2014 04 18 paw section1

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Palo Alto

Vol. XXXV, Number 28 N April 18, 2014

Council seeks new vision for Cal Ave Page 5

w w w.PaloA ltoOnline.com


run? Marathon runners test their strength, endurance and willpower PAGE 22

Transitions 16

Spectrum 18

Eating Out 34

Shop Talk 36

Movies 37

Puzzles 57

N Arts Capturing iconic Civil Rights images

Page 28

N Home Green ideas galore on Gamble Garden tour

Page 40

N Sports Stanford-Cal showdowns in tennis, water polo Page 60

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Local news, information and analysis

Council set to adopt new vision for California Avenue Proposed ‘concept plan’ includes smaller housing units, technology corridor, zone change at Fry’s site by Gennady Sheyner s jackhammers and exca- than the former, but its effects vators roar forth with an could be as long lasting. The city ambitious and expensive has spent more than five years beautification of California Av- putting together the California enue, Palo Alto officials are put- Avenue Concept Plan, a process ting the finishing touches on a that included four community new vision for the rapidly chang- meetings and five public hearing neighborhood considered the ings in front of the Planning and city’s “other downtown.” Transportation Commission, The latter effort is less visible which signed off on the plan last


month. According to a new report from the Department of Planning and Community Environment, the concept plan will offer a “unifying vision to guide future development and redevelopment, while preserving and enhancing the quality of life.” It would ultimately be included in the city’s Comprehensive Plan, the city’s land-use bible that is now in the midst of a revision. So what is this “unifying vision?” According to the document,

which the City Council will discuss on Monday night, it includes more mixed-use developments in the commercial core; a “technology corridor” on Park Boulevard; preservation of residential neighborhoods just outside California Avenue and and traffic-calming measures and bike amenities on all major arteries in the area. The plan splits the California Avenue area into three sections: the business district on and around California Avenue; the job-rich

and residential area around Park Boulevard; and the sprawling site that includes Fry’s Electronics, which is the only area that would see a zone change. Under the proposal, the 26.9acre Fry’s site that is currently zoned “service commercial” would be split into two zones. An 11.7-acre portion would remain “service commercial” while the remaining 15.2 acres would be ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ£Ó®


Palo Alto students help ‘pilot-test the test’ In April testing period, local students try new ‘Smarter Balanced’ assessment by Chris t’s out with No. 2 pencils and in with “click and drag” as students take on this spring’s standardized tests in Palo Alto and across the state. Embarking on a new era of testing, California has replaced the decade-old STAR program with a new assessment that differs from the old both in substance and delivery. The Smarter Balanced Assessment is still in the pilot-testing phase — thus, this year’s results don’t count and will not be reported to parents or to schools. Unlike the old test, which was geared to California State Standards, the content of Smarter Balanced is aligned with the new Common Core State Standards, which have been adopted by 44 states including California, as well as by the District of Columbia. And all kids are taking the test by computer, not by the old fill-inthe-bubble method. Between March 28 and May 16, about 6,500 Palo Alto students in grades three through eight — as well as high school juniors — are taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment. In elementary and middle school, students are typically taking it over two mornings. For 11th graders, it’s been given in a single stretch of two to three hours, said statistician Diana Wilmot, director of research and evaluation for the Palo Alto Unified School District. Even as the Common Core standards are attacked by critics from both the left and the right, Gov. Jerry Brown last fall signed legislation tossing the old test and ordering a trial run of Smarter Balanced in California schools this year.


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No wiggling out of this UC Master Gardener and Master Composter Terry Andre holds up a handful of decomposed organic waste full of earthworms as Claire Cho, left, Sean Taeyang and Bella Castaneda take a close look. The demonstration was part of a “Going Green: Worm Composting for Kids” workshop at the Palo Alto Children’s Library on April 16, which was hosted by Zero Waste Palo Alto.


Abilities United announces plan to redevelop all facilities Organization for people with disabilities to replace aging structures


ix months after Abilities United announced the closure of its Betty Wright Aquatic Center, the organization’s board of directors voted to redevelop all of its aging facilities, a spokesperson has told the Weekly. The board of directors voted at its March meeting to begin the planning necessary for the largescale redevelopment of the organization’s facilities for persons with disabilities, including the warmwater aquatics center, which closed in October 2013. Abilities United facilities include three 1960s-era

by Sue Dremann buildings at its main site at 3864 Middlefield Road, including the aquatics center, and a 1980s administrative facility at 525 E. Charleston Road in Palo Alto. Karen Moore, board president, said a complete redevelopment has been in the back of everyone’s mind since the board began to consider the organization’s future and direction during a 2011 retreat. “The pool just made it (a) reality,” she said. A broader redevelopment plan “just seemed totally logical,” Moore said. “We know it has to

happen. We would hate to be in a situation where we put all of our eggs in one basket. It just gave us an opportunity to look at this in totality. We don’t want to be in a situation in the future where we have to cease services.” The Middlefield Road facilities house Milestones Preschool, childdevelopment services, early intervention, adult day activities, afterschool socialization programs and computer education. Employment services, independent-living skills ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊn®

Kenrick Once it’s past the pilot phase, the new test will be predictive of a student’s college and career readiness, Wilmot said. “It will give students feedback as early as third grade about their trajectory toward that mark,” she said. It also will enable teachers to measure students’ progress during the year through unofficial, online “interim assessments.” Content of the test goes beyond multiple-choice questions to integrate a classroom activity, Wilmot said. For example, a teacher will moderate a 30-minute class discussion on a topic such as all the factors a person needs to consider before building a garden. Following the discussion, students log into Smarter Balanced to take a “performance task” related to the classroom activity. On the technical side, the new online test adapts to the test-taker’s level, meaning the questions it generates will differ for students, depending on their answers to previous questions. “It modifies the test for every student, which is a quicker and more efficient way to narrow down a student’s ability,” Wilmot said. Calculators and glossaries will appear on the screen if they are needed to work out a problem. The new test also builds in accommodations for special education students, such as larger print size or a “text-to-speech” feature for students who need questions read to them. It also incorporates American Sign Language. Previously, schools had to administer a separate test, the California Mod­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iʣή

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Inspirations a guide to the spiritual community FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UCC £ nxÊ Õ ÃÊ, >`]Ê*> Ê Ì ÊUÊ­Èxä®ÊnxÈ ÈÈÈÓÊUÊÜÜÜ°vVV«>° À}Ê Sunday Worship and Church School at 10 a.m.

Easter Sunday Celebration Sunrise Service at 7:30 a.m. Festival Worship at 9:30 am &11:00 am With the Oxford Street Brass & The Hallelujah Chorus Easter Egg Hunt 10:30 am

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450 Cambridge Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 326-8210 PUBLISHER William S. Johnson (223-6505) EDITORIAL Editor Jocelyn Dong (223-6514) Associate Editor Carol Blitzer (223-6511) Sports Editor Keith Peters (223-6516 Arts & Entertainment Editor Nick Veronin (223-6517)) Express & Online Editor Elena Kadvany (223-6519) Assistant Sports Editor Rick Eymer (223-6521) Spectrum Editor Tom Gibboney (223-6507) Staff Writers Sue Dremann (223-6518), Chris Kenrick (223-6512), Gennady Sheyner (223-6513) Editorial Assistant/Intern Coordinator Sam Sciolla (223-6515) Staff Photographer Veronica Weber (223-6520) Contributors Andrew Preimesberger, Dale F. Bentson, Peter Canavese, Kit Davey, Tyler Hanley, Iris Harrell, Sheila Himmel, Chad Jones, Karla Kane, Kevin Kirby, Terri Lobdell, Jack McKinnon, Jeanie K. Smith, Susan Tavernetti Editorial Interns: Melissa Landeros, Lena Pressesky ADVERTISING Vice President Sales & Advertising Tom Zahiralis (223-6570) Multimedia Advertising Sales Christine Afsahi (223-8582), Adam Carter (2236573), Elaine Clark (223-6572), Connie Jo Cotton (223-6571), Janice Hoogner (223-6576) Real Estate Advertising Sales Neal Fine (223-6583), Carolyn Oliver (223-6581), Rosemary Lewkowitz (223-6585) Inside Advertising Sales Irene Schwartz (223-6580) Real Estate Advertising Assistant Diane Martin (223-6584) Legal Advertising Alicia Santillan (223-6578) ADVERTISING SERVICES Advertising Services Manager Jennifer Lindberg (223-6595) Sales & Production Coordinators Dorothy Hassett (223-6597), Blanca Yoc (223-6596)

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kfreitas@mpcsd.org The fair will be held at the MPCSD District Office at 181 Encinal Avenue, Atherton, CA in the Teacher Educational Resource Center (TERC)

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It has been just a very magical ride. — Olenka Villareal, who launched the fundraising campaign to create the Magical Bridge “inclusive” playground at Mitchell Park. See story on page 7.

Around Town

HUNGER CASE ... An apparently hungry burglar broke into the Barron Park Market at 3876 El Camino Real last weekend, leaving incriminating details in his wake: crumbs, half-consumed food packages and last, but not least, his wallet. On the evening of Saturday, April 12, 46-yearold transient Edward Vincent McDuffie broke a latch on a rear sliding door of the market to gain entry, Palo Alto police officer Sean Downey said. On a counter near the backdoor, police later found a partially eaten bag of oatmeal cookies, a consumed bag of pumpkin seeds on the ground and a Powerbar, among other food items. “And next to all of it was a wallet containing identifying information,” Downey said. Two days later, McDuffie was arrested on a host of charges after a woman discovered him in her backyard. An investigation revealed he had also stolen a bike from an alleyway at Happy Donuts, just down the street from Barron Park Market, and stole numerous items from an emergency preparedness storage shed in the yard of the Crescent Park Child Development Center at 4161 Alma St. Police booked McDuffie into the Santa Clara County Main Jail Tuesday for four felonies — commercial burglary, possession of methamphetamine, possession of stolen property and a probation violation — and three misdemeanors — resisting arrest, under the influence of narcotics and possession of drug paraphernalia. CURRY AND BITCOINS .... Palo Alto now has a grand total of two eateries where diners can pay with notorious e-currency bitcoins, with Curry Up Now jumping on the bandwagon last week (joining Coupa Cafe, which has been accepting bitcoins since last year). “Hello awesome people. We now accept #bitcoin at our Palo Alto location,” Curry Up Now tweeted on April 11. “Coming to other locations very soon. Everything is awesome.” Darrel Oribello, general manager of the casual Indian street food restaurant at 321 Hamilton Ave., said they were encouraged by a Curry Up Now fan who wanted nothing more than to be able to pay for the eatery’s Indian-style

burritos with bitcoins. “It’s fast, cheap, private and (we) believe it to be part of our paying future,” Oribello added. Curry Up Now is currently using BitPay, a payment platform for the e-currency, to accept payments, but Oribello said he expects the restaurant’s point of sale (POS) software to have an integrated bitcoin payment system “shortly.” Curry Up Now was born as a food truck and morphed into three brickand-mortar locations (Palo Alto, San Mateo and San Francisco). The trucks still operate, too, and Oribello said all outposts — mobile or otherwise — will soon accept bitcoins. “Palo Alto is the heart of the Silicon Valley. Why not start here first?” he said. FACELIFT, PLEASE .... Two major Stanford University arts facilities are getting prepped for soon-to-commence facelifts: Memorial Auditorium and the Cantor Arts Center. Crews are now erecting scaffolding around three sides of Memorial Auditorium, constructed in 1938, with plans to restore its stucco, repair its wooden windows and install new copper gutters, the university said. The project is slated to be completed by the 2014-15 academic year. Graduates, don’t fret about scaffolding ruining graduation photos: No scaffolding will be erected on the front of Memorial Auditorium until after Stanford’s 123rd commencement ceremony, scheduled for June 14. Across campus, crews are also hard at work putting up scaffolding around Cantor in preparation for a summer project that will replace the roof on the front of the museum along Lomita Drive, as well as the roofs on its two rotundas. The roof replacements are the final phase of a multiyear, three-phase project, which began in 2010 with the restoration of the museum’s main lobby skylight, the university said. Other repairs include restoring historic mosaic panels — commissioned by Jane Stanford in 1898 from a company in Venice, Italy — across the museum’s front facade, exterior stucco on the Cantor wing from 1999 and the glass of the Cantor Auditorium windows. Both Memorial Auditorium and Cantor will remain open during construction. N


Magical Bridge playground surges toward reality by Gennady Sheyner


ith funds nearly secured and its final design winning approval Thursday, Palo Alto’s dream of creating an “inclusive” playground for children with and without disabilities is now on a firm path toward reality. Spearheaded by local volunteers, including parents of children with disabilities, the Magical Bridge playground scored a victory this week when Santa Clara County provided $150,000 for the project, augmenting privately raised funds. Thursday, the $3.2-million project received a unanimous vote of approval from the city’s Architectural Review Board, with members using words like “very exciting,” “attractive” and “really wonderful” to describe the proposed playground, which would be located at Mitchell Park. “It has been just a very magical ride,” said Olenka Villareal, who launched the fundraising campaign in 2008 with the purpose of giving her daughter, Ava, and other children with disabilities a playground that can accommodate their needs. None of Palo Alto’s 34 playgrounds are fully compliant with the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires public places to include

wheelchair access, Villareal said in her comments to the Architectural Review Board. “We decided that when we’re building the Magical Bridge playground, let’s take it well above and beyond the standards,” she told the board. The board’s approval and the latest grant make it increasingly likely that construction could begin as early as June. Once built, the playground would include seven zones, each focusing on a specific type of play. These include a spinning zone, with five separate play structures (including a wheelchair-accessible merry-go-round); a swing zone with four different swing sets (including a set with six harness chairs); a sliding-and-climbing zone with four slides and a walkway bridge that reduces the need for ramps; and a “tot-a-lot” zone designed for children aged 2 to 5 and featuring a double slide, a climbing apparatus and a spinning bowl. There also will be a music zone with equipment such as stacked bells, a “Metallophone” (a series of poles that produce different tones), drums and chimes; a “natural play zone” with a climbing boulder, a proposed playhouse and picnic area. There also will be an “open play zone,” a large turf area that

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Architectural Review Board approves design for Palo Alto’s first ‘inclusive’ playground

The design for the inclusive Magical Bridge playground to be built at Mitchell Park was approved by the Architectural Review Board on Thursday. can accommodate group play and offer visitors a place to get away from the main playground. The design consultant for the new playground is the firm Royston Hanamoto Alley and Abey, the same group that designed Mitchell Park. Though the city contributed $300,000 for the proposed playground, most of the funding was raised by volunteers, with donors including the Peery Foundation, the Enlight Foundation, former Palo Alto Mayor Leland Levy and the Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund. Villareal said the latest contribution from the county leaves the project about $200,000 shy of its goal. In announcing the $150,000 grant, Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian said he was “so pleased that our County could provide even a modest contribution to-

ward this worthy project.” Palo Alto City Manager James Keene also praised the county for its grant. “There’s a lot to love about this project,” Keene said in a statement. “I’m pleased that the County saw the value of partnering with the City to provide a unique facility of regional value.” The architecture board added its own voice of support for the project on Thursday. Board member Randy Popp called it “very exciting.” “This is a very easy project for me to look at,” Popp said. The board’s approval included a few cavils, including a request that the playhouse be made more iconic. Board Chairman Lee Lippert likened the playhouse to the castle at Disneyland — a structure that is so distinct that people instantly identify it with the theme park.

“There’s an opportunity that’s lost and it may not cost more. It’s just how you use those materials and how it’s put together,” Lippert said. “I want it to be something that the kids go and, like, their minds explode almost.” Board member Robert Gooyer agreed. “If you’re going to do something with that, go nuts with it,” Gooyer told the project architects. Though they asked the architects to return May 1 with a few revisions, board members were unanimous in approving the overall design for the playground. Alexander Lew said the new playground will be attractive to everybody and Clare Malone Prichard said she is happy to support it. “I think it will be really wonderful for the kids,” Malone Prichard said. N


Stanford law student receives award for helping crime victims Natasha Haney works on behalf of families of people who have been murdered


tanford University law student Natasha Haney entered law school in part out of a desire to seek justice for crime victims. But Haney isn’t waiting to graduate. In her second year, she is already assisting the families of murder victims. Haney has received an “unsung hero” award for her work as a coleader of Parallel Justice, a student pro bono organization founded in 2012 on the principle that crime victims — not just criminal defendants — deserve to be treated with fairness in the criminal justice system. Haney was one of 12 people honored on April 11 by Santa Clara County’s Victim Support Network for helping victims and their families. Her award was given by network partners Mothers Against Murder. Crime victims’ families can receive up to $5,000 through the state victim compensation fund for counseling, funeral and burial expenses and other needs, Haney said. But often the process is so complicated it can take months

to navigate the system, even for lawyers. Haney conducts research and helps victims file claims and appeals if they have been rejected, she Natasha Haney said. The effect of murders on families is searing and long lasting, Haney said. Parallel Justice began working with the organization Mothers Against Murder last fall, which referred to them an East Palo Alto case and two cases from San Jose. One year after a murder in early 2013, a family Haney met was still going through tremendous grief, she said. In one case, a mother had to settle for the cremation of her son. She wanted a traditional Catholic burial in keeping with her faith, but she couldn’t get the funding in time, Haney said. Haney said she wants to be a state prosecutor. But her work through Parallel Justice has made

by Sue Dremann her sensitive to the needs of those who are not represented, she said. “Victims often feel the DA is kind of their lawyer, but the prosecutor is the people’s attorney. (Victims) think they are kept out of the loop a lot of the time. They have to keep calling the prosecutor or the victims’ advocate to keep them updated. It’s frustrating,” she said. “A lot of times people don’t think about the crime victims, and it’s really uncomfortable for some people to see their grief. As a prosecutor, it’s really hard to keep the victims in the loop. This work has made me realize how important it is to take time out of your day so you can listen to victims,” she said. Haney grew up in the Midwest and East Coast, and later lived in Vacaville, Calif. She originally wanted to be a professional flutist and studied at a music conservatory in Australia. Her exposure to audiences and performance comes in handy in courtroom presentations, she said. She eventually settled on Smith College in western Massachusetts,

where she received an undergraduate degree in government and political science and developed the confidence and outspokenness that are useful to a lawyer, she said. She worked at a large New York City law firm as a paralegal, but she realized she didn’t want to be a corporate lawyer, she said. “I’ve always been fascinated by crime stories and how people put their lives together after an incredibly horrible story. It must be an empowering and satisfying feeling to get someone justice for a crime that has been committed against them,” she said. Haney has participated in the Criminal Prosecution Clinic at the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office and is currently participating in an externship at the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office. She often meets with friends who work in the criminal defense clinic at Stanford, and they have many spirited debates over dinner, she said. People often ascribe great pow-

er to attorneys and law students, she said. Whether it’s a crime victim, family member or friend, she said she feels people think she can solve all of their problems. She takes that level of responsibility seriously, she added. “It’s inspiring that people trust you so much, and you have this ability to help them,” she said. “My dad was in the Air Force, and so public service is in my blood.” Other honorees included Morag Barrass, a volunteer with the YWCA Silicon Valley Domestic Violence Support Network program; San Jose Police Sgt. Kyle Oki; Prosecutor Angela Bernhard; Silicon Valley FACES attorney Nicole Ford; Asian Americans for Community Involvement’s Armina Husic; Santa Clara County Probation Department’s Barbara Jacobson and Mary Ryan; Community Solutions’ Saozinha Restorick; Assistant U.S. Attorney Amie Rooney; YWCA Silicon Valley Rape Crisis program’s Kate Sackett and Los Gatos/Monte Sereno Police Chief Scott Seaman. N

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Weekly wins national reporting award School bullying coverage honored for ‘public service’


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he Palo Alto Weekly’s ongoing coverage of the Palo Alto Unified School District’s handling of bullying received the 2013 Sigma Delta Chi Award for Public Service Journalism, the Society for Professional Journalists announced Wednesday. The award, which will be presented at a dinner June 20 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., honors the work of Weekly writers Terri Lobdell and Chris Kenrick and Editor Jocelyn Dong throughout 2013.

The Weekly was one of 85 winners at newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, and online news sites across the country from nearly 1,800 entries, according to the Society’s announcement of the awards. The Sigma Delta Chi Awards date back to 1932 and each year recognize exceptional professional journalism as judged by a panel of prominent veteran journalists. The Weekly’s award is in the non-daily newspaper category. The Weekly coverage included

two cover stories researched and written by Lobdell, “Out of the Shadows,” (June 14, 2013) about bullying, and “Power to Hurt,” (Aug. 16, 2013) on the use of social media by teens, and numerous news stories by Kenrick and Lobdell on the school district’s handling of bullying complaints, federal investigations and the development of bullying policies. The award also recognizes the Weekly’s pursuit and use of public records as part of its reporting process. N — Palo Alto Weekly staff




Abilities United ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊx®

and respite services are located in the administrative building. Abilities United is forming a redevelopment task force to focus on the master planning, Moore said. Capital-campaign planning is still in the early stages. “We’re trying to get as much expertise as we can to ensure being as logical and as thoughtful and creative as we can. We have wait lists for some services. Physically, we don’t have the capacity for everyone who needs them,” she said. Abilities United, previously known as C.A.R., was formed in 1963 by 12 families. Its pro-

grams became an alternative to institutionalization for their developmentally disabled children. The nonprofit organization now serves more than 2,400 children and adults through cradle-to-grave services that include children’s development, family support, adult independent-living services, job training and integration into the greater community. The organization launched a separate fundraising campaign, United for the Future, in January 2013. The campaign aims to raise $2 million for programs and services to integrate clients and their families in the greater community. The campaign raised $1.2 million as of April 1, according to the organization. New programs

Online This Week

These and other news stories were posted on Palo Alto Online throughout the week. For longer versions, go to www.PaloAlto Online.com/news.

Gregory Elarms, Lewis’ accused killer, dies The man accused of killing East Palo Alto community leader David Lewis died Friday, April 11, at Stanford Hospital, the Santa Clara County Coroner’s office has confirmed. (Posted April 17, 9:47 a.m.)

Teens arrested for attempted burglary Two teenagers who Palo Alto police say tried to rob a house on Stockton Place on Monday night were tracked down and arrested Tuesday afternoon in Menlo Park. (Posted April 15, 9:39 p.m.)

Meet our two very popular pediatricians, Dr. Sky Pittson and Dr. Sarah Cueva. Parents like that they can talk to them directly instead of going through a nurse. And kids like them enough to stop by on their bikes just to say “hi”. We think that’s pretty “sick”, or as some say, “cool”. If that appeals to you, we invite you to do what the kids do, stop by and say “hi”. Old-fashioned values. Modern medicine.

Stanford graduate wins Pulitzer for photography Josh Haner, a staff photographer for The New York Times who graduated from Stanford University, has won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for feature photography for his images of the recovery of a Boston Marathon bombing survivor. (Posted April 14, 1:06 p.m.)

Two men arrested in connection with burglaries Two Redwood City men were arrested Friday, April 11, after allegedly committing multiple burglaries on the Peninsula, police said. They were in possession of stolen property from burglaries that occurred in Palo Alto, Menlo Park and unincorporated Redwood City. (Posted April 12, 8:57 p.m.)

School administrator to leave for Virginia Concierge Medicine

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A top Palo Alto school administrator and former Duveneck Elementary School principal has announced she is leaving to take a a position with a Virginia public school district that is nearly twice as large as Palo Alto. (Posted April 11, 4:53 p.m.)

will include Art for Inclusion, drowning prevention for at-risk youth, service scholarships, staff development and training and an updated, accessible playground. The campaign seeks to raise another $800,000 by January 2015. “I see this campaign as a way to help provide quality facilities and needed services for people with disabilities far into the future. As a medical doctor and as an Abilities United board member, I have seen the benefits of Abilities United services to the community,” Dr. Harry Hartzell said. The impetus for the redevelopment, the shuttering of the Betty Wright Aquatic Center, was a painful episode for Abilities United, staff has said in the past. Unlike recreational pools, the therapy pool is heated at 93 degrees and was used for fitness classes and rehabilitation for people with paralysis from accidents or strokes as well as chronic orthopedic, neurological and developmental conditions. Since the pool’s closure, Abilities United has relocated aquatic services at interim locations, including DeAnza Cupertino Aquatics and Timpany Center in San Jose. Palo Alto’s Channing House opened its facilities to Abilities United on March 31, and staff is negotiating with the Redwood City Parks and Recreation Department to provide a drowning-prevention program tailored to Latino families and children at Hoover Pool. But the need for a permanent facility looms large, organization members said. As baby boomers age, the need for aquatics therapy will grow significantly. Real-estate professionals are also volunteering time to help with the aquatic center’s redevelopment plan. A team of students and an adviser from the Stanford School of Engineering recently examined the potential for a modern, energy-efficient center. The group will present its report at Abilities United in April. Information about Abilities United’s fundraising campaigns, services and programs can be found at www.AbilitiesUnited.org. N




Palo Alto Housing Corporation nears sale of Maybell site Nonprofit enters contract with potential buyer after Palo Alto voters rejected its housing proposal


fter seeing its proposal for a housing development on Maybell Avenue fall in a referendum last year, the Palo Alto Housing Corporation has entered into a contract to sell the orchard site where the project was slated to go up. Because of a confidentiality agreement, the Housing Corporation is not disclosing any details about the buyer or the terms of the sale. But Candice Gonzalez, executive director of the Housing Corporation, confirmed in an email that the nonprofit is “in contract with a buyer for the sale of the Maybell site but have not yet closed.� The sale was widely expected after voters in November shot down the Housing Corporation plan for a development that included 60 units of affordable housing for seniors and 12 single-family homes. Though the City Council unanimously approved the project,

by Gennady Sheyner residents gathered enough signatures to bring the development to a citywide vote, where it was rejected by a margin of more than 1,500 votes. Critics of the proposal argued that the proposed “planned community� development is inappropriate because it is both out of compliance with zoning regulation and out of scale with the surrounding neighborhood. Opponents urged the Housing Corporation to reduce the number of units and bring the project into zoning compliance. Officials from the Housing Corporation countered that doing so would make the project impossible to finance and said they would likely have to sell the property if the development proposal were rejected. Though the price is not being disclosed, the 2.46-acre property at 567 Maybell Ave. is expected to bring in more than the $15.6 million that the Housing Corpo-

ration paid for it. At that time, the nonprofit developer had outbid at least five other would-be buyers. It was ultimately chosen because of its nonprofit status, which allowed the family selling the orchard to get a tax write-off. Palo Alto had loaned $5.8 million to the Housing Corporation for the site’s purchase. In December, council members agreed not to terminate the loan but to give the nonprofit more time to repay it. City officials said at the time that with local property values on the rise (up by close to 20 percent between 2012 and 2013), the property could probably now be sold for about $18.7 million. Gonzalez said the agency’s intention is “to pay back all the lenders that supported our project, including the City of Palo Alto.� N Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be emailed at gsheyner@ paweekly.com.

New Record Highs In Home Prices The ďŹ rst quarter of 2014 produced new record prices in our local housing market. Inventory remained low, demand has been off the charts, and the inux of cash buyers willing to pay well above the list price is astonishing. The result is another incredible increase in median home prices from a year ago. The median price for single family homes went up 16% in Palo Alto (from $2,100,000 to $2,435,000), 6% in Menlo Park (from $1,805,000 to $1,913,000), 13% in Los Altos (from $2,100,000 to $2,380,000), 30% in Atherton (from $3,510,000 to $4,555,000), 4% in Portola Valley (from $2,400,000 to $2,485,000) and 17% in Woodside (from $2,050,000 to $2,400,000). Multiple offer situations were the norm and drove the prices signiďŹ cantly above the list price. The sale to list price ratio was 113.9% in Palo Alto, 106.4% in Menlo Park, 113.6% in Los Altos, 102.5% in Atherton, 106.1% in Portola Valley and 98.1% in Woodside.

During the ďŹ rst quarter, there were only 64 new listings in Palo Alto, 53 in Menlo Park, 46 in Los Altos, 24 in Atherton, 23 in Portola Valley and 21 in Woodside. The off-MLS market has also been active, with most off-MLS listings selling with multiple offers. The townhouse/condominium market was stronger than the market for single family houses. During the ďŹ rst quarter 21 units were sold in Palo Alto, with an incredible increase of 28% in median price (from $978,000 to $1,255,000). The sale to list price ratio was 110.5%. 15 units sold in Menlo Park with a 43% increase in median price (from $802,000 to $1,150,000). The sale to list price ratio was 107.7%. Today’s market is the ultimate seller’s market. If you are thinking about selling your home it is a great time to sell. If you are a buyer, make sure that you have an agent with intimate knowledge of the local market to help you compete with other potential buyers.

