Language and Linguistics Update 2012
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Language & Linguistics Update 2012
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Contents General Linguistics
Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics
Applied Linguistics and Language Education
Sociolinguistics and Discourse
Language and Identity
Historical Linguistics
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Beyond the Postcolonial World Englishes Literature E. Dawson Varughese, Sessional Lecturer in Humanities, Keele University, UK
With the backdrop of new global powers, this volume interrogates the state of writing in English. Strongly interdisciplinary, it challenges the prevailing orthodoxy of postcolonial literary theory. An insistence on fieldwork and linguistics makes this book scenechanging in its approach to understanding and reading emerging literature in English. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction: Being Beyond / Methodology and Overview of Findings: Stories as Data? / Cameroon: (Fr)Anglophone? / Nigeria: Generation ‘Y’ / Uganda: The Power of The Pen / Kenya: Rifts Apart / Malaysia: Bahasa Manglish(es) / Singapore: Mad About Singlish / India: Emerging Economy, Emerging Literature / Conclusion: Beyond This? / References / Index August 2012 256pp 216x138mm 7 b/w photographs and 4 tables Hardback £50.00 978-0-230-30096-5
Victor Dudman’s Grammar and Semantics
English - One Tongue, Many Voices Jan Svartvik, Emeritus Professor, University of Lund, Sweden and Geoffrey Leech, Emeritus Professor in English Linguistics, University of Lancaster, UK
Jean Curthoys, Honorary Research Associate, Sydney University, Australia and Victor Dudman, sometime Associate Professor, Macquarie University, Australia
Victor Dudman’s revolutionary English Grammar brings grammar and logic together by conceiving grammar as ‘the necessary preliminary to logic’. The focus, for logicians, is the discussion of ‘conditionals’; for grammarians it is the concise and accurate explanation of the infamous English modals. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. October 2012 2 tables Hardback
Speech Rate, Pause and Sociolinguistic Variation Studies in Corpus Sociophonetics Tyler Kendall, Lecturer in Linguistics, University of Oregon, USA
A fascinating account of the psycholinguistic and social factors behind variation in speech timing in US English. With detailed discussions of its methods and data, it also acts as a valuable model for conducting corpus (socio)phonetic research. Contents: PART I: SPEECH RATE, PAUSE, AND CORPUS SOCIOPHONETICS / Looking Forward / What we Know about Speech Rate and Pause / New Tools and Speech Databases / PART II: STUDIES IN SPEECH RATE AND PAUSE VARIATION / Methods and a First Look at Speech Rate and Pause / Speech Rate and Pause in Conversational Interviews / Closer Looks at Speech Rate and Pause Variation: Methods and Findings / Closer Looks at Speech Rate and Pause Variation: Interlocutors and Accommodation / PART III: SPEECH RATE, PAUSE, AND SOCIOLINGUISTIC VARIATION / The Influence of Speech Rate and Pause on Sociolinguistic Variables / Looking Back and Looking Further Forward December 2012 240pp 25 b/w tables and 56 figures Hardback £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24977-6
'If you read only one book on the English language - read this one. The scope of the book is vast, its depth impressive, and its balance admirable. Elegantly written, with serious content lightheartedly presented, abundantly illustrated with samples and pictures, informative and entertaining, accessible to all, this is a book by two fine scholars who love the language and know how to convey their enthusiasm to readers.' - John Algeo, Professor Emeritus of English, University of Georgia, USA This readable yet scholarly book tells the fascinating story of the English language in three ways. It traces its history from obscure beginnings over 1500 years ago. It shows the geographical spread of the language in increasing diversity. It looks at the present state of English as a global language and the uncertainties of its future. It argues that, in spite of amazing variety, it remains a single language. Contents: Preface / The Working Tongue of the Global Village / PART I: HISTORY OF AN ISLAND LANGUAGE / The First 500 Years / 1066 and All That / Modern English in the Making / PART II: THE SPREAD OF ENGLISH AROUND THE WORLD / English Goes to the New World / English Transplanted / English Varieties in the British Isles / American and British English / From Caribbean English to Creole / PART III: A CHANGING LANGUAGE IN CHANGING TIMES / The Standard Language Today / Linguistic Change in Progress: Back to the Inner Circle / English into the Future / Pronunciation / Notes: Comments and References / References / Index October 2006 304pp maps, diagrams and pictures Paperback £21.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-1830-7
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Psychology for Language Learning
Applications and Implications Geoff Barnbrook, Senior Lecturer in English Language, Oliver Mason, Lecturer in English Language, both at University of Birmingham, UK and Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Visiting Academic Fellow, School of Languages and Social Sciences, Aston University, UK
Insights from Research, Theory and Practice Edited by Sarah Mercer, Lecturer in English Language and Culture, University of Graz, Austria, Stephen Ryan, Associate Professor, Senshu University, Japan and Marion Williams, Reader in Applied Linguistics, University of Exeter, UK
