2013 09 27 paw section1

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Palo Alto

Vol. XXXIV, Number 52 N September 27, 2013

City looks for more downtown parking Page 5

w w w.PaloA ltoOnline.com


one roof

Palo Alto’s multigenerational families follow a national trend PAGE 25

Spectrum 14

Transitions 17

Eating 21

Movies 23

Puzzles 48

N Arts What does California sound like?

Page 18

N Home En route to ‘net zero’ energy

Page 29

N Sports Stanford baseball coach retires

Page 50

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Local news, information and analysis

City takes the ax to parking exemptions Palo Alto’s planning commission aims to require more parking spaces downtown by Gennady Sheyner ith downtown’s parking mission took aim at the latter as it woes on people’s minds, considered a staff proposal to elimPalo Alto officials are inate numerous exemptions that scouring far and wide for solu- allow developers to provide fewer tions, from large new parking parking spaces than will be needed structures to the fine print in the by their buildings’ tenants. city’s Municipal Code. Many of these exemptions were On Wednesday night, the city’s born in the mid-1980s, when the Planning and Transportation Com- city revamped its code to encour-


age more development downtown and in the California Avenue business district. Now, with the local economy booming and development activity on the rise, few feel these incentives are still needed. “A lot of development is happening downtown and parking issues are at the forefront of the public conversation now,” Interim Planning Director Aaron Aknin said at Wednesday’s meeting, explaining staff’s proposal to elimi-

nate the exemptions. The effort to make the code changes kicked off in earnest a little more than a year ago, when the City Council approved a oneyear moratorium on the “floor-area parking exemption” downtown and around California Avenue. The exemption had allowed developers to reduce the amount of parking they provided, based on a formula related to square footage. For example, if the property

had a 10,000-square-foot lot, the developer would not be required to provide any parking spots for the first 10,000 square feet of the new building. On Wednesday, the commission voted 5-0, with Commissioners Eduardo Martinez and Greg Tanaka absent, to extend this moratorium indefinitely. Commissioners also supported removing other exemptions, in­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ ®


Student data indicates room for improvement New data shows certain Palo Alto Unified students are still falling behind by Elena Kadvany


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Andrew Swanson, new manager of the Palo Alto Municipal Airport, stands outside the air-traffic control tower overlooking the runway in September.


Palo Alto Airport gets ready to fly solo Sunday’s public Airport Day could be the last while under county control


ven as Palo Alto’s airport risks losing $150,000 in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant money, one representative for the Palo Alto Airport Association said he is “cautiously optimistic” about the bustling airport’s future. Control of the Palo Alto Airport on Embarcadero Road will soon change hands from Santa Clara County to the City of Palo Alto, a shift that association Vice President Bob Lenox said is welcome. Lenox said he feels the county doesn’t give the airport the management it deserves compared to the other airports it runs. It’s the “stepchild of the coun-

by Eric Van Susteren ty,” Lenox said. “The city has a much clearer vision and vested interest in seeing the airport operated and run well.” Santa Clara County runs three airports: Palo Alto, ReedHillview in San Jose and South County Airport in San Martin. As the Palo Alto Airport is managed now, it can become mired in the financial and legal difficulties of the other two. A lawsuit between the South County Airport and Garlic City Skydivers, a skydiving operation seeking a permit to operate out of the airport, is a prime example, Lenox said. It may prevent the Palo Alto Airport from getting a $150,000 grant,

which he says is sorely needed to repair the dips and potholes in its aging pavement. “Reliever airports” like Palo Alto receive entitlement grants from the FAA because they play an important role in reducing congestion at larger nearby airports, such as San Francisco International. But the South County Airport’s skydiving lawsuit has put the county in noncompliance with the FAA, which makes Palo Alto, as part of the county system, ineligible for the grant. “It’s frustrating to be that close and lose it at the last min­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ£ä®

alo Alto Unified’s Academic Performance Index (API) scores, gathered by the California Department of Education, indicates that the school district is making slower progress with some groups of students than others. At Tuesday night’s school board meeting, the new data on student achievement sparked debate about how much the district has been able to close its achievement gap. LaToya Baldwin, a representative from Parent Advocates for Student Success, criticized the board, asking why the district hasn’t made more progress with disadvantaged students. “I’m still trying to understand this idea that we should celebrate what we’ve done,” she said. “The honest truth is that Palo Alto is still doing really poorly by especially black students, Hispanic students and low socioeconomicstatus students.” Within the world of API, the magic number is 800, which is the state’s standard for proficiency. Four subgroups within the Palo Alto school district have yet to hit that mark: African American students (761), Hispanic or Latino (795), socioeconomically disadvantaged (768) and students with disabilities (734). All of those subgroups’ scores did improve from last year. Students with disabilities had the greatest uptick — 31 points. Asian and white students came out well above 800. Asian students’ score is 976 and white students’ 941. The district’s overall API score for 2013 is 932, down one point from last year. The number comes

from 9,247 second through 11th graders who were tested. Santa Clara County was also down one point and the state, two. Though Palo Alto ranked fifth out of the top 10 unified school districts in California, its subgroup scores are not high across the board, as in other districts. At Manhattan Beach Unified School District, ranked third out of the top 10, African American students score at 839, Asian at 968, Hispanic or Latino at 901, white at 938, socioeconomically disadvantaged at 859 and students with disabilities at 778. Palo Alto is the only district in the top five with four subgroups below the 800 mark. Demographic data was also presented, showing that Palo Alto Unified has higher percentages of some of these subgroups than other higher performing districts. Nine percent of Palo Alto students are socioeconomically disadvantaged; none of the top four districts break 4 percent. Baldwin countered the idea that having a greater percentage of disadvantaged students than other districts makes it more difficult to raise each group’s scores. “We’re still really talking about small numbers of kids,” she said. “So 9 percent of whatever’s in Palo Alto versus 3 percent of whatever’s in another district; it’s not really that big of a difference.” She also argued that districts with fewer disadvantaged kids might actually have a harder time reaching them and providing them with necessary services. Board members were quick to ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ££®

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Upfront 450 Cambridge Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 326-8210


PUBLISHER William S. Johnson (223-6505) EDITORIAL Editor Jocelyn Dong (223-6514) Associate Editor Carol Blitzer (223-6511) Sports Editor Keith Peters (223-6516) Express & Online Editor Eric Van Susteren (223-6515) Arts & Entertainment Editor Rebecca Wallace (223-6517) Assistant Sports Editor Rick Eymer (223-6521) Spectrum Editor Tom Gibboney (223-6507) Staff Writers Sue Dremann (223-6518), Chris Kenrick (223-6512), Gennady Sheyner (223-6513) Editorial Assistant/Intern Coordinator Elena Kadvany (223-6519) Staff Photographer Veronica Weber (223-6520) Contributors Andrew Preimesberger, Dale F. Bentson, Peter Canavese, Kit Davey, Tyler Hanley, Iris Harrell, Sheila Himmel, Chad Jones, Karla Kane, Kevin Kirby, Terri Lobdell, Jack McKinnon, Jeanie K. Smith, Susan Tavernetti Intern Alexandra Armas ADVERTISING Vice President Sales & Advertising Tom Zahiralis (223-6570) Multimedia Advertising Sales Christine Afsahi (223-8582), Adam Carter (2236573), Elaine Clark (223-6572), Connie Jo Cotton (223-6571), Janice Hoogner (223-6576), Wendy Suzuki 223-6569), Brent Triantos (223-6577), Real Estate Advertising Sales Neal Fine (223-6583), Carolyn Oliver (223-6581), Rosemary Lewkowitz (223-6585) Inside Advertising Sales David Cirner (223-6579), Irene Schwartz (223-6580) Real Estate Advertising Assistant Diane Martin (223-6584) Legal Advertising Alicia Santillan (223-6578)

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If you want to build it, you need to park it. — Jeff Levinsky, a Palo Alto resident, on his guideline for developers who don’t provide enough parking for their buildings. See story on page 3.

Around Town

PALO ALTO: ELECTRIC STAR ... Palo Alto is a city that likes to be a leader, or at least, say that it’s a leader when it comes to all things green. It marked another notch on its sustainability belt Monday with a small, ribbon-cutting gathering at Mollie Stone’s Market on California Avenue. An electric-car charging station, which has actually been there for months, was officially unveiled in the gourmet market’s parking lot. As a smattering of attendees jostled to be ever-closer to the tent, from which speakers touted the charging station, and ever-further from the cars that were backing out of parking spaces just feet from where they huddled, one speaker gave Palo Alto electric-vehicle accolades. Mike DiNucci, vice president of sales for ChargePoint, the maker of the Mollie Stone’s charger, said that based on numbers Chargepoint independently collected, California is No. 1 in the number of electric vehicles on the road. No surprise there. He went on to say, however, that if Palo Alto were a state it would be No. 5 in electric vehicles. That’s good news for Palo Alto’s green pride, surely. DiNucci went on to say that Mollie Stone’s, which is offering the first hour of charging free, might get some financial green for its support of green cars. “Data shows that when a retailer has the vision to put a charging station for guests and customers, then they might stay longer and take an extra trip down the aisle,� he said.

COSTUME KICKBACKS ... As Halloween approaches and some parents get the jitters about throwing down the bucks to dress their children as generic ghouls, the nonprofit Blossom Birth is offering a novel solution. The educational nonprofit is letting parents drop off costumes in good condition until Sept. 27 so that they can be swapped for a new one — a recycling event that promises to make the holiday easier on the wallet and the environment. And for a holiday for which a third of the kids are Hannah Montana and half are Dracula, it’s just far out enough to work (though the attraction of Hannah Montana may have waned in recent weeks, thanks to its star). Interested parents can

drop by the pre-Halloween pickup event at Lucie Stern Community Center on Oct. 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., or follow this link to find out where to drop off costumes: http://tinyurl.com/pd63fwq.

ATTENTION, ATTENTION ... A public-service announcement about cutting-edge methods for fighting crime deserves cuttingedge production value, right? Well, maybe. Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen this week released a public-service announcement called “The Epidemic of iCrime� that gets points for its message. It advises smartphone owners to use tracking apps so their phones can be found if stolen (but advises against trying to recover stolen phones personally), note the serial numbers of electronic devices to aid in their recovery and enable the GPS-tracking feature on devices. As for the sleepy production value, it could’ve used some 21st-century iUpdating, with theme music more reminiscent of 1980s Vangelis than the “Bourne Supremacy.� Follow this link to see the video: http:// tinyurl.com/pb7y525. ALWAYS DESIGNATE A TWEETER ... It’s not too often that drivers dodge a traffic ticket before ever getting one, but that was the case in Palo Alto Thursday for Twitter-savvy drivers. In a effort to bring attention to its newly reinstated motorcycle traffic cops, a Palo Alto police DT (designated tweeter) followed Sgt. Ken Kratt around Palo Alto, disclosing his whereabouts and what types of infractions he would be looking for. Followers of the event learned a lot more than just how to avoid a traffic cop, though. Also tweeted were a picture of the motorcycle mount for Kratt’s intimidating AR-15 assault rifle, details on the rigorous training required for being a motorcycle cop and information on how much time traffic cops end up spending in court to defend traffic tickets (a lot). The high point of the nine-hour event was a toss-up between the DT having to break off to chase down a speeder and the DT revealing his best speeding excuse: “‘I just came from a Chocaholics Anonymous meeting. I’m wired on chocolate.’ It worked.� Check out how the ride went on Twitter at #PAPDvra. N


Palo Alto takes aim at construction ‘blight’


he chain-link fence around the “mystery project” went up next to Gail Wooley’s house on Mariposa Avenue nearly seven years ago and has remained there since. The house behind the fence in the 1600 block of Mariposa had been demolished in January 2008. Today, the site remains fenced off, turning a section of the former mayor’s block in the Southgate neighborhood into a perpetual construction site, much to the chagrin of nearby residents. It’s not just the unsightliness that irks the neighbors, though that certainly is an issue. It’s also a safety issue. Wooley said she had seen people store and sell drugs on the site. In one case, a person on a bicycle was having a beer while waiting to make what appeared to be an illegal transaction, she said. The Mariposa project isn’t the only one with an unwelcome air of mystery. At Monday night’s City Council meeting, the council voted unanimously to set time limits for building permits and explore penalties for delinquent

by Gennady Sheyner projects. During the discussion, Vice Mayor Nancy Shepherd said neighbors have resorted to patrolling with their dogs and turning on their outdoor lights to “shoo off whoever was out there.” “This is what spoke to me about the type of quality of life that has really been disturbed and disrupted for the immediate neighbors around some of these projects,” Shepherd said. She was one of four co-authors, along with council members Karen Holman, Marc Berman and Gail Price, of a colleagues memo urging the council to clamp down on delinquent residential construction projects, which the memo states “can cause periodic traffic, parking, noise and visual impacts for community residents and businesses.” “There may be a wide variety of reasons for the delay ranging from funding issues, to bad design or contracting, to neglectful property owners,” the memo states. “No matter the reason, the resulting incomplete construction project can become an eye-sore, attractive nuisance and a problem

for the residents and neighborhood. These incomplete projects detract from neighborhood quality of life and residents deserve an ordinance that they can rely on to ensure that housing projects start and finish in a reasonable amount of time.” Mayor Greg Scharff and Price said such projects exist all throughout the city. Price commended Wooley and other residents for seeking action from the council. “The sense of concern and urgency has become very clear by very articulate community members who have simply had enough of this kind of condition,” Price said. Holman and Councilwoman Liz Kniss both acknowledged that this action should have been taken long ago and stressed the need for nearterm action. The new law, which will be hashed out in the coming months by the council’s Policy and Services Committee, should consider requiring the offending property owner to pay for street repairs relating to this project, Kniss said. Holman argued that the ordinance should include strong code-en-


Bicyclists race to find cancer’s ‘canary’ Palo Alto-based Canary Foundation seeks ways to detect cancer earlier


ore than 800 bicyclists taking part in a massive bike ride this Saturday, Sept. 28, are pedaling to fund research that could make detecting cancer as easy as taking a blood test at the doctor’s office and finding the tumor with advanced ultrasound tests. The Canary Challenge, which will host 5k, 50k, 75k, 100k and 100-mile bike rides, raises funds for the Stanford Cancer Institute and the Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection. The challenge goal is $1 million. In the nine years since the Palo Alto-based Canary Foundation was founded, it has already made inroads to improving detection and diagnosis of tumor cancers before they turn deadly. Seeking to discover the “canary in the coal mine” of cancers, the foundation has seven clinical trials underway. Former Silicon Valley executive Don Listwin started the Canary Foundation in 2004 after his mother died from ovarian cancer. “Her doctor sadly gave her antibiotics for an infection, which they thought she had, and it turns out it was a very large piece of stage 4 ovarian cancer pressing on her, and she dies a

by Sue Dremann year later,” he said. Listwin wanted to understand the cause of such a mistake. Most of the nearly $10 billion spent annually in the U.S. is used to develop new cancer treatments, drugs and care for patients, but not much is spent on early detection, he learned. “When you find cancer early, you will live nine times out of 10. When you find cancers late, the person will die nine times out of 10,” Listwin said on Wednesday. A cancer tumor before it spreads is about the size of a blueberry; the tumor by the time it is typically found is the size of an onion. “We feel that’s crazy that so much has gone into pharmacology, and it can’t be applied until it’s too late,” said Therese Quinlan, the foundation’s senior development director. The foundation is collaborating with the Stanford School of Medicine Department of Radiology and with researchers worldwide on diagnostics for early tumor discovery. Researchers focus on ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, lung and breast cancers, which are all tumor-based as opposed to bloodrelated cancers. The foundation has clinical trials for ovarian,

prostate and lung cancer. The foundation’s goal is to use two techniques that could find early cancers in all tumor-related cancers, including the brain and colon, Listwin said. They are looking at biomarkers — proteins and other substances in the blood that indicate the presence of cancer — and enhanced ultrasound and diagnostic imaging that can pinpoint small tumors. An advanced magnetic-resonance imaging machine (MRI) helps researchers profile proteins that can indicate different cancers, according to Dr. Mark Stolowitz, director of the Canary Center’s Proteomics Core Facility. The body has 120,000 forms of proteins, and in cancer, the body makes more of specific types in response to the unregulated growth of cancer cells. Scientists are looking at the degree to which the proteins are present, which can indicate cancer, he said. Previous clinical trials for ovarian-cancer screening have mostly involved only one biomarker, CA-125, in a blood test, but it isn’t always accurate, according to researchers. Canary’s research looks at another protein, HE-4. The researchers are using a new mathematical calculation to determine whether the biomarker

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City Council gets behind effort to deter stalled building projects

The home under construction on the 1600 block of Mariposa Avenue in Palo Alto’s Southgate neighborhood has been fenced off for more than seven years. New rules would penalize homeowners for not completing their renovation projects. forcement provisions. Under existing law, building projects have no city-imposed deadlines. A building permit can be extended indefinitely, as long as the applicant completes enough work within six months to progress to the next level of inspection, according to the memo. If it expires, there is no requirement that the project be completed. The memo doesn’t proscribe the penalties for delinquent construction, but it states that penalties “should increase the longer a project is delinquent.” It also specifies that the proposed ordinance would not apply to existing projects (unless a new permit is issued). Councilman Larry Klein joined indicates the presence of cancer. An annual screening for the biomarker together with the math calculation could determine a baseline for what a healthy biomarker level is in a particular woman. A deviation might indicate the presence of cancer. The patient would then receive a second screening using ultrasound imaging, Quinlan said. One promising diagnosticimaging technique that the foundation is currently testing uses microbubbles, or small, gas-filled spheres. When microbubbles are injected into the bloodstream, they are coated with antibodies that cling to biomarkers found only in a tumor’s blood-vessel system, Quinlan said. When scanned with ultrasound, the microbubbles surrounding the tumor reflect a specific sound that is different from surrounding healthy tissue. Microbubble technology is currently in the U.S. Food and Drug-approval process. Foundation researchers predict the combination of a better blood test and microbubble imaging will reduce ovarian-cancer deaths by 25 percent. The foundation is using the biomarker and microbubble technologies to see if other tumor cancers can be detected in their early stages. With pancreatic cancer, for which survival rates are poor, patients are often symptomless until the cancer has spread to other organs. Researchers think no single biomarker will be sufficient with pancreatic cancer. They are developing tests to use combinations of

the rest of the council in supporting the gist of the memo, though he argued that the city should go further and look for ways to target ongoing projects like the one on Mariposa. He asked staff to “explore any other tolls that might be appropriate” with respect to existing construction sites that are not under permit. Councilman Pat Burt added another provision — that staff also consider “improved fencing” at stalled construction yards. After a brief discussion, the council unanimously voted to pursue the law changes. N Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be emailed at gsheyner@ paweekly.com. biomarkers, blood and imaging to find early tumors. The foundation has created blood tests in collaboration with The Lustgarten Foundation, a pancreatic cancer research organization in Bethesda, Md., for its project to detect 60 pancreaticcancer biomarkers. Canary Foundation is working with many institutions to create a bank of blood samples to help identify potential pancreatic cancer biomarkers. Finding new biomarkers through proteins, genetic material and hormones could also help reduce the necessity for many prostate surgeries. Most prostate cancers are not lethal even if left untreated, but doctors currently don’t have a fool-proof way to determine which can be safely left untreated. Better testing could distinguish potentially lethal prostate cancers, Quinlan said. The foundation and Stanford University Medical School’s Nuclear Medicine Clinic are also developing diagnostic-imaging molecules that detect lung tumors earlier without need for surgery. The Stanford team is currently testing the imaging molecules in patients. During Saturday’s bike challenge, people can tour the Canary Center at 3155 Porter Drive, said Erica Glessing, the foundation’s marketing director. Information about the Canary Foundation and the Challenge is available at www.canaryfoundation.org and canarychallenge.com. N Staff Writer Sue Dremann can be emailed at sdremann@ paweekly.com.

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From golfing to facial recognition, inventors experiment with wearable technology by Karishma Mehrotra


he developers at Palo Altobased Mercedes-Benz Research and Development are constantly watching technology trends that develop around them. And they’ve seen a lot of trends that have faded into the abyss. But when Senior Engineering Director Kal Mos and his team walked back from Google I/O — the company’s annual developer conference — last year, they knew that one trend they saw was not going away: Google Glass. “We saw (that) people started hacking those devices and developing things for them,” Mos said, referring to the tech giant’s latest sensation: a wearable computer that looks like glasses but is equipped with smartphone-like capabilities (such as taking a photo or browsing the Internet) that can be used hands-free. Palo Alto developers like those at Mercedes-Benz Research and Development have begun tinkering, hacking and inventing with the device to expand the world of wearable technologies. The Bay Area Glass-buzz has convinced Mos that even if Glass is not the next big thing, wearable technology as a whole will indeed take off. After Mos and his team decided that the hype around Google Glass was not just a fad, they immediately began brainstorming how they could incorporate this native technology into their cars. “There is one black spot for Google and that’s certainly in the vehicle experience,” said Thomas Winkler, an engineer on Mos’ team. “Every other part of your life, they have pretty much integrated into. The vehicle is one void.” The group brainstormed multiple ideas involving Google Glass and cars and decided to focus on one function that is fundamental to the driver: navigation. The team calls their Google Glass prototype “door-to-door navigation.” A user can speak a desired destination to Google Glass, get in his or her car, plug a phone in to the car and — voila! — the destination is transferred to the car’s GPS. After the user parks the car and leaves, the destination is transferred back from the car to the user’s Google Glass for the final stretch on foot. “The wearable computing devices ... are extremely useful. The car itself also has a lot of capabilities,” he said. “We looked into how we can have these devices talk to each other, work together to find the most comfortable user experience and non-distracting user experience.” The “non-distracting experience” is very important to Mos and his team. He said he saw that

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Developers tinker, hack and build around Google Glass

Stephen Balaban, 24, maneuvers through an app that he designed for Google Glass. Balaban, who is working on facial-recognition software, also created an app that takes high-resolution photos every four seconds. there were many concerns regarding Google Glass and potentially distracted driving, so the consistent goal for his team is to transfer any potential user distractions to the car. “We want people to focus on the driving experience,” he said. “We see this as a way for people to have it both ways. Have the Glass experience. Have the car experience.”


orldwide, people are working on Google Glass applications geared toward journalists, surgeons, the disabled and more. Palo Alto resident Stephen Balaban is one of them. He founded Lamda Labs, a wearable computing company that is developing custom software for devices like Google Glass. Before Google released Glass, the 24-year-old tech enthusiast had been pondering facial recognition for a while. Imagine a life, he said, where you could look at someone, search through your social network on the spot and find out who that person was. “When I was really initially thinking about this problem, I thought, ‘Man, I’m going to have to make custom hardware. Nothing like this even exists,’” Balaban said. “And then when Google announced (Glass), I felt, ‘Wow, maybe I don’t have to do all the custom hardware and all the hard work.’” Unfortunately, Balaban had to root (translation: re-engineer to allow unrestricted access) his Glass, since Google has decided not to support facial recognition in response to privacy concerns. Balaban, though, believes facial recognition with Google Glass has tremendous potential in business and service industries. “(Google) really to some degree can’t control what runs on their device,” he said. “They can control what’s on their app store certainly, but when you have root access to the device, all bets are off.”

After Balaban released a Facial Recognition API (application program interface) in June, Google changed its terms of service to state that it no longer would approve facial recognition applications. Balaban said that by doing so, Google is missing out on significant opportunities. “My reaction to that was, well, certainly it was time to root the device,” Balaban said, adding that he became much more jaded towards Google Glass after that point. Still, Balaban created a Google Glass app called MindCap, which takes a picture every few seconds, even if the screen is turned off — a capability that would not be possible with a non-rooted device. Balaban recently looked through all the pictures that his Google Glass took of his day, which turned out to be mostly programming at his home office. He calls it “life logging” and has considered creating a daily report out of it, with a review of the conversations he had that day and even quantitative summaries, such as the amount of time spent outside or in front of a computer. If he could run facial recognition over the live stream of his pictures, he could include a list of people he met. “Those are the things Lambda can do: machine learning and wearable computing software,” he said, “and if you can bring that all together, I think that it could be really cool.” When Google restricts this development stage, Balaban said, it cuts out a core segment of the population. “The people who really like (Glass) are the hackers and tinkerers who like taking things apart and putting them back together and playing around with them,” he said. “I think Google is making a big tactical mistake by not having that as their core demographic.” ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ£ä)


City unveils downtown parking-permit program Proposal creates new color zones throughout downtown, limiting parking to two hours by Gennady Sheyner


or downtown workers, the days of free all-day parking in residential neighborhoods like Professorville and Downtown North may soon come to an end. After years of frustration about severe parking shortages on their blocks, Palo Alto residents got their first peek Tuesday night at what many see as the most promising solution — a permit program that would set time limits on visiting cars. The long-awaited Residential Parking Permit Program, which the city unveiled at a community meeting in City Hall, seeks to change the rules for parking in downtown neighborhoods, which allow all-day parking and which get saturated with cars during business hours. Many cars belong to downtown workers, who prefer parking for free on residential streets over the other two alternatives: paying for garage permits or moving their cars every two hours. The new program effectively extends the color parking zones that already exist in the downtown core of University, Lytton and Hamilton avenues to just about every downtown road, from Alma Street to Guinda Street. Most zones would allow two-hour

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cluding one that reduced the parking requirement for developers who rehabilitate historical buildings and perform seismic retrofits (developers would still be eligible for density bonuses, just not for reductions in parking). Another exemption that was axed pertained to “grandfathered uses and facilities.” The exemption allowed developers to replace certain old buildings with new developments and continue to receive the parking exemptions that went with the grandfathered old buildings. The commission characterized the ordinance changes as a small but positive step to easing parking problems. Vice Chair Arthur Keller, who moved to Palo Alto in 1977, recalled a time when a person could roll up to the curb any time because the streets were “dead.” He agreed that certain development incentives are no longer needed. “When economics change, you need to change,” Keller said. “When conditions change, we need to change these rules accordingly.” Chair Mark Michael commended the staff for proposing to eliminate the archaic exemptions, though he added that he doesn’t “for a minute think that this will address the urgency, intensity

parking for cars that don’t have a permit on a hanger dangling from a rear-view mirror. Those that do have the permit would be able to park at the specified zone without a time limit. At Tuesday’s meeting, which attracted more than 40 people, city staff presented two concepts, with the main difference being the number of color zones. Concept A would add 10 zones to the downtown core, while Concept B would add 17 zones. The latter concept is based on a proposal the city was considering in 2000. That proposal ultimately failed because it proved too expensive to implement. This time things are different. Parking is now one of the City Council’s top priorities and a frequent topic of heated public discussions. Last year, the council rejected a proposed pilot program in a portion of Professorville, with most members agreeing that it would simply shift the problem to another part of downtown. The new program encapsulates the entire downtown. The costs also don’t loom as large. While the city still hopes that it will recoup some of the expense through permits, it will not base its decision on money alone.

