Palo Santo

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Palo Santo - Heilig Hout Wierook die heelt

Palo Santo, oftewel “Heilig Hout” komt uit Peru en staat bekend als een zuiverende incense. De Inca’s gebruiken het al sinds eeuwen bij een ceremonie, ritueel, genezings- en zuiveringssessies, maar ook als een insektenverdrijver en om kwade geesten en ongeluk te verjagen. De Peruaanse bevolking behandelt het “Heilige Hout” met veel respect wat betekent dat alleen het hout dat gevonden wordt op de grond onder de bomen gebruikt mag worden voor deze doeleinden. Nooit het hout direct van de boom! Het hout heeft een heerlijke geur! Door het branden van wierook komen de werkzame stoffen in de kruiden, planten of harsen vrij die ieder op hun eigen wijze de energie weer in balans brengen, reinigen en bijdragen aan je welzijn. In zeer oude beschavingen werd veelvuldig gebruik gemaakt van de werking van wierook (incense). Men gebruikte het om te channelen, te reinigen en contact te maken met de natuur. Ook nu nog worden wieroken veelvuldig gebruikt tijdens yoga, meditatie, als ondersteuning bij genezingsprocessen, om een bepaalde sfeer te creëren of gewoon om hun heerlijke geur. Product Description: Name: Burserea graveolens - from Peru. Origin: South America; most notably the tropical forests of Peru Aroma Description: warm, delicately sweet, rosy-woodsy Emotional Attributes: cleansing/purifying, strengthening Cosmetic Uses: perfumery, aromatherapy Medicinal Attributes: bitter, antiseptic, used to reduce tension, inflammation and to control convulsions. Treats acne, wounds and dermatitis Element Association: Air - Magical Associations: Luck Astrological Association: Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius - Planetary Association: Mercury Season: Spring, Summer - Aromatic Note: Base to Middle note Essential Oil: Yes, a steam distilled essential oil is made, though very difficult to find.

Palo Santo 100 gram

Palo Santo hout

Palo Santo - Holly Wood

(Family Bursera; Species: Graveolens; Quality: Yan; Planet: Neptune) This incense is gathered from the Palo Santo Tree. This tree lives for thousands of years and holds all the secrets of the Amazon Rain Forest. Use it in your own ceremonies and feel it’s power. It is a natural wood aromatic incense used for centuries by the Incas as a spiritual remedy for purifying and cleansing and to get rid of evil spirits, misfortune and calamity. It has often been used in Ayahuasca ceremonies. It can also be used as an insect repellent and as a feline stimulant (similar to catnip). Unlike conventional incense, which burns completely after lighting, Palo Santo may be relit many times. When lighting, allow the wood to burn less than a minute, and then blow the flame out. As there are many restrictions for the collection of this incense we offer a very limited stock of it. It has a very fragrant scent and is freshly harvested. Note: This incense is only harvested from tree limbs and branches that have fallen from the tree. No damage is ever done to the trees. Uses of Palo Santo Palo Santo is mostly used for relieving common colds, flu symptoms, stress, asthma, headaches, anxiety, depression, inflammation, headaches, emotional pain and more. The oil can also be used during massage work to seal intentions while calling in Spirit Allies for support and protection. Palo Santo can also be simmered in hot water and drank as a tea. Great for calming the immune and nervous systems for faster recovery of illness. In essential oil form, it is great for physical pain and inflammation containing high levels of D-Limonene and Monotropenes that are useful for cancer symptoms.

Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens)

Sustainably Harvested: The best part of this magical tree is that it is wild crafted and sustainably harvested by a community that has planted over 10,000 trees back into the area over the last years. The essential oil can only be extracted from dead trees and fallen branches using “Vapor Distillation� without the use of dangerous chemicals or solvents. This insures a high quality product cared for with Love and Respect.

Canshan Community Andes Peru

Local cooking with wood

Children from Canshan

Social Project: We support a local community in the central Andes of Peru. They are helping us for planting trees at 3,500 mts. Most common local species are Eucaliptus, but from the year 2010 we are trying to adapt the Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens) in this unique Ecosystem. This community called Canshan is small but their commitment to the sustanaible development of this area is big. Smudging: Is a traditional ceremony in which these herbs are burned and the smoke is used for purification and balancing of body, mind, spirit, and environment. Smudging is a sacred tradition that has its roots in the indigenous cultures of the world. As a tradition, it has been passed on for millennia, and many ways and variations exist. The common thread is that the smoke from sacred herbs can be used for purification and spiritual preparation. We can smudge to clear and ground our intentions and ourselves before and after healing, initiation and ritual. The smoke will help purify our crystals and other sacred objects. We can clear rooms and create sacred space. The herbs can also be burned to give thanks and to aid us in our prayers. It has been used to accompany prayers and shamans to worship the Gods & Spirits, purify the air, release negative vibrations, and induce self-awareness and to uplift the emotional state. The burning of incense features in the practice of most of the world’s religions, past and present, and often proliferated as they did. Memory and smell are heavily intertwined. Certain smells can transport us back in time to a memorable place or event.

Palo Santo bags 100 grms.

Palo Santo sticks 100% natural

How to Smudge Smudging is really easy, and anyone can do it. Do not get wrapped up in the new age symbolism or other distractions, none of it is necessary; not for clearing, cleansing- nor anything else, for that matter. Step One: Get something to burn it on. If you’re burning a smudge stick of Palo Santo, you really just need something to rest it on. That can be a plate, ashtray, shell, whatever- just make sure it’s burn-proof. Step Two: Light up a smudge stick, let it burn a bit longer before blowing it out, as sticks tend to burn less easily. Step Three: If you’re clearing a room, simply walk around and guide the smoke until you feel the energy shift. It doesn’t take much, a few minutes ought to be enough for a basic clearing. If you’re doing more than that, you might smudge for a longer period of time, but we’re only covering the basics here, and a few minutes is perfectly adequate for a routine cleansing. Smudge sticks seem to die pretty quickly but they also tend to last much longer. Step Four: Let it burn out. The idea here is burning what you need and hopefully having it self-extinguish by the time you’re done. This is something you’ll need to experiment with a bit, but it’s a lot easier than it sounds. When in doubt, burn less- you can always light it up again. *100% Sustainable and Natural, although these statements have not been studied and confirmed by the US FDA (Federal Drug Administration) References:

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