Ormond Beach Observer 4-6-23

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INDEX Calendar PAGE 2B Cops Corner PAGE 6A The Fine Arts PAGE 3B Letters PAGE 12A Public Notices PAGE 11B Sports PAGE 5B Real Estate PAGE 11B
Observer YOU YOUR NEIGHBORS. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. VOLUME 11, NO. 31 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 HONORING JOE DANIELS PAGE 5A Tomoka Oaks and its golf course were designed to coexist. Should that impact future development? PAGE 3A Developing different opinions Pilot program gets Volusia County Council’s approval. PAGE 4A ‘Regrow the Loop’ INSIDE INFRASTRUCTURE FDOT is leaning toward diverging diamond interchange design for U.S. 1 and I-95. PAGE 10A REPORT CARD Seabreeze ranks sixth in academic team standings. PAGE 9B SCHOOL THREAT OBMS given ‘all clear’ after bomb threat issued Friday, March 31, via AirDrop. PAGE 8A FUTURE ENGINEERS Modern Minds Learning robotics team’s innovation project wins first place. PAGE 13A ONLINE TARGET Another suspect is arrested for 4Chan death threat against Sheriff Mike Chitwood. PAGE 8A ALL ABOUT ART One Daytona Art Festival returns for fourth event. PAGE 12A LIFE LESSONS A chilly trip to the beach with one rule: ‘Don’t get wet.’ PAGE 12A ORMOND BEACH Team London
Daytona International Speedway. Affordable racing The ChampCar 14-hour Endurance Race teams rolled into town with a record 130 entrants. PAGE 5B Top readers Tomoka Elementary team wins first place at Battle of the Books. PAGE 15A Surprise guest Council on Aging teams up with Daytona Tortugas mascot to deliver meals to seniors. PAGE 14A Hoppy Easter Tomoka United Methodist Church holds annual Easter egg hunt. PAGE 1B
Photo by Michele Meyers Bebon, Emmett Bebon, Hope Bebon, Miley Lothian and Kyle Bebon take their photos with the Easter Bunny at Tomoka United Methodist annual Easter party and egg hunt.
driver Bobby
watches the beginning of the ChampCar race at the
Photo by


Planning Board to review RidgeHaven

A developer hopes to build almost 300 homes at the proposed RidgeHaven development near U.S. 1.

The proposal will go before the Ormond Beach Planning Board on Thursday, April 13, as the developer seeks a zoning map amendment, a development order and a preliminary plat.

City reports lane closure on A1A

One southbound lane on A1A will be closed from Bovard Avenue to Bosarvey Drive through April 14, the city announced on its website.

Volusia Forever is accepting proposals

Property owners who would like their land to be considered for purchase by Volusia

Forever can apply for the program online until May 15. Volusia Forever, a voter-approved program, finances the acquisition and improvement of environmentally sensitive land and land for water resource protection and outdoor recreation, according to a Volusia County news release. The program also finances the purchase of working forests and farmlands.

The county states that applications are evaluated “based on the extent that properties enhance corridors and connectivity and whether they are of significant size to achieve meaningful conservation objectives, are facing an imminent loss to development, allow for completion of projects begun under the previous program, and/or serve as additions to existing conservation lands.”

There are two application periods per year. The first takes place from April to mid-May, and the second from October through midNovember. To apply, visit volusia.org/forever.

Snilloc Family Limited Partnership Number One plans to construct 286 units — 84 of which are slated to be duplexes — on 103.45 acres south of Plantation Oaks Boulevard, east of Addison Drive and north of the Village of Pine Run subdivision.

The project last came before the Planning Board and the City Commission last year for a Future Land Use Map amendment.

The developer is asking the city to rezone the property from a Volusia County “R-4 Urban Single Family Residential” and Ormond Beach

“B-8 Commercial” designation to a “Planned Residential Development” designation.

The developer would keep 25.52 acres as natural preservation land, according to a city memo. There is also a 35-foot natural preservation area and ditch between the proposed RidgeHaven subdivision and the Village of Pine Run.

At a neighborhood meeting in July 2022, the developer presented initial plans to build 298 units — 202 single family lots and 96 duplex lots. The current plans going before the Planning Board reduce the number of lots by 12 duplex units.

The Planning Board will also review four more items during the meeting, to be held at 6 p.m. in the City Commission chambers at City Hall.

Two of the items are a Future Land Use Map amendment and a Zoning Map amendment for a 3-acre property at 1755 N. U.S. 1, owned by

Wayne’s Solar, which seeks to build a business warehouse, according to a city memo. The property is zoned B-7 “Highway Tourist Commercial.”

The property owner seeks a rezoning to I-1 “Light Industrial.”

Also on the agenda is an administrative request to amend the city’s Land Development Code to allow manufactured homes in established mobile home parks to be replaced with new manufactured homes. That used to be allowed in both manufac-

County Council Chair Jeff Brower on the Regrow the Loop initiative. See Page 5A

tured home zoning districts in the city, but in 2015, that allowance was removed via ordinance for one of the districts. Ridgecrest Mobile Home Park, a city staff memo explained, ended up with a split zoning designation.

Lastly, the board will consider the city’s impact fee study update recommendations. Two public meetings were held in March to discuss the increases.

The closure, which began on April 3, is in place to allow a contractor to build a driveway for a new development, according to the city.

In the meantime, southbound traffic will be merged into one lane, so the city has asked residents to expect delays. The lane will be reopened once the contractor completes the work.

City facilities to close Friday

City Hall and all nonemergency facilities will be closed on Friday, April 7, in observance of Good Friday. Facilities will reopen on Monday, April 10.

New restaurants coming soon

Two new restaurants have been proposed for the northwest parcel of Granada Pointe.

The first is a Culver’s, to span 4,550 square feet with a drive-thru at 655 W. Granada Blvd. The second is a 3,550 square foot IHOP proposed for 675 W. Granada Blvd.


acres owned by Halifax Paving along Hull Road may be annexed into Ormond Beach if the city OKs Halifax Paving’s annexation request.

Email Jarleene@ observerlocalnews.com.

Live Life on the Water

2A THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 ObserverLocalNews.com BOAT SHOW P A L M C O A S T Palm Coast’s Premier Nautical Sales Event PRESENTED BY DOZENS OF BRANDS ON DISPLAY ObserverLocalNews.com www.marinemax.com 904-338-9970 2079 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Sales Showroom Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SEE US AT THE PALM COAST SHOW 10am-4pm April 15 & 16 AT MARINA DEL PALMA
Map courtesy of the city of Ormond Beach The developers of RidgeHaven are now proposing to build 286 units.
“The county needs to take the lead. All those things it says we’re asking homeowners to do, I would like the county to do as well.”

2. Oct. 3, 1960: Plans are underway for the city to annex about 4,500 acres, including the Tomoka Oaks property. A circuit judge dismisses the last of eight lawsuits opposing the annexation.

3. Oct. 9, 1960: The Daytona Beach Morning Journal reports that Tomoka Oaks Inc. has purchased the land for Tomoka Oaks for $618,800, making it “one of the largest land deals in the Halifax Area in recent years.”

4. Feb. 5, 1961: An informal groundbreaking was held for the subdivision the previous week. Lots are expected to be listed for sale by the summer. The land is being developed by William R. McElroy.

5. Oct. 10, 1961: Construction on the new 18-hole golf course, to be known as the Sam Snead Golf and Country Club, has started.

6. May 15, 1962: The golf course is renamed to the “Tomoka Oaks Golf and Country Club.”

7. July 9, 1962: McElroy, as part of Tomoka Oaks Inc., buys the golf course property.

8. Sept. 1, 1962: Tomoka Oaks Country Club opens.

9. Dec. 12, 1963: The golf course is sold. The new owner is Ralph R. Frederick.

10. March 5, 1970: The golf course and remaining lots in the Tomoka Oaks subdivision is sold to Ormond Ocean Homes, Inc.

11. June 15, 1971: Ormond Ocean Homes, Inc. sells the golf course and the subdivision’s lots to PLR Development, LTD.

12. Feb. 27, 1975: PLR Development sells the golf course to AKRON Enterprises, Inc. Milton Pepper is the president.

13. July 27, 1978: The golf course is now under Pepper’s name. After changing hands a few times, the subdivision’s remaining lots are owned by Residential Communities of America.

14. Feb. 14, 1979: Pepper sells the golf course to RTH, Inc. for $1.3 million. Dr. Richard Ryals is its president.

‘We have something special here in Tomoka Oaks’


From the time it was proposed in 1960, Tomoka Oaks was marketed as a community surrounding an 18-hole golf course. And it was, for almost six decades.

It was still operating when Carolyn Davis and her husband purchased their home in the subdivision in 2014. She remembers entering the clubhouse one day, just to see what it was like.

Now, nine years later, Davis is among the number of residents within Tomoka Oaks, particularly those whose properties abut the golf course, that wish to see the land remain as it is. The looming alternative? The construction of 300 homes.

In a meeting with the Observer in November 2022, as she sat in her dining room — the walls of which are covered with white sheets of paper detailing the timeline of ownership for both the subdivision and the golf course — Davis questioned whether the golf course could legally be developed, as she believed an original covenant of the property that declared it be used perpetually as a golf course remained valid. She still does.

“What was the original intent of this development?” Davis asked. “How many people invested in the development based on the master plan? Just because something was filed 30 years ago that negated restrictions, does that make it right?”

But the city, developer and the voluntary Tomoka Oaks Homeowners Association believe the covenant is void.


Local developers Carl Velie, Ray Barshay, Sheldon and Emily Rubin purchased the 147-acre golf course property in April 2021, three years after the golf course closed. From the beginning, they indicated they wanted to build singlefamily homes.

For Velie, it was the location and “excellent development conditions” that first called his attention.

“Most sites available today are low and require a substantial amount of fill,” Velie said in a statement to the Observer “As such, your end product lacks the rolling nature that

can be built into this development. My vision is to provide residents who live or want to live in Ormond Beach a beautiful new neighborhood where they can reside within an efficient, modernly designed home.”

As a local developer who has lived in Ormond Beach since 1963, and with a family heritage that dates further back — his mom was raised in the city as well — he is more concerned with developing a subdivision he feels would be an asset to the community, while still being an economically-viable development.

The developers have taken into consideration the concerns expressed by residents at the Feb. 8 neighborhood meetings, Velie said. They have since made changes to their plans, such as reducing the number of lots and arranging the development so the larger lots are around the perimeter of the development. They are also investigating if any improvements can be made to the diamond intersection at Tomoka Oaks Boulevard and North and South Saint Andrews Drive.

“The ownership group and the rest of our development team members are constantly analyzing to see how to make the development more in tune with the residents’ desires,” he said.

FOLLOWING THE DEEDS Tomoka Oaks’ origins date back to 1960, when the 545-acre development was approved by the Volusia County Commission at the time.

It wasn’t a smooth road. The city of Ormond Beach was in the process of annexing about 4,500 acres of land into its city limits, including the Tomoka Oaks property, and according to reports by the Daytona Beach Morning Journal, the annexation was hit with eight lawsuits in opposition, all of which were ultimately dismissed by a circuit judge.

Construction for both the subdivision and the golf course, initially known as the Sam Snead Golf and Country Club, began in 1961, and for the next 18 years, the properties saw several different owners, including William McElroy, Ralph Frederick and Milton Pepper. Davis is not a lawyer, but

she’s always loved history, so when attending a meeting by the HOA’s golf course committee regarding the development of the golf course following its sale in 2021, her interest was piqued when her husband asked if there was a possibility that past conflicts of interest could prevent development. He was told the “records didn’t go that far back,” Davis said. She made it her project to find those records, and for the next year, looked up any references to Tomoka Oaks and its golf course in newspaper archives, went through old deeds and crafted a record of everything she found.

“The more I looked into this, and when I found this deed that said it’s to be perpetually a golf course ... that to me was like, ‘Wait a second, the records do go that far back,’” Davis said. “I want to see where this leads.”

Tomoka Oaks and the golf course, she said, were designed to coexist for mutual benefit. It’s her opinion that people like Milton and Frederick had a conflict of interest in cross-ownership when filing and making modifications to the protective covenants and restrictions of the golf course .

She compiled her research and has since posted it onto her website, TomokaOakshistory.com. She has also started a monthly newsletter.

“There are other Tomoka Oaks residents who I am in contact with constantly, who also are interested in exploring every avenue for stopping development,” Davis said. “The homeowners association has put their resources into how to get the best new development possible — how to represent the existing owners’ best interest. They are aware of the research. They have chosen not to associate themselves with it.”


Helping the HOA advocate for mitigating the impact of the proposed development of the golf course keeps Jim Rose busy in retirement. A former real estate law attorney, he’s reviewed the documents. He’s consulted with the HOA’s legal representation, local land use attorney Dennis Bayer, and gotten an opinion from the city’s attorneys. If Davis believes there is

a covenant to prevent the development, she needs an attorney to back up her opinion, said Rose, who is the chair of the HOA’s golf course committee.

“The problem I have is that, as long as people think that there’s perhaps a covenant or some kind of way to stop the whole thing, it’s hard to get a consensus together,” Rose said. “It’s understandable. These are people’s’ homes. It’s a big deal. It’s my home — if I could find a covenant, I certainly would to say, ‘You can’t do that stuff.’”

He lives along the golf course, too. Rose moved to Tomoka Oaks in 1990 because, as a golfer, he wanted to live on a course.

Here’s what the city’s assistant Attorney Scott McKee stated in a June 30, 2022 email regarding the covenant: Yes, it existed, but a 1963 warranty deed also noted a reverter clause where the condition that the golf course be used as such in perpetuity could be released under a two-thirds vote after 10 years by the Tomoka Oaks board of directors.

A meeting was then held in 1969 after the Tomoka Oaks property was sold to Frederick and a sale of the golf course was pending to Ormond Ocean Homes, Inc. At this meeting, the board of directors voted released the covenant, to become effective in 1973.

“In summary, the records confirm the existence of a document recorded in the public records that provided the property be used for purposes of a golf course in perpetuity,” McKee wrote. “In this case, the document was not contained in covenants and restrictions provided by a homeowners’ association, but rather in a warranty deed, and as stated previously, subsequent records confirm the reverter clause containing the language was properly released by a recorded corporate resolution and release, and therefore no longer valid.”

Davis has seen this email before. In an email, she stated that she believes the city “did not perform thorough due diligence when they disregarded all the research related to conflicts of interest in cross ownership which place a question on the release of the covenants and restrictions intended to protect homeowners.”

“The city is certainly entitled to their opinion, just as I am,” she said. “But the SEE TOMOKA PAGE 5A

15. May 14, 2006: A Daytona Beach News-Journal article reports Tomoka Oaks will “undergo a metamorphosis” due to a $700,000 effort to add clay courts to the Tomoka Oaks Golf and Country Club. It will be renamed the Tomoka Oaks Golf Village.

16. April 8, 2007: The City Commission approves Ryal’s proposal to build 35 town houses and six condo buildings on 30 acres of the golf course. Due to the oncoming recession, the project never moves forward.

17. Sept. 20, 2010: Ryals sells the golf course to Putnam State Bank to avoid foreclosure.

18. Nov. 22, 2011: Putnam State Bank sells the golf course to EJTS Holding, LLC.

19. April 23, 2021: EJTS Holding, LLC sells the golf course property to Triumph Oaks of Ormond Beach for $2.6 million. The golf course had shut down about three years earlier.