Interim Planning Director Aaron Aknin said that cost recovery is a goal but not the only one. “It’s a component and a detail, but not the bottom line,” Aknin said. Though the program is designed primarily to bring relief to residents, who have said they currently end up parking blocks from their homes, it will also provide some permits for employees, Aknin said. Though the exact ratio is yet to be determined, up to 40 percent of the parking permits could be allocated for non-residents, he said. Under the proposal, each residence could get up to two permits, with the price to be determined. There would also be one fourhour parking zone, on sections of Alma and High Streets north of Lytton Avenue. Staff plans to solicit feedback in the next two weeks and to then send out surveys to gauge residents’ interest. Provided more than 50 percent of residents in a neighborhood support the program, staff would bring it to the City Council for approval before the end of the year, Aknin said. Residents and business owners had plenty of questions about the new program, with some asking about the city’s goals (about 85


new buildings. He also conjured up a future in which taxpayers are funding new garages to effectively subsidize developers. “Do not lead the city down this hopeless path,” Levinsky said. “The only solution that makes sense is a moratorium on all underparked projects across Palo Alto and all the exemptions, all the special rules, all the waivers, all the giveaways. If you want to build it, you need to park it.” David Kleiman, who is in the midst of developing a four-story building at 636 Waverley St., saw things a little differently. Last year’s moratorium forced him to provide 21 parking spaces instead of four, prompting him to employ lifts that stack cars in four layers. He argued that the city should focus on building parking facilities, not restricting developers’ rights. “I think we have a parking problem, but I don’t think we should start limiting property rights, which is really what people who are upset about the parking are asking you to do,” Kleiman said. “When people like me spend millions to buy the property and hundreds of thousands to a million (dollars) in engineering developments and go through the process, we have certain realistic expectations. And then to lose those rights midstream — that’s bad planning.” The commission’s recommendations will now go to the City Council for a vote. N

PaloAltoOnline.com What strategies do you favor for managing parking problems in downtown Palo Alto? Share your opinion on Town Square, the community discussion forum on PaloAltoOnline.com.

and magnitude and reality of the concerns we’re hearing from the neighborhood. “However,” he said, “it’s taken very much in good faith as a step forward.” The commission’s vote came after members heard from some of the leading stakeholders in the heated parking debate. Ken Alsman, a Professorville resident, argued that downtown businesses whose employees fill the residential streets of his neighborhood with their cars each day are “destroying a registered historic district.” He lobbied the commission to institute a moratorium on all new development until the parking problem is solved. “The only way you can get these developers to the table to talk about real solutions is to stop giving them these subsidies,” Alsman said. Resident Jeff Levinsky said removing certain exemptions is inadequate because it merely forces developers to use other exemptions. He urged the city to eliminate a rule that allows developers to pay “in-lieu fees” instead of providing parking spaces for

percent of parking spaces used) and others worrying about the impact on downtown’s service employees, many of whom might have a hard time affording the permits. Russ Cohen, who heads the Downtown Business and Professional Association, suggested that the program might drive employees to park in two-hour zones, creating a parking shortage for customers. He warned city officials about the “unintended consequences” of the proposal. Cohen also warned that downtown businesses would not be happy about shouldering too much of the financial burden for the new program. Ken Alsman, a resident of Professorville and leading proponent of the program, countered that developers already get “subsidized with multimillion dollar

grants because they don’t provide parking” for their tenants. Jeff Selzer, general manager of Palo Alto Bicycles, said everyone deserves some share of the blame: business employees for parking on residential streets; residents for sometimes choosing not to use their off-street parking; and the city for allowing new developments that don’t provide sufficient parking. “There’s not one vilified group here,” Selzer said. “I think collectively we’ve all got to figure out how to get this solved.” Aknin emphasized that this would be a pilot program, subject to revisions based on results. The city, he noted, “can tweak it along the way.” “I promise you we won’t get it 100 percent right tonight, on our first proposal, but we’re working toward that.” N

Online This Week

These and other news stories were posted on Palo Alto Online throughout the week. For longer versions, go to www.PaloAlto Online.com/news or click on “News” in the left, green column.

Man caught with 6 kilos of pot gets three years A felon who was caught with 6 kilograms of marijuana and a gun faces a three-year prison sentence after a San Mateo County jury convicted him of several crimes on Wednesday, Sept. 25. (Posted Sept. 26, 9:47 a.m.)

Surveillance programs raise questions We are being watched. Surveillance programs operated by government agencies, from the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security to local police departments, are accumulating untold amounts of information on residents who, in the vast majority of cases, are law-abiding citizens. Read the full story on www.AlmanacNews.com. (Posted Sept. 25, 9:10 a.m.)

Boyfriend pleads ‘not guilty’ in Newell homicide A man accused of killing his girlfriend in her East Palo Alto apartment changed his plea to not guilty, according to the San Mateo County District Attorney’s office. (Posted Sept. 24, 5:18 p.m.)

East Palo Alto shooting injures two A man and a woman were injured in a shooting in East Palo Alto early on Sept. 24, police said. (Posted Sept. 24, 9:45 a.m.)

Teen shot by pellet gun in robbery A 16-year-old boy was shot in the face with a pellet gun during an armed robbery in East Palo Alto on Monday night, according to police. (Posted Sept. 24, 9:42 a.m.)

A ‘human water line’ floods Palo Alto streets Bay Area Keystone XL activists took to rainy Palo Alto streets on Saturday to demonstrate against the Keystone tar sands pipeline and the effects of global warming. (Posted Sept. 23, 2:32 p.m.)

Tracking stolen iPad leads to arrest Palo Alto police using a mobile app to track a stolen iPad have arrested a San Jose man and recovered stolen property and narcotics, police stated. (Posted Sept. 23, 9:55 a.m.)

Man arrested for double homicide crash An East Palo Alto man has been arrested on suspicion of murder for a hit-and-run crash that killed two women on their way to work at San Jose International Airport earlier this month, police said. (Posted Sept. 23, 9:06 a.m.)

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Google Glass ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊn®


Airport ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊx®

ute,” said Andy Swanson, the airport manager the City of Palo Alto hired in April. Lenox said there’s a sliver of hope for recouping the $150,000, after the county stated Sept. 10 it would not appeal the skydiving lawsuit. Although it did so weeks after the drop-dead deadline for getting the grant, he said he hopes the FAA might make an exception because of the airport’s acute need for the funds. In any case, Lenox sees the airport’s transfer as a good thing. The airport will have one less government agency with which to coordinate. “When the City Council elected to have the county manage the airport in 1967 their intent was that the county had expertise and there was an economy of scale there,” Lenox said. “There are advantages to an economy of scale; we just haven’t seen it.” Carl Honaker, Santa Clara County director of airports,


atalin Voss, an 18-year-old Stanford University student from Germany, is a major tinkerer. He’s been playing with iPhone applications since he was 12 years old, downloading Apple code and experimenting with it to create new applications. He’s also the co-founder of Sension, a Mountain View-based start-up that creates visual interface technology. Sension was originally inspired by a drive to reform online education, but with Google Glass, it’s going beyond that: treating people with autism. Voss, who has a cousin with autism, has built face-tracking technology for Glass that allows the user to recognize another person’s emotion. A person can put on Glass, look at someone he or she is talking to and, if they smile, “Happy” pops up on the Glass screen. It can also recognize sadness, anger and fearfulness. The facial recognition tool works geometrically, by analyzing the movement of various points on a person’s face. There are 78 total possible points, such as the corners of the mouth or each eye. “Right now the way autistic children learn emotions, if they have, say, Asperger’s, is they sit in a room like this one,” Voss said on a recent afternoon, motioning to the conference room he was sitting in. “And basically there’s a doctor or a behavioral psychologist or somebody like that in the room with them and they do flashcards. They look at people smiling, they look at images, they look at cartoons, they look at smileys. Sometimes they bring relatives in. But the way I smile and the way you smile is very different, at least to my cousin it is. The problem is, they don’t learn

the sort of data about the people they interact with. It’s not real-life data, and they can’t learn it on the people they most care about, which is who they encounter in school, in college, at work.” But with Sension technology, autistic people could wear Glass for a month or two (or however long is necessary) so they become familiarized, in real-time, with real people. “And then eventually are able to take it off and start recognizing emotions on the people that they learned it on,” Voss said. Using Glass in this way is part of Voss’ long-term vision for emotion recognition technologies, which is that devices should respond to and interact with their users. But he said that long-term vision, however far off, has been difficult to reach due to certain constraints with Google and Glass. Sension only has two units, and Voss said he has “struggled” to get their hands on more. His company receives many requests from people who want to try out the new technology, including a mother from Berkeley with an autistic son. Sension can’t accommodate these kind of requests with only two units, Voss said. But, “We’re playing by Google’s rules,” Voss said. “I don’t know beyond that.”

Seated in a technology-testing car, Mercedes-Benz Senior Engineer Rigel Smiroldo demonstrates the seamless communication between Google Glass and a car computer in the garage of Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America, Inc.

avid Grieshaber, founder and CEO of TechGolf, said he missed the mobile transformation. He doesn’t want to make that mistake again. That’s why his next focus is wearable technology. Since two years ago, Grieshaber — based in Brisbane, Calif. — has been working to integrate technology and golf in his company TechGolf, with high-tech driving ranges and, now, a Google Glass app called iCaddy. “Google Glass ... is perfect for

golf,” he said. “Golf is nonviolent and slow moving, and it is simple to connect to a network on a golf course.” The app displays yardage, elevation, temperature, wind direction, suggested clubs and past scores while the golfer is playing. “Our goal is to lower the score of every player,” Grieshaber said. “Our goal is to make it as simple as possible so you don’t have to think about all those numbers.” Grieshaber said that he is surprised at the rate at which Google Glass has gained steam in Silicon Valley and that he doesn’t see this product tanking. “The amount of money that is being poured into the technology now will make it have some sort of success no matter what,” he said. “Once it becomes socially acceptable, just like the smartphone, with three or four or five iterations down the road, they could sell 100 million or 200 million.” With the Glass technology as nascent as it is, hackers agree no one’s yet developed the “killer app.” William Hurley, who goes by Whurley and is the co-founder of the mobile software studio Cha-

otic Moon Studios, said there are many great ideas milling about, but not the big one. “I’ve seen ideas in every vertical,” he wrote in an email. “From medical to aerospace, even law enforcement. All of them show promise, but I’m not ready to award any of them the ‘cool’ title yet. Simply put, no one has nailed the killer app.” Despite that, he believes wearable technology is the next smartphone and will be everywhere in five years. “Don’t believe that? Just take your time machine five years back and see what the state of today’s booming smartphone market looked like. There are literally dozens of parallels,” he wrote. Barg Upender — co-founder of the San Francisco-based Google Glass application developer dSky9 — is a little more skeptical about how mainstream the device can become. Even though Google has built up a red-carpet feel to the product, he said: “It’s still yet to be seen how well it would be adopted by the lay person.” Nonetheless, Upender — who

said many airport systems in the country have had success with expanding the management system for their airports. However, local control is always best when it comes to satisfying the demands of the consumer, he said. “It’s different when you’re managing someone else’s airport. When you manage an airport via a lease where the community has a lot of say, your hands get tied a lot,” he said, using as examples city caps on how many take-offs and landings the airport could have per day, to what extent the airport could expand and how many outside services could operate there. Swanson said he sees the city’s smaller scale as an advantage. “One of the key things is where the airport is placed — in the Public Works Department,” he said. “It’s where it should be because of what Public Works does — it taps into many operations, facilities, staff and techniques like pavement engineering.” Eric Peterson, assistant director of airports for Santa Clara

County, said he thinks the transfer will work out well for both the city and the county, although there will be some challenges related to the two county employees working at the airport and the loss of certain revenue. “It’s going to be different. I wouldn’t say easier or harder, just different,” he said. “They’ve got to learn to run an airport; we’ve got to learn to go from three to two.” Still, even though the Palo Alto Airport is the third busiest in northern California, with around 180,000 operations (a plane landing or take-off) per year, Peterson said the county has spent more on maintenance than the revenue it’s taken in. That may be why the county seems eager to part with the airport, handing over control three years before its 50-year lease is up in 2017. As the county’s contract with the airport expires, so too will the airport’s contracts with its fixed-base operators, which provide services such as renting out hangar space. Lenox said these contracts are now worth far more

than the prices at which they were negotiated decades ago. Swanson said the renegotiation or resale of the contracts could be a financial boon for the city. “The ability to update and do a complete evaluation of the facilities and whether they’re at fair-market value will definitely be an advantage to the city and its ability to support the airport enterprise fund,” he said. Swanson, who has worked in airport administration for a decade, said he expects the transition to the city to be finalized by July but it could be as late as the end of next year. “Right now everything is moving well, but there are a lot of moving pieces with the transfer,” he said. “Nothing unexpected has happened yet.” The major hurdle for the city’s takeover is the completion of an Airport Layout Plan, a required document for the FAA that reports existing facilities and identifies future plans and developments. Swanson said the layout plan will be part of the city’s airport master plan, which will be fin-


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has worked in the technology world for two decades — said that the hype around Glass will provide the engine for other smaller companies working with the macrotrend of wearable technologies. Whurley agreed that Google Glass will push the macro-trend forward. “It almost doesn’t matter if Google Glass is successful or not, as it has already put enough sunlight on the ecosystem that literally dozens of similar/competing products have received funding (or additional funding) in the last year,” he wrote. Therefore, dSky9 has poured its focus into a Google Glass app called FaveStar. “It’s bookmarks for your life,” he said. The user can tell Glass to “favorite this” and their Glass will take a quick picture, which the user can tag and store away in a memory bank. Then, he or she can share it with friends, find recommendations or search for the food, music, events, scenes and people that the user likes. DSky9 also developed three demo apps: StarFinder to show constellations, UltraRun to show a user real-time training data and PathFinder to show hidden data about the landscape around a user. Upender said any new technology product needs early adopters and developers to risk their effort. “It’s almost like a petri dish,” he said. “If the tech guys are giving the thumbs up, eventually it will move to the rest of the world.” These early adopters, he said, are there to see the vision of what this technology can do. And as they continue, they all will strive to build the next killer app. N Editorial Assistant Elena Kadvany contributed to this report. Writer Karishma Mehrotra can be emailed at kmehrot@emory.edu. ished once the transition is complete. It will include a five-year capital-improvement project work plan, recommendations for staffing and an evaluation of contracts with the airport’s tenants and lessees, according to the city’s 2014 budget. A contractor will complete the plan for $75,000. Depending on how many challenges come up during the transition, this year’s Airport Day on Sept. 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. could be the airport’s last while it’s under county control. Swanson said the public event featuring tours, kids events and food is a great opportunity to learn more about the small but busy airport in the Baylands. “Sure, it’s seeing the planes and the airport but it’s also about learning about fire, emergency services, Stanford Life Flight and all the other programs the airport is involved in,” he said. “It plays a huge role in letting the community see what the airport is all about.” N Online Editor Eric Van Susteren can be reached at evansusteren@embarcaderopublishing.com.


News Digest


Debate on Measure D on Saturday

concede that there’s still much progress to be made but emphasized that the improvement by these subgroups — however slow — should not go ignored. “I don’t want anyone out there to think that the people sitting here don’t care about students who aren’t performing as well as they could because the aides in this district, the teachers in this district, the administrators in this district and the school board all want to see better learning and boost the learning of all of our struggling students,” school board President Dana Tom said. “And that’s why it’s been a part of the last Strategic Plans; that’s why it’s been a part of every annual focused goals — because we know we want to do better.” He also said the achievement gap has indeed closed in the past five years. Between 2008 and 2013, the gap was reduced 55 points for African American students, 47 points for Latino students and 55 points for socioeconomically disadvantaged students, he said. The board’s discussion of the API scores included suggestions for how to do better: bring in teachers, parents and students for focus groups to understand what’s going on; look to other higher performing districts to see what they’re doing that Palo Alto isn’t; analyze more nuanced issues such as transportation challenges that keep students from attending after-school programs or the unique issues that transfer students face. We Can Do Better Palo Alto founder Ken Dauber also spoke at the meeting, further analyzing the API data. He looked at the scores through a larger statewide prism, noting that Palo Alto’s Asian and white students’ API scores rank second in the state but the district’s other groups fall significantly behind. African American students are 62nd in the state, Hispanic students 55th and socioeconomically disadvantaged students, 112th, he said. “Other top-ranked districts, it’s important to note, don’t match this pattern,” Dauber said. But, he said, comparing Palo Alto to other districts should not be about rankings but rather recognizing opportunity for change. “The point of this comparison isn’t to castigate the district. It’s to say actually that what these other high-ranking districts show is that it is possible to be high ranking not just for advantaged students, but also for disadvantaged students. And that that possibility is one that we should investigate.” Superintendent Kevin Skelly responded that Dauber’s analysis is accurate. “I think that all of us are dedicated to getting these numbers up and want to see higher scores,” he said. “We do take some pleasure in the fact that the results are

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The League of Women Voters of Palo Alto will host a debate on Measure D on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. Measure D is the only item on the ballot for a special election to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Measure D would approve an ordinance to rezone the property at 567-595 Maybell Ave., land owned by the Palo Alto Housing Corporation. The rezoning would allow construction of 12 single-family homes and a 60-unit affordablehousing development for seniors. Mayor Greg Scharff and Jean McCown, a Palo Alto Housing Corporation board member, will speak in support of Measure D. Barron Park resident Bob Moss and Timothy Gray, treasurer for Palo Altans to Preserve Neighborhood Zoning, will speak against the measure. Linda Craig, past president of the League of Women Voters of South San Mateo County and past member of the Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of California, will moderate the debate. The Midpeninsula Community Media Center, co-sponsor for the event, will be broadcasting the event on Channel 26 and will also re-broadcast and provide live-streaming on its website, www.communitymediacenter.net. — Palo Alto Weekly staff

City embraces new EV-friendly laws Seeking to cement Palo Alto’s position in the driver’s seat of the electric-vehicle revolution, city officials on Monday adopted a policy mandating that every new house be wired to accommodate charging stations. The unanimous vote was part of a broader package of proposals the City Council considered Monday as part of its effort to make Palo Alto one of the nation’s leaders when it comes to electric vehicles. The discussion was prompted by a memo from Mayor Greg Scharff, Vice Mayor Nancy Shepherd and Councilwoman Gail Price and by urging from the city’s electric-car enthusiasts. While the council’s action on Monday likely won’t lead to a sudden proliferation of charging stations on residential blocks, it will ensure that newly constructed houses will have the necessary circuitry to accommodate installation of charging stations. The ordinance will be drafted by staff, with input from the council’s Policy and Service Committee, in the coming months before the council officially adopts it. The council also directed the committee to consider other ways to encourage electric vehicles, including requiring new hotels to install charging stations. Councilman Pat Burt suggested on Monday that this policy be also considered for large commercial projects, a policy the committee will also explore. “We have electric-vehicle owners who aren’t able to drive their vehicles to Palo Alto because they can’t charge up when they get to work,” Burt said. Scharff framed the latest efforts to encourage electric vehicles as part of a broader drive to promote environmental sustainability. He called electric vehicles “the wave of the future.” “It’s incumbent for us to find out what are the obstacles to owning electric vehicles and to get rid of those obstacles,” Scharff said. — Gennady Sheyner

City weighs penalties after illegal demolition The developer looking to renovate the long dilapidated Edgewood Plaza in Palo Alto was supposed to preserve a historic building, not destroy it. But what’s done is done, and on Wednesday night, Palo Alto’s Planning and Transportation Commission struggled to determine how to punish the Sand Hill Property Company for its rare and unusual transgression. After some back and forth, commissioners decided by a 4-1 vote, with Michael Alcheck dissenting and Eduardo Martinez and Greg Tanaka absent, to recommend a $94,000 fine — a penalty that was at the high end of the city staff’s recommendation. The decision was tricky for several reasons. For one, everyone agreed that the run-down commercial building that Sand Hill’s contractors erroneously demolished last fall wasn’t exactly a hot commodity. Its main value lay in the fact that it was a rare example of a commercial building developed by mid-century builder Joseph Eichler. But the commission Wednesday recognized that if the penalty were too severe, it would be the neighborhood that will bear the brunt of the ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ£Ó®

going in the right direction, yet we’ve got a long way to go.” In other business, the school board also briefly discussed its budget on Tuesday evening. The 2013-14 budget, officially adopted in June, counts on a 2 percent increase in property-tax revenue over 2012-13. The Santa Clara County Controller estimates the actual 201314 property tax revenue will come in at $126.5 million — 6.56 percent higher than last year. (Property taxes for the 2012-13 year ended about $190,600 lower than expected, closing out at approximately $118.8 million.) The final property tax revenue for the 201314 year will not be determined until July 2014, after the fiscal year has ended. The budget update also touched on the district’s reserves, which totaled about $24 million at the end of the 2012-13 school year, or 13.9 percent of the generalfund budget. Reserves include the reserve for economic uncertainties, the unrestricted and

undesignated balance, and the basic-aid reserve. Because revenue exceeded expenditures last year by more than 3 percent, the board agreed to add a minimum of $1.6 million to the basic-aid reserve, according to its policy, upping that reserve’s projected balance to $11.3 million (including budgeted interest income). The basic-aid reserve is used only to fund non-recurring district expenses, such as instructional materials, and capital outlay projects, such as the revamping or expansion of facilities, deferred maintenance, property acquisition and the purchase of equipment and furniture, according to the school district. The board will hear and discuss more information about the basicaid reserve, Common Core expenditure plan, proposed program additions and staffing formula in November. N Editorial Assistant Elena Kadvany can be emailed at ekadvany@paweekly.com.

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punishment — in the form of a delay in the plaza’s completion. Commissioners agreed that Sand Hill should pay for its transgression. Otherwise, as Commissioner Carl King argued, other developers would think it’s OK to violate their agreements with the city. The funding will either be used for historic preservation of another historic building in the city or to construct a new sidewalk near Edgewood Plaza. Sand Hill last month already agreed to build a new structure in the same style as the demolished one but with new materials and greater compliance with modern building codes, alleviating any concerns about the plaza’s historic character being preserved. — Gennady Sheyner

CityView A round-up

of Palo Alto government action this week

City Council (Sept. 23) Construction: The council directed staff to draft provisions that will set time limits for building permits and to explore penalties for delinquent projects. Yes: Unanimous Electric vehicles: The council adopted a policy calling for all new residential buildings to be wired to support electric charges and directed its Policy and Services Committee to explore other options for promoting electric vehicles. Yes: Unanimous

Board of Education (Sept. 24) Performance: The board discussed the school district’s Academic Performance Index and considered ways to improve student performance. Action: None

Parks and Recreation Commission (Sept. 24) Services: The commission discussed the protocols of its ad hoc committees and considered the city’s ongoing “cost of services� study. Action: None

Planning and Transportation Commission (Sept. 25) Edgewood Plaza: The commission recommended a penalty of approximately $94,000 for the illegal demolition of a retail building at Edgewood PLaza. Yes: Keller, King, Michael, Panelli No: Alcheck Absent: Martinez, Tanaka

Public Agenda A preview of Palo Alto government meetings next week CITY COUNCIL ... The council plans to meet in a closed session to discuss the status of its labor negotiations with the Service Employees International Union, Local 521. The council then plans to discuss, in open session, adoption of “core values.� This would be followed by another closed session to discuss Cubberley Community Center at 4000 Middlefield Road and the purchase of the U.S. Post Office at 380 Hamilton Ave. The first closed session will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30. Regular meeting will follow in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). COUNCIL INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to continue its discussion of possible revenue measures that could appear on the November 2014 ballot. The meeting will begin at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 1, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). UTILITIES ADVISORY COMMISSION ... The commission plans to discuss the potential transfer of a portion of the city’s individual water supply guarantee. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ... The board plans to review plans for phased construction of four new retail buildings at Stanford Shopping Center and renovation of five existing storefronts. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). COUNCIL RAIL COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to hear updates on efforts to obtain dedicated funding for Caltrain and on the status of litigation against the California High Speed Rail Authority. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). CITY COUNCIL... The commission plans to meet in closed session to evaluate the performance of City Manager James Keene. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3, at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.).

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Misc. penal code violation . . . . . . . . . . 4 Other/misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Psychiatric hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Sex crime/misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 2 Unattended death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Warrant/other agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

A weekly compendium of vital statistics

Menlo Park

POLICE CALLS Palo Alto Sept. 18-24 Violence related Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Family violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft related Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Identity theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Residential burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Shoplifting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vehicle related Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Bicycle theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Driving w/ suspended license . . . . . . 10 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lost/stolen plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Misc. traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vehicle accident/mnr. injury . . . . . . . . . 7 Vehicle accident/prop. damage . . . . . . 8 Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Alcohol or drug related Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Drunken driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Miscellaneous Casualty/fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Found property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

W h a t ’ s

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Sept. 18-23 Violence related Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic disturbance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft related Attempted burglary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Possession of stolen property . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle related Auto recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Driving w/ suspended license. . . . . . . . 3

y o u r

Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle accident/no injury. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Alcohol or drug related Drug activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Possession of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Under influence of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Miscellaneous Found property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Info. case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Medical aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Mental evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Missing person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Other/misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Outside assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Parole violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Probation violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 1 Unlawful possession of firearm. . . . . . . 1 Unlawful firearm discharge . . . . . . . . . 1 Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Warrant arrest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Atherton Sept. 18-23 Violence related Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft related Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle related Suspicious vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Vehicle accident/no injury. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle code violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vehicle/traffic hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Miscellaneous Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Disturbance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Disturbing/annoying phone calls. . . . . . 2 Fire call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Medical aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Other/misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Outside assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 1 Suspicious person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Town ordinance violation . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Warrant arrest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

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Editorial After 25 years, time to phase out Cubberley lease


he financial condition of the Palo Alto Unified School District, like most public agencies, is not very transparent to the average citizen. After all, surpluses and growing reserves are an invitation to labor-union negotiators and a possible inhibitor of fundraising. It also is a weak hand in lease-renewal negotiations now underway with the city over the old Cubberley school site. But the unions are plenty aware of the district’s financial condition, and the public is entitled to be as well, particularly as the city is currently in closed-door negotiations with the district, with the latest session scheduled for next week. In the fiscal year that ended June 30, the school district generated a surplus of revenues over expenses of $6.5 million, currently has reserves totaling $24 million, plus a general-fund balance of $33 million. This is independent of the $378 million bond-funded Strong Schools building program approved by voters in June 2008. With laudable conservative financial management, the district has weathered the Great Recession in great shape and is now adding millions in new expenses. In short, the school district’s financial condition today bears no resemblance to its state back in the late 1980s, when it faced deficits, scary declines in enrollment and school closures, and turned to the city for help. In 1989 the city responded by entering into a complex agreement that was basically a funding mechanism to transfer city money to the needy school district. The deal had three components: The district agreed not to sell off any more closed school sites, the district provided space for after-school child care at each elementary school site, and the closed Cubberley High School site, including playing fields, was leased to the city. Today, with built-in escalators, the deal is transferring more than $7 million each year from the city to the school district. The city has been leasing out space at Cubberley to a variety of nonprofits, private schools, artists and some for-profit businesses, but generates barely enough income to simply pay for the operating expenses, with nothing offsetting the lease payments to the school district. The anchor tenant, Foothill College, will be leaving after the district shunned pursuing an innovative joint-use concept. With high hopes and hoopla, a big initiative was set in motion in 2011 to come up with a grand plan for Cubberley prior to the end of this year, when the city must give notice about its intentions for when the lease expires at the end of 2014. A lot of hard work went into that planning, but the school district’s insistence on maximum flexibility on its possible future use of the site made it impossible to develop the exciting plan everyone had hoped for. In the meantime, the facility is in terrible condition, gets nothing other than essential upkeep and would probably need to be razed regardless of its future use. For the school district, the lease agreement is a wonderful cash cow. The district is getting paid big bucks each year for a facility that it has no use for but might need someday in the future, and it has no responsibility for finding tenants, collecting rent, maintenance or anything else. The city is spending more than $7 million a year, plus a couple of million in expenses, for the ability to operate a “community center” that provides inexpensive space to many valued services and for the use of the playing fields and tennis courts. Time has passed this construct by, and now is the perfect time to transition to a more logical and fair arrangement for Cubberley. The school district is on solid financial footing with substantial reserves, Foothill College is leaving the site, the city has many other financial needs, the temporary library now located at Cubberley will soon close, and there is no justifiable reason for the city to be paying to be a leasing agent for the school district. News that the school district is now looking for land elsewhere on which it might build a future fourth middle school makes this picture all the more surreal. Why should Palo Alto taxpayers be paying $7 million a year to rent a run-down facility owned by the school district, for the purpose of it being available to meet future school needs, while meanwhile the district is looking for a different site for a new middle school? Having failed to achieve the goal of an exciting multi-use plan for Cubberley, it’s time to let the school district manage its Cubberley property just as it does its other unused school sites. If it desires, it can continue to rent space to current tenants until it has a need for the space. The city can continue to lease the playing fields for an appropriate amount. The city has no business continuing this arrangement, with all its attendant economic distortions and illogical incentives. Now is the time, when it will do no serious financial harm to the schools, to do away with this out-dated, unfair and now unjustifiable subsidization scheme.

