Vol. XXXII, Number 32 May 13, 2011
School year to start a week earlier Page 3 w w w.PaloA ltoOnline.com
Stanford Powwow celebrates 40 years of honoring Native American culture Page 18
Spectrum 14
Title Pages 16
Movies 25
Eating Out 29 N Arts
Classifieds 63
Puzzles 64
Dancers y at Russian-American Fair N Sports Near-perfect day for the Knights N Home What makes a garden Bay friendly?
Page 21 Page 31 Page 41
As we celebrate two decades of care, we have two words to say: thank you.
Anniversaries are all about people. Pictured here are some of the employees, medical staff and volunteers who’ve made our 20th anniversary possible. During National Hospital Week, we salute the men and women who bring their dedication, compassion and skill to work at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital every day of the year. Their contributions are invaluable and we are grateful beyond measure.
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California Newspaper Publishers Association
Local news, information and analysis
Palo Alto prepares for new school calendar Pre-holiday finals, earlier August start date, to take effect in 2012 by Chris Kenrick djusting academic workloads and finding ways to ease uncomfortably hot classrooms in midAugust are two tasks facing the Palo Alto Unified School District in the next 15 months, following the Board of Education’s decision this week to adopt a new academic calendar.
As the district prepares to end the first semester before winter break beginning in 2012-13, officials have promised to address in advance some of the nagging questions about the controversial new schedule. In a rare split vote, the Palo Alto school board Wednesday decided to
make the calendar switch, despite emotional pleas from a roomful of parents that the new system — which requires an earlier-in-August school start date — would wreak havoc on family traditions during late summer and end-of-year holiday season. A majority of the board — Barbara Klausner, Barb Mitchell and Dana Tom — said giving high-school students a stress-reducing, clean break over the December holidays was worth the tradeoff of the earlier Au-
gust start date. Dissenting were board President Melissa Baten Caswell and Vice-President Camille Townsend. Under the new calendar, the academic year 2012-13 will run from Aug. 16 to May 30, with first-semester finals ending Dec. 21, with a similar structure the following year. The current academic year, by contrast, began Aug. 24 and runs to June 9, with the first semester ending in late January. But in voting for the change, board
members insisted on a staff report by this November — nine months ahead of implementation of the new calendar — with specifics on how schools will manage a first semester that begins in mid-August and is eight school days and 16 calendar days shorter than second semester. In particular, they asked schools to explain how they will calibrate student workloads to adjust for the uneven se(continued on page 6)
Stanford trail set to open Decade-old agreement with Santa Clara County comes to fruition after years of controversy by Sue Dremann
Veronica Weber
Ken and Michele Dauber, who are advocating for changes within the Palo Alto school system, stand by their back porch on Wednesday.
Couple presses for ‘sense of urgency’ in relieving academic stress Personal tragedy created spark for ‘We Can Do Better Palo Alto’ by Chris Kenrick
t seemed to come like a shot from nowhere. Ken and Michele Dauber, Palo Alto parents of five, called for “new leadership” in the Palo Alto Unified School District in a guest opinion column published in late February in the Palo Alto Weekly. Since then the couple — she a Stanford law professor and he a Google software engineer with a PhD in sociology — have become outspoken regulars at Board of Education meetings and elsewhere, pleading for emergency action to address academic stress in Palo Alto’s two high schools.
“If I had hair, my hair would be on fire,” Ken Dauber said, referring to a string of Palo Alto student suicides in the past few years. Added Michele: “In the midst of a real crisis, sometimes you have to deviate from ordinary practices.” Impatient with established school-district protocols, the couple has argued aggressively — some would say abrasively — for a greater “sense of urgency” in revamping of district-wide homework and counseling policies. They’ve launched an organization, “We Can Do Better Palo Alto,” that claims an active membership of 20
and an email list of 130. This week the couple, along with four other members of the group, appeared before the Gunn High School Site Council, calling for replacing Gunn’s traditional counseling system with the “teacher advisory” system used at Palo Alto High School. We Can Do Better will hold a public organizational meeting Tuesday, May 17, at 7 p.m. in Room A6 of Cubberley Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Road. Although they don’t usually bring it up, Ken and Michele Dauber make (continued on page 7)
Stanford’s ‘Southern trail’ Foothill Exwy
Co y o e Hill Rd t
Paved multipurpose trail (ped & bike)
long-awaited trail that runs south of Page Mill Road and Foothill Expressway through the foothills could be open to the public as soon as next week, a Stanford University official said this week. The trail is one of two the university is required to construct to satisfy its land-use agreement with Santa Clara County, approved in 2000. The trails are intended to offset the impact of additional development by the university. The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved the trail plans 4 to 1 in December 2005. The Matadero trail, also known as S-1, runs south along Page Mill Road and veers east at the intersection of Deer Creek Road. It continues southeast until it links up with a county trail that runs north at Arastradero Road and Interstate 280. The upper part of the pathway consists of a paved, multipurpose bike and pedestrian trail; south of Deer Creek Road, the trail is unpaved and accessible to hikers only. In addition, a paved bike trail at Deer Creek Road is planned that will meet up with a southern trail to Arastradero and Purissima roads, university spokesman Larry Horton said. The Matadero trail affords sweeping views of the Bay Area that are similar to those seen from the Stanford Dish trail, he said. Santa Clara County Supervisor Liz Kniss, who cast the lone vote against the trail package in 2005 because of the proposed northern trail route (called C-1), walked the lower segment of the Matadero trail this past Monday. “It looks great,” she said. The opening of the trail is pending a sign-off by the county Parks and Recreation Department of an easement modification, Horton said. The Matadero and the northern trail along Alpine Road were proposed in the 1995 Santa Clara Countywide Trails Master Plan.
eM ag
Deer Creek Rd
Future bike lanes Unpaved hiking trail (ped only) Existing county trail
The trails have been plagued by controversy for the last decade. Palo Alto-based nonprofit Committee for Green Foothills filed a lawsuit against the county and the university in 2006, claiming environmental review of the plans had been inadequate. But the California Supreme Court in February 2010 overturned an appeals court ruling in the case. Stanford owns 8,180 acres of land; about half is in Santa Clara County and one third is in San Mateo County. Other jurisdictions include Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Portola Valley and Woodside. Each city or county must approve any project that goes through its jurisdiction. While the southern trail will open soon, the northern path is in limbo due to disagreements over the exact route. The northern trail would run from El Camino Real along Sand Hill Road, then follow the county line — roughly along Alpine Road — until it terminates at Arastradero Road. (continued on page 7)
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PUBLISHER William S. Johnson EDITORIAL Jocelyn Dong, Editor Carol Blitzer, Associate Editor Keith Peters, Sports Editor Tyler Hanley, Express™ and Online Editor Rebecca Wallace, Arts & Entertainment Editor Rick Eymer, Assistant Sports Editor Tom Gibboney, Spectrum Editor Chris Kenrick, Gennady Sheyner, Staff Writers Sue Dremann, Staff Writer, Special Sections Editor Karla Kane, Editorial Assistant Veronica Weber, Staff Photographer Dale Bentson, Colin Becht, Peter Canavese, Kit Davey, Iris Harrell, Sheila Himmel, Chad Jones, Kevin Kirby, Jack McKinnon, Jeanie K. Smith, Susan Tavernetti, Robert Taylor, Contributors Aaron Guggenheim, Kareem Yasin Editorial Interns Joann So, Arts & Entertainment Intern DESIGN Shannon Corey, Design Director Raul Perez, Assistant Design Director Linda Atilano, Diane Haas, Scott Peterson, Paul Llewellyn, Senior Designers Gary Vennarucci, Designer PRODUCTION Jennifer Lindberg, Production Manager Dorothy Hassett, Samantha Mejia, Blanca Yoc, Sales & Production Coordinators ADVERTISING Walter Kupiec, Vice President, Sales & Marketing Judie Block, Esmeralda Flores, Janice Hoogner, Gary Whitman, Display Advertising Sales Neil Fine, Rosemary Lewkowitz, Real Estate Advertising Sales David Cirner, Irene Schwartz, Inside Advertising Sales Cathy Norfleet, Display Advertising Sales Asst. Diane Martin, Real Estate Advertising Assistants Alicia Santillan, Classified Administrative Asst. EXPRESS, ONLINE AND VIDEO SERVICES Rachel Palmer, Online Operations Coordinator Rachel Hatch, Multimedia Product Manager
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BUSINESS Penelope Ng, Payroll & Benefits Manager Elena Dineva, Mary McDonald, Susie Ochoa, Cathy Stringari, Doris Taylor, Business Associates ADMINISTRATION Amy Renalds, Assistant to the Publisher & Promotions Director Janice Covolo, Receptionist Ruben Espinoza, Courier EMBARCADERO MEDIA William S. Johnson, President Michael I. Naar, Vice President & CFO Walter Kupiec, Vice President, Sales & Marketing Frank A. Bravo, Director, Information Technology & Webmaster Connie Jo Cotton, Major Accounts Sales Manager Bob Lampkin, Director, Circulation & Mailing Services Alicia Santillan, Circulation Assistants Chris Planessi, Chip Poedjosoedarmo, Computer System Associates The Palo Alto Weekly (ISSN 0199-1159) is published every Friday by Embarcadero Media, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306, (650) 3268210. Periodicals postage paid at Palo Alto, CA and additional mailing offices. Adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation for Santa Clara County. The Palo Alto Weekly is delivered free to homes in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Atherton, Portola Valley, East Palo Alto, to faculty and staff households on the Stanford campus and to portions of Los Altos Hills. If you are not currently receiving the paper, you may request free delivery by calling 326-8210. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302. Copyright ©2011 by Embarcadero Media. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Printed by SFOP, Redwood City. The Palo Alto Weekly is available on the Internet via Palo Alto Online at: www.PaloAltoOnline.com Our e-mail addresses are: editor@paweekly.com, letters@paweekly.com, ads@paweekly.com. Missed delivery or start/stop your paper? Call 650 326-8210, or e-mail circulation@paweekly. com. You may also subscribe online at www.PaloAltoOnline.com. Subscriptions are $60/yr.
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450 CAMBRIDGE AVE, PALO ALTO, CA 94306 (650) 326-8210
I was angry. Last year, someone ran over my dog.
— Michael Finley, who is being honored for his heroism, on why he ran barefoot after a drunk driver. See story on page 5.
Around Town SHOOTING THE MESSENGER ... California’s proposed high-speed rail project has become a favorite punching bag for independent analysts over the past two years, with offices of State Auditor, the Inspector General and UC Berkeley’s Institute for Transportation Studies all taking swipes at the California High-Speed Rail Authority and its ambitious plans. But the scathing new report from the Legislative Analyst’s Office stands out for the boldness of its recommendations, which include stripping the rail authority of its power and reconsidering the starting point of the rail line. Not everyone, however, is pleased with the new analysis. Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani, the Legislature’s leading supporter of the rail project, immediately dismissed it as “just an opinion” and disputed the Legislative Analyst’s Office’s expertise. “There will always be some who will continue to slam the California High-Speed Rail Authority in the knees with a baseball bat and then ask them why they can’t run any faster,” Galgiani said in a statement. FLUSH WITH CHEER ... Grand openings, groundbreakings and lavish kick-off ceremonies are a dime a dozen in Palo Alto, where every week seems to bring another snipped ribbon or a tree planted with a ceremonial shovel. Even so, Sunday’s celebration at Seale Park stands out. City officials are inviting residents to celebrate installation of new restrooms at the Midtown park with a “first flush” ceremony at 1 p.m. on May 15. The project, which was spearheaded by the Midtown Residents Association, took nearly five years of planning and construction. All residents are welcome. GOING FOR A RIDE ... Palo Alto’s bike euphoria will return to the spotlight next Monday night, when the City Council considers City Manager James Keene’s proposal to spend up to $50,000 to sponsor two bike events this fall. The “Gran Fondo” (Italian for “Big Ride,” according to the staff report) is scheduled to take place on Sept. 17 and feature about 500 bicyclists taking 60-, 80- and 95-mile rides starting in downtown Palo Alto. It would be followed by another charity ride — the “Echelon Ride” — for “less serious riders and walkers.” The events will raise money for the nonprofit groups Palo Alto Recreation Foundation and the Palo Alto Kiwanis Clubs. And while
they would require the city to spend money during tight budget times, Keene said the expenditures would be consistent with City Council priorities because the event is geared toward promoting bicycle travel, health and well-being. If successful, the event could become an annual tradition, the new staff report states. The council will consider whether to sponsor the event Monday night. A NASTY RECEPTION ... Palo Alto residents concerned about the recent flood of cell-tower and antenna proposals should have plenty to complain about in the months ahead. According to a new report from the city’s planning department, the need for wireless-communication services is “rapidly increasing” because of capacity demands for data transmittal in the famously high-tech city. Palo Alto is currently processing five cell-tower applications, including a monopole, a “faux tree” antenna and three modifications to existing facilities, Current Planning Manager Amy French wrote in the new report. She also noted that AT&T has proposed installation of nine “distributed antenna systems” (DAS) on existing utility poles in Palo Alto. These systems typically require shorter poles than traditional antennas and produce lower radiofrequency emissions. Cell towers became one of Palo Alto’s leading hot-button issues earlier this year when a group of residents in Crescent Park rallied against AT&T’s proposal to install a tower at St. Albert the Great Church (the company ultimately pulled its application). On the other hand, AT&T succeeded last month in obtaining the city’s approval to install new wireless antennas at Hotel President on University Avenue despite protests from dozens of Hotel residents who feared the new antennas would impact their privacy and, quite possibly, their health. Given the recent brouhaha, the City Council will devote most of its meeting Monday night to discussing the various issues around the recent applications, including the city’s existing wireless facilities and ways to improve the city’s process for vetting these applications. These proposals include requiring applicants to submit a map illustrating coverage gaps and explaining how the new facility would fill these gaps; requiring applicants to explain why they can’t “co-locate” new facilities on existing poles; and more information about radio-frequency emissions from the proposed facilities. N
Online This Week
Resident honored for chasing down a drunk driver
These and other news stories were posted on Palo Alto Online throughout the week. For longer versions, go to www.PaloAltoOnline.com/news or click on “News” in the left, green column.
No criminal charges to be filed in EPA fire
Palo Alto police will recognize Michael Finley, others for extraordinary acts
Criminal charges will not be filed against the owner of a former veterans boarding house in East Palo Alto, despite numerous building code violations that forced nearly a dozen residents to escape from second-story windows when the home burned down on Valentine’s Day. (Posted May 12
by Sue Dremann
me,” she said. Allen was inspired to ask police Chief Dennis Burns to honor Finley for his heroics after reading about a similar ceremony held by Menlo Park police, she said. She didn’t know the department was following through until she recently received a call from Brown, she said. Finley has taught Allen’s son for Michael Finley and Jennifer Allen chat outside about four or five Finley’s Palo Alto home Wednesday. Finley chased years, she said. On down a drunk driver last October after he saw the the afternoon of the car hit Allen’s van and drive away. accident, Allen had just unbuckled her seatbelt and was “It meant a lot to me that he about to get out to pick up her son keeps following up with me every when the driver hit her car from be- week. Otherwise, I would be going hind at about 30 mph, she said. through a much harder time,” said Finley first checked on Allen, who, Allen, who still receives physical he said, was screaming but appeared therapy for a neck injury. mostly to be in shock. The driver has pleaded no contest “I was angry. Last year, someone and sentencing is scheduled for June ran over my dog,” he said. 2, Allen said. Chasing after the driver wasn’t Finley humbly dismisses his acdifficult; her car was badly dam- tions — and that he is deserving of aged, he said. Finley put his body any recognition. between the door and the vehicle. “The whole thing is ridiculous. To He could see the woman was im- me, it’s nothing. Anybody else should’ve paired, he said. done the same thing. It’s kind of embar“She was wasted-drunk — blacked rassing to me,” he said. N Staff Writer Sue Dremann can be out — driving at 4 p.m. with two dogs in the car. I could understand if she emailed at sdremann@paweekly.com did that and stopped. That she drove away was outrageous,” he said. WATCH IT ONLINE “I told her, ‘Don’t move.’ www.PaloAltoOnline.com I made a big stink,” he said, which attracted onlookers who A live broadcast of the Palo Alto Police Department’s citizen-heroes ceremony will called police. be streamed Tuesday, May 17, at 3 p.m. on Allen said people who know Finley Palo Alto Online. were not surprised by his actions.
at 9:40 a.m.)
Three Palo Alto VA employees indicted for bribery Three employees of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System and a contractor have been indicted by a U.S. grand jury in San Jose on bribery charges, federal prosecutors announced Wednesday (May 11). (Posted May 12 at 9:12 a.m.)
United Menlo Park council approves Stanford deal Swapping the right to sue for more money, the Menlo Park City Council voted 5-0 to accept Stanford’s offer of $3.7 million for traffic mitigation and other improvements related to its planned hospital expansion. (Posted May 11 at 11:46 a.m.)
Veronica Weber
hen Michael Finley saw the flash go by and heard the crashing metal, he didn’t think twice about what he was about to do. Finley was giving a guitar lesson in his Olive Avenue home in Palo Alto Oct. 11, 2010, when a car driven by a drunk driver hurtled down the quiet street and slammed into a van parked across the street. His student’s mother was in the van. Finley saw the hit-and-run from his home’s window and didn’t waste a minute in reacting, he recalled this week. He ran barefoot for several blocks after the reckless driver and chased her down until she stopped. “I found her about three or four blocks away near the intersection of El Camino Real and Oregon Expressway. The car was hobbling. I ripped open the door and started screaming at her like a mad woman,” he said. On Tuesday, May 17, Finley will receive a certificate of recognition from the Palo Alto Police Department for his heroism, which resulted in the driver’s arrest. He and other citizens who have made a difference will receive the honors along with police officers receiving promotions during an afternoon ceremony. Other residents to be honored include Stan Rockson and Jeanette Tucker. Sergeants Ken Kratt and Scott Savage and Agents Tony Becker and Kelly Burger will receive promotions, Lt. Sandra Brown said. Allen is still affected by the injuries she received when she was thrown against the windshield during the crash, she said. But she hasn’t forgotten Finley’s willingness to track down and stop the driver from injuring more people, she said. “Not many people would do that. It takes a really special person to take the initiative to do what’s right. It put a lot of faith in mankind for
Police investigate shooting in East Palo Alto Officers are investigating a shooting in East Palo Alto that left at least one man wounded Tuesday night (May 10), police said. (Posted May 11 at 8:49 a.m.)
Fifteen Apple laptops lost in Paly break-in Fifteen Apple laptops were missing following a break-in at Palo Alto High School over the weekend, Palo Alto police said. (Posted May 10 at 11:21 a.m.)
Menlo Park school district picks superintendent Maurice Ghysels, the superintendent of the elementary school district in Mountain View for five years and, for the last 10 months, an administrator in the Santa Clara County Office of Education, has been named the new superintendent of the Menlo Park City School District, effective July 1. (Posted May 9 at 11:12 a.m.)
Palo Alto Online launches video academy Palo Alto Online is looking for residents interested in joining our team in covering community issues and events on video. We’ve partnered with the Media Center and are offering a four-week Citizen Journalist Academy to teach video production and reporting skills. (Posted May 9 at 10:41 a.m.)
May Fete Parade rolls through downtown Palo Alto Books were the binding theme of Palo Alto’s 89th annual May Fete Children’s Parade, which rolled through downtown Palo Alto Saturday morning (May 7). The parade down University Avenue featured group floats, marching bands, martial-arts demonstrations and scores of costumed kids. Photos and video by Tyler Hanley. (Posted May 7 at 11:47 a.m.)
Palo Alto names new library director Former Richmond library director Monique le Conge has been nominated to head Palo Alto’s library system beginning May 31, City Manager James Keene announced Thursday. Le Conge was selected from a national field of 37 candidates, six interviewees and two finalists, Keene said in a news statement. She will earn $165,000 a year. (Thursday, 4:37 p.m.)
New bike boulevard planned for Palo Alto City officials hope new bike lanes, trails and signs will make city a national bicycling leader by Gennady Sheyner
inding trails, colorful bike lanes, prominent signs and a new bicycle boulevard snaking southward from the middle of the city are all components of the City Council’s ambitious quest to make Palo Alto one of the top biking places in the nation. The council discussed the proposed improvements to the city’s bicycle infrastructure Monday night, when it considered the pending upgrades to the city’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan. The plan, which was last updated in 2003, will evaluate the city’s biking needs and pedes-
trian amenities, and propose improvements. Fittingly, council members, city staff and dozens of city residents kicked off the Monday meeting with an afternoon bike ride from City Hall to south Palo Alto and back — a journey that included a dash next to a proposed new trail along Churchill Avenue, a stop at the California Avenue Caltrain station and a trip down Park Boulevard, the city’s next bicycle boulevard. The group of riders, which included Mayor Sid Espinosa, City Manager James Keene and Palo Alto Unified School District Super-
intendent Kevin Skelly and about 40 bike enthusiasts, also had a chance to comment on the plan and hear presentations about the various design proposals from Chief Transportation Officer Jaime Rodriguez and consultants who are helping to put the plan together. Casey Hildreth, a consultant with the firm Alta Planning + Design, said the revised plan aims to roughly double the number of trails and paths in the city, from the existing 9 miles to about 17.5. A new bicycle boulevard (continued on page 6)
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(continued from page 5)
Proposed Bike Boulevard Castilleja Ave
Miramonte Ave
Alma St
Park Blvd
Park Blvd California Ave
Page Mill Rd
Alma St
2nd St Maclane St
Carolina Wy
W Meadow Dr
W Charleston Rd
! " # $ $ $ % & $ ' $
!! " #
(continued from page 3)
Churchill Ave
Park Blvd
adero Creek. He noted that every major east-west pathway is “car dominated� and asked consultants to consider creating some for bikers and pedestrians before they come back with the draft plan. Espinosa asked the consultants to consider extending the green bike lanes beyond the first block of the new bike boulevard. He pointed to the city’s and the school district’s recent hosting of bike-themed events and encouragement of bike usage among local students, and he proclaimed 2011 the “Year of the Bike in Palo Alto.� “I’m particularly interested, when it comes back, in having something that really connects to all members of this community,� Espinosa said. “Not just the Spandex bikers, but folks who are parents, who are coming to this town, seniors, etc.� Paul Goldstein, a member of the Palo Alto Bicycle Advisory Committee, was one of many local bikers who expressed excitement about the city’s latest plans. “We’re on to something good now,� Goldstein said. “Let’s just try to make it better.� N
Wilkie Wy
would extend from Castilleja Avenue near Palo Alto High School and run through Park Boulevard toward Wilkie Way in south Palo Alto. The first block of the new bike route would feature a colored bike lane, part of a broader system of way-finding signs city officials plan to install to direct bikers to prime riding routes. The goal is to double the rate of bicycling in Palo Alto by 2020, Hildreth said. The council embraced most of the ideas on the table, though some wondered whether the proposals go far enough. Councilman Greg Scharff suggested more raised and protected bike paths, similar to those in famously bike-friendly cities such as Amsterdam and Boulder, Colo. He also wondered aloud whether the proposed improvements would elevate Palo Alto to the level of Portland, Ore., a city Hildreth cited as a national leader. “I’d like us to be more bold and aggressive,� Scharff said. “I’d like
to be a first-class bicycle city where everyone calls us instead of calling Portland.� Rodriguez said the city would integrate many of the bike amenities currently in use at other bike-friendly towns and come up with its own proposals, including the new signage system. The plan, he said, would give city officials the flexibility to gradually build the proposed bike paths and to modify plans as needed, based on the funding. “We want to do things that are innovative and creative on our own,� Rodriguez said. The $80,000 study is funded through a $55,000 grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and a $25,000 contribution from the city. Councilman Greg Schmid said he was excited about the plan but made another proposal: a network of bike paths and trails that would allow bicyclists to commute from the west side of the city to the Baylands in the east. The route would include a new bike path along Mat-
! ! $ ! !
mesters, deal with classroom heat and support seniors who are applying to colleges as they’re preparing for firstsemester finals. Sixty people — most of them parents — signed up to address the board about the calendar Tuesday night, with the vast majority asking board members to reject the change. But board member Barbara Klausner, who cast the tie-breaking vote, said she was persuaded by a Gunn High School poll taken last week in which 74 percent of students preferred an “early start (to the school year) with exams before winter break� and 78 percent saw “less stress with exams before winter break.� “I know that starting school earlier in August will impose burdens on families in our district,� Klausner said. “I happen to be in one of those families, so I know what it feels like. “But overall I do find it compelling that, if we can create a twoweek, relatively carefree (winter break) for our students, that’s a benefit that’s worthwhile.� Explaining her dissent, Caswell said, “I don’t think I can vote for a calendar that creates problems for so many people.� Beyond disliking the earlier start date, parents opposing the calendar change argued that it fails to address what they said are more fundamental, stress-causing problems in the school district, including excessive homework loads and uncoordinated testing schedules. “As a nurse, I see firsthand the chronic effects of stress on the health of our students,� said Kelly Reilly, the mother of a third-grader at Walter Hays School and a seventh-grader at Jordan Middle School. “I’m just beside myself with concern about homework overload, day-to-day stress and the hours of lost sleep by our high school students.� Reilly said she did not believe the new calendar would help but rather would exacerbate stress by creating “overload� from Thanksgiving through December and “mayhem in May,� when second-semester finals occur alongside SAT tests, AP tests and athletic playoffs. Several board members said they were intrigued by a compromise idea offered by Palo Alto High economics teacher Debbie Whitson, which would maintain the traditional calendar but have all classes give finals before winter break, with a two-and-a-half-week, “stand-alone� unit in January. They also expressed interest in further research of a trimester plan similar to that of Stanford University. Such a calendar is rare among high schools but not unheard of, and Superintendent Kevin Skelly said he would research it. In opting for the calendar reform, Palo Alto joins a majority of area schools that have already made the move. The district said it will convene a “calendar advisory committee� of staff, students and parents to gather stakeholder views and to advise district staff on issues regarding the calendar. The calendar is the subject of negotiations with the district’s two bargaining units, representing teachers and non-teaching staff. N
(continued from page 3)
Caring for Older Parents
Outside of Gunn, We Can Do Better has attracted parents from Paly and the middle schools, but the Daubers say that, with kids in the schools, some are understandably cautious about speaking out. The Daubers are not. “It is terrifying, yet we must step up and lead,” Michele Dauber said. “I know if it has not happened to you it may be hard to believe that anyone can be afflicted with depression. But the statistics show that as many as a third of adolescents suffer from depression.” The Daubers are not currently Gunn parents but expect to be in the future. Two of their four other children — now in or graduated from college —went to Gunn; one went to a boarding school and the youngest is a fourth-grader at Barron Park Elementary School. Since Amanda’s death, the couple has worked with Rhode Island School of Design President John Maeda to address stress and establish mental health services at the school. They also have come to know the parents of Palo Alto’s teen suicide victims, who have created their own kind of support network. “Our family has struggled to press on in the face of our devastating loss,” Michele Dauber said. “We are heartbroken every day and miss (Amanda) every day. “I hope with all my heart that no family will have to suffer as we have and as these other families have.” N Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can be emailed at ckenrick@paweekly.com.