20. Feb. 8, 2023: Two neighborhood meetings are held to show residents the plans to build 300 homes on the 147 acres of former golf course land.

THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 3A ObserverLocalNews.com
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Residents, stakeholders weigh in on golf course development. Courtesy of the city of Ormond Beach Developers are proposing the construction of 300 homes on the former Tomoka Oaks Golf Course property.
“The city is certainly entitled to their opinion, just as I am. But the only opinion that matters is a judge’s opinion.”

Ormond Beach names SONC after longtime community advocates



Last month, the city of Ormond Beach held a ceremony at South Ormond Neighborhood Center to unveil the building’s new name, honoring two longtime Ormond Beach community advocates who, for decades, created opportunities for local Black youths. But if you ask honoree Joe Daniels,

the last thing he’s thought about since he started coaching young athletes at SONC in the 1970s was recognition. In fact, the 86-year-old Ormond Beach resident said he was caught by surprise when Ormond Beach Police Officer Greg Stokes, a regular at SONC, told him Daniels’ and Daniels’ late wife’s names were now on the side of the building.

“I said, ‘You’ve got to be kidding,’” Daniels said. “It was good, but when you’re doing stuff ... if you have a goal in mind, you just don’t think about the impact that you make.”

And the Daniels have had an impact.

Described in the mayor’s proc -

lamation on March 4 as “pillars of Ormond Beach,” Daniels and his late wife, Elwillie, spent decades serving the community by being on boards, founding youth organizations and volunteering for numerous causes. They also helped drive the establishment of the Ormond Beach Housing Authority.

Among Daniels’ accomplishments are founding Boy Scout Troop 408 for Black boys, serving on the Police Athletic League and Ormond Beach Police Explorers, and most recently, in 2021, creating the first African American Community Celebration at SONC.

“There’s not one thing I would do differently,” Daniels said.


Daniels came to Ormond Beach in 1939. He was 3, and his family was traveling with another family down from Cordele, Georgia, in the hope of finding work in Pahokee, near Lake Okeechobee. Daniels was too young to remember the journey, but was told there were about 16 people traveling in one vehicle.

Daniels’ aunt lived in Ormond at the time, and the families planned to stop and stay overnight before continuing down the state. But their vehicle wouldn’t start the next morning.

“So we got stuck here,” Daniels said. “So Dad said we might as well stay in Ormond, and my aunt — that was my dad’s sister — convinced us to stay in Ormond.”

Sports played a big role in Daniels’ life growing up in Ormond. As a student at the Rigby School and then Campbell Street High School, which he graduated from in 1955, he played on the basketball team. He recalled playing the same teams over and over, no matter what grade he was in.

“That was before integration, you know,” he said. “Then, we had to play the schools that we could play.”

He also worked as a caddy at Oceanside Country Club, and recalls the days when the old bridge to the beachside would get stuck while trying to let boats pass through, and

he’d have to pay 25 cents for someone to bring him back to the mainland in a row boat.

“They would pay us $1.50 to carry one bag, and there were some days I would regret paying that 25 cents,” Daniels said. After graduating high school, Daniels moved to Buffalo, New York, where he met his late wife, Elwillie, at church.

Then, in 1974, he came back home.


When he moved back, Daniels started volunteering to coach boys basketball at SONC. The building looked a lot different back then: It was a small facility with a single outdoor court, primarily used for volleyball. Most games were played at Nova Rec.

Daniels didn’t let that stop him. He formed the Ormond Bruins team and even met with Ron Rice, of Hawaiian Tropic, to get the program going.

“They came under Ormond recreation, the Bruins did,” Daniels said. “But in the meantime, when I started doing this stuff, I had Hawaiian Tropic to give me shirts and things when I would do camps and tournaments.”

He got with Fred “Curly” Neal of the Harlem Globetrotters and had him come for summer camps at Nova Rec for the kids.

Vince Carter was also part of that program, Daniels recalled.

“I knew he was going to be pretty good,” Daniels said. “People would come out to Nova to see him because he was a lot better than most other kids, and at the time people would come out there and he could play. He was so gifted.”

Daniels coached for 30 years.

‘THIS WAS HER DREAM’ After he married Elwillie, Daniels brought her to Ormond to meet his family.

One of the places he showed her was Bethune-Cookman University.

“She never had seen a predominantly Black school,” he recalled.

“... She said, ‘Eventually, we’ll move down here, and I want to work at that school.’ She said, ‘I want to work at

was her dream.”

About a week after moving to Ormond, she had a job at B-CU as an office manager.

According to the city’s proclamation, she also founded First Impressions, a youth social organization, and served as the chair on the board of directors for the Ormond Neighborhood Child Development Center. She was a deaconess and choir member of the Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church.

She and Joe were married for 61 years and raised three sons.


While Ormond Beach has certainly changed in the time Daniels has lived in the community, one thing, for him, has remained constant: His regular attendance at City Commission meetings since 1974.

He said he’s known every mayor and every commissioner since. His wife ran for office in the 1980s, but, he jokingly said, she only got around 20 votes.

He did, however, know late former Mayor David Hood rather well. The two met while Daniels was with the city’s T-ball program, in which Hood’s son participated. When Daniels found out that Hood, a commissioner at the time, was going to run for mayor in 1994, he campaigned for him.

When asked what he thought of Hood, Daniels said he was a “very fine fellow.”

It had been a mission of Hood’s to name SONC after Daniels, according to the city.

Several people have asked Daniels how he feels now that SONC bears his and his wife’s names.

He feels good about it, but he also feels like it hasn’t sunk in yet.

“Everybody thinks something of it other than me, but it hasn’t hit me yet,” Daniels said. “I don’t know why. Because see — it’s like going to the commission meetings. I feel like I need to go. ... Maybe it’ll eventually hit me that it’s a good thing I went.”

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Photo courtesy of the city of Ormond Beach Joe Daniels was recognized during a city naming ceremony on March 4. Joe Daniels and his late wife, Elwillie, dedicated decades to serving Ormond.

Tomoka Oaks golf course ‘Regrow the Loop’ earns approval

only opinion that matters is a judge’s opinion.”


The current development proposal for the golf course is not the first for the property.

First came the Tomoka Oaks Golf Village proposal.

In 2006, the Ormond Beach City Commission approved Dr. Richard Ryals’ proposal to build 35 townhomes and six condo buildings on about 30 acres of the property. According to the Daytona Beach News-Journal, his proposal also included a new golf clubhouse and changes to the golf course.

Ryals’ proposal, which included a rezoning of the property to Planned Residential Development, expired in 2014.

In meeting with the Observer in December 2022, joined by Davis and resident John Anthony, who has since died, Ryals detailed why his development never occurred. For one, the financial crash happened soon after his development was approved. He had also ran into water issues with the city and St. Johns River Water Management District in previous years.

Ryals, who bought the property in 1979 and operated the golf course for the next 31 years until he sold it to Putnam State Bank, said residents who believed the golf course was forever restricted to that use were misinformed. In fact, he said, the lack of a restriction was why he — a resident of Tomoka Oaks himself — held onto the property for so long.

“I was afraid some unscrupulous developer would come in and start building homes back there, which is exactly what’s happening,” he said.

He counseled Davis and Anthony to find legal authority to determine if the covenant is still legally binding. But he also didn’t agree with the HOA’s mission to focus on mitigating the impacts of the development rather than finding a way to halt it.

“That’s admitting defeat,” Ryals said.


The Tomoka Oaks community hasn’t changed much since Rose moved in. The number of kids has ebbed and flowed, and people have moved in and out, but the biggest change has been seeing the golf course go downhill.

“It’s a big change when you’re used to having the beautiful vistas and such, and now all of the sudden, [development] impacts the value of your home and impacts your enjoyment of it,” he said. “So that’s going to be a big change for folks.”

The HOA has met with the developers around seven times. Rose understands that as a voluntary HOA with only about 60% of residents as members, the HOA can’t singlehandedly steer the ship.

“When you’re dealing with decision-makers, they want to see a consensus, which is what we’re trying to do, and a position so that we can negotiate,” Rose said. “... The greater the mass, the more impact you have when you’re negotiating or when you’re advocating a position.”

From Velie’s perspective, his group’s proposal would make better use of existing infrastructure and services, and has the potential to bring new life to older neighborhoods.

“It can create new places to live and work and support local businesses,” he said. “Infill development is critical

to smart growth policies.”

One misconception some may have, he said, is that smaller lots mean cheap homes. The reality, he said, is that economic conditions and homebuyers’ desires have changed since Tomoka Oaks was developed.

“Today, a large lot is 75 to 80 feet wide, not 100 feet,” he said. “In many of the new developments, you have homes on these size lots sell in the $650,000-$700,000 range. Increasing the lot sizes to 100 foot wide will result in [raising] the overall price of the home to $1 million or more, which puts it out of reach for many of Ormond Beach’s residents.”

In a phone conversation a couple of weeks after the Feb. 8 neighborhood meeting, Davis’ opinion didn’t waver. The neighborhood meeting felt like a formality, she said.

“There was no real effort made to make this a presentable development that the community would want,” she said.

She understands the city’s stance that the golf course is free to be developed. She continues to respectfully disagree. In the March edition of her newsletter, she remarked on the collective desire she saw at the meeting of residents wishing to prevent the golf course’s development. She signed her message, “Not giving in or up.”

When the Observer asked what keeps her going, she said she is finding that her desire to educate her neighbors and protect Tomoka Oaks’ characters “comes from something larger than myself.”

“The more I talk to people, the more convinced I am that we have something special here in Tomoka Oaks, and my motivation comes from knowing that what I am doing could have a lasting, positive impact on our neighborhood and all of Ormond Beach,” Davis said. “That is what keeps me going.”

A new initiative to regenerate plant coverage and rid the Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail of invasive species was approved by the Volusia County Council in a 5-1 vote on Tuesday, April 4.

The initiative, titled “Regrow the Loop,” was drafted in conjunction with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension Services and will act as a one-year pilot program, with the potential to expand the initiative to other environmentally-sensitive areas in the county.

“Regrow the Loop is not only a win for our community and state, it’s a huge win for all animals,” County Councilman Troy Kent said, who had brought the issue forward at a past meeting.

The lone vote against the initiative was Councilman Don Dempsey, who felt the county was focusing most of its efforts and attention on the east side. That’s not fair, he said, citing the west side’s needs for facilities like Little League and football fields.

Dempsey said he’s not against the Loop, or against the initiative, but he was concerned about taxpayers paying for something he didn’t believe should be the county’s responsibility.

“There’s other places in the community that I think

are equally as beautiful and need to be watched out more,” Dempsey said.

The initiative includes providing one tree at least 3 gallons in size to each of the households along the state and nationally designated scenic byway. Other program objectives include monthly educational activities for the community and volunteer events to remove invasive plant species. The county would also offer a Regrow the Loop pledge, where residents could pledge to adopt practices to sustain the Loop.

This approach is “behaviorfocused on growing green,” said Bradley Burbaugh, county director of resource stewardship.

“Essentially, growing green means we’re doing things that are going to protect the environment in our yard, protecting water quality and engaging in the initiative,” Burbaugh said.

The tree fund, which has about $1.3 million, was identified as a prospective funding source.

While County Council Chair Jeff Brower supported the program, he was concerned about depleting the tree fund. A pilot program would give the county a better idea of what the initiative will cost, he added. Brower also wished for the county to be a role model for the citizens through the initiative.

“The county needs to take the lead,” he said. “All those things it says we’re asking homeowners to do, I would like the county to do as well.”

County Councilman David Santiago, who admitted to not knowing where the Loop was located, said he liked the idea of a pilot program to see what works and what can be tweaked along the way. The Loop spans over 30

miles along John Anderson Drive, A1A, Old Dixie Highway and North Beach Street in Ormond Beach. It is home to three Florida State Parks: North Peninsula State Park, Tomoka State Park and Bulow Creek State Park.

“I want to make sure that as we allocate funds for this project, we are conscious of some of the statements that it’s a big county,” Santiago said. “Ormond has the Loop. DeLand may have the triangle, right, and other cities may have the square, and I want to make sure that the funds we’re going to tap into or utilize are adequately dispersed amongst the county.”

At the meeting, Ormond Beach resident Alan Burton pledged to donate $1,000 for a dedicated tree fund for the Regrow the Loop initiative, in memory of the late Sue Parkerson, an Ormond Beach resident who dedicated much of her life to serving in civic organizations.

“I would ask that we grow the Loop to cultivate the highest quality of life for us and our future generation,” Burton said.

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The initiative includes providing one tree at least 3 gallons in size to each of the households along the Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail.
File photo The Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail



1:05 p.m. — 900 block of Buena Vista Avenue, Ormond Beach Fraud. An Ormond Beach resident called police after he paid a $2,500 deposit to a fraudulent roofing company.

The resident reported that he was quoted $4,600 to repair his roof and that the individual he spoke with asked for the rest of the money before beginning the roof repair. The resident refused, and was informed that the roof would be completed by March 4, according to a police report.

It was not. In fact, the resident told police, no work had ever been started, and he asked for a refund. However, each time he spoke with the roofer, he was given excuses for why the roofer couldn’t return the money.

Police were unable to find any information showing that the roofing company was a legitimate business, and that the listed address for the company was for a gas station. The resident wished to press charges.


3:44 p.m. — Old Kings Road, Palm Coast Disorderly conduct, threatening a public servant. A Palm Coast man was arrested after he entered a tattoo parlor and allegedly began threatening to shoot people when he was asked to wait.

Deputies were called but the man had left the parlor and was located two businesses down. The suspect was slurring his words and smelled of alcohol, according to the man’s arrest report.

The suspect was “highly argumentative” when deputies placed him in a patrol car, kicking against the door and rear window while deputies took statements from inside the tattoo parlor. On the way to jail, the suspect threatened to beat the officers.

The man was charged with disorderly conduct and threatening a public servant.



11:51 a.m. — 600 block of North Nova Road, Ormond Beach Larceny. Police responded to a local condominium after a unit owner reported that someone had stolen all his door knobs, plus cabinet hardware and a dishwasher, refrigerator and microwave.

The owner suspected former tenants were responsible. The owner told police that they had also left the water running in the unit, causing about $3,500 in water damage to three floors, according to a police incident report.

The owner told officers staff had noticed the

water was leaking the night before and turned it off, only to return the next day to see the water had been turned on again, allegedly by the former tenants, as they were spotted on surveillance video leaving the property with the missing items.


3:34 p.m. — Crossbar Way, Palm Coast Disturbance with weapons. A Palm Coast resident was so irate about a moving truck partially blocking his driveway that he allegedly grabbed his firearm.

Two employees from a furniture moving company were at a house and parked the truck while they worked. The neighbor came outside and began ordering the employees to move their truck, swearing at them, according to an incident report.

When the employees did not immediately move the truck, the man began yelling and lifted his shirt to show his firearm, grabbing the gun’s grip, according to the report.

Deputies were called to the scene. When they spoke to the man, he admitted to displaying his firearm and told deputies that the employees acted “arrogantly,” the report said.

Neither employee opted to press charges against the man. They finished their work to leave in peace.