Spectrum Editorials, letters and opinions

No on Maybell

Name library for resident

Editor, Friends have asked me what can we do to help save the existing low-income housing at the Buena Vista Trailer Park. If Measure D fails, it will send a message to other greedy developers that Palo Alto will not double their money by allowing a density bonus at the expense of current residents. Then the owner, and the developer who has incited the owner’s greed, might negotiate a fair, realistic price to sell to the residents. Keep the kids in the Palo Alto schools! Please vote no on Measure D. Margaret Fruth Ventura neighborhood, Palo Alto

Editor, I haven’t heard a mention of a former, prominent Palo Alto resident yet for the new main library. Why not consider Dr. Thomas Williams who founded the Palo Alto Medical Foundation? Lorin Krogh Encina Avenue, Palo Alto

Your neighborhood next Editor, This campaign is a grassroots effort against the Palo Alto City Council’s violation of current zoning and statutory procedures all over town, not just on Maybell. The neighbors of the Maybell project in Measure D would welcome the low-cost senior housing under current zoning — 41 units and no single-family homes. The City Council wants PC zoning for this project for the increased density. PC zoning is a euphemism for “we’ll do what we want — in YOUR neighborhood.” Readers, YOUR neighborhood is next. The Maybell project has no access except for Clemo, a dead-end, one block street that functions as a parking lot for Juana Briones Park. The council wants this to be an argument about low-cost senior housing. The neighbors say it is about whimsical zoning changes. By the way, the zoning change the city wants is for 61 low-income-senior housing units plus 12 market-rate single-family homes on 3,000-square-foot lots with no driveways in front of the homes. John Elman Hubbartt Drive, Palo Alto

Homeless camp? Editor, Carol Gilbert (Palo Alto Weekly, Sept. 13) has the perfect solution: “Support our homeless with a situation at the Baylands that would allow overnight, safe, patrolled parking with showers, toilets and pay phones.” A camptown for the homeless at the Baylands. It wouldn’t cost so very much and it would provide the essential accommodation for all those who are truly in need of a place to live. It is peaceful there, with ample space. It could be a model for the Bay Area, if not the nation. Lachen McClellan Coastland Drive, Palo Alto

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Strive for balance Editor, “Urban density” is often the result of overpopulation, (“‘Urban’ Growth Outpacing Overall Density - Palo Alto Feeling It?” by Jay Thorwaldson, Sept. 20). It is time the whole world started striving for a “balanced” population through education and prevention. Often we hear our government talk about balancing our budget. We need to do the same with population. Why not encourage couples to have one healthy pregnancy and then adopt the rest of the children a couple wants and can properly care for emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually? There would be many benefits: Less stress and pressure, frustration, anger and fear. People need

space to live in and call their own, just like wild animals. There would not be the need to build and maintain new prisons, sewage, water or power plants, build and maintain new roads. Cost of housing, food, gasoline and other needs would decrease. People as a whole would be happier, more joyous, selfless, kind; just more fun to be with. Jackie Leonard-Dimmick Walnut Avenue, Atherton

Slingshots, anyone? Editor, Ruben Contreras (“Kill feral cats,” Sept. 20) is so right. We ought not to pamper feral cats through euthanasia, but kill them, as he argues. I suggest he create a hunting party, clothe with camouflage and provide equipment, then head for our part of the peninsula, where feral cats kill with impunity. We, and our neighbors, have been unable to rid our yards of these bird-slayers by the usual means: slingshot pebbles, plastic balls shot from airguns, hurling small rocks, squirting with water. ... My wife refuses to arm me with a BB gun, sadly. ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ£È)

WHAT DO YOU THINK? The Palo Alto Weekly encourages comments on our coverage or on issues of local interest.

How would you manage parking in downtown Palo Alto? Submit letters to the editor of up to 250 words to letters@paweekly.com. Submit guest opinions of 1,000 words to editor@paweekly.com. Include your name, address and daytime phone number so we can reach you. We reserve the right to edit contributions for length, objectionable content, libel and factual errors known to us. Anonymous letters will generally not be accepted. Submitting a letter to the editor or guest opinion constitutes a granting of permission to the Palo Alto Weekly and Embarcadero Media to also publish it online, including in our online archives and as a post on Town Square. For more information contact Editor Jocelyn Dong or Editorial Assistant Eric Van Susteren at editor@paweekly.com or 650-326-8210.

Check out Town Square! Hundreds of local topics are being discussed by local residents on Town Square, a reader forum sponsored by the Weekly on our community website at www.PaloAltoOnline.com. Post your own comments, ask questions, read the Editor’s blog or just stay up on what people are talking about around town!

Guest Opinion

How can schools and kids survive sting of cyberbulling? by Marc Vincenti


t’s hard to know how to speak publicly about something that is kept private in many hearts or is spoken of only privately. Things held close are deep with feeling, full of sensitivity. Speaking out, then, can feel like tearing at a shared family myth by broaching an unpleasant truth over Thanksgiving dinner or spoiling a celebration with a toast of hemlock. Nevertheless. Last month, two news stories hit the Palo Alto community in the same week — one having to do with streaking on a highschool campus and the other with teenagers possessing, wielding and feeling the sticks and stones of social media. The former story, utterly inconsequential in the larger scheme of things, created a bustle of public comment (150 entries on PaloAltoOnline) while the latter, which is at the very core of the larger scheme of things and of our kids’ lives, was met with virtual silence (12 entries). Adult commentators like to get down into the weeds, in some cases. But to our kids, streaking is no big deal. Social media is. This newspaper’s serious, reflective, well-reported, un-sensationalized cover story (http://tinyurl.com/PAWcyberbully), last month, set before us in detail the

ways in which Palo Alto’s young people are using the likes of Facebook, Tumblr, Formspring, Ask.fm, Flickr, and Snapchat (and God knows what else, because it’s a sure thing we adults never will) to post online gossip about each other that is instantly available, goes everywhere, is fueled by anonymity, and is permanent. In the old days foul words and phone numbers could be printed on bathroom walls; now, it’s as if they can be written in the sky, indelibly. As the Weekly reported, our kids are doing it all, online: name-calling; jockeying for social power; spreading sexually explicit rumors, taunts and innuendo; piling on by clicking “Like”; posting humiliating snapshots, taken even in class. The online language used, and its unlimited diffusion, one administrator told the Weekly, is like “water torture, drip drip, drip, eating away at young people’s self-esteem.” Of our school-kids, a Palo Alto Police resource officer said, “I guarantee that there’s much more cyberbullying than there is bullying and that 99 percent of it is unreported.” In the old days, social malice was fired off as if by machine-gun; now it is a weapon of mass destruction. And in news that doesn’t come without acute pain to our town, a recent New York Times featured a story headlined: “Suicide of Girl After Bullying Raises Worries on Web Sites.” This happened in Florida, but anyone who’s been spotting similar headlines from other public-school communities (Campbell, Glendale, and so on) doesn’t need much help imagining the inevitable details: a 12-year-old who was

“smart and pretty”; fellow middle-schoolers who sent her hate-filled messages, including “Can u die please?”; a school district that points out it “has an extensive anti-bullying campaign and takes reports seriously”; a somber county sheriff who is contemplating felony charges; a bewildered and grief-wracked mother whose daughter had, to all appearances, seemed happy; a high tower at an abandoned cement plant. For a community like ours, such a story is beyond sadness; it’s a stab to the heart. And yet the Times, as did the Weekly, smack on its front page, reminds us of facts we need to face. “In jumping,” writes the Times’ national reporter, “Rebecca becomes one of the youngest members of a growing list of children and teenagers apparently driven to suicide, at least in part, after being maligned, threatened, and taunted online.” No amount of monitoring by principals or vice-principals or counselors or parents will ever be able, not in a million years, to comb through all of the social-media haystacks — large or small or yet to be created — for all the teenage needles of “You’re fat” or “You’re ugly” or “You have no personality.” In the old days such things might have been spotted in wall-graffiti or a note left in the wastebasket — but the world has changed. We build the websites and buy our children the devices and we even (why? oh why?) permit the devices’ use during the educational day at our schools. The terrible news in Glendale last year was that the boy leapt from a roof right on the campus, as others watched.

But there’s good news from Glendale too, thank God, and it’s just as important: Their district has contracted with an online watchdog, Geo Listening Services, that does what individual grown-ups cannot — scans the online “public square” that our teenagers frequent, and regularly informs school administrators of the most deeply concerning things that, posted for all to see, are being said and done there. This is no different from stationing a vigilant teacher on the playground at recess, or assigning a caring vice-principal to the quad at lunchtime. And such watchfulness is exactly the same, too, as being alert to whether our teens are getting in over their heads with drinking or drugs, driving or sex. In Glendale, already, when school authorities were tipped off that a student had indicated, online, a strong impulse to self-harm, the student and family were contacted and counseling begun; and the district feels it has saved a life. In cases of cyberbullying, when it’s detected, a school can simply do what has always been done: become watchful for the victim, and call the bully into the Main Office for a serious heart-to-heart. And if something like Geo Listening isn’t the answer, what is? Tell me. Tell us. Tell our kids. Be thoughtful then act. Because surely, surely, those of you reading this aren’t so busy or unimaginative or unfeeling — not here in Palo Alto, not now — as to do nothing. N Marc Vincenti has taught English at Gunn High School for 15 years.


What do you think of the city’s support of electric vehicles? à i`Ê Ê > v À >Ê Ûi ÕiÊ Ê*> Ê Ì °Ê+ÕiÃÌ Ê> `Ê ÌiÀÛ iÜÃÊLÞÊ iÝ> `À>Ê À >ð

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Letters ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊ£{®

So, I am in favor of Ruben’s solution, whatever his left-to-one’simagination set of approaches

might be. Perhaps, he plans to set steel traps, place bags containing angry raccoons, use crucifixion, poison gas, Dobermans, arrows, scattershot ... the list goes on. One request Ruben, please inform us as to the exact date and time of your

Know Knew Books



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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Palo Alto City Council will hold a public hearing at the special Council meeting on Monday, October 21, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. or as near thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, to Consider: Adoption of Eight Ordinances: (1) Repealing Chapter 16.04 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Amending Title 16 to Adopt a New Chapter 16.04, California Building Code, California Historical Building Code, and California Existing Building Code, 2013 Editions, and Local Amendments and Related Findings; (2) Repealing Chapter 16.05 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Amending Title 16 to Adopt a New Chapter 16.05, California Mechanical Code, 2013 Edition, and Local Amendments and Related Findings; (3) Repealing Chapter 16.06 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Amending Title 16 to Adopt a New Chapter 16.06, California Residential Code, 2013 Edition, and Local Amendments and Related Findings; (4) Repealing Chapter 16.08 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Amending Title 16 to Adopt a New Chapter 16.08, California Plumbing Code, 2013 Edition, and Local Amendments and Related Findings; (5) Repealing Chapter 16.14 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Amending Title 16 to Adopt a New Chapter 16.14, California Green Building Standard Code, 2013 Edition, and Local Amendments and Related Findings; (6) Repealing Chapter 16.16 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Amending Title 16 to Adopt a New Chapter 16.16, California Electrical Code, 2013 Edition, and Local Amendments and Related Findings; (7) Repealing Chapter 16.17 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Amending Title 16 to Adopt a New Chapter 16.17, California Energy Code, 2013 Edition, and Local Amendments and Related Findings; (8) Repealing Chapter 15.04 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Amending Title 15 to Adopt a new Chapter 15.04, California Fire Code, 2013 Edition, and Local Amendments and Related Findings.

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expedition so the children and pets can be tucked away safely. Jeff Colflesh Placitas Avenue, Menlo Park

Essential, not simple Editor, A comment on what “fully parked” means, a short hand that may be misleading if taken literally. Parking on-site is impossible in downtown. Other alternatives can create a “fully parked equivalent” solution: 1. Substantial $ contributions (in-lieu fees and assessment of property owners and businesses) towards providing common parking solutions, 2. Up-to-date technology, 3. Realistic Transportation Demand Management Programs, 4. Land use controls ensuring space is used, not abused (residential isn’t converted to employment, employee density, a mix of uses, 5. A Residential Permit Program with enforcement — funded primarily by those downtown interests creating the parking pressures, 6. Bold ideas: remote parking, more efficient use of existing structures, private property for structures. The bottom line is that if on-site parking isn’t possible without creating blank spaces and pedestrian obstacles (240 Hamilton), you need to make substantial payments — either lump sum or annually; in-lieu or assessment — to implement the overall program. Simple? No. Essential, Yes! This won’t happen unless: the Council adopts an immediate moratorium on all construction in the current pipeline; the Council adopts a true Residential Permit Program, and the Council mandates an open downtown parking committee process, one with new private sector leaders. Until then, property owners/ developers will not come to the table, rather they will continue to argue in their own financial interests - not the interests of the community, the interest of employees or the long-term interests of downtown itself. Ken Alsman Ramona Street, Palo Alto

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Transitions Births, marriages and deaths

Ralph Arthur Qualls

Phyllis Marie Ullman

Ralph A. Qualls died at home in Palo Alto on Aug. 31 at the age of 97. Born in Lodi, Calif. on March 14, 1916, He went on to attend Stanford University, receiving a degree in civil engineering. He was also a member of Stanford’s Rose Bowl-winning football team in 1939 and maintained ties to the university and Stanford football. Having graduated from Stanford’s ROTC program as a second lieutenant, he went on active duty in 1941 and served in both the North Africa and European Campaigns in World War II. He retired from the U.S. Army Reserve as a lieutenant colonel. Following the war, he and his family moved to Fresno, Calif., where he began a 30-year career as a civil engineer with the California Division of Highways (now Caltrans). He retired in Sacramento as head of the State Highway Maintenance Department. In retirement, he was active in many organizations, including the Sons in Retirement. After moving to Palo Alto, he became an active member of the Palo Alto Lawn Bowling league. He is survived by his wife, Lois Wilkins Qualls; children Ralph A. Qualls, Jr. of Cupertino, Elizabeth Qualls Verras of Sacramento and David W. Qualls of San Diego, Calif.; grandchildren Aaron Qualls, Bryan Qualls, Michele Qualls Radley, Christopher Qualls and Kristen Verras. He is also survived by five great-grandchildren and step-children Nancy Leupold of Oceanside, Calif.; Donald Wilkins of Henderson, Nev. and Robert Wilkins of Redwood City, Calif.

Phyllis Marie Ullman, 92, died Sept. 9 at her Menlo Park home. Ullman, native of Iowa; graduated from Clarke College, Dubuque, with a degree in dietetics and from Stanford University with a master’s degree in education. Her career as a registered dietitian spanned more than 50 years. After serving two years as a staff dietitian in the U.S. Army, the Palo Alto Medical Foundation hired her as its first outpatient dietitian when it opened in 1949. During her 20 years at PAMC she taught many people to live healthful lives through better nutrition. She was a nutrition researcher for the Stanford Research Institute, ICCND nutrition survey in Nigeria, U.S. Ten-State Nutrition Survey and Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program. She was a mentor to many dietitians in California. She served as President of the California Dietetic Association and in 1985 was awarded the Distinguished Service Award. Her brother, William Ullman, lives in Portland, Ore., with his wife. She was an aunt to 27 nephews and nieces. Her husband, Ralph Blom, brothers John, Paul and Gerald Ullman and sister, Bernice Greig, preceded her in death. A memorial service was held in Menlo Park on Sept. 20.

,/ Wei-Haw Chuang and YiLing Kao Menlo Park, Sept. 13, a boy.

Dennis Anderson December 30, 1957 – September 20, 2013 Dennis (55) died at home following a two year struggle with cancer. He grew up in Palo Alto and worked for many years in retail motorcycle sales and as a promoter of Supermoto racing. Dennis liked to go fast and was enthusiastic about extreme sports such as flat track motorcycle racing and jet skiing in ocean waters. He loved photography, bicycling, ice hockey, the beach and telling stories, complete with all the sound effects. He was an optimistic “glass half-full” person, always willing to help his friends and family. He made everyone feel special and made them laugh with his favorite expressions like, “BLAM!” He is survived by his wife Sue; his parents Maggie and Andy; twin brother Neil; brother Reed; sister Beth; nephews Blake, Alex and Phillip; nieces Jovanne, Stephanie and Erica and his beloved dog Domino. Thank you to his team at Valley Medical Center, the Cancer Support Group and VITAS Hospice. A celebration of Dennis’ life will be in mid-October. PA I D

Jeremy Sommer September 6, 1957 - August 19, 2013 Jeremy passed away peacefully at home with family and friends at his bedside, after an eight month bout with pancreatic cancer. Born in San Francisco but raised in Palo Alto, he graduated from UC Davis in 1980 with a degree in economics. Jeremy created and built Zocalo, a successful, nationally distributed, handcrafted furniture business. He traveled for work and pleasure to Europe, Mexico, and Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, and Russia. He especially loved Italy, learned Italian, and made more than 60 trips there, amassing a huge group of close friends. Jeremy was a lover of good food, was a great cook and was always willing to learn how to prepare dishes from places he had visited. Interested in cooking and entertaining since he was young, he was a generous host to friends, family and many people through his hosting with the cultural exchange programs of SERVAS and Couch Surfing. He will be remembered as a dynamic entrepreneur who excelled at marketing and advertising

while feeding everyone around him at all times. He was a ferocious Scrabble and Bridge player, a lover of musicals, and as someone who had a great sense of humor and a robust joy for living. In his last six years, he supported three orphanages in Laos and made yearly trips there to bring supplies and to make donations for new dormitories and programs. He cherished his many friendships from grammar school days and kept in touch with many friends, relatives and countless others around the world. He is survived by his mother, Edith Sommer of Palo Alto, brothers Jon Allan Sommer (Amy Neal) of Centennial, Colo. and Paul Harris Sommer (Laura Selby) of Mercer Island, Wash.; four nieces and nephews, and countless friends. A celebration of his life was held in San Francisco on August 25. Gifts of remembrance can be made to: Deak Kum Pa orphanage and school Windhorse Foundation, PO Box 26582 San Francisco, Ca. 94126 PA I D


Anne Christy Fletcher May 12, 1932 – September 18, 2013 Anne Christy Fletcher passed away encircled by her children on September 18, 2013. She was a vibrant member of the Palo Alto community for sixty years. Ancy was born in Seattle on May 12, 1932. She grew up in Eugene, Oregon and attended the University of Oregon. While there, she was active in the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and pursued a degree in Education. Upon graduation, she married her childhood sweetheart, David L. Fletcher, who was attending Stanford. She briefly taught kindergarten before pursuing her dream of having six children. She was a devoted mother, keeping score at her sons’ Little League games and helping Girl Scouts earn their badges. The door to her home was always open to her children’s and grandchildren’s friends. She was a beloved second mom to many. A true sports fan, she avidly followed her children’s athletic exploits. She watched the Giants and was particularly passionate about Stanford Women’s Basketball. A faithful football fan, she rooted for Paly, Stanford, U of Oregon and the 49ers. She regularly invited friends to enjoy the games with her at her home. Once her children were grown, she expanded her social network even further, becoming active in Stanford Singles and the Walkie Talkies.

She hosted Bridge on Monday nights and was a member of several Bridge and book groups, including the Blue Stocking Book Club. Ancy loved dogs, rescuing many over her lifetime. She was proud of her beautiful yard and hosted countless weddings, memorials and other occasions amid her flowers. Although she neither drank nor smoked, she was the life of the party. One of her favorite places was the beach at Rio del Mar, where she relaxed in the sun, strolled the beach, hiked in the redwoods, and surrounded herself with family and friends. She was sister to Janie Halmrast of Eugene, Oregon. Vince, Lee, Gloria, Julie, Ted and Sandy were lucky to have her as their loving “Mom”. Alex, Nick, Christopher, Melissa, Clint, Tatiana, McKinley, Tessa and David knew her as their devoted “Grammy”. As one of her granddaughters remembers, “Her essence was love, pure and unconditional. She was generous and giving with an abundance of compassion. She welcomed new friends and made everyone feel comfortable”. A service to honor her memory will be held at the First Congregational Church in Palo Alto on Friday, September 27th at one. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Humane Society, Paly Sports Boosters or Peninsula Open Space Trust. PA I D



Lasting Memories An online directory of obituaries and remembrances. Search obituaries, submit a memorial, share a photo. Go to: www.PaloAltoOnline.com/obituaries


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Arts & Entertainment A weekly guide to music, theater, art, movies and more, edited by Rebecca Wallace


The musicians of the Santa Barbara-based Now Hear Ensemble.

Ensemble travels California to highlight fresh sounds by young composers by Rebecca Wallace


hat does California sound like? When you tell the state’s stories in music, do you get a viola solo,

dense percussion rock or a white-noise video accompanied by a clarinet and sax? Yes.

These are some of the sounds that the musicians of the Santa Barbara-based Now Hear Ensemble have been hearing as they tour the Golden State via music. After picking 11 young composers from different parts of California — including two from Stanford University — they’re recording and performing works dreamed up by fresh minds. It’s an experiment that’s making for a thrilling autumn for the quintet, said Federico Llach, artistic director and doublebass player. “California is still the land of the new,” said Llach, who originally hails from Buenos Aires. “This side of the coun-

try has a freer approach. It’s always bringing new ideas.” At its core, the “Made in California” project is a concert series. This fall, the Now Hear Ensemble is traveling to seven concert halls to perform the new music. Many of the composers are students, and several of the venues are at universities. That includes Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), where the ensemble will perform music by Eoin Callery and Iván Naranjo on Oct. 12. Other concerts will be at UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and Mills College and in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. Many of the works could be dubbed experimental, and the quintet is itself new and unusual. Founded in early 2012, the group has an uncommon instrumental makeup: clarinet (Amanda Kritzberg), saxophone (Joel Hunt/Isaac Lopez), percussion (Anthony Paul Garcia), viola (Jonathan Morgan) and double bass (Llach). Its musicians are devoted to debuting new pieces by new composers and are very open to incorporating electronic sounds and multimedia. Video is a big part of the “Made in California” project. Videographer Gaby Goldberg has been documenting the

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rehearsal process and the ensemble’s interactions with the visiting composers. That may yield a series of short videos or even a full documentary film, Llach said. “I thought it would be great to show the whole process, all that happens out of the stage.” In addition, the ensemble has recorded all the “Made in California” pieces and plans to release an album of them on Oct. 10. Callery, who is in his third year of studying for a doctor of musical arts degree at Stanford, said it was a pleasure to compose for the Now Hear Ensemble’s combination. “The instruments blend really nicely together. The clarinet and viola can play one note together and it just sounds incredible,” he said. It’s a rare blend, he notes, but it could be even more unusual. “It’s not like tuba and triangle.” Callery’s piece, “And After,” is a five-minute work that begins with a quiet first movement and segues into a “louder, electronic-heavy second movement,” he said. “I try to keep it action-packed.” ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê iÝÌÊ«>}i®

Arts & Entertainment

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“California is still the land of the new,” says Now Hear Ensemble artistic director Federico Llach, who enjoys the musical innovation he finds here. ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«ÀiÛ ÕÃÊ«>}i®

The piece contains fast-moving images on video that Llach thinks resemble white noise. “If the players play closer to the microphone, the rapid movement gets slower, and vice versa,” Llach said. “It’s a contrapuntal situation between the music that is being played and the image that is being projected.” Callery, a fan of everything from Mozart to punk and techno, sums up his own style succinctly: “Some people would call my music experimental. I just like sound.” Callery is originally from Ireland, by way of Wesleyan University in Connecticut. He shares Llach’s admiration for California’s wealth of innovation, which translates into its music. “The West Coast has more of a makers and builders tradition, whereas the East Coast has more of an ensemble tradition,” he said. The use of videos and other multimedia tends to get a warmer welcome out here, he added; it’s not a radical concept, especially at Stanford. But California has its challenges, too. Compared to New York City’s music scene in particular, California is spread out, Llach noted. It’s a car state, which makes it tougher for upstart musicians to gather geographically and share ideas and notes. He hopes his concert series can provide some of those gathering places. “It’s very important to hear what everybody else is doing. It’s always inspirational for everybody,” he said. Other pieces that audiences will hear at Stanford and other concert venues include Berkeley composer Dan VanHassel’s “Ghost in the Machine,” a rock piece with

a heavy beat. The series press release says “the entire ensemble is fused into a single robotic entity playing tightly interlocking patterns of percussive sounds.” Stanford’s Naranjo has contributed “Into this Dislocated Assemblage,” a textural, abstract work that has a score written in a graphic style rather than with conventional musical notation. “The dynamics are saturated,” Llach said. “It’s almost a liberation of energy when it’s fortissimo.” Video plays a major role in San Diego-area composer Carolyn Chen’s piece “Made in China, Made in California.” Though a U.S. native, Chen grew up having people continually asking where she was from. When she finally visited her ancestral country of China, she made video recordings of people there talking about how they imagined California; in California, she asked people how they imagined China. The video will be shown as her accompanying music is played. N

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Info: The Now Hear Ensemble will perform at 8 p.m. Oct. 12 on the CCRMA stage at The Knoll, 660 Lomita Drive, Stanford. Admission is free. For more information, go to music.stanford.edu.

Correction The start date for the United Nations Association Film Festival was incorrect in the Weekly’s Sept. 13 issue. The film festival runs Oct. 17-27; more information is at unaff.org. To request a correction, contact Editor Jocelyn Dong at 650223-6514, jdong@paweekly. com or P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302.

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Arts & Entertainment

Inspirations a guide to the spiritual community FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UCC £ nxÊ Õ ÃÊ, >`]Ê*> Ê Ì ÊUÊ­Èxä®ÊnxÈ ÈÈÈÓÊUÊÜÜÜ°vVV«>° À}Ê Sunday Worship and Church School at 10 a.m.

Worth a Look

This Sunday: Hymn Sing Sunday! Special Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ We celebrate Marriage Equality!

