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Moreland Village

Moreland was one of at least 15 separate plantations that once occupied the land that is now Palmetto Bluff. Owned by the Cole family, the property’s primary crops were indigo, rice, and cotton. The sketch to the left depicts some of the buildings on the property.

Today, the physical remnants of Moreland are few. Two cemeteries located near Old Moreland Road tell of a working plantation and give a glimpse into the life of the place. Pine trees now replace ground once scattered with cotton and new marsh exists in historic rice paddies. Live Oaks grace the banks of the creek and marsh that, to this day, provide strong protection from incoming storms.

Paying homage to the history of the place through traditional architecture


history at palmetto bluff

and planning, Moreland Village is envisioned as a settlement that evolved from a plantation to a small riverside town to a bustling neighborhood.

“The summer homes established along the May River were characterized by certain design traits that had been adapted to meet the demands of the Lowcountry, and were often raised above the ground on piers to provide

adequate ventilation. In most cases, these clapboard-sided residences had large porches for casual living.

Several well-preserved examples of this vernacular form of Lowcountry architectural design can still be viewed in some of Bluffton’s remaining antebellum homes. The Cole-Heyward House is a splendid illustration. In the early 1840s, John J. Cole built this summer dwelling for his family on Boundary Street. Like many builders of the day, Cole chose plans for his house based on the early Carolina Farmhouse style of architecture, which was heavily influenced from the West Indies. John and his wife Caroline Corley owned nearby Moreland Plantation located at May River Neck, or present-day Palmetto Bluff.”

— Excerpt from “The Bluffton Expedition: The Burning of Bluffton, South Carolina, During the Civil War”, by Jeff Fulgham, 2012

Moreland vision

The Ultimate Inspiration for Lowcountry Adventure

Experience Principles Create and Celebrate Our Crossroads

Moreland will be designed to create the happy collisions that surprise and delight. From creating formal lifestyle hubs where programming and amenities share space, to finding and creating compelling “destinations” among our preserves and parks, to designing true gathering places where our trails and tracks intersect with each other – we will ensure that the exploration of Moreland is a communal experience. While we will encourage and embrace the time spent alone, we will ensure that this community comes together again and again.

Blur The Lines Between Indoor And Out, Developed And Undeveloped Moreland will create places and spaces where the indoors and outdoors feel united. With buildings that use windows, materials, and open spaces to spectacularly celebrate our unique outdoor environment, our architecture will both draw people in and inspire them to go out. At Moreland, nature’s design and man’s design come together dramatically. Boardwalks will wind amongst the trees before transitioning into dirt and back. Natural waterways will connect with developed waterways and pools – helping create a natural feeling even when you are in something that has been created. Moreland will provide a model for how design and development can celebrate the outdoor environment.

Bring Life To The Landscape Moreland will be a place of energy and activity – a natural environment that is enlivened by the people and passion that live and visit. Moreland will be filled with the laughter that comes from drinking and dining in inspiring outdoor environments. Moreland will be energized by the sounds of instruments and voices that we invite to play, sing, and talk in a one-of-a-kind setting. We will create centers of gravity – trailheads, game rooms, bars, imaginative events, and more – that attract a crowd. At Moreland, people will be compelled to congregate and celebrate as a part of a true community. Moreland won’t be afraid to get a little loud. Unlike the somewhat quiet reverence of Wilson, Moreland will have a hum.

Make It Easy To Explore The Lowcountry Environment Your Way Whether it is the serenity of a nature walk through the preserve, the challenge of testing your skills on the hunting grounds, or the pulse-pumping action of a four-wheeler tour of the property – Moreland is the ideal jumping off point for the best outdoor experiences of the Lowcountry. Our outfitters will be an unmatched basecamp where people gather to get the knowledge, gear, trail maps, and guidance to start their exploration of this unique outdoor environment – and will be home base for the celebration of those activities at the end of the day. Our conservationists and Lowcountry lifestyle guides will be contagious with their knowledge and passion – and Moreland’s programs will consistently inspire people young and old to immerse with this environment more fully. We will be innovative and creative in how we deliver on this promise – from expanded programs in the spirit of “Girlz Gone Wild” to kid-friendly surprises like a network of tree houses throughout the property. There will be no better place to have fun on the water, the marsh, and the woods of the Lowcountry.

Moreland Village

Design Principles

Palmetto Bluff draws upon the architectural

for shade and raised foundations to capture

or volumes that were broken up, rather than

be subordinate to the landscape, highlighting

and landscape traditions that shaped the

coastal breezes.

one main dominant volume. This evolution

Moreland’s natural character.

Lowcountry region. At Moreland Village the

preserved the more rural character of the

intent is to continue to build on this tradition

Coastal Context & Climate

Lowcountry and established a comfortable and

The predominant Lowcountry vernacular

to develop contemporary interpretations and

The influence of early settlers can be seen in

“human” scale to the buildings.

design will create a casual, relaxed, and simple

details that incorporate sustainable concepts.

the incorporation of wraparound verandas,

Lowcountry architecture is the result of a

porches, and raised foundations that

Moreland Village will continue to celebrate

amenities will provide for a rich diversity in

variety of cultural influences (English, French,

responded to the need of both ameliorating

these traditions, with a spirit that emphasizes

the community. Homes will feature expansive

and German) that are well suited to the area

the climate and taking advantage of breezes,

a simpler Lowcountry vernacular compared to

porches with an eye towards engaging the

with regard to climate and the use of local

sun, and coastal views through the orientation

the more refined architecture and landscape

street. Buildings will be “unbundled” so that

materials. The Lowcountry style is generally

of the house.

of Wilson Village. While each building will

they appear as a collection of simple related

be influenced by the past, the vernacular

forms rather than one single “box.”

characterized as having the following main

way of life. The mixture of lot types and

Generational Architecture

architecture of Moreland will feature design

As families grew, technology advanced, and

elements that are updated and modern.

