Vol. XXXV, Number 33 N May 23, 2014
School board tours Illinois school with superintendent finalist Page 5
Are our schools ready when relationships turn violent?
Pulse 16
Transitions 17
Eating Out 27
Movies 29
Puzzles 50
N Arts West Bay Opera perseveres through tough times
Page 24
N Home Reaping the beneďŹ ts of hands-on farming
Page 32
N Sports Record-breaking end to the prep swim season
Page 52
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Local news, information and analysis
Palo Alto board tours Illinois school with superintendent finalist Glenn “Max” McGee shows Palo Alto education officials STEM-centric school by Elena Kadvany
he finalist for the job of Palo Alto school district superintendent, Glenn “Max” McGee, led the Palo Alto Board of Education on a tour Thursday of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) in Aurora, Illinois, where McGee was the president from 2007 to 2013. The trip was arranged so that
board members and other education officials, including Palo Alto education union leaders and parent volunteers, could learn more about the man whom the board has selected out of eight semi-finalists to potentially head the district. McGee no longer works at IMSA; he left the prestigious
public boarding school in 2013, citing personal and family reasons. On Thursday, though, he told the Weekly that he left to pursue his current position as head of school at the Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science, a small, private international boarding school in Princeton, New Jersey, that opened in September. “You don’t get the opportunity to run a startup every day,” said McGee, who is 63. “You get to hire all your own people; you get
complete control of the operation. When do you have the chance to make education what you really believe it ought to be?” The Princeton venture is backed by a Chinese foundation, and its student body has equal numbers of Chinese and American students. McGee said the offer to head the school arose after research projects he coordinated between IMSA students and students and faculty in Beijing “got some attention in China.” He’s built the school from the
ground up, from hiring nine teachers to shoveling snow and taking students to the emergency room, he said. “As some (IMSA) alumni will say: ‘You’ll love it; you’ll hate it; it’ll be 80 hours a week, but it is your baby,’” he said, referring to those who have gone on to found notable Silicon Valley companies. “And I’m very, very proud of what we’ve done. Everybody has (continued on page 9)
World War II veteran receives long overdue medals Palo Alto resident assisted by Rep. Anna Eshoo and staff
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World War II veteran John Indergand wears a jacket pinned with his Bronze Star medal, Combat Infantry Badge and Purple Heart with an attached Oak Leaf Cluster at his Palo Alto home.
t a luncheon in Mountain View last November, U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo overheard John Indergand talking about his service in World War II, mentioning how he had never received an Oak Leaf Cluster medal he was promised after his second combat injury. Later, Eshoo asked him about it and said that with some more information, she might be able to help. In February, Indergand and his wife, Litsie, were called into Eshoo’s Palo Alto office. There he was presented with a few wooden boxes, holding the Oak Leaf Cluster, a Purple Heart medal, a Bronze Star medal and a Combat Infantry Badge. Now Indergand, 89, wears them proudly on his tweed jacket. Eshoo, D-Palo Alto, has assisted other veterans with similar inquiries before, each time embarking
City hosts meeting on wheels Bikers voice hopes, concerns for new bicycle boulevards by Lena Pressesky ore than 50 Palo Alto the first outreach of its kind in bikers hit the road Satur- Palo Alto, prompted by the city’s day morning on a tour of aim to implement 23 new bike the city’s south streets, stopping projects throughout the city. at points along the way to give “We’re not designing today,” feedback to city officials about Palo Alto’s Chief Transportation the enjoyable, uncomfortable and Official and bike-along host Jaihazardous features of the routes. me Rodriguez told fellow cyclists. Saturday’s bike-along was “We’re just soliciting your input.” one of a series of “meetings on The bikers — some in jeans wheels” with interested locals — and T-shirts, others in fluorescent
by Sam Sciolla on a process that she called “enormously complex.” This time, after collecting his service number and other documentation, her staff worked with the U.S. Department of the Army and the Human Resources Command, Awards and Decorations Branch, to obtain the medals. “It’s exciting to see the face and hear the words of the recipient,” she told the Weekly. “It makes all the work worthwhile.” Born in 1924, John Indergand was drafted for service in World War II not long after graduating from Pasadena High School. He signed up for armored services, and after training in Kentucky and Missouri, he landed with the 7th Armored Division in Normandy, France, shortly after D-Day in June 1944. He had just turned 20. His first combat injury occurred in September 1944 at Pont-
spandex, but all donning helmets — began at Piazza’s Fine Foods on Charleston Road before crossing through Cubberley Community Center and onto Nelson Drive. Though several people enjoyed the tranquil ride through the campus, others had concerns about Cubberley’s activity on the not-so-quiet weekdays. “I know it’s legal for children to ride on the sidewalk, but they should know that cars aren’t looking for them there,” longtime Palo Alto resident Patricia Morris said. Another woman agreed, citing several times bikers on the Cubberley campus have been hit by car doors as they were being opened by parked motorists who weren’t
à-Mousson in eastern France, when a bullet grazed his head, knocking him unconscious. General Joseph L. Collins, the area’s commanding officer, awarded him and other patients there a Purple Heart. As his wound was not severe, he rejoined his division only a few days later. The battle at Pont-à-Mousson against the German military — whose skill and technology Indergand never hesitated to compliment — was rough on the Americans, which might explain why few people hear about it today, Indergand said. “The winning battles get celebrated a lot, and I approve of that, but sometimes they don’t tell us about some of the battles like Pont-à-Mousson,” he said. “Officially in the first 25 years, I never
expecting oncoming bikers. One solution to “dooring” is already in the works, officials said. The city’s bike plan calls for installations of “sharrows,” symbols that designate biking space on roads without bike lanes to prevent “dooring” from parked cars. The tour proceeded north on Alma Street’s sidewalk to avoid sharing the thoroughfare’s narrow lanes with passing cars. Some residents felt safe up on the sidewalk, though one man said he didn’t think he would feel safe riding on Alma even if a bike lane were put in. “Alma is just one of a network” of bike paths, Rodriguez reminded residents, adding that the city’s bike plan is geared toward giving
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choices to cyclists. In March, the city approved $2.2 million to start the planning of its numerous projects, which include bike boulevards, “sharrows” installations and multi-use trails. On May 14, Rodriguez updated the city’s Planning and Transportation Commission on active bicycle projects, which are part of a master plan the city approved in 2012 with the goal of making Palo Alto one of the nation’s top biking destinations. Rodriguez touched on the outreach tours, saying that the bike-alongs have had a diverse turnout with kids, parents and seniors alike. “It’s been a great discussion,” V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ££®
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Upfront 450 Cambridge Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 326-8210
PUBLISHER William S. Johnson (223-6505) EDITORIAL Editor Jocelyn Dong (223-6514) Associate Editor Carol Blitzer (223-6511) Sports Editor Keith Peters (223-6516 Arts & Entertainment Editor Nick Veronin (223-6517) Express & Online Editor Elena Kadvany (223-6519) Assistant Sports Editor Rick Eymer (223-6521) Spectrum Editor Tom Gibboney (223-6507) Staff Writers Sue Dremann (223-6518), Chris Kenrick (223-6512), Gennady Sheyner (223-6513) Editorial Assistant/Intern Coordinator Sam Sciolla (223-6515) Staff Photographer Veronica Weber (223-6520) Contributors Andrew Preimesberger, Dale F. Bentson, Peter Canavese, Kit Davey, Tyler Hanley, Iris Harrell, Sheila Himmel, Chad Jones, Karla Kane, Ari Kaye, Kevin Kirby, Terri Lobdell, Jack McKinnon, Jeanie K. Smith, Susan Tavernetti Interns Daffany Chan, Melissa Landeros, Lena Pressesky ADVERTISING Vice President Sales & Advertising Tom Zahiralis (223-6570) Multimedia Advertising Sales Adam Carter (223-6573), Elaine Clark (223-6572), Connie Jo Cotton (223-6571), Janice Hoogner (223-6576), Meredith Mitchell (223-6569) Digital Media Sales Heather Choi (223-6587) Real Estate Advertising Sales Neal Fine (223-6583), Carolyn Oliver (223-6581), Rosemary Lewkowitz (223-6585) Inside Advertising Sales Irene Schwartz (223-6580) Real Estate Advertising Assistant Diane Martin (223-6584) Legal Advertising Alicia Santillan (223-6578)
EVENT Help Shape the City’s Future Join the conversation today and be a part of the future of our City!
Community members are invited to attend the first of three meetings planned as part of the visioning phase of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan update planning process. Critical Issues Forum: We are seeking input on key issues that are part of the Comprehensive Plan update. This interactive meeting will help to identify the City’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) that the Comprehensive Plan update and EIR will need to address.
What is Our Palo Alto? Fueled by input and participation from citizens, Our Palo Alto is a community conversation about our City’s future. These conversations will create opportunities for dialogue around Ideas, Action, and Design. Together we will discuss important ideas and programs, tackle the issues the community cares about, and design a long-term plan for the future. To learn more about the Comprehensive Plan update as the process moves forward, visit www.paloaltocompplan.org.
When: May 29, 2014, 6-8 p.m. Where: Avenidas 450 Bryant Street This event is sponsored by the City of Palo Alto #ourpaloalto
For more information about Our Palo Alto, visit www.cityofpaloalto.org/ourpaloalto or email ourpaloalto@cityofpaloalto.org
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I feel like the green lane is a safe place. — Elizabeth Bonnet, a parent, on possible additions of green bike lanes to the CharlestonArastradero corridor. See story on page 11.
Around Town
PAY DAY ... Palo Alto has at least nine residents who make far below the living wage and often work well past midnight. These nine residents, known collectively as the City Council, make about $600 a month (the mayor and the vice mayor get a little extra), an amount that is scarcely enough to rent a closet in the city they represent. And even though the job carries plenty of non-monetary benefits (legislative power, fame and the warm feeling of doing a civic duty), some in the current group believe it may be time for a raise. The council’s Policy and Services Committee discussed on Tuesday night a proposal to raise the stipend council members receive and while the committee didn’t make any decisions, members expressed an interest in raising the compensation. Council salaries in California are set by state guidelines, with figures dependent on the city sizes. In Palo Alto, the council could raise its salaries by about $390 a month and still remain within these guidelines, City Attorney Molly Stump told the council committee. Any further changes could be made by amending the City Charter, which would require a vote of the people. Councilman Greg Scharff argued Tuesday that a Charter change is not something that the city should pursue at this time. Councilman Larry Klein disagreed and said he would support giving the voters a chance to weigh in on doubling the council’s stipend (provided they also approve in November a reduction in council seats). “I think conditioning an increase on the reduction (of seats) would make it very clear to people that they have to expect more from the remaining seven,” said Klein, who is terming out this year and who would thus not be effected by the change. The committee ultimately voted 3-1, with Scharff, Gail Price and Greg Schmid supporting and Klein dissenting, to resume the conversation once more information comes in. SWINGS, DUCKS AND TATER TOTS ... Spectators aren’t supposed to clap during City Council meetings, but no one complained when a group started clapping during Monday night’s meeting after City Manager James Keene announced the city’s latest earned accolade. This time, the city was getting kudos from the
website Livability.com, which ranked Palo Alto as one of the top 10 cities in the nation for kids (at No.8). Criteria for the ranking included quality of schools, the percentage of households with school-age children, cost of living and restaurants with kids’ menus. The website lauds Palo Alto’s Mediterranean climate, abundant bike paths, a vibrant downtown, tree-lined streets, cultural events, educational opportunities and library system. “While parents pay a high price to live in Palo Alto Calif., their children can attend exceptionally rated schools, play in pristine parks and experience the benefits of living in the heart of Silicon Valley,” the website stated. The cheering, meanwhile, came from a group of parents supporting the construction of the new Magical Bridge playground in Mitchell Park — a playground designed to accommodate children with disabilities. Later in the meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a budget ordinance that contributes funding for the project, which is largely financed through donations.
THE ‘D’ WORD ... When locally prolific architect Ken Hayes proposed rezoning a site on El Camino Real to accommodate 10 extra condominiums, he found sympathetic ears on the Architectural Review Board. Several members of the board, including Chair Lee Lippert and Vice Chair Randy Popp cited the city’s housing shortages and argued on May 15 that it would be appropriate to add some density to the site near Maybell Avenue. City Hall officials are a little less enthusiastic about density these days, having suffered last year through a citizen revolt involving a separate rezoning proposal around Maybell Avenue. This week, City Manager James Keene said that the project (which would include 21 new units under the rezoning proposal and 11 under existing zoning) will go in front of the City Council for a special “pre-screening,” before the application goes any further. Keene said that the decision to bring the project at 4146 El Camino Real was prompted by the community concerns about upzoning and the council’s recent decision to put all “planned community” projects (which include zoning exceptions in exchange for public benefits) on hold. N
Palo Alto voters to weigh in on a smaller council City Council committee approves placing measures on November ballot for fewer seats, longer terms by Gennady Sheyner
alo Alto voters will likely have a chance in November to do something that hasn’t been done in more than four decades: change the number of members on their City Council. The council’s Policy and Services Committee recommended on Tuesday night a ballot measure that would reduce the number of council seats from nine to seven. The committee also gave the nod to a separate ballot measure that would extend term limits for council members from two terms to three. Both recommendations came on a 3-1 vote, with Gail Price, Larry Klein and Greg Scharff supporting them and Greg Schmid dissenting. Both changes were proposed in a June 2013 memo from Vice Mayor (now mayor) Nancy Shepherd, Councilwoman (now vice mayor) Liz Kniss and Price, who chairs the Policy and Services Committee. The memo pointed out that most cities of comparable size have seven council members (Menlo Park has five) and argued that shifting to seven seats “could bring efficiencies of
meeting effectiveness and workload, which deserves discussion and consideration while also reducing costs.” The city has had nine council members since 1971, when the number of seats was reduced from 15. The committee largely went along with the logic in the memo, though members had slightly different reasons for supporting the change. Scharff offered what he acknowledged to be a “weak” and “tentative” endorsement of the idea and called it a “difficult decision.” “I think seven is clearly more efficient; I don’t think there’s any question about that,” he said. But he also concurred to some degree with Schmid, who in his dissent quoted the French political thinker Alexis de Tocqueville, a 19th-century observer of America’s messy grassroots democracy. In opposing both a smaller council and longer terms, Schmid argued that these measures would create new barriers between the council and the public and make it more difficult for citizens to get elected. The goal should be “having
diversity on the council,” even if it means inefficiency. He praised Palo Alto’s willingness to “put up with some of the inefficiencies with having a larger number of council members for the benefit it provides to the public.” Inefficiency, he said (paraphrasing de Tocqueville), is the “cost of liberty.” Schmid also praised the idea of having more extensive debates and “needing a slightly larger majority to agree to pass things.” His colleagues, however, were less excited about inefficiency. Price suggested that the smaller body could lessen the burden on staff and lead to more focused council discussions. Klein said that while the change may lead to “modest efficiencies,” citizens who expect a dramatic improvement will be “sorely disappointed.” Klein also supported placing the measure on the ballot for a different reason: the challenge of finding candidates willing to serve. “I’m increasingly concerned about the lack of candidates,” said Klein, who is now in the final year of his last council term. “I think
running our city has become a much more arduous job. The way the society is moving we’ll have less people who can afford the time to run for office.” Klein also had no hesitation about forwarding to the ballot a proposal to extend the number of terms a council member can serve from two to three. Term limits “don’t accomplish anything” and in fact “have negative consequences,” he said. Scharff agreed and called the extension proposal “a good compromise between where we are now and having no term limits.” The logic for proceeding with the change closely followed the argument in the June 2013 memo, in which Shepherd, Kniss and Price argued that term limits keep council members from obtaining and retaining positions on influential regional boards that set policies in areas such as transportation, housing and utilities. “To effectively represent Palo Alto’s interests, the city’s representatives need time to gain expertise and build seniority on these bodies,” the memo stated. “Term
limits interrupt this process.” Scharff said Tuesday that term limits put Palo Alto’s council members at a disadvantage on the regional level. A council member who is restricted to two terms has a hard time getting enough seniority to win appointments to influential regional bodies such as the Caltrain board or the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, he said. That reality “gives Palo Alto much less influence and I think it’s something that really hurts us,” Scharff said. Price agreed and called a shift to three terms “reasonable.” “I think service as an elected official requires knowledge, requires tenacity (and) requires the time to serve and to serve well,” she said. Though the change will likely appear on the November ballot, it remains to be seen whether it would make any difference. In recent years, numerous council members (including recent mayors Peter Drekmeier, Sid Espinosa and Yiaway Yeh) opted to (continued on page £{)
Wisconsin principal to head Gunn High School Denise Herrmann has led Madison-area high school since 2006
he principal of a suburban high school near Madison, Wisconsin, has been hired as the new principal at Gunn High School. Denise Herrmann, who began her career as a science teacher, has been principal of Middleton High School in Middleton, Wisconsin — a town of 18,159 people — since 2006. Herrmann was selected by Palo Alto school district officials and a Gunn “input” committee that included department heads, staff, parents and two students, according to the Gunn student newspaper, The Oracle. Herrmann’s move to Palo Alto Unified comes on the heels of a widespread cheating scandal at Middleton discovered in December 2013, which resulted in the school forcing nearly 250 seniors to retake a calculus test. Administrators found that students had been using cell phones to take photographs of tests (which some then shared and sold), taken additional copies of tests from classrooms, bartered questions on tests to share answers and planned absences on test days to
by Elena Kadvany and Chris Kenrick obtain test information. motes or makes students think “It takes awhile to get there, but In a letter to Middleton par- it’s OK to cheat,” she said. that’s the ultimate goal.” ents, Herrmann wrote that, iniShe said the entire school read Herrmann was “enthusiastitially, her administration only articles by well-known Stanford cally supported” by the Gunn communicated to parents of cal- University psychologist Carol teachers, students, parents and culus students who had been in- Dweck, who’s conducted much staff members on the selection volved, but an investigation and research on achievement and committee, Superintendent Kevletters sent in from students and success. in Skelly said. parents revealed these practices “We did a series of workshops “Her years of experience leadwere more widespread. for teachers, ing a school similar to Gunn will “We feel fortunate to have a focus groups serve the students and school wonderful student body whose for parents and community well,” Skelly said. “I academic record on multiple as- then instituted have rarely seen a closer match sessments is top-notch. We are some ways for between a candidate’s skills and hopeful that through our collab- our teachers the expressed desires of a school orative efforts we can determine to credit more community.” the root cause of talented stu- of the formaHerrmann began her career dents choosing to participate in tive learning in 1991 teaching science at dishonest academic practices,” and not make St. Charles High School in St. she wrote. some of the Charles, Illinois. She became Denise Herrmann told the Weekly summative asassistant principal of curriculum Herrmann Monday that the school re- sessment so and instruction at St. Charles sponded to the scandal in two high stakes,” she added. North High School in 2000 and ways: first, by examining existFor example, she said, for the continued there until 2006 when ing policies and processes and calculus course in question, stu- she was named principal at Midimplementing changes, such as dents’ grades depended on only dleton. banning cell phones during ex- four major exams throughout an She earned bachelor’s and ams and issuing multiple ver- entire semester. master’s degrees in chemistry sions of tests. “If all assessment were per- from Northern Illinois Univer“But the more important formance-based (rather than sity and in 2002 completed a thing we did was we really did a test-based) and unique to each doctorate in education from the school-wide study into what kind student, we wouldn’t have to same university, with an emphaof learning environment pro- worry about cheating,” she said. sis on administration and cur-
riculum leadership. “I am extremely proud to be selected as the principal of Gunn High School,” Herrmann said in a statement. “Throughout the interview process my interactions with students, staff, parents and community members were positive, meaningful and focused on developing each student as a whole person. I believe this leadership position fits me well.” With an enrollment that was 1,960 last year, the size of Middleton High School is similar to that at Gunn, which was 1,842. Ninety percent of its 2013 graduates went to college, according to a 2013 profile published by the school. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the city of Middleton is more than 85 percent Caucasian, 5.6 percent Hispanic, 4.2 percent Asian and 3.5 percent black. Current Gunn Principal Katya Villalobos has been hired to head the Palo Alto Adult School. N Online Editor Elena Kadvany and Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can be emailed at ekadvany@ paweekly.com and ckenrick@ paweekly.com.
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School district plan sets goals for learning disabled, low-income students State-mandated accountability plan focuses on English-language learners, at-risk youth, overall student well-being
state-mandated plan that aims to help underperforming Palo Alto students but could benefit all students was praised by the Palo Alto Board of Education Tuesday morning. But board members asked for clarity on how the plan’s impact will be measured. The district must create the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) to satisfy the educational priorities for students with specific needs. The LCAP is part of the state’s new method for distributing money to school districts, known as the K-12 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). School districts are required to develop, adopt and update the three-year plan annually beginning on July 1. Under the new funding formula, for the first time in 40 years the district can prioritize its funds to meet specific student-population needs instead of being directed to spend the state allocations on specified programs. The school district will receive $1.4 million in “supplemental” LCFF funds beginning 2014-15. The amount will increase to approximately $2 million for 2015-16 and $2.3 million for 2016-17, based on the number of students who fit
specialized categories described in the plan. Those students include English learners, low-income students, foster and homeless youth, and students with disabilities. The funding amount is not an increase from prior years. The state is allowing school districts that are funded by local property taxes, such as Palo Alto, to retain the past state funding amounts. That so-called “supplemental funding” pays for programs that benefit underserved student populations. About 16 percent of school district students fall in the targeted categories. Board members lauded the plan for its emphasis on developing 21st-century learning skills — such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity — and efforts toward greater inclusiveness and equality in learning for all student groups. “This is a responsive, living document,” said board member Heidi Emerling, who praised the plan for its attentiveness to current district issues, especially bullying. The plan sets as two of its goals a full adoption at all school sites of the district’s new bullying regulations and development of a baseline to measure and docu-
by Sue Dremann ment reported bullying by 2015. In 2013, 65 percent of respondents to a district survey said they were satisfied with the district’s response to bullying; by 2017, the district hopes to increase that number to 79 percent, with targeted improvements for each year. Total LCAP program expenditures for 2014-15 are estimated at $2.9 million, to be funded by a combination of sources. Staff said that many programs and policies are already in effect and will help all students, not just the underserved populations. Goals that could benefit all students include: that 100 percent of teachers are credentialed to teach in their subject areas; standardizing instructional materials; raising the number of students who take and pass Advanced Placement courses; using technology for expanded learning; continuing professional education for teachers; developing more options that reflect students’ talents and interests; improving a sense of safety and connectedness; and enhancing college and career counseling. But much of the plan focuses on getting underserved students up to speed. A 2014 survey of parents,
teachers, students and district staff by consultants Hanover Research found that 21 percent of respondents said they were “very satisfied” with school support for underperforming students; 46 percent were “somewhat satisfied.” Parents and students were also less likely to agree that students with special needs have access to necessary support for learning. The survey found that 33 percent of all respondents said they were very satisfied and 51 percent were somewhat satisfied. Administrators hope to remedy these problems through more focused learning in smaller groups, additional tutoring and afterschool programs, providing additional attention to English-language learners and aide support for special-education students so they can be better integrated in the general classroom setting. The plan would add teachers and staff who reflect student diversity. Newly hired teachers would complete school district accreditation that focuses on teaching lowperforming, special-education and English-language learners, and at-risk youth who are in foster care or homeless. Teachers
would have additional, required professional-growth instruction every two years. Staff would have instruction on cultural literacy to help identify cultural customs and perspectives that have negatively affected attendance and learning. The plan seeks to quantify improvement. The district would try to increase the percentage of students who take and pass Advanced Placement classes. In 2013, that figure was the lowest in six years. A district study showed that 69.6 percent of students took and passed at least one Advanced Placement class. The plan invests heavily in English-language-related programs, with an eye toward increasing college preparedness and counseling among the underserved groups. An estimated $1.4 million would be spent in 2014-15 for Englishlanguage-learner teachers, a language coordinator and teaching coaches to instruct educators. Early literacy and other prevention strategies, particularly for pre-kindergarten to grade 3, would improve math and language skills V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊ£{)
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Superintendent (continued from page 5)
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rallied behind this mission, and the kids have learned so much in such a short time.” He said this experience makes the possible move to Palo Alto a “really tough decision.” “This is a great opportunity in Palo Alto. It’s a very, very difficult decision.” McGee has an extensive background in education at every level. He holds a doctorate in educational administration from the University of Chicago and a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College in political science. He served as Illinois state superintendent for three years, from 1998 to 2001. In August 2001, he announced he would not seek renewal of his current contract, which ended that December. A news article from the Daily Herald in Illinois said there had been speculation the board may have been considering firing him. “At this point in my career, I believe that change needs to happen more rapidly, and in that vein I believe that the State Board would be better served by a new leader who can bring different experiences and skills to the table,” he wrote in a letter announcing his retirement. “It has been frustrating not to give our agency and my employees the time and attention they need and deserve, and it has been frustrating trying to maintain the focus needed to excel while balancing far too numerous competing demands on my time.” During his tenure as state superintendent — during which he oversaw two million students in 900 school districts — new Illinois Learning Standards, much like the nation’s new Common Core, were implemented; a new state assessment program was put into place; the first PSAE tests, a new exam that embeds the ACT test, were taken by 11th graders; and early childhood development and reading programs were in particular emphasized and supported, he said. “Despite all the progress, despite all the accomplishments, more than 40 percent of Illinois students are not meeting the Learning Standards,” the state board wrote in an announcement regarding McGee’s retirement. “That is simply unacceptable in a world in which post-secondary education is becoming a requirement for all but the most menial of jobs. Equally unacceptable is the achievement gap among groups of students, a gap that finds many minority students and students from low-income families consistently achieving below their peers.” McGee also worked as superintendent for Wilmette Public Schools in Illinois from 2001 to 2007 and for at least two additional school districts prior to his work as state superintendent. McGee told the Weekly that his time at Wilmette, a school district he characterized as simi-
Glenn “Max” McGee, second from left, leads the Palo Alto Board of Education, district staff and parent volunteers on a tour of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy on May 22. lar to Palo Alto’s in size and nature, would prepare him to serve as Palo Alto’s superintendent in numerous ways. He mentioned a cyber-bullying incident that took place during his time there: A group of middle school boys were bullying a female special-education student, but outside of school. The boys were suspended, some for longer than others, he said. “I think (bullying) needs to be dealt with immediately, decisively and then it needs to be communicated so that students and others know when we have this policy, to follow it,” he said. He said he’s read Palo Alto’s revised bullying prevention policy and was watching on broadcast TV when the school board tentatively approved it Tuesday night. “I think it’s a really thoughtful policy,” he said. McGee said that his main priorities for Palo Alto would be to encourage and maintain open, transparent communication and work on improving access and opportunities for the district’s underserved students. On Thursday, McGee led four
board members, Associate Superintendent Charles Young and a group of Palo Alto education officials through the halls of IMSA, which is housed in a 1970s building retrofitted to fit its highachieving students’ needs. During the tour, McGee greeted every single passerby by name, stopping to chat and catch up. McGee ran into senior Anthony Marquez, the school’s current student council president, and introduced him to the Palo Alto entourage. McGee put his arm around Marquez, pointed to the Dartmouth sweatshirt he was wearing and said: “I’m so proud of you.” The incoming student council president, junior Vinesh Kannan, lit up when he saw McGee in the hallway, and also stopped to say hello. An employee who also stopped to talk with McGee said: “This guy inspired me to be a teacher.” Branson Lawrence, the current principal, called McGee’s hiring as president in 2007 “a big deal for IMSA,” given as he was following on the heels of the school’s founding president, whose person-
ality was quieter. “Max is bigger than life. He’s very gregarious. People like to be around Max,” said Lawrence, who’s been at IMSA for 22 years, both as a teacher and an administrator. “It was a different atmosphere when Max came as far as the president’s office went.” IMSA is a state-funded public school that enrolls 650 residential students, grades 10 through 12, who live in dorms on campus. Due to its public nature, tuition and room and board are free, though there is an annual student fee that can be reduced or waived based on family income. Though the majority of its funding comes from the state, the gaps are filled by private and corporate donors. The school’s main building is small but houses science labs, an art room, a library, classrooms with open ceilings and octagonal tables to facilitate open discussion and support the school’s tagline, “inquiry-based learning.” IMSA’s philosophy is to “learn by doing.” Students sometimes lead classes; on Wednesdays, there are no classes, but students instead take the day to devote themselves to a year-long original research project. The majority of that research is done off site at institutions in the area like Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, the Illinois Institute of Technology as well as sites like Argonne National Laboratory, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Adler Planetarium, the Federal Reserve Bank, architectural firms and law firms. Some students also complete their research projects on site in the Student Inquiry and Research (SIR) room, which is complete with multiple 3-D printers, among other graduate-research-level devices and tools. IMSA was ranked 11th in the
nation in schools with the highest SAT/ACT scores, according to a Niche survey published in Business Insider in January. The elite college prep school has also turned out impressive alumni, many of which made their way to Silicon Valley: Steven Chen, co-founder and chief technology officer at YouTube; Yu Pan, one of the six co-creators of PayPal and YouTube’s first employee; Russel Simmons, Yelp co-founder, among others. The school also runs a number of outreach programs, expanding its scope beyond the small group of elite students who live and study there each year. Its two main initiatives are ALLIES, a servicelearning program that helps local high school students teach and learn STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) concepts, and FUSION, an after-school STEM program that targets underserved elementary and middle school students with particular talent in mathematics and science. It also supports teachers’ professional development, if they choose to participate. IMSA also opens its classrooms up during the summer with programs like green architecture, quantum culinary school and medieval engineering. The school served an estimated 10,000 students and 1,000 teachers statewide last year through such programs, McGee said. In spite of the fact that McGee met with the Palo Alto school board Thursday, board President Barbara Mitchell told the Weekly that the district wouldn’t confirm until Friday, May 23, that McGee is the superintendent finalist. Current Superintendent Kevin Skelly announced that he will resign as of June 30. N Online Editor Elena Kadvany can be emailed at ekadvany@ paweekly.com
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MAY 27, 2014 FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA – SPECIAL MEETING – COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at 6:00 PM to discuss: 1) Budget: General Fund Capital, Public Works: General Fund, Storm Drain, Refuse, Wastewater Treatment, Vehicle Replacement, airport, related Capital , Retiree Health Fund. The Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 6:00 PM to discuss: 1) Budget: Municipal Fee Schedule, Wrap up.