The late journalist Daniel Pearl, to whom Stanford University pays tribute each year with a concert by music faculty and students. This year’s show is Oct. 9 in Memorial Church.

which seeks to aid cross-cultural understanding through journalism, music and communication, started the concerts in 2002. Today, thousands of them are held in 129 countries each October, according to the foundation’s website. At Stanford, the concert is organized by the music department and Stanford Live, together with the Office for Religious Life and Hillel at Stanford. This year, the performance is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in Memorial Church. Performers will include faculty violinists Debra Fong and Livia Sohn, guest pianist Pedja Muzijevic and many students. The theme is “Transcendence,” with music by Liszt, Schubert, Jean-Marie Leclair and Morton Feldman. For more about the event, go to live.stanford.edu; the foundation’s site is at danielpearl.org.

ments up close. The children’s concert has four show times, with a different narrator for each telling. The English version is at 10:30 a.m., followed by Russian at 11:30 a.m., Mandarin at 1:30 p.m. and Hebrew at 2:30 p.m. Earlier this year, Luke also conducted a multilingual version of “Peter and the Wolf,” for which the English tickets sold out swiftly. Reprises of the “Peter and the Wolf” performances are planned for Dec. 15. Tickets for “Hansel and Gretel” are $18 in advance ($15 for JCC members) and $20 at the door. The JCC is at 3921 Fabian Way in Palo Alto. For more information, go to paloaltojcc.org.

Exhibit ‘Korda Moda’





Inspirations is a resource for ongoing religious services and special events. To inquire about or to reserve space in Inspirations, please contact Blanca Yoc at 223-6596 or email byoc@paweekly.com




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‘Harmony for Humanity’ Each year, Stanford pays tribute to one of its lost alumni with music. Faculty and students from the music department come together annually for “Harmony for Humanity: Daniel Pearl World Music Days Concert,” honoring the late journalist, musician and Stanford graduate who was killed by extremists in Pakistan in 2002. The Daniel Pearl Foundation,

Family ‘Hansel and Gretel’ A 19th-century German fairytale goes global (more so than it already has) this Sunday, Sept. 29, when San Francisco Ballet conductor Ming Luke conducts a musical version of “Hansel and Gretel” in four languages. Multimedia visuals and multilingual narration are also planned, along with a dance demo, cookie decorating and a chance for kids to look at the musical instru-

17th Annual



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A PACIFIC FINE ARTS FESTIVAL pacificfinearts.com


“I wanted to become a famous fashion photographer because that way I would be able to meet the most beautiful women in Cuba,” the photographer Korda once reportedly said. He succeeded — on a grand scale. Born Alberto Díaz Gutiérrez but later known simply as Korda, the artist (1928-2001) became a hugely successful fashion photographer in Cuba in the highflying, heavy-partying world of 1950s Havana. Fashion was as big as gambling and nightclubs, and Korda was part of the scene with Luis Peirce Byers, with whom he opened the photography Korda Studio. His most famous muse was the model known as Norka. The glamour of those days — women in couture, hats and feathers — can be glimpsed locally beginning Oct. 2, when “Korda Moda,” an exhibition of Korda’s fashion photography, opens at Foothill College’s Krause Center for Innovation Gallery. The show will also include the artist’s much-reproduced photo of Che Guevara, called “Heroic Guerrilla.” An opening reception is planned for Oct. 2 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., following a 6 p.m. talk by photography instructor Ron Herman and a screening of the short film “Simply Korda.” Later, on Oct. 23, Herman will give a talk from noon to 1 p.m. on the images taken of Norka to mark her 75th birthday. “Korda Moda” runs through Dec. 6, open weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 to 5. The college is at 12345 El Monte Road in Los Altos Hills; parking is $3. Go to kordamoda.wordpress.com for more information.


A trio of German beers at Steins Beer Garden & Restaurant. From left: Weihenstephaner Weissbier, Hofbrau Oktoberfest and Weihenstephaner Vitus Weizenbock.

Cody Van Houten, a bartender at Steins Beer Garden & Restaurant in Mountain View, offers up a Weihenstephaner Vitus Weizenbock, left, and a Weihenstephaner Weissbier, two of the many German beers on tap for Oktoberfest.

Bringing Munich to the Midpeninsula Steins, Tied House and the Chamber of Commerce team up to present a local Oktoberfest by Elena Kadvany | photos by Veronica Weber


ith 5,000 homemade pretzels and 13,000 liters of beer imported from Germany, Stein’s Beer Garden & Restaurant owner Ted Kim hopes that Mountain View’s new Oktoberfest will go out with a bang. Kim and restaurant partner Albert Chang have teamed up with the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce and Tied House to create what Kim calls a “little mini-Munich” to celebrate Oktoberfest in Mountain View on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 5 and 6, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The event will take place in the parking lot behind Steins at Bryant

INFO Oktoberfest is planned for Oct. 5 and 6 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the parking lot behind Steins Beer Garden & Restaurant, Bryant and Dana streets, Mountain View. The event is free, but attendees should RSVP online at mvoktoberfest.eventbrite.com/ or via the Eventbrite app. For more information, call 650-963-9568 .

and Dana streets. “I just wanted to do an Oktoberfest just for Mountain View,” Kim said. “And I wanted to make it very German, a very authentic German Oktoberfest, which I don’t think happens at a lot of these other Oktoberfests,” he said. Kim and Chang connected with Tied House early on, enlisting its director of marketing, Carolyn Hopkins-Vasquez. Hopkins-Vasquez, who has planned previous beer festivals, said that Oktoberfest is just the start of what she hopes will be a fruitful relationship with Steins and the community. “The main thing we want to do is establish our street, Villa Street, as a beer destination,” she said. With Tied House, Steins and Jane’s Beer Store, Villa Street is unusual, she added. “I can’t think of any other street in the area that has so much of a beer presence.” The 180-year-old original Oktoberfest, held in Munich from Sept. 21 to Oct. 6 this year, celebrates Bavarian culture with cold beer, traditional German cuisine,

Oktoberfest games and traditional togs like lederhosen. To recreate Munich on the Midpeninsula meant importing more than 10 beers from eight German beer houses, including Erdinger, Paulaner, Hofbrau, Weltenburger, Spaten, Franziskaner and Andechs. Andechs, or Kloster Andechs Doppelbock Dunkel, is renowned in the beer world and is brewed by Benedictine monks who have been making beer since 1455. Andechs Abbey and its 3,500-seat beer garden is a place of pilgrimage for beer-lovers, and the monastery’s brew hadn’t left Germany until recently: It was first poured in the United States this June. Local Oktoberfest attendees will also see Weihenstephaner, which is brewed at one of the world’s oldest breweries and, Kim said, makes “arguably the best Hefeweizen in the world.” Running parallel to the original celebration in Munich, many of these beers are currently on tap at Steins — since Sept. 21, all 31 of the restaurant’s taps were replaced with German beers. The German brews will be flowing until Oct.

6 or when they run out. Steins chef Colby Reade designed a German-themed menu for the restaurant, with spätzle egg noodles with brown butter and sage; schnitzel with dilled potatoes; smoked Bavarianstyle pork shoulder with sweetand-sour cabbage; Oktoberfest chicken with potato dumplings; and raspberry Bavarian cream cookies. At the weekend Oktoberfest celebration, half- and one-liter steins will be on sale. There’s no entrance fee; attendees can buy a stein for the day and then purchase drink tickets to try different beers. The food will be served up by Esther’s German Bakery, San Josebased Teske’s Germania and San Francisco-based street vendor and caterer The Butcher’s Daughter. Teske’s Germania, which often caters the Campbell Oktoberfest, will serve a traditional menu at Steins’ Oktoberfest weekend: beef-paprika goulash served with spätzle; kassler rippchen (smoked pork chop) served with potato salad and homemade sauerkraut; Bavarian bratwursts;

and Polish sausage combination plates with potato salad and sauerkraut. Esther’s is the event’s pretzel provider, and its bakers had already started chipping away at the 5,000-pretzel goal three weeks prior, owner Esther Nio said. The pretzels will not only be consumed by attendees, but also fuel a pretzel-eating contest. Esther’s Bakery is hosting its own Oktoberfest in Los Altos on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 1 to 5 p.m. with a buffet of sausages; pork roast with crackling skin; sauerkraut; potato salad; red cabbage and rotisserie chicken; special Oktoberfest beer ordered from Hofbrau in Munich; a live band; and a free pretzel for anyone who comes dressed in lederhosen. A huge circus-style tent will cover half of the parking lot, with umbrellas and long, communal tables on one side and a stage on the other where bands will perform. Big Lou’s Accordion, a polka-style band, will perform on Saturday at 2 p.m.; the Joe Smiell ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê iÝÌÊ«>}i®

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Eating Out ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«ÀiÛ ÕÃÊ«>}i®

Band will play Bavarian classics on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and the San Francisco German Band — also known as Deutscher Musikverein — will take over on Sunday at 2 p.m. The German International School of Silicon Valley is also participating, with families volunteering and students performing. Kim acknowledged Oktoberfest’s reputation as a crazy, beerfueled “brawl,” but said he wants to get away from that. There will be kids’ activities, such as a bouncy house and an arts and crafts table. “It’s a community event,” he said. A portion of proceeds will also benefit the Chamber of Commerce’s Student Outreach Advancement Resource (SOAR) program, which awards scholarships to local high school and community college students to encourage them to attend a fouryear university, and to Can Do Multiple Sclerosis, a nonprofit that supports people with MS.

Oscar Garcia, president of the Chamber of Commerce, said the event speaks to the partnership and the collaboration that exists in Mountain View. “When Steins opened, some people in the community thought, ‘Oh my gosh, it’s going to take business away from the Tied House.’ They saw it as a competition. Here’s an example of where they complement each other. There’s room in this community for both — and others as well,” Garcia said. Kim said he told the city they’re expecting 4,500 to 5,000 people to attend the entire weekend, “but it could be 10,000. I really don’t know.” It’s the first event of this magnitude that Steins has been involved in, so he said he doesn’t know what to expect. But he does know that they’ll do it again. “We’re calling this the first annual because we really do want to make this a tradition and get people excited about it ... like the Art and Wine Festival, something that people can look forward to.”

German bratwurst served with Bavarian-style sauerkraut, German potato salad, mustard and a pickle at Esther’s German Bakery in Los Altos.


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Rush --1/2

Don Jon --

(Century 16, Century 20) Screenwriter Peter Morgan definitely has a type. Though he’s flexible, he favors dramas based on recent history that depict a war of wills between two strong and preferably famous individuals: “Frost/Nixon,â€? “The Queen,â€? “The Special Relationship.â€? Now the director of “Frost/Nixon,â€? Ron Howard, brings us in “Rushâ€? another Morgan match-up: 1970s Formula One racers James Hunt and Niki Lauda. “Rushâ€? proves most distinguished by its dual sympathies for British playboy Hunt (an impressive change of pace for Chris Hemsworth) and sour but focused Austrian driver Lauda (Daniel BrĂźhl). They size each other up as they make their ways through the Formula Three circuit, and Morgan establishes their personalities both in their behaviors and in their traded-off narration of insights like “The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel.â€? (The winning device of dual narration unfortunately gets dropped early on.) It’s not long before “Rushâ€? arrives at the legendary 1976 Formula One season, but even then, Howard makes clear that it’s not about the races. They’re there, but rushed through kinetically edited montages so we can get back to the concerns of Hunt and Lauda in their careers (threatened by each other’s successes) and married lives (in underwritten turns, Olivia Wilde and Alexandra Maria Lara play Hemsworth and BrĂźhl’s respective spouses). Despite his brashness, Hunt vomits before every race, presumably due to a combination of performance anxiety and fear (he says of his car, “It’s just a little coffin, really ... a bomb on wheelsâ€?), and he flashes his million-dollar smile for journalists even as he stews over personal trials. Depicted as antisocial and awkwardly no-nonsense, the screen Lauda muses to his new wife, “Happiness is the enemy.â€? He’s comfortable with being misunderstood (his overbite gets him called “ratâ€?) as long as he gets the last laugh. According to Lauda (who endorses the film), “Rushâ€? overstates the rivalry between the two, which he says they left on the track when they went out on the town together. Morgan’s version is all about the tense banter between the two, which helps to characterize a fundamental difference in personality and viewpoint on the sport, life itself and what constitutes “winning.â€? Morgan and Lauda agree that the rivals had mutual respect, though according to the screenwriter, it came along late in the 1976 season, inspired mostly by a life-changing accident during a race. As Oscar bait goes, “Rushâ€? probably won’t entrap voters, with the possible exception of BrĂźhl, whose well-calibrated work is being touted for supporting-actor honors despite his being a colead. Morgan’s dialogue tips over into being too “script-yâ€? here to be believed, and Howard’s work (an ironic bookend to his car-themed directing debut “Grand Theft Autoâ€?) is typically slick, both overstated and undernourished when it comes to the drama. All the same, “Rushâ€? makes for a pretty good fall night at the movies: fast and furious, but not too stupid.

(Century 16, Century 20) Joseph Gordon-Levitt rates high on the likeability level, starting out as a child actor and turning in memorable leading roles in the recent “(500) Days of Summer,� “Inception,� “50/50� and “Looper.� Making his screenwritingdirecting debut, the dimpled charmer needs to have viewers on his side: He plays a Jersey boy addicted to pornography. The comedy is broad and the characters stereotypical. Contributing a new iteration to the Don Juan myth, Gordon-Levitt stars as a modern-day seducer. He cares about only a few things, such as working out in the gym, his pad, his ride, his family and friends, his church, girls and pornography. Place the emphasis on pornography. Constructing a comedy around how our culture objectifies women and creates unrealistic romantic expectations is an interesting idea. Video images of hot bodies and close-ups of female body parts flash across the screen in the movie’s opening, accompanied by Jon’s voiceover relating his search for the perfect clip with which to masturbate. For him, porn proves more satisfying than sex with a real-life partner — even a “dime� or perfect 10 like the gum-snapping Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson). But filmmakers always have to be careful about glorifying the very subject that they are attempting to criticize. Every time Jon clicks on the Play icon of his computer, he — and we — are meant to take pleasure in the experience. He suffers consequences only when Barbara catches him in the act and tells him that porn is for losers. Unlike the portrayal in Steve McQueen’s “Shame,� Jon’s favorite pastime is played for laughs during most of the movie (and regularly confessed and forgiven in church on Sundays). A sit-com quality permeates Gordon-Leavitt’s earnest effort. Peppered with breezy banter and one-dimensional characters, the movie repeats Jon’s routine at a fast clip. He goofs around with the guys (Rob Brown and Jeremy Luke) and has Sunday dinner with his over-the-top Italian-American family (Tony Danza, Glenne Headly and Brie Larson). Wooing New Jersey-princess Barbara gives the plot some direction. Her insistence that he attend college in order to leave his bartender days behind introduces the movie’s most authentic female character, Esther (Julianne Moore), who shares a class with him. The well-intentioned theme of “Don Jon� hinges on whether or not the title character’s relationship with Esther proves convincing rather than convenient for Gordon-Leavitt’s purpose. Such a male-oriented movie may split viewer response according to gender, but undoubtedly the writer-director-actor shows promise as a triplethreat talent, whether or not dealing with tripleX-rated subject matter.

— Peter Canavese

Andrew Dice Clay

“Grade A. Powerful and Enthralling.�

"* -

Rated R for sexual content, nudity, language, disturbing images and brief drug use. Two hours, three minutes.

Bobby Louis C.K. Cannavale

Cate Blanchett














GANDOLFINI, in his last lead performance, IS POIGNANT AND NOBLE.� Lynn Hirschberg,

Julia Louis-Dreyfus James Gandolfini Catherine Keener Toni Collette Ben Falcone

Rated R for strong graphic sexual material and dialogue, nudity, language and some drug use. One hour, 29 minutes. — Susan Tavernetti

READ MORE ONLINE PaloAltoOnline.com

The Weekly has also has a third movie review online this week. To read Peter Canavese’s three-star review of “Enough Said,� go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies.


SAN JOSE CAMPBELL MENLO PARK REDWOOD CITY '-12/4 %,'/% /2-'4%/& %-&,%/*80 2)+& ('%1/' '&3..& .3-1.3- # )-5 /10 %-1%-% .3


Movies "6 ĂŠ The following is a sampling of movies recently reviewed in the Weekly. For a full list, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/ movies. Prisoners --1/2 A-list talent in front of and behind the camera boosts expectations that Denis Villeneuve’s crime thriller “Prisonersâ€? will deliver the goods. But actors — including Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Maria Bello, Terrence Howard, Melissa Leo and Paul

"6 ĂŠ/ -

Dano — cannot elevate the screenplay by Aaron Guzikowski (“Contraband�) into a work of moral complexity and white-knuckle tension. Kidnapped children, devastated and frantic parents, a cool-headed detective and creepy suspects are core conventions. Keller Dover (Jackman) believes in praying for the best and preparing for the worst. Living in a sleepy Pennsylvania town, the loving father trains his family in survival skills. Dover ensures his wife (Bello), teenage son (Dylan Minnette) and daughter (Erin Gerasimovich) that he can protect them from anything. One fateful Thanksgiving proves him wrong. Rated R for language, disturbing violent content and torture. Two hours, 33 minutes. — S.T. (Reviewed Sept. 20, 2013)

The Palo Alto Art Center, Bay Area Glass Institute, and the Palo Alto Art Center Foundation present

Artist: Glass by Glass, Photographer: Drew Loden

&) .

, ) %$ $"September 24-26, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. September 27, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. no sales during exhibition *#&! $ " ( Saturday & Sunday, September 28 & 29 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

+ $) % ) %$ Palo Alto Art Center 1313 Newell Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 650.329.2366 Free admission Children always welcome

Riddick --1/2 When the new film opens, Furyan warrior, ex-convict and part-time king Richard B. Riddick has been left for dead on a desolate planet populated only by deadly beasts. As he puts it in growly, gravely voice-over: “There are bad days, and there are legendary bad days. This is shaping up to be one of those.� The last hour firms up a hate-triangle (the manly-movie answer to romantic comedies’ love triangles) comprising Riddick, a group of purely mercenary bounty hunters (headed up by Jordi Molla and including WWE vet Dave Bautista) and a more professional team with a murkier motivation that connects this film to “Pitch Black� (led by Matt Nable and including Katee Sackhoff, Bokeem Woodbine and Nolan Gerard Funk). It’s 11-against-one, and Riddick likes those odds. Rated R for strong violence, language and some sexual content/nudity. One hour, 59 minutes. — P.C. (Reviewed Sept. 6, 2013)

Baggage Claim (PG-13) Century 16: 11:55 a.m. & 2:30, 5, 7:50, 10:15 p.m. Century 20: 12:10, 2:35, 5, 7:30, 9:55 p.m. Battle of the Year (PG-13) Century 16: 11:25 a.m. & 5:05, 10:20 p.m. In 3D 2:05, 7:40 p.m. Century 20: 11:40 a.m. & 4:50 p.m. In 3D 2:15, 7:35, 10:15 p.m. Blue Jasmine (PG-13) ((( Century 20: 2, 7:25 p.m. Palo Alto Square: 1, 2:15, 3:30, 4:45, 6, 7:15, 8:30 p.m. Fri-Sat also at 9:45 p.m. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (PG) Century 16: 10:30 a.m. & 1:05, 3:30, 6, 8:30 p.m. In 3D 11:45 a.m. & 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 p.m. Century 20: 11:15 a.m. & 12:05, 1:45, 2:40, 4:15, 5:10, 6:50, 7:40, 9:20, 10:10 p.m. In 3D 12:55, 3:25, 5:55, 8:25, 10:45 p.m. Despicable Me 2 (PG) (( Aquarius Theatre: Fri-Sat 11:30 a.m. & 1:50, 4:20, 7:10 p.m. Don Jon (R) (( Century 16: 10:40 & 11:50 a.m. & 1, 2:10, 3:20, 4:30, 5:40, 7, 8:10, 9:20, 10:25 p.m. Century 20: 11:50 a.m. & 12:50, 2:15, 3:15, 4:35, 5:35, 7:05, 8, 9:30, 10:20 p.m. Elysium (R) ((1/2

Century 20: 7:35, 10:10 p.m.

Enough Said (PG-13) Century 20: noon & 2:25, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 p.m. Guild Theatre: 2:30, 5, 7:30, 9:55 p.m. Sat-Sun also at noon. The Family (R)

Century 16: 10:35 a.m. & 1:15, 4:05, 7:05, 10:05 p.m. Aquarius Theatre: 2:30, 5, 7:30, 9:55 p.m.

Inequality For All (PG)

Insidious: Chapter 2 (PG-13) Century 16: 11:40 a.m. & 2:20, 4:55, 8, 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:45 a.m. & 2:30, 5:05, 7:45, 10:35 p.m. Instructions Not Included (PG-13) Century 16: 10:50 a.m. & 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:20 p.m. Century 20: 11:20 a.m. & 2:10, 5, 7:55, 10:45 p.m. Lee Daniels’ The Butler (PG-13) ((1/2 Century 16: noon & 3:10, 7, 10 p.m. Century 20: 12:45, 3:50, 7, 10:05 p.m. Monsters University (G) (((1/2 Century 16: 10:55 a.m. & 4:35, 10:10 p.m. Out of the Past (1946) (Not Rated) p.m.

Century Theatres at Palo Alto Square

Sunday thru Thurs 9/29 – 10/3 Blue Jasmine – 1:00, 2:15, 3:30, 4:45, 6:00, 7:15, 8:30

Tickets and Showtimes available at cinemark.com

Stanford Theatre: 5:45, 9:20

Percy Jackson 2: Sea of Monsters (PG) ((1/2 Century 20: Fri 10:30 p.m. Sat-Sun 11:50 a.m. & 10:30 p.m. In 3D 5:15 p.m. Planes (PG)

Friday and Saturday 9/27 – 9/28 Blue Jasmine – 1:00, 2:15, 3:30, 4:45, 6:00, 7:15, 8:30, 9:45

For information call 650.329.2366 or visit www.greatglasspumpkinpatch.com

' ) " ((&*#&! $& ) %#

All showtimes are for Friday – Sunday only unless otherwise noted. For other times, reviews and trailers, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies.

Century 20: 11:15 a.m. & 3:55 p.m. In 3D 1:35 p.m.

Prisoners (R) ((1/2 Century 16: 10:25 a.m. & 12:10, 2, 3:45, 5:25, 7:10, 9, 10:30 p.m. Century 20: Fri 11:55 a.m. & 3:20, 4:55, 6:45, 8:30, 10:15 p.m. Sat 11:55 a.m. & 3:20, 4:55, 6:45, 8:30, 10:15 p.m. Sun 11:55 a.m. & 3:20, 4:55, 6:45, 8:30, 10:15 p.m. Mon 11:55 a.m. & 3:20, 4:55, 6:45, 8:30, 10:15 p.m. Riddick (R) ((1/2

Century 20: 9:35 p.m.

Rush (R) ((1/2 Century 16: 10:45 a.m. & 12:15, 1:45, 3:15, 4:40, 6:15, 7:45, 9:15, 10:35 p.m. Century 20: 12:35, 3:30, 6:25, 9:25 p.m. In XD 11:10 a.m. & 2, 4:55, 7:50, 10:45 p.m. Century 16: 1:40, 7:25 p.m.

Thanks For Sharing (R)

To Have and Have Not (1944) (Not Rated) Stanford Theatre: Fri 7:30 p.m. Sat-Sun 3:30 & 7:30 p.m. Vertigo (1958) (Not Rated) Century 16: Sun 2 p.m. Century 20: Sat 2 p.m. Sun 2 p.m. Mon 2 p.m. Wadjda (PG) Aquarius Theatre: 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 p.m. Sat 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 p.m. We’re the Millers (R) 1/2

Century 20: Sat-Sun 2:30, 7:45 p.m.

The World’s End (R) (((1/2

Century 20: 11:25 a.m. & 4:30, 9:50 p.m.

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Aquarius: 430 Emerson St., Palo Alto (266-9260) Century Cinema 16: 1500 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View (800-326-3264) Century 20 Downtown: 825 Middlefield Road, Redwood City (800-326-3264) CinĂŠArts at Palo Alto Square: 3000 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (493-0128) Guild: 949 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (266-9260) Stanford: 221 University Ave., Palo Alto (324-3700) Internet address: For show times, plot synopses, trailers and more information about films playing, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies ON THE WEB: Up-to-date movie listings at PaloAltoOnline.com

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Cover Story

Six people, three generations, one home Palo Alto’s multigenerational homes follow a national trend Story by Karishma Mehrotra Photos by Veronica Weber

abir Bhatia was 5 months old when his grandmother, Sudesh, came to see him for the first time. On the way over to her son’s home, she told her husband, “Kabir hasn’t seen me. If I tell him to come to my arms and he cringes, I will feel very bad.” Her husband, Inder, told her she was crazy. “I entered (the house). Kabir was in his mother’s arms. I said, ‘Kabir,’ and he immediately jumped to me!” Sudesh said. “I was in tears.” Just recounting the story — Kabir’s reluctance to leave her arms, the tightness of his hug, the emotion of the moment — left her welling up. “I think it’s simple pleasures,” her daughter-in-law, Swati Bhatia, said. “(We’re) not a big story, but there are simple pleasures.” It’s those simple pleasures that convinced Inder and Sudesh to move in. Since December 2011, they have spent most of the year living in their son’s Palo Alto home with his wife and two kids. And the Bhatias are in good company. Whether there are

simple pleasures or not, something is bringing grandparents into the Palo Alto homes of their children, creating what are known as multigenerational households. Almost 7 percent of Palo Alto families lived with relatives who were older than 65 in 2010, according to the United States Census Bureau. The 2000 Census did not measure the same statistic but did show that barely more than 2 percent of Palo Alto families lived with extended relatives who were older than 18 years. It’s a rising trend throughout the country. The Great Recession catapulted the number of Americans living in multigenerational homes to 51.4 million — 16.7 percent of the U.S. population, according to a 2011 Pew Research Center report. In other words, one out of every six Americans is living in a household consisting of at least two adult generations or of a grandparent and a grandchild. And 66 percent of those said that the economy was a reason for their living status, according to a 2011 survey by Generations

The Desai family — from left, Shantanu, Sudipta, Shaurya, Akhilesh, Dwipal (front) and Vina — say the aarti prayer in their home during the Indian Ganesh Festival. United, a national organization focused on intergenerational programs. The Pew Research Center noted these new numbers were a “significant trend reversal,” harkening back to times before World War II, when generations of farming communities inherited land from their parents. A growth in nuclear-family suburbs, a decrease in immigration and a rise in the well-being of seniors led to a sharp decline in multigenerational homes between 1940, when one in four homes were multigenerational, and 1980, when only 12 percent were, the Pew Research Center said. Part of the recent return to post-war times can be attributed to a new wave of immigrants

who are more inclined to live in these multigenerational homes. But the trend has affected all demographics. Major reasons include a population boom (there are more grown Baby Boomers for elders to live with), Medicare cuts that incentivize children to act as caregivers, an older median age of couples marrying for the first time and an increase in unemployment among adults between the ages of 25 and 34. The middle generation involved in this trend is called the “sandwich generation”: the one in seven American adults squeezed between caring for their elderly parents and caring for their young children. The number of sandwich adults is also on the rise.

