturer in Economics, Middlesex University, UK
This book provides a historical narrative to tell the story of interwar German reparations - the debates, controversies and diplomacy surrounding the issue from the 1919 Paris peace conference to the abandonment of reparations at the Lausanne Conference in 1932.
Marcel Boumans, Associate Professor and John Davis, Professor, both at University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Like other sciences, the study of economics has been shaped by rigorous arguments and debates that continue to influence economists today. In this fascinating introduction, Boumans and Davis consider the scientific nature of the methods, logic, and forms of explanation that underlie economics as a discipline. THE RECEIVED VIEW OF SCIENCE / Focus 1.1 Axiomatization / Focus 1.2 Models / Focus 1.3 Formalism / METHODOLOGIES OF POSITIVE ECONOMICS / Focus 2.1 Methodologies before Friedman / Focus 2.2 Measurement / Focus 2.3 Experiments / POPPER’S LOGIC OF DISCOVERY / Focus 3.1 The Duhem-Quine Thesis / Focus 3.2 Popper’s Situational Analysis / Focus 3.3 Testing / KUHN AND LAKATOS / Focus 4.1 Research Programs in Economics / Focus 4.2 Scientific Revolutions in Economics? / Focus 4.3 Facts / THE SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE / Focus 5.1 Economics as a Discipline / Focus 5.2 Case Study Research / Focus 5.3 Feminist Philosophy of Science and Feminist Political Economy / RHETORIC, POSTMODERNISM, AND PLURALISM / Focus 6.1 Analogy and Metaphor / Focus 6.2 Paul Feyerabend / Focus 6.3 Realism and Causal Explanation in Economics / VALUE JUDGEMENTS IN ECONOMICS / Focus 7.1 Logical Positivism and Ordinalist Utility Theory / Focus 7.2 Neutral Science? / Focus 7.3 Naturalistic Legitimation / GLOSSARY March 2010 Hardback Paperback
224pp £65.00 £24.99
246x171mm 978-0-230-21812-3 978-0-230-21813-0
Contents: Reparations and the Legacy of War / Summits on Sums / Fulfilment Crises and Allied Disunity / From Dawes to Young / The End of Reparations (And After) / Appendix: Keynes, The Transfer Problem and German Reparations April 2010 Hardback
264pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23838-1
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HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT GREAT THINKERS IN ECONOMICS Series Editor: A.P. Thirlwall The famous historian, E.H. Carr once said that in order to understand history it is necessary to understand the historian writing it. The same could be said of economics. Famous economists often remark that specific episodes in their lives, or particular events that took place in their formative years attracted them to economics. This series Great Thinkers in Economics is designed to illuminate the economics of some of the great historical and contemporary economists by exploring the interaction between their lives and work, and the events surrounding them.
Adam Smith A Moral Philosopher and His Political Economy Gavin Kennedy, Professor, Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, UK
This book presents the authentic Adam Smith and explores his underlying approach and radical thinking, aiming to re-establish his original intentions. The book provides a crucial reminder of how relevant Adam Smith was in his own time, and how relevant he remains as we experience the worldwide spread of opulence today. Contents: Preface / General Introduction / ‘Sufficient proofs of his fitness’ / ‘In the first ages’ / ‘So weak and imperfect a creature as man’ / ‘All the world was America’ / ‘General principles of law’ / ‘A certain propensity’ / ‘Original state continued’ / ‘At last the age of commerce’ / ‘Setting to work industrious people’ / ‘The fund for productive hands’ / ‘A very violent attack’ / ‘An invisible hand’ / ‘Peace easy taxes and justice’ / Adam Smith’s Legacy September 2010 2 tables Paperback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Michal Kalecki
Joan Robinson
G. Julio López, Professor, Facultad de Economia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico Michaël Assous, Professor, Universite Paris 1, France
G. C. Harcourt, Reader, History of Economic Theory, University of Cambridge and Professor Emeritus, University of Adelaide, Australia and Prue Kerr, University of Adelaide, Australia
This is book presents a thorough evaluation of Michal Kalecki’s theory of the capitalist economy. It provides readers with a complete view of Kalecki’s theory, including his very important writings on the economics of underdeveloped countries. Contents: Preface / Michal Kalecki’s Life and Work / Kalecki’s Theory of Profits, Output and Employment / Genesis and Originality of Kalecki’s Theory / The Theory of Prices and Income Distribution / Kalecki’s Long-Run Theory of Effective Demand: The Trend and Business Cycles / Kalecki’s Macroeconomics of Public Finance and of Monetary Policy / Kalecki’s Open Economy and Macroeconomics / Michal Kalecki, a Pioneer of Development Economics / Kalecki the Socialist Economist / Michal Kalecki’s Intellectual Legacy / Bibliography March 2010 272pp 15 figures and 1 b/w table Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9937-5