The porch has evolved as one of the most

Relaxed & Informal Living

cultural influences changed, these factors

Homes will be typified by simple masses and

distinguishing features of the Lowcountry

The earliest settlers were mainly English

impacted the architectural design aesthetic

details, but high quality building materials.

vernacular and will be a prevalent characteristic

and French and they brought with them

of the Lowcountry. A primary house was

Larger masses will be broken down to be more

of Moreland. Porches should be used in

an architectural language that was more

constructed first and as the family’s needs

sympathetic to the vernacular context.

building designs to respond to sun orientation,

rectangular and formal. These designs were

changed, secondary wings and/or structures,

assimilated into the coastal climate of the

such as cottages, garages, dormers, and/

Moreland Village will feature a wide variety

applicable). Porches establish a neighborhood

Carolinas. The use of columns and symmetrical

or outbuildings were added. This evolution

of lot types and sizes, reflecting a small town

atmosphere and reinforce the informal quality

layouts were then relaxed with deep porches

created a collection of informal buildings and/

informality and coastal lifestyle. Buildings will

of Moreland Village.

elements and design philosophies:

views and the adjoining streetscape (where

Design Principles

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Design inspiration

Historical Concepts, LLC

Beau Clowney Design

Beau Clowney Design

Historical Concepts, LLC

Beau Clowney Design

Geoff Chick & Associates

Beau Clowney Design

Stackable + Squires Design Group

Remark Studio, Flickr

Historical Concepts, LLC

Design inspiration Historical Concepts, LLC

Flickr Creative Commons

Geoff Chick & Associates

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Troy Lucas

Troy Lucas

Stackable + Squires Design Group

Historical Concepts, LLC

Stackable + Squires Design Group

Court Atkins Architects, Inc.

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Troy Lucas

Design inspiration Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Troy Lucas

Wiki Creative Commons

Historical Concepts, LLC

Troy Lucas

Troy Lucas

Geoff Chick & Associates

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Design inspiration

Historical Concepts, LLC

Stackable + Squires Design Group

Geoff Chick & Associates

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Design inspiration

Troy Lucas

Historical Concepts, LLC

Geoff Chick & Associates

Historical Concepts, LLC

Flickr Creative Commons

Design inspiration

Historical Concepts, LLC

Historical Concepts, LLC

Wiki Creative Commons

Beau Clowney Design

Historical Concepts, LLC

Shelia Wertimer

Beau Clowney Design

Beau Clowney Design

David Arsenault Photography, Flickr

Wiki Creative Commons

Moreland Village

Site Plans

Moreland Village

All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.

Moreland Village

All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.


All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.

maritime row, Lake Bales & the Preserve

All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.

dove field

All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.

Moreland Village

Village Renderings

Aerial View of Moreland Village

All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.


All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.

Entry Road to Moreland Village

All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.

The Boundary at Moreland Village

All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.

The Boundary at Moreland Village

All renderings have been prepared for graphic presentation only and for use only as an aide. Conceptual view – details and materials shown may different from final construction.

Moreland Village


Discovery | Timeless | Connected Christian has been a lead designer on a broad range of

Christian Barlock

projects with extensive experience in 4240’s residential and resort hospitality portfolio at the state, national, and international level. The diversity of location, character, and scale of his projects reflect his wide geographical reach and effectiveness in varying contexts. The joy inherent in sketching and drawing is apparent in his work and he continues this art to generate ideas, develop detail, and explore the human scale and proportion. 4240 Architecture is an award-winning design firm doing site-specific work on a global scale. Based in Denver, 4240 is a team of approximately 30 design professionals committed to a collaborative design process that intimately involves our clients and that involves deep research on each project to help us understand its needs and goals. 4240 was founded on the value of stewardship. “Knowing where you are” has emerged at the heart of our design philosophy, which emphasizes place-making, sustainable design, and respect for the environment, knowing that our built environment allows itself to be guided by its history, its culture, its topography, its ecology, and its micro-climate. Nowhere is this more elemental than in the South – along the edges of the coast, salt marshes, maritime forests, and the rich Lowcountry heritage.

Design philosophy The architecture for Moreland centers on this notion of stewardship. Inspired by the rich and beautiful Lowcountry setting, the architectural character at Moreland will not only be timeless, but will respond to the climate and natural setting and connect people to the landscape. This requires a firm understanding of the existing architectural patterns and language by way of form, massing, materials, and detail. Architectural strategies for Moreland will focus on the dismantling of the monolith. The buildings become smaller, less imposing – connected one-room wide designs with outdoor covered porches and breezeways that facilitate cross-ventilation and natural light. This strategy illustrates sensitivity to the land, with less conditioned space and results in rooms that are intimate, warm, and open to the outside. Forms and materials represent an evolution over time, incorporating modern building strategies with traditional forms that reflect the Lowcountry vernacular buildings without abstract contrast or contradiction. Simple roof forms with generous overhangs protect walls and occupants from the sun and rain. New or time-worn materials that weather gracefully will be used to blend with the natural setting and reinforce the “story” unique to Moreland.

4240 Architecture Inc.

3507 Ringsby Court Suite 117, Denver, Co 80216 phone 303.292.3388 Cell 720.219.8478

Unexpected | Sensual | Luminous Inspired by the quality of life along the Gulf Coast, Geoff moved

Geoffrey C. Chick

to the Florida Panhandle after earning his professional degree from Cornell University in 1996. A native of Massachusetts, Geoff has spent the ensuing years cultivating his knowledge of the area and its local building traditions.