I offer complimentary staging when I list your home. Contact me at Alain Pinel Realtors (650) 384-5392 or send me an email at scullen@apr.com. Follow my blog at samiacullen.com







New flood-insurance laws hang premiums out to dry Rapidly rising costs drive homeowners to seek exemptions


hanges in flood-insurance laws may help assuage some anxieties faced by Palo Alto homeowners, as the federal Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 amends policies that forced many homeowners to pay skyrocketing premiums. In recent years, homeowners took measures to avoid paying the costly flood-insurance rates under the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012, like applying for Letters of Map Amendments (LOMAs), which exempt properties within a high-risk zone from mandatory flood insurance. Last month’s legislation will bring relief to residents located in highrisk areas, where flood insurance is required by law, by repealing the termination of grandfather policies and reinstating caps on premium increase rates. Despite these changes, many homeowners still have their heads under water. “The new laws have not been formally implemented yet,� said insurance broker Carlos Guerra of Allied Brokers in Palo Alto. He recounted stories of policy owners being forced to pay, once again, the ever-soaring rates as outlined in Biggert-Waters while waiting for the new legislation’s moment in the sun. Residents who wonder when that may be will find no

by Lena Pressesky solace in Guerra’s answer: “At the leisure of Congress,� he said. Although all of Palo Alto is technically in a flood zone, only particular areas, including areas alongside San Francisquito Creek, are considered higher-risk Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), according to the city of Palo Alto’s website. Most of the city lies within the X zone, where homeowners are not legally required to take out flood-insurance policies. For residents living in higherrisk areas, mandatory insurance can cost several-thousand dollars per year. Under Biggert-Waters, all homes, regardless of their construction date, require an elevation certificate, which can range in price from $500 to $2,000 from a licensed surveyor, according to Allied Brokers. Delayed acquisition of an elevation certificate could cause insurance rates to go from $1,500 to $6,000. Furthermore, rental properties and homes with severe claims began to receive 25 percent rate increases with policy renewals, a stipulation that went into effect January 2013. Because federal regulations require that property loans for homes in SFHAs be covered by flood insurance, there are few options for avoiding legally mandated flood insurance, other than

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owning the property outright. However, some Palo Alto residents have skirted these rising premiums by applying for LOMAs, which state that a specific property is situated in a way that would minimize its flood risk in comparison to surrounding properties. For example, a home with a slightly higher elevation than its neighbors would create its own little island in the event of a flood. The City of Palo Alto’s website outlines an application process that includes submitting data to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which proves a property’s protection. A property that receives a LOMA has the added benefit of optional lower-priced premiums and fewer construction requirements. “Most people don’t realize that this option is available,� Guerra said of the LOMA application process. He counsels his clients to hire surveyors to confirm whether they are in a flood zone and, whenever possible, to apply for LOMAs to amend their zone status. “There’s been some success stories for several of our clients that are in East Menlo Park and East Palo Alto,� he said. Tides are shifting, however,

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When: April 23, 2014, 6-8 p.m. Where: Palo Alto Downtown Library, 270 Forest Ave. Admission: Free

For more information about Our Palo Alto, visit cityofpaloalto.org/ourpaloalto or call 650-329-2392








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News Digest City looks to offer more aid to nonprofits With Palo Alto’s economy sizzling, City Council members are preparing for the first time in more than a decade to raise the amount of money offered to nonprofits serving some of the city’s neediest residents. The council’s Finance Committee unanimously agreed on Tuesday that it’s time to consider increasing the city’s grant allocations, which were trimmed in the leaner years of the Great Recession and had not been restored. Even though the city’s budget climbed from about $115 million in fiscal year 2005 to an estimated $170 million in fiscal year 2015 (which starts on July 1), the city’s assistance to nonprofits that provide social services has remained relatively flat. The most recent changes took place in 2007 and 2009, when the total funding available for grants was slashed by 5 percent. Now, council members are preparing to reverse this trend. With revenues surging in just about every tax category and budget forecasts projecting several years of surpluses, Finance Committee members suggested this might be a good time to raise the current allocation of $1.2 million by up to $200,000. While the committee approved 16 grants that would be distributed this year under what’s known as the Human Services Resource Allocation Process (HSRAP), members also directed the city’s Human Relations Commission to consider further allocation of up to $200,000. Councilman Pat Burt suggested adding a rainy day fund that would allow the city to maintain funding levels during lean years. The committee also signed off on this year’s grant allocations, which are in the second year of a two-year cycle. The two largest recipients are Avenidas and Palo Alto Community Child Care, which will receive $431,184 and $436,830, respectively. For these two nonprofits, which serve seniors and children — including those with low incomes — this could be the final year in the grant process. Last month, the council’s Policy and Services Committee voted to break them out of the program and fund them on a separate track, effectively shielding them from competition from other local nonprofits. The city also plans to award grants to 14 other nonprofits, with allocations ranging from $5,823 for the Community Technology Alliance to $103,434 for Adolescent Counseling Services. Other recipients are Abilities United, Downtown Streets Team, DreamCatchers, InnVision Shelter Network, La Comida de California, MayView Community Health Center, Momentum for Mental Health, the Palo Alto Housing Corporation, the Peninsula HealthCare Connection, Senior Adults Legal Assistance, Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Youth Community Service. The 14 grants (not counting Avenidas and Palo Alto Community Child Care) total $348,163, about $200,000 shy of what the agencies had requested in their applications. The Housing Corporation, for example, asked for $47,730 for a program called “Stepping Stone to Success,” which provides academic support to students. It is scheduled to receive $10,000. And InnVision, which asked for $25,000, will receive about half of that amount. The Finance Committee’s decision doesn’t guarantee that these agencies will now get their full requests funded. It does, however, mean that they could see additional funding and that other nonprofits could be added to the city’s list of grant recipients in the coming months as the council proceeds with putting together the fiscal year 2015 budget. N — Gennady Sheyner

Assistant city manager to depart for San Jose Palo Alto Assistant City Manager Pamela Antil will step down from her post later this month to take a similar job in San Jose. She told the Weekly she will start her new job for the City of San Jose on May 5 and said she is “really excited about the opportunity.” Antil joined Palo Alto in 2010, having previously served as assistant city manager in Novi, Mich.; Ann Arbor, Mich.; and Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. As City Manager James Keene’s second in command, she has been at the forefront of various complex initiatives in Palo Alto, including the restructuring of the city’s Development Center, labor negotiations with public-safety employees and structural changes in the Fire Department. She has also filled in for Keene at numerous council meetings. In San Jose, Antil will provide “day-to-day operational oversight of all city services and departments” and “guide and coordinate the work of deputy city managers and department directors to achieve quality service delivery and citywide organizational and policy goals,” according to a statement. She will also serve as the highestlevel deputy to City Manager Ed Shikada. Antil is the second high-level Palo Alto official to depart from City Hall this month. Last week, Assistant Planning Director Aaron Aknin said he plans to step down from his position to serve as director of the Community Services Department in Redwood City. N — Gennady Sheyner



A roundup of neighborhood news edited by Sue Dremann


DUCKLING ALERT ... Residents of the Barron Park neighborhood were on high alert on Tuesday after a mother duck and her three ducklings were seen traveling eastbound on Los Robles Avenue. The ducks were spotted in the late morning between Amaranta Avenue and Arbol Drive along the road shoulder.

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NO PARKING ... Starting April 16, parking will be prohibited on West Bayshore Road between the East Palo Alto border and Channing Avenue, city Chief Transportation Official Jaime Rodriguez said in an email this week to Crescent Park residents. The stretch of road has been the site of several vehicle vandalisms and stolen vehicles that were abandoned in the area. City officials worked with the City of East Palo Alto to develop the restrictions, and signs have been installed, he said. The restrictions don’t impact Crescent Park residents directly, but Rodriguez said the department wanted to keep residents apprised of parking changes in the area.

Maryanne Welton stands in the wheat garden in her Barron Park backyard. WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? ... On the subject of fowl, the answer to this question may remain an enigma, but three chickens — one brown, two with black and white spots — were spotted dodging cars on Thursday morning on the corner of Laguna Way and Shauna Lane.


Down on the neighborhood farm Barron Park residents create mini-farms that build community by Sue Dremann

LIGHTEN UP ... Barron Park Elementary School will host a Clean Out Your Clutter Day on April 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A Goodwill truck will be parked at the school for drop off of items in the parking lot at 800 Barron Ave. Goodwill will donate $1,500 back to the school if the truck is filled in one day. NEW FRIENDS ... The Friends of Buena Vista now has a website. The site is a one-stop destination for history, information and breaking news about Buena Vista Mobile Home Park people, supporters and issues. The addresses are fobv.org or friendsofbuenavista. com. N

Send announcements of neighborhood events, meetings and news to Sue Dremann, Neighborhoods editor, at sdremann@paweekly.com. Or talk about your neighborhood news on Town Square at www. PaloAltoOnline.com.


ren Shneorson pulled up a Google Earth image of his Barron Park neighborhood, pointing out the green landscape dotting the yards between the suburban homes. “Here’s where we had a whole backyard of wheat. And here is where people raise chickens and bees,” he said. Shneorson’s Laguna Avenue yard last summer had a wheat maze for his four children and a forest of large sunflowers shaped into a sunflower house, he said. Through a hole in the fence, Suzanne Keehn’s granddaughters run and play with Shneorson’s kids. The children have their own small garden plot at Keehn’s home on Orme Street, and kids from both families play and care for Keehn’s chickens. These two gardeners are part of a growing network of neighbors who are, in their own way, bringing back the farmland that once covered this neighborhood. Fences may parcel off properties, but with the aerial Google

view, parts of the neighborhood are, in a sense, becoming one territory, Shneorson said. And the gardeners, through their shared produce, fertilizer, compost and knowledge, are building a strong sense of community across the fence lines. “If you look at Google Slides, you can look back over the years and see what this place was like. There was a big orchard there. Suddenly, the fences are there,” he said. People buy a house, and it becomes their private universe, he said. “But what if you could coordinate your plantings with other people? Save seeds and share seeds? Coordinate planting for pollination and decide who will do zucchini? If I have a few feet of zucchini and you have a few feet of zucchini, you are scaling it to a bigger scale,” he said. Shneorson is an avid gardener with six years of experience; Keehn has been gardening in some fashion for 40 years. Other neighbors around them do the same.

“It’s very neighborly. It creates bartering. We can coordinate planting and help to maintain each other’s gardens, and when you have problems, you can work to solve them,” he said. Last summer when white cabbage moths began to proliferate, neighbors discovered they all had the same experience. Some people had used yellow-jacket traps, and residents theorized that could have eliminated the pesky but beneficial predators, he said. Shneorson sees the patchwork of mini-farms as places that together will help nature. Coordinated planting times can create fields of blossoms to provide nectar for pollinating insects, for example. “Nature doesn’t care about fences. Bees and birds, they don’t pay any attention to them,” he said. Properties on Orme, Laguna Way and Amaranta Avenue have big lots, Keehn said. About four or five years ago, she had the idea that if they all got together, she

and her neighbors could grow their own food. She started with her neighbor across the street, Ann Burrell, a master gardener. “We got really connected and we had more fun. Ann supplies the beans. It’s wonderful that this is happening. We split expenses, we divide eggs. It’s kind of like a little farm: ‘Come on over and get this or bring that,’” she said. Now it’s happening organically with other neighbors. “We’re all friends. It’s just really neat. I just love not having to buy vegetables,” she said. Burrell grows tables of pepper and tomato starts, which she shares with neighbors. She recently got a neighbor’s grandson interested in worm composting, she said. Three of her neighbors are now gardening. “People keep asking for advice. It’s a really nice community network,” she said. And there’s always more produce than she can handle. ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ£{)

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California Avenue ­VÂœÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜Ă•i`ĂŠvĂ€ÂœÂ“ĂŠÂŤ>}iĂŠxÂŽ

changed to “mixed-use.� The goal is to allow more flexibility in redevelopment and encourage housing at the site a few blocks from California Avenue. City planners also see the Fry’s site as one of the few areas that can accommodate more housing and can thus help the city meet its regionally imposed housing mandates. The concept plan notes that with many large retailers opting to move to areas with easy freeway access, Fry’s may choose not to renew its lease at the current site, which also includes a mix of smaller retailers and offices. “Fry’s is located on a single large parcel, and should the retailer leave the subarea in the future, there is a significant redevelopment opportunity,� the plan states. At recent council meetings, the plans for the Fry’s site have begun

to take on a sense of urgency. Councilman Greg Scharff said March 17 that he sees signs that the Fry’s site can turn over in the near future and that the city needs to start looking at ways to make sure it retains retail and a mix of uses. Councilwoman Karen Holman agreed and said she is “very concerned� about possible changes on the Fry’s site. The city, she said, should “move swiftly� on the California Avenue plan to make sure it has some say over planning for the area. The concept plan proposes to transform the area into a “walkable, human-scale mixed-use neighborhood that includes ample amenities.� New developments that should be encouraged are “smaller dwelling units, singlefamily residences, multi-family housing types, retail and commercial uses and office space for research and development and technology-related business.� Residential development should be encouraged with smaller units

CityView A round-up

of Palo Alto government action this week

Council Finance Committee (April 15) Grants: The committee approved $1.2 million in grants to nonprofits as part of the Human Services Resource Allocation Process and directed the Human Relations Commission to consider increases to the grant program. Yes: Unanimous Utilities: The committee accepted the financial plans for the gas, electric, water and wastewater utilities. Yes: Unanimous

Board of Education Policy Review Committee (April 15) Harassment: The committee discussed the board’s policy on nondiscrimination/harassment in light of new laws on gender identity and transgender issues. The committee also discussed the issue of withholding recess as a disciplinary measure. Action: None

Historic Resources Board (April 16) 261 Hamilton Ave.: The board approved a request to reclassify the building at 261 Hamilton Ave. from Category 3 to Category 2 on the city’s Historical Inventory. Yes: Bernstein, Bower, Di Cicco, Kohler, Wimmer Absent: Makinen

City Council (April 16) Commissions: The council interviewed candidates for the Human Relations, Public Arts and Library Advisory commissions. Action: None

Architectural Review Board (April 17) Main Library: The board voted to continue its review of proposed new signage at the Main Library to a later date. Yes: Gooyer, Lew, Lippert, Popp Absent: Malone Prichard Magical Bridge: The board voted to approve the proposed design of the Magical Bridge playground but asked for some revisions to the design of the playhouse at the new playground. Yes: Unanimous 261 Hamilton Ave.: The board voted to continue its review of proposed changes to 261 Hamilton Ave. to June 5. Yes: Unanimous

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“at the higher end of the allowed density range on the site.� One approach to planning for the Fry’s site is to pursue a “sitespecific� master plan, an in-depth endeavor that would cost between $200,000 and $300,000 and which may be largely funded by grants, according to a report from the planning department. Similarly, the plan would encourage housing projects on California Avenue to aim for the higher end of the allowed density. The goal is to “support the California Avenue subarea as an attractive, transit-rich neighborhood shopping district.� One proposed way to do that is to encourage more mixed-use projects. Another program would require “active uses� on the ground floor of buildings fronting California and Cambridge avenues, which includes “retail uses, personal service uses, and other uses that provide opportunities for people to come and go throughout the day.� Among its more colorful recommendations is a design competition to generate “innovative concepts for the use of City-owned parking lots and structure.� Adoption of the plan coincides with the city’s ongoing $7 million renovation of California Avenue, which includes widening of sidewalks, creation of two new public plazas, replacement of all street furniture and reduction of lanes from four to two. The project, which aims to turn the eclectic strip into something more like University Avenue or Mountain View’s Castro Street, kicked off last month after about four years of planning and litigation. The third subarea in the concept plan is centered around Park Boulevard. The plan recommends turning the car-heavy boulevard into the city’s next hub of innovation, a vision that has already been coming to fruition in recent years with companies like Groupon and Skype leasing properties in the area. Palo Alto officials aren’t the only ones who believe the neighborhoods around California Avenue is ripe for growth. In the past three years, several developers have pitched and received approval for dense new buildings, including a mixed-use development at 195 Page Mill Road, a three-story office and retail development at 260 California Ave. and a four-story office-and-townhouse development at 2640 Birch St. The development activity has sparked concerns from the surrounding areas of Ventura and Evergreen Park about insufficient parking and has prompted the council to consider building a new garage on California Avenue. The plan recognizes the residents’ concerns by identifying as a goal “preserving the existing character of surrounding residential neighborhoods and shopping districts.� It also includes as one of its proposed programs developing a strategy to “manage parking supply and demand that considers options for parking policy, parking restrictions, parking pricing, shared parking, and additional structured parking.� N



Public Agenda

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A preview of Palo Alto government meetings next week

ified Assessment, to some special education students. This year’s pilot primarily will test technical aspects of the SBA, Wilmot said. Students will take exit surveys on their testing experience and schools will collect data on which devices worked best for test delivery. “Next year, we’ll try to figure out how kids are doing and will probably need more items (on the test),” Wilmot said. With no statewide student achievement data for 2013-14, school districts’ Academic Performance Index (API) scores will be frozen this year and it remains to be seen exactly how they’ll be calculated under the Smarter Balanced regime, she said. “It’s a break in the system,” she said. For now, “we need to get past the technology part, the infrastructure part and the ‘newness’ part. “We’ll get baseline data in spring of 2015 on where our kids are at and go from there. It’s a better system. It aligns more with instruction and curriculum, it takes advantage of technology to measure students’ critical thinking and analysis, and it measures college and career readiness,” she said. N Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can be emailed at ckenrick@ paweekly.com.

CITY COUNCIL ... The council plans to meet in a closed session to discuss the status of the city’s labor negotiations with the Palo Alto Police Officers Association and the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 1319. The council will then hear an update on the city’s Climate Action Plan, consider approving the California Avenue Concept Plan, and discuss Midpeninsula Regional Open Space bond measure and the draft Environmental Impact Report for Caltrain’s proposed electrification. The closed session will begin at 6 p.m. on Monday, April 21. Regular meeting will follow in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). COUNCIL POLICY AND SERVICES COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to discuss the expenditure plan for teen programs from the revenue collected from 455 Bryant St. rent; consider approving the use of electronic filing of campaign statements; and consider changing the starting time for the council’s regular Monday meetings. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). BOARD OF EDUCATION ... The board will vote on proposed new Palo Alto High School courses on early childhood development and a “sports career pathway.” They will discuss two proposed new computer science courses at Paly as well as a proposed issuance of bonds and a $250,000 donation to Jordan Middle School aimed at improving baseball and tennis court poles and backboards, a pathway around the fields and other items. The regular meeting will begin on Tuesday, April 22, at 6:30 p.m. in the boardroom of school district headquarters (25 Churchill Ave.). PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ... The commission plans to discuss the “Our Palo Alto” initiative; review the Urban Forest Master Plan; recommend a park-improvement ordinance for Hopkins Park and for the Magical Bridge Playground; and consider an ordinance pertaining to feeding of wildlife and feral animals. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMISSION ... The commission plans to recognize outgoing commissioners; hear a presentation on the OrangeBoy service; and discuss the library’s media outreach. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 24, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.).





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“It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be that neighbor?” Mr. Rogers was right, having caring neighbors is vital to nurturing children and youth and that’s why a “Caring Neighborhood” is so important in the development of a healthy community.



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The fair is organized by the Palo Alto Recreation Foundation and the Kiwanis Club of Palo Alto.

A “neighborhood” is where you live, your school, faith group, sports team or club, or any other group of individuals. What’s important is that it’s a place where people care and connect with each other to create a supportive community.

Features include: 3 An array of fun children’s activities 3 A performance stage featuring local groups 3 Lots of great food 3 Picnic space and more

The 92nd Annual May Fête Parade theme encourages participants to showcase good neighborly behavior. What can we do, how does it look and who can we help? Show us that fun neighborly activity, let us see how to help and let us all know how we can be a good neighbor in our community. Let’s make all our communities fun, happy and supportive groups of individuals caring for each other.

In addition, The Museum of American Heritage, just across the street from the park, will be hosting their Annual Vintage Vehicle & Family Festival with lots of activities from 9:30am-2:00pm. For general parade informaiton contact Ali Williams: 650-648-3829 or ali.williams@cityofpaloalto.org

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Flood-insurance ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊ ®

with the implementation of 2014’s Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act, passed by Congress and signed by the President March 14. The new law allows most properties to retain their subsidized premiums instead of being subject to dramatic increases when the property changes hands or a current owner lets the policy lapse. Under the new law, annual rate increases are also limited to 18 percent per year. The new law also reinstates grandfathering by repealing the provision in Biggert-Waters that stated older homes built in compliance with flood maps at the time would not be able to keep the old, lower rates if newer flood maps were issued. Under the old law, which had yet to take effect, the termination of grandfathering meant property owners mapped into high risk areas would face

higher rates phased in over five years unless they could elevate their structures. In addition, the new law requires FEMA to refund policy holders who overpaid for premiums under the old law. In accordance with the new legislation’s affordability goals, FEMA is also required to minimize the number of policies with annual premiums that exceed 1 percent of the total coverage provided by the policy, Allied Brokers said. Any Palo Altan who remembers the El Niño storms of 1998 knows the importance of flood insurance, even in this year’s drought. Jagjit Singh, a Los Altos resident who lived in north Palo Alto on Louisa Court during the ‘98 flood, recalled the disaster. “We lived with friends for about four to five months,” he said. Although Singh’s home at the time was insured against flooding, his policy still “had some really archaic rules.” “For example, in the kitchen,

(the policy) only covered the lower cabinets, not the upper ones,” he said. “And windows were excluded.” Under both old and new laws, a standard flood-insurance policy pays only for physical damage to a property caused by rising water. Any coverage for a home’s contents and personal belongings must be purchased separately, according to Allied Brokers. Despite the loopholes in his policy, Singh expressed more grief with the city of Palo Alto than with his insurance company. “After the flood, there were lots of people who were very upset about the lack of preparation,” he said. “There were lots of meetings where people voiced their frustrations, including me.” After the1998 floods, Singh participated in a lawsuit against Palo Alto, with the intention of putting pressure on the city to remedy the problem of water direction in the event of future floods. This problem continues

today: For the past year, the San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority (JPA) has negotiated with the Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding major flood-protection plans. In late February, the Regional Board denied the JPA the necessary permits to begin their project. The JPA is now working with the water board to address its concerns and overturn the decision. Edie Lohmann, a flood-insurance specialist, will present information on the National Flood Insurance Program, flood-insurance rates, elevation certificates and related topics at a meeting sponsored by the San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority (JPA) on Wednesday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the Palo Alto City Hall Council Chambers, 250 Hamilton Ave. The meeting will also be cablecast on Channel 26. N Editorial Intern Lena Pressesky can be emailed at lpressesky@paweekly.com.



SATURDAY April 19 Come view the entire optical collection

Lux Eyewear 1805 El Camino Real Palo Alto 650.324.3937 www.luxpaloalto.com Page 14ÊUÊ «À Ê£n]ÊÓä£{ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V

Urban garden ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊ££®

“There’s something very special about learning how to grow things. People say, ‘What do you do with all of this lettuce?’” I say, ‘If you walk on this property, you leave with it.’” The connections are spreading across the neighborhood. When Shneorson wanted to learn about growing wheat, he was introduced to Maryanne Welton on Kendall Avenue. When she and husband Kirk’s sons grew up, they ripped out the backyard lawn and planted wildflowers and wheat, she said. She and her friends did a oneblock feast, where locavores try to eat from within a small area of their community. Welton and friends had a harvest feast that even included butter and ice cream from a cow someone kept in Los Altos Hills, she said. About five or six families still gather three or four times a year for a potluck where all of the food comes from their gardens, she said. Welton keeps bees and chickens and grows all kinds of vegetables. Earlier this week, her potato plants stood nearly 3 feet, and the red winter wheat was more than waist high. The Weltons get 15 pounds of flour from a 10-by10-foot plot. “It’s enough for 80 loaves of bread,” Kirk said. The plot of wildflowers has flowers that produce nectar at different times, providing the bees with continuous forage, she said. Insects busily streamed back and forth to the hives. “Last year, we had 27 gallons of honey,” she said. “I love the contrast of living in Silicon Valley and producing our own food.” When the yard was merely a green lawn, Kirk returned from work and just went inside, he said. But the garden has changed the way he lives. “I found when I came home I was intrigued to go outside and engage with the garden,” he said. “It was interesting to see how natural it was to come home and engage with the outside in a fulfilling and soulful way.” Shneorson plans to build a mobile application for urban farmers to coordinate things such as planting and sharing. His urban farm app idea is one of two of his that were finalists in the City of Palo Alto’s Apps Challenge. He is likely to complete just his parking app, but he does plan to develop the farm one in the future, he said. “Putting tech behind it, you can pull up Google Maps and you can put in the word ‘kale’ and you can see where there is a field. There are options for sharing and bartering and you can see where master gardeners are,” he said. Burrell thinks that will attract new neighborhood farmers. “We’ve lost an entire generation of farmers. Having something like an app would bring them initially into gardening,” she said. N Staff Writer Sue Dremann can be emailed at sdremann@ paweekly.com.


Irma Kerstin Doherty June 17, 1938 – March 23, 2014 Irma died peacefully at her home in San Carlos on Sunday, March 23 at the age of 75. Irma grew up in Varberg, Sweden. She moved to San Diego with her husband Patrick in 1961. She had three children, Mark, Glenn and Christine, whom she raised in Palo Alto. Irma worked as a tax preparer for 27 years in the Woodside Road office of H&R Block in Redwood City. She served as office supervisor and tax class instructor for many years, and was a certified Enrolled Agent. She loved reading mysteries, playing games and solving puzzles, and baking amazing cookies for Lucia Day. Irma is survived by her husband, Patrick, and her children, Glenn and Christine Doherty. Irma was laid to rest in the Maple Wall of Alta Mesa Memorial Park, Palo Alto on March 28, 2014. A memorial service will be held in the future. Please contact Christine at stinedoherty@hotmail.com for more information

A weekly compendium of vital statistics

POLICE CALLS Palo Alto April 8-14 Violence related Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Theft related Commercial burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fraudulent use of credit cards . . . . . . . 2 Identity theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Residential burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Shoplifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle related Abandoned bicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Bicycle theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Driving w/ suspended license . . . . . . . 7 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Misc. traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . 7 Vehicle accident/prop. damage . . . . . . 6 Alcohol or drug related Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Drunken driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Possession of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Possession of paraphernalia . . . . . . . . 1 Miscellaneous Animal call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Disturbing the peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Found property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Missing person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Other/misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Psych hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 1 Trespassing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Warrant/other agency . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Menlo Park April 7-13 Violence related Assault w/ a deadly weapon . . . . . . . . 1 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic disturbance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft related Credit card forgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Identity theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Possession of counterfeit bills . . . . . . . 1 Residential burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Vehicle related Auto recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Driving w/ suspended license . . . . . . . 5 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . 2 Vehicle accident/no injury . . . . . . . . . . 3 Alcohol or drug related Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Drunken driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Possession of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Possession of paraphernalia . . . . . . . . 2 Under influence of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Miscellaneous Coroner case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Disturbance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dumping complaint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Found property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Info. case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Juvenile problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lodging at train station . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Other/misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Possession of stolen property . . . . . . . 1 Probation violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Property for destruction . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Psych hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sick and cared for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 1 Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Truant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Warrant arrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

VIOLENT CRIMES Palo Alto Terman Drive, 4/8, 4:39 a.m.; domestic violence/battery. High Street, 4/9, 7:30 p.m.; domestic violence/battery.

Menlo Park 1100 block Madera Ave., 4/9, 4:45 p.m.; domestic assault. 1800 block Stanford Ave., 4/10, 4:35 p.m.; battery. 300 block Market Place, 4/12, 11:04 p.m.; assault with a deadly weapon.

Come by and see us some time... we have the open door policy! Serving the community for over 24 years!

Charlie Porter Farmers® Agency License # 0773991

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W. Jack Kidder

Leta Skaug Miller

W. Jack Kidder passed away April 6, 2014 from complications of cancer. He was 75 years young. Born in Palo Alto, CA to Cedric and Eithel (Lambie) Kidder on July 19, 1938. He graduated from Palo Alto High School in 1956. He went to work for the San Mateo County Assessor’s Office as a draftsman, then promoted to an appraiser. He later joined Elmer Berliner in private practice, forming the firm Berliner & Kidder. During this time he achieved his MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute. He retired earlier this year from Berliner, Kidder & Tish. Jack was very involved in many organizations, always giving his best, from Sea Scouts, Little League Coach, member of the Optimists, campaign treasurer of many elected officials in Palo Alto. He was on the Board and an Officer of the Appraisal Institute for many years. After he and his wife, Barbara moved to Pebble Beach he was on the Board becoming the President of the DMFPO. They moved to Grass Valley in 2006 he was involved with Alta Sierra Golf and Country Club. Serving on the Board and as the President. He joined The Nevada County Assessment Appeals Board, retiring last year. Jack loved traveling abroad, golf, his Giants and 49ers, and ANY type of party, where he could be found working the room spreading his special cheer. He is survived by his devoted and loving wife Barbara, five children, Darryl Sue Kidder, Kenneth Bogue, Deborah Miles, Cheryl Barton and David Bogue. Eight wonderful Grandchildren. Sisters, Judy (Ed) Mori and Geraldine Kenyon, many nieces and nephews. His Uncle, An Aunt and numerous cousins. His large extended loving family and of course a wide circle of friends near and far. If you met Jack once he was your friend and you would never forget him. Jack was preceded in death by his parents and his two sons, James Kidder and Gene Kidder. There will be a celebration of his life on May 10, 2014 at the Palo Alto Elks Lodge at 11:30 with lunch to follow. The address is 4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, Calif. Please join us and bring a happy Story to tell about him. In lieu of flowers, donations in his name to your favorite charity.

Leta Skaug Miller, a resident of Palo Alto, passed away at Stanford Hospital on April 9, 2014 with many of her family at her bedside. She was born on Sept. 30, 1923 in Fargo N. Dakota, the second of three sisters. She spent her childhood and young adulthood in Rio Linda, at that time a small farm town, near Sacramento. She married her childhood sweetheart, James. W.Skaug, on Nov. 14, 1942 and together they raised seven children, six of whom survive her. The Spanish adobe-style home she and Jim designed and built with a huge lawn, garden, occasional farm animals, pets and patio barbecue was a welcoming haven to many friends and relatives. Leta’s heart and home were vast and open to everyone. She was especially proud of organizing “Creekside Club,” a pool and park jointly owned by many friends. As a member of the Lions Club Auxiliary she especially enjoyed the dances, parties and theatrical presentations. By the 1980s four of her children had relocated to the Peninsula. When her first grandchild was born in 1980, she moved to Menlo Park to be closer to family. She worked for the State of California Law Revision Commission and was able to transfer to their Palo Alto office. In 1984 she married Louis Oliver Miller, with whom she shared a passion for ballroom dancing. They lived on the mid-Peninsula until he died in 1987. Leta’s most recent years were spent at Stevenson House in Palo Alto, where she was active in community events. She especially enjoyed dog-walking with her much-loved pet, Perki, who died a year ago. Until recently, she maintained her reputation as the lady who had a smile and a welcoming hug for everyone, who loved fun, and would never dream of leaving her room without hair, lipstick and jewelry in place. She was a committed Democrat and enjoyed reading about current affairs. She was on the support committee of the World Affairs Council in the 1990s. She appreciated independent thinkers and considered herself to be one. She is survived by her children, Carolyn Dobervich of Palo Alto, Tom Skaug of Dixon, CA, Richard Skaug of Rio Linda, CA, and Aurora Belarmino, Daniel Belarmino and Steven Belarmino, all of San Jose. She is also survived by her sister, Caroline Stewart Martinez of Carmichael, CA, twelve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. A celebration of her life is planned for Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Oshman Family Jewish Community Center, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303. Donations can be made in her memory to Stevenson House, 455 East Charleston Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306.