6A THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 ObserverLocalNews.com 398465-1 BOAT SHOW P A L M C O A S T Palm Coast’s Premier Nautical Sales Event Saturday, April 15 & Sunday, April 16 10 AM - 4 PM | MARINA DEL PALMA FREE ADMISSION | FREE PARKING 101 Harbor View Dr, Palm Coast, FL 32137 4 Dealers, 1 Location! PRESENTED BY DOZENS OF BRANDS ON DISPLAY 272 Hwy 17 East Palatka, FL 32131 386-328-4510 Bigboysplaytoys.com 730 Ridgewood Ave Holly Hill - Daytona, FL 32117 386-255-7790 BlueWaterMarine.com 2079 Beach Rd. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 904-338-9970 MarineMax.com 845 SR 207 St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-217-217-3778 ObserverLocalNews.com 400939-1 What can FREE VPK do for my 4 year pre schooler? Scan Me 4720 E MOODY BLVD BUNNELL, FL 32110 386-437-0018 WWW.FLOORS-ALIVE.COM Floors Alive Floors Alive FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR 37 YEARS! WOOD - CARPET - TILE - LUXURY VINYL -ULTRA-DURABLE AND EASY-TO-CLEAN-FEATURES ANSO HIGH PERFORMANCE FIBER WITH R2X® BUILT-IN STAIN & SOIL PROTECTION-LIFEGUARD® SPILL-PROOF™ TECHNOLOGY FOR ADDED ACCIDENT PROTECTION FROM THE BOTTOM UP401387-1
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False bomb threat had deputies searching Walmart’s bathrooms

A false bomb threat made at Walmart on March 29 had Flagler County Sheriff’s Office deputies searching the store’s toilets.

The threat was called into the pharmacy’s phone line at 4:18 p.m., according to the FCSO’s incident report for the bomb threat. A pharmacy technician who answered the call told the store’s general manager that the caller sounded like a juvenile male. The caller said, “I dropped a bomb in your toilet,” before hanging up.

The false threat prompted an immediate evacuation of the store according to Walmart’s policies, the report said.

When FCSO deputies arrived, the bathrooms were cleared of people and blocked off while the store was being evacuated. Once the store was cleared of people, FCSO K-9 units searched it.

The store was given the all-clear at 5:39 p.m., the report said, with nothing suspicious found.

The general manager gave deputies the caller ID information, a 904 phone number with a woman’s name. FCSO’s Intel Unit will be following up on the incident, the report said.

Second suspect arrested in threat against Chitwood

Another out-of-state 4chan user who posted an online threat to kill Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood has been arrested in California.

Tyler Meyer, 30, was arrested Friday, March 31, by the San Diego Police Department.

Meyer’s anonymous post in the “Politically Incorrect” board on 4chan stated: “It’s too bad Mike Chitwood isn’t safe now that I’m planning to kill him. I’m going to shoot Mike Chitwood. I’m going to kill him by shooting him to death.”

The FBI flagged the threat, traced it, and identified and contacted Meyer, who was initially hesitant to admit to posting the threat. He ultimately admitted to writing the post after being shown an image of it.

Multiple firearms, ammunition and electronics were seized from Meyer’s home.

Meyer is charged with making a written threat to kill or injure, a second-degree felony which carries a bond of $100,000. He is in custody in San Diego pending extradition to Volusia County.

Sheriff Chitwood again thanked all the members of VSO, the FBI, the Office of State Attorney R.J. Larizza and the San Diego Police Department who worked on the case.

Chitwood and his family have received threatening or harassing messages after he condemned neoNazi hate groups who have recently targeted Volusia County and other areas in Florida.

On March 13, a New Jersey man was arrested in New Jersey following a similar 4chan post about Chitwood. The suspect, 38-year-old Richard Golden, has since been extradited to Florida. Golden remains in custody at the Volusia County Branch Jail on $100,000 bond.

OBMS given ‘all clear’ after bomb threat issued via AirDrop

A threat that caused Ormond Beach Middle School to evacuate students out of the cafeteria Friday was not credible, and law enforcement issued an “all clear,” according to Volusia County Schools.

Parents received a call from the school notifying them of the threat at around 10:42 a.m., based on a screenshot provided to the Observer. The voicemail told parents that a threat was AirDropped in the cafeteria before the start of the school day.

AirDrop is an Apple technology that allows Apple device users to wirelessly send photos, videos and other media to other Apple devices.

After evacuating students and staff from the cafeteria, the school was placed on a “hold.”

This incident followed a similar threat that had been AirDropped during an Ormond Beach Middle School basketball game against Campbell Middle School Thursday night.

Though VCS didn’t specify the nature of the threat, social media posts

by parents of students, along with emails sent to the Observer, said it was a bomb threat.

“Volusia County Schools takes all reports of threats seriously, and we thank our administration and law enforcement for quickly handling these situations,” the statement by VCS said. “We also appreciate our students, who continue to notify school officials when they see or hear any suspicious activity.”

Bunnell man, 73, charged with indecent exposure

A man has been arrested after he allegedly exposed his genitals to a woman and smelled her hair.

The incident happened March 27. The man, 73-year-old Donald George Argraves, was arrested by the Bunnell Police Department on April 2. Argraves lives in a community in Bunnell, and the victim works at the community’s clubhouse. The victim told BPD officers she was speaking to Argraves at the clubhouse while she worked on her computer when she began to hear him moaning behind her, the arrest report said. Without turning around, the victim looked at the surveillance footage on her computer and saw Argraves sitting in a chair, touching himself and exposing his genitals, the report said. Argraves then got up and walked up behind her to touch and smell her hair, telling the victim it smelled pretty.

The victim then told Argraves to leave the office, and she stepped out to call her supervisor and BPD.

Officers reviewed the footage, which showed Argraves touching his groin area through his pants and later walking behind the victim. Because of the camera’s angle, BPD officers could not see what Argraves was doing. He admitted to smelling the victim’s hair, the report said.

BPD discovered that Argraves had a criminal history in New Jersey: one felony lewdness conviction from 2002, and two 2020 stalking and lewdness charges that were later dropped.

Argraves was arrested and taken to the county jail, where he later posted bond.

He is charged with felony indecent exposure and misdemeanor battery.


Volusia Sheriff’s Offices launches ‘Connect Volusia’

The Volusia Sheriff’s Office has launched Connect Volusia, a platform that lets residents and businesses add their security cameras to a countywide database to help detectives quickly track down video evidence, Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood announced on March 30.

“Video cameras are helping solve crimes every day, from a theft at Walmart to a shooting in a residential neighborhood,” Chitwood said.

“With Connect Volusia, detectives will have one more tool to find crucial evidence and solve cases fast.”

Powered by Fusus, the camera registry serves as an online portal for citizens to register their security cameras. Registration does not give VSO access to live video. It only provides location information to track down cameras when an incident occurs. Those who want to be able to send live video to VSO during emergencies can upgrade their camera system to do so by installing a small device on their network. Register at connect.volusiasheriff.gov.

Hammock Dunes Cares donates $100,000 to PAL

Hammock Dunes Cares has donated $100,000 to the Flagler Sheriff’s Police Athletic League.

The money was donated after the FSPAL’s annual fundraising event, The RALLY, which is held in the first quarter of every year, according to a press release from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.

Hammock Dunes Cares was the sponsor of the 2023 RALLY event and raised over $120,000 for FSPAL and other local charities.

The $100,000 will go toward the league’s new facility, the press release said. To donate for the facility, make checks payable to the Flagler Sheriff’s Police Athletic League and mail them to FSPAL/ FCSO District 2 at 14 Palm Harbor Village Way W., Palm Coast, 32137, or donate in person between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Senate passes major death penalty change

In an issue that emerged after Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz was sentenced to life in prison, the Florida Senate on Thursday approved eliminating a requirement for unanimous jury recommendations before judges can impose death sentences.

“Nikolas Cruz acted as judge, jury and, unfortunately, executioner also,” Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, R-Spring Hill, said. “If a monster like that, who commits heinous crimes like that, does not deserve and get the death penalty, then what do we have a death penalty for?”

The Senate voted 29-10 to pass a bill (SB 450), sponsored by Ingoglia, that would allow death sentences to be imposed based on the recommendations of eight of 12 jurors. Judges would have discretion to sentence defendants to life in prison after receiving jury recommendations of death sentences. But in such instances, the judges would have to explain in written orders their reasons for deviating from the death-sentence recommendations.

Thursday’s vote in the Republicancontrolled Senate was mostly along party lines. Minority Leader Lauren Book, D-Plantation, Sen. Jason Pizzo, D-Hollywood, and Sen. Linda Stewart, D-Orlando, crossed party lines to vote for the bill. Sen. Ileana Garcia, R-Miami, and Sen. Erin Grall, R-Vero Beach, joined most Democrats in voting against it.

If the Legislature and DeSantis move away from a unanimous-jury requirement, the change likely will face a constitutional challenge. During a committee meeting this month, Aaron Wayt, who represented the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, pointed to recent rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court and said he thinks the change would be found unconstitutional.

8A THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 ObserverLocalNews.com 401386-1
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Sunday Theme: A Time For Spiritual Renewal Sunrise Experience at our new campus, corner of Belle Terre and Matanzas Pkwys. Music - Hymns and Praise songs at 6:30 a.m. Dr. Kevin M. James, Sr. Easter Worship at our current campus, 5200 Belle Terre Pkwy. Music - Chancel Choir and Praise Band at 8 & 9:30 a.m. Dr. Kevin M. James, Sr. Palm Coast United Methodist Church 5200 Belle Terre Pkwy Palm Coast, FL 32137 www.palmcoastchurch.org All are invited to attend. 401393-1
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‘Diverging diamond’ proposed for US 1, I-95 interchange redesign



The U.S. 1-Interstate 95 interchange in Ormond Beach may be redesigned as a “diverging diamond” interchange. The Florida Department of Transportation says the redesign, expected to cost $215.4 million overall, will make the interchange safer and capable of accommodating heavier traffic.

FDOT identified a diverging diamond as its preferred redesign option on March 29 during the first of two public hearings as part of FDOT’s ongoing Project Development and Environment Study. A second public meeting will be held in person at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 30, at The Chapel, located at 1805 N. U.S. 1. According to FDOT, a diverging diamond interchange design would be safer because vehicles turning left would not have to cross opposing traffic and drivers would be less likely to enter ramps in the wrong direction.

The redesign would also feature improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists, such as shared-use paths and signalcontrolled crossings, and could accommodate heavier traffic with fewer delays, according to FDOT.

“This (diverging diamond) configuration improves traffic flow while minimizing the number of potential crash locations and the potential severity of those crashes,” FDOT stated in its presentation.

FDOT would need to acquire 9.7 acres of rights-of-way for the reconfiguration, affecting 18 parcels of land and 15 property owners.

Two businesses — the Sunoco gas station and Florida Citrus World at 1576 N. U.S. 1 — would be displaced.

The project would also change the driveway access for seven businesses and change the median access for 10 businesses, including McDonalds and Dollar General.

FDOT anticipates impacting 2.4 acres of floodplain and 1.5 acres of wetlands, and stated in its presentation that it would provide 3.9 acres of floodplain compensation sites.

FDOT began studying the interchange in 2021.

The interchange, designed in the early 1960s, still has

some original elements — such as median openings, tight loop ramps and driveway connections — which no longer meet current spacing standards.

FDOT predicts that traffic will increase by over 40% on I-95 and will more than double on U.S. 1 by 2050. Since the interchange and the surrounding area are a hot spot for crashes, FDOT decided that the interchange could not stay in its current condition.

“As the approved-formixed-use developments within the area, like Ormond Crossings and Plantation, Oaks are built out, thousands of new vehicles will be added to the local roadway network, many of which will use the interchange on a daily basis. And with this, congestion will intensify,” FDOT stated.

In addition to the interchange redesign, FDOT is planning to widen U.S. 1 from four to six lanes and replace the I-95 overpasses over U.S. 1 and the nearby Florida East Coast railroad.

The next phase of the project, design, is expected to cost $3.3 million and is already funded. The construction phase remains unfunded.

To learn more or view the presentation, visit cflroads. com/project/419772-2.

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The design would be safer and could handle more traffic, according to FDOT.
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A big planning mistake

Dear Editor:

I am sure there are a lot more people than just my wife and I that notice there sometimes is a dangerous situation on West Granada Boulevard at the entrance to Starbucks Coffee and Aldi. Aldi is not a problem, but Starbucks is.

At times, if you are driving west on Granada and want to turn into either one of those businesses, the drive-thru line at Starbucks is backed up — backed up so bad that cars cannot turn off Granada in either direction.

I have noticed people getting aggravated because they can’t get to Aldi’s area because of cars sitting there. I don’t know if there have been any accidents there, but it’s just a matter of time. How did this all happen? My view

Make yourself at home

is that Ormond Beach’s planning and zoning department made a big mistake allowing the drive-thru to go from north to south alongside the building. All it takes is about six cars in the drive-thru to jam the Granada traffic back up. Was it a mistake not having the drive-thru entrance come from the back of the building? I don’t think it was well thought-out. Anyone who has seen this developing probably thinks the same thing. ... Stupid? Not well planned? It’s too late to

redesign the building. I hope the new Culver’s and IHOP planned farther east on West Granada Boulevard are planned better.

Send letters up to 400 words to Jarleene@observerlocalnews.com.

Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

A chilly trip to the beach with one rule: ‘Don’t get wet’

‘You can get your toes wet,’ I said. ‘That’s it.’

According to a McMillan family legend, my parents brought me and my siblings to the beach on a cold day in Washington state in the 1980s, when I was about 5 years old. While we were there, the story goes, we were given strict orders: “Whatever you do, don’t get wet.”

Some time later, we cold and crying children trudged back to the family van, shivering, dripping, defeated. Over the years, it seemed, that legend came to symbolize to my parents the disobedience of all children everywhere.

I thought about that story last week, when I drove my two young-



AdventHealth physicians and care teams will provide physicals for select students in Volusia County public middle and high schools at Daytona International Speedway.

The four-day event, scheduled April 12-15, is open to Volusia County Schools student athletes and cheerleaders, plus as JROTC cadets, band members and firefighting academy students.

All groups, with the exception of band, require a physical for participation.

Band members are welcome, but not obligated to receive a physical.

For the last four years, AdventHealth has offered free sports physicals to all Volusia County student athletes as part of the company’s

est children to the beach in my own family van. It was chilly enough that I wore a jacket, zipped all the way up. My 4-year-old son, Luke insisted on a T-shirt only. I tucked his jacket into the van just in case. My 8-year-old, Kennedy, wore her jacket.

When we got to the beach, near the pier, I told my children, sternly and with great enthusiasm, that this was not go-in-the-ocean weather. This was walk-along-theshore weather.

“You can get your toes wet,” I said. “That’s it. You may not get your shorts wet.”

My last line, repeated for emphasis was, “Whatever you do, don’t get your shorts wet.”

Luke’s eyes were wild with anticipation, looking past me at the waves. Raising his voice to my energy level, he shouted in response, “OK! I’ll try!”

“No, no, no, no,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You can’t just try, you have to do it. Please don’t get your shorts wet.”

“Why can’t we?” Kennedy asked.

“Because you’ll be wet and miserable, and it won’t be fun,” I said,

partnership with the school district.

“We are incredibly grateful for the strong partnership we have with AdventHealth,” VCS Superintendent Dr. Carmen Balgobin said. “AdventHealth continues to ensure that our students are healthy and whole by providing a variety of vital health services, such as these free physicals.”

Last year, more than 1,500 Volusia County students participated in the free sports physicals, which also include heart screenings. Heart screenings can be critical, as sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death among high school athletes.

Appointments are required and can be made online until April 5. To make an appointment, visit VCSSportsPhysicals.com.