Design philosophy “My projects seek to find a balance between

Frustrated by the generic nature of the builder-driven housing

the honest use of natural

industry, he founded Geoff Chick & Associates in 2001.

materials and modern

Dedicated to serving the needs of his clients with a more

sensibilities; creating

intimate collaboration, Geoff specializes in building single-family

structures that transcend

custom homes that are unique to the site and their occupants.

popular fashion, are built to last and worthy

With extensive field construction experience and a substantial

of preservation. These

portfolio of built work, Geoff continues to create homes that

homes evoke a collective

manifest his profound sense of scale and the honest use of

memory of traditional

materials. His solutions are both pragmatic and poetic, merging

architecture, relevant

established vernacular forms with a modern aesthetic.

in almost any regional context, adapted to the

Geoff is a registered architect in the State of Florida, certified

way American families

by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards,

live today.”

and a member of the American Institute of Architects. Geoff resides in South Walton County with his wife, Shawn, and their two children.

Geoff Chick & Associates

790 North Highway 393, Suite 2E, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 phone 850.622.0210 fax 850.622.0211 cell 850.865.5310

Crafted | Timeless | Integrated For over 20 years, Beau Clowney Architects has been working

Beau Clowney

collaboratively with clients to create beautiful structures that seek to enhance life through good design. They have successfully designed a

Design philosophy

unique collection of homes throughout the U.S. and abroad that weave

Beau Clowney Architect’s

together the nature of the home’s location with the unique character

philosophy for Moreland is simple:

of the individual client. Architect Beau Clowney, a 6 generation South

to create environments that evoke

Carolina native, along with his partner Kate Campbell and talented

a deep sense of place, capturing the

leadership team, are passionate about the design and execution of

spirit of Southern architecture and

each project. His widely published firm is located along the Battery

translating the lessons of history into

in historic Charleston, South Carolina, which serves daily as a rich

a fresh architectural language more

laboratory for continued research and design inspiration.

suitable for modern living. We excel


in our collaboration with clients, Beau is a graduate of Princeton University where he studied under

analyzing their needs and desires

several noted architects, including Michael Graves, who served as his

for living environments. Moreland

mentor and advisor during his Masters thesis year. Prior to attending

exemplifies the principles of design

Princeton, Beau completed his undergraduate work at Tulane

most of our clients seek, which are

University in New Orleans, and the Architectural Association in London,

creating timeless forms with an

England. He serves on the Board of Directors at the Preservation

appropriate scale and proportion,

Society of Charleston, and is a member of the American Institute of

truth in materials, and crafting

Architects. Recently, two homes they designed were selected for the

spaces where one can experience

Coastal Living Private Tour of Homes for Charleston Insiders Weekend,

the integration of the landscape and

an event curated by the editors of Coastal Living, Southern Living and

architecture, all of which are critical

Travel + Leisure magazines, among others.

for success in good design.

Beau Clowney Architects

One King Street, Suite 102, Charleston, SC 29401 phone 843.722.2040

Timeless | Unique | Generational

Design philosophy

william court

“We are creating a simpler, more “I love having the opportunity to brag on our team. This is the single, most talented

relaxed, Lowcountry experience.”

group of people I have ever had the opportunity to work with. Together, we have

The homes that make up Moreland

become a blessedly dysfunctional family.”

will be timeless. Their architecture will already be graced with a sense

Court Atkins is first and foremost a creative team. As a result, there is not ever a

of place (and presence) that is only

‘single person’ that designs a home at Court Atkins.

found in the history and tradition of the coastal Lowcountry.

The studio is a young, talented, and enthusiastic group of professionals who truly make the difference between creating great architecture and creating a great

“The Lowcountry changes you when

experience for the client.

you live here.” Each site in Moreland is unique. How we connect to the site’s

We create stunning, custom homes and award-winning interior designs with a sense

natural beauty will define how we live

of history and tradition. The process of getting there, however, requires listening.

in the homes that make up Moreland. This connection will weave through

Every home we work on is tailored to reflect each client’s unique perspective and

every element of the design process.

individual character. To accomplish that, we focus on design, schedule, budget, and above all, maintaining open, responsive lines of communication.

“Our past will inform our future.” Moreland is generational. Its character

We work extensively in Palmetto Bluff and throughout the coastal Lowcountry

is derived from the language found in

to help create and define the character of the communities where we live,

the Lowcountry’s simpler times. This

work, and play.

was a time when family compounds evolved with the family. The architecture grows, stands the test of

Creating timeless, refined Design With Consistent, personalized Service

Court Atkins Architects

time, and is then handed down.

PO Box 3978, Bluffton, SC 29910 843.815.2557


Design philosophy Our roots are Southern, and our designs have long captured the spirit of Southern living, imbued with genteel grace, hospitality, casual elegance, and a deep sense of place - attributes that resonate profoundly with our national clientele and align seemlessly with the essence of Moreland Village.

the South since 1982, Historical Concepts excels

historical concepts

at conveying authenticity, tradition, and sense

Our designs are inspired by the dreams of the

of place through its designs. Nowhere is this rich

families who will inhabit them. By entrusting us to

legacy more evident than at Palmetto Bluff. One of

interpret what home means to them, our clients

the early architectural firms to be commissioned

remind us why we are passionate about what we do.

by the emerging community, Historical Concepts

We listen to how they imagine their futures unfolding

designed the Wilson Village sales center, post

and draw on these unique and personal narratives to

office, general store, and now iconic chapel in

create residences that are comfortable, welcoming,

Palmetto Bluff to evoke the deeply rooted heritage

and enduring, with architecture that effortlessly

and patina of the South. These architectural examples, along with

fuses home and habitat.

the cottages that soon followed in Wilson Village, paid reverence to

the land’s past and formed the beginnings of Palmetto Bluff’s much sought after character and

In each design challenge we also seek to discover


the essence of its unique heritage and place. In the Lowcountry, and at Moreland Village in particular,

In the ensuing decade, Historical Concepts has built upon this foundation, creating fine custom

this means that the captivating and native beauty

residences in classical and vernacular styles for families who are drawn to make Palmetto Bluff

of the surroundings shape the design. Here, we will

home. In 2014, the firm was honored to be tapped once again as part of an accomplished team

connect past with present; tradition with innovation;

of architects and planners who would compose Palmetto Bluff’s newest village. Drawing upon its

and architecture with landscape, to create magical

tradition of collaboration with Crescent Communities, Historical Concepts is particularly proud to

environments that affect the senses and nurture an

have authored the Moreland Village Design Guidelines, which illustrate the architectural vision for

authentic way of life.

the distinctive neighborhood to come.