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David Ramadanoff conducts


Master Sinfonia Chamber Orchestra with Akimi Fukuhara

Jeremy Cavaterra Gen Admission $25 Seniors (60+)


Students 18-25 $15

Monterey Suite

Piano Concerto Rachmaninoff No. 2 in C minor featuring pianist Akimi Fukuhara Dvorak Symphony No. 8 in G Major

Under 18 FREE Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 8:00 p.m Presbyterian Church Portola Road, Portola Valley Free reception after the concert

Transitions Ruth Donnelly

Ruth Ann Donnelly, a longtime Palo Alto resident and teacher, died on April 7. She was 82. She was born in Worcester, Mass., on June 26, 1931. After graduating from Norwood High School in Massachusetts,

she continued her education at Bridgewater State University (formerly known as Bridgewater State Teachers College), where she studied teaching and established many friendships. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education. She moved to Palo Alto in 1958, where she taught for 35 years in the Palo Alto School District, including at the old Fremont Hills Elementary School and El Car-

Valley 945

This ad sponsored by Ginny Kavanaugh of Coldwell Banker of Portola Valley. Visit her at www.thekavanaughs.com

Carol Stewart Hyde June 16, 1960 – April 2, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 2:30 pm Los Altos United Methodist Church 655 Magdalena (at Foothill), Los Altos Free reception at intermission

William B. Wilson

William B. Wilson, a resident of Menlo Park, died April 11. He was 92. Bill was born and raised in Rochester, NY, and was attending Williams College when he enlisted as a Lieutenant in the Navy on December 8, l941. As a pilot in the Navy, he taught aerial photography and toward the end of the war, was based on the carrier, Intrepid. After the WWII, Bill graduated from Williams and with his first wife, Penelope, moved to Pennsylvania to work in R & D at Smith-Kline. His real love was aviation though, and in 1947, Bill bought and developed a field in West Chester, PA which he eventually named Brandywine Airport. He loved the countryside and took pride in developing the land around the airport in an environmentally friendly manner. Throughout his life, his adventurous spirit never left him — flying his small plane, sailing his “Winddance”, and skiing all over the world. He was known for the wonderful tales he told about his exploits. For over 65 years, Bill was a member of the Adirondack League Club, in Old Forge, NY, Even after moving to CA in 2003, he and his wife, the former Joan Erickson, whom he married in 1985, would enjoy the drive across the country with their dog, Bosco. The natural beauty of the Bay Area brought great enjoyment to him in his retirement. In addition to his wife, Bill is survived by his daughters, Linn Krieg of McAllister, MT, Suzanne Wilson of Big Timber, MT, Wendy O Brien of Aiken, SC, Elizabeth Gonzalez of Oley, PA, and Victoria Wilson-Charles of Veneta,OR; his step-son, Steedman Hinckley of Chevy Chase, MD, 14 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. A Memorial Service will be held on May 17th at 3 pm at the Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo Alto and another at the Adirondack League Club in upstate NY around August 23rd. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made online to the Peninsula Open Space Trust or to the Adirondack Council. PA I D



Lasting Memories An online directory of obituaries and remembrances. Search obituaries, submit a memorial, share a photo. Go to: www.PaloAltoOnline.com/obituaries

Carol Stewart Hyde, 53, died of a tragic fall while hiking with her family in Sedona, AZ on April 2nd. Despite the heroic efforts of witnesses, first responders, and the trauma unit at Flagstaff Medical Center, where she had been transported by ambulance, Carol succumbed to her extensive injuries several hours after the accident occurred. Born and raised in Palo Alto, Carol graduated from Cubberley High School in 1978 and from UC Santa Barbara in 1983. After working for Kidder, Peabody & Co. in Palo Alto in 1984-1985 (where she met her husband), she moved to New York and worked as a graduate career counselor at Pace University from 1987-1990. Married in 1987, Carol moved back to Palo Alto with her husband in 1990 and spent ten years working as the office manager at Crate & Barrel before becoming a full-time mother. First and foremost, Carol treasured her time with her family. She was a compassionate and devoted mother and wife who loved to travel and who spent long hours researching and planning family vacations to Europe and to some of her favorite regions in the U.S., including Utah and the deserts of southern California and the Southwest. She found genealogy fascinating and spent considerable time researching her and others’ ancestry. Research on her mother’s family led to a memorable family trip to Norway in 2010. Carol inherited her mother’s artistic/creative traits and would dive into projects such as banner making for her daughter’s sports teams, employing her calligraphy skills in preparing invitations (usually for others), or making her daughter’s costumes for Halloween. Carol loved hiking, camping, and the outdoors, in general. She was an accomplished runner, as well, having twice completed the New York City Marathon. Locally, Carol was active in Palo Alto’s Emergency Preparedness efforts. She was an avid fan of Stanford football and of the San Jose Sharks. Her goal was always to arrive at the games before the gates opened so as to maximize family time at these events. Carol was a giving and compassionate friend, whose warmth and thoughtfulness will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved her. She was always offering to help others and would do whatever possible to make those around her feel valued and appreciated. Her humility, kindness, generous spirit, and smile will not be forgotten. Carol is survived by her husband, Larry, her daughter, Melanie (13), her father, Leland Stewart, all of Palo Alto; her sister, Louise Stewart (husband Craig Mally), her niece, Alison, and her nephew, Jason, all of Santa Barbara. Carol was preceded in death by her mother, Mary Stewart. Condolences may be sent to the family at remembercarol2014@ gmail.com. A memorial service will be held at 1:00 pm on Saturday, May 17, at Grace Lutheran Church, 3149 Waverley Street, Palo Alto, CA In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of choice or to: Melanie M. Hyde (Memo: Education Donation Fund) c/o Wells Fargo Bank 400 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 100, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Attn: Brett Levy PA I D

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melo Elementary School. She also taught for about two years in the children’s ward of Stanford Hospital. In her retirement, she continued to educate, tutoring students in her home. She also volunteered at Our Lady of the Rosary Church with the children’s liturgy. She is survived by her best friends Ruth and George Chippendale of Palo Alto and their family, with which she was close. A memorial service was held on April 16 at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Palo Alto. Memorial donations may be made to Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road in Los Altos Hills, or St. Elizabeth Seton School, 1095 Channing Ave. in Palo Alto.

Jerry Romano Jerry A. Romano, a resident of Palo Alto, died on April 10 from heart failure. He was 80. He was born on April 22, 1933, in Malden, Mass. He grew up in the Monkey Corner neighborhood of Malden, and he later reflected on those years and their impact on his life in a 2006 book, “Monkey Corner: Life on the Outside Looking In.” He received a bachelor’s degree from Brown University and later a master’s in education from Boston University. For most of his career, he worked in the educational publishing industry, including in editorial positions at the college division of Ginn & Company, The Macmillan Company and the school division of Houghton Mifflin Company. He later founded a computer-based curriculum company in Boston, The Smart Alex Press. Moving to California around 1990, he also formed the School Time Software Company in Los Altos. Both companies created literacy materials for disadvantaged students. In 1995, he retired in Palo Alto. He spent his free time writing, reading and restoring old cars, as well as making model airplanes, toys and art pieces. He is survived by Mary Romano, his ex-wife and lifelong friend, of Connecticut; his partner Soo-Ling Chan of Palo Alto; his daughter Paula Romano, her partner Marion Schwindeman and their son Vlad, all of Redding, Conn.; his sisters Marie Marino and Louise Bonanno of Massachusetts; his brother Tony Romano and wife Karin of New Hampshire; and many other relatives and friends. At his request, there will be no formal memorial service. His ashes will be placed next to his son Stephen’s at the Hingham Cemetery in Hingham, Mass.

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Hourly caregiving works well for many families. In this situation we provide trained caregivers on an hourly basis. Here the caregiver focuses all her attention exclusively on the senior.

Live-in care differs from hourly care in that we provide personal aides on a daily basis. Live-in caregivers are often the best choice for those seniors who need the companionship of another person, but who do not have intense “all the time” personal needs. At Home Care Assistance we mean it when we talk about providing the best in senior care–whether it is on an hourly basis or a live-in basis.


HomeCareAssistance.com 148 Hawthorne Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ «À Ê£n]ÊÓä£{ÊU Page 17

Editorial Cal Ave’s future Long percolating, ‘concept’ plan for the city’s second downtown heads for more discussion


anted: Redevelopment that is higher density, mixed residential and commercial, with adequate parking and improved pedestrian and bicycle connections, all without changing the current character as a neighborhood-serving retail district. That, in a nutshell, is what planners envision and think is possible for the future of California Avenue, Park Boulevard and the large parcel that includes Fry’s Electronics south of Page Mill Road. The draft plan has been incubating for more than five years through various workshops and meetings with residents and businesses in the area and the work of consultants. Because of other priorities and staffing shortages, the process has dragged on for years longer than was planned. And because it will soon become a part of the larger Comprehensive Plan update and environmental review, once it is endorsed by the City Council as early as next Monday’s meeting, it will be at least another two years before it can actually be approved. The delay is actually not a bad thing, because the proposed development concepts and strategies can be examined and tested in the context of the construction boom currently underway in the area and today’s traffic realities rather than through a more conjectural, hypothetical lens of the “quiet” development period during the Great Recession. The draft plan, with the help of some tweaks by the Planning Commission, does a good job presenting desirable future outcomes from redevelopment of the area in the years ahead. Its purpose is to provide a “tool to help the public and decisionmakers frame the context for future planning in this sector of the city.” Except for the Fry’s property, where a change in land-use designation from multi-family housing to mixed-use is proposed, no other broad-scale changes are deemed necessary to achieve the goals outlined. But there are proposed changes in policies and zoning philosophy outlined that are designed to bring about a purposeful evolution of the area. A “technology corridor overlay” is proposed to encourage small-scale technology-related businesses. Recognizing the existing problems of pedestrian and bicycle safety, especially along Park Boulevard, the plan calls out roadway safety as a priority, as well as preserving and protecting the single family neighborhoods abutting the district. The plan points out that the property Fry’s partly occupies is one of the few large parcels left in the city that is ripe for major redevelopment, and suggests that a site-specific master plan be developed with the property owner that would, among other things, require any new development be at least 20 percent residential, a significant shift from the current multi-family designation. But it is the draft plan’s approach to the California Avenue business district that is most fragile, vulnerable to hard-to-control market forces, and in need of much hard work as it gets absorbed into the Comprehensive Plan process. For all its good intentions, it is difficult to not view it with some skepticism and worry that it seeks to achieve incompatible goals. For example, reflecting community input, the plan makes the retention of the neighborhood-serving, small town feel of California Avenue a goal at the same time as aspiring to increase the “vibrancy” of the retail mix and to encourage higher-density housing along with new commercial development. The plan, which was not yet informed by any retail or economic analysis, raises the question of what retail, residential and commercial mix is most conducive to preserving the current character of the area, but it offers no answers or road map for getting answers. Forty years ago downtown Palo Alto had many of the characteristics of today’s California Avenue business district, but as redevelopment occurred and it became a strong regional commercial center, rising property values forced independent and neighborhood-serving retailers out. The growing number of downtown employees attracted restaurants, financial services and specialty retail. The character changed dramatically, but not with intentionality. With the California Avenue district, the city has an opportunity to learn from the downtown experience and to more actively anticipate, manage and guide the change that is coming. Finding the levers to achieve the sweet-spot between increased vibrancy and preservation of the neighborhood-serving character is ambitious, but it is the critical work that lies ahead as the work proceeds.

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Spectrum Editorials, letters and opinions

No thanks, Mr. Gates Editor, Jeff Raikes, CEO of the Gates Foundation, gave an illuminating talk at Stanford last week. He explained that Gates engages in what he calls “catalytic philanthropy.” Mr. Raikes spoke rather sneeringly of old-fashioned “checkbook philanthropy,” like endowing scholarships, libraries, hospitals and such. Not good enough for Mr. Gates, who is out to literally change the world. His “philanthropy” must also work at the “systems” level — this means creating huge impacts that he hopes will alter whole societies. Not an unduly modest man, Gates has recently taken on the entire American public school system, spending billions to homogenize our schools through his Common Core global workforce agenda. As one educator/ researcher put it: “CCSS is not ‘state led.’ It is ‘Gates led.’” Let’s be honest: This is most emphatically NOT philanthropy. This is utopianism, that terminal disease responsible for much of the world’s misery. Recall that Hitler, Stalin and Mao, among others, had great utopian ideas and the power to inflict them on whole societies. They also sought to “educate” the young. Hitler famously said, “He alone who owns the youth, has the future.” No doubt Gates’ education “programme” would be kinder and gentler, but do we want any individual, any powerful multi-billionaire, to impose an untried education system — and it is a “system,” complete with “suggested” texts, textbooks, lessons, exams, assessments, teacher manuals, teacher evaluations and new computers with new software (hmmm) — on ALL American school children? I didn’t think so. By the way, Mr. Gates prefers high risk/high reward ventures. Trouble is, Common Core places all the risk with the children, their parents and the future of America. Where’s the precautionary principle when you need it? Maybe better to just say “no thanks” and pass on Common Core. Some gifts come at too high a cost. Cherie Zaslawsky Oak Lane, Menlo Park

Educating with music Editor, It is always so exciting to read how other volunteer groups such as People of Note address the problem of inadequate music education in our schools (“Tuneful Teaching,” April 11). For a number of years, trained docents in the Mid-Peninsula League of the San Francisco Symphony have been going into four of the schools in

the Ravenswood School District with the San Francisco Symphony’s program “Concerts for Kids.” It is greatly appreciated by the teachers, and the children are very excited and eager to learn, to listen and finally to see a wonderful live performance in Davies Symphony Hall. This program began in 1919, under conductor Alfred Hertz. Now, more than 30,000 children around the Bay attend

these special concerts every year. There are many studies that reinforce the fact that music programs significantly improve testing scores in math and reading, as well as attendance and graduation rates. Mimi Kugushev Education docent chair, San Francisco Symphony and the Mid-Peninsula League San Mateo Drive, Menlo Park

This week on Town Square Town Square is an online discussion forum at www.PaloAltoOnline.com

Student streaking: Alarm over mixed messages Posted by April 12, at 8:07 a.m. by Lynn Brown, a resident of Old Palo Alto Students are still angry Whichever teacher is quoted “Another teacher said that when Diorio spoke with such a clear voice, even the students who might normally be expected to defend streaking as a ‘tradition’ did not react negatively,” is one thousand percent wrong. Students were extremely angry with Diorio, and they still are.

The seniors were organizing to strike and occupy the Tower Building! (For the record I don’t have a senior.) It took every bit of persuasion and coercion parents had to stop it. (Nothing wrong with a good protest, but save it for something important — unjust war, death penalty, too much homework. It’s silly to go to the mat for the right to run around naked.) Students have more important things to focus on as they study, and grow, and figure out how to make the world better.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? The Palo Alto Weekly encourages comments on our coverage or on issues of local interest.

How can California Avenue retain its small-town feel? Submit letters to the editor of up to 300 words to letters@paweekly.com. Submit guest opinions of 1,000 words to editor@paweekly.com. Include your name, address and daytime phone number so we can reach you. We reserve the right to edit contributions for length, objectionable content, libel and factual errors known to us. Anonymous letters will generally not be accepted. Submitting a letter to the editor or guest opinion constitutes a granting of permission to the Palo Alto Weekly and Embarcadero Media to also publish it online, including in our online archives and as a post on Town Square. For more information contact Editor Jocelyn Dong or Editorial Assistant Sam Sciolla at editor@paweekly.com or 650-326-8210.

Check out Town Square! Hundreds of local topics are being discussed by local residents on Town Square, a reader forum sponsored by the Weekly on our community website at www.PaloAltoOnline.com. Post your own comments, ask questions, read the Editor’s blog or just stay up on what people are talking about around town!

Off Deadline Worried about the drought? To be worry-free, just starting counting acorns! by Jay Thorwaldson


eople look at me oddly when I tell them about my “acorn theory” of weather prediction. I developed the theory in the late 1990s when my son Perry and his wife, Cathy, and I moved to a house and separate apartment west of Skyline Boulevard, about three miles down a dirt road near Highway 9’s Saratoga Gap. The day after we signed a lease the San Francisco Chronicle had a big story about an El Niño expected to arrive that year. “We may have made a terrible mistake,” I told Perry in a phone call. That year, on Feb. 3, 1998, Palo Alto flooded from torrential rains relating to El Niño, which describes a warming of vast areas of the Pacific Ocean. My acorn connection was in January. It occurred when I looked at the flat-roofed house in the woods and noticed it was brown, not gravel-gray. A closer inspection showed it was covered solidly with acorns. Having been raised around oak trees in Los Gatos, I am familiar with their all-year leaf dropping (raking was a childhood chore); oak worms and moths and their stinky cocoons; leaf-mold composting; cutting up and splitting fallen oaks — and their acorns. I once, as a youth, even ground some up to make Indian-style acorn mush, carefully leaching out the tannin to make it edible. I do not believe there is a commercial market

for acorn mush. But I had never seen so many acorns as in January 1998. They lined huge portions of the three-mile mostly dirt road. Over a couple of long weekends I side-trenched nearly a half mile of the road where there was the greatest risk of erosion. I cleared soil, leaves and acorns out of the old ditch, and created a foot-high berm to help keep the runoff flowing where it belonged, to the nearest culvert under the road. The berm lasted about a week. Wild boar that inhabited the ridge — about 130 were later trapped and removed, killed actually — discovered this handy smorgasbord of acorns and had happily munched their way along, leaving only spread-out dirt and leaves. But the link between acorns and El Niño had been made in my mind, rather indelibly, as I reconstructed and tamped the now acorn-free berm. Flash to 2014: By the first week of January I noticed on a hike in the Sierra foothills that there were blankets of acorns. Deer were lying under trees munching them, in the absence of grass. Decks of houses were heavy with them although not as thick as on the roof of the house in the woods. Heretofore I have mentioned my acorn theory to only a few family members and friends, but I recently passed it along to Assemblyman Rich Gordon’s press aide, Margot Grant, in a joking way. She said she would remember it. But the week after I noted the heaviness of the acorn crop, Time magazine in its Jan. 14 issue had a half-page article citing a strong possibility of an El Niño developing off the Pacific Coast this year.

At that point, not one TV weather forecaster I’d seen had mentioned an El Niño as a possibility, even on The Weather Channel. The effects of an El Niño on marine life and in parts of the United States — where it can cause droughts — range from un-

The effects of an El Niño on marine life and in parts of the United States — where it can cause droughts — range from unpleasant to catastrophic. pleasant to catastrophic. And an El Niño can have serious economic impacts, as Palo Alto has learned. Along the West Coast, a strong El Niño can cause a heavy rainfall, quickly running off the steep, short canyons on both sides of Skyline Ridge. In our woods, El Niño hit Feb. 3, 1998. In one shallow ravine (where a normally trickle-sized creek flowed part of the year) our local boar population had discovered a buckeye tree and munched up all the buckeye balls on the hillside around it, clearing the underbrush and grass ground cover. On a micro-scale, the boar did the same thing a logging company seems to have done above the huge mudslide in Oso, Wash., — by clear-cutting the forest. Our boar-cleared hillside gave way under the downpour, took out an unused upper

road and left impassable mud between 1 1/2 and 3 feet deep spread across the main driveway/road. The slide included a moderate-sized tree complete with root ball, a road-clearer’s worst nightmare this side of a really big tree and root ball. Fortunately, water was still flowing heavily over the mud. I was able, by driving my Jeep back and forth into the slurpy mud, to keep it stirred up enough to wash most of it on over the road, to the point that it became passable by four-wheel-drive slither. After about three hours of sloshing around in the mud and chainsawing the tree, we had just adjourned, wet, tired and muddy, to the house and woodstove for coffee when we heard a quadrunner arriving. A ranger for the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District had navigated the road to see if we were still alive, trapped or washed away. He joined us for coffee and warmth and gave us an outline of the mini-disasters occurring all over the roads of western San Mateo County and beyond. We hadn’t yet heard about the flooding of low-land Palo Alto. That, in a nutshell, so to speak, is the genesis of my “acorn theory” of drought relief. I haven’t yet figured out how the oak trees know extra-wet weather may be coming or if they are reliable predictors. The idea is that if the oaks drop lots of acorns in a wet year more will take root and someday become mighty oaks. Anyone speak oak tree? N Former Weekly Editor Jay Thorwaldson can be emailed at jthorwaldson@paweekly.com with a copy to jaythor@well.com. He also writes blogs at www.PaloAltoOnline.com (below Town Square).


Would wider sidewalks on El Camino Real make you more likely to use them as a pedestrian? Why or why not? à i`Ê>ÌÊÌ iÊV À iÀÊ vÊ Ê > Ê,i> Ê> `Ê > v À >Ê Ûi Õi°Ê+ÕiÃÌ Ê> `Ê ÌiÀÛ iÜÃÊLÞÊ i >Ê*ÀiÃÃià ް

Steve Thompson

Kat Rios

Maria Zych

William Butler

Andy Smith

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Peninsula Easter Services Join Us For Easter Easter Sunday, April 20 6:30 am in the Memorial Garden 8:30 am* & 10:30 am* in Church with Festival Choir *Indicates child care available

330 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park (650) 326-2083 www.trinitymenlopark.org

Woodside Road United Methodist Church

Celebrate the Resurrection! Easter Sunday April 20 10:00am Easter Egg Hunt ¨ 10:30am Worship 2000 Woodside Road, Redwood City Open hearts, minds and doors 650-368-3376

Join Us for Easter! Sunrise Service: Singing the Resurrection AM #OURTYARD

Early Church: Modern Easter Vigil AM #HAPEL

Community Fellowship Breakfast AM &ELLOWSHIP (ALL

Communal Worship Service AM 3ANCTUARY

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt AM #OURTYARD WWW FPRESPA ORG s #OWPER 3T s



H OLY W EEK & E ASTER April 13 PALM SUNDAY 8am Holy Eucharist 10am Palm Procession & Eucharist

Holy Week & Easter

St. Bede’s Episcopal Church 2650 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park

www.stbedesmenlopark.org Maundy Thursday, April 17 7:30pm Eucharist, foot washing Good Friday, April 18 noon & 7:30pm Liturgy Holy Saturday, April 19 7:30pm Great Vigil of Easter Easter Sunday, April 20 8:00am Eucharist with hymns 10:15am Eucharist with choir 11:30am Easter Egg Hunt Nursery available 10-11:30am

8:30 PM EASTER VIGIL SAT. APRIL 19, 2014 St. Albert the Great 1095 Channing Ave.

EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 20, 2014: ST. ALBERT THE GREAT 1095 Channing Ave. 9:00 AM (English) OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY 3233 Cowper St. 9:00 am (Spanish) 10:30 am (English) ST. THOMAS AQUINAS 751 Waverley St. 7:30 am (English) 8:45 am (English) 10:30 am (English) 12:00 noon (Gregorian)

April 17 MAUNDY THURSDAY 530pm Light Supper 7pm Eucharist with footwashing April 18 GOOD FRIDAY Noon Veneration of the Cross & Holy Communion 6pm Solemn Evensong of the Burial of Christ April 19 HOLY SATURDAY 8pm Great Vigil of Easter with Champagne Reception April 20 EASTER SUNDAY 8am Eucharist 10am Festival Eucharist Music – The Whole Noyse Brass Followed by

Egg Hunt & Easter Brunch

Share in the Resurrection


1928 Prayer Book Parish 541 Melville Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301 650-838-0508 The Most Reverend Robert S. Morse, Vicar Reverend Matthew Weber, Assistant

Child Care Provided Palm Sunday

Thursday, April 17 Friday, April 18

Maundy Thursday Good Friday

Saturday, April 19

Holy Saturday

Sunday, April 20

Easter Sunday

12 Noon 7 pm 3 pm 7 pm 8 pm 11 am

Maundy Thursday— April 17 V 6:15pm

Monastic Supper & Liturgy of the Word followed by Holy Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar

Good Friday — April 18

HOLY WEEK Sunday, April 13



Blessing of Palms, Procession & Choral Eucharist Choral Eucharist The Way of the Cross Good Friday Liturgy Easter Vigil, First Liturgy of Easter

V Noon to 2:00pm The Last Seven Words V 2:00 to 3:00pm

Labyrinth Stations: A Walking Meditation

V 7:30 to 8:30pm

Tenebrae: The Office of Shadows

V 5:30am

Easter Vigil, Eucharist & Baptism

V 8:00 to 9:30am

Festive Breakfast & Family Easter Activities

V 10:00am

Festive Holy Eucharist

Easter — April 20

600 Colorado Ave, P.A. (650) 326-3800 www.saint-marks.com

Choral Eucharist & Sermon

FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH UCC 1985 Louis Road, Palo Alto (650) 856-6662 www.fccpa.org

Maundy Thursday, April 17th Soup Supper & Communion, 6:30 pm, Service of Tenebrae, 7:30 pm

Good Friday, April 18th Service of Contemplation, Noon

Easter Sunrise Worship, 7:30 am in our Memorial Garden Easter Sunday Celebration Worship at 9:30 am & 11:00 am Oxford Street Brass & The Hallelujah Chorus Easter Egg Hunt 10:30 am

An open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ

Covenant Presbyterian Church April 13th Palm/Passion Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship Procession of the Palms April 17th Maundy Thursday 7:30 p.m. Worship A Liturgical Drama and the Sacrament of the Last Supper April 18th Good Friday 7:30 p.m. Tenebrae Scripture reading, music and the extinguishing of the lights comprise this powerful service of remembrance. April 19th Holy Saturday 10:00 a.m. Children’s Easter Egg Hunt Activities to celebrate Easter

Holy Week Services April 17

6:00 pm

Seder Dinner

April 18

Noon & 7:00 pm Good Friday Services

April 20

9:30 am

Easter Festival Service

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt after the service!

Bethany Lutheran Church 1095 Cloud Avenue, Menlo Park 650.854.5897 www.bethany-mp.org

April 20th Easter Sunday 6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service On the Patio/Breezeway Sunrise meditation Breakfast follows 10:30 a.m. Worship A Celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with music, scripture, proclamation of The Word and Communion. Bring fresh flowers for the Easter Cross. Rev. Dr. Margaret Boles Covenant Presbyterian Church, 670 E. Meadow Dr., Palo Alto 94306 (650) 494-1760 www.CovenantPresbyterian.net

A resource for special events and ongoing religious services. For more information please email Blanca Yoc at byoc@paweekly.com or call 223-6596.

Cover Story

Distance runners test their strength, endurance and willpower Photos and story by Veronica Weber

n Monday, April 21, more than 60 runners from Menlo Park to Mountain View will join 36,000 fellow runners in the 118th Boston Marathon. For some, it will be their first time to run in one of the country’s most competitive and popular races. Many will strive to break personal records and meet the goals they have trained months for. And for a few, it will be a chance to return to the race they were unable to finish after last year’s dual bombings that killed three people and injured 264. “It’s something we feel we have to do,” said Judith Taksa Webb, a nine-year Boston Marathon veteran who will be running her 10th and final Boston race Monday. “Runners are brave, they really are, and strong-willed.” Webb is just one of a countless number of local runners who thrive in a race that is the ultimate test of endurance and willpower on body and mind. “You see a lot of people whose goal is simply to finish a marathon, right? To say I did this really hard, universally acknowledged difficult activity,” runner William Lane said. Runners have their own personal reasons why they push their bodies to run 26.2 miles and prove what they are capable of; these are a few of their stories. Page 22ÊUÊ «À Ê£n]ÊÓä£{ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V

hile living in Boston, Lori Shoemaker, 45, decided to make a lifelong dream come true and ran her first marathon in 2009. She went on to run the Los Angeles Marathon in 2012 and returned to Boston in 2013. Last year, the Palo Alto resident was running with three teammates from the Friends of the Public Garden team to fundraise for Boston’s public parks. It was supposed to be her third and final marathon. But a half-mile away from the finish line, Shoemaker was suddenly stopped by the wall of fellow runners who had been forced to abruptly end the race, urgently trying to make phone calls to family and friends following the bombings. In the surrounding chaos, Shoemaker had no idea that one of her teammates, Allison Byrne, had been seriously injured by the second bomb as she was running towards the finish. A large piece of the pressure cooker bomb had blown off and become embedded in her leg. “We didn’t hear the blast,” she said. “Coming down from the underpass you take a right. There are so many people cheering you. At that point, everyone had a weird look on their face.”

Top, A week before heading to Boston to compete in the 118th Boston Marathon, Tom Parise, left, and William Lane run along a trail through Esther Clark Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, part of a 12-mile loop through Los Altos Hills. Above, Lori Shoemaker pauses on one of her favorite running paths, which runs past the Stanford Red Barn and horse stables. She will be returning to the Boston Marathon this year.

Cover Story Shoemaker, who had previously up for her first full marathon in worked in the conflict zones of Honolulu, Hawaii, a feat she had Uganda, Yugoslavia and Albania never deemed possible up to that for the International Committee point. for the Red Cross, was struck by Taksa Webb finished the race in the violence of a terrorist event so three hours and 46 minutes. She close to home. described the experience of run“I had worked in conflict zones. ning such a long distance race for I was used to land mines. But this the first time: was different. When you are in a “It’s like having a baby; someconflict zone you expect and pre- time between mile 16 to 20 you pare for it. This was in peacetime. say, ‘What am I doing here? This This was hard to reconcile,” she is horrible, and I’ll never do it said. again.’ Then as A few months soon as you cross ¼7 >̽ÃÊÀi> ÞÊ later, in June, the finish line you Shoemaker recan’t wait to train i V ÕÀ>} }Ê ÃÊÌ >ÌÊ turned to Boston for another one.” Ì iÀiÊ>ÀiÊ>Ê ÌÊ vÊ to visit Byrne afApproximately ter she had some 50 marathons ÀÕ iÀÃÊà } i`ÊÕ«]Ê time to recover later, the Wood> `ÊÌ iÞÊÜ Ê ÌÊLiÊ and wanted to side resident said reconnect with she is “starting to >vÀ> `°½ her teammates. lose count” on the While in town, number of races – Lori Shoemaker Shoemaker and she has completfellow teammate ed. For her 70th Brian Ladley returned to the site birthday last September, she ran of the bombing to run the last half the Blackmores Sydney Marathon mile where the finish line would and was the oldest woman in the have been. entire race. “It was very much beyond a She has faced her fair share of moving experience. You realize injuries and setbacks, including how close you were,” she said. a pulled hamstring, pelvic stress She had stopped along the way to fracture and hyponatremia after get the feeling back in her toes. running in 88-degree heat at the Those few extra minutes had pre- Boston Marathon in 2004, which vented her from becoming a vic- landed her in the hospital. Even tim, she said. after an intensive surgery last Like many of the other 5,700 year, Taksa Webb hasn’t been derunners who did not get to fin- terred and runs an average of two ish, Shoemaker will be returning or so marathons each year. to Boston this year to finish what “Running marathons is not a she started. natural thing to do to your body. “It’s really important to be able But there’s something beautito say you finished it,” she said. ful and painful that happens. It’s “You don’t go through something purposeful, and there’s something like this and say ‘goodbye.’ It’s still very raw. It’s really terribly emotional. “What’s really encouraging is that there are a lot of runners signed up, and they will not be afraid. At this year’s race, there isn’t going to be one empty inch for 26 miles.”

t the age of 36, Judith Taksa Webb said she came in touch with her own mortality after losing a close friend to melanoma. Seeking to change her lifestyle, Taksa Webb was influenced by a new “boom” of running culture in the late 1970s and the urging of her husband at the time to try running. Between classes for her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from San Francisco State University and raising her two children, Taksa Webb soon found herself running three to 10 miles, five to six days a week and became a self-described running addict. Referring to her ex-husband, she said, jokingly, “He sort of created a monster.” At first, she began racing 5 and 10k’s every weekend; she then moved on to half marathons. In 1989, at the age of 46, with the urging of her good friend, former Bay to Breakers Race Director Len Wallach, she signed

beautiful about moving the body in nature — to me that’s the ultimate,” she said. And for the past 20 years, Taksa Webb has shared her love of running by organizing weekly trail runs from Woodside to Huddart Park through her organization, Vintage Athletic Association. She is passionate about promoting the visibility of older runners and has made it her mission to establish more age-specific divisions in competitions beyond the 60-andup range. “It’s almost like creating your own family,” she said, reflecting on her running community. “Runners tend to share a lot of values; they’re usually educated; they’re adventurous; they’re health-oriented — and they’re a little bit nuts in a good way.”

n 2005, Palo Alto resident Tim Wong, 51, was working abroad in Hong Kong and looking for a new challenge in midlife. A casual runner, he found himself drawn to the strategy and formal structure of training for a half marathon in which he could gradually work towards his goal one week at a time. “In running a marathon or a half marathon you need to have a program, you can’t just get up and do it,” he said. “So you plan it ... building the foundation and working on strength, at the same time building endurance. “That builds clear structure and that was really exciting. It’s like wow, just plan it and do it and there you go, you achieve your

As she and her fellow runners from the Vintage Athletic Association do every Wednesday morning, Judith Taksa Webb runs on a path parallel to Greer Road in Woodside.

