Magical Goddess 3/2016

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MG 3/2016

The 7 Gifts


Derek Rydall


– Tee Ming Ooi –


Make it REAL

C. Ara Campbell


Jarrad Hewett

Emmanuel Dagher




Issue No:3 June 2016

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Are you an empath, a lightworker or a healer, but have not gotten deep results with your practice yet? My INFINITE ABUNDANCE PROGRAM will help you to thrive doing what you love doing. This program will allow you to clear all your abundance blocks from the core and for good. Would you like to stop over-giving and start receiving? After this program you can expect your relationship with money to have been shifted from any lack to infinite abundance and you will be able to create more financial stability and freedom into your life. You will have more clarity about your life purpose and you will be more connected with your soul friends, family and mates.

Welcome to Magical Goddess Magazine! Kati Kelo helps soulpreneurs to multiply their income, have more clients and expand their tribes, creating a bigger positive influence in the world by discovering their unique signature offers through effective soulbranding. She is also an artist, a designer, and a mother to a five year old daughter.

Issue No:3 June 2016

In this issue

Assistant Angel, Proofing & Editing: Satu Lindgren


Message from gold

26 How to discover your


Magical Goddess – Awakening to Our Natural Abundance

30 Satu Lindgren: Abundance




Laugh your way into more abundance



Jarrad Hewett Stop Faking it MAKE IT REAL

The Secrets of Goddess Magic


The Five Foundations of Prosperity


32 3 DAILY HABITS That Accelerate A Woman’s Ability To Attract Abundance



Are You Time Limited or Time Abundant?



Invite The Abundance of Nature Into Your Life


Tarek Bibi The more you give the more you receive





unique potential Includes Everything

38 You Are Enough 42 The Shift 44 Tee Ming Ooi



The Sacred Masculine






The 7 Gifts That Give You Everything



BOOKS Recommended For Goddesses



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Message From Gold Gold Says


By Astra

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ASTRA I am Astra, the Empowered Money Messenger and Soul Biz Success Coach for Soulpreneurs. I connect you with your abundance, Wealth Health and personal power for a soulfully successful biz! You can find out more on my website here:


MG 3/2016 Kati Kelo Founder & Creator

Abundance is the natural result of us expressing sharing and shining the divine within us. It is the joy and love of life coming out and expanding all around us. Financial prosperity is just an outer expression of our inner abundance. Like Richard Branson puts it; have fun, work hard and the money will come. This magazine seems to have a special function on my journey. As I have been contemplating this issue and abundance I have faced every block of my own around the subject. Old patterns coming up and out. I have also magically manifested a money course and an abundance course. Universe has my back, it really makes me think that I am on the right track. I truly am living in the divine abundant flow these days. Having more and having more money is propably the one of the most popular theme on the self-help arena. Long gone are the days of being on a spritual path meant totally abandoning the physical world and the pleasures of it. We have been awakened to the idea that financial freedom goes hand in hand with our spiritual growth and are accepting the idea of being naturally abundant beings, children of God, meant to be thriving and enjoying life just like everything else in the nature. Whilst we may embrace this wholeness and harmony of abundance within our minds, we still have a lot of work to do before that idea can land into

our reality. For many spritual people the past lack is right here in a very concrete way. I grew up with the idea that there were “the rich” and “the poor” and we belonged to the latter, with no way out of it, as if it was our destiny in this life time. I remember the fear of running out of things and money being around every day. I recall how my mom reacted to receiving money, by always saying no, that is too much for me, or how everything was too expensive or and how much guilt she felt after spending any money in vain, or on herself no matter how small it was. My parents come from very rough backgrounds. As a young child my dad fled the war and was evacuated from Karelia, the area Russians took over from Finland. Their family lost everything they owned and were living in the mercy of others, travelling from house to house like beggers before getting their own home. He was also the youger brother, and according to the Karelian tradition, his older brother was treated like a king in the family. My dad had to work hard in order to make a living and was never able to shine or pursue his artistic


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talents. Not surprisingly, his brother turned up a narcissistic alcholic, now living in a hospital home.

can have and be anything we desire, once we become free of all our limitations.

My mother comes from a rural and very poor area of northern Finland. She was the youngest of nine children and both of her parents died before she was twelve, leaving her and her brothers and sisters orphans. She was also living on charity of others never really been officially adopted, but taken in by a friend’s family.

In this issue we are going deep into the secrets of prosperity. I’m hoping this magazine will be of contribution to your journey toward more financial freedom and more abundant life. I am very grateful for all the beautiful Gods and Goddesses who are so generously sharing their wisdom with us.

There are plenty of good things I learned from my parents, like always sharing the goods and being grateful for what I do have, and in a way knowing that there is more to life than material things. I understand where their poverty and lack conscioussness comes from and how I have had a lot to clear so that I can become fully free.

We can grow into our abundance in the same way as everything else on earth, by fully expressing our unique soul song and surrendering to our own divine nature. A big part of the awakening of the world is about balancing the feminine and masculine, and the new more feminine and organic ways of being leaders and building businesses is beginning to thrive. It is our responsiblity as Goddesses to fully embrace the formerly surpressed empowered creator being within us. We need to be the contribution we can be and take the roles of leadership in our communities. The more we prosper, the more we have to gift to everyone.

Growing into awakened wealth conscioussness is one of the things we spiritual people have signed up for in this lifetime, to clear and free ourselves from the centuries of survival mode, lack and limitations, and it takes a little time to let go of it all. We are here to change the old programming creating a new abundant world for everyone, not just for ourselves. The truth is that we are infinitely abundant beings and we

For your ever-increasing Goddess abundance with love, Kati


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Do you hear my call? Can you handle my raging storm? Will you open your sails to my howling winds? Can you ride the waves on this fierce and unknown sea or do you prefer the safe shores of a calm bay and the ever present guide of a lighthouse set upon safe sands?

Will you dive in the deep, dark waters with me or wade only into the shallows? Will you plunge yourself fully or float upon the surface? Will you beckon me to swim alongside you or take off into the darkness alone? Will you drift and navigate only by the stars, howling with me under the starlit skies? Do you long to live where your purpose dances with your soul bathed in the light of the truth cast forth from your heart? Are you able to run barefoot in the untamed forest of my spirit and lay in the fields of my dreams with me? Will you meet me in the clearing past all thought and reason, erasing all beliefs and ideals once put upon us? Can you behold me there in my nakedness? Will you sit with me in silent surrender; bare, raw and bursting with life like the soil beneath our feet? Do you feel the thread of a thousand lifetimes flowing in your veins, calling to you with ancient wisdom? Will you move with me between the veils of the worlds, gliding along the shimmering sunlight tipped trees. Will you stand with this warrior heart when the time to raise our swords comes?

Will you merge with me in an alchemy of cosmic flow and Earthly wonder? Will you show reverence at my temple and worship at the sacred altar of my heart knowing that I will do the same in return? Will you feed yourself on this divine union with me? Can you feel the ancient mystery that pulses deep within me as we move together in sacred surrender? Will you demand perfection, protected by rules held in place with chains? If this is what you seek, then run away now; leave this patchwork spirit stitched together with soul fire and gossamer strings of starlight. I am not Monday to Friday 9-5 predictability. I am not a dog eared page you seek out upon the shelf when you’re in search of quick entertainment. I am not for the faint of heart nor am I a trinket to be toyed with. I am not made to be invisible, dissolve-able, temporary or easily digestible.

I am soul deep nourishment. I am the wild feminine. If you wish to dance in my sacred fire, to get lost in my deepest desire; if you seek to lose your


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breath in the steps and gasp for air, then I invite you to stay. If you’re looking for mystical magical alchemy that will set your world aflame, be ready to burn in the light of our winding truth. But be warned, there is no way back. This divine heat will consume you, and burn from you all thoughts of a normal life. To move with the deepest feminine fire is to let go of the shore and embrace the untamed and the unknown.

Will you show me the secret words you whisper, the prayer you offer to the night sky? When you are alone and none are there to judge you, where you read the words written upon your open heart as you wander the corners of your being?

I want to know if you are ready?

Will you show me your color, when the world has gone completely dark? When all else fades and the silence falls, leaving shadows to dance in the unseen, yours is the light I want to see and to know when all else fades away.

I want to know who you are when you don’t have to hold back anymore; when the barriers crumble and the veils dissolve, and you stand in the brilliance of your unfolding baring your truth to the world like a thousand burning suns. Will you bare your truth to my eyes? The place where you no longer have to pretend, where the threads of the past are scattered and you walk naked and raw, free of the masks that once concealed you?

Will you show me the whispers of your ancient soul, the ones that are etched far beneath the realm of flesh and bone? Where conversations are between ageless spirits flowing into one another like the rivers back to the sea, bringing lost fragments home. Will you love me, with all of your wild untamed spirit? Will you hold nothing back as you stand before me present in your authentic truth, like a primal King of old; raw, sacred and wild, crowned by the Full Moon light? Will you let this Priestess take you as her consort for her Queendom? Will you love me with the depths of your heart, touching right into my open soul? Your very breath tickling the back of my mind, leaving no thought or desire unturned? Like a brush stroke on blank canvas will you etch the endless possibilities and timeless works of art upon the eternal fabric of my skin? Will you love me in the pause between breaths and within the beating drums of our hearts? And in the passing of the sun and moon will you dance with me across the pages of time? Are you ready to walk by my side?

I am the wild feminine. Do you hear my call? 9

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ABUNDANCE Fredrik Grรถnqvist

What if you could experience more lightness, ease and laughter in your life? How would laughter contribute to your sense of abundance? Have you ever thought of ease, humor and laughter as a form of abundance? How would your experience shift and change if you could include more fun, play and laughter into your life? What makes you laugh and feel more lighthearted? How much do you allow yourself to laugh in a day, to see the humorous side of things?

Yes, humor and laughter can have a transforming and healing power. When we laugh our bodies automatically relax and we drop into the present moment, into our essence, where we can more easily accept difficult situations, people and challenging circumstances. When we laugh our body releases oxytocin, the nuturing hormone the makes us relax and promotes bonding. And that is a blessing and a natural form of abundance. The additional benefit of laughter is that when we are in this relaxed, natural joyfilled state of mind, we are more open to receive

abundance since like attract like. It can come to us in many surprising, wonderful forms. Maybe we are able to see our situation in a new light or find new creative ideas on how to solve our problems or we might just find it easy and natural to let go of one of our addictions, obsessions or unhealthy habits. It is never too late to start laughing and looking out for more opportunities to experience lightness and humor in everyday situations. Here comes ten fun and uplifting ways to include more fun, lightness and laughter into your life.



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1. Set a crystal clear intention

6. Invite your personal laughter angel

Begin each day by setting a crystal clear intention to include humor and look out to find humorous situations during the day. A powerful intention will send a clear message to the universe about what you would like to attract more into your life. What you focus on grows so start focusing on what you would like to attract more of into your life. There are alot of funny and creative ways you could stretch your humor muscles and find funny situations as you go about your day.