490 Brasfield Square, Atlanta, GA 30316 Phone 770.487.8041

Active | Garden | Family Lynch Associates Architects was established as a

Andrew S. & Rebecca Post Lynch

collaboration between its two principal partners to design custom residential, commercial, and adaptive reuse projects throughout the Southeast. Becky Lynch founded Lynch Associates Architects in 2005 after several years of designing and leading projects with award-winning firms in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Savannah. With education and experience in both architecture and landscape architecture, she approaches design as a series of indoor and outdoor spaces that together create a cohesive project. Although her experience includes urban master plans, institutional and commercial projects, Becky currently specializes in custom residential architecture. Andrew Lynch joined Lynch Associates Architects in 2008 after 11 years of experience with leading national design firms in Atlanta, New York City, and Savannah. Andrew has been involved in residential, institutional, preservation, and commercial projects ranging in value from $750K up to $22 million in the Northeast and Southeast region. As a LEEDaccredited professional, he has been involved in several LEED-certified projects and is knowledgeable in the use of sustainable technologies and materials.

Lynch Associates Architects, PC

Design philosophy Lynch Associates Architects is a firm founded on the fundamental principle that the greatest contribution of architecture is to strengthen and vitalize our communities. We believe that architecture, the natural landscape, and a building’s context are inextricably connected. Our ability to find inherent order among these complex components enables us to create projects tailored to their unique environments and our provocative clients. Our process is not informed by any one style or predetermined formula, but rather strives to create architecture that is inventive yet timeless. Both principals are personally involved in every project to contribute their individual strengths and expertise. Each project begins with a collaborative approach, which engages the client in an integrated design process from the initial concept through the project’s completion. We continue this approach in a project’s execution as we endeavor to translate concept into the craft of construction. The goal of Lynch Associates Architects is to create exceptional projects that are contextual and inherently sustainable. We embrace the opportunity to participate in the new vision for Moreland as it aligns with our core design principles of creating interdependent indoor and outdoor spaces, while still maintaining a cohesive neighborhood aesthetic anchored in the design standards set forth by Palmetto Bluff.

409 East Liberty Street, Savannah, GA 31401 phone 912.349.5116 Becky Lynch:

LIFESTYLE | PLACE | STRUCTURE Established in 2013, Markalunas Architecture Group


believes that good design should tell a story, and that this narrative can be woven to create a sense of style and

Design philosophy

place. Our firm has a foundation of 20 years of custom

The design of a place should be based on a unique vision

residential design experience stretching from Colorado to

that is rooted in the story as told by the architecture.

South Carolina. After practicing in the Vail Valley for many

It is our client’s very personal dream that we foster in

years, Tom and Leighann Markalunas have made their

each custom home. After all, our journeys to our homes

home in Greenville, South Carolina, since 2004.

start from unique points, and those experiences will tell us where and how we want our residences to live. Each

Our home designs are as diverse as our clientele, and are

design we undertake ultimately takes on a life of its own,

located in some of the most respected communities in

and when finished the harmony between landscape and

the United States. We tailor our services to exceed the

home celebrate the sense of exploration and discovery.

vision of our clients, with respect for the context of the

When one approaches design by listening to the client,

neighborhood, the environment, and the realities of the

developing a relationship, understanding context

construction process. We are committed to the design-

and seeing the opportunities for creative solutions,

build rationale and devoted to exceptional architecture,

the architectural process becomes a collaboration of

detail, and service.

ideas. We focus on the flow created in the plan, the three-dimensional forms created, the spaces brought to life, and seamless transitions. The result is logical,

“It is our client’s very personal dream

well-proportioned space, expressive exterior elements,

that we foster in each custom home.”

interior and exterior living, and character reflecting the

charming landscapes, thoughtful connections between history of the place.


Markalunas Architecture Group, LLC

105 N. Spring Street, Suite 103, Greenville, SC 29601 PO Box 16479, Greenville, SC 29606 phone 864.233.6800 cell 864.420.8428

environment | specific | opportunity Thomas & Denzinger Architects was founded in the Lowcountry over

Joel C. Newman

40 years ago. The history and environment of this area has been the core inspiration for our design work. The firm is a collaboration of

Design philosophy

three studios in Charleston and Beaufort, South Carolina. Our projects

Moreland has been conceived as a place

have been a continuous exploration of contemporary living within this

within Palmetto Bluff to begin to amplify

rich natural setting and our historical context. By adapting important

those connections of history, environment,

local vernacular building principles to the modern sensibility to

materials, and details. The design objective

connect with our surroundings, we are turning the protective shelter

here is to turn outward from the protective

of early building into the living stage that embraces our beautiful

shelter and connect closely with the

environment. This basic mission of creating architecture that is specific

surroundings, telescoping living rooms

to the history, natural surroundings, and individual user is what has

to living gardens and the rich outdoor

distinguished our connected creations. Our design solutions have

opportunities beyond. A good design

ranged from modern historical adaptations of classic Lowcountry

solution will allow a dog walk to be as

forms to highly contemporary organic designs that are more pure

satisfying an exploration as a kayak trip on

expressions of their environmental influences. Each solution has

the water trail. Thomas & Denzinger believes

been a reflection of both the specific environment and that particular

that every project is an “environment-specific

owner’s aspirations.

opportunity” for connection.