Tim Wong often goes running at the Stanford Dish during the week. goal. Plan it and do it — it’s very simple.” fter running for 23 hours The plan is what Wong calls straight up an endless sehis “blueprint” for helping him to ries of steep trails and achieve his running goals over the past nine years. After he finished twisty roads over the span of 100 a Hong Kong half marathon, he miles, half in the pitch black, went on to complete 10 marathons, “You really get to know your two triathlons and a few ultra body,” said Zachi Baharav. Baharav, 49, is an ultra maramarathons. He said the methodology he applies in training for and thon runner. He has run 10 maracompleting races has expanded to thons and 25 ultra marathons, how he tackles problems in his which typically range anywhere from 30 to 100 professional and miles. personal life. ¼ ̽ÃÊ iÊÜ Ü]Ê ÕÃÌÊ Growing up in “As you do endurance sports, « > Ê ÌÊ> `Ê` Ê ÌÊ> `Ê Tel Aviv, Israel, Baharav would a lot of it is menÌ iÀiÊÞ ÕÊ} ]ÊÞ ÕÊ take every opportal. The muscles tunity to be outare there, but can >V iÛiÊÞ ÕÀÊ} > °Ê side and run, hike you stay focused Plan it and do it — and backpack. during the race? When he moved To stay focused ̽ÃÊÛiÀÞÊà « i°½ to Palo Alto with for a few hours his wife in 1998 is something that – Tim Wong he joined local we’re not used running clubs and to,” he said. “It gives you confidence in life that started running all over the Penyou can have that focus and stay insula. He ran his first marathon in San Jose but developed cramps the course.” Wong will be running the New at mile 18 and hit the wall. Discouraged by how painfully York City Marathon this fall and is currently training for another his race had finished, he said, “I triathlon near Vancouver, Canada. thought there must be a better way Wong reflects on that first race in to do that,” and he began training Hong Kong, which has kept him for a second marathon. When he was out on a group run, a friend inspired to keep running races. “Everyone was out there with told him about the Western States different interests and goals. ... 100 Mile Endurance Run that They’re doing something that is runs from Squaw Valley to Au(an) additive to their life, doing burn, Calif. Unfazed by the amount of milesomething that would enrich their lives, and it was very energizing age, Baharav was drawn to the to be with others who are at the less competitive nature of ultrasame destination — partners in a marathon runs, which require destination.” ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê iÝÌÊ«>}i®

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Cover Story

Zachi Baharav does his morning run a few times a week on a trail at the Palo Alto Baylands. ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«ÀiÛ ÕÃÊ«>}i®

more endurance, self-sufficiency and patience versus the speed and technique of road marathons. “When you’re on the road, you kind of have to keep pace, like, ‘Oh, I ran this mile so fast and that one so slow,’” he said. “Whereas on the trails there’s nothing like that. You can’t compare a mile going uphill with a mile going downhill.” Baharav calls his long runs his “morning meditation.” He embraces the long hours as a time to be by himself out in nature to clear his mind. “You have time to think about everything,” he said. “You get into the zone and just fly. “It helps you put everything in perspective about what’s important or what’s not important in life. You resolve it somehow.” Baharav is also trying to share his joy of long-distance running with fellow runners by organizing a few “adventure runs” around the Peninsula. About once a year he leads his own version of San Francisco’s Bay to Breakers race, starting from the Palo Alto Baylands, winding through Woodside and finishing in Half Moon Bay. He encourages runners to explore trail connections they weren’t aware of before. “It’s a much more spiritual experience being out there out on the trails,” he said. “This perspective of ultra and connecting far-away places is something that transcends running in some sense.”

ordi Perez’s goal is to run around the world. Since 2006, the 36-year-old SRI International chemist has been keeping a log of all the miles he has run, hoping to one day reach

the nearly 25,000-mile goal. Perez hasn’t always been a runner. Growing up in Barcelona, he played basketball regularly and was seeking the same thrill of competition when he moved with his wife to Menlo Park eight years ago. “This is a way, as long as you’re healthy, you can keep the competition going forever because you

Joanie Burnside runs on a path at the Shoreline at Mountain View park, part of a 13-mile run to and from her Mountain View home. She is training for the Big Sur International Marathon, which takes place on April 27.

just set yourself a goal,” he said. After completing a half marathon, Perez challenged himself to run the San Francisco Marathon in 2008 with the intent to run a faster race than his father had years prior in Spain. But he was caught off guard by how under-trained he ended up being when he hit the dreaded “wall.”

“It was terrible,” he explained. “The last two miles I thought, ‘I’m never going to make it.’” When he went home for Christmas that year, he endured some teasing from his father, who was able to maintain the family record for a little longer. “I was getting a lot of crap from him,” Perez laughed. The experience of that first race

and the subsequent eight marathons he has finished has given Perez a humble and flexible attitude. “There’s always something, at least in my experience, that goes wrong in the race. The perfect race doesn’t exist,” he said. “You get tired or didn’t hydrate enough. ­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊÓÈ®

Jordi Perez runs laps around Cobb Track and Angell Field at Stanford University, where he often runs drills with the Palo Alto Running Club.

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ÌÞ¿ÃÊ> L Ì ÕÃÊL iÊ «À Ûi i ÌÊ« > ÊÜ Ê} ÛiÊ«i`iÃÌÀ > ÃÊ iÜÊ ÃÊÌ Ê >ÌÕÀi by Gennady Sheyner


Stanford’s proposed Perimeter Trail would offer runners and bikers better access along Stanford Avenue from El Camino Real to Junipero Serra Boulevard. the Bicycle + Pedestrian plan, an estimated 100,000 bicyclists and pedestrians would use the bridge each year, a figure that is expected to rise "as adjacent bicycle connections improve and area land uses adapt." The new structure would encourage more runners to cross over to the marshy nature preserve and enjoy its 15 miles of trails. Last June, just after the council voted to launch a contest for the design of the new bike bridge, Councilwoman Gail Price proclaimed that she's "never been happier with a vote in my entire life." Her colleagues were also stoked. Liz Kniss called Palo Alto an "elegant city" and said the bridge should reflect this. It would be nice, she said at the June discussion, if Palo Alto was known for more than its high-tech prowess. It should also be known as "the city with a beautiful pedestrian bridge." With the funds mostly in place and design work apace, residents who enjoy running past birds and marshland critters have plenty of reasons for optimism once the new gateway to the Baylands opens. — Stanford University has been on a trailbuilding tear in recent years, with the latest milestone in 2012, when university officials unveiled a new 1.3-mile Matadero Creek trail along Page Mill Road, between Junipero Serra Boulevard and Arastradero Road. Part asphalt and part dirt, the multiuse trail near the Dish offers runners a brief but beautiful route, with horses and rabbits making the occasional cameo. The trail was built as part of Stanford's agreement in 2000 with Santa Clara County over development rights on campus. Also, as part of that agreement, Stanford pledged to build a new trail along Alpine Road, a proposal that San Mateo County officials later rebuffed.

A rendering of the proposed bike-and-pedestrian-friendly Matadero Creek Trail between Bryant Street and Greer Road.

San Mateo County's loss may soon be Palo Alto's gain, with runners reaping major rewards. With the Alpine Road project rejected, Stanford contributed $10.4 million in funds to the county to be used for recreational projects benefiting the community. Two years ago, the county returned $4 million to Stanford in the form of a grant to build a "Stanford Perimeter Trail," a paved, multi-use pathway along Junipero Serra between Old Page Mill Road and Stanford Avenue; on Stanford between Junipero and El Camino Real; and on El Camino between Stanford and Quarry Road. The perimeter will, among other things, fill in the missing piece in the existing Stanford Avenue pedestrian trail between El Camino and Junipero Serra, a trail that now stops abruptly at Raimundo Way but that will now be extended to the Dish. The project will also include a widened sidewalk on various segments of Stanford Avenue; a new 12-foot-wide trail segment connecting the Matadero Creek trail with the entrance to the Dish; and new buffers between cars and pedestrians all over the trail network. For runners both in Stanford and in Palo Alto, this is good news. — While Stanford's new Matadero Creek trail keeps a low profile on the periphery of Page Mill Road, Palo Alto's proposed trail of the same name would cut right through the middle of the city. For this reason, it has already attracted some concern and opposition from residents whose yards the new trail would run through. City planners and bicyclists, meanwhile, see the new trail as a muchneeded panacea to Palo Alto's insufficient east-west connections. The trail would follow the creek's existing levees and access roads and stretch between the Caltrain tracks and the entrance

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— No project in Palo Alto has as much support or momentum as the proposed bike bridge between South Palo Alto and the Baylands. A cornerstone of the city's bike plan, the $10-million structure would span Highway 101 at Adobe Creek and replace an existing underpass that is typically closed for about six months a year. It has unanimous support from the council, the enthusiastic backing of the city's bike advocates and more than $8 million in county and regional grants. This will, of course, be a boon to runners in the southern half of the city, who currently rely on the far less safe San Antonio Road overpass whenever the Adobe Creek underpass is closed. According to

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unning a marathon in Palo Alto is an exhausting and exhilarating trial, with wild rabbits, disinterested horses, manic squirrels and the occasional heron or coyote offering welcoming distractions from steep hills and concrete lanes. After meandering through the trails of Foothills Park, running up the new Matadero Creek trail, dashing past the Dish and proceeding up the Stanford Avenue trail, along El Camino Real, across the Caltrain tracks and toward the flat, marshy trails of the Baylands, a runner can easily forget that the scenic, leafy city is, to the wider world, largely synonymous with smart phones and silicon chips. The marathon is a scenic course, with a slight flaw. Much like Plato's cave or Turing's machine, it only exists in theory. Unlike Berkeley or Half Moon Bay, Palo Alto doesn't have a flagship distance race. The city may be in the midst of turning itself into a bicycling mecca — an effort that continues to accelerate thanks to a new master plan, numerous county and regional grants, unanimous City Council support and a vocal bike lobby — but it hasn't been nearly as active toward promoting projects to support those whose favorite vehicle is their own two feet. Not to worry. Life is about to get more exciting for Palo Alto's trail warriors. The city's already giant menu of scenic running options is expected to grow in the coming years as the council moves ahead with its ambitious Bicycle + Pedestrian Transportation Plan. Simultaneously, the city and Stanford University are moving ahead with a joint effort to build a network of perimeter trails around the Stanford Dish and along El Camino Real. The Bicycle + Pedestrian Master Plan has ambitions well beyond narrow green lanes, "sharrow" markers and "bike boulevards" where stop signs are largely limited to cross streets. Though bikes are the main focus, the projects will have the barely intended consequence of creating scenic new running routes. Some of its objectives — including creating a network of paths to "promote healthy active living" and maintaining "complete streets" accessible to all modes — apply equally well to both physical activities. And Stanford's trail proposal includes "multi-use trails" that are geared toward bikers, runners and walkers alike, according to the university's grant proposal. With that in mind, here are a few local projects that should boost a runner's high in the coming years.

The “enhanced overcrossing” at Adobe Creek would guarantee year-round access to Palo Alto Baylands for pedestrians and bicyclists.

to the Baylands near U.S. Highway 101. On March 17, the council unanimously approved a contract for a feasibility study to consider "community-preferred alignments" for the Midtown trail and acrossthe-barrier connections at both ends of the trail. The trail is included in the city's bike master plan and has already received $1.5 million in grant funding from Santa Clara County. — Wider sidewalks mean more room to run, a welcome thought for runners who frequent California Avenue, live near El Camino Real or prefer roads to trails. Palo Alto last month broke ground on the long-planned renovation of the eclectic and centrally located business district, an effort that would transform the city's second downtown into a "complete street" that is as welcoming to bicyclists and pedestrians as it is to cars. The project includes more landscaping, new plazas, enhanced crosswalks and fewer driving lanes. Other streets may follow suit. The council is scheduled to consider later this month a new "area concept plan" for the locality around California Avenue. One of its many recommendations is to make life safer for pedestrians and bicyclists on Park Boulevard, which has seen a recent growth in high-tech startups. The plan includes as one of its policies: "Enhance the pedestrian environment along Park Boulevard with such improvements as wider sidewalks, restriped crosswalks, or additional pedestrian amenities." In the longer term, Palo Alto is hoping to widen sidewalks on El Camino Real by adopting zoning rules requiring new developments on the car-heavy thoroughfare to accommodate sidewalk widths of at least 12 feet, with an average building setback at 15 to 18 feet. At recent public hearings, the proposal has been criticized by El Camino property owners concerned about new restrictions on redevelopment. The main beneficiaries, meanwhile, would be pedestrians, which includes runners. Even if El Camino never lives up to the "grand boulevard" vision of local and regional authorities, the King's Highway could become a useful conduit for runners heading toward Stanford Avenue, the university campus or the trail network near Page Mill Road. N Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be emailed at gsheyner@paweekly.com.

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Marathoners ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊÓ{®

... It happens often that you train for many months and then you go there and try to do your best and it can go really bad. ... If you’re really passionate about this and put a lot of effort into this it can many times be frustrating.” The upside though, Perez said, is that it’s extremely rewarding and fulfilling when a runner has a good race, knowing all the factors that could go wrong — and it’s what keeps him running towards his goal to run around the world. So far, he’s 34 percent of the way there.

or most of her life, Mountain View resident Joanie Burnside, 56, always wanted to run. Born with an atrial septal defect, she had a hole in her heart for the majority of her life.

As a child she was forbidden With her new life, Burnside set to participate in any form of ath- a goal for herself to run a maraletic activity by protective parents thon. In 2010, she ran the Nike who worried she would collapse. Women’s Marathon in San FranIn recent years, her health started cisco. Then, she thought she’d go to wane as she for another one became more faand completed ¼ ÊÌ ÊiÛi Ê«i « iÊ tigued and strugthe Morgan Hill gled with pneuMarathon the Ü Ê >ÛiÊëi ÌÊ monia. year after. She Ì i ÀÊÜ iÊ ÛiÃÊ After the enagain ran the Nike couraging of her Women’s in 2013, >Ì }ÊÀÕ }Ê>ÀiÊ doctor in 2009, but stopped after à ÀÌÊ vÊÜ }ÊÌ Ê she underwent mile 20 after reopen heart suralizing she would } ÛiÊ ÌÊ>ÊV > ViÊ gery to have the not be able to finÜ i ÊÌ iÞÊV iÊ hole and a valve ish the race in the repaired. Since allotted time. She iÀiÊLiV>ÕÃiÊ then, she said she will be running iÛiÀÞ iÊi ÃiÊÀÕ Ã°½ has been given “a the Big Sur Internew life.” national Marathon – William Lane “Getting this on April 27, which new heart for she says will most me and being able to do things likely be her last marathon. physically that I’d never thought During the hours-long training I would be able to do is really a runs, which she refers to as a “secgift, a huge gift for me,” she said. ond job” along with her first as a “I never thought I’d be running 14 nurse, Burnside said she uses the miles at a time. I mean, that was time to reflect on her faith to help nothing I ever expected to do.” her get through the mileage.

“When I’m running, that’s my prayer time; I pray for a lot of different people and a lot of different things, and he teaches me things as I’m running. It’s like my way of listening and hearing from him,” she said. Though Burnside is dealing with a foot injury that she worries will impede her Big Sur race, she said running marathons, for her, has never been about shattering personal records. “I don’t want to run for pride. I live that God would be honored through my life and if running honors him then I’ve met my goal. If I run for pride, then it’s useless.”

hen asked why he loves running, William Lane, 27, jokingly cited the famous exchange of Mount Everest climber George Mallory, who, when asked why he wanted to climb Everest, simply stated, “because it’s there.”

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Lane was raised in an active family in Asheville, N.C. He began running track and cross country in high school but didn’t get into distance running until moving to Stanford University for his graduate degree in 2012. When he moved to California, he was seeking a way to get to know the area better through a local running group. One day, he happened to walk by the university bookstore and met Ph.D. student Tom Parise, who was wearing a Stanford Running Club T-shirt. Lane joined and quickly found himself in the long-distance wing of the student group. Encouraged by many of his marathoner friends in the group, he began racing competitively and trained to get faster and faster. “It was very much a peer effect. I was around people who were excited about racing, especially long-distance racing, and I fit the bill,” he said. With Parise and another friend from the group, he ran his first marathon, the San Francisco Marathon, in 2013 with a time of two hours and 53 minutes. All three ran a race that qualified them for the Boston Marathon this year. But the last six to seven miles had been physically and mentally tough to get through, he said. “The last six to seven in my first full (marathon) I was thinking, ‘This is miserable, this is miserable, this is miserable, I want this to be over, I want this to be over, I want this to be over,’ but then I crossed the finish line and the first thing you think is, ‘Why didn’t I go faster?’ It’s kind of funny,” he said. To get ready to run Boston this year, Lane has been training consistently with Parise. On weekends they usually do long runs, averaging about 20 miles, from Stanford to Los Altos Hills, the Purisima Creek Redwoods or Russian Ridge open space preserves. “We often joke to each other and say, ‘Which direction do you want to run?’” Lane said, remarking on the beauty and proliferation of good running routes in the area. “I think even people who have spent their whole lives hating running are sort of willing to give it a chance when they come here because everyone else runs,” he said. “And you can’t beat this place for any kind of running training. This is it; this is the place to be. We have year-round running weather.” N Staff Photographer Veronica Weber can be emailed at vweber@paweekly.com. Staff Writer Sue Dremann contributed to this story. On the cover: William Lane, left, and Tom Parise run along a trail through Esther Clark Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, part of a 12-mile loop through Los Altos Hills. Photo by Veronica Weber.

Palo Alto Unified School District Notice to Bidders NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proposals will be received by the Palo Alto Unified School District for: Bid # 14-P-04-SN: Vended Lunches for Terman Middle School There will be a Mandatory Meeting & Taste Testing on May 6, 2014. Details in RFP. Proposals must be received at the Purchasing Department, 25 Churchill Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306, by 2PM on May 19, 2014. All questions concerning the proposals should be directed to dbuschke@pausd.org. BY ORDER of the Business Department of the Palo Alto Unified School District, Palo Alto, California. Dated: April 18 & April 25, 2014

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Arts & Entertainment A weekly guide to music, theater, art, culture, books and more, edited by Nick Veronin

Photos from the front lines of change Stanford database will share the sharp eye, open heart of Bob Fitch, who captured some of the most iconic images of the Civil Rights Movement By Nick Veronin


f a picture is worth a thousand words, what is the value of 200,000 images? Ben Stone, curator of American and British history with Stanford University Libraries, has an idea — at least when it comes to the roughly 200,000 photographs taken by Bob Fitch during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. “We view this archive as an amazing resource for history and teaching,” Stone said of the collection of pictures, which can be accessed by visiting the Stanford University Libraries website and searching for “Bob Fitch.” In the many years he worked as a photographer, Fitch documented the movements led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Cesar Chavez for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. “These images that Bob Fitch took add a visual component to these histories. ... Images often tell the story in different ways. I think they add great depth and complexity to the story. It’s hard to study these movements without seeing the images. They capture things that paper-based archives don’t or can’t.” Furthermore, Stone continued, Fitch was able to take photos most other photographers at the time couldn’t — especially when it comes to King and Chavez, to whom Fitch had “privileged access.” Fitch was granted this access due to his affiliation with the Southern Christian Leadership Council, a strong and outspoken supporter of the civil rights movement. When it came to photographing King, Fitch was able to get shots no one else could because he was the official photographer for King and his campaign against segregation and Jim Crow in the South. Stone and his colleague at the library, Robert Trujillo, are currently working to pair down the 200,000 images — collected as negatives — to about 10,000 for the permanent collection. It is a formidable task. Each photograph must be scanned, uploaded at various resolutions, and tagged with searchable metadata. At the time this article was published, the archive had only uploaded about

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shoots pool in Chicago in 1966. Bob Fitch photography archive. Copyright Stanford University Libraries.

Joan Baez (left) with Marshall Ganz (center with sunglasses), Dolores Huerta, United Farmorker’s Union Vice President (right), and others, at the 1974 dedication of Agbayani Village in Delano, Calif. Bob Fitch photography archive. Copyright Stanford University Libraries. 200 of Fitch’s photographs. Fitch was born in Los Angeles on July 20, 1939. He moved to Berkeley with his family when he was 10 years old and came of age in the 50s. As part of the community that coalesced around the community-funded radio station, KPFA, Fitch grew up listening to Pete Seeger and early on developed a progressive political ideology, which would eventually inform his work as a photographer and champion of equal rights. Upon graduating from his seminary school, the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, he decided that he needed to take a break from school and reading books, and the Civil Rights Movement called to him — in particular, the work King was doing in the South. “My father was a clergyman,” Fitch recalled. “He admired Dr. King. I equally was taken by his spirit and charisma.” Fitch had already involved himself in a variety of local civil rights

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and social justice campaigns in the Bay Area, he knew he was good with a camera, and he had the urge to travel, so he reached out to the Leadership Council to see if they could use his services to document their activities in the South. “I said, ‘Could you use a photographer?’ They said, ‘You bet.’” Fitch worked with the SCLC during the summer of 1965, as they organized marches and worked to mobilize black voters throughout the South. During that summer, Fitch said, “I was pretty much the lone photographer for the Civil Rights Movement in the field.” That’s because it was too dangerous for the nation’s African American magazines and newspapers to send photographers and reporters to the scenes unfolding in the deep south, Fitch explained, recalling how Hosea Williams, one of King’s inner circle, said to him, “We’re going to send your white ass out there and you’re go-

Cesar Chavez and his mother, Juana Estrada at a 1973 rally in Modesto, Calif. Bob Fitch photography archive. Copyright Stanford University Libraries. ing to come back with photos and stories every week.” And come back he did. Again and again, Fitch went out with marchers, capturing some of the best known images from the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement. The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington D.C. was modeled after one of Fitch’s photos — with King standing in his office in Atlanta, Ga., a portrait of Gandhi hung on the wall behind him. The United States Postal Service also used one of Fitch’s photos to produce their memorial stamp of Chavez (although, Fitch noted wryly, on the stamp the USPS replaced the United Farmworker’s flag found in his original image with picturesque farm). The database will be available to anyone to use, Stone said. It will be free for non-commercial users and fee-based when the images are being used for commercial

purposes. Stone said he is excited to get all 10,000 photos online. “He took so many photos,” Stone said, referring to Fitch. “People may be familiar with some of his most iconic images, but in this database you’ll be able to see the photos he took before and after those shots. Those photos will give the iconic photos even more context.” Perusing the limited amount of photographs the Stanford library has made available for the public, Stone’s statement comes into focus — literally. There are photos of King meeting with his inner circle, and with his arm around two young girls as they walk into a newly integrated school in Mississippi. We see key figures from the Southern Christian Leadership Council, none of them as well known as King, but important to the Civil Rights Movement nonetheless.

Arts & Entertainment

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sits at a table with supporters and colleagues in the Civil Rights Movement. Bob Fitch photography archive. Copyright Stanford University Libraries. The same goes for the images Fitch captured of Chavez, which include a solitary moment, with Chavez talking on the phone, alone in his spartan office. There’s Joan Baez speaking at a United Farmworkers Union rally. And there is Chavez, standing with his mother, Juanita Estrada, at another UFW rally. All of these pictures are moving, and they each tell a little piece of the story. Fitch isn’t so humble as to say he doesn’t recognize his work as powerful. He is proud of what he’s done. However, he told the Weekly, if his photographs have any power at all, it’s only because he was able to get close to his subjects — both physically and emotionally.

Matched CareGivers

“I had a knack for two things,� he said. “I had a passion for the organizations for which I worked, and I got close. I took sides, and I believed. The consequences are that my images are intimate.� Some documentary photographers, and especially photojournalists, might have actively tried to remain dispassionate about the

Civil Rights Movement. In order to maintain objectivity, reporters and photographers in the news business are supposed to refrain from rooting for the causes they document. Fitch makes no apologies for his partisanship, however. In his heart he knows his subjects were fighting for what was right. And so, he said, he has worked his whole life to show the world what he knows to be true in his heart, so that they may also see the truth. Fitch concluded his interview with the Weekly with a quote from the novel, “The Little Prince,â€? by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂˆry. “That which is essential is not seen by the eye; it is seen by the heart.â€? “That’s my soul guide,â€? he added — “It encapsulates most of my better work.â€? To access all of Fitch’s photos currently in the Stanford library’s collection, go to library.stanford. edu and type “Bob Fitchâ€? into the search box. N Arts & Entertainment Editor Nick Veronin can be emailed at nveronin@paweekly.com

NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING of the City of Palo Alto Architectural Review Board (ARB) 8:30 A.M., Thursday, May 1, 2014, Palo Alto Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue. Plans may be reviewed at the Development Center at 285 Hamilton Avenue or online at: http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/planningprojects; contact Diana Tamale for additional information during business hours at 650.329.2144. 101 Lytton Avenue [14PLN-00083]: Request by Lytton Gateway LLC for Architectural Review of a Master Sign Program with Sign Exceptions to allow the installation of four projecting signs. Zone District: Planned Community (PC 5158). Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Section 15311. 250 Hamilton Avenue [14PLN-00053]: Request by Philip Ciralsky of the Department of Public Works for board level Architectural Review of a Master Sign Program with Sign Exceptions to allow the installation of way ďŹ nding signage at City Hall. Zone District: Public Facilities (PF). Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Section 15311. Amy French Chief Planning OfďŹ cial The City of Palo Alto does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. To request an accommodation for this meeting or an alternative format for any related printed materials, please contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at 650.329.2550 (voice) or by e-mailing ada@cityofpaloalto.org.

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Arts & Entertainment

Worth a Look ‘Harold and Maude’

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The Los Altos Stage Company is currently staging a production of “Harold and Maude,� based on the 1971 dark romantic comedy about a young, death-obsessed man, and the wild and fun-loving 79-year-old women he befriends, becomes romantically involved with and who teaches him to celebrate life. The play, which began last week and runs through early May, features Belmont resident Warren Wernick as Harold and Lillian Bogovich of San Jose as Maude. Dan Wilson, associate artistic director of Los Altos Stage Com-

Warren Wernick (left) and Lillian Bogovich (right) as ‘Harold and Maude.’

Speaking through music People learn to speak their native tongue in a much different way than they tend to learn second languages. Children pick up language by absorbing and imitating what they hear in the world around them, seldom thinking about how they are conjugating their verbs or which tense they need to use. Later, however, when learning a second or third language, things get tricky. Oran Etkin says the same thing is true with teaching music. If you can get a child to understand complex musical concepts intuitively at a young age, chances are they’ll be much more fluent in music when they get older. This is the principle behind Etkin’s teaching method, which he calls “Timbalooloo.� With the Timbalooloo method, Etkin said children are able to learn complex Cuban and African rhythms. He teaches them to think of instruments as animated individuals, with personalities and emotions. Trumpets, guitars, pianos and more — they all have the capacity to “speak,� “laugh� and “cry,� he said. Explaining music to the children this way helps them wrap their heads around the art form intuitively, rather than intellectually, so that in the future “it will

nurture your


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pany, is directing the show, which he said has required some creative fixes in order to work on the theater company’s small stage. Originally written for Broadway, the script takes place in seven separate locations, which Wilson needed to convey without relying on physical set changes, so he turned to his friend and videographer, Christopher Peoples, of Allegory Productions in San Jose. Peoples created a variety of still and video projections that help establish location, and Wilson said he is pleased with the outcome. “He did a great job in helping me to realize my vision.� For those unfamiliar with the story, the production deals with dark and some mature themes, such as death and romance. Wilson said the play is likely suitable for children 12 years of age and older. “Harold and Maude� runs Wednesday to Sunday, at 8 p.m., through May 2, at the Los Altos Stage Company, located at 97 Hillview Ave. in Los Altos. Tickets are $32. For more information visit losaltosstage.org or call 650941-0551.


Multi-instrumentalist Oran Etkin teaches children to ‘speak’ through music. just feel natural,� he said. “It empowers them (the children) to create music.� The Grammy-award winning composer, who also makes music for adult audiences, will bring his children’s show, “Wake Up, Clarinet!,� to Stanford University this weekend, as the third and final installment in the Bing Nursery School Performance Series. Etkin will perform his interactive children’s concert, “Wake Up, Clarinet!,� on Saturday, April 19, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Dinkelspiel Auditorium, located at 471 Lagunita Drive, on the Stanford campus. Tickets are $8 for Bing Nursery School families and $10 for everyone else. For tickets and information go to ticket.stanford.edu or call 650-725-2787. N


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Arts & Entertainment


Barrymore (Ron Campbell, center) greets Baskerville (Darren Bridgett, right) and Watson (Michael Gene Sullivan, left) in TheatreWorks’ comedy sendup of the Sherlock Holmes story, “The Hound of the Baskervilles.”

Sherlock goes sidesplitting ‘Hound of the Baskervilles’ howls with hilarity Bike-along Outreach Meeting Palo Alto Bicycle Boulevard Program

by Jeanie K. Smith


here’s something about watching grown men go totally silly on stage that is incredibly funny and exhilarating, especially when those men are Ron Campbell, Darren Bridgett and Michael Gene Sullivan, three masters of comedy. It helps when the script is a clever adaptation of the famous story by Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Hound of the Baskervilles.” The term “adaptation” is used loosely here to describe a rather free-wheeling romp through the story, in a notat-all-veiled excuse for rampant theatrical fun. Adapted by Steven Canny and John Nicholson, two well-known British theater mavens, the story does indeed follow the original, but with much merriment and hilarious hijinks. We begin with the world-famous detective, Sherlock Holmes (Campbell), taking on the mysterious case of the Baskervilles — a family, which is said to be cursed. Multiple heirs to the family fortune have been killed on the grounds of the Baskerville estate in shocking and puzzling circumstances. Legend has it that a gigantic, spectral hound is behind it all, but Sherlock is convinced there is human — rather than supernatural — evil at work. His trusted companion Dr. Watson (Sullivan) is sent ahead to Dartmoor to begin the investigation, along with Sir Henry Baskerville (Bridgett). Sir Henry is the last of his clan, newly arrived from Canada, and determined to claim his ancestral home. Well, that’s the plot, anyway, but can’t possibly describe the zany way the exposition develops, or how many characters Bridgett plays before and after Sir Henry, or how often the actors speak directly to the audience with some

/ / ,Ê, 6 7 amusing side note, or how fast the puns and double entendres pile up. The plot proceeds merely as a vehicle for wacky, riotous fun, and we are happily swept along in a sea of silliness. Campbell’s expertise as a clown is put to excellent use here, admirably restrained when necessary, but let loose to wild comic effect elsewhere. He becomes so many different characters, so quickly; it’s impressive, as well as humorous. His Cecile alone is wonderfully weird. Bridgett deftly disappears into a multitude of roles, as well, and gets a chance to gleefully interact with the audience. Sullivan remains Watson throughout, but he’s delightfully adept at physical comedy and a wide range of expression, with terrific comic skills. He also steps out of character to address the audience and attempt some clarifying narration. Andrea Bechert’s set is a marvelous trip back to 1900, with an interactive proscenium arch and faux footlights, as well as clever use of flying and moving set pieces to quickly change locations. Two stagehands (Jed Parsario and one unnamed) become additional characters in the show, devilishly wielding smoke machines and running interference. Lighting by Steven B. Mannshardt creates amusing effects and helps establish locale. The sound design by Cliff Caruthers contributes another layer of fun to the production, several times the source of laughter. B. Modern’s costume design almost steals the show, as the myriad outfits add tremendously to character definition and overall wackiness. The astonishingly quick changes become a noteworthy part of the action.