Event hours are:


Wednesday, April 12 — 5-9 p.m.


Thursday, April 13 — 5-9 p.m.

„ Friday, April 14 — 5-9 p.m.

„ Saturday, April 15 — 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


One Daytona hosted the fourth edition of the One Daytona Art Festival on April 1 and 2. More than 100 artists and vendors

participated in the first day of the award-winning festival, a free event welcoming residents and visitors to experience a weekend of art and

adding, in full honesty, “for me.”

Probably with the same amount of optimism as my parents had in Washington years earlier, I released them.

Luke inched toward the water. For him, it was not enough to observe the magnificence of the waves from a safe distance. If the surf foam slid toward him and stopped more than 1 inch away from his toes, he believed it was imperative to move 2 inches closer. When the next wave crashed and meekly stopped 12 inches in front of him, he moved 13 inches closer.

Finally, on the next wave, his tiny feet disappeared in the foam. He turned and ran away, squealing with delight, seemingly surprised with every sensation he was feeling, playing tag with Mother Nature. Kennedy, too, was elated. “It’s so warm, Dad! It’s not cold at all!” she said.

“You still can’t go in besides your feet,” I said, making sure they didn’t let their joy get in the way of my convenience.

The truth is that I, unlike Kennedy and Luke, was perfectly content to watch the waves swell, to watch

the infinite variety of their crashing, shaving, grinding action, the relentlessness of their self destruction and renewal. Like Luke, I was eager to be surprised by Mother Nature.

As they played, I reflected on the temperature and knew the air wasn’t nearly as cold here in Flagler Beach as it had been that day in Washington. I knew I was being too uptight; it’s one of my character failings that I impose on my children. I guess I’m predictable.

Then again, so is Luke.

A few minutes later, my little boy was caught by a wave that came faster than he had expected, and it leaped up and splashed his shorts. He immediately looked at me, dripping wet. I folded my arms and cocked my head to the side to show my disappointment, but, in reality, I must have known it would happen all along.

He grinned a guilty grin, and I turned my frown into a smile of forgiveness. After all, I had lived this moment myself, nearly four decades ago, unable to resist the charms and thrills of the water.


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The Community Foundation and United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties’ executive committees approved consolidating the two organizations’ boards on March 27.

Leading the charge were Dustin Smurdon, chair of the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties board; Greg Sullivan, chair of the Community Foundation Board; and Courtney Edgcomb, president and CEO of Community Foundation and United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties.

“Consolidating our volunteer


The U.S. National Art Battle Championship took place on Saturday, April 1. Representing Florida was Vig Mayol, an Argentinean mixed media artist from Sarasota.

A new mural at One Daytona, in partnership with Beth O’Connor from Ormond Beach, was also revealed on Saturday, April 1.

The awards ceremony for the juried portion of the festival took place on the Victory Circle stage. More than $6,000 was awarded in prizes this year.

“We’re pleased to see such a fantastic mix of artists who continue to impress us with their creativity,” said John Wilton, a judge from DeLand.

The festivities also included a Volusia County Schools student art exhibit.

All proceeds from this year’s event will again be donated to the Volusia County Schools Visual Arts Program and ArtHaus. Since the first One Daytona Art Festival, the program

leadership structure allows our organization to better communicate the experience of working with the Community Foundation and United Way,” Edgcomb said. “Our number one goal is to increase the impact that we have in the community and thanks to the visionary leadership of our board, we are well-poised to deliver that impact.”

The consolidated board consists of 35 members focused on organizational governance, guiding strategic direction and ensuring adequate

has donated $55,000 to visual arts programs in the community.


The Capt. James Ormond Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution welcomed Marcea Oetting at its meeting on March 27. Oetting spoke based on the diaries and letters by former First Lady Abigail Adams, wife of second U.S. President John Adams and mother of sixth U.S. President John Quincy Adams. Abigail Adams was one of only two women who were both the wife and mother of a president, according to the DAR, and was a pioneer in the fight for liberty and equal rights for women.

The local DAR chapter was founded in 1966. To learn more, visit fssdar.com/CaptainJamesOrmondDAR.

resources for the organization.

The United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties (formerly known as Daytona Beach Community Chest) was established in 1941 to bring resources together to help those in need. Over 40 years later, in 1983, The Community Foundation of VolusiaFlagler Counties was established as an Endowment Fund by the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties, Inc. Board of Directors.

12A THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 ObserverLocalNews.com
Photo courtesy of Jonny Nomad Cary Rillo, a metal
from Ormond Beach, won Best in Show at the One Daytona Art Festival.
Courtesy photo
Preston Root, Dr. Diego Torres, Carrie Torres, Greg Sullivan and Dustin Smurdon during the Foundation Celebration of Philanthropy. photo
Vice Regent Billie Remsa and
Marcea Oetting.
“If we are to build a better world, we must remember that the guiding principle is this — a policy of freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy.” Friedrich Hayek “Road to Serfdom,” 1944 Observer

Modern Minds Learning robotics team’s energy idea wins first at states

The nine-student team presented its solution to the energy crisis: turning cow farts into power.

Is there a way to capture methane from cows and convert it into energy?

Nine students at Modern Minds Learning put their heads together to see if they could engineer a solution to that question — though, as a group of fourth through eighth graders, they phrased it a bit differently. They asked themselves, “What if we could make power from cow farts?”

Eighth grader Michael Meyer may have been the brains behind the suggestion.

“Everybody laughed, but then it became an actual idea,” Michael said. Six months later, the Modern Minds Mechanics team qualified for the FIRST LEGO League State Championship held at the University of North Florida on Friday and Saturday, March 31 and April 1, where they competed against over 600 robotics teams from across the state for spots at the World Championship.

Every season, FIRST releases a real-world theme for its challenge, with this year’s being enegry, and the Modern Minds Mechanics won first place for its innovation project.

Through research and interviews with experts, students brainstormed a collection method similar to that of a greenhouse, where cows would roam freely, but a dome of polycarbonate sheet would help capture their methane.

The base of the farm would be composed of carbon bricks made of the excess carbon dioxide.

Seeing the students develop a concept and coaching them through how to bring it to fruition is amazing, said Morgan Phillips, STEM instructor at Modern Minds Learning in Ormond Beach. Children often come up with ideas that adults may dismiss at first, Phillips said, but it’s important to let

them think them through.

“Even if it’s not doable right now, 15 years from now, the technology that is out there now is going to be obsolete,” she said. “... What they envision for the future is possible, and if we tell that it’s not, then we won’t have people who are trying to build those opportunities.”

That’s part of why she left the public school system, where she taught for seven years and ran after school robotics clubs. She believes in the Modern Minds Learning program, which combines virtual online learning with a focus on STEM and outdoor education.

At the regionals held in Orlando, the Modern Minds Mechanics team won overall for robotic design — a

first for any of Phillips’ past teams.

“It’s a privilege to be their teacher and for them to allow me to be their coach and them to put their faith in me,” Phillips said.

Phillips also coaches an all-girls team, but they didn’t make it to states. They’re determined to work hard to change that next year.

For Rhyse Sukhija, the only girl on the Modern Minds Mechanics team, competing in robotics and working on the FIRST project has been a cool opportunity.

Before Phillips started teaching at Modern Minds, Rhyse said she didn’t know much about FIRST Lego League or robotics.

“I wasn’t sure if I would like it at

all, but it turned out this is probably one of my favorite things to do now,” Rhyse said. “I think you have so many opportunities and different things to learn from doing this and you can really just understand that no matter how old you are, you can solve worldwide problems, and you can actually have an impact on the world.”

Rhyse, one of the eighth graders on the team, said students have learned that coding in robotics is all trial and error.

“It can really help with life skills when you learn that nothing is going to be perfect the first time,” she said. “It could take you years to get one thing right, but the more you do it, the more skilled you become, and

the better whatever you’re working on gets.”

Michael agreed. He recently started coding.

“It takes perseverance and consistency to get it right,” he said.

Rhyse said she was looking forward to presenting the team’s Farms of the Future idea, which the team is also sharing with large dairy companies.

“I love having the ability to explain something that we created to others,” Rhyse said. “... It is the idea that we worked so hard to come up with. It is ours, and we are giving it to the world.”

THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 13A ObserverLocalNews.com
Courtesy photo Top row: STEM Instructor Morgan Phillips, Rocco Olivari, Michael Meyer, Brayden Hutto, Rhyse Sukhija, Ethan Strode, James Fleming, and Connor Burns. Bottom row: Luke Mclin and Nathaniel Kagan.
401400-1 401410-1

Tortugas mascot delivers meals to seniors

visited the Ormond Beach Senior Center on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21 and 22.

On Thursday, March 23, City Commissioner Lori Tolland assisted in the meal deliveries.

At the senior center, laughter filled the room as the playful Sheldon interacted with Meals on Wheels clients.


Local celebrities delivered Meals on Wheels to seniors last month in a Council on Aging of Volusia County initiative in recognition of March as National Nutrition Month.

The celebrities included Volusia County Sheriff Michael Chitwood, Deltona Mayor Santiago Avila and Sheldon, mascot of the Daytona Tortugas, who joined COA’s Meals on Wheels drivers for special deliveries to clients across the county, according to a press release.

In Ormond Beach, Sheldon

These meal deliveries are the only source of interaction for some seniors in the county, according to the COA.

“A good amount of [seniors] don’t have family living in the area or they have family that only come to visit a certain amount of time, because they work,” said Doreen Willett, Council on Aging of Volusia County community engagement liaison.

COA reports that 94% of Meals on Wheels clients live below the poverty line. One in four seniors live alone. Their food needs are often left unfulfilled, Willett said.

“Vulnerable seniors who have lived their lives and live full lives are in the position now where they need some help,” Willett said.

Beginning in 1967, the nonprofit Council on Aging of Volusia County has helped provide in-home care, help with light chores, and activities at senior centers in addition to its Meals on Wheels program, which provides meal deliveries and care to local vulnerable senior citizens.

Willett reflected on the rewarding moments she’s experienced through deliveries.

“There’s so many very organic moments, and seeing people’s smiles who might not necessarily have a lot to smile about makes a big difference,” she said.

The Volusia County Meals on Wheels team is composed of over 300 volunteers. Visit coavolusia.org.

14A THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 ObserverLocalNews.com
The Council on Aging of Volusia County invited local celebrities to deliver Meals on Wheels.
Photo by Abbie Pace
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COA Dining Site Coordinator Kathy Ingaharro, Daytona Tortugas Community Relation Manager Rachel Morton, Daytona Tortugas mascot Sheldon, COA Community Engagement Liaison Doreen Willett and COA Dining Site Coordinator Dawnmarie Mullins

Tomoka Elementary team wins first place at Battle of the Books

This year was the first that elementary schools in Volusia County participated in the quiz-bowl style reading competition.


Tomoka Elementary’s Battle of the Books team won first place at the countywide reading competition at Daytona State College on March 24. This year was the first that ele

mentary schools in Volusia County participated in Battle of the Books, a quiz-bowl style competition where students are asked details about books that are part of the annual Sunshine State Young Readers Award list.

Middle and high schools in Volusia County have regularly competed in the competition.

Tomoka Elementary placed first out of 26 teams, making the school team the first to take the title at the elementary level, according to a statement supplied to the Observer

“We put a lot of effort in this

competition, and it all paid off,” said Hailey Lucas, fourth grade Tomoka Elementary student and Battle of the Books team captain. “I really enjoyed reading all the books, and thank my team for choosing me as team captain. We were a great team.”

Tionis Fordham, one of the team’s coaches and an academic coach at Tomoka, said in the statement that the competition was a “wonderful adventure.”

“It is truly amazing and invigorating to be part of such a wonderful journey,” Fordham said. “The commitment to excellence demonstrated


“Battle of the Books made me read books that I would not have chosen, but I liked them. Thanks to my teachers and my teammate friends for a great time.”

ELENA NUGENT, fourth grade

“I am very proud of Tomoka and all their hard work. It wasn’t scary, but it was intimidating at times.”

CARTER EDWARDS, fourth grade

“Life is like a ladder. You might fall, but you need to keep climbing to make it to the top.”

DEIRA RIVAS, third grade

by the student team, parent supporters and district staff truly showcased some wonderful work taking place within Volusia County schools. I’m extremely proud of our Tomoka team for the hard work and dedication that contributed toward this momentous achievement.”

Fourth teacher and team coach Lisi Brugone said she was beaming with pride at the team’s success, and that the competition ignited a love for books in many students.

“I am in awe of the determination and pride I saw from every school that participated in this Battle of the Books competition,” Brugone said.

“Every team has made their school proud! Volusia County did a phenomenal job making this competition a success.”

In addition to Hailey, the team was composed of fourth grade students Elena Nugent and Carter Edwards, as well as third grade students Valentina Alvorado and Deira Rivas.

“I love books and enjoy being competitive,” Valentina said. “Battle of the Books gave me the opportunity to thrive while reading and competing with friends. I can’t wait for next year.”


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Courtesy photo Battle of the Books Coach Tionis Fordham, students Carter Edwards, Hailey Lucas, Valentina Alvorado, Deira Rivas and Elena Nugent, and Battle of the Books Coach Lisi Brugone
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Hanns seeks his old commission seat



Former Flagler County Commissioner George Hanns has announced that he will run again for the District 5 Commission seat in 2024.

Hanns served on the commission for 24 years, from 1992 to 2016. Before that, he served on the Palm Coast Service District Advisory Board for two years before Palm Coast was incorporated. He served as County Commission chair in 2009-10 and 2013-14.

Hanns lost his seat to Don-



Daytona State College leaders held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Tuesday, March 28, celebrating the launch of a commercial driver’s license training program in partnership with FleetForce Truck Driving School. The program will use part of a $1.3 million state allocation granted to DSC to address the need for commercial freight haulers. The state funding covers 77% of tuition for each student for the first year of the program.

The trucking industry projects a need for 1.1 million more drivers over the next decade.

ald O’Brien in 2016. O’Brien announced he will not seek re-election to the commission next year in order to run for the open District 19 Florida House of Representatives seat, as House Speaker Paul Renner will be finishing his final term.

Hanns, 76, a retired builder, said he has been volunteering, primarily as a tour guide at Princess Place Preserve, where the covered bridge on site is named in his honor.

“I have so much energy. I just wanted to throw my hat in the ring again,” he said.

Hanns cites several projects he helped bring to fruition during his years as a commissioner, including the Princess Place Preserve, Flagler County’s artificial reefs, the Florida Agricultural Museum, the Flagler County Youth Center and roller rink and the establishment of parks and nature trails.

“I’ve always been mindful of doing positive things that will help the majority of the

“This program gives students an opportunity to quickly learn new skills in a high-demand field and helps address the challenges to our transportation and supply chain issues,” DSC President Dr. Tom LoBasso said.

The first class of eight students starts April 10 at DSC’s Advanced Technology College, and is already full. The college plans to start a new class every week and train 200 drivers annually. The four-week, 160-hour program consists of one week of classroom time and three weeks in a truck.


Kistemaker Business Law Group and Erum Kistemaker

people,” he said.

Hanns, who had been a Democrat throughout his tenure on the commission, will run as a Republican.