Palo Alto Unified School District Notice is hereby Given that proposals will be received by the Palo Alto Unified School District for bid packages:
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Contract Nos. 11-F-05-E-1, 11-F-05-E-2, 11-F-05-E-3 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: The work includes, but is not limited to: All equipment necessary to replace the existing district network infrastructure, all equipment necessary to implement a voice over IP (VOIP) telephone system, No labor to be include in the bid. Bidding documents contain the full description of the work. There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference for each project on May 11, 2011at 10:00a.m. at the District Business Office located at 25 Churchill Ave. Palo Alto, California 94306. Non attendance or tardiness will deem the bidder ineligible to submit a bid. Bid Submission: Proposals must be received at the District Business Office located at 25 Churchill Ave. Palo Alto, California 94306, by 3:00 p.m. on May 31, 2011. Bonding required for this project is as follows: Bid Bond 10% of the total bid. Bidders may examine Bidding Documents at the District Business Services office. Bidders may obtain copies of Plans and Specifications free of charge at the District Business Services office located at 25 Churchill Ave. Palo Alto, California 94306. All questions can be addressed to: Palo Alto Unified School District 25 Churchill Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306-1099 Attn: Denise Buschke Tel: 650-329-3802 Fax: 650-329-3803
Veronica Weber
no secret of the fact that they too have lost a child to suicide — their oldest daughter, Amanda. The 25-year-old graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design — who completed high school at Evanston Township High School in Illinois, where the family used to live — died by suicide in June 2008. At the time, she had just mounted her first solo show at a Providence, R.I., art gallery. Amanda was on medication and under psychiatric treatment for major depression at the time of her death. Academic stress was not a factor, her parents said. But they have been galvanized to action in Palo Alto by what they see as an incomplete response to the local tragedies — and district Superintendent Kevin Skelly’s statements that academic stress does not play a role in suicides. Skelly has called it dangerous to suggest “that there’s a direct connection between the suicides and Gunn High School. “I think it’s a dangerous place to go, and unfair to the school, the district, the students and faculty who have worked very hard to create an environment there,” he said in March. The Daubers pointedly disagree. “We know from the literature that academic stress can cause anxiety and depression, which in turn can cause suicidality,” Michele Dauber said. “We have to act with real urgency
to make reforms now.” While supporting measures the district has taken so far, including screenings and suicide-prevention training, We Can Do Better advocates direct and focused attention on academic stress. Group members praised the school board’s decision this week to shift the 2012-13 academic calendar to schedule first-semester finals before winter break, giving high school students an assignment-free vacation. But there are “many other, higherimpact changes that we feel are more important to the social-emotional functioning of our students and to reducing stress,” such as attention to homework loads, block scheduling, later start times, advisory counseling and limits on test and “project stacking,” Michele Dauber said. School board members have said they will take up many of those issues, which are summarized in the “supportive school environment” section P-8 of a Project Safety Net report issued last summer, at their board retreat in August. The issues could become district “focus goals” next year. Kathy Sharp, a Gunn parent and member of the advocacy group, said it’s a “false choice” to think mitigating stress means sacrificing academic achievement. “We believe students can feel connected, and we can have a school environment that reinforces that, without sacrificing academic performance,” said Sharp, the mother of a senior and a sophomore at Gunn.
A new trail along Page Mill Road and crossing south through the foothills will open to the public in the coming weeks. It was built by Stanford University as a condition of its general-use permit with Santa Clara County.
(continued from page 3)
Stanford has proposed a paved pedestrian/bike path along Alpine Road in San Mateo County, from Sand Hill to Piers Lane, instead of a trail along the nearby Los Trancos Creek in Santa Clara County. The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has twice voted to reject Stanford’s plan, the last time in November.
Now the board has until Dec. 31, 2011, to decide if it will accept more than $8.4 million — $10.2 million with interest — from Stanford to build the Alpine Road segment, Horton said. The offer could extend until 2013. If the county decides not to accept Stanford’s offer, the money would go back to Santa Clara County to spend on measures that would offset the negative impacts of Stanford’s expansion, Horton said. N
Palo Alto Unified School District NOTICE TO SENIOR CITIZENS ABOUT PARCEL TAX EXEMPTION DEADLINE: MAY 31, 2011 On June 5, 2001, the voters approved Measure D, a special parcel tax assessment of $293 per parcel for five years. On June 7, 2005, voters approved an increase to $493 per parcel and extended the tax through the 2010-11 tax year. On May 4, 2010, voters approved an increase to $589 for six years beginning as of July 1, 2010, with annual two percent escalation adjustments. The funds are used to attract and retain qualified and experienced teachers and school employees, maintain educational programs that enhance student achievement, and reduce the size targeted classes. A parcel is defined as any unit of land in the District that receives a separate tax bill from the Santa Clara County Tax Assessor’s Office. An exemption is available for any senior citizen who owns and occupies as a principal residence a parcel, and applies to the District for an exemption. For the 2011-12 tax year, a senior citizen is defined as a person 65 years of age and older by June 30, 2012. Please apply for the exemption by May 31, 2011. If you were exempt from paying the PAUSD parcel tax for the 2010-11 tax year, you should have received an exemption renewal letter in early April. To renew your exemption for the 2011-12 tax year, please sign and return the letter. If you have any questions about the parcel tax, the Senior Citizen Exemption, or you did not receive your renewal letter, please call the PAUSD Business Office at 650-329-3980.
HOW TO APPLY FOR A SENIOR EXEMPTION • Complete an application at 25 Churchill Avenue, Palo Alto, Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or call the PAUSD Business Office at 650-329-3980 to have an application mailed you. If you decide to complete the application in person, you will need to bring: • Your Assessor’s Parcel Number (from your property tax bill) • A copy of proof of birth date (only one of the following: driver’s license, birth certificate, passport, or Medicare card) • A copy of proof of residence (only one of the following: driver’s license, utility bill, Social Security check, or property tax bill) *> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊU Page 7
Upfront Public hearing
News Digest
Flood Control Benefit Assessment Rates for FY 2011-12
Stanford Hospital expansion wins key vote You are invited Topic:
Flood Control Benefit Assessment Rates for Fiscal Year 2011-12
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.
Santa Clara Valley Water District Board Room 5700 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, CA 95118
This public hearing will cover the “Flood Control Benefit Assessments Report, 2011-2012 through 2029-2030, dated “April 2011.� The written report incorporates by reference a description of each parcel and the expected amount of assessment under the approved formula for each parcel within the flood control zones of the District. At the hearing, the Board of Directors will hear any and all protests. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board may adopt or revise any assessment and will make its determination upon each assessment referred to in the report. A copy of the report may be inspected at the Office of the Clerk of the Board at the above address at any time during business hours. Copies of the report have also been placed and may be inspected at the following locations:
Campbell City Hall 70 North First Street Campbell, CA
Milpitas Library 160 North Main Street Milpitas, CA
Cupertino City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA
Morgan Hill City Hall 17555 Peak Avenue Morgan Hill, CA
Gilroy City Hall 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA
Monte Sereno City Hall 18041 Saratoga Los Gatos Rd. Monte Sereno, CA
Gilroy Branch Library 7652 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA Los Altos City Hall 1 North San Antonio Rd. Los Altos, CA Los Altos Hills Town Hall 26379 Fremont Road Los Altos Hills, CA Los Gatos Town Hall 110 East Main Street Los Gatos, CA Milpitas City Hall 455 East Calaveras Blvd. Milpitas, CA
Mountain View City Hall 500 Castro Street Mountain View, CA Mountain View Public Library 585 Franklin Street Mountain View, CA Palo Alto City Hall 250 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, CA San Jose City Hall 200 East Santa Clara St. San Jose, CA
Palo Alto eyes changes to binding-arbitration law After balking last year, Palo Alto officials renewed their push Tuesday night to kill or modify a local law that empowers an arbitration panel to settle disputes between the city and its public-safety unions. In their first discussion of binding arbitration since last August, members of a City Council committee said Tuesday they are interested in bringing the issue to the voters either this November or in 2012. The four-member committee didn’t take a vote on the issue, but three members spoke out against the provision and argued that the rule keeps Palo Alto’s elected officials from fulfilling their budget-balancing obligations. The provision, which is encoded in Chapter V of the City Charter, brings labor disputes between city management and police and fire unions to a three-member panel, with one member chosen by each side and a third member chosen by the other two panelists. The council considered putting the repeal of binding arbitration on the November 2010 ballot but ultimately voted 4-5 not to do so. At that meeting, several council members said they would support the repeal but argued that the process is rushed and merits more discussion. Council members were also dissuaded from pursuing the repeal last year by the Palo Alto Police Officers’ Association, whose members had agreed to defer their salary increases for two years in a row to help the city balance its budget. Most of the discussion around binding arbitration focuses on the city’s firefighters, who have refused to accept the types of benefit concessions that other labor groups had adopted. The union’s contract expired last year, and the negotiations between city and union officials have been at an impasse since February. City management and the union, Palo Alto Professional Firefighters, Local 1319, are preparing to enter binding-arbitration proceedings in the fall to settle the dispute. N — Gennady Sheyner
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library 150 E. San Fernando St. San Jose, CA Hillview Branch Library 1600 Hopkins Drive San Jose, CA Pearl Avenue Library 4270 Pearl Avenue San Jose, CA Santa Clara City Hall 1500 Warburton Ave. Santa Clara, CA Santa Clara Central Park Library 2635 Homestead Road Santa Clara, CA Saratoga City Hall 13777 Fruitvale Ave. Saratoga, CA Sunnyvale City Hall 456 W. Olive Avenue Sunnyvale, CA
Report: Strip power from California rail authority
To secure information on an individual parcel assessment, you must know your Assessor Parcel Number. If you do not know it, call the Assessor at (408) 299-5570 and ask for it, giving your name and street address. Using that parcel number, you can learn your proposed assessment by calling the Santa Clara Valley Water District Tax Assessment Hotline at (408) 265-2607, ext. 2810. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate persons with disabilities wishing to attend this public hearing. For additional information on attending this hearing, including requesting accommodations for disabilities or interpreter assistance, please contact the Office of the Clerk of the Board at (408) 265-2607, ext. 2277, at least three days prior to the hearing. Se harĂĄn los esfuerzos razonables para ayudar a las personas con discapacidades. Para obtener informaciĂłn adicional sobre como atender a esta audiencia incluyendo solicitud de espacio para minusvĂĄlidos, discapacitados o asistencia de interpretes, favor de llamar a Office of Clerk of the Board al (408) 265-2607, ext. 2277, por lo menos tres dĂas antes de la audiencia.
After four years of hearings, debates and negotiations, Stanford University Medical Center’s proposal to dramatically expand its hospital facilities in Palo Alto is now rounding the final corner en route to the city’s approval. Though the hospital-expansion project — the largest construction project in Palo Alto’s history — still awaits the final approval from the City Council, over the past month Stanford and the city have resolved all of the major issues of dispute. Stanford’s momentum continued Wednesday night when the city’s Planning and Transportation Commission recommended approval of a critical environmental analysis for the hospital expansion. The commission voted 4-2, with commissioners Arthur Keller and Susan Fineberg dissenting and Chair Samir Tuma abstaining, to recommend certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Stanford project — a massive document that lists the potential impacts of the hospital expansion and proposes ways to mitigate them. Keller and Fineberg both voted against the approval because they wanted more information before taking the vote. While Stanford still has to clear several hurdles, including at least one additional planning-commission meeting to review the proposed development agreement and other issues, officials from both the hospital and the city expressed optimism Wednesday about the progress made. The Palo Alto council is scheduled to vote on the project in June. N — Gennady Sheyner
California’s proposed high-speed-rail system is facing potentially crippling threats from looming federal deadlines and weak oversight by the agency charged with building the project, the state Legislative Analyst’s Office concluded in a new report. The scathing report, which the nonpartisan office released Tuesday, recommends stripping the California High-Speed Rail Authority of its decision-making powers and giving the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) oversight over the increasingly controversial project. The Legislative Analyst’s Office also concluded the rail authority’s business plan remains deeply flawed; that most of the revenues the agency is banking on to fund the new system are unlikely to materialize; that the project will cost far more than the rail authority’s official estimate of $43 billion; and that the rail authority’s decision to begin the line in Central Valley is a “big gamble� based on “faulty assumptions.� The report, titled “High-Speed Rail Is at a Critical Juncture,� comes as another major blow to a project that voters approved in November 2008 but that has since been plagued by financial uncertainty and scathing criticism from communities along the proposed route. While previous audits had also highlighted flaws in the rail authority’s business plan, ridership assumptions and day-to-day operations, the new report goes a step further and argues that the state Legislature should reject the rail authority’s funding request for the next fiscal year and halt the project altogether unless federal deadlines are renegotiated and the governance structure for the project is revamped. N — Gennady Sheyner LET’S DISCUSS: Read the latest local news headlines and talk about the issues at Town Square at PaloAltoOnline.com
Rape-case victim describes escape from death In case against alleged rapist Lionel Blanks, woman says attack and abduction began after she became lost
by Sue Dremann
She was thrown into the back floor of her car, and the man drove to the freeway. At first, the man’s questions seemed almost friendly. “He commented he has two daughters,� she recalled him as saying. Hoping to gain sympathy, she lied and said she had a daughter, too, she said. “Have to get home to my daughter,� she said. But the questions and demands for immediate responses grew increasingly harsh. At times, he threatened to kill her, she said. The man drove off the freeway onto a gravel road for what seemed like 15 minutes, she said. He exited the car, and Doe said she could hear him wiping down the doors and the entire surface of the car inside and out. He drove on and then entered a paved road. Doe was dragged in her bare feet from the vehicle. Her knees bled and hurt so bad that she had trouble walking, where the glass from the broken car window and the rough pavement had ground in, she said. But her faltering was met with only more blows to both sides of her head, including her temples and jaw, she said. The man threw her to the ground and tore off her clothing. Doe said she struggled, knowing what was to come, her ears ringing from the blows. He turned her onto her stomach and raped her, she said. “I had to give in. I thought I was going to die. I was so out of it that if I were to touch anything, I couldn’t feel it anymore,� she said. He flipped her onto her back again and then squeezed hard around her neck with both hands, she said. He squeezed harder. “He’s not going to let go; he’s going to snap my neck,� Doe said she thought. That’s when she faked being dead. Doe said she heard the man rise and run away, and she could hear the keys to her car jingling in his pocket. Still blindfolded, she rose and ran in the opposite direction. “The only clothing I had is the blindfold on my head,� she recalled. Doe said she managed to work her hands free from the bindings and removed the blindfold. In the road, a car passed by. The driver did not stop. Doe saw a dark figure watching her from about 100 yards away. He wore black clothing with white lettering on the shirt, she said. This time, she positioned herself in the middle of the road in the direct path of an approaching car and waved. She used the blindfold to cover her nakedness, she said. Doe was cross-examined by Deputy Public Defender Gilda Valeros, who asked Doe about a breakup with a former boyfriend in 2009. Valeros also asked Doe to confirm that she knew a former sex offender, from
whom she had requested a referral for a bartending job. Doe said she did. Valeros also questioned how Doe knew her assailant was black if she was blindfolded. Doe said she could tell by his voice and use of language. She also saw parts of his arms from edges beneath the blindfold, she said. “As a bartender, have you heard young people in bars who have used Ebonics (a dialect used by some African-Americans) to emulate that slang but who are not African-Americans?� Valeros asked. Doe said she had. Valeros also questioned how long Doe had been sleeping, citing the time periods between when Doe was stopped by the police, when she fell asleep and police records of the 911 call from the passerby at 5:20 a.m. “From 2 a.m. to 3:30 or 4 a.m., you have no real account other than sleeping,� Valeros said. Prosecutor Erin West later said there is no way to determine the duration of the events. Sexual Assault Response Team nurse Julia Pinero testified Doe had lacerations, abrasions and bruising on nearly every part of her body. Pinero said Doe had injuries consistent with sexual trauma, but upon questioning by Valeros, she said she could not determine if the injuries were caused by forced or consensual intercourse. Blanks waived his right to a continuous preliminary hearing. The court will reconvene Monday with testimony from a DNA expert. N Staff Writer Sue Dremann can be emailed at sdremann@paweekly. com.
(TENTATIVE) AGENDA-COUNCIL CHAMBERS MAY 16, 2011 - 7:00 PM SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 1. Community Partners Non ProďŹ t Presentation Community Star Awards 2. Proclamation on Affordable Housing 3. Selection of Candidates to be Interviewed for the Utilities Advisory Commission CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Approval of United Nations Association Film Festival 5. Approval of Energy EfďŹ ciency Contracts for Expansion of a Large Business 3rd Party Energy EfďŹ ciency Program, for 3rd Party Oversight of Commercial EfďŹ ciency Programs and for Evaluation, Measurement and VeriďŹ cation of Programs 6. Approval of a Water Enterprise Fund Contract for the Construction of the MayďŹ eld Pump Station Augmentation Project 7. Adoption of a Budget Amendment Ordinance to Transfer Funds from the Street Resurfacing Budget and Approval of a Contract for the 2011 Street Maintenance Program Asphalt Overlay 8. Approval of an Agreement Sponsoring the Palo Alto Gran Fondo/Echelon Challenge/ Taste of Palo Alto Community Event for September 17, 2011 9. Approval of Employment Contract for Library Director STUDY SESSION 10. Wireless Facilities CLOSED SESSION 11. Closed Session Existing Litigation
STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Finance Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 17, at 6:00 p.m. Regarding 1) General Fund Capital Improvement, 2) Utilities, Utilities CIP, General Fund CIP, 3) Non-Departmental Budget, and 4) City Council Budget (continued from May 3, 2011)
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rom the little bit she could see from under her blindfold, the victim in a brutal 2010 rape and attempted-murder case that began on El Camino Real in Palo Alto said she saw blood cascade from every part of her body the night she was allegedly attacked by Lionel Blanks Jr. of Santa Clara. “Ju Doe,� as she was called in court, appeared at Blanks’ preliminary hearing Wednesday morning in Santa Clara County Superior Court in San Jose. She testified she survived the attack only because she was able to fake her death while being strangled in a Santa Clara school field early on the morning of May 22, 2010. “I felt like I probably have four breaths in me, and I’m gone. I inhaled really slowly and exhaled slowly to play dead,� said Doe, a 20-something Asian woman with long, dark hair. Doe said she was not familiar with Palo Alto when she joined two girlfriends for drinks at a bar on May 21. Earlier that afternoon, she had been in Saratoga and had drunk two glasses of wine at a food tasting for her best friend’s upcoming wedding. In Palo Alto nearly four hours later, she had three drinks with her friends. At about 1 a.m., she drove her friends to their car and proceeded home, but she became lost on side streets, she testified. A Palo Alto police officer stopped her on suspicion of drunk driving. Doe said she was attempting to download an application on her GPS device. The officer let her go without charging her after she passed a drunkdriving field test, she said. After her navigation device reset, Doe followed its directions, but that led her to road construction on the Stanford campus, and she ended up “going in circles� until she reached El Camino Real. Feeling tired, she parked her SUV near a field under a street lamp and climbed into the passenger seat to nap, Doe said. She didn’t know how long she had been asleep, but she did not think it had been very long before she awoke to a cold breeze and felt sharp things on the seat as she shifted. Someone began shouting, she said. “Before I had time to reply, I was in a choke hold.� Doe testified she was yanked from the car and thrown to the ground. “I could see my feet. My head started taking blows to the concrete. I realized, ‘Oh my gosh — I’m not dreaming anymore,’� she said. “Someone was still shouting. The voice said, ‘You better not scream. Keep quiet. Do what you’re told.’ The blows were so hard, my ears would only get bits and pieces,� she said. Slipping in and out of consciousness, Doe said she was blindfolded and her wrists were bound together.
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Sponsored by Stanford University Creative Writing Program *>Â?ÂœĂŠ Â?ĂŒÂœĂŠ7iiÂŽÂ?ÞÊUĂŠ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊU Page 9
Participate in studies at Stanford!