Offering a timely snapshot of current theory and research in the field of psychology in foreign language learning, this book is accessible to both specialists and non-specialists. Each chapter focuses on a different psychological construct and provides an overview of current thinking in the area drawing on insights from educational psychology. Contents: Foreword; Z.Dörnyei / Introduction; S.Mercer, S.Ryan & M.Williams / Self-concept: Situating the Self; S.Mercer / Identity: The Situated Construction of Identity and Positionality in Multilingual Classrooms; N.Morita / Personality: Personality Traits as Independent and Dependent Variables; J.M.Dewaele / Motivation: L2 Learning as a Special Case?; E.Ushioda / Implicit Theories: Language Learning Mindsets; S.Ryan & S.Mercer / Attribution: Looking Back and Ahead at the ‘Why’ Theory; P.H.Hsieh / Affect: The Role of Language Anxiety and Other Emotions in Language Learning; P.MacIntyre & T.Gregerson / Willingness to Communicate: Momentary Volition that Results in L2 Behaviour; T.Yashima / Strategies: The Interface of Styles, Strategies and Motivation on Tasks; A.D.Cohen / Learning Styles: Traversing the Quagmire; C.Griffiths / Metacognition: Awareness of Language Learning; N.J.Anderson / Goal Orientations: Three Perspectives on Motivation Goal Orientations; L.Woodrow / Self-directed Learning: Concepts, Practice and a Novel Research Methodology; R.Pemberton & L.Cooker / Group Dynamics: Collaborative Agency in Present Communities of Imagination; T.Murphey, J.Falout, Y.Fukada & T.Fukuda / Conclusion: Final Remarks; S.Mercer, S.Ryan & M.Williams / Glossary July 2012 288pp 7 figures and 6 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
A comprehensive description of collocation, covering both the theoretical and practical background and the implications and applications of the concept as language model and analytical tool. It provides a definitive survey of currently available techniques and a detailed description of their implementation. Contents: Acknowledgements / PART I: THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND / The Concept of Collocation / Collocation and Language Theory / PART II: IMPLEMENTATION / Computing Collocations / Extensions / PART III: APPLICATIONS OF COLLOCATION / Concordances and Lexicography / Pedagogy, Translation and NLP / PART IV: IMPLICATIONS / Collocation and Language Theory / Case Studies / Appendices / Bibliography / Index December 2012 212pp 36 b/w tables and 2 figures Paperback £19.99 Hardback £55.00
Transnational Higher Education in the Asian Context Edited by Tricia Coverdale-Jones, Principal Lecturer and eLearning Coordinator, University of Portsmouth, UK
This book offers new insights and perspectives on internationalization and trans-national higher education (TNHE) with contributions from three continents. These include the student experience in Malaysia, China, Japan and India as well as institutional perspectives and pedagogical implications of new research. Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / PART I: INTRODUCTION / PART II: INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES AND NATIONAL CONTEXTS /PART III: THE CULTURE OF ASIAN LEARNERS / PART IV: PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS OF THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE / PART V: CONCLUSION / Conclusion; T.Coverdale-Jones / Index A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. November 2012 272pp 15 figures and 20 tables Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-1-137-03493-9
216mmx138mm 978-1-4039-4613-3 978-1-4039-4612-6
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978-0-230-30114-6 978-0-230-30115-3
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Teacher Development in Action
Language Policy
Understanding Language Teachers’ Conceptual Change Magdalena Kubanyiova, Lecturer in Educational Linguistics, University of Birmingham, UK
Bringing together multiple sources of data and combining existing theories across language teacher cognition, teacher education, second language motivation and psychology, this empiricallygrounded analysis of teacher development in action offers new insights into the complex and dynamic nature of language teachers’ conceptual change. January 2012 240pp 216x138mm 16 figures, 6 tables and 15 illustrations Hardback £50.00 978-0-230-23258-7
ebook available from: Amazon Kindle, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Google eBookstore (UK), Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Language & Linguistics Collections
English in Japan in the Era of Globalization Edited by Philip Seargeant, Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, The Open University, UK
Leading scholars in the field examine the role played by the English language in contemporary Japanese society. Their various chapters cover the nature, status, and function of English in Japan, focusing on the ways in which globalization is influencing language practices in the country. July 2011 224pp 1 b/w line drawing and 2 tables Hardback £50.00
David Cassels Johnson, Assistant Professor, Washington State University, USA