Why stay together? hose reasons don’t pass the lips of Karine Dame. The single mother of three lives in Palo Alto and has kept her parents close, partly for the help. “As long as you can keep your family around, there are more times when grandparents start to help out because everything is just so expensive,” the special education aide at El Carmelo Elementary School said. The Bay Area is one of the most costly places to have a baby, according to an August survey by Redfin, an online real-estate brokerage. It costs the average San Jose family more than $41,000 for a baby’s ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê iÝÌÊ«>}i®

30% 24.7

Percentage of U.S. population in multigenerational* households

20% 15.1



12.1 10%

1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2009 *denotes at least two adult generations or a grandparent and at least one grandchild Source: Pew Research Center, based on U.S. Census Bureau data and American Community Surveys

Grandmother Vina Desai watches as son Dwipal plays with Shaurya, who is 8 months old, in the family’s backyard. ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 25

Cover Story ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«ÀiÛ ÕÃÊ«>}i®

first year — the highest price in the country. As the Dame kids grew up, Karine’s parents — Nan Dame and Carl Mortimer — were so involved, it made more sense to pay one rent. They were already cooking dinners for each other, giving each other rides and spending most of their time together. So, in 2009, they moved into a Palo Alto home with a small separate living quarter in the backyard for the grandparents. “I think it’s good for the generations to at least be close by and together,” Nan said. “Maybe not necessarily where you are running over each other all the time, but at least it’s close. To me, that’s preferable to not being close enough.” That’s the way it has always been for the Dames; Karine and Nan grew up in multigenerational homes as well. “It was the norm,” Nan said. Not only do the three kids — the 10-year-old, the junior at Palo Alto High School and the college sophomore — get a sense of security, Nan said, they always have someone to turn to. Because she is a nurse, her grandchildren almost always come to her before their own mother for medical help or with health issues. “It’s just really close with everyone. I can’t say any one bond is stronger,” Keani, the oldest, said of her relationships with her mother and grandmother. “We spend (the same amount of) time with everyone.” The Bhatias describe a similar reasoning for living in a multigenerational home. Vikas’ parents got their green cards less than two years ago and have taken the opportunity to forgo their usual, hot Indian summers for a breath of California air (they love

the freshness) — much to the enjoyment of their grandkids, ages 6 and 9. “Family, family,” grandfather Inder repeated. He attempted to encapsulate his reasoning with an Indian saying: “Mool se zyaada, byaaj pyara hota hai.” While Inder and his wife, Sudesh, talked over each other, trying to give each other the proper English words, Vikas chimed in with the punchy translation: “You love the interest more than the principal,” the principal being one’s kids and the interest, one’s grandkids. His parents gave him an approving giggle. With the love for a grandkid, there is less parental responsibility and “that makes a difference,” Sudesh said. The feeling is mutual. Kabir and Rohan count down the days until their grandparents come back from their visits to India. When they arrive and put their stuff down, “The kids go berserk,” Swati said. “It’s boring when they’re not here,” said Kabir, a 9-year-old. He and his 6-year-old brother have a list of Indian foods that their grandmother — who they call Dadi — makes for them. “Mom’s (food) isn’t much different, but Dadi’s has the touch,” Kabir said. Just talking about their Dadi’s famous cookies made the children run off and grab one of her homemade snacks. According to Generations United, 82 percent of adults in these multigenerational homes said the arrangement “enhanced bonds or relationships among family members.” Vikas — a former PayPal employee who said he is now “trying out some things of (his) own” — said that even more than the enhanced bonds, it’s an “ideal arrangement.” “It feels complete,” Vikas said. “It feels whole.”

The domestic front t is ideal, in part, because of the extra help on the domestic front with child care, cooking and other household chores. Consequently, Vikas and Swati — who works at PayPal — have more freedom to focus on work or spend time with each other. That help was especially crucial when the family went through a yearlong remodeling process, Vikas said. “I don’t think we could have actually done it without them,” he said. “Our life is definitely much better from having that kind of support.” Sudesh said she finds pleasure in helping out. “I am very happy to be here,” she said. “I can give them time to go out, and they can enjoy their life.” Still, Vikas said he doesn’t think he would be able to provide this much support for his kids, anticipating a different retirement for himself. “It would be great to be in the same city but being a part of my children’s domestic life and bringing up their children is not a part of my plan,” he said. “Even if I thought otherwise, their partners are unlikely to want that in any case. Swati expressed a similar sentiment. “I think that’s the reason we have gratitude and appreciation for (his parents), because both of us were saying there is no way we are doing this for our kids,” she said, giggling. Sudipta Bhowmik Desai felt the same gratitude when her husband’s parents — Akhilesh and Vina — came to live in her Palo Alto home in 2004. (Akhilesh and Vina continued to split their time between here and India but now only spend about two to

1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Grandparents in Palo Alto homes Those living with their own grandchildren (18 and younger)

797 561


Source: American Community Survey

three months a year in India). “We just get so caught up in the day-to-day life,” the stay-at-home mom said. “But thanks to parents being there, life doesn’t seem as hectic.” When both her kids were young, she felt comfortable leaving them with her parents-in-law. She especially appreciated the help when she was pregnant, noting that without them, it would have been “a hundred times more difficult.” Every little thing — a trip to Target or getting a kid in a car seat — is a little easier with two couples raising two kids. Both Sudipta and Dwipal, her husband, said they can afford to be a little lazy with the additional assistance. Every morning, when their 8-month-old, Shaurya, wakes up at 6:30 a.m., Dwipal picks him up, gives him to Akhilesh and goes back to sleep. Sudipta said she has more people to turn to for advice. Right now, the four of them are working to potty train the 3-year-old, Shantanu. “I have (Dwipal’s) mom’s experience to fall back on,” she said. “I have that resource readily available, which I don’t know if my parents had because we were in a nuclear family.” On top of the help, both the Desais and the Bhatias appreciate the culture the grandparents have brought into the house, with language, food and, for the Bhatia’s, TV shows like Master Chef India.

Two couples, two separate worlds

Dwipal Desai talks with his wife, Sudipta Bhowmik, as she cooks for his parents and their two children earlier this month. Page 26ÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V


* Five-year estimate ending in this year.

or Dwipal, the arrangement works out because his parents are so independent. Akhilesh can drive, and he takes woodworking lessons at the Palo Alto Adult School. Until last year, the retired businessman was working at Fry’s. He and Vina can get their own groceries, go out for movies and watch their favorite Indian television channel in their bedroom. And Dwipal, who works at Samsung, said that his parents have a social life more vibrant than his. About a year ago, because Akhilesh and Vina were accustomed to a lively community life back in India, they cre-

ated a social circle here by meeting friends of friends. (Recently, they went to Yosemite with five other couples, three of whom they didn’t know beforehand.) Vikas Bhatia, on the other hand, said he doesn’t think his parents have enough of an independent social life. “That is one thing that we would actually like to figure out. We haven’t cracked into that yet,” he said. “I want them to have people that they know independent of our relationships.” Nevertheless, both of Vikas’ parents have plenty to keep themselves busy — enough to say that the word “bored” is not in their vocabulary. Sudesh is the first one up in the morning, beginning her prayers at 5:30 a.m. in the peaceful silence before the morning chaos. Before 7 a.m., she has tea ready for her husband. Once the franticness of the morning routine is out of the house, the two have time to practice yoga, take the Palo Alto shuttle service to the library, read books, play board games or take care of the dog, Rocco. But more than anything else, Sudesh cooks. She has finished cooking dinner before 2 p.m. By late-afternoon, it’s time for a quick nap. Once their kids are back from work and their grandchildren are back from school and after-school activities around 6 p.m., it’s family time until 9. Everyone eats his or her dinner at different times, all milling around the open kitchen and living room area, with “plenty of conversation,” Vikas said. He said that this flexibility enables them to avoid conflict. “We are very, very fluid,” he said. “Everyone does their own thing but around each other.” “There is nothing forced,” Swati added. “Fluid is the right word. It’s all acceptable.”

Not for everyone ut conflict isn’t always escapable. According to the Generations United survey, 78 percent of adults in multigenerational homes said that the arrangement can sometimes contribute to stress between family members. “Stress” would be an understatement to describe Katie Hafner’s try at multigenerational

Cover Story living. She invited her mother “In India, this is how it always to stay with her and her daugh- works,” Dwipal Desai said. “I ter in San Francisco for what think over here people think of they hoped would be their “year it as a novelty, but that’s typically in Provence” but which instead how it is in India.” Because India ended up resurfacing childhood does not have the same governresentment. There were tiffs over ment social net, elderly Indians her daughter’s musical talent, depend on their children, he types of lettuces to buy and ga- said. rage space, Hafner said. Karine Dame said that what The experience was strong seems to be a novel concept used enough that Hafner wrote the to be an American norm. memoir “Mother, Daughter, Me” “It’s not the popular Silicon — all about “what happens when Valley thing. It’s not the popular you are sharing one refrigerator,” yuppie thing, but it used to be,” she told the Weekly. On Aug. 18, she said. she discussed her book at the OsThe Dames’ move-in was not hman Family JCC in Palo Alto. the disaster that Hafner experiIn the book, she writes: “(Most) enced, but it demonstrates that people know better than to try multigenerational living is not what we’re trying. They know always a smooth ride. ... that everything can turn into Less than two years ago, the a tug-of-war, that battlefields can house that they were renting went be as small as a utensil drawer, through a foreclosure, and their plump with meaning.” spacious living arrangement went Hafner’s book begs the ques- out the door with it. Now, they tion: Even if people feel an ob- live in a cramped house with one ligation to their elderly parents, bathroom. In the summer, the what happens when it is more kids — Keani, Kabria and Keethan they can handle? bin — want to stay up late while The memoir “would resonate their grandfather needs to wake with many of us who are feel- up early for work in the morning like we are right smack in ing. The six of them debate over the middle of this time period shower schedules; they can’t run in our life where the dishwasher we’ve got aging and shower at parents, kids to ‘Everything can turn the same time; take care of and and the hot water into a tug-of-war. ... what do we do? is not unlimited. How do we manNan said she Battlefields can be age the family sometimes feels as small as a utensil history and the like she is in a caretaking and “bathroom in a drawer, plump with doing the right dormitory.” meaning.’ thing?” she told But struggle the Weekly. builds character, – Katie Hafner, author When Hafner Karine and Nan told a friend in said. Beijing that she was entering into “I try to explain to (the kids) this unconventional living setup, that the world doesn’t revolve the friend said, “Oh, how Chinese around you,” Karine said. “They of you!” Others were skeptical of need to think about everyone — her decision, citing that it wasn’t like their grandparents who are in her “cultural DNA.” trying to sleep — and they’re not There is something to be said the only thing in the world.” about race and multigenerational Other issues do arise. Karine homes. In the bounce back to doesn’t like that her parents are multigenerational homes dur- always willing to give the kids ing the recession, 22 percent of rides when they should be riding all three-generation U.S. homes their bikes. And she had to tell were Hispanic, 23 percent were her father to stop buying Jamba black, and 25 were Asian. More Juice for Kabria every time he than 40 percent of each of these picked her up from practice. races lives in a three-generation Karine said the kids know who household while only 28 percent to exploit when. of white households do, accordSwati Bhatia also mentioned ing to the Pew Research Center. one argument that she can’t for-

Multigenerational U.S. households by race

Sudipta Bhowmik feeds her son, Shantanu Desai, while he watches his favorite TV show in their Palo Alto home. Care of the young children is easier with the help of her in-laws, Bhowmik says. get. Although she didn’t remember what it was about, it’s stuck in her head. “It was three of us sitting and crying. I don’t remember which one of us said this but one of us said, ‘If people (who are) like us, if a family like us is crying, then I don’t know what’s going to happen to the rest of the world.’ I think that moment — it’s a realization that ‘Man, we have it very good.’ We should count our blessings that we got parents like them. It’s as perfect as it gets,” she said. It may be a blessing, but it took awhile to get that way. “I think in the beginning, there was definitely adjustment,” Swati said. “When people live together, they have to get used to each others’ styles. You have to adjust.” Swati said there have been disagreements over how to raise the kids, like the number of afterschool activities they’re involved in. “We respect them a lot. We listen to them. We take their input,” she said of her in-laws. “But I think at the end of the day, I would say the decision-making is concentrated between the two of us.” For the rest of America, that is not always the case. The Pew Research Center found that out of the 6.6 million older adults living with their children, 58 percent were the household’s head while, in 42 percent, their adult child was the authority. When the older adult is younger than 65, the older adult is the head about three-quarters of the time.

Making it work 22%





13% Hispanic


Source: Pew Research Center based on 2008 American Community Survey. Hispanics are of any race. White, black and Asian include only non-Hispanics.

n the Dame household, the authority rests with all three of the adults. They never explicitly created rules because they were very close before they moved in with each other. “If everyone is totally used to having their own space ... (living together) would probably be really hard,” Karine said about other families trying to live in this arrangement. “If they aren’t around

each other a lot and they haven’t stayed together a lot, I wouldn’t suggest it because it’s probably going to be a hard adjustment.” Nan said it’s important to feel comfortable in one’s own home, even with the little compromises here and there that have to be made. “There are things, like the whole TV issue,” she said. “Do you have a little bit of space of your own, and is it really your own? ... I think people have to be careful, if they want to have multiple generations (in the same home), about the rules that they feel like they have to enforce.” Swati Bhatia said Vikas’ parents are compromising as well; they don’t interject unless they feel strongly about the point they want to make. “We appreciate the culture difference,” Inder said, briefly taking his eyes off of his grandkids playing in the backyard. “We cannot force our views and our rules. ... They have to live like Americans, not like Indians.” As Inder diverted his attention from the conversation to the safety of his grandkids playing with Rocco in the backyard, Vikas said he realizes that his parents treat the kids differently. They are more lenient with screen-time rules and other “minor” household rules. But he doesn’t have too much of a problem with that. “We are not very, very rigid,” Vikas said. “We all have a set of things we want to accomplish, but we’re not fanatic about it. We’re not sticklers for rules.” Dwipal and Sudipta Desai also know that the kids can capitalize on the forgiving nature of their grandparents. “(Shantanu’s) grandfather’s room is his hiding place, his escape,” Sudipta said. “Nobody tells him anything in that room, so that’s his favorite place of the house.” With the grandparents around, sometimes bedtime is not enforced and discipline is not always the priority. But Sudipta understands. “That’s what you love about

grandparents,” she said. “When I really think about, it’s nice that he has that relationship with his grandparents.” She added that the grandparents have completed their childrearing responsibility. “It’s a reward for their hard work,” she said. The Desais had their stage of adjustment to living together as well. The six of them used to live in a small house with thin walls, where Sudipta couldn’t take a nap at the same time Akhilesh watched TV, where Vina’s morning tea-making would wake up the whole house and where “everyone was in each other’s face,” Sudipta said. Now that they live in a bigger home, their lives have mellowed out, but they still need strategies to help the six of them live in sanity. Chiefly, they all don’t expect much from each other. They don’t expect certain people to cook or certain people to take care of the kids or even that they spend every free moment with each other. “That understanding helps — that, even though you’re living together, it’s OK to have independent hobbies or activities, and you don’t constantly have to physically be present in the same room all the time,” Sudipta said. Akhilesh said it’s important to give and take: Since his son and daughter-in-law want to go out during weekends, he and his wife keep those days empty to take care of the kids. “We have to understand generation gap,” he said. “We have to understand their needs, and if we can’t understand, then there is going to be a problem.” At the Bhatias’, Vikas said that all four of the adults in his family are more accommodating and less individualistic people in general. They are easygoing in the workplace, their social circles and their homes. He describes what could be a chicken-or-egg problem. Do those personalities create these environments? Or do these arrangements create these ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê iÝÌÊ«>}i®

ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 27

Cover Story

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Do you feel the need to check and re-check things over and over? Do you have the same thoughts constantly? Do you feel a very strong need to perform certain rituals repeatedly and feel like you have no control over what you are doing?

If so, you may qualify to participate in an investigational medication research study.


qualities in people? Vikas added that this arrangement has its constraints in some ways but more freedom in others. “Overall, as a balance, it works for me, for sure,� Vikas said. “There are definitely pros and cons. But when they leave, it feels lonely for a while.� In the end, the positives overtake the negatives, he said.

Moving forward

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OCD Research Program Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Stanford University To inquire about participating contact: Sweta Patnaik email: sweta@stanford.edu or call at 650-736-6748 For general information about participant rights contact 1-866-680-2906


ut even with the positives, Hafner said that multigenerational families don’t always address the future. “So what happens with these families is that, sometimes, it does start early where they come to help with the kids. (But) then they need help themselves,� she said. For the Bhatias, Desais and Dames, the grandparents are helping move the family along, but what happens when the kids are not the only ones who need care? “My assumption is that I’ll be with my kids and I’ll be taken care of,� Nan Dame said. Daughter Karine can’t picture or even understand putting her parents in a nursing home. “I don’t think we should have old-people warehouses,� Nan

said. not that practical,� Swati added. Sudipta Desai expressed sim- “We never sit down and talk ilar sentiments. about these things. We’ll take it “When you grow old you need as it comes.� more care from others, and we Until then, they will cherwill provide as kids,� she said. ish the moments: Sudesh will “That’s what take pride in your children Kabir’s art are there for. ‘We have to projects; Vikas When we grow will watch as older, maybe understand their Rohan attempts we would like needs, and if we can’t to speak Hindi; our kids to do Swati will enjoy the same for understand, then cooking with us.� her mother-inthere is going to be a For the Bhalaw; Inder will tias, the grand- problem.’ focus on the parents are still safety of the splitting their – Akhilesh Desai, grandfather two kids; and time between all six people India and America. What will — all three generations — will happen when the trip is too take each simple pleasure as it much to make? comes in their one home. N “It is in the future,� Inder Writer Karishma Mehrotra said. “Our life — who knows can be emailed at kmehrot@ tomorrow?� After another three years emory.edu. with their green cards, the two can reach their goal of attaining On the cover: citizenship, allowing them flexGrandparents Akhilesh ibility to decide if they want to (left) and Vina Desai reside in India or America. (right) play with their “Time will tell,� Inder said. grandchildren Shantanu, “You know, we’ll play it by 3, and Shaurya, 8 ear,� Vikas said. “It’s completemonths, at their son and ly up to them what they want daughter-in-law’s Palo to do. We haven’t made any Alto home. Photograph specific plans about what will by Veronica Weber. happen.� “We are an emotional family,

Home&Real Estate

OPEN HOME GUIDE 44 Also online at PaloAltoOnline.com

Home Front WALKING TOURS ... Palo Alto Stanford Heritage (PAST) will offer free docent-led tours of Palo Alto neighborhoods from 10 to 11 a.m. on three Saturdays, beginning Sept. 28 through Crescent Park (meet at Seneca Street and University Avenue); Oct. 5 — Professorville (meet at Addison Avenue and Bryant Street); and Oct. 12 — Homer Avenue (meet at Cowper Street and Homer Avenue). Information: www.pastheritage.org or RSVP to hes.stevens@gmail.com HARVEST FESTIVAL ... The 47th annual Harvest Festival will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Palo Alto Friends Meeting, 957 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto. The free event features live music, book sale, plant sale, treasures, food and a large rummage sale. Information: www.quakerharvestfestival.org/ NO MORE CHAOS ... Christine Palen, who leads motivational workshops, will teach a onesession class called “Organize Your Office: From Chaos to Control” from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at Palo Alto High School, Room 205, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto. She’ll teach those with home offices how to streamline emails and create paper-flow systems to increase productivity in home or corporate offices. Fee is $35. Information: 650-329-3752 or www.paadultschool.org LANDPRINTS ... Renowned landscape architect and former Palo Alto Weekly columnist Bernard Trainor will talk about projects featured in his recently published monograph, “Landprints: The Landscape Designs of Bernard Trainor,” written by Susan Heeger, at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3, at the Flora Grubb Gardens, 1634 Jerrold Ave., San Francisco. The talk will include a wine reception and book signing. Cost is $30 at the door (or $25 in advance). Information: www. gardenconservancy.org/events or 415-441-4300 WATER WISE WISDOM ... Linda Roark, who designs customized containers through her Artistic Succulents business, will offer “Succulents: Ideas for a Water Wise Garden” from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5, at Gamble Garden, 1431 Waverley St., Palo Alto. Participants may bring their overgrown succulents and learn how to propagate them. Fee is $35 for nonmembers, $25 for members. Information: 650-329-1356 or www. gamblegarden.org N

Send notices of news and events related to real estate, interior design, home improvement and gardening to Home Front, Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302, or email cblitzer@paweekly.com. Deadline is one week before publication.

Concrete floors in the great room absorb heat through the southern-oriented windows, helping keep the home cool in summer and warm in winter.

En route to zero-net energy T he year 2020 is creeping up fast: That’s the year that all new construction in the state of California must use zero-net energy, meaning a house must create as much energy as it consumes. For those who’d like to get ahead of the rush to conserve (or who would like to find out how to reduce their energy bills), Acterra has teamed with SunWork and City of Palo Alto Utilities to put on a tour of solar homes in Palo Alto on Oct. 5. The day begins at Lucie Stern Community

Solar home tour offers practical advice for going green by Carol Blitzer photos by Veronica Weber

Center with information sessions from 10:30 a.m. to noon, and 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. Tour maps will be provided until 2:30 p.m. In addition, plug-in and electric vehicle owners will offer rides, beginning at 10:30 a.m. This year’s tour includes seven homes, including the Palo Alto EcoHome, a mobile demonstration home located behind the Lucie Stern center, according to Mike Balma, development director and board member of SunWork, a nonprofit that installs solar

The exterior of the Richardson home, top, features drought-resistant landscaping and permeable concrete pavers in the driveway to prevent runoff in the rainy season. Cuerva seca tiles, above, in the kitchen backsplash were imported from southern Spain.

electricity systems on small-energy-footprint homes with the help of trained volunteers. “Two of the homes are passive designed homes and were completed within the last two years. The other homes have added energy efficiency and solar features to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce their energy bills,” he wrote in an email. Maria and Julian Richardson’s real-estate agent finally broke down and bought a compass, to make sure any property she showed them had the exact southern orientation they were seeking to build their zero-net-energy home. Maria, a physicist and mother of three boys under the age of 12, had been boning up on energy-efficient houses, beginning with Susan Susanka’s “The Not So Big House.” Once they located the right location, in the Palo Alto hills above Foothill Expressway, they turned to Arkin Tilt Architects, a Berkeleybased firm with expertise in energy-efficient ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊΣ)

ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 29

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Home & Real Estate

Solar homes

On non-rainy days, they have a classical clothesline. Even the hardscape outside reflects the Richardsons desire to conserve energy. Their driveway is made of permeable pavers, which Maria compared to Weetabix cereal for their ability to puff up when absorbing moisture. With their landscaping less than a year old, the Richardson’s largest energy bill is for water, but once the native plants are well-established, that should be cut way back. Today, they just enjoy watching their meter run backwards. N Associate Editor Carol Blitzer can be emailed at cblitzer@paweekly.com.


home design. “Energy efficiency means to minimize the use of energy by first building a smaller house,� Maria said. Their plan called for three bedrooms, two full bathrooms and a powder room in 2,400 square feet. Building a smaller home came naturally to Maria, who grew up in Spain, and Julian, who is from England. “In Europe, things are smaller; here people sprawl,� she said. Next comes siting the structure to minimize energy requirements. “Place the windows where the sun is,� she said, noting that they could satisfy up to 75 percent of their energy needs just through appropriate window placement. “It’s easy to be energy efficient when you’re only dealing with 25 percent, ... and it’s not a 6,000-square-foot house,� she said. The Richardsons did not give up comfort to gain energy efficiency, she said. They disliked forced-air heating and cooling so chose a hydronic system that runs in pipes below their concrete floors. The flooring, which was ground down in places to expose the texture, is something Maria spotted and liked at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Maria likened the floor to a battery, absorbing heat from the sun during the day and radiating that heat in the evening. “We built within a magnificent envelope, very tight. This will keep us insulated,� she said. Maria describes her home as a box “with the right holes and right materials,� without a lot of bells and whistles.

Solar panels, maximally sited to take advantage of the southern exposure, are visible from the hillside above the Richardson home. Other features that work with the orientation include large overhangs with shading fins and an exterior made of fibercement panels. But she didn’t stint on design. The kitchen/family room features fir cabinets with countertops made of bamboo or stainless steel. One strip was a leftover piece of black stone — perfect for baking — that their architect had in storage. Moorish “cuerva seca� tile in the backsplash comes from southern Spain, harkening back to Maria’s country of birth. All the appliances are electric. The house is essentially U-shaped, built around a paved courtyard. The windows in the center of the U are west-oriented, so in the summer they cover them with slatted shutters via barn-door sliders. In winter, the shutters are open all the time, she said. Other shade is provided by large overhangs with “shading fins� as well as some mature live oak trees and espaliered fruit trees.

2013 Solar Homes Tour: The Road to Zero-Net Energy When: Saturday, Oct. 5, 1 to 5 p.m. Where: Seven homes in Palo Alto; start at Lucie Stern Community Center, Community Room, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto Cost: $10 donation ($15 families) Info: www.cityofpaloalto. org or 650-329-2241; http://2013solarhomestour. eventbrite.com/ What:

Most people install blinds or shades on the inside of the house, but that lets the sun heat up the glass (and the house), Maria explained. By placing the shades on the outside, the sun never heats the glass. The exterior of the house is made of fiber-cement panels, with an air gap between them and the wooden skeleton. In the architect’s notes, the panels are described as “a fiber-cement rain-screen to minimize thermal transfer while providing an elegant, durable finish.� The color is integral, meaning they never have to paint. The pool is sited so that water temperature is 85 degrees, even without the additional solar heating. For laundry, the Richardsons chose to install a condensation dryer that vents inside to a pipe that removes the humidity.

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“Experience Counts 28 years�

650.906.6516 janstrohecker@yahoo.com DRE00620365


Los Altos Hills

Total sales reported: 1 Lowest sales price: $1,740,000 Highest sales price: $1,740,000

Palo Alto

Total sales reported: 3 Lowest sales price: $1,950,000 Highest sales price: $2,700,000

East Palo Alto

Total sales reported: 3 Lowest sales price: $1,510,000 Highest sales price: $2,250,000

Menlo Park

Total sales reported: 1 Lowest sales price: $715,000 Highest sales price: $715,000

Portola Valley

Total sales reported: 5 Lowest sales price: $675,000 Highest sales price: $4,000,000

Los Altos

Total sales reported: 1 Lowest sales price: $1,712,000 Highest sales price: $1,712,000

Mountain View

Total sales reported: 5 Lowest sales price: $827,000 Highest sales price: $2,601,000

Redwood City

Total sales reported: 12 Lowest sales price: $392,000 Highest sales price: $3,315,000

Total sales reported: 16 Lowest sales price: $400,000 Highest sales price: $1,150,000 -ÂœĂ•Ă€Vi\ĂŠ >Â?ˆvÂœĂ€Â˜Âˆ>ĂŠ, ĂƒÂœĂ•Ă€Vi


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HOME SALES Home sales are provided by California REsource, a real estate information company that obtains the information from the County Recorder’s Office. Information is recorded from deeds after the close of escrow and published within four to eight weeks.

Atherton 73 Maple Ave. 8 Team Groups to R. & A. Moulds for $1,740,000 on 8/16/13; previous sale 2/83, $160,000

East Palo Alto 22 Shorebreeze Court V. Chen to J. & R. Gonzalez for $715,000 on 8/20/13; previous sale 9/03, $627,000

Los Altos


For buying or selling a home in the Palo Alto area, John King has everyhing you want. Almost.

