Palgrave Macmillan New Books List July-September 2015

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New Books List July-September 2015



‘A perfect planner for any student! ’ - student buyer of the previous edition

Includes study skills advice, diary pages, timetables, notes pages, ‘to do’ lists, personal finance guidance, quick check guides and more.

Calendar | 9781137516190 | £8.99 | May 2015

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New Books List July - September 2015

Bouncing Balls Š ValeriKimbro/

Contents Anthropology


Life Sciences


Banking and Finance




Business and Management


Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry


British Film Institute


Modern Languages


Counselling and Psychotherapy


Nursing and Health




Philosophy & Religion


Culture and Media












Further Education and Vocational


Social Work and Social Policy


Gender Studies




General and Reference


Study Skills




Theatre and Performance


Language and Linguistics






Worldwide Services


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Spirits and Slaves in Central Sudan

The Anthropology of Protestantism

Contemporary Human Geography

Faith and Crisis among Scottish Fishermen

Culture, Globalization, Landscape

Joseph Webster, Downing College, University of Cambridge, UK

The Red Wind of Sennar Susan M. Kenyon, Butler University, USA

“Although Zar is a well-documented cultural movement, this treatment is particularly rich in ethnographic detail and local voices . . . the book is an important addition to that specialized literature. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Graduate students/ faculty.” - CHOICE This historical ethnography from Central Sudan explores the century-old intertwining of zar, spirit possession, with past lives of ex-slaves and shows that, despite very different social and cultural contexts, zar has continued to be shaped by the experience of slavery.

“A provocative study that draws on the traditional strengths of [anthropology]: village community, reflexive ethnography, ritual and everyday life . . . In addition to scholars of Christianity, anthropologists of Europe, and those interested in the globalization of religion generally, this book could make a good pairing with other works on religious life taking different theoretical turns and engaging distinct ethnographic settings . . . Webster’s work makes an excellent contribution to the Contemporary Anthropology of Religion series and portends more good things to come from this young scholar.” - Anthropology News Through his ethnographic study of the fishermen and their religious beliefs, Webster speaks to larger debates about religious radicalism, materiality, economy, language, and the symbolic. These debates also call into question assumptions about the decline of religion in modern industrial societies.

Contents: PART I: BACKGROUND / 1. Remembering Spirits and Sufis in Central Sudan / PART II: THE HOUSE OF ZAINAB / 2. The Ottoman Ranks / 3. Colonialism and Colonization / 4. Independence, Islamism, and Modernity / PART III: THE HOUSE OF SPIRITS / 5. The World of Red Spirits / 6. Nations of Spirits / 7. Serving the Spirits / PART IV: DEALING WITH POWER / 8. Bargaining with Power / 9. Spirits at Play / 10. Sacrifice / PART V: NOT A MOMENT TO LOSE / 11. Slavery Remembered: Lessons from the Zar

Contents: Introduction: Gamrie, Words, Signs / PART I: GAMRIE / 1. Situating Gamrie / 2. The Triple Pinch / PART II: WORDS / 3. Preaching / 4. Testimony / 5. Fishing / PART III: SIGNS / 6. Providence and Attack / 7. Eschatology / Conclusion: Enchantment

July 2015 Paperback

July 2015 Paperback

316pp £24.00

216x140mm 9781137534798

272pp £22.00

Mona Domosh, Dartmouth College, USA, Roderick P. Neumann, Florida International University, USA, Patricia L. Price, Florida International University, USA

More than any other book for the introductory human geography course, Contemporary Human Geography shows what geographers actually do—how they conduct research, develop new insights, teach us about the world from a geographer’s perspective, and apply their skills in a wide range of academic and professional pursuits. Contents: 1. Human Geography: A Cultural Approach / 2. Many Worlds: Geographies of Cultural Difference / 3. Population Geography: Shaping the Human Mosaic / 4. The Geography of Language: Building the Spoken Word / 5. Geographies of Race and Ethnicity: Mosaic or Tapestry? / 6. Political Geography: A Divided World / 7. The Geography of Religion: Space and Places of Sacredness / 8. Agriculture: The Geography of the Global Food System / 9. Development Geography: Growth, Transformation, and Exchange / 10. The Geography of Cities: A World of Cities / 11. One World or Many? The Cultural Geography of the Future March 2015 Paperback

496pp £49.99

Contemporary Anthropology of Religion Series Edited by: Don Seeman, Tulasi Srinivas

274x230mm 9781464133442

Published by W. H. Freeman

235x152mm 9781137527295

Contemporary Anthropology of Religion Series Edited by: Don Seeman, Tulasi Srinivas



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Housewives of Japan An Ethnography of Real Lives and Consumerized Domesticity


SABR and SABR LIBOR Market Models in Practice With Examples Implemented in Python

Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni, Tel Aviv University, Israel

"A fascinating book about what it means and feels like to be a housewife in 2000s Japan . . . This is an imminently readable book that engages Japanese history, gender theory, and media studies to describe the options facing housewives in the contemporary moment. As omnipresent as housewives remain, this book shows us how varied and reflective they can be about their status, responsibilities, and degrees of satisfaction." - American Ethnologist Drawing on a unique ethnographic inquiry, Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni explores the complexities of the relationship between socially and culturally constructed roles bestowed on Japanese women by a variety of state agents, including the market and the media, and the ‘real’ lives of these women. Contents: PART I: A COLLABORATIVE QUEST FOR UNDERSTANDING ‘SENGYŌ SHUFU’ / Intertext I / Entering the Field: Joining Mariko’s Introspective Journey / Intertext II / The Postwar ‘Professional Housewife’ and the Japanese State / PART II: THE WOMEN OF ROYAL HEIGHTS / Intertext III / On ‘Naturally’ Becoming Housewives / Intertext IV / ‘Guarding the House’: Men as Breadwinners, Women as Housewives / Intertext V / A New Housewife Is Born? Discourses of Class and Change in Royal Heights / PART III: HOUSEWIVES AS WOMEN IN POST-BUBBLE JAPAN / Intertext VI / The New Happy Housewife of Post-Bubble Japan / Intertext VII / Wrapping up: Housewives as the ‘Winners’? / Intertext VIII July 2015 Paperback

300pp £22.00

216x140mm 9781137523907

Christian Crispoldi is Vice President at Nomura in New York where he is responsible for the valuation and pricing of interest rate derivatives. Peter Larkin is a Data Scientist working on building predictive models using big data in the (re)insurance industry. Gérald Wigger is Head of Quantitative Analysis at Weisshorn Re.

A hands-on guide to interest rate modelling, including the SABR model, the market standard for vanilla products, and the LIBOR market model, the most commonly used model for exotic products. This accessible book also provides an explanation of the extended SABR LIBOR market model. Contents: PART I: VANILLA INTEREST RATES / Interest Rate Notions / Basic Terminology / Black Model / Normal Black Model / CEV Model / Caps & Floors (Product Definition, Market Conventions And Overview, Including Vol Stripping Etc...) / Swaptions (Product Definition, Market Conventions And Overview, Including Vol Cube Etc...) / SABR Model / Model Definition (Including An Overview Of Its Parameters) / Hagan’s Approximate Formulas (Give A Clear Description Of Each Of The Formulas He Developed And Their Differences) / The Low Strike Problem / The Long Maturity Problem / Alternatives To Hagan’s Formulas - Present One Or More Among The Other Approximations Available / SABR And Negative Interest Rates (This Is An Extremely Hot Topic At The Moment) / Pricing And Hedging Caps & Floors Under The SABR Model / Pricing And Hedging Swaptions Under The SABR Model / PART II: EXOTIC INTEREST RATES / LIBOR Market Model / Model Definition / Present Various Topics Related To Its Implementation / SABR In The LIBOR Market Model Framework / Model Definition / How To Calibrate The Correlation In Practice / How To Calibrate The Other Parameters In Practice / and more. August 2015 250pp 54 figures, 49 b/w tables Hardback £60.00

FX Barrier Options A Comprehensive Guide for Industry Quants Zareer Dadachanji, Model Quant Solutions, UK

This book is a quantitative guide to barrier options in FX environments. Contents: Preface / Foreword / Glossary of Mathematical Notation / Contract Types / 1 Meet the Products / 1.1 Spot / 1.1.1 Dollars per euro or euros per dollar? / 1.1.2 Big figures and small figures / 1.1.3 The value of Foreign / 1.1.4 Converting between Domestic and Foreign / 1.2 Forwards / 1.2.1 The FX forward market / 1.2.2 A formula for the forward rate / 1.2.3 Payoff a forward contract / 1.2.4 Valuation of a forward contract / 1.3 Vanilla options 1.3.1 Put-Call Parity / 1.4 Barriercontingent vanilla options / 1.5 Barrier-contingent payments / 1.6 Rebates / 1.7 Knock-in-knock-out (KIKO) options / 1.8 Types of barriers / 1.9 Structured products / 1.10 Specifying the contract / 1.11 Quantitative truisms / 1.11.1 Foreign exchange symmetry and inversion / 1.11.2 Knock-out plus knock-in equals no-barrier contract / 1.11.3 Put-call parity / 1.12 Jargon-buster / 2 Living in a Black-Scholes World / 2.1 The Black-Scholes model equation for spot price / 2.2 The process for ln S / 2.3 The Black-Scholes equation for option pricing / 2.3.1 The lagless approach / 2.3.2 Derivation of the BlackScholes PDE / 2.3.3 Black-Scholes model August 2015 323pp 91 figures, 3 b/w tables Hardback £60.00

323ppx234mm 9781137462749

Applied Quantitative Finance

234x156mm 9781137378637

Applied Quantitative Finance

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The XVA of Financial Derivatives: CVA, DVA and FVA Explained Dongsheng Lu, BNY Mellon, USA

This latest addition to the Financial Engineering Explained series focuses on the new standards for derivatives valuation, namely, pricing and risk management taking into account counterparty risk, and the XVA’s – Credit, Funding and Debt value adjustments. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION TO DERIVATIVE TRADING / 1. The Participants of Derivative Market and their Interaction (Chart) / 2. Trading Perspective / 3. Operational: Collateral with Counterparty / 4. Funding / 5. Legal / 6. Regulations / PART II: EXPOSITION OF VARIOUS VALUATION ADJUSTMENTS / 7. CVA (Including DVA) Primer: Expected Credit Default Loss / 8. FVA Primer: Derivatives Pricing under Different Funding Situations / 9. FVA Debate and Solution / 10. RVA / PART III: MODELING, CALCULATION AND SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION / 11. CVA and FVA Modeling / 12. CVA and FVA with Complex CSA Terms / 13. RVA and Downgrade Triggers: Complexity of Replacement Process / 14. Examples / PART IV: CVA/FVA RISK MANAGEMENT AND HEDGING / 15. Traditional Derivatives Greeks and Risk Management / 16. Gamma, Theta and Cross Greeks for CVA / 17. Collateral Operations, Hedging and Cross Currency Risk / 18. Rating Dependent Funding: Credit Dependency of Funding / 19. CVA and FVA Together: Cross Terms / 20. Wrong Way Risk, Wrong Way Collateral / 21. Systemic Downgrade Risk / 22. Centralized vs. Decentralized Management / 23. Absence of Market Traded CDS: No Individual Names July 2015 240pp 19 b/w tables, 64 figures Paperback £24.99


The Public Sector R&D Enterprise A New Approach to Portfolio Valuation

Sustainable Financial Investments Maximizing Corporate Profits and Long-Term Economic Value Creation Brian Bolton, School of Business Administration, Portland State University, USA

Peter D. Linquiti, George Washington University, USA

‘Important and useful for those interested in public policy for applied research because it offers both an overview of the public-sector R&D system and evidence that the real options technique works.’ - Gretchen Jordan, 360 Innovation LLC The Public Sector R&D Enterprise combines a primer on how government R&D programs actually work with a sophisticated methodology for prospectively putting a dollar figure on the value of R&D investments before they are made. Contents: 1. Research and Development: Opportunities and Challenges / 2. A Primer on the Public Sector R&D Enterprise / 3. R&D Portfolio Valuation and Formation / 4. Public Sector R&D Valuation: A Practical Example / 5. Recommendations for Public Sector R&D Managers / 6. Next Steps in Valuing R&D Portfolios: A Research Agenda May 2015 144pp 13 b/w tables, 13 figures Hardback £45.00


Financial Engineering Explained Series Edited by: Wim Schoutens



216x138mm 9781137542083

Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Series Edited by: Albert N. Link

Is it possible for an investment to be good for a firm’s profitability without also being good for the environment, employees, or community? Author Brian Bolton connects these seemingly disparate ideas and shows how to incorporate economic costs, benefits, cash flows and risks into the evaluation of any type of investment, with particular focus on those investments that are driven by environmental, human, and social considerations. Contents: PART I: ECONOMICS OF SUSTAINABLE FINANCE / 1. Purpose of the Firm / 2. Stakeholder and Agency Theory / 3. Sustainability of Economics / 4. Economics of Sustainability / 5. Financial Implications and Valuation of CSR / 6. Strategy and Economic Value Creation of CSR / PART II: APPLIED RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES ON CSR / 7. Overview of CSR and Performance Research / 8. Econometrics of CSR and Governance Studies / 9. Specifics of CSR and firm characteristics August 2015 Hardback

288pp £45.00

235x155mm 9781137411983

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Euro Crash How Asset Price Inflation Destroys the Wealth of Nations 3rd edition Brendan Brown, Mitsuibishi (UFJ) Securities International plc, UK

‘Nobody is better at diagnosing and dissecting these central bank games than Brendan Brown, whether it is the Federal Reserve (The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve) or the European Central Bank - this book, Euro Crash. It will give you a healthy boost in your scepticism about those who pretend to be the Platonic guardians of the financial system.’ - Alex J. Pollock, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC; former president and chief executive officer, Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. Euro Crash is a unique analysis of the European Monetary Union, arguing that it was not suboptimal currency areas or profligate government spending but instead fatal flaws in monetary design and an appalling series of policy mistakes by the European Central Bank that lead to the current and ongoing Eurozone crisis. Contents: Foreword; Professor Joseph Salerno / 1. Asset Price Inflation – What Do We Know About This Virus? / 2. The Franco-German Dollar Union Which Never Took Place / 3. How the Virus of Asset Price Inflation Infected EMU / 4. How the Deutsche Bundesbank Failed Europe and Germany / 5. The Bursting of Europe’s Bubble / 6. Guilty Verdict on the European Central Bank / 7. From Fed Curse to Merkel-Draghi Coup / 8. EMU is Dead, Long Live EMU February 2014 Hardback

280pp £19.99

Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data Stavros Degiannakis, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece, Christos Floros, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece

This book is an accessible practitioners guide to the most cutting-edge models used in high-frequency finance modelling, providing advanced techniques and tools for understanding market microstructure and more generally for analyzing financial markets using recent HF data. Contents: 1. Introduction to Financial Modelling / 2. Intra-Day Realized Volatility Measures / 3. Methods of Volatility Estimation and Forecasting / 4. Simultaneous Multiple Model Comparison and Hypothesis Framework Construction / 5. Realized Volatility Forecasting: Applications / 6. Recent Methods: A Review / 7. Case Studies August 2015 192pp 33 b/w tables, 34 figures Hardback £60.00

234x156mm 9781137396488

The Public Wealth of Nations How Management of Public Assets Can Boost or Bust Economic Growth Dag Detter, Whetstone Solutions AB, Sweden, Stefan Fölster, Reform Institute, Sweden

Two leading economists argue that publicly owned commercial assets need to be taken out of the control of politicians. This radical, reforming book could lead to the creation of entirely new departments in the world’s major banks, improve the fabric of democratic institutions across the globe, and increase global living standards. Contents: 1. What can public wealth do for you? / 2. Don’t rock the boat and the hand that feeds you - the cost of poor management / 3. How state run business can ruin the economy and politics / 4. The size and potential of public wealth / 5. Attempts to reform management of public wealth / 6. Active owner or Privatise - Swedish and Asian pioneers vs Thatcher / 7. Monetising yields value, and improves democracy as well / 8. The anatomy of National Wealth Funds / 9. Strategies for creating value / 10. We all want to build roads now – but can we afford it? / 11. How politicians can become consumer advocates instead of quasicapitalists June 2015 17 figures Hardback





216x138mm 9781137371485

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Making Sense of Markets

Safe to Fail

An Investor’s Guide to Profiting Amidst the Gloom

How Resolution Will Revolutionise Banking Thomas F. Huertas, Ernst & Young, UK

Kevin Gardiner, Barclays Wealth, UK

Since the financial crisis, there have been numerous reports, articles and books highlighting the gloomy future ahead. Making Sense of Markets makes the case that received wisdom is still far too pessimistic, and that the future may be brighter than feared. A plain-speaking guide to keeping an open mind (and how to profit from it). Contents: Introduction: What We Talk About When We Talk About Markets / PART I: THE GLASS IS HALF-FULL / 1: Why Is Everybody So Gloomy? / The Conventional Account Of What’s Gone Wrong / 2: An Alternative Account – A Richness Of Embarrassments / Money Didn’t Make The World Go Round / 3: Five Big Things To Worry Less About – Or Why It Still Pays To Invest In The West / 3.I: Debt – There Is Life After It / 3.II: Demography – The Timebomb Defused / 3.III. Decadence – The West Can Compete / 3.IV: Depletion – The Sustainability Challenge / 3.V: Danger – Geopolitical Tensions In Context / 4: Sources Of Perspective – And A Tiger’s Tale / Taking A Wider View / Raising The Signal-To-Noise Ratio / Avoid Clichés Like The Plague / Anchoring Downwards: Why Gloom Gets A Grip / PART II: WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT / 5: Know The Game, Know Yourself / Be Satisficed: What Investment Is Not About, And The Importance Of Showing Up / Know Your Pundits; The Only Theme Worth Investing In / A Personal Investment Policy / 6: Back To Basics: What You Need To Own – It’s About Time / Here For The Duration: The Key Investment Characteristics / The Usual Suspects: The Main Asset Classes And The ‘Must Haves’ / 7: Putting It All Together – Weighting In Vain? / Reasonable Expectations And Fair Values / Weighting In Vain / 8: Conclusion – Postmodern Portfolio Theory July 2015 240pp 22 figures, 3 b/w tables Hardback £19.99

234x156mm 9781137471383

‘Public policy in this area is of great significance for the robustness and stability of the global financial system. It needs to be understood and to inspire confidence in governments, politicians, regulators and, of course, banks themselves. But the issues to be tackled in reaching the desirable end-state are protean in their complexity. This book provides an authoritative and very clear summary guide which deserves to be, and is likely to become, the definitive reference handbook. I commend it most warmly.’ - Sir David Walker, Chairman, Barclays Banks are entering a new environment. Regulation and supervision are becoming tougher, so that banks will be less likely to fail. If a bank does fail, bail-in rather than bail-out will be the new resolution regime, so that investors, not taxpayers, bear loss. Safe to Fail sums up the challenges that banks will face and how they can meet them.

The Executive Guide to Bank Management Risk Management, Operations, IT and Leadership Sunil Kumar Khandelwal, Wolters Kluwer Financial Services, UAE, Sami Farhat, Investbank, UAE

Featuring valuable insights from the CEO of a highly successful bank, this is a succinct guide to the most important aspects of bank management – risk management, leadership, operational aspects, and technology. Contents: 1. Principles of Banking / PART I / 2. Risk Management Issues in Banks / 3. Basel for Banks / 4. Credit Risk / 5. Liquidity Risk / PART II / 6. Leadership and the Bank / PART III / 7. Operational Aspects / PART IV / 7. Technology – The Most Powerful Tool / 8. Concluding Remarks September 2015 Hardback

200pp £29.99

Contents: Introduction: Resolvability Will Determine the Future of Banking / 1.Too Big to Fail is Too Costly to Continue / 2.Less Likely to Fail: Strengthening Regulation / 3.Less Likely to Fail: Sharpening Supervision / 4.Safe to Fail / 5.Setting up for Success / Conclusion: Is Basel Best? June 2014 232pp 27 figures, 7 b/w tables Hardback £24.99

216x138mm 9781137383648


234x156mm 9781137353917

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Sharing Profits


Reform and Price Discovery at the Tokyo Stock Exchange

John N. Reynolds, Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church, UK

From 1990 to 2012 Keiichi Kubota, Chuo University, Japan, Hitoshi Takehara, Waseda University, Japan

‘Written by experts in the field, this book will enrich the perspective of any professional, policy maker, or student of the TSE.’ - George M. Constantinides, Professor, The University of Chicago, USA ‘The way we trade stocks has changed considerably over the past 20 years . . . [A] thorough analysis of the Japanese reforms and their effects on the microstructure and liquidity of the Japanese stock market.’ - Sheridan Titman, Professor, The University of Texas at Austin, USA ‘An in-depth and insightful analysis of how Japanese reforms and deregulation have affected price discovery, liquidity, and risks in the stock market.’ - Ravi Jagannathan, Professor, Northwestern University, USA


The Ethics of Remuneration, Tax and Shareholder Returns

Localizing Global Finance The Rise of Western-Style Private Equity in China Justin Robertson, Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong

Any decision by a company regarding the use of profits to pay tax, remuneration or shareholder returns has ethical implications. Sharing Profits reviews high-profile ethical issues facing companies in how profits are used, and proposes a framework for understanding the ethical implications of decisions.

Localizing Global Finance illustrates that private equity has become a more significant component of China’s economy based on a pattern of new domestic elites importing and implementing a largely Western financial model.

Contents: 1. Introduction and Summary / 2. Greed and Self-Interest? Criticism of Corporate Decisions on Sharing Profits / 3. Examining the Issues / 4. Putting Business Ethics into Context / 5. Applying Business Ethics / 6. Shareholders and Returns / 7. Employees and Remuneration / 8. The State and Tax / 9. The Rights and Duties of Shareholders, Employees and the State / 10. Ethical Frameworks and Case Studies

Contents: 1.Introduction / 2.A Middle Ground Between Global and Local Levels of Analysis / 3.Global Finance and Localization: Four Possible Outcomes / 4.Where to Study Domestic Actors and New Finance / 5.Replica Localization and Private Equity in China / 6.Elite Formations and Cases of Success and Failure / 7.Revisiting the Literature and the Significance of the Findings / 8.Conclusion

December 2014 Hardback

April 2015 96pp 7 figures, 9 b/w tables Hardback £45.00

232pp £29.99

216x138mm 9781137445445

216x138mm 9781137517593

Reform and Price Discovery at the Tokyo Stock Exchange analyzes the impact of the evolution of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), at the same time discussing reforms in stock trading by related accounting standards and legal regulations. Contents: 1. Introduction to the System of Trading at the Tokyo Stock Exchange / 2. Reform and Deregulation of Financial Markets in Japan: Evolution of Law and Accounting Standards / 3. Market Microstructure and Information Asymmetry Variables: The Behavior of TSE Stocks / 4. Risk and Return of Tokyo Stock Exchange / 5. Impact of TSE Quarterly Disclosure on Information Asymmetry / 6. Price Discovery Process Before and After the Introduction of the ‘Arrowhead’ Trading System at the Tokyo Stock Exchange May 2015 128pp 22 b/w tables, 9 figures Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137540386

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Regulating Securitized Products A Post Crisis Guide Rasheed Saleuddin, West Face Capital Inc.

This book sets out a complete and definitive description of securitization mechanisms, detailing the history of the asset class up to the present day. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / List Of Abbreviations And Acronyms / List Of Figures / About The Author / 1. Introduction: Securitization As Villain And Savior / 2. Securitization Markets And Mechanisms / 3. Securitization, The Global Financial Crisis, And The New Regulatory World / 4. What Is Regulation, And What Can And Can’t It Do - In Theory And Practice / 5. Issues Involved In Regulating Securitization In The Public Interest / 6. Towards A Better Regulatory System And Risk Transfer To Real Money Investors / Bibliography / Endnotes June 2015 15 figures Hardback





A Practical Guide to Corporate Finance Breaking the Financial Ice Christophe Thibierge, ESCP Europe, France, Andrew Beresford, Independent Scholar, UK

This book offers an approachable guide to all key concepts within corporate finance. Contents: 0. Introduction To Finance / 1. Financial Analysis / 2. The Time Value Of Money / 3. Capital Budgeting / 4. Risk And Profitability: Stock Portfolios / 5. Cost Of Capital And Capital Structure Policy / 6. Business Valuation / 6¾. Revenge Of The Betas / 7. The Stock Market / 8. Cash Management & Risk Management / 9. Conclusion July 2015 320pp 234x156mm 112 b/w tables, 15 figures, 17 graphs Hardback £29.99 9781137492517

Enterprise Risk Management in Finance Desheng Dash Wu, University of Toronto, Canada, David L. Olson, University of Nebraska, USA Contents: 1. Enterprise Risk Management / 2. Enron / 3. Financial Risk Management / 4. The Real Estate Crash Of 2008 / 5. Financial Risk Forecast Using Machine Learning And Sentiment Analysis / 6. On-Line Stock Forum Sentiment Analysis / 7. DEA Risk Scoring Model Of Internet Stocks / 8. Bank Credit Scoring / 9. Credit Scoring Using Multiobjective Data Mining / 10. Performance Evaluation And Risk Analysis Of Online Banking / 11. Economic Perspective / 12. British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon / 13. Bank Efficiency Analysis / 14. Catastrophe Bond And Risk Modeling / 15. Bilevel Programming Merger Analysis In Banking / 16. Sustainability And Risk In Globalization / 17. Risk From Natural Disaster / 18. Pricing Of Carbon Emission Exchange In The EU ETS / 19. Volatility Forecasting Of The Crude Oil Market / 20. Confucius Three-Stage Learning Risk Management May 2015 280pp 56 b/w tables, 28 figures Hardback £60.00




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Market Liquidity Risk Implications for Asset Pricing, Risk Management, and Financial Regulation Andria van der Merwe, Compass Lexecon and Illinois Institute of Technology, USA


America’s Culture of Professionalism Past, Present, and Prospects

Andria van der Merwe provides a thorough guide to the critical tools needed to navigate liquidity markets and value security pricing in the presence of market frictions and information asymmetries. This is essential reading for anyone with a current or future interest in liquidity models, market structures, and trading mechanisms. Contents: 1. Musings on Liquidity / 2. Financial Crises and Liquidity Traffic Jams / 3. Market Structures and Institutional Arrangements of Trading / 4. Asset Pricing and Liquidity Models / 5. Stories of Liquidity and Credit / 6. Financial Regulation and Liquidity Risk Management June 2015 16 figures Hardback






Public Relations in China Building and Defending your Brand in the PRC David Wolf, Allison+Partners, USA

David Warfield Brown, The Kettering Foundation, USA

‘A vigorous argument urging rethinking the relation of expertise or professionalism and democracy, including the human and political resources of local communities.’ -Thomas Bender, University Professor of the Humanities and Professor of History, New York University America’s Culture of Professionalism proves an emerging culture of interdependence is possible if and when enough professionals and laypersons refashion their roles and relationships having both something to contribute and something to learn from each other.

In this pithy yet compact book, David Wolf, provides business owners and PR practitioners with a roadmap to corporate credibility in China. Laced with thoughtful advice and braced with illustrative cases, Public Relations in China strips out the jargon and offers something rare: a practical handbook for building and defending a brand in China. Contents: Introduction / 1. Putting PR to Work in China / 2. Public Relations and the Chinese Government / 3. Handling the Media in China / 4. PR and Corporate Change in China / 5. Avoiding and Managing a Crisis in China / 6. Corporate Social Media in China / 7. Effective China PR / 8. 360º Public Relations in China / 9. Public Relations Agencies in China July 2015 Paperback

216pp £14.99

198x129mm 9781137483799

Palgrave Pocket Consultants

Contents: Part I:The Culture of Professionalism / Chapter 1Knowledge as Property / Chapter 2’Thriving on Ignorance’ / Chapter 3Self-Serving Professionals / Part II: Culture Change? / Chapter 4Nobody’s Property / Chapter 5Everybody Counts / Chapter 6Nurturing Others’ Capacities June 2014 Hardback

208pp £31.50

216x140mm 9781137341914

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India Reloaded Inside India’s Resurgent Consumer Market Dheeraj Sinha heads planning for Grey (WPP Group) in India, South & South East Asia. He is the author of Consumer India: Inside the Indian Mind and Wallet - a recommended read at the Wharton School’s course on emerging economies. He has spoken at the Harvard Business School, the Asian Marketing Effectiveness Festival, the CII Marketing Conference and the Global Youth Marketing Forum. Dheeraj has won several marketing effectiveness awards - Jay Chiat, AME, APAC Effies and Yahoo Big Idea Chair. He has twice been the winner of Atticus, WPP’s award for best published thinking. His strategy experience spans categories and markets in Asia, including Maybank, Sensodyne, Reliance Mobile, Colgate, MasterCard, LG, DBS Bank, Tata AIA, Virgin Mobile, Max Bupa, Fiat, Reckitt Benckiser and Emirates.





Start Up

Putting Labour in its Place

A Practice Based Guide For New Venture Creation

Labour Process Analysis and Global Value Chains

This book is ideal for students who are looking to start their own business – either as part of a taught module or as a chosen career path on leaving university. It covers all the basic business processes an entrepreneur needs to consider when starting a new venture, and provides cases illustrative of successful start-ups by young people.

Written by an insider, this book takes a critical look at the myths and contradictions surrounding India as a consumer market, to examine the new opportunities that it offers. Contents: 1. The Trap Of Mass-Market Thinking – Why Chasing A Billion Is A Wrong Strategy? / 2. The Poor Want Purpose – Why Marketing Needs To Be Social In India? / 3. Safe Choices - Why Do Indians Like Standing In The Longest Queues? / 4. Many Indias Make One India - How India’s Unity Is More Useful Than Its Diversity / 5. Success Overdrive - Has The Success Narrative Been Overcooked? / 6. Breaking Stereotypes: Why Youth Marketing Needs To Go Beyond Risqué Content? / 7. Sexy Everything – Seeking Titillation In Design, Tastes And Experiences / 8. Spruce Up The Service – Why Jugaad Is An Enemy Of Good Service? / 9. New Pockets Of Opportunity – Looking Beyond The Mainstream / 10. Powered By People, Not Policy – What Makes India’s Growth Story Sustainable? June 2015 1 table, 1 figure Hardback





Edited by Kirsty Newsome, University of Sheffield, UK, Philip Taylor, University of Strathclyde, UK, Jennifer Bair, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, Al Rainnie, Curtin Graduate School of Business, Australia

Inge Hill, Birmingham City University, UK

Contents: 1. Enterprise And Individuals / 2. Motives For Starting A New Business / 3. Idea Generation / 4. Researching The Market And Industry / 5. Building Operations And Networks / 6. Building The Team / 7. Creating A Business Model / 8. Financial Planning And Forecasting / 9. Sales And Marketing / 10. Opportunity Development / 11. Business Planning And Start-Up Strategies / 12. Market Entry / 13. Risks And Pitfalls / 14. Business Support August 2015 408pp 43 figures, 34 b/w tables Paperback £31.99

234x156mm 9781137425836

Contents: 1. Introduction ‘Putting Labour in its Place’ / Part I: INTEGRATING LABOUR PROCESS AND GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS / 2. Value in Motion / 3. Labour and Asymmetric Power Relations in Global Value Chains: / 4. Positioning Labour in Service Value Chains and Networks / 5. Labour and Segmentation in Value Chains / 6. Articulation of Informal Labour / PART II: LABOUR - POWER, AGENCY, AND STANDARDS / 7. Labour as Object, Agent and Possibility of Globalization / 8. Understanding Labour’s Agency under Globalisation / 9. Social Downgrading and Worker Resistance in Apparel Global Value Chains / 10. Labour and Global Production Networks / PART III: SECTOR STUDIES / 11. We Will Not Willingly Be Enslaved / 12. Human Security in Evolving Global Value Chains / 13. Crowdsourcing the Global Production of Mobile Apps / 14. Wasted Labour? E-waste, GPNs and Work / 15. Changing Landscapes of the Call Centre April 2015 312pp 3 figures, 7 b/w tables Hardback £75.00 Paperback £36.99

234x156mm 9781137410382 9781137410351

Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Series Edited by: Irena Grugulis, Caroline Lloyd, Chris Smith, Chris Warhurst


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Conversations at Work

The CEO’s Secret Weapon

Promoting a Culture of Conversation in the Changing Workplace

How Great Leaders and Their Assistants Maximize Productivity and Effectiveness

Tim Baker, WINNERS-ATWORK Pty Ltd, Australia, Aubrey Warren, Pacific Training and Development, Australia

Organizations are about conversations. For any organization to achieve its goals, people need to interact and those interactions require dialogue and conversation. Yet, thanks to technology, we seem to be having fewer genuine conversations. This book seeks to change this, through ‘how to skills’ and wider cultural change advice. Contents: 1. Organizations Are Conversations / PART I: DEVELOPING A CULTURE FOR CONVERSATIONS / 2. The Them And Us Employment Relationship: A Culture Of Discouraging Conversations / 3. A New Employment Relationship: A Culture Of Encouraging Conversations / 4. The Nine Common Barriers To Communication / PART II: TYPES OF WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS / 5. Development Conversations: The Five Conversations Framework / 6. Development Conversations: Five More Conversations / 7. Conversations For Building Relationships / 8. Conversations For Making And Reviewing Decisions / PART III: THE SKILLS OF CONVERSATIONS / 9. The ‘Face’ Of Communication / 10. Active Listening Can Make Other People Better Communicators Too / 11. Using Your Eyes (Part 1): Three Perceptual Positions / 12. Using Your Eyes (Part 2): Watching And Being Watched / 13. The Art Of Inquiry In Conversations / 14. Creating And Maintaining Safe, Open Feedback Channels September 2015 224pp 4 figures, 4 b/w tables Paperback £16.99

Jan Jones, Jan Jones Worldwide, USA

“Assistants Save Time and Time is Money. That’s as Clear as it Can Get.” - Donald J. Trump Many executives don’t take full advantage of the assistant who sits right outside their door. This book educates executives about all the ways in which they can streamline and improve the way they work with the help of a great assistant, while teaching them to identify great candidates and maximize the benefits of this special relationship. Contents: Foreword / Introduction / Part I: What an Exceptional Assistant Can Do For You / 1. Your Assistant is Your Secret Weapon and Business Partner / 2. What Is An Executive Assistant and Why Do You Need One? / Part II: Crucial Characteristics of an Exceptional Assistant and Why They Should Matter to You / 3. Your Ultimate PR Person / 4. Your High-Performance Administrator / 5. Your Expert At Execution – Getting Things Done / Part III: Hiring an Exceptional Assistant / 6. Getting Started: Identifying Your Needs / 7. The Interview: Identifying an Exceptional Assistant / Part IV: How to Set Things Up / 8. Great Leaders Are Accessible and In Constant Touch with Their Assistant / 9. Great Leaders Relinquish Unnecessary Functions / 10. Great Leaders Give Assistants the Resources Needed / 11. Great Leaders Communicate / 12. Great Leaders Treat The Assistant As a True Professional / Conclusion: The Future of the Executive and Assistant Relationship


September 2015 Hardback


Palgrave Pocket Consultants

240pp £24.99

235x152mm 9781137444233

Beyond Diversity and Intercultural Management Christopher RobinsonEasley, Governors State University, USA

“Robinson-Easley has a clear and readable style which will allow many to be exposed to her wonderful, fresh approach to diversity that truly is global in nature. This is a mustread for any thoughtful person who actively participates in our global world. As Editor of the Organization Development Journal, I am proud that we were the first to publish her model!” - Joanne C. Preston, RODC, Owner, Joanne C. Preston & Associates; Editor, Organization Development Journal Beyond Diversity and Intercultural Management develops a change model designed to challenge prevailing paradigms in the literature and conversations about equal employment opportunity, diversity, and intercultural management. Contents: Introduction / PART I: MY JOURNEY AND UNDERSTANDING OF DIVERSITY AND INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENT FROM THE LENS OF TRADITIONAL PARADIGMS / 1. Understanding diversity from the Mindset of a Structural Approach to Change / 2. The Beginning: Moving Diversity Strategies Beyond Structural Interventions / 3. My Early Work: Appreciative Inquiry as a Diversity Intervention Strategy / 4. The Importance of the Individual When Working to Evoke a Diverse Organizational Environment / 5. Contemporary Yet Unconventional Research and Perspectives on Issues of Diversity and Intercultural Management / 6. Contemporary Diversity Perspectives: More Lessons from the ‘Field’ / 7. The Movement Towards New Diversity Questions and Paradigms: Synthesizing my Learning / PART II: NONTRADITIONAL VENUES FOR EVOKING THE DIVERSITY CONVERSATION / 8.Moving the Conversation Beyond the Ethics Literature: Connecting Diversity and Social Responsibility / 9.Transformational Leadership and the Transcendence of Humanity: Leaders are the Drivers of Change / and more. April 2014 2 figures Hardback





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Secrets From the Language of Leadership Simon Lancaster, Bespoke Speechwriting Services Ltd, UK

It Takes More Than Casual Fridays and Free Coffee


Western European Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations

Diane K. Adams, Qlik

Culture is a game changer. In It Takes More than Casual Fridays and Free Coffee, Adams includes stories and practical advice as well as related exercises and assessments to help you identify company and personal strengths and weaknesses. This book is your front-row seat to building and perpetuating a successful culture in any business.

Edited by Tom Watson, Bournemouth Media School, UK

The National Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices series is the first to offer an authentic world-wide view of the history of public relations. It will feature six books, five of which will cover continental and regional groups. This book in the series focuses on Western Europe. Contents: Introduction; Tom Watson / 1. Austria; Astrid Spatzier / 2. France; Bruno Chaudet, Valérie Carayol and Alex Frame / 3. Finland; Elina Melgin / 4. Germany; Günter Bentele / 5. Greece; Anastasios Theofilou / 6. Italy; Toni Muzi Falconi and Fabio Ventoruzzo / 7. The Netherland; Betteke van Ruler and Anne-Marie Cotton / 8. Scandinavia; Larsåke Larsson, Tor Bang, and Finn Frandsen / 9. Spain; Natalia Rodriguez-Salcedo and Jordi Xifra / 10. United Kingdom; Jacquie L’Etang 150pp




National Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations Series Edited by: Tom Watson

Written by a leading speechwriter, Winning Minds turns insights from recent research into a simple, practical guide to the language of leadership. Many of the techniques are startling for their simplicity (for example, metaphors help sell shares!). Winning Minds will change the way you think about communication forever.

