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I have tried many kinds, but my body doesn’t seem to absorb iron well. What can you suggest?
Iron is a key element that is important in the body’s daily metabolism. It is required for growth, development, and oxygen management. Meats, beans, lentils, and nuts are some of the most common dietary sources of iron. How much iron we need to supplement with is very dependent on age, sex, and diet. Vegetarians require twice as much iron supplementation because our bodies cannot absorb the non-heme iron in plant sources as well as heme iron from animal sources.
Taking a vitamin C tablet with meals or iron supplement will help. Polysaccharide iron complexes (eg. Feramax), and heme iron polypeptides (eg. New Roots Herbal’s Heme Iron with 5MTHF/folate, Vit.B12 and Vit.C) can dramatically improve absorption over a basic ferrous gluconate/sulfate/fumarate. Heme iron preparations have the added benefit of being already in a form that the red blood cells can use for carrying oxygen, so there tends to be a more immediate response in enhancing energy levels.
Have your symptoms assessed by a physician, and consult your integrative pharmacist regarding safe, efficient, and effective iron supplementation for your individual case.

Fredrick Cheng, Registered Pharmacist
Pharmasave Steveston Village, 105-12420 No. 1 Rd Richmond BC V7E 6N2