A detailed overview of the theories, concepts, research methods, and findings in the field of language policy is provided here in one accessible source. The author proposes new methodological, theoretical, and conceptual directions and offers guidance for doing language policy research. Contents: General Editors’ Preface / Acknowledgements / PART I: KEY CONCEPTS AND RESEARCH ISSUES / What is Language Policy / Language Policy Theory / Language Policies around the World / PART II: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF RESEARCH / Language Policy Praxis: A Justification / Collaboration in Language Policy Research / PART III: RESEARCHING PROJECTS IN LANGUAGE POLICY / Research Methods / Guide to Doing Language Policy Research / PART IV: REFERENCES AND RESOURCES / A Guide to Resources for Research in Language Policy / Index December 2012 256pp Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-25169-4 978-0-230-25170-0
Researching Cultures of Learning International Perspectives on Language Learning and Education Edited by Martin Cortazzi, Visiting Professor, University of Warwick, UK and Lixian Jin, Reader in Linguistics and Health, De Montfort University, UK
This edited book examines cultures of learning from the perspectives of education, applied linguistics and language learning. The concept can be used to explore socio-cultural features of language learning and use contexts in educational institutions, and cultural practices of pedagogic activities and classroom interaction. Contents: List of Figures / List of Tables / Appendices / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction: Researching Cultures of Learning; M.Cortazzi & L.Jin / PART I: SOME ISSUES OF RESEARCH AND ITS APPLICATION / PART II: EXPLORING CHANGES IN CULTURAL HERITAGES AND LEARNING / PART III: LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND EXPECTATIONS OF TEACHERS / PART IV: THE DYNAMICS OF SOCIALIZATION AND MOTIVATION IN CULTURES OF LEARNING A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. December 2012 368pp 49 figures and 25 b/w tables Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-32132-8
Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics Series Editors: Christopher N. Candlin and David R. Hall
216x138mm 978-0-230-23766-7
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Researching Intercultural Learning
Digital Games in Language Learning and Teaching
Investigations in Language and Education Edited by Lixian Jin, Reader in Linguistics and Health, De Montfort University, UK and Martin Cortazzi, Visiting Professor, University of Warwick, UK
International perspectives on intercultural learning are presented within a framework of cultures of learning related to education and language learning and use in academic contexts. Intercultural learning involves learners travelling to learn in a place where other cultures of learning are dominant and to which they are usually expected to adapt. Contents: List of Figures / List of Tables / Appendices / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction: Research and Levels of Intercultural Learning; L.Jin & M.Cortazzi / PART I: RESEARCHING TRANSFORMATIONS OF CULTURES OF LEARNING THROUGH INTERNATIONALIZATION / PART II: INTERCULTURAL LEARNING IN DEVELOPING LANGUAGE AND ACADEMIC SKILLS / PART III: TRANSCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT AND BRIDGING DISTANCES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. December 2012 304pp 9 b/w tables and 14 figures Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-32133-5
Edited by Hayo Reinders, formlerly Head of Learner Development, Middlesex University, UK
This edited volume explores how digital games have the potential to engage learners both within and outside the classroom and to encourage interaction in the target language. This is the first dedicated collection of papers to bring together state-ofthe-art research in game-based learning. Contents: Foreword; J.P.Gee / Introduction; H.Reinders / PART I: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE / Contextualising Digital Game-based Language Learning: Transformational Paradigm Shift or Business as Usual?; M.Thomas / Conceptualizing Digital Game-mediated L2 Learning and Pedagogy: Game-enhanced and Gamebased Research and Practice; J.Reinhardt & J.Sykes / Behaviorism, Constructivism, and Communities of Practice: How Pedagogic Theories Help us Understand Game-based Language Learning; M.Filsecker / Language Learner Interaction in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game (MMORPG); M.Peterson / PART II: FROM PRACTICE TO THEORY / Digital Gameplay for Autonomous Foreign Language Learning: Gamers and Language Teachers’ Perspectives; A.Chik / Gamebased Practice in a Reading Strategy Tutoring System: Showdown in iSTART-ME; T.Jackson, K.Dempsey & D.McNamara / Sprites and Rules: What ERPs and Procedural Memory can tell us about Video Games and Language Learning; R.Reichle / Talk to Me! Games and Students’ Willingness to Communicate; H.Reinders & S.Wattana / World of VocCraft: Computer Games and Swedish Learners’ L2 English Vocabulary; P.Sundqvist & K.Sylven / Collocation Games from a Language Corpus; S.Wu, M.Franken & H.Witten June 2012 256pp 27 b/w tables and 23 figures Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
A Sociolinguistic History of Early Identities in Singapore From Colonialism to Nationalism Phyllis Chew, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological Univeristy, Singapore