Building a Business Culture That Works for Everyone

Other Voices

April 2015 2 b/w tables Hardback

Winning Minds

Contents: Introduction / PART I: VALUES MATTER / 1. Culture: Why You Should Care / 2. Are You Living a Double Life? / PART II: CREATING THE WOW FACTOR / 3. The Little Things Really Make a Big Difference / 4. R.E.S.P.E.C.T: It Goes with Integrity / 5. Innovation: It’s Not Complicated / 6. Listen More than Talk: Communications and Collaboration Are Essential / 7. The Customer’s Success Is Your Success / 8. Paying It Forward: Giveback and Social Responsibility / 9. Learning is Your Edge: Invest in Your People / 10. Leaders Drive Operational Excellence, Net Extraordinary Results / PART III: BEING INTENTIONAL / 11. My 7 Points to Culture System of Success! / 12. Make It Happen / Epilogue August 2015 1 figure Hardback





Contents: PART ONE: THE INSTINCTIVE MIND / Metaphors that move minds / The Look of Leadership / Empathy and the power of nice / Smiles and humour / Inner purpose / Breathing / Style / What’s in a name? / PART TWO: THE EMOTIONAL MIND / Stories and emotion / Personal stories / Creating cultures / Harnessing history / The value of values / Flattery and love / Great words we love / Repetition. Repetition. Repetition. / The eternal power of exaggeration / PART THREE: THE LOGICAL MIND / Threes! Threes! Threes! / Balance / Rhyme or reason / Power of Perspective / Think of a number / Brevity July 2015 240pp 216x138mm 17 b/w tables, 19 illustrations, 3 diagrams Paperback £19.99 9781137465924


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The Manager’s Dilemma

The Business of Family

Solving the Inverse Equation of Increasing Demands and Shrinking Resources

How to Stay Rich for Generations Linda Davis Taylor, Clifford Swan Investment Council, USA

Jesse Sostrin, Sostrin Consulting, USA

This groundbreaking book provides a framework and set of key concepts enabling leaders to exert their influence over the difficult choices and competing priorities they confront. Compelling stories and vivid case studies help to deliver a serious game plan to any leader who is grappling with burnout caused by the manager’s dilemma. Contents: PART ONE: EMBRACE THE DILEMMA / Introductions / 1. The Evolution of a Dilemma / 2. What’s Your Dilemma?/ PART II: BALANCE THE EQUATION / 3. Follow the Contradiction / 4. Determine Your Line of Sight / 5. Distinguish Your Contribution / 6. Plug the Leaks / PART III: FLIP THE SCALES / 7. Create Your Conditions / 8. Find the Pocket of Influence / 9. Convert Challenges to Fuel / 10. Make Your Goals Their Priorities / Conclusions / Appendix 1: Nav-Map Tools / About the Author / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2015 39 illus. Hardback





The Business of Family teaches readers how to write their own family business plan using time-tested strategies from the corporate world to provide a practical, user-friendly method that ensures their family knows where it’s been, where it’s headed, and how it’s going to get there. Contents: Foreword by Philip V. Swan / Acknowledgements / Introduction / First Things First / 1. Strategy: A Blueprint for Your Family / 2. Mission: Keeping Your Family on Track / 3. Vision and Values: Put Family Members and Principles First / Getting Your Family On Board / 4. Forging Family Partnerships / 5. Setting Goals and Celebrating Milestones / 6. Every Family Member Matters: Roles, Responsibilities, and Making Decisions / Family Investing Is More Sense than Dollars / 7. Family I.Q.: Education and Training / 8. Family E.Q.: Getting Along to Get Ahead / 9. Family Audit: Guidance and Mentoring / Staying On Track / 10. Financial Sustainability: Working with Your Money, Not against It / 11. Family Sustainability: Risk and Resilience / Long-Term Planning / 12. Family Dividends: Gratitude and Legacy / 13. Family R&D: Preparing the Next Generation / 14. The Future of Your Family: No Success without Succession June 2015 3 figures Hardback


Marketing Jonathan Groucutt, The Business School, Oxford Brookes University, UK, Cheryl Hopkins, Business Consultant, UK

Offering a studentfriendly introduction to marketing, this text covers all of the need to know basics in a clear and engaging manner. Marketing is an ideal text for students of all levels coming to the subject for first time. Contents: 1. Marketing, Markets and Competition / 2. Marketing Research / 3. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning / 4. Competition, Co-operation and the Customer / 5. Branding / 6. Delivering Value / 7. Delivering Service / 8. Marketing Operations / 9. Integrated Marketing Communications / 10. Market Entry Strategies / 11. Relationship Marketing / 12. Marketing and Ethics / 13. Marketing Globally September 2015 256pp 7 b/w tables, 30 figures Paperback £14.99

216x138mm 9781137348241



Palgrave Business Briefing Series Edited by: Ursula Gavin



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The Science of Why

Marketing to the 90s Generation

Decoding Human Motivation and Transforming Marketing Strategy

Global Data on Society, Consumption, and Identity

David Forbes, Forbes Consulting Group, USA

In this groundbreaking book, author David Forbes explains human motivation and provides ways that marketers can effectively reach the consumer. The book uses decades of psychology research and the author’s own tool, the Forbes Matrix that identifies, organizes, and explains the nine core motivations. Contents: Introduction / Chapter 1 – The Rise of Marketing to Motivation / Chapter 2 – The Motivational Matrix / Chapter 3 – Introduction to the Intrapsychic Motives / Chapter 4 – Security / Chapter 5 – Identity / Chapter 6 – Mastery / Chapter 7 – Introduction to the Instrumental Motives / Chapter 8 – Empowerment / Chapter 9 – Engagement / Chapter 10 – Achievement / Chapter 11 – Introduction to the Interpersonal Motives / Chapter 12 – Belonging / Chapter 13 – Nurturance / Chapter 14 – Esteem / Chapter 15 – The Scholarship on Motivation / Chapter 16 – Measuring Motivation – The MindSight Method / Chapter 17 – Epilogue and Predictions for a Motivationally Aware Planet June 2015 35 figures Hardback





Anders Parment, Stockholm University, Sweden

Marketing to the 90s Generation is based on original research conducted by sociologists and psychologists on generational cohorts, how they come about, what defines them and what it means to society, its institutions and companies. Contents: 1. The 90s Generation / 2. Introduction to Generational Studies / 3. The 90s Generation and Society / 4. The Market Environment / 5. The Cultural Environment / 6. Generation Y as Consumers and Coworkers December 2014 208pp 46 figures, 3 b/w tables Hardback £34.50

216x140mm 9781137444295


Soft Systems Thinking, Methodology and the Management of Change Brian Wilson, Emeritus Professor, Cardiff University, UK, Kees Van Haperen, Warwick Business School, UK

Brian Wilson, one of the originators of Soft Systems Methodology, and Kees van Haperen, a widely experienced SSM consultant, illustrate how this branch of systems engineering is applied to a range of highly complex business scenarios to achieve improved performance. This book will appeal to students of SSM and consultants working in the field. Contents: PART I: SSM FUNDAMENTALS / 1. Introduction / 2. Organisational Analysis / 3. An Overview of Soft Systems Methodology / 4. Features of Soft Systems Methodology / PART II: Advanced Concepts / 5. A Publishing System / 6. A Policing System / 7. A Healthcare System / 8. An Employment Agency / 9. Defence Systems / 10. A Centre of Excellence / 11. A Government System / 12. Other Government Depertments / 13. A Charity / 14. Generic Reference Models / 15. Information Assurance / 16. Summary / PART III: CASE STUDIES / 17. General Considerations / 18. Aiding Good Practice / 19. Systems Thinking and Macro Issues / 20. The Judiciary / 21. Healthcare / 22. Policing / 23. Defence / 24. Conclusions June 2015 470pp 176 figures, 40 b/w tables Paperback £39.99

234x156mm 9781137432681


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Beyond Inclusion

Building the Digital Enterprise

Worklife Interconnectedness, Energy, and Resilience in Organizations

A Guide to Constructing Monetization Models Using Digital Technologies

J. Goosby Smith, Pepperdine University, USA, Josie Bell Lindsay, Bell & Lindsay, Inc., USA

“In Beyond Inclusion, J. Goosby Smith and Josie Bell Lindsay draw on years of experience and extensive conversations to offer a road map for making diversity meaningful, and for transforming best intentions into best practices. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more thoughtful or compassionate prescription for creating truly inclusive organizations.” -President Bill Clinton, USA Beyond Inclusion adopts a holistic and systems view of the organization, presents a behavioral model of organizational inclusion based upon research with thousands of employees, and discusses elements of organizational design that need to be adjusted to create, nurture, and sustain an inclusive culture. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Ubuntu / 3. The Research / 4. Connection / 5. Intrapersonal Inclusion / 6. Communication / 7. Mentoring and Coaching / 8. Care / 9. Fairness and Trust / 10. Visibility and Reward / 11. External Stakeholders / 12. Ubuntu in Action / August 2014 232pp 11 figures, 2 b/w tables Hardback £31.50

Profit from Science Solving Business Problems using Data, Math, and the Scientific Process George Danner, Industrial Science, LLC, USA

In Profit From Science, author George Danner presents solutions to the big problems that modern businesses face—solutions that are grounded in logic and empiricism. This book instructs business leaders in how to add the discipline and technical precision of the scientific method to their strategic planning and decision making.

Mark Skilton, Warwick Business School, UK

The digital economy is at a tipping point. This practical book defines digital ecosystems, discusses digital design using converging technologies of social networking, mobility, big data and cloud computing, and provides a method for linking digital technologies together to meet the challenges of building a digital enterprise in the new economy. Contents: Foreword / 1. History and Trends - the Rise of Digital Ecosystems / 2. From Physical Workplaces to Digital Workspaces / 3. Business Impact of Digital Technologies / 4. Techniques for Building Effective Digital Workspaces / 5. How to Build the Right Digital Enterprise for Payoff and Monetization / 6. Conclusion / Glossary August 2015 312pp 31 b/w tables, 100 figures Hardback £29.99

Contents: 1. Why Are We Here? / 2. Starting With A Process In Mind / 3. Methods And Madness / 4. Tools Of The Trade / 5. The Art Of Science: Visualization / 6. Data (Big And Small) / 7. Using Your New Superpower / 8. Setting The Stage: The Making Of A Great Analytics Team / 9. Implications For The Future / 10. In Conclusion September 2015 Hardback

256pp £21.99

235x155mm 9781137474841

216x138mm 9781137477705

Business in the Digital Economy Series Edited by: Alan Brown, Mark Thompson

216x140mm 9781137385413

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Independent Luxury

Waste to Wealth

The Ambidextrous Organization

The Four Innovation Strategies To Endure In The Consolidation Jungle

The Circular Economy Advantage

Exploring the New While Exploiting the Now

Peter Lacy, Accenture, UK, Jakob Rutqvist, Accenture, Sweden

Jonas Hoffmann, SKEMA, France, Laurent Lecamp, Bucherer, France

In recent years, luxury brands have deviated from the principles of craftsmanship, rarity, uniqueness and heritage. Conglomerates such as LVMH and Richemont have grown at an unprecedented pace and show no sign of slowing. This book explains the importance of innovation and argues why independent brands are vital to the survival of the industry. Contents: Prologue: Welcome to Knysna! / 1. Challenges and Opportunities for independents / 2. Last chance for Knysna: innovation / 3. Back to the essentials / 4. Crossing the bridge / 5. Cultural Innovation / 6. Cause Innovation / 7. Business Model Innovation / 8. Branding / 9. Retail and business development / Conclusion: Back to Knysna July 2015 280pp 89 figures, 10 b/w tables Hardback £31.99

216x138mm 9781137481443

Waste to Wealth proves that ‘green’ and ‘growth’ need not be binary alternatives. The book examines five new business models that provide circular growth – from deploying sustainable resources to the sharing economy – before setting out what business leaders need to do to implement the models successfully. Contents: 1. On Borrowed Time / 2. The Roots of the Circular Economy / 3. Gaining the Circular Advantage / 4. Circular Supply-Chain: ‘Right from the Start’ / 5. Recovery & Recycling: Making History of Waste / 6. The Product Life-Extension Business Model: Products That Are Built to Last / 7. The Sharing Platform Business Model: Sweating Idle Assets / 8. The Product as a Service Business Model: Performance over Ownership / 9. Circular Business Models: Evaluation, Enablers and Ecosystems / 10. Driving the Technology & Digital Edge in Circular Advantage: Ten Transformational Plays / 11. Five Circular Capabilities for Driving Value / 12. The Power of Policy / 13. Capturing the Advantage: Getting Started August 2015 Hardback

216pp £21.99

Jens Maier, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

How can businesses balance the demands of both exploiting and exploring? Companies and their leaders have to use both hands: on the one hand making next quarter’s targets through existing business, whilst simultaneously exploring new opportunities. This is the first book to explain how to use this approach to encourage innovation. Contents: Introduction - The Case for Ambidextrous Organizations and Leaders / Part I: Challenges / Introduction to Part I / Strategic Challenges / Leadership Challenges / Process Challenges / - Mindset Challenges / Summary Part I / Part II: Solutions / Introduction to Part II / Solution: Corporate Universities / Solution: Scouting / Solution: Convergence Engineering / Solution: De-risking / Summary Part II / Conclusion – the way forward July 2015 224pp 216x138mm 11 figures, 1 table, 1 b/w illustration Hardback £29.99 9781137488121

216x138mm 9781137530684


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Solving the Strategy Delusion Mobilizing People and Realizing Distinctive Strategies Marc Stigter, Independent, Australia, Cary Cooper, Lancaster University, UK

"The book races through how to create distinctive plans with both the customer and the workforce. The detailed glossary offers a mini-MBA of its own!" - THE TIMES Book of the Week "Written concisely and in an engaging style, Stigter and Cooper have produced a very worthwhile book here on the challenges of modern leadership." -The Irish Times "Stigter and Cooper offer very practical insights how to embed strategy into the heart of the everyday running of a business." -Elite Business Magazine (UK) Solving the Strategy Delusion matters to anyone interested in realising strategy in the 21st century. The book challenges conventional and ‘delusional’ approaches to strategy. It offers different ways of seeing, thinking, planning, acting, and mobilising when it comes to making strategy happen in a world of volatility and complexity. Contents: 1. What’s Going On? / 2. Strategic Sensing – Not Just Thinking / 3. Co-Creating a Compelling Story / 4. Co-Creating Distinctive Strategies / 5. Realising Distinctive Strategies / 6. Overcoming Inertia / 7. Sustaining Organisational Energy December 2014 18 figures Hardback







The Television Genre Book


3rd edition

The Chinese Television Industry

Edited by Glen Creeber a Senior Lecturer in Television Studies at Aberystwyth University, UK. He is the editor of Tele-Visions: An Introduction to Studying Television (2006) and co-editor of Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media (2009), among other titles.

Michael Keane, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Television is a massive industry in China, yet fewer people are watching television screens. This groundbreaking study explores how television content is changing, how the Chinese government is responding to the challenges presented by digital media, and how businesses are brokering alliances in both traditional and new media sectors. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / 1. Television in Transition / 2. Nation Building / 3. Soft Power / 4. Formats / 5. Channels and Content / 6. Convergence / 7. Rethinking Chinese Television Research / Bibliography / Index July 2015 Hardback Paperback

200pp £60.00 £22.99

234x153mm 9781844576845 9781844576838

Published by British Film Institute International Screen Industries Series Edited by: Paul McDonald, Michael Curtin

Genre is central to understanding the industrial context and the visual form of television. This third edition of a key textbook brings together leading international scholars to provide an accessible, comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the debates, issues and concerns of television genre. Contents: Preface (1st, 2nd, 3rd Editions) / Notes on Contributors / PART I: INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS GENRE? / 1. Genre Theory; Glen Creeber / 2. Studying Genre; Steve Neale / 3. Genre and Television; Steve Neale (Gene Development: Henri Focillon’s Four Stages Of Evolution; Terry Bailey) / 4. The Uses And Limitations Of Genre; Graeme Turner / 5. Genre, Hybridity And Mutations; Graeme Turner (Life On Mars: Genre Hybridity With A Twist; Robin Nelson) / 6. Genre And Format; Glen Creeber / 7. Genre Study: Beyond The Text (Lost); Jason Mittell / PART II: DRAMA / 8. Studying Television Drama; Robin Nelson / 9. The Crime Series; Mareike Jenna (The Sopranos; Glen Creeber) / 10. The Detective Series (Dexter); Mareike Jenner (Sherlock; Mareike Jenner and Lisa Richards) / 11. The Police Procedural; Lez Cooke (CSI; Glen Creeber), (The Wire; Mareike Jenner) / 12. The Action Series; Toby Miller (24; Glen Creeber) (Homeland; Lisa Richards) / 13. The Western; William Boddy (Deadwood; Glen Creeber) / 14. Teen Drama (Glee) (Skins); Rachel Moseley / 15. Hospital Drama; Jason Jacobs (Grey’s Anatomy; Mareike Jenna) (House M.D.; Mareike Jenner) / and more. September 2015 56 b/w photos Hardback Paperback



£70.00 £22.99

9781844575275 9781844575268

Published by British Film Institute

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Special Effects

Many More Lives of the Batman

New Histories, Theories, Contexts

2nd edition


Edited by Roberta Pearson, University of Nottingham, UK, William Uricchio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Will Brooker, Kingston University, UK


Edited by Dan North, Independent Scholar, The Netherlands, Bob Rehak, Swarthmore College, USA, Michael Duffy, Towson University, USA

Gathering established and emerging voices in cinema and media studies, this comprehensive collection of essays examines special effects as objects and practices in multiple historical and theoretical contexts - from the earliest years of cinema, via experimental film and the golden age of Hollywood studios, to our contemporary transmedia landscape. Contents: Acknowledgments / Foreword; Scott Bukatman / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; Bob Rehak, Dan North, and Michael S. Duffy / PART I: TECHNIQUES / 1. Ectoplasm and Oil: Methocel and the Aesthetics of Special Effects; Ethan de Seife / 2. Fleshing It Out: Prosthetic Makeup Effects, Motion Capture and the Reception of Performance; Lisa Bode / 3. (Stop) Motion Control: Special Effects in Contemporary Puppet Animation; Andrea Comiskey / 4. Magic Mirrors: The Schüfftan Process; Katharina Loew / 5. Photorealism, Nostalgia and Style: Photorealism and Material Properties of Film in Digital Visual Effects; Barbara Flueckiger / PART II: BODIES / 6. Bleeding Synthetic Blood: Flesh and Simulated Space in 300; Drew Ayers / 7. Blackface, Happy Feet: The Politics of Race in Motion Capture and Animation; Tanine Allison / 8. Being Georges Méliès; Dan North / 9. The Battlefield for the Soul: Special Effects and the Possessed Body; Stacey Abbott / 10. Baroque Facades, Jeff Bridges’ Face and Tron: Legacy; Angela Ndalianis / 11. Organic Clockwork: Guillermo del Toro’s Practical and Digital Nature; Michael S. Duffy / PART III: SCREENS / 12. Digital 3D, Technological Auteurism and the Rhetoric of Cinematic Revolution; Chuck Tryon / 13. Shooting Stars: Chesley Bonestell and the Special Effects of Outer Space; Bob Rehak / and more. July 2015 80 b/w photos Hardback Paperback



£65.00 £22.99

9781844575183 9781844575176

The Many Lives of the Batman (1991) was a pioneer within cultural and comic book scholarship. This fresh new sequel retains the best of the original chapters but also includes images, new chapters and new contributions from the Batman writers and editors. Spanning 75 years and multiple incarnations, this is the definitive history of Batman. Contents: Acknowledgments / Notes on Contributors / Introduction: Revisiting the Batman; Roberta Pearson, William Uricchio, Will Brooker / PART I: CREATING THE BATMAN / 1. Man, Myth and Cultural Icon; Paul Levitz / 2. Notes from the Batcave: An Interview with Dennis O’Neil; Robert Pearson and William Uricchio / 3. Batman and the Twilight of the Idols: An Interview with Frank Miller; Christopher Sharrett / 4. Fifth Dimensional Batman: An Interview with Grant Morrison; Will Brooker / 5. History Left Unsaid: Implied Continuity in Batman’s Contemporary Comic-Book Narratives; Anthony N. Smith / PART II: CIRCULATING THE BATMAN / 6. ‘Holy Commodity Fetish, Batman!’: The Political Economy of a Commercial Intertext; Eileen Meehan / 7. Batman in East Asia; Mark Gallagher / 8. Batsploitation: Parodies, Fan-Films and Remakes; Iain Robert Smith / PART III: READING THE BATMAN / 9. Batman Versus Superman: A Conversation; Phillip Bevin / 10. Batgirl: Continuity, Crisis and Feminism; Will Brooker / 11. Batman: The Movie, Narrative: The Hyperconscious; Jim Collins / 12. Same Bat Channel, Different Bat Times: Mass Culture and Popular Memory; Lynn Spigel and Henry Jenkins / PART IV: MULTIPLYING THE BATMAN / 13. I’m Not Fooled by that Cheap Disguise; Wiliam Uricchio and Roberta Pearson / Bibliography / Index August 2015 30 b/w photos Hardback Paperback



£60.00 £17.99

9781844577651 9781844577644

Published by British Film Institute

Understanding Trauma and Resilience Louise Harms, University of Melbourne, Australia

‘In Understanding Trauma and Resilience, Harms provides the valuable insight and therapeutic knowledge that guides professionals toward building strength and discovering hope within the therapeutic environment. What readers will find is a concrete analysis that thoroughly examines the way in which we understand how people find meaning in the face of trauma.’ - Amy J. Feldman, Psy.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist, US From psychodynamic to narrative, systemic to feminist, the book takes the reader through a wide range of theories and their application to working with trauma. With a rich analysis of the histories, critiques and practice implications of each approach, it offers an invaluable theoretical grounding in the field for all those working with trauma. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Disruption to the Self / 3. Restoring Trust and Connection / 4. Symptoms of the Body and Mind / 5. Meaning and Coherence / 6. Recognizing Rights / 7. Systems of Resilience / 8. Promoting Resilience and Recovery: An Integrative Approach / 9. Implications for Practice May 2015 Paperback

228pp £21.99

Published by British Film Institute


234x156mm 9781137289285

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Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling


Implications for Practice

PALGRAVE HANDBOOK Edited by Del Loewenthal, University of Roehampton, UK

This book explores what ‘critical’ means for the talking therapies in a climate of increasing state influence and intervention. It looks at theoretical and practical notions of ‘critical’ from perspectives including queer theory, feminism, Marxism, the psychiatric survivor movement, as well as from within counsellor training and education. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / PART II: WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM CRITICAL PSYCHIATRY AND CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGY? / PART III: USERS’ PERSPECTIVES / PART IV: CRITIQUES COMING MORE FROM OUTSIDE / PART V: CRITIQUES COMING MORE FROM INSIDE / PART VI: CRITIQUES OF TRAINING AND LEARNING / PART VII: IS THERE AN UNFORTUNATE NEED FOR CRITICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY, PSCYHOANALYSIS AND COUNSELLING? May 2015 336pp 3 b/w tables, 2 figures Hardback £68.00 Paperback £25.99

216x138mm 9781137460561 9781137460578


The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography Edited by Deborah H. Drake, Open University, UK, Rod Earle, Open University, UK, Jennifer Sloan, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

“A measured and reflective look at the problems that prison ethnography raises, including those it cannot resolve. Cumulatively, these essays tell us why it matters that the ethnographic study of places of confinement never be eclipsed and why in the end it will not be. In the future everyone who contemplates doing such work will want to reckon with this book and will have reason to be grateful for its lessons” - Richard Sparks, Professor of Criminology and Head of School of Law, University of Edinburgh, UK

Romantic Terrorism An Auto-Ethnography of Domestic Violence, Victimisation and Survival Sharon Hayes, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Samantha Jeffries, Griffith University, Australia

Romantic Terrorism offers an innovative methodology in exploring the ways in which domestic violence offenders terrorise their victims. Its focus on the insidious use of tactics of coercive control by abusers opens up much-needed discussion on the damage caused to victims by emotional and psychological abuse. Contents: Introduction / 1. Romantic Terrorism / 2. Tools and Tactics / 3. The Making of a ‘Victim’ / 4. Recovering from Romantic Terrorism May 2015 Hardback

120pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137468482

This handbook presents a rich collection of chapters that focus on the method and experience of in-depth, ethnographic research in prisons. It provides an authoritative and diverse array of international perspectives that collectively demonstrate the social and political dimensions of the use and experience of imprisonment worldwide. Contents: PART I: ABOUT ETHNOGRAPHY / PART II: THROUGH ETHNOGRAPHY / PART III: OF ETHNOGRAPHY / PART IV: FOR ETHNOGRAPHY June 2015 Hardback

520pp £135.00

234x156mm 9781137403872

Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology Series Edited by: Ben Crewe, Yvonne Jewkes, Thomas Ugelvik

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Humanities World Report 2015


Poul Holm, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Arne Jarrick, Stockholm University, Sweden, Dominic Scott, University of Virginia, USA


The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television Edited by Michael Hauskeller, University of Exeter, UK, Thomas D. Philbeck, World Economic Forum, Switzerland, Curtis D. Carbonell, Khalifa University of Science, Technology & Research (KUSTAR), UAE

What does popular culture’s relationship with cyborgs, robots, vampires and zombies tell us about being human? Insightful scholarly perspectives shine a light on how film and television evince and portray the philosophical roots, the social ramifications and the future visions of a posthumanist world. Contents: PART I: PAVING THE WAY TO POSTHUMANISM: THE PRECURSORS / PART II: VARIETIES OF PEOPLE-TO-COME: POSTHUMAN BECOMINGS / PART III: RISE OF THE MACHINES: POSTHUMAN INTELLECTS / PART IV: BODY AND SOUL: POSTHUMAN SUBJECTIVITIES / PART V: BETTER HUMANS: POSTHUMAN CAPACITIES / PART VI: CREATING DIFFERENCE AND IDENTITY: POSTHUMAN COMMUNITIES / PART VII: US AND THEM: POSTHUMAN RELATIONSHIPS / PART VIII: MORE HUMAN THAN HUMAN: POSTHUMAN ONTOLOGIES September 2015 Hardback

430pp £120.00

234x156mm 9781137430311

"This ‘Humanities World Report’ is more than a year’s snapshot; it is a report and a sounding in the best sense of the word that allows us to hear from scholars and institutional leaders giving their assessment of the ‘state of humanities’. This is an original contribution to a field that is filled with bloglength individual reflections. In this one large report we are able to hear from practitioners, administrators, and institutional funders in aggregate and in detail as they describe what it means today to perform humanistic research. Of special interest is the comprehensive set of material from regions across the west as well as those areas that are typically underrepresented such as Africa, Latin America, and Asia. This work will be a vital addition to the libraries of the world’s leading humanities centers." - Roland Hsu, Stanford Humanities Center, and Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute The first of its kind, this Open Access ‘Report’ is a first step in assessing the state of the humanities worldwide. Based on an extensive literature review and enlightening interviews the book discusses the value of the humanities, the nature of humanities research and the relation between humanities and politics, amongst other issues. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. The Value of the Humanities / 3. The Nature of the Humanities / 4. The Digital Humanities / 5. Translating the Humanities / 6. The Culture of Humanities Research /and more. November 2014 Hardback Paperback

232pp £20.00 £15.00


The Formation of Gaming Culture UK Gaming Magazines, 1981-1995 Graeme Kirkpatrick, University of Skövde , Sweden

“In the well-known story, the computer game industry ‘crashed’ in 1982-1983. This important book tells us that this did not happen outside the US. Instead, the lively UK computer game scene continued unabated, and Kirkpatrick shows how it gave rise to both the language and attitudes of today’s computer game culture.” - Jesper Juul, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark This book analyses gaming magazines published in Britain in the 1980s to provide the first serious history of the bedroom coding culture that produced some of the most important video games ever played. Contents: Introduction / 1. Approaches To Gaming’s Field / 2. Studying The Magazines / 3. Getting A Feel For The Games / 4. Game Addicted Freaks / 5. Wimps, YOBS And Game Busters / Conclusion: Gaming’s Field And Game Studies March 2015 136pp 15 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00


216x138mm 9781137500267 9781137500274

Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research



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Inside Track for Independent Filmmakers Get Your Movie Made, Get Your Movie Seen Adam Leipzig, Entertainment Media Partners, USA

“Full of insider information you won’t find anywhere else. An absolutely essential reference manual.” - Gale Ann Hurd, producer, The Walking Dead, The Terminator movies, The Abyss Inside Track for Independent Filmmakers is your roadmap to getting your movie made, seen, and distributed. With 11 Inside Tracks and 99 step-by-step tips, you’ll discover insider secrets, step-by-step instructions, and time-saving shortcuts everything you need to approach financiers, actors, agents, and distributors like a savvy professional. Contents: The Landscape / Get Your Movie Made / 1. Concept: The Core Of Your Movie / 2. Comps: Can Your Movie Make Money? / 3. Script: What’s On Screen Can Only Be As Good As What’s On The Page / 4. Casting: Getting The Right Actors / 5. Cost: You Need To Know The Money / 6. Now You Make Your Movie: The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For / Get Your Movie Seen / 7. Getting Into Festivals When Your Movie’s Ready: Sundance And Beyond / 8. Selling At Festivals: Can You Make A Deal Here? / 9. Selling Everywhere Else For Theatrical Distribution: More Places To Make Deals / 10. Selling For Non-Theatrical Distribution:The Screens That Make The Most Money / 11. Free Range Distribution: The New Frontier / Essential Resources May 2015 Paperback

256pp £14.99

216x140mm 9781319013189

Published by Bedford/St. Martin’s

Mapping Cultures


Robots and Communication

Place, Practice, Performance Edited by Les Roberts, University of Liverpool, UK

“This collection gives a widely spread voice to the widening acknowledgement of what maps mean and do; how and where they occur. Comprising a series of related but distinctive, lively, well worked and critically engaging chapters, the book will find readers across a range of disciplines and subjects.” - David Crouch, University of Derby, UK An interdisciplinary collection exploring the practices and cultures of mapping in the arts, humanities and social sciences. It features contributions from scholars in critical cartography, social anthropology, film and cultural studies, literary studies, art and visual culture, marketing, museum studies, architecture, and popular music studies. Contents: Acknowledgements / 1. Mapping Cultures – a Spatial Anthropology; L.Roberts / PART I: PLACE/TEXT/ TOPOGRAPHY / 2. Critical Literary Cartography: Text, Maps and a Coleridge Notebook; D.Cooper / 3. Mapping Rohmer: Cinematic Cartography in Post-war Paris; R.Misek / 4. Cinematic Cartography: Projecting Place Through Film; L.Roberts / 5. Walking, Witnessing, Mapping: An Interview with Iain Sinclair; D.Cooper and L.Roberts / 6. Maps, Memories and Manchester: the Cartographic Imagination of the Hidden Networks of the Hydraulic City; M.Dodge and C.Perkins / PART II: PERFORMANCE/ MEMORY/LOCATION / 7. Urban Musicscapes: Mapping Music-making in Liverpool; S.Cohen / 8. Mapping the Soundscapes of Popular Music Heritage; P.Long and J.Collins / 9. Walking Through Time: Use of Locative Media to Explore Historical Maps; C.Speed / 10. Salford 7/ District Six. The Use of Participatory Mapping and Material Artefacts in Cultural Memory Projects; L.Cassidy / PART III: PRACTICE/ APPARATUS/CARTOGRAPHICS / 11. ‘Spatial Stories’: Maps and the Marketing of the Urban Experience; G.Warnaby / 12. Mapping My Way: Map-making and Analysis in Participant Observation; H.Andrews / 13. Mental Maps and Spatial Perceptions: The Fragmentation of Israel-Palestine; E.Ben Ze’ev / 14. Peripatetic Box and Personal Mapping: From Studio to Classroom to City; S.Moro / 15. The Anthropology of Cartography; D.Wood / Bibliography / Index

Eleanor Sandry, Curtin University, Australia

"Will communication between humans and robots improve as technical advances make robots more similar to us? Not necessarily, as Eleanor Sandry convincingly argues in this fascinating, insightful book. Drawing ideas and vivid examples from robotics, communication theory, philosophy, and art, Robots and Communication shows how our deep differences from humanoid as well as nonhumanoid robots enrich the communication experience. A must read for robot designers, communication theorists, and anyone concerned about our increasing interaction with machines." - Robert T. Craig, University of Colorado, USA This book explores communication between humans and robots. Using a range of communication theories, it highlights how each theory provides a different perspective on the communication that occurs. The analysis of human interactions with a variety of forms of robot suggests new ways to perceive what communication, and being a communicator, entails. Contents: Introduction / PART I: FROM DATA TO DOGS / 1. Designing Robots to Communicate with Humans / 2. Human-Animal Communication / PART II: COMMUNICATING WITH NON-HUMANOID ROBOTS / 3. Encountering Otherness / 4. Stories and Dances / 5. Collaboration and Trust / PART III: RETHINKING ROBOTS AND COMMUNICATION / 6. Humans, Animals and Machines / 7. Communication, Individuals and Systems / Conclusion March 2015 142pp 5 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137468369

August 2015 328pp 216x138mm Paperback £19.99 9781137533951

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Filmmaking in Action


Your Guide to the Skills and Craft

Video Game Narrative and Criticism

Adam Leipzig, USA and Barry Weiss, USA

Playing the Story Tamer Thabet, The State University of Mato Grosso, Brazil

The book provides a comprehensive application of narrative theory to video games, and presents the playerresponse paradigm of game criticism. Video Game Narrative and Criticism explains the nature of gameplay - a psychological experience and a meaning-making process in the fictional world of video games. Contents: Introduction / 1. A Player’s Story / 2. Game Criticism March 2015 96pp 2 b/w illustrations, 2 b/w tables Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137525536

With storytelling and collaboration as core principles, industry veterans Adam Leipzig and Barry Weiss, with Michael Goldman, guide students through the skills and the craft of video and filmmaking. Filmmaking in Action addresses the real-world situations that students will encounter in their first classroom projects and throughout their careers. Contents: Chapter 1: The Big Picture / Part 1. Concept and Preparation / Chapter 2: Start with the Script / Chapter 3: Directing / Chapter 4: Conceptualization and Design / Chapter 5: Production Planning and Management / Part II. Images and Sound / Chapter 6: Camera Skills / Chapter 7: Telling the Story with the Camera / Chapter 8: Lighting Skills / Chapter 9: Telling the Story through Lighting / Chapter 10: Sound / Part III. Production Glue / Chapter 11: Editing Skills / Chapter 12: Telling the Story through Editing / Chapter 13: Visual Effects and Animation / Part IV. Filmaking and Beyond / Chapter 14: Marketing and Distribution / Chapter 15: Careers in Filmmaking September 2015 Paperback

544pp £45.00

mm 9780312616991


Taming Capital Flows Capital Account Management in an Era of Globalization Edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz, Columbia University, USA, Refet S. Gurkaynak, Department of Economics, Bilkent University, Turkey

This volume contains country experiences explained by policy makers and studies by leading experts on causes and consequences of capital flows as well as policies to control these flows. It addresses portfolio flow issues central to open economies, especially emerging markets. Contents: Introduction / PART I: COUNTRY EXPERIENCES / 1.1 Peru: Paul Castillo / 1.2 Turkey: Erdem Başçı / PART II: RECENT TRENDS IN CURRENCY FLOWS / 2.1 China’s short-term capital flow: the scale and the driving forces. Ming Zhang / 2.2 Appropriate Policy Tools to Manage Portfolio Flow Externalities. Refet Gürkaynak / 2.3 Navigating Capital Flows in Brazil and Chile. Kevin Gallagher / PART III: EFFECTS AND MULTILATERAL ASPECTS OF CURRENCY FLOWS / 3.1 Monetary Policy in a Multipolar World. Joseph Stiglitz / 3.2 Multilateral Aspects of Managing the Capital. Account Jonathan Ostry April 2015 176pp 22 b/w tables, 48 figures Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137427663

International Economic Association Series Edited by: Joseph E. Stiglitz


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International Volunteer Tourism


A Lexicon of Social Well-Being

Critical Reflections on Good Works in Central America

Luigino Bruni, Università Lumsa, Italy

We must quickly learn how to live well in the world as it is today, including the realm of work. We need to learn a new vocabulary of economics and markets that is more suitable to understand the present world and that is likely to offer us the tools to act, and perhaps improve it as well.

Edited by Katherine Borland, The Ohio State University, USA, Abigail E. Adams, Central Connecticut State University, USA

Designed to promote reflection and ‘better practices’ among the prospective volunteers and organizers of travelfor-service experiences, International Volunteer Tourism provides narratives on short-term international volunteering in Central America written by North American organizers, student participants and Central American partners. Contents: Acknowledgement / 1. Introduction; Abigail E. Adams and Katherine Borland / 2. A Brief Social History of Humanitarian Engagement; Katherine Borland / 3. Priest in the Revolution; Fernando Cardenal, translated by Abigail E. Adams / El Salvador / 4. Reciprocity and the Fabric of Solidarity: Central Americans, Refugees, and Delegations in the 1980s; William Westerman / 5. Untellable Stories and the Limits of Solidarity in a Sister Community Relationship; Ellen Moodie / 6. Who is a Global Citizen: Manifestations of Theory in Practice; Katherine Daly / Nicaragua / 7. What We Are About to Do Is Highly Problematic: The Unpaved Road From Service Trips to Educational Delegations; Irene King / 8. From Skeptic to Convert, from (short-term) Service to (long-term) Witness: Towards Pedagogies of Witnessing on International Service Trips; Eric Martin Usner / 9. The Learning of International Service Learning: Student Reflections Several Years Out; Alycia Buenger, Meghan Hensley, Nicole Klimas, and Liza Marks / Honduras / 10. In Search of Sustainable Community Development through Practice: A Sustainable Potable Water Project in Colinas de Suiza, Honduras; David R. Muñoz / 11. International Students and Volunteers Amidst Rising Violence: the Challenges from Honduras; Katherine Borland interviews Jeff Boyer / Limiting Structures / 12. The Pilgrimage Transformed: How to ‘Break the Bracket’ of U.S. Volunteer Tourism in Central America; Abigail E. Adams / 13. International Service Learning: Fostering International Cooperation/Avoiding International Dominance; Steven G. Jones / 15. Conclusion; Katherine Borland and Abigail Adams / Bibliography September 2015 1 b/w table Paperback


Contents: Introduction / 1. Wealth / 2. Goods / 3. Relational Goods / 4. Poverty / 5. Capital / 6. Critical Point / 7. Experience Goods / 8. Cooperation / 9. Commons / 10. Market / 11. Innovation / 12. Charisms / 13. Consumption / 14. Economy / 15. Meekness / 16. Time / 17. Community / 18. Institutions / 19. Incentives / 20. Dialogue / 21. Prosperity / 22. Work / 23. Entrepreneur / 24. Envy / 25. Sloth / 26. Esteem / 27. Temperance / 28. Justice / 29. Fortitude / 30. Hope / 31. Faith / 32. Agape April 2015 Hardback

112pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137528872

Modern Principles of Economics 3rd edition Tyler Cowen is Holbert C. Harris Professor of Economics at George Mason University and Director of the Mercatus Center and the James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy, USA, Alex Tabarrok is Bartley J. Madden Chair in Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and director of research for The Independent Institute, USA

Engaging, provocative writing has made this a distinctive and effective textbook. Contents: Preface / 1. The Big Ideas in Economics / 2. The Power of Trade and Comparative Advantage / Part 1: Supply and Demand / 3. Supply and Demand / 4. Equilibrium: How Supply and Demand Determine Prices / 5. Elasticity and Its Applications / 6. Taxes and Subsidies / Part 2: The Price System / 7. The Price System: Signals, Speculation, and Prediction / 8. Price Ceilings and Floors / 9. International Trade / 10. Externalities: When the Price Is Not Right / Part 3: Firms and Factor Markets / 11. Costs and Profit Maximization under Competition / 12. Competition and the Invisible Hand / 13. Monopoly / 14. Price Discrimination and Pricing Strategy / 15. Oligopoly and Game Theory / 16. Competing for Monopoly: The Economics of Network Goods / 17. Monopolistic Competition and Advertising / 18. Labor Markets / Part 4: Government / 19. Public Goods and the Tragedy of the Commons / 20. Political Economy and Public Choice / 21. Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy / Part 5: Decision Making for Businesses, Investors, and Consumers / 22. Managing Incentives / 23. Stock Markets and Personal Finance / 24. Asymmetric Information: Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection / 25 Consumer Choice / Part 6: Economic Growth / 26 GDP and the Measurement of Progress / 27 The Wealth of Nations and Economic Growth / 28 Growth, Capital Accumulation, and the Economics of Ideas: Catching Up vs. the Cutting Edge / 29 Saving, Investment, and the Financial System / Part 7: Business Fluctuations / 30 Unemployment and Labor Force Participation / 31 Inflation and the Quantity Theory of Money / 3. Business Fluctuations: Aggregate Demand and Supply / 33. Transmission and Amplification Mechanisms / Part 8: Macroeconomic Policy and Institutions / 34. The Federal Reserve System and Open Market Operations / 35. Monetary Policy / 36. The Federal Budget: Taxes and Spending / and more.