Invite and ask your beloved “laughter angel” to help you when you feel too serious, filled with heavy energy, or really challenged by life. Stop for a moment and ask your angel to tickle you under your arms and make you laugh. Yes, you can use your imagination to picture loving angels flying in from heaven to help you relax and laugh. At the same time try tickle yourself under your arms or on your heart. 7. Imagine this is your last most important lauging day

2. Smile as often as possible Start smiling when you meet people, smile with your Divine and smile at yourself. Smile as often as possible. Your smile is contagious and will make not only you but the whole world a lot more happier. 3. Bless everyone and send love and light to the world This could be a funny and uplifting game. Imagine the people you meet and come up with fun and creative ways to send them healing light and love. For example you could visualize a laughing Buddha, that jumps out to one of your friends and gives him or her a warm hug. Keep on blessing and have fun at the same time. What you give will come back to you. 4. Practice laughter yoga Start lauging out loud several times during the day. Take short breaks during worktime and start laughing out loud. “He, he, hi, hi, ho, ho” and practice diffrent ways of laughing together with your family, your pet and friends. Do it with a curious mind and see what happens. 5. Use props and funny stories to help you to remember to laugh Think of a funny story or memory that always makes you laugh out loud or you could write funny stories or make drawings of funny faces that you put up on your refrigerator door or bathroom mirror. Be creative and try out diffrent ways.


This could in fact be the last day you ever have to experience the abundant feeling of joy and happiness through laughter. Why not feel grateful for this day and cherish every moment. Appreciate that you have been given this magical opportunity to smile and laugh. Choose to laugh with yourself and others and to find something absurd or magical in everything that happens just for today. This is a very powerful, transforming and liberating process. I use it myself every day to remember not to take myself or life too seriously. It is also a good way to remember that every moment is precious and should be appreciated and tended with utmost care. Just tell yourself that this day is your most important day and intend to feel abundant, light and humorous as often as possible during the day. Tell yourself that whatever happens today I can choose acceptance, compassion, trust, fun and laughter. Relax into laugther and abundance. Remember that abundance is your natural state of oneness, you already are a part of everything your heart desires and all the abudance in this overflowing, kind, loving, intelligent and laughing universe. Remember that the angels fly with light wings because they dont take themselves and life so seriously. You too can intend to not take yourself and your life too seriously. Try see your life from a highter perspective.

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8. Exaggerate

10. Raise your energy

When irritating situations and people come your way, come up with fun ways to laugh at them. For example I have started blessing people that annoy me. Using humor, I picture a giant angel with a sword that comes to the annoying person and gives them a blessing on their butts with his “bless you, forgive you, love you, let you go sword”. Or I give them a pat on the back myself using my imagination and my big hand. The absurdity makes me start laughing. My body relaxes and I am not any longer taking myself or the other person too seriously. I drop into my essence where I can relate from compassion, understanding and kindness. Laughter heals conflicts, opens up our hearts and brings people together.

When feeling sad or low you might need to raise your Kundalini energy. You can for example do this by a chakra meditation. When your Kundalini is high and free flowing you will feel more accepting, compassionate, optimistic and trusting about yourself and life. It will be much more easy to find something fun about your situation and to relax into an abundant universe. Your heart chakra will open and you can relate to yourself and the world with love, openness and compassion.

9. Use inquiry Inquiry is a powerful tool that you can use to find out what makes you laugh and what makes you feel more filled with joy and at ease. You can do this practice together with a friend. Repeat this question for five minutes each. “What makes me laugh is...” and the other person tells whatever spontaneously comes to him or her. Then you switch roles. Let the answers come from the heart and open up to be surprised. We all have our unique sense of humor and what makes me laugh and relax might not be the same things that makes you laugh.

Now it is up to you. Make a strong commitment that you will find more ways to include lightness, joy and laughter into your life so that you can attract and experience more abundance. Then be nice to yourself and give yourself a funny little reward, for example a course in laughter Yoga or a vacation to Hawaii. Aloha! Have fun and enjoy every moment of your unique journey toward oneness. Including more laughter into your life will not only make you more abundant, it will also make your journey towards oneness and uncondional love more fun and happier. So fly with light wings and an open, smiling heart. Much love and laughter! Fredrik Grönqvist


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Stop faking it,

Make it REAL

Jarrad Hewett

When we can realize, at the deepest level, that money and abundance are expressive energies of who we are, we can begin to create new pathways and new ways of wealth. All of my life, I had been able to see energy and read blocks in people and in myself, but I had a very dense set of limitations around making money in the 3d world and what I was and was not “allowed” to do – and I was not allowed to use my gifts to make money, because that would be too easy, and we all know, making money is supposed to be hard, right? “I bought into the game” How could I not? Look at what we are inundated with from birth. Whether it’s the TV, the newspaper, the internet, the game is set up to keep you playing, and in this game, the house always wins. I was helping people change their lives every single day, but I didn’t believe it was honorable or a real job to just help people find happiness, and so my frequency couldn’t allow the abundance to flow. We’re taught in grade school that “everything is energy.” It’s worded more in alignment with old thought patterns around cells, atoms, neutrons, and electrons, but after decades of scientific research and study, it’s been proven that everything has a measurable and quantifiable energy field - including you! And by changing your frequency, you can literally change your life. Abundance - and YES I mean MONEY - is like a radio station. It has a certain frequency on the am/fm dial of life. And most of what’s programmed on that station is old energy. Yet because it’s money, and we have so many beliefs about how we can, should, could, must, or ought to make it, we keep dialing in to the same fre-

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quency of lack and limitation expecting different results. The first thing you need to know is it is that easy with the Right Tools. Well, what are those tools? You. A wise man once said, “Bank in the bank, and not in your imagination.” What does that mean? Simply put, it means, make it real! That does not mean “Fake it till you make it” - and here’s why: What happens when you don’t make it, and what happens when you realize that faking it feels... well, fake? For some, “Fake it till you make it” cause even more resistance at the unconscious level, because they’re pushing and “willing” creation from the mind. There are lots of levels to the psychological and energetic understanding of this phrase, and the good news is, there is some truth, and you haven’t been wasting your time, only your energy. Because creation is actually much easier than faking it! Our feelings, not mental will or force, are the gasoline that fuels manifestation and drives the engine of our creation. Our thoughts and directions are the steering wheel and the gas pedal all in one. In opening up to all that you are, you open up to infinite possibility: a space wherein the universe has infinite ways and means to bring you what you desire, and where you can now “be” in the energy. In be-ing the energy, “faking” turns into actively creating through choice and expression, while you take steps in alignment with becoming who and what you say you are. Creation

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Jarrad Hewett is the Best-Selling Author of Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation as well as the co-author of the International #1 Best-Selling The Big E - Everything is Energy: Unleashing The Power of Everyday Wisdom. His new book, The Gospel of You: The Truth About God, Religion, and Who You Really Are is available now. Jarrad’s in-depth energy work has led to 3 BestSelling books, regular radio show appearances, and a devoted client list featuring some of the biggest and most well-known names in the Self Help and Spiritual Movements. To learn more about Jarrad’s work or to download some free energy journeys, visit becomes about unfolding yourself and letting yourself out into the world instead of putting a band aid over what’s really there.

“ In opening up to all that you are, you open up to infinite possibility: a space wherein the universe has infinite ways and means to bring you what you desire, and where you can now 'be' in the energy. ” Creation is all about taking the actions that are in alignment with who we say we are. It’s about being authentic, and seeing ourselves as a journey – and loving that process, and us enough, to be still with ourselves, to feel what it would feel like, just for now, to be abundant. are you ready to know that the door is open, and that your part is to now walk through that door by consciously choosing in life the thoughts, feelings, people, etc., which are in alignment with creating more of this love and abundance? that is creation, and there is nothing fake about it. Take a moment, right now, to just feel what it would feel like. Put yourself in the “end result.” What does that feel like? If the mind acts up and you begin to feel overwhelmed by the things you would have to do or be or say to get where it is you want to be, or what others might have to accept, change, do, etc., just press the pause button and consciously re-ad-

just and focus on what you would like to feel. What would it feel like to truly be abundant – having money follow you around and land in your space no matter what you do, who you are, or where you go? Jump up and down. Get excited. Really celebrate what it would feel like to have and to be everything you are. And here’s something you might not expect: this can feel awful! Many people realize just how afraid they are to play and to really express themselves, just through the resitance they meet in this exercise. But if you can walk through this, if you can take the stand that you love yourself and that you are going to feel good, and that those good feelings are going to lead to a positve experience and new ideas and inspirations, and you can move forward in the positive powerful knowing that you create, you will create! Money is just energy, but so many people get wrapped up in it and forget that it is an illusion. What money really represents is the energy and reflection of actualized potential – whether that actualization is from “physical” work or change or “energy” work or change, etc. Remember, money and abundance do not create you, you create Money and Abundance, by letting yourself out into the world - by meeting your self in a new way, and by experiencing All that You Are! Remember, Money is a feeling. It is freedom. It is joy. It is self-love. It is expression. Start there. Begin to play with what it would feel like.: “I’m so excited I have _________” fill in the blank!

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To get what you want is to know what you truly want. Goddess is one with her desires.

Create a Life of Divine Flow 16

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When a woman looks into a mirror she sees the limitations of her beauty. When a Goddess looks into a mirror she sees the beauty of her limitations. When an awakened Goddess looks into a mirror she sees love. (From The Secrets of Goddess Magic, Kati Kelo)



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– Connect With Your Natural Divine Flow of Abundance –

Working with Goddess magic is understanding and acknowledging the truth of the magic of being a woman. Every human being on earth has come into existence through a woman. Being a woman is the greatest gift of magic one can ever have. “Are you aware of the natural life creating essence of the Goddess within you?” My first memories of magic come from my childhood. I must have been four years old when I used to command the wind in the autumn, to make the leaves of the trees make sounds and fall off. I would stand in front of a tree and shout out like a little sorceress commanding the wind to blow. It really worked. I felt like I was one with the wind as I waved my arms wildly with the wind. That must have looked hilarious. One of my favorite games was to travel around the world by spinning on a chair ending up in exotic places to see different animals. That worked too. I was really there. I could see the details of the skin of a crocodile. I could touch an elephant and nobody else knew what I was seeing and where I was as I trotted around our home in my virtual worlds. It was my secret land of wild animals. I had my own spell when playing Kimble, I would say it silently if I wanted to get a number six, it worked, every time, and I won, every time. I knew my magic worked, I had no doubts about it. Then I grew up, end of story, end of magic. Well, not really, even though I have had my years of dwelling in the shadows of this playground of a life I never really stopped believing in magic. As I


sat in a park the other day with the thought of me as a woman in her forties totally believing in magic, I laughed out loud. But, as I stayed with that thought, a huge wave of gratitude washed over me. I realized what a gift it was. I hadn’t gotten completely lost in my journey. I have managed to sustain a part of that innocence I came here with. I truly still believe that anything is possible, after all that I have been through. That moment I loved myself and that powerful creator within me as I saw her in her pure innocent wonder, unchanged, untouched by the perspectives and stories we call human life.

Goddess Magic is Light One of the most essential secrets of magic is lightness. On the contrary to our instictive thoughts, magic is not something we need to use force with. Magic lives in the lighteness, in the wondering innocent whisper, that of a child. This is a very crucial secret if you want to be the master of magic you truly are. The natural flow of life is expansion and the highest speed possible to that expansion. In nature, everything grows and thrives, adjusting to the circumstances, always

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The most magical gift of a Goddess is something this world has no way of asking for, because it hasn’t been around before.