Director Robert Kelley obviously had great fun working with this inspired cast, talented production team and smart, madcap script. This just might be the funniest two hours you will spend in a theater this season. N What: “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, adapted by Steven Canny and John Nicholson; presented by TheatreWorks

The City of Palo Alto is hosting four bike-along rides to help introduce and solicit information on proposed Bicycle Boulevard projects. Each of the Saturday rides will include a bicycle tour of proposed project sites with stops at key locations to allow residents an opportunity to provide input on improvements to be presented at future community meetings. Ê

UÊSaturday, April 26 @ 10AM, PALY Lot at Churchill Av & Castilleja Av Tour of the proposed Park Boulevard, Stanford Avenue, and Wilkie Way Bicycle Boulevard Projects. This tour also includes a tour of the Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Update project between Palo Alto Avenue and East Meadow Drive.


UÊÊSaturday, May 3 @ 10AM, Addison School – Addison Street Entry Tour of the proposed Homer Avenue/Channing Avenue Enhanced Bikeway Project; and the Greer Road, Ross Road, Moreno Avenue-Amarillo Avenue Bicycle Boulevard projects.


UÊSaturday, May 10 @ 10AM, Barron Park School, 800 Barron Avenue Tour of the Barron Park Bicycle Routes project and the Maybell Bicycle Boulevard.


UÊSaturday, May 17 @ 10AM, Piazza’s at Middlefield/ Charleston Tour of the South Palo Alto Bicycle Program projects including the Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Extension; Alma Street Enhanced Bikeway; and the Montrose Avenue, Cubberley Center Trail Route, and San Antonio Road Bicycle Routes.

Where: Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, 500 Castro St., Mountain View When: Through April 27, with 7:30 p.m. shows Tuesday and Wednesday; 8 p.m. Thursday to Saturday; 7 p.m. Sunday; and 2 p.m. matinees Saturday and Sunday Cost: Tickets range from $19 to $73; special discounts for under30, educators, seniors. Info: Go to www.theatreworks. org or call 650-463-1960

Looking for something to do? Check out the Weekly’s Community Calendar for the Midpeninsula. Instantly find out what events are going on in your city!

Go to www.PaloAltoOnline .com/calendar PaloAltoOnline.com

Bring the entire family out for fun bicycle ride and to help shape the design of the city’s future bicycle boulevard program projects. Design consultants Alta Planning + Design and Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants and Sandis Engineering will be on hand to guide the tours and answer questions regarding project development. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City of Palo Alto at (650) 329-2442 or TransportationDivision@ cityofpaloalto.org ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ «À Ê£n]ÊÓä£{ÊU Page 31

















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Eating Out


The Policy and Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 8 at 6:00 P.M. to discuss: 1) Recommendation to Council an Expenditure Plan for Teen Programs From the Net Revenue Collected From 455 Bryant Street Rent, 2) Referral from Council Retreat: Changing the Municipal Code to reflect that the Council meetings would begin at 6 p.m., 3) Recommendation to allow electronic filings of campaign statements.

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The lobster roll from Sam’s Chowder House in Palo Alto was ‘luscious, ... meaty and sweet, with a hint of brininess.’

Seemingly treading water Sam’s Chowder House needs to up its game by Dale F. Bentson pportunity knocked, opportunity not answered — at least for now. That’s my summation of Sam’s Chowder House in downtown Palo Alto. There was no single glaring problem, rather, a series of offcenter details that didn’t add up to satisfying dining experiences. Let’s start with the good news though. Sam’s lobster roll ($21.95) was luscious. Meaty and sweet, with a hint of brininess, the Maine lobster was lightly tossed with butter and served on a toasted specialty bun. Yes, that is the classic way. Lobster roll with mayo and other ingredients is actually lobster salad. Both clam chowders were excellent. The white New England style with littleneck clams, Yukon gold potatoes, smoked bacon and cream was loaded with littlenecks and packed with flavor. The velvety broth was just thick enough to coat the spoon. The tomato-based Manhattan clam chowder was laden with clams, potatoes, vegetables and herbs. Both chowders were $6.95 for a cup and $10.25 for a bowl. The bowl was large — I spotted several diners making a meal solely on a bowl of chowder. An excellent fresh-tasting salad was the grilled octopus ($12) with Castelvetrano olives, butter beans, arugula, preserved orange and piment d’espelette — a chili pepper cultivated in the northern


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CLOSED SESSION 1. Labor Negotiations- PAPOA 2. Labor Negotiations- IAFF STUDY SESSION 3. Earth Day Update SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 4. Resolution Expressing Appreciation to Eduardo Martinez P&TC 5. Selection of applicants for P&TC to interview, and setting date of interview CONSENT CALENDAR 6. Policy and Services Committee Recommendation of Approval of the Updated Guidelines, Procedures and Selection Processes for the City of Palo Alto Cubberley Artists Studio Program (CASP, formerly the Cubberley Visual Artists Studio Program) in Preparation for the Spring Release of a new Application and Selection Process 7. Finance Committee Recommendation that the City Council Adopt a Resolution Establishing a Local Solar Plan to Provide Four Percent of the City’s Total Energy Needs by 2023 8. Setting PUBLIC HEARING for Business Improvement District 9. Finance Committee Recommendation that the City Council Adopt a Resolution Refunding the Accumulated Net Revenue from the Full Needs Portion of the PaloAltoGreen Program to Program Participants 10. Finance Committee Recommendation that the City Council Adopt a Resolution Establishing the PaloAltoGreen Gas Program Using Certified Environmental Offsets and Approving Three New Rate Schedules: Residential Green Gas Service (G-1-G) Residential Master-Metered and Commercial Green Gas Service (G-2G), and Large Commercial Green Gas Service (G-3-G) 11. Approval of Stanford University Medical Center Annual Report and Compliance with the Development Agreement 12. Resolution Vacating Public Service Easements at 888 Boyce Avenue ACTION ITEMS 13. Council Review and Direction on the PTC Recommended Draft California Avenue/Fry's Area Concept Plan and authorization to submit an application for the Valley Transportation Agency Priority Development Area Planning Grant Program for the preparation of a master plan for the Fry’s property, as identified in the Concept Plan 14. Public Hearing - Council Adoption of an Ordinance Modifying: (1) Chapter 18.16 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code (PAMC) to: (a) Address Sidewalk Width and Building Setbacks (Setback and “build-to” Line Standards, and Context Based Design Criteria) Along El Camino Real, and (b) Reduce the Allowable Floor Area Ratio on CN Zoned Sites Where Dwelling Units are Permitted at 20 Units Per Acre; and (2) PAMC Chapter 18.04 to Adjust the Definition of Lot Area and Add a Definition for “Effective Sidewalk”. Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provisions of CEQA per section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) (STAFF REQUEST ITEM BE CONTINUED TO APRIL 28, 2014) STATE/FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE DISCUSSION AND POTENTIAL ACTION 15. Request for Council Support for Yes for Open Space Measure AA Ballot measure from Mid-Peninsula Open Space District 16. Discussion and Approval of Caltrain Draft Environmental Impact Report Comment Letter 17. Discussion and Approval of letter to MTC regarding Dumbarton Rail Funding

Lunch hour at Sam’s Chowder House on University Avenue in Palo Alto. Basque region of France. Less encouraging was the salmon carpaccio ($9.95) with toasted pine nuts, apple and dressed greens. The salmon itself had rich unctuous flavors and the arugula was crisp. However, the tiny wedges of apple had not been freshly sliced and the somewhat shriveled pine nuts were void of buttery nut flavor, suggesting they had been toasted some time before. This is Sam’s second location. It offers the same prices as the original in Half Moon Bay, but with views of University Avenue gridlock and not the dazzling Pacific. Agreed, rent is higher in Palo Alto. Opened in early November, the restaurant seats up to 200. Apparently prices have already been upped since opening. The prices listed on the Sam’s website are lower than the current menu and have not been updated. I like what they’ve done with the interior. The space was a pizza house before, French-themed Lavanda before that and omeletthemed Good Earth long ago. It’s nautical dÈcor now: sea-blue

walls with oars, life preservers and weathered signs reflecting menu items are tacked to the walls. It’s not overdone; there’s no wooden Captain Ahab at reception. In some respects, Sam’s was cutting edge. The beverage menu was on an iPad — scroll up, down or sideways for wines, beers, cocktails or soft drinks. The wine list was itemized by label but the information about each wine was boilerplate data about the wineries, with little or no details about the actual wines; a great idea, but lacking details. The fried seafood combo ($29.95) was a handsome platter of prawns, crab-artichoke fritters, calamari and rock cod — and way too salty French fries. Over-saltiness was an ongoing problem for many items, and I like salty foods. The fish and chips ($16.50) was a generous portion of hot juicy cod served in a bucket. The cod was layered over the fries, rendering the top fries soggy. Not that it mattered — the fries were so salty they were inedible. Besides that, the batter for the fish had salt in it

Eating Out Sam’s Chowder House, 185 University Ave., Palo Alto; 650-614-1177; www.samschowderhousepa.com

Hours: Lunch: Mon-Fri: 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Sat-Sun: 11a.m.-4 p.m.; Dinner: Sun-Thurs: 4 p.m.-9 p.m.; Fri-Sat: 4 p.m.-10 p.m.

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and when the bucket came to the table, there were salt granules on the fish as if someone in the kitchen, at the last minute, didn’t think the plate was salty enough. Pacing from the kitchen was a continuous problem. Twice, entrees were served before we had finished our first courses. Since the tables were too small, the waiter asked us to lift our plates up so he could put his plates down, then he took ours from us whether we were finished or not. Sam’s isn’t supposed to be a fast-food place,

but this left me wondering what was being prepared fresh and what was sitting under heat lamps. The “authentic” key lime pie ($7.50) was about 3 inches high, most of which was meringue. The tangy lime curd itself was pleasingly creamy. The graham cracker crust though was disappointingly ordinary. Even Sara Lee uses a cookie crust in its key lime crËme pie. Authentic? Possibly. Good? Not particularly. For another dessert, the organic soft-serve with sea salt and olive oil ($4.50), the menu reads: “Yep, you heard us right. Try it, we dare you...you’ll be hooked just like us. Tastes like caramel, really!” Actually, it tasted like gravelly soft-serve with olive oil and rock salt. I spat out a half dozen grains of salt too big to melt in my mouth and too unhealthy to swallow. The strawberry-rhubarb crisp ($7.50) was teeth-chattering sweet. Better was the ricotta-orange fritters ($7) with chocolate dipping sauce and cinnamon sugar. Service was polite and attentive. That is until a waiter plunked the bill down halfway through dessert one day and said, “Take your time, boss.” Boss? I’m sure he meant no slur, yet, the remark was offensive. Sam’s has opportunity aplenty, but the kitchen needs discipline and the front of the house needs refining. Treading water gets one nowhere. N

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Eating Out CITY OF PALO ALTO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared by the Palo Alto Department of Planning and Community Environment for the project listed below. In accordance with A.B. 886, this document will be available for review and comment during a minimum 30-day circulation period beginning April 16 through May 16, 2014 during the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. at the Planning and Community Development Department, 250 Hamilton Avenue, 5th floor, Palo Alto, California. This item will be considered at a public hearing by the Architectural Review Board, Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 8:30 AM. in the Palo Alto City Council Chambers on the first floor of the Civic Center, located at 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California. Written comments on the Negative Declaration will be accepted until 5:00 PM on May 16, 2014 in the Planning and Community Environment Department Civic Center offices on the fifth floor of City Hall. 600 East Meadow Drive [14PLN-00078]: Request by Peter Jenson on behalf of the City of Palo Alto for minor board level Architectural Review to allow construction of the Magical Bridge playground area and replacement of the bridge over Adobe Creek, located at the southern end of Mitchell Park in the PF zoning district. Environmental Assessment: Mitigated Negative Declaration. *** Hillary E. Gitelman Director of Planning and Community Environment In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, listening assistive devices are available in the Council Chambers and Council Conference Room. Sign language interpreters will be provided upon request with 72 hours advance notice.

ShopTalk by Daryl Savage

DAY CARE CENTER AT FORMER SU HONG SITE ... When Su Hong restaurant relocated four years ago to a more visible site on El Camino, it left its sprawling building vacant at 4101 El Camino Real, after occupying it for 12 years. Finally, a new tenant is making preparations to take over the nearly 9,000square-foot space and transform the former restaurant into a preschool. City documents show that Acme Children Center is the new occupant, with plans for the construction of an outdoor playground and five classrooms. The school will be able to accommodate 168 kids. City of Palo Alto planner Amy French said Acme currently operates out of Cubberley Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Road. COLDWATER CREEK TO CLOSE ... Coldwater Creek announced bankruptcy and will close all of its 365 women’s apparel stores, including the one at Stanford Shopping Center, the company announced last week. The statement came as a surprise to employees at the Stanford shop. “We found out when you found out,” one store clerk said. She said that employees knew the com-


pany was in trouble, “but we didn’t expect this,” she said. “Customers should know that our stores and website remain open for business and we will be providing information about the tremendous values that will be available at our inventory clearance sales in the coming weeks,” said Jill Dean, Coldwater Creek’s president and CEO. All merchandise is currently 40 percent off. Also affected are Coldwater Creek’s other Bay Area stores in the Hillsdale Shopping Center and Westfield Valley Fair Mall. THE ANNEX GIFT SHOP CLOSES, PREPARES FOR MOVE ... The Annex of University Art, on the corner of Hamilton Avenue and Ramona Street, closed last month and has moved much of its merchandise next door to University Art at 278 Hamilton Ave. The art store announced in December 2013 that it was relocating to Redwood City after 65 years in Palo Alto. That move, due in part to Palo Alto’s high rents, is tentatively scheduled for May, said store representatives. SPORTS GALLERY CLOSES ... Yet another long-time downtown shop became a victim of skyrocketing rents. Sports Gallery, 318 University Ave., closed April 13, after 15 years in Palo Alto. “Our overhead and our rent became too much,” said Jason Gruwell, who is vice-president of sales and one of four owners of the sports memorabilia shop. “We love Palo Alto; we’re sad to leave, but it’s the right business decision at this time. We’ve also noticed that the re-

tail walk-in business is dying a slow death. People are tending to go the Internet route instead,” he said. Gruwell is looking for a new location for Sports Gallery, “but it probably will not be in Palo Alto. And definitely not downtown. We’ve learned our lesson,” he said. In the meantime, Sports Gallery has a Mountain View warehouse at 922 San Leandro Ave., which will be turned into a showroom, according to Gruwell. GROCERY OUTLET THRIVING IN ALMA VILLAGE ... Tony Tenaglia is a happy man. As owner/operator of the new Grocery Outlet, which opened two weeks ago in Palo Alto’s Alma Village, Tenaglia cannot hide his enthusiasm. “I knew in my heart we were going to exceed everybody’s expectations. And we have done just that,” he said. Tenaglia said he arranged the store based on the buying habits of this area. “The placement of fresh and organic produce throughout the store directly reflects the shopping patterns of the community. I’ve seen the fresh and healthy items in almost everyone’s basket,” he said. Addressing earlier concerns about the presence of a Grocery Outlet in Palo Alto, Tenaglia admits it was a bumpy road in the planning process. “Initially, there were some concerns. Concern about the sign out front and concern about the previous tenant with some people thinking it would be more of the same, but that’s not the case at all,” Tenaglia said. The former occupant, Miki’s Farm Fresh Market, lasted only six months before it was forced to close from a lack of business. N

Heard a rumor about your favorite store or business moving out, or in, down the block or across town? Daryl Savage will check it out. Email shoptalk@paweekly.com.

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CITY OF PALO ALTO NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Palo Alto City Council will hold a public hearing at the special meeting of Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. or as near thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, to Consider Council Adoption of an Ordinance Modifying: (1) Chapter 18.16 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code (PAMC) to: (a) Address Sidewalk Width and Building Setbacks (Setback and “build-to” Line Standards, and Context Based Design Criteria) Along El Camino Real, and (b) Reduce the Allowable Floor Area Ratio on CN Zoned Sites Where Dwelling Units are Permitted at 20 Units Per Acre; and (2) PAMC Chapter 18.04 to Adjust the Definition of Lot Area and Add a Definition for “Effective Sidewalk”. Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provisions of CEQA per section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations). The Planning and Transportation Commission did not recommend approval of the ordinance on April 9, 2014. DONNA J. GRIDER, MMC City Clerk


CHRYSTIA FREELAND Au th o r, J o u r n a l i s t , M e m b e r o f th e C a n a d i a n Pa rl i a m e nt




Transcendence --1/2 (Century 16) Make no mistake about it: The science-fiction chiller “Transcendence” is as silly as it is sinister. But since it’s also the directorial debut of Christopher Nolan’s longtime cinematographer Wally Pfister — an Oscar winner for “Inception” — “Transcendence” has a sobriety of tone that effectively works against its inner mad scientist. At heart, “Transcendence” is a throwback to the fear-mongering science fiction of the past: not those atomic-age adventures like “The Incredible Shrinking Man,” but rather the lab-bound likes of “The Andromeda Strain” and “Demon Seed,” circa the paranoid ‘70s. Johnny Depp plays Dr. Will Caster, a superstar scientist in the field of artificial intelligence who falls victim to a terrorist group called R.I.F.T. (Revolutionary Independence From Technology). Encouraged by the recent “upload” of a rhesus monkey, Will’s wife and fellow researcher Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) determines to preserve her dying husband’s consciousness within his PINN (Physically Integrated Neural Network) supercomputer and, more worryingly, cyberspace. The Casters’ best friend — ethically oriented colleague Max Waters (Paul Bettany) — agrees to help Evelyn, despite his qualms (he is, after all, author of the essay “An Unhealthy Reliance on Computers”). It’s one thing if Will’s entire consciousness survives

the upload, Max muses, but what if they miss even one key memory or moral compass point? “How would you know what you’re dealing with?” When Will 2.0 comes online, Max almost instantly decides his worst fears are about to be realized, and soon he finds himself aligned with R.I.F.T. (represented by Kate Mara’s Bree) against Evelyn. Once these battle lines have been drawn, “Transcendence” gets down to even wilder speculative science fiction about how an evolved consciousness (the fulfillment of the moment futurists call “the singularity”) might begin leaping and bounding past humanity to achieve a god-like status (one plot point intriguingly relocates advanced medical science to the territory of faith healing), where the A.I. may well arrive at the obvious conclusion that we’re no good for the planet. Will 2.0 has a pronounced instinct for self-preservation, but also an impassive, “massive appetite for power” and expansion. The devil’s in the dimwitted details of the plotting, but what keeps “Transcendence” from being just another goofball riff on HAL 9000 or Skynet is the human element, the hybridization of man and computer that has come to define the direction of our modern world. Jack Paglen’s script (reportedly polished by Pfister) raises stakes of a potential extinction-level event, but it also deals with the ground-level melodrama of Evelyn’s confused, enabling state of grief


THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 @7PM STANFORD LAW SCHOOL, ROOM 290 sponsored by McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society

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SILICON VALLEY’S ULTIMATE REMODELING DESIGN WORKSHOPS Remodeling vs New Construction WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 6:30-8:30pm Registration & light dinner at 6:15pm. Seating is limited. Register Today! Go online or call us at 650.230.2900 1954 Old Middlefield Way, Mountain View, CA 94043


We never forget it’s your home® One question we’re asked frequently is “should I remodel my home or just tear it down and build a new one?” While there has never been one right answer to this question, with the dramatic changes occurring recently in the real estate market, it’s getting even harder to answer. This workshop addresses key factors that help determine which route to take including: C Evaluating your existing conditions – location, site and limitations, foundation and framing, drainage and plumbing, electrical, and HVAC considerations.

C Getting answers you need about design, space planning guidelines, new trends, cabinet and countertop choices, color palettes, lighting, and ideas about flooring, finishes and more.

C Identifying what you need or want - planning or zoning issues, one or two stories, additional living area requirements/needs, and more.

C Deciding what makes sense for your neighborhood, your family plan and your budget.

License B479799

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Century Theatres at Palo Alto Square Fri & Sat 4/18–4/19 Under the Skin – 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:00 Lunchbox – 1:45, 4:20, 7:00, 9:35



Sun – Thur 4/20–4/24 Under the Skin – 2:00, 4:40, 7:20 Lunchbox – 1:45, 4:20, 7:00 Tickets and Showtimes available at cinemark.com






Tall Tree Awards Congratulations to the Honorees Thank You to Our Sponsors The 35th Annual Tall Tree Awards Event, held April 9, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel (a Redwood sponsor of the Chamber) was attended by more than 325 civic leaders, Chamber members and other individuals from the community. This year’s award recipients were for Outstanding Business – Sheraton-Westin Hotels Palo Alto, accepted by Jim Rebosio; Outstanding NonproďŹ t – Palo Alto Community Child Care, accepted by Janice Shaul, Executive Director; Outstanding Professional – Dennis Burns, Chief of the Palo Alto Police Department; and Outstanding Citizen – Cathy Kroymann. The Chamber and the Palo Alto Weekly would like to extend our thanks to Hal Mickelson, a member of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, who served as the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and to all the volunteers that made the event possible. The Chamber would like to acknowledge the support and contributions made by our sponsors: LEADERS CIRCLE SPONSORS 664-8)5/ +64 C ;+13- ")+2)8, 013,8-5 9 6971:)3 C 1:? 6. ")36 3:6 C 1+8696.: C %0- )13? -=9 C ")36 3:6 -,1+)3 6;5,):165 C )8,-5 6;8: 6:-3 C ")36 3:6 (--23? C -=3-:: ")+2)8, 647)5? $:)5.68, 6971:)39 )5, 3151+9 C $:)5.68, &51<-891:? REDWOOD SPONSORS 86=5- "3)@) )*)5) C $0-8):65 ")36 3:6 6:-3 C -5-5+68 5:-85):165)3 5+ C $:)5.68, -,-8)3 8-,1: &5165 C 68)3 $7)+- )5, 644;51+):165 C $)5:) 3)8) ')33-? ():-8 19:81+: C (13965 $659151 66,81+0 #69):1 The Westin Palo Alto OAK SPONSORS ;88 "13/-8 )?-8 5+ C "8-91,16 )52 C 644;51+):1659 "6=-8 5,;9:81-9 C $:;,169 C (063- 66,9 )82-: C 69:65 "81<):- )52 %8;9: 647)5? ?::65 )8,-59 C % ! $6.:=)8- 5+ C ( ;:3-8 659:8;+:165 5+ (-339 )8/6 )52 EVENT SPONSORS Theodore H. Mock Photography 06+63):-9 *? 3-415/ 9 "814- $:-)206;9- (15- )8 1+0)-3) 9 36=-8 $067 Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce - Encouraging, developing and supporting Palo Alto’s economic vitality since 1910

(well limned by Hall) and the ambiguity of Will’s afterlife as a ghost in the machine. Most distinctly, Paglen blurs lines by turning the heroes into sympathetic villains, and the villains into antiheroes. Those ideas, though not developed to an audience’s satisfaction, help to define “Transcendence� as a mildly frustrating but never dull two hours. The approaches of Pfister and a strong cast (partly culled from the Nolan stock company) give the proceedings a patina of artfulness. Inspired by cinematographer Gordon Willis (“The Godfather�) and in tandem with Nolan, Pfister brought back to the cinematographic mainstream visual texture, which serves here to offset the digital-themed material. Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action and violence, some bloody images, brief strong language and sensuality. One hour, 59 minutes. — Peter Canavese

Finding Vivian Maier --(Guild) Photographer John Maloof was only looking for some historical photos of the Chicago area when he purchased a box of undeveloped negatives at an auction in the winter of 2007. Instead, he ended up discovering the work of a previously unknown artist — Vivian Maier — who is now being compared to some of the greatest street photographers of all time. That’s where we are dropped into the new documentary, “Finding Vivian Maier,â€? co-directed by Maloof and Charlie Siskel. But, as the title of the film hints, Maloof’s discovery is only half of the story. After explaining how he came to find the photographs, and how he subsequently tracked down a storage unit full of her personal affects and more undeveloped negatives (all told, Maloof collected around 100,000 unprocessed images), we are introduced to a number of Maier’s former friends, and several families that employed Maier as a nanny during the ‘50s and ‘60s. That’s where things begin to get interesting. Though some of the people Maloof interviews professed to have been great friends with Maier — and while she often lived under the same roof of the children she ­VÂœÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜Ă•i`ĂŠÂœÂ˜ĂŠÂ˜iĂ?ĂŒĂŠÂŤ>}iÂŽ



MOVIE TIMES All showtimes are for Friday – Sunday only unless otherwise noted. For other times, reviews and trailers, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies. Movie times are subject to change. Call theaters for the latest.

Bears (G) Century 16: 10 a.m., 12:30, 2:40, 4:50, 7 & 9:20 p.m. Century 20: 10:55 a.m., 1:10, 3:25, 5:40, 7:55 & 10:05 p.m. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (PG-13) ((1/2 Century 16: 9:05, 10:10 a.m., 12:20, 1:25, 3:35, 4:40, 7:05, 8:10 & 10:15 p.m. In 3D at 11:15 a.m., 2:30, 5:45 & 9:15 p.m. Century 20: 11:05 a.m., 2:20, 5:35 & 8:50 p.m. In 3D at 12:30, 3:55, 7:15 & 10:35 p.m. Century 20: 10:15 p.m.

Cesar Chavez (PG-13)

Stanford Theatre: 7:30 p.m.

Clash By Night (Not Rated)

Stanford Theatre: 5:55 & 9:25 p.m.

Crime of Passion (Not Rated)

Divergent (PG-13) Century 16: 9:20 a.m., 12:35, 3:35, 7:05 & 10:15 p.m. Century 20: Fri 12:40, 3:55, 7:10 & 10:25 p.m. Century 16: Fri 1:35 & 7:20 p.m.

Dom Hemingway (R)

Draft Day (PG-13) (( Century 16: 10:20, 11:40 a.m., 1, 2:20, 3:40, 5, 6:20, 7:40, 9:05 & 10:20 p.m. Century 20: 11:15 a.m., 12:25, 2, 3:15, 4:45, 6, 7:35 & 8:45 p.m. Finding Vivian Maier (Not Rated) ((( Guild Theatre: Fri: 5, 7:15 & 9:30 p.m. Sat-Sun: 2:45, 5, 7:15 & 9:30 p.m. The Grand Budapest Hotel (R) ((( Aquarius Theatre: Fri: 4:30, 7 & 9:30 p.m. Sat-Sun: 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:45 a.m., 2:35, 5:10, 7:55 & 10:30 p.m. Haunted House 2 (R) Century 16: 10:30 a.m., 12:50, 3:10, 5:30, 8 & 10:25 p.m. Century 20: 11 a.m., 12:10, 1:20, 2:30, 3:40, 4:50, 6, 7:15, 8:20 & 9:40 p.m. Heaven Is For Real (PG) Century 16: 9:15, 11:45 a.m., 2:15, 4:45, 7:25 & 9:55 p.m. Century 20: 11:20 a.m., 1:55, 4:30, 7:05 & 9:40 p.m. Jodorowsky’s Dune (PG-13) Aquarius Theatre: Fri: 3:45, 6 & 8:30 p.m. Sat-Sun: 1:30, 3:45, 6 & 8:30 p.m. The Lunchbox (PG) ((( Palo Alto Square: Fri-Sat: 1:45, 4:20, 7 & 9:35 p.m. Sun 1:45, 4:20 & 7 p.m. Century 20: 1:30 & 6:55 p.m.

Mr. Peabody & Sherman (PG) Muppets Most Wanted (PG) (((

Century 20: 10:45 a.m., 4:10 & 9:20 p.m.

Noah (PG-13) Century 16: 9:30 a.m., 12:45, 3:55, 7:10 & 10:20 p.m. Century 20: 12:55, 4:05, 7:20 & 10:25 p.m. Oculus (R) Century 16: 9:10, 11:50 a.m., 2:25, 5:15, 7:55 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 10:35, 11:50 a.m., 1:10, 2:40, 3:50, 5:15, 6:30, 8, 9:15 & 10:45 p.m. The Raid 2: Berandal (R) ((1/2 Century 16: 10:15 a.m., 4 & 9:50 p.m.

Century 20: 9:45 p.m.

Rio 2 (G) (( Century 16: 10:35 a.m., 1:20, 4:05, 7, 9:35 p.m. In 3D at 9:15 a.m., 12:05, 2:50, 5:35 & 8:15 p.m. Century 20: 10:45 a.m., 12:20, 1:20, 3:05, 4, 5:50, 6:50 & 8:35 p.m. In 3D 11:30 a.m., 2:10, 5, 7:40, 10:20 p.m. The Ten Commandments (Not Rated) Century 16: Fri & Sun: 2 p.m. Century 20: Sun: 2 p.m. Transcendence (PG-13) ((1/2 Century 16: 9, 10:15, 11:50 a.m., 1:15, 2:45, 4:15, 5:40, 7:15, 8:45 & 10:10 p.m. Century 20: 12:35, 3:30, 6:25 & 9:25 p.m. In XD 11:10 a.m., 2, 4:55, 7:50 & 10:45 p.m. Under the Skin (R) Century 20: 11:40 a.m., 2:10, 4:50, 7:30 & 10:10 p.m. Palo Alto Square: Fri-Sat: 2, 4:40, 7:20 & 10 p.m. Sun: 2, 4:40 & 7:20 p.m.