March 2015 Paperback



Published by Worth Publishers

960pp £57.99

284x218mm 9781429278393

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802



The European Union Illuminated


An Enquiry into the Asian Growth Model Dilip K. Das, School of Business, Contestoga College, Canada

During the post-World War-II period, several Asian economies turned in stellar performances. This book addresses the all-important query regarding the ebullient growth performance of a group of dynamic Asian economies. Its principal focus is the so-called Asian growth model, which enabled them to achieve what became known as the ‘miraculous’ growth Contents: PART I: AN ENQUIRY INTO THE ASIAN GROWTH MODEL / 1. Growing Interest in Asia and its Growth Trajectory / 2. Burgeoning Clout of the Asian Economy / 3. Integration: Regional and Global / 4. Sequence of Argument: An Asian Growth Model / PART II: THE ASIAN GROWTH MODEL: MYTH OR REALITY / 1. Introduction / 1.1 Objectives, Queries and Scope / 2. Industrial Policy: Formulation and Utilization / 2.1 Industrial Policy and Development Strategy / 2.2 Strategic Shift: From Non-Intervention to Intervention / 2.3 Asian Economies and Market Intervention / 3. Structural Economics and Government Intervention / 4. From the Washington Consensus … / 4.1 Limitations of the Washington Consensus / 4.2 Taking Government out of the Development Equation / 5. …to the Beijing Consensus / 5.1 A Myth or a Coherent and Persuasive Development Strategy? / 6. State Capitalism / 6.1 Changing Nature of State Capitalism in Asia / 7. Is there a China Model? / 7.1 China Turning to Market Econmy Principles / 8. Asian or Sino-Capitalism / 8.1 Stylized Classification / 8.2 Is it a threat? / 9. Summary and Conclusions / PART III: THE GROWTH PACT OF DYNAMIC ASIAN ECONOMIES: SOME OF THE NEWER ELUCIDATIONS / 1. Introduction / 2. Structuralist Explanations: Newer Versions / 3. Heterogeneity in the Asian Growth Performance / 4. Greater credit for State Capitalism / 5. Summary and Conclusions / and more. April 2015 1 b/w table Hardback





Its Nature, Importance and Future Ali El-Agraa, Fukuoka University, Japan

The European Union Illuminated: Its Nature, Importance and Future is addressed to the average educated person. This is because the EU is under great stress due to misconceptions held by the general public, propagated by certain EU political parties, especially by the UK’s Conservative Party and UKIP. April 2015 304pp 216x138mm 3 maps, 21 b/w tables, 10 figures Hardback £75.00 9781137533630 Paperback £26.99 9781137533647


Globalization and Development Why East Asia Surged Ahead and Latin America Fell Behind Anthony Elson, Johns Hopkins University, USA

‘In this lucid, timely, and meticulously researched work, Elson bolsters his thesis by comparing the evolutions of six nations . . . The starkly different outcomes offer broad lessons for policymakers, which the author deftly outlines in 10 ‘propositions’ about the nature of successful economic development. Any economics text requires some intellectual stamina, but Elson does an admirable job of untangling the complex forces at work and presenting them in ways that laymen can understand.’ - Kirkus Reviews Comparing the experience of East Asia and Latin America since the mid-1970s, Elson identifies the key internal factors common to each region which have allowed East Asia to take advantage of the trade, financial, and technological impact of a more globalized economy to support its development, while Latin America has not. Contents: 1. Overview / 2. Changing Paradigms in Economic Development / 3. Initial Conditions for PostWW2 Development of East Asia and Latin America / 4. Economic Policy Choices / 5. Institutions and Governance / 6. Political Economy Factors / 7. Three Comparative Case Studies / 8. Conclusions and Lessons for Development Policy July 2015 292pp 22 tables, 5 line drawings Paperback £26.50




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Germany’s Economic Renaissance Lessons for the United States Jack Ewing, The International New York Times, Frankfurt, Germany

“Ewing uses a variety of small to midsized firms and their generally noncorporate owners to illustrate the ‘German’ approach to technical innovation, market cultivation, and periods of economic stagnation . . . Very well written, the book exhibits a style that makes it accessible to a broad academic and nonacademic readership.” - CHOICE, Recommended Can American companies learn to operate like German Mittelstand manufacturers? Find the answer to this question in Germany’s Economic Renaissance. Contents: 1. A Brief History of Made in Germany / 2. Revival / 3. The Seeds of Complacency / 4. Renaissance / 5. The Soul of the German Economy / 6. Boldly Cautious / 7. ‘We’re Never the Cheapest’ / 8. Mini Multinationals / 9. Little Swabia and the Art of Global Manufacturing / 10. Cars, Engineers, and the Internet / 11. ‘Azubis’ and the Skills Pipeline / 12. The Education of a German Manager / 13. The Seeds of Complacency (II) / 14. Lessons for the Rest of the World April 2014 Hardback

208pp £33.00

210x140mm 9781137349736



Debt, Democracy and the Welfare State

Economics 4th edition Paul Krugman, Princeton University, USA, Robin Wells, previously at Princeton University, USA

Are Modern Democracies Living on Borrowed Time and Money? Rögnvaldur Hannesson, Norwegian School of Economics, Norway

Why is it that government debt in the developed world has risen to world war proportions in a time of peace? This can largely be attributed to governments maintaining welfare expenditures beyond what tax revenues allow. But will these governments refrain from doing what is necessary for economic growth for fear of losing their electorate? Contents: 1. The Rising Tide of Debt / 2. Why has Government Debt Increased? / 3. The Cost Disease of Public Services / 4. The Welfare State: Insurance or Redistribution? / 5. Democracy and Enlightened Authoritarianism / 6. The European Union: A Viable Colossus? / 7. How Sweden Got Out of the Debt Trap / 8. Conclusion / Appendix - Data Sources / Literature April 2015 128pp 22 figures, 1 b/w table Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137531995

This bestselling introductory textbook helps introduce the fundamental principles of economics to all kinds of students. Contents: PART 1 What Is Economics? / Intro The Ordinary Business of Life / 1 First Principles / 2 Economic Models: Trade-offs and Trade 25 / Appendix Graphs in Economics / PART 2 Supply and Demand / 3 Supply and Demand / 4 Consumer and Producer Surplus / 5 Price Controls and Quotas: Meddling with Markets / 6 Elasticity / PART 3 Individuals & Markets / 7 Taxes / 8 International Trade / PART 4 Economics and Decision Making / 9 Decision Making by Individuals & Firms / Appendix Toward a Fuller Understanding of Present Value / PART 5 The Consumer / 10 The Rational Consumer / Appendix Consumer Preferences and Consumer Choice / PART 6 The Production Decision / 11 Behind the Supply Curve: Inputs and Costs / 12 Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve / PART 7 Market Structure: Beyond Perfect Competition / 13 Monopoly / 14 Oligopoly / 15 Monopolistic Competition and Product Differentiation / PART 8 Microeconomics and Public Policy / 16 Externalities / 17 Public Goods & Common Resources / 18 The Economics of the Welfare / PART 9 Factor Markets & Risk / 19 Factor Markets and the Distribution of Income / Appendix Indifference Curve Analysis of Labor Supply / 20 Uncertainty, Risk, and Private Information / PART 10 Introduction to Macroeconomics / 21 Macroeconomics: The Big Picture / 22 GDP and CPI: Tracking the Macroeconomy / 23 Unemployment and Inflation / PART 11 Long-Run Economic Growth / 24 Long-Run Economic Growth / 25 Savings, Investment Spending, and the Financial System / PART 12 Short-Run Economic Fluctuations / 26 Income and Expenditure / Appendix Deriving the Multiplier Algebraically / 27 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply / PART 13 Stabilization Policy / 28 Fiscal Policy / Appendix Taxes and the Multiplier / 29 Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve System / 30 Monetary Policy / Appendix Reconciling the Two Models of the Interest Rate / 31 Inflation, Disinflation, and Deflation / 32 Crises and Consequences / PART 14 Events and Ideas / 33 Events and Ideas / PART 15 The Open Economy / 34 Open-Economy Macroeconomics / Macroeconomic Data Tables M-1 / and more. April 2015 Paperback

1200pp £59.99

274x215mm 9781464143847

Published by Worth Publishers

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802






The Times They Are A Changin’

9th edition

The Effect of Institutional Change on Cooperative Behaviour at 26,000ft over Sixty Years

N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University, USA

July 2015 Paperback

608pp £59.99

Mark Stelzner, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

David Savage, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Benno Torgler, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

An exceptionally clear and concise introduction to macroeconomics. Contents: PART I / 1. The Science of Macroeconomics / 2. Introductory Discussion on Current Financial Crisis / 3. Nobel Macroeconomists / 4. The Data of Macroeconomics / 5. Data on GDP / 6. Updated Description of National Income Components / 7. Updated Data on the Labor Force / PART II: CLASSICAL THEORY: THE ECONOMY IN THE LONG RUN / 8. National Income: Where it Comes from and Where it Goes / 9. New Box: ‘The Financial System: Markets, Intermediaries, and the Crisis of 2008’ / 10. Money and Inflation / 11. New Case Study about the Recent Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe / 12. The Open Economy / 13. Updated Case Study ‘The US Trade Deficit’ / 14. Updated Data for Case Study ‘Big Mac Around the World’ / 15. Unemployment / 16. Updated Case Study ‘The Characteristics of Minimum-Wage Workers’ / 17. Updated Data on Unemployment / PART III: GROWTH THEORY: THE ECONOMY IN THE VERY LONG RUN / 18. Economic Growth I: Capital Accumulation and Population Growth / 19. Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and Policy / PART IV: BUSINESS CYCLE THEORY: THE ECONOMY IN THE SHORT RUN / 20. Introduction to Economic Fluctuations / 21. Case Study: ‘A Monetary Lesson from French History’ / 22. New FYI box on the Monetary Theory of David Hume / 23. Aggregate Demand I: Building the IS-LM Model / 24. Aggregate Demand II: Applying the IS-LM Model / 25. Case Study: ‘The Financial Crisis and Economic Downturn of 2008’ / 26. The Open Economy Revisited: The Mundell-Fleming Model and the ExchangeRate Regime / 27. Aggregate Supply and the Short-run Tradeoff Between Inflation and Unemployment / 28. Appendix: A New Schematic Diagram Illustrating How Various Macroeconomic Models are Related / PART V: MACROECONOMIC POLICY DEBATES / 29. A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply / 30. Stabilization Policy / 31. Government Debt and Budget Deficits / PART VI: MORE ON THE MICROECONOMICS BEHIND MACROECONOMICS / 32. Consumption / 33. Investment / 34. Discussion of the Recent Boom and Bust in the Housing Market / 35. Money Supply, Money Demand, and the Banking System / 36. Bank Capital Requirements / 37. What We Know, What We Don’t

Economic Inequality and Policy Control in the United States

This narrative and empirical analysis investigates Hilary’s claim that in his day they would not have left a man behind to die. The authors examine over 60 years of Himalayan climbing data and stories in order to test the changes in cooperation in this extreme life and death environment. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Historical Development / 3. Social Norms and Institutions / 4. The Decision to Help / 5. Commercialization / 6. Data and Methodology / 7. Analysis / 8. Alternative Explanations / 9. Conclusions / References February 2015 112pp 3 figures, 4 b/w tables Hardback £45.00

In Economic Inequality and Policy Control in the United States, Stelzner explores the causes of the astronomical increase in wage income inequality over the last three and a half decades. Contents: 1. Income Inequality in the United States Today / 2. Changing the Rules of the Game / 3. The Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, and the New Era / 4. Mixed Results / 5. Cycles of Policy Control / 6. How Do We Fix It? January 2015 102pp 16 figures, 1 b/w table Hardback £45.00


216x138mm 9781137525147

274x217mm 9781464182891

Published by Worth Publishers



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The Founding Fathers, Education, and “The Great Contest”


The American Philosophical Society Prize of 1797

Education and the State in Modern Peru Primary Schooling in Lima, 1821 - c. 1921 G. Antonio Espinoza, Department of History, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

“Espinoza places patrimonialism and patronage at the center of elite efforts to establish a staterun education system, and simultaneously demonstrates how trends in education reflected broader dynamics of Peruvian nation-building. The work’s century-long time frame allows Espinoza to effectively trace the shaky transition from colonialism to independence, the vicissitudes of creating a modern society and economy, and the eventual stabilization of an industrializing nation in the twentieth century . . . This book is an important contribution to both the history of education in Latin America and to the history of early national Peru.” - The American Historical Review Espinoza’s work illuminates how education was the site of ideological and political struggle in Peru during its early years as an independent state. Spanning 100 years and discussing both urban and rural education, it shows how school funding, curricula, and governance became part of the cultural process of state-building in Peru. July 2015 Paperback

296pp £24.00

235x152mm 9781137538246

Historical Studies in Education Series Edited by: William J. Reese, John L. Rury

Edited by Benjamin Justice, Rutgers University, USA

“Historians are detectives, and the sleuths in this remarkable book show us how to examine important documents from the late eighteenth century. Anyone interested in the effects of the American Revolution will love this book.” - Robert L. Hampel, Professor, School of Education, University of Delaware, USA Leading historians provide new insights into the founding generation’s views on the place of public education in America. This volume explores enduring themes, such as gender, race, religion, and central vs. local control, in seven essays of the 1790s on how to implement public education in the new USA. The original essays are included as well. Contents: Foreword; Carl F. Kaestle / 1. Introduction; Benjamin Justice / PART I: METHODS / 2. The Mysterious No. 3; Lisa Green / 3. ‘Raked from the Rubbish’: Stylometric Authorship Attribution and the 1795 American Philosophical Society Education Contest; Eric Strome / PART II: MEANINGS / 4. False Start: The Failure of an Early Race to the Top; Campbell Scribner / 5. Useful Knowledge in the Early Republic; Nancy Beadie / 6. Race and Schooling in Early Republican Philadelphia; Hilary Moss / 7. Gender and Citizenship in Educational Plans in the New Republic; Margaret Nash / 8. The Significance of the ‘French School’ in Early National Female Education; Kim Tolley / 9. The Place of Religion in Early National School Plans; Benjamin Justice / 10. The Perceived Dangers of Study Abroad, 1780-1800: Nationalism, Internationalism, and the Origins of the American University; Adam Nelson / PART III: MATERIALS / Essays from the American Philosophical Society Education Contest, 1795-1797 / Introduction to the Essays: Reading the Late 18th Century in the Early 21st; Benjamin Justice / Samuel Harrison Smith, Remarks on Education / Rev. Samuel Knox, An Essay on the Best System of Education / Review of Essay #3 / Hiram, On Education and Public Schools / Academicus, Plan for the Education of Youth / Hand, Concerning Education in Public Schools / Freedom, Concerning Education in Pennsylvania July 2015 304pp Includes: 4 pgs figs Paperback £24.00


Science Education and Citizenship Fairs, Clubs, and Talent Searches for American Youth, 1918-1958 Sevan G. Terzian, University of Florida, USA

“This significant study of the enduring tension in American history between education for democracy and education for meritocracy delivers a fresh analysis of a critical period of twentieth-century schooling. Tracing the trajectory of science education beyond the curriculum, this work examines contrasting civic dimensions of learning with an eye toward patterns of gender, race, and regional inequalities. The author’s command of the historical context and keen insight contribute to this engaging narrative on the history of science education in the United States.” Karen Graves, Professor of Education, Denison University, USA, and author of Girls’ Schooling during the Progressive Era: From Female Scholar to Domesticated Citizen Sevan G. Terzian traces the changing civic justifications for science clubs, fairs, and talent searches for American youth from World War One to the Cold War. Contents: Introduction / 1. Origins of Science Clubs and Fairs / 2. Building a Network / 3. Showcasing Young Scientists at the New York World’s Fair / 4. Enlisting Science Education for National Strength / 5. Sustaining Mobilization in an Atomic Age / Conclusion July 2015 Paperback

252pp £22.99

216x140mm 9781137528438

Historical Studies in Education Series Edited by: William J. Reese, John L. Rury

235x152mm 9781137528353

Historical Studies in Education Series Edited by: William J. Reese, John L. Rury

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Youth Practices in Digital Arts and New Media Learning in Formal and Informal Settings Joanna Black, University of Manitoba, Canada, Juan Carlos Castro, Concordia University, Canada, Ching-Chiu Lin, The University of British Columbia, Canada

‘Digital media, and the technological advances associated with it, disrupts traditional conceptions of the teaching and learning experience. In this volume, Joanna Black, Juan Carlos Castro, and Ching-Chiu Lin assist educators in navigating this disruption in a comprehensive, compelling, and provocative way. Students, and their communities, will be well served as a result.’ - Doug Blandy, Professor in the Arts and Administration Program, University of Oregon The authors examine youths’ practices in digital culture affecting social change, pedagogy, and creative learning practices. Knowledge about these practices is discussed, in which learning, knowledge sharing, distinct social contexts, pedagogical relationships, and artistic creative inquiry are examined in diverse formal and informal environments. Contents: Table of Contents / Acknowledgments / 1. Introduction / 2. Economic, Social and Personal Aspects of Educating for Creativity: A Study of a CommunityBased Youth Media Arts Program / 3. Amplifying Youth Cultural Practices by Engaging and Developing Professional Identity Through Social Media / 4. New Media Pedagogy in Two High Schools: A Look at Formal Learning Environments / 5. Learning in Place: Profiles of Youth Media Arts Practices in an Informal Learning Setting / 6. Conclusion / Contributors February 2015 176pp 12 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137475169



Social Education for Peace

The Gove Legacy

Foundations, Teaching, and Curriculum for Visionary Learning

Education in Britain after the Coalition Edited by Mike Finn, Liverpool Hope University, UK

Candice C. Carter, College of Education and Human Services, University of North Florida, USA

Carter illuminates and validates the vital role of visioning in social education. The book features peace in social education with instructional recommendations, planning resources and descriptions of transdisciplinary learning. It elaborates mindful citizenship across social, environmental, ethical, geographic, economic and political realms. Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Acknowledgments / Dedication / Introduction / 1. Foundations of Social Education for Peace / 2. PeaceFocused Policy for Social Education / 3. Responsive Curriculum and Instruction / 4. Transdiciplinary and Powerful Learning / 5. Mindful and Engaged Citizenship / References / Index (forthcoming) / Appendix April 2015 157pp 25 b/w tables, 4 figures Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137542731

“This timely collection offers an unrivalled range of perspectives on one of the most important Education ministers of the modern era.” - Sir Anthony Seldon, Master of Wellington College and Fellow of King’s College London, author of Schools United Michael Gove was, unquestionably, a pivotal figure in British educational reform during his time as the coalition’s Secretary of State for Education. This team of experts, drawn from academia, thinktanks and trade unions, offer an unrivalled early assessment of the impact of Gove, and his reforms, on the British educational landscape. Contents: Introduction: The Gove Ascendancy Michael Gove as Secretary of State for Education; Mike Finn / 1. The Gove Legacy in State Education; Brian Lightman / 2. The Gove Legacy in Independent Schools: The Making and Unmaking of a Supreme Goviet; Tim Hands / 3. The Gove Legacy in the Curriculum: The Case of History; Katharine Burn / 4. The Gove Legacy: Where Policy Meets the Pupil; Mick Waters / 5. Education Beyond the Gove Legacy: The Case of Higher Education; Roger Brown / 5b. Education Beyond the Gove Legacy: The Case of Higher Education (2): Ideology in Action; Mike Finn / 6. Opening Doors or Narrowing Opportunities?: The Coalition’s Approach to Widening Participation, Social Mobility and Social Justice; Konstanze Spohrer / 7. The Gove Legacy and the Politics of Education after 2015; Jonathan Simons / 7b. The Gove Legacy and the Politics of Education after 2015 (2): Skills and accountability; Steve Besley / 7c. The Gove Legacy and the Politics of Education after 2015 (3): Can the legacy endure?; Louis Coffait / Conclusion: The Gove Legacy in Education; Mike Finn February 2015 Hardback

160pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137491503

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Professional Learning, Induction and Critical Reflection

International Handbook of Universities 2016 27th edition International Associatian of Universities

Building Workforce Capacity in Education

Contents: 1. A Pedagogy of Induction: Building Capacity / 2. Foundations of a Pedagogy of Induction / 3. Using Place and Space to Deconstruct and Confront / 4. Theorising a Pedagogy of Induction / 5. Thinking Otherwise about Professional Induction / 6. Building Workforce Capacity Collaboratively March 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137473011

School Choice, Ethnic Divisions, and Symbolic Boundaries Stefan Lund, Linnaeus University, Sweden

This three-volume set is an indispensable and up-to-date guide to over 17,000 education institutions worldwide that offer at least a postgraduate degree or a four-year professional diploma. The 27th edition includes single-user online access for 12 months from publication date.

Robyn Henderson, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, Karen Noble, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

How should a teacher be taught? This book suggests that it is necessary to move away from the highly technicist and one-size-fits-all approaches to teaching in order to instil confidence throughout a teacher’s training. Instead a pedagogy of induction should engage the student in their profession from the outset of their studies.


Contents: Preface / Guide to the Entries / 1. The International Association of Universities / 2. Offices of the International Association of Universities / 3. List of Publications / 4. Universities Listed Alphabetically by Country / Index of Institutions / Index of Fields of Study / Index of Regional/International Higher Education Organisations / Includes single-user access to World Higher Education Database Online for 12 months from publication date September 2015 Hardback

5452pp £510.00

297x210mm 9781137439949

This book enriches empirical and theoretical understandings of how school choice and school segregation are generated by the construction and negotiation of ethnic divisions by placing emphasis on feelings of belonging and we-ness as important structuring forces that guide and restrict students’ school choices. Contents: List of Tables / Acknowledgements / 1. Introduction / 2. The Study / 3. School Choice and the Natural Science Program / 4. Negotiating Academic Behavior and Social Manners / 5. Concluding Remarks / Notes / References / Index March 2015 6 tables Hardback





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Community Resilience, Universities and Engaged Research for Today’s World

Managing Reform in Universities

Contents: Foreword; Pierre Viljoen / Introduction; Wendy Madsen / 1. Weaving Together the Strands of Engaged Research and Community Resilience; Wendy Madsen and Madonna Chesham / 2. Engaged Research in Action: Informing Sexual and Domestic Violence Practice and Prevention; Kathy Prentice and Tania Signal / 3. Engaging with the Past: Reflecting on Resilience from Community Oral History Projects; Wendy Madsen, Sarah McNicol and Cathy O’Mullan / 4. Keeping Afloat after the Floods: Engaged Evaluation of a School-Based Project to Promote Recovery; Wendy Madsen, Madonna Chesham and Shelly Pisani / 5. Making Space for Community Learning: Engaged Research with Teacher Aides in Disadvantaged Schools; Kerry Aprile and Helen Huntly / 6. Trail Blazing and Extending Emergency Service Education: A Journey of Engaged Research and Partnership Building; Helen Keen-Dyer, Wendy Madsen and Andrew Short / 7. Resilience of the Horticultural Community: Engaged Researchers Promoting Productivity and Profitability; Phil Brown and Talitha Best 216x138mm



Creso M. Sá, University of Toronto, Canada, Andrew J. Kretz, University of Toronto, Canada

The Dynamics of Culture, Identity and Organisational Change Edited by Bjørn Stensaker, NIFU STEP, University of Oslo, Norway, Jussi Välimaa, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Finland, Clàudia Sarrico, ISEG, Lisboa School of Economics and Management, Portugal

The increasing development of partnerships between universities and communities allows the research of academics to become engaged with those around them. This book highlights several case studies from a range of disciplines, such as psychology, social work and education to explore how these mutually beneficial relationships function.


The Entrepreneurship Movement and the University


Edited by Wendy Madsen, Central Queensland University, Australia, Lynette Costigan, Central Queensland University, Australia, Sarah McNicol, Central Queensland University, Australia

February 2015 6 figures Hardback


From the perspectives of culture, identity and organizational change, this collection, now in paperback, explores how universities are coping with the range of reforms and changes taking place across higher education. Contents: PART I: HOW TO MAKE SENSE OF CHANGE / PART II: THE DYNAMICS BETWEEN REFORM AND CULTURE / PART III: MAINTAINING IDENTITY THROUGH ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE September 2015 264pp 7 b/w tables, 3 figures Paperback £24.99

Entrepreneurship is widely embraced today in political discourse, popular culture, and economic policy prescriptions. Several groups actively promote entrepreneurial thinking and practices in higher education. This book examines how this ‘Entrepreneurship Movement’ impacts higher education in Canada and the United States. Contents: List of Figures / List of Tables / 1. The Entrepreneurship Movement and the University / 2. Entrepreneurship in North America / 3. Public Policy for Entrepreneurship / 4. Entrepreneurship Learning on Campus / 5. Conclusions / Index March 2015 144pp 12 graphs, 5 maps, 2 b/w tables Hardback £45.00


216x138mm 9781137544414



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The Future of Scholarly Writing



Gendering the European Union

Critical Interventions Edited by Angelika Bammer, Emory University, USA, Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres, University of Minnesota, USA

This stimulating collection is the first to take on the issue of form and what it means to the future of scholarly writing. A wide range of distinguished scholars from fields including law, literature, and anthropology shed light on the ways scholars can write for different publics and still adhere to the standards of quality scholarship. Contents: Introduction; Angelika Bammer and RuthEllen Boetcher Joeres / 1. The Work of Writing; Jane Gallop / 2. Writers, Authors, and the Extraordinary Ordinary; Naomi Scheman / 3. Tribal Rites: AcademicSpeak and the Ambiguity of Belonging; Angelika Bammer / 4. When Nothing Is Cool; Lisa Ruddick / 5. Writing in the Clinic, or What Might Be Expressed; Rita Charon / 6. Looking for the Right Path; Paul Stoller / 7. Found in the Details: Thoughts About Particulars; Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres / 8. The ‘State’ and the ‘Plantation’: Writing Differently; Gyanendra Pandey / 9. Stories and the Language of Law; Kate Nace Day / 10. ‘Life has a mind of its own’: Public Administration and ‘The Soloist’; Ralph Hummel & Camilla Stivers / 11. Undisciplined Practice: Experimenting with Anthropological Form; Anna Grimshaw / 12. Big Words in Small Circles: Bad Writing and the Social Sciences; Michael Billig / 13. A Discontinuous Voice; Amy Katz Kaminsky / 14. First Person Plural: Notes on Voice and Collaboration; Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer / 15. Writing about Music - and the Music of Writing; Susan Mcclary / 16. The Poetry of It (Writing History); Carolyn Kay Steedman / 17. In the Meantime; Ruth Behar September 2015 Hardback Paperback


272pp £60.00 £19.00

235x152mm 9781137520463 9781137520531

New Approaches to Old Democratic Deficits Edited by Gabriele Abels, Univerity of Tübingen, Germany, Joyce Marie Mushaben, Department of Political Science, University of Missouri-St Louis, USA

An exploration of European integration as seen through a gender lens. This book looks at integration theories, institutional relationships, enlargement, the development of gender law and the role of formal actors, scholars and expert networks in the EU policy-making process. With a focus on gender mainstreaming as a new approach to gender policy. Contents: Contents / Acknowledgements / List of Tables, Figures and Boxes / List of Abbreviations and Acronyms / Notes on Contributors / 1. Introduction: Studying the European Union from a Gender Perspective; G.Abels and J.M.Mushaben / PART I: GENDERING PERSPECTIVES AND EU PROCESSES / 2. Gendering Theories of European Integration; A.Kronsell / 3. Gendering the Institutions and Actors of the EU; A.van der Vleuten / 4. Gendering the EU Policy Process and Constructing the Gender Acquis; B.Locher / 5. From Equal Treatment to Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management; A.E.Woodward / 6. Gendering Enlargement of the European Union; Y.Galligan and S.Clavero / PART II: MELIORATING OLD AND NEW EU POLICY DEFICITS AND BLIND SPOTS / 7. The Common Agricultural Policy and Gender Equality; E.Prügl / 8. Gendering Employment Policy: From Equal Pay to Work-life Balance; A.Hubert / 9. Gendering the Social Policy Agenda: Anti-discrimination, Social Inclusion and Social Protection; M.Stratigaki / 10. Research by, for and about Women: Gendering Science and Research Policy; G.Abels / 11. Women on the Move: EU Migration and Citizenship Policy; J.M.Mushaben / 12. Conclusion: Rethinking the Double Democratic Deficit of the EU; J.M.Mushaben and G.Abels / References / Index May 2015 Paperback

304pp £20.00

216x138mm 9781137545305

Gender and Politics Series Edited by: Johanna Kantola, Sarah Childs

Gender, Informal Institutions and Political Recruitment Explaining Male Dominance in Parliamentary Representation Elin Bjarnegård, Uppsala University, Sweden

“This fascinating new book broadens our horizons in a number of ways. It firstly challenges us to think about male dominance rather than female underrepresentation in politics, using a range of methods and data derived from detailed empirical research. Second it develops a concept of homosocial capital and uses it in novel ways to to give us significant new insights into the gendered impact of clientelism and informal institutions on candidate selection. This book is an important addition to the gender and politics scholarship and deserves to be widely read.” – Georgina Waylen, Professor of Politics, University of Manchester, UK In this book, men in politics are the subjects of a gendered analysis with Elin Bjarnegård exploring how male networks are maintained and expanded, seeking to improve our understanding of the rationale underlying male dominance in politics. The role of informal institutions in unpredictable political settings are explored. Contents: 1. Upholding Male Parliamentary Dominance / 2. Revisiting Patterns of Gendered Representation / 3. Structure of the Book / 4. Studying Men and Masculinities in Politics / 5. Constructing Homosocial Capital / 6. Clientelism and Unpredictability / 7. Clientelism as a Likely Producer of Homosocial Capital / 8. Clientelism and Male Dominance / 9. Enablers of Clientelism / 10. Combining Methods / 11. The Quantitative Approach / 12. The Qualitative Approach / 13. The Representation of Men Worldwide / 14. Capturing Clientelism – Measuring The Immeasurable? / 15. The Models, Data and Operationalizations / 16. Clientelism and Male Parliamentary Dominance / 17. Results and Implications of the Quantitative Study / 18. Situating the Thai Case / 19. The Thai Gender Paradox / 20. Democratic Instability in Thailand / 21. Informal Influence / and more... May 2015 Paperback

272pp £20.00

216x138mm 9781137545312

Gender and Politics Series Edited by: Johanna Kantola, Sarah Childs

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Gender, Politics and Institutions Towards a Feminist Institutionalism Edited by Mona Lena Krook, Washington University in St. Louis, USA, Fiona Mackay, Edinburgh University, UK

“Overall, Gender, Politics and Institutions helps to consolidate the new field of feminist institutionalism and poses a challenge to all institutionalists to address the significance of gender.” – Marian Sawyer, Australian Feminist Studies, Taylor and francis Journals, 27:13, August 2012 Political institutions profoundly shape political life and are also gendered. This groundbreaking collection synthesises new institutionalism and gendered analysis using a new approach - feminist institutionalism - in order to answer crucial questions about power inequalities, mechanisms of continuity, and the gendered limits of change. Contents: Foreword; J.Lovenduski / Introduction: Gender, Politics, and Institutions: Setting the Agenda; F.Mackay & M.L.Krook / 1. Gender and Institutions of Political Recruitment: Candidate Selection in PostDevolution Scotland; M.Kenny / 2. Discursive Strategies for Institutional Reform: Gender Quotas in Sweden and France; L.Freidenvall & M.L.Krook / 3. Gendered Institutions and Women’s Substantive Representation: Female Legislators in Argentina and Chile; S.Franceschet / 4. Gendering the Institutional Reform of the Welfare State: Germany, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland; M.Beyeler & C.Annesley / 5. Gender and Institutions of Multi-Level Governance: Child Care and Social Policy Debates in Canada; J.Grace / 6. The Institutional Roots of Post-Communist Family Policy: Comparing the Czech and Slovak Republics; H.Hašková & S.Saxonberg / and more... May 2015 Paperback

256pp £20.00

216x138mm 9781137545299

Gender and Politics Series Edited by: Johanna Kantola, Sarah Childs



Feminism, Activism and Media Kaitlynn Mendes, University of Leicester, UK

“Through this detailed and sophisticated analysis of the international phenomenon of Slutwalk, Kaitlynn Mendes provides an important and unique contribution to our understanding of the globalization of feminist activism, violence against women and networked counterpublics. Anyone interested in the use of social media in activism, the representation of feminism in media and popular culture, and how feminist activism is shaped by national context will find SlutWalk to be essential reading.” - Marian Meyers, Georgia State University, USA SlutWalk explores representations of the global anti-rape movement of the same name, in mainstream news and feminist blogs around the world. It reveals strategies and practices used to adapt the movement to suit local cultures and contexts and explores how social media organized, theorized and publicized this contemporary feminist campaign. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Contextualising the Issues / 3. Situating SlutWalk / 4. Representing the Movement: SlutWalk Challenges Rape Culture / 5. Representing the Movement: SlutWalk is Misguided or Opposed / 6. SlutWalk Hierarchies and Organisers’ Roles / 7. SlutWalk, Community and Cyberactivism / 8. Conclusion July 2015 248pp 2 b/w tables, 3 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 Paperback £18.99

216x138mm 9781137378897 9781137378903

Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies 4th edition Edited by Victoria Robinson, University of Sheffield, UK, Diane Richardson, Newcastle University, UK

Written by a host of internationally renowned experts, this substantially revised new edition provides an important overview of gender and feminism today. The 4th edition combines classic and new work, looking at intersectionality, masculinity theory and the environment, whilst offering insightful comparisons of global examples. Contents: SECTION I: THEORY AND POLITICS / 1. Conceptualizing Gender; Diane Richardson / 2. Feminist Theories; Sally Hines / 3. Feminist Politics: From Activism to Representation; Nickie Charles / 4. Masculinity Studies, Gender Relations and Feminism; Victoria Robinson / 5. Gender Sensitive Method/ ologies; Gayle Letherby / SECTION II: BODIES – IDENTITIES / 6. Gendered Bodies: Gendered Lives; Kath Woodward / 7. Violence Against Women; Liz Kelly / 8. Racing the Feminist Agenda: Exploring the Intersections Between Race, Ethnicity and Gender; Kate Reed / 9. Sexuality; Priscilla Dunk-West and Heather Brook / SECTION III: INSTITUTIONS / 10. Families, Domesticity and Intimacy: Changing Relationships in Changing Times; Stevi Jackson / 11. Postfeminist Educational Media Panics, Girl Power and the Problem/Promise of ‘Successful Girls’; Jessica Ringrose and Debbie Epstein / 12. Transformation and Persistence in the Gender Division of Work; Zoe Irving / SECTION IV: CULTURES AND CONTEXT / 13. Media and Popular Culture; Ruth Holliday / 14. Gender and Environment: Feminist Thought, Politics and Practice; Dianne Rocheleau and Padini Nirmal May 2015 352pp 234x156mm 2 b/w tables, 4 charts, 1 diagram, 3 b/w photos Hardback £75.00 9781137527493 Paperback £29.99 9781137321879

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Women’s Bodies as Battlefield Christian Theology and the Global War on Women Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, Chicago Theological Seminary, USA

Christian theology has been complicit in justifying the war on women, but it also has resources to help finally declare peace in the war on women. War itself has come to resemble the war on women, and thus strategies to end the war on women, supported by new Christian theological interpretations, will also help end today’s endless wars. Contents: Introduction / 1. Injuring: Bodies and Battlefields / 2. Injuring: Women’s Bodies in the War on Women / 3. The History of Theologies of the Body: Sexism and Militarism / 4. Looking Away: The Heroic Fiction of War / 5. Looking Away: The Erotic Fiction of the War on Women / 6. Just War: Authorizing the Injuries / 7. Just War: Conducting the Injuries / 8. Just Peace: Practice Without Embodiment / 9. Just Peace: Bodies at the Center / 10. Toward An Embodied Theology of Peace July 2015 Hardback

240pp £19.00

235x155mm 9781137468147


The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism Edited by Immanuel Ness a Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. He is the author of Workers, Corporate Despotism and Worker Resistance (University of Illinois Press 2011) and is working on a manuscript focusing on precarious labour, workers councils, worker control and self management, and radical social movements, Dr. Zak Cope obtained a Ph.D. from the School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy at Queen’s University Belfast. He is the author of Dimensions of Prejudice: Towards a Political Economy of Bigotry (Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2008) and Divided World Divided Class: Global Political Economy and the Stratification of Labour under Capitalism (Montréal, Canada: Kersplebedeb, 2012 and 2014)

The Palgrave Encyclopedia Imperialism and AntiImperialism objectively presents the prominent themes, epochal events, theoretical explanations, and historical accounts of imperialism from 1776 to the present. It is the most historically and academically comprehensive examination of the subject to date. Contents: Introduction / Entries A-Z within the following sections: / • Biographies / • Country analysis / • Culture and the arts / • History / • Movements and ideologies / • Political economy / • Themes and concepts / INDICES October 2015 Hardback

1500pp £300.00

234x156mm 9780230392779

The Statesman’s Yearbook 2016 The Politics, Cultures and Economies of the World 152nd edition Edited by Nick HeathBrown, Palgrave Macmillan UK

‘While the Yearbook is primarily a reference book, to be consulted when you would like to find out the population of a particular country, the name of its President, or the number and size of its religious denomination, it is also a delight to leaf through it, discovering unexpected facts…’ - The Times Literary Supplement ‘Its wealth of information is arranged in a logical and consistent manner.’ - The Times Literary Supplement “The information this book contains renders it indispensible.” - The New York Times, 1874 Now in its 152nd edition, The Statesman’s Yearbook continues to be the reference work of choice for accurate and reliable information on every country in the world. Covering political, economic, social and cultural aspects, the Yearbook is also available online for subscribing institutions: Contents: Time Zones Map / Flags of the World/ Map of the World (Colour Pull-out Section) / Key World Facts / Chronology of World Events / PART I / 1. International Organizations / PART II: COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD A-Z: / 2. Key Historical Events / 3. Territory and Population / 4. Social Statistics / 5. Climate / 6. Constitution and Government / 7. Government Chronology / 8. Recent Elections / 9. Current Administration / 10. Current leaders / 11. Defence / 12. InternationalRelations / 13. Economy / 14. Energy and Natural Resources / 15. Environment / 16. Industry / 17. International Trade / 18. Communications / 19. Social Institutions / 20. Culture / 21. Diplomatic Representatives / Further Reading / Abbreviations / Place and International Organizations Index / Index of Current leaders September 2015 Hardback

1572pp £245.00

246x189mm 9781137439987

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802



The Grants Register 2016 The Complete Guide to Postgraduate Funding Worldwide 34th edition Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.

The most comprehensive guide on postgraduate grants and professional funding globally. For thirty-four years it has been the leading source for up-todate information on the availability of, and eligibility for, postgraduate and professional awards. Each entry is verified by its awarding body and all information is updated annually. Contents: Preface / How to Use The Grants Register / The Grants Register / Subject and Eligibility Guide to Awards / Index of Awards / Index of Discounted Awards / Index of Awarding Organizations July 2015 Hardback

1234pp £280.00

297x210mm 9781137434180



Military Internees, Prisoners of War and the Irish State during the Second World War

Britain’s Last Religious Revival?

Bernard Kelly, University of Edinburgh, UK

Quantifying Belonging, Behaving, and Believing in the Long 1950s

Between 1939 and 1945, over two hundred German and forty-five Allied servicemen were interned in neutral Ireland. They presented a series of extremely complex issues for the de Valera government, which strove to balance Ireland’s international relationships with its obligations as a neutral.

Clive D. Field, University of Birmingham, UK

“The 1950s are disputed territory in Britain’s religious history. No decade has bee teristic clarity and thoroughness, Field has now made a major contribution to the debate.” - Hugh McLeod, University of Birmingham, UK This is a major contribution to scholarly debates on the chronology and nature of secularization in modern Britain. Combining historical and social scientific insights, it analyses a range of statistical evidence for the ‘long 1950s’, testing (and largely rejecting) Callum Brown’s claims that there was a religious resurgence during this period.

Contents: Introduction / 1. Locking Them Up: Internment, Prisoners of War and International Law / 2. Keeping One Eye Abroad: Belligerent Internment and Diplomacy / 3. Settling In and Earning Their Keep: Life in K-Lines / 4. Breaking Out and Breaking In: Escape / Conclusion: ‘Not Breaking but Making International Law’? April 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

Contents: Contents / 1. Introduction / 2. Belonging / 3. Behaving / 4. Believing / 5. Conclusion February 2015 Hardback

136pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137512529

Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700-2000 Series Edited by: David Nash


216x138mm 9781137446015

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A History of Self-Harm in Britain A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing Chris Millard, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

This book is open access under a CC BY license and charts the rise and fall of various self-harming behaviours in twentieth-century Britain. It puts self-cutting and overdosing into historical perspective, linking them to the huge changes that occur in mental and physical healthcare, social work and wider politics.


Lost Mansions Essays on the Destruction of the Country House Edited by James Raven, University of Essex, UK

This provocative volume stimulates debate about lost ‘heritage’ by examining the history of the hundreds of great houses demolished in Britain and Ireland in the twentieth century. Seven lively essays debate our understanding of what is meant by loss and how it relates to popular conceptions of the great house.