“I’ve never been active in politics,” he said. “I’ve always voted for Republicans or Democrats, whoever I believe in, and I still do that. I changed parties two years ago. I just couldn’t see any connection with my thought process with the Democratic party and all that was going on.”

have hired Sydney Russell as a legal assistant. The Palm Coast local is a UCF student pursuing her bachelor’s degree in legal studies, with a minor in human services. She is applying to law schools and looking forward to pursuing her legal career. Kistemaker Business Law Group’s former legal assistant, Rima Suleiman, is now an attorney with the firm. “We are so fortunate to have found such a dedicated team member and quick learner in Sydney. It has given us a great opportunity to continue to grow the business,” Kistemaker said.

“Additionally, the training and teaching process is really exciting for us, and we have found so many strong future attorneys throughout the years.”

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George Hanns will run for the
5 seat, which will open as Commissioner Donald O’Brien runs for a seat in the House of Representatives.
Courtesy photo George Hanns at the George Hanns Bridge at Princess Place Preserve.


Eggs for every bunny

Tomoka United Methodist Church holds its annual Easter egg hunt.


Children pointed excitedly and moved toward the Easter Bunny as he made his way into Bleekman Hall on Saturday, April 1, marking the start of Tomoka United Methodist Church’s annual Easter party and egg hunt. Families and friends took part in the festivities. Cindy and Brian Buccellato, with their children Stella and Jack, came from Colorado to join

their parents on a month-long vacation in Florida. They stopped in for some fun kids activities, the egg hunt and photos with the Easter Bunny.

Katie and Samantha Gilliard gravitated toward coloring on the dry erase board and the Easter movie being shown in a separate room.

Grandfather Barry Petoh was on “grampy duty,” since the children’s mom, a cardiac nurse, was working. Petoh and his wife have been staying with his daughter’s family in The Trails since Hurricane Ian.

“Grampy’s being the Easter Bunny guide,” Petoh said. “Next month, we move into our house. It hasn’t been an easy road, but there are people that are worse off. We’re getting


Every year, church volunteers offer cookies and juice to the participants before the kids venture outside for the Easter egg hunt.

The hunt is divided into three age groups — preschoolers, kindergartners through second grade, and third grade and older.

Each plastic egg holds candy or a prize-specific note which is collected at the prize table.

Pastor John Gill helped the kids empty their eggs and discover which prizes they had won.

“We enjoy providing activities for families and the community,” he said. “We invite folks to be a part of our congregation.”

APRIL 6, 2023
Samantha Gilliard runs to the playground to gather Easter eggs. Photos by Michele Meyers Graham Mauldin colors on a dry erase board. Miley Lothian and Tucker Lothian Volunteer Terri Gill smiles while Stella Buccellato points toward the Easter Bunny as he walks into the Tomoka United Methodist Church’s annual Easter party and egg hunt. Domonick Sheldon guesses how many jelly beans are in a jar. He won the jar of jelly beans and a gift card to Jeremiah’s with a guess of 436 — one off from the total. Janie Rogers and her granddaughter Teddy Steverson play games. Katie Gilliard focuses on coloring the Easter board.

The City of Palm Coast brings the fun!




When: 5:30-7 p.m.

Where: Ormond Memorial Art Museum, 78 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach

Details: Instructor Linda King will lead a botanical spring collage during this monthly event. All art supplies are provided. The series is sponsored in part by the Women United Volusia Chapter. Visit bit.ly/ omam-ffan.



Here at the City of Palm Coast, we value our natural resources and what better way to celebrate Earth Day than learning to protect our planet while protecting your pocketbook. Sign up for FREE at parksandrec.fun

Three to See

Movies in the Park Movies in the Park Friday, April 14 Friday, April 14


When: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Where: Cypress Knolls Golf and Country Club, 53 Easthampton Blvd., Palm Coast

Details: Register for this golf outing presented by the Wadsworth Elementary Parent Teacher Organization. Sponsorships are available. Donations will be accepted. Visit wes-pto.com.


When: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: Flagler Palm Coast High School, 5500 S.R. 100 E., Palm Coast

Details: The Garden Club at Palm Coast is hosting its annual spring festival and plant festival featuring arts and crafts vendors, specialty plant growers, educational exhibits, children’s activities, food, live music and more. Visit gardenclubatpalmcoast.org.


When: 10 a.m.

Where: Anderson-Price Memorial Building, 42 N. Beach St., Ormond Beach

Food Truck Tuesday Food Truck Tuesday

Tuesday, April 18 Tuesday, April 18

Details: The Ormond Beach Historical Society’s next Speaker Series meeting will focus on the early development of aviation in Florida. The presentation will be led by Stephen Craft. Free and open to the public.


American Legion Flagler Post 115 Monthly Meeting

When: 6:00pm


When: 10 a.m.

Where: Wadsworth Park, 2200 Moody Blvd., Flagler Beach

Details: Join New Way Church for an Easter egg hunt straight from the skies. The church will be dropping 400 pounds of candy from a helicopter over Wadsworth Park. There will be face painting, free food and bounce houses.



When: 9:30 a.m.

Where: Palm Coast United Methodist Church, 5200 Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast

Details: Palm Coast United Methodist church will have a worship experience for Palm Sunday featuring music by the Praise Band and Voice of Faith. The service will be led by the new resident bishop in the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. All are invited to attend. Visit palmcoastchurch.org.



When: 11:30 a.m. lunch; 12 p.m. plant sale; 12:30 meeting

signup; and 1 p.m. meeting

Where: VFW Hall, 47 Old Kings Road N., Palm Coast

Details: The Garden Club at Palm Coast meets the second Monday of each month from September to May. April’s guest speaker is Jeanne Long from the Flagler County Orchid Society. There will be a raffle for a floral design and door prizes. Visitors are welcome one time to preview the club. For information, contact info@gardenclubatpalmcoast.org or find The Garden Club at Palm Coast, Inc. on Facebook.



When: 7-8:30 p.m.

Where: The Trails Clubhouse, 201 Main Trail, Ormond Beach

Details: The Volusia-Flagler Sierra Club will meet to disccuss harmful environmental bills in legislature, as well as renewable energy and other local environmental issues. Free and open to the public.



When: 10 a.m.

Where: Unitarian Universalist Church, 56 N. Halifax Drive, Ormond Beach

Details: Nadiya Lewytska is the guest speaker for this

meeting by AARP Chapter 1057, which meets monthly on the second Wednesday. A light lunch will follow. The public is invited. For information, call Jeff Boyle at 386-441-5934.


When: 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Where: Ormond Beach Library auditorium, 30 S. Beach St., Ormond Beach

Details: Citizens For Ormond Beach will be hosting Christy Miller, sustainability coordinator for Volusia County, at this meeting. Public is invited to attend.



When: 8 a.m.

Where: Ormond Beach Environmental Discovery Center, 601 Division Ave., Ormond Beach

Details: Join Master Naturalist Joan Tague, of Halifax River Audubon, for a casual bird walk along the trails in Central Park. Bring water. Walking shoes and sunscreen are recommended.


When: 6:30-8 p.m.

Where: The Casements, 25 Riverside Drive, Ormond Beach

Details: See Jordan Redding perform at The Casements as part of the first event in the city of Ormond Beach’s Swing into Spring concert series. There will be a food truck. Free. Call 386-676-3216.




When: through April 27

Where: The Casements, 25 Riverside Drive, Ormond Beach

Where: VFW Post 8696 47 Old Kings Rd N, Palm Coast, FL 32137

DETAILS: The Flagler Post 115 Monthly Meeting. Celebration of Veteran Mary German’s 100th birthday. Support the American Legion in donating unwanted property for our monthly meetings.

Spring Arts Festival Spring Arts Festival

Saturday, April 29 Saturday, April 29


Details: See the Ormond Beach Art Guild’s spring exhibit at The Casements, featuring paintings of several mediums. Most are available for purchase. The Casements is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 8 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. For information, call Marilyn Dorinson at 386-274-9963 or Maureen Bridger at 386-846-5517. For a preview of the works, visit The Casements’ Facebook page.


When: through April 22

Where: Art League of Daytona Beach, 433 S. Palmetto Ave., Daytona Beach

Details: See this exhibit featuring abstract, surrealist and impressionist art by Florida artists. Visit artleague.org.


When: 6:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays

Where: Derbyshire Park and Sports Complex, 849 Derbyshire Road, Daytona Beach

Details: This 50-and-older men’s senior softball league is now forming. It’s both recreational and competitive. Call Joe Daly at 954-7320992 or visit nsbseniorsoftball.com.

ObserverLocalNews.com 2B THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 Explore with Parks & Recreation
more information or to register, visit parksandrec.fun Check out our full line-up of activities & programs!
File photo by Mia Striegel
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CULTURAS Lisette Otero-Lewis’ “Culturas” has been accepted into the 2023 Florida in Focus: Juried Photography Show for Osceola Arts, April 14 to May 19. The image is part of Otero-Lewis’ thesis series, “El Tercero Espacio” (The Third Space), for her master in fine arts.

The Palm Coast photographer says the series combines “visual metaphors and symbolism delving into the experiences of a person navigating two distinct cultures.”

Otero-Lewis was born in Connecticut to parents who had moved from Puerto Rico when they were young. Her family moved to Miami when she was in third grade. In Florida, “I discovered I was Puerto Rican and not just American,” she writes in the bio on her website, lisettephotography.com.

People of a multi-cultural heritage do not live in one space or the other, they live in the middle, or the third space, she says.

“El Tercero Espacio,” she says, “explores the

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complexities of identity, gender, culture, family and self through the eyes of a person born to parents of the Puerto Rican diaspora and who grew up in the United States. … By bringing these important issues to the forefront, the project aims to spark meaningful conversations about the intersections of identity, culture, and heritage in today’s world.” –BRENT WORONOFF

ObserverLocalNews.com THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 3B 401385-1

Kids’ Wild Boar Run takes over Graham Swamp bike trails

The kids-only race was the first of three races planned for this spring, event founder Carrie Meng said.



Flagler County kids ran the first of a new kids trail running series on Saturday, April 1.

The run was held at the Graham Swamp mountain bike trails for three different age groups: a less-than 0.5mile race for ages 3-5 years, a 1.5mile race for ages 6-9, and about a 3-mile race for ages 10-13. The Wild Boar Run was the first of three kids races that Elevate Events founder Carrie Meng plans to host.

Meng said she’s wanted to hold a

kids-only race series for a few years, but had problems pinning down dates for all three races. Finally, she decided to just start with the Wild Boar Run first.

“I said, ‘You know, I’ll put on one for now, I’ll just pick one day. I’ll see if the community is responsive to it,” Meng said. “I was like — I’ve just got to do it.”

The competition was a huge success for Meng.

She said she initially ordered only 30 finisher medals, hoping to get 30 registrants.

She quickly had to reorder more and more medals because of high demand, and even had a waitlist at one point.

In total, 70 kids signed up for the Wild Boar Run.

Meng’s kids trail run series has

two more races, with dates yet to be determined: a Deer Run at Princess Place Preserve, and a Hare Run at the Mala Compra trails.

Based on the success of the Wild Boar Run, Meng said at the race on April 1, she hopes to plan the next one soon. Every participant received a hand-crafted finisher medal. Meng also gave plaques to the top three boy and girl finishers in each age group.


In the 3-5 age group, the winners were: For the girls, Kinley Sterba, 4, first place; Aria Rodgers, 3, second; and Reegan Matuszczak, 4, third. For the boys: Victor Contino, 5, first place; Grayson Matuszczak, 5, second; and Luke Osypian, 3, third.

For the 6-9 age group, the winners were: For the girls, Ariana Gallagher, 9, first place; Evette Geroge, 8, second; and Evelyn George, 9, third. For the boys: Gavin Garrett Jr., 9, first place; Hunter Durrance, 8, second; and Leif Muchow, 8, third.

In the 10-13 race: For the girls, Kyleigh Davis, 10, first place; Alyssa Checho, 11, second; and Sera Morris, 12, third. For the boys: Brayden Murray, 11, first place; Owen Stackpole, 13, second; and Lucas Barros, 13, third.

ObserverLocalNews.com 4B THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 401377-1 WE DO REPAIRS! allprowindowcoverings@gmail.com www.allprowindowcoverings.com Sale $24.99 /Sq. Ft 386-281-3141 Free Estimates Call Today For A Free In Home Estimate, All Installation included. USA Made. 40+ Years Local Experience, Seasoned Professionals. Serving Volusia, Flagler, St. John’s, Putnam and Marion Counties. Premium Window Coverings at Affordable Prices Visit The NEW We’re more than tires! Complete auto repair! Take care of what you drive. Same people. New location. Old Barrow Auto Repair 102 N Main St Bunnell Visit The NEW XNSP20634 We’re more than tires! Complete auto repair! CALL TODAY (386) 437-3677 401394-1
Ariana Gallagher, 9, took first place in the girls 6-9 race. Evette Geroge, 8, took second place, and Evelyn George, 9, took third. Korbin Purdy, 10, runs with a smile toward the finish line. No. 11, Mason Jones, 4, runs next to No. 16, Adriana Chastain, 5. Huckleberry FreisbergHickey, 11, was one of five girls competing in the 10-13 race.
ran a course of under half a mile.
The 3-5-year-olds Liam Farrell, 7, competed in the 6-9 race. Jeremiah Johnson, 9, races to the finish line. Landon Farrell, 3, Luke Osypian, 3, and Kason Weber, 3, in the 3-5 race Photos by Sierra Williams

‘This is their Indy 500’

The ChampCar 14-hour Endurance Race teams rolled into town with a record 130 entrants.


Every year, cars of all shapes and sizes roll up to the Daytona International Speedway for the ChampCar 14-hour Endurance Race. Sporting a variety of graffiti or gleaming from a professional paint job, they arrive in droves by trailer or driver in preparation for a day of competition, camaraderie and good oldfashioned racing.

This year was no different. Teams began arriving at the track on load-in day during the week before the April 1 race. It was a record-breaking event with 139 cars originally entered — the most interest in the event in ChampCar history — with 130 cars taking laps, which is a record at the speedway.

Bill Strong is the marketing director for ChampCar and is responsible for setting up the cameras for its show, which

streams live during the races. He started with the company part time in 2014, running its websites, and went full-time in 2017 when he retired from the University of Virginia, where he was the webmaster and handled e-commerce for the university’s bookstore.

“Even though we are a member club and we are just out here for fun, to a lot of these guys, this is their Indy 500, their Daytona 500,” he said. “For them, this is the highest in life they’re going to get when it comes to racing, so we want to give them the same show, the same importance as running the Indy or Daytona 500.”

The ChampCar Endurance Series, originally known as the ChumpCar World Series, was founded by John Condren in July 2009 as an effort to make endurance racing affordable. The name was changed in 2017 and an official registered trademark was granted in August 2018, making the series more appealing for corporate sponsors who associated a negative connotation with the word “chump.” The following year, TireRack. com became the series title sponsor.

Team owner Carl Goutell knows when it is time to get ready for the ChampCar race when his crew member, Matt Conway — otherwise known as “Fire Bottle” Matt — begins calling him every day.

“We love Matt, and Matt loves this race and being on our team more than anything,” Goutell said. “He is

like an alarm clock. When he starts calling me every day leading up to the race, about a month before, that is when I know it’s time to really get to work on the cars.”

In the fall of 2011, driver instructors Goutell, Peter London, Jimmy Bayles, Squeak and Bobby Kennedy were standing in a garage at the speedway during a threeday Ferrari event where they rode with drivers to teach them the nuances of driving the track, and more importantly, not to crash. Someone in the group brought up the upcoming ChampCar race, to be held for the first time in Daytona.