CityView A round-up of
Palo Alto government action this week
City Council (May 9) Bike plan: The council heard a presentation about the ongoing update to the city’s Bike and Pedestrian Transportation Plan. Action: None Block grants: The council approved the proposed Community Development Block Grant funding allocation and adopted a Draft Action Plan for fiscal year 2011-12. Yes: Unanimous
Board of Education (May 10)
Academic calendar: The board voted to change the district-wide academic calendar, moving to a school-year start date earlier in August and an end to the first semester before the December holidays, beginning in 2012-13. Yes: Klausner, Mitchell, Tom No: Caswell, Townsend
Policy and Services Committee (May 10)
for more information: www.stanford.edu/dept/psychology/cgi-bin/drupalm/participate email: hscoordinator@lists.stanford.edu
Planning and Transportation Commission (May 11)
The records for the City of Palo Alto show the following checks as outstanding for over three years to the listed payees. Under California Government Code Section 50050, unclaimed money will become the City’s property three years after the check was issued. If you are one of the listed payees, please contact Suneet Sidhu at (650) 329-2224 at the City of Palo Alto by June 30, 2011 so arrangements can be made to reissue the check. Payee
Bilir, Lisa Bond, J Ric Bowen, Gregory BP West Coast Products California Automobile Assocate, Paragron Subrogation Services, Inc., and Ram Prasad c/o Jonathan Neill & Associates Carvalaho, Claudia Carvalaho, Claudia Causi, Karen Chang, Charles Changbae, Jin Coniglio, Victoria Darvishzad, Mahmoud De Jager, Robert Delaney, David Dion, Brenna Domingues, Alberto Estate of Deborah Moore Fardis, Mehran Feng, Yanhua Filippini, Carla Fryer, Carolynns Gallagher, Kathryn Glover, Molly Greenwald, Michael Hahn, Kyu Hall, Evelyn Hawkins, Shannon Helmer, David Hodge, Shawn Honderick, Lauren Hoon Joo, Jae Hou, Aiju Jos J Albanese Inc Kestinbaum, Lauren Kim, Sangba Knight, Daniel Kou, Lydia Kriegler, Iris Levin, Alexander
2044538 2050018 2047390 2036122
50.00 50.00 50.00 192.04
9397 2043367 2044545 2044547 2043347 2046528 2045980 2039321 2038344 2043411 2041746 2048226 2079936 2048584 2050066 2046512 2039261 2046523 2046526 2039657 2046524 2048248 2039683 2039574 2038352 2050034 2047395 2039550 2047405 2042729 2050053 2038261 2027184 2039290 2046522
960.36 52.43 146.00 50.02 81.65 50.00 70.88 50.00 50.00 125.06 50.00 50.00 3,363.84 65.00 50.00 59.79 144.70 50.00 67.89 50.00 50.00 50.00 57.39 50.00 282.82 50.00 50.00 50.00 520.27 73.42 52.66 100.00 75.02 127.12 50.00
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Levitsky, Rob Lin, Jonath Lu, Patrick Mason, Elizabeth Matsuda, Yahuhiro McCulloug, Michael Miklos, David Miller, Diane Mirzale, Babak Moore-Rodriguez, Susan Mwenda, Andrew Pashin, N Payne, Susan Prymak, Thomas Rachakonea, Lee Reimer, Steve Rensel, Mary Rogers, Courtney Sader, Clayton Sambuceto, Harry Saric, Marin Sereda, Wendy Shafer, Steven Sharma, Amit Sikka, Satish Silverstein, Eva Spira, Menachem Steele, Lindsay Strategic Decision Groups Swaminathan, Aravind Taylors Alteration The Torres Group Towers, Forest Tucker, Annie Van Der Meyden, Ronald Verma, Sarves Walker, Jonathan Winters, Julia X.Com
2041819 2050028 2039664 2036144 2041846 2039658 2046516 2046517 2046515 2038357 2039250 2039330 2042669 5006353 2036181 2036210 2044592 2036135 2041752 2046529 2046525 2046527 2048305 2049985 2039682 2046533 2046514 5009208 2041833 2042661 2036211 2046518 2046195 2042684 2038930 2039681 2046520 2044605 2046519
Amount 182.80 88.85 50.00 50.00 94.12 93.33 50.00 100.00 50.00 200.00 62.65 85.85 63.29 122.73 77.72 64.27 100.00 50.00 100.00 75.30 100.00 88.52 516.49 50.00 67.66 772.63 60.28 786.67 3,569.11 119.55 105.29 446.19 85.33 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 79.77 4,596.00
Binding arbitration: The committee discussed the binding-arbitration provision in the City Charter and considered whether the city should put the repeal of the provision on the November ballot. The committee directed staff to return with more information about arbitration policies in other communities. Action: None
Capital-improvement program: The commission discussed the city’s capital-improvement program for fiscal year 2012 and found the plan consistent with the city’s Comprehensive Plan. Yes: Fineberg, Garber, Keller, Martinez, Tanaka, Tuma Absent: Lippert Stanford University Medical Center: The commission recommended certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report and approving a statement of overriding consideration for Stanford University Medical Center’s proposed expansion of its hospital facilities. Yes: Garber, Lippert, Martinez, Tanaka No: Fineberg, Keller Abstained: Tuma
Public Agenda A preview of Palo Alto government meetings next week CITY COUNCIL ... The council plans to discuss the city’s regulations on wireless-communications facilities and hold a closed session on pending litigation with Sterling Park. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Monday, May 16, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). The closed session will follow the regular meeting. FINANCE COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to discuss the proposed budget for the Utilities Department and the capital-improvement programs in the General Fund and utilities budgets. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). HISTORIC RESOURCES BOARD ... The board plans to discuss 630 Ramona St., a request by Vitae Architecture, on behalf of KG-Bryant LLC and Coldwell Banker, for a historic rehabilitation of an existing building. The meeting will begin at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, May 18, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ... The commission plans to discuss the proposed development agreement between Palo Alto and Stanford University Medical Center over Stanford’s proposal to expand its hospital facilities. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). CITY-SCHOOL LIAISON COMMITTEE ... The committee will share news from recent City Council and Board of Education meetings, and discuss budgets and school enrollment and facilities planning. The meeting will begin at 8 a.m. on Thursday, May 19, in Conference Room A of school district headquarters (25 Churchill Ave.). ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ... The board plans to discuss 195 Page Mill Road, a request by Hohbach Realty Company for a review of a 154,387square-foot building featuring research and development space and 84 residential units. The board will also consider 2650 Birch St., a request by Hohbach Realty Company for a review of a new four-story mixed-use building with eight condominiums, ground-floor office space and an underground parking garage. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 19, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). RAIL CORRIDOR TASK FORCE ... The task force will continue its discussion of the city’s land-use vision for the area around the Caltrain corridor. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 19, in the Lucie Stern Community Room (1305 Middlefield Road). PUBLIC ART COMMISSION ... The commission plans to vote on whether to accept donated artwork into the city’s collection and consider relocating the sculpture “Stage” by David Bottini. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 19, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.).
Barbara H. Van Slyke
A weekly compendium of vital statistics
Palo Alto May 4-10 Violence related Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Family violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Theft related Checks forgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Commercial burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Counterfeiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Credit card forgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Identity theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Prowler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Residential burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Shoplifting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Vehicle related Abandoned auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Bicycle theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Driving w/suspended license . . . . . . . . .8 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Misc. traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . .9 Vehicle accident/property damage. . . . 15 Vehicle impound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Alcohol or drug related Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Drunken driving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 N&D possession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Miscellaneous Animal misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 B&P misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Casualty fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Disturbing the peace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Found property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 F&W disposal request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Juvenile problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Missing juvenile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Missing person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Outside investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Penal code misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Psych subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Stalking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . .2 Trespassing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Warrant/other agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 W&I protective custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Menlo Park May 3-9 Violence related Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Theft related Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Residential burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Shoplifting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Vehicle related Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Driving with suspended/revoked license 6 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Vehicle accident/property damage. . . . .2 Vehicle impound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Alcohol or drug related Drug activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Drunken driving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
VIOLENT CRIMES Palo Alto Unlisted block Embarcadero Road, 5/4, noon; battery/simple. Unlisted block El Camino Real, 5/5, 2:30 p.m.; family violence. Unlisted block Curtner Avenue, 5/6, 8:20 p.m.; domestic violence/battery. Unlisted block Cambridge Avenue, 5/7, 12:32 p.m.; domestic violence/court order. 400 block Waverley Street, 5/8, 11:46 p.m.; battery/simple.
Menlo Park 600 block Ivy Drive, 5/3, 9:05 a.m.; domestic disturbance. 1100 block Carlton Avenue, 5/4, 1:26 p.m.; battery. 2800 block Sand Hill Road, 5/5, 9:45 p.m.; battery.
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On April 23rd, Barbara Heaps Van Slyke, a resident of Stanford since 1967, died peacefully of lung cancer, surrounded by her family and close friends. She had a long and successful career as a psychotherapist. She was also an accomplished musician, with a deep love for the harpsichord and baroque era music, especially that of J.S. Bach. Born in Chicago on September 26, 1931 to Porter and Dorothy Heaps, she grew up in Evanston, where her father was an internationally known organist. She attended Carleton College, and in 1954 received a B.S. in education from Northwestern. In July 1953, she married Lyman P. Van Slyke, then in Naval service based at NAS Alameda. They later lived in Berkeley, where he earned his Ph.D. in Chinese history at the University of California. During this period two sons and a daughter were born. They also lived for three years in Taiwan before and just after her husband joined the Stanford University faculty in 1963. In 1971, Barbara earned an MSW degree from the University of California at Berkeley, thus beginning a career as social worker and therapist that continued until February 2011. She also had a deep commitment to the recovery process and to its fellowship, from which she drew many of her closest friends.
She also had a passion for her garden. She and her husband traveled often, both domestically and abroad, especially to Asia. Always a strong swimmer, in her later years she participated in short-course triathlons. In 2003, she finished first in her age group at the Pacific Grove Triathlon. It didn’t matter to her that she was the only entrant in the over-70 category. Barbara is survived by her husband of nearly 58 years; by her children, Peter (Denise), John (Susan), and Elizabeth; by four grandchildren; by her sister (Portia); by many nieces, nephews, and cousins; and by a wide circle of friends and former clients whom she loved and who loved her. We wish also to thank the Kaiser Hospice Program for its unfailing care and consideration. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be sent to the San Francisco Early Music Society, to the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, or to the charity of your choice. A memorial celebration will be held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Avenue, Palo Alto on Friday, June 10, at 2:00 p.m. PA I D
Dr. Glen A. Lillington Dr Glen A. Lillington, whose passion for teaching, writing and speaking about medicine influenced countless medical students and practitioners, died peacefully at his Menlo Park home Saturday, May 7. He was 84. Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and always proud of his Icelandic Canadian heritage, Glen was an internationally recognized expert in pulmonary critical care disease. He was Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of California (Davis) and Emeritus Clinical Professor of Medicine Stanford University. He also served recently as ombudsmen at the Palo Alto Medical Clinic, where he began his long medical career in 1960. He received a BS in science and his MD from the University of Manitoba, where he won many scholarships and prizes and participated in a huge range of activities, from sports (hockey, football and soccer), to glee club, and especially, singing. From high school onward he performed in Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, choirs and barbershop quartets and had an abiding love of grand opera. He did a fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in internal medicine and an MS at the University of Minnesota there. While there he met his wife, Ellen Place, a nursing student. They married in 1957 and moved to California in 1960 after he was offered a position at the Palo Alto Medical Clinic. He also taught at Stanford until he had the opportunity to move to full time teaching as a professor of medicine at UC Davis in 1973. Upon retirement in 1994, Glen and Ellen moved to Menlo Park, where he returned to clinical teaching at Stanford and also took on his ombudsmen role. Glen authored an influential textbook on chest diseases that has been translated into several languages, and wrote nearly 200 journal articles during his long career. His clear, elegant and often amusing writing style led to many medical journal board appointments
and he particularly enjoyed doing short editorials, often recalling a personal experience or medical history anecdote. Described by the Wall Street Journal as the nation’s “unofficial curator of medical humor”, Glen was also a repository of medical jokes and brought a joyful sense of fun to his lectures and hospital rounds. His warmth and compassion made him popular with generations of students, colleagues, and patients. He won many awards and honors during his distinguished career including the California Medal from the California Lung Association (1995). Glen’s former resident and UC Davis colleague Dr Samuel Louie said of Glen: “A generation of colleagues, physicians and professors has learned from Glen Lillington. A Professor for All Seasons, his important and pioneering accomplishments in the discipline of chest diseases are enhanced through his natural gift to teach young physicians the expertise necessary to provide consultation, and to bring a smile to a patient’s face with his delightful bedside manner.” He is survived by sisters Claire Burns (Robert) of Modesto and Barbara Williams (Roland) of Winnipeg; wife Ellen; daughter Karlin (Chris) of Dublin, Ireland, sons Peter of Placerville and Barry (Dawn) of Fairfax; and grandson Zachary. Memorial contributions may be made to the ‘Glen Lillington Pulmonary Endowment’ at UC Davis, 4150 V St., Suite 3100, Sacramento, CA 95817 or the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. A celebration of his life will be held at a later date. PA I D
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Transitions Phyllis Johnson Phyllis Hackman Johnson, a long-time Menlo Park resident, a passionate advocate for children and an active volunteer, died April 16 at the Sequoias in Portola Valley after a long illness. She was 86. She was born on July 17, 1924, in San Jose, the oldest daughter of Albert and Eva Hackman. As a student at San Jose High School, she was active in the First United Methodist Church. It was there that she met her future husband, John R. Johnson, son of the newly arrived minister. “It was love at first sight, at least for me,� he recalled.
Jack Richard Rominger
During World War II, the U.S. Navy sent Johnson to Asbury Park, N.J., for training, so 20-year-old Hackman took a train across the country alone to marry her sweetheart. The Johnsons were married for 66 years. After the war, she earned her B.A. in elementary education from San Jose State University. Following her husband’s graduation from Stanford University, the couple settled in Menlo Park, and she taught at Addison School in Palo Alto. Her husband served as city manager of Menlo Park and then as executive administrator of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. While raising two children, she was an energetic volunteer committed to social justice. She served on the Board of the Children’s Health Council, the League of Women Voters and other organizations. “Mom never could say no when someone needed something done,� her son Steve recalled. “She always had some project laid out on the dining room table, but every
Friday she’d clear it off in time for whatever party she was having that weekend.� In 1969, when busing of students from East Palo Alto to MenloAtherton High School provoked racial tensions, she led efforts to reach out to parents in both communities to promote harmony. A gifted photographer who loved hiking and traveling, she never tired of learning. At age 50, she went back to San Jose State to earn a master’s degree in instructional technology. She was a soft-spoken, gracious hostess who put people at ease. “Mom always looked put together and elegant, even in her last years,� her daughter Kris recalled. In 1998, the Johnsons moved to The Sequoias, where she led an art therapy program for the memory impaired. Survivors include her husband, son Steven Johnson (Carol) of Petaluma, daughter Kristina Johnson of Truckee, and two granddaughters, Anna and Sarah Johnson of San Rafael. N
Resident of Palo Alto Jack Rominger, a long time Palo Alto community member and early force in shaping Silicon Valley, died of a heart attack April 28 while travelling in Europe. “Jackâ€? was born in Omaha, Nebraska on September 16, 1929, to parents Ralph and Mary Rominger. He was the second of four sons, with older brother Vern and younger brothers Harold and Jim (deceased). The family moved to Lamar, Colorado due to the dust bowl of the 30s and later settled permanently in the southern Rocky Mountain town of Del Norte, Colorado. He graduated from the University of Colorado in 1952 with a degree in Architectural Engineering and married his college sweetheart, Mary Frances Sickenberger (Fran), soon after. The couple relocated to southern California for Jack’s ďŹ rst job. Jack joined the Air Force in 1953 during the Korean War and was based in Pleasanton, California working as a draftsman. Upon his discharge in 1957, he joined the Palo Alto architectural ďŹ rm of Clark, Stromquist, Potter and Ehrlich, where he began to perfect what would be a career and lifelong passion. In 1968, Jack, in unison with Joe Ehrlich and Rod Heft, formed the architectural ďŹ rm of Ehrlich, Heft & Rominger, known as “EHR,â€? which later became Ehrlich Rominger, “ERâ€?. The partnership proved quite successful and was a strong contributor to the emergence of Silicon Valley as the world leader in high-tech. ER’s pioneering clean-room design was incorporated into many of the valley’s microelectronic companies, like Fairchild, Varian, Watkins-Johnson and Hewlett Packard. This success allowed Jack to follow other pursuits and dreams, such as his design and personal construction of the family’s award-winning cabin at Bear Valley in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. He also designed about 10 other Bear Valley cabins, and in such efďŹ cient and personal dwellings perhaps best expressed his true talent for marrying design with function. As an outgoing individual,’ the epitome of optimism’, with a happy family and many friends, Jack long played an active role in Palo Alto and beyond. He was a member of the Peninsula Kiwanis Club of Palo Alto and the Volunteer Bureau of Santa Clara County, served on the Bear Valley Architectural Review Board and, in more recent years, became deeply involved with the Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden and Palo Alto Community Fund. For many years Jack and Fran have been patrons of the arts, contributing to and supporting the San Francisco Symphony, Opera and Ballet. Page 12ĂŠUĂŠ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊUĂŠ*>Â?ÂœĂŠ Â?ĂŒÂœĂŠ7iiÂŽÂ?Ăž
After Jack retired from Ehrlich Rominger in 1984, he and Fran began to travel extensively with family and friends to both visit and experience foreign cultures and to pursue his passions for skiing and golf. It was while travelling on a six-week European trip with Fran that Jack suffered a heart attack in the Italian Alps - living life as always to the fullest, to the very last moment. Jack was always quick to smile and brought ease and joy to all he touched, and made it a priority to help others, acting as a mentor to many young architects and designers, including several nieces and nephews. His generous heart and giving nature were a gift that he shared freely, and all who knew him were better for it. To the friends of his children, Jack was considered a second father, for Jack gave them rich experiences and counsel that would shape their lives forever. He was greatly admired for his sense of humor, his commitment to family, his positive and energetic outlook, his sense of duty and honor, and his unconditional love. He will be forever fondly remembered and grievously missed by his surviving family: his loving wife, Fran, his son and daughter and son-in-law, three grandchildren, two brothers and two sisters-in-law, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. We miss him so very, very much. A memorial and celebration of Jack’s life will be held on Sunday, May 15, at 2:00pm at Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club, 2900 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA. In lieu of owers, anyone wishing to offer tribute to Jack is encouraged to make a contribution to one of the following organizations: The Ehrlich Rominger American Institute of Architects (AIA) Scholarship Fund http://www.aiascv. org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=16 The Palo Alto Community Foundation http://www.paloaltocommfund.org/pgs/donations. html The Gamble Garden (Palo Alto) 1431 Waverley, Palo Alto, CA 94301 P A I D O B I T U A R Y
Weddings Foster-Whitaker Laura Elizabeth Foster and Joel Fraser Whitaker were married on Sunday, March 27, 2011, in the Mission Blue Chapel at Cavallo Point Lodge in Sausalito, Calif. The officiant was The Rev. Margaret Irwin, former rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Palo Alto, which the Foster family attended while the bride was growing up. The bride attended Walter Hays Elementary School, Jordan Middle School and Palo Alto High School, and received a bachelor’s
Memorial Services A memorial service for Philip Kuekes will be held Sunday, May 15, at 3 p.m. at 2200 Cowper St., Palo Alto. A memorial service for Jack Rominger will be held Sunday,
degree from Princeton University and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. She is the daughter of Barbara and Winfield Foster, 45-year residents of Palo Alto. The groom, born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, is an alumnus of Oberlin College. He is the son of Sidney Whitaker of Cedar Point, Ill., and Gwen Allison of Victoria, British Columbia. The newlyweds, who are both employed by the Corporate Executive Board, will make their first home in Singapore. May 15, at 2 p.m. at Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club, 2900 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park. A memorial service for Duncan Williams will be held Saturday, May 21, at 3 p.m. at The Sequoias, 501 Portola Road, Portola Valley.
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Leonard W. Ely Leonard W. Ely, a man who will be remembered for his passion for family, community, and his alma mater, Stanford University, died at 87 on April 29 in Palo Alto. A true local, Leonard was born in Palo Alto in 1923, the son of Dr. Leonard Ely and Jessica Wilbur Ely and grandson of the University’s third president, Ray Lyman Wilbur. He graduated from Palo Alto High School and flew B-24s as an Air Force pilot in the Pacific during World War II before returning to Stanford, where he received his bachelor’s degree in 1948 and an MBA in 1950. It was there that he met Shirley, who would become his wife of 63 years. The two were married in 1947 and raised two children in the house in which Mr. Ely grew up on Bryant Street. While Leonard was a successful businessman and ran several car dealerships, it is his service to his community where he truly made an impact. A living example of one of his favorite quotes, “We make a living out of what we earn, but a life out of what we give,” Leonard served on the boards of more than 30 organizations, including the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Castilleja School Foundation, Peninsula Stroke Association, and the Mid-Peninsula High School. He was repeatedly honored for his service, notably with the Palo Alto Tall Tree Award and the Spirit of Philanthropy Award from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Perhaps the honor of which Leonard was most proud, was receiving the Gold Spike Award, Stanford’s highest honor for volunteer leadership service. His continuing commitment to the University is evident in the generous support he and Shirley give to the Hoover Institution and the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR). Beyond Stanford, his belief in the importance of education led him to support numerous students in various educational pursuits. Leonard was a member of the Bohemian Club, the Menlo Country Club, and the Palo Alto Club where he enjoyed sharing his famous stories. An avid fisherman, he loved the outdoors, especially
the Sierras, where he spent time every summer throughout his life. He and Shirley also enjoyed traveling the world. Leonard’s greatest joy, as he told them often, was his family. He is survived by his wife Shirley, his son Leonard Ely III, daughter Margaret Ely Pringle, daughter-in-law Mary Ely, grandchildren Abby Pringle, David Pringle, Will Pringle and David Ely, and his twin sister Jessica Ely Hart. Leonard was preceded in death by a son David Dwight Wilbur Ely. The family is grateful to Karen Eatinger, Leonard’s devoted office assistant and to Monte Fau for the outstanding care he provided over the past few years. Leonard was surrounded by his family at Stanford Hospital in his final moments. A few hours before he passed, Mr. Ely opened his eyes and told his family, “It’s been a lot of fun.” That is the way he lived his life. In lieu if flowers, the family suggests donations to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, 2440 West El Camino Real, Suite 300, Mountain View, CA 94040, or to the charity of your choice. A memorial service will be held at the Stanford Memorial Church on Thursday, May 26th at 4pm. Parking and shuttles will be available at Galvez Field on the corner of Galvez Street and Campus Drive. PA I D
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The new school calendar Moving semester break to December and the start of the school year to mid-August will be neither a panacea nor a disaster
othing arouses more parent opinion than messing with the school calendar, and as Palo Alto school board members found out Tuesday night, there is especially a lot of understandable emotion wrapped up in when summer vacation ends and the school year begins. For a community that claims to thrive on innovation and an openness to new ideas and experimentation, the debate over whether the mid-year semester break should occur in December or January created more angst and despair than genuine out-of-the-box thinking. The idea of moving the end of the first semester to coincide with the December holiday break has been vigorously discussed in Palo Alto for years while many other school districts quietly made the change without controversy, divisiveness or horrible consequences. The theory is that middle and high school students and their families are better served by having a winter break with no school obligations, projects or finals hanging over them during vacation and return to start a new semester more motivated when they don’t face final exams in mid-January with no break afterwards. Opponents to this idea don’t like shifting the school year earlier and compressing the first semester, and believe the current calendar allows winter break to be a “catch-up” period for students needing it, as well as time for high school seniors to focus on completing college applications. Much of the debate has centered on whether families can shift their traditional August vacations forward, as has occurred long ago in most school districts.
No new alternatives After lengthy discussion last year, the school board was unable to navigate to a decision and instead asked for more study, surveys and new ideas on how to avoid encroaching on summer vacation time in August. Regrettably, administrators didn’t respond with any new creative alternatives similar to the ones offered by two parents in a Weekly opinion piece last week, so little changed from the debate last fall. While expressing frustration that a more creative calendar couldn’t be developed that addressed parent objections, the board Tuesday finally made its long-overdue decision. All five trustees should be credited with weighing the data and input and casting their votes as they saw fit, rather than continuing a probable futile quest for consensus through more study. But the school board’s 3-2 split (Klausner, Tom and Mitchell voting for the calendar change, Townsend and Baten-Caswell voting against) reflects the sharp divide in the school community, at least among the most vocal.