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Police missed stroke signs after crash Palo Alto officer ticketed disoriented man who later died from brain bleeding
hen William Brian Bedwell left his Palo Alto apartment on the morning of April 14, he kissed his wife and headed off to work. He seemed fine, his wife, Lorenza Moro, said. But while driving to his job as a senior scientist at SRI International, Bedwell, 63, had a hemorrhagic stroke on the right side of his brain. He struck three cars on El Camino Real and kept going. When police arrived, witnesses said he held onto the officer’s shoulder to steady himself, according to his sister, Dr. Penelope Friedman. Although he showed signs he was disoriented, Palo Alto police did not have a medical team evaluate him. Instead, they issued him a citation and had a tow-truck driver take him to work.
by Sue Dremann By the time he walked in the door at SRI, security and employees recognized something was severely wrong with Bedwell, and they called for an ambulance. Three days after surgery at Stanford Hospital, Bedwell never awoke. He died from his severe brain injury, Friedman said. Now Friedman and Moro are speaking out about a tragedy they say might have been averted if police had called emergency medical personnel. And they worry that this kind of alleged oversight could lead to someone else dying. In a May 16 letter to Palo Alto Mayor Nancy Shepherd, Vice Mayor Liz Kniss, Police Chief Dennis Burns, several other police officials and police auditors, Friedman outlined her concerns and questioned officers’ training: “One can logically conclude that as my brother was discussing the events of that morning with the attending police officers, waiting for the tow truck to tow his car away, filling out forms, having his driver’s license information taken and being arrested and told to attend court in the near future ... he was also continuing to bleed into his brain and moving closer and closer to his imminent death while none of the five police officers involved realized that they really had a very serious medical emergency on their hands in addition to a series of traffic accidents. I am appalled that this could happen in your community.” Police Lt. Zach Perron said the department is reviewing the incident in its entirety and is reaching out to the family. “Any time someone loses their life it’s a tragic situation. We are very sorry to learn about what happened to Mr. Bedwell, and our hearts go out to his family, coworkers and friends,” Perron said. Identifying strokes is a part of standard first-aid training every officer receives. California Peace Officers Standards and Training requires officers to pass first-aid training and have updated instruction every three years. Palo Alto has a higher threshold and requires updated training every two years, Perron said. But he cautioned that stroke symptoms can be subtle. “When someone is in obvious need, we will always summon medical aid,” he added. But Moro and Friedman said the signs that something was wrong were obvious. The alleged police oversights are “unacceptable,” Moro said. She pointed out that police had issued a referral for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to test Bedwell’s driving ability. Just days after he died, she received a notice from the DMV notifying her husband that his license had been either suspended or revoked — she could not recall which — because
he didn’t appear for the driving test. Perron confirmed that officers issued a notice of priority reexamination, which required Bedwell to go to the DMV. “We will check that DMV knows that he is deceased,” Perron said. Bedwell also received a citation for a misdemeanor hit-and-run and was placed under privateperson arrest by a woman whose car he struck, Perron said. He was released on his own recognizance near the accident scene and was scheduled to appear in court. That court date has been canceled by the police department since learning of his death, Perron said. Friedman said the kind of stroke Bedwell had in his right parietal lobe is famous for the kinds of symptoms he exhibited. The side of the body affected by the stroke is the opposite of the side of the brain where the stroke occurred. In his case, the stroke caused “left special hemi-neglect,” by which victims lose sense of their left side. Bedwell reportedly said he heard crashing sounds, but he was not aware that he had hit the three cars, she said. “He couldn’t figure out where they were coming from, and he just kept going,” she said. The woman who was driving the first car Bedwell hit caught up with his vehicle and shouted for him to stop. Bedwell immediately pulled to the right and stopped, she said. After arriving at SRI, Bedwell was taken by ambulance to Stanford Hospital, where a CAT scan showed obvious bleeding. Bedwell had no history of drinking, using drugs or confusion, Friedman said. He did have a prosthetic heart valve and took Coumadin, a blood thinner. Hospital tests showed the Coumadin levels were not abnormally high, she said. Moro said Bedwell showed no stroke symptoms that morning. “When I was kissing him goodbye, I was coming from his left. There was nothing to suggest there was a problem from the left,” she said. The Santa Clara County Coroner’s Office has listed Bedwell’s cause of death as a stroke caused by the accident, but Friedman disputed that finding. The accidents, symptoms and witness statements all point to his having a stroke while driving, she said. As doctors tried to determine the cause of his stroke, Moro said she found a policeman’s business card in a bag of Bedwell’s belongings at the hospital. She left the officer a voicemail message to find out what had happened. “He never called back — he or anyone else. It’s not about wanting to get anything out of this. We feel what happened was unacceptable, and we don’t want this to happen to anyone else,” Moro said. N
Residents seeing green over Charleston-Arastradero bike boulevard City: Road improvements should include measures that alter human behavior
t’s been a highly contentious roadway for more than a decade, with everyone from motorists and bicyclists to pedestrians and residents of the surrounding Charleston-Arastradero corridor in Palo Alto at times seeing red. But at a community workshop Tuesday evening about how the road could be made safer for bicyclists, several dozen residents saw a different color: green. Green bike lanes are rapidly becoming part of Palo Alto’s urban roadscape. The rubbery-looking surface marks out a defined bike lane that is hard to miss, even when in the middle of the road, as on Park Boulevard south of California Avenue, residents at the meeting said. Although some residents said they think the green color is ugly, bicyclists said it is a vast safety improvement over traditional single white-line-striped bike lanes at the road edge or “sharrows” (arrows directing bikers and motorists to share the lane) stenciled with a bike symbol. Most at the meeting agreed the city should improve Arastradero Road with additions that would change human behavior — whether to slow traffic, make motorists more mindful of pedestrians or reduce student bicyclists’ urges to travel in
by Sue Dremann Green-lane experiments in Long Beach and Minneapolis documented corresponding decreases in auto-bicycle collision rates, according to a report by the City of Oakland. Another road feature, green “bike boxes,” enable cyclists to move from the right-hand bike lane to a painted green rectangle located directly in front of a vehicle at stop lights. The vividly marked space allows drivers to see the bike; cyclists can easily make left turns without entering the roadway from the driver’s blind side, said Penny Ellson, traffic safety representative for Gunn High School. The Charleston-Arastradero corridor serves 11 schools of all grades. The busy road is an east-west connector between U.S. Highway 101 and Interstate 280. It is the largest arterial in the city’s south, serving multiple modes of transportation, from buses and cars to bikes and pedestrians, Ellson said. And it is a dangerous stretch of roadway for ever-increasing student traffic. At Gunn High School alone, 871 students rode their bikes to school during peak hours, according to an October 2013 count, she said. And more kids on bikes are expected to flock to school. Terman Middle School is adding about
packs instead of single file. Parent Jessica Rothberg has seen how green bike lanes alter how people act. With her teenage daughter behind the wheel, Rothberg watched in horror as three girls precariously rode their bikes three abreast across El Camino around a pork-chop-shaped cement island in the road. Common teen etiquette would not leave one girl behind when riding in odd numbers, she said. But when the girls approached a green bike lane near El Camino Way, they switched to safer riding behavior. Two rode side by side and the third rode behind, all staying within the lane, she said. Elizabeth Bonnet, another parent, also feels the green lanes are safer and more visible. “It’s so much more comfortable. I feel like the green lane is a safe place, like along Park Boulevard,” she said. Stenciled sharrows are confusing, though, the parents agreed. Transportation studies have found that green lanes shift a substantial percentage of bicyclists away from the “door zone,” where they are often struck by opening car doors of parked cars. The changes in behavior were more pronounced than those found in studies of sharrows without the green pavement.
Bike projects
Various plans will be presented to the public in August, with a review by the city boards in the fall. A finalized plan will be developed by fall or winter 2015, followed by an environmental review. A construction design is scheduled to be completed in winter 2016. The plan will include left-turn refinements, bulb-out improvements, bike boxes, enhanced crosswalks, widened sidewalks and improved vehicle-traffic flow. But the actual work could take until 2018 or beyond to complete, Holly Boyd, city senior engineer, said. The city has a $450,000 grant for work on Charleston Road between Alma Street and Middlefield Road; a $1 million grant would cover work on Arastradero between Gunn High School and Georgia Avenue. The remainder would not start until there is funding, she said. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, considering the confusion and traffic snarls that have been the corridor’s legacy in recent years. “It would not be feasible to construct the entire corridor at one time. That would be a nightmare,” she said. More information and updates on the project are available at cityofpaloalto.org/cacorridor. N
Google, Palo Alto partner on bike routes
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Google is financing the planning of six south Palo Alto projects, including Alma Street from Charleston Road to San Antonio Avenue; Cubberley Community Center trail from Middlefield Road to Nelson Drive; Middlefield Road from Charleston Road to the city’s southern limit; Montrose Avenue from Charleston Road to Middlefield Road; San Antonio Avenue from Byron Street to Alma street; and San Antonio Road from Bayshore Parkway to Byron Street. portfolio and that the main goal is to increase bicycle connectivity between Palo Alto and Mountain View, benefiting Google employees and residents alike. Currently, Google is financing the planning phases for six south city projects, Rodriguez said, but he hopes the Mountain View-based firm will also fund the next phases. Google’s projects include: the Alma Street enhanced bikeway from Charleston Road to San Antonio Avenue; the Cubberley
Community Center trail from Middlefield Road to Nelson Drive; the Middlefield Road enhanced bikeway from Charleston Road to the city’s southern limit; the Montrose Avenue bicycle boulevard from Charleston Road to Middlefield Road; the San Antonio Avenue bicycle route from Byron Street to Alma street; and the San Antonio Road Bicycle route from Bayshore Parkway to Byron Street. Added together, the routes total more than three miles. Rodriguez said that Google is
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(continued from page 5)
he said. Tours earlier this month and in late April explored proposed bike boulevards on Stanford Avenue and Wilkie Way; Homer and Channing avenues’ enhanced bikeway projects; and the Barron Park neighborhood bike routes. Saturday’s tour covered southern projects that are being largely funded by Internet search giant Google. Those include the San Antonio Avenue bike route and the Alma Street enhanced bikeway, among others. Stopping with the tour near some of Google’s newly acquired Palo Alto and Mountain View properties, including the former Mayfield Mall at Central Expressway and San Antonio Road, Palo Alto resident Vijnan Shastri voiced his concern on crossing San Antonio Avenue. “Going across is great, but coming back is not so great because you’re on the wrong side of the road to push the button,” he said. Rodriguez said Google wants to fix this exact problem. The company’s partnership with the city will support connections with Google facilities, though one Google source said that the company’s projects are not tied to any one piece of its recently growing property
200 new bike racks, she said. “We’ve learned that when you build it, they come,” Ellson said of the anticipated bike traffic. The city’s consultants and engineers are considering multiple roadway changes, including creating a “cycle track” that is separated from traffic by an island or curb. With streets, driveways, turning lanes, stop lights and lanes that narrow from four to two in places, however, the task is not as simple as adding green paint. Ellson and others offered other suggestions Tuesday. For instance, a landscaped median island would slow traffic and raise awareness, Ellson said. “Studies have shown that when you put objects close to peripheral vision, people start scanning for pedestrians, and when they do that, they release pressure from their gas pedals and slow down,” she said. Others suggested that existing “pork chop” islands at El Camino Real and Arastradero, which residents said obstruct the view for drivers and cause a squeeze for bicyclists who must compete with turning cars, be removed. Jimmy Sims, project engineer for consultant Mark Thomas & Company, Inc., said the firm is currently working on aerial mapping and counting traffic.
Dozens of Palo Alto residents — including kids and seniors — participated in Saturday’s bike-along to check out planned bike routes in the southern part of the city. paying the consulting companies directly for their planning services. A Google source said the sum is less than $200,000 for two of the projects currently underway. Representatives from Fehr & Peers and Alta Planning & Design, two of four consulting companies the city has enlisted to help with the bicycle projects, joined Saturday’s tour. In addition to reaching out to residents via bike tours, the city also hosts a table at the Palo Alto Farmers Market where residents can ask questions and get more information about the city’s bike plan. Residents can also visit cityofpaloalto. org/bike to give their input online, dropping a pin on a bike route map and typing in concerns or sugges-
tions for improvements. “A lot of work is focused on the planning phase,” Rodriguez said of the projects. The city will likely be in the planning phase for the next year at least until it can move forward with the approval processes, full design and finally construction, he added. Rodriguez expressed optimism about Palo Alto’s future as one of California’s most bicycle-friendly cities. “I always hear the same thing from the community,” Rodriguez said. “We have a wonderful plan.” N Editorial Intern Lena Pressesky can be emailed at lpresseskey@paweekly.com.
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read any reference to it.� About 20 years ago, Indergand and his wife took a trip to Europe and revisited the agricultural
town on the river Moselle. Seeing American tourists, some friendly locals began talking with them in a tea shop. When they learned he had fought there, they gathered round to thank him and brought them both tea and pastries, accepting no money.
Public Agenda A preview of Palo Alto government meetings next week CITY COUNCIL ... The council has no meetings scheduled this week. COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to discuss the proposed capital budget for fiscal year 2015, as well as budgets for the Department of Public Works and enterprise funds. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 27, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ... The commission plans to consider a park-improvement ordinance for Monroe Park; hear an update on the Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Facilities Master Plan; and hear reports from its ad hoc committees about sharing parks for dog recreation and about community gardens. The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 27, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ... The commission plans to discuss 1451-1601 California Ave., a proposal by Stanford University to build 180 housing units as part of the 2005 Mayfield Agreement. The commission is also scheduled to discuss the status of the downtown cap study. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 28, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to discuss the proposed Municipal Fee Schedule for fiscal year 2015. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 29, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave.
His second combat injury, sustained during the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, was much more serious. Near the Belgian town of Houffalize, he was leading some German prisoners to a waiting truck when a shell exploded nearby, launching a piece of shrapnel at his leg that broke bone and severed nerves. After even more travails, he found himself recuperating in an English-estate-turned-hospital located somewhere outside of London, he believes. In February, General Walter Bedell Smith visited them, and because they had run out of Oak Leaf Cluster medals, Indergand and others were each given a slip of paper they could redeem for a medal back in the U.S. He later lost his paper. After spending about five weeks there, he was shipped in a fullbody cast back to Virginia and then flown around the country. He ended up in Letterman Hospital in San Francisco’s Presidio. He spent many months there healing and began attending the University of California, Berkeley, along with other veterans. He met his future wife, Litsie (also a student in Berkeley), at Letterman Hospital where she had an office job. Indergand went on with his life — getting married, having two children, and working as a journalist and later in political management. He and Litsie lived in San Francisco, the Los Ange-
John Indergand’s medals include the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star and Purple Heart with his Oak Leaf Cluster — all awarded for his service in World War II. les area, Burlingame and other War II as a whole. cities before eventually buying Indergand said that he had optheir current house in Palo Alto posed most of the wars the U.S. in 1981. Over the years, he didn’t fought during his lifetime. Howworry much about the medals he ever, he has developed an apprecihad been promised. ation for the American military’s “For a long time, I didn’t pay at- efforts during World War II and tention to this stuff,� he said. “We his part in it. In that vein, he had kind of concentrated on it being begun thinking about claiming after the war. I went around wear- his medals when Eshoo pitched ing blue suits and black shoes — in and made it a reality. no brown.� “I’m very pleased now,� he said Later in life, he began to study about receiving them. “I’m happy history more and today boasts a to remember the good side of mililarge collection of presidential tary service. There is an accombiographies. In speaking about plishment to it, if the original purhis experiences, which he did poses are followed through on.� N Editorial Assistant Sam Scivery openly, he revealed his encyclopedic knowledge of the bat- olla can be emailed at ssciolla@ tles he participated in and World paweekly.com.
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News Digest
Oregon Expressway slowdown to speed up For motorists and residents wondering when the Oregon Expressway traffic crawl will come to an end, relief is expected by early September, said Santa Clara County Roads and Airports Department Project Engineer Craig Petersen. The project to improve traffic flow, which was first proposed in 2008 and approved by the city in 2009, will replace 50-year-old traffic signals along Oregon Expressway from U.S. Highway 101 to Alma Street and along Middlefield Road from Garland Drive to Marion Avenue. The road’s need for signal-timing changes to speed traffic flow and safety features for pedestrians and bicyclists is the major catalyst for the project. The project contract was awarded to Hayward-based Golden Bay Construction, Inc. in June 2013, and construction was to be completed in February. But the work came to a crawl last fall and this spring after a subcontractor failed to perform. At times, one lane has been closed for roadwork during non-peak weekday hours, causing traffic backups. The county has “lit more of a fire� to get the job completed, and work is now picking up, Petersen said. “The curb is in now and the median paving is done. They are standing up poles (for the lights) and looking at switching one signal on next week.� N — Sue Dremann
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New bullying policy set for approval
The Palo Alto Board of Education Tuesday effectively gave its stamp of approval to the district’s revamped bullying prevention policy, adding it to the consent calendar — reserved for items routinely approved — for its June 3 meeting. The board’s discussion of the proposed policy focused on making sure the proper tools are provided to school administrators to evaluate the legal category under which alleged cases of bullying fall. That issue related to whether the student with the bullying complaint belongs to a legally protected class, such as a person with disabilities, or is non-protected. The proposed policy only covers cases of bullying of non-protected-status students. The board in February approved policies for how the district will respond to complaints of bullying from protected-class students. Those complaints are to be handled by district-level administrators. Under the proposed policy for non-protected-status students, school staff — rather than district staff — would investigate the complaints. Some board members expressed concern that each bullying complaint that is addressed under the new policy be properly documented and passed along to the district level. Superintendent Kevin Skelly suggested modifying the language to indicate copies of all documentation be passed on to the coordinator of student services to compile district data. N — Elena Kadvany
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SJW members get the best seats ďŹ rst and save up to $6 per ticket on service fees! And, members can attend a FREE listening party with Kenny Barron and KCSM’s Sonny Buxton on Friday, June 20 (limit two tickets per household). Join SJW today at stanfordjazz.org. PRESENTED BY
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CityView A round-up
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of Palo Alto government action this week
City Council (May 19) Nonprofits: The council approved raising grant allocations to local nonprofits by $31,620 in fiscal year 2015. The council voted against a recommendation to raise the allocation by $200,000, which was supported by council members Burt, Holman, Price and Schmid. Yes: Berman, Burt, Holman, Klein, Kniss, Scharff, Schmid, Shepherd No: Price Transit: The council discussed a proposal by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group to place a sales-tax increase on the November ballot to fund transportation improvements throughout Santa Clara County. The council referred the item to its Policy and Services Committee for further discussion. Yes: Unanimous
School Board (May 20) Report cards: The board heard a presentation about changes to the elementary school report cards. Members supported the changes, which include a greater focus on social-emotional learning and new performance labels. Action: None Salaries: The board discussed raises for substitute teachers and expressed support for setting salaries for substitutes at 51 percent of the starting teacher’s salary. The board is expected to approve the raises on June 3. Action: None
Council Infrastructure Committee (May 20) Funding: The committee approved a funding plan for infrastructure, which includes a new police building, two reconstructed fire stations and various bike projects. Yes: Unanimous
Council Policy and Services Committee (May 20) Charter: The committee recommended placing on the November ballot measures that would reduce the number of council seats from nine to seven and extend term limits for council members from two to three terms. Yes: Klein, Price, Scharff No: Schmid
Council Finance Committee (May 20) Budget: The committee recommended approving the budgets for Community Services, Library, Planning and Community Environment, and Development Services departments. Yes: Berman, Burt, Shepherd Absent: Holman, Kniss
AVENIDAS 8URQ`UYQ_ [R -OTUQbQYQZ` Honoring: Jean Dawes Greg Gallo Maddy and Isaac Stein Jay Thorwaldson Carolyn Tucher
for low-income students at an estimated cost of $245,000. While a large portion of the document identifies programs for English-language learners, board members Tuesday said they wanted a better delineation of how programs will benefit special-education students. Board Vice President Melissa Baten Caswell asked staff to
Council V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊÇ®
conclude their tenures after just one term. Price, whose first term expires this year, also announced in April that she does not plan to seek a second one. Liz Kniss noted at last month’s discussion of the proposal that the average length of service hasn’t really changed since the city first adopted term limits in 1992. The new ballot measures could add a complication to the city’s regular council election, which has five seats up for grabs. While Klein is termed out (and says he would not seek another term even if the ballot change suddenly granted him eligibility to do so) and Price is not running, the seats of Scharff, Shepherd and Karen Holman will
identify which programs are currently funded and which are new. The plan identifies programs and policies that are mostly in effect, with a few new additions, staff said. Caswell also wanted to see metrics added to the plan to help identify when goals are achieved. Board members asked for greater clarity and communication when bringing the plan, which is not to be confused with the district’s Strategic Plan, to the public. An advisory group that in-
cludes special education, parent, student, PTA and educator groups developed the plan. A public hearing and discussion takes place on June 3 before the board, with the approval vote on June 17. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will receive the finalized plan by June 30. The 50-page plan can be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/ PAUSDLCAP. N Staff Writer Sue Dremann can be emailed at sdremann@ paweekly.com.
also be open in November. Of the three, Scharff is the only member who had said he plans to seek a second term. Shepherd and Holman have yet to announce their plans. The council has not yet decided when the new rule would kick in — a point on which the committee split Tuesday night. If members agree to make it effective immediately, as Klein advocated, the change would have a significant impact on this year’s council race because voters would still be asked to elect council members for five seats. Only three of them, however, would actually be seated if the measure passes. Scharff and Price both supported having the rule take effect in 2018, thereby creating a transition period. Though Klein initially opposed this delay, on Wednesday
he told the Weekly that he will support the later kick-in date because he doesn’t want to confuse the voters in November. The commitee also split on a separate proposal by Klein and Schmid to swear newly elected council members in earlier. In a February 2013 memo, the pair called for inducting new council members on the first calendar day of the year, as opposed to the first business Monday, as under current practice. That would allow for more time in January to conduct business. But on Tuesday, they considered swearing members in even earlier, in December. Price and Scharff opposed that proposed change, saying that it benefited the city to have council members serving until the end of December to wrap up that year’s work. N
A special thanks to the Thoits Bros. for underwriting this year’s event.