Goddess has no needs, only a passionate curiosity to experience life and the symphony of her being to the full. The whispering wonder of a Goddess is like waving a magic wand.

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naturally figuring out the best and the fastest way through any possible obstacles. We are parts of that natural evolution, growing and always naturally thriving for the expansion and most importantly for the expansion of our consciousness. That is where the magic resides, on the egde of our current state of consciousness where the light is waiting to pour in when we are ready to receive it. Have you heard of the saying that the truth will always make you feel lighter? Has someone told you to always choose the thing that feels lighter, or to follow your joy? That is the truth and the first key to magic. Just remember this; magic lives in the lightness, and any use of force will take you further away from your magic.

by Kati K


If you would like to read my whole book – The Secrets of Goddess Magic – just order this FREE gift from here. The basic tools of magic in this book will help you to connect with the abundance of your own divine flow. www.

Float in the water of your being. Being a woman you have an innate knowing of magic within your body, it creates life naturally, effortlessly. Goddess is cabable of creating merely by surrendering to the essence of her natural being. She is capable of magic and miraculous creation. She is the stillness of the universe from which all life is arising. Goddess is the one who turns on the desires of the God within.


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C. Ara Campbell

Through my life I buried many thoughts about my perceptions of what my spirit would call the definition of a “perfect match” of the masculine to my feminine, which is different for everyone of course. The one that was forged from the flames of his own growth and evolution; that inspired with passion, led with kindness, was fiercely driven, compassionate and had a purpose that ran deep, ancient thread of knowing spirit kind of deep. But it wouldn’t stop nagging me no matter how many people told me this type of man did not exist, it was as if I could feel this truth etched upon my very bones even though it was denied by so many.

And yet it does exist. He is the Sacred Masculine. The one that was the lover, the king, the warrior, the healer, the magician, the artist; that was romantic and sexual, independent and co-creative, intelligent and humorous, and above all open.

Open in feeling, in body, in purpose, in truth. Open. Conscious. Present. Vulnerability and surrender can only occur as deep as the mirror allows in a relationship and if the mirror is shallow, then it reflects in the depth of penetration that can occur between divine feminine and sacred masculine.

The depth of reach in touching the divine feminine is a reflection of how deep the masculine is willing to he himself feel and experience emotion. Wanting to touch so deeply inside the divine feminine but knowing that the deeper the touch the deeper the feel, but longing for it and doing it anyways, not shy of this deep well of emotion. It’s not that there is no fear in the sacred masculine, but it isn’t of the deeper parts of life, of connection or of love. Hearing the wild call of his soul, he is master to none. His allegiance it to his own heart and to his dreams.

The sacred masculine is not a look, an age, a body or a type. It is the ability to be present of body and heart, to be open in spirit and feeling, free in soul and mind. It is kindness merging with strength, passion blending with purpose, sexuality joining with expression, emotion meeting truth and imagination combining with intelligence.


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He does not hide from what his heart speaks; he listens with open ear embracing his intuition, knowing that as warrior his instincts are sharp. He does not run from conflict, knowing that resolution is the traits of Kings. He will not wall off his heart from the Divine Feminine, feeling that within the flow of her love is eternity. The sacred masculine does not play games for he holds all others as equal to himself. He is open and honest in speaking his truth for he knows to hide his voice is to veil his purpose. He has no shame for the love in his heart for he knows to feel is sacred. He owns his mistakes and his past, but is not a prisoner to it’s chains. It’s not the ability to dominate others that makes him strong; it’s the strength he has in helping them rise where his power lies. The sacred masculine is a force of nature and as a part of nature, has a reverence for the natural world and all the creatures in it. His power is purposeful but not harmful, and wields a double edged sword of strength and compassion in equal measure. His love is a sacred space for himself to grow alone and with a companion in a place of trust, respect and soul connection. He would never lessen another to make himself more. He is a man that acknowledges his desires, his dreams and his deep emotions.

He needs no lineage to be crowned King.

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By Derek Rydall

“To he who is right in mind, he can do all the wrong things and it will still turn out right. To she who is wrong in mind, she can do all the right things and it will still turn out wrong.” As we watch the Wall Street rich get richer (many of whom created our economic crisis) while honest, hardworking people get poorer, a question naturally arises: “Why do good things happen to bad people – and so many bad things happen to good people?” It sometimes feels like we’re living in a perpetual opposite day, where “Love yourself not your neighbor” seems to be the golden rule and “Take and you shall receive” appears to be the principle of abundance. In the self-help/spiritual arena, the pain is felt even more acutely; where’s karma, the law of cause and effect, the law of attraction? If you’re a good human being, good stuff is supposed to happen to you, right? Wrong. It’s a common misunderstanding to believe that “human goodness” leads to the experience of human good. In fact, that’s not always – or even often – the case.

Here is the real principle of life: Consciousness is cause. It’s not so much the actions we take, but the consciousness behind them, that determines our experience. If a greedy person believes they’re worthy or capable of creating wealth, they’ll create it. If a generous and kind person doesn’t feel worthy or abundant, they’ll end up a broke do-gooder. It’s not personal, it’s principle. For every area of our life, we have certain set-points. For example, we might feel capable and confident with our work – and hold a strong selfimage about it – but simultaneously harbor a limited identity and belief system around wealth. This can create an experience where we do great work, receive abundant kudos and are still underpaid. Or if we manage to increase our paycheck, our expenses increase with it – making us broke at a higher income bracket! This can also show up in the area of health. A person can do all the


right things, eat all the right foods and still end up getting sick – while another person eats whatever they want and hardly has a down day in their life. Don’t you just hate those people?! Some would argue that this is about genetics. But the latest discoveries in epigenetics reveal that genes don’t control our body, the environment of the cell does. And what controls the environment of our cells? Our consciousness. This has been further shown in the science of psychoneuroimmunology, which explains how our thoughts become chemical and electrical impulses in our body, forming a biological alphabet that sends commands to our cells. Thoughts become things. Our biography becomes our biology. Our consciousness is the cause of our reality. If we take a deeper look at the dogooder, striving to change the world

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Listen in as Derek transforms ancient principles into cutting edge insights about life purpose, relationships, health, abundance, money, career, personal growth and more. subscribe-to-podcast/ for the better – but getting shortchanged themselves – we’ll find a belief system of limitation and fear. The inner talk might sound something like “life is hard, people are unfairly treated, things are unjust... “ And that is the kind of life they experience, regardless of how much they “fight the good fight.” We don’t get what we want – or even what we pray for – we get what we are in consciousness. Life is not fair, it’s lawful. When a person eats a healthy meal, but underneath it is motivated by fear or selfloathing, the law of consciousness sees a fearful, self-loathing person and magnifies that, drawing more of that to them. The universe is blind to your actions but acutely aware of the thoughts behind them. This isn’t to say that actions aren’t important. Action is crucial to creation. As the saying goes, “Faith without works is dead.” But the reverse is also true: “Works without

faith are dead.” By all means, act from your highest standard of good. But be sure to align yourself with an equally high state of consciousness. If you find yourself saving money out of fear of loss, shift that perspective so you’re saving from a state of inspiration and abundance – you’re saving “for” something, like financial freedom or a new house, rather than saving “from” something, like the fear of financial ruin or losing your house. Pay closer attention to the consciousness behind your actions. Notice when what you say matches what you’re thinking and feeling and when it doesn’t. Become aware of when your actions are in alignment with your deeper beliefs and when they contradict them. Take some time to journal about the beliefs, self-talk and emotions behind the key areas of your life – particularly the ones where you’re experiencing challenges. At the end of the week, review this. You’ll dis-


cover that the picture you’re seeing outside is a reflection – if only faintly – of the mental/emotional picture you’re living inside. You’ll also start to see the gap between what you’re trying to create – the actions you’re taking – and what you’re really creating with your thoughts, feelings and mental images. The awareness of this gap is the beginning of real change. Set the intention to close that gap. Work with this material daily. And as your thoughts, feelings, words and actions become in integrity with your highest vision, you’ll become one of the “good people” who has good things happening... and you’ll be unstoppable. To Your Emergence!

Get Your Free 7 Part Law of Emergence eCourse Here

The 7 Gifts


Nothing enters into this world except through the process of giving. If we don’t give, there can’t be more. If you want more to come into your life, you must let more life come out of you! You are a divine power plant, and a power plant doesn’t receive energy, it generates it. Even the word human comes from a Sanskrit term for ‘man’ that means ‘The Dispenser of Divine Gifts.’ That’s who you are, that’s why you came here – you really are God’s gift to this world! But there are many forms of giving. And you must engage all of them to fully activate the Generator in that divine power plant and create unlimited abundance in your experience. I invite you to activate this divine power plant like never before – to tune in, turn it on, and let it shine! To do this, look at each life structure (Health, Wealth, Work, Relationships, Spirituality, Service, Personal Development) and notice where you’re still trying to get something. It could be love, approval, respect, validation. Or if it’s something material, ask what it symbolizes for you, what it stands for. For example, money might equal ‘safety, security,

power, worth.’ Translate the physical into the spiritual quality. Then actively give these to yourself each day, by asking: What would it look like to totally respect/love/approve myself? etc. -- and follow the guidance! If you’re really ready to activate your unlimited wealth and fulfill your destiny, I invite you to join the – The 40-Day Giving Challenge. To be part of this, every day for the next 40 days, ask where you can give more in one of these life structures and/or in regards to one of the 7 Gifts above. You might pick one area to grow each day, or each week. Then share your experiences and breakthroughs on my Facebook page. This is just the beginning of a life of awakened wealth and abundance.

To Your Awakened Wealth!

The 7 Gifts That Give You Everything Giving In Let go of resistance, surrender to what’s emerging

Giving Away Giving Forth Share your time, talent, and treasure

Circulate what you no longer need/use

Giving Up Release habits, criticism, complaints, judgment

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Part of the new generation of spiritual visionaries and thought leaders, Derek Rydall is the author of the #1 Amazon/Barnes & Noble best-seller EMERGENCE: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change and the world’s #1 expert on the revolutionary Law of Emergence. He has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in empowered leadership and communications, and has coached celebrities and media professionals, including Oscar and Emmy winners, on creating conscious entertainment. As a regular Huffington Post contributor, and host of the top-rated Emergence podcast on iTunes, he reveals cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies to achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. With his global platform, Derek has touched hundreds of thousands around the planet with his message on finding your path, living your purpose and making a powerful impact!