Contents: This book is open access under a CC BY license. / Introduction: Self-Harm From Social Setting To Neurobiology / 1. Early Twentieth-Century SelfHarm: Cut Throats, General And Mental Medicine / 2. Communicative Self-Damage: War, NHS And Social Work / 3. Self-Harm Becomes Epidemic: Mental Health (1959) And Suicide (1961) Acts / 4. Self-Harm As A Result Of Domestic Distress / 5. Self-Harm As SelfCutting: Inpatients And Internal Tension / Conclusion: The Politics Of Self-Harm: Social Setting And SelfRegulation August 2015 Hardback Paperback

314pp £20.00 £15.00

216x138mm 9781137529619 9781137547736

Mental Health in Historical Perspective Series Edited by: Catharine Coleborne, Matthew Smith


Contents: 1. Introduction; James Raven / 2. Lost Aspects of the Country Estate; Jon Stobart / 3. The Destruction of the Country House in Ireland, 1879-1973; Terry Dooley / 4. Bowen’s Court as an Aesthetic of Living: A Lost Mansion’s Significance in the Imagining of the Irish Gentry; Ian d’Alton / 5. The Loss of Country Houses and Estates through the Destruction and Obscuring of Identity; Barbara Wood / 6. Better off as Ruins? The Scottish Castle Restoration Debate; Michael Davis / 7. The Demolished Mansions of Essex and the Marks Hall Estate: Reconstruction and the Heritage of Loss; James Raven April 2015 Hardback

144pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137520760


The Last Christian Peace The Congress of Westphalia as A Baroque Event Derek Croxton, Independent Scholar, USA

“A timely and extremely important study of the central peace settlement in modern European history, by the leading Anglophone historian of seventeenth-century European diplomacy. Derek Croxton’s book is the most up-to-date study of the Peace of Westphalia in any language and will be essential reading for students of history and of international relations.” - Hamish Scott, Professor, University of Glasgow, UK This sweeping, exhaustively researched history is the first comprehensive account of the Peace of Westphalia in English. Bringing together the latest scholarship with an engaging narrative, it retraces the historical origins of the Peace, exploring its political-intellectual underpinnings and placing it in a broad global and chronological context. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / 1. Introduction / 2. The Thirty Years’ War / 3. Origins of the Congress of Westphalia / 4. Governments and Goals / 5. Structures / PART II: NEGOTIATIONS / 6. The Long Beginning / 7. Foreign Satisfaction / 8. German Issues / PART III: CONCLUSION / 9. Consequences / 10. Foundations / 11. Innovations July 2015 Paperback

468pp £22.00

235x155mm 9781137538932

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Kings and Bishops in Medieval England, 1066-1216 Roger Wickson, Keele University, UK


Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-89

September 2015 Hardback Paperback

256pp £55.00 £19.99

234x156mm 9781137431172 9781137431165

Joseph Bergin, University of Manchester, UK

"In an age obsessed with shifting the paradigm, Joe Bergin reminds us that the old stories will always need telling. He does so with skill, concision and a knowledge and understanding of the field that is second to none." – Paul Smith, University of Nottingham, UK

Kevin McDermott, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

This concise history gives an account of the political, cultural and social trends in Czechoslovakia from 1945 to 1989. With a focus on ordinary citizens, it is an essential contribution to the modern history of a country that is sure to play a key role in the ‘new Europe’. Contents: Acknowledgements / Abbreviations and Glossary of Terms / Glossary of Leading Figures / Presidents of the Czechoslovak Republic, 1945-89 / Timeline 1945-89 / A Note on Czech Pronunciation / Introduction: Communist Czechoslovakia in Historical Perspective / 1. Communism on the Road to Power, 1945-48 / 2. Stalinism Reigns, 1948-53 / 3. Social Crisis and the Limits of Reform, 1953-67 / 4. Czechoslovak Spring, 1968-69 / 5. Everyday Normalisation, 1969-88 / 6. 1989: The Demise of Communism / Conclusion: Into the Dustbin of History? / Notes / Bibliography / Index September 2015 Hardback Paperback


A History of France

A Political and Social History

This introductory text, the first of its kind, explores the central relationship between the kings of England and their bishops, from the Norman Conquest to the Magna Carta. Wickson provides an approachable overview of the scholarship on this key subject, making this an ideal starting-point for anyone who is studying high medieval England. Contents: Preface / Abbreviations / Introduction / 1. The Norman Conquest and the Church in England / 2. The Sons of the Conquerer and their Bishops / 3. The Struggle for the Primacy / 4. Mitred Civil Servants: The Rise and Fall of the Salisbury Dynasty / 5. King Stephen and his Bishops / 6. The Becket Conflict in Perspective / 7. England Without a King / 8. Stephen Langton, the Bishops and Magna Carta / Epilogue / Further Reading


208pp £55.00 £21.99

216x138mm 9780230217140 9780230217157

Few modern countries can boast of such a lengthy history as France, a staple of European maps for the last millennium. This engaging narrative analyses French political, social and cultural history since 987, in a single volume. Through revolution, war and peace, it explores how the Frankland of 1000AD has grown into the France we know today. Contents: List of Maps / List of Abbreviations / Preface / Introduction / 1. Capetian Beginnings / 2. A Society and Polity in Crisis and Recovery / 3. The Ancien Régime in the Making / 4. Enlightenment, Revolution and Empire / 5. Obstructed Paths / 6. Difficulties and Dangers / 7. Two Wars and a Peace / 8. The Trente Glorieuses and After / Epilogue / Bibliography / Index June 2015 8 maps Hardback Paperback



£55.00 £17.99

9781137339058 9781137339041

European History in Perspective Series Edited by: Jeremy Black

Palgrave Essential Histories Series Series Edited by: Jeremy Black

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Nationalizing the Past Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe Edited by Stefan Berger, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, Chris Lorenz, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Historians traditionally claim to be mythbreakers, but national history since the nineteenth century shows quite a record in mythmaking. This exciting new volume compares how national historians in Europe have handled the opposing pulls of fact and fiction and shows which narrative strategies have contributed to the success of national histories. Contents: 1. Introduction; S.Berger and C.Lorenz / 2. Narrativizations of the Past: The Theoretical Debate and the Example of the Weimar Republic; J.Eckel / 3. Double Trouble: a Comparison of the Politics of National History in Germany and Quebec; C.Lorenz / 4. Setting the Scene for National History; J.Leerssen / 5. A Strained Relationship: Epistemology and Historiography in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Germany and Britain; A.Epple / 6. Wars of Religion in National History Writing at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: P. J. Blok, Karl Lamprecht, Ernest Lavisse and Henri Pirenne; G.Warland / 7. Heretics into National Heroes: Jules Michelet’s Joan of Arc and František Palacký’s John Hus; M.Baár / 8. History and Politics: Interpretations of Early Modern Conquest and Reformation in Victorian Ireland; M.Caball / 9. Narrating the Building of a Small Nation: Divergence and Convergence in the Historiography of the Estonian ‘National Awakening’, 1868-2005; J.Hackmann / 10. Theorizing and Practicing ‘Scientific’ History in South-Eastern Europe (19th-20th c.): Spyridon Lambros and Nicolae Jorga; E.Gazi / 11. Theatre Histories and the Construction of National Identity: The Cases of Norway and Finland; I.Pikkanen / 12. Nation, State and Empire: The Historiography of ‘High Imperialism’ in the British and Russian Empires; A.Mycock and M.Loskoutova / 13. Inside-out: the Purposes of Form in Friedrich Meinecke’s and Robert Aron’s Explanations of National Disaster; H.Frey and S.Jordan / and more... July 2015 Paperback

552pp £19.99

234x156mm 9781137428141

Writing the Nation Series Edited by: Stefan Berger, Christoph Conrad, Guy P. Marchal


The Uses of the Middle Ages in Modern European States

Disputed Territories and Shared Pasts Overlapping National Histories in Modern Europe Edited by Tibor Frank, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, Frank Hadler, Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe (GWZO), Leipzig University, Germany

History, Nationhood and the Search for Origins Edited by R.J.W. Evans, University of Oxford, UK, Guy P. Marchal, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

An assessment of the role of the Middle Ages in national historiography and in modern conceptions of national identity, looking at relatively young nations, and regions which claim national traditions but were slow to achieve, or regain, separate statehood. Examples range from Ireland and Iceland through Austria and Italy to Finland and Greece. Contents: PART I: CELTS AND SCANDINAVIA / 1. Transmission and Translation of Medieval Irish Sources in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries; B.Cunningham / 2. The ‘Decline of Norway’: Grief and Fascination in Norwegian Historiography on the Middle Ages; J.E.Myhre / 3. ‘Braves Step out of the Night of the Barrows’: Regenerating the Heritage of Early Medieval Finland; D.Fewster / 4. Interpreting the Nordic Past: Icelandic Medieval Manuscripts and the Construction of a Modern Nation; G.Hálfdanarson / PART II: BENELUX / 5. A Serious Case of Amnesia: The Dutch and their Middle Ages; P.Raedts / 6. Medieval Myths and the Building of National Identity: the Example of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; M.Margue and P.Péporté / 7. An Era of Grandeur: The Middle Ages in Belgian National Historiography, 18301914; J.Tollebeek / PART III: BALKANS / 8. To Whom Does Byzantium Belong? Greeks, Turks and the Present of the Medieval Balkans; J.Niehoff-Panagiotidis / 9. The Image of the Kosovo Battle (1389) Today: A Historic Event, a Moral Pattern, or the Tool of Political Manipulation; M.Šuica / PART IV: CENTRAL EUROPE / 10. Italy’s Various Middle Ages; M.Moretti and I.Porciani / 11. Medievalism and Swiss National Identity; G.Marchal / 12. The Public Instrumentalization of the Middle Ages in Austria since 1945; H.Wolfram / 13. ‘Old Czechs were Hefty Heroes’: The Construction and Reconstruction of Czech National History in its Relationship to the ‘Great’ Medieval Past; F.Šmahel / 14. Conclusion; R.J.W.Evans July 2015 Paperback

306pp £19.99

234x156mm 9781137428110

A collection of essays on European historiography, focussing on the overlapping national histories in Europe presenting many of the contested areas through conflicting historiographies. Sponsored by the European Science Foundation, this unique volume is part of Writing the Nation, a major international project. Contents: 1. Nations, Borders and the Historical Profession: On the Complexity of Historiographical Overlaps in Europe; T.Frank and F.Hadler / PART I: OVERLAPS ALONGSIDE STATE BORDERS / 2. The Overlapping Histories of Sweden and Norway: The Union from 1814 to 1905; R.Björk / 3. Conflicting Sovereignties: The Habsburg Monarchy in Hungarian Historiography; T.Frank / 4. Supranationality and National Overlaps: The Habsburg Monarchy in Austrian Historiography after 1918; W.Suppanz / 5. German East or Polish West? Historiographical Discourses on the German-Polish Overlap between Confrontation and Reconciliation, 1772-2000; J.Hackmann / 6. National History and Imperial History: A Look at Polish-Russian Historiographical Disputes on the Borderlands in the 19th and 20th Centuries; R.Stobiecki / 7. The Great Netherlands Controversy: A Clash of Great Historians; N.van Sas / 8. Main Dilemmas in Israeli Historiography; J.Barnai / PART II: OVERLAPS IN HISTORICAL REGIONS BETWEEN STATES / 9. The Origins of the Eastern Border as the Grand Controversy of Finnish National History Writing; I.Liikanen / 10. Schleswig and Holstein in Danish and German Historiography; U.Østergård / 11. The Trophy of Titans: Alsace-Lorraine between France and Germany, 1870-1945; C.Fischer / 12. The Legacy of Transylvania in Romanian and Hungarian Historiography; A.Ludányi / and more... July 2015 448pp 5 b/w illustrations, 21 maps Paperback £19.99

234x156mm 9781137428134

Writing the Nation Series Edited by: Stefan Berger, Christoph Conrad, Guy P. Marchal

Writing the Nation Series Edited by: Stefan Berger, Christoph Conrad, Guy P. Marchal

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Setting the Standards

History and Causality

Institutions, Networks and Communities of National Historiography Edited by Ilaria Porciani, University of Bologna, Italy, Jo Tollebeek, University of Leuven, Belgium

Institutions, networks and communities ‘standardized’ the historical discipline and profession in the nineteenth and twentieth century, in both the old and the new European nation states. This collection focuses on the growth of the infrastructure of historiography: the archives, journals, biographical dictionaries and the historical museums. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Institutions, Networks and Communities in a European Perspective; J.Tollebeek and I.Porciani / PART I / 3. ‘Something More than a Storage Warehouse’. The Creation of National Archives; T.Verschaffel / 4. Monumental Undertakings. Source Publications for the Nation; D.Saxer / 5. Scholarly Communication with a Political Impetus. National Historical Journals; C.M.Jørgensen / 6. The Dictionary Is Dead, Long Live the Dictionary! Biographical Collections in National Contexts; M.Verga / 7. Exegi Monumentum. The Great Syntheses of National History; J.Tollebeek / 8. Nations on Display. History Museums in Europe; I.Porciani / PART II / 9. In the Provinces. Local and Regional Learned Societies; J.Chaline / 10. Wishful Thinking. Academic Competitions in National History; M.Baár / 11. ‘A Daily Working Group Together in One House’. Research Institutes and the National Academies of Sciences in East Central Europe; F.Hadler and A.Pók / 12. Serving the Profession. National Associations of Historians; G.Lingelbach and M.Vössing / 13. Places of Innovation and Exchange. The ExtraUniversity Research Institutions for Historical Research; E.Picard and G.Lingelbach / 14. Militancy and Pluralism. Party and Church Institutes of Contemporary History in Western Europe since 1945; L.Raphael / 15. Wider Connections. International Networks among European Historians; J.E.Myhre / PART III / 16. A New Community of Scholars. The University Professors at Work; M.Moretti / 17. A Truculent Revenge. The Clergy and the Writing of National History; I.Herrmann and F.Metzger / and more... July 2015 456pp 7 b/w tables, 5 figures Paperback £19.99

Catherine Baker, University of Hull, UK

“The powerful case which History and Causality puts forward should undoubtedly be studied by anyone who has ever questioned the importance of causation in our discipline.” - Social History

Catherine Baker offers an up-to-date, balanced and concise introductory account of the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s and their aftermath. The volume incorporates the latest research, showing how the state of the field has evolved and guides students through the existing literature, topics and debates.

Contents: Introduction: Causality after the Linguistic Turn / 1. Intellectual Historians and the Content of the Form / 2. Social History, Cultural History, Other Histories / 3. Causes, Events and Evidence / 4. Time, Narrative and Causality / 5. Explanation and Understanding / 6. Theories of Action and the Archaeology of Knowledge / Conclusion / Select Bibliography 272pp £19.99

The Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s

Mark Hewitson, University College London, UK

This volume investigates the different attitudes of historians and other social scientists to questions of causality. It argues that historical theorists after the linguistic turn have paid surprisingly little attention to causes in spite of the centrality of causation in many contemporary works of history.

July 2015 Paperback


Contents: Editors’ Preface / 1. Introduction / 2. Yugoslavia and its Origins / 3. The Break-Up of the Yugoslav Federation / 4. From Crisis to War in Slovenia and Croatia / 5. The War in Bosnia-Herzegovina / 6. The Kosovo War and its Aftermath / 7. Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Reconstruction / 8. The Past on Trial / 9. Culture and Language During and After the Wars / 10. Conclusion / Timeline (1980-2000) / Bibliography / Index September 2015 Paperback

174pp £16.99

216x138mm 9781137539946

234x156mm 9781137428103

Writing the Nation Series Edited by: Stefan Berger, Christoph Conrad, Guy P. Marchal


216x138mm 9781137398987

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Biology, Computing, and the History of Molecular Sequencing From Proteins to DNA, 1945-2000

Contents: 1. Introduction: An Historical Approach to Sequencing / PART I: EMERGENCE: FREDERICK SANGER’S PIONEERING TECHNIQUES (1943-1977) / 2. The Sequence of Insulin and the Configuration of a New Biochemical Form of Work (1943-1962) / 3. From Chemical Degradation to Biological Replication (1962-1977) / PART II: MECHANISATION – 1: COMPUTING AND THE AUTOMATION OF SEQUENCE RECONSTRUCTION (1962-1987) / 4. Sequencing Software and the Shift in the Practice of Computation / 5. Sequence Databases and the Emergence of ‘Information Engineers’ / PART III: MECHANISATION – 2: THE SEQUENCER AND THE AUTOMATION OF SEQUENCE CONSTRUCTION (1980-2000) / 6. A New Approach to Sequencing at Caltech / 7. The Commercialisation of the DNA Sequencer / 8. Conclusions: A Long History of Practices / Appendix 1: Oral Histories / Appendix 2: Archival Sources / Notes / Bibliography June 2015 256pp 46 b/w illustrations, 1 table Paperback £19.99

216x138mm 9781137543325

Science, Technology and Medicine in Modern History

The Arab-Israeli Conflict 4th edition T.G. Fraser, University of Ulster, UK

Egyptian Revolution 2.0

T. G. Fraser clearly sets out the basic arguments on each side of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and traces their evolution from 1945 to the present day. Concise and balanced, this text takes into account the latest scholarship on the topic, and presents it in a compelling and accessible manner.

Political Blogging, Civic Engagement, and Citizen Journalism

Miguel García-Sancho, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain

“Overall, this book provides a detailed time line of the events from the earliest methodologies to the metagenomic sequencing standard of today, and is a useful resource for anyone interested in the historical angle of DNA sequencing. Highly recommended.” - M.C. Pavao, Worcester State College, Choice When we talk about biomolecular sequencing, it is the relatively recent Human Genome Project that comes to mind. However, sequencing has a longer and more complex history which begins in the 1940s and is presented for the first time in this book.


Mohammed el-Nawawy, Queens University of Charlotte, USA, Sahar Khamis, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

"[The authors] bring to bear both a deep theoretical understanding and compelling qualitative research to reveal how Egyptian bloggers helped sow the seeds for Egypt’s January 25 Revolution. They provide a fascinating analysis of how online media venues shifted from being an authoritarian regime’s ‘safety valve’ to becoming sites of resistance, empowerment and mobilization for the Egyptian people..." - Peter M. Shane, co-author of Connecting Democracy: Online Consultation and the Flow of Political Communication

Contents: Acknowledgements / Glossary / Map: Israel, The Palestinian Authority and their Arab Neighbours / 1. Introduction / 2. The Partition of Palestine and the Creation of Israel / 3. The Problem Consolidated / 4. From War to War / 5. The Search for a Settlement / 6. An Uncertain Path / 7. Stubborn Realities / 8. Conclusion / Bibliography / Index September 2015 Hardback Paperback

248pp £55.00 £17.99

216x138mm 1 map 9781137387448 9781137387431

This book sheds light on the growing phenomenon of cyberactivism in the Arab world, with a special focus on the Egyptian political blogosphere and its role in paving the way to democratization and socio-political change in Egypt, which culminated in Egypt’s historical popular revolution. Contents: 1. Blogging as Cyberactivism: Introductory Themes / 2. Political Blogging: (Re)Envisioning Civic Engagement and Citizen Journalism / 3. The Arab Political Blogosphere: The Case of Egypt / 4. Blogging on Violations of Human Rights and Limitations on Freedom / 5. Blogging on Governmental Corruption / 6. The Future of Political Blogging in Egypt: Looking Ahead July 2015 Paperback

252pp £20.00

216x138mm 9781137543561

The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication Series Edited by: Philip Seib

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The Allies and the German Problem, 1941-1949


Interdisciplinary Explorations Edited by Julia Snell, University of Leeds, UK, Sara Shaw, Queen Mary, University of London, UK, Fiona Copland, Aston University, UK

Andrew Szanajda, Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan

A Global Perspective Edited by Stefan Berger, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

“This is a fine work for introducing new historians to historiography and its nuances and complexities...Writing the Nation affirms the importance of history, not simply as a field of study, but also as an act, political or otherwise, that is crucial to the rationalising of sociopolitical economic formation in the modern age, and possibly before.” - Maghan Keita, English Historical Review This book brings together experts on national history writing from all five continents to discuss the role of history in the making of national identities in a transnational and comparative way. The institutionalisation and professionalisation of history writing is analysed in the context of history’s increasing nationalisation. Contents: 1. Introduction: Towards a Global History of National Historiographies; S.Berger / 2. The Power of National Pasts: Writing National History in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe; S.Berger / 3. Seven Narratives in North American History: Thinking the Nation in Canada, Quebec, and the United States; A.Smith / 4. The Mirror of History and Images of the Nation: The Invention of a National Identity in Brazil and its Contrasts with Similar Enterprises in Mexico and Argentina; Freitas Dutra / 5. Writing the Nation in Australia: Australian Historians and Narrative Myths of Nation; M.Hearn / 6. Between Myth and History: the Construction of a National Past in Modern East Asia; Q. E.Wang / 7. Writing the Nation in India: Communalism and Historiography; R.Seshan / 8. Writing the Nation in the Arabic-speaking World; B.Schaebler / 9. Writing National and Transnational History in Africa - the Example of the ‘Dakar School’; I.Thioub / Select Bibliography 256pp £19.99

Linguistic Ethnography

From Cooperation to Alternative Settlement

Writing the Nation

July 2015 Paperback


“Andrew Szanajda has made an important contribution to the history of the Cold War, reexamining the split between the occupying powers in Germany after World War Two. Szanajda further shows how the political system established in the west in 1949 eventually facilitated the peace and reunification of Europe in 1990.” - Jeffrey S. Gaab, Farmingdale State College, SUNY, USA The Allies and the German Problem, 1941-1949 examines Allied policymaking during the Second World War and the military occupation of postwar Germany, demonstrating how the initial unity of the Allies disintegrated during the postwar military occupation in the face of their separate goals for postwar Germany and Europe. Contents: Introduction / 1. The Deliberations Begin, 1941-1944 / 2. The Stage is Set: The Conferences of Yalta and Potsdam / 3.Cooperation and Conflict, 1945-1946 / 4. From Cooperation to Impasse, 1947 / 5. From Impasse to Alternative Settlement, 1948-1949 / Conclusion May 2015 Hardback

112pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137527714

The collection demonstrates the ways in which established traditions and scholars have come together under the umbrella of linguistic ethnography to explore important questions about how language and communication are used in a range of settings and contexts, and with what effect. Contents: 1. Introduction to Linguistic Ethnography: Interdisciplinary Explorations; Sara Shaw, Fiona Copland and Julia Snell / 2. Theory and Method in Linguistic Ethnography; Ben Rampton, Janet Maybin and Celia Roberts / 3. Workplace Literacies and Audit Society; Karin Tusting / 4. Between Text and Social Practice: Balancing Linguistics and Ethnography in Journalism Studies; Tom Van Hout / 5. How Linguistic Ethnography may Enhance our Understanding of Electronic Patient Records in Healthcare Settings; Deborah Swinglehurst / 6. Examining Talk in Postobservation Feedback Conferences: Learning to do Linguistic Ethnography; Fiona Copland / 7.Researching Health Policy and Planning: The Influence of Linguistic Ethnography; Sara Shaw and Jill Russell / 8.Bursting the Bonds: Policing Linguistic Ethnography; Frances Rock / 9.The Geography of Communication and the Expression of Patients’ Concerns; Sarah Collins / 10. Applying Linguistic Ethnography to Educational Practice: Notes on the Interaction of Academic Research and Professional Sensibilities; Adam Lefstein and Mirit Israeli / 11. Partnerships in Research: Doing Linguistic Ethnography with and for Practitioners; Jeff Bezemer / and more... May 2015 336pp 6 b/w tables, 11 figures Hardback £63.00 Paperback £21.99

9781137035028 9781137529060

Palgrave Advances in Language and Linguistics Series Edited by: Christopher N. Candlin

234x156mm 9781137428127



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Language for Specific Purposes Sandra Gollin-Kies, Benedictine University, USA, David R. Hall, Macquarie University, Australia, Stephen H. Moore, Macquarie University, Australia

This book fully explicates current trends and best practices in LSP, surveying the field with critical insightful commentary and analyses. Covering course areas such as planning, implementation, assessment, pedagogy, classroom management, professional development and research, it is indispensable for teachers, researchers, students. Contents: Introduction / PART I: CONCEPTS AND ISSUES / 1. Historical and Conceptual Overview of LSP / 2. Key Trends Affecting Learning, Teaching and Researching LSP / 3. LSP in the 21st century: At the Intersection of Globalisation, Technology and Applied Linguistics / PART II: LSP IN THE CLASSROOM / 4. Course Planning / 5. Course Design and Implementation / 6. Measuring LSP Learning and Course Effectiveness / 7. Inter-disciplinary and Multi-disciplinary Contexts / 8. LSP and Methodology/Pedagogy / 9. LSP Classroom Management and Professional Development / PART III: CONDUCTING APPLIED RESEARCH IN LSP / 10. Research Practices in LSP / 11. Case Studies in LSP Research / 12. Researchable Projects / PART IV: RESOURCES / 13. Key Sources July 2015 240pp 5 b/w tables, 5 figures Hardback £63.00 Paperback £18.99

216x138mm 9781403946393 9781403946409



Indigenous Feminist Narratives I/We: Wo(men) of an(Other) Way Isabel Dulfano, University of Utah, USA

Transdisciplinary Approach to Language Study The Complexity Theory Perspective Jelena Filipović, University of Belgrade, Serbia

This book analyzes the literary representation of Indigenous women in Latin American letters from colonization to the twentieth century, arguing that contemporary theorization of Indigenous feminism deconstructs denigratory imagery and offers a (re)signification, (re) semantization and reinvigoration of what it means to be an Indigenous woman. Contents: Introduction / 1. Canonical Representations of Indigenous Women in Latin American Literature / 2. Notes on Indigenous Feminism Post-testimonial / 3. Memory/Memoir, Challenges and Anthropology; Irma Velásquez Nimatuj, translated by Isabel Dulfano / 4. What Does It Mean to Be an Indigenous Woman in Contemporary Times?; Luz María de la Torre Amaguana, translated by Isabel Dulfano / Conclusion April 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137531308

This book is about complexity-driven, trandsisciplinary approach to language study. It illustrates how complexity science can be applied in the research of language and society in order to create and sustain a transdisciplinary dialogue across interested communities of practice which may be beneficial in improving living conditions of real people. Contents: Introduction: An Autoethnographic Journey / 1.Language Study, Complexity Theory and Transdisciplinary Research / 2.Language Study and Complexity Theory / 3.Complexity Driven Transdisciplinary Approach to Language Study / 4.Participatory Action Research and Autoethnography: QUALIROM / 5.Language Education and Language Leadership: A Case Study / 6.Final Remarks April 2015 160pp 1 b/w table, 1 figure Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137538451

Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics Series Edited by: Christopher N. Candlin, Jonathan Crichton

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The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders

Age and Foreign Language Learning in School

Edited by Tomasz Kamusella, University of St Andrews, UK, Motoki Nomachi, Hokkaido University, Japan, Catherine Gibson, University College London, UK

This book analyzes the creation of languages across the Slavophone areas of the world and their deployment for political projects and identity building, mainly after 1989. It offers perspectives from a number of disciplines such as sociolinguistics, socio-political history and language policy. Contents: 1. Cross-border Turkic and Iranian Language Retention in the West and East Slavic Lands and Beyond: A Tentative Classification; Paul Wexler / 2. Identity and Language of the Roma (Gypsies) in Central and Eastern Europe; Elena Marushiakova and Vesselin Popov / PART I: NORTH SLAVS AND THEIR LANGUAGES / 3. The Polish Livonian Legacy in Latgalia:The Confluence of Slavic Ethnolects in the Baltic-Slavic Borderland; Catherine Gibson / 4. Iazychie and Surzhyk: Mixing Languages and Identities in the Ukrainian Borderlands; Andrii Danylenko / 5. A Borderland of Borders: The Search for a Literary Language in Carpathian Rus; Paul Robert Magocsi / 6. Rusyn: A New-Old Language In-Between Nations and States; Michael Moser / 7. The Czech-Slovak Communicative and Dialect Continuum: With and Without a Border; Mira Nábělková / 8. The Changing Lattice of Languages, Borders and Identities in Silesia; Tomasz Kamusella / 9. ‘Our people is divided, yes, and torn asunder…’ The Sorbian Language Community and Its Internal Divisions; Roland Marti / 10. Fickle Nationalism and Slovakia’s Shifting Ethno-Linguistic Borders; Alexander Maxwell / 11. From ‘Hungarus’ Patriotism to Linguistic Nationalism; István Fried / PART II: SOUTH SLAVS AND THEIR LANGUAGES / 12. Phonology and the Construction of Borders in the Balkans; Brian Joseph / and more... July 2015 528pp 234x156mm 17 maps, 2 figures, 12 b/w tables Hardback £135.00 9781137348388


Amelia Lambelet, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Raphael Berthele, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

This book discusses the empirical studies on how biological age influences foreign language learning in school. It provides a succinct overview of a complex field for both experts and researchers interested in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Contents: Introduction / 1. Key Concepts / 2. Age and Language Development – Theories and Hypotheses / 3. Age and Foreign Language Development – Empirical Evidence / 4. Age and Foreign Language Development – Other Relevant Factors / Conclusion April 2015 112pp 5 b/w tables, 2 figures Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137525895

Metaphor and Discourse Edited by Andreas Musolff, University of East Anglia, UK, Jörg Zinken, Institute for the German Language, Germany

“Through contributions by scholars from a wide range of disciplines such as linguistics, artificial intelligence, psychology, and politics, this volume offers an interdisciplinary, contextualized and synchronic-diachronic combined exploration of various aspects of metaphor in naturally occurring discourses... [It] is an excellent contribution for metaphor scholars, discourse analysts, and other researchers in relevant fields.” - Discourse Studies This book presents work on the functioning of metaphor in public discourse and related discourse areas, challenging the ‘classic’ Conceptual Metaphor Theory approach. It proposes innovative approaches in Cognitive Linguistics and beyond to solving tensions between conceptualist idealizations and empirically observable variation. Contents: 1. Introduction: A Discourse-Centred Perspective on Metaphorical Meaning and Understanding; J.Zinken and A.Musolff / PART I: METAPHOR IN DISCOURSE: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES / 2. Metaphor, Culture, Discourse: The Pressure of Coherence; Z.Kövecses / 3. Three Kinds of Metaphor in Discourse: A Linguistic Taxonomy; G.Steen / 4. Reading Sonnet 30: Discourse, Metaphor and Blending; P.Chilton / 5. Collecting Political Meaning from the Count of Metaphor; C.De Landtsheer / 6. Metaphor and Context: A Perspective from Artificial Intelligence; J.Barnden / PART II: METAPHORS IN CONTEMPORARY PUBLIC DISCOURSES: CASE STUDIES / 7. Metaphor and Political Communication; J.Charteris-Black / 8. Missions and Empires: Religious and Political Metaphors in Corporate Discourse; V.Koller / 9. How Business Press Headlines get their Message Across: A Different Perspective on Metaphor; M.White and H.Herrera / 10. MRSA - Portrait of a Superbug: A Media Drama in Three Acts; B.Nerlich and N.Koteyko / PART III: METAPHOR EVOLUTION IN DISCOURSE HISTORY / 11. Shifting Identities: Metaphors of Discourse Evolution; R.Frank / 12. ‘Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be’: Linguistic Mercantilism in Renaissance France; D.Cowling / and more... July 2015 288pp 8 b/w tables, 11 figures Paperback £22.99

216x138mm 9781137539984


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Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2015-16


Core Statutes on Family Law 2015-16

Kate Cook, Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Mark James, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK, Richard Lee, Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Frances Burton, London Metropolitan University, UK

‘The up-to-date, wideranging coverage and accessible, easy-tonavigate structure make this an invaluable statutes book for those studying Family Law.’ - Janette Porteous, Lincoln Law School, University of Lincoln, UK

‘The book is an accessible and easy-touse collection of the essential statutes for a criminal law student and has the added virtue of being right up-to-date.’ – Andrew Clemes, College of Law, Swansea University

Core Statutes on Family Law provides all of the essential statutory material, selected by an expert author in a concise , fully updated and affordable package. It is produced without annotation and is therefore ideal for exam use, as well as within lecture settings.

Core Statutes on Criminal Law offers an authoritative yet succinct selection of the main statutory materials needed by students. The statutes are presented in a format that is accessible, compact and easy to navigate. This book is an excellent choice for use in exams and lectures.

August 2015 Paperback

August 2015 Paperback

408pp £15.99

246x171mm 9781137545091

Core Statutes on Company Law 2015-16

216pp £14.99

246x171mm 9781137544995

Palgrave Core Statutes

Palgrave Core Statutes

Cowan Ervine, Dundee Law School, University of Dundee, UK

‘This book stands out for its clarity and offers an authoritative collection of the most relevant statutory provisions across the field of company law.’ – Demetra Arsalidou, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University Compiled by a highly experienced lecturer, Core Statutes on Company Law provides the key statutory materials needed by students in a format that is clear, compact and very easy to use. It excludes commentary and is therefore ideal for use in lectures or exams. Contents: PART I: STATUTES / 1. Partnership Act 1890 / 2. Limited Partnerships Act 1907 / 3. Companies Act 1985 / 4. Insolvency Act 1986 / 5. Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 / 6. Criminal Justice Act 1993 / 7. Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 / 8. Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 / 9. Companies Act 2006 / 10. Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 / 11. Bribery Act 2010 / PART II: STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS / 12. Insolvency Proceedings (Monetary Limits) Order 1986 / 13. Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Prescribed Markets and Qualifying Investments) Order 2001 / 14. Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Official Listing of Securities) Regulations 2001 / 15. Insolvency Act 1986 (Prescribed Part) Order 2003 / 16. Companies (Registration) Regulations 2008 / 17. Companies (Model Articles) Regulations 2008 / PART III: EU LEGISLATION / 18. Council Regulation (EC) No. 2157/2001 (Statute for a European company) / 19. Directive 2003/6/EC (Market abuse) / 20. Directive 2004/39/EC (Markets in financial instruments) August 2015 Paperback

768pp £17.99

246x171mm 9781137545060

Palgrave Core Statutes

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Core Statutes on Property Law 2015-16

Core EU Legislation 2015-16 Rhona Smith, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK

Peter Luther, School of Law, University of Essex, UK, Alan Moran, School of Law, University of Essex, UK

‘The book’s studentfriendly structure and presentation make it very easy to locate statutes quickly. I would recommend this book to all those on property law courses.’ – Linda Clements, Law School, University of Hull ‘This well presented book contains all the most relevant statutes on property law. It is excellent value for money and an indispensable tool for students.’ – Sue Farran, School of Law, Northumbria University Core Statutes on Property Law offers an expert selection of statutes on both land law and equity and trusts, supporting study from core property law textbooks. Affordable, up-to-date and presented in a compact format, it is an easy-touse reference whether in the lecture hall or in the examination August 2015 Paperback

352pp £14.99


‘This book is amongst the best statute books currently available. The coverage is upto-date and precise, the presentation is accessible and clear, and the price offers good value for money.’ – Caoimhín MacMaoláin, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin Well-selected and authoritative, Core Statutes on EU Legislation provides the key materials needed by students in a format that is straightforward, concise and easily navigable. It provides excellent value for money and is ideal for use in examinations or within lecture settings. August 2015 Paperback

464pp £14.99

246x171mm 9781137545015

Palgrave Core Statutes

Core Statutes on Public Law & Civil Liberties 2015-16 Rhona Smith, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK, Eimear Spain, School of Law, University of Limerick, UK, Richard Glancey, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK

‘I recommend Core Statutes on Public Law & Civil Liberties to my students for exam use because it is clearly laid out, without any superfluous material.’ – John Lloyd, Law School, University of Exeter Core Statutes on Public Law & Civil Liberties comprises an expert selection of statutes related to public law and human rights. It provides students with the most crucial statutory materials in a format that is accessible, compact and highly affordable. It is particularly appropriate for use within lectures or exams. August 2015 Paperback

400pp £15.99

Palgrave Core Statutes

246x171mm 9781137545022

Palgrave Core Statutes


246x171mm 9781137545039

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Core Statutes on Contract, Tort & Restitution 2015-16

Medical Law

Core Statutes on Contract, Tort & Restitution offers students the key statutory materials they need without excessive annotation, making it the ideal choice for quickreference use in exams or lectures. Presented in a compact, easy to use format and providing excellent value for money, this book constitutes the perfect companion to the core textbook in this area, Palgrave Law Masters: Contract Law. Contents: PART I: STATUTES / PART II: STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS / PART III: EU LEGISLATION August 2015 Paperback

288pp £14.99

246x171mm 9781137545008

Palgrave Core Statutes

Trusts Law

2nd edition

4th edition

Graham Stephenson, formerly of the University of Central Lancashire, UK

‘Complete and concise. Just what the law student needs.’ – John Halladay, School of Law, University of Buckingham


Jo Samanta, Leicester De Montfort Law School, UK, Ash Samanta, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, UK

“This book provides an excellent introduction to the legal and regulatory framework of Medical Law today for students and health care practitioners alike.” – Professor Jean McHale, Professor of Health Care Law, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham, UK A new second edition of this well-regarded text, written by an author team with both legal and medical expertise. Legal principles are set firmly in a practical context and the text is supported throughout with real life scenarios to illustrate key points. Contents: 1. The Scope and Nature of Medical Law / 2. The Contemporary Health Care Environment / 3. Clinical Negligence / 4. Capacity and Consent to Medical Treatment / 5. The Beginning of Life / 6. Children / 7. Clinical Research / 8. Human Tissue and Transplantation / 9. Mental Health Law / 10. The Endof-Life / 11. Future Challenges May 2015 11 diagrams Paperback





Palgrave Law Masters Series Edited by: Marise Cremona

Charlie Webb, Department of Law, The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, Tim Akkouh, New Square Chambers, Lincoln’s Inn, London, UK

“This is a marvellous book. It manages to combine crystal clear summaries of all areas of trusts law with in-depth and insightful discussions of the principles and policies underlying those areas of the law. It should be compulsory reading for anyone studying the law of trusts.” – Nick McBride, Director of Studies in Law, Pembroke College, Cambridge, UK (review of previous edition) A clear and concise text, engagingly written by an author team who draw on their academic and professional knowledge to bring the subject to life. This fourth edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the most recent developments in the area. Contents: 1. An Introduction to Equity and Trusts/ 2. Basic Concepts and Principles / 3. Certainty / 4. Purpose Trusts / 5. Charitable Trusts / 6. Formalities/ 7. Constitution and Promises to Create Trusts / 8. Resulting Trusts / 9. Constructive Trusts / 10. Fiduciary Obligations / 11. Non-fiduciary Obligations / 12. The Administration of Trusts / 13. Breach of Trust and Trustees’ Liability / 14. Proprietary Claims and the Liability of Third Parties / 15. Injunctions / 16. A Trust in Practice (Key Trust Documents and Letters) May 2015 Paperback

440pp £25.99

246x171mm 9781137475824

Palgrave Law Masters Series Edited by: Marise Cremona

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Molecular Biology


Bruce Gervais, California State University, Sacramento, USA

2nd edition

8th edition Jeremy M. Berg completed a postdoctoral fellowship with Carl Pabo in Biophysics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. John L. Tymoczko is Towsley Professor of Biology at Carleton College. Gregory J. Gatto, Jr. received his A.B. degree in chemistry from Princeton University, where he worked with Martin F. Semmelhack and was awarded the Everett S. Wallis Prize in Organic Chemistry. Lubert Stryer is Winzer Professor of Cell Biology, Emeritus, in the School of Medicine and Professor of Neurobiology, Emeritus, at Stanford University.

For four decades, this extraordinary textbook played a pivotal role in the way biochemistry is taught, offering exceptionally clear writing, innovative graphics, coverage of the latest research techniques and advances, and a signature emphasis on physiological and medical relevance. Those defining features are at the heart of this edition. Contents: PART I: THE MOLECULAR DESIGN OF LIFE / 1. Biochemistry: An Evolving Science / 2. Protein Composition and Structure / 3. Exploring Proteins and Proteomes / 4. DNA, RNA, and the Flow of Genetic Information / 5. Exploring Genes and Genomes / 6. Exploring Evolution and Bioinformatics / 7. Hemoglobin: Portrait of a Protein in Action / 8. Enzymes: Basic Concepts and Kinetics / 9. Catalytic Strategies / 10. Regulatory Strategies / 11. Carbohydrates / 12. Lipids and Cell Membranes / 13. Membrane Channels and Pumps / 14. Signal-Transduction Pathways / PART II: TRANSDUCING AND STORING ENERGY / 15. Metabolism: Basic Concepts and Design / 16. Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis / 17. The Citric Acid Cycle / 18. Oxidative Phosphorylation and more. 1120pp £62.99

Living Physical Geography

Principles and Practice


May 2015 Hardback


215.9 x 276.225 mm 9781464126109

Michael M. Cox, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Michael O’Donnell, Rockefeller University, USA, Jennifer Doudna, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Written and illustrated with unsurpassed clarity, Molecular Biology: Principles and Practice introduces fundamental concepts while exposing students to how science is done. The authors convey the sense of joy and excitement that comes from scientific discovery, highlighting the work of researchers who have shaped the field today. Contents: I. Foundations / 1. Evolution, Science, and Molecular Biology / 2. DNA: The Repository of Biological Information / 3. Chemical Basis of Information Molecules / 4. Protein Structure / 5. Protein Function / II. Nucleic Acid Structure and Methods / 6. DNA and RNA Structure / 7. Studying Genes / 8. Genomes, Transcriptomes, and Proteomes / 9. Topology: Functional Deformations of DNA / 10. Nucleosomes, Chromatin, and Chromosome Structure / III. Information Transfer / 11. DNA Replication / 12. DNA Mutation and Repair / 13. Recombinational DNA Repair and Homologous Recombination / 14. Site-Specific Recombination and Transposition / 15. Transcription: DNA-Dependent Synthesis of RNA / 16. RNA Processing / 17. The Genetic Code / 18. Protein Synthesis / IV. Regulation / 19. Regulating the Flow of Information / 20. The Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria / 21. The Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes / 22. The Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes / Appendix: Model Organisms / Glossary / Solutions to Problems / Index May 2015 Hardback

750pp £53.99

215.9 x 276.225 mm 9781464126147

Published by W. H. Freeman

Living Physical Geography focuses on humanphysical geography interactions, using pedagogical features in the textbook and online to create a modern synthesis of the science of physical geography. Contents: The Geographer’s Toolkit / This Introduction Covers The Traditional And Modern Tools And Foundational Concepts In Wide Use In Geography. / PART I: ATMOSPHERIC SYSTEMS: WEATHER AND CLIMATE / Part I Explores How Solar Energy In The Atmosphere Creates Atmospheric Phenomena And Organized Systems. One Chapter Is Devoted To The Topic Of Climate Change. / 1. Portrait Of The Atmosphere / 2. Seasons And Solar Energy / 3. Water In The Atmosphere / 4. Atmospheric Circulation And Wind Systems / 5. The Restless Sky: Storm Systems And El Niño / 6. The Changing Climate / PART II: THE BIOSPHERE AND THE GEOGRAPHY OF LIFE / Part II Is Contextualized Around Solar Energy’s Work In The Biosphere. Major Ecological Units And Human Modification Of The Biosphere Are Emphasized. One Chapter Is Devoted To Marine Ecosystems. / 7. Patterns Of Life: Biogeography / 8. Climate And Life: Biomes / 9. Soil And Water Resources / 10. The Living Hydrosphere: Ocean Ecosystems / PART III: TECTONIC SYSTEMS: BUILDING THE LITHOSPHERE / Part III Explores Uplift And Building Topographic Relief Via Geothermal Energy. / 11. Earth History, Earth Interior / 12. Drifting Continents: Plate Tectonics / 13. Building The Crust With Rocks / 14. Geohazards: Volcanoes And Earthquakes / PART IV: EROSION AND DEPOSITION: SCULPTING THE EARTH / Part IV Examines The Work Of Solar Energy, Water, Chemical Reactions, And Gravity In Grading The Earth’s Surface. / 15. Weathering And Mass Movement / 16. Flowing Water: Fluvial Systems / 17. The Work Of Ice: The Cryosphere And Glacial Landforms / 18. Water, Wind, And Time: Desert Landforms / 19. The Work Of Waves: Coastal Landforms March 2015 Paperback

704pp £47.99

281.94 x 233.68 mm 9781464106644

Published by W. H. Freeman

Published by W. H. Freeman


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Looking Inside the Disordered Mind Ahmad Hariri, Duke University, USA

Scientific American Environmental Science for a Changing World 2nd edition

Using a combination of research strategies— including neuroimaging (particularly fMRI) and abnormal and clinical psychology—this new textbook addresses these timely and important questions for students of the biological, clinical, and social sciences as well as interested students from fields within the humanities, such as philosophy.

Following real people and real science, Environmental Science for a Changing World provides a unique context for showing students how science works and how to think critically about environmental issues.