Important work ahead While we expressed support for the calendar change in an earlier editorial, we think its importance has been overstated by many, and are concerned that the divisiveness over the issue could get in the way of the more important work that lies ahead in addressing student stress and school climate and culture, including policies on homework and school projects. We are also worried that some are characterizing the calendar debate as dividing along high school lines, with Gunn parents supporting the change and Paly parents opposing it. The school community must strongly reject this notion. While the Gunn community may have organized more effectively in support of the change, parents from both high schools were on both sides of the issue and both sides articulated legitimate and well-reasoned arguments. Neither side should be shamed for its position. Lots of other school districts have successfully moved to a calendar similar to the one adopted Tuesday night and there is little reason to believe that our experience with it will be significantly different. And the change is for only two school years, beginning in 2012-13. The new calendar is not perfect, and there are many variations that might be worthy of trying, including a few that surfaced for the first time in recent days. Some, such as switching to trimesters similar to the Stanford calendar, are interesting but come with their own set of problems. We look forward to the new calendar advisory committee looking at these other ideas. The school calendar issue has consumed an inordinate amount of time, energy and emotion over several years, and should be put to rest for now. It’s time for parents, teachers and administrators to pull together and work toward successful implementation. Page 14ÊUÊ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii Þ
Spectrum Editorials, letters and opinions
Parking prosperity Editor, For sometime I have felt that the employee parking invading our Professorville neighborhood was a direct form of subsidy to property owners who fail to provide parking for their tenants’ employees and clients. Last week I read an article in one of the local papers in which one of the major Palo Alto commercial property owners was quoted on the value of parking to commercial success. He told the paper “Parking equals prosperity” in his support of a $50,000-perspace fee for off-site parking, a fee that helped build the now near-empty parking structures in downtown. Other business uses in every city are required to provide parking, mostly on site, for the use of buildings, usually at a rate of at least 1/250 square feet for industrial and office, assuming four employees per 1,000 square feet of building area. With start-ups moving into many Palo Alto buildings and escalating rents of more than $5 per square foot per month, that employee density is increasing — suggesting the need for an even higher ratio of parking-tofloor area and more parking. Instead, the city accepts less and grants parking exceptions. Where do most downtown employees park now? In Professorville — where from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. our streets have become Costco-like parking lots. We are subsidizing the commercial interests’ prosperity with the quality of this neighborhood. Our neighborhood is also a National Register Historic Residential District where homeowners, but apparently not others, need to follow preservation rules to preserve its character. Are the commercial owners open to paying us $50,000 per space? I could use the money this developer seems willing to pay to maintain his “prosperity.” I’d rather restore and preserve the intrinsic value and character of this neighborhood by getting employee parking out of here and back to the commercial districts where it belongs. Ken Alsman Ramona Street Palo Alto
Caltrain funding Editor, I am one of many community members who implored the Caltrain board not to cut the service of its trains and was delighted when it recently approved a plan to keep them running with no station or service cuts. But, unfortunately, Caltrain’s underlying funding isn’t stable. Every year it needs to ask three counties and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to cobble together funding, and must balance its budget with these one-time funds. Caltrain is not only the backbone of transit on the Peninsula, it is also
one of the best-performing services of its kind. However, its importance is not generally acknowledged even though it keeps 40,000 riders’ cars off our freeways every day. The funding for this essential service is broken and if the cities on the Peninsula want to retain it, we must get off this yearly rollercoaster of repeated emergencies to provide it with long-term, stable funding. I urge you to let your legislators, local businesses and friends know about Caltrain’s dire financial straits and ask for their support as well as ideas for possible solutions. Shirley Ingalls San Ramon Avenue Mountain View
E-books not elitist Editor, One doesn’t know whether to laugh, or cry, at the May 6 letter from Alice Shaffer Smith, responding to a previous letter by John Harrington, commenting that Measure N was a mistake. While Harrington’s points are well-reasoned, the brick-andmortar library lover’s logic wanders aimlessly, from aisle to aisle, in the fiction section. The letter’s author claims that Kin-
dles, which hold hundreds of books, are elitist. Wonder what she would say to someone who has hundreds of paper books in his home? What’s different about a private home library from a private Kindle library? Her concerns about “paying for electricity” to power Kindles are unbelievable given Kindle’s very low power use. Moreover, there are now solar re-chargers on the market, as well as WiFi power harvesters, for recharging cell phones, MP3 players and e-readers “off the grid.” If owning a Kindle, and buying books, is elitist, so must owning your own telephone, car and home be elitist, too. It’s easy to believe that within a few years, the new Measure N library complex will be standing empty — because everyone is using e-books, as well as the Internet to download movies and music. There was a time that only the rich could own a lot of books. Thanks to Silicon Valley technology, now all of us can. Public libraries send the message that only government should own books, which is the wrong message for the 21st century. Wayne Martin Bryant Street Palo Alto
YOUR TURN The Palo Alto Weekly encourages comments on our coverage or on issues of local interest.
What do you think? What should the city do to encourage community dialogue about wireless technology? Submit letters to the editor of up to 250 words to letters@paweekly.com. Include your name, address and daytime phone number so we can reach you. We reserve the right to edit contributions for length, objectionable content, libel and factual errors known to us. Anonymous letters will generally not be accepted. You can also participate in our popular interactive online forum, Town Square, at our community website at www.PaloAltoOnline.com. Read blogs, discuss issues, ask questions or express opinions with you neighbors any time, day or night. Submitting a letter to the editor or guest opinion constitutes a granting of permission to the Palo Alto Weekly and Embarcadero Media to also publish it online, including in our online archives and as a post on Town Square. For more information contact Editor Jocelyn Dong or Online Editor Tyler Hanley at editor@paweekly.com or 650-326-8210.
Check out Town Square! Hundreds of local topics are being discussed by local residents on Town Square, a reader forum sponsored by the Weekly on our community website at www.PaloAltoOnline.com. Post your own comments, ask questions, read the Editor’s blog or just stay up on what people are talking about around town!
Guest Opinion Palo Alto leads in wireless, but needs bandwidth to operate by Leon Beauchman funny thing happened in Palo Alto on the way to the 21st century. There’s controversy about the future of wireless technology. This sounds strange because much of the innovation driving the explosive growth of wireless devices has been created in Silicon Valley. In fact, our region has had a significant role in the evolution of what ITU World Telecom calls “the most rapidly adopted technology in the history of the world.” Globally, there are more than 5.2 billion wireless phones, and developing countries see wireless communications as an effective tool to compete with the leading economies. Few people would be surprised that Palo Alto probably has more smart phones and smart devices per capita than any other city in the world. All of this new technology needs wireless bandwidth to function properly. This apparently insatiable demand for more powerful devices has led Apple to begin work on a new store in downtown Palo Alto. Rumor is its size will rival Apple’s store in Manhattan. Fortunately, our president has seen and embraced the future. Barack Obama understands the strategic importance of building a communications infrastructure that will allow our country to compete in the new century. “For millions of Americans, the railway hasn’t shown up yet,” the president said recently. “For our families and our businesses, highspeed wireless service, that’s the next train
station. It’s the next offramp. It’s how we’ll spark new innovation, new investments and new jobs.” The wireless communications phenomenon has already generated thousands of Silicon Valley jobs. Yet, the future holds even greater promise. Smart devices will drive the next wave of innovation and expansion. In the United States, there are more than 300 million mobile phones. More than 65 million people had smart phones in January 2011, an 8 percent increase over the preceding quarter. In addition, American consumers identified smart phones as their most likely technology purchase for 2011. The operating system for smart devices is dominated by two Silicon Valley companies, Google and Apple, with more than 50 percent of the market. In addition, the global mobile applications market is estimated to reach $25 billion in 2015 from about $6.8 billion in 2010. The emerging devices and applications are right in the Valley’s “sweet spot.” What’s most amazing are the emerging applications that wireless technology will enable. Health care will be profoundly improved when doctors can remotely monitor a patient’s status in real time. Health professionals will have access to medical records on hand-held devices and make better-informed decisions about patient care. Educators have already started including hand held devices in their teaching practices. Digital textbooks and smart devices will revolutionize how students interact with teachers and the curriculum. The Federal Communications Commission recently awarded $9 million in grants to schools and libraries to support the development of wireless applications. Unfortunately, none of the 20 grants was awarded to Silicon
Valley schools.
Infrastructure for the future The potential of wireless technology can only be enabled if there is a robust wireless infrastructure. Ironically, in Silicon Valley, it has taken as long as five years to review and approve an application to build wireless facilities. In some cases, residents have felt that wireless carriers have ignored their concerns by rushing project applications through local bureaucracies. Too often the process has turned adversarial and made dialogue almost impossible. Much of the controversy has evolved around whether radio-frequency emissions are a health risk. The actual emissions from wireless facilities are a fraction of what the federal government has established as being safe. However, the perception is that cell towers, due to their size, are a greater health risk. To date, medical studies in this country and abroad overwhelmingly suggest that RF emissions are not a health risk. In a recent Palo Alto Weekly article, Dr. Paul Fisher of the Stanford School of Medicine stated, “The bottom line is there’s no known association between cell phones or towers and health effects.” “This is the high tension wires of our time” he went on to say, comparing a similar debate about the health risks of high-tension wires 30 years ago. Another concern in Palo Alto is wireless facilities affecting home values. To date, no one has presented meaningful data to prove any neighborhood or individual has seen the value of their homes negatively impacted. However, communities should be concerned about the aesthetic impact of wireless facilities. Some cities have worked with neighborhoods and
wireless carriers to develop guidelines that minimize the visual impact while supporting technology deployment. Public safety is also an issue when approximately 25 percent of homes in the United States have no wired connection and depend exclusively on the wireless telephony. Every day, more than 300,000 wireless calls are made to 911.
A way forward A new Wireless Communications Initiative (WCI), as part of Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network, is working with city councils, city staff, wireless carriers and communities to promote deployment of a 21st-century wireless infrastructure. The future of Silicon Valley and local job growth is very much tied to the evolution of the wireless technology. The question is not whether we’ll have a 21st-century infrastructure, but rather, how and when. As a way forward, the WCI has launched the Coalition for a 21st Century Wireless Infrastructure. The coalition’s objective is to create balanced conversations and community dialogue in support of deploying wireless technology. We need people to advocate by writing letters, speaking at hearings or by lending their name as a coalition supporter. You can join the coalition or get more information at the Wireless Communications Initiative page on the Joint Venture Silicon Valley website (www. jointventure.org). Silicon Valley is defining the future. We should lead by example when it comes to inventing and embracing our new wireless world. N Leon Beauchman is the director of the Wireless Communication Initiative of Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network. He can be contacted at leon@jointventure.com.
Streetwise Do you bike to work?
Asked on California Avenue, Palo Alto. Interviews and photographs by Aaron Guggenheim and Kareem Yasin.
Jurek Alexander
Psychologist West Charleston Road, Palo Alto “No, not really. I’m very comfortable driving my car.”
Nicholas Chiumenti
Salesman 9th Street, San Jose “I’m in charge of sales for the Bay Area, so I can’t ride my bike to work.”
Emily Vick
Unemployed Park Avenue, Palo Alto “Never. I live on a mountain; you’d die.”
Howard Lagoze
Nonprofit Social Services Agency Dufferin Avenue, Burlingame “I have a bike but I don’t. My job requires me to be in San Jose and Palo Alto on a daily basis, so I need a car. I could probably take the Caltrain and bike, but that would be ambitious.”
Kim Kubota
Designer Calaveras Boulevard, Milpitas “Yes, but I only bike on campus. I suppose one way to encourage more biking downtown would be more bike lanes and parking.”
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Book Talk AUTHOR, AUTHOR ... Kepler’s Books at 1010 El Camino Real in Menlo Park has several author talks coming up. (While talks used to be free, now they are gratis only to members; other audience members must buy the event book or a $10 gift card, both of which admit two.) Scheduled authors include: David K. Shipler, “The Rights of the People: How Our Search for Safety Invades Our Liberties” (May 13, 7 p.m.); Jennifer Holm and Matthew Holm, “Squish” (May 14, 2 p.m.); Victoria Zackheim, “He Said What?: Women Write About Moments When Everything Changed” (May 18, 7 p.m.); Steve Earle, “I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive” (May 20, 7 p.m.); Julie Orringer, “The Invisible Bridge” (May 24, 7 p.m.); Adam Hochschild, “To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion” (May 25, 7 p.m.); Helen Wang, “The Chinese Dream: The Rise of the World’s Largest Middle Class and What It Means to You” (May 26, 7 p.m.); Chris Adrian, “The Great Night” (June 1, 7 p.m.); Emma Donoghue, “Room” (June 2, 7 p.m.); Melissa Marr, “Graveminder” (June 3, 7 p.m.). Info: keplers.com STANFORD EVENTS ... Authors scheduled to speak soon at Stanford University include Siva Vaidhyanathan, “The Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry)” (May 16, 5:30 p.m., Building 200, Room 002, Lane History Corner); Joel Brinkley, “Cambodia’s Curse” (May 18, 6 p.m., Stanford Bookstore); Elaine Tyler May, “America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril and Liberation” (May 19, 5:30 p.m., The Terrace Room, Fourth Floor, Margaret Jacks Hall); William Nickel, “The Death of Tolstoy: Russia on the Eve, Astapovo Station, 1910” (May 31, noon, Encina Hall West, Room 208, Second Floor). Info: events.stanford.edu MORE TALKS ... Upcoming authors at Books Inc. at Town & Country Village in Palo Alto include Jennifer Grant, “The Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father, Cary Grant” (May 17, 7 p.m.). Info: booksinc.net COLLECTIBLE SALE ... The Friends of the Menlo Park Library are hosting a sale of collectible books, including a first edition of Bret Harte’s “In a Hallow of the Hills,” according to a press release. The event is May 22 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Menlo Park Library’s downstairs meeting room, 800 Alma St. Info: menloparklibrary. org N
Title Pages A monthly section on local books and authors, edited by Rebecca Wallace
by Rebecca Wallace “The Four Ms. Bradwells,” by Meg Waite Clayton; Ballantine Books, New York; 321 pages; $25 here’s a reason why so many works of fiction center on four friends as they change over time. We see our friendships in their friendships, and our fights in their quarrels. It’s fascinating to see how four personalities experience, and are affected by, the same events. And there’s a vicarious “Where are they now?” feeling that comes from seeing characters grow up. “The Four Ms. Bradwells,” by Palo Alto author Meg Waite Clayton, is a welcome addition to this genre. Deftly plotted and paced, the novel also shows the author’s savvy sense for dialogue and the rhythms of longtime friendships. Mia, Betts, Ginger and Laney meet as budding lawyers in 1979 at the University of Michigan Law School. But we first see them in the present day at the U.S. Senate, where they’ve gathered as Betts hopes to be appointed to the Supreme Court. A specter from the past emerges during the confirmation hearings, and the friends flee to Ginger’s family home on a Chesapeake Bay island. The decades of their friendship unfold in flashbacks and contemporary scenes, as they wait to hear whether Betts will be confirmed after all. Clayton keeps the plot layered and intriguing, but never confusing, as she shepherds her characters through major life events including marriages, motherdaughter tensions, career achievements and setbacks, births and deaths. Dark secrets from past dark nights on the island are revealed carefully, all in good time. A common thread running through the novel is the position of women in American society, and the friends’ efforts to advance it through their careers and lives, with varying degrees of success. At one point, Laney, a straight-laced Southerner, faces two kinds of discrimination as a black woman clerking at a prestigious law firm. For her part, Ginger, ever rebellious, ever downplaying her family’s wealth, is asked to take dictation at
Items for Book Talk may be sent to Associate Editor Carol Blitzer, Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 93202 or emailed to cblitzer@paweekly.com by the last Friday of the month.
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Meg Waite Clayton
Palo Alto novelist follows four compelling characters from law school to the Supreme Court
her firm. Level-headed, intelligent Betts is made to fetch coffee and meet a partner for lunch at his men’s club, where women are allowed only in the “pink” dining room. Insightful Mia, who later becomes a journalist, gets the worst of it, suffering questions at her firm about whether women like to sleep in the nude, or if she wears garters. “This was 1981, when the firms we were joining had no women partners and few women associates,” Laney says at one point. “The class that graduated before us marked the first year large firms hired women in substantial numbers, and the medium and small firms had yet to follow suit.” The four friends, in fact, are dubbed “the four Ms. Bradwells” by a law professor when they speak out on behalf of women on the first day of law school. Ginger resents being called “Miss” by the male professor, insisting on “Ms.” And all four friends have something to say about the case Bradwell v. Illinois, in which a woman applied for a law license in 1873 but was turned down because of her gender. Clayton handles the subject of women’s roles smoothly, with conviction but without browbeating. There’s a resigned hu-
mor in her descriptions of the dreadful boxy blue suits and neck bows women felt compelled to wear in the early ‘80s, and a sympathetic side to characters such as Ginger’s trailblazing feminist mother Faith. The book is also filled with many moving moments, such as when Betts muses on the ways that scandals such as unplanned pregnancy and rape can destroy women in particular. “Men can deny truths women are saddled with. And do,� she says. Other incidents, however, make sense for their symbolic value, but a reader may find them unrealistic. For instance, there’s a lot made of nudity: how for women it can be a vulnerability, a means to camaraderie (I lost count of the number of skinny-dipping scenes), or a weapon. In one of Mia’s newspaper stories, she writes about African women who protested an oil company’s actions by stripping en masse in public. “A woman’s exposure of her body in this society is believed to cast a lifetime curse on those to whom the nakedness is directed,� she writes. But there’s no such curse in the Washington, D.C., area. So when later in the novel, one of the Ms. Bradwells gets naked to make a very public point, it just feels stagy and a bit silly. Another distracting point is the book’s overuse of labels for the four friends. The scene in which the women get their Bradwell nicknames in class feels a tad orchestrated. Besides grouping them together in a Bradwell quartet, the professor also gives each woman a convoluted title such as “Ms. Drug-Lord-Bradwell,�
which has a vague link to the classroom discussion but is confusing when brought up later. The author also further muddies the moniker waters by sometimes referring to the women with additional labels. These don’t always fit. Mia, for instance, is called “The Savant,� when Laney is the one who impresses everyone with her textbook grasp of Latin. And Betts is dubbed “The Funny One,� when she comes across as more even-tempered. All this pigeonholing isn’t needed for characters who are compelling and perfectly delineated on their own. Still, once the plot gets rolling, the nicknames don’t matter. The book benefits throughout from atmospheric descriptions and rich detail. Cook Island, where the Ms. Bradwells hide out after the Senate hearing, is so vivid that you’d swear the author had grown up there. Instead, the author says on her website that she was inspired by reading about the real-life Smith Island depicted in Tom Horton’s “An Island Out Of Time,� and traveled there for research on her own book. Either way, the reader is right there on the island, in a place where the four Ms. Bradwells popped open a bottle of champagne on their first night. As Mia describes it, “In the gunshot echo of that cork pop, we’d sent our wishes up into the night sky, into the hoot of an owl and the gurgle of briny-grassy water sucking around in the marshes, the thrum of insects pressing in under the bottomless stars.� N Arts & Entertainment editor Rebecca Wallace can be emailed at rwallace@paweekly.com.
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Cover story
Photographs by Veronica Weber | Text by Kareem Yasin
porting the enormous striped feathers of the golden pheasant as well as seed pods that rattled around their shins, a procession of dancers drew an enormous crowd at the Stanford Powwow last weekend, entering the arena to the sound of conch shell horns amid a cloud of incense. For 40 years the Powwow has drawn thousands from the Bay Area and beyond, bringing together a host of dance and musical groups representing Great Plains tribes as well as Southwest Native cultures. It is the largest inter-tribe gathering on the West Coast and the biggest such event in the country that is student-run, hosted by the Stanford American Indian Organization (SAIO). The Bay Area Aztec Dancers began with an invocation saluting the four directions, as well as the sun and mother earth. “It is the traditional way of asking permission from our ancestors and from the spirit of the land to perform,” dancer Xochi Tli said. “This Powwow was created in 1971 as a showcase for Native American culture, in response to the old Stanford logo, to help people understand that we’re not just carica-
tures,” explained Vananda Yazzie, one of three university juniors responsible for co-chairing and putting together the event. “And I think it still serves that function, educating people who don’t know very much about Native American culture.” Indeed, when they weren’t swarmed around the main performance arena, or treating themselves to Indian tacos and fry-bread topped with strawberries, a number of visitors took full advantage of the dancers dressed in colorful traditional costumes, many of whom were more than willing to answer questions about their attire and heritage. “You do get some naïve questions,” admitted Marcos Madril from San Jose, representing the Pascua Yaqui tribe of southern Arizona in the Men’s Northern Traditional dance contest. “But I enjoy making sure that the culture is kept alive, and I’m actually part of a group that goes around visiting schools to talk about Native history and culture.” His wife, Crystal, was not dancing, but she was also dressed in traditional gear, wearing a costume characteristic of the Jicarilla Apache, an Athabascan indigenous group mostly located in western New Mexico.
Top to bottom: Jaydean Randall of the Navajo and Sioux tribes gets ready to compete in the teen girls fancy dance competition; Native American women enter the arena during the Grand Entry at the Stanford Powwow; American Indian hoop dancer Ginger Sykes Torres of the Navajo tribe tells the story of the eagle with hoops. Page 18ÊUÊ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii Þ
Cover story
Counterclockwise, from right: Percy Warcloud Edwards of Wolville, Wash., did the beading and fringework on his own regalia, complete with cougar on top; Isaiah Bob of the Navajo tribe in New Mexico competes in a special men’s fancy dance competition led by Stanford Powwow head male dancer, Stanley Whiteman Jr.; members of the Red Hoop drum group of Garnerville, Nev., compete at the Stanford Powwow. Elsewhere, installations celebrating the indigenous cultures of Central America and the World War II veterans of the Muwekma Ohlone tribe drew in crowds, as did the two Mexican gray wolf dog hybrids being showcased by Nevadabased nonprofit US Wolf Refuge, and Newt, a red tail hawk. “Powwows help increase people’s awareness, allowing them to see and experience new things,” said Robert Leroy of Oakland, also competing in the Men’s Northern Traditional contest. “And it’s also a chance for my boys to get in touch with our culture.” He pointed to his two children dressed, like their father, in the colorful traditional attire of the Omaha and Northern Ponca tribes. Many participants attend or compete in events like this across the country, sometimes every weekend. “I go to powwows all over California, and this year I’m also going to one in Montana,” said Kyle Conluhiltschen, a 15-year-old representing the Conville coalition of tribes in the Traditional Teen Boys event. Having been taught the dance by his uncle, Kyle has been attending Stanford Powwow since he was a small child. “I can’t count how many years I’ve come to this one, it’s been so many,” he said. Indeed, for many participants, a significant component of keeping Native culture alive is not just in informing outsiders but the shared experience. “It’s less a competition and more of a gathering — meeting old friends and making new ones,” Leroy said. “And this year there are a lot of tribes represented, a collection of people all the way from Montana to those representing Aztec culture.” The diverse age range of the Bay Area Aztec Dancers’ more than 100 dancers — hailing from San Jose, Salinas and across the whole East Bay — spoke to the shared vision and sense of family and belonging at the event. Elsewhere, children and teenagers representing the Choctaw, Nez Perce, Cherokee and other Native American communities from across California gathered in groups, old friends from other powwows. “It’s fun to see a lot of the same people at different powwows, you get to know each other over the years,” said Ivan Julianto from the Red Hoop Singers, who participated in the hand-drum contest. Based in Gardenville, Nev., the folk vocal and drum group’s members represent various tribes, including the Washoe, Shoshone, Paiute, Navajo and Pueblo. Founded by the two brothers of lead singer Marty Montgomery, the group accumulated its additional members at various other powwow events, including gatherings in Sacramento and Milwaukee. (continued on page 20)
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Cover story
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$# ( ! ( $& * &, "%$&( #( (
Counterclockwise, from top right: Rose Ann Abrahamson of the Shoshone and Bannock tribes in Fort Hall, Ida. — the great-great-great-grandniece of Sacajawea — competes in the women’s Golden Age dance competition; a member of the Calpulli Tonalehqueh Aztec dance group appears in a special performance at the Stanford Powwow; a woman wore an elaborate beaded dress during the intertribal dance; Head Man Dancer Stanley Whiteman Jr. dances around the arena during the Grand Entry.
(continued from page 19)
Julianto fashioned the group’s main drum himself out of bull hide and a circular wooden frame, a process that took two weeks. The groups were judged not just for the individual drum performance but also by how well their performances complemented the different styles of dancing. “The drum itself is the main tool in the whole group. We take care of it as one of our own. If the drum doesn’t sound good, we don’t either,� said Nathan Pelly-Willy, a member of a Canadian group representing the Cree Confederation. Originally from Edmonton, Alberta, they attend up to 50 powwows a year across North America. “Powwows bring people together,� he said. “They’re a celebration of friends and family. And they’re also an opportunity for us to do what we love.� N Photographer Veronica Weber can be emailed at vweber@paweekly.com; Editorial Intern Kareem Yasin can be emailed at kyasin@paweekly.com. About the cover: Janessa Lambert of the Sylix nation in Keremeos, British Columbia, dances during the women’s jingle competition on May 8, during the Stanford Powwow. Photograph by Veronica Weber.
WATCH MORE ONLINE www.PaloAltoOnline.com
Watch an audio slide show of last weekend’s Stanford Powwow by Weekly Photographer Veronica Weber on Palo Alto Online.
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Lu Hugdahl of Mountain View opened up a safe deposit box at a bank in Los Altos in November of 2006. Two years later she went to open her safe deposit box and was horriďŹ ed to discover four or ďŹ ve rings and three necklaces missing. On a police report she estimated two of the rings were worth approximately $1,500.00, “one being a keepsake from a cherished friend who passed awayâ€?, as reported by the Los Altos Town Crier. Hugdahl was stunned.