Thomas & Denzinger’s long experience in the Lowcountry has given

The community that will result from this

us both a deep appreciation and respect for this climate. We continue

collaboration of designers and homeowners

to explore new uses for historically native material like pine, cypress,

embracing the surroundings from house to

tabby, and brick. Durability is an important objective with every project

house and the natural amenities beyond will

and the understanding of old and new materials is an important factor

epitomize an environmental connection that

in our design and detail decisions. The building materials connect us

is specific to the Lowcountry.

from inside to outside and to the local history of this place.

Thomas & Denzinger Architects

920 Bay Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 Phone 843.524.6361 Cell 843.812.2767

Inspired | responsive | relaxed We believe it takes a strong vision to create

H. Pearce Scott

great architecture and we look to the clients’ needs and desires along with the specific

Design philosophy

site and regional context for that vision. We

We view Moreland as a unique opportunity to

strive to listen first and then be creative with

look forward and back at the same time. It’s a

what we hear. We don’t feel that the role of

new village with all the modern elements we

an architect is to dictate style or program,

expect from our built environment today, but it

but rather let the design grow naturally out

takes its cues from the past. The combination

of the mix of client, site, and context. We

of the new inspired by the old overlaid in a

engage all three aspects in our designs,

truly unique setting is a potential recipe for

looking for common and unique elements to

something quite special. The maritime forests

build a clear, robust concept.

and the edge path encompassing Moreland create opportunities for the architecture to naturally merge with the landscape. While the homes will focus on the views and features, they also serve as a piece of the natural

“Anyone who can’t spell a

backdrop. The balance of openness and

word at least three ways has

from both aspects. Moreland holds seemingly

no creativity.”

elements inspired by the land and the past.

privacy will need to be carefully considered endless possibilities for new and interesting

— H. Pearce Scott

H. Pearce Scott

14 Promenade Street, Suite 303, Bluffton, SC 29910 Phone 843.837.5700 cell 843.816.6067


Southern | Art | Nature

Design philosophy

Brian Stackable

Our design beliefs at Moreland follow Stackable + Squiers design group was founded by principals

our overall design philosophy in that

Brian Stackable and Wade Squiers in the spring of 2009 in

we understand that architecture should

Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, situated between the towns of

be rooted in its particular place. Here

Seaside and WaterColor.

at Moreland, with its deep sense of the South, these beliefs play an important

The firm has designed private residences along Highway

role in understanding the Southern

30A, which is a two-lane road that runs along the pristine

architectural vernacular. It’s within the

shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico. Our work can be seen in the

collaboration design process with our

communities of WaterColor, WaterSound Beach, Seaside,

clients that inspire and challenge us to

Rosemary Beach, and Palmetto Bluff. These communities

help them realize their dreams and, at the

exemplify the best in unique coastal living and distinct

end, so do we. It’s the understanding of

architectural design.

our clients’ families and how they will live and explore what Moreland has to offer

Stackable + Squiers design group has endeavored to

that comes into play when designing their

combine truly unique architectural design solutions with

home. It’s the relaxed family living room

outstanding personal service. We honor the belief that our

that flows onto the screened porch and

relationship with the client brings about special insight into

into the outdoor living space. You see,

each project.

living inside here is equally as important as living outside. We are creating homes that celebrate the elements of Southern traditional living while embracing nature.

“The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.” — John Muir

Stackable+ Squiers design group

820 North Co. Hwy. 393, Suite C Santa Rosa Beach, Fl 32459 phone 850.399.0127

Village | Park | garden

Design philosophy

Dan Keefer ! Brian Witmer

At Witmer Jones Keefer we Witmer Jones Keefer Ltd. is a Land

strive to provide sustainable

Planning and Landscape Architecture firm

places. Our thorough take on

delighted to be working with both private

sustainable design is:

homeowners and Crescent Communities

• To create authentic, timeless

at Palmetto Bluff.

designs that become better with age

Every project we work on is a place

• Understand the surroundings;

first and foremost. We don’t categorize

site-specific, locally and

projects as residential, commercial, public,


etc. Instead we see them as villages,

• Provide simple transitions

parks and/or gardens. From a large

from the public to private

scale master plan for an entire village to


site-specific landscape plans for a park to elaborate construction detailing for intimate garden spaces, the design of great places incorporates aspects of all three. In the creation of these places we strive to

• Provide flexibility for spaces to evolve organically • Promote the use of regionally correct materials • Carefully place the built

achieve authenticity by allowing the land

environment, preserving

and the region to influence all aspects of

natural resources

design. People want to love where they live, work and play. When we celebrate the unique characteristics that set them apart from “anywhere USA,” we have

• Design places that enhance lifestyles • Provide places where you want to create life long memories

done our job.


23 Promenade stree, Suite 201, Bluffton, SC 29910 phone 843.757.7411

Moreland Village

Home Plans

illustrations not to scale


Markalunas 01 | Lake bales

Plan Name

Markalunas 01



Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF



4.5 great room

2 + cars

(19’ x 28’-5”)

optional screened lake terrace

optional kayak/canoe storage

great room below

screened porch (28’ x 15’)

(19’–5” x 29’)


master bedroom

(20’ x 11’)

flex space

(16’ x 15’-5”)


car parking

master closet

(13’–5” x 39’-5”)

entry porch above

master bath




entry porch

First Floor

bedroom 4

(16’ x 17’)


(8’ x 14’)

(20’ x 8’)

ground Floor

(18’ x 17’)

bedroom 3

car parking

(13’–5” x 39’-5”)

illustrations not to scale



lake bales | Markalunas 01



(14’ x 14’)



bedroom 2 (13’ x 12’-5”)

second Floor


illustrations not to scale


Markalunas 02 | Lake bales

Markalunas 02



Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF



(14’ x 5’)

screen porch

porch below

dining room

(32’ x 14’)