@TMZW E[a `[ ;a^ ?\[Z_[^_ Association for Senior Day Health Ruth and Ben Hammett Catherine and Franklin Johnson Mrs. Phyllis Moldaw Dr. Armand and Eliane Neukermans Mrs. Ruth Seiler Anonymous The Avant James Baer Fran Codispoti and Kenneth Schroeder, Jr. DLA Piper LLP Floyd Family Foundation Freidenrich Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Matteson Nancy S. Mueller William Reller Allan and Marilyn Brown Shirley Ely Garden Court Hotel Judy Koch Mandy Lowell Morgan Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rantz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roskoph Maddy and Isaac Stein Anne and Craig Taylor
Community Partners
Gary and Jeff Dunker Marcia and John Goldman Ellie and Bruce Heister Cathy and Howard Kroymann Joan F. Lane Bren and Larry Leisure Mary Lorey Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford Ellie and Dick Mansfield Nancy and Larry Mohr John and Tashia Morgridge Gib and Susan Myers Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Newman Paula and Bill Powar Marcia and Fred Rehmus Nancy and Norman Rossen Jeanne and Leonard Ware
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Pulse A weekly compendium of vital statistics
POLICE CALLS Palo Alto May 14-20
Violence related Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Elder abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Theft related Check forgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Commercial burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Credit card forgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Identity theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Residential burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vehicle related Abandoned auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Abandoned bicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Driving w/ suspended license . . . . . . . 9 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Misc. traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Vehicle accident/major injury . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . 7 Vehicle accident/prop. damage . . . . . . 6 Vehicle impound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Alcohol or drug related Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Drunken driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Possession of paraphernalia . . . . . . . . 1 Miscellaneous Casualty/fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Found property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Misc. penal code violation . . . . . . . . . . 4 Missing person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Muni. code violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Other/misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Psychiatric hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 3 Unattended death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Warrant arrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Warrant/other agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Menlo Park May 14-20
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Pasteur Drive, 5/14, 7:40 a.m.; elder abuse. Addison Avenue, 5/14, 11:00 a.m.; domestic violence. Clark Way, 5/16, 6:31 p.m.; domestic violence. Ash Street, 5/16, 9:40 p.m.; domestic violence. Park Boulevard, 5/18, 11:23 a.m.; domestic violence. Cornell Street, 5/19, 8:07 a.m.; family violence. Cowper Street/Lincoln Avenue, 5/19, 4:09 p.m.; elder abuse.
Menlo Park
A non-denominational, not-for-profit community owned and operated by Episcopal Senior Communities. License No. 435294364 COA #246. EPWH654-01BA 052413
Page 16 • May 23, 2014 • Palo Alto Weekly • www.PaloAltoOnline.com
Violence related Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Strong arm robbery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft related Commercial burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vehicle related Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Bicycle theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Driving w/ suspended license . . . . . . 11 False registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . 2 Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Alcohol or drug related Drunken driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Narcotics investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Possession of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sale of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Under influence of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Miscellaneous Coroner case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Custody violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Found property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Gang info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Info case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Juvenile problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Located missing person . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Outside assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Parole violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Psychiatric hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 2 Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Warrant arrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1200 block Sevier Ave., 5/14, 9:45 a.m.; strong arm robbery. 800 block Newbridge St., 5/14, 11:53 a.m.; battery. 800 block Willow Road, 5/14, 12:54 p.m.; aggravated assault.
COMMUNITY MEETING Review the proposed landscape improvements for City Hall and King Plaza.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Harold Bendigkeit
Harold Edward Bendigkeit, a longtime resident of Palo Alto and professor at De Anza College, died on April 26. He was 85. He was born in Elmhurst, Illinois, on March 24, 1929. He received a degree in biology from Elmhurst College. Then at the same time he worked as a fulltime researcher at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago and earned his Ph.D. in microbiology from the Illinois Institute of Technology. After receiving a National Institutes of Health grant, he pursued post-doctoral research at Stanford University from 1967 to 1969. In 1969, he began work as a professor of biology at De Anza College, where he remained until his retirement in 1994. He moved to Palo Alto in 1967 and lived there the rest of his life. In his later years, he employed his scientific background in exploring an interest in the history and archaeology of Native American cultures in the Southwest. For about 15 years he learned from and helped the team at Crow Canyon Archaeology Center in Cortez, Colorado. Throughout his life, he took enjoyment from jazz, theater, backpacking and reading mystery novels. He was predeceased by his elder son, Todd. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Patricia Bendigkeit of Palo Alto; his son David Bendigkeit; and his brother Rex Bendigkeit of Chicago. Memorial donations may be made to Crow Canyon Archaeology Center, 23390 Road K, Cortez, Colorado 81321.
For more information visit www.cityofpaloalto.org/gov/depts/pwd, email pwecips@cityofpaloalto.org or call (650) 329-2295
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Palo Alto Municipal Code Section 2.28.070, that the City Council of the City of Palo Alto will conduct Public Hearings at its Meetings on Monday, June 9 and 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California, on the proposed Fiscal Year 2015 Budget, with adoption on June 16, 2014. Copies of the budget are available on the City’s website, the City’s library branches, and in the Administrative Services Department, 4th Floor, City Hall, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California. There is a $20.00 per book or $10.00 per cdrom charge for this publication.
Meeting hosted by City of Palo Alto Public Works Department
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, pursuant to Government Code Sections 66016 and 66018, that the City Council of the City of Palo Alto will conduct Public Hearings at its Meetings on June 9 and June 16, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California, to consider changes to the Fiscal Year 2015 Municipal Fee Schedule, including new fees, and increases to existing fees. Copies of the fee schedule setting forth any proposed new fees, and increases to existing fees are available on the City’s website and in the Administrative Services Department, 4th Floor, City Hall, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California. There is a $3.00 per copy charge for this publication. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Palo Alto will hold a Meeting on June 16, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California, to consider adoption of a resolution determining the calculation of the appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2015. The calculation of the limit and the supporting documentation are available for review in the City Budget Office, 4th floor, 250 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto. There is a charge of $0.12 per page for copying documentation. DONNA J. GRIDER, MMC City Clerk
Andrew Quintero Andrew Harrison Quintero, who grew up in the Palo Alto area, died on May 4 in Waikiki, Hawaii. He was born in 1963 in Mountain View, the son of Roland and Elisabeth Quintero. He graduated from Palo Alto High School and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and later received a master’s degree in business administration from Loyola Marymount University. He worked for Hughes Space and Communications and supported anomaly and failure investigations. He had a patent for an intelligent search engine program, and also served as the lead architect of a space systems engineering database. He is survived by his wife Cristine Wolf of Redondo Beach, California; his father Roland Quintero of Palo Alto; his three older brothers, Roland William Quintero III (Lisa) of Fairfield, California, Robert Anton Quintero of San Jose, and Richard Walter Quintero of Lake Worth, Florida; and other family and friends. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, May 24, at 1 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Palo Alto.
Palo Alto City Hall Council Conference Room 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301
GraphicDesigner Embarcadero Media, producers of the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac, Mountain View Voice, Pleasanton Weekly, PaloAltoOnline. com and several other community websites, is looking for a graphic designer to join its award-winning design team. Design opportunities include online and print ad design and editorial page layout. Applicant must be fluent in InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Flash knowledge is a plus. Newspaper or previous publication experience is preferred, but we will consider qualified — including entry level — candidates. Most importantly,
Meet the Author: NoViolet Bulawayo Author of “We Need New Names” “...the freshest voice yet to spring from the fertile imaginations of talented young writers like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi and Dinaw mengestu, who explore the African dispora in America.”
Presented by:
The Palo Alto City Library & Midpeninsula Community Media Center
A librarian-moderated discussion of the book will take place:
Wednesday, June 4 | 7-8pm Lucie Stern Community Center Fireside Room 1305 Middlefield Rd. (Light refreshments served)
designer must be a team player and demonstrate speed, accuracy and thrive under deadline pressure. The position will be
Register: http://tinyurl.com/k97plqg
approximately 32 - 40 hours per week. To apply, please send a resume along with samples of your work as a PDF (or URL) to Shannon Corey, Creative Director, at scorey@paweekly.com
For more info: cityofpaloalto.org/library
Zimbabwean Bulawayo is the winner of The Caine Prize for African Writing and is currently a Stegner fellow at Stanford.
Sponsors: 4 5 0 C A M B R I D G E AV E N U E | PA L O A LT O
www.PaloAltoOnline.com • Palo Alto Weekly • May 23, 2014 • Page 17
Cover Story
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aura had her hands full last fall. She had broken up with her boyfriend, Mark, the week before. Since then, he had been stalking her at school, where he was a student too. He cut class to follow her to and from her classes, where he stared at her through the windows. He called her derogatory names like “bitch” and “whore,” pressured her to come back to him and barraged her with text messages. He also followed and harassed her on the way to and from school, Laura later told the police. Laura told Mark to leave her alone, to get away from her, that it was over; still he persisted. On the
way to school one morning, a neighbor overheard Laura yelling at him and called the school, concerned for Laura’s safety. A school administrator asked Laura about the incident. Laura assured the staff member that everything was under control. Laura thought she could handle it on her own. Later that week, after stalking her all day at school, Mark again pursued Laura on the way home from school, and she finally decided to phone for help. That’s when Mark attacked her. Witnesses in the neighborhood saw what was happening and stepped in immediately to stop him and call
the police. Still, Mark managed to pull Laura’s hair and head towards the ground and strike the back of her head with his hand, according to police records. The police arrived and arrested him. At the time of the attack, Sept. 20, Laura and Mark (not their real names) were Gunn High School students. What happened between them is a very common pattern of behavior and a classic example of teen dating violence, according to Emily Austin, a staff lawyer with Peace Over Violence, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of teen dating violence.
Editor’s note
Are our schools ready when relationships turn violent? by Terri Lobdell
The Weekly is publishing this article on dating violence to examine how and whether Palo Alto schools are equipped to handle situations of harassment and assault between students. It was undertaken with the consent and cooperation of the family of a Gunn High School student who last fall was harassed and attacked by her ex-boyfriend and who later filed a complaint with the federal Office for Civil Rights alleging the school violated Title IX in its handling of the matter. Superintendent Kevin Skelly declined numerous requests to participate in interviews for this article or provide answers to questions. Through spokesperson Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley he indicated no other district or Gunn officials would comment. Skelly and Kappeler-Hurley said they would be unable to discuss the topic of dating violence, how schools are trained to handle these situations, what resources schools have available to them or other topics related to the implementation of policy without at the same time revealing specific confidential student information. “This is based on the need to be confidential about student information,” Kappeler-Hurley said. Skelly commented: “I am uncomfortable adding more scrutiny of the students involved in the situation.” Skelly instead provided general written information about school policies and prevention efforts related to sexual harassment. He also said he didn’t think it was appropriate to run this story at this time, citing the ongoing Office for Civil Rights investigation. N
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Cover Story
Dating violence: What parents, other adults can do
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According to Austin and other experts, the biggest threat of violence is after a break-up, a time of great volatility. Violence within a dating relationship is not rare. Each year, about one in 10 teenagers suffers from physical violence at the hands of a boyfriend or girlfriend, according to the national Centers for Disease Control. However, often it is not recognized as a serious, widespread problem — threatening the mental, physical and educational health of many teens — as most incidents go unreported, unnoticed or minimized, according to experts in the field. Research shows that the longterm consequences of dating abuse are more severe for young women, who are more frequently victimized — though young men too can be victims, as can partners in same-sex relationships, where the tendency to report is even lower due to added stigma and fear of being “outed,” according to experts. “Many young victims do not recognize warning signs and confuse controlling behaviors as a sign of care. Fear and shame discourage victims from seeking help, and when they do, adults often minimize the potential for harm,” according to a Fact Sheet from California Assemblyman Ricardo Lara’s office, a legislative leader on this issue. In 2012 Lara sponsored a bill to promote dating-abuse prevention programs and policies in schools, citing a “serious gap” in the Education Code. The proposed legislation, which is still pending, was in response to a teenage girl killed on school grounds in Lara’s district, as well as other publicized dating-related violent attacks. In addition to proposed legislation, Peace Over Violence and an-
other nonprofit, California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (CPEDV), are partnering with the California Department of Education and California School Boards Association on a project, “Delta Focus,” to promote school environments that support healthy relationships and prevent adolescent dating abuse. The project includes development of policy resources for school boards, superintendents and other education stakeholders, according to Lisa Parks, CPEDV’s prevention program director. Whether dating abuse and violence occurs on or off school grounds, it “can have devastating effects on academic achievement, campus safety and positive development ... (because) teens in a dating relationship also see each other at school and their violent association can cause a severe safety hazard to themselves and other students,” according to a report Austin co-authored with the California Attorney General’s Office, “Guide to Addressing Teen Dating and Sexual Violence in a School Setting.” (See sidebar: “Dating violence: What parents, other adults can do.”)
aura and Mark were lucky in one way. Residents near Gunn noticed the problem, took immediate action and put a stop to the violence. They also exposed for the first time the dangerous dynamic in the teenagers’ relationship. The adults now were the ones with their hands full. The steps that followed, especially between Laura’s parents and school officials, illustrate the difficult issues faced when dating relationships turn violent. Within a six-week period, the parents and the school wrestled over the following: ■ Whether the school should
have called Laura’s parents or taken other proactive steps when the neighbor called the school concerned about Laura’s safety; ■ Whether the school was obligated to follow the terms of a 300-yard stay-away court order, which would have made it impossible for Mark and Laura to attend the same school; ■ Whether the school could (or should) transfer Mark to Palo Alto High School; ■ Whether the school’s proposed accommodations to allow Mark to continue to attend Gunn (assigning Mark and Laura walking routes at school, having security staff monitor Laura, etc.) were sufficient to ensure Laura’s safety; ■ Whether the school could/ should discipline Mark for any of his alleged misconduct on campus and/or to and from school. “Getting to yes” with the school district proved difficult, stressful and time-consuming, Laura’s mother said. It required many emails, phone calls, meetings, research of school policies and Internet resources, consultations with private attorneys, the police and the district attorney. During the process, the family felt a continual sense of urgency to get an effective safety plan in place in time for Mark’s release at a date uncertain, possibly imminent. Instead of being able to rely on the district as their ally, the family said they found themselves fighting an uphill battle in an effort to keep their daughter safe. They increasingly turned to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office and Probation Department for help; by early November, those offices were able to facilitate an agreement with Mark’s family that he transfer to another school. The court also renewed for three
ach year, one in 10 American teenagers suffers from physical violence at the hands of a boyfriend or girlfriend, according to President Obama’s proclamation declaring February “National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month” for the fourth consecutive year. The national Centers for Disease Control 2011 survey showed 9.4 percent of high school students reporting being hit, slapped or physically hurt on purpose by their boyfriend or girlfriend in the last 12 months. Despite its prevalence, adults are often unaware that teens experience dating violence, the CDC’s website states. According to CDC and other experts, this is due to shame, stigma, fear of retaliation, lack of awareness, and adults’ tendency to minimize issues if reported. Advice for adults: When a young person discloses abuse in a dating relationship* ■ Approach without judging sexual or relationship choices ■ Don’t assume sexual orientation or gender identity ■ Be honest about your ability to keep information confidential ■ Don’t control the situation, unless an emergency requires you to
years the protective order requiring Mark to stay 300 yards away from Laura at all times, including her school, making it impossible for him to return to Gunn without violating the order. The family was grateful and relieved and credited the criminal justice system with making the right thing happen. School officials appeared to share the relief. “The good thing is the kid is in school in (another city), far away from the district and this young lady,” Superintendent Kevin Skelly wrote in an email to Board of Education member Melissa Baten Caswell. But while the situation eventually resolved for Laura, Laura’s mother, a long-time PTA volunteer, today expresses her lack of confidence in the Palo Alto school district’s ability — or willingness — to be proactive in protecting a victim from further danger. She said she worries about the next victim of harassment, stalking and violence, especially if he or she chooses not to pursue criminal charges, which many victims are reluctant to do for a variety of reasons.
■ Ask youth how they want
to handle the situation ■ Don’t minimize the abuse
or importance of the relationship ■ Provide information on local, youth-friendly resources Know what to say:* ■ “You deserve to be treated with respect.” ■ “This is important.” ■ “I believe you.” ■ “I’m glad you told me about this.” ■ “It’s not your fault.” ■ “I want you to be safe.” ■ “I’m here if you ever need help or want to talk.” More information on how parents can help if their teen is in an unhealthy dating relationship is posted on the “Love Is Respect” website (a collaboration of Break the Cycle and the National Dating Abuse Hotline) at loveisrespect.org/ get-help / help-others / helpyour-child. Also, Palo Alto Police Department school liaison officer DuJuan Green recommends getting information about local agencies and support through the nonprofit Next Door (nextdoor.org) in San Jose. N * Source: Kelley Hampton, Break the Cycle (breakthecycle.org) A longer version of this article is posted on Palo AltoOnline.com.
Is there good reason to believe the schools will handle things differently in the future? With the past as an indicator, Laura’s mother has doubt. (See online sidebar: “Women tell of partners who harassed, assaulted them.”) Since the fall, Laura’s parents have had time to digest their experience and learn more about the school’s obligations under state and federal laws, including duties to investigate fully as soon as the school is on notice about possible sexual harassment and to take prompt and effective actions to provide remedies for victims, like their daughter, caught in a hostile environment at school. They believe those obligations were not recognized or fulfilled in their daughter’s case and that the school, especially after being alerted by the neighbor’s call prior to the attack, might have helped prevent further harassment and violence. In March, Laura’s family filed a complaint alleging Title IX violations with the federal Of(continued on next page)
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fice for Civil Rights (OCR) and provided the Weekly with a copy of its complaint, which included a detailed statement of facts, copies of emails with school officials and the district attorney, and other documentation. The Office for Civil Rights opened an investigation at Gunn on March 24. (See online sidebar: “Title IX issues raised in latest federal civil-rights case.”) Laura’s family decided to share its story with the Weekly to help others who might face similar situations in the future. Laura’s parents asked that their identities, and certain identifying details, be kept anonymous to protect the privacy of Laura and Mark.
hen Mark was taken into custody, the first issue that came up was how to keep him away from Laura, especially at school. The police helped the family obtain an emergency court order restraining Mark from coming within 300 yards of her; the order was effective for seven days (the maximum time available without a full court hearing). The police told Laura’s family that Mark could be released at any time. If that occurred within the next week, the temporary order would protect her, they advised, including preventing Mark from being at school because it would be impossible to stay the full 300 yards apart there. This general advice was confirmed by Palo Alto Police Department school liaison officer DuJuan Green; he told the Weekly that court protective orders must be obeyed by the restrained party, including on school grounds, or risk arrest and prosecution for violation. In the meantime, the family was urged to pursue a more permanent court order, which they did. After the arrest, as Laura’s mother listened to what Laura was telling the police officer, she learned a number of facts for the first time. She learned about the extent of Mark’s escalating verbal abuse and harassment after the break-up. She also learned about the stalking at school and en route to school, the concerned neighbor’s call to the school, and Gunn Assistant Principal Trinity Klein’s meeting with Laura about the call. Laura’s mother was especially upset that she had not been notified about the call; she later let Klein know that.
In response, Klein emailed: “I asked (Laura) very direct questions about their relationship and her safety, and she gave me every assurance that things were under control, she didn’t need help, and she wasn’t concerned about him hurting her. Unfortunately, I took her at her word. “In hindsight, I too wish I had contacted you. At that time I did not know (all the facts) and (Laura) gave me every assurance that what was overheard was an isolated argument between a couple in a committed relationship.” After finishing up with the police on the day of the attack, Laura’s mother went directly to Gunn and hand-delivered the restraining order to Principal Katya Villalobos, told her about the past week’s harassment and stalking leading up to the attack that afternoon, and requested that the order be enforced whenever Mark was released. Villalobos said Klein would be handling the matter but was gone for the day (a Friday) and would call Laura’s mother on Monday. Klein called on Monday, and
READ MORE ONLINE PaloAltoOnline.com Title IX issues raised in latest federal civil-rights case An article detailing the allegations in the Gunn High School family’s complaint to the federal Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is posted at PaloAltoOnline.com. The complaint was filed March 5 and alleges that the Palo Alto Unified School District violated Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in its handling of peer sexual harassment and violence in which their daughter, a Gunn student, was victimized by her former boyfriend, also a Gunn student. N Page 20ÊUÊ >ÞÊÓÎ]ÊÓä£{ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V
Laura’s mother briefed her as well on the past week’s events. Klein told her that the school was not required to observe the restraining order because Mark had a right to attend Gunn regardless of the order. Klein also said that Gunn had had a previous case with a 300yard restraining order in which the school didn’t follow the specified yardage but instead followed the “spirit” of the order. Laura’s mother was stunned to hear this. Laura’s parents did not think Mark could be trusted on the same campus with her and had been counting on the protection order to help keep her safe at school. Laura’s parents decided to appeal their concerns to higher-level officials. In a Sept. 28 email to Villalobos and Skelly requesting a meeting that week, they wrote: “I know when (Mark) sees (Laura) at school, he’ll be way too tempted to try to talk to her ... and I know that will just escalate again.” It would “be best for both parties” if Mark were transferred to Paly, they said. “We need a plan that can be executed immediately to ensure (Laura’s) safety.” Klein replied by email: “This is not the kind of situation Dr. Skelly would be involved in, nor Ms. Villalobos.” Klein reiterated that she and Gunn Assistant Principal James Lubbe were “your point people until the situation demands otherwise, if it ever does.” Laura’s mother emailed Skelly again: “As Trinity has replied, she does not think that this warrants your attention. However, as a parent, I disagree.” She said she wanted to be sure
he was informed of the situation. Skelly didn’t respond. In a later email sent to Katherine Baker, the district’s secondary schools director, Laura’s mother said: “Believe me, when a parent is told it does not warrant their
‘Believe me, when a parent is told it does not warrant the (administrators’) time after their daughter is assaulted, it does not help the situation.’ —Laura’s mother
time after their daughter is assaulted, it does not help the situation.” Meanwhile, Laura’s mother did not accept the school’s information about not following the protective order. She checked again with the police, did Internet research and consulted two local attorneys; no one agreed with the school’s position. One Palo Alto attorney consulted was Emma Bradford. Bradford told the Weekly she was “incredibly surprised by the school’s initial reaction” that it could be exempt from the letter of the 300yard court order. “This is an unfounded idea,” she said.