What role does race, geography, religion, orthography and nationalism play in the crafting of identities? What are the origins of Singlish? This book offers a thorough investigation of old and new identities in Asia’s most global city, examined through the lens of language. Contents: List of Figures / Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction: A Sociolinguistic History of Early Identities in Singapore / Racial Identities: Plurality in the Making / Regional Identities: Separate but Undivided / Religious Identities: Syncretic and Inclusive / Orthographical Identities: Change and Ideology / Individual Identities: Language Choice and the Use of Lingua Francas / Hybrid Identities: Case Studies of Attraction and Engagement / Intergenerational Identities: Negotiating Solidarity and Plurality / Language, Power and Political Identities. The 1969 Singapore General Elections / National Identities: The Reordering of Pluralities / Notes / Bibliography / Index December 2012 256pp 216x138mm 7 b/w illustrations, 22 figures and 1 diagram Hardback £50.00 978-1-137-01233-3
216x138mm 978-1-137-00525-0 978-1-137-02283-7
New Language Learning and Teaching Environments Series Editor: Hayo Reinders
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German Images of the Self and the Other Nationalist, Colonialist and Anti-Semitic Discourse 1871–1918 Felicity Rash, Professor of German Linguistics, Queen Mary University of London, UK
A detailed linguistic analysis of the nationalist discourses of the German Second Reich, which most effectively demonstrate the contrasting images of the German Self and its various Others, such as Jews, native Africans, gypsies and the enemy Other during the First World War. Contents: Foreword / Methodological Framework / Self-identity, Otherness and Nationalism / Racism in Discourse / Anti-Semitism in Discourse / Colonialism in Discourse / Discourse in War-Time / Conclusion August 2012 1 b/w table Hardback
Dangerous Multilingualism Northern Perspectives on Order, Purity and Normality
Discourses of Trust
Languages and the Military
Edited by Christopher N. Candlin, Professor, Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Australia and Jonathan Crichton, Lecturer, Department of Communication, International Studies and Languages, University of South Australia
The first book to bring together researchers and practitioners from a range of professions and institutions in exploring how people develop and may lose Trust through the ways in which they speak, write and act. Includes practical examples of how to conduct Trust-related research using tools from applied linguistics and discourse analysis.
Alliances, Occupation and Peace Building Edited by Hilary Footitt, Senior Research Fellow, University of Reading, UK and Michael Kelly, Professor, School of Modern Languages, Southampton University, UK
Through detailed case studies ranging from the 18th century until today, this book explores the role of foreign languages in military alliances, in occupation and in peace building. It brings together academic researchers and practitioners from the museum and interpreting worlds and the military.
A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www.
A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www.
December 2012 304pp 11 figures and 9 b/w tables Hardback £55.00
August 2012 272pp 3 b/w tables and 1 figure Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30849-7
Palgrave Studies in Professional and Organizational Discourse
216x138mm 978-0-230-36551-3
Palgrave Studies in Languages at War Series Editors: Hilary Footitt and Michael Kelly
Edited by Jan Blommaert, Professor, University of Tillburg, The Netherlands, Sirpa Leppänen, Professor, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Päivi Pahta, Professor, University of Tampere, Finland and Tiina Räisänen, Junior Researcher, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Focuses on the endangering effects of languageideological processes. This book looks at the challenges imposed by globalization and superdiversity on the nation state and its language situations and ideologies, and demonstrates how many of its problems rise from the tension between late-modern diversity and the (pre-) modernist responses to it. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. October 2012 320pp 216x138mm 7 b/w tables, 8 figures and 1 b/w illustration Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-32141-0
Language and Globalization Series Editors: Sue Wright and Helen Kelly-Holmes
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Imagining the Cosmopolitan in Public and Professional Writing
Language Rights
Peace Operations, Conflict and Language in Bosnia-Herzegovina
From Free Speech to Linguistic Governance
Michael Kelly, Professor, School of Modern Languages and Catherine Baker, Research Fellow, both at University of Southampton, UK
Anne Surma, Lecturer in English and Professional Writing, Murdoch University, Australia
In this important book, Surma combines threads from ethical, political, communications, sociological, feminist and discourse theories to explore the impact of writing in a range of contexts and illustrate the ways in which it can strengthen social connections. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgments / Introduction: A Cosmopolitan Orientation / Conceptualising the Cosmopolitan Approach to Writing / Writing in the Network / Sentencing: Reflecting on Words and Worlds / Rewriting Organisational Change / The Multinational Corporation - Writing Cosmopolitan Responsibility? / Conclusion: Reimagining the Cosmopolitan / Appendix / Endnotes / Bibliography November 2012 208pp 5 figures Hardback £50.00
Interpreting the Peace