Contents: Chapter 1. Getting Inside and Getting Around / Circuit concepts and approach / BOLD basics / Neuroanatomical planes and directional terms / UNIT 1. THE CORTICOLIMBIC CIRCUIT FOR RECOGNITION AND REACTION / Chapter 2. The Corticolimbic Circuit: Anatomy / Circuit hub: Amygdala (basolateral complex, central nucleus, and intercalated cell masses) / Interconnected circuitry: thalamus, sensory association cortex, hypothalamus, brainstem, substantia innominata (bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and nucleus basalis of meynert), insula, hippocampal formation, prefrontal cortex / Basic information flow supporting recognition and reaction / Chapter 3. The Corticolimbic Circuit: Order / Fear learning: Conditioning, extinction, recall / Faces and facial expressions: threat, ambiguity, uncertainty, novelty / Anxiety / Chapter 4. The Corticolimbic Circuit: Disorder / Amygdala hyper/hypoactivity and circuit imbalance / Exaggerated and dysregulated responses to threat / Symptoms including depression, mania, anxiety, phobia, aggression, and abnormal social interactions / UNIT 2. THE CORTICOSTRIATAL CIRCUIT FOR MOTIVATION AND ACTION / Chapter 5. The Corticostriatal Circuit: Anatomy / Circuit hub: Ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens) / Interconnected circuitry: thalamus, amygdala, ventral pallidum, dorsal striatum, dorsal pallidum, prefrontal cortex, midbrain (substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area) / Basic information flow supporting motivation and action / Chapter 6. The Corticostriatal Circuit: Order / Reward learning: classical and instrumental conditioning / Goal-directed behavior / Primary and secondary reinforcers / Impulsivity /and more.

Contents: 1. Environmental Literacy And The Goal Of Sustainability / On The Road To Collapse: What Lessons Can We Learn From A Vanished Viking Society? / 2. Science Literacy And The Process Of Science / Science And The Sky: Solving The Mystery Of The Disappearing Ozone / 3. Information Literacy:Toxic Bottles? On The Trail Of Chemicals In Our Everyday Lives / Human Populations And Environmental Health / 4. Human Populations / One Child China Grows Up: A Country Faces The Outcomes Of Radical Population Control / 5. Environmental Health / Eradicating A Parasitic Nightmare: Human Health Is Intricately Linked To The Environment / Consumption And The Environmental Footprint / 6. Ecological Economics And Consumption / Wall To Wall, Cradle To Cradle: A Leading Carpet Company Takes A Chance On Going Green / 7. Managing Solid Waste / A Plastic Surf: Are The Oceans Teeming With Trash? / Ecology / 8. Ecosystems And Nutrient Cycling / Engineering Earth: An Ambitious Attempt To Replicate Earth’s Life Support Systems Goes Awry / 9. Population Ecology / The Wolf Watchers: Endangered Gray Wolves Return To The American West / 10. Community Ecology / What The Stork Says: A Bird Species In The Everglades Reveals The Intricacies Of A Threatened Ecosystem / Biodiversity And Evolution / 11. Evolution / A Tropical Murder Mystery: Finding The Missing Birds Of Guam / 12. Biodiversity / Palm Planet: Production Of A Common Household Ingredient Is Wreaking Havoc On Wildlife Across The Globe / 13. Preserving Biodiversity / A Forest Without Elephants: Can We Save One Of Earth’s Iconic Species? / Water Resources / and more.

January 2015 Paperback

March 2015 Paperback

220pp £47.99

279.4 x 215.9 mm 9780878939794


Physical Models of Living Systems Philip Nelson, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Susan Karr, CarsonNewman College, USA, Jeneen InterlandI, USA, Anne Houtman, USA

432pp £42.99

Physical Models of Living Systems helps students develop many of the competencies that form the basis of the new MCAT2015. Contents: I: First Steps / 1. Virus Dynamics / 2. Physics and Biology / II: Randomness in Biology / 3. Discrete Randomness / 4. Some Useful Discrete Distributions / 5. Continuous Distributions / 6. Model selection and parameter estimation / 7. Poisson Processes / III: Control in Cells / 8. Randomness in Cellular Processes / 9. Negative Feedback Control / 10. Genetic Switches in Cells / 11. Cellular Oscillators / Epilogue / Appendix A: Global List of Symbols / Appendix B: Units and dimensional analysis / Appendix C: Numerical Values March 2015 Paperback

384pp £45.99

232x192mm 9781464140297

Published by W. H. Freeman

274.32 x 215.9 mm 9781464162206

Published by Sinauer Associates

Published by W. H. Freeman

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802




What is Life? A Guide to Biology with Physiology

Biochemistry: A Short Course 3rd edition


Jay Phelan, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

John L. Tymoczko, Carleton College ,USA, Jeremy M. Berg, USA, Lubert Stryer, Stanford University School of Medicine , USA

Phelan’s dynamic approach to teaching biology is the driving force behind What Is Life?—the most successful new nonmajors biology textbook of the millennium. Contents: PART I: THE FACTS OF LIFE / 1. Scientific Thinking | Your best pathway to understanding the world / 2. Chemistry | Raw materials and fuel for our bodies / 3. Cells | The smallest part of you / 4. Energy | From the sun to you in just two steps / Part 2 GENETICS, EVOLUTION, AND BEHAVIOR / 5. DNA, Gene Expression, and Biotechnology | What is the code, and how is it harnessed? / 6. Chromosomes and Cell Division | Continuity and variety / 7. Genes and Inheritance | Family resemblance: how traits are inherited / 8. Evolution and Natural Selection | Darwin’s dangerous idea / 9. Evolution and Behavior | Communication, cooperation, and conflict in the animal world / / Part 3 EVOLUTION AND THE DIVERSITY OF LIFE / 10. The Origin and Diversification of Life on Earth | Understanding biodiversity / 11. Animal Diversification | Visibility in motion / 12. Plant and Fungi Diversification | Where did all the plants and fungi come from? / 13. Evolution and Diversity among the Microbes | Bacteria, archaea, protists, and viruses: the unseen world / Part 4 ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT / 14. Population Ecology | Planet at capacity: patterns of population growth / 15. Ecosystems and Communities | Organisms and their environments / 16. Conservation and Biodiversity | Human influences on the environment / Part 5 PLANT LIFE / 17. Plant Structure and Nutrient Transport | How plants function and why we need them / 18. Growth and Reproduction in Plants | Problem solving with flowers and wood . / 19. Plants Respond to their Environments | Defending and regulating while rooted in the ground . / Part 6 HEALTH AND PHYSIOLOGY / 20. Introduction to Animal Physiology | Principles of animal organization and function / 21. Circulation and Respiration | Transporting fuel, raw materials, and gases into, out of, and around the body / 22. Nutrition and Digestion | At rest and at play: optimizing human physiological functioning / 23. Nervous and Motor Systems | Actions, reactions, sensations, and addictions: meet your nervous system / 24. Hormones | Mood, emotions, growth, and more: hormones as master regulators . / 25. Reproduction and Development | From two parents to one embryo to one baby / 26. Immunity and Health | How the body defends and maintains itself April 2015 1024pp 232x281mm Paperback £45.99 9781464157745


Derived from the classic text originated by Lubert Stryer and continued by John Tymoczko and Jeremy Berg, Biochemistry: A Short Course focuses on the major topics taught in a one-semester biochemistry course. Contents: PART I: THE MOLECULAR DESIGN OF LIFE / Section 1. Biochemistry / 1. Biochemistry and the Unity of Life / 2. Water, Weak Bonds and the Generation of Order Out of Chaos / Section 2. Protein Composition and Structure / 3. Amino Acids / 4. Protein Three-Dimensional Structure / 5. Techniques in Protein Biochemistry / Section 3. Basic Concepts and Kinetics of Enzymes / 6. Basic Concepts of Enzyme Action / 7. Kinetics and Regulation / 8. Mechanisms and Inhibitors / 9. Hemoglobin, An Allosteric Protein / Section 4. Carbohydrates and Lipids / 10. Carbohydrates / 11. Lipids / Section 5. Cell Membranes, Channels, Pumps and Receptors / 12. Membrane Structure and Function / 13. Signal-Transduction Pathways / PART II: TRANSDUCING AND STORING ENERGY / Section 6. Basic Concepts and Design of Metabolism / 14. Digestion: Turning a Meal into Cellular Biochemicals / 15. Metabolism: Basic Concepts and Design / Section 7. Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis / 16. Glycolysis / 17. Gluconeogenesis / Section 8. The Citric Acid Cycle / 18. Preparation for the cycle / 19. Harvesting electrons from the cycle / Section 9. Oxidative Phosphorylation / 20. The Electron-Transport Chain / 21. The ProtonMotive Force / Section 10. The Light Reactions of Photosynthesis and the Calvin Cycle / 22. The Light Reactions / and more. June 2015 Paperback


800pp £50.99

215.9 x 276.225 mm 9781464126130

Published by W. H. Freeman

The Intellectual Culture of Puritan Women, 1558-1680 Edited by Johanna Harris, Lincoln College, University of Oxford, UK, Elizabeth Scott-Baumann, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, UK

"The Intellectual Culture of Puritan Women provides fifteen fascinating vignettes of prominent female thinkers. The editors do not attempt an over-arching definition of a Puritan, but each individual chapter justifies its subject’s claim to that title, building up a composite picture of a formidable godly femininity."- David Hawkes, Times Literary Supplement This collection of essays by leading scholars in the field reveals the major contribution of puritan women to the intellectual culture of the early modern period. It demonstrates that women’s roles within puritan and broader communities encompassed translating and disseminating key texts, producing an impressive body of original writing. Contents: Foreword; N.H.Keeble / Introduction; J. Harris & E. Scott-Baumann / The Exemplary Anne Vaughan Lock; S. Felch / The Countess of Pembroke and the Practice of Piety; D. Clarke / Imagining a National Church: Election and Education in the Works of Anne Cooke Bacon; L. Magnusson / Anne, Lady Southwell: Coteries and Culture; E. Clarke / Godly Patronage: Lucy Harington Russell, Countess of Bedford; M. O’Connor / ‘An Ancient Mother in our Israel’: Mary, Lady Vere; J. Eales / ‘Give me thy hairt and I desyre no more’: The Song of Songs, Petrarchism and Elizabeth Melville’s Puritan Poetics; S. C. E. Ross / ‘But I thinke and beleeve’: Lady Brilliana Harley’s Puritanism in Epistolary Community; J. Harris / ‘Take unto ye words’: Elizabeth Isham’s ‘Booke of Rememberance’ and Puritan Cultural Forms; E. Longfellow / Anne Bradstreet’s Poetry and Providence: Earth, Wind, and Fire; S. Wiseman / and more... June 2015 256pp 2 b/w photos, 1 map Paperback £18.99

216x138mm 9781137503671

Early Modern Literature in History Series Edited by: Cedric C. Brown, Andrew Hadfield

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Early Modern Women in Conversation Katherine R. Larson, University of Toronto, Canada

“Larson’s book takes us into the virtual spaces of women’s conversation...” — Elizabeth ScottBaumann, Times Literary Supplement In 16th and 17th century England conversation was an embodied act that held the capacity to negotiate, manipulate and transform social relationships. Early Modern Women in Conversation illuminates the extent to which gender shaped conversational interaction and demonstrates the significance of conversation as a rhetorical practice for women. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Beyond the Humanist Dialogue: The Textual Conversations of Early Modern Women / PART I: GENDERING CONVERSATION AND SPACE IN EARLY MODERN ENGLAND / 3. ‘Intercourses of Friendship’: Gender, Conversation, and Social Performance / 4. Markets and Thresholds: Conversation as Spatial Practice / PART II: THE SIDNEYS IN CONVERSATION / 5. Speaking to God with ‘a cloven tongue’: The Sidney-Pembroke Psalter / 6. Conversational Games and the Articulation of Desire in Mary Wroth’s Love’s Victory and Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost / PART III: THE CAVENDISHES IN CONVERSATION / 7. ‘The language of friendship and conversation’: Jane Cavendish and Elizabeth Brackley’s Conversational Alliances / 8. The Civil Conversations of Margaret Cavendish and Ben Jonson / 9. Conclusion June 2015 Paperback

232pp £18.99

216x138mm 9781137506306

Early Modern Literature in History Series Edited by: Cedric C. Brown, Andrew Hadfield


Jonson: Volpone


The History of British Women’s Writing, 1920-1945 Volume Eight Edited by Maroula Joannou, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

“The essays offer a detailed outline of the diverse cultural, historical and political circumstances surrounding women’s literary production in the first half of the twentieth century, paving the way for further in-depth engagement with these writers, and providing a critical overview that will be an invaluable support to such studies.” - Gemma Moss, The Journal of the Sylvia Townsend Warner Society Featuring sixteen contributions from recognized authorities in their respective fields, this superb new mapping of women’s writing ranges from feminine middlebrow novels to Virginia Woolf’s modernist aesthetics, from women’s literary journalism to crime fiction, and from West End drama to the literature of Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Contents: Chronology 1920-1945 / 1. Introduction: Modernism, The Middlebrow and Modernity in Context; M.Joannou / PART I: MAPPING MODERNISM / 2. Virginia Woolf and the Aesthetics of Modernism; J.Goldman / 3. Gender in Modernism; B.Kime Scott / 4. The Art of Bi-Location: Sylvia Townsend Warner; M.Ellmann / 5. Exemplary Intermodernists; K.Bluemel / PART II: CULTURAL HIERARCHY / 6. The Feminine Middlebrow Novel; N.Humble / 7. Women and Comedy; S.Blanch / 8. The Woman’s Historical Novel; D.Wallace / 9. Crime Fiction; C.Kaplan / PART III: GENDERED GENRES / 10. Poetry 1920-45; J.Dowson / 11. Drama 1920-1945; R.D’Monté / 12. The Woman Journalist; C.Clay / PART IV: THE MOBILE WOMAN / 13. Welsh, Scottish, and Irish Women Writers; K.Gramich / 14. Women’s Writing in the Second World War; G.Plain / 15. Women Writing Empire; L.Regan / 16. Myths of Passage: Paris and Parallax; T.Young / 17. Women Writing the City; D.Longworth July 2015 Paperback

340pp £18.99


Marshall Botvinick, Forsyth Technical Community College, USA

“Botvinick’s lively introduction to Volpone offers students a practitioner’s insight into the play’s possibilities and rewards. The play’s rich critical, textual and performative histories are unpacked alongside Botvinick’s creative commentary, which enables the reader to visualise and work through the practical demands of the play in performance.” Peter Kirwan, University of Nottingham, UK This introductory guide to one of Jonson’s most widely-studied plays offers a scene-by-scene theatrically aware commentary, a brief history of the text and first performances, case studies of key performances and productions, a survey of film and TV adaptations, and a wide sampling of critical opinion and further reading. Contents: General Editors’ Preface / 1. The Text and Early Performances / 2. Cultural Contexts and Sources / 3. Commentary / 4. Key Productions and Performances / 5. The Play on Screen / 6. Critical Assessment / Further Reading / Index May 2015 Hardback Paperback

144pp £50.00 £12.99

198x129mm 9781137379818 9781137379801

Shakespeare Handbooks Series Edited by: Paul Edmondson, Kevin Ewert

216x138mm 9781137518187

History of British Women’s Writing Series Edited by: Jennie Batchelor, Cora Kaplan

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Shakespeare on Film


2nd edition Maurice Hindle, The Open University in London, UK

Praise for the first edition: “Comprehensive, reliable and authoritative.” Robert Shaughnessy, University of Kent, UK

Women, Beauty and Power in Early Modern England A Feminist Literary History Edith Snook, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada

“A masterful, eloquent, and convincing interpretation of the early modern culture of beauty which has vast implications for myriad areas of critical and historical interest beyond this topic alone.” - Patricia Phillippy, Kingston University, UK

This approachable guide establishes the differences between Shakespeare on stage and film, provides an historical introduction and explores the key modes and genre conventions used in film. Thoroughly revised and updated, the new edition also explores technological mediums for viewing Shakespeare on film, and live stage-tocinema productions. Contents: Preface to the Second Edition / Introduction / PART I: SHAKESPEARE AND THE LANGUAGE OF FILM / Filming and Staging Shakespeare: Some Contrasts / The Audience: Individual and Collective Experience / Imagery: Verbal and Visual / Bringing It All Together / PART II THE HISTORY OF SHAKESPEARE ON FILM 1899-2014 / Silent Shakespeare / The Thirties: Hollywood Shakespeare / The Forties: Olivier and Welles / The Fifties: Post-war Diversity / The Sixties and Seventies: Cultural Revolution, Filmic Innovation / The Nineties: Branagh’s Renaissance and the Shakespeare on Film Revival / Shakespeare on Film in the 21st Century / PART III COMMUNICATING SHAKESPEARE ON FILM: MODES, STYLES, GENRES / The Theatrical Mode / The Realistic Mode / The Filmic Mode / The Periodizing Mode / Film Genre: Conventions and Codes / Genre Conventions and the Shakespeare Film Adaptation / A Cross-cultural Shakespeare Adaptation: Kurosawa’s Kumonosu-Jo / PART IV: CRITICAL ESSAYS / COMEDIES / Introductory Note / Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing (UK, 1993) / Adrian Noble’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (UK, 1996) / Michael Hoffman’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (USA, 1999) / HISTORIES / Introductory Note / Laurence Olivier’s Henry V (UK, 1994) / Kenneth Branagh’s Henry V (UK, 1989) / and more... August 2015 336pp 5 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99

216x138mm 9781137286857 9781137286840

Divided into three sections on cosmetics, clothes and hairstyling, this book explores how early modern women regarded beauty culture and in what ways skin, clothes and hair could be used to represent racial, class and gender identities, and to convey political, religious and philosophical ideals. Contents: Introduction / PART I: COSMETICS / 1. ‘The Beautifying Part of Physic’: Women’s Cosmetic Practices in Early Modern England / 2. ‘Soveraigne Receipts,’ Fair Beauty, and Race in Stuart England / PART II: CLOTHES / 3. The Greatness in Good Clothes: Fashioning Subjectivity in Mary Wroth’s Urania and Margaret Spencer’s Account Book / 4. What Not to Wear: Children’s Clothes and the Maternal Advice of Elizabeth Jocelin and Brilliana, Lady Harley / PART III: HAIR / 5. The Culture of the Head: Hair in Mary Wroth’s Urania and Margaret Cavendish’s ‘Assaulted and Pursued Chastity’ / 6. An ‘absolute mistress of her self’: Anne Clifford and the Luxury of Hair / Conclusion / Index June 2015 208pp 4 b/w illustrations Paperback £18.99

216x138mm 9781137503688


The History of British Women’s Writing, 700-1500 Volume One Edited by Liz Herbert McAvoy, Swansea University, UK, Diane Watt, University of Surrey, UK

“This collection is a noteworthy addition to the bibliography on women’s contributions to medieval literature... McAvoy and Watt are to be commended for compiling an outstanding collaborative history of women’s writings, as well as a significant history of medieval literature. It will be profitably read by anyone interested in medieval literature or women’s writing. With its assessments of prior and current scholarship and its generous notes and bibliography, it offers a thorough overview of the field for graduate students, and its informative, well-written, and original essays make it recommended reading for anyone studying women’s writing.” - Monica Brzezinski Potkay, The Review of English Studies This volume, available in paperback for the first time, focuses on women’s literary history in Britain between 700 and 1500. It brings to the fore a wide range of women’s literary activity undertaken in Latin, Welsh and Anglo-Norman alongside that of the English vernacular, demanding a rethinking of the traditions of ‘writing’ itself. Contents: 1. Introduction: Writing a History of Women’s Writing from 700 to 1500; L.Herbert McAvoy and D.Watt / PART I: PRE-TEXTS AND CONTEXTS / 2. Women and the Origins of English Literature; C.A.Lees and G.R.Overing / 3. Literary Production Before and After the Conquest; C.A.M.Clarke / 4. The French of the English and Early British Women’s Literary Culture; C.Batt / 5. Women Writers in Wales; J.Cartwright / 6. Medieval Antifeminism; A.Bernau / PART II: BODIES, BEHAVIOURS AND TEXTS / 7. Romance; C.Saunders / 8. Saints’ Lives; S.Horner / 9. Devotional Literature; M.M.Sauer / and more... July 2015 Paperback

296pp £18.99

216x138mm 9781137517951

History of British Women’s Writing Series Edited by: Jennie Batchelor, Cora Kaplan


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Narrative Form Revised and Expanded Second Edition 2nd edition Suzanne Keen, Washington and Lee University, USA

“Suzanne Keen’s updating of Narrative Form will be widely welcomed: much has happened in the field of narrative studies over the past decade, and the new edition addresses many of the most important developments in Keen’s characteristically clear and accessible style.” — Derek Attridge, Professor of English, University of York, UK This revised and expanded handbook concisely introduces narrative form to advanced students of fiction and creative writing, with refreshed references and new discussions of cognitive approaches to narrative, nonfiction, and narrative emotions. Contents: Preface: Studying Narrative Form / 1. Major Approaches to and Theorists of Narrative / 2. Shapes of Narrative: A Whole of Parts / 3. Narrative Situation: Who’s Who and What’s its Function / 4. People on Paper: Character, Characterization, and Represented Minds / 5. Plot and Causation: Related Events / 6. Timing: How Long and How Often? / 7. Order and Disorder / 8. Levels: Realms of Existence / 9. Fictional Worlds and Fictionality / 10. Nonfiction and Fiction in Disguise / 11. Genres and Conventions / 12. Narrative Emotions / Appendix A. Terms Listed by Chapter / Appendix B. Representative Texts: A List of Suggested Readings / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2015 3 figures Hardback Paperback



£65.00 £19.99

9781137439574 9781137439581





The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative North American Literature

The History of British Women’s Writing, 1610-1690

Edited by Reingard M. Nischik, University of Konstanz, Germany

Edited by Mihoko Suzuki, University of Miami, USA

“An admirably edited volume, [this Handbook] is a highly useful collection that will encourage practitioners of American Studies and Canadian Studies to think of their fields as mutually enriching and not shaped by immovable geopolitical definitions.” - Christoph Irmscher, Provost Professor of English, Indiana University, USA A first of its kind, The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative North American Literature provides an overview of Comparative North American Literature, a cutting-edge discipline. Contributors make important interventions into multiculturalism in North America and into U.S.Mexico and U.S.-Canada border literatures.

Volume Three

“A thorough introduction to current directions of research on women writers during the period...Summing Up: Highly recommended. Graduate students, researchers, faculty.” C. S. Vilmar, CHOICE This volume, now available in paperback, represents recent scholarship that has uncovered new texts as well as introduced new paradigms to further our understanding of women’s literary history during the seventeenth century.

Contents: 1. Introduction: Comparative North American Studies and Its Contexts; Reingard M. Nischik / 2. Imagining North America; Rachel Adams / 3. Multiculturalism in the United States and Canada; Sabine Sielke / 4. Comparing Native Literatures in Canada and the United States; Katja Sarkowsky / 5. Comparative Race Studies: Black and White in the United States and Canada; Eva Gruber / 6. Naturalization and Citizenship in North America; Mita Banerjee / 7. Comparative Canadian/Québécois Literature Studies; Marie Vautier / 8. Québécois Literature and American Literature; Jean Morency / 9. North America’s Francophone Borderlands; Monika Giacoppe / and more...

Contents: 1. Introduction; M.Suzuki / PART I: NETWORKS, DEBATES, TRADITIONS, DISCOURSES / 2. Identifying as (Women) Writers; P.Salzman / 3. Channeling the Gender Debate: Legitimation and Agency in Seventeenth-Century Tracts and Women’s Poetry; M.Matchinske / 4. All about Eve: Seventeenth Century Women Writers and the Narrative of the Fall; S.Miller / 5. English Civil War Women Writers and the Discourses of Fifth Monarchism; K.Gillespie / PART II: MODES AND SITES / 6. Seventeenth-Century Women’s Manuscript Writing; V.Burke / 7. Reading Seventeenth-Century Women’s Letters; S.Wiseman / 8. Women’s Self-Portraiture in Seventeenth-Century Monuments; P.Phillippy / PART III: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON LITERARY GENRES / 9. ‘More lively, parfett, lasting, and more true’: Mary Wroth’s Indefensible Apologies for Poesy; C.Kinney / 10. Valuing Early Modern Women’s Verse in the Twenty-first Century; P.Hammons / 11. Early Modern Englishwomen Dramatists (1610-1690): New Perspectives; M.Wynne-Davies / 12. History, Satire, and Fiction by British Women Writers in the Seventeenth Century; M.Reeves / PART IV: REVISIONING CONTEXTS / 13. Critiquing the Sexual Economies of Early Modern Marriage in Aphra Behn and Margaret Cavendish’s Plays; T.Jankowski / and more...

August 2014 Hardback

July 2015 Paperback

512pp £116.00

235x152mm 9781137413895

368pp £18.99

216x138mm 9781137517968

History of British Women’s Writing Series Edited by: Jennie Batchelor, Cora Kaplan

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The Keys of Middle-earth


Medieval Ovid

Discovering Medieval Literature Through the Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien

Frame Narrative and Political Allegory

2nd edition Stuart Lee, University of Oxford, UK, Elizabeth Solopova, University of Oxford, UK

Amanda J. Gerber, Eastern New Mexico University, USA

Ovid’s Metamorphoses played an irrefutably important role in the integration of pagan mythology in Christian texts during the Middle Ages. This book is the only study to consider this Ovidian revival as part of a cultural shift disintegrating the boundaries between not only sacred and profane literacy but also between academic and secular politics. Contents: 1. Introduction: Reframing the Frame Narrative / 2. Rethinking Ovid: The Commentary Tradition / 3. Communal Narrative: Boccaccio and the Historical Paraphrase Tradition / 4. Clerical Expansion and Narrative Diminution in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales / 5. Overlapping Mythologies: The Political Afterlives of Frame Narratives in Gower’s Confessio Amantis and Lydgate’s Fall of Princes / 6. Conclusion March 2015 Hardback

146pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137488398

The New Middle Ages Series Edited by: Bonnie Wheeler

Praise for the previous edition: “[The Keys of Middleearth] provides a wide range of texts with insightful introductions and commentary on each of the texts that have been chosen for elucidation.” — Professor Shaun F.D. Hughes, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of English, Purdue University, USA A comprehensive introduction to the medieval languages and texts that inspired Tolkien’s Middleearth. Using key episodes in The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings, medieval texts are presented in their original language with translations. Essential for those who wish to delve deeper into the background to Tolkien’s mythology. Contents: How to Use This Book / Introduction / 1. Background / 2. Medieval Literature / 3. Thematic and Technical Parallels / 4. The Editions / 5. The Texts / Bibliography / Index July 2015 1 b/w table Hardback Paperback



£65.00 £19.99

9781137454683 9781137454690


Emily Dickinson A Literary Life Linda Wagner-Martin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

"Palgrave Macmillan’s ‘Literary Lives’ series exists not so much to answer intriguing biographical questions as to establish the link between the art and the life that gives rise to these questions. Wagner-Martin, with acclaimed biographies of Sylvia Plath and Zelda Fitzgerald to her credit, does a superb job here of teasing out the implications of that connection." — The Independent Now published in paperback for the first time, this literary biographical study charts Dickinson’s hard-won brilliance as she worked, largely alone, to become the unique American woman writer of the nineteenth century. Contents: 1. Reaching 1850 / 2. Dickinson’s Search, to Find the Poem of Her Being / 3. Losses into Art / 4. Dickinson’s Expanding Readership / 5. Dickinson and War / 6. Colonel Higginson as Mentor / 7. Life Without Home, For the Last Time / 8. Dickinson’s Fascicles, Beginning and Endings / 9. The Painful Interim / 10. To Define Belief / 11. 1865, The Late Miracle / 12. Maintaining Urgency / 13. Colonel Higginson, Appearing / 14. 1870-1873 / 15. The Beginning of the Calendar of Deaths / 16. Surviving Death / 17. ‘Mother’s Hopeless Illness’ / 18. Courtships / 19. ‘The Poets light but Lamps’ / 20. The Loving Dickinson August 2015 212pp 3 b/w illustrations Paperback £18.99

216x138mm 9781137543691

Literary Lives


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Charles Dickens – Hard Times/ Bleak House Nicholas Marsh, Francis Holland School, UK

This stimulating study takes a fresh look at two of Dickens’ most widelystudied texts. Part I uses carefully selected short extracts for close textual analysis, while Part II examines the historical and literary contexts and key criticism. The volume is an ideal introductory guide for those who are studying Dickens’ novels for the first time. Contents: General Editor’s Preface / Introduction / PART I: ANALYSING ‘HARD TIMES’ AND ‘BLEAK HOUSE’ / 1. Facts and Fog: Opening Salvos / 2. Characterisation (1): from Grotesques to Intimates / 3. Characterisation (2): Women / 4. Morality and Society / 5. Rhetoric, Imagery and Symbol / 6. Summative Discussion and Conclusions to Part I / PART II: THE CONTEXT AND THE CRITICS / 7. Charles Dickens’s Life and Works / 8. The Place of Hard Times and Bleak House in English Literature / 9. A Sample of Critical Views / Further Reading / Index September 2015 Paperback

240pp £17.99

216x138mm 9781137379566


Shakespeare’s Roman Plays Paul Innes, University of Glasgow, UK


Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman/The Crucible

This in-depth analysis of Shakespeare’s Roman plays, including Cymbeline, fully engages with the latest critical theory to relate these plays to the theatrical culture of their time. Innes works through each play individually, focusing on performance and critical reception to create a navigable guide, ideal for students of Shakespeare.

Stephen Marino, St Francis College, Brooklyn, USA

This guide surveys the criticism surrounding two of Arthur Miller’s most popular and widelystudied plays. From initial theatre reviews to twenty-first-century scholarship, Stephen Marino examines the major debates and trends of critical inquiry providing an essential resource for anyone with an interest in Miller’s work.

Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Titus Andronicus / 3. Julius Caesar / 4. Antony and Cleopatra / 5. Coriolanus / 6. Cymbeline / 7. Conclusion / Bibliography / Index July 2015 Hardback Paperback

280pp £52.50 £16.99

216x138mm 9781137025913 9781137025906

Contents: Introduction / 1. 1949-69: Reviews and Early Criticism / 2. 1949-79: Society and Tragedy / 3. The 1980s: Salesman: Salesmanship, Psychology, Ethnicity / 4. The 1980s: Crucible: History, Politics, Law / 5. The 1990s: New Readings / 6. The 1990s: Feminism and Gender / 7. Beyond 2000: Critical Trends / 8. 1950-2000: Film and TV versions / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2015 Hardback Paperback

248pp £47.50 £15.99

216x138mm 9781137429797 9781137429780

Readers’ Guides to Essential Criticism Series Edited by: Nicolas Tredell

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Justice and Revenge in Contemporary American Crime Fiction Stuart Sim, University of Sunderland, UK

The detective figure in contemporary American crime fiction increasingly relies on revenge to bring about justice in a society where there has been a sharp decline in moral values. This study demonstrates how the notion of the detective as a moral exemplar or heroic ideal breaks down in the works of writers such as James Ellroy and Sara Paretsky. Contents: 1. Introduction: The Anti-Detective Figure and the ‘New America’ / 2. James Ellroy: The LA Quartet and ‘Absolute Justice’ / 3. James Lee Burke: Dave Robicheaux – Keeping Evil at Bay / 4. Walter Mosley: Easy Rawlins and the African American Experience / 5. Sara Paretsky: The Female Private Investigator Versus Patriarchy / 6. George Pelecanos: Nick Stefanos – The Private Investigator and ‘Absolute Justice’ / 7. Conclusion: Crime Fiction and Moral Decline / Notes / Bibliography / Index April 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137469656


Quantitative Chemical Analysis


The Basic Practice of Statistics 7th edition

Daniel C. Harris, Naval Air Systems command, China Lake, USA

The gold standard in analytical chemistry, Dan Harris’ Quantitative Chemical Analysis provides a sound physical understanding of the principles of analytical chemistry and their applications in the disciplines. Contents: The Analytical Process / Opened The First Chapter With Description Of Home Pregnancy Test. / Historical Section On Measurement Of Atmospheric CO2 By Keeling Was Removed / 1 Chemical Measurements / Discussion Of Limiting Reagent Added To Chap 1 / 2 Tools Of The Trade / Reduced Discussion Of Mechanical Balance. / Added Serial Dilution And More Emphasis On Relative Uncertainty Of Volumetric Apparatus / 3 Experimental Error / New Discussion Of Atomic Weights And Their Uncertainty Based On 2009 IUPAC Report On Atomic Weights. See New Box 3-3 For My Handling Of Atomic Weights. / Rectangular And Triangular Distributions Could Not Be Treated Rigorously In Chapter 3, So They Were Moved To Appendix B With A NEW Discussion Of Propagation Of Uncertainty / Appendix B: Extensive New Discussion Of Propagation Of Uncertainty Following Recommendations Of Joint Committee For Guides In Metrology 2008/2010 / 4 Statistics / F Test Was Moved Ahead Of T Test So F Could Be Used For T. / Amplified Discussion Of Hypothesis Testing. / Increased Distinction Between Standard Error (Standard Deviation Of The Mean) And Standard Deviation (For Use In Appendix B) / 5 Quality Assurance And Calibration Methods / New Box On Medical Implication Of False Positive Results. / Graph For Internal Standards Introduced. Efficiency In Experimental Design Moved To Appendix C / 6 Chemical Equilibrium / Modified Discussion Of Entropy Plus Other Minor Revisions / 7 Let The Titrations Begin / Chapter Was Reconstituted And Slightly Revised From QCA 7e. / New Opener – Titration On Mars. / Experimental Detail Added For Volhardt Titration. New Problem 7-36 Asks “What Is Wrong With This Procedure?” / and more. August 2015 Hardback

928pp £62.99

203.2 x 254 mm 9781464135385

David Moore, Purdue University, USA, William I. Notz, The Ohio State University, USA, Michael A. Fligner, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

David Moore’s data analysis (conceptual) approach, which revolutionized the introductory statistics textbook, moves students away from formulas and numbercrunching, focusing instead on how working statisticians in a variety of fields collect and analyze data, and use the results to tackle realworld problems. Contents: PART I: EXPLORING DATA / 1. Picturing Distributions with Graphs / 2. Describing Distributions with Numbers / 3. The Normal Distributions / 4. Scatterplots and Correlation / 5. Regression / 6. TwoWay Tables / 7. Exploring Data: Part I Review / PART II: PRODUCING DATA / 8. Producing Data: Sampling / 9. Producing Data: Experiments / 10. Data Ethics / 11. Producing Data: Part II Review / PART III: FROM DATA PRODUCTION TO INFERENCE / 12. Introducing Probability / 13. General Rules of Probability* / 14. Binomial Distributions* / 15. Sampling Distributions / 16. Confidence Intervals: The Basics / 17 Tests of Significance: The Basics / 18. Inference in Practice / 19. From Exploration to Inference: Part II Review / PART IV: INFERENCE ABOUT VARIABLES / 20. Inference about a Population Mean / 21. Two-Sample Problems / 22. Inference about a Population Proportion / 23. Comparing Two Proportions / 24. Inference about Variables: Part IV Review / PART V: INFERENCE ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS / 25. Two Categorical Variables: The Chi-Square Test / 26. Inference for Regression / 27. One-Way Analysis of Variance: Comparing Several Means / PART VI: OPTIONAL COMPANION CHAPTERS (AVAILABLE ONLINE) / 28. Nonparametric Tests / 29. Statistical Process Control / 30. Multiple Regression / 31. More about Analysis of Variance

Published by W. H. Freeman

April 2015 Hardback

654pp £63.99

Published by W. H. Freeman

284x222mm 9781464142536


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Calculus: Early Transcendentals 3rd edition Jon Rogawski, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, Colin Adams, Williams College , USA



International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca

3rd edition

Jon Rogawski’s Calculus offers an ideal balance of formal precision and dedicated conceptual focus, helping students build strong computational skills. Contents: Rogawski/Adams: Calculus Early Transcendentals 3e Table of Contents / Chapter 1: Precalculus Review / 1.1 Real Numbers, Functions, and Graphs / 1.2 Linear and Quadratic Functions / 1.3 The Basic Classes of Functions / 1.4 Trigonometric Functions / 1.5 Inverse Functions / 1.6 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions / 1.7 Technology: Calculators and Computers / Chapter Review Exercises / Chapter 2: Limits / 2.1 Limits, Rates of Change, and Tangent Lines / 2.2 Limits: A Numerical and Graphical Approach / 2.3 Basic Limit Laws / 2.4 Limits and Continuity / 2.5 Evaluating Limits Algebraically / 2.6 Trigonometric Limits / 2.7 Limits at Infinity / 2.8 Intermediate Value Theorem / 2.9 The Formal Definition of a Limit / Chapter Review Exercises / Chapter 3: Differentiation / 3.1 Definition of the Derivative / 3.2 The Derivative as a Function / 3.3 Product and Quotient Rules / 3.4 Rates of Change / 3.5 Higher Derivatives / 3.6 Trigonometric Functions / 3.7 The Chain Rule / 3.8 Implicit Differentiation / 3.9 Derivatives of General Exponential and Logarithmic Functions / 3.10 Related Rates / Chapter Review Exercises / Chapter 4: Applications of the Derivative / 4.1 Linear Approximation and Applications / 4.2 Extreme Values / 4.3 The Mean Value Theorem and Monotonicity / 4.4 The Shape of a Graph / 4.5 L’Hopital’s Rule / 4.6 Graph Sketching and Asymptotes / 4.7 Applied Optimization / 4.8 Newton’s Method / Chapter Review Exercises / Chapter 5: The Integral / 5.1 Approximating and Computing Area / 5.2 The Definite Integral / 5.3 The Indefinite Integral / 5.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part I / 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part II / 5.6 Net Change as the Integral of a Rate / 5.7 Substitution Method / 5.8 Further Transcendental Functions / 5.9 Exponential Growth and Decay / Chapter Review Exercises / Chapter 6: Applications of the Integral / 6.1 Area Between Two Curves / 6.2 Setting Up Integrals: Volume, Density, Average Value / 6.3 Volumes of Revolution / 6.4 The Method of Cylindrical Shells / 6.5 Work and Energy / Chapter Review Exercises / Chapter 7: Techniques of Integration / 7.1 Integration by Parts / 7.2 Trigonometric Integrals / 7.3 Trigonometric Substitution / 7.4 Integrals Involving Hyperbolic and Inverse Hyperbolic Functions / and more. March 2015 Hardback

1050pp £64.99

276.225 x 215.9 mm 9781464114885

Published by W. H. Freeman


Jon Rogawski, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, Colin Adams, Williams College, USA

Guided by new author Colin Adams, the new edition stays true to the late Jon Rogawski’s refreshing and highly effective approach, while drawing on extensive instructor and student feedback, and Adams’ three decades as a calculus teacher and author of math books for general audiences. Contents: 1: Precalculus Review / 1.1 Real Numbers, Functions, and Graphs / 1.2 Linear and Quadratic Functions / 1.3 The Basic Classes of Functions / 1.4 Trigonometric Functions / 1.5 Technology: Calculators and Computers / Chapter Review Exercises / 2: Limits / 2.1 Limits, Rates of Change, and Tangent Lines / 2.2 Limits: A Numerical and Graphical Approach / 2.3 Basic Limit Laws / 2.4 Limits and Continuity / 2.5 Evaluating Limits Algebraically / 2.6 Trigonometric Limits / 2.7 Limits at Infinity / 2.8 Intermediate Value Theorem / 2.9 The Formal Definition of a Limit / Chapter Review Exercises / 3: Differentiation / 3.1 Definition of the Derivative / 3.2 The Derivative as a Function / 3.3 Product and Quotient Rules / 3.4 Rates of Change / 3.5 Higher Derivatives / 3.6 Trigonometric Functions / 3.7 The Chain Rule / 3.8 Implicit Differentiation / 3.9 Related Rates / Chapter Review Exercises / 4: Applications of the Derivative / 4.1 Linear Approximation and Applications / 4.2 Extreme Values / 4.3 The Mean Value Theorem and Monotonicity / 4.4 The Shape of a Graph / 4.5 Graph Sketching and Asymptotes / 4.6 Applied Optimizations / 4.7 Newton’s Method / Chapter Review Exercises / 5: The Integral / 5.1 Approximating and Computing Area / 5.2 The Definite Integral / 5.3 The Indefinite Integral / 5.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part I / 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part II / 5.6 Net Change as the Integral of a Rate / 5.7 Substitution Method / Chapter Review Exercises / 6: Applications of the Integral / and more. March 2015 Hardback

1150pp £64.99

Pedagogical Insights Edited by Hugo Bowles, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy, Alessia Cogo, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

This collection brings new insight into the relationship between English as a lingua franca and language teaching. It explores how the pedagogy of intelligibility, culture and language awareness, as well as materials analysis and classroom management, can be viewed from an ELF perspective in school and university contexts. Contents: 1. English as a Lingua Franca: Descriptions, Domains and Applications; Alessia Cogo / 2. Promoting Awareness of Englishes and ELF in the English Language Classroom; Lucilla Lopriore and Paola Vettorel / 3. Developing Critical Classroom Practice for ELF Communication: A Taiwanese Case Study of ELT Materials Evaluation; Melissa Yu / 4. Linking ELF and ELT in Secondary School through Web-mediation: The Case of Fanfiction; Enrico Grazzi / 5. ELF Oral Presentations in a Multilingual Context: Intelligibility, Familiarity and Agency; Iris Schaller-Schwaner / 6. Language Awareness and ELF Perceptions of Chinese University Students; Ying Wang / 7. ELF-aware In-service Teacher Education: A Transformative Perspective; Yasemin Bayyurt and Nicos Sifakis / 8. The Pedagogical Implications of ELF in a Domestic Migrant Workplace; Kellie Gonçalves 9. Teaching through ELF at International Post-secondary Institutions: A Case Study at United World Colleges; Veronika Quinn Novotná and Jiřina Dunková / 10. ELF, Teacher Knowledge and Professional Development; Martin Dewey / 11. ELF-oriented Pedagogy: Conclusions; Hugo Bowles August 2015 224pp 11 b/w tables, 1 figure Hardback £63.00 Paperback £21.99

234x156mm 9781137398079 9781137398086

International Perspectives on English Language Teaching Series Edited by: Sue Garton, Keith Richards

276.225 x 215.9 mm 9781464125263

Published by W. H. Freeman

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802





Advanced Nursing Practice Changing Healthcare in a Changing World Edited by Thomas David Barton, College of Human and Health Sciences, Swansea University, UK, Douglas Allan, School of Health, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Written by members of the Association of Advanced Nursing Practice Educators, this authorative text offers a comprehensive review of the current clinical, strategic, educational and research developments in advanced practice. Contents: 1. The Evolution of Advanced Nursing Practice; David Barton / 2. The Theoretical Context and Evidence Base; Helen Rushforth / 3. Education for Competence; Lynne Gaskell, Susan Beaton and Lillian Neville / 4. The Strategic, Cultural and Organisational challenges; Fiona Paul, Mark Cooper, Mike Sabin and Margaret Smith / 5. Regulation, Governance and Professionalism; Sue First and Lucy Tomlins / 6. Advanced Assessment and Clinical Decision Making; Wendy Mashlin / 7. Non-Medical Prescribing; Amanda Armstrong / 8. Public Health and Health Promotion; Michelle Anderson / 9. Ethics and the role of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner; Rachel Duncan and Linda Nelson / 10. Careers and career development for advanced practice; Hilary Walsgrove and Heather Griffiths / 11. The impact of new information and communication technologies on the development of advanced practice; Anne Cooper, Dawn Dowding and David Barrett August 2015 328pp 13 b/w tables, 12 figures Paperback £21.99


Bedside Guide for Neonatal Care

On the Punitive Society

Learning Tools to Support Practice

Lectures at the Collège de France, 1972-1973

Julia Petty, School of Health and Social Work, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Michel Foucault, Arnold I. Davidson, University of Chicago, USA, Graham Burchell, Translator, UK

A comprehensive collection of tools and practical advice for students and health professionals working within neonatal care. In its ‘quick to navigate’ pocket sized format this book offers fantastic support for those on the ward, starting a placement or in a new role.