‘Joan Robinson’ is a welcome and timely reminder of Robinson’s intelligence, energy, passionate commitment to social justice, and tireless capacity for debate. It portrays two voyages of intellectual discovery: the evolution of Robinson’s thinking, with a due appreciation for her successes and failures; and Kerr and Harcourt’s own measured re-evaluation of the post-Keynesian revolution in which Robinson and they played central roles. The reconsideration of Joan Robinson’s life and work is one important starting-point in the broad effort to understand the evolution of twentieth-century economics and to imagine a future for economic analysis outside the narrow confines of neoliberal dogma.’ - Duncan K. Foley, Leo Model Professor, New School for Social Research, External Professor, Santa Fe Institute, USA Joan Robinson is widely considered to be amongst the greatest economists of the twentieth century. This book provides a comprehensive study of her life and work, examining her role in the making of The General Theory, her critical interest in Marxian economics, her contributions to Labour Party policy and her writings on development, especially China. August 2009 5 figures Hardback
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
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Piero Sraffa
Alessandro Roncaglia, Professor of Economics, University of Rome, Italy
This book discusses the developments of SraffianRicardian economics, as well as looking at Sraffa’s critique of the Marshallian theory of the firm and the industry, his edition of Ricardo’s Works and correspondence, his book on production of commodities by means of commodities, and his influence Antonio Gramsci and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
John Maynard Keynes Paul Davidson, Visiting Scholar, New School for Social Research, Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, USA
‘Global imbalances, the unshackling of capital, the precarious state of modern capitalism: rarely has the world of economics been in more need of the thoughts of John Maynard Keynes. Although Keynes is no longer with us, this book is the next best thing. Paul Davidson is the leading expert on Keynes and Keynesianism and his book should be read by anybody who wants to understand the world as it is, rather than as the economic text books say it ought to be.’ - Larry Elliott, Economics Editor, The Guardian This book looks at the life of Keynes leading up to the writing of his seminal General Theory, examines the General Theory in detail and explores how it differs from classical theory. The impact of Keynes’s work on the economy post-war and up to the present day is also assessed. April 2009 Paperback
256pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-22920-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Contents: Introduction / Early Life and Writings: The Critique of Marshallian Theory / An Italian in Cambridge / Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities / Basic and Non-Basic Products / The Standard Commodity / Critique of the Marginalist Approach / Interpreting Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities / The Sraffa Legacy April 2009 3 figures Hardback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections
Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-1-4039-8555-2 Paperback: 978-1-4039-8556-9
The Statesman’s Yearbook 2011 The Politics, Cultures and Economies of the World 147th edition Edited by Barry Turner, Freelance Writer, Journalist and Broadcaster, UK
‘The most convenient and reliable starting point for information on international affairs. Its coverage is unparalleled for a one-volume resource, and it has never let me down.’ - George J. Mitchell, American special envoy to the Middle East Now in its 147th edition, The Statesman’s Yearbook continues to be the reference work of choice for accurate and reliable information on every country in the world. Covering political, economic, social and cultural aspects, the Yearbook is an essential resource. Contents: NEW: Haiti in Perspective: A Timeline of Natural Disasters in Recent Years / Time Zones Map / Flags of the World/Map of the World (Colour Pullout Section) / Key World Facts / Chronology of World Events / Addenda / PART I: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS / PART II: COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD A-Z, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: Key Historical Events / Territory and Population / Social Statistics / Climate / Constitution and Government / Government Chronology / Recent Elections / Current Administration / Current Leaders / Defence / International Relations / Economy / Energy and Natural Resources / Environment / Industry / International Trade / Communications / Social Institutions / Culture / Diplomatic Representatives / Further Reading / Abbreviations / Place and International Organizations Index / Index of Current Leaders August 2010 Hardback
1608pp £170.00
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Badillo Lesourd The Media Industries and their Markets 15
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Baimbridge Harrop Philippidis Current Economic Issues in EU Integration 51
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Aliber The New International Money Game