Forgiving Free yourself and others from emotional debt

Giving Thanks

Giving to Yourself

What you appreciate, appreciates

Give yourself what you seek from others 25

Get Your Awakened Wealth e-Book HERE

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Kati Kelo

One of the major things that can be slowing us down on our path towards more abundant life is that we have ignored some parts of us. We haven’t fully aligned with the wholeness of our being and don’t trust in ourselves completely. I used to do graphic design, and all that branding stuff for a decade. I loved it, but there was something missing. My heart was crying for a greater meaning, a mission. I got depressed, or it was just like Derek Rydall puts it, “Depression is only a lack of expression.” I was never really depressed, it was always about me wanting to grow bigger and express more. How do we start DISCOVERING OUR CALLING? We all are living our workshops. The clues of our calling can be found in those chronic issues that keep coming around, in the quality of our relationships, our hopes, dreams and desires. Everything in our lives is an answer to a question we have wanted to discover an aswer to in this lifetime. If we begin to see everything around us as an answer instead of an issue, we shift our perception from victim to empowerment. If we listen to the answers that we already have, we create more space for asking new questions and allow new answers to arrive? I believe in living in the infinite possibilities and for me there is a degree of heaviness involved when talking about finding our “purpose.” If you imagine you would have everything in your life just the way you wanted, eventually you would outgrow that space too. That is why I prefer to use words like direction, pontential and possibilites. Our hearts don’t like to be limited. If you truly want to stay on the edge of your own evolution and be the contribution you truly can be in every situa-


tion, you have got to gift some space for the magic. I learned from Dain Heer to ask every day, “Universe show me something beautiful? ”. WHat are Your core values and priorities? We may want to have a successful business, but we carry a belief inside, that it would take away something valuable from us. We might desire to be rich, but inside we despise “the rich”. If we define our values and priorities clearly and become aware of them, it becomes easier to detect the conflicts too. Our priorities are the things we value the most, the intangible qualities we want in our lives, such as freedom, joy, love, happiness, abundance, awakening and growth. When we know our values and priorities we can easily work with magic of questions. We can always ask when we are choosing anything, “Does this align with my values? Does this choice bring me more of those qualities I want?” From your core values you can make yourself a personal Mission Statement, a one-sentence statement describing the reason why you are doing what you are doing, and you can use it to help to guide decisions about priorities and your actions. This is a huge help when wanting clarity on what to do with your unique gifts. Anything that moves us, the things that really push our buttons and make us angry are equally good indicators of our direction as the things that bring us joy, love and happiness. What moves you and what can you find in

MG 3/2016 Kati Kelo helps soulpreneurs to multiply their income, have more clients and expand their tribes, creating a bigger positive influence in the world by discovering their unique signature offers through effective soulbranding.

– Be one with your desires – those things, that awaken your desire for action to make an impact in the world? Are you coming from allowance or resistance? The magical key to discovering our uniqueness is in our joy, we are meant to do what we enjoy doing the most. This is where the most of us get confused. “I’m sorry, but the things I love doing the most could not possibly bring me any money and I need money to make a living.” But, that is only the truth of your beliefs and it could not be further away from the truth of your infinite being, capable of making infinite choices. If we truly believed that our only “purpose” in life was to be happy, with equally as much passion as we tend to believe into “we need to work hard” for our money, our lives would shift just by that belief.

Money doesn’t care what we think about it. Money is one of the purest forms of unconditional love on earth. Money will embrace those who are willing to receive it reagrdless of what they do, how they behave, think or use it. Money doesn’t care for our happiness or our purpose, we do. Money is always serving us, without conditions. What we humans do is that we tie our money into things. When in truth money has got nothing to do with our issues. One key to actually start thriving doing what we love doing is to stop thinking it is the source of our abundance. This might sound crazy to a lot of people, but the truth is that we are the source of our abun-

dance. Our clients and whatever we do ultimately are not the source of anything. So when we are trying to discover our unique mission and potential and a more meaningful life, we have to begin to trust in that higher Self completely. Choosing to surrender to it. Free ourselves from all of the past limiting beliefs and start living in our magical choice. Trusting our joy, because it is true, joy brings more joy, happiness brings more happiness, and sharing your gifts will gift you back if you learn to trust in your infinite being and clear those limiting beliefs. The only time we have to create is right now, so what you can do is start asking some expanding questions every morning you wake up, “Show me the gift of me today?”, “What contribution can I be today for myself and those around me?” We are living our “purpose” right now, every moment of our lives, and it is a never ending journey. Relax with it, and learn to listen to the answers around you. “What is in the now, that you have gifted for your own expansion?” Listen and share what you discover with the world. Share your joy, share your story, express yourself in the ways that turn you on. Magical abundance lives in the unconditional giving and sharing of your being. It lives in the sharing of your magic, passion, desires, joy, gifts and talents, and your only job really is to allow it to flow freely without limitations. Your job is not to worry about your survival, that is God’s job. Life is nothing but passing moments, that lead to the next moment. What you are being and what energy you are living in this moment will influence the next and multiply on the way. Don’t let money or anything else be your excuse of not discovering the magnificent beauty of your unique Goddess being. My five year old daughter keeps telling me to listen to my heart in every moment of my life. Kids do know magic. Our truthful mission can only ever be in the how we are being where we are right now.


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Goddess has no needs, only a passionate curiosity to experience life and the symphony of her being to the full. The whispering wonder of a Goddess is like waving a magic wand. (From The Secrets of Goddess Magic, Kati Kelo)

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The things you are not willing to receive stop the abundant flow of life What is it that you would truly like to have? Those things that you have judged as valuable, or everything? The things, people, ideas, whatever it is that you are not willing to receive is where you stop the flow of receiving. Receiving everything is the key element to abundant, BIG life. What if you didn’t have any point of view about what you can and can’t receive and have? For me, this has been a big one. When I started to embrace absolutely everything, more started to show up in my life. This included health problems, quitting my dream studies, people dying, loneliness, sadness, judgements from others and myself, and total breaking down -moments. But it also created amazing ease with my body and being, relationships, money, and all sorts of experiences and contribution beyond my wildest dreams. And so much fun! And a desire to actually live, to be able to experience this ALL, and more. I truly want to have it all, not just the “good” things because I realized that I’m here to live, to truly live, to experience everything and to play with everything. When I was only willing to receive the things I had decided are good or valuable, I was cutting of so much receiving that I couldn’t even receive all of these so called good things. I was controlling what I can and can’t receive. I for example totally resisted relationships, all sorts of relationships. I had decided that I can do every-


thing on my own and I don’t need anyone. And that was a total rejection of huge amount of the energies that the universe wanted to gift me. It’s been an amazing journey of pushing down my barriers, being vulnerable to allow myself to receive from other people. And the truth is, that this is only the beginning. I’m learning and playing with this everyday. To receive is to receive everything. This evokes questions like “but isn’t there all these bad things and energies that I should protect myself from?” and “If I receive just everything, won’t I lose my control?” If you receive everything, it doesn’t mean that you lock those things into your body or being. It also doesn’t mean that you accept or agree with anything. You simply acknowledge that all of these things, people and energies exist. They don’t need to have any effect on you. You can receive them, and let them go just as fast. I doesn’t need to take energy or time, if you just keep your barriers down, relax, have no point of view about anything, and let it all flow as parts of this play of life. Receiving is not the same as holding onto something. What is the value of the need to protect and to control? Not to get hurt? Not to get “bad energy”? When you receive you can’t judge anything. You have to to let go of and push down all barriers, meaning that anything and everything can come in. This may take some courage to do since you can’t really know beforehand what you are

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If you want to have an abundant life, are you truly willing to have it ALL? All of life, the good, bad, right, wrong, beautiful, ugly, intense, light, black and white and all the shades of grey? The imaginable and unimaginable? Being abundant doesn’t mean having only the things that you think (have judged) to be good, valuable or desirable.

going to receive. To receive you need to be vulnerable and totally open to let it all in, and brave enough to let it all go as well. Can you receive judgements from other people? Can you receive their points of view about you? Without making it to mean anything? If you are not willing to receive everything, including judgements, you have to cut of your awareness and make you less conscious because unwillingness to receive is unwillingness to see everything, and to cut of pieces of world and life. Are you afraid of letting other people see you, and maybe letting YOU see you? If you receive everything, it means that you also receive yourself, and your body. What is the value of not receiving? In this reality we are not taught to receive. It’s all about giving to others, because that makes you a good person. But who is receiving all that giving and gifting? What if the biggest gift you could give to someone was to receive them totally? Isn’t that exactly what we all are looking for? That someone receives us? What if that was the greatest gift you could give someone (and you)? When you give someone a gift or offer them something and they refuse it or say no thanks, what does that create in your world? How long will you keep trying to gift them until you give up? What if that’s what the universe is doing? You didn’t receive

Satu Lindgren is a Creator of Change and Adventurer who sees life as the adventure of living. She is a Coach, Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner and Yoga Teacher, who desires to give everyone tools to get rid of limitations and to create the life that truly works for them. This photographer, writer and dance lover explores what else is possible while getting completely out of control. Satu is originally from Finland, calls Scotland her true home and lives in Spain currently. Get more at

the gifts it was pouring to you so it started pouring them elsewhere, just waiting for you to be able to receive them? Luckily the universe is not like people; when someone didn’t receive you before, how long are you willing to just wait until they are ready to receive? Or do you just completely give up and never try to give them anything again? When you receive other people it creates space in their world. For me this is a never ending play; everyday I ask myself how much more am I willing to receive? Where am I cutting of my receiving? What am I judging here? Because I would truly like to have total freedom with everything. Practice receiving The only real way to “learn to receive” is to choose to do and be that right now, at this very moment, and then choose it again and again and again. I wonder what this could change in your life? Have fun practicing! What is the difference between giving and gifting? Giving for many means that something is expected in return, but a gift is a gift and all that is required is to receive it. Satu Lindgren


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Jennifer MacFarlane is known as The Money Medium. She is a Mindset coach and manifestation mystic. She works with people from all over the world, helping them to think outside of their own limited boxes and create more abundance in all areas of their lives. You can join her online group on Facebook called Mind Money Magic where she is constantly putting out high quality content for her tribe. Her website is


As a woman in today’s world I don’t need to tell you how crazy your life is. Most of the women I work with are running on empty. Raising a family, Being a perfect Mother (Men just don’t seem to hold the same amount of guilt when they don’t raise money for the school fundraiser) But for the Mother it becomes a torturous internal battle with her own thoughts.


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Women judge themselves harshly A huge part of a women’s energetic make comes from her emotions and creativity. At the same time that is exactly what gets in the way of her ability to manifest and attract abundance on a daily basis. Trust me, emotions work both ways. They attract and repel with the same power. Remember when you were a young girl, the things you dreamt about, the depth of feeling when you realised you had your first crush. It’s no secret that women encompass special powers. In most cases however, they have been tamed down, shut down and turned off. But what would happen if you started to embrace your non-physical ability to wake up, honour and accelerate your greatest gifts – the parts of you that actually have the power to change your life and the world at large. These gifts are your subconscious mind and your innate magic. Your subconscious mind is always at work with the law of attraction. Always creating your world at a level below your conscious awareness. On a huge scale women have been taught and programmed to believe that they don’t deserve and are not good enough. Some places that this shows up are in sports, workplaces/ pay, sex and orgasms, self care, voting and politics just to name a few. Did you know that a woman named Roberta Gibb changed the world in 1966 by running the Boston Marathon – even though she received a refusal letter stating that

women were not aloud and not physiologically able to attempt such feats. She did it anyway! The athletic world for women and men was instantly changed forever.

Here are 3 of the ways

Women still settle for getting paid lower wages, they work overtime, they give, they have been taught that a man’s sexual needs are more important than her own and when a woman expresses her sexual desires she is often ridiculed and called degrading names.