Analysing the issues of language that faced international forces carrying out peace operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 1990s, this book examines how differences of language were an integral part of the conflicts in the country and in what way the multinational UN and NATO forces faced their own problems of communication and language support. Contents: Preface / List of Acronyms / Introduction / Serving in a Foreign Field / The Multiple Roles of Military Interpreters / Language Support on the Ground under UNPROFOR / Improving Language Support / Foreign/ Local Encounters in Interpreting / Nationality, Ethnicity and Trust / Peacebuilding in a Multilingual World / Conclusion December 2012 Hardback
256pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-1-137-02983-6
Palgrave Studies in Languages at War Series Editors: Hilary Footitt and Michael Kelly
Critical Thinking Skills
Vanessa Pupavac, Lecturer, School of Politics, University of Nottingham, UK
Exploring language rights politics in theoretical, historical and international context, this book brings together debates from law, sociolinguistics, international politics, and the history of ideas. The author argues that international language rights advocacy supports global governance of language and questions freedoms of speech and expression. Contents: Contesting Human Rights, Language, and Politics / The Rise of International Linguistic Human Rights and the Governance of Politics / Enlightenment Speech to Romantic National Languages / From Romantic Subjectivity to Post-Romantic Cultural Identities and Linguistic Adaptation / Righting Babel? Translation as Cultural Transfusion or Cultural Violence / Linguistic Imperialism, Global English and Modernity / Anticolonial and Post-Independence Language Politics: From Emancipatory Aspirations to Limits / Language Rights Politics in Former Yugoslavia and Therapeutic Cultural Governance in Bosnia / Ecolinguistics and PostHumanist Advocacy / From Free Speech to Linguistic Governance / Afterword: Reclaiming Freedoms of Speech against Linguistic Governance? September 2012 304pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-1-4039-4086-5
Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities Series Editor: Gabrielle Hogan-Brun
The latest edition of this bestselling title from Stella Cottrell is out
now! 978-0-230-28529-3
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Languages at War Policies and Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict Edited by Hilary Footitt, Senior Research Fellow, University of Reading, UK and Michael Kelly, Professor, School of Modern Languages, Southampton University, UK
Emphasising the significance of foreign languages at the centre of war and conflict, this book argues that ‘foreignness’ and foreign languages are key to our understanding of what happens in war. Through case studies the book traces the role of languages in intelligence, military deployment, soldier/civilian meetings, occupation and peace building. Contents: List of Tables / Preface / Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations / Notes on Contributors / Introduction / PART I: INTELLIGENCE / Languages in the Intelligence Community / Frameworks for Understanding / The Human in Human Intelligence / PART II: PREPARATION AND SUPPORT / Preparing to Liberate / Languages and Peacekeeping / Language Policy and Peace-Building / PART III: SOLDIER/CIVILIAN MEETINGS / Occupying a Foreign Country / Fraternization / PART IV: COMMUNICATING THROUGH INTERMEDIARIES / Military Interpreters in War / Civilian Interpreting in Military Conflicts / Being an Interpreter in Conflict / Conclusions / References / Index April 2012 3 b/w tables Hardback
ebook available from: Amazon Kindle, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Google eBookstore (UK), Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Language & Linguistics Collections Palgrave Studies in Languages at War Series Editors: Hilary Footitt and Michael Kelly
Discourses of Freedom of Speech
Dyke/Girl: Language and Identities in a Lesbian Group
From the Enactment of the Bill of Rights to the Sedition Act of 1918 Juhani Rudanko, Professor of English, University of Tampere, Finland
Freedom of speech is a tradition distinctive to American political culture, and this book focuses on major debates and discourses that shaped this tradition. It sheds fresh light on key Congressional debates in the early American Republic, developing and applying an approach to fallacy theory suitable to the study of political discourse. Contents: Introduction / Informal Fallacies in Two Procedural Debates on the Bill of Rights in the Summer of 1789 / The Decision of August 13, 1789 / Divisions of Freedom of Speech: Debates of November 1794 / Freedom of Speech under Threat: the Sedition Act of 1798 / Contesting and Defeating the Sedition Act of 1798 / ‘[T]his most unnecessary, unjust, and disgraceful war’: Attacks on the Madison Administration in Federalist Newspapers During the War of 1812 / Woodrow Wilson and the Threat to Freedom of Speech / Concluding Observations / Notes / References / Index October 2012 Hardback
224pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-1-137-03059-7
Lucy Jones, Lecturer in Linguistics, University of Hull, UK
This book explores the construction of identities within a lesbian group, outlining interactive tactics used in the production of mutually-negotiated norms of authenticity. Using ethnography and discourse analysis, a range of group-specific personae are revealed to be continually reworked and reproduced within the women’s interaction. Contents: Transcription Conventions / List of Transcriptions / Introduction / Sociocultural Approaches to Linguistics / Approaches to Language and Sexuality / Doing Ethnography with the Stompers / Dyke and Girl / Negotiating Authentic Style and Practice / Indexing Authenticity via Cultural Knowledge / Political Difference and Maintenance of Shared Identity / Understanding Communities of Practice / Sociocultural Linguistics and Sexuality / Notes / References October 2012 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29256-7