Alleviating Poverty through Business Strategy Wankel 33 Amato Doria Fantacci Money and Calculation 7 Anderson Watkins The State Economic Handbook 2010 52
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Bannock Baxter The Palgrave Encyclopedia of World Economic History 56 Barrera Globalization and Economic Ethics
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Capitalism Without Capital Chorafas
Carnot Koen Tissot Economic Forecasting
Cassano Class Struggle on the Homefront
The Basel Capital Accords in Developing Countries Gottschalk
Becoming an Academic McAlpine Akerlind
Catching the Flu from the United States di Mauro Dees Lombardi 51
Annual Abstract of Statistics 2010 Office for National Statistics
Antonopoulos Hirway Unpaid Work and the Economy
Behavioural and Experimental Economics Durlauf Blume 6
Central Bank Independence, Accountability, and Transparency Laurens Arnone Segalotto 24
Ben-Haim Info-Gap Economics
Applied Econometrics Asteriou Hall
Benson Property Rights
Central Bank Reserves and Sovereign Wealth Management Berkelaar Coche Nyholm 22
Arestis Karakitsos The Post ‘Great Recession’ US Economy 19
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Che Guevara Yaffe
Chevalier The New Energy Crisis
China and the World Economy Greenaway Milner Yao 47
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Billis Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector 44
Chorafas Capitalism Without Capital
Class Struggle on the Homefront Cassano
Arestis Sawyer 21st Century Keynesian Economics
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Bootstrap Tests for Regression Models Godfrey 16
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Boumans Davis Economic Methodology
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Consumer Culture and Personal Finance Botterill
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Current Economic Issues in EU Integration Baimbridge Harrop Philippidis
Durlauf Blume Economic Growth
Economics of Institutional Change Mickiewicz 40
Durlauf Blume Game Theory
Durlauf Blume Macroeconometrics and Time Series Analysis
Efficiency, Market Dynamics and Industry Growth Sengupta Fanchon 9
Durlauf Blume Microeconometrics
Entwistle Teaching for Understanding at University
Durlauf Blume Monetary Economics
Environmental Economics Hanley Shogren White
Esfahani Facchini Hewings Economic Development in Latin America
Durlauf Blume The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 56 Dutt Wilber Economics and Ethics
The Dynamics of Local Learning in Global Value Chains Kawakami Sturgeon 32
Essays in Persuasion Keynes
Essentials of Economics Krugman Wells Olney 4
D Das Ratna Perspectives on Rules of Origin
7 The e3 Concept Holland
ECONned Smith
Davidson John Maynard Keynes
Davies Wheatcroft The Years of Hunger
Economic & Labour Market Review Office for National Statistics 59
David Laidler’s Contributions to Economics Leeson
Debt Relief for Poor Countries Addison Hansen Tarp 39 Della Posta Uvalic Verdun Globalization, Development and Integration Designing the European Model Honkapohja Westermann
50 50
The Determinants of Currency Crises Rother 29 Determinants of Financial Development Huang
di Mauro Dees Lombardi Catching the Flu from the United States 51 Dimand Mundell Vercelli Keynes’s General Theory After Seventy Years 52 Dowling Rana Asia and the Global Economic Crisis
Drabek Is the World Trade Organization Attractive Enough For Emerging Economies? 35 Durlauf Blume Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Essays in Biography Keynes
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€uro Crash Brown
The European Central Bank Howarth Loedel
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Feenstra Taylor International Trade
Ffrench-Davis Economic Reforms in Chile
Finance & Financial Markets Pilbeam
Financial Institutions and Markets Kaufman Bliss
Financial Regulation after the Global Recession Peláez 23
Economic Freedom and the American Dream Shaanan 51
Financial Statistics Office for National Statistics 60
Economic Forecasting Carnot Koen Tissot
Economic Growth and Structural Features of Transition Marelli Signorelli 40 Economic Growth Durlauf Blume
Economic Methodology Boumans Davis
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Economic Systems Analysis and Policies Cohen 38 Economics and Ethics Dutt Wilber
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Financing Social Policy Hujo McClanahan
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Firms’ Objectives and Internal Organisation in a Global Economy Lambertini 37 Fiscal Policy for Development Addison Roe
Fisher When Money Was In Fashion
Fitoussi Le Cacheux Report on the State of the European Union 49
The Economics of Codetermination Addison 43
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INDEX Fitoussi Schioppa Report on the State of the European Union
The Global Crash Talani 50
Fontana McCombie Sawyer Macroeconomics, Finance and Money 10 Fontana Setterfield Macroeconomic Theory and Macroeconomic Pedagogy 11
Harrington Games, Strategies and Decision Making
14 45
Global Inequalities and Higher Education Unterhalter Carpentier
Heal Is Economic Growth Sustainable?