Step #1 - WORK ON YOUR

Without getting into the length of suppression women have been held in, I would like to switch the awareness within you – the reader. Why do you think the powers at hand have tried so hard to keep women’s voices and actions on the down low? I have one answer – Because they know the power that women hold.

Women are the creators, the magicians, the source of connection and compassion. They have powerful emotions that move mountains and create hurricanes. Contrary to popular belief -A woman has the ability to shift the entire universe. If you can reprogram some of the hard wiring that has been “running the show” for a very long time, you will be able to attract abundance to your life with ease and grace.


that you can accelerate the way you attract abundance. When done daily you will create new habits and new habits create new outcomes.


Listen to your internal dialog. Take note of any mental bullying and thoughts that don’t match the frequency of your dreams and start choosing new thought patterns that nurture your desired life. Use these new thought patterns everyday.


Let your SELF dream bigger and write out - in detail- the things and experiences you wish to have. Seriously let your self be free in this expression and see how BIG you can dream! Anything you can imagine, you can have.

Step #3 - VISUALIZE EVERYDAY Slow down and visualize your life as if it already is the way you want it to be. In other words, use your imagination and visual capacity to evoke a feeling of how it feels in your body to live those dreams and desires. When you strengthen this vision muscle – You unleash the magic within. Above all remember that the only limitations are the ones that are programmed into your mind, body, DNA, energy and emotions. You were born unlimited and highly powerful. Unlearn what you know as truths and beliefs and you will set yourself free. Busting through all blocks. Living any dream imaginable. Rewrite your patterns – Change your life. Starting NOW.

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End of stories, it is time to create from lightness, joy and happiness, with the magic of you!

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“If I only had more clients, everything would be so much better.” This thought crossed my mind frequently after I left my well paid office job back in 2012 to follow my calling. I hoped that when I courageously took a leap of faith, the Universe would magically send coaching clients my way, but I heard crickets. Unfortunately, my calling started to seem like an impossible dream, and everybody began encouraging me to find a proper job. Back then I lived in Barcelona, Spain, and the Spanish economy was in deep financial crisis. But I didn’t want to give up, I put countless hours into building my coaching business and studying marketing strategies. The result was still the same. Crickets! Then came a moment when I felt that I had hit the same dead end one time too many. I literally just dropped down on my knees and started crying. This Viking warrior was ready to surrender. I let go of my plan and asked for Spirit’s guidance. I promised that I would serve as I were guided because I had tried my way and it didn’t work. Ask and you shall receive! Within a week, I saw a vision that gave me crystal clear clarity how I could fulfill my calling here. It was like one of those lightbulb moments when everything starts making sense and all pieces are miraculously clicking into place. Once I said yes to the new plan, things shifted swiftly. First of all, it became very clear to me who I would be coaching. I got to know my ideal client as well as I know my best friend. Before I had wanted to help everyone and ended


up serving nobody as my message had been too general. Secondly, I saw what kind of results I would help my clients get and I learnt how I would communicate this language to them. It wasn’t wishy washy woo woo stuff any more, it was clearly defined, specific and measurable. Thirdly, I realized that clients are not attracted to a “Jack of all trades, master of none”. My potential clients are seeking somebody who has focused on a particular topic and mastered it. I found a highly successful business mentor to support my growth and I started studying marketing strategies with him as I felt aligned with his way of doing business. I combined my new knowledge with my spiritual wisdom and created my 5 part coaching methodology that is now proven to bring results! Once I applied these changes, I attracted clients like a magnet. As always, life is a wonderful teacher and today I’m many experiences richer. Now I see my struggles as a perfect learning experience that I chose to use for my personal and business growth. I now have so much wisdom, insight and efficient strategies to offer life coaches and healers who are struggling to attract clients. They do not need to go through all the mistakes I made; I can provide them a shortcut to succeeding on purpose.

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Katja Rusanen is a business coach for Lightworkers. Through her transformational coaching, she helps life coaches and healers attract clients and expand their businesses. Katja is a best-selling author and fully qualified Spiritual Life Coach & Soul Plan Reader from Holistic Healing College (London, UK). She is currently studying for an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. To find out more about Katja’s work and get a free gift, go to


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We all come to this world knowing we’re awesome! As new born babies we know we are amazing and have absolutely no doubt of there not being enough food, not enough caring, not enough love or touch.

We are absolutely enthusiastic about embarking on this new exciting adventure and being able to be the gift and contribution we came here to be. We are children and beings of the universe that come into this world not from our parents but through them. There is a much greater force than our parents that wanted us to be here and wants us to do the amazing transformational work we are here to do. Many of us think that we come from our parents and therefore don’t allow ourselves to be any greater than them. We consciously or unconsciously think that if our parents didn’t see us, hear us, acknowledge us, then no one ever will. That is, as long as we think that the approval and acknowledgement has to come from the outside. Our deepest desire as humans is to connect and our greatest fear is to be rejected so we naturally try to fit in as children. Our survival depends on it then and we need to be and do whatever it takes to be loved and accepted, often at the cost of our inherent sense of abundance, wholeness and our deep knowing that we are enough. Most of us grow up being confused about the unhappiness or dissatisfaction of their parents or wonder why they don’t see and acknowledge the gifts and abilities that we have and the contribution we deeply desire to be. A children we are dependent on adults and cannot afford questioning the parent and his or her ability to receive. We therefore conclude that there must be something wrong with us. We start creating the belief that we must not be good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, hard working enough, talented enough, lovable enough and this deeply rooted childhood belief gets programmed in


the subconscious very early on. That same belief is often chronically reactivated throughout our childhood and formative years and our constant seeking for approval ends up running the show in our adulthood if we don’t become aware of it and take conscious action to change it. The key to changing this fast and sustainably is to realize and wake up to the fact that the Universe is an abundant place. You need to realize that you are enough, that you are amazing and lovable just the way you are. Once you accept that as a fact and start observing where and how the unconscious thought pattern or feeling of « I’m not enough » come up and how it plays out in your everyday life, you can consciously start to shift and change and cleanse that old programming and literally create new neuro pathways in your brain. By telling yourself, putting up notes and writing on your mirrors « I’m enough », you also trick your brain into thinking these thoughts and seeing your face in a mirror combined with the words « I’m enough » consciously and subconsciously creates new beliefs and thought patterns that have a powerful effect on how you perceive the absolute abundance and awesomeness of yourself. That in turn creates a solid, generative and expansive platform of being for you to start creating the life, body, business and relationships that you truly desire and know are possible. By doing just that you truly become the empowered creator of the world you wish to live in and the contribution and awesomeness you came her to be. How does it get even better than this ?

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you are enough, you are amazing and lovable just the way you are.

Henrika is a master in fully embodied presence and facilitates consciousness everywhere she goes. She works as a holistic health coach, hypnotherapist, intuitive healer and a supermother of three boys. She is an expert in conscious living and loving and inspires many by truly walking her talk. After having fully healed herself from several invalidating chronic diseases, transformed her body, mind, relationships and answered her calling to be as deliciously different as she is, she now inspires, facilitates and teaches others through her writing, public speaking, private sessions and workshops in Europe to detox from judgement and create conscious, healthy and vibrantly juicy lives and relationships.


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Abundance Magic

Trees don’t bloom only once in a lifetime. They produce fresh flowers and fruits every year. – So can you, create yourself anew, every year.

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The Shift. A Muslim astrologer, Goddess worshipper, and Ifa Priestess crowded onto my tiny couch. They each balanced bowls of my famous curried split pea soup with sautéed vegan sausage on their knees as they talked animatedly to each other and tried not to spill their food, spit in each other’s face from such close proximity or fall onto the floor. I laughed outwardly but cringed inwardly.

“Shakti’s’ Soiree” was my monthly get together of bohemian friends where we hung out in my stereotypically tiny Brooklyn apartment and talked shop, current events or our latest oracular insights. Other friends sat cross-legged on the floor or leaned against the wall. The spicy aroma of the soup made my mouth water but for the first time since throwing these soirees I was less interested in the reception my meal received and more worried about the tight space everyone good naturedly dealt with. My Bed StuDy apartment was the first I could afford on my own as an adult. Until that point, I always had roommates. Shoebox sized apartments are one of the prices we New Yorkers often pay to live in our incredible city. However, something weird was beginning to happen to me. It was no longer enough to be able to go dancing to house music in the park, eat Sri Lankan food at 2AM in the morning, or blissfully wander the aisles of Trader Joes. Looking around my crowded apartment, thinking about my nonexistent savings & the exorbitantly high cost of living in my beloved city, I realized that I wanted more. I wanted to


increase my travel and be able to make investments, like buying a house or high yield CDs. I felt a major shift happening, similar to the day when I suddenly shifted from office work to becoming a licensed massage therapist. This time the impending shift felt bigger, as if it would encompass physical location as well as my monetary desires. Listen, I don’t believe that “money is the root of all evil” or that monetary abundance is to be shunned, poo pooed or devalued. Often in “New Agey” circles, folks are keen to talk about abundance in non-monetary ways, such as an abundance of love, friends, good health, etc. These are all fine and of course accurate, but to ignore actual physical money, which is a major part of our current paradigm, is short sighted and naïve. Ignoring or devaluing money sends a message to the universe that you’re uninterested in it, which leads to not having any. Now, if you’re dedicated to living off the grid then not having money won’t be such a big deal. For those of us who aren’t as unconventional we’d prefer living in relative comfort, however that looks to each of us.

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Shakti Hakim is a Spiritual Solopreneur Strategist who teaches soulpreneur divas how to monetize their spiritual gifts. You can follow her on FB under “Shakti Hakim” or IG under “moonmagicdiva.”