561 Cecelia Court Spates Trust to M. & E. Cabot for $1,200,000 on 9/4/13 470 Cherry Ave. P. & D. Hsing to J. Lo for $2,601,000 on 8/29/13; previous sale 10/07, $2,300,000 1719 Christina Drive Liskovec Trust to D. Danandeh for $1,700,000 on 8/30/13 110 W. Edith Ave. #1 K. Mc-


Vicki Svendsgaard Senior Mortgage Loan Officer NMLS ID: 633619 650.400.6668 vicki.svendsgaard@bankofamerica.com


Trusted Real estate Professional Kathleen Wilson 650.543.1094 kwilson@apr.com Page 32ĂŠUĂŠ-iÂŤĂŒi“LiÀÊÓÇ]ĂŠĂ“ä£ĂŽĂŠUĂŠ*>Â?ÂœĂŠ Â?ĂŒÂœĂŠ7iiÂŽÂ?ÞÊUĂŠĂœĂœĂœ°*>Â?Âœ Â?ĂŒÂœ"˜Â?ˆ˜i°Vœ“

Sherry to K. Basiji for $827,000 on 8/29/13; previous sale 5/05, $670,000 1397 Pritchett Court Koenig Trust to A. Zhu for $2,458,000 on 8/30/13

Los Altos Hills 11921 Hilltop Drive R. Ellis to Detter Trust for $2,700,000 on 9/3/13 25299 La Loma Drive S. Bernardi to H. Nakauchi for $2,250,000 on 8/30/13; previous sale 12/98, $1,510,000 2102 Old Page Mill Road Petry Trust to S. Segev for $1,950,000 on 8/30/13

Menlo Park 1003 Almanor Ave. Shumacher Trust to B. & E. Boggs for $1,350,000 on 8/16/13 1180 N. Lemon Ave. United Stephens Limited to C. Decenzo for $4,000,000 on 8/20/13; previous sale 12/98, $750,000 230 Morgan Lane S. & N. Prakash to H. & A. Dursun for $1,640,000 on 8/16/13; previous sale 11/09, $1,200,500 300 Sand Hill Circle #302 R. Garland to Daiss Trust for $1,575,000 on 8/19/13; previous sale 4/07, $1,389,000 1224 Windermere Ave. Lurline Assets Group to J. Hwang for $675,000 on 8/15/13

Mountain View 456 Chesley Ave. C. Russell to D. & C. Darling for $1,788,000 on 8/29/13; previous sale 4/97, $579,000 169 College St. J. Leung to J. & E. Howard for $850,000 on 8/30/13; previous sale 1/05, $699,000 1031 Crestview Drive #211 S. Oueini to A. Hu for $552,000 on 8/30/13; previous sale 2/04, $330,000 505 Cypress Point Drive #149 Edgeworth Trust to W. Ko for $392,000 on 8/30/13; previous sale 9/06, $350,000 191 Darya Court J. Coloprisco to M. Nakamura for $760,000 on 8/30/13; previous sale 1/08, $647,500 881 Linda Vista Ave. Javier Trust to H. Liang for $848,000

on 8/29/13 500 W. Middlefield Road #189 M. Utter to J. Bocek for $405,000 on 9/4/13; previous sale 7/04, $296,000 751 W. Middlefield Road #E J. & P. Henderson to F. & J. Chen for $670,000 on 8/30/13; previous sale 12/88, $205,000 123 Montelena Court J. Farrell to E. Ophir for $1,160,000 on 9/4/13; previous sale 7/05, $790,000 156 Pacchetti Way Lu Trust to Q. Zhou for $720,000 on 8/29/13 847 Runningwood Circle R. Lopez to A. Kannan for $1,035,000 on 9/4/13; previous sale 6/11, $815,000 271 Velarde St. T. Tonty to J. & R. Beckert for $3,315,000 on 8/30/13

Palo Alto 298 E. Charleston Road Rhea Trust to H. Wang for $1,510,000 on 9/4/13; previous sale 1/99, $569,000 933 Oregon Ave. T. & S. Kazeyama to A. Gadzo for $1,535,000 on 8/30/13; previous sale 9/97, $505,000 1465 Webster St. Mckenna Trust to Rector Trust for $2,250,000 on 8/30/13

on 8/20/13; previous sale 5/98, $385,000 3402 Dover Road R. Moran to R. & I. Morgan for $697,500 on 8/15/13; previous sale 1/06, $740,000 203 Hartstene Drive J. Leung to T. Salahifar for $1,013,000 on 8/16/13 2806 Hastings Shore Lane #184 D. Dearstyne to A. Dake for $507,000 on 8/15/13; previous sale 2/05, $460,000 415 Iris St. Debenedetti Trust to M. Levier for $850,000 on 8/16/13 503 Iris St. E. Regina to C. Geoly for $1,150,000 on 8/19/13 525 Osprey Drive S. & M. Samant to M. Geng for $1,090,000 on 8/20/13; previous sale 6/06, $978,000 131 Sequoia Ave. C. Moreno to X. Chen for $655,000 on 8/16/13 576 Shoal Circle T. Lee to S. Deo for $822,000 on 8/19/13; previous sale 5/03, $580,000 1470 Virginia Ave. R. Bose to C. Buchinski for $989,000 on 8/20/13; previous sale 6/08, $880,000 20 Winston Way Kinecta Credit Union to RECO Investors for $925,000 on 8/15/13; previous sale 12/03, $740,000

Portola Valley 120 La Mesa Drive Dryden Income Fund to C. Helwick for $1,712,000 on 8/16/13; previous sale 6/01, $700,000

Redwood City 280 3rd Ave. Lawhern Trust to J. Chan for $400,000 on 8/20/13; previous sale 11/83, $98,000 100 Baltic Circle #124 J. & R. Sanford to Z. Wang for $791,000 on 8/16/13; previous sale 5/11, $685,000 2440 Brewster Ave. S. Preston to Rich Trust for $990,000 on 8/16/13; previous sale 2/11, $760,000 1239 Connecticut Drive Perry Trust to A. Hand for $912,000 on 8/16/13 47 Cove Lane V. Suvarna to K. Channa for $610,000 on 8/20/13; previous sale 6/06, $615,000 537 Cypress St. OWB Reo to West Bay Housing for $899,000

BUILDING PERMITS Palo Alto 1295 Wilson St. re-roof, $11,175 915 Piers Court re-roof, $7,470 1703 Bryant St. relocate washer/dryer from closet to second floor hall bathroom, $n/a 738 Homer Ave. remodel kitchen, bathroom, $20,000 3110 Bandera Drive install electric-vehicle charger, $n/a 1030 Parkinson Ave. install electric-vehicle charger, $n/a 1503 Escobita Ave. twostory addition with basement, $432,000 743 De Soto Drive re-roof, $11,300 2645 Middlefield Road Because We Rock: tenant improvement, $90,000 954 Forest Ave. convert attic to living space and storage, $60,000

Residential real estate expertise for the mid-peninsula.


Broker Associate Alain Pinel President’s Club DRE #00994196


ngranoski@apr.com 650/269–8556

Home & Real Estate

A Fresh Look Ten common decorating errors and how to avoid them by Kit Davey


ecorating errors can easily blemish the charm of a lovely room. By recognizing these errors and using your creativity you can transform any room in your home from “not quite itâ€? to “just right.â€? Here are 10 common decorating errors and tips for avoiding them: Too much clutter. When every surface is covered with knickknacks the eye bounces from object to object and can’t find visual peace. Try to reserve a special area in your home for clutter. Use your den to display family memorabilia; pick one drawer in the kitchen for papers, recipes, etc.; put an ĂŠtagère in the living room and exile all porcelain pieces or collections to it. Leave the remaining surfaces as clutterfree as possible. Your home will look more open and elegant. Too many colors or not enough color. When the eye encounters a rainbow of colors it can be distracting and inharmonious. Try to keep the major furnishings in neutrals and use your accessories to create splashes of color. Balance the color in the room by placing items in each of the planes you can see from each part of the

room. Balancing the color will make your eye move fluidly across the room. In contrast, a monochromatic color scheme can be dull and oppressive. Make a piece of artwork in bold colors the focal point of the room. Add unexpected color by putting a contrasting pillow on a couch or a bowl of bright fruit on a table, or place a colorful placemat under a potted plant. Lining up art. A series of two-dimensional art pieces placed too close together, too far apart, too high or lined up in a row detracts from the art and appears monotonous. Try grouping pieces in a triangle or in odd numbered groupings. Group several pieces with the same theme together and place a larger, unrelated piece a little further away. Remember to place pictures at a height so that they can be viewed while seated. Too many styles. Some people can pull off the eclectic look, but it usually appears jumbled. If you want to mix styles, try to keep one element constant in all of them: the same wood, same color, same scale or same style. If you can’t afford to buy new pieces to do this, remove the most inappropriate piece, or conceal it with a throw or tablecloth that ties it in with the other pieces. Worn out furnishings. After living in the same home for years we stop seeing the obvious wear-and-tear on our furniture. If you can’t discard an old piece,




conceal it by placing it in an obscure part of the room. Conceal stains or worn spots with pillows, antique doilies or a soft lap blanket. Consider slipcovering or reupholstering, if your budget allows. Attachment to a piece that is inappropriate for the room. We all have a bowling trophy we won in third grade or the chair Aunt Martha presented as a wedding gift. These things can be moved to a less prominent part of the house, stored or given to charity. No personality. Have you ever walked into a beautifully decorated room that felt impersonal? A room like this needs a personal touch. Mount your old trumpet or a Claxton guitar on the wall. Display an exceptional piece of art done by a family member (only one!). Display a unique collection of seashells, lunch boxes, hats or keys on the wall. Stack up all your coffeetable books and use them as an end table. Real antiques or heirlooms can add a nice feel to a “Bruner’s ad�-type home. Lining furniture against the walls. This may create more space in the middle of a room but tends to give a dance-hall look. Try angling a chair in the corner of the room. A large sofa can be placed at a slight angle into the room as well. Break up the boxy look of a living room by placing the sofa almost in the middle of the room with its back toward the entryway and a sofa table behind it. Instead of plac-

ing the desk against the wall of your den, have it facing the door, like a receptionist’s in an office. Separating collections. A collection has far greater impact when it is intact. Put your old buttons in a bowl on the coffee table so your guests can run their fingers through them. Cluster or mount your spoons or political buttons on one wall in the den. Put all your brass items together on one shelf. Place your travel memorabilia next to a globe in a corner of the living room. Reserve a whole bookshelf for your demitasse collection. Poor lighting. It’s annoying to be unable to see a lovely room or to be blasted by an interrogation-like spotlight. Don’t rely on standard ceiling lights to provide all your needs. Make sure that you have adequate soft light that fills the room with a warm, diffuse glow. Wall sconces are great for this. One or two floor or table lamps can also provide adequate ambient light. Floor or table lamps can also serve as task lighting by being placed near a reading chair or sofa. Don’t use glaring track/ spotlights for ambient or task purposes. They are ideal for highlighting a sculpture piece, wall art or hallway. Have your electrician install a dimmer switch so you can modulate the intensity of the light. Try to spot some of these decorating challenges in your home. And have fun using your creativity to deal with them! N Kit Davey specializes in re-design, staging, design consulting and professional organizing. Email her at KitDavey@aol. com, call her at 650-367-7370, or visit her website at www.AFreshLook.net.

4010 Manzana Lane, Palo Alto


,OT $IMENSIONS X "UYER TO VERIFY SQ FT ,OT SQ FT PER #ITY OF 0ALO !LTO For more information or a private tour call



hshacham@cbnorcal.com www.HannaCB.com DRE# 01073658

This Ranch Style Home is located on a quiet, secluded cul de sac in Barron Park locale! Boasting of a spacious floor plan with large living, and dining rooms with wood burning fireplace. The updated kitchen has gas range, granite counter tops, a planter box window and breakfast nook. The 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths are convenient and functional, all with wood floorings. Skylights throughout the house add to the already bright rooms, featuring sliders that allow you access to the back yard patio and huge rear yard. The property includes a 400 sqft guest house. A gorgeous setting, perfect for entertaining and family life, a property waiting for its full potential to be reached. Outstanding Palo Alto schools!

One of Top Agents in the Country (per The Wall Street Journal in lists released in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013) Coldwell Banker believes this information to be correct but has not veriďŹ ed this information and assumes no legal responsibility for its accuracy. Buyers should investigate property’s square footage, school availability, and other issues to their own satisfaction


36 85 L a g u na Avenue , Pa lo A lto OPEN SUNDAY 1:30 - 4:30

Enchanting Estate on Luxurious Grounds!

This spectacularly distinctive estate offers an understated grandeur that harkens to the calming Mediterranean lifestyle. Enter the 15,222 square foot property and you are at once surrounded by lush gardens, a grand majestic redwood tree and a meandering creek. The home, designed by Richard Elmore, offers a large interior spanning 5,900 approximate square feet of living space, including an expansive basement. It includes many sustainable green features including solar electric power and abundant fruit trees and vegetable gardens. Designed with an eye towards blending the interior with the surroundings, this home is ideal for indoor and outdoor entertaining. And, being adjacent to Bol Park in desirable Barron Park, the property is in the heart of a family oriented community with multiple schools within close walking distance.

Offered at $4,500,000

ARTI MIGLANI Realtor, MS. Education, CRS, LTG Direct: 650-804-6942 amiglani@apr.com www.ArtiMiglani.com DRE #: 01150085

PALO ALTO 578 Uni ver sity Avenue Page 34ÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V

650.323. 1111

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Open Sat & Sun 1:30-4:30







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“The Palo Alto Weekly is the best paper you can count on for results.” – Gwen Luce “I have been a successful Realtor for over 20 years. My clients deserve the best, which is why I always advertise in the Palo Alto Weekly. No other publication is delivered to as many homes in the area, and no other publication’s news coverage focuses specifically on local issues that are critical to my clients. I have also had great results promoting my open homes with Palo Alto Online and more recently with “Express”, online daily news digest. The bottom line is the Palo Alto Weekly offers a true winning combination of print and online coverage!”

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Monique Lombardelli

Direct Line: (650) 566-5343 gluce@cbnorcal.com

650.380.5512 monique@modernhomesrealty.com www.modernhomesrealty.com DRE# 001879145

DRE # 00879652


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GENERAL EXCELLENCE California Newspaper Publishers Association

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We will work to help your business grow! For Advertising information, please call Neal Fine at (650) 223-6583

FALL REAL ESTATE IS COMING Announcing our 2013 Fall Real Estate Special Publication Our popular Fall Midpeninsula real estate special section is right around the corner! This publication includes relevant news and articles about the dynamic Midpeninsula real estate market…where it’s been in the last year, where it is now and where it is heading. Included are real estate articles with data on single family home sales, condo home sales, tips on buying, leasing and renting here in the Midpeninsula neighborhoods — and much more. Publication Date: October 16 and 18, 2013 Space Reservation and Copy Due: End of day, Today Please contact your Real Estate advertising Sales representative, Neal Fine at 650.223.6583

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2051 Waverley St, 26,344 sqft lot UÊOffered at $10,249,000 HANNA REPRESENTED SELLER

D OL S 2 A NN 01 HA ULY 2 J




LD SO 2 A NN 01 HA NE 2 JU

3 D OL IL 201 S NA APR



650.752.0767 hshacham@cbnorcal.com www.HannaCB.com DRE# 01073658 One of Top Agents in the Country (per Wall Street Journal in lists released in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013)

CRESCENT PARK LD SO 013 A 2 NN HA UARY JAN 530 E Crescent, 31,000 sqft lotÊUÊ"vviÀi`Ê>ÌÊfÈ]Èää]äääÊ HANNA REPRESENTED BUYER


Private, not on MLS, 10,375 sqft lotÊUÊ"vviÀi`Ê>ÌÊfÎ]{ x]äää HANNA REPRESENTED SELLER



2150 Waverley St, 11,000 sqft lot UÊOffered at $4,450,000 HANNA REPRESENTED SELLER





1950 Newell Rd, 11,761 sqft lotÊUÊ"vviÀi`Ê>ÌÊfÓ]ä n]äääÊ HANNA REPRESENTED BUYER

Exclusive, not on MLS, 18,500 sqft lot UÊ ÃÌi`Ê>ÌÊfn]Óxä]ää0 HANNA REPRESENTED SELLER


LD SO 3 A NN 01 HA AY 2 M

Exclusive, Private Sale, not on MLS, 21,000 sqft lot HANNA REPRESENTED BUYER






01 R2





235 Seale Ave, 20,000 sqft lot UÊOffered at $5,980,000 HANNA REPRESENTED BUYER

D OL S 3 A NN L 201 A H RI AP










4050 Amaranta Ave, 21,730 sqft lot UÊOffered at $4,295,000 HANNA REPRESENTED SELLER



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If you are interested in more information about listing your home with the Intero Prestigio program, please call your local Intero Real Estate Services office.

See the complete collection online at www.InteroPrestigio.com

Woodside 1590 Cañada Lane Woodside, CA 94062 650.206.6200

Menlo Park 807 Santa Cruz Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 650.543.7740

Page 40ÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V 2013 Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. All rights reserved. The logo is a registered trademark of Intero Real Estate Services, Inc.

Los Altos 496 First Street, Ste. 200 Los Altos, CA 94022 650.947.4700

Intero Prestigio is a division of Intero Inc. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This is not intended as a solicitation if you are listed with another broker.

A Luxury Collection. Prestigio by Intero Real Estate Services, purveyor of fine and prestigious homes throughout the world.

250 Atherton Avenue, Atherton

5 Betty Lane, Woodside

707 Westridge Drive, Portola Valley




Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, BRE#01242399, 00709019,

Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Greg Goumas BRE#01242399, 00709019, 01878208

Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, BRE#01343305

24680 Prospect Avenue, Los Altos Hills

25 Oakhill Drive, Woodside

96 Heather Drive, Atherton




Listing Provided by: Renuka Ahuja, BRE#01783141

Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, BRE#01343305

Listing Provided by: Dominic Nicoli, BRE#01112681

10800 Magdalena, Los Altos Hills

451 Portola Road, Portola Valley

12861 Alta Tierra Road, Los Altos Hills




Listing Provided by: Cutty Smith, Melissa Lindt, BRE#01444081, 01469863

Listing Provided by: Linda Hymes, BRE#01917074

Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, BRE#01878208

25349 La Rena Lane, Los Altos Hills

2331 Crest Lane, Menlo Park

23121 Mora Glen Drive, Los Altos Hills




Listing Provided by: David Troyer, BRE#01234450

Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, BRE#01878208

Listing Provided by: David Troyer, BRE#01234450

12171 Hilltop Drive, Los Altos Hills

13456 S. Fork Lane, Los Altos Hills

12896 Viscaino Road, Los Altos Hills




Listing Provided by: David Troyer, BRE#01234450

Listing Provided by: David Troyer, BRE#01234450

Listing Provided by: David Troyer, BRE#01234450

See the complete collection: w w w.InteroPrestigio.com ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 41

2013 Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. All rights reserved. The logo is a registered trademark of Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. Intero Prestigio is a division of Intero Inc. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This is not intended as a solicitation if you are listed with another broker.

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Coldwell Banker


Atherton $6,795,000 Sun 1:30 - 4:30 76 Lilac Drive Exceptional custom home in Lindenwood. One level living plus a 3-bedroom guest house. 5 BR/4.5 BA Tom LeMieux BRE #01066910 650.323.7751

Palo Alto $4,995,000 By Appointment Only! Striking architectural features & designer materials! Incomparable 10 yr new English Tudor 7 BR/7.5 BA

Menlo Park $3,595,000 Sun 1:30 - 4:30 253 University Dr New listing! Stunning Allied Arts home built in 2004. Perfect floor plan. Top Menlo Park schools. 4 BR/4.5 BA Billy McNair BRE #01343603 650.324.4456

Menlo Park $3,150,000 Sat/Sun 1 - 4 10 Arbol Grande Court Great floor plan. 2 suites up + main lvl bd & bth. Kit opens to great room. Formal LR & DR 5 BR/4 BA Nancy Goldcamp BRE #00787851 650.325.6161

Palo Alto $2,599,000 Sun 1:30 - 4:30 424 Homer Av 5 bdrm 3 ba home near downtown. Hdwd floors,skylight, fam kit opens to private back yard!

Menlo Park $2,550,000 Sun 1:30 - 4:30 2059 Palo Alto Way Gourmet kitchen opens to fam room. Exquisite mstr suite. Lovely lot! Las Lomitas Schools 4 BR/2.5 BA Keri Nicholas BRE #01198898 650.323.7751

Palo Alto $2,349,000 Sun 1:30 - 4:30 3994 Sutherland Dr Bright & Modern PA Home Spacious 2 story modern home with gourmet kitchen. Beautiful front porch & rear patio. 4 BR/2 full BA + 3 half Hanna Shacham BRE #01073658 650.324.4456

Woodside $2,249,000 Ranch style home in Woodside School District. Nice home on private 1 acre with pool. 3 BR/2 BA

Menlo Park $1,649,000 Sun 1:30 - 4:30 1371 North Lemon Ave Amazing opportunity to expand or build. Award-Winning MP Schools! 2 BR/1 BA 650.323.7751

Menlo Park $1,280,000 Sun 1:30 - 4:30 582 Sand Hill Cir Just listed! Sand Hill Circle townhome w/golf course views. Inside laundry, 2-car attached garage. 3 BR/2.5 BA Deanna Tarr BRE #00585398 650.324.4456

Portola Valley $1,125,000 Sun 1:30 - 4:30 27 Old Spanish Trail Just listed! Los Trancos treehouse! Striking A-frame w/remod kitchen, brightwindows, secluded decks. 4 BR/2 BA Sarah Elder BRE #00647474 650.324.4456

Redwood City $799,000 Sat/Sun 1 - 4 2472 Carolina Ave Woodside Plaza Charmer! This beautiful home offers an open floor plan & a large backyard. 3 BR/1 BA Drew Doran BRE #01887354 650.325.6161

East Palo Alto $648,000 Sun 1 - 4 1982 W Bayshore Rd #120 Second Floor, End Unit! Second floor end unit. Master suite, LR, & 2nd BR open to balcony. 3rd BR overlooks creek. 3 BR/2 BA Lizbeth Carson BRE #01014571 650.325.6161

Mountain View $446,000 Sun 1 - 4 264 N Whisman Rd #8 Beautiful first floor unit, approximately 1,087 sf. Remodeled kitchen. 2 BR/1 BA

Keri Nicholas

BRE #01198898

Judy Shen

BRE #01272874


Portola Valley $3,795,000 Build dream home 8.7 +/- acs,borders Arastradero Preserve w/ Windy Hill Views. www.AlpineRd.com Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh BRE #00884747, 01351481 650.851.1961

Maria Arlene Gault

Scott Dancer

Anni Chu

BRE #01242236

BRE #00868362

BRE #01189653




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4 Bedrooms

2 Bedrooms

79 Normandy Ln $3,398,000 Sun Coldwell Banker 323-7751 76 Melanie Ln $2,999,999 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

2260 Sharon Rd Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$895,000 325-6161

1371 N Lemon Av Sun Coldwell Banker

$1,649,000 323-7751

5 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms - Condominium

76 Lilac Dr Sun Coldwell Banker 73 Nora Wy Sun Coldwell Banker

$6,795,000 323-7751 $2,788,000 323-7751

6+ Bedrooms 84 Nora Wy $5,800,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

EAST PALO ALTO 3 Bedrooms - Condominium 1982 W Bayshore Rd #120 Sun Coldwell Banker

$648,000 325-6161

4 Bedrooms 1143 Camellia Dr Sun 1-3 Coldwell Banker

$469,000 324-4456


300 Sand Hill Ci #202 Sun Coldwell Banker

3 Bedrooms - Townhouse 720 Creek Dr $1,699,000 Sat Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

3 Bedrooms 582 Sand Hill Ci Sun Coldwell Banker

$1,280,000 324-4456

929 Valparaiso Av Sun Deleon Realty

$1,865,000 380-1420

2 Iris Ln Sun

Coldwell Banker

$829,000 324-4456

946 Evelyn St Sun Coldwell Banker

$1,098,000 325-6161

4 Bedrooms

1 Bedroom - Condominium

1141 Woodland Av $2,195,000 Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

$409,000 328-5211

253 University Dr Sun Coldwell Banker

2 Bedrooms 703 4th Av Sun 1-4

FIND YOUR NEW HOME PaloAltoOnline.com/real_estate

113 Pablo Ct Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$975,000 323-7751

17 Colton Ct Sun Coldwell Banker

2 Bedrooms 444 Mundell Wy Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$1,998,000 941-7040

4 Bedrooms 1720 Parkhills Av $1,898,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111 371 Warec Wy $2,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111 1252 Lisa Ln $1,800,000 Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111

3 Bedrooms - Townhouse 25 Chicory Ln Sun Coldwell Banker 723 Orange Av Sun Coldwell Banker

4 Bedrooms


michaelr@deleonrealty.com $3,150,000 4301 El Camino Real $1,558,888 Sat/Sun 10-6 Classic Communities (888) 524-2232 325-6161 3 Bedrooms www.deleonrealty.com

5.5 Bedrooms


2189 Clayton Dr Sun Landmark Properties

10695 Eloise Ci $5,475,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111


5 Bedrooms

2 Bedrooms - Condominium

11640 Jessica Ln $4,900,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111 14440 Manuella Rd $4,380,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111 27950 Roble Alto Dr $3,995,000 Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 324-4456

264 N Whisman Rd #8 Sun Coldwell Banker

$3,995,000 (408) 739-5446

$446,000 328-5211

3 Bedrooms - Townhouse 49 Showers Dr #H446 Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$790,000 941-7040

4 Bedrooms 2545 W Middlefield Rd $895,888 Sat/Sun 10-6 Classic Communities (877) 332-0783

Michael Repka Before you select a real estate agent, meet with Michael Repka to discuss how his real estate law and tax background benefits Ken DeLeon’s clients. Managing Broker DeLeon Realty JD - Rutgers School of Law L.L.M (Taxation) NYU School of Law

4010 Manzana Ln $2,195,000 Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 324-4456 4132 Maybell Way $1,685,000 Sat/Sun Zane Macgregor & Company 324-9900 3727 Cass Wy $1,495,000 Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 325-6161 563 Lytton Av $1,795,000 Sun Coldwell Banker 325-6161

4 Bedrooms 3685 Laguna Av Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 3994 Sutherland Dr Sun Coldwell Banker 2710 Ramona St Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 1730 University Av Sat/Sun Deleon Realty

$4,500,000 323-1111 $2,349,000 324-4456 $3,595,000 325-6161 $2,998,000 380-1420 $2,399,000 328-5211

5 Bedrooms 1820 Bryant St $3,895,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

6 Bedrooms 3185 Kipling St Sat/Sun Deleon Realty

$4,198,000 380-1420


(650) 488.7325 DRE# 01854880 | CA BAR# 255996


4 Bedrooms 27 Old Spanish Trail Sun Coldwell Banker

$1,125,000 324-4456

5 Bedrooms

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$1,195,000 851-2666

SAN JOSE 2 Bedrooms - Townhouse 1157 Sierra Madres Te Sun Coldwell Banker

$499,000 324-4456

3 Bedrooms - Townhouse 359 Bautista Pl Sun Coldwell Banker

$599,000 324-4456

4 Bedrooms 1808 Mcniff Pl Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 931 Maclay Dr Sun Coldwell Banker

$1,299,000 323-7751 $685,000 324-4456

SAN MATEO 4 Bedrooms 514 E 16th Ave Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$749,000 324-4456

