NMC Survey

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NMC 2008 Member Organization Survey The NMC Member Organization surveys are intended to benchmark activities, directions, and interests of New Media organizations. This year, an invitation to complete the survey was emailed to 276 NMC Directors on January 27, 2008. At the closing date of April 6, we had received 114 completed surveys, a response rate of 41% compared to 36% for the previous member survey.

Survey Results 1. Please indicate the Carnegie Classification of your college or university, or if your institution is a museum, please select that category. Doctoral/Research Universities—Extensive Baccalaureate Colleges—Liberal Arts Doctoral/Research Universities—Intensive Master's Colleges and Universities I Master's Colleges and Universities II Associate's Colleges Museum Baccalaureate/Associate's Colleges Specialized: Art & Design Baccalaureate Colleges—General Total

38 16 12 12 11 9 8 2 2 1 111

34% 14% 11% 11% 10% 8% 7% 2% 2% 1% 100%

2. Please indicate the geographic region in which your institution is located. Northeast US Southwest US Midwest US Southeast US West US Upper Midwest US Northwest US Western Canada Other Eastern Canada Central Canada Europe Australia Mexico Total

30 23 18 14 13 6 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 113

© 2008, The New Media Consortium

27% 20% 16% 12% 12% 5% 3% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 2

3. As a measure of institutional size, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) faculty or staff work at your institution? (If your institution is part of a multi-site organization, e.g., California State University, please answer based on the campus, museum, or research center where your NMC membership is located. Use an estimate if you are not sure.) 43 20 16 16 9 4 4 112

> 2500 501-1000 1001-2500 251-500 51-250 11-50 < 10 Total

38% 18% 14% 14% 8% 4% 4% 100%

4. Which of these NMC activities have individuals at your institution participated in over the past two years? (Please check all that apply) NMC Summer Conferences NMC Campus in Second Life NMC Online Conference Series/Symposia NMC Regional Conferences Annual Director's meeting Pachyderm Conference None, unsure, new to NMC Other NMC activities

75 72 63 36 28 20 3 2

69% 67% 58% 33% 26% 19% 3% 2%

5. Which of the following NMC benefits or services have you or your colleagues taken advantage of? (Please check all that apply) NMC Director's List NMC TAB email lists Advanced pre-publication access to NMC publications Participation in NMC projects (e.g. Horizon Project, Pachyderm, Second Life, Visual Literacy, etc) Discounted NMC conference registrations Member complimentary registrations for online conferences Members-only web areas Free access to NMC's virtual campus in Second Life for meetings or classes NMC project-related blogs, wikis, or meeting support Access to technical expertise of partners Online member database NMC affiliates Rental of Second Life land from NMC Virtual World Serve on advisory boards for NMC projects NMC Virtual Worlds Development Services Other NMC Custom Survey Service Meeting support services for inter-member activities Grant writing consultation service Š 2008, The New Media Consortium

76 73 69 69

67% 65% 61% 61%

58 56 50 34

51% 50% 44% 30%

32 29 26 21 20 11 7 6 5 4 0

28% 26% 23% 19% 18% 10% 6% 5% 4% 4% 0%

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 3

6. How can the NMC help you? What sorts of services would you like to see us provide that we may not be currently offering? 41 responses summarized. Full details available upon request. • • • • • •

Current level of services and collaboration is good (12) Local needs for more info on NMC; need to use services more (9) Investigate more new technology, research, publish best practices (8) Provide speakers, workshops, classes, consulting (6) Better organized/moderated discussions (3) Funding, conference scholarships (3)

7. What services does your organizational unit offer? (Check all that apply.) Technology integration into courses Faculty/staff/student technology training Media creation and management (images, video. audio) Multimedia development (Flash, Real-time online audio & video, etc.) Course Management support Online course support for faculty Instructional Design Web Development Video production, Classroom Consulting / Course Support Graphic design Equipment Checkout Online course support for students Use of external technical resources Web database / programming (Cold Fusion, ASP, JSP, etc) Help Desk Support Server-side support Web programming services (enterprise software integration, identity management, etc) Other

8. What audiences does your organizational unit serve? Faculty Students Administrators Support Staff Visitors Curators Other