So there I was, ready for a major shift, I could feel it brewing inside and around me. What you’ll find is that your personality type, astrological chart and energetic signature will determine the form messages and guidance present themselves to you. I’m drawn to auditory and subconscious/ mental formats – sound healing, Eriksonian hypnotherapy, hearing what’s been left unsaid, and reading energetic signatures are some of the modalities that I resonate towards. My shift happened during a conversation with one of my brothers and my then boyfriend now husband, when my brother wondered why we didn’t just look into moving abroad. Talk about an aha! moment. As postgraduate degree holders in America compete for dwindling jobs and correspondingly smaller salaries, other countries are clamoring for highly educated Americans to enrich their own economies and offer enticing salaries and benefits to woo them. As I worked slowly but surely to build my online business I also needed to increase my salary from my 9 –  5. I bypassed my usual tendency to overthink everything and jumped right into the pool of international job searching. I rode the wave of

shifting energy and it eventually led me to: moving abroad, significantly increasing my salary and buying a home in Central America. The key to all of this was being absolutely clear and, this is extremely important, unashamed about what I wanted. Once I was clear, I thought about, wrote down, and implemented a step-by-step action plan to achieving my goals. It’s been 5 years since I’ve moved abroad. Homesickness arrives and dissipates in seasonal waves. I’m working on increasing my abundance using the same formula that moved me to the other side of the world. The main lesson I’ve learned is to stay open to how manifestation shows up. Watching my friends balance bowls of curried soup on their laps a few years ago and paying attention to the rumblings of unrest within my spirit, it never occurred to me that following the lead of that discomfort while simultaneously creating an action plan and being open to how it would all end up in the wash, would lead to where I am now. Shakti Hakim


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– Tee Ming Ooi –

PERSONAL PROSPERITY KEYS IN THE ALCHEMY OF ABUNDANCE My favorite way to activate states of fun and joy and to clear limiting beliefs is through Quantum Dreaming, the synthesis of Active Imagination, Shamanic Lucid Dreaming and Quantum Jumping techniques. In a Quantum Dreaming adventure, anything is possible. You can quantum dream by yourself, in tandem with a buddy, or as a group. Imagine being able to source divine wisdom about opening the door to more of Joy, Love, Abundance, Prosperity, Service, and Travel. Imagine having the help of your Higher Self in clearing beliefs in limitation, lack of trust, scarcity, inadequacy, unworthiness, struggle, “always striving never arriving”, hard work, not good enough, indentured servitude, using energy for the gain of others, employee servitude, hierarchy system, enslavement, and anything that dishonors one’s true self. Imagine getting your personal prosperity keys from the Gods and Goddesses of Abundance so that the flow of money comes in easily and gracefully. My friend Shivrael and I experienced all of that and found our Abundance Formulas in the “Alchemy of Abundance” Quantum Dreaming Adventure we shared recently. After that Quantum Dreaming Adventure, I experienced an abundance of creativity and energy! I created an innovative business de-


livery model of structured water, where I energize water with high frequencies, so that when you drink the energized water, the cells in your body are entrained to a higher vibration. It’s so exciting to create a buffet of various harmonious structured water blends of botanicals, crystals, Sacred Geometry, starry and soul song frequencies, collaborating for the recipient’s vibrant physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Playing with water led to the creation of a new model for skincare product and service, in which I infuse coconut oil with botanicals, gems, and other frequencies that are personalized for the recipient’s optimal health. I am launching my e-store in a few weeks, after Mercury Retrograde, to globally offer personalized structured water, personalized skincare products, quantum dreaming e-classes and money harmony e-course. In the area of financial abundance, about 2 days after that Quantum Dreaming Adventure, my husband and I found out that our oldest daughter was eligible for a scholarship from a great grandaunt’s family foundation. Today, we received notification that she has been awarded over $7,000 towards her 2016 college expenses.

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I am inspired to share my personal prosperity keys with you with the intention that these keys remind you of yours, whatever those may be.

1. Always Be Connected (ABC) to my Higher Self, the source of my Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, Divine Truth, Divine Will and Compassion

2. Imagine without limits 3. Follow my

deepest excitement and highest joy

4. Have fun when

I create because my feelings are imprinted onto my creations

5. Be Enthusiastic 6. Be Grateful for 7. Share by both giving

and receiving in loving and fun experiences together, through many forms of expression like writing, singing, speaking, drawing etc.

8. Magnetize with

what life is offering to support and nourish me

9. Surrender to

Divine Will and trust my Divine Team

words that are encoded with pure Source frequencies

and recognize the God Within me

May you be abundantly blessed beyond your wildest imagination! Tee Ming Ooi Omniversal Explorer & Certified “Tapping into Wealth� Success Coach Book your Skype/Zoom online or phone session with me at


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The color black has important feng shui ties and is the color of money. Black is the color associated with water, and in feng shui, water equals wealth. But black is considered a very strong color. It’s not an easy color to paint with, which probably is the reason why we don’t see black paint used more in decorating. And that’s unfortunate. Black is a power color. Only those with daring use it. Only those who can handle it’s powerful draw can be around it without feeling drained by it. In decorating circles, black is denoted as the kind of color associated with strength. In fact, most interior designers say that every room should have a touch of black. When you are using black for feng shui purposes, it should be a “pure” black. That is, it should be as black as it can be and not a deep, deep shade of another color. However, that is not the most critical element about using black. The most important consideration is that you never paint a ceiling black because this represents water being over your head. In feng shui, enhancing the sectors associated with the color black, means creating more opportunities for wealth. That’s because, as mentioned earlier, black is the color of money. When people want to enhance

their wealth, they immediately begin concentrating on the wealth sector in the southeast. This is short-sighted. It’s important that you energize the sector that corresponds with black: the north. Why? The north is the sector of opportunities. So, many times, if you want more money, what you NEED is more opportunity because opportunity creates wealth, right? Enhance both sectors, and you’ve got financially rewarding opportunities. See what I mean? Now, go to your local hardware store and grab some black paint! Then, follow the tips below so you can get all the benefits of black. Black is beautiful. It truly is. Want to set something off? Then put it on a black shelf instead of a white one. Whatever goes in a black frame or on a black shelf instantly becomes more prominent and important. Try placing a beautiful gold-colored (brass) vase or conch shell on a black shelf. These go beautifully together and will ramp up your career feng shui immensely! Black makes you grow. Black is the color of water (money!) and water feeds wood, the element of the East sector, which is the direction of health. Therefore, make sure you have something black in the east sector of


your home or office. A black ceramic pot with a fountain is perfect for enhancing health, family relationships, and, yes, money. Or, place a gold or silver fountain with black rocks in the north. Make a black accent wall for career power. Want extra power and opportunity? Paint the north wall of your home or office black. Or, choose a wall in the East or SE sectors (preferably in the exact direction of one of the three directions). Please note that a wall at the center and rear of the house should never be painted black as this represents becoming overcome by water from behind. Use black accents. If you can’t bring yourself to paint woodwork or walls black, then do be sure and include black accents in your room. These can include rugs, pillows, throws, figurines, etc. Have a small table or bookshelf? Paint it black. Small tables and items are easily transformed with black paint and give extra money energy to them. A black lampshade on a brass lamp is the perfect combination for a north sector. Try to find black shades with gold lining. Go round and black. Try to find round objects, such as tables, bowls, shelves, plates, etc., that are black-colored. These bring wonderful water (financial!) energy.

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Paint doors black. If your front door faces north, east, or southeast, you can doubly benefit by painting the door black. That’s because the front of a house or business is the area of opportunity. When you paint it the color that corresponds with opportunity (black), you are compounding elements. The more of this you can do, the better. But don’t just stop at the front door. Consider painting the north, east, and SE doors black, too. 10 Downing Street in London is the seat of economic and political power in the UK Feng shui expert, Kathryn Weber, writes the Red Lotus Letter feng shui e-zine with weekly tips and information on using feng shui for greater prosperity, happy relationships, and a more abundant life. Sign up for her FREE 4 week e-course, “28 Days to Prosperity” at


Hang black windchimes. There are some beautiful new windchimes available now that are black-colored. These are excellent feng shui opportunity-enhancers. Be sure to hang 6-rod hollow windchimes to stimulate the north sector only. Don’t put these in the east or southeast.

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Emmanuel Dagher


I had my first contact with Emmanuel Dagher a few years ago when I was listening to Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters series. There was something magically powerful in his unconditional loving presence, it felt so pure and angelic, that from that moment on he became one of the most inspiring guides for me on my journey. I was exited when his new book Easy Breezy Prosperity came out and I must have been one of the first ones to pre-order it. Emmannuel Dagher is an internationally regocnized Humanitarian, Healer, Teacher, and Author on a mission to help rising human conscioussness. After his book release Emmanuel has become one of the super stars of spiritual growth in today’s world. This year, he was invited to hold the global peace session at the UN and his work and message has been spreading more and more around the world. For me, there is something Mother Teresa -like in Emmanuel. The humbleness and total dedication to his mission for the whole humanity shines through his whole being and words. I’m sure he would not refer himself as a super star. But, for me he is just that, because he has an extraordinary ability to gift people hope for the better. The way he holds the space of unconditional love in such a powerful non-judgemental way is something you don’t pump into very often. Emmanuel’s compassion has grown from his journey witnessing the war and serious scarcity as a small child having to be the strong one for her mother and others in the midst of it all. Sleeping for 7 years on a cold convent floor surviving only with pita bread sounds something I can’t even imagine a small child having to go through. Then escaping the war finally ending up to US, facing the limitations and struggles that come with moving into a foreign culture and having to start from nothing and fit in. He truly has lived through the extreme conditions and managed to turn them all into love and light, and gifts of heal-

ing to share with us all. All that loving light presence and high frequencies of abundance are very much embedded in his Easy Breezy Prosperity book. As soon as I read this book, I knew I wanted to share some of the principles presented in the book with all of the magical Goddesses, and was so happy that Emmanuel was exited about it too. I recommend you get a copy of Emmanel’s book and start your journey towards more prosperious life. I’m on my journey, sometimes going back and forth, learning to adjust the processes to make them most fun for me. Emmanuel’s book is not merely about gaining more wealth, but about discovering a new wealth consiousness, deeply knowing that we are enough and not lacking anything. I love the way this book is based on science and spirituality. It is also a very practical guide helping us to strenghen our wealth and wellbeing in all areas of our lives. There is a full 28 day prosperity plan, so it makes it easy to stay on track. Emmanuel has included some powerful sacred mantras, used for centuries in the world, into this book. Making these mantras a part of our wealth practice will shift our energies and our subconsious beliefs around prosperity. I have to admit, that I haven’t been as disicplined with using them, as Emmanuel suggests, but I’m getting there. On the next page, I’m shortly introducing the core principles of Emmanuel’s book to you, the five foundations of prosperity.


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THE FIVE FOUNDATIONS OF PROSPERITY Based on the book – Easy Breezy Prosperity by Emmanuel Dagher

i. Finding Happiness

“Through happiness, we will discover prosperity.”

One of Emmanuel’s core teachings is about the roots of our prosperity being in our happiness, us finding our joy and purpose of our lives. As Emmanuel puts it: “Our purpose in life, the meaning of life, is to be happy. That’s it”. I love the pure simplicity of this truth. One thing we can keep in mind when creating a happier life for ourselves is to base every choice on this question: “Does this align with my joy?” A fun activity Emmanuel suggests us to do is to make a joy list. List everything that makes you happy and bring you joy, and begin bringing more of those things into your life right now.

ii. Embracing Circulation

“Money’s only purpose is to bless all those it meets. That’s it. “

Money is the embodiment of the energies of giving and receiving. Generosity towards ourselves and others is one of the most powerful ways to start prospering. When we focus on giving our time, energy and gifts we move into prosperity consciousness. Emmanuel introduces us several Laws of Physics and one of them is, Principle of Reciprocity: Every energetic “action” – for every bit of energy we put out – the Universe sends us an equal opposite reaction to give back. I think this is very profound, if we would only take this one law into our hearts our lives would definitely shift for the good. One of the most insightful things I found in this book was the fact that we can actually ask money how we can give back to the energy of money itself. We can start by asking, “How can I be of best service to money?”

iii. Investing in Yourself and Creating Balance

“Think less feel more. “

Investing in ourselves is one of the best ways to increase the positive flow and balance in our lives. This includes doing the things we love doing, taking the time we need for rest and play, taking care of our physical needs and bodies, cultivating our spiritual growth and personal development. Our work should be fun and enjoyable part of the rest of our lives, not a separate duty on the side. You can start contemplating on, How could you begin bringing your work and personal life into more balance? or How could you begin aligning your business more with your personal beliefs?