“No one wants any student to lose out on education, or to get into more legal trouble by violating an order, so there is a need to help support that restrained student as well as the protected student,” she said. “But at the same time, the school needs to be proactive in meeting these obligations. It can’t just sit back. If the order is unworkable and the school feels stuck, it can’t ignore the order. It needs to work it out with the judge, who is the ultimate authority on crafting the order so that all interests are protected,” Bradford said. Bradford said she has seen a number of cases in which these issues have come up in other schools and the first response has been “This is not our problem” or “We can’t do anything.” She said she thinks schools may be misinformed about their differing obligations to both students and need more guidance about how to reconcile these obligations. Neena Chaudhry, senior counsel with the National Women’s Law Center, told the Weekly that the first thing schools should do in cases like this is launch their own Title IX investigation, led by the district’s designated “Title IX coordinator” (in Palo Alto, this is Associate Superintendent Charles Young, who was not involved in this case, according to Laura’s mother). Chaudhry suggested that given the basic facts of this case, a full investigation probably should have commenced after the neighbor’s call alerting officials there might be a problem (whether or not the victim cooperated) or at the very least after the attack occurred. The investigative findings by the Title IX coordinator, who
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is required to have specialized training, would help shape the ultimate remedies, including the need to follow any court protection order, she said. “Their hands are not tied,” Chaudhry said. “If they had concerns about how to implement remedies, they could go to the police, the court or the OCR for advice. There are ways to figure it out. They need to be proactive to keep students safe in their learning environment. “No one wants to transfer kids from one school to another lightly,” she said, but at the same time, she doesn’t think students have a right to attend one school over another within a district, especially if safety and hostile environment issues are at stake. These are determinations that need to be made in conjunction with a full investigation, she said. (See online sidebar: “Title IX issues raised in latest federal civil-rights case.”)
n a phone conversation on Sept. 30, as confir-ent committed to supporting and protecting (Laura). In doing so, we also have to follow the laws that govern our work.” She reiterated that “transferring (Mark) to another school without the request coming from the family itself is an expulsion. ... (Mark) has not done anything that would warrant an expulsion.” Klein’s assertion about transfers proved incorrect. Transferring a student to another comprehensive high school in the district does not require grounds for expulsion because unlike suspension or expulsion, “an involuntary transfer does not deny access to public education,” a legal principle affirmed in a recent California ap-
pellate court decision. According to several legal experts consulted by the Weekly, reasonable justification (which could include, but not be limited to, disciplinary grounds or threat to another student) is sufficient, as long as the
‘I’d estimate in about 90 percent of cases, it is seen as easier to ask the victim to make concessions, even though the law may require otherwise.’ —Kelley Hampton of nonprofit “Break the Cycle”
district has “substantial evidence” to back its decision. Secondary Schools Director Baker, when contacted a few weeks later by Laura’s mother for help, described her understanding of what was required for the transfer process: “We cannot transfer a student to another school without going through a process that justifies the transfer. The restraining order would be a crucial piece in considering a transfer.” One reason Klein thought that Mark could not be suspended or expelled was that she mistakenly thought the Sept. 20 attack had occurred in Laura’s home, even though Laura’s mother had dis-
cussed the assault with Klein and written to her about it. This mistaken assumption came to light in an Oct. 3 email from Klein, two weeks after the attack. Eventually Klein was set straight about this. Three weeks after the attack, Laura’s parents and school officials (Klein and Lubbe) finally met. By this time, Laura’s family had retained a lawyer, and they let the school know this. Meanwhile, Mark was still in custody, but no one knew for how much longer. Laura’s parents talked in this meeting about the danger they felt Laura would be in if Mark returned to campus, given past behaviors, and how upset Laura was at the prospect. Also they said they had learned that Mark had already disregarded the protection order by phoning Laura repeatedly from the juvenile detention center. Disciplinary options were discussed, though no action plan was formulated at the meeting. Klein still did not think any discipline was warranted, even if the assault occurred on the way home from school because, as she explained it, Mark had cut classes that week and so wasn’t “in school” even though he was allegedly on campus stalking Laura. Klein said his failure to attend classes rendered any misconduct on those days outside the school’s disciplinary jurisdiction. Klein also said that even if the school had jurisdiction, discipline would need to be approached progressively, so the more serious measures of suspension (or expulsion) were not available even in that case. Laura’s mother was skeptical; Klein’s explanation did not seem
logical or fair to her, she told the Weekly. It seemed to her like the school was foot-dragging.
eace Over Violence attorney Austin and other dating violence experts say reluctance to take action is a common school response where concerns about the aggressor’s rights traditionally loom larger than concerns about protecting the victim. “Schools traditionally have fought a lot of battles around a perpetrator’s right to access education,” Austin said. “As a result, victims’ circumstances are not weighed as heavily in many instances.” Fear of legal battles over disciplinary and transfer issues often overwhelm concerns about liability to victims under Title IX or state tort law, which are less familiar legal territory to schools, she said. Victims are commonly expected by schools to make more concessions than perpetrators, Austin said. In these cases, accommodations such as walking routes, security detail and chang-
ing classrooms are common. If a school change is necessary for safety, often it is the victims who end up making the switch. Other experts agree. “I’d estimate in about 90 percent of cases, it is seen as easier to ask the victim to make concessions, even though the law may require otherwise,” Kelley Hampton of nonprofit “Break the Cycle” (which works with schools nationwide) told the Weekly. Schools have a duty to comply with court orders, Hampton said, but in her experience, some do and some don’t. She said her organization tries to bring schools “into awareness that it’s not just liability involved, but it’s also about preventing future violence” that could affect all students at a school. The ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project is a leading legal expert in this area. According to staff attorney Sandra Park: “A school can’t unilaterally decide not to follow the terms of a court order.” If that order has been made, she said, there has been a court finding that the restrained party is a threat to the protected party within the specified yardage, and the school “needs to deal with that legal reality.” “The OCR’s letter on this is an important tool to educate schools about this,” she said, referring to the Office for Civil Right’s 2011 “Dear Colleague Letter” about sexual harassment and violence.
fter Laura’s family met with Klein and Lubbe, the school decided it could suspend Mark for the Sept. 20 incident. Klein’s Oct. 14 email conveying this information did not offer a reason for this reversal, but Klein later explained to Laura’s mother that she had found a teacher Mark talked to at school on Sept. 20, so therefore Mark was “in school” that day after all, allowing the school to discipline, according to the Office for Civil Rights complaint documents. On Oct. 17, county deputy district attorney Barbara Cathcart confirmed in an email to Laura’s mother that it was the judge’s policy in all juvenile domestic violence cases to issue a standard three-year, 300-yard stay-away protection order if the juvenile admits to or is found to have committed any of the charged offens(continued on next page)
READ MORE ONLINE PaloAltoOnline.com Women tell of partners who harassed, assaulted them Two former Gunn High School students — one who wished to remain anonymous and the other, Sarah Van Zanten, who now speaks nationwide on the topic of teen dating violence — shared their stories of harmful relationships with their high school partners with the Palo Alto Weekly. They talk about their efforts to get help from school staff, the difficulties they had with doing so, and how their experiences have motivated them to encourage teens today to build healthy, respectful relationships. Read their stories on PaloAltoOnline.com. N ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊÓÎ]ÊÓä£{ÊU Page 21
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es. She indicated that this would mean that the two teens could not attend the same school. “In fact, it would probably be impossible,” she said. Laura’s mother relayed this and other Cathcart updates over the next few days to Klein. On Oct. 21, Laura’s mother also let Klein know that if Mark were to be released with a 300-yard order, as expected, and the school allowed him back on campus, that she would call the police and they would arrest him on campus. Klein replied within the hour: “You are correct that we can require a change of placement if the restraining order is over 300 yards.” The next morning, Oct. 22, Klein spoke directly with Cathcart. Following that conversation, Klein took the “following precautionary steps” documented in an email to Laura’s mother: communicating with Mark and his family that Mark was not to come to campus at this time and outlining next steps for a meeting off campus; informing pertinent school staff that Mark was not permitted on campus and how to respond if he were seen; exploring options for alternative school environments; filing a suspension for the Sept. 20 attack; and sending an email to all of Laura’s teachers advising them of the situation. Laura’s parents were gratified and relieved at Klein’s turnaround and willingness, finally, to take clear, assertive actions to protect Laura. Baker also emailed her assurances: “I believe (Trinity) is on top of this situation. ... At this point the boy is not permitted on campus, and we are exploring every option to ensure that (Laura) remains safe at school.” Laura’s mother replied: “I do appreciate that Trinity has been much more communicative and helpful in the past week or so. But it was a rough start, and I think some of the legal statements she made ... were too quickly stated before checking facts. And because it took us so long to actually meet with her, some of the facts of the case she had wrong (like the fact that the assault did not happen at my house ...). Just seemed like knee-jerk statements in the beginning, but I do agree that much improvement has been made.” The final disposition hearing occurred Nov. 5, resulting in the expected three-year, 300-yard protection order, Mark’s release and his attendance at a new school.
week later, Laura’s parents sent an email to the school board and Skelly. They characterized the school’s handling of their case as “pitiful” and listed areas they believed to be in need of improvement, including: better staff training on what to do (and whom to consult) when legal or other difficult issues arise; better communication among school staff
(especially regarding multiple incidents of misconduct involving the same student); better communication between school staff and parents (especially if safety issues are suspected, as when the concerned neighbor called the school about Laura); and more effective use of discipline and measures to ensure victim safety. “Maybe our feedback can help the next family that faces a bullying/assault issue in our district. They shouldn’t have to endure the same mistreatment,” Laura’s parents wrote. They believe that parents should be able to rely on the school for accurate, expert information and clear protocols for handling such a crisis. Not every family will have the resources or inclination to involve law enforcement or private attorneys to help them persevere. Shortly after emailing the board, Laura’s mother heard for the first time from Skelly, who called and then emailed: “(We) will be seeing what we can learn from the experience. I for one will be changing my practice of asking staff members at sites to respond on my behalf to making contact directly with whoever has a concern.” Baker also called Laura’s mother; that conversation was reported to Caswell (with whom Laura’s mother had earlier met to ask for help) by email the next
day: “Katherine (Baker) admitted that this boy could have been considered for expulsion since it was a serious enough offense ... something Trinity told me no way could be done, even though I pointed out (information to the contrary) in the school handbook. ... So Katherine said that she will be sure to tell Trinity that in the future when something serious like this arises, to be sure to escalate to Katherine right away so it will be handled better.” Laura’s mother disputed this point to Caswell, saying that district officials “knew all along (of the situation’s seriousness) and still just backed Trinity up.” She concluded: “I can’t see where anything will ever change in this district.” On Nov. 23 Laura’s mother wrote Skelly, Baker and Villalobos: “I am willing to meet if gaining more information would help to ensure this fiasco did not happen again.” Ten days later, she re-sent the email, having heard no response. The next day, Dec. 4, she heard from Skelly. In their final phone call, Laura’s mother said he declined to meet, saying: “No, thanks. I think we’re good.” N Editor’s note: Freelance writer Terri Lobdell is married to Weekly Publisher Bill Johnson. She can be emailed at tlobdell@ paweekly.com.
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Arts & Entertainment A weekly guide to music, theater, art, culture, books and more, edited by Nick Veronin
Keeping the tradition alive Palo Alto-based West Bay Opera perseveres through tough times
he mood is positively electric in Lucie Stern Community Theatre’s large backstage green room. Singers in plain clothes, partial- and full-costume run through lastminute exercises; across the hall, a thick cloud of hairspray hangs in the air of the small dressing room where a pair of makeup artists are adjusting wigs and feverishly applying the final touches to the actors’ already paint-caked faces; fancifully dressed children and adults rush to and fro, and the orchestra begins playing. It’s the first of two “full-orchestra dress rehearsals” in the run up to the May 23 debut of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s opera, “The Magic Flute” — the third and final production of the Palo Alto-based West Bay Opera’s 58th season. Watching from the back of the theater — hearing the singers project their pure and powerful voices over the 24-piece orchestra — it’s hard to believe that the company would have trouble filling seats. Indeed, the upcoming run of shows is nearly sold out. However, it wasn’t that long ago that many believed the West Bay Opera would shutter. After the dot-com bubble burst the company was in a “severe financial crisis,” according to Joel Blank, a long-time West Bay Opera board member. Blank, who is currently serving as treasurer on the board, says WBO never fully recovered and was hit hard again by the Great Recession. West Bay Opera hasn’t been alone in its plight, Blank notes.
“All the major opera companies in the country are under financial stress.” In October of 2013, the New York City Opera announced that it could no longer keep its doors open. After filing for bankruptcy, the 70-year-old company cut its final season short and threw in the towel. The San Diego Opera barely managed to avoid the same fate. After pleading for help earlier this year, the company only recently announced that it would be able to remain open, though at a greatly reduced scale. West Bay Opera has remained open thanks in large part to the efforts of José Luis Moscovich, Blank says. “I think José Luis led the company back from difficult times.” West Bay Opera’s general director was brought on in July of 2006, about a year after the previous director, David Sloss, left for, as Blank puts it, “artistic differences.” (Blank is clear that he does not blame Sloss in any way for the company’s hard years.) Since joining West Bay Opera eight years ago, Moscovich has brought both laser focus and grand, sweeping ambition to the company, Blank says. In an interview with the Weekly shortly after he was hired, Moscovich said that he keeps track of all company costs — no matter how small. “I know the cost of buttons,” he told former A&E editor Rebecca Wallace. At the same time he began tightening the budget, Moscovich
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by Nick Veronin
Above: Bruce Olsted, right, leads West Bay Opera chorus singers in warm ups before a full-orchestra rehearsal of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute,” at the Lucie Stern Community Theatre. Right: José Luis Moscovich, general director and conductor of West Bay Opera, keeps the orchestra in time at the rehearsal. pushed the company to spend money on big-ticket items like nationally recognized singers. He also invested in technology, such as the company’s digital projector that is now used to augment sets — saving money on the manpower and materials. “I think he’s raised the level of what we’ve done,” says Blank, who has been involved with West Bay Opera since 1999. Recalling his decision to push for more established, bigger-name singers, as opposed to younger, local talent, and to tackle tougher, larger-scale productions, Moscovich remembers the backlash he faced. “People thought I was out of my mind,” he says with a chuckle. But his gambit payed off. “That not only kept a good
portion of our audience with us, it also attracted a great deal more people to see what we do.” In addition to the budgetary concerns currently facing West Bay Opera and other companies around the country, attracting new, younger audiences is another major challenge. Kirk Eichelberger, a bass singer who plays the role of Sarastro in the upcoming West Bay Opera production, acknowledges the problem. “The issue is that opera in our
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Left: Michelle Rice, center, who plays the “Dritte Dame” in “The Magic Flute,” gets her makeup and costume worked on by principal makeup artist, Lisa Kester, far left, makeup assistant Diana Cook, left, and head wig and makeup designer, Aviva Raskin, right. Above: Supernumeraries, Austin Pleban, left, and Ernest Chau.
culture has been painted this way — as something that is for a fuddy-duddy, moneyed, upper crust crowd — that the people who are young and poor have no business with,” Eichelberger says. In a sense, those who perceive opera to be old and somewhat inflexible are correct. The art form dates back to the 16th century and hews tightly to many of the traditions established by its forebears. The players, whom a lay person might simply call “extras” — those who come on and off stage, infrequently and have no speaking or singing roles — are referred to as “supernumeraries” in the world of opera; while most modern theaters are equipped with sound systems capable of amplifying the human voice, an opera is not an opera unless all of the singers perform without the aid of microphones; this tradition necessitates a method of singing, which results in a tone quite unlike the nasal voices to which fans of popular music are accustomed. However, while Eichelberger acknowledges all this, the singer sees no reason that opera should be perceived as old and stuffy. Opera, he says, just like all good V Ì Õi`Ê Ê iÝÌÊ«>}i®
Arts & Entertainment
Worth a Look Pop-up gallery: otherworldly forms
Foothill stages ancient Greek satire
Local pop-up art gallery Pace Menlo Park recently opened the doors to its latest exhibition, “Tara Donovan: Untitled,” located in the former Tesla dealership at 300 El Camino Real in Menlo Park. The collection, which includes Donovan’s pieces from 2000 to present, showcases a number of the artist’s large-scale creations made from mass-produced materials. “For artwork, it’s the perfect place,” said Elizabeth Sullivan, director of Pace Menlo Park, of the old dealership. As the exhibit is part of a pop-up gallery, it will be dismantled as quickly as it was erected — at the end of June, staff will cart its pieces back to New York and the building will embrace an as”Untitled (Mylar),” a yet unknown fate. Until then, Silicon 2011 sculpture of Mylar Valley can appreciate the and hot glue by Tara airy building in a new Donovan. way — as a backdrop for Donovan’s striking single-material structures, all fabricated from repetitive applications of commonplace objects like clear plastic buttons, toothpicks and metal straight pins. “It’s very organic and really works with the light so beautifully,” Sullivan said of Donovan’s work. Sullivan added that she’ll often roll up the gallery’s garage doors just so the pieces can play with the sunlight. Donovan’s pieces often recall organic forms and can be likened to coral reefs, delicate stalagmites or billowy cloud cover. Donovan also plays with perception and scale, creating towering works of shimmering Mylar and full-wall installations that span hundreds of square feet. Visitors are also welcome to peek around the gallery’s curtained wall to see works from other Pace artists, like two of Paul Graham’s photographs of Penn Station. “Tara Donovan: Untitled” will show at 300 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, from May 22 to June 30. The gallery is open to visitors, free of charge, Monday through Saturday from 1 to 9 p.m. —Lena Pressesky
Foothill College’s Theater Arts program is preparing to debut its performance of Aristophanes’ Ancient Greek comedy “The Assembly-Women,” a play that director and Department Chair Tom Gough appreciates for both its humor and relevance. “Issues may have changed, but behaviors are 2,400 years From left: Nikita Sethi, old,” said Gough, Nicolae Muntean, Suzie referring to the Poulson and Kimberly Johnson play, which de- perform in “The AssemblyWomen,” by Aristophanes. buts May 23. The production follows Athens’ concerned female citizens and the drastic measures they take to right their government’s wrongs. Unsatisfied with the allmale citizen assembly that continually thrusts their society into war, the play’s heroines cross-dress as their husbands to take down the irrational laws put in place by their male counterparts. The result? “A whirlpool of satire,” Gough said, adding that the play “flatters and denigrates both genders.” For theatergoers looking for a laugh, bawdy jokes counter the play’s insightful and thought-provoking elements. Gough admitted that part of the reason he liked the play was that it appealed to his juvenile side — that which appreciates cross-dressing as a never-fail comedy staple. Comedy aside, Gough remarked on the play’s reflexive qualities that illuminate the similarities between our ancestors and ourselves. The show’s ensemble — all Foothill College students, most of whom are full-time — includes local players from East Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Los Altos and Portola Valley, among others. The play is scheduled to run from May 23 through June 8. Thursday shows begin at 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday shows start at 8 p.m., and Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. Tickets are $18 for general admission, and $14 for students and seniors. (There is no show May 25.) For information or to purchase tickets, call 650-949-7360, or visit foothill.edu/theatre/tickets. Please note: This play contains adult language, coarse language and sexual situations. —Lena Pressesky
(continued from previous page)
art, confronts the human condition and has the power to move audiences. All it takes is one strong performance. “If we can get people to the opera, they will come back,” he says. Even if those people are boys on the edge of adolescence. At 11 years old, Aidan Bannon might not seem like someone who would enjoy the opera. And yet, the Palo Alto boy’s eyes light up when talking about his role in “The Magic Flute.” Aidan is a member of the San Francisco-based Ragazzi Boys Chorus. While many of his peers spend their after-school hours playing sports, engaging in clubs or in front of a PlayStation 4, Aidan practices hitting harmonies.
“I wouldn’t really call singing a tough sport,” Aidan says, before changing his mind. “Actually, it’s probably harder than sports. There’s so much more that you can mess up on.” Aidan is one of six Ragazzi Boys who were invited to be a part of the West Bay Opera production. From its very first production, “The Magic Flute” has always called for a small chorus of boys to play the characters known as the Three Spirits, who sing the treble lines in the opera. As such, Stefanie Wilen, the mother of another Ragazzi boy, Jesse, notes that singing in this production is a “once in a lifetime opportunity.” The vast majority of males can only hit notes on the treble cleft prior to adolescence. And con-
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sidering their age and experience level, Wilen notes that her son and his peers are “at the top of their game as trebles” right now. Moscovich is certainly pleased to be able fill the role of the Three Spirits with the Ragazzi Boys — and not only because it is what the original opera calls for. He hopes that having the boys in the performance will help to perpetuate the operatic tradition he loves so much. “If you come into the theater with your kids, and ... they see other kids on stage, they can automatically imagine themselves on stage,” Moscovich says. “It demystifies opera for children, because it shows that other kids are not just able to be on stage, but also can sing very well and can be in it with the grown ups.” N
Inspirations a guide to the spiritual community FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UCC £ nxÊ Õ ÃÊ, >`]Ê*> Ê Ì ÊUÊÈxä®ÊnxÈ ÈÈÈÓÊUÊÜÜÜ°vVV«>° À}Ê Sunday Worship and Church School at 10 a.m.
This Sunday: Looking for Something You Already Have Rev. David Howell preaching An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ We celebrate Marriage Equality
Inspirations is a resource for ongoing religious services and special events. To inquire about or to reserve space in Inspirations, please contact Blanca Yoc at 223-6596 or email byoc@paweekly.com
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Eating Out Better than pub grub Bierhaus chow compliments sizeable beer selection by Dale F. Bentson
Bierhaus, 383 Castro St.; Mountian View; 650-396-7010; www.bierha.us Hours: Mon: 4 p.m.-9 p.m. Tues-Sun: 11 a.m.-9 p.m
Reservations: £ÈÊ ÀÊ Ài
Outdoor dining: patio
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*>À }\Ê small lot « ÕÃÊV ÌÞÊ ÌÃ]ÊÃÌÀiiÌÊ «>À }
>Ì À Ê cleanliness: V \ÊLiiÀÊ good and wine
were popular in the early 20th century, went extinct with Prohibition, were rejuvenated in the 1950s, and now, here they are again. Scholz Beer Garten in Austin, Texas, on the other hand, has been in continuous operation since 1866. In this cycle, the food is as important as the drink. Top-notch chefs have helped beer gardens gain traction as destination eateries. At Bierhaus, owner Mike Finley brought in Aubree Arndt as executive chef. Arndt, a Scottsdale Culinary Institute grad, apprenticed in Colorado before cooking stints at several highly regarded Bay Area restaurants. Bierhaus offers semi-fast food. Order at the indoor window and the food comes in about five minutes or so, just enough time to quaff some brew. Service staff takes over after that and supplies condiments, utensils and whatever else is needed. Food arrives on china; utensils are stainless
The Bierhaus burger with fries and a salad. steel. It’s no picnic. The burgers can compete with the best in the area. The beef is sourced from the sustainable Marin Sun Farms, is 100 percent grass-fed and pasture-raised and is ground in-house daily. The fat Bierhaus burger ($12.50) came with white cheddar cheese, bacon, Russian dressing, caramelized onions, house-made pickles and wholegrain mustard. The moist beef had loads of flavor. It was perfect housed in a soft bun, baked to spec by Palo Alto Bakery. The amped-up spicy burger ($11.50) with pepper jack cheese, poblano chilies, chipotle aioli, house-made pickles and wholegrain mustard rivaled the Bierhaus burger in quality and size. The meat was neither greasy nor chewy, nor did it have that grassy
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Noise level: moderate
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eer, burgers and bratwurst. That’s the amiable combination at Bierhaus, the former Steak Out restaurant on Castro Street in downtown Mountain View. Bierhaus boasts 40 bottled beers plus 18 more on tap. That’s a lot of suds. Beer attracts men; beer plus good food, plus an agreeable outdoor patio that seats about 250, attracts women as well. During my visits, the ratio was about 60 to 40, men to women, not a bad ratio for any eat/drink place. Rechristened in late November, Bierhaus joined the growing list of craft beer-centric eateries downtown — Tied House, Steins and Buffalo, but only Steins and Bierhaus have beer gardens. The term “beer garden” comes from the German biergarten first popularized in Bavaria. The exact history is a rather murky evolution that involved royal decrees, brewing regulations, hot summers, the state of the brewing art, big versus small brewers, picnickers versus restaurant-goers, and other complexities, and reaches back as far back as the mid-16th century. In the United States, beer gardens were a product of the Gilded Age with opulent styles. According to historian Maureen Ogle, Schlitz Garden, built in 1879 by the Schlitz brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, featured a concert hall, dance pavilion, bowling alley and three-story pagoda that provided spectacular views of the city. Pabst and Miller also built gardens to promote their products. Concepts cycle through cultures at intervals. Beer gardens
Customers eat in the Bierhaus garden. flavor that often accompanies pasture-grazed beef. Yet it was flavorsome and juicy. No complaints about the mustard chicken sandwich ($12.50)
with white cheddar, red onion, bacon, and avocado, on an Acme Bakery ciabatta roll. Cia(continued on next page)
Enjoy the ride.
Name: Rudi Wever Position: Sales Last Book Read: The Art of Racing in the Rain Last Movie: The Icemen Last Ride: Highway 9, across Skyline Blvd., down Page Mill Rd, and into work.
Mt. Revard
Favorite Epic Ride: Mt. Revard via Chambery to Aix-les-Bains... amazing! Bike: LeMond Tete de Course
171 University Ave., Palo Alto
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 10am - 7pm, Sat. 10am - 6pm, Sun. 11am - 5pm ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊÓÎ]ÊÓä£{ÊU Page 27
batta can be tough to chew if not fresh; this was fresh. The sandwich oozed cheese, the flavors and texture were luscious. Add $3 for russet potato fries
and a small green salad, or $3.50 for the sweet potato garlic fries and salad (the better bet, flavor-wise.). Bierhaus also offers groundlamb burgers (also from Marin Sun Farms), turkey burgers and
veggie burgers. Building your own burger is another option with choices of sauces, cheeses and toppings. There were also snacks for sharing. The crispy pork belly ($10) with roasted Brussels
sprouts and walnut rutabaga puree revved the appetite. There were spätzles and pretzels, bratwurst and a butcher platter featuring meats and cheeses. The house-made bratwurst ($8.95) with braised red cabbage, German potato salad and whole-grain mustard was plump and meaty. Bratwurst does not have bold flavors and is more about what goes on the sausage than the sausage itself. Beermeister and partner Scott Snyder assembled the beverage
emma roberts james franco jack kilmer nat wolff
NIMRAT KAUR – Manohla Dargis, The New York Times
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING of the City of Palo Alto Architectural Review Board (ARB) 8:30 A.M., Thursday, June 5, 2014, Palo Alto Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue. Plans may be reviewed at the Development Center at 285 Hamilton Avenue or online at: http://www.cityofpaloalto. org/planningprojects; contact Diana Tamale for additional information during business hours at 650.329.2144. 250 Hamilton Avenue [14PLN-00053]: Request by Philip Ciralsky of the City of Palo Alto Department of Public Works for Architectural Review of a Master Sign Program with Sign Exceptions to allow the installation of way ďŹ nding signage at City Hall. Zone District: Public Facilities (PF). Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Section 15311.
BOTH OF ITS TIME AND TIMELESS.� – Stephanie Zacharek, The Village Voice
Coppola makes us care, capturing the fever and eetingness of ďŹ rst love in a way that marks a born ďŹ lmmaker.’’ – Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
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ˆVÂ…iÂ?Â?iĂŠ i
a film by BATRA
Bierhaus features spätzle, with pulled ham, swiss cheese, braised greens and mushrooms.