2 + cars

(13’-6” x 12’)

Optional Terrace Entertaining space bath 3 master bedroom (14’-6” x 17’)

(14’-6” x 19’)

(19’ x 20’)

car parking

car parking

bedroom 3

great room

(14’ x 19’)



bath 4

closet closet closet

kitchen master bath

Master closet





covered porch

screen porch above

flex space (15’ x 18’)



(6’-6” x 15’)


powder drive

entry entry porch above

illustrations not to scale



lake bales | Markalunas 02



Plan Name

ground Floor

drive entry porch

porch below

(18’ x 8’)

First Floor

second Floor

bedroom 4 (14’-6” x 19’)

illustrations not to scale


Markalunas 03 | Lake bales



Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF



porch below

(27’ x 14”)

3 3.5 2 + cars

great room

dining room

(20’ x 17’-6”)

(15’ x 17’-6”)

bedroom 2

(16’-6” x 17’-6”)

bath 2 optional terrace entertaining space

CLoset kitchen

laundry entry

master bath


(19’-6” x 10’)

flex space (17’ x 13’)


master closet

bath 3 foyer


(8’-6' x 18’)

Elev CLoset



car parking

powder CLoset

master bedroom

bedroom 3 (19’-6” x 15’)

(15’ x 15’-6”)


entry porch


porch below

(20’ x 18’)

entry porch above

illustrations not to scale


screen porch

lake bales | Markalunas 03


rear yard below

Markalunas 03


Plan Name

drive below

ground Floor

First Floor

second Floor

Court atkins 01 | dove field

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Plan Name

Court Atkins 01


Court Atkins

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF




(23’-0” x 23’-0”)


5 5.5 dining

2 car/1 cart

great room

(20’-0” x 20’-0”)

(14’-0” x 20’-0”)

cart garage

front porch (10’-0” x 40’-6”)

raised planter

First Floor

(7’-0” x 21’-0”)

Master dressing

(10’-6” x 10’-0”)

service yard Master Bedroom (17’-0” x 15’-6”)

powder room

entry porch


(22’-0” x 10’-0”)

master garden (40’-0” x 20’-0”)

bath 3 bedroom 3

(12’-6” x 14’-0”)

bonus room (19’-6” x 8’-0”)


bedroom 2

(14’-0” x 14’-0”)


upper laundry

w.I.C. bedroom 4

(12’-0” x 14’-0”)

bath 2

illustrations not to scale


(16’-0” x 16’-0”)

(19’-0” x 12’-6”)

2-Car garage

dove field | court atkins 01



covered breezeway

screened outdoor living

bath 4

media room

(12’-0” x 17’-6”)

second Floor

geoff chick 01 | dove field

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.




UnCond. SF


Total SF


Baths Garage

M. closet




mud room

M. Bedroom

2 car

side porch

(13’-0” x 23’-3”)

rear porch

(31’-8” x 25’-6”)

First Floor


(14’-4” x 22’-1”)

(9’-0” x 21’-0”)

dove field | geoff chick 01




(22’-1” x 21’-8”)


great room

(7’-5” x 17’-9”)

(33’-3” x 22’-1”)

front porch

(11’-0” x 21’-0”)


kitchen apartment


(16’-7” x 15’-11”)



open to below

bedroom 2

(18’-0” x 11’-3”)


second Floor

bedroom 4


(21’-9” x 10’-7”)

(15’-7” x 10’-7”)


Cond. SF

Geoff Chick

M. Bathroom



Geoff Chick 01

illustrations not to scale

Plan Name

day bed

closet bath

bedroom 3

(18’-0” x 11’-3”)

covered porch

(11’-0” x 21’-0”)

geoff chick 02 | dove field

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Plan Name

Geoff Chick 02


Geoff Chick

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF






4 full/2 half


2 car/1 cart




dove field | geoff chick 02


back hall

(22’-8” x 24’-8”)


(36’-0” x 18’-0”)

M. Bedroom 1

(21’-1” x 38’-11”)


front porch

(12’-0” x 34’-8”)

M. closet

(13’-10” x 13’-9”)

First Floor

great room & Kitchen

M. Bath 1

M. closet

balcony bath apartment

(13’-8” x 22’-6”)



M. Bedroom 2

outdoor living

M. closet

(36’-0” x 18’-0”)

(16’-0” x 12’-9”)

back hall


front porch


(11’-0” x 32’-8”)

living/dining (16’-0” x 11’-7”)


M. closet

Bedroom 3

(14’-10” x 13’-9”)

M. bath 2

Bath 3

illustrations not to scale


(16’-2” x 13’-9”)

(14’-0” x 16’-1”)

second Floor

historical concepts 01 | dove field

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Historical Concepts 01 Historical Concepts

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF



Master bedroom (15’-8” x 20’-6”)

4.5 Two-car, detached


M Closet

(26’-0” x 23’-0”)


pantry powder

kitchen &Keeping (24’-2” x 17’-6”)

covered breezeway dining

(20’-8” x 12’-6”)

screened porch


flex space

living room

(24’-2” x 17’-6”)

(11’-0” x 17’-6”)

Screened dining

bath laundry

front porch


(11’-6” x 29’-6”)

screened porch (23’-2” x 12’-0”)

First Floor

guest bedroom (13’-6” x 20’-6”)

(9’-6” x 19’-0”)

M Closet



illustrations not to scale



dove field | histortical concepts 01

Total SF

Master bath


Master bath

Plan Name

second Floor

Master bedroom (15’-4” x 20’-6”)

upper porch

(10’-0” x 50’-0”)

pearce scott 01 | dove field

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Plan Name

Pearce Scott 01


Pearce Scott

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF




bath 3


(12’–0” x 17’-0”)