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Aquarius: 430 Emerson St., Palo Alto (266-9260) Century Cinema 16: 1500 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View (800-326-3264)

cared for and their parents — no one seems to know much about her. Some say they thought she was French, on account of her accent. Others say they believed she may have been Austrian. And one man, who holds a Ph.D. in linguistics and wrote a dissertation on French vowel sounds, said he was quite positive her accent was an affectation. Furthermore, some told Maloof that they were aware of Maier’s picture-snapping hobby, but then they admit they never really wondered what she did with the photos she took. In one of the many taped conversations Maier recorded, a child asks her who she is, and she says “I’m the mystery woman.� Indeed. All of the subjects share the same feeling of surprise and regret upon seeing those images, developed by Maloof some 50 years on. Maier had “had a great eye,� we are told by photojournalist Mary Ellen Mark, as well as a “sense of humor and a sense of tragedy.� Maier’s images are certainly moving. Over the course of her life, Maier captured so many telling, candid moments on the streets of Chicago and elsewhere. And Maloof shows us those moments again and again in his documentary, which tells the story of Maier, as well as his discovery of her and her background in a manner that keeps the viewer on the edge of his seat. Maloof repeatedly encounters confounding questions — Who was this woman and where did she come from? Why did she never show her work? What happened to her in the end? — and he repeatedly answers these questions, often to very cathartic effect. It is the posing and the answering of these questions that ultimately makes “Finding Vivian Maier� such a satisfying film. Maier’s photographs speak for themselves — thousands upon thousands of beautiful words and crystallized emotions at a time. And yet, while her work certainly needs no explanation, Maier has managed to add something to the picture that was missing. And that is no small accomplishment. Not rated. One hour, 23 minutes. — Nick Veronin


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NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING Of the City of Palo Alto Transportation Division Community Meeting Notice for Maybell-Donald-Georgia Bicycle Boulevard DATE:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


6:30-8:30 PM

PLACE: Terman Middle School Multi-Purpose Room 655 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto 94306 The City is soliciting public input on proposed design elements of the Maybell-Donald-Georgia-El Camino Way Bicycle Boulevard between W. Meadow Drive and Arastradero Road. This meeting is the third community meeting in a series to discuss potential improvements along Georgia Avenue, Donald Drive, Maybell Avenue, and El Camino Way. The project is proposed in the City’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Transportation Plan 2012 and supports Safe Routes to School operations for Juana Briones Elementary School, Terman Middle School, and Gunn High School. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City of Palo Alto Rafael Rius at (650) 329-2442 or rafael.rius@cityofpaloalto.org


Century 20 Downtown: 825 Middlefield Road, Redwood City (800-326-3264) CinĂŠArts at Palo Alto Square: 3000 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (493-0128) Guild: 949 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (266-9260) Stanford: 221 University Ave., Palo Alto (324-3700) Internet address: For show times, plot synopses, trailers and more information about films playing, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies




Home&Real Estate

OPEN HOME GUIDE 54 Also online at PaloAltoOnline.com

Home Front GRAYWATER ... Landscape architect Sherri Osaka, owner of Sustainable Landscape Designs, will teach a class on “Graywater” from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 19, at Common Ground, 559 College Ave., Palo Alto. Osaka will talk about the different types of graywater systems, installation, dos and don’ts and which plants and products are most compatible with graywater irrigation. Cost is $31. Information: 650-493-6072 or www.commongroundinpaloalto.org GROW YOUR OWN ... UC Master Gardener Ida Heller will give a talk called “A Gourmet Kitchen — Adding Herbs to Your Culinary Table” from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 19, at the Mountain View Public Library Community Room, 585 Franklin St., Mountain View. Heller will cover preparing soil, growing from transplants or seed, watering, pests and diseases. Information: Master Gardeners at 408282-3105, between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or mastergardeners.org TREES AND CAMELLIAS ... Mimi Clarke, owner of Fiddle Fern Landscaping and former lead horticulturist at Filoli, will teach two classes on Wednesday, April 23, at Filoli, 86 Cañada Road, Woodside. “Japanese Maple Tree Pruning,” from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., will cover timing of pruning, how to open and sculpt a tree, and pruning a focal point specimen vs. a background tree. “Camellia Pruning and Care,” from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., will include a walk, talk and demonstration, with a discussion of renovation techniques. Each class is $40 for nonmembers, $35 for members. Information: 650-364-8300 or www.filoli.org ECLECTIC TASTES ... Yannette Edwards will offer “A Taste of Latin America” on Tuesday, April 22; Ramesh and Bharati Joshi will offer “Indian Cuisine: Level 1” on Wednesday, April 23; and Ron Kent will offer “Mexican Street Food” on Thursday, April 24. Each class is held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in Room 103 of Palo Alto High School, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, and costs $50. Latin-American menu includes Brazilian Stew with prawns, tomatoes, coconut and cilantro; Chicken Mole with a rich chocolate and chipotle sauce; Chili Rellenos Casserole, with

­V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ{£) Send notices of news and events related to real estate, interior design, home improvement and gardening to Home Front, Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302, or email cblitzer@paweekly.com. Deadline is one week before publication.

Several water elements provide pleasant-sounding noise barriers.

Green ideas and


The side yard features a raised, herb garden bed. A circular trellis supports climbing roses and transitions to the chicken coop.

Gamble Garden Spring Tour showcases five extraordinary gardens by Carol Blitzer photos by Veronica Weber


fter restoring a Category I historical home in the University South neighborhood, the homeowners turned to the landscape. Here they didn’t want so much to restore, as to complement and enhance. The first thing to go was the massive bamboo forest, which shaded the front half of the house and effectively cloaked the home from the street. Next the owners negotiated with the city to remove three 70-foot liquidambars and another three sickly magnolias, which overwhelmed the corner house. The homeowners agreed to pay for replacing them with mature trees. Visitors on this year’s Gamble Garden Spring Tour will be able to stroll through the completely renovated garden on April 25 and 26, along with visiting four other Palo Alto gardens and the

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Not only do the chickens rate their own “house,” but a chicken swing as well.

Gamble Garden Center. Contemplating the landscape project, the homeowner said, “It’s a whale of a house. We wanted the landscape to lighten and soften ... to be an accent to the house.” Today instead of a front fence, the landscape features a set of low brick pilasters connected by chain swags, mostly hidden by plants. “It creates a visual barrier, but still open to the public,” the owner said.

The pilasters and walkway to the front door are new, but made of clinker bricks to match the old bricks. Because the home was built in 1905 and much of the planting dated from that era, a lot of thought was given to removing the dying magnolias, while preserving the historic trees. Today there are four oaks and one valley oak, two redwoods, four magnolias, four Pacific Sunset maples

and one large palm (one was removed). The large, 6,000-square-foot house sits on a corner, 18,000square-foot lot. Facing the symmetrical front, one can spot the balcony extending from the master bedroom, with two olive trees in the corners, miniature, floppy “ollies” and white roses. At the side are three smoke trees, with boxwoods in large pots. “We chose boxwood because we could make it into a circular shape to offset the angles of the house,” the owner said. The main part of the lot that the family can readily access — what they call their “Palm Garden” — is to the right side, separated from the front by a barrier of trees. Two Murcatt orange trees arch over a pathway to the side yard, with its large patch of pebbles, rather than lawn. A sculpture by Adam Gale draws the eye to one end. At the other is the family room that extends from the kitchen. A new brick deck, which looks like it’s been there for 100 years, connects to the Palm Garden. Along the side, Prunus caroliniana (cherry laurel) in both lollipop and column styles offers screening from their nearest neighbors. Two water features off the family dining deck were installed as a further noise barrier.

Home & Real Estate

Many shades of green, with rounded boxwood in planters, soften the exterior of this historic Palo Alto home, which is part of this year’s Gamble Garden Spring Tour.

All along the side is a mostly shady garden with espaliered magnolias, bleeding hearts and ferns. The large Kully Chaha native stones on the pathway match the pebbles in the side yard. Rather than focusing on native plants per se, the owners and designer, Sarah Warto, of Boxleaf Design, San Francisco, chose plants often seen in California in the past: lots of hydrangeas, grasses, lavender, opting for “more romantic type of flowers,” with no big, open-faced blooms. There are many shades of green, a few whites and purples, with a few dashes of orange in pots to complement the house trim. “It still had to hold up to the heftiness of

the house,” Warto said. The owners call the backyard the “wine garden,” because it’s where the evening sun filters in, making a lovely place to be around 4 o’clock. “There’s no real backyard,” the owner said, pointing to a small cottage and the garage at the rear of the property. “The tricky part was making the Palm Garden the private family space, even though it is on the street.” The rear space is gated, mainly for the family dog. Another driving principle was the owners’ love of cooking. A built-in outdoor barbecue is well-used during good weather.

“I’m a cook so I planted what I cook,” she said, noting the apples, pears, limes, Meyer lemons, kumquats and traditional lemons, as well as an extensive herb garden at the side. While working in the kitchen, she can view both plants and water elements. A cutting garden on the street side offers peonies, delphinium, foxglove, echinacea and dianthus. Through a rose archway one then enters the area for the five chickens, with a coop and a chicken swing. Four other gardens are on this year’s tour, including: ■ A Tuscan Retreat, with a grand main living courtyard, custom gate and ironwork and roses (Jolee Horne Landscape Design); ■ Modern Meets Classic, with new takes on European design (note the sculpture and ceramic tiles), (Dorrit Kingsbury, Kingsbury Garden Designs); ■ Open and Modern, with garden spaces quite public on a corner Professorville lot (designed by homeowners); ■ Maximizing Family Play Space, with an expanse of lawn, a pool, fruit trees, veggie garden and rope swing (Debby Ruskin, Ruskin Gardens). In addition to the garden tour, a plant sale will be held at Gamble Garden Center, featuring Prunus ‘Howard Miracle,’ Tomato ‘Indigo Rose,’ ‘Iris Jesse’s Song’ and ‘Clematis H.F. Young,’ among other cultivars and varieties, organized by groupings — sun, shade, succulents, iris, natives and edibles. A sale of garden-inspired goods, a silent auction and boxed lunches complete the annual fundraiser for the nonprofit horticultural foundation. N Associate Editor Carol Blitzer can be emailed at cblitzer@paweekly.com.

What: Gamble Garden Spring Tour When: Friday and Saturday, April 25 and April 26, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Five gardens in Palo Alto and the Gamble Garden Center, 1431 Waverley St., Palo Alto Cost: $35 for nonmembers, $30 for members, in advance online; $40 same day; $15 lunch ticket (order by 2 p.m., April 21) Info: 650-329-1356 or www.gamblegarden.org

Home Front ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊ{ä® green chilies and Monterey Jack cheese; and Spicy Black Bean Cakes with a mango salsa. Indian menu includes Jeera Rice, Aloo Gobi, whole wheat Paratha, Cucumber Raita and Soji Halwa. On the Mexican menu is Homemade Sopes with Tinga Poblana (Masa Boats with a Spicy Pork Stew); Queso Fundido; Shrimp Tacos with roasted vegetable salsa; Ceviche Tostadas with avocado and tomatillo salsa; tacos with potatoes, chiles and cream; and Oaxacan black beans. Information: 650329-3752 or www.paadultschool.org N

READ MORE ONLINE PaloAltoOnline.com

For more Home and Real Estate news, visit www.paloaltoonline.com/real_estate.

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Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

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Home & Real Estate SALES AT A GLANCE Atherton

Palo Alto

Total sales reported: 2 Lowest sales price: $3,095,000 Highest sales price: $3,250,000

Total sales reported: 3 Lowest sales price: $1,250,000 Highest sales price: $1,980,000

East Palo Alto

Redwood City

Total sales reported: 3 Lowest sales price: $272,000 Highest sales price: $635,000

Total sales reported: 14 Lowest sales price: $356,000 Highest sales price: $1,875,000

Los Altos


Total sales reported: 13 Lowest sales price: $885,000 Highest sales price: $3,100,000

Total sales reported: 1 Lowest sales price: $865,000 Highest sales price: $865,000 - ÕÀVi\Ê > v À >Ê, Ã ÕÀVi

Menlo Park Total sales reported: 2 Lowest sales price: $475,000 Highest sales price: $1,875,000

HOME SALES Home sales are provided by California REsource, a real estate information company that obtains the information from the County Recorder’s Office. Information is recorded from deeds after the close of escrow and published within four to eight weeks.

Atherton 25 De Bell Drive Gourdin Trust to M. & S. Bolmer for $3,250,000 on 3/7/14 182 Encinal Ave. B. Rezvani to J. Fowler for $3,095,000 on 3/7/14; previous sale 11/12, $2,350,000

East Palo Alto 913 Baines St. Lu Trust to J. Lu for $600,000 on 3/12/14; previous sale 11/02, $577,000 480 E. O’keefe St. #214 M. Conover to R. Auer for $272,000 on 3/7/14; previous sale 4/04, $215,000

2148 Ralmar Ave. A. & M. Gomez to L. Keith for $635,000 on 3/13/14; previous sale 2/01, $575,000

Los Altos 360 Apricot Lane Griffin Trust to M. Zachary for $1,905,000 on 3/27/14; previous sale 8/88, $470,000 241 Biarritz Circle Orsak Trust to H. Hwang for $2,425,000 on 3/25/14 845 Carnation Court Michaelian Trust to X. Zhou for $2,185,000 on 3/27/14 434 Casita Court C. Weaver to Okubo-Haines Trust for $2,400,000 on 3/27/14 240 Chateau Drive Colombini Trust to D. Chan for $2,359,500 on 3/28/14 26 Chester Circle S. Hong to Z. Liu for $1,820,000 on 3/28/14; previous sale 4/01, $1,125,000 150 W. Edith Ave. #6 Burke Trust to H. Cho for $885,000

on 3/28/14; previous sale 11/97, $295,000 331 Hawthorne Ave. Willard Trust to K. & D. Humphreys for $3,100,000 on 3/28/14; previous sale 7/04, $1,775,000 632 Leaf Court D. & K. Humphreys to F. & P. Mujica for $3,025,000 on 3/26/14; previous sale 11/05, $1,750,000 772 Los Altos Ave. Abrey Trust to W. Zhao for $2,475,000 on 3/26/14 191 Lyell St. A. Safavi to S. Rafinejad for $1,000,000 on 3/28/14; previous sale 1/92, $370,000 4003 Marcelli Circle Lennar Homes to J. Wang for $1,230,500 on 3/27/14 1810 Newcastle Drive Schwarz Trust to G. & I. Piekarz for $1,880,000 on 3/28/14; previous sale 11/98, $770,000

Menlo Park 546 Marsh Road D. Larson to

Concordia RC-20 Limited for $475,000 on 3/10/14 2026 Sand Hill Road Faix Trust to Kailath Trust for $1,875,000 on 3/7/14; previous sale 9/01, $875,000

Palo Alto 2431 Indian Drive Barboza Trust to L. Chang for $1,800,000 on 3/28/14; previous sale 12/86, $165,000 337 Ramona St. Kearney Trust to N. Jhanji for $1,980,000 on 3/27/14 670 San Antonio Road #40 V. Chang to Y. Cui for $1,250,000 on 3/28/14; previous sale 11/12, $875,000

Redwood City 959 5th Ave. Bortoli Trust to E. Pick for $678,000 on 3/13/14 353 A St. Hemp Trust to R. Robison for $803,000 on 3/10/14; previous sale 1/01, $520,500 1009 Arlington Road Johnson Trust to S. Markuse for $1,875,000 on 3/12/14; previous sale 4/09, $1,445,000 102 Chelsea Way #2 L. Tanner to G. & L. Osgood for $751,000 on 3/14/14; previous sale 4/05, $625,000 2707 Hastings Shore Lane #295 E. Flores to R. Jiang for $635,000 on 3/7/14; previous sale 8/08, $550,000 50 Horgan Ave. #41 Sarraille Trust to Reck Trust for $688,000 on 3/7/14 818 Lakeshore Drive #611 N. & E. Mye to D. Sparks for $869,000 on 3/7/14; previous sale 9/03, $589,000 4 Lido Circle P. Govindarajan to S. & M. Chun for $990,000 on 3/7/14; previous sale 8/08, $850,000 1090 Main St. #105 Yelland Trust to R. Muniz for $356,000 on 3/7/14; previous sale 8/99, $155,000 2602 Mcgarvey Ave. P. & E. Withrington to S. & L. Leone for $1,500,000 on 3/14/14; previous sale 12/10, $775,000 582 Osprey Drive E. Tanjuakio to R. & C. Park for $1,225,000 on 3/11/14; previous sale 10/07,

$925,000 17 Portofino Circle Desuasido Trust to B. & C. Rey-Hipolito for $900,000 on 3/14/14; previous sale 1/05, $782,000 166 South Palomar Drive Mccracken Trust to A. Mittleman for $1,617,000 on 3/11/14 2764 Washington Ave. Dailey Trust to J. Alvarez for $860,000 on 3/7/14

Woodside 144 Huckleberry Trail Annett Trust to M. Kramer for $865,000 on 3/12/14; previous sale 11/87, $105,000

BUILDING PERMITS Palo Alto 3764 La Donna Ave. repair gasline on roof, $n/a 3785 El Centro St. remodel laundry room, powder room and hall bath, $20,000 1020 Guinda St. copper repipe including main water service, $n/a 3632 Arbutus Ave. copper repipe and replace tank water, $n/a 3760 La Selva Drive foundation around tub revised to allow installation of piping for water jets, $n/a 1530 Waverley St. remodel bathroom on second story, $28,000 325 Channing Ave., Unit 118 repair gasline in ceiling, $n/a 737 Loma Verde Ave., Unit 4 replace shower valve, $n/a 3340 Kenneth Drive extend gasline to new firepit and gas insert in fireplace, $n/a 159 Tennyson Ave. re-roof, $7,800 864 Barron Ave. install Level 2 EVSE in garage, $n/a 1578 Channing Ave. revision to convert two-car garage to single-car garage to add living room and laundry, one outside parking spot, relocate gas meter, $n/a 2044 Oberlin St. remodel kitchen, bath, replace windows in bathroom, $22,000 2005 Tasso St. remove chimney, restore affected floor walls

$ FOR SALE $ Non MLS Homes + Land Call JAN


“Experience Counts 28 years”

650.906.6516 janstrohecker@yahoo.com DRE00620365

and ceiling, $15,000 482 Ferne Ave. replace sewer line from house to city cleanout, $n/a 3420 Cowper St. install two water lines in attached garage to accommodate relocation of washer and sink, relocate dryer in garage, $n/a 1141 Lincoln Ave. repair gas leak, $n/a 1564 Emerson St. install blownin insulation, $1,130 4180 Park Blvd. install two exterior lights on garage, $n/a 285 Hamilton Ave. Tunein: tenant improvement to 4th and 5th floors, $350,000 412 Olive Ave. install two electric-vehicle charging stations at parking space, $n/a 301 Addison Ave. replace sewer line from house to edge of property line, $n/a 321 Melville Ave. install Level 3 EVSE in garage, $n/a 3400 Hillview Ave. Barnes & Noble: re-roof building #3, $40,640; re-roof building #5, $32,500 2130 Bowdoin St. partial reroof, $4,000 495 El Capitan Place install compressors and ductless wall-mounted air handlers/heat pumps, $n/a 984 Amarillo Ave. install heat and air handlers, $n/a 978 Addison Ave. replace two windows with sliding door, $n/a 2115 Cowper St. remodel kitchen and bathroom, add powder room, partially remove wall between kitchen and office, replace six windows, $130,000 566 Arastradero Road remodel kitchen, $20,000 730 Welch Road tenant improvement, including exam and X-ray room with lead walls, $80,000 1700 Embarcadero Road trash enclosure, $15,000 1009 Paradise Way replace gas line from meter to pool heater, $n/a 505 Charleston Road replace landscape lighting, $n/a 4136 Abel Ave. framing revision above family room, $n/a 430 Alger Drive revised kitchen floorplan layout, $n/a 4214 El Camino Real two illuminated channel letter signs, one illuminated logo sign, one blade sign and two directional signs, $n/a 3980 Bibbits Drive residential PV system, $n/a 3421 Hillview Ave. VMWare: offices on 2nd and 3rd floors, add office, boardroom, HVAC, $83,000 3427 Hillview Ave. VMWare: offices on 2nd and 3rd floors, add four offices, redistribute HVAC,$64,000 821 Thornwood Drive revised plans to include 206 sf additional living space, $n/a 555 University Ave. Beats Electronics: tenant improvement, replace HVAC units, $553,250 1520 Page Mill Road interior demo, $228,000

Residential real estate expertise for the mid-peninsula.


Broker Associate Alain Pinel President’s Club DRE #00994196


ngranoski@apr.com 650/269–8556

John&Lydia JohnandLydiaHomes.com

GH =F 1:0 K9L 0-4 :00 KMF


3 Bedrooms | 2.5 Bathrooms | 1,770± sq. ft. | 5,500± sq. ft. lot Beautifully expanded and remodeled, this sophisticated Belmont home offers a private garden courtyard with mature wisteria and Y kdYl] hYlag hgj[`& Afka\]$ l`] da_`l%Údd]\ afl]jagj ZgYklk Yf gh]f Ûggj hdYf oal` gYc `Yj\ogg\ Ûggjaf_$ nYmdl]\ []adaf_k oal` emdlahd] kcqda_`lk$ Y\\af_ oYjel` Yf\ [ge^gjl l`jgm_`gml& Oal` alk a\]Yd dg[Ylagf Yf\ eafml]k lg f]a_`Zgj`gg\ Ye]fala]k km[` Yk Egdda] Klgf]k$ ]Yl]ja]k$ [geeml] jgml]k Yf\ k[`ggdk$ l`ak `ge] ak kmal]\ lg Úl l`] f]]\k ^gj lg\Yq k Zmkq da^]klqd]&

OFFERED AT $1,049,900 | www.915NorthRd.com For More Information on This Property or If You Have Questions Regarding Your Property, Call John and Lydia!


John St. Clair III Lydia Kou

With Diversity Comes Results

JOHN 650.740.8363 | Jstclair@apr.com LYDIA 650.996.0028 | Lkou@apr.com

CalBRE 01183450 | 01229442 Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

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A Luxury Collection By Intero Real Estate Services.

7292 Exotic Garden, Cambria

5 Betty Lane, Atherton

24680 Prospect Avenue, Los Altos Hills




Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305

Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Greg Goumas Lic.#01242399, 00709019, 01878208

Listing Provided by: Renuka Ahuja, Lic.#01783141

13195 Glenshire Drive, Truckee

187 Atherton Avenue, Atherton


10800 Magdalena, Los Altos Hills $6,995,000



Listing Provided by: Cutty Smith, Melissa Lindt, Lic.#01444081, 01469863

Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208

Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas and Sophie Tsang, Lic.#01242399, 00709019, 01399145


302 Atherton Avenue, Atherton $6,499,950 Listing Provided by: Albert Garibaldi & Giulio Cannatello Lic.# 01321299 & 01911402

6113 Blackpool Court, San Jose

12733 Dianne Drive, Los Altos Hills

11653 Dawson Drive, Los Altos Hills



Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208

Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305

12861 Alta Tierra Road, Los Altos Hills

600 Hobart Street, Menlo Park



Listing Provided by: Dominic Nicoli, Lic.#01112681

Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208

Listing Provided by: David Bergman, Lic.#01223189

1250 Miramontes Street, Half Moon Bay

28 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos

301 Main Street #29A, San Francisco


$3,698,000 Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305

$3,200,000 Listing Provided by: David Troyer, Lic.#01234450

See the complete collection

$2,250,000 Listing Provided by: Melissa Lindt, Lic.#01469863


w w w.InteroPrestigio.com

2014 Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. All rights reserved. The logo is a registered trademark of Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. Intero Prestigio is a division of Intero Inc. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This is not intended as a solicitation if you are listed with another broker.


The Solution to Selling Your Luxury Home. 2819 Day Road, Gilroy, CA | $2,999,000 | Listing Provided by: Ralph Chellino, Lic.#00789856

Customized to the unique style of each luxury property, Prestigio will expose your home through the most influential mediums reaching the greatest number of qualified buyers wherever they may be in the world. For more information about listing your home with the Intero Prestigio International program, call your local Intero Real Estate Services office. Woodside 1590 Cañada Lane Woodside, CA 94062 650.206.6200

Menlo Park 807 Santa Cruz Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 650.543.7740

Los Altos 496 First Street, Ste. 200 Los Altos, CA 94022 650.947.4700



2014 Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. All rights reserved. The logo is a registered trademark of Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. Intero Prestigio is a division of Intero Inc. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This is not intended as a solicitation if you are listed with another broker.


YS 4 DA n i D SOL



S DAY 0 1 D in SOL

Portola Valley Ranch Multiple Offers & Over Asking of $2,395,000

Ladera Multiple Offers & Over Asking of $1,695,000

5922Alpine.com $7,700,000

280Nathhorst.com $6,250,000

385GoldenOak.com $5,100,000

75Valencia.com $3,895,000


AlpineRd.com $3,795,000

6Montecito.com $2,750,000


Los Trancos Woods 3 beds | 3 baths


Portola Valley Ranch 4 beds | 3 baths

Ranked Portola Valley’s #1 agent since 1994 and in the WSJ top 100 agents

Central Portola Valley 3 beds | 2 baths

Ginny Kavanaugh Direct: 650.400.8076 | gkavanaugh@camoves.com | KavanaughGroup.com | C a l BRE #00884747 Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

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759 East Meadow Drive, Palo Alto By





o pp

t en




Offered at $4,788,000

Please view virtual tour of this home on www.JudyShen.com or www.759EMeadow.com




New & Elegant West Menlo Home 1875 Camino A Los Cerros | Menlo Park | Price Upon Request This private-gated newly built in 2012 two-story 4 BR/3.5 BA craftsman style home is a showcase for elegant living in West Menlo Park. Situated on a fully landscaped approx. 12,900 sq. ft. lot, the home features a host of amenities including a full-wall articulating door leading to a large rear covered porch and fireplace, adjacent outdoor barbeque area, putting green and attractive water feature. Inside there is an easy flow between the large gourmet chef’s kitchen and spacious granite island and the adjoining comfortable Great Room. Located in the acclaimed Oak Knoll Elementary/Hillview Middle School District, the property has easy access to freeways and Central Menlo’s shops and restaurants.


Coming Soon Helen & Brad Miller

650.400.3426 brad.miller@cbnorcal.com helenhuntermiller@gmail.com www.helenandbradhomes.com Top 1% International President’s Circle CalBRE #00917768/01142061

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Monique Lombardelli

Miles McCormick


650.400.1001 HomesofthePeninsula.com

monique@modernhomesrealty.com www.modernhomesrealty.com BRE# 001879145





California Newspaper Publishers Association

California Newspaper Publishers Association

We will work to help your business grow! For Advertising information, please call Neal Fine at (650) 223-6583.

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We will work to help your business grow! For Advertising information, please call Tom Zahiralis, Vice President Sales & Marketing at (650) 223-6570.

incompa r a ble woodside estate



elcome to this incomparable estate located in the beautiful Mountain Home neighborhood in Woodside. The stately residence was originally built in 1978 but has been expanded and completely revitalized by the current owners. Set on approximately 3.88 landscaped acres, this wonderful Traditional home offers the twin luxuries of abundant space and complete privacy. s &OUR BEDROOMS FOUR FULL BATHS and three half baths in the main residence s ,ARGE LIVING ROOM FORMAL DINING room, comfortable family room s 0ANELED LIBRARY AND BILLIARDS room with walk-in wet bar s 5PDATED KITCHEN EXPANDED BY a sunny breakfast area s (OME GYM WITH SAUNA AND FULL bath with steam shower s &OUR CAR GARAGE WITH BUILT IN storage work bench and full attic


s One-bedroom, one-bath guest cottage with kitchen and great room s 0ool and pool house with full kitchen s %XPANSIVE TERRACES AND LAWNS surrounded by magnificent gardens s !PPROXIMATELY ACRES s !WARD WINNING 0ORTOLA 6ALLEY SCHOOLS s !PPROXIMATE SQUARE FOOTAGE

(OUSE .................................

"ASEMENT .............................

Guest house/pool house/gym ..

'ARAGE ................................

4OTAL ......................................



This information was supplied by Seller and/or other sources. Broker believes this information to be correct but has not verified this information and assumes no legal responsibility for its accuracy. Buyers should investigate these issues to their own satisfaction. Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. If your home is currently listed for sale, this is not a solicitation of that listing.

Hugh Cornish

Natalie Comartin

650.566.5353 hcornish@cbnorcal.com

650.380.3122 natalie.comartin@cbnorcal.com

CalBRE# 00912143

CalBRE# 01484129

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1680 Bryant Street, Palo Alto

OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 2:00 – 4:00pm www.1680Bryant.com







JUDY CITRON 650.543.1206 jcitron@apr.com judycitron.com License# 01825569

Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.



ATHERTON 5 Bedrooms 91 Fleur Pl $9,400,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

5 Bedrooms 607 Nandell Ln $6,495,000 Sat 1-5/Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111

6+ Bedrooms 1 Callado Wy $9,480,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

LOS ALTOS HILLS 5 Bedrooms 27791 Edgerton Rd Sun Coldwell Banker

BELMONT 3 Bedrooms 915 North Rd $1,049,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

$3,150,000 325-6161



5 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms

423 Compass Dr $1,499,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 Intero Real Estate Services 543-7740

262 Kingsley Av $2,199,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors 529-1111


4 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms

3193 South Court $2,988,000 Sat Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

7230 Mockingbird Sat Coldwell Banker

5 Bedrooms 4285 Miranda Av Sat Coldwell Banker

$2,895,000 325-6161

$1,098,000 325-6161

SAN MATEO 3 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms

890 Lincoln Av $4,198,000 Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

631 E Santa Inez Av Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker

2121 Santa Cruz Av $1,595,000 Sat 2-4/Sun 1:30-4:30 Coldwell Banker 324-4456



4 Bedrooms

4 Bedrooms

4 Bedrooms

850 Monte Rosa Dr $3,399,000 Sat 1-4/Sun 12:30-2:30 Coldwell Banker 323-7751

1234 Los Trancos Rd $2,500,000 Sat Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

13800 Pierce Rd $2,199,800 Sat/Sun Intero Real Estate Services 543-7740





3 Bedrooms

2 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms

826 Hierra Ct $1,698,000 Sat Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111

192 E Middlefield Rd Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker

4 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms - Townhouse

EAST PALO ALTO 3 Bedrooms 2336 Palo Verde Av Sat/Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors

1801 Dalehurst Av Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$475,000 462-1111

$2,195,000 325-6161

$980,000 941-7040

3 Bedrooms

3653 Jefferson Ave Sat 1-4 Pacific Union

$1,125,000 394-7271

$799,000 325-6161

851 Bayview Wy Sat Coldwell Banker

$1,725,000 323-7751

Michael Repka

95 Roan Pl Sat/Sun Intero-Woodside

$2,890,000 206-6200

Knowledge and Experience. Applied.

