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caused by stress and nervous crises.

Knowing that stress, depression, and anxiety derived from the treatment and hospitalization period which have detrimental effects on an individual’s health, humanizing healthcare spaces as an approach has become increasingly important today. The involvement of architecture as a decisive part of this subject is inevitable. Architecture has the ability to fulfill and contribute immensely to the psychological needs with a holistic approach in the design making process.


As holistic approach allows to create patient-centered spaces in order to increase the level of interaction with nature which also plays an important role in the humanization of hospital environments because nature acts as a useful resource for humans and architecture can work as an effective mediator to achieve positive results. By doing so, we can introduce natural materials which can be experienced by the patients, that will give them a sense of comfort and familiarity reducing to the stress levels and anxiety. The use of various strategies to induce a humanized design in a project is not only psychologically helpful but is also cost friendly as use of local materials takes place.

Therefore, it is a practice which can easily be incorporated into the design making process of healthcare facilities and on the other hand can also contribute extremely to the people and in return also fortunately but unintentionally spread awareness about mental health which is a big issue seen in India, as it will be seen in and around the surroundings often. But in order for this to take place it is essential to at least become a common practice in the treatment of certain patients of a specific disease or age as they are at the most vulnerable stage with the lack of mental, social, spiritual or emotional support.

On analyzing the statistics of patients in India it was very easy to point out one of the most evidently observed user groups with holistic needs in India, the Geriatric patients. This group of patients have high emotional and mental needs as they are at a very vulnerable stage of their life and often being admitted in hospices brings down their self confidence level due to loneliness and poor health.

Highest number of diseases documented are in the geriatric category, chronic diseases like cancer, tumor, etc. are observed. Along with this it is also noticed that these patients have very high numbers of mental health issues and diseases.

To add to the already existing issues, the situation specifically in India is extreme as Geriatric degrees are not recognized in our country because of which there is no proper medically trained professionals specifically to geriatric treatments. Whereas, the needs of the elderly are completely different and sensitive in comparison to patients of other age groups. It is essential for this issue to come into the limelight but at the same time it is also important to have healthcare places and professionals catering to this particular age group.

When it comes to architecture, it also includes various strategies in designing specifically for the elderly. Architecture can play a very important role in mending or bettering their mental health in a healthcare setting. A program that is specially designed for the needs and requirements of the elderly people can

contribute to a large extent. A holistic approach in the design making stage to create areas, ambiences and environments in a healthcare facility will help in providing a sense of belonging and comfort to its users. Achieving all the holistic as well as physical needs of the elderly will be the ultimate goal of the design brief.

Depiction of the mind with colours

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