SUNNYVALE 3 Bedrooms 849 Peach Av Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$998,000 328-5211

WOODSIDE 3 Bedrooms 20 Patrol Ct Sun Coldwell Banker 255 Glenwood Av Sun Coldwell Banker

$2,198,000 851-2666 $1,275,000 851-2666

4 Bedrooms

5 Bedrooms - Duplex 424 Homer Av Sun Coldwell Banker

$875,000 851-2666

3 Bedrooms

925 Valencia Before you select a real Ave estate agent, $1,748,000 $2,550,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111 meet with Michael Repka to discuss 323-7751 953 Eichler Dr $1,575,000 how his real estate andPinel taxRealtors back5 Bedrooms Sat/Sun lawAlain 941-1111 ground benefi5 ts Ken DeLeon’s clients. 1319 San Mateo Dr $5,495,000 Bedrooms Sun 2-4 Coldwell Banker 851-2666 1224 Arbor Ct $1,645,000 140 Royal Oaks Ct Managing Broker $4,295,000 Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 941-7040 Sun 2-4 Alain Pinel Realty Realtors 462-1111 DeLeon 2179 Clayton Dr $3,595,000(650) 488.7325 JD - Rutgers School of Law Sun Landmark Properties DRE# 01854880 | CA BAR# 255996 L.L.M (Taxation) (408) 739-5446 3 Bedrooms - Townhouse 10 Arbol Grande Ct of Law NYU School Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$3,095,000 851-2666


2059 Palo Alto Wy Sun Coldwell Banker


$2,498,000 323-7751 $3,198,000 851-2666

5 Bedrooms

$3,595,000 324-4456

1231 Orange Av $1,699,500 Sat/Sun Keller Williams Palo Alto 454-8500

1292 Fernside St $929,000 Sun 2-4:30 Oliver Luxury Real Estate 321-8900 536 Iris St $1,136,000 Sat 2-4/Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111 1301 Oak Av $749,000 Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 324-4456 2472 Carolina Av $799,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker 325-6161 1034 Eden Bower Ln Call for price Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 325-6161 531 Beresford Av Sun Coldwell Banker 35 Agua Vista Ct Sun Coldwell Banker

1445 Valparaiso Av $2,295,000 Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

4 Bedrooms

$444,800 323-7751

4 Bedrooms

Michael Repka


Coldwell Banker

3 Bedrooms


$1,500,000 324-4456

FOSTER CITY 916 Beach Park Bl Sun Coldwell Banker


707 Westridge Dr $13,000,000 Sun 1-4 Intero - Woodside 206-6200

133 Old La Honda Rd Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors 442 Old La Honda Rd Sun Intero - Woodside 3100 Woodside Rd Sun Coldwell Banker 120 Summerhill Ln Sun Coldwell Banker 410 Star Hill Rd Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker 8 Skyline Dr Sat 1-4 Coldwell Banker

$6,295,000 462-1111 $2,495,000 206-6200 $3,850,000 851-2666 $2,495,000 851-2666 $1,549,000 323-7751 $1,288,000 323-7751

5 Bedrooms 37 Upenuf Rd $2,195,000 Sun 1-4 Intero - Woodside 206-6200 245 Brookwood Rd $3,950,000 Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors 529-1111



B Y AP P OINTMENT ATHERTON Prime cul-de-sac location in West Atherton. 3 levels, 5bd/6.5ba. Pool. Las Lomitas schools. $9,980,000



O P EN S AT URDAY AND SU N DAY MENLO PARK 1141 Woodland Ave Totally remodeled 4bd/2.5ba plus office on a park-like 16.5k sf lot with gated front entrance. $2,195,000



O P EN S AT URDAY AND SU N DAY MENLO PARK 4 Heritage Pl Modern, Certified Green Home with top MP schools. Light-filled, spacious 3bd/3ba. $999,000



O P E N S U N D AY PALO ALTO 3685 Laguna Ave Large lot with 5900+/-sf that includes a basement, 4 bedrooms, office and 3.5 baths. $4,500,000



O P E N S AT U R D AY A N D S U N D AY LOS ALTOS 1252 Lisa Ln Bright and open 4bd/2.5ba home, 2322+/-sf, in a soughtafter location. Los Altos schools. $1,800,000



O P E N S AT U R D AY A N D S U N D AY PALO ALTO 3192 Berryessa St Elegant and pristine 2bd/3ba town home in the park-like square of beautiful Sterling Park complex. $925,000



O P EN SUND AY LOS ALTOS 371 Warec Way Fantastic 4bd/3.5ba remodeled home with high-end finishes. Two blocks from downtown. $2,995,000



O P EN SATURD AY A ND SUND AY MENLO PARK 317 Yale Rd Charming 3bd/2ba home on a 7500+/-sf lot in the desirable Allied Arts neighborhood. $1,595,000



B Y APPOINTMENT WOODSIDE Sunny updated 1bd/1ba home on an 18,560+/-sf lot in a peaceful neighborhood. $650,000

MAKE YOUR MOVE # # ! "# ! # " ! # & & % "$! $" $ ) $( !" ! ( # * ! ( $! # & # $" # ( ' ! # * ! ! ( $!"

PALO ALTO 650.323.1111 | MENLO PARK 650.462.1111 | WOODSIDE 650.529.1111 | LOS ALTOS 650.941.1111 APR REGIONS | Silicon Valley | Peninsula | East Bay | San Francisco | Marin | Wine County | Monterey Bay | Lake Tahoe


Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement

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Good for Business. Good for You. Good for the Community.

When you shop locally, good things happen to make our community stronger: t :PV LFFQ UBY EPMMBST JO UIF DPNNVOJUZ t 4IPQQJOH EJTUSJDUT SFNBJO EJWFSTF BOE WJCSBOU




For more information call 650.223.6587 or email info@ShopPaloAlto.com Page 46ÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V

Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE fogster.com

E-MAIL ads@fogster.com


650/326-8216 Now you can log on to fogster.com, day or night and get your ad started immediately online. Most listings are free and include a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. Exempt are employment ads, which include a web listing charge. Home Services and Mind & Body Services require contact with a Customer Sales Representative. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!!


BOARD 100-155 N FOR SALE 200-270 N KIDS STUFF 330-390 N MIND & BODY 400-499 N J OBS 500-560 N B USINESS SERVICES 600-699 N H OME SERVICES 700-799 N FOR RENT/ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 801-899 N P UBLIC/LEGAL NOTICES 995-997 The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors Embarcadero Media cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of its advertisers. Embarcadero Media right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice.



THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers!

fogster.com is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice. DISH TV Retailer Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) and High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) Save! Ask About Same Day Installation! Call Now! 1-800-357-0810 (Cal-SCAN)

140 Lost & Found

Bulletin Board 115 Announcements Did You Know that Ten Million adults tweeted in the past month, while 164 million read a newspaper in print or online in the past week? Advertise in 240 California newspapers for one low cost. Your 25 word classified ad will reach over 6 million+ Californians. For brochure call Elizabeth (916)288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) PREGNANT? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby's One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) Local Crafter needs Boutique

LOST B&W CAT WITH EXTRA TOES My 14-lb male cat wandered off sometime on Sunday, September 8th from the area of San Antonio and California (Monroe Dr). A cat that fits his description was spotted on Wednesday the 11th on Diablo Avenue in Mountain View. He has extra toes on each of his massive paws, a black mustache under his black nose and his name is Shoe. He recently lost his collar and name tag but has been microchipped. He is a bit shy but will come if you shake a bag of food. If you see him, please contact me anytime day or night at 650-450-8205.

Palo Alto, 957 Colorado Ave, Saturday, September 28, 9 - 4 47th Annual Harvest Festival COME FOR THE FUN! STAY FOR LUNCH! LEAVE WITH A BARGAIN! WHAT: MUSIC, HOME-BAKED goods, BOOKS-by-the-inch, PLANTS, COLLECTIBLES, INTERNATIONAL handicrafts, JAMS and CHUTNEYS, VEGGIE BEAUTY CONTEST (new). HUGE RUMMAGE SALE WHY: Benefit a public interest lobby www.fclca.org WHERE: Palo Alto Friends Meeting www.quakerharvestfestival.org

original ringtones

145 Non-Profits Needs

Palo Alto, Escondido Elementary Garage Sale 890 Escondido Rd, September 28, 8am-1pm

Stanford music tutoring

Moms/Daughters- $ Stanford

130 Classes & Instruction

150 Volunteers

Redwood City, 28 Hillview Ave, Sept 28, 29 9-5

Moms/Daughters- $ Stanford

Waldorf School, 180 N. Rengstorff Avenue, SATURDAY SEPT. 28th 8:003:00

Fosterers Needed for Moffet Cats

Airline Careers begin here – Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Job placement and Financial assistance for qualified students. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-242-3382 (Cal-SCAN)

History Docents Needed! Moms/Daughters- $ Stanford

215 Collectibles & Antiques ANTIQUE SACRISTY ARMOIRE - $ 620Antique Welsh Dresser - $500

For Sale

Airline Careers begin here – Get FAA approved Maintenance training. Financial aid for qualified students – Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-804-5293 (Cal-SCAN)

201 Autos/Trucks/ Parts

German language class

Land Rover 2006 LR3 HSE - $17500

Instruction for Hebrew Bar and Bat Mitzvah For Affiliated and Unaffiliated George Rubin, M.A. in Hebrew/Jewish Education 650/424-1940

Jim Beam Decanter Phone / Trade $45.00

Cash for Cars Vintage Mercedes convertibles, Porsche, Jaguar, Alfa, Lancia, Ferrari, Corvettes, Mustangs. Early Japanese Cars, Other collector cars of significant value desired. 714-267-3436 michaelcanfield204@gmail.com

133 Music Lessons Christina Conti Private Piano Instruction (650) 493-6950 Enjoyable Piano Lessons Young, old, beginners, advanced, enjoy the special pleasure of playing the piano in a relaxed setting. Dr. Renee’s Piano 650 854-0543 Hope Street Music Studios In downtown Mtn.View. Most Instruments voice. All ages & levels 650-961-2192 www. HopeStreetMusicStudios.com

CASH FOR CARS Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN) Donate Your Car Fast Free Towing 24 hr. Response - Tax Deduction. United Breast Cancer Foundation. Providing Free Mammograms and Breast Cancer Info 888-792-1675 (Cal-SCAN) Donate Your Car, Truck, Boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888-902-6851. (Cal-SCAN)

Piano Lessons in Palo Alto Call Alita at 650.838.9772 Piano lessons in Palo Alto Voice Lessons

Thanks to St Jude

Menlo Park, 425 Lemon Street, Sep 28, 9 - 1 Moving Sale! Household Items, clothing, and electronic devices.

The Palo Alto Weekly Marketplace

Server, Desktop, VHS, Phones

235 Wanted to Buy Cash for Diabetic Test Strips Don't throw boxes away. Help others. Unopened /Unexpired boxes only. All Brands Considered! Call Anytime! 24hrs/7days (888) 491-1168 (Cal-SCAN)

80’s Michael Jackson Tapestry,

Wow! Look! See! Out Door Grill - $35.00

260 Sports & Exercise Equipment NordicTrack Elliptical; HangUps

Kid’s Stuff 330 Child Care Offered child care offered EXPERIENCED NANNY Family Childcare Space Fun, reliable nanny

340 Child Care Wanted Family Assistant West Menlo Park Looking for part time nanny Looking for a part time nanny from 2:45pm to 5:45pm daily. Your primary job is after school care involving driving. Only confident drivers with a valid CDL need apply. Call: (408) 879-7724

345 Tutoring/ Lessons English Writing Tutor 6-12 th

355 Items for Sale $10- 3 BabyEinsteinDVD’s 3DVDs3+Yrs,LittlePeope,TravelAdv

Entertainment Center - $150



Dritz Dress Form MEDIUM - $115


DirecTV Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Call Now! Triple savings! $636.00 in Savings, Free upgrade to Genie & 2013 NFL Sunday ticket free!! Start saving today! 1-800-291-0350 (Cal-SCAN)

Counseling Services Mental Research Institute clinics offer low cost counseling services by appointment for individuals, couples, families and children in English, Spanish, and Mandarin. Location: 555 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto. For information, call 650/321-3055

Crafter Needs Craft Boutique - $0

240 Furnishings/ Household items

AT&T U-verse for just $29/mo! BUNDLE & SAVE with AT&T Internet+Phone+TV and get a FREE pre-paid Visa Card! (Select plans). HURRY, CALL NOW! 800-319-3280 (Cal-SCAN)

Bette U. Kiernan, MFT

80’s Michael Jackson Tapestry - $25.00

Nice Charcoal Grill Will Trade,

Mountain View, 184 Espinosa Lane, M - Sun, 9-6


Reduce Your Cable Bill REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get an All-Digital Satellite system installed for Free and programming starting at $24.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR upgrade for new callers, so CALL NOW! Â (877)3664509 (Cal-SCAN)


237 Barter

Cable TV-Internet-Phone Satellite. Save! You`ve Got A Choice! Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! CALL Today. 888-706-4301. (Cal-SCAN)

is online at: http://www.fogster.com

220 Computers/ Electronics

245 Miscellaneous

Los Altos, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Road, 9/27: 10 am - 4 pm, 9/28: 9 am - 2 pm


Nice! Replica Wood Radio / Trade $65.00


210 Garage/Estate Sales

135 Group Activities

COACH JEWELRY DISPLAY TRAY - $75EnglishAntique Tables and Chairs $500

202 Vehicles Wanted

Musical Theater Class Kids/Teens

Bonsai Sales and Service

KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate Roaches-Guaranteed. No Mess, Odorless, Long Lasting. Available at Ace Hardware, The Home Depot, homedepot.com

475 Psychotherapy & Counseling

425 Health Services VIAGRA 100MG, 40 pills+/4 free, only $99.00. Save Big Now, Discreet shipping. Call 1-800-374-2619 Today! (AAN CAN)

470 Psychics Ellen Singleton God-Gifted Psychic. Helps relationships, stops divorce, cheating, solves severe problems. Free 15-minute reading. (832) 884-9714 (AAN CAN)

Support Local Business

500 Help Wanted Newspaper Delivery Route Immediate Opening Route available on Fridays to deliver the Palo Alto Weekly, an awardwinning community newspaper, to homes and businesses in Palo Alto. Newspapers must be picked up between 6AM and 8AM in Palo Alto and delivered by 5PM. Pays approx. $100 per day (plus $20 bonus for extra large editions). Additional bonus of approx. $200 following successful 13 week introductory period. Must be at least 18 y/o. Valid CDL, reliable vehicle and current auto insurance req’d. Please email your experience and qualifications to Jon3silver@yahoo.com. Or call Jon Silver, 650-868-4310 Restaurant: Cafe Borrone is hiring! Servers, Kitchen, and Dishwasher positions available for those who want to be a part of a friendly, hardworking, fast paced environment. Full- and Part-Time. Apply in Person 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park

560 Employment Information AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Housing and Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-492-3059 (AAN CAN) Driver $$$ Get Loaded $$$. Experience pays up to 50 cpm. New CSA Friendly Equip (KWs). CDL-A required. Call 877-258-8782. www.addrivers. com (Cal-SCAN) Drivers: CDL-A Train and Work for Us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Operator or Lease Trainer. (877) 369-7126 www. CentralTruckDrivingJobs.com (Cal-SCAN) Drivers: Experienced Regional LTL runs. $1500 sign-on bonus. Home every week; Great PAY; Full BENEFITS; STABLE Freight And MORE! CDL-A req’d. EEOE/AAP. Call 866-929-7983 or visit www.driveFFE. com (Cal-SCAN) Help Wanted! make extra money in our free ever popular homemailer program, includes valuable guidebook! Start immediately! Genuine! 1-888-292-1120 www.easywork-fromhome.com (AAN CAN)


go to fogster.com to respond to ads without phone numbers ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ-i«Ìi LiÀÊÓÇ]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 47

“Thinking of View�--so listen carefully. Matt Jones


Sales: Earn $500/Day Insurance Agents needed; Leads, no cold calls; commissions paid daily; lifetime renewals; complete training; health/dental insurance; Life license required. Call 1-888-713-6020 (Cal-SCAN) Finanical Administrator

Business Services 604 Adult Care Offered Answers on page 49

Š2012 Jonesin’ Crosswords

Across 1 AMA members 4 Defiant stayer’s stance 11 Race participant? 14 Black Eyed Peas singer will.___ 15 Place for a friend to crash 16 SOS part 17 Bed linen where bad stuff goes on? 19 Hosp. diagnostic 20 “___ fair in love and war� 21 Smooth fabric 22 Random link from some stranger, say 23 Late comedian Phyllis 26 Island show 28 Planner square 29 “West Side Story� actor Tamblyn 32 Site to search for stomach remedies 36 Drinkware crafted between the mountains? 40 “In ___ of flowers...� 42 Clearer, as the sky 43 “Silver Spoons� actress Gray 44 What sports car engines have? 47 Put at, as a price 48 Sinn ___ 49 “But ___ Cheerleader� (Natasha Lyonne movie) 52 “The Georgia Peach� 55 “Primal Fear� actor Edward 57 Roo, for one 60 Disaster relief org. 63 Better Than ___ 64 Major miner concern? 65 Technical genius at filmmaking? 68 Animation studio drawing 69 D, E and F, but not F#, on a piano 70 Quit fasting 71 Daily ___ (political blog) 72 Instant coffee brand 73 Common omelet ingredient Down 1 Total one’s totals?

2 Mexico’s national flower 3 Reason for insoles, maybe 4 “Was ___ das?� 5 Pursue with passion 6 Deep-sixes, to a thug 7 Language spoken in “Avatar� 8 Government IOU of sorts 9 Lizard that pitches insurance 10 Kind of poem 11 Easy win 12 A psychic may claim to see it 13 Barber’s quick job 18 Adult ed. course 22 “Jackass� crewmate once on “Dancing with the Stars� 24 Pitching stat 25 Rough game on a pitch 27 Abbr. in personal ads 30 Toby Keith’s “Red ___ Cup� 31 Tobacco type 33 Event where 13 is a good number 34 1051, to Caesar 35 Opium lounge 37 Utter madness 38 Late golfer Ballesteros 39 Senator Hatch 40 Jazzophile’s collection, often 41 Detroit suburb Grosse ___ 45 General ___’s chicken 46 “Bed-In� participant 50 Pat of “The Karate Kid� 51 Headwear of yore 53 Bingo call 54 Jeff who bought the Washington Post in 2013 56 Court judge 57 Sporty stereotype 58 Brand with a “Triple Double� variety 59 Slippery critters 61 “Walking in Memphis� singer Cohn 62 Coloratura’s offering 65 Earn a title 66 Cool, to the Fresh Prince 67 Suffix for sugars

This week’s SUDOKU

1 5 4

8 7 5 6 3 5

3 6

6 3 8

2 5 1 9 1 5 5 4

Answers on page 49


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3 1 1 9 2 5 8 9

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Sports Shorts


Garnett goes from a ‘jumbo’ to a starter

OF LOCAL NOTE . . . The First Tee of Silicon Valley is sending Palo Alto High junior Michelle Xie to compete in the 2013 Nature Valley First Tee Open at Pebble Beach, an official Champions Tour event that will be held this weekend and televised internationally on the Golf Channel. “I really appreciate the opportunity to play in the Nature Valley First Tee Open and am really looking forward to the event!� said Xie. “The First Tee has taught me many important skills in both golf and life.� Xie will join 80 other participants from The First Tee chapters for the event, which is in its 10th year. She will be teamed a Champions Tour player and an amateur on Pebble Beach Golf Links and Del Monte Golf Course on Friday and Saturday. The final round will be played on Pebble Beach on Sunday, where the Champions Tour winner will be crowned and the top 23 projunior teams will compete for their own championship.

ON THE AIR Friday Saturday Football: Stanford at Washington St., 7 p.m.; ESPN; KNBR (1050 AM); KZSU (90.7 FM)

Wednesday Women’s volleyball: Stanford at UCLA, 7:30 p.m.; Pac-12 Network


www.PASportsOnline.com For expanded daily coverage of college and prep sports, visit www.PASportsOnline.com


Stanford sophomore offensive guard Joshua Garnett has moved from the jumbo and elephant packages into the starting lineup for Saturday’s Pac-12 game against Washington State.

ophomore offensive guard Joshua Garnett was happy being part of the elephant and jumbo packages for the Stanford football team. On Saturday, under difficult circumstances, Garnett will take over at left guard for senior David Yankey when the fifth-ranked Cardinal travels to Seattle to take on Washington State. Garnett (6-5, 316) is no stranger to the starting lineup. He made his first career against the Cougars last year, becoming the first true freshman to start on the offensive line in over a decade. He’ll wear the more conventional number ‘51’ uniform this weekend after being issued ‘98,’ which would make him eligible in certain situations. He also played at fullback last year. Yankey, who returned home to Roswell, Ga., due to a family matter, has been a great influence on Garnett, who grew up in Puyallup, a Washington town near Tacoma. “He has taken pulling to the next level,â€? Garnett said. “I don’t know anyone who can do what he does in terms of force, staying low, getting leverage and flexibility.â€? His own experience pulling has been aided by his participation in the special, usually short-yard, situations. “The ‘Jumbo’ package has helped me tremendously blocking cornerbacks and linebackers,â€? he said. “It’s helped me pulling wise by getting out into space and hitting smaller guys instead of big, 300-pound linemen.â€? Garnett has an important role this week, with fellow sophomore lineman Andrus Peat (6-7, 312) at left tackle. Yankey was a consen­VÂœÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜Ă•i`ĂŠÂœÂ˜ĂŠÂ˜iĂ?ĂŒĂŠÂŤ>}iÂŽ


Stotz leaves his Stanford family for his own Veteran assistant finally parts ways with Marquess after a remarkable and successful 37-year run together by Mark Soltau tanford head baseball coach Mark Marquess hired Dean Stotz in 1977. It was the same year that Jimmy Carter was elected President of the United States, the first Apple II computer went on sale, Star Wars opened in movie theaters, Elvis Presley died, Seattle Slew became the 10th horse to win the Triple Crown, and gas was 25 cents a gallon. Since then, Marquess and Stotz may have spent more time together than with their wives, but that is about to change. After 37 years as Marquess’ right-hand man, Stotz announced his retirement last Friday. “I promised myself if I ever got



to the point where I didn’t know if I had enough energy to be fair with my players, that I would seriously take a look at it,â€? said the 60-yearold Stotz, known to players as “32â€? because of his uniform number. “The role I have with the bulk of recruiting requires an unbelievable amount of time to make it work.â€? Stotz and his wife Kathy have five children, and thought long and hard about the decision. Ultimately, the timing seemed right. “We sold our house in Palo Alto and a lot of things lined up in a row to make it happen,â€? he said. “It’s time we lived life a little bit more on the family’s terms.â€? ­VÂœÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜Ă•i`ĂŠÂœÂ˜ĂŠÂŤ>}iĂŠxxÂŽ


Women’s volleyball: Arizona St. at Stanford, 7 p.m.; Pac-12 Network

by Rick Eymer


HOOP NOTES . . . Stanford grads Jayne Appel and Nnemkadi Ogwumike are among 33 players to accept invitations to attend the 2013 USA women’s national team minicamp set for Oct. 4-6 at the Cox Pavilion practice gym in Las Vegas. The former All-Americans will be joined by 11 Olympic gold medalists will also be part of the group at the mini-camp run by USA coach Geno Auriemma. Appel and Ogwumike played two seasons together at Stanford (2008-10), being named to the State Farm Coaches’ All-America Team in 2010 and each capturing a Pac-10 Player of the Year award (Appel in 2009, Ogwumike in 2010) . . . Stanford women’s basketball coach Tara VanDerveer was named as a recipient of the John R. Wooden Award’s “Legends of Coaching� honor in 2014, it was announced Tuesday at the Los Angeles Athletic Club Wooden Award Tipoff Luncheon. Established in 1999, the award honors those selected based on character, success on the court, graduation rates of student-athletes in their program, coaching philosophy and identification with the goals of the John R. Wooden Award. VanDerveer will be formally recognized at the Los Angeles Athletic Club during the organization’s endof-season awards gala the weekend of April 11-13, 2014.

Sophomore offensive guard gets his chance against a dangerous WSU team on Saturday

Dean Stotz said it’s time to focus more on his own family after 37 years as a Stanford baseball assistant coach.

Stanford women’s volleyball tops Cal Cardinal cross-country runners host annual invitational on Saturday by Rick Eymer


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he Stanford women’s volleyball team got off to a good start in Pac-12 Conference play on Wednesday night and will have to maintain that momentum when Arizona State comes for a visit Friday night at 6 p.m. Carly Wopat and Jordan Burgess each recorded 14 kills to help the seventh-ranked Cardinal beat host California, 20-25, 25-23, 25-22, 28-26 in the conference opener. Rachel Williams, Megan McGehee and Brittany Howard each added 11 kills as Stanford (1-0, 8-2) won its sixth straight. McGehee started the match in place of Inky Ajanaku, who did not make the trip across the Bay due to an illness. Kyle Gilbert recorded a season-high 29 digs and Madi Bugg had 55 assists for the Cardinal. There’s not much time to relax in the Pac-12. The No. 16 Sun Devils (1-0, 12-1) lost in five sets to Illinois and beat then No. 2 Texas in three sets. Stanford out-blocked the Golden Bears, 18-4, but also commit-

Heneghan gives Menlo more than just a passing chance Knights’ senior quarterback is among the state leaders heading into another busy weekend for local teams by Andrew Preimesberger


enlo School senior quarterback Jack Heneghan certainly has been tearing it up recently during the Knights’ 2-1 football start in 2013. Heneghan has completed 69 of 105 passes for 1,050 yards and 15 touchdowns with just two interceptions. That’s eye-popping by anyone’s standards. Yet, Heneghan still has a long way to go to catch state leader Jake Browning of Folsom. Browning, who has played one more game than Heneghan, has completed 115 of 151 passes for 1,625 yards, 24 touchdowns and with four interceptions. Browning is averaging 405 yards a game while Heneghan is at 350 yards per contest. While Heneghan ranks No. 16 overall in the state in passing yards, he is No. 2 in California for those QBs having played only three times. And, he ranks No. 1 in the Central Coast Section. Heneghan could have been much higher on the state list, but Menlo coach Mark Newton wisely sat him the entire second half of last Friday’s 48-7 nonleague win at San Mateo. Heneghan completed 23 of 32 passes for 383 yards and six touchdowns — all in the first half. Heneghan likely would have surpassed 500 yards had he continued at his first-half pace.

The state record for singlegame passing yards, according to the CalHiSports.com record book, is 764 by David Koral of Pacific Palisades in 2000. Against San Mateo, Heneghan connected with Graham Stratford on three TDs and with Jack Marren on two more. The Knights rolled up 469 yards in total offense. Peter Bouret caught 11 passes for 161 yards and Marren hauled in five passes for 102 yards. Stratford pulled in five catches for 100 yards. Meanwhile, Menlo’s defense held the Bearcats to three first downs. Macklan Badger finished with a team-high eight tackles and Colin Johnson had seven more. Kevin Walker had an interception. Menlo will play its only day game of the regular season by hosting Half Moon Bay on Friday at 3:15 p.m. The game serves as the Knights’ home opener, as well. Menlo romped past the Cougars last season, 56-14. In other games Friday: Sacred Heart Prep (3-0) will seek its 11th straight victory, dating to last season, when the Gators take their high-powered running game to Sunnyvale to face King’s Academy at 7 p.m. Palo Alto (1-1) will attempt to ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê iÝÌÊ«>}i®

races. Also, 33 college teams will be represented.