3421-3431 Hillview Ave [14PLN-00086]: Request by Bob Giannini on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for Preliminary Architectural Review of Phase 4 of the VMware Campus project including demolition and reconstruction of 85,000 sf of ofďŹ ce space, modiďŹ cations to the previously approved CSG building including addition of a 10,000 sf ďŹ tness center, and reconstruction of the entrance drop off area in the RP-5 zoning district 2555 Park Boulevard [14PLN-00161]: Request by FGY Architects, on behalf of Tarlton Properties, for Preliminary Architectural Review of a proposal to demolish an existing 10,800 sq. ft. two-story ofďŹ ce building and construction of a 23,269 sq. ft. three-story ofďŹ ce building with one level of below grade parking and a roof terrace in the CC(2) zoning district. Downtown DAS Project [14PLN-00175]: Request by Crown Castle for ARB Study Session regarding conceptual designs for a downtown DAS (distributed antenna system) installation of approximately 17 units located on existing light poles and street-signal light poles along University Avenue, Lytton Avenue, and Hamilton Avenue, for Verizon Wireless. Poles are located near the following addresses: 135, 180, 240, 281, 338, 383 University Avenue; 496, 300, 250, 180, 136 Hamilton Avenue; 401, 245, 251, 305, 325, 451 Lytton Avenue.
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menu of beers, from lagers, ales, stouts, porters, ciders and meads to non-alcoholic options. There is even a gluten-free beer from Belgium. For those not quite with the beer program, there are basic red and white wine choices. I confess to not being much of a beer drinker but with a great burger, a half liter of Danish Red Lager ($9), a warm summery evening and good company, I was ready to sing “In Heaven There is No Beer� — in German, of course. N
and ShopMountainView
Movies "6 Ê/ -
All showtimes are for Friday – Sunday only unless otherwise noted. For other times, reviews and trailers, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies. Movie times are subject to change. Call theaters for the latest. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (PG-13) ((1/2 Century 16: 12:45, 4, 7:15 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 12:30, 3:45, 7:10 & 10:25 p.m. Back to the Future (PG) Sun: 2 p.m.
Century 16: Sun: 2 p.m. Century 20:
The Band Wagon (Not Rated) p.m.
Stanford Theatre: Sat-Sun: 3:35 & 7:30
Belle (PG) ((1/2 Aquarius Theatre: Fri: 3:30, 6 & 8:30 p.m. Sat-Sun: 1, 3:30, 6 & 8:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:25 a.m., 2:10, 4:40, 7:15 & 9:55 p.m. Blended (PG-13) (1/2 Century 16: 9:05, 10:30, 11:55 a.m., 1:20, 2:45, 4:10, 5:35, 7, 8:25 & 9:50 p.m. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (PG-13) ((1/2 Century 16: 10 p.m. Century 20: 10:25 a.m., 4 & 9:50 p.m. Chef (R) Century 20: 11:20 a.m., 2:10, 5, 7:45 & 10:30 p.m. Palo Alto Square: 1:15, 4:10, 7:15 & 10 p.m. Fading Gigolo (R) (( 10:05 p.m.
Century 16: 10:10 p.m. Century 20:
Godzilla (PG-13) ((1/2 Century 16: 9:15 a.m., 12:15, 2:15, 2:15, 3:15, 6:15, 8:15, 9:15, 11:15 p.m. & midnight. In 3D at 10:15, 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 4:15, 5:15, 7:15 & 10:15 p.m. Century 20: 10:20 a.m., 1:10, 4:05, 6:30, 7:05, 9:30 & 10 p.m. In 3D at 11:05 a.m., 12, 2, 2:55, 4:55, 5:55, 7:55, 8:55 & 10:45 p.m. Aquarius Theatre: Fri: 4:30, 7 & The Grand Budapest Hotel (R) ((( 9:30 p.m. Sat-Sun: 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:30 p.m. Century 20: 1:30 & 7:20 p.m. Heaven Is For Real (PG) Ida (PG-13)
Century 20: 7:50 & 10:20 p.m.
Palo Alto Square: 1, 3:10, 5:15, 7:30 & 9:45 p.m.
The Immigrant (R) 10:25 p.m.
Century 16: 10:30 a.m., 1:20, 4:20, 7:30 &
Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return (PG) 3:05 & 5:30 p.m. The Lunchbox (PG) ((( & 10:20 p.m.
Century 20: 10:30 a.m., 12:50,
Century 16: 9:20 a.m., 12, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45
Million Dollar Arm (PG) ((( Century 16: 10:10 a.m., 1:05, 4:10, 7:10 & 10:05 p.m. Century 20: 12:25, 1:45, 3:30, 4:45, 7:40 & 10:35 p.m. Neighbors (R) ((1/2 Century 16: 10 a.m., 12:30, 3, 5:30, 8 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:50 a.m., 2:25, 5:15, 8 & 10:30 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) (1/2 Century 16: 7:20 p.m. Century 20: 11:10 a.m., 1:50, 4:50, 7:35 & 10:20 p.m. Palo Alto (Not Rated) Guild Theatre: Fri: 4:45, 7:15 & 9:45 p.m. Sat-Sun: 2:15, 4:45, 7:15 & 9:45 p.m. Rio 2 (G) (( Century 16: 9:10, 11:50 a.m., 2:25, 5 & 7:35 p.m. Century 20: 11 a.m., 1:40, 4:30 & 7:25 p.m. Top Hat (Not Rated)
Stanford Theatre: 5:40 & 9:35 p.m.
X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG-13) (((1/2 Century 16: 10:40 a.m., 1:10, 2, 5:20, 7:50, 8:40, 11:10 & midnight. In 3D 9, 9:50, 11:30 a.m., 12:20, 2, 2:50, 3:40, 4:30, 6:10, 7, 9:30 p.m. Century 20: 10:55 a.m., 12:45, 2, 3:50, 5:05, 6:55, 8:15 & 10:10 p.m. In 3D at 11:30 a.m., 12:05, 2:35, 3:10, 5:40, 6:15, 8:50 & 9:25 p.m. In XD at 10:15 a.m., 1:15, 4:20, 7:30 & 10:40 p.m.
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Aquarius: 430 Emerson St., Palo Alto (266-9260) Century Cinema 16: 1500 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View (800-326-3264) Century 20 Downtown: 825 Middlefield Road, Redwood City (800-326-3264) CinéArts at Palo Alto Square: 3000 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (493-0128) Guild: 949 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (266-9260) Stanford: 221 University Ave., Palo Alto (324-3700) Internet address: For show times, plot synopses, trailers and more information about films playing, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies ON THE WEB: Up-to-date movie listings at PaloAltoOnline.com
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"6 Ê/ Blended -1/2 (Century 16) Sometimes Adam Sandler works for others (notably Paul Thomas Anderson and Judd Apatow) and makes an interesting and sophisticated film. Mostly, though, he churns out branded “Adam Sandler comedies,” in which he doubles as both producer and star. “Blended” is one of the latter — proudly and pointedly credited as “A Frank Coraci Movie” (not a “film,” nerds!). As per the Sandler-Coraci formula, then, “Blended” is shamelessly, relentlessly crass and/or manipulative, wholly commercial and utterly conventional. But established formula endures because it works, not so much on an artistic level, but certainly with audiences who don’t mind a cinematic Happy Meal. Sandler plays Jim, a widower and clueless single father to three daughters, whom he has languishing in dowdy “pageboy Prince Valiant” haircuts and unflattering polo shirts and sweatpants. As a teenager, Hilary (Bella Thorne) suffers these indignities the worst, with Dad calling her “Lary” and teen boys constantly mistaking her for a bro. Meanwhile, tween Espn (Emma Fuhrmann) — yep, named after the cable sports outlet — communes constantly with “Invisible Mommy” (oh dear), and Lou (Alyvia Alyn Lind) earns her keep as a cornucopia of cuteness and emotional truth-telling. The film opens with Jim boorishly botching a date with divorcée Lauren (Drew Barrymore, in her third pairing with Sandler). She’s got two hellion sons who are rebelling against their neglectful father (Joel McHale) and mom’s tight reign: As a professional closet organizer, she’s anal retentive for a living. Why, those boys need a father! Those girls need a mother! Those singles need each other! And so these two wacky families find themselves on a collision course to becoming “Blended” when they accidentally wind up sharing a South African vacation package and bond over safaris and touristy tribal dancing. Surprisingly, “Blended” is not one of Sandler’s most racially offensive movies. Yes, it uncritically accepts the cartoon tourist-trap resort version of Africa, but there are such resorts, and folks enjoy their theme-park attractions just like the ugly Americans in this movie do (Kevin Nealon and Jessica Lowe play two of the ugliest, the embarrassing parents of Hilary’s teen love interest). Are there clownish African stereotypes in V Ì Õi`Ê Ê iÝÌÊ«>}i®
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Openings V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«ÀiÛ ÕÃÊ«>}i®
a film by
Century Theatres at Palo Alto Square Fri thru Sun 5/23 – 5/25 Chef – 1:15, 4:10, 7:15, 10:00 Ida – 1:00, 3:10, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 Mon – Thurs 5/26 – 5/29 Chef – 1:15, 4:10, 7:15 Ida – 1:00, 3:10, 5:15, 7:30 Tickets and Showtimes available at cinemark.com
X-Men: Days of Future Past ---1/2
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this movie? Yes (Terry Crews enthusiastically plays one of them), but when every supporting character is a cartoonish stereotype, this can only be called equal opportunity. As always, Barrymore proves extremely appealing — she’s far better than her material here — and Sandler can do his laconic comedy and mawkish melodrama in his sleep at this point. Though the whimsy is forced, small children will certainly appreciate the broad humor (and Barrymore’s mercenary but sweet rendition of “Over the Rainbow”). “Blended” could be so named because it purees your brain for two hours. Then again, maybe its sunny-mawkish family fantasy is what you and your kids need after a long week. Sure, you could do better with your hard-earned cash. But you’ll receive no judgment here. Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual content, and language. One hour, 57 minutes. — Peter Canavese
– Metro’s best of Silicon Valley 201 3
Ming’s Chinese Cuisine and Bar 1700 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto tel 650.856.7700 / fax 650.855.9479 / www.mings.com Page 30ÊUÊ >ÞÊÓÎ]ÊÓä£{ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V
(Century 20) With the recent glut of superhero movies and television shows, many have been waiting for the bubble to pop. Since most superhero movies follow fairly rigid formulas, it would seem to be only a matter of time before audiences get pooped out watching them. But the best superhero movies in some way work against the grain, like Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies (Gothic films grounded in an urban crime aesthetic and global sociopolitics) or Bryan Singer’s X-Men films, which draw on a constellation of interesting characters and play on a scale epic not only for action but in cultural, political and historical implications. You just aren’t getting any of that in “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” or “Man of Steel.” And so we come to “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” which restores Singer to the director’s chair of the franchise he launched with 2000’s “X-Men.” The new film serves as sequel to Brett Ratner’s much-maligned “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) and Matthew Vaughn’s 2011 franchise reboot “X-Men: First Class,” for which Singer co-wrote the story and produced. A loose adaptation of the beloved two-part comic book story by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, “Days of Future Past”
wields time travel as the last hope for mutants, in 2023, facing a holocaust from the high-powered robotic Sentinels. A small band of survivors — including Professor X (Patrick Stewart), Magneto (Ian McKellen) and Storm (Halle Berry) — resolve to use the powers of Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page) to send the consciousness of Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) back into his 1973 body. Then, Wolverine will seek out the younger Charles “Professor X” Xavier (James McAvoy) and Erik “Magneto” Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender) and enlist their help to stop Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) from assassinating the creator of the Sentinels, Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) and inadvertently ensuring his work gets fasttracked. Simple, right? It’s OK — take a deep breath. Though it doesn’t hurt to have seen the previous “X-Men” films, one of the miraculous strengths of the new film is its coherence once it gets rolling (partly owed to editor John Ottman). Another miraculous strength owes to that outstanding cast, further supplemented by Evan Peters (who owns a section of the film as super-speedster Quicksilver) and Nicholas Hoult (whose Beast gets ample screen time). With its high-stakes story and large cast of characters, the film keeps up its momentum with ease, and when it’s not hurtling through action, it’s never less than breezy, with plenty of humor balancing the darkness. On a character level, the story amounts to a battle for the souls of McAvoy’s Xavier, Fassbender’s Magneto, and the mutant in the middle, Lawrence’s Mystique. Simon Kinberg’s script is at its most interesting when playing these beats, especially given that the infamously impatient Wolverine can’t just slash his way to victory; rather, he has to learn to massage others’ troubles and finesse convincing words. Harkening back to his earlier “X-Men” films, Singer makes passing allusions to the Holocaust and gay pride, and gets his Oliver Stone on by adding plot points (and stylistic flourishes) involving the Kennedy assassination, Nixon and the Vietnam War. But what makes “X-Men: Days of Future Past” more than just a thrilling science-fiction action flick is the past-present poignancy allowed by time travel and astral projection, indulging everyone’s fantasy of telling a younger self what he or she needs to hear. Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense scifi violence and action, some suggestive material, nudity and language. Two hours, 11 minutes. — Peter Canavese
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G U I D E TO 2014 S U M M E R C A M P S F O R K I D S
NOTICE OF HEARING ON REPORT AND ASSESSMENT FOR WEED ABATEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 13, 2014 the Fire Chief of the City of Palo Alto filed with the City Clerk of said city a report and assessment on abatement of weeds within said city, a copy of which is posted on the bulletin board at the entrance to the City Hall.
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NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on June 16, 2014 at the hour of seven p.m. or as soon thereafter in the Council Chambers of said City Hall, said report and assessment list will be presented to the City Council of said City for consideration and confirmation, and that any and all persons interested, having any objections to said report and assessment list, or to any matter of thing contained therein, may appear at said time and place and be heard.
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Palo Alto Historical Association ANNUAL DINNER AND MEETING Celebrating a Centennial Year Guest speaker: Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian
Wednesday, June 4 at 6:00 PM Ming’s Restaurant Everyone welcome to attend Reservations ($50) required by May 30 Send check to P.O. Box 193, Palo Alto, CA 94302 ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊÓÎ]ÊÓä£{ÊU Page 31
Home&Real Estate
OPEN HOME GUIDE 48 Also online at PaloAltoOnline.com
Home Front SAVE MORE WATER ... UCCE Master Gardener Roberta Barnes will offer a free workshop on “Making the Most of Your Irrigation System” from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 28, at the Los Altos Library, 13 S. San Antonio Road, Los Altos. Barnes will offer tips, information on component upgrades and talk about mulching and composting. The talk is sponsored by the Santa Clara County Library District. Information: Master Gardeners at 408-282-3105 between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or mastergardeners.org
V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊÎ{) Send notices of news and events related to real estate, interior design, home improvement and gardening to Home Front, Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302, or email cblitzer@paweekly.com. Deadline is one week before publication.
rowing up as an “army brat,” Pam Scott recalled moving around the country in her youth. While her state of residence continuously changed, one thing remained constant. “No matter where we lived my mom always had a veggie garden,” Scott said. Currently Scott is a volunteer teacher through Common Ground Organic Garden Supply and Education Center, teaching a class called “Hands-on Farming” from her Los Altos Hills home. She works alongside three other volunteers — Julie Hyde, Deane Shokes and Anna Teeples — focusing the class on a variety of skills from making soil to raising chickens. Scott wasn’t always so immersed in gardening. After studying industrial design at Auburn University, she became a creative ad consultant for large corporations, such as Nike. Today she primarily works with start-up and nonprofit companies. But when she moved to Northern California in 2003, she began taking classes at Common Ground. There her love of growing fruits and vegetables bloomed. “The class gave me a lot of confidence,” Scott said. “I got my gardening mojo.” She also began writing about food, foraging and how to maintain sustainable living, serving as
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Reaping the benefits of gardening Local farming enthusiast Pam Scott teaches hands-on class by Melissa Landeros
WHAT’S COOKING? ... Handson cooking classes at Sur La Table in Town & Country Village, #57, Palo Alto, include “Exploring Italy: Classic Desserts” (Nicole Henri, Saturday, May 24, 10 a.m., $69); “Seafood Grilling Workshop” (Scott Tomelloso, Saturday, May 24, 2:30 p.m., $79); “Date Night: Great Food on the Grill” (Christy Wolf, Saturday, May 24, 6:30 p.m., $79); “The Quintessential Croissant”
Pam Scott, left, who’ll be co-teaching a hands-on farming class on June 1, stands with a wheelbarrow full of watermelons grown at her Los Altos Hills farm. Above, Julie Hyde and Scott plant corn at Scott’s farm.
CONTAINER GARDENING ... Sarah Easley, who has worked as a floral designer at Filoli and a display and container designer at Roger Reynolds Nursery and Carriage Stop, will give a demonstration and talk called “Create a Container Garden” from 9 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 31, at Gamble Garden, 1431 Waverley St., Palo Alto. After the demonstration, participants will create their own designs using their containers and supplied materials. Cost is $55 for nonmembers and $45 for members. Information: 650-329-1356 or gamblegarden.org
ÕÀÌiÃÞÊ i> iÊ- iÃ
GOING WILD ... Drew Harwell, an edible-garden and permaculture consultant, will teach a class on “Wild Plants as Food, Medicine and Soil Indicators” from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 31, at Common Ground, 559 College Ave., Palo Alto. Weeds can tell a lot about health of the soil and can be harvested and processed for food and medicine. The class, which begins with a slide show and then ventures out to a local garden for hands-on learning, will deal with discouraging unwanted weeds and encouraging the ones you want. Cost is $44. Information: 650-493-6072 or commongroundinpaloalto.org
Chickens abound at Scott’s farm in Los Altos Hills.
a contributor to Edible Magazine for the past year. After continuous practice and work, Scott’s 1-acre home is thriving with numerous greens like kale, basil and arugula as well as citrus trees. She explained a lot of
her garden’s success comes from maintaining great soil. “If your soil is not thriving, nothing will grow in your garden,” she said. The key to having great soil means having a lot of worms and
incorporating it with compost, she added. Scott makes compost by combining scraps from her kitchen, dryer and grass. “It feels good to bring everything back to the soil.” Scott has successfully grown more than half of the food that she and her husband eat. Some of her favorite foods grown in her garden are avocados, cherry tomatoes and pomegranate. Scott remarked that “to have a pomegranate right from the tree makes you swoon.” August, September and October are the most fruitful months out of the year for Scott’s garden. Her produce then is so excessive these months that it goes from her kitchen table to people who are less fortunate. For those who have their own gardens, Scott said, “Find a food bank near by, and take your surplus.” She explained that she gets as much out of sharing the wealth of healthy produce as watching her plants grow. Scott recalled going to the food bank and giving a little boy one of her cherry tomatoes and seeing his face light up with appreciation. The benefits of gardening are substantial according to Scott: from saving money to savoring V Ì Õi`Ê Ê«>}iÊÎ{)
# ++* """
Home & Real Estate
Positively Green by Iris Harrell saw a cartoon in a recent “Funny Times” that showed a huge pile of trash with a person sprawled on top of it, clearly inebriated, and on his back passed out. The caption read “Mankind trashes Earth ... loses security deposit.” I started to wonder who the new tenants of Earth might be after we humans get evicted. This was a not-so-funny and sobering thought. Earth’s stewardship and care has been the responsibility of humankind and we obviously need to “step up our game plan” and behave as if it were more of a life-and-death matter. When I left the country in mid-January to go to my first-ever safari in Africa, I was extremely concerned with how dry our local surrounding landscape and environment looked. I wondered what the implications might be if Silicon Valley became a desert. January landscape looking like July or August landscape is not a good sign. I am starting to become more concerned about the rapid signs of global warming that are reappearing more often, as if to emphasize the increased need of doing something to reverse these problems. While in Kenya, Africa, I saw firsthand so many women carrying drinking water in large containers on their backs back to their villages, and I realized more graphically how much our lives are affected when we don’t have quick, easy and reliable access to clean drinking and cooking water. We were advised to drink only imported bottled water for the entire length of our trip, so as not to get any waterborne sickness. We complied with religious fervor. Most of the bottles we drank from were plastic. A quandary arose. How do you re-use a plastic bottle when the only water you can drink is from another plastic bottle? There is a correlation between our trash and the quantity and quality of available drinking water. Our plastic,
Water is the new ‘oil’ non-biodegradable bags and bottles that we as consumers use are found in great quantities in our oceans, rivers and streams. One American shopper typically uses 500 bags a year. The new local ban on plastic bags is a good first step to curbing the multiple problems caused by a simple plastic bag. Plastic bags photo-degrade instead of biodegrade, breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits that contaminate our soil and waterways and enter the food web-chain when animals ingest them. It takes between 400 to 1,000 years for a plastic bag to break down. More than 100,000 marine animal deaths are caused yearly because of plastic bags thrown carelessly into the waterways. These bags are mistaken for food. Ninety percent of the debris in our ocean is plastic. Plastic releases toxins in our soil, oceans, lakes and rivers. These toxins affect our drinking water sources and all the natural life living
‘We don’t want to be looked at as crazy, but somebody has to be the role model for good stewardship.’ in our waters. (We eat some of that “natural life.”) Producing plastic bags takes millions of gallons of petroleum (oil). So banning production of plastic bags could significantly reduce our carbon emissions, which, of course, is one of the biggest factors causing global warming. This destructive circle of bad behavior is spiraling into multiple problems for human “tenants.” So how hard is it to carry reusable bags into the grocery store? We don’t usually forget to brush our teeth or bathe. Improved green habits have to become more automatic for us. There are still plenty of stores putting your newly purchased product into a plastic bag. Are you going to feel like a fanatic saying “Please don’t give me a plastic bag”? These are the thoughts that go through our minds as we try to change our habits that we know we need
Gardening V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊÎÓ®
better-tasting, quality produce. “The sooner you can eat a tomato (for example) after it being picked the better it is,” she said, adding that type of quality cannot be found at a grocery store. Aside from tending to her garden, Scott also has a chicken coop, which produces a number of fresh eggs. She explained that she is not yet “an expert chicken mama,” but she is continuing to learn how to raise them and maintain a clean environment. Now with five years of teaching under her belt, Scott still considers herself just as much a student as a teacher. She remembers loving learning about gardening from her mother growing up. There is always something new to learn and different things to try, according to Scott. The current drought has afforded one of those learning experiences. “I am figuring out how little I can water my plants and seeing how much food I can get without stressing them out in this drought,” she said. The class is broken up into four sections, in which students have the
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to execute faithfully. We don’t want to be looked at as crazy, but somebody has to be the role model for good stewardship. A 2012 Christian Science Monitor article called “Troubled Waters” effectively pointed out that the real issue is that we do not recognize water’s true value. The amount of water on our planet today is the same as when amphibians first came ashore. So how can we possibly have a water “crisis”? Only 2.5 percent of earth’s water is fresh water and two-thirds of that is locked away in glaciers and snow. As glaciers and icebergs merge with the salty ocean water, not only do we have less available drinking water options, we have rising sea levels, which is another set of problems related to water and humans. We are now using more of our fresh water underground aquifers to meet our needs. Many of these aquifers are nonrenewable. The ones that are renewable are being used so rapidly (like too many straws in the same glass of water) that they are being depleted faster than they can be replenished. What steps can we take as individuals, communities and a nation to fix these problems? 1. We need a national water policy and a state and local water policy that treats water as even more important than oil. 2. We need to be charged more for the water we use. This would give government agencies such as the Santa Clara Valley Water District more money to put into water conservation infrastructure. And we value what we have to pay more for. 3. Individually, we can make water conservation a top priority in our homes and businesses. (A constantly running toilet can waste 200 gallons of water a day.) Lastly, we can try to avoid getting evicted as Earth’s major tenant and most logical steward of Earth’s precious gifts. N Iris Harrell is board chairman of Harrell Remodeling, Inc. in Mountain View (www.harrell-remodeling. com). She can be reached at 650-230-2900 or irish@ harrell-remodeling.com.
opportunity to rotate and try different learning activities. There are activities based on raising chickens, making compost and doing strawbale gardening, in which soil is not needed and plants grow in bundles of hay. The class concludes with a tour of the farm. Scott teaches because she does it out of love and passion, she said. “I like seeing the lights go off in people, and seeing their reactions.” She admitted that gardening and farming is not simple or easy. “There is always something that doesn’t grow,” Scott said. “Expect failure and don’t be afraid of it. ... Gardening is an exercise of humility.” N Editorial Intern Melissa Landeros can be emailed at mlanderos@ paweekly.com.
What: Hands-on Farming Instruction When: Sunday, June 1, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Where: A home in Los Altos Hills; class directions given when registered Cost: $39 Info: commongroundinpaloalto. org or call 650-493-6072
READ MORE ONLINE Pam Scott admires the tall rows of corn grown on her Los Altos Hills farm.
For more Home and Real Estate news, visit www.paloaltoonline.com/real_estate.