The Narrative Construction of Identities in Critical Education Argiris Archakis, Associate Professor, University of Patras, Greece and Villy Tsakona, Adjunct Lecturer in Linguistics, University of Thrace, Greece
Based on approaches from discourse analysis and sociolinguistics, this study proposes an analytical model focusing on the linguistic and discursive means narrators use to construct a variety of identities in everyday stories. This model is further exploited in language teaching to cultivate students’ cultural sensitivity and critical literacy. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. September 2012 208pp 3 b/w tables Hardback £50.00
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216x138mm 978-0-230-31395-8
Language, Sex and Social Structure
Politeness and Culture in Second Language Acquisition
Analyzing Discourses of Sexuality
Sooho Song, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Jodie Clark, Senior Lecturer in English Language, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
This book offers an innovative way of doing critical discourse analysis that focuses on the performatively produced concepts and social structures that support oppressive attitudes in a community. It draws upon ethnographic data from a women’s field hockey club to examine players’ homophobic attitudes towards lesbians on the team. Contents: The Local Politics of Sexuality / Theorizing Social Structure / The Performative Production of Conceptual Systems / ‘Who’s snogged a girl, who’s slept with a girl’: Sex Concepts and Individual Concepts / ‘Oh yeah, she’s a good hockey player’: Local, Emergent Social Structure / ‘And the size of his...’ ‘Shush!’: Hockey, Achievement and the Silencing of Desire / ‘After university they’ll go back to normal’: The Emancipatory Agenda / Appendix / Bibliography / Index October 2012 3 b/w tables Hardback
This book examines the importance of politeness in pragmatic expression and communication, making a significant contribution to the debate over whether the universal politeness theory is applicable globally regardless of cultural differences. Contents: Why Politeness Matters / Theories of Politeness / An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Politeness and Culture / Cultural Impact on Politeness / Implications of Politeness and Culture / References / Appendix October 2012 17 b/w tables Hardback
Multimodal Texts from Around the World Cultural and Linguistic Insights Edited by Wendy L. Bowcher, Professor and Director of Applied Linguistics Program, Sun Yat-sen University, China
A first in multimodal/ multi-semiotic discourse studies this collection of original articles by international scholars focuses primarily on texts from non-English speaking contexts. The illuminating insights enhance our understanding of how language and other semiotic resources construe specific cultural and social concerns. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. July 2012 352pp 216x138mm 1 illustration, 19 figures, 18 tables and 41 b/w photographs Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-25163-2
Standardization, Ideology and Linguistics Nigel Armstrong, Senior Lecturer in French Studies, Department of French, University of Leeds, UK and Ian E. Mackenzie, Senior Lecturer in Spanish, School of Modern Languages, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
The authors explore some of the ways in which standardization, ideology and linguistics are interrelated. Through a number of case studies they show how concepts such as grammaticality and structural change covertly rely on a false conceptualization of language, one that derives ultimately from standardization. Contents: Preface / The Nature of the Standard / Grammaticality / Prestige Speech Patterns / Language Change / Social Levelling, or Anti-standardization / Away from the Anglo-Saxon Model: The Case of French / References October 2012 272pp 1 figure and 15 b/w tables Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29675-6
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Linguistics and the Study of Comics Edited by Frank Bramlett, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Do Irish superheroes actually sound Irish? Why are Gary Larson’s Far Side cartoons funny? How do political cartoonists in India, Turkey, and the US get their point across? These questions and many more are answered in this new collection on linguistics and comics, which explores language and how the verbal and the visual interact. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. May 2012 328pp 216x138mm 25 b/w tables, 36 b/w photographs and 8 charts Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-36282-6
ebook available from: Amazon Kindle, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Google eBookstore (UK), Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Language & Linguistics Collections
The Politics of Language and Nationalism in Modern Central Europe Tomasz Kamusella, Lecturer, University of St Andrews, UK Foreword by Peter Burke