(9’-0” x 10’-8”)


bedroom 3

bunk room

(12’–0” x 12’-0”)

(14’–7” x 10’-8”)

4.5 2 car/1 cart

rear porch

mud hall

(25’–0” x 8’-0”)


entry porch (19’-6” x 11’-6”)

jr Master wic

living area

hers his

(19’–6” x 17’-0”)

family room bath 2

(19’–6” x 17’-0”)


(46’–0” x 11’-6”)

master bath

screened porch

bath 3

(11’–6” x 33’-0”)

jr master bedroom

(15’–4” x 13’-0”)

Master Bedroom

screened porch (10’–8” x 17’-0”)

(15’–4” x 13’-0”)

First Floor

second Floor


(21’–6” x 21’-6”)

illustrations not to scale



dove field | pearce scott 01



cart storage

(8’–0” x 12’-0”)

stackable + squiers 01 | dove field

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Stackable + Squiers 01


Stackable + Squiers

Cond. SF

3, 544

Total SF


master bath

family room (14’ x 18’)

(24’ x 24’)


kitchen (12’ x 17’)

2 car/1 cart


entry powder

golf cart

living room


(14’ x 18’)

(12’ x 23’)

front porch (10’ x 29’)

First Floor

master bedroom (13’ x 17’)

covered screened porch

raised courtyard

unfinished space

bedroom 3

(552 sq ft)

(10’ x 28’)

Master bath 2

(11’ x 16’)



closet closet



bedroom 4 (11’ x 16’)

illustrations not to scale



dove field | stackable + Squiers 01




1, 931

covered porch

bath 3

UnCond. SF

covered Walkway

bath 4

Plan Name

master bedroom 2 (15’ x 15’)

(10’ x 29’)

second Floor

beau clowney 01 | dove field

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Plan Name

Beau Clowney 01


Beau Clowney

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF



(15’-0” x 14’-10”)

Family room

master closet

(13’-8” x 22’-11”)

butler's Pantry Pantry


(11’-8” x 20’-0”)

dining room

(15’-8” x 9’-11 1/2”)


3 3 full/2 half

front porch

rear porch

1 car/1 carport living room



(12’-6” x 20’-10”)

First Floor

(27’-8” x 23’-10”)


pool bar



(8’-3 1/2” x 19’-10”)


bath 2 bedroom 2

(15’-8” x 12’-11”)


bunk room

(19’-11” x 11’-8”)

illustrations not to scale


master bedroom

rear foyer

dove field | beau clowney 01


master bath

bath 3

sitting room

(19’-11” x 11’-7 1/2”)

bedroom 3

(12’-8” x 15’-10”)

Covered Porch (18’-10” x 12’-2”)

second Floor

historical concepts 01 | maritime row

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Historical Concepts 01 Historical Concepts

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Garage Length Width Lot

Master bedroom (15’-8” x 20’-6”)

4.5 Two-car, detached


M Closet

(26’-0” x 23’-0”)

86' 100' (with garage)



pantry powder

kitchen &Keeping (24’-2” x 17’-6”)

covered breezeway dining

(20’-8” x 12’-6”)

screened porch

living room

(24’-2” x 17’-6”)

(11’-0” x 17’-6”)

Screened dining


optional flex space

bath laundry

front porch


(11’-6” x 29’-6”)

screened porch (23’-2” x 12’-0”)

First Floor

guest bedroom (13’-6” x 20’-6”)

(9’-6” x 19’-0”)

M Closet



illustrations not to scale



maritime row | historical concepts 01

Total SF

Master bath


Master bath

Plan Name

second Floor

Master bedroom (15’-4” x 20’-6”)

upper porch

(10’-0” x 50’-0”)

stackable + squiers 01 | maritime row

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Stackable + Squiers 01


Stackable + Squiers

Cond. SF


Beds Baths

860 4,384 4


family room (14’ x 18’)

(24’ x 24’)



2 car/1 cart





kitchen (12’ x 17’)


entry powder

golf cart

living room


(14’ x 18’)

(12’ x 23’)

front porch (10’ x 29’)

First Floor

master bedroom (13’ x 17’)

covered screened porch

raised courtyard

unfinished space

bedroom 3

(552 sq ft)

(10’ x 28’)

Master bath

(11’ x 16’)


closet closet


bedroom 4 (11’ x 16’)

illustrations not to scale

maritime row | stackable + Squiers 01

master bath



Total SF

covered porch

bath 3

UnCond. SF

covered Walkway

bath 4

Plan Name

master bedroom (15’ x 15’)

(10’ x 29’)

second Floor

pearce scott 01 | Maritime row

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Plan Name

Pearce Scott 01


Pearce Scott

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF


Beds Baths

pantry laundry


bath 3


(12’–0” x 17’-0”)


(9’-0” x 10’-8”)


(12’–0” x 12’-0”)

(14’–7” x 10’-8”)



2 car/1 cart





rear porch

mud hall

(25’–0” x 8’-0”)


entry porch (19’-6” x 11’-6”)

jr Master wic

living area

hers his

(19’–6” x 17’-0”)

family room bath 2

(19’–6” x 17’-0”)


(46’–0” x 11’-6”)

master bath

screened porch

jr bath 3

(11’–6” x 33’-0”)

Master Bedroom

jr master bedroom

(15’–4” x 13’-0”)

screened porch (10’–8” x 17’-0”)

(15’–4” x 13’-0”)

First Floor

second Floor


(21’–6” x 21’-6”)

illustrations not to scale

maritime row | pearce scott 01

bedroom 3

bunk room

cart storage

(8’–0” x 12’-0”)

Geoff Chick 01 | Maritime row

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.