Home front V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊÎÓ® (Samantha Miotke, Sunday, May 25, 9 a.m., $69); “Dinner in 20 Minutes” (Christy Wolf, Sunday, May 25, 4 p.m., $69); “Spring Macarons” (Angela Gonzalez, Monday, May 26, 11 a.m., $69); “Date Night: French Favorites at Home” (Katherine Bowman, Monday, May 26, 11 a.m., $79); “One Dish Dinners” (Samantha Miotke, Tuesday, May 27, 11 a.m., $69); “Pizza on the Grill” (Christy Wolf, Tuesday, May 27, 6:30 p.m., $69); “Delicious Mediterranean Cooking” (Christy Wolf, Wednesday, May 28, 11 a.m., $69, and Katherine Bowman, Wednesday, May 28, 6:30 p.m., $69); and “Easy Spring Appetizers” (Nicole Henry, Thursday, May 29, 11 a.m., $69). Information: 650-289-0438 or email Cooking073@surlatable. com N
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Home & Real Estate HOME SALES Atherton
Mountain View 564 Annie Laurie St. #3 F. Thomas to A. & J. Faris for $1,413,000 on 4/30/14 113 Avellino Way Tri Pointe Homes to J. & M. Marcus for $1,049,500 on 4/29/14 115 Avellino Way Tri Pointe Homes to A. Straus for
Portola Valley
Total sales reported: 1 Lowest sales price: $3,300,000 Highest sales price: $3,300,000
134 Lyell St. Brown Trust to M. Crowell for $1,200,000 on 4/29/14 1108 Russell Ave. Bremer Trust to S. Aditya for $2,250,000 on 4/25/14 221 Valencia Drive Silicon Valley Homes to V. Angspatt for $2,500,000 on 5/1/14
Menlo Park
Palo Alto Total sales reported: 15 Lowest sales price: $1,377,000 Highest sales price: $4,398,000
Los Altos Hills
Los Altos
1012 Cotton St. Cosgrove Trust to B. & K. Weber for $3,998,000 on 4/11/14; previous sale 5/86, $625,000 1376 Madera Ave. M. Elahi to M. Ulloa for $665,000 on 4/14/14; previous sale 10/11, $405,000 2415 Sharon Oaks Drive Seaney Trust to B. & S. Singh for $1,318,000 on 4/10/14; previous sale 12/85, $312,000 849 Valparaiso Ave. Chidambaram Trust to Petit Hall Limited for $1,420,000 on 4/9/14; previous sale 5/04, $1,075,000
Total sales reported: 9 Lowest sales price: $451,000 Highest sales price: $1,413,000
Los Altos Total sales reported: 3 Lowest sales price: $1,200,000 Highest sales price: $2,500,000
47 Walnut Ave. S. Greenstein to B. Jung for $1,680,000 on 4/9/14; previous sale 6/10, $1,050,000
Los Altos Hills
Mountain View
Total sales reported: 1 Lowest sales price: $1,680,000 Highest sales price: $1,680,000
11635 Dawson Drive P. Chan to J. Byun for $3,300,000 on 5/1/14; previous sale 7/03, $280,000
Redwood City
Home sales are provided by California REsource, a real estate information company that obtains the information from the County Recorder’s Office. Information is recorded from deeds after the close of escrow and published within four to eight weeks.
Total sales reported: 4 Lowest sales price: $1,807,000 Highest sales price: $4,350,000
Menlo Park
Redwood City
Total sales reported: 4 Lowest sales price: $665,000 Highest sales price: $3,998,000
Total sales reported: 13 Lowest sales price: $406,000 Highest sales price: $1,998,000 Source: California REsource
$1,102,500 on 5/1/14 587 Chiquita Ave. T. Gupta to Sreeharsha Trust for $1,200,000 on 4/28/14; previous sale 11/04, $700,000 505 Cypress Point Drive #275 Wada Trust to T. Wung for $451,000 on 4/28/14; previous sale 11/10, $290,000 182 Hart Court Ng Trust to Z. Qi for $840,000 on 4/25/14; previous sale 1/07, $666,500 2143 Junction Ave. R. Kleir to H. Namarvar for $1,098,500 on 4/28/14; previous sale 3/04, $600,000 369 Pacific Drive N. Barreras to S. Shen for $909,000 on 4/29/14; previous sale 3/05, $612,000 49 Showers Drive #B454 R. & D. Robinson to C. Li for $1,000,000 on 4/30/14; previous sale 11/96, $257,000
Palo Alto 877 Ames Ave. C. & P. Radin to A. & L. Kancherla for $2,050,000 on 4/30/14 826 College Ave. Sanderson Trust to C. Wang for $1,800,000 on 4/30/14
4080 El Cerrito Road J. Witt to Tang & Celine Trust for $4,398,000 on 4/30/14; previous sale 12/12, $2,222,000 3371 Kenneth Drive R. & D. Yanofsky to U. Vartak for $1,865,000 on 4/29/14; previous sale 6/99, $590,000 724 Matadero Ave. Faso Trust to G. Kang for $2,225,000 on 4/28/14 1022 Metro Circle J. Huen to I. Llamas for $2,150,000 on 4/25/14; previous sale 12/04, $900,000 2080 Middlefield Road Jensen Trust to R. Zhu for $2,320,000 on 4/29/14 350 Miramonte Ave. Bell Trust to Chakkabala-Madhavapeddy Trust for $2,900,000 on 4/28/14 714 Montrose Ave. Chay Trust to L. Lau for $2,000,000 on 4/30/14 3814 Quail Drive W. Yoo to B. Dumoulin for $1,377,000 on 4/30/14; previous sale 1/07, $3,469,500 3253 Ramona St. M. Ling to L. & W. Zhang for $2,900,000 on 4/29/14; previous sale 11/02,
$650,000 325 Ramona St. #2 Levinson & Munoz Trust to J. & R. Munoz for $1,425,000 on 4/29/14; previous sale 11/06, $937,000 2762 Ross Road Arrabal Trust to F. Li for $2,000,000 on 4/29/14 514 Santa Rita Ave. Riley Trust to Goldstein Trust for $4,000,000 on 4/25/14 531 Thain Way N. & S. Raju to N. & G. Poran for $1,425,000 on 4/30/14; previous sale 9/08, $971,500
Portola Valley 35 Aliso Way Moreno Trust to M. Marks for $1,807,000 on 4/14/14; previous sale 6/98, $649,000 170 N. Balsamina Way Pantell Trust to A. Suvacioglu for $1,900,000 on 4/10/14 250 Cervantes Road S. Boyd to N. Eiron for $3,650,000 on 4/11/14; previous sale 9/07, $1,875,000 200 Willowbrook Drive Sedlar Trust to Worthington Trust for $4,350,000 on 4/9/14; previous sale 6/06, $2,225,000
1092 2nd Ave. Stinson Trust to M. Ceschin for $560,000 on 4/10/14 755 Arlington Road Cardanini Trust to M. Davis for $1,998,000 on 4/11/14; previous sale 6/98, $698,000 404 Barnegat Lane H. Ren to S. Prakash for $500,000 on 4/8/14; previous sale 2/13, $410,000 853 Boardwalk Place #1203 H. & L. Nam to Y. Abdiche for $760,000 on 4/9/14; previous sale 6/09, $529,000 2168 Euclid Ave. Giusto Trust to G. & V. Defouw for $855,000 on 4/7/14 3746 Farm Hill Blvd. Papadopoulos Trust to J. & J. Smith for $1,075,000 on 4/10/14; previous sale 11/04, $860,000 618 Hilton St. #5 IIG Properties to P. Naranja for $406,000 on 4/9/14; previous sale 8/99, $186,000 789 Lakeshore Drive Armato Trust to Bayyari Trust for $824,500 on 4/11/14; previous sale 12/04, $681,500 1719 Madison Ave. Ward Trust to N. Burke for $960,000 on 4/7/14 503 Mendocino Way A. & A. Law to J. Tsui for $693,000 on 4/11/14; previous sale 5/13, $693,000 111 Wellesley Crescent #2e Fleck Trust to S. Mathieu for $576,500 on 4/7/14 270 Wheeler Ave. Lakey Trust to Griffin Trust for $1,165,000 on 4/11/14 1712 Woodside Road Hahn Trust to GlobalPro for $1,068,000 on 4/9/14; previous sale 11/06, $940,000
BUILDING PERMITS Palo Alto 687 Arastradero Road Palo Alto Christian Reformed Church: remodel kitchen, replace one window with two small ones, $64,000 610 Wildwood Lane remodel
(continued on page ÎÈ)
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master bath, change exterior from siding to stucco, $n/a 1079 Embarcadero Road remove fireplace, add windows, enlarge porch, rework bedroom closets, replace windows throughout house, $n/a 974 Commercial St. add conference rooms, $n/a 390 Everett Ave. repair balconies (due to dry-rot damage), $8,000 384 Everett Ave. repair balconies (due to dry-rot damage), $8,000 4190 El Camino Real Mclaren Volvo: tenant improvement, including remodel break room, new exterior door, change swinging door, $82,500 502 Lowell Ave. remodel kitchen, bathroom, $23,500 3640 Evergreen Drive relocate garage door to face street, relocate driveway approach, $27,000 211 Chestnut Ave. remodel garage, addition with plumbing fixtures, $25,000 2893 Alma St. repair foundation, add push piers, $5,200 920 Laurel Glen Drive install EVSE in garage, $n/a 1550 Waverley St. extend gasline pipe to masonry fireplace in family room, install gas log, $n/a 3001 Bryant St. install temporary sliding door on detached garage, $1,800 560 Addison Ave. re-roof detached garage, $2,526 101 Alma St., Unit 101 remodel two bathrooms, $20,000 845 Garland Drive remodel master bathroom, $15,000 726 Torreya Court replace two sliding glass doors in bathrooms with slider windows, $1,100 2606 South Court new covered patio at rear yard with outdoor kitchen with cabinets and propane gas grill, $10,000 3785 La Selva Drive extend gasline to new firetable, remove front-yard deck, install fence, $n/a
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We Remember
2775 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Phone: (650)321-1596 Fax: (650)328-1809
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Home & Real Estate Building permits V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊÎx® 3810 Magnolia Drive remodel two bathrooms, $27,000 101 Alma St., Unit 206 remodel bathroom, new ventless washer/ dryer in closet, $9,000 4012 Sutherland Drive remodel bathroom, $3,000 2115 Cowper St. re-roof, $17,000 186 Coleridge Ave. re-roof, $20,000 4332 Silva Ave. re-roof, $8,500 1023 Oregon Ave. remodel two bathrooms, $10,000 186 Park Ave. relocate washer and dryer, $4,000 1840 Newell Road add stucco to rear half of house, $3,200 3836 La Selva Drive remodel kitchen, $13,139 3785 El Centro St. remodel master bathroom, $20,000 633 Coleridge Ave. remodel kitchen, $25,000 3263 South Court addition to back room and bathroom, $20,000 772 Rosewood Drive re-roof, $17,500 2352 Saint Francis Drive reroof, $7,400 3641 South Court re-roof, $11,247 828 Sutter Ave. re-roof, $12,249 2170 Park Blvd. re-roof, $9,000 315 Homer Ave. replace pavers including waterproofing in courtyard, $51,624 3465 Kenneth Drive re-roof, $17,500; rooftop PV system 5.75kw, $n/a 182 Ferne Court remodel kitchen, two bathrooms, replace windows, upgrade electrical, $44,000 471 Alger Drive remodel bathroom, $4,300 86 Erstwild Court install EVSE at
exterior of garage, $n/a 2704 Louis Road replace 10 windows, $4,400 3506 Emerson St. re-roof, $11,500 2261 Saint Francis Drive extend gasline to new barbecue and new electrical to above-ground hot tub, $n/a 315 Melville Ave. Category 4 historic home: repair foundation, replace six piers, $4,200 451 Matadero Ave. re-roof, $3,900 471 Emerson St. re-roof, $14,920 678 Webster St. remodel kitchen, $13,560 532 Channing Ave. re-roof, $15,000 242 Ventura Ave. remodel bathroom, $4,000 1891 Page Mill Road replace two air handlers and one boiler on roof, $100,000 539 Jefferson Drive add master bath toilet room window, change kitchen window, new opening from family room to hall, widen opening into kitchen, raise new entry porch, $n/a 1516 Louisa Court roof-mounted PV system, $n/a 716 Ames Ave. single-story addition, $45,000 328 Byron St. addition and kitchen remodel, $90,000 593 Center Drive re-roof, $16,261 671 Toyon Place remodel hall bathroom, $6,000 740 Chimalus Drive replace countertops and backsplashes, $3,000 1050 McGregor Way re-roof, $16,570 115 Emerson St. remodel condo, including kitchen and bathroom, new gas fireplace, $80,000 101 Lytton Ave. Chamber of Commerce: tenant improvement,
$24,000; install three Level 2 chargers in underground garage for Survey Monkey employees, $n/a 308 Lincoln Ave. Historic Category 3: new hip roof patio attached to garage, $5,580 936 Scott St. new arbor, barbecue, gas firepit, $14,000 4284 Manuela Ave. new deck, $8,000 299 California Ave. landlord improvements: divide single tenant space into two spaces, inlarge office into hallway, add door to common area, $8,500 3872 Duncan Place rooftop PV system, $n/a 530 E. Crescent Drive new tennis pavilion, electric space heaters, wine storage unit, $24,000 1820 Bryant St. remodel: relocate powder room, extend kitchen cabinets, raise window and door headers, $60,000 3364 Kipling St. re-roof, $14,000 4147 Donald Drive remodel two bathrooms, $9,700 1403 Dana Ave. re-roof, $15,000 1966 Edgewood Drive repair dryrot/termite damage, $3,500 1077 Loma Verde Ave. new patio cover, $6,000 794 Melville Ave. re-roof, $12,500 753 Alma St. Alma Place Associates: add roof-mounted solarhearing system, $n/a 1825 Guinda St. remodel kitchen, bath, laundry, including replacing windows, door, re-roof, $122,000 1765 Fulton St. vault ceilings in bedrooms, $n/a 4173 El Camino Real, Unit 20 remodel bathroom, $24,000 575 High St. new conference room, $18,500 265 Lytton Ave. A9: remodel breakroom, reception/break area, $96,000
NEW LISTING! Not on the Market in 91 Years!
2001 Camino a los Cerros, Menlo Park Open Sunday, May 25, 1:00 – 4:00 Owned by the Knudsen/Johsens family for over 91 years, and occupied to the present day by the 4th generation of the family, this wonderful land/ building opportunity is now offered for sale. Value is in the land. All structures (house, 2 garages, sheds) to be sold in their as is condition at close. Originally designated in San Mateo County records as lots 20 and 21 of Block 13 in the Menlo Heights subdivision, the land has been surveyed and marked for what are believed to be the original two lots. Original lot 20: Approximately 6,000 square feet. Original lot 21: Approximately 6700 square feet. Frontage on both Camino a los Cerros and Barney Avenue. Subject to approval by San Mateo County into the two original lots, or potential new lot lines or street frontage for alternate lot configurations, this is one of the most outstanding opportunities in recent years to acquire two potential side by side building sites in this highly sought after location within the Las Lomitas School District.
Offered at $2,795,000
Buyer to verify all information pertaining to lot sizes, subdivision potential, and building opportunity directly with San Mateo County Planning and other appropriate governmental departments
BELLUMORI International President’s Premier Top 1% Coldwell Banker - Worldwide
(650) 752-0826 BRE#00494595
sbellumori @ cbnorcal.com | w w w.SteveBellumori.com
Consistently Successful Results for Clients in the Sale of Over 950 Homes!
A Luxury Collection By Intero Real Estate Services.
7292 Exotic Garden, Cambria
655 Manzanita Way, Woodside
5 Betty Lane, Atherton
Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305
Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Greg Goumas Lic.#01242399, 00709019, 01878208
Listing Provided by: Linda Hymes, Lic.#01917074
280 Family Farm, Woodside
24680 Prospect Avenue, Los Altos Hills
10800 Magdalena, Los Altos Hills
Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305
Listing Provided by: Renuka Ahuja, Lic.#01783141
Listing Provided by: Cutty Smith, Melissa Lindt, Lic.#01444081, 01469863
13195 Glenshire Drive, Truckee
187 Atherton Avenue, Atherton
302 Atherton Avenue, Atherton
Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208
Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas and Sophie Tsang, Lic.#01242399, 00709019, 01399145
Listing Provided by: Albert Garibaldi & Giulio Cannatello Lic.# 01321299 & 01911402
12733 Dianne Drive, Los Altos Hills
6113 Blackpool Court, San Jose
12861 Alta Tierra Road, Los Altos Hills
Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208
Listing Provided by: Dominic Nicoli, Lic.#01112681
Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208
5721 Arboretum Drive, Los Altos
1250 Miramontes Street, Half Moon Bay
301 Main Street #29A, San Francisco
Listing Provided by: Gail Sanders & Denise Villeneuve Lic.#01253357 & 01794615
Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305
Listing Provided by: Melissa Lindt, Lic.#01469863
See the complete collection
w w w.InteroPrestigio.com
2014 Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. All rights reserved. The logo is a registered trademark of Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. Intero Prestigio is a division of Intero Inc. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This is not intended as a solicitation if you are listed with another broker.
The Solution to Selling Your Luxury Home.
16367 Reynolds Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037 | $3,899,000 | Dan Gluhaich Lic.#00963076
Customized to the unique st style tyle of each luxury ry propert property, rtty, Prestigio will expose your home through the most influential mediums reaching the the greatest great atest number of qualified buyers wherever they may ay be in the world. For more re information informat ation about listing your home with the Intero ro Pr Prestigio restigio Internat International ational pro program, rogra ram, call your local Intero ro Real Estat Estate ate Serv Services rvices offi rv office. ffice. ffi Woodside 1590 Cañada Lane Woodside, CA 94062 650.206.6200
Menlo Park 807 Santa Cruz Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 650.543.7740
Los Altos 496 First Street, Ste. 200 Los Altos, CA 94022 650.947.4700
2014 Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. All rights reserved. The logo is a registered trademark of Intero Real Estate Services, Inc. Intero Prestigio is a division of Intero Inc. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This is not intended as a solicitation if you are listed with another broker.
2 Leland Manor Homes
Unique Opportunity Home 1 (23) 2,395 SF Home 9,300+ SF Lot Home 2 (24) 2,397 SF Home with Bonus Shop and Shed 17,100 + SF Lot
Total: 26,400 + SF of land; a remarkable opportunity to create an exceptional compound.
Exclusively Represented | Principals Only Inquires: John H. Tilton | BRE 0327359 | John.tilton@gmail.com
Page 40ÊUÊ >ÞÊÓÎ]ÊÓä£{ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V
Call for pricing 650-465-2465
SOARS above the rest!
You have seen our contractor vans and tour bus on the street. You have seen us on national TV. Now you will see us in the SKIES. We have purchased a brand new Cirrus aircraft to take our clients up and over the Bay Area Peninsula for a bird’s eye view of our neighborhoods. ǻÌsNjs˅ǣ ŘŸ OŸ OÌ ɠÌsŘ ɴŸȖ ʪɴ ɠÞǼÌ ^sĵsŸŘʰ ŸŘĶɴ ʩNjǣǼ OĶ ǣǣʳ This is just the way we do real estate. (650) 488-7325 | www.deleonrealty.com | CalBRE #01903224
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Community Connected
3 BR | 2.5 BA ±1900 SF | ±4000 SF Lot Stunning Renovation & Addition High-End Finishes Chef’s Kitchen Generous Basement Walk to Johnson Park, Downtown PA Palo Alto Schools
Offered at $2,195,000 Call Zach for details
ZachTrailerGroup ZACH TRAILER
Top 1% Internationally WSJ Top 200 Agents Nationwide
650 906 8008 www.zachtrailer.com | ztrailer@zachtrailer.com Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 01371338
Go to open.apr.com for the Bay Area’s only complete online open home guide.
Mary Gilles
New 3 level West Menlo luxury home near Oak Knoll School with 6 bedrooms, pool and outdoor fireplace. Coming Summer 2014.
Judy Citron
650.543.1206 jcitron@apr.com
Derk Brill 650.543.1117
650.543.1195 CarolAndNicole@apr.com
Marybeth Dorst 650.245.8890 mdorst@apr.com
Lynn Wilson Roberts
Beautiful PPG home in Menlo Oaks with resort grounds of almost ½ acre. 4bd/3.5ba, great room. Pool/spa.
Fully remodeled 4bd home in the heart of town. Formal LR and DR, FR. Gourmet’s kitchen and sunny breakfast room. Extra large 2-car garage. Menlo Park Schools.
Beautiful turnkey home in North Los Altos. Exquisitely crafted with abundance of special details. 4 bed/2.5 baths.
Carol & Nicole
Exceptional 5bd/4ba home with large kitchen/family room, form DR and LR, gated property with enchanting large gardens.
A Private Oasis in Menlo Oaks, adjacent to Facebook. 25k lot with limitless possibilities! Outstanding Menlo Park Schools.
Pat Briscoe
Gloria & Caitlin Darke
3bd/2.5ba home with well-equipped kitchen/ pantry, living/ dining with Cathedral ceiling, skylights. Entertainers will appreciate the extra catering/bar space! Quiet, rear garden.
Immaculately maintained, 1990 sf split-level 3bd/2.5ba home in desirable location. Spacious kitchen overlooks pool/garden. 8000+/-sf lot. New windows and freshly painted.
Maggie Heilman 650.888.9315 mheilman@apr.com
Monica Corman 650.543.1164 mcorman@apr.com
Tucked away down a private lane, this secluded 4bd/2.5ba is convenient to Rt. 280. Close to Atherton, Menlo Park, Stanford and Woodside. 20 years old.
Very popular 2bd/2ba stretch unit that shows beautifully. Ideal floor plan with two complete bedroom/bath suites. Complex is for residents 55 years of age or older.
PA LO A LTO 6 5 0 . 3 2 3 . 1111 l M E N LO PA R K 6 5 0 . 4 6 2 . 1111 l LO S A LTO S 6 5 0 . 9 4 1. 1111 l W O O D S I D E 6 5 0 . 5 2 9 . 1111 APR COUNTIES l Santa Clara l San Mateo l San Francisco l Marin l Sonoma l Alameda l Contra Costa l Monterey l Santa Cruz
YOUR DELEON TEAM IN PALO ALTO Palo Alto 2014: $65,538,501 Sold/Pending/Active
The True Team Approach to Real Estate
Local Knowledge Global Marketing Professional Advice Comprehensive Solutions Exceptional Results
One of a Kind Property, Once in a Lifetime Opportunity
1010 Sharon Park Drive, Menlo Park 5 Beds | 5.5 Baths | Home 4,620sf | Lot 16,466sf
Surpassing Your Expectations
OFFERED AT $3,998,000
WENDI Selig Aimonetti
DeLeon Realty Inc. CalBRE 01903224
650-581-9899 650-513-8669 Homes@DeleonRealty.com www.DeLeonRealty.com
DISCOVER HALF MOON BAY, CALIFORNIA’S BEST KEPT SECRET 116 Birkdale Road Ocean colony of Half Moon Bay Live in prestigious Ocean Colony, home of the Ritz and 2 ocean front golf courses. This townhouse has dramatic high ceilings throughout with generous sized rooms and is flooded with sunlight from several large skylights.. Oversized master suite with fireplace. Additional bedroom has attached study. Enjoy the best Ocean Colony has at a great price. 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths.
Offered $874,000
Steve Hyman Broker & Owner
650-726-6346 www.century21sunset.com 700 Main St., Half Moon Bay ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊÓÎ]ÊÓä£{ÊU Page 45
969 University Ave., Palo Alto
Offered at $3,899,000
5 BR plus OfďŹ ce | 4 BA | 3,800Âą sf | 18,800 Âą sf Lot
STEPHANIE SAVIDES Broker/Owner/Attorney
650.464.3581 SavidesRealEstate.com stephanie.savides@gmail.com
View Virtual Tour at www.969University.com
BRE #01177101
New Listing 35,0( (0(5$/' +,//6 /2&$7,21
OPEN SUNDAY 1:00 - 4:00 PM
830 Mohican Way, Emerald Hills
Offered at $1,675,000
650-704-5308 stevenlessard.com
&DO%5( Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Specializing in Marketing and Sales in Redwood City, Atherton, Woodside, Menlo Park, and Portola Valley since 1994 Page 46Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x17D;]Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;ä£{Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;*>Â?Â&#x153;Ă&#x160; Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;7iiÂ&#x17D;Â?Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;°*>Â?Â&#x153; Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;"Â&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;i°VÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C;
DeLeon Realty supports local schools in their efforts to spark the minds of the next generation of Silicon Valley innovators. DeLeon Realty is proud to donate over $100,000 to local schools in 2014.
(650) 543-8500 info@deleonrealty.com www.deleonrealty.com DeLeon Realty | CalBRE #01903224
Ken DeLeon CalBRE #01342140
Michael Repka CalBRE #01854880
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5 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
11640 Jessica Ln $4,850,000 Sun 1-5 Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111
3 Bedrooms
352 El Camino Real $1,795,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111
5 Bedrooms 91 Fleur Pl $9,400,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111 105 Reservoir Rd Sun Coldwell Banker
$5,798,000 323-7751
12861 Alta Tierra Rd Sat/Sun 2-5 Intero-Woodside
$4,788,000 206-6200
$7,300,000 324-4456
BELMONT 4 Bedrooms 2812 Wakefield Dr $1,898,000 Sun Dreyfus Sothebyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Realty 847-1141
HALF MOON BAY 1250 Miramontes Rd Sun 1-4 Intero-Woodside
$3,499,000 206-6200
2 Bedrooms - Condominium 2141 Avy Av Sun Coldwell Banker
$1,398,000 323-7751
2001 Camino A Los Cerros Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker
$2,795,000 324-4456
4 Bedrooms 788 Orange Av Sat/Sun 1-5 Coldwell Banker
$4,150,000 325-6161
1271 Patlen Dr $1,998,000 Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111
5 Bedrooms 607 Nandell Ln $6,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111 1192 Saint Anthony Ct Sun Coldwell Banker
$1,988,800 941-7040
1218 W Selby Ln $1,185,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 Dreyfus Sothebyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Realty 644-3474
1351 Delfino Way $2,195,000 Sun 1-5 Re/max Star Properties 802-5800
520 Barron St $1,575,000 Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111
4 Bedrooms 624 9th Av Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker
$1,398,000 323-7751
321 Vine St Sun Coldwell Banker
$2,598,000 323-7751
519 Palmer Sun Coldwell Banker
$2,100,000 323-7751
1010 Sharon Park Dr Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker
4 Bedrooms 26830 Almaden Ct Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker
$3,290,000 325-6161
$3,998,000 323-7751
50 La Loma $5,850,000 Sun 1-4 Pacific Union International 314-7200
Open Home Guide Form Please Print Clearly
Phone No.