Before you select a real estate agent, meet with Michael Repka to discuss how his real estate law and tax background beneďŹ ts Ken DeLeon’s clients. Managing Broker DeLeon Realty JD - Rutgers School of Law L.L.M (Taxation) NYU School of Law

729 W California Wy $2,425,000 Sat 1-4/Sun 1-3 Intero -Woodside 206-6200

4 Bedrooms

4 Bedrooms

353 Whisman Station Dr #24 Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker

$798,888 324-4456

650.766.6325 tpaulin.com (650) 488.7325 DRE# 01854880 | CA BAR# 255996

michaelr@deleonrealty.com www.deleonrealty.com

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Happy Easter and Happy Passover


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2775 MiddleďŹ eld Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Phone: (650)321-1596 Fax: (650)328-1809


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353 Whisman Station Dr. #24 Mountain View Open Sat & Sun 1:30 - 4:30

Stylish, Bright, Inviting 3 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms around 1390 sf. Offered at $799,000

Emily Chiang (650) 769-2285 Emily.Chiang@cbnorcal.com www.EmilyChiang.com


MARKETPLACE the printed version of


ADIENT PHYSICAL THERAPY, INC. 4215 Tierra Rejada Rd., #236 Moorpark, CA 93021 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 07/21/2004. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 18, 2014. (PAW Mar. 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014)

Public Notices

LeVett Properties Strutz LeVett Management Company Strutz LeVett Investment & Holding Company Strutz LeVett Management Strutz LeVett Company Strutz LeVett Investments Levett LeVett Investments FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 589585 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) LeVett Properties, 2.) Strutz LeVett Management Company, 3.) Strutz LeVett Investment & Holding Company, 4.) Strutz LeVett Management, 5.) Strutz LeVett Company, 6.) Strutz LeVett Investments, 7.) Levett LeVett Investments, located at 502 Waverley Street, Suite 304, Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): Dennis A. LeVett 502 Waverley Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 01/01/1962. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 18, 2014. (PAW Mar. 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014)

995 Fictitious Name Statement GORILLA PLAY DAY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 589580 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Gorilla Play Day, located at 1505 De Rose Way, Apt. 61, San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): CHRISTOPHER ORTEZ 1505 De Rose Way #61 San Jose, CA 95126-4132 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 18, 2014. (PAW Mar. 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014) ADIENT SPORTSMEDICINE AND REHABILITATION FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 589623 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Adient Sportsmedicine and Rehabilitation, located at 3441 Alma St., #200, Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are):

MUDCAKE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 588777 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Mudcake, located at 801 High St., Palo


Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): SPARK FACTOR DESIGN 801 High St. Palo Alto, CA 94301 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 27, 2014. (PAW Mar. 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014) Tutoring Done Right FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 589777 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Tutoring Done Right, located at 4461 Renaissance Dr. Apt., 622, San Jose, CA 95134, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): IRMA SMITH 4461 Renaissance Dr. Apt. 622 San Jose, CA 95134 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 03/01/2014. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 20, 2014. (PAW Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014) PLEY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 590058 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Pley, located at 1580 Oakland Rd., Suite C104, San Jose, CA 95131, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): PLEYING INC. 1580 Oakland Rd. C104

THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM San Jose, CA 95131 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 27, 2014. (PAW Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014) BARRE3 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 590102 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Barre3, located at 1395 Lincoln Ave., San Jose, CA 95125, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): BARRE STRONG LLC 1395 Lincoln Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 03/25/2014. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 28, 2014. (PAW Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2014)

997 All Other Legals ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Case No.: 114CV262653 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MARIA SAINZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: CLARA DEGOIS to CLARA DEGOIS SAINZ. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two

court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: June 17, 2014, at 8:45 a.m., Dept.: 12, Room: Probate, of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: PALO ALTO WEEKLY Date: March 24, 2014 /s/ Aaron Persky JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (PAW Mar. 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Case No.: 114CV262648 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner VIJNAN SHASTRI & RANIA BRATBERG filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: GEMMA BRATBERG SHASTRI to GEMMA ROSE BRATBERG SHASTRI. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: June 17, 2014 at 8:45 a.m., Room: Probate of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.

A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: PALO ALTO WEEKLY Date: March 24, 2014 /s/ Aaron Persky JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (PAW Mar. 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No. 745246CA Loan No. 3014777654 Title Order No. 100726105-CA-MAI ATTENTION RECORDER: THE FOLLOWING REFERENCE TO AN ATTACHED SUMMARY IS APPLICABLE TO THE NOTICE PROVIDED TO THE TRUSTOR ONLY. PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE 2923.3 NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ATTACHED YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11-30-2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 04-28-2014 at 9:00 AM, ALAW as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded 12-06-2007, Book N/A, Page N/A, Instrument 19674605, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of SANTA CLARA County, California, executed by: MANAR ZARROUG, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, as Trustor, WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA, as Beneficiary, will sell at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in

(continued on page 59)

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Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE fogster.com

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650/326-8216 Now you can log on to fogster.com, day or night and get your ad started immediately online. Most listings are free and include a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. Exempt are employment ads, which include a web listing charge. Home Services and Mind & Body Services require contact with a Customer Sales Representative. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!!


BOARD 100-155 N FOR SALE 200-270 N KIDS STUFF 330-390 N MIND & BODY 400-499 N J OBS 500-560 N B USINESS SERVICES 600-699 N H OME SERVICES 700-799 N FOR RENT/ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 801-899 N P UBLIC/LEGAL NOTICES 995-997 The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors Embarcadero Media cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of its advertisers. Embarcadero Media right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice.



THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers!

fogster.com is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice. specialized bike Found 12/13 in Palo Alto. Contact Officer Kan (650) 329-2524

Bulletin Board

145 Non-Profits Needs DONATE BOOKS/HELP PA LIBRARY Moms/Daughters- $ Stanford

115 Announcements PREGNANT? THINKING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby's One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) ‘66 230SL To the person who left the note on the windshield of my '66 230SL in the Avy Street Post Office parking lot: please contact me via the Almanac. Foothill College Plant Sale Free E-Waste Event 4/12 HUGE USED BOOK SALE LIVE LATIN JAZZ! April 18th MAKEUP/MAKEOVERS FOR CDS &TGS Moms/Daughters- $ Stanford Murder Mystery Play! new Holiday music original ringtones Stanford Introduction to Opera Stanford music tutoring substitute pianist available SUMMER DANCE CAMPS - Kids&Teens


150 Volunteers Domestic Violence Counselors Fosterers Needed for Moffet Cats FRIENDS OF THE PALO ALTO LIBRARY Moms/Daughters- $ Stanford Spanish/English Counselors Stanford Research Needs You!

152 Research Study Volunteers Having Sleep Problems? If you are 60 years or older, you may be eligible to participate in a study of Non-Drug Treatments for Insomnia sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, and conducted at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Medical Center. Participants will receive extensive sleep evaluation, individual treatment, and reimbursement for participation. For more information, please call Stephanie at (650) 8490584. (For general information about participant rights, contact 866-680-2906.)


155 Pets

130 Classes & Instruction

Lost: Black Domestic Long Hair

ADMIN ASSISTANT TRAINEES! Get Microsoft Certified now! No Experience Needed! SC Train gets you trained and ready to work! HS Diploma/ GED & PC needed! 1-888-325-5168. (Cal-SCAN) Africa, Brazil Work/Study! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! www.OneWorldCenter.org (269) 5910518 info@OneWorldCenter.org (AAN CAN) AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Job placement and Financial assistance for qualified students. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-242-3382 (Cal-SCAN) THE PATH TO YOUR DREAM JOB begins with a college degree. Education Quarters offers a free college matching service. Call 1-800-348-8192. (Cal-SCAN) German language class Instruction for Hebrew Bar and Bat Mitzvah For Affiliated and Unaffiliated George Rubin, M.A. in Hebrew/Jewish Education 650/424-1940

133 Music Lessons Christina Conti Private Piano Instruction (650) 493-6950 Hope Street Music Studios In downtown Mtn.View. Most Instruments voice. All ages & levels 650-961-2192 www. HopeStreetMusicStudios.com Piano Lessons in Palo Alto Call Alita at 650.838.9772

135 Group Activities Arastradero Poppy Project Thanks St, Jude

140 Lost & Found Saturn car key and fob I lost my Saturn car key and fob in parking lot 3 in Menlo park on April 3rd 2014.

For Sale 201 Autos/Trucks/ Parts BUY OR SELL AN RV ONLINE Best Deals and Selection. Visit RVT. com Classifieds. Thousands of RVs for Sale By Owner and Dealer Listings. www.RVT.com Toll-free 888-771-8430 (Cal-SCAN) Lexus 2010 HS250h - 22,900

202 Vehicles Wanted CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www. cash4car.com (AAN CAN) Class: Autos Wanted

203 Bicycles Ultra Motor A2B Metro Electric $1600

210 Garage/Estate Sales

230 Freebies Computer Desk - FREE

Pizza Cook

240 Furnishings/ Household items

560 Employment Information

Almost new Garage Door - $1300/BO Bedroom Furniture - $1200.

405 Beauty Services

DESK - $100.00


Household Furnishings Full size bed and frame, vanity table w/mirror (vintage), chest of drawers; computer desk/console; bookcase. Surfboards, snow skiis and ski jackets. Reasonable offers will not be refused. 650/387-5298

245 Miscellaneous DirectTV 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-2910350 (Cal-SCAN) DISH TV Retailer Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-357-0810 (Cal-SCAN) KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate Roaches-Guaranteed. No Mess, Odorless, Long Lasting. Available at Ace Hardware, The Home Depot, homedepot.com (AAN CAN) REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get an All-Digital Satellite system installed for FREE and programming starting at $24.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR upgrade for new callers, SO CALL NOW! (877)366-4509 (Cal-SCAN) REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-866-982-9562. (Cal-SCAN) SAWMILLS from only $4897.00 MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800-5781363 Ext.300N (Cal-SCAN) Popinjay Purse Trunk Show

Palo Alto, 2160 Edgewood Drive, Saturday, April 19. 9-1 bookshelves, dressers, scooters, a bike, sofa, books, a new treadmill, Thule rack, office chairs, electric guitar, amplifier, and kids items. RWC: 1228 Douglas Ave. Fri. 4/18, 11am-2pm; Sat. 4/19, 9am-1pm BIG RUMMAGE SALE benefits Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. (Just south of Woodside Rd., bet. Broadway and Bayshore Fwy.) CASH ONLY 650 497-8332 or during sale (650)568-9840

Wisdom Qigong w/ Mingtong Gu - $97

425 Health Services DEFIBRILLATOR LEAD WIRE? WERE YOU IMPLANTED WITH A ST. JUDE RIATA DEFIBRILLATOR LEAD WIRE between June 2001 and December 2010? Have you had this lead replaced, capped or did you receive shocks from the lead? You may be entitled to compensation. Contact Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727. (Cal-SCAN) Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-799-4811 for $750 Off. (Cal-SCAN)


ATTN: DRIVERS! Quality Home time! Avg $1000 Weekly $$$ Up to 50 cpm $$$ BCBS + 401k + Pet & Rider. Orientation Sign On Bonus. CDL-A Required. 877-258-8782 www.ad-drivers.com (Cal-SCAN) DRIVERS! DRIVERS: CDL-A train and work for us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Operator or Lease Trainer. Call 877-369-7126 www.CentralTruckDrivingJobs.com (Cal-SCAN) EARN $500 A-DAY EARN $500 A-DAY: Insurance Agents Needed; Leads, No Cold Calls; Commissions Paid Daily; Lifetime Renewals; Complete Training; Health/ Dental Insurance; Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020. (CalSCAN) TRUCK DRIVERS Obtain Class A CDL in 2 1⁄2 weeks. Company Sponsored Training. Also Hiring Recent Truck School Graduates, Experienced Drivers. Must be 21 or Older. Call: (866) 275-2349. (Cal-SCAN)

500 Help Wanted Multimedia Sales Representatives Embarcadero Media is headquartered in Palo Alto and operates diverse media enterprises, including the region’s most respected and award-winning community newspapers and specialty publications, websites and e-mail marketing products. Locally-owned and independent for 34 years, we publish the Palo Alto Weekly, Mountain View Voice and Almanac on the Peninsula and the Pleasanton Weekly. In each of these communities our papers are the dominate, best-read and most respected among its various competitors. We also operate extremely popular interactive community news and information websites in all of our cities, plus unique online-only operations in Danville and San Ramon. Our flagship website, Palo Alto Online (http:// paloaltoonline.com), attracts more than 150,000 unique visitors and 600,000 page views a month. As the first newspaper in the United States to publish on the web back in 1994, the Palo Alto Weekly is recognized throughout the state and nation as a leader in transforming from a print- only news organization to a innovative multimedia company offering advertisers and readers new and effective products. In 2013, the Weekly was judged the best large weekly newspaper in the state by the California Newspaper Publishers Association. Its web operation, Palo Alto Online, was judged the best newspaper website in California.

Kid’s Stuff

The Palo Alto Weekly and Embarcadero Media are seeking smart, articulate and dedicated experienced and entry-level sales professionals who are looking for a fastpaced and dynamic work environment of people committed to producing outstanding journalism and effective marketing for local businesses.

340 Child Care Wanted Are You our Mother’s Helper?

350 Preschools/ Schools/Camps

As a Multimedia Account Executive, you will contact and work with local businesses to expand their brand identity and support their future success using marketing and advertising opportunities available through our 3 marketing platforms: print campaigns, website advertising and email marketing.

Piano Summer Camp

The ideal candidate is an organized and assertive self-starter who loves working as a team to beat sales goals and possesses strong verbal, written, persuasive and listening interpersonal skills and can provide exceptional customer service.

Wheel Kids Bike Camp

Duties, responsibilities and skills include:

Accepting Applications for Fall

Menlo Park, 511 Fanita Way, April 19, 9-1pm Mountain View, 500 West Middlefield Road, April 19 , 8-2

415 Classes

$1,000 WEEKLY!! MAILING BROCHURES From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity. No Experience required. Start Immediately www.mailingmembers.com (AAN CAN)


The Palo Alto Weekly Marketplace is online at: http://www.fogster.com CONNECTED?

* Understands that the sales process is more than taking orders * Has a strong understanding of how consumers use the Internet * Can effectively manage and cover a geographic territory of active accounts while constantly canvassing competitive media and the market for new clients via cold calling * Can translate customer marketing objectives into creative and effective multi-media advertising campaigns * Ability to understand & interpret marketing data to effectively overcome client objections * Understands the importance of meeting deadlines in an organized manner * Can manage and maintain client information in our CRM database system, is proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel and has knowledge of the Internet and social media * Ability to adapt objectives, sales approaches and behaviors in response to rapidly changing situations and to manage business in a deadline-driven environment Compensation includes base salary plus commission, health benefits, vacation, 401k and a culture where employees are respected, supported and given the opportunity to grow. To apply, submit a personalized cover letter and complete resume to: Tom Zahiralis, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Embarcadero Media, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. E-mail to: tzahiralis@embarcaderopublishing.com

go to fogster.com to respond to ads without phone numbers ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ «À Ê£n]ÊÓä£{ÊU Page 57

“Ron For Your Lives!�-- that’s all you can do. Matt Jones

MARKETPLACE the printed version of


Business Services 615 Computers DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. Adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa.com Ă‚ Ă‚ (Cal-SCAN)

624 Financial Answers on page 59

Across 1 Ski lodge drinks 7 Put up for display 11 “Danny and the Dinosaur� author ___ Hoff 14 Show off 15 Cookie with its name stamped on it 16 Actress Mendes 17 Furniture wheel 18 Club for shorter shots 20 “What’s that D.C. university, hon?� response (from a director and former pitcher)? 22 Fish hook 24 Through 25 Controversial director Riefenstahl 26 Affect adversely 27 Dubliner’s dance 28 Affirmation at the altar 31 Adjust a clock 32 Become more liked by 34 Like day-old bread 36 Premium-class TV dinner brand (from a fictional boss and an actor)? 40 Oldest of the “Animaniacs� siblings 41 Strainers 43 Miguel’s “more� 46 Part of iOS 47 Easter egg coloring 48 Put away 49 Volcano that erupted in 2002 51 Al and Peggy Bundy’s son 52 “Srsly?!� 53 Wine that can’t decide what it is (from a stand-up comedian and a fictional newsman)? 58 Video game starting point 59 ___ car (child’s ride) 62 Compass dir. 63 Advanced 64 Interlock 65 The Mavericks, on scoreboards 66 ‘90s Mariners star 67 Agree (to)

Š2014 Jonesin’ Crosswords

Down 1 Freon letters 2 Rock-___ (jukebox manufacturer) 3 Movement of money 4 Words before bounds or breath 5 Over again 6 “The Firebird� composer 7 Accord creator 8 Like Death Valley 9 “99 Luftballons� singer 10 Movie or party attachment 11 Sitcom, e.g. 12 Miss ___ (“Pee-Wee’s Playhouse� character) 13 “Heck!� 19 Down with something 21 18-wheeler 22 Prank 23 Goes on TV 27 The ___ Brothers 28 “___ Always Sunny in Philadelphia� 29 Short, short shorts 30 Skate park maneuver 33 Method 34 Snoopy ___-cone Machine 35 The night before 37 Allows 38 Common 39 “Are you for ___?� 42 Hog’s haven 43 Whimpered 44 Favorite daughter of Zeus 45 Whimper 47 Burrowed 50 Fed on 51 AKC category 52 “This is weird, but...� 54 First name of the “First Lady of Song� 55 Feral pig 56 “...___ dust shalt thou return� 57 Columbus vessel 60 Food preserver 61 Suffix with employ

BIG TROUBLE WITH THE IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800-761-5395. (Cal-SCAN) Guaranteed Retirement Income! Avoid market risk & get guaranteed income in retirement! CALL for FREE copy of our SAFE MONEY GUIDE Plus Annuity Quotes from A-Rated Companies! 800-748-3013. (Cal-SCAN) Is Your Identity Protected? It is our promise to provide the most comprehensive identity theft prevention and response products available! Ă‚ Call Today for 30-Day FREE TRIAL 1-800908-5194. (Cal-SCAN) Reduce Your Past Tax Bill by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify. 1-800-498-1067. (Cal-SCAN)

INJURED IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT? Auto Accident Attorney: Call InjuryFone for a free case evaluation. Never a cost to you. Don`t wait, call now, 1-800-9585341. (Cal-SCAN)

648 HorsesBoarding/Training DID YOU KNOW that not only does newspaper media reach a HUGE Audience, they also reach an ENGAGED AUDIENCE. Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa. com (Cal-SCAN)

650 Pet Care/ Grooming/Training DID YOU KNOW 144 million U.S. Adults read a Newspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa. com (Cal-SCAN) KEEP YOUR PET PROTECTED! Keep your pet Happy, Healthy, and Protected. Call 800-675-7476 Now and get a free Pet Insurance Quote for your Dog or Cat. Choose Up to 90% Reimbursement. Get Special Multiple Pet Discounts. (Cal-SCAN)

A Good Housecleaning Service Call Orkopina! Since 1985. Bonded, Ins. Lic. #20624. 650/962-1536 Isabel & Elbi’s Housecleaning Apartments and Homes. Excellent References. Great Rates 650.670.7287/650.771.8281 Jeanette Cleaning Service Maria’s Housecleaning Service 19 years exp., excellent refs. Good rates, own car. Maria, 650/207-4709 Navarro Housecleaning Service Apartments and homes. Carpets and windows. 20 years exp., good refs. Call for free est. 650/853-3058; 650/796-0935 Olga's Housecleaning Res./Com. Wkly/mo. Low Rates. Local Refs. 25 years Exp. & Friendly. I Love My Job! Ins. (650) 380-1406 TD Carpet Cleaning and Jan serv.

748 Gardening/ Landscaping J. Garcia Garden Maintenance Service Free est. 21 years exp. 650/366-4301 or 650/346-6781

J. L. GARDENING SERVICE % % " $ $ # % " % ! 25 Years of Exp.


www.JLGARDENING.COM LANDA’S GARDENING & LANDSCAPING *Yard Maint. *New Lawns. *Rototil *Clean Ups *Tree Trim *Power Wash *Irrigation timer programming. 18 yrs exp. Ramon, 650/576-6242 landaramon@yahoo.com

Leo Garcia Landscape/ Maintenance Lawn and irrig. install, clean-ups. Res. and comml. maint. Free Est. Lic. 823699. 650/369-1477. R.G. Landscape Yard Clean-ups, debris removal, maintenance, installations. Free est. 650/468-8859 Salvador Godinez Landscaping Maintenance, landscaping and clean-up work. 20 years exp. 650-716-7011

Sam’s Garden Service General Cleanu Gardening Prun Trimming New Lawn Sprinkler Systems

Planting (650) 969-9894


5 8 7 2 4 9 8 7 5 9 3 8 4 6 9 1 4 3 2 8 1 8 3 5 3 6

715 Cleaning Services

640 Legal Services

This week’s SUDOKU

6 1

Home Services


Answers on page 59



Tired of Mow, Blow and Go? Owner operated, 40 years exp. All phases of gardening/landscaping. Ref. Call Eric, 408/356-1350

751 General Contracting A NOTICE TO READERS: It is illegal for an unlicensed person to perform contracting work on any project valued at $500.00 or more in labor and materials. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500.00 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board.

783 Plumbing Be & Be Plumbing Locally owned. 20 years exp. Drains cleaned and repairs. Small jobs welcome. Lic., bonded, insured. #990791. 650/422-0107

Real Estate 801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Mountain View - 1499 Mountain View - $1795 Mountain View, 1 BR/1 BA - $1725 Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $2195

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Public Notices continued from page 56 this state. Sale will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to the Deed of Trust. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Place of Sale: Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054 Legal Description: PARCEL C, OF ‘’PARCEL MAP OF LOT 1 AND PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK C, TRACT NO. 3307 (MAP BOOK 189, PAGE 20) AND PORTION OF EL CORTE DE MADERA RANCHO’’, RECORDED APRIL 16, 1970 IN BOOK 266 OF MAPS, PAGE 49, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $6,033,019.58 (estimated) Street address and other common designation of the real property: 996 LAUREL GLEN DRIVE PALO ALTO, CA 94304 APN Number: 182-43-037-00 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. In compliance with California Civil Code 2923.5(c) the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: that it has contacted the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure by one of the following methods: by telephone; by United States mail; either 1st class or certified; by overnight delivery; by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meeting. DATE: 03-27-2014 ALAW, as Trustee REGINA CANTRELL, ASSISTANT SECRETARY ALAW 9200 OAKDALE AVE. - 3RD FLOOR CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 (818)435-3661 For Sales Information: www.lpsasap.com or 1-714-730-2727 www.priorityposting.com or 1-714-5731965 www.auction.com or 1-800-2802832 ALAW IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g

of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, this information can be obtained from one of the following three companies: LPS Agency Sales and Posting at (714) 730-2727, or visit the Internet Web site www.lpsasap. com (Registration required to search for sale information) or Priority Posting and Publishing at (714) 573-1965 or visit the Internet Web site www.priorityposting.com (Click on the link for “Advanced Search” to search for sale information), or auction.com at 1-800-280-2832 or visit the Internet Web site www.auction. com, using the Trustee Sale No. shown above. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. A-4449533 04/04/2014, 04/11/2014, 04/18/2014 PAW NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: PATRICIA J. VAN HORN aka PATRICIA JEAN VAN HORN, aka PATRICIA VAN HORN Case No.: 1-14-PR-174202 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of PATRICIA J. VAN HORN, aka PATRICIA JEAN VAN HORN, aka PATRICIA VAN HORN. A Petition for Probate has been filed by: ALEXANDER E. GEBALA in the Superior Court of California, County of SANTA CLARA. The Petition for Probate requests that: ALEXANDER E. GEBALA be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on May 5, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. in Dept.: 12 of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, located at 191 N. First St., San Jose, CA, 95113. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: /s/ Jerome Galli/Deborah G. Kramer Radin


Kramer Radin, LLP 280 Second St. #100 Los Altos, CA 94022 (650)941-8600 (PAW Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014) NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: JAY THEODORE GREENFIELD Case No.: 1-14-PR-174208 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of JAY THEODORE GREENFIELD, JAY T. GREENFIELD. A Petition for Probate has been filed by: JANE GREENFIELD in the Superior Court of California, County of SANTA CLARA. The Petition for Probate requests that: JANE GREENFIELD be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on May 12, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. in Dept.: 12 of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, located at 191 N. First St., San Jose, CA, 95113. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: /s/ Michele Cusack 1701 Novato Blvd., Ste. 304 Novato, CA 94947 (415)898-5958 (PAW Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2014) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No. : 00000004128591 Title Order No.: 140001355 FHA/VA/ PMI No.: ATTENTION RECORDER: THE FOLLOWING REFERENCE TO AN ATTACHED SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY TO COPIES PROVIDED TO THE TRUSTOR, NOT TO THIS RECORDED ORIGINAL NOTICE. NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ATTACHED YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 04/14/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER and WEISS, LLP, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 04/22/2008 as Instrument No. 19820458 of official records in the office of the County Recorder of SANTA CLARA County, State of CALIFORNIA. EXECUTED BY: MICHAEL J BICE AND JENNIFERSUSAN

THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM C BICE, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by California Civil Code 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States). DATE OF SALE: 05/01/2014 TIME OF SALE: 11:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: AT THE NORTH MARKET STREET ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 191 NORTH MARKET STREET, SAN JOSE, CA. STREET ADDRESS and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1657 MIRAMONTE AVE, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA 94040 APN#: 193-20-008 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $750,525.12. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 714-730-2727 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site www. lpsasap.com for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case 00000004128591. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. FOR TRUSTEE SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: AGENCY SALES and POSTING 3210 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 200 IRVINE, CA 92602 714730-2727 www.lpsasap.com BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER and WEISS, LLP as Trustee Dated: 04/04/2014 BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER and WEISS, LLP IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR

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THAT PURPOSE. BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER and WEISS, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 500 Addison, Texas 75001-9013 Telephone: (855) 286-5901 Telecopier: (972) 661-7800 A-4450268 04/11/2014, 04/18/2014, 04/25/2014 PAW

A HEARING on the petition will be held on June 2, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. in Dept.: 12 of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, located at 191 N. First St., San Jose, CA, 95113. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: /s/ Charles L. Ellingson 134 Walter Hays Drive Palo Alto, CA 94303 (650)856-0685 (PAW Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2014)

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: PATRICIA E. ELLINGSON, also known as PATRICIA ELIZABETH ELLINGSON Case No.: 114PR174326 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of PATRICIA E. ELLINGSON, also known as PATRICIA ELIZABETH ELLINGSON. A Petition for Probate has been filed by: CHARLES L. ELLINGSON in the Superior Court of California, County of SANTA CLARA. The Petition for Probate requests that: CHARLES L. ELLINGSON be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.

Answers to this week’s puzzles, which can be found on page 58.

3 9 7 8 1 6 4 2 5

8 2 5 4 9 3 6 1 7

6 4 1 2 7 5 3 9 8

1 7 3 6 5 4 2 8 9

9 6 8 7 3 2 5 4 1

4 5 2 1 8 9 7 6 3

7 1 4 3 2 8 9 5 6

5 8 6 9 4 7 1 3 2

2 3 9 5 6 1 8 7 4

Free. Fun. Only about Palo Alto. C R O S S W O R D S

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Sports Shorts

ON THE AIR Friday College softball: Stanford at Utah, 2 p.m.; Pac-12 Networks College baseball: Arizona St. at Stanford, 6 p.m.; KZSU (90.1 FM)

Saturday College baseball: Arizona St. at Stanford, 1 p.m.; KZSU (90.1 FM) Women’s water polo: Cal at Stanford, 5 p.m.; Pac-12 Networks

Sunday Women’s lacrosse: Stanford at USC, 1 p.m.; Pac-12 Networks

www.PASportsOnline.com For expanded daily coverage of college and prep sports, visit www.PASportsOnline.com

Plenty at stake as women rivals meet in tennis, water polo By Rick Eymer ast year at this time, the Stanford women’s tennis team was gearing up for its improbable run to the NCAA title. Not many observers gave the Cardinal much of a chance after its third-place finish in the Pac-12 Conference. Fifth-ranked Stanford (8-1 in the Pac-12, 16-1 overall) enters the final weekend of the regular season with a chance to gain at least a share of the conference title and set up another championship run when it hosts No. 10 California at noon Saturday. Meanwhile, the top-ranked Stanford women’s water polo team enters its last regular-season contest with a bit of an edge. The Cardinal (5-0 in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation, 19-1 overall) was the fashionable pick to win its third straight national title last year. USC beat Stanford in a memorable NCAA championship contest in suddendeath overtime. The Cardinal, which hosts No. 4 California on Saturday at 5 p.m. already has clinched the top seed for the MPSF tournament, which gets underway April 26 in Los Angeles. There is still plenty at stake when the Bears come to town with ideas of spoiling Stan-


Stanford senior Kristie Ahn, ranked No. 4 nationally in singles, will lead the No. 5 Cardinal women’s tennis team against visiting and No. 10 Cal on Saturday at noon to close the regular season.


Price proves her decision was right to give up her basketball season by Keith Peters


hen Menlo School senior Maddy Price crossed the finish line following the 400 meters at the annual Arcadia Invitational last weekend, her decision to give up something she loved to do was justified. Instead of playing basketball in the winter for a fourth straight season, Price trained for the spring track and field campaign and competed indoors. “That definitely set me up to run fast this season,� she said. “I’d never done that before. I saw that the best (track and field) athletes trained all year. I miss basketball a lot, but that was a good decision.� Price finished second in the 400 at Arcadia, but her time of 53.43 was an eye-opener. It was a personal best. It broke her own Menlo school record. It made her No. 2 in the nation this season. And, it moved her to No. 2 alltime in Central Coast Section history. Price was second to freshman Kaelin Roberts of Long Beach Poly. She overtook Price on the final homestretch to win in in a U.S.leading 53.37. The previous national leader was 53.49 indoors by Olivia Baker of Columbia High in Maplewood, N.J.


“I kind of had mixed emotions when I crossed the finish line and saw my time,â€? Price said. “Obviously, I was disappointed I got second. But, the goal was to run under 54 (seconds) and getting it by a lot, so that made me really happy.â€? Menlo coach Jorge Chen echoed those sentiments. “Maddy’s race was phenomenal and that was evident by her big PR (1.26 secs) at this level,â€? said Chen. “That really shows that she still has more boom in her! We can’t be disappointed at a second-place finish like this since Maddy’s time would’ve easily won this event last year and I mean easily. I give props to Roberts and her coaches as she came out of nowhere on this field and the race itself.â€? Price surpassed Christina Hardeman of Wilcox (53.72 in 2002) on the all-time CCS list and now trails only Leslie Maxie of Mills, who ran 52.83 in 1984. Maxie competed at the 1984 U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials in Los Angeles in the 400 hurdles, just missing the USA team. “This race was good for Maddy not only time-wise but also it’ll keep her hungry for ­VÂœÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜Ă•i`ĂŠÂœÂ˜ĂŠÂŤ>}iĂŠĂˆĂ“ÂŽ

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It’s about Cal versus Cardinal


HOOP HONORS . . . It has been quite a year, and carrer, for Stanford senior forward Chiney Ogwumike. So, where do we start? Most recently, she was selected by the Connecticut Sun with the top overall pick in the WNBA Draft on Monday night. With the selection, Ogwumike becomes Stanford’s second No. 1 overall pick, joining older sister, Nnemkadi, who was taken in the same slot by the Los Angeles Sparks in 2012. The Ogwumike sisters also become part of a very exclusive club, joining Peyton and Eli Manning as the only siblings to each be taken with the first overall selection in a major American pro sports draft. Peyton Manning was selected first overall by the Indianapolis Colts in the 1998 NFL Draft, and Eli was taken with the No. 1 pick by the San Diego Chargers in 2004. Stanford fifth-year forward Mikaela Ruef, meanwhile, was selected with the seventh pick of the third round (31st overall) by the Seattle Storm. In addition to becoming Stanford’s second No. 1 overall selection, Chiney is also the Cardinal’s 11th WNBA first-round pick, the sixth in the past seven years, and the 22nd Stanford player to hear her name called at the event. She also became Stanford’s fourth No. 1 overall selection in a pro sports draft over the past three years, joining older sister Nnemkadi (2012 WNBA Draft, Los Angeles Sparks), former Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck (2012 NFL Draft, Indianapolis Colts), and former Stanford pitcher Mark Appel (2013 MLB Draft, Houston Astros). All four players are from Houston (Luck and Appel) or the Houston area, as the Ogwumikes hail from Cypress, a suburb of Houston. Ogwumike finished a stellar collegiate career at Stanford at the Final Four in Nashville, helping lead the Cardinal to a 33-4 record and its 12th appearance at women’s basketball’s signature event. Last Friday in Los Angeles, Ogwumike was named the John R. Wooden Award winner, becoming the first Stanford and Pac-12 player to receive the honor. She was also a consensus All-American, being honored for the third straight year by the WBCA and in the process becoming just the fourth Stanford player to earn three nods from the organization.