“We talked about it during lunch as we sat on stacks of tires in the garage,” Goutell said. “Liking the format of affordable, we agreed that we should form a team and enter the race. There was just enough enthusiasm from that point to manage to show up for that first race.”

The responsibility of picking the car was left up to Goutell, who chose a 1991 BMW 5 Series. They cut as much of the rusting metal off the chassis as they could to make it lighter, and ended up placing fourth.

The team kept returning and placing in the top three but could not crack the top spot until Goutell added a second car and some new drivers to the team. In 2015, champion race car driver Tommy Byrne joined the team after meeting Goutell at Squeak Kennedy’s 60th birthday party. They then won two years in a row.

“I started racing again because Carl asked me,” Byrne said. “I’m happy I did. That was the most fun I’d had rac-

ing in a long time.”

Ormond Beach resident

Bobby Kennedy was 18 when he began racing with the team. At 29, he is the still the youngest, but one of the most seasoned drivers. His dad, Squeak, put him in a Bondelero race car at the age of 8, then switched him to quarter midgets shortly after. This year he is passing down his family’s racing legacy to his 5-year-old son Cam, who will be racing quarter midgets for the first time.

“I like it because of the laid back atmosphere,” Bobby Kennedy said. “There’s not as much stress, but it is competitive. It’s nice, though, because it’s not a money game, so you don’t have teams outspending you and that’s why you’re not doing well. It’s more about the preparation and strategy and having good drivers that are similar and consistent.”

Goutell renamed his racing crew Team London after longtime friend and teammate Peter London died in a driver coaching accident at the Palm Beach International Raceway in 2019. The team honors him by racing the event every year.

“In 2019 we lost Peter, and I almost quit. But all of the other guys were counting on me to bring the cars, so I kept

coming back,” Goutell said. “The car prep is a lot of work and time and dollars. Every year I question myself, usually about a day or two before the race, and I’ll vow to never do this again. Each year I forget my vow. How much longer? We love Daytona. We love racing. We love our friends. We will see.”

APRIL 6, 2023
Driver Tommy Byrne dives down on the inside during the ChampCar 14-hour Endurance Race. Chris Camerote poses as she holds the pit number sign for a team during the ChampCar 14-hour Endurance Race. Race car driver Bobby Kennedy relaxes in the pit before his second stint in the ChampCar 14-hour Endurance Race. Tommy Byrne puts on his balaclava, Hans device and Bell helmet. Team London crew member “Fire Bottle” Matt Conway and owner Carl Goutell goof around in the pit. Team London takes a pit stop as owner/driver Carl Goutell swaps places with driver Jimmy Bayles. Crew chief Toby Keppel checks the team’s status on Race Monitor during the ChampCar race.

Bulldogs’ perfect record halted by Hawks

The Flagler Palm Coast softball team suffered its first loss of the season as Spruce Creek defeated the Bulldogs, 8-1.


The Spruce Creek Hawks pierced the Flagler Palm Coast softball team’s perfect 11-0 record with an 8-1 win at the Hawks’ field on Thursday, March 30.

FPC assistant coach David Vigo said the team made a few adjustments prior to the game to offset Creek’s hard-hitting batters. The coaches decided to change the pitching speed by having first baseman Madison Cercy step in as the starting pitcher. Freshman Sanai Figueredo played first.

“It sucks to lose,” he said. “But I will say this, we know that had we played our game, we would have been in a much different place. We hit the ball — we had seven hits, they had six, and we had five errors. They didn’t have any. Those are mistakes we can fix, and we can clean up. They were better than us today based on that. I want a second chance, because I know our girls can play better. They believe they can play better than they

“Nothing drops on my field. That’s my motto. Like, I’m getting everything. I’m diving into fences. I’m diving over the fence. I don’t care where it is. The loss sucks, but we’re going to come back the next time we play them. They better be ready. We have a fire under our bottoms.”

AUN’YALE HOWARD, FPC left fielder

did tonight.”

Shortstop Bailey Holmes brought in the lone run in the third inning for the Bulldogs. The Hawks scored five runs in the first inning and three in the third inning.

Julie Kelley pitched seven innings for Spruce Creek, allowing seven hits, one run and striking out 15.

The Bulldogs said they made mistakes that they hadn’t made all year.

“We had the full spectrum (of mistakes) — someone that’s just stepping in and someone that’s been there before,” Vigo said. “So what does that teach us? We are not flawless. We are flawed individuals.

ObserverLocalNews.com 6B THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 401395-1 DERMATOLOGY & MED SPA COME SEE US AT 84 PINNACLES DRIVE SUITE #400 386-256-1969 84 PINNACLES DRIVE SUITE #400, PALM COAST FL 32164 skinderm.org info@skinderm.org - Medical Dermatology - Mohs Surgery - Superficial Radiation Therapy - Cosmetic Dermatology - Medical Spa - Injectables Tox/Fillers - Hydrafacial - Inmode Morpheus 8 DERMATOLOGY DERMATOLOGY Call TODAY! What we offer: Dr. Ross C. Wheeler, M.D. Dermatologist / MOHs Surgeon
FPC’s Madison Cercy made the start in the circle. Spruce Creek catcher Isabella Caruso throws the ball to second base. FPC’s Aun’Yale Howard gets advice from coach Yessy Paneto. Spruce Creek pitcher Julie Kelley struck out 15 in the 8-1 win against FPC.

We got to do our best to keep those flaws off the field.”

This season, softball powerhouse Spruce Creek has lost to three top-ranked teams — Providence School of Jacksonville, University from Orange City, and Hagerty from Oviedo.

“I don’t think it was so much the pressure of facing Spruce Creek,” Vigo said. “The pressure was what they put on themselves. They believed that this was the year that they had the skill and the

talent to beat them.”

After a stunning, fencesmashing catch in left field, Aun’Yale Howard is undeterred by the loss.

“Nothing drops on my field,” she said. “That’s my motto. Like, I’m getting everything. I’m diving into fences. I’m diving over the fence. I don’t care where it is. The loss sucks, but we’re going to come back the next time we play them. They better be ready. We have a fire under our bottoms.”



ObserverLocalNews.com THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 7B 4.75 % APY* 7-MONTH CD SPECIAL *The annual percentage yield (APY) of 4.75% for a certificate of deposit (CD) is accurate as of 2/9/2023. Minimum balance to open and obtain this APY is $1,000. This offer is available in select markets/branches only for a limited time and may change or be withdrawn at any time. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Offer excludes municipalities, ICS and CDARs. Each renewal term will be a 6-month term beginning on the maturity date. Visit our Palm Coast branch to get started! 181 Cypress Point Pkwy Palm Coast, FL 32164 386.447.0404 High Yield CD 4.75% APY* $1,000 Minimum Opening Deposit Limited Time Only 401427-1 Business After Hours Expo 5:00pm - 7:00pm Teddy Morse’s Harley Davidson 1635 N US Hwy 1 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Vendor spots are available! Apply at ormondchamber.com Ormond Beach Chamber of Commerce 165 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 (386) 677-3454 401409-1 calendar of events April THURS. 6 Ribbon Cutting - Moore Outdoor Living 4:00pm - 5:00pm Ribbon Cutting at 4:30pm 1141 N. US - 1 Ormond Beach, 32174
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FPC’s Hannah Kurek bats as Spruce Creek’s Isabella Caruso catches. FPC’s Alexis Laura is safe at third as third baseman Alexis Minaberry catches the ball. FPC catcher Sadie Schell catches a foul popl. Photos by Michele Meyers

New FPC football coach has had swift rise up the coaching ladder

Fish said he is not interested in imposing his will or his system on the team.


At age 28, Daniel Fish knows he is fortunate to be the new head football coach at Flagler Palm Coast High School, one of the top large-school programs in Northeast Florida.

But it hasn’t been just luck that has helped him ascend so quickly up the coaching ranks. Even the toughest battle a person could bear has been important in Fish’s meteoric rise.

Fish was named the Bulldogs’ head coach on Wednesday, March 29. He had been the head coach at Father Lopez for the past three seasons, getting the job just one year out of college at age 25, benefiting from a series of hiring missteps.

At FPC, Fish replaces Robert Paxia, who left after two seasons to become the head coach at WinderBarrow High School in Georgia.

FPC athletic director Steve DeAugustino said Fish stood out among the candidates.

“He came across as a very sincere person, very down to earth,” DeAugustino said. “He’s a player’s coach is the best way I can describe it. You know he’s got the players’ best interests in heart.”

Fish played linebacker at Collins Hill High School in Gwinnett County, Georgia, and continued his football career at Valdosta State University.


After he graduated from college, Fish moved to Flagler Beach in 2019 to join his family. His brother and his family moved here when Fish was still in high school. Fish’s parents and two more siblings moved down when he was in college.

“Being close to my family and having the opportunity to be with them was crucial to me,” he said.

Matt Knauss, the head coach at Father Lopez at the time, is also from Gwinnett County, and he and Fish had mutual friends.

Knauss gave Fish a job on his staff in 2019, and before Fish coached a down, Knauss left the program and Fish moved up to defensive coordinator.

He held that position for one year before Knauss’ replacement, Chris Stephenson, was let go.

The Green Wave offered the head coaching job to one coach and then rescinded the offer.

Veteran Volusia County coach Rocky Yocam then accepted the position before he changed his mind when the arrangement fell through.

“I was the next option,” Fish said.

At the time, Fish was finishing up chemotherapy for Stage 3B testicular cancer, which spread to his abdomen and lungs. He finished the treatments in mid-2020, right around the

Covid shutdown.

“(The cancer) was pretty well along (when it was diagnosed),” he said. “I think I played some college football with it. It was really shocking, really tough. But ever since, I’ve been really healthy.”

The experience gave him a new appreciation on life.

“It taught me a lot about resiliency,” he said. “You appreciate waking up every day. You appreciate being able to go do what you love, and you appreciate not having any type of limitations on what you can eat, what you can do, the whole nine yards.” He said he’s learned not to take anything for granted, especially the opportunity to teach and coach.

“I think it helped me introduce adversity to (the players) and tell them, ‘You can overcome bad things

that happen in your life. You can’t let it get you down, you can’t let it defeat you, you can’t let it beat you.’ (They know) I’m not out here preaching something that I haven’t done or haven’t been through.”


After Fish interviewed with FPC administrators during spring break, he hung around and watched the Bulldogs’ softball game.

“He wanted to see what the kids were like,” DeAugustino said. “When we introduced him to the team (on March 29), one of his statements was, ‘I’m here to support you,’ not the other way around. It was actually pretty refreshing. At the end of the day, he just seemed like the type of guy our kids would be able to relate to.”

“I’m a players’ coach, 100%,” he said. “You got to come in and earn the respect of the players and build a good connection, a good relationship, with them. Once you do that, they’ll trust you, they’ll believe in you. They’ll buy into your system.”

Fish is excited about the Bulldogs’ returning talent, led by quarterback D.J. Murray, linebacker Rodney Hill and running back Marcus Mitchell.

“I knew who they were even before I knew the job was coming open,” he said. “I’m excited to work with those three dudes here. They’re awesome football players, and from what I’ve seen so far, they’re awesome kids as well. Obviously, they’re going to lead by example with their play, but we need them to lead with their voices and in their mentalities as well.”

Fish said that while Murray’s strength is his scrambling and running ability, he also has great arm talent.

“We trust in D.J. to lead the offense,” he said. “And I think with the quarterback coach that we’re targeting to bring in, he’s really going to help (Murray) elevate his game in a lot of areas.

“We’re going to run multiple sets. We’re going to spread the ball around to our talented athletes.”

Since 2010, the Bulldogs have not had a head football coach stay longer than four years.

DeAugustino believes Fish will be around a while.

“I know he wants to get involved with the community,” DeAugustino said. “I think he’s going to stay for an extended period of time. I feel like he’s on the verge of being a great coach.”

ObserverLocalNews.com 8B THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 200 Ocean Crest Drive • Palm Coast, FL 32137 • HammockBeach.com • #lifeathammockbeach Sunday, April 9, 2023 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm • Ocean Ballroom Price: Adults $85 | Children (ages 3 - 10) $32 • Reservations, please call 386.246.5527 Easter Brunch Buffet at Hammock Beach Golf Resort & Spa Scan QR Code to view menu 401388-1
Photo by Brent Woronoff Daniel Fish is the new head football coach at Flagler Palm Coast.
Daniel Fish is a ‘players’ coach, 100%,’ who says he has to earn his players’ respect in order to build trust.
“At the end of the day, he just seemed like the type of guy our kids would be able to relate to.”
STEVE DEAUGUSTINO, FPC athletic director
“You appreciate waking up every day. You appreciate being able to go do what you love, and you appreciate not having any type of limitations on what you can eat, what you can do.”
FISH’S RECORD Daniel Fish’s record at Father Lopez: 2022: 6-5 2021: 5-5 2020: 3-4 399617-1 www.AdamsCameron.com Advertising Nationally and Internationally Visit our office at 20 Airport Rd. Unit B2, Palm Coast CALL Sonia Taska 850-543-8965 CALL Alicia Delgado 386-214-7573 CALL Ron Harlow 386-283-1799 4 Bed / 3 Bath built in 2021, Lakeview, Open concept, Christy Cagle, Loan Officer 386-235-6389 NMLS #378043 CALL Nick sousa 386-264-1630 Updated 3/2 home in Palm Coast Move in ready! Great location! Call 386-445-5595 to view. MLS FC289568 For information on these or any other homes in the area, call 386-445-5545. New Construction Experts! If houses could sing, this former home of David Allan Coe could carry the tune! A few blocks from the ocean. 3 bed/2 bath! Call 386-445-5595 to view. MLS V4927801 CALL Julie Bruno 386-264-2147 in Flagler Beach. Call 386-445-5595 to view. MLS FC286881 Awesome townhome in Plantation Bay! This is low maintenance living and prime location all in one! 2 bed/2 bath Call 386-445-5595 to view. MLS FC289564 This home is located in Gainesville, and could be a great first home or rental. 3 bed/1 bath with Roof in 2022, New AC in 2023 and Water softener in 2019! Call 386-445-5595 to view. MLS FC289247


FPC’s baseball team ended a two-game losing streak and improved to 9-8 on the season with a 4-2 victory over Fleming Island on April 3 at the Bulldogs’ field.

FPC scored all four of its runs in the first inning against the Golden Eagles (11-5). Dalton Roberts doubled and drove in three runs for the Bulldogs. Connor May also drove in a run. Cody Clymer pitched 6.2 innings. Clymer scattered eight hits and did not walk a batter. He struck out five. FPC has three more home games over the next week beginning Thursday, April 6, against Winter Springs. The Bulldogs host Wheeler County, Georgia, on April 7 and Pine Ridge on April 10.


Matanzas’ baseball team held off Palatka 3-2 on March 31. The Panthers scored a run in the top of the seventh on a wild pitch, but pitcher Ben Apfelbach got the final batter to fly out to left field.

Gabe Breckenridge and Braden Russell each had three hits for the Pirates.

Breckenridge scored two runs.

Matanzas hosts Seabreeze at 7 p.m. Friday, April 7.

Joe Rizzo honored at Memorial Golf Classic SWEARINGEN

The 18th hole at the Joe Rizzo Memorial Golf Classic was designated as the Joe Rizzo Hole.

Organizers of the event felt there was no better way to honor the late executive director of the Flagler County Education Foundation than to have a heckler at the tee box.