© 2008, The New Media Consortium

100 99 96 94

89% 88% 85% 84%

88 83 83 78 77 70 69 58 58 53 47 40 39 38

78% 73% 73% 69% 68% 62% 61% 51% 51% 47% 42% 35% 35% 34%



107 87 77 76 39 17 6

95% 77% 68% 67% 35% 15% 5%

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9. Indicate the amount of FTE staff in your organizational unit for each job category (include student workers) Instructional designers Interface & graphics designers Multimedia designers (including digital video) Web developers Web programmers Classroom Technology specialists

0-5 64 (60%) 67 (66%) 67 (64%) 66 (65%) 60 (62%) 42 (44%)

6 - 10 21 (20%) 16 (16%) 23 (22%) 19 (19%) 14 (14%) 17 (18%)

11 - 20 9 (8%) 2 (2%) 2 (2%) 4 (4%) 4 (4%) 13 (14%)

10. Where in the organization does your unit reside? Academic or Education branch Information Technology or ICT branch Library branch Serve multiple units Not listed (other) Media Services branch Distance Learning Public Relations branch Total

21 - 30 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 2 (2%)

30+ 0 (0%) 2 (2%) (3%) 2 (2%) 1 (1%) 5 (5%)

N/A 12 (11%) 14 (14%) 9 (9%) 10 (10%) 18 (19%) 16 (17%)

46 44 7 7 4 2 2 1 113

41% 39% 6% 6% 3% 2% 2% 1% 100%

103 35 17

91% 31% 15%

5 3 2

5% 2% 2%

11. How is your organizational unit funded? (Check all that apply) Part of institutional budget Grant-funded Charge-back system for services provided to internal or external clients Other system, not part of regular budget Grant or endowment Student fees

12. If your organizational unit provides streaming services, which of these streaming formats do you support for video? (skip if not applicable) QuickTime Flash Real Windows Media MPEG VX30

63 54 37 36 2 0

Š 2008, The New Media Consortium

76% 65% 45% 43% 4% 0%

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 5

13. Which of these media services does your organizational unit offer? (check all that apply) digital video creation/production digital audio creation/production media digitizing (audio, video, slide scanning) podcast publishing video streaming interactive content development audio streaming original graphic production lecture recording equipment checkout color printing in-house software development desktop publishing 3-D printing (rapid prototyping)

91 86 84 80 71 68 62 62 60 59 49 41 34 10

87% 82% 80% 76% 68% 65% 59% 59% 57% 56% 47% 39% 32% 10%

14. Instead of internal hosting web video content, to what extent is your organization using sites such as YouTube for educational or organizational videos? We are not pursuing external hosting of web video We are researching/planning this approach We have established a YouTube channel (or equivalent) We encourage individuals to post video content on their own Total

34 30 23 21 108

31% 28% 21% 19% 100%

15. If your organizational unit publishes audio or podcasts, which of these technological approaches do you use? (Check all that apply, skip if not applicable) Local hosted streaming server Downloads directly from institution web site External Web Video/Audio Host (iTunesU, YouTube, Google, Odeo, etc) CD/DVD External Content Delivery Network (CDN) such as Limelight or Akamai

67 48 46

71% 51% 49%

30 6

32% 6%

Within Course Management System



16. To what extent is your organization using Google Apps (http://www.google.com/a/edu/) for students and/or staff? We are researching/in process of setting up We are not considering or planning on using We are currently using at an organizational level Total

Š 2008, The New Media Consortium

49 44 15 108

45% 41% 14% 100%

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 6

17. Across your institution, how extensively used are the following new media tools or approaches? Top number is the count of respondents To a great selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of extent the total respondents selecting the option. instant messaging 22 (20%) weblogs 10 (9%) wikis 10 (9%) virtual Worlds 1 (1%) games (any form – not limited to digital) 4 (4%) simulations 4 (4%) social networking 21 (19%) mobile phone technology 21 (19%) podcasting 11 (10%) lecture recording 9 (8%) digital storytelling 6 (5%) RSS 15 (14%)


Very little

54 (49%) 69 (62%) 55 (50%) 32 (29%) 28 (25%) 36 (33%) 46 (41%) 30 (27%) 62 (55%) 57 (52%) 31 (28%) 46 (44%)

28 (25%) 27 (24%) 40 (37%) 53 (48%) 64 (58%) 58 (53%) 39 (35%) 44 (40%) 34 (30%) 37 (34%) 52 (47%) 33 (31%)