# of Bedrooms
3121 Bay Rd Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker
$865,000 851-2666
1753 W Selby Ln Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors
$849,000 529-1111
3652 Jefferson Ave Sun 1-4 Pacific Union
Card #___________________________ Signature_________________ VeriďŹ cation Code Required_____________________________________
SUNNYVALE 3 Bedrooms - Condominium 586 De Guigne Dr Sat Coldwell Banker
$799,999 941-7040
$1,625,000 323-7751
358 Albion Av Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker
$3,495,000 851-2666
38 Hacienda Dr $4,995,000 Sun Dreyfus Sothebyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Realty 847-1141
560 Lakemead Wy Sun Coldwell Banker
$1,495,000 851-2666
8 Skyline Dr Sun Coldwell Banker
$1,388,000 323-7751
3869 Bret Harte Dr $1,480,000 Sat/Sun Keller Williams PA 454-8500
1075 Godetia Dr Sun Coldwell Banker
$3,995,000 323-7751
830 Mohican Wy Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker
228 Eleanor Dr Sat/Sun Deleon Realty
$2,988,000 543-8500
$1,675,000 851-2666
Daytime Phone (_____ )__________________
Exp. Date (MM/YY)_______/__________
$935,000 324-4456
2038 Hull Av $1,498,000 Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111
Cardholderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Name _________________________________
â?&#x2018; Am Ex
3605 Fernwood Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker
4 Bedrooms
â?&#x2018; MC
3 Bedrooms
13 Canepa Ct $1,799,000 Sun 1-4 Dreyfus Sothebyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Realty 847-1141
â?&#x2018; Visa
$649,000 325-6161
3 Bedrooms
851 Bayview Wy Sun Coldwell Banker
Agent Name or Real Estate Agency
**Ad will not run without credit card number**
$1,125,000 314-7200
4 Bedrooms
$ Price of Property
3285 Brandy Lane Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker
3 Bedrooms
Street Address
â?&#x2018; Single Family â?&#x2018; Townhome â?&#x2018; Condo â?&#x2018; Other__________
$408,000 324-4456
2 Bedrooms
Open Date & Time City
880 Catkin Ct Sun Coldwell Banker
3 Bedrooms
1440 Dana Ave $3,850,000 Sun Zane Macgregor & Company 324-9900
3 Bedrooms - Condominium
5 Bedrooms
$2,195,000 325-6161
$1,198,000 323-7751
$895,000 323-7751
2 Bedrooms - Condominium
176 Waverley St Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker
241 Leland Ave $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 Prestige Realty Advisors (408) 498-1345 523 Oak Grove Av Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker
536 Shorebird Ci #5102 Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker
4 Bedrooms
2 Bedrooms
765 University Dr $1,795,000 Sun Dreyfus Sothebyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Realty 644-3474
$1,399,000 324-4456
3 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms - Condominium
57 Davis Rd Sun 1-4:30 Coldwell Banker
6+ Bedrooms 303 Atherton Av Sat/Sun 12-5 Coldwell Banker
Explore area real estate through your favorite local website: TheAlmanacOnline.com MountainViewOnline.com PaloAltoOnline.com And click on â&#x20AC;&#x153;real estateâ&#x20AC;? in the navigation bar.
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THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers!
fogster.com is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice.
Bulletin Board 115 Announcements Pregnant? Thinking of adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby's One True Gift Adoptions. 866413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/ Indiana (AAN CAN) Headline: Moms/Daughters- $ Stan HUGE USED BOOK SALE Lets PLAY Basketball! new Holiday music original ringtones Stanford Introduction to Opera Stanford music tutoring substitute pianist available
130 Classes & Instruction Airline Careers begin here - Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Housing and job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) Airline Careers begin here - Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Job placement and Financial assistance for qualified students. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-242-3382 (Cal-SCAN) Media Makeup Artists Earn $500 a day as Airbrush Media Makeup Artist For Ads, TV, Film, Fashion. One Week Course Train and Build Portfolio. Special 20% off tuition. AwardMakeupSchool.com 818-980-2119 (AAN CAN) German language class Instruction for Hebrew Bar and Bat Mitzvah For Affiliated and Unaffiliated George Rubin, M.A. in Hebrew/Jewish Education 650/424-1940
Learn Bridge in a Day??!! Yes! After just 5 hours you will be able to play this great game with friends. Saturday, June 14, 9:30 - 3:00 Bridge Center, 432 Stierlin Rd, MV $25 per student ($20 if you come with a friend; $10 for youth age 15-25) Sign up at www.paloaltobridge.com American Contract Bridge League Lego Masterbuilding Camps LEGO Master Builder LEGO camps start 6/16.We buy and sell new and used LEGO.Magic The Gathering events too! http://www.builditagainwithbricks. com/#!classes-and-camps/ctzx
133 Music Lessons Christina Conti Private Piano Instruction (650) 493-6950 Hope Street Music Studios In downtown Mtn.View. Most Instruments voice. All ages & levels 650-961-2192 www. HopeStreetMusicStudios.com Piano Lessons Senior Special! Fulfill your dream! Start from scratch or refresh skills you learned as a child. Enjoy a relaxed, fun time. Dr. Renee’s Piano 650/854-0543 Piano Lessons in Palo Alto Call Alita at 650.838.9772
135 Group Activities music theory course Thanks St, Jude
140 Lost & Found Found - Grey Cat Found Black Fanny Pack
150 Volunteers
210 Garage/Estate Sales Sawmills from only $4397.00. Make and save money with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www. NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N (Cal-SCAN) Menlo Park, 2034 Ashton Ave, May 24 8-4 one day garage sale. all kinds of items come and check it out.
220 Computers/ Electronics
Help feed homless cats in Menlo
Attention Luddites! IBM Selectric III Typewriter-1980’sBlack-Works/Looks prfect-recently serviced-650-323-2713
Help Homeless cats in MV
230 Freebies
Help homeless cats in Palo Alto
Over-skate tights - FREE
Fosterers Needed for Moffet Cats FRIENDS OF THE PALO ALTO LIBRARY
JOIN OUR ONLINE STOREFRONT TEAM Moms/Daughters- $ Stanford Research at Stanford Needs You!
152 Research Study Volunteers Sleep Research Study: Up to $300 Compensation. Stanford University and the Palo Alto VA are seeking participants for a research study investigating the use of special lights to improve balance while walking at night during three separate overnight stays at the VA Sleep Lab. Participants must be healthy, nonsmokers, without sleep or balance problems, between 55 - 85 years old. Compensation up to $300. For more information call Yvonne at 650/849-1971. For general information about participant rights, contact (866-680-2906).
155 Pets Pet Insurance Keep your pet Happy, Healthy, and Protected. Call 800-675-7476 Now and get a free Pet Insurance Quote for your Dog or Cat. Choose Up to 90% Reimbursement. Get Special Multiple Pet Discounts. (Cal-SCAN) Lost our Tonkinese Cat Looks Siamese. Grey-brown points, blue eyes, 10 lb neutered male. Lost from nr. Washington and Emerson, P.A. 1 am 4/19. $100 reward to finder. 650-326-8204.
201 Autos/Trucks/ Parts Mazda 1993 RX7 - $2000 Mercedes 2012 C250 Sport - $27500 Mercedes 2012 C250 Sport Sedan $27500
202 Vehicles Wanted Cash for Cars Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www. cash4car.com (AAN CAN) Class: Autos Wanted DISH TV Retailer Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-357-0810 (Cal-SCAN) Donate Your Car, Truck, Boat to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 800-731-5042. (Cal-SCAN)
Martial Arts Summer Day Camps Outdoor Painting Summer Camps Piano Summer Camp SonWorld Adventure ThemePark VBS Wheel Kids Bike Camp
355 Items for Sale Did You Know Newspaper-generated content is so valuable it's taken and repeated, condensed, broadcast, tweeted, discussed, posted, copied, edited, and emailed countless times throughout the day by others? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa.com (Cal-SCAN)
Bedroom Furniture - $1000 Lamp, hanging - $15 Mattress & Box Spring full size w/frame. Clean, good cond. $25. You haul. 650/320-9003
245 Miscellaneous ADT Authorized Dealer Protect Your Home - ADT Authorized Dealer: Burglary, Fire, and Emergency Alerts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! CALL TODAY, INSTALLED TOMORROW! 888-641-3452 (AAN CAN) DirecTV 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-291-0350 (Cal-SCAN) Kill Bed Bugs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program/ Kit. Effective results begin after spray dries. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: homedepot.com (AAN CAN) Reduce Your Cable Bill* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-866-982-9562. (Cal-SCAN)
410 Chiropractor Did You Know 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. Adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa.com (Cal-SCAN)
415 Classes Did You Know that not only does newspaper media reach a HUGE Audience, they also reach an ENGAGED AUDIENCE. Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa. com (Cal-SCAN) Wisdom Qigong w/ Mingtong Gu - $97
425 Health Services Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-799-4811 for $750 Off. (Cal-SCAN)
fabric, beads, craft supplies - $BO Games,science kits - $BO Kids Books - $.25 Pet Car Barrier - $30
Did You Know 144 million U.S. Adults read a Newspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa. com (Cal-SCAN)
Kid’s Stuff 330 Child Care Offered British Summer Nanny
350 Preschools/ Schools/Camps Alan Margot’s Tennis Camps tennis camp Fun Programming Summer Camp Laces Soccer Camps Youth summer soccer camp in Palo Alto. All proceeds donated to Right to Play Charity. $100 per week for 1/2 day camp. www.lacessoccercamps.com.
525 Adult Care Wanted Part Time Housekeeper/Babysitting Needed Family looking for a part time Housekeeper/Babysitting. Duties would primarily include housework/cleaning, and sometimes school pick up and/ or pick up and drop off at after school activities, supervising homework, grocery shopping, cooking evening meal.
540 Domestic Help Wanted Light housekeeping In Portola Valley..laundry, light housecleaning, cooking ,and dog sitting. Evenings and weekends.Ref needed.
550 Business Opportunities AVON: Earn Extra Income with a new career! Sell from home, work, online. $15 startup. For information, call: 888-770-1075 (M-F 9-7 & Sat 9-1 central.) (Ind Sls Rep)
240 Furnishings/ Household items
260 Sports & Exercise Equipment
For Sale
LEGO Maniac Master Builder’s Camp los altos
Jobs 500 Help Wanted Cook DLS US, LLC located in Mountain View, CA is looking Full-time level III cook to join our team. 2 yrs in traditional Chinese chafing food preparation experience, sorting/slitting and modeling to frozen of Lamb meat. Roasts, broils/ fries meat, fish and fowl. Chinese style bakes, biscuit/especial Beijing snacks/desserts. Follows safety & sanitation rules cleans work area & equipment. 40 hours/week, $15/Hr. EOE. Send resume to: harryh98@ yahoo.com Customer Service/Assemblers F/T & Summer Help Needed- $500/wk 650-969-3585 Established Co. Customer Service- Assemblers $500/wk.*Company Trips*Bonuses College Scholarship No Experience Needed Call 650.969.3585 Sr Engineer, Primary Analysis Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. has an opening in Menlo Park, CA. Job code 1308: Sr Engineer, Primary Analysis: design, develop, integrate and test components. Submit resume (principals only) at www.pacificbiosciences.com through listing for position of interest. EOE
560 Employment Information $1,000 Weekly! Mailing brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity. No Experience required. Start Immediately www.mailingmembers.com (AAN CAN) DRIVERS: CDL-A train and work for us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Operator or Lease Trainer. Call 877-369-7126 www. CentralTruckDrivingJobs.com (Cal-SCAN) Drivers: New Kenworth Trucks Earn up to 50 cpm. Full Benefits + Rider & Pet Program. Orientation Sign On Bonus! CDL-A Required. 877-2588782 www.ad-drivers.com (Cal-SCAN)
Multimedia Sales Representatives Embarcadero Media is headquartered in Palo Alto and operates diverse media enterprises, including the region’s most respected and award-winning community newspapers and specialty publications, websites and e-mail marketing products. Locally-owned and independent for 34 years, we publish the Palo Alto Weekly, Mountain View Voice and Almanac on the Peninsula and the Pleasanton Weekly. In each of these communities our papers are the dominate, best-read and most respected among its various competitors. We also operate extremely popular interactive community news and information websites in all of our cities, plus unique online-only operations in Danville and San Ramon. Our flagship website, Palo Alto Online (http://paloaltoonline. com), attracts more than 150,000 unique visitors and 600,000 page views a month. As the first newspaper in the United States to publish on the web back in 1994, the Palo Alto Weekly is recognized throughout the state and nation as a leader in transforming from a printonly news organization to a innovative multimedia company offering advertisers and readers new and effective products. In 2013, the Weekly was judged the best large weekly newspaper in the state by the California Newspaper Publishers Association. Its web operation, Palo Alto Online, was judged the best newspaper website in California. The Palo Alto Weekly and Embarcadero Media are seeking smart, articulate and dedicated experienced and entrylevel sales professionals who are looking for a fast-paced and dynamic work environment of people committed to producing outstanding journalism and effective marketing for local businesses. As a Multimedia Account Executive, you will contact and work with local businesses to expand their brand identity and support their future success using marketing and advertising opportunities available through our 3 marketing platforms: print campaigns, website
Drivers: Prime, Inc. Company Drivers and Independent Contractors for Refrigerated, Tanker and Flatbed needed. Plenty of Freight and Great Pay! Start with Prime Today! Call 800-277-0212 or apply online at driveforprime.com (Cal-SCAN) Drivers: Truck Drivers Obtain Class A CDL in 2 1⁄2 weeks. Company Sponsored Training. Also Hiring Recent Truck School Graduates, Experienced Drivers. Must be 21 or Older. Call: (866) 275-2349. (Cal-SCAN) Sales: Insurance Agents Earn $500/day. Leads, No Cold Calls; Commissions Paid Daily; Lifetime Renewals; Complete Training; Health/ Dental Insurance; Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020. (CalSCAN)
Business Services 624 Financial Identity Protected? Is Your Identity Protected? It is our promise to provide the most comprehensive identity theft prevention and response products available! Call Today for 30-Day FREE TRIAL 1-800-908-5194. (Cal-SCAN) Reduce Your Past Tax Bill by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify. 1-800-498-1067. (Cal-SCAN) Trouble With IRS? Are you in big trouble with the IRS? Stop wage and bank levies, liens and audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, and resolve tax debt FAST. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800-761-5395. (Cal-SCAN) Do you owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? Get tax relief now! Call BlueTax, the nation’s full service tax solution firm. 800-393-6403. (Cal-SCAN)
advertising and email marketing. The ideal candidate is an organized and assertive self-starter who loves working as a team to beat sales goals and possesses strong verbal, written, persuasive and listening interpersonal skills and can provide exceptional customer service. Duties, responsibilities and skills include: * Understands that the sales process is more than taking orders * Has a strong understanding of how consumers use the Internet * Can effectively manage and cover a geographic territory of active accounts while constantly canvassing competitive media and the market for new clients via cold calling * Can translate customer marketing objectives into creative and effective multi-media advertising campaigns * Ability to understand & interpret marketing data to effectively overcome client objections * Understands the importance of meeting deadlines in an organized manner * Can manage and maintain client information in our CRM database system, is proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel and has knowledge of the Internet and social media * Ability to adapt objectives, sales approaches and behaviors in response to rapidly changing situations and to manage business in a deadline-driven environment Compensation includes base salary plus commission, health benefits, vacation, 401k and a culture where employees are respected, supported and given the opportunity to grow. To apply, submit a personalized cover letter and complete resume to: Tom Zahiralis, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Embarcadero Media, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. E-mail to: tzahiralis@embarcaderopublishing.com
ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊÓÎ]ÊÓä£{ÊU Page 49
640 Legal Services
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Make It Rainâ&#x20AC;?--itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be your downfall. Matt Jones
Auto Accident Attorney Injured in an auto accident? Call InjuryFone for a free case evaluation. Never a cost to you. Don`t wait, call now, 1-800-958-5341. (Cal-SCAN)
Home Services 715 Cleaning Services A Good Housecleaning Service Call Orkopina! Since 1985. Bonded, Ins. Lic. #20624. 650/962-1536 Isabel & Elbiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Housecleaning Apartments and Homes. Excellent References. Great Rates 650.670.7287/650.771.8281 Jeanette Cleaning Service TD Carpet Cleaning and Jan serv.
748 Gardening/ Landscaping Answers on page 51
Down 1 Impromptu concerts 2 Goes offstage 3 Reason cosmetology is a no-go? 4 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Freeze!â&#x20AC;? 5 Where sand and plastic shovels go? 6 When tripled, a 1970 war film 7 Make Kool-Aid 8 Abacus piece 9 Fashionable initials 10 Sandwich spread 11 Party in New York City? 12 Get better in barrels 13 Jeremy of the NBA 21 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lock Up the Wolvesâ&#x20AC;? metal band 22 â&#x20AC;&#x153;___ and Awayâ&#x20AC;? 24 The two things tires do best? 25 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Harold and ___â&#x20AC;? 26 Nasty expression 28 Course for U.S. immigrants 29 â&#x20AC;&#x153;___ how I rollâ&#x20AC;? 31 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hugs not ___â&#x20AC;? 32 Carpentry joint part 36 Horse-drawn vehicles, despite their name 38 That naval vessel 41 Cosmetics aisle brand 43 Sweet-talk 47 Day division, in Venice 50 Great Rift Valley locale 52 In ___ (as found) 53 Alpaca group 54 Longtime Yankees nickname 55 Conked out 56 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Resurrectionâ&#x20AC;? network 57 Ranch call 58 Cough syrup amt.
Across 1 Brother of Dubya 4 Does nothing 10 â&#x20AC;&#x153;And othersâ&#x20AC;? abbreviation 14 Let go 15 Fed. securities 16 1958 Chevalier musical 17 Actress Kirshner 18 Like some fibrillation 19 Agents under J. Edgar Hoover, informally 20 Put effort into test prep 22 Serviceability 23 Ex-R.E.M. lead 24 Hiccups, e.g. 27 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dang straight!â&#x20AC;? 30 Certain Sooner 31 Problem while drying out 33 Backside 34 Not quite transparent 35 In-basket stamp: abbr. 37 Necklace part 39 Address for Bill and Ted 40 Detach 42 Become less hostile 44 Irish airline ___ Lingus 45 Research your blind date, say 46 Mister, in Rio 48 Polar expedition vehicle 49 10-rated Bo 51 Amateur 52 Bunk up 56 Cupidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s specialty 58 Bar in a steering mechanism 59 â&#x20AC;&#x153;32 Flavorsâ&#x20AC;? singer DiFranco 60 Attack of the flu 61 Leisurely walk 62 Alkali in cleansers 63 Barracks bunks 64 Where everything from the theme answers collects 65 Young bloke
Ya Tree Trim & Removal, Palm & Stump Removal
650.814.1577 J. Garcia Garden Maintenance Service Free est. 21 years exp. 650/3664301 or 650/346-6781
LANDAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GARDENING & LANDSCAPING *Yard Maint. *New Lawns. *Rototil *Clean Ups *Tree Trim *Power Wash *Irrigation timer programming. 18 yrs exp. Ramon, 650/576-6242 landaramon@yahoo.com
Leo Garcia Landscape/ Maintenance Lawn and irrig. install, clean-ups. Res. and comml. maint. Free Est. Lic. 823699. 650/369-1477. R.G. Landscape Yard Clean-ups, debris removal, maintenance, installations. Free est. 650/468-8859 Salvador Godinez Landscaping Maintenance, landscaping and clean-up work. 20 years exp. 650-716-7011
Samâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Garden Service General Cleanu Gardening Prun Trimming New Lawn Sprinkler Systems
Planting (650) 969-9894 Tired of Mow, Blow and Go? Owner operated, 40 years exp. All phases of gardening/landscaping. Ref. Call Eric, 408/356-1350
A NOTICE TO READERS: It is illegal for an unlicensed person to perform contracting work on any project valued at $500.00 or more in labor and materials. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s status at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500.00 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board.
4 5 3 4
7 1 9
9 1 7 1 2 6 2 7 5 6 2 2 7
J & G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office, gar., furn., mattresses, green waste, more. Lic./ins. Free est. 650/743-8852 (see my Yelp reviews)
771 Painting/ Wallpaper Glen Hodges Painting Call me first! Senior discount. 45 yrs. #351738. 650/322-8325 H.D.A. Painting and Drywall Interior/exterior painting, drywall installed. Mud, tape all textures. Free est. 650/207-7703 Italian Painter Residential/Commercial, interior /exterior. 30 years exp. Excel. refs. No job too small. AFFORDABLE RATES. Free est. Call Domenico, 650/421-6879 STYLE PAINTING Full service painting. Insured. Lic. 903303. 650/388-8577
775 Asphalt/ Concrete Roe General Engineering Asphalt, concrete, pavers, tiles, sealing, new construct, repairs. 36 yrs exp. No job too small. Lic #663703. 650/814-5572
779 Organizing Services End the Clutter & Get Organized Residential Organizing by Debra Robinson (650)390-0125
783 Plumbing Be & Be Plumbing Locally owned. 20 years exp. Drains cleaned and repairs. Small jobs welcome. Lic., bonded, insured. #990791. 650/422-0107
Real Estate 801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Midtown Palo Alto, 2 BR/2.5 BA $4250 Mountain View, 1 BR/1 BA - $1650 Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $1945 Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $2025 Pa 408-691-2179, 2 BR/2.5 BA $3700 Portola Valley, 1 BR/1 BA Abv garage; full ktchn; 3 mi from Stanford; sunny & quiet; view; parking; cat ok
803 Duplex Midtown Palo Alto, 2 BR/2.5 BA $4250
805 Homes for Rent Midtown Palo Alto, 2 BR/2.5 BA $4250 Palo Alto - $5,500/mon Palo Alto Storybook Palo Alto 4bd 3.5 ba home. Redesigned interior with unique character. Exclusive Crescent Park neighborhood! Ask for Chuck Fuery - 650-494-9000 Palo Alto Home, 4 BR/2 BA - $4800 .mon Redwood City - $4,200.00
809 Shared Housing/ Rooms Redwood City, 1 BR/2 BA - $800/mo +
811 Office Space 757 Handyman/ Repairs
Answers on page 51
30 Years in family
751 General Contracting
This weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s SUDOKU
9 5
Š2014 Jonesinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Crosswords
759 Hauling
Fast and Reliable Handyman One call, does it all! Fast and Reliable Handyman Services. Call ServiceLive and get referred to a pro today: Call 800-958-8267 (Cal-SCAN) ! Complete Home Repair ! modelin ! Professional inting ! Carpentr FRED 30 Years Experience ! Plumbing ! Electrical 650.529.1662 ! Custom Cabinets 650.483.4227 ! Deck nces
Pa Office Space, 5+ BR/1 BA
825 Homes/Condos for Sale Atherton: Grand Estate in Prime West Atherton Location. Custom built in the MidNineties on over Two Level Acres featuring a Full Sized Tennis Court, Beautiful Solar Pool, Guest House Featuring in-Suite Bedroom, Full Kitchen, Great Room, Gym and Sauna. Garages for Five Cars with Room for More. Contact: Grant Anderson Cell: 650-208-0664 or Email: timmckeegan@sbcglobal.net Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - $1099000
Page 50Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x17D;]Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;ä£{Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;*>Â?Â&#x153;Ă&#x160; Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;7iiÂ&#x17D;Â?Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;°*>Â?Â&#x153; Â?Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;"Â&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;i°VÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C;
850 Acreage/Lots/ Storage Calico Rock, AR Auction: 316+/- Acre White River Ranch. Minimum Bid $800,000. Sealed Bids Due by May 27. Atlas RE Firm, #2276. 5%BP. 501-840-7029. AtlasRealEstateFirm.com (Cal-SCAN)
855 Real Estate Services Roommates.com All area. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www.Roommates.com. (AAN CAN)
Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement LUCILE PACKARD CHILDRENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOSPITAL PACKARD CHILDRENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOSPITAL PACKARD CHILDRENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOSPITAL AT STANFORD LPCH MEDICAL GROUP STANFORD CHILDRENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HEALTH LUCILE PACKARD CHILDRENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOSPITAL AT STANFORD FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 591182 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) Lucile Packard Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital, 2.) Packard Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital, 3.) Packard Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital at Stanford, 4.) LPCH Medical Group, 5.) Stanford Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health, 6.) Lucile Packard Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital at Stanford, located at 725 Welch Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): LUCILE SALTER PACKARD CHILDRENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOSPITAL AT STANFORD 725 Welch Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 01/20/1983. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on April 24, 2014. (PAW May 2, 9, 16, 23, 2014) PAIN DICATOR PRODUCTS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 590784 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Pain Dicator Products, located at 6891 Chantel Ct., San Jose, CA 95129, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): GREG SCHULZ 6891 Chantel Ct. San Jose, CA 95129 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on April 15, 2014. (PAW May 9, 16, 23, 30, 2014) FASTCHIP CONSULTING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 591421 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fastchip Consulting, located at 3240 Ross Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A General Partnership. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): SHIHCHI WU 3240 Ross Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 NAI-TE HSIUNG 3240 Ross Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 09/26/2011. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on May 1, 2014. (PAW May 9, 16, 23, 30, 2014) LILLIPUT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 591216 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Lilliput, located at 3789 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306, Santa Clara County.