Jeff Johnson, one of Rizzo’s best friends, took up the post with gusto.

“If I could make a living off heckling, I’d be a millionaire,” said Johnson, who works in tech support for Flagler Schools.

There is an art to golf heckling, Johnson said. It’s all about the timing. While heckling during the backswing is forbidden in golf, that’s not the case on the Joe Rizzo Hole.

“I’ll say, ‘You da man,’ or ‘Get in the hole,’ during their backswing,” Johnson said. “I take pride in the fact that I’m obnoxious.”

The Ed Foundation’s 33rd annual golf tournament is all about having fun and raising money for Flagler Schools. It is the biggest fund raiser of the year for the organization.

Teresa Rizzo, who replaced her husband as the Ed Foundation’s executive director, said the April 3 event at Grand Haven Golf Club raised over $100,000 for STEM programs and math and literacy nights.

Joe Rizzo took over the tournament when he was on the foundation’s board of directors, before he became executive director.

“Joe’s goal was to make this the best golf tournament in Flagler County, and I think we maintained that,” Teresa Rizzo said.

Joe Rizzo died on March 7, 2022, shortly before last year’s tournament, and the tournament was

renamed in his honor.

This year was officially the second annual Joe Rizzo Memorial Golf Classic. Eighty-eight golfers and 36 sponsors — including over 20 hole sponsors and over 20 annual partners — helped make the event a success.

The foursome of Tracy Baker, Allen Bertha, Terry Baker and Steve Allen won the tourney, which also included a silent auction.

The sponsors helped provide the players with food and drink on every hole and swag, Teresa Rizzo said.

“They’re pretty much outfitted when they come here,” she said.

The tournament is bittersweet for many of the participants who were friends of Joe Rizzo.

“Joe is sorely missed,” Johnson said. “I enjoy coming to this. It makes me remember Joe.”


The Flagler County Rotary Club recognized Flagler Palm Coast senior Emma Swearingen as its Student Athlete of the Month at its regular meeting on March 28. Swearingen is a four-year varsity soccer player and also plays flag football. She will earn her International Baccalaureate degree in June. She has been nominated for an Air Force Academy appointment by U.S. Rep. Michael Waltz. Her community service includes raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network and tutoring students in math. Swearingen plans to play soccer in college and wants to become a pilot.


The honors keep coming in for the Matanzas girls wrestling team which won the state championship March 4. USA Wrestling’s final high school rankings of the year lists Matanzas as the No. 13 girls team in the nation. The Pirates were an honorable mention in the previous top 40. Matanzas is the highest ranked team in the Southeast.


Seabreeze’s winter sports teams placed sixth among Class 5A schools in the Florida High School Athletic Association’s Winter Academic Team Champions awards. The Sandcrabs’ girls basketball team was the 5A academic champion with a team GPA of 3.69. Seabreeze’s girls soccer team placed second with a 3.71 GPA. The boys basketball team was fourth with a 3.42 GPA and the boys soccer team was ninth with a 3.27 GPA.

Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another.




Puzzle One Clue: J equals X





© 2023 NEA, Inc.

Puzzle Two Clue: W equals L Puzzle Three Clue: Y equals F

ObserverLocalNews.com THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 9B
Photos by Brent Woronoff Winners of the second annual Joe Rizzo Memorial Golf Classic: Tracey Baker, Allen Bertha and Terry Bertha. Not pictured: Steve Allen.
“Joe’s goal was to make this the best golf tournament in Flagler County, and I think we maintained that.”
celebrity cipher sudoku
Joe Rizzo Hole "heckler" Jeff Johnson with Flagler County Education Foundation Executive Director Teresa Rizzo.
©2023 Andrews McMeel Syndicate crossword ©2023 Universal Uclick ACROSS 1 Radius’s place 4 “Here, There ___ Everywhere” (hit by the Beatles) 7 Outdoor barbecue area 12 Has lunch or brunch 16 Half-moon tide 18 Chose sides 21 Persona non ___ 23 Health form request 25 Intensify, in slang 26 Ancient Mexican native 27 What cartoon characters rarely do 28 Pugilist Laila 29 Adjusts to fit 30 Park it 32 Follower of upsilon 34 WSJ heads 36 Evening, for short 37 Doctor’s stereotypical trait 45 Fashion icon Christian 46 Manicure target 47 Only zodiac sign that fits into the alloted space 48 Ball of cotton 49 Space between two teeth 51 Royal Norwegian name 52 Car with a cache of cash 56 Approach evening 58 Tinder blurb 59 Studio construction 60 Sugar bowl invaders 61 Prof.’s place 62 Drag to court 65 Billboard chart entry 68 Camera lens setting 71 Many a “Shark Tank” investor 77 Alert 78 “Off you go!” 79 Advanced degree in math 80 Half of “Mamma Mia”? 82 Camaro muscle car 85 Neon or helium 87 “Mayday!” 89 Hardly suitable 91 One hiking up for a run in the mountains? 98 New York canal 99 Marseille Mrs. 100 Filmmaker DuVernay 101 Congressional approval 102 Piece for a diva 103 “If I ___ you ...” 104 Line on some toy boxes 109 Companion of the radius 110 Doc. requiring secrecy from a reality show contestant 111 Approves 112 “Absolutely!” 113 Depends (on) 115 “Family Feud” channel 117 Actress Lucy who voiced a part in “Kung Fu Panda” 120 Art classification 124 Job at a lineup 125 Fresh news ... and another possible title for this puzzle 129 Giant leader? 130 The majority of country flags, shape-wise 131 Sound after “just like that” 132 Legendary Loch 133 Adjust a chronometer 134 Tibetan beast 135 Singer Winehouse DOWN 1 A, as in A.D. 2 Short video on Insta 3 Polite address 4 @ signs 5 Negating word 6 Nickelodeon explorer 7 Socially conscious TV spot 8 Got to 9 End of a kite 10 Not hidden 11 Neruda wrote one to the atom 12 “Zooks!” 13 Italian fashion name 14 Touching gently 15 Germany city mentioned in “The Book Thief” 17 Keep intact 19 Beer barrel 20 A, in Hebrew 22 Abbey area 24 Vaper’s buy, for short 29 Like part of Russia 31 Grammy-winner Turner 33 Fit as a fiddle 35 Holmes’ assistant 37 Role models 38 Flowering, aromatic shrubs 39 Can’t stand 40 Snickers, e.g. 41 Swing supporter? 42 Plaza Hotel girl 43 “i” and “j” toppers 44 End zone scores, for short 50 Six, for 44-Down 53 Hotel inventory 54 Banking adjustment, briefly 55 Big ___ (nickname for a Red Sox legend) 57 Warning letters on an email forward 63 Thurman of “Imposters” 64 Wrestler’s protection 66 Medical research org. 67 Lip cover 69 Explosive stuff (Abbr.) 70 Most populous Hawaiian island 72 Be short of 73 School head 74 Check out 75 Stood on hind legs 76 Roman or Ottoman 81 Noble horse 82 Company nicknamed “Big Blue” 83 Had a gabfest 84 Marine animals and plants 86 Affliction of the eyelid 88 Apple’s virtual assistant 90 Targets of some software ads 92 Nyan ___ (animated meme) 93 Kitchen hot spots 94 Echo 95 Tug 96 A, as in Austria? 97 Edgy, perhaps 105 Defiles 106 “That’s so true” 107 K.T. who sang “Hold Me” 108 Bricks used to make castles and forts 109 “Trinity” author Leon 114 ___ over easy 116 Short moments, for short 118 Suffix for a verb 119 Like a storied duckling 121 One of Columbus’ three ships
Paper measure 123 Get a look at 125 “I’m freezing here!”
Krazy ___ 127 “I’m not shore ... let’s ___” (pun combo) 128 Impatient sound
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
CRACKING OPEN A BOOK by Guilherme Gilioli, edited by Jeff Chen


Ruth Caroline Mikulka 1927-2023

Local weightlifters move on to regionals

Matanzas qualified 19 lifters, while Seabreeze qualified four and FPC qualified eight, including returning state champ Nick Lilavois.


Flagler Palm Coast junior

Nick Groth wasn’t at his best on March 29 when he finished second at the District 3-3A boys weightlifting meet.

Losing 13 pounds in five days will take something out of you.

Groth is one of eight Bulldog lifters who qualified for the regional meet Saturday, April 8, at FPC.

Matanzas qualified 19 lifters for the Region 2-2A meet on April 5. Seabreeze qualified four lifters for the Region 2-2A meet.

Ruth Caroline Mikulka, 95, of Bunnell, Florida passed away Sunday, March 26, 2023. Ruth was born in Korona, Florida and was a lifelong resident of Flagler County. She was a longtime homemaker and loved her family.

Preceding her in death were her husband, Henry Mikulka and a son, Michael Mikulka; parents James Crosin and Mamie Walski.

Survived by daughter

Donna Bubba, son James (Brenda) Akins, daughter

Debra (Jimmy) Flynt, son

David (Theresa) Mikulka and daughter-in-law Vanessa Mikulka; as well as 6 grandkids and 13 great-grandkids, and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews.

In lieu of flowers, Ruth’s family encourages you to consider a donation in her honor to either Vitas Hospice at https:// vitascommunityconnection. org/ or to a charity near and dear to your heart. Heritage Funeral and Cremation Service of Bunnell, FL is assisting the family with arrangements. www. HeritageFlagler.com.

Matanzas junior Cole Hash not only won district championships in both the Olympic and traditional categories in the 199-pound classification, but he also had the top qualifying totals in the region — 485 pounds in Olympic and 610 pounds in traditional with a 335-pound bench press.

Hash took home a thirdplace medal at state last year.

Groth took home two individual medals at state last season in the 169-pound weight

“His body was still adjusting, so that’s why he got second. Once he gets a chance to acclimate, that body weight levels off, he’ll be alright. He didn’t lose any strength.”

DUANE HAGSTROM, FPC coach on lifter Nick Groth


class. This year, he had been lifting at 183 pounds. But five days before the district meet he asked coach Duane Hagstrom if it would be advantageous to drop back down.

“He texted me on Friday (March 24) during spring break,” Hagstrom said. “And he’s like, ‘Hey coach, do you think it would be in my best interest to drop to 169?’ I was like, ‘Well, how much do you weigh right now?’ He said 179.

I was like, ‘That’s 10 pounds, let me do some research.’

So I started looking at other results, and I saw 183 was pretty loaded.”

Hagstrom told Groth to give it a shot. Groth followed protocols, and three days later, on the first day back from break, he weighed in at 172. On Tuesday, the day before district, he was down to 166.

“As soon as he walked in the door (of the weight room on Monday afternoon) I could see his face was a little drawn. I could tell he’d been working really hard to cut the weight.” Hagstrom said.

After dropping 13 pounds in less than a week, Groth finished second in both Olympic (500-pound total) and traditional (545 pounds) to Creekside’s Brighton Hardeman at district.

“Some of these kids amaze me (in their ability to cut weight),” Hagstrom said. “And they’re doing it safely. It’s not like they’re not eating or they’re sitting in a sauna. They’re just following the protocols, which is basically just water manipulation, drinking a lot of water and cutting it off at certain times and cleaning up their eating.

“His body was still adjusting, so that’s why he got second. Once he gets a chance to acclimate, that body weight levels off, he’ll be alright. He didn’t lose any strength.”

Nick Lilavois won the only district titles for the Bulldogs with a 455-pound total in traditional and a 400-pound total in Olympic in the 129-pound class. Lilavois won a state title and a state runnerup medal in helping FPC win the Class 3A team championship last year.

This year, 16 of FPC’s 26 lifters are freshmen. Their other regional qualifiers were 139-pounder Richard Beltrami in both Olympic and traditional; 154-pounder Luke Laura in Olympic; 238-pounders Charley Perry (both) and Jeremiah Cange (Olympic); and unlimited lifters Kobe Murphy and Kevin Gall in both.

Matanzas had eight district champs, including Hash. Maison Leonard won both titles at 119 pounds; Jaden Sao won the 129-pound Olympic title; Aiden Schissler won the 139-pound tradi -

tional title; Seth Clarke won the 169-pound Olympic title; Herby Tima won the 183-pound traditional title, while Lane Chandler won the 183-pound Olympic title; and Daniel DeFalco won the 238-pound Olympic title.

The Pirates’ other regional qualifiers were: Aiden Try (129-pound class), Eddie Luna (139), Jayce Rajai (154), Aiden Langford (154), Shomarion Gaines (169), Bryce Petellat (199), Ahmad Louis-Charles (219), Luke Doner (219); Asim Tariq (238); Chaden Vickery (unlimited) and Peyton Ellis (unlimited).

All of the Pirates’ lifters qualified in the Olympic category. Leonard, Try, Luna, Gaines, Tima, Petellat, Hash, Louis-Charles, DeFalco and Vickery qualified in traditional as well.

Seabreeze’s regional qualifiers included Trip Zimmet (139, Olympic), Tyler Watts (154, Olympic), Luke Cloer (unlimited, Olympic) and Keith Arborgast (unlimited, traditional).

The home has 4 large bedrooms and 3 full baths plus a Florida room that is heated and cooled. The floor plan offers 2 large owner suites one on the first floor and the other upstairs. The upstairs bathroom has been updated with modern touches. MLS#1107368 $425,000 Call Rose Roberts & Pamela McCowen 386-852-1399.


This 2 BR/2BA condo is within walking distance to beach. Floor to ceiling hurricane windows in LR gives view of intra-coastal. Pool is surrounded by tropical landscaping and over looks the intra-coastal. Boat slips are available for rent as well as boat trailer parking. Enjoy great fishing from the dock. MLS#1107355 $235,000 Call Virginia Waikins 386-405-6311.

LPGA golf community lakefront 3 bed/2 bath Model home will astonish you with upgrades and privacy. Located on a lake with conservation behind it. 100% tiled throughout. The master suite has a large bath with double vanity and a large walk-in closet. Just in the front door is a den/office with lots of natural light. MLS#1107407 $375,000 Call Thomas Caffrey 386-290-9233.

This 3 bed, 2 bath home has many updated features. Split floor plan and inside laundry room. Kitchen features SS appliances, plenty of cabinet and counter space, a pantry. There is a bonus room. Large fenced yard has a double gate for easy access. Hurricane panels, shed, and extra wide driveway. Move in ready. MLS#1107435 $385,000

Call Debbie & Wayne Carter 386-506-1810.

Welcome to this 23th floor luxury condominium w/ 3 elegant bedrooms & 3 full baths. The expansive central living space & inspiring views from every corner of this unit drench the residence with natural Florida sunshine. Bask in the beauty from the central balcony which overlooks the intracoastal waterway Atlantic Ocean. MLS#1107330 $549,000 Call Amy Kathryn Beals 386-852-1400.

Wonderful 4 bed, 2 bath, 3 car garage split plan. Nearly a half acre lot, w/ natural barrier at rear of lot for maximum privacy. This well kept homes boasts large eat in kitchen, formal dining & living rooms w/ amazing backyard sanctuary views. Huge screened lanai extends the living area outdoors via triple sliding doors. MLS#1107205 $474,900 Call Todd Hammond 386-233-5957.