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Committed to providing the
quality Highest of primary health care services
Dear Friends:
Luisa Buada
Chief Executive Officer
or over 45 years, community health centers (CHCs) across the nation have received federal 330 grants to provide primary health care to the uninsured. With 23 million low-income and uninsured Americans receiving their primary health care at CHCs today, the threat in Congress to cut part or all discretionary funding is alarming. Community health centers are absolutely essential to the implementation of the Health Care Reform in 2014. CHC’s need to expand primary care services and facilities to accommodate newly enrolled health plan covered patients, especially those on subsidized programs. Despite the need for improvements, undermining the Affordable Care Act by taking away key provisions is a bad idea. As Ian Morrison, author and futurist in health care planning observes about the debate: “While it may be perfectly logical to talk about repeal and replace, it is a policy disaster in the making. Just like climate change, we don’t have time to play chicken. Healthcare costs are a national security emergency. Lack of coverage and care for low-income people is a national disgrace. Working families are financially devastated by illness. Mothers of children
with pre-existing conditions live in fear of being uninsured.” Caution is needed. The proposal to block grant Medicaid to the states means every state will have to restructure their entitlement programs, including their contractual relationships with their medical providers. This will take apart systems that took decades to set up which is not only an unnecessary expense, it will reduce access to care to some of the most vulnerable populations, those with chronic diseases, disabilities, the aged and infirm as well as affect programs for preventing disabilities in children. Dismantling Medicare for our elderly retired citizens and leaving them exposed to the vagaries and speculation of the marketplace violates our social contract. As the richest industrial nation in the world this is unconscionable. While Wall Street reports economic recovery is underway and corporations are able to pay out bonuses, and jobs continue to go overseas – the poor who did not cause this economic recession, remain trapped, caught in the “aftermath” with high unemployment, home foreclosures, and cuts in life-saving benefits. As one of the safety nets of health and social services providers, we are bracing for greater need and less
money. 23% of RFHC’s budget comes from federal discretionary funding. Best case, we expect a 5%-10% cut in government funding in the coming fiscal year. We have regrouped to see how we can make up the revenue with greater productivity and efficiencies but are concerned about the stress this brings to our already over extended and committed staff. Please help us by contacting your Local, State and Congressional representatives. Let them hear voices of reason, voices of caring. Encourage them to use their legal powers to keep the safety net intact. Wishing you well, Luisa Buada Chief Executive Officer
Where Healthy Living Takes Flight
Ravenswood Family Health Center
Ravenswood Family Health Center’s mission is to improve the health status of the community we serve by providing high quality, culturally competent primary and preventive health care to people of all ages regardless of ability to pay. — Mission Statement
Board of Directors
Patient Navigator: Life Changing Coach
na Tuipulotu’s day begins with phone calls to Pacific Islander patients. She leaves a message for a patient who works 7 days a week as a caregiver. Ana recommends that she find a substitute so she can come in for a oneon-one education session. The patient’s Hemoglobin A1C (a measure of how well diabetes is being controlled) is 11.9, a blood sugar count that is dangerously high. Advisory Council Ana grew up in the Kingdom of Tonga, an ar0ATRICIA "RESEE #HAIR chipelago in the South Pa-AYA !LTMAN cific where the daily mean 'REG !VIS temperature is in the mid#ARETHA #OLEMAN 70’s January through December. She was a health #HRIS $AWES educator there before com'REG 'ALLO ing to the States. 2OSE *ACOBS 'IBSON Diabetes is not common in Tonga, she says. The $R 2OSS *AFFE difference is the food and $R 0HIL ,EE the lifestyle. $R 2ICHARD ,EVY “Back in the Islands, *OHN ! 3OBRATO people can’t afford soda, canned or frozen foods. $R &REDERICK 3T 'OAR Most people have their own *ANE 7ILLIAMS plantation. Everything they eat is fresh. They pull the taro and ver since their inception, CHCs have received yams out of the substantial legislative attention in a remarkable earth and cook display of bipartisan harmony. In the face of a it the same day. national crisis in primary care, sequential legislative initiatives have sought to expand and strengthen the If they need fish, CHC paradigm. they go to the New England Journal of Medicine, 6/3/10 sea, catch it and eat it. Or they kill Revenue a chicken from $ONATIONS the yard.� &EDERAL 'RANTS
Ravenswood Family Health Center
Food is an essential part of the culture. Every Sunday morning in Tonga, people wake early to prepare the meal, taking taro leaves, stuffing them with
stay in the house every day and lock the door and you only have a small patch for a yard.� These differences take their toll on the health of islanders.
Ana Tuipulotu illustrates the effects of diabetes
meat and coconut milk, wrapping it with banana leaves and laying them on very hot stones in an earth oven that is covered over with banana leaves and soil. “It’s quiet over the whole island; the only thing you hear is the church bells. In the afternoon, after families return from church, you set the food on a table and if you have 4 neighbors, you divide the food, putting a portion on a plate to give to each of them; they do the same for you.� In the islands, she says, people are much more active. “You get up and go outside to work in the garden or hang the laundry. It’s not like here where you
24% of RFHC’s Pacific Islander patient population has diabetes. Teaching patients to manage their diabetes is a top priority. Diabetes has alarming consequences, if unchecked. It takes aggressive training in self-management to help patients bring diabetes under control. RFHC’s Chronic Disease Management team has 5 Patient Navigators (2 Pacific Islanders, 2 Latinos, and 1 African American) who are trained to gently, but firmly coach patients in the management of diabetes. On Friday morning, 24 Pacific Islanders arrive for a special diabetes educa-
tion session. All of them are there because they have uncontrolled diabetes. 99.9% don’t understand the relevance of their A1C number recorded on a paper handed to them at the start of the class. Ana lectures for an hour. She talks with power and energy, gaining momentum like a locomotive as she drives home the realities of diabetes. She diagrams on the white board. “This is what happens when arteries narrow.� She mimics the muted boomboom of the heart pumping harder. She sketches the kidneys that can fail, leading to dialysis and warns of hemorrhage in the eye that can cause blindness. She reaches into a box and brings out a life-sized foot. Blood glucose can injure the walls of tiny blood vessels that nourish your nerves, especially in the legs. You can’t miss the message. Ignore diabetes and you can lose your eyesight, kidney function, even your limbs. The effect on the audience is obvious. From casual attention at the start to alert recognition. Their awareness collectively seems to have jumped from a 3 at the start to a 10 at the end.
Let’s do the numbers
Total diabetes prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed cases) is projected to increase from 14% in 2010 to 21% of the US adult population by 2050. (Source: Population Health Metrics 2010) The dramatic rise in the number of diabetics has health care organizations across the nation making chronic disease management a top priority status. Last fall, Ravenswood was one of six community health centers in the nation to be awarded a three-year grant for a comprehensive chronic disease prevention and navigation services demonstration project. The costly consequences: ‡ 'LDEHWHV LV WKH OHDGLQJ FDXVH RI QHZ FDVHV RI EOLQGQHVV DPRQJ DGXOWV DJHG ² \HDUV ‡ 0RUH WKDQ RI QRQ WUDXPDWLF ORZHU OLPE DPSXWDWLRQV RFFXU LQ SHRSOH ZLWK GLDEHWHV ‡ 'LDEHWHV LV WKH OHDGLQJ FDXVH RI NLGQH\ IDLOXUH DFFRXQWLQJ IRU RI QHZ FDVHV Currently, more than 360,000 people in the United States are undergoing dialysis, according to the US Renal Data Service. Medicare spends approximately $73,000 annually per dialysis patient.
What we do Provide integrated, coordinated primary health care to lowincome and uninsured residents of southeast San Mateo County Primary Medical Care
Parents Make the Difference
According to a study released in May by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 1 in 10 children now has asthma. – NY Times May 4, 2011
East Palo Alto Area is a Hot Spot
Rates of asthma hospitalization are two times higher in East Palo Alto relative to the nearby rates in Palo Alto (25.8 per 10,000 versus 12.6 per 10,000).*
the things that were triggers. “All my candles and incense went into storage and I donated his stuffed animals to the neighbors. The only thing we can’t get rid of is his crocheted blanket. He has to have it with him to sleep. The nurse suggested we wash it in hot water and put it in the freezer in a plastic bag for two hours to kill dust mites. But he’s still using it.� The nurse identified cleaning sup-
says Dr.Baca. A key component of asthma management is to get families to be part of the process. The Pediatric Clinic kept seeing the same families coming in again and again with the same issues. Parents were confused about the different medications. Like Eddie’s parents, many were not using the control medicine which is key to reducing inflammation. So, together with Sandra Nova, RN, Dr. Baca organized an Asthma Conference and called the parents of children who are seen most frequently. It was a pilot run that proved invaluable to parents, giving them a much better understanding of how to use medications and how to assess their homes for triggers. Eddie’s mother told Dr. Baca, “This should be a required class for all parents that have kids with asthma. A lot of parents don’t understand much about it.� Eddie is a lot better now. His doctor sees it. His father sees it. “He’s playing and jumping around. He’s being Eddie. He used to come and tell you he’s not breathing right. Now he’s saying ‘I want to go. Let’s play basketball.’ He’s knocking on neighbor’s doors, ‘Can you come and play?'"
ddie Vasquez has been through a lot for a four year old. In his first year of life, he stopped breathing for a few moments at a time for no apparent reason. One time when he was in a swing, he stopped breathing. His mother, Irma, called 911. Waiting for them to arrive she remembers, “I raised him up into the wind to get him breathing again.â€? For her it was a scary, helpless feeling. When he was two and half, his lips turned blue and they took him to Emergency. He was hospitalized with pneumonia. “Everything changed once we saw him in the hospital on oxygen, taking injections. Seeing him going through all of that,â€? the father says, “we knew we had to quit smoking for his sake. It was cold turkey.â€? Eddie was taken to see Dr. Eliza- Dr. Elizabeth Baca exams Eddie with father Edward LaDay beth Baca for follow up care. He was diagnosed with asthma and started on a plies that are triggers and gave them the treatment using a nebulizer. “I had to set County’s safe list of non-toxic alternatives. the alarm and wake up every four hours “At first I was ‘iffy’ about it, but it works. throughout the night to put on the mask for Lemon juice, vinegar with hot water and a his nebulizer treatment.â€? But, he continued little bit of baking soda, it makes the walls real white.â€? The nurse addressed other to have occasional asthma episodes. Dr. Baca put in a referral to San Ma- SUREOHPV ²D FRYHU XS RI EODFN PROG LQ WKH RFHC received support from teo County’s Asthma Management Pro- bathroom and in the carpet. The Coun- ‡ 6XWWHU +HDOWK JUDQW WR GHYHORS DVWKPD action plan for pediatric patients with gram which assists families of children ty nurse and Dr. Baca both wrote to the asthma with asthma when the child has had two apartment complex manager saying Eddie emergency visits within six months and needed to be an apartment with hardwood ‡ 8QLYHUVLW\ RI :DVKLQJWRQ VFKRODUVKLS IRU spirometry training to assess lung function the symptoms are not being controlled floors. This month the family will move into in asthmatic children. a ground floor condo with no carpet. with medical management. * Breathe California, Golden Gate Public Health Partnership. “Asthma is a complex disease and The public health nurse, Marty Rosier, 2006 EPA Community Needs Assessment there’s a lot for parents to understand,â€? went through the apartment identifying all
Stanford Health Library Comes to Life
he Director of Stanford Health Library, Nora Cain, appointed Edgar Lopez to be the medical librarian at its new branch in Ravenswood’s Center for Health Promotion. Since Edgar started, the number of people utilizing the library has tripled. “I grew up in a culture similar this one,� he says. The son of migrant farm workers from Mexico, he spent his childhood in the Delta. He was 4 years old the first time he followed his parents into an orchard to pick up walnuts and 17 when he planted his last vineyard. Edgar’s first love is music. An accomplished jazz trombonist, he received a Bachelor’s in Music from CSU Sacramento. He remembers well the man who first opened his eyes to future possibilities. “As an undergrad I had a professor, 6’6� tall, an African
Edgar Lopez, Medical Librarian with Will Cerrato, Chronic Disease Manager
American who was my role model. I realized, I can do this too.� Edgar went on to earn a Master’s in Library Science at the University of North Texas and is now in the dissertation phase of his Ph.D. As a librarian, he catalogues the inquiries he receives: 59% are requests for information about medical conditions. “One
gentleman with diabetes asked for my help. I showed him a Healthy Roads video that explained how you can examine the soles of your feet using a mirror. It was just what he needed to know. With a bad back he wasn't able to check for foot sores. Like a true jazz musician, Edgar fields all sorts of queries. He’s sensitive to patrons with limited literacy and shows them the bilingual resources they can use. “It’s my full-time job to not only assist the community but to support the staff that assists the community.� He is proactive; he asks staff how he can help. He gathers research for medical providers and resources for health navigators. And, he’s an ambassador who encourages community leaders to use the library. It’s Stanford’s gift to the community.
Ravenswood Family Health Center - Main Clinic 4EL ! "AY 2OAD
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Belle Haven Clinic
Mobile Clinic
Ravenswood Family Health Center
Spotlight on Volunteers Dental Hygiene Externship Program
As Ravenswood Family Dentistry continues to expand its practice, Foothill College’s Dental Hygiene Program has provided much-needed support through dental hygiene student externs. Each Friday, two Foothill students spend a full day at the clinic, seeing patients and assisting Ravenswood staff in clinic operations.
Externship Coordinator Joyce Bettencourt spends time in clinic with hygiene students who have participated in Ravenswood Family Dentistry’s program
“The state-of-the-art clinic at Ravenswood allows them to try equipment that they may not have tried before,� Externship Coordinator Joyce Bettencourt says of the partnership.“They quickly become more independent and self-confident with these experiences. It is truly a ‘win-win’ partnership.� To date, the students have given over 250 hours of service to Ravenswood’s patients. While the clinic has benefitted from the contributions of Foothill’s students, the externs are also coming away from their experience at Ravenswood with a greater respect and appreciation for working in the community. Many students have encouraged their fellow students to volunteer at the clinic, and some have come back independently to continue their service. Foothill Professor Phyllis A. Spragge says, “We see our former graduates volunteering in our partner clinics. That is the strongest legacy of the program.�
Stanford Patient Advocacy Program
Where can college students get hands-on understanding of primary healthcare in a community setting without travelling overseas? If you ask some of Stanford’s Patient Advocates, they might say Ravenswood Family Health Center. In a partnerCarmen Stellar and Zach ship between the Wettstein are patient advocates at Stanford School of Ravenswood Family Health Clinic Medicine’s Office of Community Health and Ravenswood Family Health Center, undergraduate students take a year-long intensive course training them in medical practice and culturally competent care techniques. In return, they have the opportunity to apply their skills at Ravenswood, under
the supervision of a medical provider. Students participating in the program assert that their clinic experience is much more than just an internship. Carmen Stellar, one of the current Advocates, explains that her experience was nothing less than transformative. “I became interested in Stanford’s Patient Advocacy Program because it integrates classroom learning with community service,� she says. “I have become aware of the extreme need within the community, which can only be alleviated by the cooperation of many helping hands.� The skills-based learning model has also inspired students to continue their work in community health care settings. Zach Wettstein, an Advocate focusing on creating educational materials for Ravenswood patients, credits his positive relationships with Ravenswood staff and providers with his increased desire to pursue a career in medicine. Of his plans for the future, he says, “I hope to work with a community-based organization to improve public health outcomes. After my time here, I’m even more excited to get out and start working towards the goal of equitable access to health care.�
Pharmacy Assistance Program
James Smith and Abigail Thornburg have been volunteering in the Ravenswood dispensary since October of 2010. Because of the support James and Abigail have provided to the Ravenswood Pharmacy Team, more patients have been able to receive their medications through a reduced cost pharmacy program, savings them hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. James and Abigail help the Ravenswood pharmacy technician order medications, comAbigail Thornburg spends time plete applications, sorting medications in the dispensary and call patients to inform them that their medications are available for pick-up. Recently, the Ravenswood dispensary has been undergoing some major changes and both volunteers have been instrumental in helping the Ravenswood staff stay on top of their work loads. When asked what they enjoy most about volunteering at Ravenswood they both mention the interaction between the patients and doctors. James compared it to a larger clinic like Kaiser, saying, “The patients come in more often here, and the doctors seem to have a better rapport with their patients. It makes family practice seem more interesting.â€? Abigail added, “I like how it feels like a FRPPXQLW\ ² , UHDOO\ UHVSHFW WKH GRFWRUV ZKR ZRUN KHUH Âľ The Ravenswood staff and patients thank James and Abigail for all of their help this year. We also want to wish Abigail well as she begins her freshman year at Dartmouth this coming fall!
Patricia Bresee
ong before Pat Bresee joined the L Advisory Council of Ravenswood she knew a lot about the concerns and
challenges of families in the minority communities Ravenswood serves. For the better part of her professional life, she has been devoted to children and family issues, both in the courts and in volunteer work. She is an attorney. Her first experiences reach back to her years in private practice in the 70’s and 80’s when she would visit children placed in foster care families in East Palo Alto. In the following 15 years she served as Superior Court Commissioner in San Mateo County, handling adoption and guardianship cases in Juvenile Court. The disproportionate number of minority children in the foster care system remains, to this day, a deep concern to her. Through her Court work and 15 plus years as a volunteer, serving on the Board of the Peninsula Community Foundation and then Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Pat came to know and support the efforts of community nonprofits to strengthen capacity and resources to resolve community issues. So, volunteering to ser ve on Ravenswood Advisory Council is a “hand-in-glove� experience. What most inspires her? “Possibilities! At a time when everybody is talking about pulling back and folks in Washington and Sacramento are telling people to pull themselves up by their own boot straps,� Pat sees a big difference in the spirit of the leadership at Ravenswood. “There’s an optimism and a confidence in moving ahead with Ravenswood’s expansion project.� She is investing in what she believes in. “We all have a stake in the health of others and the community as a whole. Everybody has a right to basic health care.�
Ravenswood Family Health Center
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Arts & Entertainment A weekly guide to music, theater, art, movies and more, edited by Rebecca Wallace
Above: Dancers Alex Dodon, left, and Ilya Kravchenko leap above a jump rope with others cheering them on at a recent Firebird Dance Studio rehearsal. Below: Mikhail Guz and Irina Ivkova, front, and Alex Dodon and Sophia Aviles, back, pair up at rehearsal.
Dancers bring a ‘fusion of folk and modern folk’ to Russian-American Fair in Palo Alto story by Joann So N photographs by Veronica Weber Young dancers Aron Ryvkin and Anya Nazarova at the Firebird studio.
t the Firebird Dance Studio on a late Sunday afternoon, men leap across the stage doing a valiant shepherd dance to win the ladies. Their strong, controlled movements seem grounded both on the floor and in midair. In Russian dance, the gentlemen are very physical and display strength while the girls are dainty pursuits, says Lotta Burton, the owner, artistic director and choreographer at the Mountain View studio. Moments later, two young boys play a game of tug-of-war with a ballerina. A princess and tin soldier are wound up from their frozen states to dance swiftly. Couples support each other’s strenuous dance moves and put their skills to the test while doing elaborate tricks to the sweep of an undulating jump rope. The dance is familiar yet quirky, drawing influences from folk, modern, ballet and ballroom dance as well as theater. “All together, it becomes Firebird,” Burton says. In the midst of the loud music and expressive movements, Burton describes the essentials of a Russian fair: clowns, gypsies, dolls and tricks. Her dancers are portraying all of these elements. “It’s a fusion of folk and modern folk to attract both young and old — kids won’t come watch if (continued on next page)
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Vlad Lekhtsikau and Tatiana Kanaeva, front, and Phillip David and Anna Burton, back, rehearsing a Firebird work called “Imaginarium.” dancing for 20 years. “I was 7 when I started,” she says. (continued from previous page) “Rich is how I would describe it,” she says of her experience with the it’s old-fashioned,” she says. school and troupe. “The only other The Firebird dance troupe will thing I can compare it to is family. It’s bring its fusion to the Oshman Famso close that you feel it in your bones ily Jewish Community Center in Palo and your blood.” Alto this Sunday, May 15, performing Recently, Robin says, she’s been seeat the Russian-American Fair. Now in ing two generations dancing together, its 19th year, the fair runs from 10 a.m. with parents bringing their children to to 5 p.m., also featuring Russian food, the studio where they once took lesvodka tasting, art exhibits, children’s sons. activities and other dance and theater As rehearsal at the studio continues performances. The Firebird group is on this Sunday afternoon, Burton’s scheduled to perform in the Schultz partner and rehearsal director, Igor Cultural Arts Hall at 4 p.m. Harea, works alongside her to perfect “A fair has to be entertaining, magithe dances. Her role is to create and cal and have a lot of vibe,” Burton choreograph while his is to make sure says. Her violet-colored eyelashes add the dance moves along smoothly. to the drama as she walks barefoot Lotta Burton, owner and artistic “It takes more than two to tango through the studio in her cool, black director of the Firebird Dance Studio. around here,” Burton says, noting the linen dress. Though people may not be able to had a more traditional folk-dance fo- importance of teamwork on the floor. emulate the dance moves, they will cus, but when Burton became artistic When asked about the difficulties in still be able to relate to the perfor- director in 1999, she brought in influ- balancing contemporary dance with mance, Burton says. Love is the theme ences from around the world. Burton, that of tradition, Burton says: “It’s difthat ties the dance together. “All we who studied choreography at the St. ficult not to do it. ... I don’t want to be need is love, young or old,” she adds. Petersburg Institute of Performing frozen in a moment — when it grows, Burton’s late mother, Roza Lysaya, Arts in Russia, says, “You can add it changes.” who founded the dance troupe, was your own way of expressing it without In the midst of magic and tricks, also very active in the Russian-Amer- destroying what was past.” the youngest dancers are reminders ican fair from its inception. She beBurton also paid tribute to her moth- of reality. “There’s something about lieved that the event was important to er’s love of dance by relaunching the having children in your life every day help people be proud of their Russian school under a new name. “The name that makes you feel like you’ve done heritage and not to forget their roots, ‘Firebird’ is a Russian bird character something worthy. They don’t know Burton says. that is characteristically strong, unique how to pretend. Everything is true,” Boris Vladimirsky, performing-arts and beautiful,” she says. Burton says. N manager at the JCC, said in an interThis month, the Firebird studio is view that the fair is also “a medium to marking its 20th anniversary with an What: The 19th Annual Russian-Ameridemonstrate talents that were brought original dance show, “Imaginarium,” can Fair, with food and drink, art exhibits, by the wave of immigrants from the on May 21 at the Heritage Theatre in Russian gifts, children’s activities, a raffle, Soviet Union in the early ‘90s, and to Campbell. songs and games, and performances say thank you to the local and wider Inspiration for the dances to be per- Where: Oshman Family Jewish Commucommunity to be able to make the Bay formed at the JCC fair came during a nity Center, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto Area their new home.” visit to the Musée Mécanique in San When: Sunday, May 15, from 10 a.m. to Lysaya founded Firebird in 1991 as Francisco, where items on display in- 5 p.m. The Firebird dancers are schedthe Lysaya Dance School, after she clude hand-cranked music boxes and uled to perform at 4 p.m. in the Schultz came to the United States from the coin-operated pianos. “It was endear- Cultural Arts Hall. Soviet Union. During the fair’s first ing how vintage it is,” Burton says. Cost: Fair admission is free, with art and year at the JCC, 10 dancers from her “It’s not considered old but cool. There other items for sale. Dance and theater school performed. Now Firebird has are things that are timeless.” performances are $5 for adults and $3 more than 100 students, Burton said. Alisa Robin, a Firebird dancer who “Each year, Firebird is one of our has studied under both Burton and her for children, with a day pass costing greatest staples,” Vladimirsky said, mother, has witnessed the progress of $12/$8. with the troupe’s performances con- the dance school as both a child and Info: Go to paloaltojcc.org or call 650223-8700. For more about the Firebird sistently attracting crowds at the fair. an adult. As one of the first students in The Lysaya Dance School originally the Lysaya Dance School, she’s been Dance Studio, go to firebirddance.com.
Arts & Entertainment
New music, new musicians Choral premieres and concerto-competition winners featured at Palo Alto concerts this weekend by Rebecca Wallace
chamber-music work inspired by the world of Beat poetry. Three poems offering unusual insight into the book of Genesis. Seven soloists ages 11 to 17. These are some of the many ingredients being mixed into choral and classical concerts in Palo Alto this Saturday and Sunday. It’s a weekend of new music and new musicians for the Volti choral group, San Francisco Choral Artists, the Alexander String Quartet and the Palo Alto Philharmonic. On Saturday, May 14, the 20member San Francisco group Volti comes down the Peninsula to unveil two world-premiere compositions. The chorus often debuts new American contemporary music, commissioning many works from composers under 35. One such composer is Matthew Barnson, whose work “Genesis� is being premiered in Volti’s current concert series. Born in Utah in 1979, Barnson has written many orchestral and percussion works. On his website, he writes that he “uses the challenging language of the European avant-garde as an expressive one, borrowing the dramatic structures, the pulsing rhythmic energy, and at times the tonal references of stateside composers.� Volti is premiering Barnson’s work “Genesis,� which makes use of poems by English poet laureate Ted Hughes, contemporary American poet Richard Siken and Australian poet Alec Derwent Hope. Each has its own interpretation of the book of Genesis, with vivid images of Adam and Eve, an apple sliced into pieces, a newly born bird screaming for food. The other world premiere on Volti’s program is “voice (and nothing more)� by Elliott Gyger. The Australian composer is a performer, writer on music, and lecturer at the University of Melbourne. His new piece was inspired by a text about the fleeting nature of the voice, written by Baroque literary theorist and rhetorician Emanuele Tesauro. Gyger calls his Italian-language piece “elaborately layered in purely musical terms,� with a solo quartet surrounded by two choirs of sopranos, altos, tenors and basses. Also on the Volti program are two works commissioned in recent years. Ruby Fulton’s “the ballad of james parry� is about an unusual Internet celebrity who communicates through posts but has a neurological disorder that keeps him from being able to recognize faces. Yu-Hui Chang’s “Being: Two Billy Collins Songs� is based on texts by the former U.S. poet laureate. Rounding out the program is Mountain View composer Frank Ferko’s 1992-93 piece “O ignis Spiritus Paracliti,� from a text by the medieval abbess Hildegard von Bingen. The Volti concert is set for 8 p.m. at the First Lutheran Church, 600
Composer Matthew Barnson.