This work focuses on the ideological intertwining between Czech, Magyar, Polish and Slovak, and the corresponding nationalisms steeped in these languages. The analysis is set against the earlier political and ideological history of these languages, and the panorama of the emergence and political uses of other languages of the region. Contents: Foreword; P.Burke / Author Preface / Introduction / Language in Central Europe: An Overview / The Broader Linguistic and Cultural Context of Central Europe / PART I: CENTRAL EUROPEAN POLITICS AND LANGUAGES IN THE LONG NINETEENTH CENTURY / The Polish Case: From Nation to Nation / The Hungarian Case: From Nation to the Ersatz Nation-state / The Czech Case: From the Bohemian Slavophone Populus to Czech Nationalism and the Czechoslovak Nation / The Slovak Case: From Upper Hungary’s Slavophone Populus to Slovak Nationalism and the Czechoslovak Nation / PART II: NATIONALISMS AND LANGUAGE IN THE SHORT TWENTIETH CENTURY / The Polish Nation: From a Multiethnic to an Ethnically Homogenous Nation-State / The Hungarian Nation: From Hungary to Magyarország / The Czech Nation: Between Czechoslovak and Czech Nationalism / The Slovak Nation: From Czechoslovakia to Slovakia / Conclusion / Bibliography May 2012 15 maps Paperback
Narratives of Place, Belonging and Language An Intercultural Perspective Máiréad Nic Craith, Research Professor, University of Ulster, UK
Examining identity in relation to globalization and migration, this book uses narratives and memoirs from contemporary authors who have lived ‘inbetween’ two or more languages. It explores the human desire to find one’s ‘own place’ in new cultural contexts, and looks at the role of language in shaping a sense of belonging in society. Contents: Acknowledgements / Preface / Out of Place? / Narrative Journeys / Word and World / The Web of Family Relationships / Self and Other in Dialogue / Cultural Patterns and Belonging / Interculturality and Creativity / Select Bibliography / Index February 2012 Hardback
216pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-20263-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Language & Linguistics Collections, Amazon Kindle, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Google eBookstore (UK), Myilibrary, NetLibrary Language and Globalization Series Editors: Sue Wright and Helen Kelly-Holmes
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
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Photojournalism: A Multimodal Approach
Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres
Helen Caple, Lecturer in Media, Communications and Journalism, University of New South Wales, Australia
Edited by Ken Hyland, Professor of Education, Institute of Education, University of London, UK and Carmen Sancho Guinda, Lecturer, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres brings together a range of perspectives on two of the most important and contested concepts in applied linguistics: stance and voice. International experts provide an accessible, yet authoritative introduction to key issues and debates surrounding these terms.
Informed by systemic functional linguistic theory, this volume makes use of cutting edge advances in multimodality and demonstrates the insights that can be achieved through semiotic analyses of press photographs and their linguistic environment. It offers the first comprehensive social semiotic analysis of the complete news story. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. January 2013 Hardback
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30100-9
Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; K.Hyland & C.Sancho-Guinda / Current Conceptions of Stance; B.Gray & D.Biber / Current Conceptions of Voice; C.Tardy / Voice and Stance as APPRAISAL: Persuading and Positioning in Research Writing Across Intellectual Fields; S.Hood / Stance in Academic Bios; P.Tse / Hedging, Stance and Voice in Medical Research Articles; A.Gross & P.Chesley / Authorial Voice in Textbooks: Between Exposition and Argument; M.Bondi / Achieving a Voice of Authority in PhD Theses; P.Thompson / Undergraduate Understandings: Stance and Voice in Undergraduate Reports; K.Hyland / Voice in Student Essays; P.K.Matsuda & J.V.Jeffery / Proximal Positioning in Students’ Graph Commentaries; C.Sancho-Guinda / Stance and Voice in Academic Discourse Across Channels; A.Hewings / Voice and Stance Across Disciplines in Academic Discourse; M.Silver / Variation of Stance and Voice Across Cultures; K.Fløttum / The Voice of Scholarly Dispute in Medical Book Reviews 1890–2010; F.Salager-Meyer, M.Áriza & M.Briceño / Epilogue; D.Cameron
The Spanish Perfects Pathways of Emergent Meaning Lewis (Chad) Howe, Assistant Professor, Department of Romance Languages, University of Georgia, USA
This book considers the role of cross-dialectal data in our understanding of linguistic variability, focusing on the widely discussed dichotomy between past tense forms and relying primarily on spoken language data from different varieties of Spanish. Contents: List of Figures / List of Tables / Preface / Introduction / Perfect Features / The Spanish Perfects / The Perfect in Peruvian Spanish / Perfective Perfects in Two Dialects of Spanish / Conclusions / Notes / Bibliography / Appendix A: A Sentence Judgment Task / Appendix B: Interview Protocol January 2013 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-1-137-02980-5
Tudor Translation Edited by Fred Schurink, Senior Lecturer in Early Modern English Literature, Northumbria University, UK
Leading scholars from both sides of the Atlantic explore translations as a key agent of change in the wider religious, cultural and literary developments of the early modern period, and restore translation to the centre of our understanding of the literature and history of Tudor England. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www.