Women’s basketball Stanford redshirt freshman forward Aly Beebe took a medical retirement Thursday, ending her Cardinal career. Beebe, a prep standout at St. Joesph’s High School in Santa Maria, suffered an ACL injury in July during summer workouts, which would have forced her to miss the upcoming 2013-14 season. It was her third ACL injury, having previously injured the ligament twice while a prep. The latter incident caused her to miss the 2012-13 season at Stanford.

Women’s soccer Nationally No. 2-ranked Stanford opens Pac-12 Conference play at Colorado on Saturday. The Cardinal (7-0-1) is one of three unbeaten teams in the conference, though Colorado and UCLA have the most wins. Stanford responded to adversity in its 3-2 overtime win at Santa Clara last weekend. The Broncos were leading until the final minute of regulation play, when Courtney Verloo scored to send in into overtime. Verloo scored all three goals, including the game winner, and was named National and Pac-12 Player of the Week as a result.

Cross country The 40th annual Stanford Invitational will be held Saturday at Stanford Golf Course. The college races begin at 9:50 a.m. and are sandwiched among 12 high school races — six each for boys and girls covering five enrollment divisions and seeded

Men’s soccer Stanford senior goalkeeper Drew Hutchins is a big reason why Stanford is currently on a four-game winning streak heading into Friday night’s nonconference contest at UC Santa Barbara. Hutchins was named Pac-12 Player of the Week. N

Seattle provides a noisy reception

Menlo School senior quarterback Jack Heneghan has thrown for 1,050 yards and 15 touchdowns in just three games this season.


ted 12 service errors to Cal’s two. Carly Wopat’s seven blocks gives her 503 for her career, moving her past Kerri Walsh into fifth-place all-time in Stanford history.

by Rick Eymer eattle has not been the kindest of cities to Stanford football over the years, and the Cardinal has yet to win at CenuryLink Field, the home of the Seattle Seahawks. Perhaps that is a reason for Washington State wishing to host fifth-ranked Stanford (1-0 in the Pac-12, 3-0 overall) in the school’s annual “Seattle Game and Foundation Weekend” there on Saturday at 7 p.m., to be televised on ESPN. The Cardinal was upset by Washington at CenturyLink Field last year, one of just two losses for Stanford on the year.


Stanford football ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«ÀiÛ ÕÃÊ«>}i®

sus All-American last year and is a team captain. “The things Andrus can do is like playing basketball on the cornerbacks on screens,” Garnett said. “There’s a lot of attention given to the tackle and he can run.” Garnett has no illusions of ever catching a pass or running the ball though. “I don’t think they they want me with the ball,” he said humorously. “I wouldn’t catch it. It has to be Kyle (Murphy, a 6-7, 295 backup at left tackle).” Stanford (1-0, 3-0) is coming off a 42-28 victory over Arizona State in its Pac-12 Conference opener. The Cardinal will be playing a much-improved Cougars (1-0, 3-1) squad that already owns a victory over a ranked opponent. Washington State held off USC, 10-7, three weeks ago and has allowed its opponents a combined 17 points over the past

In fact, Stanford has lost 14 times its its past 17 visits to the city, with a three-game winning streak between 2006-10 the only interruption of an otherwise bottomless pit since Stanford won there in 1975. The Huskies handed Stanford 13 of those losses during that span, while Georgia Tech beat the Cardinal in the 2001 Seattle Bowl. The Cougars (1-0, 3-1) don’t appear to be so willing to lie down and take a thrashing as they did a year ago. They have won three straight, including an upset at USC, and have outscored their opponents by a three weeks following a 31-24 loss to Auburn. The Cougars won three straight for the first time since 2006, and are looking for their first 4-1 start since 2003 and their first win over Stanford since 2007. “They have a good scheme and there’s a lot to prepare for,” Stanford quarterback Kevin Hogan said. “They threw a lot at you. We’ll have to take our shots when right looks present themselves.” Washington State took its lumps last year, with 20 players making their first career start, including five freshmen. This year, nine freshmen have appeared for the first time through four games. Stanford leads the all-time series with Washington State, 3725-1, and has won the past five meetings. NOTES: Stanford safety Ed Reynolds will sit out the first half against Washington State, a result of the new spearing rule. Reynolds was ejected from Saturday’s 42-28 victory over Arizona State after lowering his head and

combined margin of 100-17. “Noise is a factor at that place,” Stanford coach David Shaw said Tuesday. “The stadium was half-filled last year and it was loud. It’s a smart move for Washington State to do it once a year. It’s a great idea for them and their fan base.” Puyallup native Joshua Garnett grew up watching games at the stadium. The sophomore left guard knows what it can be like for opposing teams. “I think the way they engineered that stadium makes it loud,” Garnett said. “The crowd noise makes it an awesome environment to be in.” N plowing into Sun Devils’ quarterback Taylor Kelly. “I never saw him lower his head on anybody before,” Shaw said. It’s the era we live in. We can’t do that and the punishment is just. It is what is necessary. He didn’t argue with it. He feels remorse. He’s disappointed that he’s left his teammates high and dry.” Senior Devon Carrington will play free safety the first half . . . Shaw hopes to have senior cornerback Barry Browning back for the game. He missed the win over ASU with an injury. “He’s the key for us to keep guys fresh,” Shaw said. . . . Sophomore linebacker Blake Martinez and senior defensive lineman Henry Anderson will not be available. Senior fullback Ryan Hewitt has made strides according to Shaw and is getting better . . . No one is looking forward to the trip more than Stanford assistant coach Tavita Pritchard, who is the nephew of former Washington State quarterback Jack Thompson and who has a brother, Tana, on the Cougars’ roster.N

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1. SEIU Negotiations CONSENT ITEMS

2. Cubberley Ordinance ACTION ITEMS

3. Discussion of Proposed Core Values and Possible Adoption CLOSED SESSION

4. Cubberley Community Center 5. U.S. Post Office COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS

The Infrastructure Committee will meet on October 1, 2013 at 3:00 PM to discuss Infrastructure Committee Recommendations to City Council on Funding Infrastructure Needs and Further Study on an Infrastructure Finance Measure. The City Council Rail Committee will meet on October 3, 2013 at 9:00 A.M regarding: 1) the Communications Based Overlay Signal System Installation Process, 2) the efforts to Obtain Dedicated Funding for Caltrain, 3) the Status of Litigation Against the CHSRA, and 4) the Caltrain Representation Structure. The City Council will meet in Closed Session on October 3, 2013 at 5:50 P.M. for the City Manager’s annual evaluation.

Prep football ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«ÀiÛ ÕÃÊ«>}i®

bounce back from last week’s loss to Mitty by taking on host Palma in Salinas at 7:30 p.m. Gunn (0-3) will play a rare nonleague game for homecoming when the Titans seek their first win of the year against winless Prospect at 7:30 p.m. Pinewood (1-1) will play host to Crystal Springs in eight-man football at 4 p.m. On Saturday, Menlo-Atherton (2-1) will seek its third straight victory when the Bears host Silver Creek at 2 p.m. It will be MA’s lone day game of the regular season. Priory, which is off to a 3-0 start, has a bye this week. In games played last week: M-A 21, St. Ignatius 16 Senior running back Isiah Nash had a combined 137 rushing and receiving yards to lead the Bears past defending CCS Open Division champion St. Ignatius in nonleague last Friday night in Atherton. Nash started the Bears’ second drive of the game with a 79-yard touchdown catch to put MA up 7-3 early in the first quarter. The Wildcats answered in the second quarter, but the Bears responded with a 15-yard touchdown catch by Nash from senior quarterback Brian Keare. The

The 2014 “Living Well” is coming

quarterback was an efficient 8-for-9 with 133 yards in the first half alone. He finished 16-of-20 for a career-high 307 yards and no interceptions. Nash was coming off an outstanding game against Los Gatos in which he ran for 204 yards and two touchdowns. The running back had 94 receiving yards and two touchdowns on Friday, but St. Ignatius held him to 43 yards rushing. “Their defensive line played very well,” said Menlo-Atherton head coach Sione Taufoou. “Our offensive line will get to work and fix some things and get better.” In the fourth quarter, Nash ran in for a two-yard touchdown to put the Bears up 21-10 with 11 minutes left in the game. The senior, who also starts at safety, had three offensive touchdowns total. Capuchino 35, Gunn 7 The Titans continued to struggle offensively during its nonleague loss to the host Mustangs. Running back Sean Lydster was moved to quarterback, where he three for 58 yards while sharing time with Noah Riley. Gunn has scored just 20 points in three games. Mitty 34, Palo Alto 14 The third time was not the charm for senior Palo Alto quarterback Keller Chryst and his fellow Vikings on Saturday night. Chryst fell to Mitty for the third time in his career, as the Monarchs (3-0) cruised to a nonleague victory over the Vikings (1-1) at Foothill College. Mitty was without senior starting quarterback Trent Scharrenberg due to a right ankle sprain, and was forced to start a novice at the position, junior Brett Foley, a converted outside linebacker. Foley took advantage of the opportunity by rushing for 141 yards

and two touchdowns against an overmatched Paly defense. Foley ended up throwing the ball only twice, as Mitty relied on a relentless running attack that gained over 450 yards on the ground. Paly jumped out to a quick 7-0 lead to open the ballgame, as Chryst found senior wide receiver Keesean Johnson in the end zone from 21 yards out to cap off an 80-yard drive. Mitty took a 14-7 lead on a 77yard punt return and made it 21-7 on a 65-yard TD run. Paly answered back as Chryst connected with senior wide receiver Malcolm Davis for a 43yard touchdown to cut the deficit to 21-14. Chryst completed 13 of 23 passes for 218 yards. SHP 25, Salinas 10 With Ricky Grau carrying 19 times for 150 yards and scoring on runs of six, 33 and four yards, the Gators remained unbeaten with an impressive win on the road against the Cowboys (2-1). Andre Segre added 56 yards on 18 carries, adding a two-yard touchdown run. The Gators rushed 55 times for 284 yards while co-quarterbacks Mason Randall and Cole March combined for 6-of-9 passing for 76 yards. Trinity Chrstn 58, Pinewood 36 The Panthers were led by Aidan Lucero, who rushed for 140 yards on 20 carries during a setback in an eight-man game. Matt Murphy scored twice for Pinewood. Priory 42, Anzar 12 James McDaniel carried 13 times for 72 yards and scored twice to help the Panthers improve to 3-0 following their victory in MTAL eight-man action. N – Ari Kaye contributed

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Water polo teams busy with NCS-CCS Challenge and Amanda MacDonald Invitational by Keith Peters he Menlo School and Sacred Heart Prep boys both competed in water polo tournaments last weekend and came away with solid efforts. The Knights were second in the Scott Roche Invitational while the Gators were ninth in the Santa Barbara Invitational as both finished with 3-1 records. The two local rivals, who’ll likely be on a collision course in the Central Coast Section playoffs this season, will continue their preparation for the postseason by competing against the Bay Area’s best in the NCS-CCS Challenge this weekend. Both squads will compete in the Gold Division of the 32-team tourney. Sacred Heart Prep starts out Friday against Monte Vista (Danville) at St. Francis High while Menlo takes on De La Salle at Acalanes, also at 3 p.m. Menlo is 10-4 all-time against DLS. The championship bracket will wrap up Saturday in the East Bay, with the finals at Acalanes. Palo Alto and Gunn also are entered and will play in the Silver Division. (The complete schedule is at www.pasportsonline.com). Menlo and SHP tuned up for this weekend’s busy schedule with solid league wins Wednesday. Despite missing two starters due to illness, Menlo made some last-minute changes and rolled to a five-goal advantage in the second half for a 12-5 victory over host Carlmont in PAL Bay Division play. The Knights (3-0, 8-1)got five goals from Chris Xi and three each from Nick Bisconti and Nikhil Bhatia. Bisconti added


Lida Vandermeer

Brian Keare



The junior had 32 kills overall in tough 3-1 volleyball losses to Mitty and Presentation before producing 44 kills with .402 hitting as the Knights went 5-0 and won the Chris Chandler Invitational championship.

The senior quarterback completed 16 of 20 passes for a career-high 307 yards with two touchdowns to spark the Bears to a 21-16 nonleague football win over defending CCS Open Division champion St. Ignatius.

Honorable mention Caroline Anderson Gunn water polo

Nick Bisconti Menlo water polo

Madeleine Baier

Ricky Grau

Menlo-Atherton cross country

Morgan Dressel

Sacred Heart Prep football

Jack Heneghan

Menlo volleyball

Menlo football

Victoria Garrick

Philippe Marco

Sacred Heart Prep volleyball

Marine Hall-Poirier Priory volleyball

Becca Raffel* Palo Alto volleyball

Sacred Heart Prep water polo

Isiah Nash* Menlo-Atherton football

John Wilson* Menlo water polo * previous winner

Watch video interviews of the Athletes of the Week, go to PASportsOnline.com

three steals and Weston Avery provided two assists while goalies John Wilson and Spencer Witte each had seven saves as they split time in the cage. At Atherton, Sacred Heart Prep outscored visiting Bellarmine by three goals in the second half to post an important 10-7 victory in West Catholic Athletic League action. The Gators improved to 2-0 in league (5-1 overall) and grabbed control of the division thanks to SI’s 10-9 upending of St. Francis. Will Conner tallied four goals and Michael Swart added three while goalie Philippe Marco was credited with 13 saves in the showdown between last year’s CCS Division I and II champs. The Bells clamped down on Stanford-bound Harrison Enright at the 2-meter position but Conner made the visitors pay for dropping off on him. Swart got the eventual winning goal that gave SHP an 8-5 lead with under six minutes left in the game. Swart also finished the scoring in the final minutes. In San Mateo, Menlo-Atherton remained a game back of Menlo in the PAL Bay Division with a 27-7 dunking of host Aragon. Mostyn Fero led the Bears (3-1, 8-3) with six goals while Chris Blank added five. Jack Beasley, Evan McClelland and Demitri Herr all scored three times for M-A. In girls’ action, Sacred Heart Prep got five goals from freshman Maddy Johnston and senior Morgan McCracken in a 14-2 victory over host Presentation in WCAL play. The Gators (2-0, 7-1) outscored their host in the second half, 9-0. Sacred Heart Prep will com-

pete in the California Capital Challenge tourney this weekend at Woodcreek High in the Sacramento area. In the PAL Bay Division, Menlo-Atherton remained in first place with an 8-4 win over host Aragon. Jessica Heilman tallied five goals for the Bears (4-0, 6-3) while Sofia Caryotakis added two. Also in the PAL, Castilleja got three goals from Alex Zafran and nine saves from goalie Maddie Tarr in a 9-5 win over host Carlmont. Fernanda Kramer added two goals for the Gators (3-1, 4-4), who will join Palo Alto and host Menlo School in the annual Amanda MacDonald Invitational this weekend. (The complete schedule is at www.pasportsonline.com). Cross country The 40th annual Stanford Invitational meet will be held Saturday at Stanford Golf Course, beginning at 9 a.m. There will be 12 high school races, six each for boys and girls covering five enrollment divisions and seeded races. Also, 33 college teams will be represented. Overall, there are 14 races, with 3,322 registered runners. In the high school races, the boys and girls from Gunn (led by senior Sarah Robinson), Menlo School, Palo Alto, Sacred Heart Prep and Priory all will compete. The boys’ field includes state No. 1-ranked Arcadia, No. 2 Great Oak and No. 3 De La Salle. The girls’ field features state No. 2 Great Oak plus No. 6 Rancho Bernardo, No. 7 Trabuco Hills, No. 8 St. Francis (Sacramento) and No. 10 La Costa Canyon. N

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Garko returns to Stanford roots as assistant coach



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yan Garko has been added to the Stanford baseball staff as an assistant coach, head coach Mark Marquess announced Monday. Garko, a 2003 Stanford graduate, joins his alma mater after a 10-year professional baseball career, including five seasons in Major League Baseball. “For myself and my family, we’re very excited and humbled to even have this opportunity. There is no coach I’d rather work with than Coach Marquess,� said Garko. “There is no other program or university I’d rather be a part of than Stanford. It’s the best university in the world, and most importantly, every baseball student-athlete here is a special player and young man. The opportunity to come back and coach student-athletes like ours and help them achieve their goals of getting a degree and maximizing their ability as a player is a dream come true.� Garko will fill the void left by Dean Stotz after the long-time Stanford assistant retired after 37 seasons on The Farm. “The most important thing needs to be celebrating the career Dean Stotz had here and the program that he helped build,� added

Garko. “I was one of his players, and he helped me grow from a young kid into a young man. He helped me achieve my dreams of earning a Stanford degree and playing in the major leagues. He had a profound influence on every player to wear a Stanford jersey.� “You can’t replace a coach like Dean Stotz, but we’re very fortunate to have Ryan Garko join our staff,� Marquess said. “It will be a good fit for us, and he’ll bring a lot of enthusiasm and experience to our program. We’re thrilled that it worked out and the timing was great for both Ryan and our program.� Garko played for three teams over the course of his MLB career. More than two of those seasons were spent with the Cleveland Indians along with stints with the San Francisco Giants and Texas Rangers. He hit .275 in 463 career games, belted 55 home runs and drove in 250 runs while playing primarily at first base. During Garko’s four years at Stanford, the program went 19969 (.743) and qualified for the College World Series in each of his seasons. N – Stanford Athletics

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Sports ing out,” said Marquess. “Not one dies went to church, then high- bor: $2. time. We would argue about who tailed it to the local junior high to “Dinner came around and my ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊxä® to recruit, who to play, or what to play sports. They officiated their father asked me how it went and I do in certain situations. But that re- own games and established their shared the same story,” said StoStotz pitched for Stanford in spect was there. We’ve worked to- own rules. tz. “He listened and put his fork 1974 and 1975 and earned an gether for so long, we kind of know “We played tackle football,” down. And then he said, ‘She’s economics degree. After a brief what each other is thinking.” he said. “The biggest guy on the 70 and you’re 12. You’ll do it for coaching stint at Cosumnes River Although their offices are about block could only run the ball on nothing.’ End of story.” College in Sacramento, Stotz was a foot apart, some days they hard- third down because we couldn’t Lesson learned. hired by Marquess, then ly talk. tackle him three times.” “The way the Stotz family does a first-year head coach, “He’s given me great When he was 12, an elderly things, if somebody needs your to lead his freshmen freedom,” Stotz said. neighbor asked his father if he help . . . You’re going to help team. “There are days we would mow her lawn. “I’ll pay them,” Stotz said. “And that’s They have been todon’t say five sentences him a little bit,” she told his dad, embedded in my life.” gether ever since to to each other. He’s nev- who quickly volunteered Dean’s Asked what he is proudest about comprise the longest acer told me what I need services. during his 37-year tenure, Stotz tive head and assistant to do.” When Stotz went to the house, answers quickly. coaching tandem in the Stotz enjoys staying in it was mid-July and the heat was “I think when we started, peonation. touch with former play- unbearable. It didn’t take long to ple didn’t think we could win on a “To be together for ers, whether it’s check- mow the front yard, but when he consistent basis,” said Stotz. “And that many years is re- Dean Stotz ing on their careers, went to the back, it was two-thirds to prove them all wrong and be so ally amazing,” said families, setting up a of an acre. good is very rewarding.” Marquess, who is entering his reunion or golf game, or arrang“One swath across and my basHe’s also proud of his relation38th season as head coach. “He ing football tickets. ket was full,” he said. “And it gets ships with the players and truly did a fantastic job. I don’t think “He is the conduit,’’ said for- worse.” appreciates their special qualities. there’s ever been a situation mer Cardinal player and local There was no mow strip along “These kids fascinate me,” he where you’ve had a head coach businessman Vince Sakowksi the fence line, so he had to clip said. “If you just spend time to get and assistant coach together that ‘83. “They (Marquess and Stotz) the grass by hand. He also cleaned to know them, they’re opinionatlong. He’s had more than a couple complement each other.” the gutters and pruned her bushes. ed, but in a good way. That side chances to leave and he didn’t beGrowing up, Stotz and his bud- His reward for eight hours of la- of them intrigues me as much of cause he loved the place so much. It’s a sad time for me and an exciting time for him. “People recognize him in different places, not just here. Everybody knows Dean and thinks the world of him.” Stotz played for the Sacramento Airport Little League team that won the Western USA title and played in the Senior League World Series championship. At Stanford, he helped Marquess capture College World Series crowns in 1987 and 1988, finish runner-up three times, make 17 appearances in At Liberty Bank we provide all the Omaha, and win 12 conference championships. banking services for your personal In addition to overseeing recruiting, Stotz worked with pitchand growing business needs. ers and hitters, tutored players in In addition to deposits and loans, every phase of the game, coached third base, and helped Marquess we offer a complete range of strategize. “He’s really knowledgeable,” financial services to make your said Marquess. “There’s no betbanking experience efficient, ter evaluator of talent than Dean. He’s got that knack, and he’s not convenient, friendly and professional. afraid to make a decision, which has always helped me.” Look to Liberty Bank. Marquess has special appreciation for his base-coaching skills. “You can’t win that one,” he said. “You want to be a first base coach because nobody notices you.” It’s not called the hot corner for nothing. “I’ve made some brutal decisions, but not one time have I come back to the dugout in 30some years and have him go, ‘How in the hell did you wave that guy in?’ ‘’ said Stotz. Therein lies the secret of their friendship and longevity. “It’s been a great relationship,” Stotz said. “He’s innately shy and I’m extraverted. It’s a lot of role reversal that’s really fit and matched. He’s allowed me to do Service is our Specialty, what I do well and he’s recogExperience is our Strength. nized what I don’t do well. He’s tedious and brings that energy every day. His mind is so strong. I 251 Lytton Avenue, Suite. 100, Palo Alto UÊÊ­Èxä®Ê飂 ä{{ä don’t know how he does it.” libertybk.comÊUÊ Ã Ê Ê-°Ê-> Ê À> V ÃV ]Ê i Ì Ê> `Ê Õ `iÀÊ Àii To the best of their recollection, they have never been at odds. © Liberty Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender “We’ve never had a serious fall-

Dean Stotz

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them becoming a ballplayer. I’m not any prouder of Carlos Quentin going on to being a big leaguer than I am of guys just being good people, good parents and salt of the earth.” Marquess expects Stotz to return to oversee his summer baseball camps, so he figures to spend time around The Farm. Ultimately, he and Kathy want to move southeast — maybe to Nashville — where they met. He loves country music and looks forward to a slower pace where neighbors know each other by their first names and are never too busy to help. Perhaps the biggest void will be felt at Jimmy V’s Cafe, where Stotz holds court daily with coaches, staff and student-athletes. “He’s got a million stories and he tells them so well,” said Marquess. “I think where they’re really going to miss him is down in the lunch room.” N Mark Soltau is a veteran Bay Area sportswriter who writes for Stanford Athletics/gostanford. com.

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Coldwell Banker



DIANE KNEIS 650.799.6714 www.dianekneis.com BRE #01419720



81 SOMERSET LANE $13,288,000 LYN JASON COBB 140 ELEANOR DR $7,775,000 MARGOT LOCKWOOD ERIKA DEMMA 5BR/5+BA Magnificent 2 acres in Atherton near Totally updated home with breathtaking views to 650.464.2622 650.400.2528/740.2970 lynjason.cobb@cbnorcal.com San Francisco! 6BR/6.5BA home w/expanses of Circus Club. Remodel or build new. Pool. Cabana. homes@margotlockwood.com BRE #01332535 (Tennis Court transformed to putting green.) lush level lawn, pool, English garden, and vineyard. BRE #01017519/01230766 WOODSIDE | OPEN SUNDAY

SEAN FOLEY 650.207.6005 sfoley@cbnorcal.com BRE #00870112

3100 WOODSIDE RD $3,850,000 3 ac estate & upgraded 4BR/3BA home close to town center shops, restaurants & WDS School (preK to 8th); Private rolling fields, barn & rose gardens.


TOM LEMIEUX 650.329.6645 tom@tomlemieux.com BRE #01066910



www.TerriCouture.com BRE #01090940

444 MUNDELL WAY $1,998,000 Quiet & private approx. 21,000sf lot on cul-de-sac. Giant cottage; large 2 car garage w/storage; south facing backyard; excellent Los Altos schools

www.ZachTrailer.com BRE #01371338

946 EVELYN ST $1,098,000 3BR 2BA ±1290sf Charming Spanish bungalow in downtown Menlo Park. Beautifully updtd kit w/granite & stainless steel appliances. Sought after MP schls.

BILLY MCNAIR 650.862.3266 billy@mcnairgroup.com BRE #01343603

3994 SUTHERLAND DR $2,349,000 Spacious 2 story modern home w/4BR/2 full+3 half baths, gourmet kit, lg main level master suite, vaulted ceilings. Beautiful front porch & rear patio.

DEANNA TARR 650.752.0833 dtarr@cbnorcal.com BRE #00585398

582 SAND HILL CIR $1,280,000 Good price for this 3BR/2.5BA Sand Hill Circle townhome with golf course views. Inside laundry, 2-car attached garage, eat-in kitchen.


NANCY GOLDCAMP 650.325.6161

2260 SHARON RD $895,000 Condo ownership. Feels like a house. Remodeled Kit & Bath. Oak floors,FP, TVs & appliances included. www.nancygoldcamp.com Attached garage. Landscaped yard. BRE #00787851

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253 UNIVERSITY DR $3,595,000 Built in 2004, this stunning Allied Arts home offers the perfect floor plan for comfortable living in heart of MP. 4BR (poss 5th)/4.5BA. MP Schools.


ERIKA DEMMA 650.740.2970 edemma@cbnorcal.com BRE #01230766



ZACH TRAILER 650.906.8008

10 ZACHARY CT $3,750,000 Luxurious living over 3 spacious levels. Impressive curb appeal & interiors that introduce feng shui principles into the design. A must see!

2 BRIDLE LN $5,295,000 4BD/3.5BA Stunning & spacious 4940 sf contemp. home on 3.78 level ac in Central WDS. Enjoy views at the beautiful pool & garden area. www.2Bridle.com



120 SUMMERHILL LN $2,495,000 HANNA SHACHAM ERIKA DEMMA TARA JARAMILLO 4BD/3.5BA Sunny, level 1 ac in a quiet & private 650.752.0767 650.740.2970/888.9589 location in WDS Hills! Spacious flrpln, offering aprx hshacham@cbnorcal.com BRE #01230766/01443521 3,200 sf of living space on a single level. BRE #01073658

TERRI COUTURE 650.917.5811


20 PATROL CT $2,198,000 3BD/2.5BA Wonderful Woodside retreat with amazing panoramic views! This fully updated home on 2.4 acres is one of a kind. WWW.20PATROL.COM


HELEN & BRAD MILLER 650.400.3426 hmiller@cbnorcal.com BRE #01142061/00917768




NANCY GOLDCAMP 650.400.5800 www.nancygoldcamp.com BRE #00787851

255 GLENWOOD AV $1,275,000 Comfortable country living in this 3BR/1BA sunfilled home close to town center in the Woodside Glens. www.255GlenwoodAve.com


234 MADISON AV $799,000 Opportunity, charm & location! 2bed/1bath home with detached 1bed/1bath apartment close to Sequoia Station, Theatre District, Train station. Updated!

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