Homer Ave., Palo Alto. Tickets are $10-$30; go to voltisf.org for more information. On Sunday, May 15, San Francisco Choral Artists, which often premieres works by young composers and those from the Bay Area, teams up with the San Franciscobased Alexander String Quartet for a concert. One featured piece is the new commission “language of the birds� by Veronika Krausas. The Canadian composer tips her hat to San Francisco with what is billed as a “slightly demented� take on Beat poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s “San Francisco Poems.� Sounds include “atmospheric evocations of nature� and “whimsical depictions of birds.� Another new commissioned work is a setting of poet Paul Verlaine’s “Clair de Lune.� Composer Paul Seiko Chihara is a composition professor in the Music for Film department at the University of California, Los Angeles. Composer Michael Gandolfi, who chairs the composition department
at the New England Conservatory of Music, also contributes the new commissioned work “Winter Light,� from poems by Amy Lowell. Music by Beethoven and Brahms will also be featured at the concert, scheduled for 4 p.m. at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto. A “meet the composers� panel begins 45 minutes before the concert. Tickets are $15$30 in advance and $20-$35 at the door. Go to sfca.org or call 415494-8149. The new music in Palo Alto this weekend is also being complemented by new faces. Seven young soloists are scheduled to perform with the Palo Alto Philharmonic at a Sunday-afternoon family concert on May 15. The soloists, ages 11 to 17, are all winners of the orchestra’s annual Concerto Movement Competition. The competition, open to musicians no older than 18, attracted 72 applicants this year, according to an orchestra press release. Nineteen finalists then auditioned before a panel of judges.
The youngest winner, 11-year-old pianist Anna Boonyanit, also attends school locally; she’s a sixthgrader at Menlo School. She’ll be playing the third movement of the Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 3. in C minor. The other winners, who come from other parts of the Bay Area, are: pianists Rachel Breen, Lei Huang and Theodora Martin; violinists Sunli Kim and Mizuki Takagi; and cellist Michael Minku Lee. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students for the 3 p.m. concert, which is at Cubberley Theatre, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Go to paphil.org. N
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Page 24Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;ÂŁĂ&#x17D;]Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;䣣Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;*>Â?Â&#x153;Ă&#x160; Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;7iiÂ&#x17D;Â?Ă&#x17E;
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A BRILLIANT FILM. A+.â&#x20AC;? Richard Roeper, REELZCHANNEL
African Cats (G) ((1/2
Century 20: 11:55 a.m.; Sat. also at 9:40 a.m.
Applause (1929)
Stanford Theatre: Fri. at 6 & 9:10 p.m.
The Band Wagon (1953)
Stanford Theatre: Sat.-Mon. at 7:30 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. also at 3:45 p.m.
The Beaver (PG-13) ((1/2
Century 16: Tue. at 11:05 a.m.; 1:30, 4, 6:50 & 9:30 p.m. p.m.; Fri. & Sat. also at 9:45 p.m.
Bridesmaids (R) (((1/2
Century 16: 11 & 11:40 a.m.; 1:50, 2:30, 4:40, 5:30, 7:40, 8:30 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:05 a.m.; 12:35, 2, 3:30, 4:55, 6:30, 7:50, 9:30 & 10:45 p.m.
Cave of Forgotten Dreams (G) (Not Reviewed)
Century 16: In 3D at 11:25 a.m.; 1:50, 4:05, 6:50 & 9:20 p.m. Century 20: In 3D at noon, 2:20, 4:35, 7 & 9:15 p.m.
The Conspirator (PG-13) (Not Reviewed)
Palo Alto Square: Fri.-Mon. & Thu. at 4:25 & 7:15 p.m.; Wed. at 1:30 p.m.; Fri. also at 1:30 & 10 p.m.; Sat. also at 10 p.m.; Sun., Mon. & Thu. also at 1:30 p.m.
Everything Must Go (R) (Not Reviewed)
Aquarius Theatre: 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:30 p.m.
Fast Five (PG-13) Reviewed)
Century 16: 11 a.m.; 1:55, 4:50, 7:45 & 10:40 p.m. Century 20: 11 a.m.; 12:30, 1:55, 3:25, (Not 4:50, 6:20, 7:50, 9:20 & 10:45 p.m.; Sat. also at 9:30 a.m.
EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT STARTS FRIDAY, MAY 13 Cinemark "! " ! 3000 El Camino 800/FANDANGO 914#
" " " % ! # " ! $" !
! " !! ! ! # " # ! "
Palo Alto Square: 2, 4:40 & 7:20
Funny Face (1957)
Stanford Theatre: Wed. & Thu. at 7:30 p.m.
Go For It! (PG-13) (Not Reviewed)
Century 16: 11:20 a.m.; 2, 4:35, 7:05 & 9:30 p.m. Century 20: 12:10, 2:45, 5:15, 7:40 & 10:10 p.m.
A TOWERING, UNFORGETTABLE EPIC... Director Roland JoffĂŠ returns to the stirring tradition of his greatest films, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Killing Fieldsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Mission.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;?
Hanna (PG-13) (Not Reviewed) Century 20: 2:25 p.m.; Fri.-Tue. & Thu. also at 5:05, 7:55 & 10:35 p.m. Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (PG) (Not Reviewed)
Century 20: Fri. & Sun.-Thu. at 11 a.m.; In 3D (Fri.-Thu.) at 3:35 & 8:10 p.m.
Incendies (R) (Not Reviewed)
Aquarius Theatre: 2:30, 5:30 & 8:30 p.m.
Jane Eyre (2011) (PG-13) (((1/2
Century 16: Fri.-Mon. & Thu. at 1:55 & 7:35 p.m.
Jumping the Broom (PG-13) (Not Reviewed)
Century 16: 11 a.m.; 1:45, 4:25, 7:20 & 10:10 p.m. Century 20: 11:35 a.m.; 2:25, 5:10, 7:55 & 10:35 p.m.
Meekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cutoff (PG)
Century 16: 11:10 a.m.; 1:40, 4:15, 7 & 9:45 p.m.
The Metropolitan Opera: Century 20: Sat. at 9 a.m. Palo Alto Square: Sat. at 9 a.m. Die WalkĂźre (Not Rated) (Not Reviewed) The Metropolitan Opera: Century 20: Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Palo Alto Square: Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Il Trovatore (Not Rated) (Not Reviewed) Monte Carlo (1930)
Stanford Theatre: Sat.-Mon. at 5:50 & 9:35 p.m.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Century 16: Thu. at 12:01 a.m. On Stranger Tides (PG-13) (Not Reviewed)
Century 20: Thu. at 12:01 & 12:02 a.m.
Priest (PG-13) (Not Reviewed) Century 16: 11 a.m.; 3:30 & 8:10 p.m.; In 3D at 1:15, 5:45 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:10 a.m.; 3:40 & 8:25 p.m.; In 3D at 12:15, 1:25, 2:30, 4:45, 6, 7:05, 9:25 & 10:45 p.m.; In 3D Sat. also at 10 a.m. Prom (PG) (1/2
Century 20: 11:15 a.m.; Fri.-Mon., Wed. & Thu. also at 4:40 & 10:20 p.m.
Rio (PG) ((
Century 16: In 3D at 11:10 a.m.; 1:35, 4, 6:40 & 9:10 p.m. Century 20: 5:45 & 10:20 p.m.; In 3D at 11:50 a.m.; 2:20, 4:45, 7:20 & 9:45 p.m.; Fri. & Sun.-Thu. also at 1:10 p.m.; In 3D Sat. also at 9:35 a.m.
Roberta (1935)
Stanford Theatre: Wed. & Thu. at 5:35 & 9:25 p.m.
CENTURY 20 DOWNTOWN REDWOOD CITY 825 Middlefield Road, Redwood City (800) FANDANGO
CENTURY MOUNTAIN VIEW 1500 North Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View (800) FANDANGO
The Smiling Lieutenant (1931) Stanford Theatre: Fri. at 7:30 p.m. Something Borrowed (PG-13) (1/2
Century 16: 11 a.m.; 1:30, 4:10, 7:10 & 9:50 p.m.p.m. & 10:15 p.m.
Century 20: 11:40 a.m.; 2:15, 4:55, 7:35
Source Code (PG-13) (Not Reviewed)
Century 20: 11:50 a.m.; 2:10, 4:40, 7:15 & 9:40 p.m.
There Be Dragons (PG-13) (Not Reviewed)
Century 16: Fri.-Mon. & Thu. at 11:05 a.m.; 4:45 & 10:25 p.m. Century 20: 1:45 p.m.; Fri.-Mon., Wed. & Thu. also at 7:25 p.m.
Thor (PG-13) (((
Century 16: 11:30 a.m.; 2:10, 4:50, 7:30 & 10:15 p.m.; In 3D at 11 a.m.; 1:40, 4:20, 7 & 9:40 p.m.; Fri.-Sun., Tue. & Wed. also at 12:30, 3:10, 5:50 & 8:40 p.m.; In 3D Fri.-Sun., Tue. & Wed. also at noon, 2:40, 5:20, 8 & 10:40 p.m. Century 20: 11:45 a.m.; 1:05, 2:35, 3:50, 5:15, 6:35, 8, 9:20 & 10:40 p.m.; In 3D at 11:05 a.m.; 12:25, 1:50, 3:10, 4:35, 5:55, 7:20, 8:40 & 10:05 p.m.; In 3D Sat. also at 9:45 a.m.
Water for Elephants (PG-13) (((
Century 16: 11 a.m.; 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 & 10 p.m. Century 20: 11:25 a.m.; 2:15, 5, 7:45 & 10:30 p.m.
Win Win (R) (((
Guild Theatre: 2:30, 5:15 & 8 p.m.
- Peter Travers,
â&#x20AC;&#x153; THE
- David Walters,
( Skip it (( Some redeeming qualities ((( A good bet (((( Outstanding
Aquarius: 430 Emerson St., Palo Alto (266-9260)
Guild: 949 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (266-9260)
- Troy Patterson,
Century Cinema 16: 1500 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View (800-326-3264)
Stanford: 221 University Ave., Palo Alto (324-3700)
Century 20 Downtown: 825 Middlefield Road, Redwood City (800-326-3264)
Internet address: For show times, plot synopses, trailers and more information about films playing, go to www. PaloAltoOnline.com.
CinĂŠArts at Palo Alto Square: 3000 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (493-3456)
OPENINGS Bridesmaids ---1/2
(Century 16, Century 20) Ladies, prepare to laugh. This riotous R-rated offering from producer Judd Apatow (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Knocked Upâ&#x20AC;?) and director Paul Feig (creator of TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Freaks and Geeksâ&#x20AC;?) gives the female of the species the same sort of unapologetic, buddy-
based chuckler guys have gotten a dozen times over with films like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Old Schoolâ&#x20AC;? (2003), â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wedding Crashersâ&#x20AC;? (2005) and â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Hangoverâ&#x20AC;? (2009). But it isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fair to pigeonhole the film based on gender, so weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll state it simply: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bridesmaidsâ&#x20AC;? is the best comedy of 2011 so far. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Saturday Night Liveâ&#x20AC;? co-stars Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph play lifelong BFFs Annie and Lil-
lian, respectively. Annie is going through a bit of a rough patch. Her bakery business has tanked; her roommates are a British brothersister set with the combined IQ of a fishbowl; and romance comes in the form of shallow sexual trysts with a wealthy womanizer (an uncredited Jon Hamm of TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mad Menâ&#x20AC;? in his smarmiest role yet). (continued on next page)
EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT STARTS FRIDAY, MAY 13 Landmark Theatres $ ! $" # #! 430 Emerson St 650/266-9260
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Movies (continued from previous page)
Newly engaged Lillian asks Annie to be her maid of honor, a role Annie readily embraces despite her personal woes. Lillianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bridesmaid choices â&#x20AC;&#x201D; four very different women â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ensure anarchy for Annie and hilarity for the audience. Helen (Rose Byrne of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Get Him to the Greekâ&#x20AC;?) is a snobby socialite with boundary issues; Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey) needs a sabbatical from her lackluster marriage; Becca (Ellie Kemper) is naĂŻve to a fault; and Megan (Melissa McCarthy of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Life as We Know Itâ&#x20AC;?) toes the line between fiercely unabashed and downright vulgar. Annieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world continues to unravel as she desperately tries to connect with Lillianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bridesmaids and plan pre-wedding events despite Helenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s incessant intrusion. But things consistently go awry. A seemingly innocent outing at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant turns disastrous when the women later suffer the effects of food poisoning while trying on bridesmaidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dresses. And Annie wreaks havoc
aboard a flight to Las Vegas after popping a couple of pills for anxiety and tossing back a strong drink. Kudos to Wiig for co-writing the savvy script and proving more than capable of holding her own as a leading lady. Comparisons to â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Hangoverâ&#x20AC;? will be common but unfair, as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bridesmaidsâ&#x20AC;? serves up more relationship insight and less buffoonery. The scenes between Wiig and Rudolph are especially fun to watch, as the two actresses share an obvious comfort that is particularly engaging. But McCarthyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s uproarious performance is likely what most viewers will be talking about after the end credits role. Laughs flow freely when McCarthy is on screen, whether she is flirting with an undercover air marshal (played by McCarthyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s real-life hubby, Ben Falcone) or having a heart-to-heart with a depressed Annie. Irish-born actor Chris Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dowd is also a great addition to the cast as Annieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nonsleazy love interest, a pastry-loving police officer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bridesmaidsâ&#x20AC;? isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t perfect. The production values, such as sound
and lighting, are adequate but not impressive. And a healthy chunk of the humor is raunchy or sexual in nature, which could turn off more conservative viewers. But a witty, perfectly cast comedy rife with insight and light-hearted humor is well worth celebrating. Think of it as a cinematic bouquet â&#x20AC;&#x201D; catch it. Rated R for some strong sexuality, and language throughout. 2 hours, 5 minutes. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Tyler Hanley
Meekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cutoff ---1/2
(Century 16) Alfred Hitchcock once asked, â&#x20AC;&#x153;What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out?â&#x20AC;? Kelly Reichardt offers something of an answer in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Meekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cutoff,â&#x20AC;? a history-based drama that dares to be dull. Anyone with a lick of sense knows that settlers traveling the Oregon Trail in 1845 faced a long and empty expanse disrupted by little more than the drudgery it took to endure. Director Reichardt and writer Jonathan Raymond â&#x20AC;&#x201D; last
teamed on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wendy and Lucyâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; adopt a â&#x20AC;&#x153;you are thereâ&#x20AC;? aesthetic, its simplicity and achingly slow pace reflecting the way of life it depicts. (Reichardt employs snail-slow dissolves; she also shoots in the boxy frame of pre-widescreen films, to evoke the limited viewpoint of the bonnet-encased women.) Part of the filmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appeal is in its suggestion of the best-ever reenactment museum, as certified actors recreate the specifics of wagontrain life, down to the casually racist attitudes. The story derives from an 1845 incident that found roughly a thousand people led astray by wagon-train guide Stephen Meek. Claiming intimate knowledge of the terrain, Meek led the pioneers on an ill-advised route that came to be known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Meek Cutoff.â&#x20AC;? Raymond truncates the scale of the story by having Meek (Bruce Greenwood) guiding seven people in three wagons. At the filmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opening, the party is already lost in the landscape, its hardscrabble existence compounded by fear of dehydration, starvation or exposure to Indian attack. The men-folk â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Meek, Soloman Tetherow (Will Patton), Thomas Gately (Paul Dano), William White (Neal Huff) and Williamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boy Jimmy (Tommy Nelson) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; hold counsel to discuss and argue options while
the women-folk â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Solomanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife Emily (Michelle Williams), Williamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pregnant wife Glory White (Shirley Henderson) and Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wife Millie (Zoe Kazan) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; wait, uninvited to share their opinions. As their desperate situation grows clearer, the womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voices will be heard, at least by their husbands in the dark of night. Emily, the boldest of the women, makes clear her distrust of their supposed experienced guide, whose pride goeth before their fall. He has an answer for everything, including the difference between the genders: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Women are created on the principle of chaos. The chaos of creation, disorder, bringing new things into the world. Men, created on the principle of destruction. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like cleansing, order and destruction.â&#x20AC;? Emily responds that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have to think about Meekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s estimation, a canny answer to Meekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unearned certitude (or is it bravado?) that he knows all and his leadership instincts are infallible. When she later wonders, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Is he ignorant, or just plain evil?â&#x20AC;? modern audiences unsure about their political leaders may well relate. With every passing minute, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Meekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cutoffâ&#x20AC;? seems more like an existential nightmare of maddening uncertainty, a notion only emphasized by Reichardtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s com-
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Movies mitment to ambiguity. Like the poker-faced Cayuse Native American (Ron Rondeaux) the wagon train encounters, Reichardt can wear a Mona Lisa smile about the proceedings, but there certainly seems to be a hint of perverseness in the constant sound of whimpering wagon wheels and where they get us by picture’s end. Rated PG for some mild violent content, brief language and smoking. One hour, 44 minutes. — Peter Canavese
The Beaver --1/2
(Palo Alto Square) What to do when you’re hopelessly depressed? In the new Jodie Foster-helmed dramedy “The Beaver,” Walter Black tries self-help books, therapy, drum circles, medication and self-medication, but nothing works until he hits bottom and embraces the new personality a hand puppet affords him. That Walter is played by that king of public meltdowns Mel Gibson unavoidably colors “The Beaver.” “Edge of Darkness” is practically Gibson’s middle name (also the title of his return to acting last year), established on screen with roles as varied as the “Lethal Weapon” franchise’s Martin Riggs and the title role in “Hamlet.” In “The Beaver,” a convincing Gibson again stares deeply into the abyss. The question is whether — after his public disgrace — anyone will want to go there with him.
Walter has nearly driven his father’s toy company out of business; he’s alienated his family to the brink of separation; and he nearly ends it all during a hotel-room bender. But Walter makes a comeback with his found furry friend, a beaver that he introduces to his wife Meredith (Foster) as “a prescription puppet.” The beaver inexplicably speaks in a Cockney accent, and quickly becomes a hit with the Blacks’ 7-year-old son, Henry (Riley Thomas Stewart). Henry’s older brother, Porter (Anton Yelchin), and Meredith don’t come around quite so quickly, but the Beaver ultimately helps Walter to ingratiate himself both at home and at work. At the toy company, he rediscovers his creativity by letting the beaver operate outside of the shadow of Walter’s father, who committed suicide. The pressure to live up to — and, more often, avoid — a father’s legacy haunts both Walter and Porter, a ne’er-dowell whose principal goal in life is to avoid becoming Walter. “The Beaver” proves to be not very interested in black comedy. Rather, it’s a drama of depression, with the plain-spoken message “You do not have to be alone” in facing life’s loss and hurt and brokenness. It’s a message the audience will hope that Walter and Porter — as well as Porter’s new friend and love interest, Norah (Jennifer Lawrence of “Winter’s Bone”) — will hear before picture’s end. That is, if audiences can be convinced to
feel sympathy for a man played by Mel Gibson. In Foster’s hands, “The Beaver” turns out to be a bit of a headscratcher: weird and disturbing, but with elements of cuteness and romance; darkly funny but comedically gun shy; admirably seriousminded in treating the subject of depression, in spite of the Cockney beaver on Gibson’s arm. One wishes the film’s bets didn’t feel quite so hedged, but as is, it’s a quirky and diverting domestic drama. After all, the producers can cross their fingers that what the beaver says is true: “People seem to love a train wreck when it’s not happening to them.” Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material, some disturbing content, sexuality and language including a drug reference. One hour, 31 minutes. — Peter Canavese
Fri Only - 5/13
The Beaver 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 9:45 The Conspirator 1:30, 4:25, 7:15, 10:00
Sat Only - 5/14
The Beaver 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 9:45 The Conspirator 4:25, 7:15, 10:00
Sun thru Mon 5/15-5/16
The Beaver 2:00, 4:40, 7:20 The Conspirator 1:30, 4:25, 7:15
Tues 5/17
No Showtimes
Wed 5/18
The Beaver 2:00, 4:40, 7:20 The Conspirator 1:30
Thurs 5/19
The Beaver 2:00, 4:40, 7:20 The Conspirator 1:30, 4:25, 7:15
Stanford University will test its outdoor emergency siren system once, on Friday, June 3rd. The test, which residents of Menlo Park and Palo Alto may hear, will consist of a warning tone, followed by a verbal message.
For more information, visit http://emergency.stanford.edu or email preparedness@stanford.edu.
Isabel Marant Rachel Comey Vanessa Bruno
883 Santa Cruz Ave. Menlo Park (650) 353-7550 Open Mon-Sat 11am-6pm
*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊU Page 27
PIZZA Pizza Chicago 424-9400 4115 El Camino Real, Palo Alto This IS the best pizza in town
of the week
Spot A Pizza 324-3131 115 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto Voted Best Pizza in Palo Alto www.spotpizza.com
Armadillo Willy’s 941-2922
Su Hong – Menlo Park Dining Phone: 323–6852 To Go: 322–4631 Winner, Menlo Almanac “Best Of” 8 years in a row!
Trader Vic’s 849-9800 4269 El Camino Real, Palo Alto Dinner Mon-Thurs 5-10pm; Fri-Sat 5-11pm; Sun 4:30 - 9:30pm Available for private luncheons Lounge open nightly Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4-6 pm
Darbar Indian Cuisine 321-6688 129 Lytton, Downtown Palo Alto Lunch Buffet M-F; Open 7 days
Cook’s Seafood 325-0604 751 El Camino Real, Menlo Park Seafood Dinners from $6.95 to $10.95
1031 N. San Antonio Rd., Los Altos Range: $5.00-13.00
Hobee’s 856-6124 4224 El Camino Real, Palo Alto Also at Town & Country Village, Palo Alto 327-4111
Burmese Green Elephant Gourmet (650) 494-7391 Burmese & Chinese Cuisine 3950 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto (Charleston Shopping Center)
Janta Indian Restaurant 462-5903 369 Lytton Ave., Downtown Palo Alto Lunch Buffet M-F; Organic Veggies
Dine-In, Take-Out, Local Delivery-Catering
Spalti Ristorante 327-9390 417 California Ave, Palo Alto ÝµÕ Ã ÌiÊ `ÊUÊ"ÕÌ` ÀÊ } www.spalti.com
Chef Chu’s (650) 948-2696 1067 N. San Antonio Road on the corner of El Camino, Los Altos 2010 Best Chinese MV Voice & PA Weekly
Jing Jing 328-6885 443 Emerson St., Palo Alto
JAPANESE & SUSHI Fuki Sushi 494-9383 4119 El Camino Real, Palo Alto Open 7 days a Week
Ming’s 856-7700 1700 Embarcadero East, Palo Alto www.mings.com
New Tung Kee Noodle House 520 Showers Dr., MV in San Antonio Ctr. Voted MV Voice Best ‘01, ‘02, ‘03 & ‘04 Prices start at $4.75 947-8888
Page 28ÊUÊ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii Þ
Scott’s Seafood 323-1555 #1 Town & Country Village, Palo Alto Open 7 days a week serving breakfast, lunch and dinner Happy Hour 7 days a week 4-7 pm Full Bar, Banquets, Outdoor Seating www.scottsseafoodpa.com
THAI Thaiphoon Restaurant 323-7700 543 Emerson St., Palo Alto Full Bar, Outdoor Seating www.thaiphoonrestaurant.com Best Thai Restaurant in Palo Alto 5 Years in a Row, 2006-2010
1031 N. San Antonio Rd, Los Altos
Authentic Szechwan, Hunan Food To Go, Delivery
Catered Texas BBQ (800) 585-RIBS(7427)
Palo Alto Sol 328-8840 408 California Ave, Palo Alto Õ}iÊ i ÕÊUÊ iÃÌÞ iÊ,iV «ià Oaxacan Kitchen Mobile 321-8003 2010 Best Mexican We have hit the Road! Follow Us twitter.com/oaxacankitchen Become a Fan facebook.com/oaxacankitchenmobile Find Us www.OaxacanKitchenMobile.com
Siam Orchid 325-1994 496 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto Organic Thai Free Delivery to Palo Alto/Stanford/Menlo Park Order online at www.siamorchidpa.com
STEAKHOUSE Sundance the Steakhouse 321-6798 1921 El Camino Real, Palo Alto Lunch: Mon-Fri 11:30 am-2:00pm Dinner: Mon-Thu 5:00-10:00pm Fri-Sat 5:00-10:30pm, Sun 5:00-9:00pm www.sundancethesteakhouse.com
Search a complete listing of local restaurant reviews by location or type of food on PaloAltoOnline.com
Eating Out
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Andy Phillips, executive chef at Gravity Bistro and Wine Bar, plates the duck confit.