Global Political Economy O’Brien Williams
Holland The e3 Concept
The Global Political Economy of the Environment and Tourism Kütting 25
Honkapohja Westermann Designing the European Model 50
Globalization and Economic Ethics Barrera
Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict Stewart 35
Football Economics and Policy Szymanski
Foreign Direct Investments from Emerging Markets Sauvant Maschek McAllister
Globalization and National Economic Welfare Panić 29
Hosoe Gasawa Hashimoto Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling 10
Foucault’s Archaeology of Political Economy Vigo De Lima 53
Globalization and the Welfare State Södersten 29
Household Divisions of Labour Birch Le Miller 43
Fraile Blunting Neoliberalism
Globalization and Varieties of Capitalism Coffey Thornley 24
Housing Market Challenges in Europe and the United States Arestis Mooslechner Wagner 12
Globalization Scholte
How the Chinese Economy Works Guo
Howarth Loedel The European Central Bank
Godfrey Bootstrap Tests for Regression Models 16
Huang Determinants of Financial Development
Hujo McClanahan Financing Social Policy
Hujo Piper South-South Migration
Human Development Report 2009 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Human Development Report 2010 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Francois Wignaraja Rana Pan-Asian Integration 48 Frangakis Hermann Huffschmid Lóránt Privatisation against the European Social Model
Globalization, Development and Integration Della Posta Uvalic Verdun 50
From Agglomeration to Innovation Kuchiki Tsuji
Gomes German Reparations, 1919-1932
From Growth to Convergence Zhai
Gottschalk The Basel Capital Accords in Developing Countries
The Great Interwar Crisis and the Collapse of Globalization Boyce
Greenaway Milner Yao China and the World Economy
Groenewegen Spithoven Van den Berg Institutional Economics
Growth & Development Thirlwall
Guo How the Chinese Economy Works
Fu Soete The Rise of Technological Power in the South 41 Fuentes-Nieva Seck Risk, Shocks and Human Development 36
G Gamble The Spectre at the Feast Game Theory Durlauf Blume Games, Strategies and Decision Making Harrington
29 6 14
Gay Reflexivity and Development Economics 37 Gender and Development Murayama
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Keynes Krugman 4 German Reparations, 1919-1932 Gomes
Gillan Pokrant Trade Labour and Transformation of Community in Asia 27
Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector Billis 44
I Ichimura Sato James Transition From Socialist to Market Economies 41 The Impact of 9/11 on Business and Economics: The Business of Terror Morgan 9
H Hagemann Nishizawa Ikeda Austrian Economics in Transition 53
The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth Osipian
Hammond Antwi Economic Analysis of SubSaharan Africa Real Estate Policies
Impact of TRIPS in India Malhotra
In Praise of Empires Lal
Hanley Shogren White Environmental Economics
Info-Gap Economics Ben-Haim
Harcourt Kerr Joan Robinson
Institutional Economics Groenewegen Spithoven Van den Berg 13
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INDEX Inter-American Development Bank The Age of Productivity 34
Kawakami Sturgeon The Dynamics of Local Learning in Global Value Chains
International and Comparative Labour Law Bronstein
Kennedy Adam Smith
Keynes Betrayed Tily
Keynes Essays in Biography
Keynes Essays in Persuasion
Keynes Keynes on the Wireless
Keynes Krugman The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Keynes on the Wireless Keynes
International Economics Feenstra Taylor
43 4
International Finance Pilbeam
International Financial Architecture Peláez
International Historical Statistics 1750-2005: 3-Vol Set Mitchell 57 International Historical Statistics 1750-2005: Africa, Asia and Oceania Mitchell 57 International Historical Statistics 1750-2005: Americas Mitchell 57 International Historical Statistics 1750-2005: Europe Mitchell 57
Keynes’s General Theory After Seventy Years Dimand Mundell Vercelli
López The Pursuit of Justice
M Macroeconometrics and Time Series Analysis Durlauf Blume
Macroeconomic Theory and Macroeconomic Pedagogy Fontana Setterfield 11 Macroeconomics Krugman Wells
Macroeconomics Mankiw
Macroeconomics Mankiw Taylor
Macroeconomics Study Guide Kaufman
Kindleberger Aliber Manias, Panics and Crashes 17
Macroeconomics, Finance and Money Fontana McCombie Sawyer 10
Krugman Wells Economics
Malhotra Impact of TRIPS in India
Krugman Wells Macroeconomics
Manias, Panics and Crashes Kindleberger Aliber 17
Krugman Wells Microeconomics
Mankiw Macroeconomics
Krugman Wells Olney Essentials of Economics 4
Mankiw Taylor Macroeconomics
Marelli Signorelli Economic Growth and Structural Features of Transition
An Introduction to Global Financial Markets Valdez Molyneux
Kuchiki Tsuji From Agglomeration to Innovation
19 45
Marsden Rycx Wage Structures, Employment Adjustments and Globalization 15
Is Economic Growth Sustainable? Heal