“Ideas spark off nearly every page of this book, as Foucault manages to reinvigorate questions of power and violence that might have seemed well-worn. The words may have been spoken in 1976, but they seem as alive and relevant as if they had been written yesterday.” – Bookforum

Contents: How To Use This Book / PART I: THE APPLICATION OF BESIDE LEARNING TOOLS IN NEONATAL NURSING PRACTICE / 1. Neonatal Care In Context / 2. Bedside Tools In Context / PART II: KEY BEDSIDE TOOLS FOR CLINICAL NEONATAL CARE / A. Airway And Assessment / B. Breathing / Blood Values / C. Cardiovascular / Communication / D. Drugs / Development / E. Environment / F. Fluids / Feeding / G. Gut / H. The 3 H’s (Metabolic Triangle) / I. Infection / Immunisations / J. Jaundice / K. Kangaroo Care / L. Levels Of Dependency / M. Multi-Disciplinary Care / N. Neurological Care / O. Oxygen / P. Parent And Psychosocial Care Of The Family / Pain / Q. Quality And Risk / R. Renal / Respiratory Distress / S. Shock / Surgery / Skin Care / T. Transport / U. Ultrasound / Umbilical Catheterisation / Urianalysis / V. Vomiting / W. Weight / X. X-Ray Interpretation / Further Reading Resources / Notes Pages August 2015 272pp 216x138mm 20 tables, 15 figures and 15 halftones/photos Paperback £19.99 9781137398468

These thirteen lectures on the ‘punitive society,’ delivered at the Collège de France in the first three months of 1973, examine the way in which the relations between justice and truth that govern modern penal law were forged, and question what links them to the emergence of a new punitive regime that still dominates contemporary society. Contents: Foreword: François Ewald and Alessandro Fontana / Introduction: Arnold I. Davidson / Translator’s Note / 1. 3 January 1973 / 2. 10 January 1973 / 3. 17 January 1973 / 4. 24 January 1973 / 5. 31 January 1973 / 6. 7 February 1973 / 7. 14 February 1973 / 8. 21 February 1973 / 9. 28 February 1973 / 10. 7 March 1973 / 11. 14 March 1973 / 12. 21 March 1973 / 13. 28 March 1973 / Course Summary / Course Context / Index of Notions / Index of Names August 2015 Hardback

292pp £27.00

Michel Foucault: Lectures at the Collège de France Series Edited by: Arnold I. Davidson

234x156mm 9780230378131


216x138mm 9781403986603

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A Non-Philosophical Theory of Nature Ecologies of Thought


Health, Wealth, and Power in an African Diaspora Church in Canada Thomas Aechtner, University of Queensland, Australia

Anthony Paul Smith, Religion Department, La Salle University, USA

"Ecology is often the object of overly simple and inadequate philosophies; the revision of our naturalist and philosophical concepts should, however, go together. This is the aim of Anthony Paul Smith’s investigation which makes use of the ‘nonphilosophical’ hypothesis so as to bring these new relations between nature and thought up to date. A great book that masterfully takes these problems head on, theology among them, and renews the analysis and significance of ecology." - François Laruelle, Professor Emeritus, Contemporary Philosophy, University of Paris X: Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense, France Utilizing François Laruelle’s ‘non-philosophical’ method, Smith constructs a unified theory of philosophical theology and ecology by challenging environmental philosophy and theology, claiming that and engagement with scientific ecology can radically change the standard metaphysics of nature, as well as ethical problems related to ‘the natural’. Contents: PART I: THE PERVERSITY OF NATURE FORECLOSED TO THOUGHT / PART II: THE NONPHILOSOPHICAL MATRIX / PART III: IMMANTENTAL ECOLOGY AND ECOLOGIES (OF) THOUGHT / PART IV: A THEORY OF NATURE August 2015 Paperback

292pp £18.00


This book investigates an African diaspora Christian community in Calgary, Alberta, and explores the ways in which the church’s beliefs and practices impact the lives of its migrant congregation. In particular, it reveals the church’s pronounced concern with the utility of the Prosperity Gospel and Holy Spirit Power. Contents: 1. Now We Are Coming: Global Pentecostalism and the New African Diaspora / 2. Beliefs and Practices: The Prosperity Gospel and Holy Spirit Power / 3. One in Worship: Community-Building and Identity Formation / 4. Not Even a Single Enemy: Homeland, Mission, and Responses to Racism / 5. The Spirit’s Utility: Expressed Functionalism and APCC’s Future March 2015 5 b/w tables Hardback





Religion and Global Migrations Series Edited by: Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Jennifer B. Saunders, Susanna Snyder

Submission and Subjection in Leviathan Good Subjects in the Hobbesian Commonwealth Michael Byron, Kent State University, USA

“An insightful book that challenges the widespread claim that Hobbesian subjects obey the sovereign out of fear of punishment. Instead, Michael Byron convincingly develops the idea that for Hobbes good subjects obey the law ‘sincerely from the heart’. An important contribution to the philosophical literature on Hobbes’s political theory.” - Luciano Venezia, National University of Quilmes, Argentina Leviathan invests the sovereign with nearly absolute power, and that vast sovereign has drawn the reader’s eye for 350 years. Yet Hobbes has much to say about subjects as well, and he articulates a normative conception of a good subject. Contents: Introduction / 1. State of Nature / 2. Laws of Nature / 3. Obligation / 4. Subjection / 5. Sovereigns April 2015 Hardback

144pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137535283


Radical Theologies Series Edited by: Mike Grimshaw, Joshua Ramey, Michael Zbaraschuk

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Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy Under the ‘Abe Doctrine’


Governance and Politics of China

Migration, Language and Politics Edited by Kosuke Shimizu, Ryukoku University, Japan, William S. Bradley, Ryukoku University, Japan

New Dynamism or New Dead End? Christopher W. Hughes, University of Warwick, UK

4th edition Tony Saich, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA

Japan is shifting onto a new trajectory for a more muscular national security policy, US-Japan alliance ties functioning for regional and global security, and the encirclement of China’s influence in East Asia. The author explores how PM Abe Shinzō’s doctrine may prove contradictory and counter-productive to Japanese national interests.

‘This book is a mustread introduction to the complex economic and political developments that have led to China’s re-emergence as a global economic power.’ – Niall Duggan, University College Cork, Ireland This systematically revised fourth edition of the leading text on Chinese politics covers the major changes under Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang and their predecessors, and the recent attempts to restore Chinese Communist Party prestige and strengthen the role of the market in economic reforms whilst managing urbanization and addressing corruption. Contents: Preface to the Fourth edition / Introduction / 1. Diversity within Unity / 2. Political History, 1949– 2012 / 3. China’s New Leaders and their Challenges, 2012-Present / 4. The Chinese Communist Party / 5. The Central Governing Apparatus / 6. Governance Beyond the Centre / 7. The Chinese State and Society / 8. Urbanization and Urban-Rural Relations / 9. Economic Policy / 10. Social Policy / 11. Foreign Policy / 12. China’s Future Challenges May 2015 434pp 1 map, 7 figures, 11 b/w tables Hardback £85.00 Paperback £30.99

Multiculturalism and Conflict Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific

234x156mm 9781137445285 9781137445278

Comparative Government and Politics

Contents: 1. Introduction: From ‘Yoshida Doctrine’ To ‘Abe Doctrine’? / 2. The Origins And Ideological Drivers Of The ‘Abe Doctrine’ / Ending The ‘Post-War Regime’, Restoring Great Power Status / Constitutional Revision / Historical Revisionism, Challenging The Kōno Statement, Patriotic Education / Yasukuni Shrine And Challenging The Tokyo Tribunals / 3. Japan’s National Security Under Abe / National Security Strategy, National Defence Programme Guidelines, State Secrecy Law / Breaching The Arms Export Ban, Militarisation Of ODA / Collective Self-Defence Made Reality / Radical New Security Precedents / 4. The ‘Abe Doctrine’ And US-Japan Relations / Revising The US-Japan Defence Guidelines, Futenma Relocation, TPP Negotiations / Fears Of Abandonment, Resistance In Okinawa, Trade Blockages / Distrust Over Revisionism And Yasukuni / Who Is Entrapping Whom? / 5. Japan’s Relations Under Abe With China, The Korean Peninsula, And ASEAN / Encircling China / More Progress With North Korea Than South Korea? / Abe Isolates Japan, China Encircles Japan? / Sino-Japanese Stalemate? / 6. Conclusion: ‘Abe Doctrine’ As Revolution Or / Contradictory Failure? / Three Great Contradictions / Resentful Realism Redux March 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137514240

This book is open access under a CC BY license. This edited collection focuses on theories, language and migration in relation to multiculturalism in Japan and the Asia-Pacific. Each chapter aims to provide alternative understandings to current conflicts that have arisen due to immigration and policies related to education, politics, language, work, citizenship and identity. Contents: This book is open access under a CC BY license. / 1. Introduction; Kosuke Shimizu and William S. Bradley / PART I / 2. Multicultural Coexistence in Japan: Follower, Innovator, or Reluctant Late Adopter?; William S. Bradley / 3. A Critical Analysis of Multiculturalism and Deviant Identities: Untold Stories of Japanese Americans without Nations; Takumi Honda / 4. Theorizing Multiculturalism: Modeling the Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in SchoolBased Multicultural Settings; Lee Gunderson / PART II / 5. Who Owns Our Tongue? English, Academic Life and Subjectivity; Kosuke Shimizu / 6. Preservice and Inservice English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions of the New Language Education Policy Regarding the Teaching of Classes in English at Japanese Senior High Schools; Toshinobu Nagamine / 7. An Alternative Approach to Foreign Language Education in Japan with a View Toward Becoming a Multicultural Society; Mitsunori Takakuwa / PART III / 8. Female Domestic Workers on the Move: Examining Global Householding and Global De-Householding in Today’s World; Rieko Karatani /and more September 2014 256pp 10 b/w tables, 3 figures Hardback £20.00

216x138mm 9781137403599

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) grant “Project for Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)”


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European Union Foreign Policy


European Union Policy Towards The Arab-Israeli Peace Process

The Golden Dawn’s ‘Nationalist Solution’

The Quicksands of Politics

Explaining the Rise of the Far Right in Greece

Costanza Musu, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, Canada

From Effectiveness to Functionality Christopher J. Bickerton, University of Cambridge, UK

“The book presents a sophisticated picture of the contructivist functions that foreign plays in the advancement of European Integration.” - Crisitian Nitoiu, The Journal Of Common Market Studies, Volume 49, No. 6, November 2011 This book aims to change the way we think about the European Union’s foreign policy. Rather than ask whether the EU’s foreign policy is effective or not, this book argues that we should inquire instead into the internal functions EU foreign policy plays for the European integration process as a whole. Contents: Introduction / 1. Functionality in EU Foreign Policy: A Framework of Analysis / 2. Managing Ambivalence: National Foreign Policy in an Age of ‘Power Avoidance’ / 3. The Politics of Performance: Turf Battles in EU Foreign Policy / 4. Normative Power and the EU’s Search for Meaning / 5. Saving the Union? EU Foreign Policy and the Democratic Deficit / Conclusion April 2015 Paperback

192pp £23.99

216x138mm 9781137517227

Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Series Edited by: Michelle Egan, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson


“The Arab-Israeli conflict remains one of the world’s eternal problems, which is perhaps precisely why it risks to be pushed into the background at a time when a host of new crises is engulfing the Middle East. Costanza Musu’s book could not be more timely in reminding us why it continues to be key to peace in the region - and what we can do about it.” - Sven Biscop, Director, Europe in the World Programme, Egmont Institute, Brussels, Belgium

Sofia Vasilopoulou, University of York, UK, Daphne Halikiopoulou, University of Reading, UK

"This text represents the first sustained, comprehensive study in English of the Golden Dawn’s origins, social base, ideology, and place within the extended family of ultranationalist and neo-populist movements in Europe. This book does for fascism what Jurassic Park did for dinosaurs." -Roger Griffin, author of The Nature of Fascism and Modernism and Fascism

What are the achievements, the limits and the failures of the EU’s involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict? This book sets out to answer this question by analysing the development of European policy towards the conflict over the last fifty years.

This text contextualizes the rise of the Golden Dawn within the Eurozone crisis. The authors argue that the movement’s success may be explained by the extent to which it was able to respond to the crisis of the nation-state and democracy in Greece with its ‘nationalist solution’: the twin fascist myths of social decadence and national rebirth.

Contents: Introduction / European Political Cooperation and the Middle East Conflict / The EU and the Middle East Peace Process: From Hope to Despair / The EU Strategy for the Middle East Peace Process in the 9/11 Era / European Foreign Policy and the ArabIsraeli Peace Process / The Instruments of European Foreign Policy and their Use in the Case of the ArabIsraeli Peace Process / Transatlantic Relations and the Middle East / Conclusion

Contents: Table of Contents / List of tables / List of figures / Acknowledgements / 1. Introduction / 2. The Rise of the Golden Dawn in the Context of the Greek Crisis / 3. Who Supports the Golden Dawn? An Analysis of the Disillusioned Voter / 4. The Myth of Social Decadence: The Golden Dawn’s Populist Nationstatism / 5. The Myth of National Rebirth: The Golden Dawn’s Populist Ultra-nationalism / 6. Conclusion / Appendix / References

August 2015 Paperback

February 2015 96pp 9 b/w tables, 4 figures Hardback £45.00

288pp £23.99

216x138mm 9781137343703

Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Series Edited by: Michelle Egan, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson

216x138mm 9781137487124

Reform and Transition in the Mediterranean Series Edited by: Ioannis N. Grigoriadis

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Europe’s Legitimacy Crisis

Electing and Ejecting Party Leaders in Britain

From Causes to Solutions Michael Longo, College of Law and Justice, Victoria University, Australia, Philomena B. Murray, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia

"This bold and invigorating book is a breath of fresh air. Murray and Longo are great critical friends to the EU, offering both a telling diagnosis of its longstanding and several crises, and workable suggestions for their solution. It should be required reading for anyone with an interest in making a better EU, one worthy of its half-billion citizens."– Professor Alex Warleigh-Lack, FAcSS, University of Surrey, UK Sharp in focus and succinct in analysis, this Pivot examines the latest developments and scholarly debates surrounding the sources of the European Union’s crisis of legitimacy and possible solutions. It examines not only the financial and economic dimensions of the current crisis, but also those crises at the heart of the EU integration project. Contents: List of Tables / Preface / Abbreviations and Acronyms / Introduction / PART I: NARRATING THE PAST / 1. The EU has Been Shaped by Crisis: Chronicle of a Crisis Foretold / 2. The Search for a Convincing Narrative and Leadership / 3. The Sources of Europe’s Crisis / PART II: SEEKING A FUTURE / 4. Contesting Europe’s Past and Imagining Europe’s Future: Do Identity and Participation Matter? / 5. The Road to Recovery: Social Justice and Legitimacy / Bibliography / Further Reading / Index May 2015 Hardback

152pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137436535

Thomas Quinn, University of Essex, UK

“This is an important and timely study of what has been a neglected topic in the literature. Public evaluations of party leaders play a really important role in influencing voting behaviour in Britain, and so it is important to understand why and how the parties select their leaders. This book makes a really interesting contribution to understanding that process.” - Paul Whiteley, Professor of Government, University of Essex, UKand Co-director of the British Election Study The Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats each allow their members to participate in the selection of the party leader. It also examines the consequences of all-member ballots in leadership elections. It looks at how parties remove leaders, showing that each of the major British parties sought to make it harder to evict incumbents. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Electing and Ejecting Party Leaders / 3. Selection and Ejection by the Parliamentary Party / 4. The Labour Party: The Electoral College / 5. The Conservative Party: Enfranchising the Members / 6. The Liberal Democrats: One MemberOne Vote / 7. Electing and Ejecting Party Leaders: An Assessment / Appendix A: Labour Party Leadership Election Results 1955-2010 / Appendix B: Conservative Party Leadership Election Results 1965-2005 / Appendix C: Liberal Party, Social Democratic Party and Liberal Democrat Leadership Election Results 19672007 / Leadership Election Rules and Results in the Minor Parties and Devolved Major Parties: / Appendix D: Green Party of England and Wales /and more... April 2015 Paperback

272pp £19.99

216x138mm 9781137516718


Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century Edited by Scarlett Cornelissen, Department of Political Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, Fantu Cheru, African Studies Centre, Netherlands, Timothy M. Shaw, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, and Emeritus Professor, University of London, UK

“Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century is a must read resource for graduate students in political science, public administration and international business administration.” - George Allan Phiri, Institute of Research, Development and Training, African Studies Quarterly By exploring the many unchartered dimensions of Africa’s international relations, the authors present fresh insights on aspects such as power, identity, statehood and sovereignty in the world system. Contents: Introduction: Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century: Still Challenging Theory?; S.Cornelissen, F.Cheru & T.M.Shaw / PART I: RECONCEPTUALIZING AUTHORITY AND SOVEREIGNTY / Africa as an Agent of International Relations Knowledge; K.Smith / Collectivist Worldview: Its Challenge to International Relations; T.K.Tieku / Authority, Sovereignty and Africa’s Changing Regimes of Territorialization; U.Engel & G.R.Olson / PART II: INNOVATIONS FROM BELOW: TERRITORY AND IDENTITY / Bringing Identity into International Relations: Reflections on Nationalism, Nativism and Xenophobia in Africa; S.J.Ndlovu-Gatsheni / Towards New Approaches to Statehood and GovernanceBuilding in Africa: The Somali Crisis Reconsidered; L.W.Moe / Diasporas and African Development: The Struggle for Sustainable Peace and Development in Sierra Leone; A.Zack-Williams / and more ... August 2015 272pp 3 b/w tables, 1 figure Paperback £21.99

216x138mm 9781137501301

International Political Economy Series Series Edited by: Timothy M. Shaw


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Contentious Politics in the Middle East Popular Resistance and Marginalized Activism beyond the Arab Uprisings Edited by Fawaz A. Gerges, London School of Economics, UK

While the Arab people took center stage in the Arab Spring protests, academic studies have focused more on structural factors to understand the limitations of these popular uprisings. This book analyzes the role and complexities of popular agency in the Arab Spring through the framework of contentious politics and social movement theory. Contents: Introduction / Contextualizing The Arab Uprisings: Different Regimes, Different Revolutions And Different Trajectories; Fawaz A Gerges / PART I / 1. Contention And Constitutionalisation In The Global Realm: Assessing The Uprisings In West Asia And North Africa For International Politics; Jan Wilkens / 2. Reconceptualizing Resistance And Reform In The Middle East; Mishana Hosseinioun / 3. Kuwaiti Arab Spring? The Role Of Transnational Factors In Kuwait’s Contentious Politics; Anastasia Nosova / 4. The Iraqi Independence Movement: A Case Of Transgressive Contention; Aula Hariri / PART II / 5. Contentious Politics And The Syrian Crisis: Internationalisation And Militarisation Of Conflict; Jasmine Gani / 6. Foreign Engagement In Contentious Politics: Europe And The 2011 Uprisings In Libya; Inez Von Weitershausen / 7. Foreign Actors: A Double-Edged Sword Over Contentious Politics In The Middle East; Eugenio Lilli / 8. Transnationalized Domestic Contention: Explaining The Varying Level Of Western Solidarity Given To Kurds And Palestinians; David Zarnett / 9. The Emergence Of The Boycott, Divestment, And Sanctions Movement; Suzanne Morrison / PART III / 10. Contentious Copts: The Emergence, Success And Decline Of Maspero Youth Movement In Egypt; Magdalena C. Delgado / 11. From Progress To Order: The ‘Kurdish Openings’ And Limits To Contentious Politics In Turkey; Oğuzhan Göksel / 12. Contentious Politics And Bottom-Up Mobilisation In Revolutionary Egypt: The Case Of Egyptian Football Supporters In Cairo; Suzan Gibril / and more September 2015 Hardback Paperback

342pp £73.00 £27.00

216x140mm 9781137537218 9781137537201

Middle East Today Series Edited by: Fawaz A. Gerges, Nader Hashemi



Intelligence Communication in the Digital Era

Theory and Practice 5th edition G.R. Berridge, University of Leicester, UK

Transforming Security, Defence and Business Edited by Ruben Arcos, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, Randolph Pherson, Pherson Associates, USA

‘’The ‘digital revolution’ is transforming the ways in which top decision-makers handle information. They see new forms of presentation in the products of the world’s leading news organisations. The intelligence community risks losing impact and influence, and facing increasing obsolescence, unless it similarly adapts. This timely and important book addresses imaginative ways of tackling these challenges.’’ – Sir Richard Mottram GCB, Former Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, United Kingdom This edited volume argues that producers of analysis need to shift from producing static, narrative products to much more dynamic, digitally-based platforms in order to remain competitive and relevant. Contents: Introduction: The Changing Intelligence Communications Landscape / 1. Communicating Analysis in a Digital Era / 2. Presentational Tradecraft: A New Skill / 3. Communicating Risk / 4. Establishing a New Paradigm of Collaboration / 5. Creating Impactful Intelligence: Communication Lessons From the Corporate Environment / 6. Transforming Producer/Consumer Relations through Modeling and Computation June 2015 Hardback

112pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137523785

"Probably the most prolific contemporary writer on diplomacy is Professor Geoff R. Berridge […] Each of his many books is impeccably well written and full of insights into the fascinating formation of modern diplomacy" – Robert William Dry, New York University, USA, and Chairman of AFSA’s Committee on the Foreign Service Profession and Ethics Fully revised and updated, this comprehensive guide to diplomacy explores the art of negotiating international agreements and the channels through which such activities occur – when states are in diplomatic relations, and when they are not. This new edition includes chapters on secret intelligence and economic and commercial diplomacy. Contents: Introduction / 1. The Foreign Ministry / Staffing And Supporting Missions Abroad / PolicyMaking And Implementation / Coordination Of Foreign Relations / Dealing With Foreign Diplomats At Home / Building Support At Home / PART I: THE ART OF NEGOTIATION / Introduction To Part I / 2. Prenegotiations / Agreeing The Need To Negotiate / Agreeing The Agenda / Agreeing Procedure / 3.’AroundThe-Table’ Negotiations / The Formula Stage / The Details Stage / 4. Diplomatic Momentum / Deadlines / Metaphors Of Movement / Publicity / Raising The Level Of The Talks / 5. Packaging Agreements / International Legal Obligations At A Premium / Signalling Importance At A Premium / Convenience At A Premium / Saving Face At A Premium / 6. Following Up / Early Methods / Monitoring By Experts / Monitoring By Embassies / Review Meetings / PART II: DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS / Introduction To Part II /and more July 2015 Hardback Paperback

288pp £69.99 £24.99

216x138mm 9781137445506 9781137445513

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Paying Bribes for Public Services A Global Guide to Grass-Roots Corruption

Politics and Governance in the Middle East Vincent Durac, University College Dublin, Ireland, Francesco Cavatorta, Laval University, Canada

Richard Rose, University of Strathclyde, UK, Caryn Peiffer, University of Strathclyde, UK

“Using evidence from surveys around the globe, Richard Rose’s book calls much needed attention to the pervasiveness of “grassroots corruption”. It uses the evidence to identify a set of innovative policy recommendations about how to turn the tide against bribery worldwide. This makes the book a key resource for policy-makers and the anti-corruption community worldwide.” – Robin Hodess, Group Director-Research and Knowledge, Transparency International This book documents what happens when people encounter public officials. It draws on multinational Barometer surveys asking questions about corruption and bribery in 119 countries. Clear prose, tables and figures report the answers given by more than 250,000 people and the conclusion sets out six principles for reducing bribery. Contents: List Of Tables And Figures / Preface / 1. Why Bribery Matters / Corruption: A Word With Many Uses / Behaviour At The Grass Roots / Questions And Answers / 2. Getting Things Done By The Book, By Hook Or By Crook / Bureaucracy As A Book Of Rules / Bureaucracy Not The Only Way Of Getting Things Done / Is Bribery Wrong? / 3. Contact Is Critical / Public Services Differ / Contact Varies By Service / 4. The Extent Of Bribery / Payment Of A Bribe / Bribes Vary By Service / When Bribery Happens / How Much Is Paid As A Bribe / Credibility Checks / 5. Perception Is Not Experience / Mass Perceptions Of Corruption / Potential For Protest / 6. Differences Across Time, Space And Individuals / No Trend Over Time / Differences Between Countries / Explaining Differences In Who Pays Bribes / 7. Choices In Surveys / Core Topics And Questions / Choices In Fieldwork / and more. February 2015 124pp 14 b/w tables, 18 figures Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137509666


A systematic and upto-date introduction to politics and society in the Middle East. It examines domestic, regional and global actors and in light of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’, pays particular attention to the tension between processes of democratization and ongoing authoritarianism. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. The Arab Awakening / 3. The Historical and Political Context / 4. Social Structures and Social Development / 5. Political Economy / 6. Institutions, Parties and Elections / 7. Religion and Politics / 8. Civil Society and Political Change / 9. Gender and Politics / 10. The Military, Security and Conflict / 11. The Middle East and the Wider World / 12. After the Awakening July 2015 3 figures, 1 map Hardback Paperback



£75.00 £24.99

9780230361324 9780230361331


Rational Choice 2nd edition Andrew Hindmoor, University of Sheffield, UK, Brad Taylor, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

"A very accessible introduction to rational choice theory and to the work of key scholars within this tradition. Unusually balanced and thoughtful in its approach, it highlights both the strengths and limits of rational choice not only in particular substantive areas but, with striking originality, in terms of its philosophical underpinnings." - Jack Knight, Washington University, USA This critically-acclaimed text provides a clear introduction to, and uniquely fair-minded assessment of Rational Choice approaches. The substantially revised, updated and extended new edition includes more substantial coverage of game theory, collective action, ‘revisionist’ public choice, and the use of rational choice in International Relations. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. James M. Buchanan and Constitutional Political Economy / 3. Anthony Downs and the Spatial Theory of Party Competition / 4. William Riker and the Theory of Coalitions / 5. Kenneth Arrow and Social Choice Theory / 6. Mancur Olson and the Logic of Collective Action / 7. Gordon Tullock, Rent Seeking, and Government Failure / 8. Anthony Downs (again) and the Economics of Information and Voter Choice / 9. Rational Choice Explanation August 2015 272pp 21 figures, 5 b/w tables Hardback £75.00 Paperback £29.99

216x138mm 9781137427427 9781137427410

Political Analysis Series Edited by: B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre, Gerry Stoker

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Rebellious Conservatives Social Movements in Defense of Privilege David R. Dietrich, Texas State University, USA

"Dietrich’s accessible study advances understanding of contemporary conservative social movements, providing an indispensable account of why relatively well-off American citizens protest. The voices of conservative activists from the anti-illegal immigration, anti-abortion, and Tea Party movements reverberate throughout Rebellious Conservatives as they seek to restore, preserve, and defend privileges of citizenship, language, education, Christianity, jobs, and fetal rights while simultaneously restricting access to those privileges." - Robert Benford, Professor of Sociology, University of South Florida, USA Rebellious Conservatives analyzes three movements, the anti-abortion/pro-life movement, the anti-illegal immigration movement, and the Tea Party, to show how perceptions of threats to their privileges drives conservative protest and how these movements seek to reshape America. Contents: 1. Understanding Conservative Protest / 2. “This is Our Country”: Identities of Privilege / 3. “Spiraling Downward on a Path to Anarchy”: Characterizing Threats to Privilege / 4. “Invaders,” “Murderers,” and “Communists”: Agents of Threat / 5. ‘To Reclaim Our Nation”: How Conservative Protesters Want to Change America / 6. “The ‘Silent Majority’ is Silent No More”: Summary and Conclusion September 2015 9 figures Paperback






The Federalist Papers and Institutional Power In American Political Development Daniel Wirls, University of California Santa Cruz, USA

"Wirls’ fresh and compelling treatment of institutional power and dynamics in The Federalist Papers reveals what has been neglected in thinking about this canonical work. It also illuminates what we stand to gain in adopting The Federalist Papers’ view of institutional power: offering us a way to understand more fully what political development looks like and why it takes the form that it does. Wirls’ book will be of interest to scholars of both American Political Thought and American Political Development, setting an ambitious agenda for future scholarship that combines areas of study that too often sit apart."- George Thomas, Claremont McKenna College, USA This study reconnects The Federalist Papers to the study of American politics and political development, arguing that the papers contain previously unrecognized theory of institutional power, a theory that enlarges and refines the contribution of the papers to political theory, but also reconnects the papers to the study of American politics. Contents: 1. The Federalist Theory of Institutional Power / 2. The Separated Institutions Sharing Power: Powers, Organization, and Constituency in The Federalist / 3. Stability, Change, and Power in the Study of Political Institutions / 4. Powers, Organization, and Constituency in Early American Political Development / 5. The Second Republic: The Era of Presidential Power and the Personal Branches / 6. Conclusion


Sustainable Cities Governing for Urban Innovation Simon Joss, University of Westminster, UK

Sustainability is a watchword of policymakers and planners around the world, with cities providing the main focus for development. This comprehensive introduction to sustainability shows how cities are adopting sustainable practices, and considers how to achieve a public-governance approach for the urban age. Contents: 1. Sustainability and the City? / 2. Conceptualising Urban Sustainability: The Process Perspective / 3. Past and Present Policy Discourses / 4. The Global Picture / 5. New Governance Challenges / 6. The Rise of the Urban Sustainability Framework / 7. Sustainability through Knowledge / 8. Sustainable Cities: Towards a More Public Governance June 2015 352pp 216x138mm 15 figures, 6 b/w tables, 3 b/w photos Hardback £75.00 9781137006363 Paperback £28.99 9781137006356

Planning, Environment, Cities Series Edited by: Yvonne Rydin, Andy Thornley

April 2015 142pp 216x138mm 3 graphs, 2 colour illustrations, 4 b/w tables Hardback £45.00 9781137533272

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Designing Industrial Policy in Latin America Business-State Relations and the New Developmentalism


Antonio A. R. Ioris, University of Edinburgh, UK

The study investigates the complexity of the Latin American mega cities and the multiple commitments of the apparatus of the state with a focus on the failures of the public water sector. It offers an innovative interpretation of largescale urbanization, one of the most challenging questions affecting Latin American governments and society. Contents: 1. State, Water and the Production of the Latin American City / 2. The Exclusionary City, Political Statehood and a Thirsty Population / 3. National Development and Urban Water Demands through the Mexican Capital City / 4. The Urbanisation of Lima, Neoliberal Reforms and Water-related Tensions / 5. Water Problems and Conflicting Water Values in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region / 6. About the City, Water and the State: The Way Forward 160pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137468666

Cities and the Global Politics of the Environment Series Edited by: Michele Acuto, Sofie Bouteligier

Post/humanitarian Border Politics between Mexico and the US People, Places, Things

Ben Ross Schneider, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Water, State and the City

April 2015 Hardback


Development economists and practitioners agree that close collaboration between business and government improves industrial policy, yet little research exists on how best to organize that. This book examines three necessary functions–information exchange, authoritative allocation, and reducing rent seeking–-across experiences in Latin America. Contents: 1. Introduction: Institutional Dynamics of Industrial Policy / 2. Principles of Institutional Design in Business-Government Councils / I. Introduction / II. What happens in Councils: Disaggregating Interactions / III. The Korean Model in Export and Technology Councils / IV. Conclusion / 3. Ongoing Experimentation with Business-Government Councils in Latin America / I. Introduction / II. Disaggregating Councils by Scope and Function / III. Beyond Councils: Formal and Informal Business Representation / IV. Conclusions / 4. Putting Councils and Industrial Policy in Context: Political Systems and Big Business / I. Introduction / II. Political Institutions and Privileged Access for Big Business / III. Structure and Preferences of Business Groups / IV. Business groups, MNCs, and Possibilities for Industrial Policy / V. Conclusion / 5. Conclusions / Appendices / A. Interviews / B. Abbreviations March 2015 2 b/w tables Hardback





Latin American Political Economy Series Edited by: Juan Pablo Luna, Rodrigo Mardones, Andreas E. Feldmann

Vicki Squire, University of Warwick, UK

The author assesses the politics of different humanitarian interventions in the Mexico-US border region developing a unique perspective on the significance of people, places and things to contemporary border struggles. Contents: 1. The Sonoran Borderzone / Introduction / The Sonoran Desert / State Borders And The Governing Of Mobility / Asymmetric Divisions / Unauthorised Border Crossings / Migrant Deaths / The Intensification And Contestation Of Control / The Politics Of Control / Humanitarian Activism Between Migration And Control / Post/ Humanitarian Politics Across The Sonoran Borderzone / 2. A More-Than-Human Analysis Of Humanitarian Border Politics / Critical Border And Migration Studies / The Proliferation Of Borders / Normalisation And Biopolitics / Migrant Agency As Given And/Or Denied / Humanitarian Activism / Humanitarian Ethics And Law / Humanitarian Government And Politics / Humanitarian Politics As Contestation / A More-Than-Human Analysis / People, Places, Things / 3. People, Privilege And Pity / Toothbrushes In The Green Valley / Engaging People Through Things / Documenting Things / Las Madres, No Mas Lágrimas / Inscribing Privilege Through Pity / A Danger Unto Themselves (And Unto Others) / Violating Clandestine Acts Of Migration / Exclusionary At Heart / Cut I: A Pitiful Humanitarianism? / 4. Places, Violence And Response-Ability / Water Bottles In The Desert / Changing The Desert To A Human/E Place / The Desert As A Site Of Biophysical Violence / Beyond A ‘Minimalist Biopolitics’ / and more March 2015 120pp 4 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137395887

Mobility & Politics Series Edited by: Martin Geiger, Parvati Raghuram, William Walters


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The Foreign Aid Regime Gift-Giving, States and Global Dis/Order Annalisa Furia, University of Bologna, Italy

The author develops an original interpretation of foreign aid by analysing it as a particular domain of international government. She demonstrates how foreign aid practices are contemporary forms of gift-giving that have made recipient countries and populations governable due to a continuously renovated and expanded debt of development. Contents: Introduction / 1. Foreign Aid is Gift / Modernising the Order / The Maussian Gift / Many Gifts / Internationalising the Gift / 2. The Foreign Aid Regime / The New Name of Peace / Development Can Be Developed / Countries and Peoples that Cannot Be Trusted / The Logic of the Gift / 3. Dis/Ordering the World / Conflict, Poverty and Quasi-States / Cooperation, Friendship and Justice / Conclusion: Playing Communitas Against Immunitas, and the Other Way Round April 2015 144pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137505897


Climate Change and Individual Responsibility


Migration and Worker Fatalities Abroad

Agency, Moral Disengagement and the Motivational Gap Wouter Peeters, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, Andries De Smet, Ghent University, Belgium, Lisa Diependaele, Ghent University, Belgium, Sigrid Sterckx, Ghent University, Belgium

"The mysteries of motivation that have bamboozled many students of climate change are confronted head-on in this ground-breaking and valuable exploration of the psychological mechanisms of moral disengagement that underlie our mystifying inaction in the face of the growing dangers. The authors thoroughly demonstrate how deeply misleading our conventional phenomenology of moral agency is as ordinarily applied to climate change and suggest positive strategies for tackling moral disengagement while time remains." - Henry Shue, University of Oxford, UK

AKM Ahsan Ullah, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, Mallik Hossain, Jagannath University, Bangladesh, Kazi Maruful Islam, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

This study investigates the alarming number of fatalities amongst migrant workers. The authors argue that migrant workers are often powerless and unprotected by national laws, unearthing new truths on migrant workers as significant economic players. Contents: 1. Introduction: Understanding Migration and Fatalities / 2. Migrants’ Rights and Gaps in Protection / 3. Profiling the Deceased Migrants / 4. The Price Migrants Pay, and Policies in Place / 5. Conclusions and Recommendations April 2015 160pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137451170

This book discusses the agency and responsibility of individuals in climate change, and argues that these are underemphasized, enabling individuals to maintain their consumptive lifestyles without having to accept moral responsibility for their luxury emissions. Contents: 1. Introduction / 1.1. Is Someone Responsible? / 1.2. Overview / 2. Climate Change, Human Rights and Moral Responsibility / 2.1. Human Rights Threatened by Climate Change / 2.2. Assigning Remedial Responsibility for Tackling Climate Change / 2.3. Individual Responsibility and Moral Agency / 3. The Phenomenology of Agency in Climate Change / 3.1. First Feature: the Primacy of Acts Over Omissions / 3.2. Second Feature: the Primacy of Near Effects Over Remote Effects / 3.3. Third Feature: the Primacy of Individual Effects Over Group Effects / and more... February 2015 152pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137464491

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Soft Power and Freedom under the Coalition

TEXTBOOK 3rd edition Robert Leach, Leeds Beckett University, UK

Reviews of previous editions ‘A joy to read: well written with a clarity that will make it accessible to students, it is also very successful in achieving its objectives as an introduction to the main ideologies and their significance in British politics’ - Wyn Grant, University of Warwick ‘Clearly and objectively written, this book will interest all students of political thought’ - M.Curtis, Choice As well as introducing the ‘mainstream’ ideologies of Liberalism, Conservatism and Socialism, this text examines challenges from nationalist, feminist and Green thinkers, amongst others. Now in its third edition, it includes a new chapter on anarchism and assesses the continuing disillusionment of Britain with the ideas of the ‘Westminster elite’. Contents: Introduction: Ideology in British Politics / Liberalism / Conservatism / Socialism, Social Democracy and Labour / Anarchism / Nationalism / Racism, Fascism and Populism / Multiculturalism / Feminism / Green Ideology / Changing Ideologies? / 216x138mm 9781137332554

Contemporary Political Studies Series Edited by: John Benyon


British Party Politics and Ideology after New Labour

State-Corporate Power and the Threat to Democracy

Political Ideology in Britain

May 2015 320pp 3 b/w tables, 5 figures Hardback £75.00


Edited by Simon Griffiths, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, Kevin Hickson, University of Liverpool, UK

Emma Bell, University of Savoie, France

“A fascinating exploration – case by case, act by act, and in both foreign and domestic policy – of how a shrunken, negative, corporatefriendly definition of freedom came to dominate Coalition thinking and dash the hopes of those who hoped that May 2010 might turn out to be a genuinely ‘liberal moment’ for the UK.” – Tim Bale, Professor of Politics, Queen Mary University of London, UK This study of five key policy areas, from welfare reform to foreign policy, demonstrates that the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition failed to fulfil its promise to reverse the rising power of the State. It exercised more subtle forms of ‘soft power’, often in partnership with the private sector, and to the detriment of ordinary citizens. Contents: Acknowledgements / List Of Relevant UK Legislation / Introduction: A Liberal Manifesto / 1. Decentring The State / Power-Sharing And Democratic Government / The Governance Of Freedom / Governing Through The ‘Big Society’ / 2. Empowering The People / Empowerment Through Welfare Reform / Trapped In Poverty / Muscular Liberalism And Welfare / Muscular Liberalism And Multiculturalism / Moral Liberalism? / 3. Legislating For Freedom / Taming Big Brother? / Balancing Liberty And Security? / Reconciling Freedom And Justice? / 4. Economic Policy: From Small State To Big Business / The Politics Of Austerity / Corporate Welfare / Light-Touch Regulation / A Solid Coalition Of Interests / and more February 2015 Hardback

144pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137505774

“It is a worthy attempt... to link the conventional empirical study of partisan politics with deeper issues of political theory.” - Financial Times British Party Politics and Ideology after New Labour brings together academics and politicians to debate the intellectual roots of the ideas that currently drive the main UK political parties. With major players responding to the arguments raised in each chapter, the book will be a must-read for anyone interested in or teaching British politics. Contents: Preface; D.Owen / Introduction; K.Hickson and S.Griffiths / PART I: DID BLAIR ADVANCE SOCIAL DEMOCRACY?; A.Finlayson, D.Kavanagh and J.Tonge / PART II: LABOUR AFTER BLAIR / 1. Assessing the Impact of the Third Way; J.Atkins / 2. What makes Progressive Ideology?: Lessons from the Third Way; W.Leggett / 3. Response to Atkins and Leggett; T.Giddens / 4. New Labour, New Liberalism and Revisionism’s Second Wave; S.Griffiths / 5. Response to Griffiths; R.Hattersley / 6. Gordon Brown, ‘Britishness’ and the Negation of England; S.Lee / 7. Response to Lee; A.Aughey / PART III: THE CONSERVATIVES UNDER CAMERON / 8. Built on Sand? Ideology and Conservative Modernization under David Cameron; M.Garnett / 9. Cameron, Modernization and Conservative Britain; P.Lynch / 10. Response to Garnett and Lynch; A.Gamble / 11. Mutualism and the Reinvention of Civil Society: A Conservative Agenda?; C.Ellis / 12. Response to Ellis; D.Willetts / PART IV: WHERE NOW FOR THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS? / 13. Icarus Turns Back: Liberal Democrat Constitutional Policy; M.Cole / and more... April 2015 Paperback

288pp £19.99

216x138mm 9781137516435

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Cameron and the Conservatives

Essentials of UK Politics

Politics and Governance in the UK

The Transition to Coalition Government

3rd edition

3rd edition

Edited by Timothy Heppell, School of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Leeds, UK, David Seawright, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, UK

“This work is far from being just another assessment of the Coalition’s first year in office. In addition to the in-depth examination of Cameron’s statecraft strategy, Heppell and Seawright offer a compelling analysis of the Conservative Party’s ideological trajectory under Cameron, particularly in relation to a New Labour legacy.” - Agnès Alexandre-Collier, Professor, Université de Bourgogne, France Specialists in Conservative Party politics examine the effectiveness of the Cameron led coalition. The contributors examine Cameron as leader and Prime Minister; the Conservatives’ modernisation strategy; the level of ideological coherence in ‘liberal conservatism’; and the impact of the coalition on a range of policy areas and on ‘New’ Labour. Contents: 1. Introduction; T.Heppell and D.Seawright / 2. Understanding Conservative Modernisation; C.Byrne, E.Foster and P.Kerr / 3. The Conservative Election Campaign; D.Seawright / 4. The Conservatives and the Electorate; D.Denver / 5. Economic Policy; A.Gamble / 6. European Policy; P.Lynch / 7. Immigration Policy; T.Bale and J.Hampshire / 8. Territorial Politics; N.Randall and D.Seawright / 9. Foreign Policy; V.Honeyman / 10. Fixing Broken Britain; R.Hayton / 11. Women and Feminisation; V.Bryson / 12. Liberal Conservatism: Ideological Coherence?; S.McAnulla / 13. Coalition Cohesion; P.Norton / 14. David Cameron as Prime Minister; K.Theakston / 15. Labour in Opposition; T.Heppell and M.Hill / 16. Conclusion; T.Heppell and D.Seawright February 2015 Paperback

288pp £19.99

216x138mm 9781137515582

Andrew Heywood, Freelance author, UK

Feedback on previous editions: “Yet another highly useful and timely textbook from Andy Heywood which will instil confidence in students and their teachers.” - Kerrie Carpenter, Head of Social Sciences, St Philomena’s School “Drawing on his experience as a teacher and examiner, Andrew Heywood has written a textbook that will be clear and accessible to all, but that also contains the depth of analysis required for students to reach the higher grades. If you are looking for a single textbook to meet all your students’ needs, this is the one! I will be adopting this book.” - Linda Jeffries, Old Palace School “It does something so essential to the study of politics: it wraps the theory in relevant, up-todate and interesting examples which engage the student quickly. The lay out is appealing and the way it tackles the subject makes sense with the exam specs in mind.” - Gareth J. Hughes, Head of Government and Politics, Silcoates School Updated to cover the period up to and including the 2015 General Election, the new edition of this best-selling AS-level text covers all topics in the Edexcel and AQA syllabi and the core requirements of other boards. Written by a top textbook author and chief examiner it is packed with features to aid learning and revision. Contents: How To Use this Book / PART I: PEOPLE AND POLITICS / 1. Introducing Politics and Government / 2. Democracy and Participation / 3. Elections and Voting / 4. Political Parties / 5. Pressure Groups / PART II: GOVERNING THE UK / 6. The Constitution / 7. Parliament / 8. Prime Minister, Cabinet and the Executive / 9. Judges and Civil Liberties / 10. The EU and Multilevel Governance August 2015 384pp 246x189mm 16 b/w photos, 14 figures, 2 maps, 2 b/w tables Paperback £24.99 9781137530745

Michael Moran, University of Manchester, UK

Review of previous edition: “Comprehensive, accessible, engaging and highly innovative, the second edition of this landmark text provides a judicious and creatively illustrated mix of theory, commentary and analysis. Moran brings British politics alive as never before.” - Colin Hay, University of Sheffield, UK This thoroughly revised third edition of a much praised, comprehensive text on British politics and governance takes into account developments up to and including the 2015 General Election and reflects on the recent upheavals in Britain’s constitutional settlement. Contents: 1. Why Politics Matters And Why British Politics Matters / 2. Politics And Policy In A Capitalist Democracy / 3. The Constitution And The British Political Culture / 4. The Core Executive In The Westminster System / 5. Departments And Agencies In The Westminster System / 6. Representing Interests In The Westminster System / 7. Parliament In The Westminster System / 8. Devolved Government In Northern Ireland / 9. From Devolution To Dissolution: Governing Scotland And Wales / 10. The Worlds Of Local And Regional Government: Multi-Level Governance In Action / 11. Europeanizing British Government / 12. Parties And Their Organization / 13. Parties And Their Ideologies / 14. How Citizens Participate / 15. How Political Communication Happens / 16. How Elections Are Decided / 17. How Leaders Are Selected / 18. Understanding Policy Under Multilevel Governance / 19. Managing Resource Raising And Allocation / 20. Managing Justice And Security / 21. Managing, Protecting And Creating Citizen Rights / 22. Understanding The British State: Theories And Evidence August 2015 464pp 246x189mm 17 b/w tables, 33 figures, 32 b/w photos, 41 b/w illustrations Hardback £75.00 9781137365972 Paperback £31.99 9781137365965

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Developments in Theory, Methods and Practice

Judging Free Speech First Amendment Jurisprudence of US Supreme Court Justices Helen J. Knowles is Assistant Professor of Political Science at State University of New York at Oswego, USA. She is the author of The Tie Goes to Freedom: Justice Anthony M. Kennedy on Liberty, and numerous articles about constitutional law, civil liberties, and legal history. She received her Ph.D. from Boston University, USA. Steven B. Lichtman is Associate Professor of Political Science at Shippensburg University, USA. He has authored articles on constitutional law and jurisprudence. He received his Ph.D. from Brandeis University, and his J.D. from New York University School of Law.

Judging Free Speech contains nine original essays by political scientists and law professors, each providing a comprehensive, yet concise and accessible overview of the free speech jurisprudence of a United States Supreme Court Justice. Contents: Introduction: Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave (Helen J. Knowles And Steven B. Lichtman) / 1. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. And The ‘Marketplace Of Ideas’: Experience Proves To Be The ‘Life Of The Law’ (Frederick Lewis) / 2. George Sutherland And The Business Of Expression (Samuel R. Olken) / 3. Absolutism And Democracy: Hugo L. Black’s Free Speech Jurisprudence (Michael Paris And Kevin J. Mcmahon) / 4. ‘Another’s Lyric’: John Marshall Harlan II, Judicial Conservatism, And Free Speech (Douglas E. Edlin) / 5. Justice Civility: William J. Brennan Jr.’S Free Speech Jurisprudence (James C. Foster) / 6. Potter Stewart Meets The Press (Keith J. Bybee) / 7. Anthony M. Kennedy: ‘Speech Is The Beginning Of Thought’ (Helen J. Knowles) / 8. Black Like Me: The Free Speech Jurisprudence Of Clarence Thomas (Steven B. Lichtman) / 9. Stephen Breyer And The First Amendment As Legal Doctrine (Mark Tushnet) / Conclusion: It’s Complicated . . . (Helen J. Knowles And Steven B. Lichtman) September 2015 Hardback Paperback

320pp £68.00 £18.99

Therapeutic Songwriting


216x140mm 9781137434913 9781137434906


Felicity A. Baker, University of Melbourne, Australia

The Manipulation of Online SelfPresentation Create, Edit, Re-edit and Present Alison Attrill, University of Wolverhampton, UK

This book explores psychological theories around the ways in which people present themselves online. The role of dispositional and situational factors along with the motivations that drive self-presentation across diverse Internet arenas are considered. Contents: 1. Introduction – Who Am I? / 2. Theoretical Considerations / 3. Individual Factors and the Cyberself / 4. Motivations for Sharing the Cyberself / 5. The Social Cognitive Internet and the Cyberself March 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137483409

Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology Series Edited by: Jens Binder

“Combining over 20 years experience as a clinician, researcher, and educator, Dr. Baker weaves together a wealth of information that encompasses a rich and remarkable breadth of approaches to, and information about, songwriting for and in music therapy. This multifaceted resource is a unique and exciting addition to the literature.” - Robert E. Krout, Professor and Chair, Music Therapy Department, Southern Methodist University, USA Therapeutic Songwriting provides a comprehensive examination of contemporary methods and models of songwriting as used for therapeutic purposes. It describes the environmental, sociocultural, individual, and group factors shaping practice, and how songwriting is understood and practiced within different psychological and wellbeing orientations. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / 1. Introduction, Research Focus and Method / 2. Songwriting - A Coming of Age / PART II: FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SONGWRITING PROCESS / 3. Environmental Factors / 4. Sociocultural Factors / 5. Individual Factors / 6. Group Factors / 7. Role of Music and Music Technology / PART III: SONGWRITING METHODS / 8. Introducing Songwriting Methods / 9. Songwriting Methods that Emphasize Lyric Creation / 10. Songwriting Methods that Emphasize Both Lyric and Music Creation / 11. Songwriting Methods that Emphasize Music Creation / PART IV: ORIENTATION / 12. Outcome-Oriented Models of Songwriting / 13. Experience-Oriented Models of Songwriting / 14. Context-Oriented Models of Songwriting / 15. Songwriting as an Integral Practice July 2015 304pp 8 b/w tables, 36 figures Hardback £65.00 Paperback £24.99

9781137499219 9781137499226



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Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence Kathleen Stassen Berger, Bronx Community College, CUNY, USA


Psychology: The Science of Person, Mind, and Brain

June 2015 Hardback

672pp £55.99

9.125x10mm 9781464175954

Published by Worth Publishers

Abnormal Psychology Ronald J. Comer has been a professor in Princeton University’s Department of Psychology for the past 27 years and has served as Director of Clinical Psychology Studies for most of that time. He is also currently the director of the department’s undergraduate program.

Daniel Cervone, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, Tracy L. Caldwell (pedagogical author), Dominican University, USA

An investigation of childhood and adolescent development helps bring an evolving field into the evolving classroom. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Theories / 3. Heredity and Environment / 4. Prenatal Development and Birth / 5. The First Two Years: Biosocial Development / 6. The First Two Years: Cognitive Development / 7. The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development / 8. Early Childhood: Biosocial Development / 9. Early Childhood: Cognitive Development / 10. Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development / 11. Middle Childhood: Biosocial Development / 12. Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development / 13. Middle Childhood: Psychosocial Development / 14. Adolescence: Biosocial Development / 15. Adolescence: Cognitive Development / 16. Adolescence: Psychosocial Development / Epilogue: Emerging Adulthood


In Psychology: The Science of Person, Mind, and Brain, experienced teacher, researcher, and author Daniel Cervone provides students with a new and exciting way of understanding psychology. Contents: Introduction / 1. Introducing Psychology / 2. Research Methods / Brain: Biological Foundations of Experience and Behavior / 3. The Brain and the Nervous System / 4. Nature, Nurture, and Their Interaction / 5. Sensation and Perception / Mind: Psychological Systems of Thought, Emotion, and Motivation / 6. Memory / 7. Learning / 8. Thinking, Language, and Intelligence / 9. Consciousness / 10. Emotion, Stress, and Health / 11. Motivation / Person: The Individual in Social Context / 12. Social Psychology / 13. Personality / 14. Development / 15. Psychological Disorders I: Anxiety and Mood Disorders / 16. Psychological Disorders II: Schizophrenia, Personality Disorders, and Dissociative Disorders / Appendix A: Statistics / Appendix B: Chapter Summaries and Answers March 2015 Hardback

800pp £45.99

284.48 x 233.68 mm 9781429220835

Published by Worth Publishers

With its signature integrated coverage of theory, diagnosis, and treatment, and remarkably inclusive cross-cultural perspective, this new edition of Comer’s widely adopted textbook shows students where the study and treatment of psychological disorders stand today. Contents: Abnormal Psychology in Science and Clinical Practice / 1. Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present / 2. Research in Abnormal Psychology / 3. Models of Abnormality / 4. Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment / Problems of Anxiety and Mood / 5. Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorders / 6. Disorders of Trauma and Stress / 7. Depressive and Bipolar Disorders / 8. Treatments for Depressive and Bipolar Disorders / 9. Suicide / Problems of the Mind and Body / 10. Disorders Featuring Somatic Symptoms / 11. Eating Disorders / 12. Substance Use and Addictive Disorders / 13. Disorders of Sex and Gender: Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilic Disorders, and Gender Dysphoria / Problems of Psychosis and the Cognitive Function / 14. Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders / 15. Treatments for Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders / Life-Span Problems / 16. Personality Disorders / 17. Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence / 18. Disorders of Aging and Cognition / Conclusion / 19. Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession April 2015 Hardback

848pp £54.99

9.125x10mm 9781464171703

Published by Worth Publishers

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Online Research Methods for Psychologists Neil Coulson, University of Nottingham, UK

Featuring a wealth of examples and practical advice, this is the best possible resource for students conducting research online. Bringing together key topics, this student-friendly textbook guides you through the design and execution of different online research methods. Contents: 1. Introduction to Online Research / 2. Online Interviews / 3. Online Focus Groups / 4. Online Surveys / 5. Online Experiments / 6. Social Media as a Research Environment September 2015 184pp 8 b/w tables, 1 b/w illustration Paperback £21.99


Atypical Child Development in Context


The Orgasm in Contemporary Western Culture

2nd edition Janet Empson, Faculty of Development and Society, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

The book considers the important issue of what is ‘normal’ and what is ‘atypical’ in child development. It examines the main processes involved in developing atypically, as well as the circumstances and conditions associated with it. The second edition is fully updated and features new research, case studies, real-life examples and figures. Contents: 1.Typical and Atypical in Child Development / 2.Risk and Resilience and Atypical Child Development / 3.Child Abuse / 4.Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties: Internalising and Externalising Disorders / 5.Genetic and Pervasive Developmental Disorders / 6.Learning Disability / 7.Approaches to Intervention / 8.Atypical Child Development and Social Issues September 2015 240pp 9 b/w illustrations, 3 b/w tables Paperback £27.99

234x156mm 9781137302632

Orgasmic Bodies Hannah Frith, University of Brighton, UK

‘In Orgasmic Bodies, Hannah Frith makes the already-complicated and treacherous terrain of orgasm even more deliciously complex and nuanced. As a distillation of cultural anxieties, personal pleasures, deep power imbalances, and bodily possibilities, Frith’s analysis of orgasm pushes us to understand and evaluate gender relations and erotic thrills such that we as readers shudder with delight and terror in equal measure. This is the social science book on orgasm we have all been waiting for.’ - Breanne Fahs, Associate Professor of Women and Gender studies at Arizona State University, USA and author of Performing Sex and The Moral Panics of Sexuality Orgasmic Bodies explores how bodily experiences of orgasm are worked up as present/absent, complicated/straightforward, too slow/too fast, fake or real, in the doing of masculinities and femininities. Engaging with both science and popular culture it examines the meanings given to orgasmic bodies in contemporary heterosex. Contents: 1. What Is An Orgasm... And Why Does It Matter? / 2. The Orgasmic Imperative / 3. Complicated Women, Straightforward Men / 4. Coming Together: The Timing Of Orgasm / 5. Orgasmic Labour: Training The Body For Orgasmic Success / 6. Performing Orgasm: Blurring The ‘Real’ And The ‘Fake’ / 7. Embodying Orgasmic Sensation / 8. The Climax: Conclusions And Reflections / Endnotes July 2015 3 b/w tables Hardback Paperback



£65.00 £19.99

9781137304353 9781137304360


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Social Psychology

Family Caregiving in Aging Populations

The Science of Everyday Life

Family members are increasingly likely to provide caregiving for older adults as the US population ages. This book summarizes what we know about caregiving by spouses and other intimate partners, adult children, siblings, grandchildren, friends, and other relatives, as well as by members of racial, ethnic, and sexual minority groups.

Drawing on over 50 years of combined teaching and research, Greenberg, Schmader, Arndt, and Landau guide students through the rich diversity of the science of social psychology and its insights into everyday life. Contents: 1. The Revealing Science of Social Psychology / 2. Fundamentals of Social Behavior / 3. The Core Elements of Social Cognition / 4. Thinking about People and Events / 5. The Nature, Origins, and Functions of the Self / 6. The Key Self-Motives: Consistency, Esteem, Presentation, and Growth / 7. Social Influence / 8. Persuasion, Attitudes, and Behavior / 9. Group Processes / 10. Understanding Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination / 11. Responding to and Reducing Prejudice / 12. Interpersonal Aggression / 13. Prosocial Behavior / 14. Interpersonal Attraction / 15. Close Relationships 720pp £47.99

283x223mm 9780716704225

Published by Worth Publishers

Psychology 7th edition

Twyla J. Hill, Wichita State University, USA

Jeff Greenberg, University of Arizona, USA, Toni Schmader, University of British Columbia, Canada, Jamie Arndt, University of Missouri, USA, Mark Landau, University of Kansas, USA

March 2015 Hardback


Contents: 1. Preface: Family Caregiving in Aging Populations / 2. Acknowledgments / 3. Social Context of Family Caregiving / 4. Spousal and Intimate Partner Caregiving / 5. Adult Child Caregiving / 6. Caregiving by Other Relatives, Secondary Caregivers, and Members of Minority Groups / 7. Current Policy Regarding Caregiving and Policy Implications June 2015 150pp 9 b/w tables, 3 graphs Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137520678

Sandra E. Hockenbury is a science writer who specializes in psychology. Sandy received her B.A. from Shimer College and her M.A. from the University of Chicago, where she was also a research associate at the Institute of Social and Behavioral Pathology. Susan A. Nolan graduated from the College of the Holy Cross and earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Northwestern University. Susan is the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as an Associate Professor of Psychology, at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. Don H. Hockenbury is Associate Professor of Psychology at Tulsa Community College, where he has had the privilege of teaching undergraduates for more than 30 years. He is a recipient of the Tulsa Community College Award for Teaching Excellence.

This acclaimed classroom favorite makes the science of psychology (and through that, the process of science itself) come alive for students, with personal stories that exemplify important concepts in a student-friendly way, and with coverage of the field’s scientific foundations and advances that is accessible without being oversimplified. Contents: 1. Introduction and Research Methods / 2. Neuroscience and Behavior / 3. Sensation and Perception / 4. Consciousness and Its Variations / 5. Learning / 6. Memory / 7. Thinking, Language, and Intelligence / 8. Motivation and Emotion / 9. Lifespan Development / 10. Gender and Sexuality / 11. Personality / 12. Social Psychology / 13. Stress, Health, and Coping / 14. Psychological Disorders / 15. Therapies / Appendix A: Statistics: Understanding Statistics / Appendix B: Industrial/Organizational Psychology / Appendix C: APA Goals and Outcomes December 2014 Paperback

800pp £49.99

283x239mm 9781464108808

Published by Worth Publishers

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802



The Research Journey of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

The Psychology of ProEnvironmental Communication Beyond Standard Information Strategies

Nic Hooper, University of the West of England, UK, Andreas Larsson, Psykolog Andreas Larsson, Sweden

The environment is part of everyone’s life but there are difficulties in communicating complex environmental problems, such as climate change, to a lay audience. In this book Klöckner defines environmental communication, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the issues involved in encouraging pro-environmental behaviour.

Contents: Foreword; Steven C. Hayes / Prologue / PART I / 1. The Need / 2. The Three Waves / 3. The History of ACT / 4. Contextual Behavioural Science / 5. The Importance of Empirical Research / PART II / 6. Depression / 7. Anxiety Disorders / 8. Serious Mental Illnesses / 9. Substance Abues / 10. Smoking Cessation / 11. Eating Behaviour / 12. Pain / 13. Other Health Conditions / 14. Work / 15. The ACT Variety / PART III / 16. The Statistics / 17. Conclusion

Contents: Preface / 1. What is Environmental Communication and Why is it Important? / 2. Potential and Limitations of Environmental Communication / 3. Understanding Communication - Insights from Theories of Communication / 4. Decision models What Psychological Theories Teach Us about People’s Behaviour / 5. Communication in Large Social Systems - How Information Spreads through Societies / 6. Traditional and New Media - About Amplification and Negation / 7. Target Group Segmentation - Why Knowing your Audience is Important / 8. An Overview of Communication-Based Intervention Techniques / 9. Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviour in Groups and Organisations / 10. Playing Good? - Environmental Communication through Games and Simulations / 11. Rock Festivals, Sport Events, Theatre - Some Out-ofthe-Ordinary Means of Environmental Communication

216x138mm 9781137440150 9781137440167

Self-Esteem and Beyond Neil J. MacKinnon, University of Guelph, Canada

Christian A. Klöckner, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

In 1986 the first research study investigating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) was published. This book, with a foreword by Steven C. Hayes, describes the research journey that ACT has taken over the past 30 years and suggests, in light of the progress that has already been made, how ACT research should move forward in the coming decades.

August 2015 224pp 8 figures, 2 b/w tables Hardback £63.00 Paperback £19.99


May 2015 272pp 9 tables, 20 figures Hardback £65.00 Paperback £21.99

Self-esteem is a concept which everybody experiences but there is conceptual confusion between self-feelings and self-conceptions. This book addresses the issue by replicating past studies with analysis of original data and proposing a three-factor theory of self-sentiments consisting of self-esteem, self-efficacy and self activation. Contents: Preface / 1. Introduction / 2. Self-Concept, Self-Sentiment, and Motivation / 3. The Dimensionality and Levels of Self Sentiment / 4. Measuring SelfSentiment / 5. Psychological Centrality and Rosenberg’s Interactive Hypothesis / 6. The Failure to Confirm Rosenberg’s Interactive Hypothesis / 7. Rosenberg’s Seletivity Hypothesis / 8. Summary and Conclusion April 2015 160pp 17 b/w tables, 3 figures Hardback £45.00


216x138mm 9781137348319 9781137348197



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Myers’ Psychology for AP*


Psychology in Modules

2nd edition

11th edition

11th edition

David G. Myers, Hope College, USA

Dr. Myers will lead your students on a guided tour of psychological science and poignant personal stories. Dr. Myers teaches, illuminates, and inspires. Four years ago, we published this ground-breaking text which is correlated directly to the AP® course. Today, we build on that innovation and proudly introduce the 2nd AP® Edition. Contents: Unit I / Psychology’s History and Approaches / Module 1: Psychology’s History / Module 2: Psychology’s Big Issues and Approaches / Module 3: Careers in Psychology / Unit II / Research Methods: Thinking Critically With Psychological Science / Module 4: The Need for Psychological Science / Module 5: The Scientific Method and Description / Module 6: Correlation and Experimentation / Module 7: Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life / Module 8: Frequently Asked Questions About Psychology / Unit III / Biological Bases of Behavior / Module 9: Biological Psychology and Neurotransmission / Module 10: The Nervous and Endocrine Systems / Module 11: Studying the Brain, and Older Brain Structures / Module 12: The Cerebral Cortex / Module 13: Brain Hemisphere Organization and the Biology of Consciousness / Module 14: Behavior Genetics: Predicting Individual Differences / Module 15: Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding Human Nature / Unit IV / Sensation and Perception / Module 16: Basic Principles of Sensation and Perception / Module 17: Influences on Perception / Module 18: Vision / Module 19: Visual Organization and Interpretation / Module 20: Hearing / Module 21: The Other Senses / Unit V / States of Consciousness / Module 22: Understanding Consciousness and Hypnosis / Module 23: Sleep Patterns and Sleep Theories / Module 24: Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders, and Dreams / Module 25: Psychoactive Drugs / Unit VI / Learning / and more. March 2015 Hardback

944pp £47.99

276.225 x 231.775 mm 9781464113079

David G. Myers, Hope College, USA, C. Nathan DeWall, University of Kentucky, USA

With this new edition of the #1 bestselling Psychology, Myers and DeWall take full advantage of what an integrated text/media learning combination can do. Contents: Prologue: The Story of Psychology / 1. Thinking Critically With Psychological Science / 2. The Biology of Mind / 3. Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind / 4. Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity / 5. Developing Through the Life Span / 6. Sensation and Perception / 7. Learning / 8. Memory / 9. Thinking and Language / 10. Intelligence / 11. What Drives Us: Hunger, Sex, Friendship, and Achievement / 12. Emotions, Stress, and Health / 13. Social Psychology / 14. Personality / 15. Psychological Disorders / 16. Therapy / Appendix A. Psychology at Work / Appendix B. Subfields of Psychology, by Jennifer Zwolinski / Appendix C. Complete Chapter Reviews / Appendix D. Answers to Test Yourself Questions March 2015 Hardback

912pp £49.99

283x239mm 9781464140815

Published by Worth Publishers

David G. Myers, Hope College, USA, C. Nathan DeWall, University of Kentucky, USA

In this version of Psychology, Eleventh Edition, David Myers and Nathan DeWall break down the new edition’s 16 chapters into 55 modules, assignable in any sequence and brief enough to be read in one sitting. It’s a format favored by a wide range of students and instructors. Contents: Prologue The Story of Psychology / Module 1 What Is Psychology? / Chapter 1 Thinking Critically With Psychological Science / Module 2 The Need for Psychological Science / Module 3 Research Strategies: How Psychologists Ask and Answer Questions / Module 4 Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life / Chapter 2 The Biology of Mind / Module 5 Neural and Hormonal Systems / Module 6 Tools of Discovery and Older Brain Structures / Module 7 The Cerebral Cortex and Our Divided Brain / Chapter 3 Consciousness and the TwoTrack Mind / Module 8 Brain States and Consciousness / Module 9 Sleep and Dreams / Module 10 Drugs and Consciousness / Chapter 4 Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity / Module 11 Behavior Genetics: Predicting Individual Differences / Module 12 Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding Human Nature / Module 13 Culture, Gender, and Other Environmental Influences / Chapter 5 Developing Through the Life Span / Module 14 Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the Newborn / Module 15 Infancy and Childhood / Module 16 Adolescence / Module 17 Adulthood / Chapter 6 Sensation and Perception / Module 18 Basic Concepts of Sensation and Perception / Module 19 Vision: Sensory and Perceptual Processing / Module 20 The Nonvisual Senses / Chapter 7 Learning / Module 21 Basic Learning Concepts and Classical Conditioning / Module 22 Operant Conditioning / Module 23 Biology, Cognition, and Learning / Chapter 8 Memory / Module 24 Studying and Encoding Memories /and more. March 2015 Hardback

912pp £62.99

283x239mm 9781464167522

Published by Worth Publishers

Published by Worth Publishers

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The Palgrave Handbook of Child Mental Health Edited by Michelle O’Reilly, University of Leicester, UK, Jessica Nina Lester, Indiana University, USA

A landmark publication in the field, this state of the art reference work includes contributions from leading thinkers across a range of disciplines on topics including ADHD, autism, depression, eating disorders and trauma. It is an essential resource for all those involved or interested in child mental health. Contents: PART I: THE PLACE OF CONVERSATION/ DISCOURSE ANALYSIS IN CHILD MENTAL HEALTH / PART II: A CRITICAL APPROACH TO CHILD MENTAL HEALTH / PARTIII: THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF NORMAL/ ABNORMAL / PART IV: SITUATING AND EXPLORING CHILD MENTAL HEALTH DIFFICULTIES / PART V: MANAGING PROBLEM BEHAVIOUR / PART VI: CHILD MENTAL HEALTH PRACTICE September 2015 706pp 57 b/w tables, 6 figures Hardback £150.00

234x156mm 9781137428301

Developmental Psychology for the Helping Professions Evidence-Based Practice in Health and Social Care Brian Sheldon, Peninsular Medical School University of Exeter, UK

This book offers a bio-psycho-social approach to evidencebased practice in health and social care. The book presents current evidence on the influence of genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors on behaviour, a survey of developmental factors from childhood to old age, and implications for practice at each stage. Contents: 1. Principles of Evidenced-Based Practice / 2. What Comes With Us? Nature via Nurture / 3. The Influence of Learning on Development / 4. Stages and Aspects of Psychological Development / 5. Adolescence and Early Adulthood / 6. Middle Life and the Transition to Old Age August 2015 288pp 6 b/w tables, 14 figures Hardback £63.00 Paperback £25.99

216x138mm 9781137321121 9781137321138


Psychological Well-Being in the Gulf States The New Arabia Felix Justin Thomas, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates

’Justin Thomas shows that modern psychiatric and psychological research provides a useful framework for understanding the wellbeing of people in the Gulf states, but only when adapted to take into account the unique cultural and historical circumstances in which the Gulf’s citizens live out their lives. This book therefore provides an excellent demonstration of how psychological and crosscultural perspectives must be brought together. I strongly recommend it, not only to mental health professionals in the region, but also to those elsewhere who may be curious about the extent to which psychiatric and psychological theories can be extended beyond North American and European societies.’ - Richard Bentall, University of Liverpool, UK ‘This is a unique work, one of the very few books that deal with psychological issues within the cultural context of the Arabian Gulf region. I particularly appreciated the culturally grounded cases that introduce some of the chapters. Overall, I strongly believe this is a valuable reference for psychology students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners.’ - Associate Professor Fatima AlDarmaki, Zayed University, UAE Few regions of the planet have undergone such rapid social transition as the Arabian Gulf States. Psychological Well-Being in the Gulf States explores the implications of these rapid changes in terms of mental health and psychological well-being. Contents: Preface / 1. The New Arabia Felix / 2. Eating Disorders / 3. Substance Related Disorders (Addiction) / 4. Mood Disorders: Melancholy, Mania and Modernity / 5. Anxiety Disorders / 6. Intervention / References June 2015 202pp 9 b/w tables, 4 figures Paperback £19.99

216x138mm 9781137524201


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Islam and the Path to Human and Economic Development

The Islamic Law of War

Abbas Mirakhor, INCEIF - Global University of Islamic Finance, Malaysia, Hossein Askari, George Washington University, USA

Justifications and Regulations Ahmed Al-Dawoody, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates

"This is a highly technical book that will provide answers to many researchers on its dual topics of the Sha’ria position on the resort of the use of force and on the means employed during armed conflict." - Cherif Bassiouni, Distinguished Research Professor of Law Emeritus, President Emeritus, International Human Rights Law Institute, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, USA Ahmed Al-Dawoody examines the justifications and regulations for going to war in both international and domestic armed conflicts under Islamic law. He studies the various kinds of use of force by both state and non-state actors in order to determine the nature of the Islamic law of war. Contents: 1. War during the Prophet’s Lifetime / 2. The Justifications of War in the Qur’an / 3. Judicial Justifications for War / 4. Islamic International Humanitarian Law / 5. Internal Hostilities and Terrorism July 2015 Paperback

356pp £21.00

216x140mm 9781137540744

Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law, and History Series Edited by: Khaled Abou El Fadl

"[This book] represents a path-breaking attempt at conceptualizing a genuine Islamic paradigm for developing societies [that] combines a vast knowledge of the subject with a coherent intellectual vision and a deeply felt passion. The book is destined to be the standard work in the area for years to come." - Robert Looney, Distinguished Professor, Naval Postgraduate School, USA This book briefly surveys the evolution of the Western concept of development, recognizing the wider dimensions of human and economic development and the role of institutions and rules, which has moved toward the vision and the path of development envisaged in Islam. Contents: Table of Contents / Dedication / Preface / Acknowledgments / 1. The Evolution of the Western Concept of Development / 2. Development as Human Wellbeing / 3. The Foundational Elements of Development in Islam / 4. The Dimensions of Development in Islam / 5. The Institutional Structure of Development in Islam / 6. Conclusion / Glossary of Arabic Terms / Bibliography / Index August 2015 Paperback

242pp £21.00

210x140mm 9781137543875


Roman Catholic Modernists Confront the Great War Edited by C.J.T. Talar, St. Mary’s Seminary, USA, Lawrence F. Barmann, Saint Louis University, USA

“This book offers an original contribution to the field. It doesn’t just consider the thought of the Roman Catholic Modernists after the period of ‘Crisis.’ Talar and Barmann also consider ‘modernism’ within the context of the Great War and the identity crisis of ‘modernity’ itself. As ultra-modern warfare piled up unprecedented casualty counts, cultural catastrophe ensued, leading us to wonder just how rational and civilized our modern, so-called rational ‘civilization’ actually is. These essays make us reconsider the ‘Modernist Crisis’ within the broader traumatic historical context.” - Stephen Schloesser, Loyola University of Chicago, USA This book project traces the thought of several Roman Catholic Modernists (and one especially virulent anti-Modernist) as they confronted the intellectual challenges posed by the Great war from war from 1895 to 1907. Contents: Introduction; C. J. T. Talar / 1. Alfred Loisy and the Great War; C. J. T. Talar / 2. Laberthonniere and the “Great War”: A “Modernist” in the Trenches; Giacomo Losito / 3. Baron Friedrich von Hugel and the Great War; Lawrence Barmann / 4. Joseph Sauer - a German “Modernist” in War Time; Claus Arnold / 5. The Ways of Providence and the Sufferings of War: Canon Henri Delassus’s Les Pourquoi de la Guerre mondiale; C. J. T. Talar May 2015 Hardback

146pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137546845

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A-Z of Housing


A-Z of Attachment David Garnett, Two Rivers Housing Association, UK

This book provides an accessible and up-todate overview of the current debates and discussions in housing policy and practice an important area of multidisciplinary practice with a lot of sectorspecific terminology / jargon.

The Psychoanalytic Craft How to Develop as a Psychoanalytic Practitioner Laurence Spurling, Birkbeck College, UK

The psychoanalytic theory base for therapeutic practice is highly developed but the literature is thin when it comes to identifying practitioners’ implicit knowledge base and developing more expert skills. This clear and vividly written book addresses the needs of practitioners moving beyond beginner level to more skilled and attuned practice. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE PSYCHOANALYTIC CRAFT / 1. Psychoanalytic Practice as Craft: Re-defining the Relationship between Practice and Theory / 2. Mastering the Craft: Working at the Live Edge of Experience / PART II: DEVELOPING THE CRAFT / 3. The Rhythm of Practice and the Implicit Knowledge Base / 4. How to Develop a Repertoire of Working Models and Strategic Interventions / 5. Making Theory One’s Own / PART III: SUSTAINING THE CRAFT / 6. Claiming an Analytic Identity: how to Interrogate the Tradition / 7. Putting Psychoanalysis into Perspective: between Loyalty and Betrayal / Concluding Thoughts August 2015 256pp 6 b/w tables, 1 figure Paperback £23.99



It is a versatile study resource and reference source for anyone studying or working in the housing field; from social policy studies to town planning. David Garnett, is an experienced university lecturer with extensive experience as a trainer, consultant, examiner and higher education manager. His experience is reflected in this unique A-Z guide; a must-have for anyone studying or working in the field. July 2015 7 figures Paperback





Professional Keywords


Basic Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy Series Edited by: Arlene Vetere, Rudi Dallos

David Wilkins, Tilda Goldberg Centre, University of Bedfordshire, UK, David Shemmings, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK and Yvonne Shemmings, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK

"The key strength lies in the accessible writing, the concise explanations, the lively examples that bring the topic to life and the clear knowledgeable authorship." - Brigid Daniel, Professor of Social Work, University of Stirling This reader-friendly reference guide distils the study of attachment into digestible, yet authoritative, chunks. With over 60 alphabetized entries, it is the perfect introduction to this exploration of human behaviour. Each entry introduces the reader to the fundamental aspects of attachment, its theoretical underpinnings and practice implications as well as the critiques, debates and research that inform current thinking and debate. The book will equip the reader with a broad understanding of the subject, covering human relationships in all of their forms, from romantic attachments to child minder or day care relationships. July 2015 Paperback

240pp £14.99

198x129mm 9781137008268

Professional Keywords


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A-Z of Reflective Practice Fiona Timmins, School of Nursing, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

This new text provides a jargon-free user guide to the key concepts, models and techniques of reflective practice from one of the leading writers in the field. A one-stop source book, it can be used both by the beginner as a handbook and by the more experienced practitioner as a guide to other sources of thinking and information. Its unique A-Z format provides a map of the field and enables any reader to start the journey to becoming a reflective practitioner. September 2015 Paperback



208pp £14.99

198x129mm 9781137005045

Professional Keywords

Youth Work: Histories, Policy and Contexts

Social Work in Ireland

Edited by Graham Bright, York St John University, UK

Edited by Alastair Christie, University College Cork, Ireland, Brigid Featherstone, Faculty of Health and Social Care, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, Suzanne Quin, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, Trish Walsh, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

This introduction to youth work presents important questions facing the field by exploring both the history of youth work practice and its contemporary contexts. Drawing on work by established and newer voices in the field, the book reviews how the profession has evolved offering a fresh and relevant overview of the field. This new title offers a wide breadth of coverage, including history and settings of youth work and contains new research, including strong discussion of faith-based youth work. Contents: Introduction; G.Bright / 1. The Emergence of Youth Work: Philanthropy and Voluntarism; G.Bright / 2. State Beneficence or Government Control? Youth Work from Circular 1486 to 1996; S.Bradford / 3. In the Service of the State: Youth Work Under New Labour; H.Sercombe / 4. Volunteers and Entrepreneurs? Youth Work and the Big Society; St Croix / 5. Local Authority Youth Work; P.Norris and C.Pugh / 6. Youth Work in the Voluntary Sector; I.Buchroth and M.Husband / 7. Uniformed Youth Work; J.Roberts / 8.Youth Work and the Church; G.Bright and D.Bailey / 9. Questioning ‘Muslim Youth’: Categorisation and Marginalisation; B.Belton / 10. Re-locating Detached Youth Work; M.Whelan / 11.Youth Work and Schools; A.Coburn and S.Gormally / 12.Youth Work in Digital Spaces; J.Melvin September 2015 320pp 3 b/w tables, 2 figures Paperback £20.99

234x156mm 9781137434395

Changes and Continuities

At a time of great economical and political change this book offers a timely evaluation of the social work profession in Ireland. It not only focuses on the major social changes that have taken place but also explores key areas of practice, including child welfare, domestic violence, mental health and working with minority ethnic groups. This book, the only text of its kind, brings together experts in the field to provide a comprehensive and current evaluation of social work in Ireland. Contents: Foreword; John Pinkerton / Short Introduction; Editors / PART I: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL CONTEXTS / 1. Social Work: Responses To The Economic And Political Crisis; Brid Featherstone and Fred Powell / 2. Social Work In A ‘Globalised’ Ireland; Alastair Christie and Trish Walsh / 3. Revisiting Our History Post-Celtic Tiger: What Have We Learnt?; Caroline McGregor and Paul Garrett / PART II: FIELDS OF PRACTICE / 4. Working With Children And Families; Helen Buckley, Kenneth Burns and Valerie O’Brien / 5. ‘New’ Forms Of Caring For Children; Robbie Gilligan and Simone McCaughren / 6. Family Violence; Stephanie Holt and Declan Coogan / 7. Social Work and Intellectual Disability; Bairbaire Redmond and Anna Jennings / 8. Social Work Across The Health Care Spectrum; Suzie Quin and Erna O’Connor / 9. Mental Health and Social Work; Lydia Sapouna and Hilary Jenkinson / 10. Probation; Carmel Halton and Marie Keenan / 11. Substance Misuse; Shane Butler and Hilda Loughran / 12. Social Work In An Ageing Society; Suzanne Cahill and Anne O’Loughlan September 2015 3 b/w tables Paperback





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Social Policy Simplified Connecting Theory and Concepts with People’s Lives Clive Sealey, University of Worcester, UK

This book takes social policy back to its basics. Each chapter systematically breaks down the subject to equip students not only with knowledge of the theoretical themes and perspectives which underpin social policy, but also of the relevance of social policy in everyday life. Written as an accessible introduction to social policy, this book gets to the heart of what social policy is and how it affects people's everyday lives. Contents: 1. What Is Social Policy And Why Is It Relevant To You? / 2. Which Benefits Do You Receive From Social Policy, And Who Receives The Most Benefits? / 3. Why Has Your Cradle To Grave Entitlement To Social Policy Benefits Developed To Exist As It Does Today? / 4. Do You Pay Too Much Tax For The Social Policy Benefits You Receive? / 5. Can Social Policy Solve The Problem Of Poverty? / 6. Should Entitlement To Social Policy Benefits Be Just For Some People Or For Everyone? / 7. How Broadly Or Narrowly Should Social Policy Meet Your Welfare Needs? / 8. Who Should Provide Social Policies? / 9. What Does The Future Hold For Social Policy? / 10. How Can Your Ideological Beliefs Make And Change Social Policy? / 11. Is Relying On Social Policy Benefits Over A Long Time An Easy Life? / 12. Why Is Studying Social Policy Relevant To You? August 2015 208pp 234x156mm 31 b/w tables, 8 figures, 19 graphs Paperback £19.99 9781137362957



Couple Relationships in the 21st Century Jacqui Gabb, The Open University, UK, Janet Fink, University of Huddersfield, UK

“[This book] offers a unique window on the intimate world of contemporary couple relationships. The nuanced descriptions of couple interactions […] reveal the everyday gestures and small acts of kindness which enable partners to sustain their relationship through thick and thin. By extending our understanding of the personalised meanings and conceptions of love and the seemingly mundane nature of relationship practices - what couples do - within the home, this book will be invaluable to all those working with couples to enhance or repair a fragile relationship.” - Janet Walker OBE, Newcastle University, UK Who and how we love may be changing but our desire to be in a relationship endures. This book presents an incisive account of how couples experience, understand and sustain long-term relationships, exploring the emotional, practical and biographical resources that couples draw on, across the life course. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Relationship Work / 3. Communication / 4. Sex and Intimacy / 5. Unsettling Coupledom / 6. Conclusions March 2015 Hardback

164pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137434425

Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Series Edited by: Graham Allan, Lynn Jamieson, David Morgan

Hazardous Wastes, Industrial Disasters, and Environmental Health Risks Local and Global Environmental Struggles Francis O. Adeola, The University of New Orleans, USA

"Modern society is infused with myriad forms of environmental degradation that pose incalculable risks to the human condition. Hazardous Waste, Industrial Disasters and Environmental Health Risks provides an original synthesis of this rapidly emerging area of interdisciplinary research. Professor Adeola’s insights are not only important for all environmental social scientists, but also is a must read for environmentalists, toxicologists, and policy makers throughout the world." - J. Steven Picou, University of South Alabama, USA The sociology of hazardous waste, risk, and disasters is a relatively new discipline. This book focuses on hazardous and toxic wastes releases, industrial toxic disasters, contamination of communities and the environment, and the subsequent adverse health effects among exposed populations Contents: PART I: HAZARDOUS WASTES, DISASTERS AND HEALTH RISKS / 1. Sociology of Hazardous Wastes, Disasters, and Risk / 2. Hazardous and Toxic Wastes as Social Problems / 3. Taxonomy of Hazardous Wastes / PART II: ELECTRONIC WASTES, PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS, AND HEALTH EFFECTS / 4. Electronic Waste: The Dark Side of High-Tech Revolution / 5. Environmental Health Risks of Persistent Organic Compounds / PART III: CONTAMINATED COMMUNITIES AND REGULATORY RESPONSES / 6. Communities Contaminated by Toxic Wastes and Industrial Disasters: Selected Cases / 7. The Regulatory Frameworks / PART IV: CONCLUSION / 8. Critical Environmental Justice Movement July 2015 15 illustrations Paperback






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The Handbook of Security 2nd edition Edited by Martin Gill, Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International, UK

“Martin Gill has fully updated and expanded his hugely successful Handbook of Security. This new edition brings together first-rate scholars to cover the history and nature of security, the nature of different offences and security practices in different sectors, as well as issues of management and regulation. A must-have for anyone working in this field.” - Tim Newburn, London School of Economics, UK The substantially revised second edition of the Handbook of Security provides the most comprehensive analysis of scholarly security debates and issues to date. Including contributions from some of the world’s leading scholars it critiques the way security is provided and managed. Contents: PART I: DISCIPLINES AND SECURITY / PART II: OFFENCES / PART III: CRIME AND SECURITY IN SECTORS / PART IV: RESEARCHING SECURITY / PART V: SECURITY PROCESSES AND SERVICES / PART VI: SECURITY AND ITS MANAGEMENT / PART VII: CRITIQUING SECURITY July 2014 1088pp 92 b/w illustrations Hardback £165.00

234x156mm 9781137323279



Inequality, Marketization and the Majority Class

Citizenship, Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism

Why Did the European Middle Classes Accept Neo-Liberalism?