Om sreem maha l’akshmye namaha

( Om shr – eem mah – ha lahk –shmee – yay nah – mah –hah) This mantra attracts prosperity in all areas of life.

“Being generous begins as a mindset and is then reinforced by an act “

iv. Buiding Support Network Our journey towards a more prosperous life becomes much more easier if we surround ourselves with peole, places and situations that support us. You can do this by collaborating with others, having accountability partners and joining mastermind groups to share your progress with positive people who are equally eager to grow and expand. Working together will help your own growth and be of service to others. What steps could you take to built and expand your support network, find like minded people and to begin sharing and socializing more?

“Gratitude and kindness do not exist in limited quantities“

v. Practicing Gratitude and Kindness I love the way Emmanuel talks about us allowing ourselves to be content of what we already have, and how gratitude is a way to give ourselves the permission to feel good about our lives. This is so true, whenever we are lacking anything, it is about us not allowing to receive. Gratitude and kindness create positive high vibrational space for more good to arrive. Emmannuel advices us making a daily gratitude list and sharing it with people to multiply the blessings of it. Emmanuel suggests we do a little gratitude dance and sing, and dance out the things we are grateful for. Where could you slow down in your life and be kind and present for your self and others? What if your smile would be the one that made the day for someone? Thank you Emmanuel for this powerful book, Magical Goddess – Kati Kelo

Get your copy of Emmanuel’s book on Amazon from HERE For International audience, get your book with free shipping worldwide from HERE Emmanuel is also offering a free 1 hour audio healing session that is available directly on his homepage at

DISCOVER YOUR MOST POWERFUL CLIENT ATTRACTION MAGIC! Are you a soulpreneur struggling to figure out your unique voice, image and style? Do you have trouble discovering your powerful and irrisistible offers, that actually attract clients like magic? I can help you to find your signature offer, so you can become an authentic & magically successful SOULBRAND Kati Kelo

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Kati Kelo


I have been contemplating a lot about creation in the new 5th dimensional world and what it really means to live in the ‘field of infinite possibilities’, or in ‘the unified field’ or in ‘the oneness’ of all, where anything can be created by choice, like magic. Six years ago I was very powerfully guided with these words, “anything is possible.” There was something so special about the energy and clarity of that guidance, that since then my mission has been to get to the truth of it. There has been many moments on this journey when I have been seriously questioning this bit of guidance. If anything is possible, why is it so hard to change my life, and why nothing happens even if I fully believe in it and do everything I can do to embody it? I try to live from my heart with the best of my abilities. Control my thoughts and are aware of them. What does it take for me to get it for real? What am I not doing or being I’m supposed to be doing and being? Why does it work with some things but not with everything? If anything is possible, it should include everything, right? Until lately, after a good couple of years of questioning, I feel like I’m finally getting something. It is all in the awareness, or in the ‘awakening’ of the awareness. It is not in the thought processes, not in the changes of actions, not in our habits, not in the doing what you love -bit, not even in the loving yourself stuff. None of those things will gift you with the true magic of ‘anything is


possible.’ They will most certainly help you in getting to your goals, but the true magic comes about with awareness. What do I mean by awareness? It is a space of being where you are continuously aware of all the energies you are experiencing, being and interpreting with your senses and mind, a lot of the time as some kinds of emotions. It is about being aware and present to the energies within and around your body that is constantly expanding into wider perspectives and experiencing of your ‘extended bodies’ that go beyond the five senses of the typical human experience. You may wonder what does it do for me if I can become aware of the energies? Many of us already are sensitive to them anyway, and to some that has been an issue, being too sensitive to everything in the environment. However, I have noticed that there is a difference in being aware of things and in being present to the awareness. Becoming aware of ‘some thing’ is al-

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Letting go is actually about receiving. Everything that is in our lives we haven’t received yet. Whenever we are not willing to receive what we have right now, we are not willing to receive ‘God’ and the ultimate creator within us. How we receive now is a choice of surrendering to be present for everything, without a need to change or judge anything. It is about unconditional receiving of everything, and that is the essence of uncontitional love. ways a creation of a perspective in a body. Any interpretation contains an amount of separation within. The magic of creation happens in that space which is beyond interpretations in the pure awareness that is present everywhere and in everything, where there is no separation. It is in the being in and of everything we desire to be. We might have heard this one too, many times and see no results knowing it. One of the reasons why it is so, is purely in our own awareness, and how funny does that sound? But, our awareness is expanding just at the right speed for our capabilities of ‘staying sane’ and functional, so we won’t actually blow up this body and mind of ours. Another reason is in everything we are not willing let go of, that is creating separation for us. Letting go is actually about receiving everything. Everything that is

in our lives we haven’t received yet. Now, how crazy does that sound for you? Maybe you need a minute to contemplate on that thought. But, if we see things from the ‘hihger perspective’, we are having this experience, because the divine within us is willing to receive it. How willing are we to receive everything as it is, without the interpretations or judgements? That was the turning point of my magic. Receiving everything. It is a choice for true freedom and magic. Staying in that space with awareness of everything is the space of infinite possibilities of creation. If there is nothing you are not willing to receive you will only begin to receive your highest good. That is the space you and ‘the creator’ become one, there is no ‘will’ only ‘willingness’ to receive it all. That is when you start embracing the truth of your infinite abundance of everything. When you are willing to receive everything you receive the highest of every choice and that ultimately is receiving ‘God’.


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Time is an interesting thing. We are each given the same amount, every day, and yet some people feel time is limited while others experience time as abundant. And, the funny thing is, those who accomplish the most are often the ones who view time as abundant. Why? Over the past few decades I’ve studied the underlying mindset and actions of successful people. One of the major lessons I’ve learned is the value of systems. Systems provide strategy and focus where there was chaos. Systems also create a foundation for faster, easier, decision making. More importantly, a system gives you a feeling of control.

container as your “day”, the Big Rocks represent the 6 tasks that are critical to do today, the pebbles what you’d like to get done, and the sand represents time fillers. As you start your day create a list of no more than 6 tasks you want to accomplish today. Structure your day in a way that allows you to accomplish them and let the rest fall in to place.

Here are a few of the systems I’ve learned around time management. Give them a try and see which one works best for you:

Abraham Hicks Placemat Process – Take a piece of paper and put a line down the center (from top to bottom). On the left hand side list all the things that you feel it’s critical to do today, put everything else on the other side for the “Universe” or God to handle. Just the simple act of deciding what you feel you must do today, and releasing the need to do the other tasks yourself can add a sense of “time abundance” to your life.

Stephen Covey’s 6 Big Rocks – have you ever seen the presentation where a man has a glass container and 6 big rocks, pebbles and sand? The goal is to fit it all into the container. When you put the sand and pebbles in first, there is no room for the rocks. However, if you put the big rocks in first, then the pebbles, the sand will naturally fill in the empty spaces and everything fits! How does this relate to time? Look at the

Blocks of time – Each week (I.e. Sunday morning) pull out your calendar and create “zones” and/or themes for each day of


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the coming week. For example, on Mondays you do paperwork and research for articles you are writing this week. On Tuesday you see clients etc… Don’t forget to add in time daily for yourself, time with family, and time for fun! Black belt wisdom: When I started my black belt journey I noticed no one talked about black belt requirements. The focus was solely on your “next” belt. About half way through I began to see the work involved in getting a “black belt” and asked my Sensei why they didn’t tell students -up front- all that was involved. He replied “Because it’s more empowering to look at the next few steps and see that you can master them, than it is look at the list of things required to reach your final goal and get discouraged. If you focus too far ahead chances are you would either quit or never start.” And he was right, I would have! Set a goal and let it go. Spend your time focusing, instead, on the next step on your journey to the goal.


First Question of the Day: I love this one! Every morning ask yourself “What ONE thing, if I were to accomplish it today, would make a real difference in my life?” Then spend your day making that happen! The bottom line in all of these systems involves deciding and acting on a few critical tasks each day. When you get the “big things” done it’s easier to find time to do other things, and to move in to a time abundant mindset.

Marianne Strait guides clients who want to change their mindset from “not good enough” to “yes I can”, from limitation to abundance. Her latest project is helping solopreneurs connect, interact, and learn new mindsets, systems and strategies. You can join in at

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INVITE THE ABUNDANCE OF NATURE INTO YOUR LIFE Maura Smith One of my most favorite ways to experience abundance is through nature. Abundance is displayed through beautiful scenery, a variety of environments, the different seasons, and the many ways we can experience being at one location during different times of the day.

There is so much to take in through nature, which makes it the perfect vehicle through which we can experience abundance. Let’s investigate the possibilities that a deeper connection to the outdoors can open up for us, as well as some of the ways to experience it fully. As humans, we’ve learned to chase after wealth and abundance by primarily focusing on cash flow, income and our careers. And yet so often this approach doesn’t result in what we want. What if there were other routes to invite abundance into our lives, such as soaking in the wealth of nature? This idea is important because it would replace struggle with peace and ease. Is it viable? One of the universal truths is that what we focus on expands, and therefore frequently taking in the abundance of nature will allow the wealth within us to emerge. Pairing this with taking consistent action steps to generate income through something you’re passionate about is a winning combination. Some of the ways that I integrate a deep connection with nature into my life include walk-


ing, watching sunsets at the beach, and varying the times of the day that I’m outdoors to appreciate what each experience brings. Walking in nature has always been one of my regular past-times. There’s a little path behind my house that’s lined with trees. As I walk along, I love gazing down the ravine that’s on one side of the walkway where a creek meanders through the forest. Every step of the way I’m aware of the abundance that’s present in so many ways: the vivid colors of the thousands of leaves that I see, the scent of the blossoms that I take in with every breath and the sounds of the creek trickling below. The whole scene fills me up so much that I feel energized, clear and overflowing with gratitude. The more that I let go of any thoughts that enter my mind, the more deeply I’m able to experience the scene. Soaking in beach sunsets is another favorite. There’s just something about watching the vivid colors in the sky change as the sun sinks down; it’s mesmerizing. The rhythm of the water coming up on the shore and its changing

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I’m aware of the abundance that’s present in so many ways: the vivid colors of the thousands of leaves that I see, the scent of the blossoms that I take in with every breath and the sounds of the creek trickling below.

hues to deeper and deeper colors is beautiful. And no matter how many sunsets I’ve watched, each is different than the next. More abundant sensations are available as you experience a particular setting through the day. As night falls and the stars begin to appear, the cooler air and darkening sky bring an awareness of how vast the universe truly is. A lot of the visual and auditory details of the day drop off and we see a more simplistic pattern before us. What are your favorite ways to connect with nature? Whatever they are, consider building more of these experiences into your life so that you can open up more fully to the abundance that’s on spectacular display outside, bringing it into you every single day.