Kütting The Global Political Economy of the Environment and Tourism
International Real Estate Economics Tiwari White
International Trade Feenstra Taylor
An Introduction to Behavioral Economics Wilkinson
Is the World Trade Organization Attractive Enough For Emerging Economies? Drabek
J Jacob Secretan The Self-Perception of Early Modern Capitalists
Joan Robinson Harcourt Kerr
John Maynard Keynes Davidson
K 23
Kaufman Macroeconomics Study Guide
McAlpine Akerlind Becoming an Academic
Lal In Praise of Empires
Lambertini Firms’ Objectives and Internal Organisation in a Global Economy
The Media Industries and their Markets Badillo Lesourd 15
Michal Kalecki López Assous
Laurens Arnone Segalotto Central Bank Independence, Accountability, and Transparency
Mickiewicz Economics of Institutional Change 40 24
Leeson Canadian Policy Debates and Case Studies in Honour of David Laidler 11 Leeson David Laidler’s Contributions to Economics
Kaufman Bliss Financial Institutions and Markets
Mazzucato Shipman Trigg Personal Investment 21
Microeconometrics Durlauf Blume Microeconomics Krugman Wells
6 13
Mikdashi Progress-Driven Entrepreneurs, Private Equity Finance and Regulatory Issues 22 Milios Sotiropoulos Rethinking Imperialism
Legislatures and the Budget Process Wehner 25
Military Economics Smith
López Assous Michal Kalecki
Mills Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series 17
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Mitchell International Historical Statistics 17502005: 3-Vol Set 57
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Durlauf Blume Nissanke Mavrotas Commodities, Governance and Economic Development under Globalization
Pan-Asian Integration Francois Wignaraja Rana 48 56
Non-standard Employment under Globalization Usami 42
Panić Globalization and National Economic Welfare
Path Dependency and Macroeconomics Arestis Sawyer 28 Patterson A Primer for Unit Root Testing
Peláez Financial Regulation after the Global Recession
Peláez International Financial Architecture
Peláez Regulation of Banks and Finance
The Performance Economy Stahel
Mitchell International Historical Statistics 17502005: Africa, Asia and Oceania 57
O’Brien Williams Global Political Economy
Mitchell International Historical Statistics 17502005: Americas 57
Office for National Statistics Annual Abstract of Statistics 2010 59
Mitchell International Historical Statistics 17502005: Europe 57
Office for National Statistics Economic & Labour Market Review 59
Personal Investment Mazzucato Shipman Trigg 21
Mkanadawire Social Policy in a Development Context 39
Office for National Statistics Financial Statistics 60
Physical Infrastructure Development Ascher Krupp
Piero Sraffa Roncaglia
Pilbeam Finance & Financial Markets
Pilbeam International Finance
24 23
Perspectives on Rules of Origin Das Ratna
Modelling Non-Stationary Economic Time Series Burke Hunter 16
Office for National Statistics UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 59
Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series Mills 17
Office for National Statistics United Kingdom Balance of Payments 2010 59
Monetary Economics Bain Howells
Monetary Economics Durlauf Blume
Office for National Statistics United Kingdom Economic Accounts 60
The Political Economy of Monetary Circuits Ponsot Rossi
Office for National Statistics United Kingdom National Accounts 2010 58
Ponsot Rossi The Political Economy of Monetary Circuits 23
Osipian The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth
The Post ‘Great Recession’ US Economy Arestis Karakitsos 19
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Montgomery Understanding the International Student Experience 58 Morgan The Impact of 9/11 on Business and Economics: The Business of Terror Murayama Gender and Development
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Otsuka Kalirajan Community, Market and State in Development 30
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The New International Money Game Aliber
New Issues in Financial and Credit Markets Fiordelisi Molyneux Previati
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of World Economic History Bannock Baxter 56
Privatisation against the European Social Model Frangakis Hermann Huffschmid Lóránt 44
Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics Mills Patterson
Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics Mills Patterson
Progress-Driven Entrepreneurs, Private Equity Finance and Regulatory Issues Mikdashi 22
Property Rights Benson
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Santos-Paulino Wan The Rise of China and India
The Pursuit of Justice López
Sauvant Maschek McAllister Foreign Direct Investments from Emerging Markets
Scholte Globalization
Q Quantitative Methods Swift Piff
R Ranci Social Vulnerability in Europe
Read The Rise and Fall of an Economic Empire 18 Reflexivity and Development Economics Gay 37
Szymanski Football Economics and Policy
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