The Rise of Muslim Consciousness

Steffen Mau, HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin, Germany

This book addresses the question of why the European middle classes were ready to accept some of the key features of neo-liberalism. Contents: 1. Elective Affinity: The European Middle Classes and European Social Model / 2. Individualization and Tolerance for Inequality / 3. Middle Class Investors in Affluent Societies / 4. Privatized Old Age Provision, Privatized Future / 5. Home Ownership and Home Voting / 6. The New Culture of Indebtedness / 7. Self-Enhancement: Investing in Education / 8. Economic Problems and Political Dilemmas / 9. Light at the End of the Tunnel? April 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137511607

Nasar Meer, University of Strathclyde, UK

“Widely researched and lucidly organized and written, this book is a timely contribution to the study of Muslim engagement with education, media, and political activism in the United Kingdom. It focuses on current developments at the same time that it draws on legal and parliamentary history and on the theoretical insights of sociologists such as W.E.D. Du Bois. Nasar Meer advances innovative paradigms for anchoring Muslim identity in the dynamic religious life of twenty-first century Britain.” - Professor Nabil Matar, University of Minnesota, USA In this updated new paperback, Meer further develops a novel sociological and political understanding of Muslim identities in Britain. Using case studies of Muslim mobilizations over issues of education, discrimination legislation and media representation, it also considers the local impact of global concerns such as terrorism and radicalism. Contents: Preface to the Paperback Edition; Nasar Meer / Foreword: The Struggle for Recognition; Tariq Madood / 1. Introduction / 2. Framing Citizenship / 3. Du Bois and Consciousness / 4. Conceptualising MuslimConsciousness: From Race to Religion / 5. Local and Global Muslim Identities / 6. Muslim Schools in Britain: Muslim-Consciousness in Action / 7. Muslims and Discrimination: Muslim-Consciousness in Re-action? / 8. Muslims in Public and Media Discourse / 9. Towards a Synthesised Muslim-Consciousness / Bibliography June 2015 Paperback

256pp £23.99

216x138mm 9781137529886

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New Frontiers in Social Research


Alex Nicholls, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK, Julie Simon, Young Federation, UK, Madeleine Gabriel, National Endowment for Science, Technology, and the Arts (Nesta), UK

Conflict in the Academy A Study in the Sociology of Intellectuals Marcus Morgan, University of Cambridge, UK, Patrick Baert, University of Cambridge, UK

“For too long analyses of intellectual disputes and campus politics have stood in the shadows of Bourdieu’s Homo Academicus with its structural reading of fault lines. Conflict in the Academy at last moves the game forward with a pithy and yet impressively detailed case study. Building on recent cultural sociology it convincingly demonstrates that deep meanings and contingent performances also play a part. Making a significant contribution to the sociology of intellectuals and ideas this concise book punches well above its weight.” - Professor Philip Smith, Yale University, USA Examining an intramural conflict that erupted within the English Faculty at Cambridge University in the early 1980s, this book develops a theoretical analysis of disputes as they unfold within the academy and explores the broader historical shifts within Higher Education and how these related to developments in Continental Europe. Contents: 1. Introduction: A Storm In a Teacup? / PART I: THE ‘MACCABE AFFAIR’ IN CONTEXT / 2. Chronology of Events / 3. Contextualising the Dispute / PART II: SYMBOLIC STRUGGLES AND PERFORMATIVE POSITIONING / 4. Examples of Symbolic Strategies Employed by the Pros / 5. Examples of Symbolic Strategies Employed by the Antis / 6. Conclusion April 2015 Hardback

104pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137521286


This book is open access under a CC BY license. Interest in social innovation is growing, yet theory lags behind practice. This collection helps bridge that gap, compiling work by leading social innovation researchers to build understanding of the nature and effects of social innovation. Contents: Foreword. The Study of Social Innovation – Theory, Practice and Progress; Geoff Mulgan / Introduction. Dimensions of Social Innovation; Alex Nicholls; Julie Simon; Madeleine Gabriel / PART ONE. RESEARCHING SOCIAL INNOVATION / 1. Social Innovations as Drivers of Social Change – Exploring Tarde’s Contribution to Social Innovation Theory Building; Jürgen Howaldt; Ralf Kopp; Michael Schwarz / 2. At the Root of Change: The History of Social Innovation; Katharine McGowan; Frances Westley / 3. A Relational Database to Understand Social Innovation and its Impact on Social Transformation; Marie J. Bouchard; Catherine Trudelle; Louise Briand; JuanLuis Klein; Benoît Lévesque; David Longtin; Mathieu Pelletier / PART TWO. BLURRING BOUNDARIES AND RECONFIGURING RELATIONS / 4. Social Innovation. Redesigning the Welfare Diamond; Jane Jenson / 5. Social Innovation for Social Cohesion; Adalbert Evers; Benjamin Ewert / 6. Collaborative Services in Informal Settlements: Social Innovation in a Pacified Favela in Rio de Janeiro; Carla Cipolla; Patricia Melo; Ezio Manzini / PART THREE. PRODUCING SOCIAL INNOVATION THROUGH NEW FORMS OF COLLABORATION / 7. Enhancing Public Innovation through Collaboration, Leadership and New Public Governance; Eva Sørensen; Jacob Torfing / 8. Seoul City’s Social Innovation Strategy: New Models of Communication to Strengthen Citizen Engagement; Jungwon Kim; Sojung Rim; Sunkyung Han; Ahyoung Park / 9. Can Collective Intelligence Produce Social Innovation?; Ola Tjornbo / 10. The Usefulness of Networks: a Study of Social Innovation in India; Lina Sonne / Conclusion. The Task of the Social Innovation Movement; Roberto Mangabeira Unger August 2015 264pp 10 b/w tables, 4 figures Hardback £20.00


The Decline of Political Leadership in Australia? Changing Recruitment and Careers of Federal Politicians Jan Pakulski, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, Bruce Tranter, University of Tasmania, Australia

This book analyses the changing political recruitment of the Australian federal parliamentary elite. It argues that the elite’s quality has been reduced to a worrisome degree, especially since the 1990s. It suggests that the declining quality of the Australian ‘political class’ is a major factor behind the declining public trust in politicians. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements / 1 Introduction: What is Wrong with our Politicians? / 2 Political Elites, Elite Quality and Elite Recruitment / 3 Political Candidates / 4 The Federal Parliamentarians: Changing Recruitment and Careers / 5 The Leaders / 6 Conclusion / References March 2015 144pp 22 b/w tables, 4 figures Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137518057

216x138mm 9781137506795

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Nitrogen and Climate Change An Explosive Story Dave Reay, University of Edinburgh, UK

The world is changing. Human population is surging towards 10 billion, food, water, climate and energy security are all at risk. Nitrogen could be our life raft in this global ‘perfect storm’. Get it right and it can help to feed billions, fuel our cars and put a dent in global warming. Get it wrong and it will make things a whole lot worse. Contents: 1. A Brief History of Nitrogen / 2. Nitrogen and the Anthropocene / 3. Nitrous oxide as a driver of Climate Change / 4. Nitrous oxide Sources / 5. Airborne Nitrogen and Climate Change / 6. Terrestrial Nitrogen and Climate Change / 7. Freshwater Nitrogen and Climate Change / 8. Marine Nitrogen and Climate Change / 9. Agricultural Nitrogen and Climate Change Mitigation / 10. Nitrogen in Food and Climate Change Mitigation / 11. Nitrogen and Biofuels / 12. Nitrogen and Geoengineering / 13. Nitrogen and Climate Change Adaptation / Conclusion June 2015 216pp 1 b/w table, 25 b/w illustrations Hardback £65.00 Paperback £19.99

216x138mm 9781137286949 9781137286956

Young People in Forensic Mental Health Settings Psychological Thinking and Practice Edited by Andrew Rogers, Changing Minds Ltd, UK, Joel Harvey, King’s College London, UK, Heather Law, Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK

“A first on several fronts this book succeeds in delivering evidencebased practical knowledge to all those working with young people in forensic mental health settings. The underpinning practical approach to psychological thinking and practice is also developmentally informed, formulation driven, rightly acknowledging the challenge and complexity of working with young people who find themselves in forensic mental health settings.” - Professor Dame Sue Bailey, Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, UK This book examines the application of psychological thinking and practice in addressing youth crime. With contributions from leading academics and practitioners, it provides an essential and up-to-date account of the field and the challenges of applying effective psychological approaches within forensic settings for young people.


Compromising the Ideals of Science Raphael Sassower, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA

This books examines the conditions under which scientists compromised the ideals of science, and elucidates these with reference to the challenges of profit motives and national security concerns. The book also offers suggestions for changing the political and economic conditions under which the integrity of science and its ethos can be practiced. Contents: 1. Fallen Angels: On the Compromises of Scientists / 2. Big Science: Government Control of Science / 3. Big Money: Setting Research Agendas / 4. Big Pharma: Pharmaceutical Dominance of Science / 5. Situating Technoscience March 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137519412

Contents: Foreword; James McGuire / 1. Introduction; Andrew Rogers, Joel Harvey, Heather Law and Jenny Taylor / 2. “Through My Eyes”: A Young Person’s Experience of Forensic Mental Health Settings; LolaRose Morris, Emma Jamieson and Rebecca Marshall / 3. Psychological Practice in Community Settings; Simone Fox and Berit Ritchie / 4. Psychological Practice in Secure Settings; Clare Snodgrass and Jackie Preston / 5. Youth Violence Risk Assessment: A Framework for Practice; Lorraine Johnstone and Leanne Gregory / 6. Whole Systems Approaches; Brigitte Squire, Tom Jefford and Cindy Swenson / 7. Violence Among Young People: A Framework for Assessment and Intervention; Wendy Morgan / 8. Sexually Harmful Behaviour; Trudy Potter and Sarah Reeves / and more... July 2015 Hardback Paperback

400pp £85.00 £27.99

234x156mm 9781137359780 9781137359797

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802





Creativity and Humour in Occupy Movements

Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Intellectual Disobedience in Turkey and Beyond

Issues in Design and Delivery

Edited by Altug Yalcintas, Ankara University, Turkey

Edited by Pauline Kneale, Plymouth University, USA

This volume offers scholarly perspectives on the creative and humorous nature of the protests at Gezi Park in Turkey, 2013. The contributors argue that these protests inspired musicians, film-makers, social scientists and other creative individuals, out of a concern for the aesthetics of the protests, rather than seizure of political power.

This comprehensive book provides advice and guidance to those seeking to develop and enhance Masters level programmes. Based on practice, experience and research, it covers issues in design and delivery, helping to ensure that programmes are fit for purpose and meet contemporary needs in a rapidly changing and highly-competitive global market.

Contents: Prelude: Occupy Turkey; Altug Yalcintas / 1. Intellectual Disobedience in Turkey; Altug Yalcintas / 2. Political Potential of Sarcasm: Cynicism in Civil Resentment; Secil van het Hof / 3. Vernacular Utopias: Mimetic Performances as Humour on Gezi Park and Bayındır Street; Utku Balaban / 4. Gezi Protests and the LGBT Rights Movement: A Relation in Motion; Ayşe Deniz Ünan / 5. ‘Just a Handful of Looters!’: A Comparative Analysis of Government Discourses on the Summer Disorders in the UK and Turkey; Boran Ali Mercan and Erhan Özşeker / Epilogue: Joy is the Laughter of the Resistance; Altug Yalcintas February 2015 Hardback

134pp £45.00

216x138mm 9781137473622

Contributions to this text are drawn from a range of academics who have extensive practical experience of teaching at Masters level nationally and internationally. This book will support academics who are new to teaching at this level, as well as more experienced staff wanting to explore their practice. It also has relevance to managers in Higher Education institutions. Contents: Foreword; Pauline Kneale / Series Editor’s Preface; Sally Brown / Abbreviations / PART I: THE MASTER’S EXPERIENCE / PART II: TRANSITION MATTERS / PART III: EFFECTIVE EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING / PART IV: ASSESSMENT / PART V: CURRICULUM DESIGN September 2015 272pp 3 figures, 9 b/w tables Paperback £23.99



Stage Designers in Early Twentieth-Century America Artists, Activists, Cultural Critics Christin Essin, Vanderbilt University, USA

"The originality of this lucid study by Essin is how she places that aesthetic movement in a broader cultural context . . . Essin’s research is thorough, her writing is engaging, and her insights are rewarding. Summing Up: Recommended. For all academic, general, and professional/ practitioner audiences." - CHOICE By casting designers as authors, cultural critics, activists, entrepreneurs, and global cartographers, Essin tells a story about scenic images on the page, stage, and beyond that helped American audiences see the everyday landscapes and exotic destinations from a modern perspective. Contents: Introduction: Design as Cultural History / 1. The Designer as Author / 2. The Designer as Cultural Critic / 3. The Designer as Activist / 4. The Designer as Entrepreneur / 5. The Designer as Global Cartographer April 2015 Paperback

284pp £19.00

Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance History Series Edited by: Don B. Wilmeth


Palgrave Teaching and Learning Series Edited by: Sally Brown


20 b/w photos 9781137496645

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Performance and the Global City Edited by D.J. Hopkins, San Diego State University, USA, Kim Solga, Western University, Canada

“[T]he level of scholarship in Performance and the Global City is consistently high, including further contributions from Melissa Bucher, Philip Hager, Simon Jones and Paul Rae, and the cities covered represent an international crosssection of urban centres. The editors’ aim to include a range of perspectives beyond northern North America and centralwestern Europe is commendable.” - Melissa Poll, Performance Research This volume, now available in paperback, explores what it means to create and experience urban performance – as both an aesthetic and a political practice – in the burgeoning world where cities are built by globalization and neoliberal capital. Contents: List of Illustrations / Preface to the Paperback Edition / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction: Borders, Performance, and the Global Urban Condition; D.J. Hopkins with Kim Solga / PART I: MOBILITIES AND (IN)CIVILITIES: THE GLOBAL URBAN BORDERLANDS / PART II: TRANSACTING BODIES / EMBODIED CURRENCIES: SUBJECTS AND CITIES / PART III: CITIZEN STAGES: ACTS OF DISSENT IN THE GLOBAL CITY June 2015 Paperback

296pp £18.99

216x138mm 9781137520258

Performance Interventions Series Edited by: Elaine Aston, Bryan Reynolds


Masculinities and the Contemporary Irish Theatre Brian Singleton, Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland

"Singleton’s treatment of [a] broad swath of work results in a varied, yet detailed, study" Modern Drama Irish theatre and its histories appear to be dominated by men and their actions. This book’s socially and culturally contextualized analysis of performance over the last two decades, however reveals masculinities that are anything but hegemonic, played out in theatres and other arenas of performance all over Ireland. Contents: List of illustrations / Preface to the Paperback Edition / Acknowledgements / 1. Introduction / 2. Contesting Canons / 3. Performing Patriarchy / 4. Monologies and Masculinities / 5. Quare Fellas / 6. Male Races / 7. Protestant Boys / After Words / Bibliography / Index May 2015 Paperback

240pp £18.99

216x138mm 9781137518194

Performance Interventions Series Edited by: Elaine Aston, Bryan Reynolds

Remapping Performance Common Ground, Uncommon Partners Jan Cohen-Cruz, Syracuse University, USA

“Jan Cohen-Cruz’s book is compelling, challenging and inspiring to all those who work in the fields of theatre and socialcultural activism. This is a sweeping perspective on civic, cultural and theatrical partnerships, one that will set the tone for discourse long into the future and that right now gives me a new lens through which to consider the possibilities.” - Robert Landy, New York University, USA Remapping Performance focuses on the work of artists and experts who collaborate across fields to address social issues. Contents: PART I: GROUNDING / Introduction: A Vibrant Hybridity / ‘The Silence within the Noise: Reflections from the UK on ‘A Vibrant Hybridity’’ / by Helen Nicholson / 1. The Breadth of Theatrical Territory / ‘Remapping US Theater’: Q & A with Todd London / 2. Partnering / ‘From Multidisciplinarity to Boundary Work’ by Julie Thompson Klein / PART II: PLATFORMS / 3. Universities, Performance, and Uncommon Partnerships / Q & A with Chancellor Nancy Cantor / 4. Art and Culture in Neighborhood Ecosystems / Q and A with Maria Rosario Jackson / 5. Cultural Diplomacy and Collaboration / Q and A with Penny Von Eschen / Coda / 6. The Future of Performance with Uncommon Partners / Notes / Bibliography / Index June 2015 240pp 11 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 Paperback £18.99

216x138mm 9781137366399 9781137366405

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802





Clown Training

Motion Capture in Performance

The Art of Living

A Practical Guide

An Introduction

An Oral History of Performance Art

Jon Davison, Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, UK

Matt Delbridge, Tasmanian College of the Arts, Australia

Motion Capture in Performance explores the historical origins, properties and implications of Motion Capture. It introduces a new mode of performance for the commercial film, animation, and console gaming industries ‘Performance Capture’, a distinct interdisciplinary discourse in the fields of theatre, animation, performance studies and film.

This comprehensive handbook invites you into the clown workshop and guides you through the complete processes of clown training. Both practical and reflective, it draws on Davison’s 20 years of experience and provides useful exercises, games and techniques to aid the first steps in playfulness through to devising and creating performable shows. Contents: Acnowledgements / Introduction / PART I: TRAINING / 1. Play and Pleasure / 2. Clown and Audience / 3. The Flop and other Clown Dynamics (and the dynamics of eliciting laughter) / 4. Epilogue to Part I: Noses and Hats / PART II: DEVISING CLOWN MATERIAL / 5. An Encyclopaedia of Wrongness / 6. Structure / 7. Making Shows / 8. Epilogue to Part II: Conclusions / Bibliography / Index September 2015 1 b/w table Paperback £16.99




Contents: Introduction / 1.Infrastructure / 2.Language / 3.Space and the Frame / 4.Tool Use and Time / 5.Environmental Navigation / Conclusion / Links to Practical Examples / Bibliography / Notes / Index March 2015 104pp 18 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137505804

Dominic Johnson, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

This collection of interviews with a variety of artists creates an oral history of performance art. Each artist is invited to address their work, providing insights into their artistic, personal and political concerns. An engaging read which displays the diverse practices which come under the umbrella of ‘performance art’. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / 1. The Escape Artist: An Interview with Ulay / 2. Hiding in Plain Sight: An Interview with Anne Bean / 3. Boxing Clever: An Interview with Kipper Kids / 4. Positive Surrender: An Interview with BREYER P-ORRIDGE / 5. Slave to Love: An Interview with Sheree Rose / 6. The Designated Mourner: An Interview with Penny Arcade / 7. Capricorn on Fire: An Interview with Ann Magnuson / 8. The Accidental Goddess: An Interview with Joey Arias / 9. Perverse Martyrologies: An Interview with Ron Athey / 10. The Skin of the Theatre: An Interview with Julia Bardsley / 11. You Made Me Love You: An Interview with David Hoyle / 12: Held: An Interview with Adrian Howells / Epilogue / Further Reading / Bibliography August 2015 304pp 30 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 Paperback £21.99

216x138mm 9781137322210 9781137322203


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Performing the Nation in Global Korea Transnational Theatre Hyunjung Lee, Nanyang Technological University, UK

This book illustrates how local awareness of Western cultural hegemonic entities such as Broadway and Shakespeare have been implemented within South Korean theatre in the global era. With a focus on performances that targeted global audiences, Lee explores the ways in which Korea’s nationalistic desires for global visibility are projected on stage. Contents: 1. Introduction: Contradictory Tides between the National and the Global / 2. Navigating the National and the Global: The Last Empress, the Musical / 3. Mediating the National-Regional-Global Triad: Nanta and Nonverbal Performance / 4. An Alternative Image of Nationhood within the Global: Musical Seoul Line 1 / 5. Conceptualizing Korean Shakespeare in the Era of Globalization / 6. Conclusion: Choreographing Nationalism in the Global Context / Notes / Bibliography / Index March 2015 160pp 5 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00

216x138mm 9781137453570

Applying Performance Live Art, Socially Engaged Theatre and Affective Practice Nicola Shaughnessy, University of Kent, UK

“Shaunghessy uses her expert authority to prove that performance matters, and that it matters in an enormous way.” - Christine BoykoHead, Mohawk College, Canada This book, now in paperback, draws upon cognitive and affect theory to examine applications of contemporary performance practices in educational, social and community contexts. The writing explores the processes of creating work defined variously as collaborative, participatory and socially engaged. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Preface: Applying Performance / PART I: HISTORIES AND CONTEXTS / 1. Setting the Scene: Critical and Theoretical Contexts / 2. Pasts, Pioneers, Politics / 3. Principles of Applying Performance / PART II: PRACTICES / 4. Performing Lives / 5. Placing Performance / 6. Digital Transportations / PART III: PARTICIPATION / 7. Unhappy Relations: Critiques of Collaboration / 8. Theme Park Hells: Incarcerations / 9. Participant Centred Pedagogy and the Affective Learning Environment: LIFT 2011 / 10. A Taste of Heaven: (Syn)aesthetics and Participatory Visceral Performance / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index

Dance and the Body in Western Theatre 1948 to the Present Sabine Sörgel, University of Surrey, UK

While the body appears in almost all cultural discourses, it is nowhere as visible as in dance. This book captures the resurgence of the dancing body in the second half of the twentieth century by introducing students to the key phenomenological, kinaesthetic and psychological concepts relevant to both theatre and dance studies. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Preface / 1. The Body, Dance and Phenomenology / 2. Writing Dance into Theatre: Antonin Artaud’s Affective Athleticism / 3. Choreographing Gestus: Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) and the Evolution of Epic Theatre / 4. Dancing the Wrong Side Out: Archetype in Martha Graham (1894-1991) and Jerzy Grotowski (1933-1999) / 5. Resurrecting the Dancing Chorus in the 1960s: Peter Brook’s Marat/Sade (1964), The Living Theatre’s Antigone (1967) and Richard Schechner’s Dionysus in 69 (1969) / 6. Dance and the 1960s Counter-Culture: Merce Cunningham, Anna Halprin and Postmodern Dance / 7. Un-Masking the Social Mask in Post-War Tanztheater: Pina Bausch, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker and Sasha Waltz / 8. From Decolonization to Globalization: Discourses of Freedom and Emancipation in Wole Soyinka, Alvin Ailey, Bill T. Jones, Akram Khan and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / 9. Phenomenological Encounters: Theatre, Dance and Human Rights / Bibliography September 2015 248mm 19 b/w illustrations Paperback £17.99

216x138mm 9781137034878

May 2015 288pp 216x138mm Paperback £18.99 9781137525857

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)207 418 5802


INDEX A A-Z of Attachment, Wilkins, Shemmings, Shemmings A-Z of Housing, Garnett A-Z of Reflective Practice, Timmins

Baker, Therapeutic Songwriting


Baker, Warren, Conversations at Work


British Party Politics and Ideology after New Labour, Griffiths, Hickson


Brown, America’s Culture of Professionalism



Bammer, Boetcher Joeres, The Future of Scholarly Writing


Brown, Euro Crash


Barton, Allan, Advanced Nursing Practice


Bruni, A Lexicon of Social Well-Being



Basic Practice of Statistics, The, Moore, Notz, Fligner

Building the Digital Enterprise, Skilton



Burton, Core Statutes on Family Law 2015-16


Business of Family, The, Taylor


Byron, Submission and Subjection in Leviathan



Abels, Mushaben, Gendering the European Union


Bedside Guide for Neonatal Care, Petty


Abnormal Psychology, Comer


Bell, Soft Power and Freedom under the Coalition



Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer, Biochemistry



Adeola, Hazardous Wastes, Industrial Disasters, and Environmental Health Risks


Berger, Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence


Calculus, Rogawski, Adams


Advanced Nursing Practice, Barton, Allan


Berger, Lorenz, Nationalizing the Past


Berger, Writing the Nation


Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Rogawski, Adams


Bergin, A History of France


Cameron and the Conservatives, Heppell, Seawright


Berridge, Diplomacy


Carter, Social Education for Peace


Beyond Diversity and Intercultural Management, Robinson-Easley


CEO’s Secret Weapon, The, Jones


Cervone, Psychology: The Science of Person, Mind, and Brain


Charles Dickens-Hard Times/Bleak House, Marsh


Chinese Television Industry, The, Keane


Christie, Featherstone, Quin, Social Work in Ireland


Citizenship, Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism, Meer


Adams, It Takes More Than Casual Fridays and Free Coffee

Aechtner, Health, Wealth, and Power in an African Diaspora Church in Canada


Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century, Cornelissen, Cheru, Shaw


Age and Foreign Language Learning in School, Lambelet, Berthele


Al-Dawoody, The Islamic Law of War


Beyond Inclusion, Smith, Lindsay


Bickerton, European Union Foreign Policy

59 46

Allies and the German Problem, The, 1941-1949, Szanajda


Biochemistry, Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer

Ambidextrous Organization, The, Maier


Biochemistry: A Short Course, Tymoczko, Berg, Stryer 48

America’s Culture of Professionalism, Brown


Anthropology of Protestantism, The, Webster


Biology, Computing, and the History of Molecular Sequencing, García-Sancho

39 31

Applying Performance, Shaughnessy


Arab-Israeli Conflict, The, Fraser


Bjarnegård, Gender, Informal Institutions and Political Recruitment

Arcos, Pherson, Intelligence Communication in the Digital Era


Black, Castro, Lin, Youth Practices in Digital Arts and New Media 28

Art of Living, The, Johnson


Bolton, Sustainable Financial Investments

Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman/The Crucible, Marino


Borland, Adams, International Volunteer Tourism


Attrill, The Manipulation of Online Self-Presentation


Botvinick, Jonson: Volpone


Atypical Child Development in Context, Empson


Bowles, Cogo, International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca


Bright, Youth Work: Histories, Policy and Contexts


Britain’s Last Religious Revival?, Field


B Baker, The Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s




Climate Change and Individual Responsibility, Peeters, De Smet, Diependaele


Clown Training, Davison


Cohen-Cruz, Remapping Performance


Comer, Abnormal Psychology


Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-89, McDermott


Community Resilience, Universities and Engaged Research for Today’s World, Madsen, Costigan, McNicol 30 Compromising the Ideals of Science, Sassower


Conflict in the Academy, Morgan, Baert


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INDEX Contemporary Human Geography, Domosh, Neumann, Price


Contentious Politics in the Middle East, Gerges


Conversations at Work, Baker, Warren


Cook, James, Lee, Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2015-16 Core EU Legislation 2015-16, Smith

43 44

Core Statutes on Company Law 2015-16, Ervine 43 Core Statutes on Contract, Tort & Restitution 2015-16, Stephenson



Emily Dickinson, Wagner-Martin


Debt, Democracy and the Welfare State, Hannesson


Empson, Atypical Child Development in Context


Decline of Political Leadership in Australia?, The, Pakulski, Tranter

Enquiry into the Asian Growth Model, An, Das



Degiannakis, Floros, Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data

Enterprise Risk Management in Finance, Wu, Olson



Delbridge, Motion Capture in Performance


Designing Industrial Policy in Latin America, Schneider


Detter, Fölster, The Public Wealth of Nations

Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2015-16, Cook, James, Lee


Core Statutes on Family Law 2015-16, Burton


Core Statutes on Property Law 2015-16, Luther, Moran 44 Core Statutes on Public Law & Civil Liberties 2015-16, Smith, Spain, Glancey

Davison, Clown Training


Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, Berger


Developmental Psychology for the Helping Professions, Sheldon


Dietrich, Rebellious Conservatives



Diplomacy, Berridge



Disputed Territories and Shared Pasts, Frank, Hadler


Coulson, Online Research Methods for Psychologists


Domosh, Neumann, Price, Contemporary Human Geography


Couple Relationships in the 21st Century, Gabb, Fink 78

Drake, Earle, Sloan, The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography


Cowen, Tabarrok, Modern Principles of Economics

Dulfano, Indigenous Feminist Narratives



Cox, O’Donnell, Molecular Biology


Durac, Cavatorta, Politics and Governance in the Middle East


Creativity and Humour in Occupy Movements, Yalcintas


Creeber, The Television Genre Book

17 3

Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling, Loewenthal


Croxton, The Last Christian Peace


D Dadachanji, FX Barrier Options


Dance and the Body in Western Theatre, Sörgel 85

Espinoza, Education and the State in Modern Peru


Essentials of UK Politics, Heywood


Essin, Stage Designers in Early Twentieth-Century America


Euro Crash, Brown


European Union Foreign Policy, Bickerton


European Union Illuminated, The, El-Agraa


European Union Policy Towards The Arab-Israeli Peace Process, Musu 59 Evans, Marchal, The Uses of the Middle Ages in Modern European States


Ewing, Germany’s Economic Renaissance


Executive Guide to Bank Management, The, Khandelwal, Farhat


Economic Inequality and Policy Control in the United States, Stelzner


Economics, Krugman, Wells


Education and the State in Modern Peru, Espinoza


Egyptian Revolution 2.0, el-Nawawy, Khamis


El-Agraa, The European Union Illuminated


el-Nawawy, Khamis, Egyptian Revolution 2.0



Das, An Enquiry into the Asian Growth Model


Elson, Globalization and Development



Early Modern Women in Conversation, Larson

Danner, Profit from Science


Europe’s Legitimacy Crisis, Longo, Murray


Electing and Ejecting Party Leaders in Britain, Quinn


Ervine, Core Statutes on Company Law 2015-16 43

Cornelissen, Cheru, Shaw, Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century

Crispoldi, Wigger, Larkin, SABR and SABR LIBOR Market Models in Practice

Entrepreneurship Movement and the University, The, Sá, Kretz

Family Caregiving in Aging Populations, Hill


Federalist Papers and Institutional Power In American Political Development, The, Wirls


Field, Britain’s Last Religious Revival?


Filipović, Transdisciplinary Approach to Language Study


Filmmaking in Action, Leipzig, Weiss


Finn, The Gove Legacy


Forbes, The Science of Why


Foreign Aid Regime, The, Furia



Formation of Gaming Culture, The, Kirkpatrick



Foucault, On the Punitive Society


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INDEX Founding Fathers, Education, and “The Great Contest”, The, Justice


Greenberg, Schmader, Arndt, Social Psychology


History of British Women’s Writing, 1920-1945, The, Joannou 49

Frank, Hadler, Disputed Territories and Shared Pasts


Griffiths, Hickson, British Party Politics and Ideology after New Labour


History of British Women’s Writing, 700-1500, The, Herbert McAvoy, Watt


Fraser, The Arab-Israeli Conflict


Groucutt, Hopkins, Marketing


History of France, A, Bergin


Frith, Orgasmic Bodies


History of Self-Harm in Britain, A, Millard


Furia, The Foreign Aid Regime


Future of Scholarly Writing, The, Bammer, Boetcher Joeres 31 FX Barrier Options, Dadachanji


G Gabb, Fink, Couple Relationships in the 21st Century


García-Sancho, Biology, Computing, and the History of Molecular Sequencing


Gardiner, Making Sense of Markets


Garnett, A-Z of Housing


Gender, Informal Institutions and Political Recruitment, Bjarnegård


Gender, Politics and Institutions, Krook, Mackay



Hockenbury, Nolan, Hockenbury, Psychology


Handbook of Security, The, Gill


Hoffmann, Lecamp, Independent Luxury


Hannesson, Debt, Democracy and the Welfare State


Holm, Jarrick, Scott, Humanities World Report 2015


Hariri, Looking Inside the Disordered Mind


Harms, Understanding Trauma and Resilience


Hooper, Larsson, The Research Journey of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)


Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis


Harris, Scott-Baumann, The Intellectual Culture of Puritan Women, 1558-1680

Hopkins, Solga, Performance and the Global City



Housewives of Japan, Goldstein-Gidoni


Huertas, Safe to Fail


Hauskeller, Philbeck, Carbonell, The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television


Hayes, Jeffries, Romantic Terrorism


Hazardous Wastes, Industrial Disasters, and Environmental Health Risks, Adeola


Health, Wealth, and Power in an African Diaspora Church in Canada, Aechtner


Gendering the European Union, Abels, Mushaben


Heath-Brown, The Statesman’s Yearbook 2016 33

Gerber, Medieval Ovid


Gerges, Contentious Politics in the Middle East


Henderson, Noble, Professional Learning, Induction and Critical Reflection


Heppell, Seawright, Cameron and the Conservatives


Germany’s Economic Renaissance, Ewing


Gervais, Living Physical Geography


Hughes, Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy Under the ‘Abe Doctrine’


Humanities World Report 2015, Holm, Jarrick, Scott


I Independent Luxury, Hoffmann, Lecamp


India Reloaded, Sinha


Indigenous Feminist Narratives, Dulfano


Inequality, Marketization and the Majority Class, Mau


Innes, Shakespeare’s Roman Plays


Inside Track for Independent Filmmakers, Leipzig


Intellectual Culture of Puritan Women, 1558-1680, The, Harris, Scott-Baumann


Intelligence Communication in the Digital Era, Arcos, Pherson


International Association of Universities, International Handbook of Universities 2016

29 29

Gill, The Handbook of Security


Herbert McAvoy, Watt, The History of British Women’s Writing, 700-1500

Globalization and Development, Elson


Hewitson, History and Causality


Golden Dawn’s ‘Nationalist Solution’, The, Vasilopoulou, Halikiopoulou


Heywood, Essentials of UK Politics


Hill, Family Caregiving in Aging Populations


Hill, Start Up


Hindle, Shakespeare on Film


Hindmoor, Taylor, Rational Choice


History and Causality, Hewitson


History of British Women’s Writing, 1610-1690, The, Suzuki

International Handbook of Universities 2016, International Association of Universities


International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca, Bowles, Cogo 55

Goldstein-Gidoni, Housewives of Japan


Gollin-Kies, Hall, Moore, Language for Specific Purposes 41 Gove Legacy, The, Finn


Governance and Politics of China, Saich


Grants Register 2016, The, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.




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INDEX International Volunteer Tourism, Borland, Adams


Khandelwal, Farhat, The Executive Guide to Bank Management

Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies, Robinson, Richardson


Kings and Bishops in Medieval England, 1066-1216, Wickson


Ioris, Water, State and the City


Kirkpatrick, The Formation of Gaming Culture


Islam and the Path to Human and Economic Development, Mirakhor, Askari


Klöckner, The Psychology of Pro-Environmental Communication


Islamic Law of War, The, Al-Dawoody


Kneale, Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Assessment


Knowles, Lichtman, Judging Free Speech


Krook, Mackay, Gender, Politics and Institutions


Krugman, Wells, Economics


It Takes More Than Casual Fridays and Free Coffee, Adams




Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy Under the ‘Abe Doctrine’, Hughes


Joannou, The History of British Women’s Writing, 1920-1945


Johnson, The Art of Living


Jones, The CEO’s Secret Weapon


Lacy, Rutqvist, Waste to Wealth


Jonson: Volpone, Botvinick


Joss, Sustainable Cities


Lambelet, Berthele, Age and Foreign Language Learning in School


Judging Free Speech, Knowles, Lichtman


Lancaster, Winning Minds


Justice and Revenge in Contemporary American Crime Fiction, Sim


Language for Specific Purposes, Gollin-Kies, Hall, Moore


Larson, Early Modern Women in Conversation


Last Christian Peace, The, Croxton

Justice, The Founding Fathers, Education, and “The Great Contest”


K Kamusella, Nomachi, Gibson, The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders


Karr, InterlandI, Houtman, Scientific American Environmental Science for a Changing World


Keane, The Chinese Television Industry Keen, Narrative Form Kelly, Military Internees, Prisoners of War and the Irish State during the Second World War Kenyon, Spirits and Slaves in Central Sudan Keys of Middle-earth, The, Lee, Solopova

Kubota, Takehara, Reform and Price Discovery at the Tokyo Stock Exchange



Looking Inside the Disordered Mind, Hariri


Lost Mansions, Raven


Lu, The XVA of Financial Derivatives: CVA, DVA and FVA Explained


Lund, School Choice, Ethnic Divisions, and Symbolic Boundaries


Luther, Moran, Core Statutes on Property Law 2015-16


M MacKinnon, Self-Esteem and Beyond


Macroeconomics, Mankiw


Madsen, Costigan, McNicol, Community Resilience, Universities and Engaged Research for Today’s World


Maier, The Ambidextrous Organization


Making Sense of Markets, Gardiner


Manager’s Dilemma, The, Sostrin


Managing Reform in Universities, Stensaker, Välimaa, Sarrico


Manipulation of Online Self-Presentation, The, Attrill


Mankiw, Macroeconomics



Many More Lives of the Batman, Pearson, Uricchio, Brooker


Leach, Political Ideology in Britain


Mapping Cultures, Roberts


Lee, Performing the Nation in Global Korea


Lee, Solopova, The Keys of Middle-earth


Marino, Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman /The Crucible


Leipzig, Inside Track for Independent Filmmakers

Market Liquidity Risk, van der Merwe



Marketing to the 90s Generation, Parment


Leipzig, Weiss, Filmmaking in Action


Marketing, Groucutt, Hopkins


Lexicon of Social Well-Being, A, Bruni



Linguistic Ethnography, Snell, Shaw, Copland


Marsh, Charles Dickens-Hard Times/Bleak House



Linquiti, The Public Sector R&D Enterprise

Masculinities and the Contemporary Irish Theatre, Singleton


Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Kneale


Mau, Inequality, Marketization and the Majority Class


Living Physical Geography, Gervais

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Localizing Global Finance, Robertson


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