Not at all 7 (6%) 6 (5%) 4 (4%) 25 (23%) 15 (14%) 12 (11%) 5 (5%) 16 (14%) 5 (4%) 6 (6%) 21 (19%) 11 (10%)

18. Have you adopted or considered participating in Apple iTunesU? We are currently hosted in iTunesU We are investigating the possibility We are in the process of getting set up We have decided not to get involved What is iTunesU? Total

Š 2008, The New Media Consortium

35 24 23 23 7 112

31% 21% 21% 21% 6% 100%

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 7

19. Does your organizational unit provide any support services or resources for blogs (weblogs)? yes, but we refer individuals to external sites such as Blogger, WordPress.com, etc *If you answered yes, please note the product, answers below yes, we host blogs using a blogging software package installed on our servers no, we do not support them at all yes, we use comparable technology available in our course management system Total *Product responses • WordPress, WordPressMU (8) • Blogger (3) • Moveable Type (2) • Blackboard, Sakai (3) • Drupal (2) • Apple Leopard Server • Edublogs



22 21

20% 19%

21 19

19% 17%



20. Does your organizational unit provide any support services or resources for wikis? yes, we host wikis using a wiki software package installed on our servers yes, but we refer individuals to external sites such as external hosted wikis such as Wikispaces, PBwiki, etc yes, we use comparable technology available in our course management system *If you answered yes, please note the product below no, we do not support them at all * Product responses • MediaWiki (6) • Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai (5) • Confluence (3) • PBwiki (3) • TWiki (2) • Apple Leopard Server (2) • Wikispaces (2) • JotSpot







23 21

21% 19%

21. Does your institution have an active project in one or more of these virtual worlds? (check all that apply) Second Life Open Croquet OpenSim Wonderland Active Worlds

66 2 1 1 1

© 2008, The New Media Consortium

93% 3% 1% 1% 1%

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 8

22. What is the nature of your virtual world project, or if there are several, the most notable project? (check all that apply) Experimental-no central focus, just a way to get comfortable with the tools and platform Course-Related – a component of a specific course Institutional – established as an “institutional presence” with a clear programmatic focus; may have replica buildings Training-Related – used to conduct staff development Marketing-Related – replica of our campus used to attract prospective students or promote the institution Library



37 10

50% 14%

4 3

5% 4%



28 19

40% 27%

8 5 2 1 1 0 70

11% 7% 3% 1% 1% 0% 100%

23. How would you describe the scale of your virtual world project? Full sim or island in Second Life Rental parcel on a public sim in Second Life, 1/8 sim ((8192 sq m) or less Rental parcel in Second Life larger than 1/8 sim (8192 sq m) Multiple sims or islands in Second Life Dedicated Active Worlds virtual world Dedicated OpenSim virtual world Dedicated Croquet presence Dedicated Wonderland virtual world Total

24. What kinds of technology tools does your unit use for communication/productivity? (check all that apply) shared calendaring wikis instant messaging online project planning/management tools web-based productivity apps (e.e. Google docs) Online meeting spaces (e.g. Connect, Elluminate) voice chat video chat screen sharing shared file space

84 71 66 49 48 41 32 28 26 5

80% 68% 63% 47% 46% 39% 30% 27% 25% 5%

25. How do you showcase the work of your center or organization? (check all that apply) profile on web site, blogs in person showcase events meetings/brownbags Email, electronic news letters, media releases brochures print newsletters

© 2008, The New Media Consortium

103 100 82 81 44 41

92% 89% 73% 72% 39% 37%

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 9

26. What has been your most successful new media project this past year? Please describe in a few sentences. 76 responses summarized below. Full details available upon request. • • • • • • • • • • •

Virtual Worlds- Second Life, Croquet, 3D (15) Audio / Video production and webcasting (12) Technology Developments (10) Discipline Specific Development Projects (9) Workshops, support, training (6) Web sites, portals (5) Digital storytelling (5) Technology, Infrastructure Improvements (5) Program Development (4) Implementation of Blogs (3) Mobile Technology (2)

27. Has your institution broadly adopted any open-source software? If so, which ones, and for what purposes? 70 responses summarized below • • • • • • • • •