October 2012 280pp 216x138mm 16 b/w tables, 5 diagrams and 4 graphs Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-30283-9
January 2012 248pp 3 b/w photographs Hardback £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27180-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections Early Modern Literature in History Series Editors: Cedric C. Brown and Andrew Hadfield
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INDEX A Archakis Tsakona The Narrative Construction of Identities in Critical Education Armstrong Mackenzie Standardization, Ideology and Linguistics
G 9 10
B Barnbrook Mason Krishnamurthy Collocation Beyond the Postcolonial Dawson Varughese Blommaert Leppänen Pahta Räisänen Dangerous Multilingualism Bowcher Multimodal Texts from Around the World Bramlett Linguistics and the Study of Comics
4 3 7 10 11
7 12 5 6 10 4 5 4 3
D Dangerous Multilingualism Blommaert Leppänen Pahta Räisänen Dawson Varughese Beyond the Postcolonial Digital Games in Language Learning and Teaching Reinders Discourses of Freedom of Speech Rudanko Discourses of Trust Candlin Crichton Dyke/Girl: Language and Identities in a Lesbian Group Jones
7 3 6 9 7 9
E English - One Tongue, Many Voices Svartvik Leech English in Japan in the Era of Globalization Seargeant
3 5
F Footitt Kelly Languages and the Military Footitt Kelly Languages at War
7 12
H Hyland Sancho Guinda Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres
I Imagining the Cosmopolitan in Public and Professional Writing Surma Interpreting the Peace Kelly Baker
7 9
Jin Cortazzi Researching Intercultural Learning Jones Dyke/Girl: Language and Identities in a Lesbian Group
8 8
11 8 3 5
L Language Policy Cassels Johnson Language Rights Pupavac Language, Sex and Social Structure Clark Languages and the Military Footitt Kelly Languages at War Footitt Kelly Linguistics and the Study of Comics Bramlett
5 8 10 7 9 11
M Mercer Ryan Williams Psychology for Language Learning 4 Multimodal Texts from Around the World Bowcher 10
N The Narrative Construction of Identities in Critical Education Archakis Tsakona Narratives of Place, Belonging and Language Nic Craith Nic Craith Narratives of Place, Belonging and Language
Rash German Images of the Self and the Other Reinders Digital Games in Language Learning and Teaching Researching Cultures of Learning Cortazzi Jin Researching Intercultural Learning Jin Cortazzi Rudanko Discourses of Freedom of Speech
K Kamusella The Politics of Language and Nationalism in Modern Central Europe Kelly Baker Interpreting the Peace Kendall Speech Rate, Pause and Sociolinguistic Variation Kubanyiova Teacher Development in Action
Photojournalism: A Multimodal Approach Caple Politeness and Culture in Second Language Acquisition Song The Politics of Language and Nationalism in Modern Central Europe Kamusella Psychology for Language Learning Mercer Ryan Williams Pupavac Language Rights
12 10 11 4 8
C Candlin Crichton Discourses of Trust Caple Photojournalism: A Multimodal Approach Cassels Johnson Language Policy Chew A Sociolinguistic History of Early Identities in Singapore Clark Language, Sex and Social Structure Collocation Barnbrook Mason Krishnamurthy Cortazzi Jin Researching Cultures of Learning Coverdale-Jones Transnational Higher Education in the Asian Context Curthoys Dudman Victor Dudman’s Grammar and Semantics
German Images of the Self and the Other Rash Howe The Spanish Perfects
7 6 5 6 9
S Schurink Tudor Translation Seargeant English in Japan in the Era of Globalization A Sociolinguistic History of Early Identities in Singapore Chew Song Politeness and Culture in Second Language Acquisition The Spanish Perfects Howe Speech Rate, Pause and Sociolinguistic Variation Kendall Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres Hyland Sancho Guinda Standardization, Ideology and Linguistics Armstrong Mackenzie Surma Imagining the Cosmopolitan in Public and Professional Writing Svartvik Leech English - One Tongue, Many Voices
12 5 6 10 12 3 12 10 8 3
T Teacher Development in Action Kubanyiova Transnational Higher Education in the Asian Context Coverdale-Jones Tudor Translation Schurink
5 4 12
V 9
Victor Dudman’s Grammar and Semantics Curthoys Dudman
11 11
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