Menlo School senior Maddy Price ranks No. 2 in the nation in the 400.

Stanford roundup


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Pinewood’s Scheppler is state coach of the year Paly baseball moves to within a game of first place; Gunn girls remain in top spot in SCVAL lacrosse by Keith Peters

third-place Wilcox (9-3, 16-5) hen Pinewood defeated in the loss column. The CharScotts Valley, 43-41, in gers crushed host Gunn, 15-1, on the third-place game of Wednesday as the Titans fell to the girls’ Central Coast Section 0-9 in league (1-17 overall). Open Division basketball playoffs In Southern California, Menlo on March 6, the historical value School won its final pool-play of the game was overlooked. game in the San Diego Lions Club As it turned out, the victory Tournament, an 8-5 baseball vicwas the 500th of Doc Scheppler’s tory over Olympian. 19-year career at Pinewood and it The triumph was the Knights’ came on his home floor. As much second straight in the four-day as that was a milestone, tournament, which it was just the start to Menlo opened with a the postseason for the tough one-run loss in Panthers along with beeight innings on Moning just a footnote to a day. That setback preremarkable season for vented the Knights from Scheppler and his team. reaching the championPinewood went on to ship round. win four more games, Junior lefthander capturing first the NorAustin D’Ambra threw Cal crown and then a a complete-game sixstate championship with Doc Scheppler hitter on Wednesday, a 60-42 win over La Jolwalking only one as he la Country Day to finish 30-3. improved to 3-2. Senior co-capWhile that final triumph seemed tain Sam Crowder provided two to be a fitting end to the season, it hits and an RBI. wasn’t. This week, Scheppler was In other nonleague action, named the 2014 Cal-Hi Sports Menlo-Atherton pitchers issued State Coach of the Year. Since 11 “free passes” (10 walks and a he also won the honor at Division hit-by-pitch) and the Bears comV, Scheppler becomes the first to mitted several costly defensive win the overall title while coach- miscues en route to a 10-6 loss to ing at the D-5 level. Riordan at Bettencourt Field. “I guess it was my turn!” Scheppler said of receiving the honor. Girls lacrosse The 60-year-old Scheppler, who Gunn held on to first place in also was state coach of the year the SCVAL standings with a 6-5 for Division V in 2010, finished victory over host Saratoga on this season with a career won- Wednesday evening. The Titans loss record of 504-111. He ranks improved to 6-0 in league (9-1 among the winningest coaches in overall) and maintained a onestate history and trails only Pam game lead over St. Francis (8-1). Wimberly of Menlo-Atherton for Junior Rachael Tsai scored three most career wins in CCS history. goals to pace Gunn with Victoria Wimberly finished with 646. Nguyen, Anna Cabot and CaroScheppler’s sixth state title this line Chou all adding one. The Tiseason tied him for No. 3 all-time tans’ top-ranked defense -- the (at all levels) in girls’ state history team allows an average of only for most crowns. five goals per match -- was lead by sophomore Liz Cromarty’s six Baseball saves in in goal. Saratoga came in Palo Alto remained in the hunt averaging 16.5 goals per game. for a possible title in the SCVAL In nonleague action, Sacred De Anza Division race with a 3-2 Heart Prep rolled to a 20-15 vicvictory over visiting Homestead tory over host Palo Alto. The Gaon Wednesday. tors (10-4) pulled away from an The Vikings moved to 7-2 in 8-7 halftime lead and controlled league (11-8 overall) and inched the second half. to within a game of first-place Sophomores Ally Mayle (sevLos Gatos, which suffered a 6-1 en goals, two assists) and Libby upset loss to host Saratoga. Muir (five goals, two assists) led Palo Alto scored all of its runs the way while senior Caroline in the second inning while mak- Cummings also contributed five ing the most of its four hits. Se- goals. niors Bowen Gerould, Daniel Paly junior Allie Peery scored Tachna-Fram and Jack Cleasby five goals with sophomore Maya all drove in runs in the big inning Benetar adding four. with Gerould, Anthony Lim and Noah Phillips scoring the runs. Softball Palo Alto took advantage of Getting 10 strikeouts from nine walks and three errors by the junior Iris Chin, Gunn won its Mustangs (5-6, 8-9-1) as senior eighth straight game with a 12-8 Brian Kannappan picked up the nonleague decision over host Arawin with 6 1/2 innings of six-hit gon on Wednesday. The Titans ball. Chris Smith finished things (11-2) got four hits from Emma off in the top of the seventh. Wager, who slammed a home run The Vikings remain ahead of and triple. N


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ford’s Senior Day celebration. On the tennis court, the Golden Bears (9-0, 16-4) bring a 10match winning streak into the contest. The Cardinal was the last team to beat Cal, a 5-2 victory in early March. The Bears defeated Stanford, 4-3, in last year’s regular-season finale and they could be playing with added incentive this time around. Despite their long winning streak, the Bears dropped in the national rankings this week, from No. 6. California handed UCLA its lone conference loss one day after the Bruins gave Stanford its only setback of the season to date. UCLA (8-1, 20-2) remains ranked No. 2 in the nation. The Bears, who played Sacramento State in a nonconference match Thursday, feature five nationally ranked players. Stanford can match those five players, plus one, giving the match a postseason quality to it. Senior Kristie Ahn, ranked fourth, and freshman Caroline Doyle, ranked No. 39, each have 25-3 records in singles, the best winning percentage (.893) of any of the weekend’s 12 singles players. Doyle puts a 13-match winning streak on the line and that’s the second-best streak on the Cardinal. No. 19 Carol Zhao, also a freshman, has won her past 16 matches and is 23-3 overall. Doyle and Zhao are joined by 34th-ranked Taylor Davidson (21-5) as three of the top freshmen in a nation full of top freshmen. Cal has two of its own in No. 32 Denise Starr (17-8) and No. 67 Maegan Manasse (26-5). Junior Ellen Tsay (20-5), ranked No. 41, and sophomore Krista Hardebeck (15-9), ranked No. 44, complete the impressive Stanford singles lineup, with senior Amelia Herring and sophomore Lindsey Kostas providing depth. Cal counters with junior Zsofi Susanyi (22-9) at No. 21, senior Anett Schutting (22-10) at No. 23, sophomore Lynn Chi (26-8) at No. 28 and sophomore Klara Fabikova (26-9). Both squads also feature an undefeated (in dual meets) doubles team among their respective nationally ranked pairs. Manasse and Starr are 9-0 for the Bears, while Ahn and Zhao are 14-0 for the Cardinal (24-2 overall and winners of 17 straight). Davidson and Tsay have won 13 of 14 doubles matches and Doyle and Hardebeck have won 10 of 12. The postseason starts next Thursday with the Pac-12 Championships in Ojai. The NCAA tournament gets underway on May 9, with the first two round likely to be held at Stanford before moving to Athens, Ga., for the quarterfinals and beyond. The Stanford-California women’s water polo rivalry, meanwhile, has been a one-sided affair over the past 14 years as the Cardinal has won the past 36 meetings

Olympian Annika Dries (left) will be one of five Stanford seniors honored at Saturday’s final home water polo match. and not lost to the Golden Bears ally an amazing player. Kelsey, as since March 26, 2000. Stanford a defender, is so knowledgeable beat Cal, 14-8, in the UC Irvine and so poised. Annika is a terrific Invitational on Feb. 23. player and is the vocal point of our Cal can clinch the fourth seed offense. She has really expanded of the upcoming conference tour- that two-meter position.” nament with a win. Otherwise the Junior driver Kiley Neushul, Bears will meet Arizona State in who was named the Cutino Award the first round. Stanford meets the winner in 2012, leads Stanford winner of that match. with 41 goals, one of five players “Every Stanford athwith at least 30 on the lete expects a lot of season. themselves,” Stanford Steffens, who led the coach John Tanner world in scoring as an said. “They expect to Olympian in 2012, has be great. All our athscored 37 times, and letes are engaged. They Anna Yelizarova has think about water polo a 32. lot. They are focused on Two-meter players getting better and winAshley Grossman and ning a championship. Dries give the Cardinal You are always expected Kiley Neushul an unmatched inside to succeed every year.” threat, scoring 38 and UCLA is the No. 2 seed after 36 goals so far this season, rebeating the host Trojans, 6-4, on spectively. Wednesday. San Jose State and In her first season as the CarCal State Bakersfield make up the dinal’s No. 1 goalie, sophomore rest of the field. Gabby Stone has proven her Stanford’s five seniors will take mettle against the nation’s top center stage Saturday. Olympic competition. She ranks fourth gold medalist Annika Dries, the in the MPSF with a 6.13 goalsPeter J. Cutino Award winner in against average and has anchored 2011, leads a group that will be the Cardinal defense in key wins seeking its third national title in over top teams. Against USC on four years. March 30, Stone made 12 saves in (Dries missed one of the title Stanford’s 9-5 win, and followed runs while helping Team USA, that with seven saves, including with Maggie Steffens and Cardi- a crucial stop of a Bruin penalty nal grad Melissa Seidemann, win shot, in April 11’s 9-8 win at No. the gold medal at the 2012 Lon- 2 UCLA. don Games). California (2-3, 17-6) lost to the Kaley Dodson, Kaitlyn Lo, Sun Devils last week, and is 4-5 Lexie Ross and Kelsey Suggs over its previous nine games. will join Dries in being honored California is by the MPSF’s for their contributions to the Car- leading scorer, Dora Antal, who dinal over the past four years. averages 3.15 goals per game and “Kaley is athletic, balanced and has 63 goals total. In the cage, a fast player,” Tanner said. “Lo is Madeline Trabucco owns a goalsexplosive, Lexie is rock solid, re- against average of 8.00. N

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Palo Alto Unified School District Notice is hereby Given that proposals will be received by the Palo Alto Unified School District for bid package: Contract Name: Palo Alto High School New Performing Arts Center DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: The work includes, but is not limited to: Construction of a new 26,000 square foot (plus basement) performing arts center and associated site improvements. Building includes, but is not limited to a theater, stage, orchestra pit, trap room, control rooms, lobby, concessions, ticket booth, classroom, backstage area, restrooms, office, utility rooms, storage and circulation. Site work includes but is not limited to plaza, patio, parking, drive aisles, emergency vehicle access, sidewalks, stairs, planters, utilities and site elements. Bidding documents contain the full description of the work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20111.6 only prequalified bidders will be eligible to submit a bid for this Project. Any bid submitted by a bidder who is not prequalified shall be non-responsive and returned unopened to the bidder. Moreover, any bid that does not list prequalified electrical, mechanical or plumbing subcontractors, where the Project includes electrical, mechanical or plumbing components, shall be deemed nonresponsive and will not be considered. There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference and site visit at 1:00 PM, Tuesday, April 29, 2014 Starting at the Administration Office of Palo Alto High School, 50 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto 94301. Failure to attend or tardiness will render bid ineligible. Bid Submission: Proposals must be received at the District Facilities Office building D, by 10:00 AM, Tuesday, May 13, 2014. PREVAILING WAGE LAWS: The successful Bidder must comply with all prevailing wage laws applicable to the Project, and related requirements contained in the Contract Documents. This Project is subject to labor compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Compliance Monitoring Unit (“CMU”) of the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.3 and subject to the requirements of section 16450 et seq. of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. The Contractor and all Subcontractors under the Contractor shall furnish certified payroll records directly to the Labor Commissioner weekly and within ten (10) days of any request by the District or the Labor Commissioner in accordance with section 16461 of the California Code of Regulations. The successful Bidder shall comply with all requirements of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, of the Labor Code. The District shall withhold contract payments as described in the LCP, including applicable penalties when the District and Labor Commissioner establish that underpayment of other violations has occurred. Bidders may examine Bidding Documents at Facilities Office, Building “D”. Bidders may purchase copies of Plans and Specifications for $500.00 at ARC Document Solutions, 1100 Industrial Road, unit 13 San Carlos, CA 94070 Phone: (650) 631-2310 | Email: sancarlos@e-arc.com All questions can be addressed to: Palo Alto Unified School District 25 Churchill Avenue, Building D Palo Alto, CA 94306-1099 Attn: Marcus Jackson Phone: (650) 329-3927 Fax: (650) 327-3588

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Maddy Price ­V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊÈä®

State,” said Chen. “After the race I asked Maddy her thoughts and she told me that she didn’t hear anyone coming up on her at all on the 300-meter mark since, unfortunately, she was in Lane 8 and two lanes inside of her were empty.” “I had no idea where anyone was,” said Price, who went out quickly and forced the pace of the race. “It was good for me to have a race like that. I knew I had to get out.” The time and effort in the 400 was clear justification for Price that giving up basketball was the right thing to do, even though the Knights wound up winning a second straight CCS Division IV title. “Obviously, I missed being a part of the team and playing the sport,” she said. “There were games where I would watch and have a hard time not being able to be out there with them. But, at the end of the day, I felt like I made a decision that I am happy with, even if it was a struggle to come to terms with the fact that I couldn’t just suit up and jump out on the court. “I think it’s hard for anyone to watch a team they aren’t a part of anymore, regardless of whether they win CCS or lose every game.” While she couldn’t play, Price nonetheless supported her former teammates. “I was so happy for them, that they surpassed everyone’s expectations for this season and came together as a team, to come out on top for a second time,” Price said. That sacrifice, however, has been well worth it. “I think not playing basketball has definitely helped me,” said Price. Added Chen: “This time was a result of her hard work during the offseason and competing indoors.” In addition to the 400, Price also took second in the Invitational 200 in 24.52, just shy of her PR of 24.47, which she ran this season indoors. Kaysha Love, a sophomore from Herriman, Utah, won the race in 24.11. Price is the defending CCS champ in both the 400 and 200, but is also experimenting with the 300 hurdles this season and set a school record of 44.93 in her first attempt. She might be running that event at Friday’s CCS Top 8 meet at San Jose City College, site of this season’s CCS Championships, as well. That meet previously has been held at Gilroy High and qualified athletes to the CIF State Meet, where Price finished sixth in the 400 last season. “Maddy will continue to surprise people as she’s really focused, determined, and confident to return to the State finals and, this time, it’ll be a brand new ball game,” said Chen.

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Iris Chin

Bowen Gerould



The junior softball pitcher had 11 strikeouts in a nohitter against Cupertino and 11 strikeouts in a five-hit win over Lynbrook as the Titans remained unbeaten and atop the SCVAL El Camino Division standings.

The senior helped win three baseball games by getting eight hits in 15 at-bats and driving in seven runs as Palo Alto defeated Willow Glen and then swept Gunn to move into second place in the SCVAL De Anza Division.

Honorable mention Ally Howe Sacred Heart Prep swimming

Emily Katz Menlo-Atherton softball

Ally Mayle* Sacred Heart Prep lacrosse

Maddy Price Menlo track & field

Selby Sturzenegger Sacred Heart Prep swimming

Vivian Zhou Gunn diving

Reed Fratt Menlo-Atherton tennis

Daniel Hill Sacred Heart Prep track & field

Chris Hinrichs Sacred Heart Prep swimming

Sean Mayle Sacred Heart Prep lacrosse

Reed Merritt Palo Alto diving

Blake Smith Palo Alto tennis * previous winner

Watch video interviews of the Athletes of the Week, go to PASportsOnline.com

Price hopes to be down in the girls remained undefeated (4-0) 52s by the end of the season, and moved closer to claiming the whether it’s at the State Meet or regularion dual-meet title followthe Canadian Junior Nationals ing an 89-38 victory over host Los (July 4-6), a qualifying meet for Altos. The Gunn boys fell to 2-2 the IAAF World Junior Champi- after a 68-54 loss to the Eagles. onships on July 22-27 in Eugene, Gunn senior Sarah Robinson Ore. cruised to victory in the 1,600 meElsewhere at Arcadia, ters (5:17.72) and Meeks Gunn sophomore Giltook the 800 with a perlian Meeks was sixth in sonal record of 2:17.69, the seeded heat of the as both ran only one girls’ 3,200 with a perindividual event as a sonal best of 10:47.45. tuneup for the CCS Top That ranks her No. 4 in 8 meet. school history and puts Sophomore Robin Peher ahead of where curter was a double-winner rent school record-holdfor Gunn as she took the er Sarah Robinson was 100 hurdles (15.93) and her sophomore year. open 100 (13.08). Senior Gillian Meeks In the boys’ invitaAdriana Noronha also tional triple jump, Menlo’s Paul won twice, winning the shot put Touma was seventh coming out (a PR of 38-11, No. 3 in CCS)) and of the preliminary finals with a discus (116-7) and senior Stephamark of 44-11 3/4. nie Do swept the long jump (15-7) Despite all the talent on hand at and triple jump (32-8 1/4). Arcadia, the Gunn girls held on Gunn senior Sean Lydster ran to their outdoor national lead in only his third 300 intermediate the distance medley relay as no hurdle race ever and finished secteam came close to the Titans’ ond in 40.81, which ranks him 11:56.68 clocked at the Stanford sixth in CCS. He trailed only Invitational. Kelly McConnell of Los Altos, In SCVAL De Anza Division who ran 40.02 for the No. 2 CCS action Wednesday, the Gunn time. N

G U I D E TO 2014 S U M M E R C A M P S F O R K I D S

For more information about these camps, see our online directory of camps at www.paloaltoonline.com/biz/summercamps/ To advertise in this weekly directory, call: 650-326-8210 Summer at Saint Francis

Athletics Alan Margot’s Tennis Camps


Alan Margot’s Tennis Camps provide an enjoyable way for your child to begin learning the game of tennis or to continue developing existing skills. Our approach is to create lots of fun with positive feedback and reinforcement in a nuturing tennis environment. Building self-esteem and confidence through enjoyment on the tennis court is a wonderful gift a child can keep forever! Super Juniors Camps, ages 4-6; Juniors Camps, ages 6-14. www.alanmargot-tennis.net 650.400.0464

City of Mountain View Swim Lessons

Mountain View

Rengstorff and Eagle Park Pools We offer swim lessons for ages 6 months to 14 years. Following the American Red Cross swim lesson program, students are divided into one of the 11 different levels taught by a certified instructor. Rengstorff Park Pool, 201 S Rengstorff Ave and Eagle Park Pool, 650 Franklin St. www.mountainview.gov 650.903.6331

Club Rec Juniors & Seniors

Mountain View

Club Rec Juniors and Seniors is open for youth 6-11 years old.These traditional day camps are filled with fun theme weeks, weekly trips, swimming, games, crafts and more! Rengstorff Park, 201 S. Rengstorff Avenue www.mountainview.gov 650.903.6331

Nike Tennis Camps

Stanford University

Weekly overnight and day camps offered throughout June, July and August for boys & girls ages 6-18. Options for all ability levels, great Nike prizes and camp t-shirt. Adult weekend clinics offered in June and August. Come join the fun and GET BETTER THIS SUMMER! www.USSSportsCamps.com/tennis 1.800.NIKE.CAMP (645.3226)

Palo Alto Elite Volleyball Club

Menlo Park/Palo Alto

In our 7th year, a community club with close ties to the schools we offer volleyball camps for girls, grades 3 - 12. From basics for beginners to advanced techniques for High School. Located at Arrillaga Family Gym (MP). Brush up on skills, get ready for school tryouts. www.paloaltoelite.com info@paloaltoelite.com

The Sacred Heart Sports Camp


Mountain View

Advanced Sports Camps (5th-9th grades): We offer a wide selection of advanced sports camp designed to provide players with the opportunity to improve both their skills and knowledge of a specific sport. Each camp is run by a Head Varsity Coach at Saint Francis, and is staffed by members of the coaching staff. www.sfhs.com/summer 650.968.1213 x650

Arts, Culture, Other Camps Camp Boogaloo & Camp Zoom

Mountain View

These new Summer Day Camps are sure to keep your kids busy! Camp Boogaloo, open to youth 6-11 years old, will be held at Castro Park, 505 Escuela Ave. Camp Zoom, open to youth 9-12 years old, will be held at Crittenden Athletic Field, 1500 Middlefield Road. Both of these traditional day camps are filled with fun theme weeks, weekly trips, swimming, games, crafts and more! www.mountainview.gov 650.903.6331

Castilleja Summer Camp

Palo Alto

Castilleja Summer Day Camp offers a range of age-appropriate activities including athletics, art, science, computers, writing, crafts, cooking, drama, and music classes each day and weekly field trips. www.castilleja.org 650.328.3160

City of Mountain View

Mountain View

Recreation Division Discover fun with us this summer through the many programs available with the City of Mountain View Recreation Division. From sports to traditional day camps, to cooking camps, dance camps and art camps... we have it all! Mountain View Community Center, 201 S. Rengstorff Avenue www.mountainview.gov 650.903.6331

Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA)

Mountain View

50+ creative camps for Grades K-8! Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture, Musical Theater, School of Rock, Digital Arts, more! Oneand two-week sessions; full and half-day enrollment. Extended care available. Financial aid offered. www.arts4all.org 650.917.6800 ext. 0

powered by Hi-Five Sports Club Hi-Five Sports is thrilled to present our third multi-sport competitive summer camp to the San Francisco Bay Area! Through experienced, passionate, and patient coaching, we believe the timeless lessons that only sports can teach with stay with the kids for the rest of their lives. www.hifivesportsclubs.com/wordpress/bayarea_hi_five_sports_ camp/bayarea_camp_summer_camp_atherton/ 650.362.4975

Deer Hollow Farm Wilderness Camps

Spartans Sports Camp

Exciting activities for kindergarteners through teens include swimming, field trips, sports and more. Enroll your child in traditional or special focus camps like Computer Animation, Baking, Urban Art & Murals, Outdoor Exploration and many others! www.paloaltojcc.org/jcamp 650.223.8622

Mountain View

Spartans Sports Camp offers multi-sport, week-long sessions for boys and girls in grades 2-6 as well as sport-specific sessions for grades 5-9. There are also strength and conditioning camps for grades 6-12. New this year are cheerleading camps for grades Pre-K - 8. Camps begin June 9th and run weekly through August 1st at Mountain View High School. The camp is run by MVHS coaches and student-athletes and all proceeds benefit the MVHS Athletic Department. Lunch and extended care are available for your convenience. Register today! www. SpartansSportsCamp.com 650.479.5906

Stanford Baseball Camps


Stanford Baseball Camps have gained national recognition as the some of the finest in the country. These camps are designed to be valuable and beneficial for a wide range of age groups and skill sets. From the novice 7 year-old, to the Division 1, professionally skilled high school player, you will find a camp that fulfills your needs. www.Stanfordbaseballcamp.com 650.723.4528

Stanford Water Polo


Ages 7 and up. New to sport or have experience, we have a camp for you. Half day or fully day option for boys and girls. All the camps offer fundamental skill work, scrimmages and games. 650.725.9016 www.stanfordwaterpolocamps.com

Summer at Saint Francis

Mountain View

Sports & Activity Camp (ages 6-12): This all-sports camp provides group instruction in a variety of field, water and court games. Saint Francis faculty and students staff the camp, and the focus is always on fun. The program is dedicated to teaching teamwork, sportsmanship and positive self-esteem. After camp care and swim lessions available. www.sfhs.com/summer 650.968.1213 x650

Summer Sports Camp@SportsHouse

Redwood City

All sports camp for kids ages 6-13 at SportsHouse from June 16 - August 15. Full day of fun, all summer long. Lunch included. After camp care optional. www.SportsHouse.us 650.362.4100

Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve

Children ages 6-14 can meet the livestock, help with farm chores, explore a wilderness preserve and have fun with crafts, songs and games. Older campers conclude the week with a sleepover at the Farm. Near the intersection of Hwy 85 and Hwy 280 www.mountainview.gov 650.903.6331

J-Camp Oshman Family JCC

Palo Alto

Palo Alto Community Child Care (PACCC)

Palo Alto

PACCC summer camps offer campers, grades 1st to 6th, a wide variety of fun opportunities! Neighborhood Adventure Fun and Ultimate Adventure Fun for the more active and on-the-go campers! New this year: Sports Adventure Camp, JV for the younger athletes and Varsity for the older sports enthusiasts! We introduce FAME - Fine arts, Music and Entertainment -- a 4-week opportunity for the artists. Returning is Operation Chef for out of this world cooking fun! Swimming twice per week, periodic field trips, special visitors and many engaging camp activities, songs and skits round out the fun offerings of PACCC Summer Camps! Open to campers from all communities! Come join the fun in Palo Alto! Register online. www.paccc.org 650.493.2361

TechKnowHow® Computer and LEGO® Summer Camp

Palo Alto Menlo Park/Sunnyvale

Fun and enriching technology classes for students, ages 5-16. Courses include LEGO® projects with motors, K’NEX®, NXT® Robotics, Arduino™, iPad® Movie Making and Game Design. Classes feature high-interest, ageappropriate projects which teach technology and science skills. Half and Full day options. Early bird and multiple week discounts are also available. www.techknowhowkids.com

YMCA of Silicon Valley What makes Y camps different?



We believe every child deserves the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve. Y campers experience the outdoors, make new friends and have healthy fun in a safe, nurturing environment. They become more confident and grow as individuals, and they learn value in helping others. We offer day, overnight, teen leadership and family camps. Financial assistance is available. Get your summer camp guide at ymcasv.org/summer camp www.ymcav.org 408.351.6400

Academics Early Learning Write Now! Summer Writing Camps

Palo Alto/ Pleasanton

Emerson School of Palo Alto and Hacienda School of Pleasanton open their doors and offer their innovative programs: Expository Writing, Creative Writing, Presentation Techniques, and (new) test-taking skills. Call or visit our site for details. www.headsup.org 650.424.1267; 925.485.5750

Foothill College

Los Altos Hills

Two Six-Week Summer Sessions beginning June 10. These sessions are perfect for university students returning from summer break who need to pick up a class and high school juniors, seniors and recent graduates who want to get an early start. www.foothill.edu 650.949.7362

Harker Summer Programs

San Jose

K-12 offerings taught by exceptional, experienced faculty and staff. K-6 morning academics – focusing on math, language arts and science – and full spectrum of afternoon recreation. Grades 6-12 for credit courses and non-credit enrichment opportunities. Sports programs also offered. www.summer.harker.org 408.553.0537

iD Tech Camps and iD Tech Academies


Take interests further and gain a competitive edge! Ages 7-17 create apps, video games, C++/Java programs, movies, and more at weeklong, day and overnight summer programs. Held at Stanford and others. Also 2-week, pre-college programs for ages 13-18. www.iDTech.com 1.888.709.TECH (8324)

iD Film Academy for Teens


Discover how filmmaking or photography can lead to a rewarding career. 2-week, pre-college summer programs for ages 13-18. Held at UC Berkeley, Yale, and NYU. Also weeklong camps for ages 7-17 held at iD Tech Camps. www.iDFilmAcademy.com 1.888.709.TECH (8324)

iD Game Academy for Teens Design & Development

Stanford/ Bay Area

Instead of just playing games, design and develop your own. 2-week, precollege summer programs in game design, development, programming, and 3D modeling. Also week long camps for ages 7-17 held at iD Tech Camps. www.iDGameDevAcademy.com 1.888.709.TECH (8324)

iD Programming Academy for Teens

Stanford/ Bay Area

Gain a competitive edge and learn how programming can become a college degree and even a rewarding career. 2-week, pre-college summer programs in programming, app development, and robotics engineering. Also weeklong camps for ages 7-17 held at iD Tech Camps. www.iDProgrammingAcademy.com 1.888.709.TECH (8324)

ISTP’s Language Immersion Summer Camp

Palo Alto

ISTP Summer Camp is designed to give participants a unique opportunity to spend their summer break learning or improving in a second language. Students are grouped according to both grade level and language of proficiency. Our camp offers many immersion opportunities and consists of a combination of language classes and activities taught in the target language. Sessions are available in French, Mandarin and Chinese and English ESL and run Monday through Friday, 8am to 3:30pm with additional extending care from 3:30pm to 5:30pm www.istp.org 650-251-8519

Mid-Peninsula High School

Menlo Park

Summer at Mid-Pen includes 5 weeks of diverse classes designed to keep students engaged in learning. Our summer classes have two purposes: to offer interesting electives and allow students to complete missing high school credit. Summer session runs from June 23 to July 24, 2014 www.mid-pen.com 650.321.1991

Stanford Explore: A Lecture Series on Biomedical Research


EXPLORE biomedical science at Stanford! Stanford EXPLORE offers high school students the unique opportunity to learn from Stanford professors and graduate students about diverse topics in biomedical science, including bioengineering, neurobiology, immunology and many others. explore.stanford.edu explore-series@stanford.edu

Stratford School - Camp Socrates

Palo Alto/Bay Area

Academic enrichment infused with traditional summer camp fun--that’s what your child will experience at Camp Socrates. Sessions begin June 23 and end August 8, with option to attend all seven weeks, or the first four (June 23July 18). Full or half-day, morning or afternoon programs available. Perfect for grades preschool through 8th. 17 campuses throughout Bay Area. www.StratfordSchools.com/Summer 650.493.1151

Summer at Saint Francis

Mountain View

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279 PARK LN $16,500,000 Rare Circus Club opportunity on more than 2.5 acres, 2 sty manor, circa 1932 grandeur enhanced and updated.

TOM LEMIEUX 650-329-6645 tom@tomlemieux.com CalBRE #01066910

HANNA SHACHAM 650.752.0767 hshacham@cbnorcal.com CalBRE #01073658


SUSIE DEWS & SHENA HURLEY 650.325.6161 SDews@CBNorCal.com CalBRE #00781220 & 01152002

11841 FRANCEMONT $4,250,000 Off Market Opportunity. Beautiful home on private, flat 1.25 acres. Over 4700 sq ft, pool, outdoor kitchen area, 3 car garage. Close to town.

707 WESTRIDGE DR $13,000,000 Magnificent contemporary estate, built by RJ Daily. Private, yet convenient, on over 2.5 acres. Open, spacious floor plan. Outdoor kitchen, pool, spa.


BONNIE BIORN 650.888.0846 bonnie.biorn@cbnorcal.com CalBRE #01085834


ZACH TRAILER 650.906.8008 www.ZachTrailer.com CalBRE #01371338

4285 MIRANDA AV $2,895,000 5BR 4BA ±3800SF.Beautiful, traditional, colonial home on a generous ±12480SF lot in a private South PAlocation. Resort-like grounds with pool & spa.


65 SELBY LN $12,300,000 Exceptional 12,000 sqft home, infused w/ of-the-moment technology & sleek contemporary styling, offers the opportunity for modern executive living.


LAUREN SPENCER 831.662.6522 lauren@laurenspencer.com MySantaCruzRealEstate.com

427 BELLE MONTI CT $1,250,000 Seascape Golf Course - Serene Custom Home. Elegant custom remodel with top of the line amenities. Vacation living at its best!


Atherton, Menlo Park Percentage By Unit Volume

Coldwell Banker Residential





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