ObserverLocalNews.com 10B THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 401406-1
CORPORATE OFFICE - 386-677-SOLD (7653) 900 West Granada Blvd., Ste. 3, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 BEACHSIDE OFFICE - 386-441-SOLD (7653) 2110 Oceanshore Blvd., Ste. B, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 PORT ORANGE OFFICE - 386-767-SOLD (7653) 840 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. D, Port Orange, FL 32127 COMMERCIAL OFFICE - 386-253-8565 140 S. Atlantic Ave., Suite 102, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 DAYTONA BEACH SHORES OFFICE - 386-766-SOLD (7653) 3118 S. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 ORMOND LAKES TRAILS NORTH FORTY LPGA SALE PENDING MARINA GRANDE ON THE HALIFAX 2023 Pro Team 175 TXW MERCURY 60 ELPT FourStroke, BOAT, MOTOR, TRAILER Starting at: $23,995 401412-1
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She was a long-time homemaker and loved her family.
Nick Lilavois was successful on all three of his clean and jerk attempts at district. Photo by Brent Woronoff


House in Hunters Ridge is top seller in Ormond Beach

Ahouse in Hunters Ridge was the top real estate transaction for Feb. 19-25 in Ormond Beach and Ormond-by-the-Sea. Brian and Susan Bogdanowicz, of Ormond Beach, sold 17 Foxhunter Flat to Amanda Oliver, of Ormond Beach, for $868,000. Built in 2006, the house is a 5/5 and has a pool, a hot tub, a fireplace and 4,050 square feet. It sold in 2014 for $650,000.





Robert Tango, of Longwood, sold 89 S. Atlantic Ave., Unit 1603, to Dean and Amy Kroger, of Ormond Beach, for $395,700. Built in 1979, the condo is a 2/2 and has 1,200 square feet. It sold in 2015 for $182,000.

Paul Prece, of Ormond Beach, sold 679 Wellington Station Blvd., Unit 31, to Christine Hilliard, of Ormond Beach, for $219,800. Built in 1988, the condo is a 2/2 and has 1,090 square feet. It sold in 2022 for $212,000.

Daytona Pines

Lou Etal Guttman, Valerie Guttman and Shalom Dadon, of Ormond Beach, sold 1106 Avenue K to Nikolay Todorov, of Ormond Beach, for $56,000. Built in 1968, the manufactured house is a 3/2 and has 924 square feet. It sold in 2018 for $18,000.

Alexander and Barbara Novack, of Ormond Beach, sold 1731 Avenue B to Dennis Jay Hartsfield, of Ormond Beach, for $179,900. Built in 2005, the manufactured house is a 3/2 and has 1,352 square feet. It sold in 2022 for $163,900.

Find your

Forest Grove Charles and Erin Reilly Eichler, of Ormond Beach, sold 460 Hammock Lane to John and Jacqueline Yetman, of Ormond Beach, for $360,000. Built in 20 00, the house is a 3/2 and has a fireplace and 1,574 square feet. It sold in 2015 for $186,000.

Halifax Plantation Vincent Alongi, of Houston, Texas, sold 1438 Carlow Circle to Robert and Joan Montrym, as trustees, for $342,000. Built in 2005, the house is a 3/2 and has 1,684 square feet. It sold in 2012 for $74,500.

Richard and Michelle Beazley, of Deland, sold 3790 Carrick Drive to Christopher and Lori Worrell, of Ormond Beach, for $697,000. Built in 1997, the house is a 5/5 and has a pool, an outdoor kitchen, a fireplace and 3,374 square feet.

Elisa and Thomas Rogers, of Palm Coast, sold 4187 Sanora Lane to Robert Gordon Jr. and Loretta Bryant-Martinson, of Ormond Beach, for $670,000. Built in 1995, the house is a 4/3 and has a pool, a fireplace and 2,753 square feet. It sold in 2019 for $86,600.

Lynne and Glyn Johnston, of Ormond Beach, sold 1321 Tullamore Blvd. to Kelly Corio Williams

and Thomas Lindsay, of Chester, Maryland, for $480,000. Built in 2020, the house is a 3/2 and has 1,722 square feet. It sold in 2021 for $357,000.

Hunters RidgeKey West, LLC, of Daytona Beach, sold 118 Briargate Look to Paul Pedersen, of Ormond Beach, for $535,000. Built in 2006, the house is a 3/2 and has a fireplace, a pool and 2,145 square feet. It sold in 2006 for $145,000.

Mamaroneck Red Door Premier Properties, LLC, of New Smyrna Beach, sold 599 E. Ridgewood Ave. to Rosa Coronado De Wilson, of Ormond Beach, for $315,000. Built in 1954, the house is a 3/1 and has 1,005 square feet. It sold in 2015 for $75,000.

Ormond Beach Manors

Dawn Rolland, of Hobe Sound, sold 216 Essex Drive to Christopher Sturgeon, of Ormond Beach, for $310,000. Built in 1955, the house is a 2/1.5 and has 1,135 square feet. It sold in 2010 for $74,900.

Ormond Terrace Christopher and Lisa Babcock, of Deland, sold 292 Greenwood Ave. to Gail and Thomas White, of Ormond Beach, for $391,000. Built in 1973, the house is a 3/2 and has a pool, a fireplace and 1,548 square feet. It sold in 2021 for $315,000.

Ortona John and Alena Pop, of New York,

New York, sold 87 Jamestown Drive to William and Lee Anne Arnold, of Ormond Beach, for $490,000. Built in 1959, the house is a 3/2 and has 1,598 square feet. It sold in 2021 for $245,000.

The Trails Jean Anders, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, sold 1 Twelve Oaks Trail to Kenneth and Sharon Gordon, of Ormond Beach, for $525,000. Built in 1979, the house is a 3/2 and has a fireplace, a pool and 2,386 square feet of space. It sold in 1993 for $140,500.

Village of Pine Run

Daniel Roach and Janice Zabara, as trustees, sold 313 Sawmill Creek Court to Heidi Reider, of Ormond Beach, for $275,000. Built in 1999, the house is a 3/2 and has 1,207 square feet. It sold in 2015 for $147,300.


Richard and Laura Callahan, of Ormond Beach, sold 1239 Ocean Shore Blvd., Unit 2-E-5, to Howard and Melissa Sacks, of Ormond Beach, for $429,000. Built in 1984, the condo is a 2/2 and has 1,699 square feet. It sold in 2020 for $307,500.

Anna Kerce, of Lady Lake, sold 50 Ocean Shore Drive to Beachlife Property Investments, LLC, of Miami, for $290,000. Built in 1956, the house is a 2/1 and has

882 square feet. It sold in 2021 for $190,000.


Dunlawton Hills

Eric and Rebecca Zimmerman, of Port Orange, sold 913 Stonybrook Circle to Raul Rivera and Guylaine Croteau, of Port Orange, for $250,000. Built in 1986, the house is a 2/2 and has 1,381 square feet. It sold in 2022 for $178,800.

Not in subdivision Crystal Fedele, of Port Orange, and Robyn Stevens, of Wichita, Kansas, sold 203 Cambridge Drive to James and Carol Bleckley, of Port Orange, for $289,000. Built in 1974, the house is a 3/2 and has 1,353 square feet. It sold in 2022 for $265,000. Sleepy Hollow Mark and Lee Anna Acton, of Daytona Beach, sold 710 Kristina Court to Shoreline Remodel Group LLC, of Ormond Beach, for $275,000. Built in 1978, the house is a 4/2.5 and has a fireplace and 2,266 square feet. It sold in 1988 for $10,000. John Adams, of Adams, Cameron & Co. Realtors, contributed to this report.

below. ALL CREDITORS of the decedent, and other PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE DECEDENT’S ESTATE, whether due or not, direct or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, or for funeral or burial expenses, for personal property in the possession of the personal representatives, or for damages, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTIONS 733.702 AND 733.710 FLORIDA STATUTES, THAT IS, THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE, OR, IN AS TO ANY CREDITOR SERVED WITH A COPY OF THIS NOTICE TO CREDITORS, THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF THAT COPY, EVEN


the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of


Case No.: 2023 DR 254 Division: 47 Giovanna Sharmel Lopez, Petitioner, and Reynaldo Jesus Mena, Respondent,

TO: Reynaldo Jesus Mena YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Giovanna Sharmel Lopez, whose address is 43 Rolling Sands Dr., Palm Coast, FL 32164 on or before 4/20/2023, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 1769 E. Moody Blvd Blg #1 Bunnell, FL 32110 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition.

The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: None Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the address(es) on record at the clerk’s office.

WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings.

Dated: 3/13/23 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (SEAL) By: /s/ Deputy Clerk April 6, 13, 20, 27, 2023 23-00053G










JACKSON, DECEASED and UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ADRIAN D. WALKER A/K/A ADRIAN LOMAX 701 35TH ST, APT. 2 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following described property located in Flagler County, Florida: LOT 41, BLOCK 58A, AMENDED SUB-

DIVISION MAP WYNNFIELD SECTION 27-PALM COAST, ACCORDING TO PLAT OR MAP THEREOF AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 28, PAGE 30 AND 31, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF FLAGLER COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to this action, on Greenspoon

Marder, LLP, Default Department, Attorneys for Plaintiff, whose address is Trade Centre South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309,

ObserverLocalNews.com THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 11B
The house has a pool, a hot tub and 4,050 square feet of space.
ORMOND BEACH Photo courtesy of Realty Pros Assured PUBLIC NOTICES THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023
online at: ObserverLocalNews.com, FloridaPublicNotices.com and BusinessObserverFL.com FLAGLER COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES Additional Public Notices may be accessed on ObserverLocalNews.com and the statewide legal notice website, FloridaPublicNotices.com FIRST INSERTION NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR FLAGLER COUNTY, FLORIDA FILE NUMBER: 2023 CP 000132 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF: OF THOMAS G. NICKONOVITZ, Deceased. The administration of the Estate of THOMAS G. NICKONOVITZ, deceased, whose date of death was September 27, 2022, is pending in the Circuit Court for Flagler, Florida, Probate Division, the physical address of which is 1769 E. Moody Blvd. Bldg #1, Bunnell, FL 32110, and the mailing address of which is the same. The name and address of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth
THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE IS April 6, 2023. /s/ Cailin Foster, Personal Representative In care of Bundza & Rodriguez, P.A. BUNDZA & RODRIGUEZ, P.A. /s/ MICHAEL RODRIGUEZ MICHAEL RODRIGUEZ 444 Seabreeze Boulevard, Suite 750 Daytona Beach, Florida 32118 Telephone Number: (386) 252-5170 Florida Bar Number: 18691 mike@daytonalawyers.com (primary) reception@daytonalawyers.com (secondary) April 6, 13, 2023 23-00048G FIRST INSERTION NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE IN THE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR FLAGLER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 2022 CA 000378 AVAIL 1 LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEE, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE ESTATE OF WAYNE E. LEWIS, DECEASED; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER ANY OF THE NAMED DEFENDANT AND ANY OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY WHICH IS THESUBJECT MATTER OF THIS ACTION BY AND THROUGH OR UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTS HEREIN; UNKOWN TENANT #1 AND UNKOWN TENANT #2, IF ANY, Defendant(s). NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 24, 2023, the Clerk of the Circuit and County Court of Flagler County, Florida will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/ on electronically/online at www.flagler. realforeclose.com, Flagler County, Florida on MAY 5, 2023 at 11:00 am (E.S.T.), in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes, the following-described property situated in Flagler County, Florida: Lot 12 of Block 51 of SUBDIVISION MAP FLORIDA PARK - SECTION - 7 PALM COAST, a subdivision according to the plat thereof as recorded in Map Book 6, Page 18 of the Public Records of Flagler County, Florida, as amended by instrument recorded in Official Records Book 35, Page 528 of the Public Records of Flagler County, Florida. With a street address at: 46 Franciscan Lane, Palm Coast, Florida 32137. Any person or entity claiming an interest in the surplus, if any, resulting from the foreclosure sale, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens, must file a claim on same with the Clerk of Court within 60 days after the foreclosure sale. DATED this 28th day of March, 2023. /s/ Vivian A. Jaime, Esq. Vivian A. Jaime. Esq. FBN 714771 RITTER, ZARETSKY, LIEBER & JAIME, LLP 2800 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 500 Miami, Florida 33137 Tel: 305-372-0933 Email: Vivian@rzllaw.com April 6, 13, 2023 23-00049G NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 7TH JUDICAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR FLAGLER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE No.
2021 CA 000593
Plaintiff vs.
et al Defendants TO:
and file the original with the Clerk within 30 days after the first publication of this notice in THE FLAGLER PALM COAST NEWS TRIBUNE, on or before 30 days from the first publication otherwise a default and a judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. IMPORTANT In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, contact the Clerk of the Court’s disability coordinator at COURT ADMINISTRATION, 125 E ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 300, DAYTONA BEACH, FL 32114, 386-2576096. If hearing or voice impaired, contact (TDD) (800)955-8771 via Florida Relay System. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT on this day of 3/31/2023. TOM BEXLEY As Clerk of said Court (SEAL) By: /s/ Amy Perez As Deputy Clerk Greenspoon Marder, LLP Default Department Attorneys for Plaintiff Trade Centre South, Suite 700 100 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (58341.1136) April 6, 13, 2023 23-00050G FIRST INSERTION SUBSCRIBE TODAY The Observer delivered to your driveway Call 386.447.9723 SAVE TIME Email your Legal Notice legal@palmcoastobserver.com SAVE TIME Email your Legal Notice legal@palmcoastobserver.com FIRST INSERTION NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Dissolution of Marriage IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 7 JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR Flagler COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2023 DR 000228 Division: 47 Marcelia C. Brooks, Petitioner and Garrett S. Brooks, Respondent. TO: Garrett S. Brooks 2221 NE 164th St # 253 N. Miami, FL 33065 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Marcelia C. Brooks, whose address is 36 Round tree Dr, Palm Coast, FL 32164, on or before 04/22/23, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 1769 E Moody BLVD Bldg #1, Bunnell, FL 32110, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. {If applicable, insert the legal description of real property, a specific description of personal property, and the name of the county in Florida where the property is located} 36 Round tree Dr, Palm Coast, FL, 32164 - Flagler. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of
CIRCUIT COURT (SEAL) By: /s/ Deputy Clerk April 6, 13, 20, 27, 2023 23-00052G
pleadings. Dated: 03/03/2023.

INFORMATION & RATES: 386-447-9723

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Items Under $200

OAK FIREWOOD for sale, 1.5 truck size full load, $35 941-290-6979

OUTDOOR FAN, electric, standing, 3.5’+, weatherproof, great for pool $30 386-615-8230

THULE AUTO roof carrier, 18 cu. ft. with all hardware $199 like new (386) 446-8146

WHIRLPOOL MICROWAVE, wall mount, white, new, $125 386-597-3701

WHITE/GREEN STRIPED swivel chair and ottoman. Great condition $150 305-726-4884

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FULL SIZE Atherton Home convertible futon sofa bed, color chocolate, barely used. 914-980-4870.

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HOOVER 16 gallon, wet/dry vac. 12 pc. attached tools, blower $49 386-852-9116


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MEN’S 26” bike Panama Jack w/basket $75, Weber tabletop electric grill $50 386-263-7711


EFFECTIVE MARCH 31, 2023, Sharrell Cooper, MD will no longer see patients at AdventHealth Medical Group Family Medicine at Palm Coast located at 120 Cypress Edge Drive, Suite 202, Palm Coast, FL 32164. Patients should have received communication regarding transition of care. If you are a patient and did not receive communication or have additional questions, please call the of ce at 386-586-4462.





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