Pa lp u n g P h e n d e K u n k yab Nyingne for Saga Dawa Duchen 佛陀誕辰、涅槃以及成道吉祥日一天閉關課程 June 3rd, 2012 二零一二年六月三日 The fourth month of the Tibetan calendar is the Sanga Dawa. The seventh day of Saga Dawa is the date of the historical Buddha’s birthday for Tibetans. However, the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and the entry into Nirvana at his death are observed on the 15th day of Saga Dawa, called the Saga Dawa Duchen. Saga is “million”; Dawa is “moon”; Duchen means “great time”. Thus, Saga Dawa is the million multiplier month. And for each day in this month, our activities (both good and bad) are multiplied one million times. Therefore, this is a very good month and an auspicious day for everyone to practice. 根據藏傳佛教傳統,藏曆四月稱作『薩嘎達瓦節』吉祥月(意譯為『 吉祥氏宿月』),是一年中神聖吉祥月份之一。藏曆四月吉祥月適逢 三個佛陀重大的事件:佛陀誕辰、涅槃以及成道。在此神聖吉祥月份 修法祈請、念咒誦經以及所有善行皆增千倍功德,因而很多信眾在這 個月都特別注重修持及培植福德。
One Day Nyingne 一天閉關 ($35 per participate 參加費用每人三十五元正) 早上 5:00 am
Take vow in the shrine room 佛堂受戒 Puja & Chanting 閉關共修
早上11:00 am 中午12:00 pm onwards開始
Lunch 午飯 No food (drinks only) 禁食(可喝飲料)至零晨子時 Silence must be kept until midnight 12:00 am except puja & chanting 禁語至零晨子時,共修持誦除外
下午2:00 pm 下午5:00 pm
Puja & Chanting 閉關共修 Puja End 共修完畢
Saga Dawa Duchen Celebration Notes 注意 : - Participates who taking the one day Nyinay program MUST keep the vow (kept in silence and no food until midnight 12:00 am). 凡參加一天閉關者必需遵守戒律(禁語禁食至零晨子時)。
Saga Dawa Duchen Celebration: Buddha Bathing & Lamp Offering 慶祝佛陀誕辰、涅槃以及成道吉祥日: 浴佛及燈供 June 4th, 2012 at 7pm 二零一二年六月四日晚上七時