UnCond. SF


Total SF


Baths Garage

M. closet




mud room

M. Bedroom

2 car

side porch

(13’-0” x 23’-3”)

rear porch

(31’-8” x 25’-6”)

First Floor


(14’-4” x 22’-1”)

(9’-0” x 21’-0”)

maritime row | geoff chick 01




(22’-1” x 21’-8”)


great room

(7’-5” x 17’-9”)

(33’-3” x 22’-1”)

front porch

(11’-0” x 21’-0”)


kitchen apartment


(16’-7” x 15’-11”)



open to below

bedroom 2

(18’-0” x 11’-3”)


second Floor

bedroom 4


(21’-9” x 10’-7”)

(15’-7” x 10’-7”)


Cond. SF

Geoff Chick

M. Bathroom



Geoff Chick 01

illustrations not to scale

Plan Name

day bed

closet bath

bedroom 3

(18’-0” x 11’-3”)

covered porch

(11’-0” x 21’-0”)

beau clowney 01 | Maritime row

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Plan Name

Beau Clowney 01


Beau Clowney

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF



(15’-0” x 14’-10”)

Family room

master closet

(13’-8” x 22’-11”)

butler's Pantry Pantry


(11’-8” x 20’-0”)

dining room

(15’-8” x 9’-11 1/2”)


3 3 full/2 half

front porch

rear porch

1 car/1 carport living room



(12’-6” x 20’-10”)

First Floor

(27’-8” x 23’-10”)


pool bar



(8’-3 1/2” x 19’-10”)


bath 2 bedroom 2

(15’-8” x 12’-11”)


bunk room

(19’-11” x 11’-8”)

illustrations not to scale


master bedroom

rear foyer

maritime row | beau clowney 01


master bath

bath 3

sitting room

(19’-11” x 11’-7 1/2”)

bedroom 3

(12’-8” x 15’-10”)

Covered Porch (18’-10” x 12’-2”)

second Floor

beau clowney 02 | Maritime row

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.



Beau Clowney

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF



(21’-10” x 21’-1- 1/2”)

garage bay

(8’-11” x 14’-1”)

(17’-6” x 20’-10 1/2”)

covered porch

4 living room



(25’-5 1/2” x 19’-6”)

First Floor

(25’-5 1/2” x 8’-9 1/2”)

2 cars/1 carport

covered porch

Master bath

(37’-1 1/2” x 20'-8”)

master bedroom (14’-8 1/2” x 16-9”)

closet closet


(9’-4” x 4'-7”)

upper porch

bedroom 1

sitting room

(13’-11” x 13'-9”)

(11’-11” x 16'-7 1/2”)

Unfinished/future one bedroom/bath

(14’-0” x 7'-10”)

bath 1


bath 2

bedroom 3

bedroom 2

(11’-1 1/2” x 14'-4 1/2”) closet closet


dog trot

(24’-0” x 20’-4”)

(34’-0” x 10’-4 1/2”)

bath 3

illustrations not to scale




(17’-1 1/2” x 14’-10”)

maritime row | beau clowney 02


sitting room

butler's pantry


Beau Clowney 02


Plan Name

(12’-0” x 13'-11”)

second Floor

Thomas and Denzinger 01 | Maritime row

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Plan Name Architect

Thomas & Denzinger

Cond. SF


UnCond. SF


Total SF



(9’-4” x 13’-6”)

service yard



(13’-0” x 12’-6”)


(17’-6” x 11’-5”)

back porch

(16’-4” x 5’-7”)



dining room

(13’-6” x 20’-0”)

(15’-10” x 17’-0”)

great room (17’-5” x 17’-0”)

(23’-10” x 27’-0”)


entry hall

2 car

(21’-2” x 6’-6”)


bonus room (27’-0” x 15’-9”)


First Floor

entry porch (17’-6” x 8’-0”)

(20’-9” x 16’-8”)

guest bedroom 3

(11’-6” x 15’-6”)

open to below

(12’-0” x 17’-0”)

(11’-6” x 41’-2”)

master bedroom


guest bedroom 2

outdoor living



open to below

sitting area (17’-0” x 10’-6”)


(15’-4” x 8’-o”)


illustrations not to scale


cart shed


maritime row | Thomas and Denzinger 01


outdoor shower

Thomas & Denzinger 01

guest bedroom 1 (17’-1” x 13’-0”)

second Floor

cottage A (3 Bedroom) | Cottages

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Cottage A (3 Bedroom)



Cond. SF


Total SF Beds Baths Garage



covered porch

(12’-6” x 7’-6”)

2,809 3

First Floor


screened porch

(13’-6” x 15’-10”)

3.5 1 car carport great room

(21’-2” x 15’-10”)

cottages | Cottage A (3 bedroom)

UnCond. SF


(20’-6” x 11’-0”)

master bedroom

master Bathroom

(14’-10” x 12’-0”)



entry porch

pantry closet


second Floor

bath bedroom 2

(10’-4” x 11’-1”)


illustrations not to scale

Plan Name

bedroom 3

(12’-0” x 13’-1”)

cottage B | Cottages

illustrations not to scale. All plans, specifications, renderings, dimensions, and service yard locations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change at the Developer’s sole discretion. May River Forest II, LLC. Š2013.


Cottage B



Cond. SF


Total SF Beds Baths Garage

232 2,002 3 3.5 1 car carport bath

cottages | Cottage B

UnCond. SF


(11’-4” x 10’-8”)



(1o’-8” x 9’-9”)


(18’-0” x 12’-1”)

laundry/ mudroom



(18’-6” x 17’-5”)

master bathroom

master bedroom (12’-1” x 13’-4”)


(9’-6” x 6’-3”)


illustrations not to scale

Plan Name

garden courtyard (25’-7” x 16’-9”)

great room

(15’-11” x 20’-9”)

covered porch

(10’-2” x 16’-9”)

First Floor

For real estate inquiries, please call 1.800.501.7405 or visit our website at

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