Plenty of polish The new Gravity wine bar and bistro impresses with fine food and a sleek interior by Dale F. Bentson
ravity, the new wine bar and bistro on Emerson Street in Palo Alto, is impressive for many reasons. The interior is sleek and refined, the service knowledgeable and friendly, and the food both arresting and exceptionally well-prepared. Gravity also has a prime spot just a half-block off University Avenue. It’s the site of longtime restaurant fixture Maddalena and the subsequent, quickly departed Melt Ultra Lounge. Rob Fischer, owner of the Palo Alto Creamery, Reposado and others, opened Gravity in midDecember. “I’ve always wanted to do a wine bar that served really good food, not just charcuterie and cheese plates,” he said. “It’s just as much about good beer as good wine. The food menu isn’t long but it’s all high quality,” he added. “We’ve got a hot chef.” Andy Phillips, formerly sous-chef at the Restaurant at Wente Vineyards in Livermore, is the exceptional talent in the kitchen. Gravity’s chic downstairs interior has hardwood floors, barhigh tables and chairs of wood and aluminum. Too-dim pendant lamps and small print make reading the menu difficult. Upstairs is the same motif, but more spacious, with lower tables and chairs, and exquisite windows in the front overlooking Emerson Street. It’s sophisticated and inviting. Each dinner, we were presented
with an amuse-bouche from the chef while squinting at the menu. On two visits, it was a morsel of the eggplant caponada; another time it was slices of sopressata salami. Each amuse-bouche was accompanied with a taste of still or bubbly wine. Steak tartare with quail egg ($10) was coarsely ground, perfectly seasoned raw beef. The tiny quail egg atop served to bind the meat and added a richness to the tasty appetizer. Another fine starter was pâté de Champagne ($10): two generous slices of coarse ground pork pâté. It had just-made lush flavors and came with cornichons, grainy mustard and toast points. No better way to start a dinner. Appetizers can be tailor-made with both charcuterie and cheeseplate selections available in three sizes each, $6-$18. Warm Brussels sprouts salad ($8) was dotted with pancetta and grapefruit slivers. The sprouts were, happily, cooked through. Al dente is fine for most vegetables but not sprouts. The citrus and bacon played well off one another. The delightful fritto misto ($12) was crispy fried shrimp, scallops, calamari and lemon slices. The lemon balanced out the seafood and added just a touch of pucker to the dish. Burrata ($7), a fresh Italian cheese made from mozzarella and cream, was just that: creamy, but
not runny. With abundant flavor spread on accompanying toast points, it was like eating cheese pudding. Gravity’s entrées include filet and frites ($19), a fork-tender piece of meat. This was not steak frites, which is a less worthy cut of beef. This was filet, perfectly grilled to my request. The fries were hot and crisp and there were plenty of them. Braised beef short ribs ($16) provided plenty of well-browned, long-cooked, fork-tender, juicy meat. Overcooked cuts of beef can be stringy — this wasn’t. The creamy-sweet mascarpone polenta that accompanied highlighted the beef. Duck confit is a preserved duck leg cooked in its own fat. Here, the duck was served with Umbrian lentils: a smaller, multihued, meatier, firmer-when-cooked lentil. These were quite different than the usual mushy green lentils encountered in soups and stews. The dish ($14) was sauced with a delicious cabernet-fig reduction. Meaty and tender, the sauteed chicken thighs ($12) were served with a farro pilaf. Farro is slightly nutty in flavor, firm and somewhat chewy. The grain is very popular in Italy. At Gravity, it made a great textural contrast to the mahoganycolored, crisp chicken. Grilled lamb sausage merguez ($12) was served with pickled cucumbers, onions and French fries. Merguez is a piquant but not overly hot North African-styled sausage. The toasted house-made bun made the dish a big hit. For desserts, apple tart Tartin ($6) was excellent, not cloyingly
CHAMPION TENNIS CAMPS got r a M n Ala 78 since 19
JULY 25-AUGUST 12 AGES 4-14 Atherton Tennis Center
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Eating Out The best panna cotta I’ve ever eaten was in Bra, Italy, home of the Slow Food movement. I’ve never had panna cotta quite as delicate as that, although throughout Italy the dessert is marvelous. Local restaurants make panna
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sweet but scented and delectable. Chocolate pot de crème ($6) was pudding par excellence. Honey ricotta crostada ($7) with candied kumquats was seriously wonderful: flaky, creamy, savory and sweet.
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING of the Palo Alto Planning & Transportation Commission
cotta either too watery, too jiggly or too custardy. I’d never had one like in Italy — until now. Gravity’s vanilla panna cotta ($7) was superb. It was feather-light and barely congealed, and melted on contact with the tongue. Then it filled the mouth
with sweet vanilla-y cream. Just wonderful. Gravity’s wine list is not lengthy, nor does it include any high-priced, high-quality, boutique wines. Rather, the wines are approachable, complement the food, and won’t stretch
Parent & Educator Seminar Connecting with Youth: Conflict to Opportunity
Please be advised the Planning and Transportation Commission (P&TC) shall conduct a public meeting at 6:00 PM, Wednesday, May 25, 2011 in the Civic Center, Council Chambers, 1st Floor, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California. Any interested persons may appear and be heard on these items.
Discover seven discipline skills to transform daily conflict into life lessons for youth. Unity Palo Alto is pleased to host these Conscious Discipline® community seminars. You can create a perpetual state of problem-solving at home and school. Healthy families. Connected classrooms.
Staff reports for agendized items are available via the City’s main website at www.cityofpaloalto.org. and also at the Planning Division Front Desk, 5th Floor, City Hall, after 2:00 PM on the Friday preceding the meeting date. Copies will be made available at the Development Center should City Hall be closed on the 9/80 Friday.
Parent & Educator Free Introductory Seminar Friday, May 20th, 7pm to 9pm
NEW BUSINESS. Study Session: 1. Joint Meeting of the Planning & Transportation and Parks & Recreation Commissions.
Visit us at UnityPaloAlto.org for details and online registration. 3391 Middlefield Ave, Palo Alto
Public Hearing: 2. 711 El Camino Real: Request by Clement Chen on behalf of Pacific Hotel Development Venture, L.P. for the initiation of a rezone of a 10,833 sq.ft. parcel of land to a Planned Community zone from Service Commercial (CS) zoning for the construction of a new 43,690 sq. ft. 5-story hotel with 44 hotel rooms and two levels of below grade parking. Environmental Assessment: An Initial Study will be completed if the project is initiated by the Planning and Transportation Commission. Questions. For any questions regarding the above applications, please contact the Planning Department at (650) 329-2440. The files relating to these items are available for inspection weekdays between the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This public meeting is televised live on Government Access Channel 26. ADA. The City of Palo Alto does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. To request accommodations to access City facilities, services or programs, to participate at public meetings, or to learn more about the City’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), please contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at 650.329.2550 (voice) or by e-mailing ada@cityofpaloalto.org. *** Curtis Williams, Director of Planning and Community Environment
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w w w. a n d y s t e n n i s c a m p.
the pocketbook too far. Corkage fee is $25 for those bringing a special bottle from elsewhere. At some point, the wine list will need to add some serious labels. The food coming from the kitchen far outshines what is currently being poured from the bottle. Wines are sold by the glass, carafe or full bottle. Various wine flights are offered including a dessert wine flight. I stuck with wines by the glass and will quote those prices. The wines were relatively inexpensive, retail-wise, and the pours were generous, about 6 ounces. Selections were global. I enjoyed a fruity Quinta de Cabriz Branco from Portugal ($9), a solid Iron Horse Chardonnay ($12) from Sonoma, an inky Tempranillo from Spain’s Bodegas Volver ($10), and a sprightly Beaujolais Villages ($12) from France. Glasses ranged from $8 to $14. Beers were American microbrews, along with some specialty European selections. Gravity has a talented chef in the kitchen, experienced management, prime location, contemporary decor and top-notch service. I can’t imagine anything but success for this operation. N
Gravity Bistro and Wine Bar 544 Emerson St., Palo Alto 650-327-3161 gravitywinebar.com Hours: Sun.-Thu. 4-10 p.m.; Fri.-Sat. 4-11 p.m.
Reservations Credit cards Lot Parking Wine & Beer Takeout Highchairs Wheelchair access
Banquet Catering Outdoor seating Noise level: Moderate Bathroom Cleanliness: Excellent
what COMMUNITY WORKSHOP when 4HURSDAY -AY s PM where Lucie Stern Community Center, Community Room -IDDLEl ELD 2OAD s 0ALO !LTO #!
Please attend the first community workshop for the Palo Alto Rail Corridor Study. The study will evaluate land use, transportation and urban design elements in the corridor. Join the City of Palo Alto and the BMS Design Group team to share your ideas on existing conditions, issues and opportunities in the area.
FOR MORE INFORMATION email railcorridorstudy@cityofpaloalto.org Contact Elena Lee, Senior Planner, Phone: 650.617.3196 website http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/knowzone/agendas/rail_corridor_task_force.asp Page 30ÊUÊ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii Þ
California Newspaper Publishers Association
Sports Shorts
COACHING CORNER . . . Sacred Heart Prep is seeking frosh-soph and freshman football coaches as well as a girls’ junior varsity volleyball coach for next season. All interested applicants should contact SHP Athletic Director Frank Rodriguez via email at frodriguez@shschools.org or by phone at (650) 473-4031.
The Menlo School boys’ lacrosse team celebrates the winning goal in overtime by sophomore Wiley Osborne (11, far right), which carried the Knights to a 10-9 victory over visiting Menlo-Atherton in the Santa Clara Valley Athletic League playoff semifinals on Wednesday. Menlo will play for the title on Saturday at 1 p.m.
It’s nearly a perfect day for the Knights Menlo School boys’ tennis reaches CCS finals, lacrosse advances to finals, baseball ties for league lead by Keith Peters t was a big day for Menlo School, but not quite a perfect one, as three of four squads earned significant victories on Wednesday and a fourth was prevented by a single stroke of the golf club. The Menlo boys’ tennis team advanced to the Central Coast Section finals, the baseball squad pulled into a tie for first place in the West Bay Athletic League and the boys’ lacrosse team moved on to the Santa Clara Valley Athletic League finals. The only team to miss out was the boys’ golf squad, which tied for fourth place at the CCS Regional II tournament in Carmel Valley but failed to advance after losing two tiebreakers to Menlo-Atherton. “Yeah, pretty good day for Menlo,” said Craig Schoof, the Knights’ athletic director. He would have spent his day shuttling between events, but was busy coaching the Knights to their baseball victory.
(continued on page 33)
Menlo’s Jake Bruml (30) congratulates Austin Marcus, who scored one of nine runs in the fourth inning of a 12-5 win over SHP.
Getting Stanford ready to host NCAA tennis championships has been a labor of love
Friday College baseball: Stanford at Oregon, 7 p.m.; KZSU (90.1 FM)
Saturday College baseball: Stanford at Oregon, 2 p.m.; KZSU (90.1 FM)
by Rick Eymer
College baseball: Stanford at Oregeon, 1 p.m.; KZSU (90.1 FM)
Tuesday College baseball: San Francisco at Stanford, 5:30 p.m.; KZSU (90.1 FM) Dani Vernon
www.PASportsOnline.com For expanded daily coverage of college and prep sports, please see our new site at www.PASportsOnline.com
“That’s why I have an assistant,” Schoof said. “Buffie (Ward) to tennis, lacrosse and baseball. We did miss out on swimming (WBAL trials).” Ward started her day in Los Gatos, where she watched the topseeded tennis team advance to the CCS Team Tournament final with a 7-0 win over Monta Vista at the Courtside Club. In Fridayís final (2 p.m.), the Knights (24-1) will face third-seeded Bellarmine (19-3), which upended No. 2-seeded Saratoga, 5-2, in the other semifinal. “They know what’s at stake on Friday,” Menlo coach Bill Shine said of his players, who are riding a 14-match winning streak after registering their third straight shutout in section play. Also on the line is a chance to win a record-breaking 10th CCS title. Menlo and Gunn currently are tied with nine.
Keith Peters
LOCAL BASEBALL . . . Palo Alto Babe Ruth Baseball will hold its opening day on Saturday at Baylands Athletic Center. The Old Pro will take on Corium (8:30 a.m.) to open the activities before the Opening Ceremony is held at 11:30 a.m. Games will continue throughout the day, capped by Mountain View Colonial against DFJ at 7 p.m. . . . Palo Alto American Legion Post 375 will hold two tryouts for the upcoming season, the first on May 28 and the second on May 30th, both from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Palo Alto High.
Keith Peters
OF LOCAL NOTE . . . Pinewood senior basketball standout Hailie Eackles has earned another slew of honors, this time from Cal-Hi Sports. Eackles was named the state’s Most Valuable Player for Division V girls in addition to being named to the all-state first team for that division. Eackles also was named third team all-state for all divisions. Earlier, Eackles received Division V MVP honors and second-team all-state accolades from MaxPreps. Also named to the Division V all-state team were two Pinewood teammates, senior guards Kelsey Morehead and Mirando Seto. They, along with Eackles, led the Panthers to back-toback state titles. Senior guard Ahjalee Harvey of Eastside Prep also received Division V all-state honors as did Castilleja senior forward Natasha von Kaeppler, who recently changed her mind on her college choice and will attend Stanford next season instead of Yale . . . Menlo Park resident Tim Goode recently received a first-place award for Best Website from the Outdoor Writers Association of California (OWAC). Goode received the award for his NorCalFishingNews.com site.
Stanford Director of Tennis Dick Gould has been busy.
ick Gould walks the grounds of the Taube Family Tennis Center daily, practically obsessing over every little detail, noting things that seem invisible to the casual observer. He wants this year’s NCAA men’s and women’s team and individual tournaments to be the best yet and he’s leaving almost nothing to chance. Jenny Claypool is in her 11th year as Stanford’s Director of Champi-
onships, a daunting task even in the leanest of years. Stanford plays host to between 15 and 18 events a year and she’s in charge of making sure things runs smoothly. She’s already helped put together major NCAA, Pac-10 and/or Mountain Pacific Sports Federation championship events in women’s volleyball, women’s soccer, men’s water polo, women’s basketball, and men’s golf, among others. Not even the coaches and players
who will call Taube Family Tennis Center home for 12 days beginning May 19 have an idea of the extent to which Gould, Claypool, Brian Risso of the Sports Information Department and the hundreds of others have gone to make these championships a unique experience. “It’s like having the Orange Bowl here, with Stanford in it, and it lasts for 12 days,” Gould said. “The idea (continued on page 34)
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Stanford women face familiar foes at NCAA water polo championships
Saturday May 21 9 AM - Noon
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by Rick Eymer he stage is set for another wild weekend involving four teams that know each other well. The top-seeded Stanford women’s water polo team hopes that leads to a national title. Of the 10 previous NCAA championships, only three schools have won titles: Stanford (2002), UCLA (7 times) and USC (twice). Those happen to be three of the top four seeds in this year’s national tournament, which begins Friday at the Canham Natatorium in Ann Arbor. The top-ranked and top-seeded Cardinal (25-1) meets eighth-seeded Iona College (26-7) in Friday’s quarterfinal contest at 3 p.m. (PT). Second-seeded California takes on UC San Diego, third-seeded UCLA plays Indiana and USC meets UC Irvine in other first round games. The Gaels reached the Elite Eight for the first time in program history after beating Redlands in a play-in game last Saturday. Maggie Wood leads the team with 115 goals. Should Stanford get by Iona, which has won 14 straight, the semifinals could feature defending NCAA champions USC, with the possibility of Cal and UCLA meeting in the other semifinal. In other words, an all-Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Final Four. “Sometimes I just get annoyed
with people’s tendencies,” Stanford senior goalkeeper Amber Oland said. “I just want to stop them. But we know each other so well; we kind of understand what we need to do. It usually comes down to who makes the fewest mistakes.” Stanford has played beaten Cal twice by the combined score of 1810; has defeated USC three times, twice in overtime, by the aggregate score of 28-23; and split two meetings with UCLA, with the Cardinal owning a 13-11 goal advantage. There’s just not much separating the four teams. “We feel like we want to win to prove what kind of team we have,” Oland said. “We have been focused on getting back here all season.” The Cardinal has some added incentive in that UCLA handed Stanford its only loss this year, USC beat the Cardinal in last year’s title match and Cal is, well, Cal. Oland, Menlo School grad Kim Krueger and goalkeeper Kim Hall are playing in their final NCAA tournament. They would like nothing better than to bring home Stanford’s first national championship since 2002 and earn the school’s 101st NCAA title. The tournament will feature 12 players from local schools. In addition to Krueger, Stanford had Sacred Heart Prep grads Pallavi Menon
and Vee Dunlevie. UCLA has Megan Burmeister (Menlo), KK Clark (SHP) and Becca Dorst (M-A) while Cal had Lindsay Dorst (SHP) and Jen Talbot (St. Francis). USC has Priory grad Consi Hiller while Indiana features Liza Dernehl (Paly) plus Lauren and Cassie Wyckoff (Los Altos). Track and field The Stanford men’s team enters this weekend’s Pac-10 championships in Tucson ranked No. 12 in the nation, one of six ranked teams from the conference. No. 7 USC, No. 10 Arizona, No. 20 Oregon, No. 21 UCLA and No. 23 Washington are also among the country’s elite. Stanford is looking for its first Pac-10 title on the men’s side since 2002. The Cardinal will be led by its distance crew that includes defending Pac-10 5,000 and 10,000 champion Chris Derrick. Elliott Heath is coming of a NCAA indoor title in the 3,000 and has been in fine form all year. He is currently ranked No. 1 in the nation in the 5,000 with a time of 13:26.14. Other notables are 5,000 and 10,000 All-American Jake Riley and AllAmerica steeplechaser JT Sullivan. Amaechi Morton, in the 400-meter hurdles, gives the Cardinal a shot of scoring big points. N
PUBLIC NOTICE MAGNET RECOGNITION PROGRAM® SITE VISIT • Stanford Hospital & Clinics was designated as a Magnet organization in 2007 by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program®. This prestigious designation recognizes excellence in nursing services. In June 2011, Stanford Hospital & Clinics is applying for re-designation. • Patients, family members, staff, and interested parties who would like to provide comments are encouraged to do so. Anyone may send comments via e-mail, fax, and direct mail. All phone comments to the Magnet Program Office must be followed up in writing. YOUR COMMENTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND NEVER SHARED WITH THE FACILITY. IF YOU CHOOSE, YOUR COMMENTS MAY BE ANONYMOUS, BUT MUST BE IN WRITING. • YOUR COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY June 10, 2011. Address:
Fax: E-Mail: Phone: Page 32ÊUÊ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii Þ
American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program Office 8515 Georgia Ave., Suite 400 Silver Spring, MD 20910-3492 301-628-5217 magnet@ana.org 866-588-3301 (toll free)
“I’ve been selling that,” Shine said of the possible record. The Knights have faced the Bells twice this season — once in the National Invitation Tournament semifinals and the other in a nonleague match — and won both times. The Knights will try to win their third straight section crown on Friday. Shine was surprised that his team wouldn’t be facing Saratoga in a rematch of last year’s finale. The Falcons dropped the first set in six matches Tuesday before getting into the battle. Bellarmine had to win a pair of tiebreakers to help pull it out. “They must be getting better,” Shine said of the Bells. “So, we have to bring our best. It doesn’t matter what we’ve done in the past. It only matters Friday.” When tennis was over, Ward headed back to campus for the baseball and lacrosse matches, held sideby-side for those wanting to watch both. On the baseball diamond, a ninerun, fourth-inning explosion blew open the game as Menlo earned a share of first place in the WBAL race with a convincing 12-5 win over Sacred Heart Prep. The Knights are 8-1 in league (21-5 overall) with one game remaining — against visiting Kingís Academy on Friday at 4 p.m. A win would assure Menlo of at least a share of the WBAL title before the defending CCS Division III champion heads to the section playoffs for the 23rd time in the past 24 seasons. The Gators (15-11), also 8-1, play Pinewood on Friday to close out the regular season. SHP and Menlo split their season series. Behind some clutch hitting by Ian Lynch and some Menlo defensive mistakes, Sacred Heart Prep jumped out to a 4-2 advantage, heading into the bottom of the fourth inning with starter Jack Larson seemingly in control. Menlo, however, scored nine runs on just eight hits while sending 14 batters to the plate. Freshman Mikey Diekroeger who had two of his four hits and junior Freddy Avis who had a two-run double in the frame. “We certainly are a better hitting team than we showed the first time around,” Schoof said of his team’s earlier loss to SHP. “It was nice to see some balls drop. It had seemed like everything they (the Gators) had hit the first time and this time fell in, didn’t matter if it was hit hard or soft. We got some of those in the fourth and then we pounded it a bit.” Avis added to the pounding as he belted a titanic solo home run in the fifth and finished with three RBI. Dylan Mayer, Robert Wickers and Diekroeger all had two RBI. Junior Jake Batchelder came on in relief in the fifth and threw three outstanding innings to shut down the potent Gators attack to preserve the win for Avis (8-1). On hand to watch the important victory were Menlo alums Kenny and Danny Diekroeger, teammates on the Stanford baseball team. They were joined in the lineup by fellow
Menlo School sophomore Wiley Osborne (white) fires the winning goal against Menlo-Atherton defender Robert Davis to give the Knights a 10-9 overtime victory in the SCVAL playoff semifinals Wednesday. final six holes. The Bears had fewer strokes and thus moved on. “A tough loss and a tough way to lose for the team that had sailed through league play undefeated and won the WBAL league championship last week,” said Menlo coach Dave Buchanan. Travis Anderson and David McNamara each shot a 5-over 76 to pace the Bears while Menlo senior Patrick Grimes, the defending CCS champ, and sophomore teammate Andrew Buchanan had even-par 71s to advance to the CCS finals as individuals. Gunn finished eighth in the team scoring with senior Matt Redfield leading the way with a 78. The last individual qualifying berth went to Portola Valley resident Maverick McNealy of Harker. He shot 75. In other prep sports with playoff significance this week: Sophomore Charlotte Biffar scored five goals as Palo Alto moved on to the championship match of the SCVAL girls’ lacrosse playoffs with a 15-9 semifinal victory over visiting Los Gatos on Wednesday. The Vikings (14-7) will defend their title
Nina Kelty of Palo Alto (34) scored two goals to help the Vikings advance to the SCVAL playoff finals by beating Los Gatos, 15-9.