CMS, ePortfolio e.g. Sakai, Moodle, U-Portfolio (25) Blogging e.g. WordPress, MovableType (10) Linux, Fedora / LAMP (8) Content Management e.g. Dspace, MDID, Gallery, Connexions, steve, Magnolia (8) Wiki e.g. Mediwiki,Twiki (7) Administrative, email, authentication e.g. Zimbra, CAS, Kuali, Pubcookie (7) Community e.g. drupal, joomla, Plone (6) Content Creation e.g. Pachyderm, SketchUp, Audacity (5) Virtual Worlds e.g. OpenSim (1)

28. What interesting technologies or practices is your unit currently investigating as part of your ongoing R&D efforts? 120 responses summarized below. Full list available upon request. • • • • • • • • • • •

Podcasting, iTunes U, Lecture Capture, Voice technologies (25) Virtual Worlds, Games, Simulations (21) Blogs, Wikis, Community tools, online publishing (15) Video, Streaming, YouTube, Video Conferencing (14) Portable, Mobile Technology, Geolocation (11) Course Management Systems, Integrations, ePortfolios (7) 3d Visualization, Printing (5) Google Apps, Web 2.0 apps (6) Computing devices, Interfaces (6) Asset Management, Repositories, Folksonomies (5) Student Response Systems (Clickers) (5)

© 2008, The New Media Consortium

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 10

29. Which of the following are duties of the “Center Director” – the person who is the primary liaison to NMC? (check all that apply) Work with faculty/staff Participate in overall organization strategic planning Implement institutional initiatives Develop intra-institutional collaborations Evangelize to organization Plan center budget Develop inter-institutional collaborations Resolve personnel issues Plan education/training/development programs Manage equipment purchase Write grants/seek funding Manage media/web development projects Work with students Manage web applications (e.g. course management, asset management) Oversee labs and facilities Other

102 96 95 91 88 85 85 77 75 75 63 60 43 38

91% 86% 84% 81% 79% 76% 76% 69% 67% 65% 56% 54% 38% 34%

34 6

31% 5%

30. Which job title most closely matches the one for the Center Director? (person who is the primary NMC liaison) Director / Manager *Other, please specify below Coordinator Associate Director Dean Professor/Faculty Vice President Curator Vice Provost Total * Other Responses • Associate/Assistant Vice President (3) • CIO, Associate CIO (2) • Co-Director • Multimedia Specialist • Executive Director (2) • Lead Instructional Designer

© 2008, The New Media Consortium

70 10 7 6 5 5 4 1 1 109

65% 9% 6% 6% 5% 5% 4% 1% 1% 100%

2008 NMC Member Survey Page 11

31. Estimate the average salary range (in $US) for the position types below. If there is no such position, please indicate “n/a”. Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option. Center Director Senior Instructional Designer, Faculty Support Specialist, or Technology Consultant (staff who work with faculty around faculty projects, designing, implementing, consulting) Entry Level Instructional Designer, Faculty Support Specialty or Technology Consultant (staff who work with faculty around faculty projects, designing, implementing, consulting) Assessment Expert (staff who consult with faculty to create assessment, formative and summative evaluation) Web Designer, web developer, web master (staff who design, maintain, create, manage web sites) Multimedia Designer, digital media specialist, animators, or media producer (staff who produce media, animations, images, design schemes) Instructional Technology Specialist (staff who work with faculty on the applied educational use of technology, such as clickers, podcasting, mobile computing, etc…










1 (1%) 0 (0%)

4 (4%) 17 (16%)

21 (19%) 48 (46%)

35 (32%) 19 (18%)

35 (32%) 3 (3%)

15 (14%) 0 (0%)

4 (4%) 0 (0%)

2 (2%) 0 (0%)

4 (4%) 17 (16%)

5 (5%)

58 (56%)

20 (19%)

4 (4%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

17 (16%)

0 (0%)

15 (15%)

24 (24%)

8 (8%)

2 (2%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

49 (50%)

2 (2%)

31 (31%)

39 (39%)

11 (11%)

1 (1%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

17 (17%)

3 (3%)

37 (37%)

36 (36%)

7 (7%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

17 (17%)

3 (3%)

44 (42%)

34 (33%)

7 (7%)

1 (1%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

15 (14%)

Many thanks to all who participated!!

© 2008, The New Media Consortium

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