Maura Smith Intuitive Fulfillment Coaching


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abundance is a state of being when you are in the moment in your vortex in your bliss in your heart and you are open to receive your hearts desires and you are overflowing with feeling fulfilled

clear your issues that you have been programmed in

and you are inspired to give and to be of service

and you will see that you can receive an infinite abundance of everything

its a natural state, if we get out of the mind

love, energy, friends, money

its our birthright

open fully and the universe will provide you all that you need

look at how abundant nature is, trees, grass, ocean

if you truly trust it, it will provide all you need

money is an illusion

thats how our ancestors did it

its something we agreed on to use to give value to what we are selling

stay open create a positive shift in the world Tarek Bliss Bibi


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Tarek Bliss Bibi

I grew up judging money and wealthy people and that caused me to be blocked when I was attracting abundance. Looking back, I can see I was judging from a place of anger that some had to suffer and others had more then they needed. I didn’t want to be part of that game. But when I forgave myself for those judgments, I went from being broke and 30,000 (is this in dollars or what? would be good to mention) debt to making 10,000 a month in 10 months while clearing my debt. Yes we can make a difference without money, but we can make a difference with it too. Imagine a world were all the light workers, healers and empaths were billionaires. We would co-create a heaven on earth more easily for us, for us all. I believe not having money is because of our own inner blocks. Every time I do a one-on-one session we realise that the block could be feeling not worthy, not good enough, and all this blocks the receptivity. Most people are wired to say no to things like compliments, nice gestures, invitations and gifts. Hollywood has also spent a lot of energy to make us feel bad about money, or to think that having lots of money makes you a bad person, a greedy person. In each session I help my clients pin point the root of their money block, which usually is an experience they had with their parents. We then do a forgiveness process that lets go of the blame and shame, and that then opens

up the heart to receive more openly and abundantly. One of my favorite secrets is giving to receive. The more you give the more you receive, whether it be money, time or energy. Make your life about giving, giving a compliment, a smile... All of that will come back to you. Another one is being in gratitude, other is being and doing what you are here to be and do. But at the end of the day, we have to clear our core blocks and we may need to take inspired action, over and over again. Many of the billionaires of the world are hard working, and smart working.

MONEY TIPS 1. manage your money. 2. Take a percentage of your money from 1%-10% every month and save it in to an account. 3. Give away 1-10% to a charity or a cause you believe in. 4. love money, send it love, heal your relationship with it. I have created a free audio you can get for on my website, that clears all your limiting beliefs from childhood till the age of seven. This will shift a lot for you!


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“ Make your life about giving, a compliment, a smile... All of that will come back to you.�


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ABUNDANCE BREATH Paolo da Floresta

Abundance is defined as an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply. In this world that we live there is an abundance of prana (cosmic energy) and air for us to breathe to be at our optimal functional state. Many times we are not aware and don’t appreciate this simple fact. What happens often when we are shallow breathing, we are adopting an attitude of scarcity, contraction, fear, alertness, fight or flight (state of emergency) and low self worth. Whereas with full deep breathing we are using our full potential, expressing an attitude of prosperity, expansion, fullness, love, presence, calm, well-being and self worth. Our posture, breath and state of mind are all inter-related, changing any two of these can have a big effect on the third. With posture, you can draw your awareness to it through regular yoga classes, Alexander-technique exercises or even using a mirror to look at different views of your everyday stance. An active spine, open heart and hips can have a wonderful effect on your confidence and the way you approach people, proud as a lion rather than shying away like a turtle. With the mind, a scarcity consciousness is focused on the belief that there is never enough to go around. Never enough resources, money, freedom, love, health and opportunities. Symptoms of this are feelings of anxiousness, fearfulness, hesitance, desperation and constriction. The glass seems always

half-empty from this perspective, and all you can see are problems and challenges. An abundance consciousness knows that scarcity is just an illusion. It is firmly rooted in the belief that there is more than enough for everyone. It trusts in a never-ending flow of prosperity and joy, so it can take its time and enjoy every moment. Symptoms are a feeling lightness, expansion, freedom, peace, well-being, joy, and harmony. The glass seems full to the brim and overflowing from a constant stream of abundance, love, well-being and universal flow. We have the capacity at any given moment to choose if the cup is half full or empty. You may be used to focusing on what you don’t have or lack in your life, but it’s important to turn the tables and start deliberately focusing on the things you do have with a fragrance of deep gratitude. Focus on the things you appreciate and you’ll start noticing more and more things to appreciate and feel good about. Embody an attitude of, “I always have just what I need in any given moment,” and “I am so incredibly blessed.” If you catch yourself starting to slip back into a scarcity focus, stop yourself and deliberately switch your focus back to abundance again. Over time, it will become a habit so you won’t have to work at it consciously anymore.


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BREATHE OUT LACK “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” --Wayne Dyer Breathing consciously is a profound way in which we contribute to the quality of our reality, and for most of us there is room for improvement. It is such a fundamental part of our lives that we often forget about it entirely. If we get caught up in day-to-day busyness and forget about our breathing, leaving it on auto-pilot, we are most likely to suffer from chronic shallow breathing. Experts agree that this is a widespread problem and contributes to many physical dysfunctions. Shallow breathing does not allow for the healthgiving benefits of breath that our bodies and spirits were meant to enjoy, such as moving toxins through and out of our bodies, stress relief, relaxation, increased awareness and presence. Breath is essential to life. It is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do when we leave. What we may not realize is that the mind, body, and breath are intimately connected and can influence each other. Our breathing is influenced by our thoughts, and our thoughts and physiology can be influenced by our breath. Learning to breathe consciously and with awareness can be a valuable tool in helping to restore balance in the mind and body. Breathing abundantly is a form of pranayama that will provide many benefits to your over-


all wellness and therefor abundance. It involves conscious, slow and deep breaths, which are healing for our bodies, restore our awareness of the present moment and help us shed worries and anxiety. As we do so, we become more centered and open up to allow happiness to flood in. The energy of relaxation carries a high vibration that instantly shifts you into a receptive state and consequently allows the Universe to fill your request for abundance. On the other hand, when you are stressed, you automatically shut down your manifesting channels, repelling that which you want to manifest. Vibrationally speaking, what you want to attract literally cannot get into your field because the energy of stress has blocked it. If your mind is overactive, you are constantly worrying and anxious, your nerves are firing up, then it is time to turn to this technique. I call it the “Abundance Breath”. It will calm your mind down, sooth your nervous system and give you a great sense of peace and tranquility within. When your exhale is even a few counts longer than your inhale, the vagus nerve (running from the neck down through the diaphragm) sends a signal to your brain to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and turn down your sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic will engage your fight or flight response. When it fires up, your heart rate and

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BREATHE IN ABUNDANCE your breathing speed up, and stress hormones like cortisol start pumping through your bloodstream, preparing your body to face a threat. If the threat is, “A lion is chasing me and I need to run away,” this is helpful. If the threat is, “I am late to work”, this is not particularly helpful, and in fact it can be damaging – when cortisol is elevated for too long or too frequently it disturbs all the hormonal systems of the body. The parasympathetic controls your rest, relax, and digest response. When the parasympathetic system is dominant, your breathing slows, your heart rate drops, your blood pressure lowers as the blood vessels relax, and your body is put into a state of calm and healing. Putting your body in a parasympathetic state is easy. Pick a count for your inhale and a count for your exhale that is a little longer. I like starting with 2 counts in, and 4 counts out, with a one count pause at the top of the inhale and a one count pause at the bottom of the exhale. So a ratio of (2-1-4-1), in time this can be increased on the same ratio for example (4-2-8-2), although it’s not recommended if longer breaths create any strain. To begin, sit still and with a straight spine. Close your eyes and begin breathing through your nose. Inhale for a count of two… hold the breath in for a count of one… exhale gently, counting out for four… and finish by holding the breath out for a count of one. Keep your breathing even and smooth.

Set a timer and breathe this way for at least five minutes. You will see a positive effect on your mood. In my work facilitating private sessions and group workshops worldwide with Rebirthing Transformational Breathwork, I have found when we breath consciously deeply and fully we choose to infuse our bodies with prana which has a tremendously positive effect on our mental attitude, emotional well-being, energy levels and physical state of relaxation. A profound relief from the anxiety ridden and trouble burdened bodies.

“ The 3 magical keys to Abundance: Breath, posture and attitude!” Remember the 3 magical keys to Abundance: Breath, posture and attitude! Wishing you Abundance in health, prosperity, love and harmony. Namaste, Paolo da Floresta Paolo can be contacted for Rebirthings via the following website: and you can read more of his writings on the natural high life page: www.


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“When the heart overflows…” “We are not a drop in the ocean; we are the ocean in a drop.” ~Rumi Claudia Dose is an LA -based Artist painting intuitive and figurative pieces in acrylics as well as portraits on commission. She also works for a non-profit which preserves ancient spiritual texts of Kashmir, India.

“ My paintings serve as an inspiration to the viewer to connect with the divine inside and see what seeing them sparks in them. They are expressing parts of me that I would rather not show if I had to say it in words.” Claudia Dose

Original Painting © Claudia Dose acrylic, mixed media on paper, framed H27 x W21 inch (68,5 x 53,3cm) link to the actual painting


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GODDESS – Infinity Healing –

Are you ready to let go of your abundance blocks and limitations for good? Step into your infinite abundance with Magical Goddess – Infinity Healing.


THE MAGICAL ALPHABETH How do you use words? Everything is energy including the way we speak and how we use words. Words have the power to create. God(dess) is in the little details of our lives. How many uplifting words can you come up with that begin with the letter C ? I wonder how might you feel after doing that for a while?


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GET EXITED ABOUT LIFE Curiosity is about you getting into the space of not knowing, and there is no better place for a human to be in. That is actually the space of infinite possibilities. Where you become an open unidentified limitless being, cabable of receiving anything and everything. Can you imagine that space, what would it take for you to be that space of open endless curiosity?

Magical Goddess has chosen the word for C to be



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Seven Steps for Radical Life Change Derek Rydall For me Derek Rydall’s book is one of the best transformational books I’ve ever read. This book could be called the ultimate guide to your infinite abundance, for it really contains the tools and practices that can shift your life from lack and limitations into your unique total abundance. This book is about finding your unique purpose and a way to thrive being you. It will help you to built a whole new holistic way of living on the edge of your ever-emerging consciousness. One thing I really love about Derek is his ability to translate the ancient wisdom and scriptures into a language we modern people can understand. This is a must read for all the Goddesses on their way to awakened wealth and more fulfilling life.

“We don’t need to improve ourselves because the Self is already whole. Just as the oak is already in the acorn, everything we’re meant to be and all we need to fulfill it is already in us – a perfect pattern of divine purpose.”

Playing Big

Find your voice, your vision and make things happen Tara Mohr I love this book. It has helped me a lot in my journey to really dare to take the steps to becoming bigger. Tara knows what it is like to be a woman faced with all the insecurities, and imperfections. Tara teaches us in a very practical and fun ways how to silence our inner critic and how to build our relationship with our own inner mentor. She guides us women to free our full potential and shows us how we can grow out of our self-doubt, and learn to trust our own instincts so that we can actually take bold, quick actions to start living a bigger life. Another must read for all the Goddesses.


Gibraltar win or die trying

new indigo prophet video coming soon


FREE FEAR CLEAR FREQUENCY JOURNEY The Fear Clear energy is one of the most potent energies we can use when lifting veils and allowing ourselves to see “beyond” the 3-D reality and into total sovereignty.


Magical goddess/abundance

Issue No:3 June 2016





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