Menlo shortstop Tim Benton doubles forces MikeCovell of Sacred Heart Prep at second before completing a double play. on Saturday against St. Francis at Woodside High at 11 a.m. The Lancers edged Leland, 11-10, in the other semifinal. Kimmie Flather scored three goals with Layla Memar, Leigh Dairaghi and Nina Kelty all adding two for Paly, which grabbed an 8-3 halftime lead. The Wildcats (9-7), however, rallied in the second half as the Vikings suffered two back-to-back yellow-card penalties with 13 and 11
minutes left to play. Paly played for more than a minute while down two players and Los Gatos took advantage to get to within 10-8. Once the yellow cards were released, Paly coach Jamie Nesbitt called a timeout to regroup. The Vikings did just that and scored five unanswered goals to earn a rematch with St. Francis. Paly won last season’s inaugural league playoffs over the Lancers, 9-8. N
Matt Ersted
(continued from page 31)
grad Jack Mosbacher during Tuesday night’s win over UC Davis, giving Schoof a proud moment. Before baseball wrapped up, the Menlo boys’ lacrosse team got a goal from sophomore Wiley Osborne in overtime to carry the Knights to a 10-9 victory over Menlo-Atherton in the SCVAL semifinals. “That’s the third time we played them this season,” Said Osborne, who scored four goals with two assists. “That’s always the hardest thing to do, beat a team three times.” The teams were tied at halftime, 4-4, and traded goals in the third period until Menlo’s Ryan Grzejka scored for an 8-6 lead. The Bears forged an 8-8 deadlock to finish the period and took a 9-8 lead on Ryan Johnston’s goal before Menlo sophomore Nick Schultz scored the tying goal to force overtime. The Knights (15-7), who were upset in the SCVAL semifinals last year, now advance to the playoff championship on Saturday at Woodside High at 1 p.m. Menlo will face Mountain View, which eliminated defending champ Palo Alto, 11-8, in the other semifinal. “Last year we had a lot of experience,” Osborne said. “This year we didn’t start off very well (2-4), but we pulled together.” “We knew each other very well,” said Menlo coach Todd Blumbergs. “M-A is a good team and they had every right to win this game as we did . . . These (Menlo) kids have seen rough patches, but during those games the important thing is you learn and you get better, and you make adjustments going forward.” The only imperfection on the day for Menlo came in Carmel Valley, where the Knights surprisingly lost out to Menlo-Atherton, which advanced out of the CCS Regional II on a tiebreaker while earning a berth in Tuesday’s CCS finals, also at Rancho Canada (West) Golf Course. Menlo and M-A both shot teams scores of 394, tying for the fourth and final CCS berth. The tiebreaker came down to the lowest total team score over the final nine holes. Both teams had the same number so a second tiebreaker was used for the
Matt Ersted
Prep roundup
Keith Peters
Paly sophomore Charlotte Biffar (5) scored five goals to put the Vikings in the SCVAL playoff finals against St. Francis on Saturday. *> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊ£Î]ÊÓ䣣ÊU Page 33
NCAA tennis (continued from page 31)
is to make this more special than any event ever. The players and coaches donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know the full extent of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on here. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a ton of stuff going on.â&#x20AC;? The event itself is like the tip of an iceberg. Fans will see just a fraction of the work that went into making the tournament work. Stanford is given an internal operating budget and Gould said the tennis programs have helped raise even more funds to help produce a major event. The most visible to fans are the video scoreboards, the ability to
follow any of the matches no matter where you are located, and the entrance way from the corner of Galvez and Campus Drives into the stadium, where kiosks honor every past NCAA Rookie of the Year, Senior of the Year and All-American. Live music will be performed daily at the Heritage Columns, while scoreboards along the arcade will be constantly updated. Through Gouldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eyes thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a festive, colorful atmosphere outside the stadium and the excitement of college tennis being contested inside the stadium beginning at 9 a.m. every day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not like the traditional tennis tournament where fans clap politely,â&#x20AC;? Gould said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you get col-
lege teams in here playing you get an incredible atmosphere. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get that during the regular season. The teams that get here have earned their way and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s electric.â&#x20AC;? The video display features a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Gallery of Championsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Interactive Kiosk, donated by Laurence Korn to honor Stanford menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coach John Whitlinger, the 1974 NCAA singles and doubles champion. The kiosk features numerous past matches captured on video and transferred to DVD involving a Stanford player from 1979 to the present. ESPN put together a highlight program of all the NCAA championships the network has televised.
JR Keenan if Intelligence, Inc. is the mastermind behind the system, which also features four separate television screens. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He makes it work,â&#x20AC;? Gould said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very talented and has worked for HP Pavilion, ESPN and Cisco Labs.â&#x20AC;? Jane Goodman and Jim Russell are in charge of the umpires while Amelia Barnes will make sure there are ballboys and ballgirls for the team semifinals and finals and the individual tournament. More than 400 volunteers will be on hand at some point during the event, including court monitors, ushers and handymen. Gould coached the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team to
Palo Alto UniďŹ ed School District Notice is hereby Given that proposals will be received by the Palo Alto UniďŹ ed School District for bid packages: Contract Nos. BPC-11, BPW-11, BPPR-11, DOR-11, PAHP-11
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SPANISH CAMPS for kids: K-4th U Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;`>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;qĂ&#x160;/Â&#x2026;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;`>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;{\Ă&#x17D;äĂ&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;x\Ă&#x17D;äĂ&#x160;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;x\Ă&#x17D;äĂ&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x2C6;\Ă&#x17D;äĂ&#x160;UfĂ&#x2C6;äĂ&#x160;ÂŤiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x153;iiÂ&#x17D; *," -- " Ă&#x160;/1/", Ă&#x160;- ,6 -Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160;-Â&#x2C6;Â?Â&#x2C6;VÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;6>Â?Â?iĂ&#x17E;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;U*Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x160;EĂ&#x160;v>Ă?Ă&#x160;ÂĂ&#x2C6;xäŽĂ&#x160;Â&#x2122;{nÂ&#x2021;xÂŁĂ&#x17D;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;°*/-Ă&#x152;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;°VÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160; UĂ&#x160;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;vÂ&#x153;JÂŤĂ&#x152;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;°VÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x2C6;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x203A;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x2022;i]Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;]Ă&#x160; Ă&#x160;Â&#x2122;{äĂ&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: The work includes, but is not limited to: UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;iÂŤÂ?>ViÂ&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; V>Ă&#x20AC;ÂŤiĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160; >Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x160; Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x17E;Â?Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; *>Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x160; Elementary School. UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Â?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;i`Ă&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;iÂŤÂ?>ViÂ&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; VÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;VĂ&#x20AC;iĂ&#x152;iĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; *>Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x160; Elementary School. UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;iÂŤÂ?>ViÂ&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x2022;LLiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160; ÂŤÂ?>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x192;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;v>ViĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; *>Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x160; Elementary School. UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; ÂŤ>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;>Â?Ă&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; >Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x160; 6 Ă&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;iÂŤÂ?>ViÂ&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;VĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160; OfďŹ ce. UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160;iĂ?Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;ÂŤ>Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;>Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160;*>Â?Â&#x153;Ă&#x160; Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160; Â&#x2C6;}Â&#x2026;Ă&#x160;-VÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â?]Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x17E;Â&#x201C;>Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;iĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160; Theater. There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference and site visit for each project on May 11th and May 12th, 2011. Please contact the District Facilities ofďŹ ce for times and location of each individual project. Bid Submission: Proposals must be received at the District >VÂ&#x2C6;Â?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160; "vwVi]Ă&#x160; Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2C6;Â?`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dâ&#x20AC;?, on May 27, 2011, at the times Ă&#x192;ÂŤiVÂ&#x2C6;wi`Ă&#x160;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Â&#x2C6;``Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;VĂ&#x2022;Â&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x192;° PREVAILING WAGE LAWS:Ă&#x160; /Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Ă&#x192;Ă&#x2022;VViĂ&#x192;Ă&#x192;vĂ&#x2022;Â?Ă&#x160; Â&#x2C6;``iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160; Â&#x201C;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; comply with all prevailing wage laws applicable to the *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â?iVĂ&#x152;]Ă&#x160;>Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x160;Ă&#x20AC;iÂ?>Ă&#x152;i`Ă&#x160;Ă&#x20AC;iÂľĂ&#x2022;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;iÂ&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;VÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;>Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;i`Ă&#x160;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;>VĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160; Documents. Palo Alto UniďŹ ed School District will maintain a Labor
Â&#x153;Â&#x201C;ÂŤÂ?Â&#x2C6;>Â&#x2DC;ViĂ&#x160;*Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;}Ă&#x20AC;>Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160; *ÂŽĂ&#x160;vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160;`Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;ÂŤĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â?iVĂ&#x152;° In bidding this project, the contractor warrants he/she is >Ă&#x153;>Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x160;>Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x160;Ă&#x153;Â&#x2C6;Â?Â?Ă&#x160;vÂ&#x153;Â?Â?Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160;*Ă&#x2022;LÂ?Â&#x2C6;VĂ&#x160;7Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; Â&#x2026;>ÂŤĂ&#x152;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160;
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Â&#x2026;>ÂŤĂ&#x152;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; >LÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;`i° {°Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;VĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x192;Â&#x2026;>Â?Â?Ă&#x160; Ă&#x153;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â?`Ă&#x160; VÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;>VĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160; ÂŤ>Ă&#x17E;Â&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; Â&#x2C6;vĂ&#x160; ÂŤ>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â?Â?Ă&#x160; records are delinquent or inadequate. 5. The District shall withhold contract payments as described Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; *]Ă&#x160;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;>ÂŤÂŤÂ?Â&#x2C6;V>LÂ?iĂ&#x160;ÂŤiÂ&#x2DC;>Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x153;Â&#x2026;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;VĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160; >Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x160; >LÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x192;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x152;>LÂ?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Â&#x2026;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;>Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;`iĂ&#x20AC;ÂŤ>Ă&#x17E;Â&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; other violations has occurred. Â&#x2C6;``iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; Â&#x201C;>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160; iĂ?>Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x160; Â&#x2C6;``Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;VĂ&#x2022;Â&#x201C;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; >VÂ&#x2C6;Â?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160; "vwVi]Ă&#x160; Building â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dâ&#x20AC;?. All questions can be addressed to: Palo Alto UniďŹ ed School District Ă&#x201C;xĂ&#x160; Â&#x2026;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;Â?Â?Ă&#x160; Ă&#x203A;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x2022;i]Ă&#x160; Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2C6;Â?`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;
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Palo Alto UniďŹ ed School District Notice is hereby Given that proposals will be received by the Palo Alto UniďŹ ed School District for bid package: Contract No. JLSP-11 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: The work includes, but is not limited to: The relocation of two (2) existing 960 square foot portable classroom buildings. Work includes dismantling, building moving, asphalt paving & utility trenching, electrical, ďŹ re alarm, EMS and reassembly of units for complete and operational portable classroom buildings. Bidding documents contain the full description of the work. There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference and site visit at 3:00 p.m. on May 18, 2011 at J. L. Stanford (JLS) Middle School located at 480 East Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, California 94306. Contractors who attended the previous pre-bid conference and site visit held on May 4, 2011 are exempt from this requirement. Bid Submission: Proposals must be received at the District Facilities OfďŹ ce, 25 Churchill Ave., Building D, by 3:00 p.m. on June 1, 2011. PREVAILING WAGE LAWS: The successful Bidder must comply with all prevailing wage laws applicable to the Project, and related requirements contained in the Contract Documents. Palo Alto UniďŹ ed School District will maintain a Labor Compliance Program (LCP) for the duration of this project. In bidding this project, the contractor warrants he/she is aware and will follow the Public Works Chapter of the California Labor Code comprised of Labor Code Sections 1720 - 1861. A copy of the Districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s LCP is available for review at 25 Churchill Avenue, Building D, Palo Alto, CA 94306. 1. A pre-construction conference shall be conducted with the contractor or subcontractors to discuss federal and state labor law requirements applicable to the contract. 2. Project contractors and subcontracts shall maintain and furnish to the District, at a designated time, a certiďŹ ed copy of each payroll with a statement of compliance signed under penalty of perjury. 3. The District shall review and, if appropriate, audit payroll records to verify compliance with the Public Works Chapter of the Labor Code. 4. The District shall withhold contract payments if payroll records are delinquent or inadequate. 5. The District shall withhold contract payments as described in the LCP, including applicable penalties when the District and Labor Commissioner establish that underpayment of other violations has occurred. Bidders may examine Bidding Documents at the District Facilities OfďŹ ce, 25 Churchill Ave, Building D, Palo Alto. Bidders may purchase copies of Plans and SpeciďŹ cations at American Reprographics Company (ARC), 599 Fairchild Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043. Phone: (650) 967-1966 Address all questions to: Palo Alto UniďŹ ed School District 25 Churchill Avenue, Building D Palo Alto, CA 94306-1099 Attn: Heidi Rank Phone: (650) 833-4205 Fax: (650) 327-3588 e-mail: hrank@pausd.org
xx national titles and has envisioned hosting both menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team and individual tournaments at the same site for some time. Stanford became the first school to do so in 2006. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been done that way ever since. Gould broached the subject to the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s committee only after stepping down from full-time coaching. He remains Stanfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Director of Tennis. Claypool joined the Stanford athletic department by chance in the summer of 1990. The Menlo-Atherton High grad earned a bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in Foreign Studies from Smith College and after learning of such a major, she returned to school at Massachusetts-Amherst for a degree in sports management. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was never an athlete but I always enjoyed sports,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At first I thought I would go into Foreign Services. I spent a year abroad in Ecuador and loved it. But I always worked for the athletic department at Smith College.â&#x20AC;? After earning her second degree, Claypool went to work for the San Jose Giants for a year. Following her last day of work she went up to the Stanford Ticket Office to buy a ticket to the football season-opener a week away. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I happened to see a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Help Wantedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sign while I was in line,â&#x20AC;? Claypool said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I figured I was out of work that Monday and decided to ask about it.â&#x20AC;? She was hired on the spot for an hourly wage, worked four hours that same day selling tickets and answering phones. The rest is, of course, history. Claypool worked closely with Stanford administrator Beth Goode, who also serves on a handful of NCAA committees and Anne Gould, Dickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife, to work out details. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do it without Beth. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great resource,â&#x20AC;? said Claypool. The day the final 16 teams clinch their spots at the NCAA finals, a package will be handed to the coach containing the team hotel, practice times (and where), match times, the host family, contact information and directions. Claypool has been working on the tennis tournament since last summer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have tunnel vision right now,â&#x20AC;? Claypool said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not sure if I can see the light at the end yet, but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m inside the tunnel, focused on the end.â&#x20AC;? Keeping busy will not be a problem for any visitor, and particularly for the teams. There are 32 families set to host a team for dinner. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in addition to the welcome dinner, involving upwards of 450 people, to be held inside Maples Pavilion. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also a welcome brunch for the individual players. Stanford is also hosting an Alumni weekend, which will include a tennis tournament at Alpine Hills Tennis Club open to any NCAA alumnus. The USTA and USPTA is putting on a College Day in Kissick Auditorium for prospective college tennis players, breaking down the recruiting process, the rules and additional information. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be great,â&#x20AC;? Gould said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;as long as it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rain.â&#x20AC;? N
6 2
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Jasmine Tosky
Byron Sanborn
Palo Alto High
Palo Alto High
The junior swimmer set a meet record of 1:45.98 to win the 200 free, added a victory in the 500 free and rallied two relay teams from second to first with great anchor legs as Paly won the De Anza Division meet title.
The junior swimmer won the 200 IM with a personal best of 1:53.05, overcame a deficit in the 100 breast to win in a season best and swam solid legs on two runnerup relay teams as Paly won the De Anza Division meet title.
Gunn swimming
Kiana Choroski Gunn track and field
Sabrina Lee Palo Alto swimming
Michaela Michael* Menlo lacrosse
Margaret Wenzlau Palo Alto swimming
Amy Yamamura Castilleja softball
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Honorable mention Rachael Acker
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To see video interviews of the Athletes of the Week, go to www.PASportsOnline.com
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In Conversation with Tobias Wolff & Debra Satz
George Packer & &' *% ' % "% & " " ! ' (' "% " ## ## #( $ " " ! "" '% & % -& !'%+ !'" ' % $ * % ! ' '%"( " (# ' "! ' ' " "* ' * & .! &' "% ' ( ', % % , ! * & ! + & " # & "! " ' ' ! &' "" & " % * ! "!) %& ' "! * ' Tobias Wolff ! Debra Satz. " & " & *% '' ! & ) % "" & ! ( ! %" $ "' # "" # # '(# & *"% ## %& % ( % + ! & " " $ $ ! " "(# % ', & ' %' (''"! & %" &&"% " ' & ! " '+ %" &&"% " "&"# + ! ' % '"% " '
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Sponsored by the McCoy Family Center For Ethics in Society at Stanford University
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Palo Alto, Gunn look forward to CCS after Vikings sweep Both teams looking for even faster times in section finals; M-A freshman Van Linge sets school record at the PAL trials by Keith Peters legendary Mark Spitz in 1968. Hinhe Palo Alto and Gunn girls shaw swam 1:40.40 to erase the 43staged another stirring battle year-old mark. while the Palo Alto boys Palo Alto junior Jasmine Tosky atoned for last seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stumble also broke a meet record, but it from the top. All in all, the 2011 wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quite as old. She clocked a SCVAL De Anza Division swim- sizzling 1:45.98 to win the girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ming and diving champi200 free and lower her onships turned out well for 1:47.86 time from 2010. It the local teams last Friday was Toskyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second-fastest at Saratoga High. time ever in the event and The Paly girls won their it earned her automatic ninth straight league title All-American status. She with 585 points with Gunn also won the 500 free eassecond with 442. Both ily in 4:46.18, fastest time teams set a handful of rein the CCS this season. cords and produced qualMore importantly, Tosky ity times that will only go anchored two trailing relower once the top athletes Jasmine Tosky lays to victory. shave and taper for the The 200 free relay squad Central Coast Section champion- was trailing until Tosky hit the waships on May 21. ter and overhauled Gunnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Casey The Paly boys, upended in last Lincoln with a sizzling 22.83 anchor seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s league finals, made up for as Paly won in 1:37.74. In the meetthat by scoring 434 points to hold ending 400 free relay, Gunn held an off defending champ Monta Vista even bigger lead when Tosky began (366) and win their sixth division her stirring 48.83 anchor and passed crown in coach Danny Dyeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seven Gunnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Christine Prior in the final years at the school. yards. Paly clocked 3:32.84 for first â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a fun week and a great and Gunn went 3:33.65 for second, day,â&#x20AC;? Dye said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m real proud both extremely fast times. of my teams. Gunn junior Rachael Acker was â&#x20AC;&#x153;The girls, I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t as concerned. on both relays, but made up for Gunn is a good team and swam a those defeats with a pair of school great meet. Mark (Hernandez) al- records. While finishing second to ways gets them ready. But, the (Paly) Tosky in the 200 free, Acker went girls were just ready. As for the boys, 1:51.00 to break Jane Abrahamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s I had no idea what to expect. But, 1:51.71 mark from 1979. In the 100 with the two new freshmen (Andrew free, Acker held off teammate Julia Liang and Willie Lee), the team re- Ama and broke her school mark of ally came together.â&#x20AC;? 50.66 with an automatic All-AmerWhile Dye and his assistant ican time of 50.47. Ama won the 50 coaches earned a ritual dunking free in 23.50. after the meet, Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s title sweep Gunn also got a victory from was just another big step toward the senior Emily Watkins in the 100 section finals in two weeks. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s breaststroke, her non-taper personwhen things get really exciting when al best of 1:06.85 just missing the times drop like leaves on a windy school record. day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our girls did well, and we can Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finals, however, pro- still clean up a number of things,â&#x20AC;? duced some great times nonetheless. said Gunn coach Mark Hernandez. The best effort came, appropriately â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ready to do even better at enough, from Saratoga senior Adam CCS.â&#x20AC;? Hinshaw. He used his home pool to Palo Alto also had its share of break the oldest league record â&#x20AC;&#x201D;a (continued on page 38) 1:40.50 time in the 200 free by the
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Menlo-Atherton boys and girls pull off a sweep of the PAL track and field titles by Rick Eymer
dle school. I was doing pretty good tas Della Morte is making the then so I thought I might do OK.” During the football season one of most of his track and field experience. Catherine Carpen- the track coaches saw him running ter didn’t know what to expect this and asked if he’d consider running track. season. “I figured, why not?” Each of them had a hand he said. “I usually stopped in helping Menlo-Atherton playing after basketball track and field win both the season.” boys’ and girls’ team titles And to think he needed a Wednesday at the Peninsupush from his father, Tony, la Athletic League finals at to start playing baseball College of San Mateo. at age 11. Before then he Della Morte, who won was content reading comic the long jump last week books and bicycling with and has the Central Coast his mother, Iryna. Section’s top mark in the “He just thought it would event at 23-1 1/2, also Stas Della Morte be a better environment qualified in the 100, the high jump and as a member of the for me,” said Della Morte, who has since decided to pursue track and 400 relay team. He plans to compete in all four field at Oregon as a walk-on. events at the CCS trials, which is Carpenter, who won both the 200 scheduled for Saturday, May 21, at and 400, still has another year beGilroy High. The finals are May 27, fore committing to a college but it also at Gilroy. will be academics first. “I would love to run track in colThis is his first season on the Bears’ track and field team and he lege,” she said. “I know that running at the Division I level is really timeloves every minute of it. “I love all the sports I do,” said consuming; maybe Division III.” Carpenter has been bothered by Della Morte, who was accepted to Oregon as a student before he even shin splints all season and after restknew he would participate in M-A ing for a while, nothing changed. track and field. So she decided to run through the “I’m into jumping,” he said. “I am pain. dunking a basketball at six feet and I That’s what makes winning two did high jump and long jump in mid- events at the league meet even more
Forrest Carmichael
M-A junior Catherine Carpenter won the 200 and 400 and led off the second-place 1,600 relay that clinched the PAL title.
satisfying. Carpenter won the 400 in 58.64 and the 200 in 26.43. M-A freshman Naomi Tovar won the 100 in 12.97 and won the long jump last week. Menlo-Atherton’s 400 relay team defended its league title with a group including junior Peyton Bush, junior Daryn Tinsley, freshman Megan Kurtz and Tovar. They finished the race in 50.85. Tinsley also qualified in the 400, finishing fifth. Carpenter, Kurtz, Bush and Tinsley also qualified with the 1,600 relay, finishing second in 4:15.09 to clinch the team’s three-point victory over Westmoor, 74 1/2 to 71 1/2. The M-A boys nudged Woodside, 68-67. Freshman Taylor Fortman earned a trip to the section trials, finishing fifth in the 1,600 in a personal best 5:33.87. In the boys 1,600, Michael Hester finished fourth and Jack Beckwith was fifth to qualify. DellaMorte was fourth in the 100 in 11.54. The M-A boys’ 400 relay team of freshman Zack Plante and seniors Brogan O’Hara, Theodore Tussing and Della Morte also earned a trip to CCS, finishing third in 45.15. Other qualifiers include Katelyn Doherty and Alyssa Sterns in the pole vault, Di’jonn Williams in the high jump, and Michael Hester in the 800. N
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Ken Coverdell
Prep swim
(continued from page 36)
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FREE SKIN CANCER SCREENING Dermatologists from Stanford Hospital & Clinics will be on hand to check for unusual moles or irregular blemishes that could signify the onset of skin cancer. If you have had the following, this free screening is for you:
winners. In addition to Tosky, junior Margaret Wenzlau took the 100 fly in 57.32 with freshman Jayna Wittenbrink second in 58.69 and sophomore Molly Zebker third (58.85). Senior Sarah Liang won the 200 IM with a season best of 2:07.82 and senior Sabrina Lee cruised to a 57.54 win in the 100 back in addition to helping the Vikings sweep all three relays. Wenzlau, Tosky and Liang also did double-duty on the winning relays. Paly senior Grace Greenwood won the 1-meter diving earlier in the week. In the boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; meet, Paly junior Byron Sanborn won the 200 IM with a personal best and came from behind to take the 100 breast to help propel the Vikings. Sanborn won the 200 IM in 1:53.05, improving upon his No. 3 time in school history, after helping the Vikings take second in the opening 200 medley relay (1:37.39, No. 4 in school history). He later won a thrilling battle with Lynbrookâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s AJ Zavala in the breaststroke, trailing the entire race before finally taking the lead in the last 10 yards to win in 58.39 with Zavala second in 58.44. Sanborn clocked a sizzling 46.62 anchor leg on the second-place 400 free relay team that clocked a season-best 3:12.95, losing by just .34 seconds. Paly freshman William Lee was a big winner in the 100 back in a
personal best of 52.23, winning by three seconds. That ranks him No. 2 in school history. Sophomore Cole Plambeck won the diving earlier in the week. Gunn senior Ben Hendricks set a personal best by breaking 50.00 in the 100 for the first time while taking fifth in 49.33 while junior Gavin Kerr broke 5:00 in the 500 free for the first time with a fourth-place finish of 4:57.38. Gunn junior Will Thorson took third in the 100 fly in a CCS time of 54.56. The Peninsula Athletic League, meanwhile, will hold its finals on Saturday at Burlingame High starting at 1 p.m. Menlo-Atherton is the defending champion in all four divisions and Bearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; coach Tom McRae is hoping the influx of talent from last seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s frosh-soph championship teams will help make a difference at the varsity level. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are looking very good again this year,â&#x20AC;? McRae said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;On the varsity girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; side, we added some great new freshman with Maddie Pont, Kindle Van Linge and Nicole Zanolli â&#x20AC;&#x201D; all with CCS top16 goals. Varsity boys are looking amazing.â&#x20AC;? During Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first day of trials, M-Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Van Linge set a school record in the 100 fly while finishing second in 58.84. Van Lingeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time eclipsed the previous mark of 59.53 by Danielle Hildebrandt in 2005.N (For results of Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s WBAL finals, go to www.pasportsonline. com)
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