This business is owned by: Married Couple. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): JACQUELINE HELER 1070 Mercedes Ave. #15 Los Altos, CA 94022 JEAN-RODOLPHE WURSDORFER 1070 Mercedes Ave. #15 Los Altos, CA 94022 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on April 25, 2014. (PAW May 9, 16, 23, 30, 2014) MHC DESIGN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 591287 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: MHC Design, located at 3492 Bryant Street, Palo Alto, CA 94306, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): MENG HONG CHEN 3492 Bryant Street Palo Alto, CA 94306 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on April 28, 2014. (PAW May 9, 16, 23, 30, 2014) FULL MOTION DYNAMICS KINETIC DESIGN DESIGN IN MOTION FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 591901 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) Full Motion Dynamics, 2.) Kinetic Design, 3.) Design in Motion, located at 1 Somerset Place, Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A General Partnership. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): TYLER KROYMANN 1 Somerset Place Palo Alto, CA 94301 ASHLEY GOMEZ 1 Somerset Place Palo Alto, CA 94301 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on May 12, 2014. (PAW May 16, 23, 30, Jun. 6, 2014) CHRISCOM FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 591623 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Chriscom, located at 1088 Colton Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): CHRISTENSON COMMUNICATIONS 1088 Colton Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 07/04/1984. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on May 6, 2014. (PAW May 16, 23, 30, Jun. 6, 2014) NASIAN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 591860 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Nasian, located at 655 South Fair Oaks Avenue, Apt. #C113, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): FOOD ASPECTS INC. 655 South Fair Oaks Avenue, Apt. C113 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on May 9, 2014. (PAW May 16, 23, 30, Jun. 6, 2014)
MODEL VIEW CULTURE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 591191 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Model View Culture, located at Cooley LLP, 3175 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA 94304, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are):
997 All Other Legals
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Sports Shorts
Records provide fitting end to historic season
‘HALL’ FOR NELSON . . . Former Stanford football great Darrin Nelson has been selected to the 2014 College Football Hall of Fame class in an announcement made Thursday by the National Football Foundation. The 18th Stanford player to be inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame, Nelson will be honored during the National Football Foundation’s annual awards dinner on Dec. 9 at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City. Playing for legendary coach Bill Walsh between 1977-81, Nelson and the Cardinal introduced the “West Coast offense” that would revolutionize the game. Establishing a new vision for the running back position, Nelson was the first college football player to rush for more than 1,000 yards and catch at least 50 passes in a single season — a feat he accomplished three times at Stanford. He finished sixth in the 1981 Heisman Trophy voting and his impact is still reflected in today’s game. A four-time All-Pac-10 honoree and first team All-American, Nelson rushed for 4,033 yards at Stanford, set an NCAA record with 6,885 career all-purpose yards while scoring 40 touchdowns and catching 214 passes. After graduating from Stanford, Nelson went on to a very successful 11-year career in the National Football League.
ON THE AIR Friday College baseball: Stanford at Utah, 11 a.m.; ; KZSU (90.1 FM)
Saturday College baseball: Stanford at Utah, 11 a.m.; Pac-12 Networks; KZSU (90.1 FM)
Sunday College baseball: Stanford at Utah, 11 a.m.; KZSU (90.1 FM)
www.PASportsOnline.com For expanded daily coverage of college and prep sports, visit www.PASportsOnline.com
he 2014 high school swimming and diving season is over, but hardly forgotten. It turned out to be one for the history books in many ways. In fact, there was history to be made at the Central Coast Section Championships last weekend at the George F. Haines International Swim Center in Santa Clara. Sacred Heart Prep senior Ally Howe made it, but the Palo Alto boys did not. Howe followed up her National Independent High School Record in the 100-yard backstroke during Friday’s trials by breaking it again at Saturday’s finals. The Palo Alto boys, meanwhile, took a good shot at ending Bellarmine’s historic winning streak at 29 years. The Bells, however, made it to 30 by a mere 12 points in the closest finish in the boys’ division in, well, 30 years. Bellarmine scored 322 points to Paly’s 310. Sacred Heart Prep was ninth and Gunn 10. In the girls’ division, Monta Vista won the team crown with 226 points with Gunn third with 182, Menlo-Atherton a surprising fourth with 163, Sacred Heart Prep fifth with 162 (despite having only four swimmers) and Palo Alto eighth with 127. Three national records were set during the two days of swimming, all for private schools. Stanford-bound Curtis Ogren of St. Francis lowered his national mark in the 200 IM to 1:44.90 on Saturday and Howe clocked 51.84 to break 2012 Olympic gold medalist Missy Franklin’s record of 52.30 on Friday. Howe then came back Saturday to lower her own record to 51.54. That makes Howe the second-fastest prep in history, second only to Olivia Smoglia’s National Pub-
Sacred Heart Prep senior Ally Howe set two national records in the 100 back and five Central Coast Section marks to close out her prep career at the section championships.
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Gunn, Menlo girls hope to repeat history
Having a Ball is nothing new for Menlo team
by Keith Peters
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by Keith Peters eing the third of four tennisplaying brothers at Menlo School, David Ball has watched his older siblings achieve a lot of success over the years at the Central Coast Section and NorCal tournaments. He watched the eldest, Jamin, close out a 4-3 win over Saratoga in the 2010 CCS final while playing No. 1 singles. And he watched brother No. 2, Andrew, win at No. 1 last year as Menlo defeated Serra. Both Jamin and Andrew then led their respective teams to NorCal titles. Now, it’s time for David Ball to follow in the impressive footsteps of his brothers. He took the first step last Friday as he fittingly played on center court at Courtside Club in Los Gatos, posting a 6-0, 6-0 victory at No. 1 singles to help the top-seeded Knights (21-3) hand Saratoga (20-1) its first loss of the season, 6-1.
he CIF State Track and Field Championships in 2005 was a special one for the local area as Gunn’s Tori Tyler and Menlo School’s Libby Jenke ran off with victories. Tyler won the girls’ 3,200 in 10:38.90 and Jenke took the girls’ 800 in 2:10.39. Since then, no local runner or jumper has won a state title. But, that could change in a few weeks. Not only are there two local girls with legitimate shots at winning, but both are from the same schools that produced the previous titles. Gunn senior Sarah Robinson hopes to follow in Tyler’s footsteps while Menlo School senior Maddy Price eyes a similar feat that Jenke produced. Both Robinson and Price are two meets away from putting themselves in a position to replicate local history. First up is Saturday’s Central Coast Section trials at San Jose City College at 2 p.m. The CCS finals follow on May 30.
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by Keith Peters
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STANFORD WEEKEND . . . Call it championship weekend as the Stanford men’s golf team begins its quest for a national title and the women’s team looks to finish among the NCAA leaders. Several members of the Stanford women’s tennis team also remain in the hunt for an individual national title in the wake of the Cardinal’s Final Four appearance as a team. Stanford’s baseball team is in the exact same position it was a year ago at this point in the season. A series sweep and the Cardinal will be sent somewhere for an NCAA regional appearance. Anything less and the chances become dicey. Junior Patrick Rodgers and senior Cameron Wilson, perhaps the country’s best collegiate golfing duo, hope to end their careers as NCAA champs. The Cardinal takes to the links on Friday at the Prairie Dunes Country Club in Hutchinson, Kan. Rodgers most recently won the prestigious Ben Hogan Award given to the “outstanding male amateur and collegiate golfer and of the year.”
SHP’s Howe breaks two national marks; Paly boys just miss ending legendary streak
Menlo School senior David Ball will help the Knights seek a sixth straight NorCal title this weekend.
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CCS track
(continued from previous page)
Schoof has at least one more game to coach following Knights’ stunning game-ending play to beat Capuchino, 2-1 by Andrew Preimesberg and Ari Kaye raig Schoof knows his days In San Jose, No. 9 Sacred Heart as Menlo School’s baseball Prep saw its season end in a 7-6 coach are numbered. In loss to No. 8 and host Branham in fact, the Knights’ next loss will another Division II opener. bring an end to Schoof’s highly Andrew Daschbach slammed a successful career as he has an- two-run homer in the top of the nounced his retirement following seventh for the Gators (15-14), the conclusion of this season. bringing them to within 7-6. SHP, That day appeared to have ar- however, couldn’t push across the rived on Wednesday after host tying run. Capuchino loaded the bases with Kyle Johnson led SHP with no outs while threatening to erase three hits while Will Johnston, Menlo’s tenuous 2-1 lead in an Daschbach and Cole March all opening-round game of the Cen- had two as the Gators out-hit Bratral Coast Section Division II nham, 11-9. Branham, however, playoffs. grabbed a 5-0 lead after two inBut, Schoof will coach another nings, forcing the Gators to play day, thanks to an incredible triple catch-up. play by Menlo senior shortstop In the Open Division, No. Mikey Diekroeger. 9-seeded Palo Alto let a 4-2 lead “In all my years at Menlo we’ve get away and dropped an 8-4 firstnever had a triple play,” said round decision to No. 8 Leland Schoof. “And then to end the CCS (20-9). Paly senior Noah Phillips game, it’s amazing.” had three hits, including a double. With no outs and the bases loaded for the Mustangs in the bottom Softball of the seventh, Capuchino senior Going to the CCS playoffs Kyle Patterson hit a low line drive for the first time since 2010, the to the left of Diekroeger, who Gunn players had to be excited dived and caught the ball, stepped by the opportunity to compete in on second base, and then threw a playoff softball game on their out the player retreating to first to home field. complete the stunning triple play It turns out the Titans might have as Menlo first baseman Rylan been a little over-amped for their Pade made a good play on Diek- Division I opening-round contest, roeger’s one-hopper. as they allowed a season-high After having to wait while Ca- number of runs in their 14-6 loss puchino protested that Diekroeger to Homestead on Wednesday. had trapped the ball, the Knights “All the hype and pressure built finally were able to celebrate. up, and we were not making the “In baseball you never know,” routine plays we would normally said Menlo starting pitcher Wyatt make,” Gunn head coach Matt Driscoll. “You’re always one pitch Maltz said. “I think they were a away. We had a guy that was in little nervous about playing. Not the right place at the right time one single player on this team had and they hit the perfect ball and it been to CCS before.” turned into a triple play — that’s The jitters might have contriball you can ask for.” uted to a sloppy overall game The No. 12-seeded Knights im- from the sixth-seeded Titans, as proved to 18-12 while the fifth- they committed three errors in seeded Mustangs finished their the field, and had four girls run season at 22-9. Menlo will take on into outs on the basepaths. No. 4 seed Santa Cruz (14-10) on “I think one of the things that Saturday in the quarterfinals. got to our team today was a lack of Menlo grabbed a 1-0 lead when experience,” Maltz said. “HopeMenlo junior Macklan Badger led fully they’ve shaken some of this off the third inning with a walk out of their system, and in next then advanced to second on a year’s playoffs we’ll do better.” bunt. Diekroeger then hit a ground Starting pitcher Iris Chin was ball to shortstop, but the throw got charged with 10 earned runs in past the first basemen and Badger her seven innings of work for the scored from second base. Titans. The normally reliable juMustangs sophomore Dylan nior ended up walking six batters Arsenault led off the bottom of in the game and allowing 14 hits. the third with a base hit to right Gunn was led by sophomore field. Arsenault stole second base Anna Tevanian, who accumulated then advanced to third on a bunt. three hits, including a game-tying Patterson grounded out to short RBI double in the third inning. stop, scoring Arsenault from Facing an early 5-2 deficit, third, making it a 1-1 game. Gunn rallied to tie the score in the Menlo sophomore Jared Lucian bottom of the third inning. Sophocame up huge in the top of the more Katie Garvey and Tevanian sixth when he smashed a double each delivered RBI hits to spark to left-center field, scoring Diek- the Titans’ rally. That momenroeger — who also had doubled tum, however, did not last long — from second base and giving as Homestead sent 12 batters to Menlo the 2-1 edge. the plate and scored eight runs in Driscoll threw seven complete the top of the fourth to break the innings and gave up just one run. game wide open. N
Gunn’s Sarah Robinson will run three events at the CCS trials.
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John Hale
M-A’s Annalisa Crowe won the 800 and 1,600 at the PAL finals.
Triple play keeps Menlo season alive for now
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For the past two weeks, Robinson has turned in a remarkable distance triple — winning the 800, 1,600 and 3,200 at the SCVAL De Anza Division Championships and again at the SCVAL Championship Meet. While she was expected to drop one event for the CCS trials, that’s not the case. “Well, the plan as of today is to run all three this week,” said Gunn coach PattiSue Plumer, “and then we will almost definitely drop one, and probably the 800. But, too soon to say for sure.” Robinson ranks No. 3 in the state in the 1,600 (4:17.10 converted), No. 5 in the 3,200 (10:16.98) and No. 6 in the 800 (2:11.09). Anna Maxwell of San Lorenzo Valley is the state leader in the 800 (2:08.84) and 1,600 (4:41.16) and ranks No. 2 in the 3,200 (10:04.81). Maxwell, however, has dropped the 3,200 in favor of the two shorter races but won’t be running in the same heats as Robinson. At the SCVAL Championship Meet last Friday at Santa Clara High, Robinson set meet records in the 800 (2:13.58) and 3,200 (10:40.13) in addition to winning the 1,600 in 4:57.45. Gunn sophomore Maya Miklos set a meet and school record of 42.74 while winning the 300 hurdles, moving to No. 8 in the state. Gunn senior Adriana Noronha won the shot put and discus to help the Titans score 106 points, good for second behind the 145 scored by Los Gatos. Price, meanwhile, has dropped the 100 after winning that race in 12.05 plus the 200 (24.86) and 400 (56.21) in addition to taking third in the shot put. That helped the Knights score 98 points and take second at the West Bay Athletic League Championships. Said Menlo coach Jorge Chen on dropping the 100: “Just sticking with her goals . . . 400m state champ being one of them.” Price swept the 200 and 400 at the CCS trials last year and is favored to do so again Saturday. She is also the defending champ in both races at the CCS finals.
Menlo’s Maddy Price will run the 200 and 400 this weekend.
She currently remains No. 2 in the long jump last weekend before state in the 400 at 53.43, but is not winning the 100 on Saturday. among the top 10 in the 200. Zach Plante finished second in The Palo Alto boys also should both the 200 (22.70) and 400, have an impact this week and running a personal best of 49.09 next with their standin the metric quarter out sprint crew. Despite mile to remain No. 2 in finishing second to Los school history. Adam Gatos by 10 points last Scandlyn finished secweek, the Vikings swept ond in the 800. the relays and took the Meacham, Scandlyn, 100 (Eli Givens, 10.93), Plante and Kevin Con200 (Nick Sullivan, rad teamed to win the 21.72w) and 400 (Sulli1,600 relay for a third van, 49.46) with Givens straight year with a adding a windy 21.77 for 3:29.00. second in the 200. At the WBAL ChamNick Sullivan At other league meets pionships at Gunn High, last weekend, the Menlo-Atherton the SHP boys scored 159 points girls and Sacred Hear Prep boys to win the team title. Priory was ran away with team titles. fifth with 26 and Menlo School The M-A girls became champs sixth with 23. for the third time in four years at SHP senior Ricky Grau won the the Peninsula Athletic League fi- 110 high hurdles in 15.13, took the nals on a windy and cool day at 300 intermediate hurdles in 42.06 Terra Nova High in Pacifica. The and finished second in the 400. Bears scored 143 points to easily Teammate Griffin Kraemer won out-distance runner-up Mills (76). the 100 (11.41) and was second in M-A dominated the the 200 (22.87). Wyatt distance events as sophWelch and Paul Westomore Annalisa Crowe cott went one-two in the won the 800 (2:19.91) shot put. and 1,600 (5:17.37) and SHP’s Daniel Hill senior Taylor Fortnam won the 3,200 (9:57.90) won the 3,200 (11:48.93) and was second in the and finished second in 1,600 to Priory’s Ross the 1,600 (5:19.13) to Corey (4:31.41), who rank fifth in school hisalso won the 800 in tory. Cat DePuy was 1:58.86. second and Madeleine Daniel Hill Menlo was led by Paul Baier third in the 800. Tuoma, who set a meet Baier was also fourth in the 1,600 record in the triple jump with a and 3,200. season best of 46-3 1/2. He also The Bears also won the 400 re- won the long jump at 21-0 1/2. lay in a season best of 50.47 and Menlo’s Mackenzie Duffner took the 1,600 relay in 4:05.54. ran a leg on the winning 400 reKathryn Mohr ran on the 400 re- lay team (50.68) and took second lay, won the 100 and took the pole in both hurdles. Ali Myers was vault. Anne Harrier was second second in the pole vault after just in both the 200 and 400 and ran recently attempting the event. on the winning 1,600 relay. FreshPinewood’s Chloe Eackles took man Kalina Zanelli won the high the high jump at 5-2 while teamjump at 4-10. mate Nicole Colonna was second Twelve M-A girls earned all- in both the 1,600 (5:11.91) and league honors by finishing among 800 (2:26.40). Eastside Prep sethe top six while six boys also nior Makiya Francis was second earned all-league. in the triple jump (33-10 1/2) and Deverick Meacham won the long jump (15-10 1/4). N
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CCS swim V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊxÓ®
lic School record of 51.43 from 2012. “I’m super excited,” said Howe, who just missed breaking Franklin’s record at last year’s CCS meet. “That was one of the goals I wanted to accomplish, break 52 (seconds). It’s a goal I’ve had for so long. I just went for it and it turned out quite well.” Howe wound up having one of the best meets ever by a local swimmer. “It still hasn’t sunk in,” Howe said Monday. After leading off the Gators’ 200 medley relay team that set a CCS record of 1:44.10 in the prelims, Howe and teammates Selby Sturzenegger, Kayla Holman and Kathryn Bower did it again Saturday by lowering their section mark to 1:43.25. Howe returned a short while later and broke the CCS record in the 200 IM with a 1:57.75. That erased the previous mark of 1:57.94 by Paly’s Jasmine Tosky in 2009. “I’ve been trying to break Jasmine’s record for the past few years,” Howe explained. “Trying to get Jasmine’s record was a good goal.” Howe then lowered her national mark in the 100 back, which actually came as quite a surprise after trying to get it Friday. “I was definitely surprised,” she said. “Definitely exciting and unexpected. It was a good way to end my last individual event.” The Stanford-bound Howe still wasn’t done. She clocked a sizzling 48.47 on the anchor leg to overhaul favored Monta Vista and bring the Gators home first in a school record of 3:25.03. Every event Howe swam in Sat-
urday produced an automatic AllAmerican time. “I’m never surprised by her,” said SHP coach Kevin Morris. While Howe was the individual star of the girls’ competition, the Palo Alto boys did their best to take down Bellarmine’s 29-year dominance. After outscoring the Bells 56-8 in the 100 back behind William Lee (second in 50.00 after setting a school record of 49.49 in the prelims), Winston Wang (fifth in 51.71), Ryan Drover (sixth in 51.91) and Andrew Cho (seventh in 52.08). Heading into the final 400 free relay, Paly trailed by just six points — the margin between finishing first and second. Had Paly and Bellarmine gone one-two, the meet would have finished in a tie. Had St. Francis snuck in between the teams, the Vikings would have won. It was that close. Bellarmine wound up winning in 3:02.36 with Paly taking second with a smashing school record of 3:04.12 as senior Andrew Liang anchored in 43.47. “They put everything they had into the race,” said Paly coach Danny Dye. “I can’t deny their effort. I can’t deny their passion. I’m as proud of them whether it’s a blue (first place) trophy or red (second place) trophy.” The Stanford-bound Liang bowed out with a great performance. He set a CCS record of 47.09 in the 100 fly on Friday and came back to win the title in 47.44. He set a school record of 20.12 in the 50 free in the prelims and won the finals in 20.41. Liang also swam the fly leg on the 200 medley relay that set a CCS record of 1:31.28 after breaking the school record with a 1:32.20 in the prelims. Paly’s 200 medley relay missed the public school national record by less than two seconds.
Thus, Liang had a hand in five school records and two CCS marks over the two days. “I had some goals in mind, expectations for the finals,” he said. It’s been pretty good. Winning helps in the team race. Inside, I’m not quite satisfied. I think I put a little too much pressure on myself. I was trying to break 20 (seconds in the 50 free).” While Liang came away disappointed in himself, he had to be happy with how his team stood up to the challenge of ending Bellarmine’s streak. The last time the Vikings came close was in 2001 when the margin was 33 points. Interesting enough, Palo Alto scored 276 points with 14 swims in the finals while Bellarmine tallied 268 with 13 swims — including relays. The difference came in the consolation finals where the Bells had nine swims and scored 53 points while the Vikings tallied 34 points on eight swims. Elsewhere in the meet, which saw 10 CCS records fall: Palo Alto freshman Grace Zhao opened by singing the National Anthem, the proceeded to win the girls’ 50 free (23.26) and 100 breast (1:02.58). Both were automatic All-American times. She also led off Paly’s 200 free relay with a 23.04 leg, a personal best. Gunn junior Jenna Campbell defended her title in the 200 free with a 1:47.10, but missed doing the same in the 500 free with a second place of 4:50.54. Both were automatic All-American times. The Menlo-Atherton girls got a school record from senior Maddie Pont in the 200 free as she clocked a 1:52.50 while the Gunn boys set a school mark in the 200 medley relay as the team of Jeffrey Lei, Luke Chui, Daichi Matsuda and Joao Ama clocked 1:36.87 while winning the consolation final. N
CCS tennis V Ì Õi`ÊvÀ Ê«>}iÊxÓ®
Ball now will take the final steps this weekend at the CIF/ USTA Northern California Regional Championships at the Gold River Racquet Club, just outside of Sacramento. The Knights will open on Friday (1:30 p.m.) against the winner of Lowell (San Francisco) and Enterprise. The semifinals will be Saturday at 1:30 p.m., followed by the finals at 3:30 p.m. Menlo has won 10 of the 15 titles since the NorCal playoffs began in 1999. The Knights have won five straight and can extend its ongoing record to six on Saturday. Saratoga is in the other half of the bracket. Ball heads into the weekend ranking second in his family in career dual-match wins. He now is 104-5 from 2011-14. Andrew leads with a remarkable 110-2 mark while Jamin is 97-11. Since 2007 when Jamin was a freshman until this season, the Ball family has helped Menlo fashion a record of 201-16. Moreover, all three brothers have been
The Menlo School boys not only won their sixth straight CCS Team Tournament title last week, but the 13th in program history. a part of the three most successful four-year stretches in program history. From 2009-12, Menlo went 110-3. From 2010-13, the Knights fashioned a 110-2 mark. And, from 2011-14 (David’s career), Menlo is 104-5. Andrew won four CCS and NorCal titles. David now has four section crowns and needs one more NorCal title to match Andrew, who just finished his freshman year at Harvard. Jamin, who is finishing his senior year at Stanford, had three of each.
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David looked at both schools but chose Brigham Young University. He’ll be the only senior starter leaving Menlo. Thus, Menlo’s winning legacy will be passed down to yet another brother, Mark, a freshman this season. David Ball didn’t know he was going to play at No. 1 in the CCS finale until the day before the finale. “Once I heard I was going to play on center court, I thought it would be super awesome to carry on the tradition, for my team and
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Ally Howe
David Ball
The senior set two national swim records in the 100 back, clocked a CCS record to win the 200 IM, led off a CCS record-breaking 200 medley relay team and anchored the 400 free relay team to a win and school record.
The senior won three times at No. 1 singles as the Knights defeated Palo Alto, Bellarmine and Saratoga (in the finals) to win their sixth straight CCS Team Tournament title and the 13th such crown in program history.
Honorable mention Iris Chin* Gunn softball
Annalisa Crowe Menlo-Atherton track & field
Ally Mayle* Sacred Heart Prep lacrosse
Allie Peery Palo Alto lacrosse
Maddy Price Menlo track & field
Grace Zhao Palo Alto swimming
Frankie Hattler* Sacred Heart Prep lacrosse
Andrew Liang* Palo Alto swimming
Jared Lucian Menlo baseball
Gunther Matta Menlo tennis
Sean Mayle Sacred Heart Prep lacrosse
Nick Sullivan Palo Alto track & field * previous winner
Watch video interviews of the Athletes of the Week, go to PASportsOnline.com
my family,” Ball said. The win over Saratoga gave Menlo its sixth straight CCS title and 13th overall. The Knights now have won six in a row twice, last accomplishing that from 1998-2003. Palo Alto (1991-1996) and Monta Vista (1997-02) also have won six. Gunn holds the record with seven straight from 1972-78. While David sees carrying on the family tradition as something important, it ranks No. 2 to something else. “I think it’s important, but I think the team comes first,” he said. “I’m proud to be a part of this winning tradition and represent Menlo. It was an honor to take center court.” Ball had prepared himself to face Saratoga’s No. 1 player, Neel Bedekar, but the Falcons’ firstyear coach switched up his lineup in hopes of ending Menlo’s streak. Bedekar played at No. 2 singles and his No. 3 singles player played doubles. The switch had no effect on the outcome, at least not for the Falcons. “It just fired up our team even more,” said Menlo coach Bill
Shine. “It’s not a good move on their (Saratoga’s) part.” Ball blitzed his opponent and junior Vikram Chari did the same at No. 3 singles, 6-0, 6-0. Menlo’s No. 3 doubles team of Clarence Lam and Alex Neumann gave the Knights a 3-0 lead with a 6-2, 6-4 triumph. With four matches still on the courts, Menlo’s Gunther Matta wrapped up the title with a 7-5, 6-0 triumph at No. 4 singles. “I knew it would be me or Victor (Pham),” said Matta. “It doesn’t really matter who is the clincher. The key thing was to find a way to get the win.” Pham won a few minutes later, 6-4, 6-2, and the No. 1 doubles tandem of Gabriel Morgan and Nathan Safran put the finishing touches on the triumph with a 6-2, 6-7, 6-2 win. “It’s amazing,” Matta said of Menlo’s string of titles. “Bill does such a good job. The coaches (including assistant David Wermuth) have us practice hard every day, to get us in great shape.” “I’m happy for all the new kids on the team,” said Shine. “It (winning CCS) never gets old; it gets better.” N
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