Sublime634 %281%29 new

Page 1

Captain Cable Tank






liF;rrW The most exquisite, natura yarns. The most beautiful, soft со oUrS. The most inspirational designs. We call it....Sublime,

This litt]e sweater has а casua rоll-песk and combined with easy ribs,

it s just the thing fоr sma]l

boys to set sail in every day. (Oh! and t's very quick to knit too|)






Please take а lttle 1rne to knit а tenson square of the ste поrаI-о lo, -. de>lq. ,о , .,. ло,L l о ,l ) <а d|А ,о , ,е,! о. . oh- а-о , . qo,Teri ц, Ье 'ia'I i "е l .оrо|о .о i ) Ь 99б ro ,t 161, о- с oose and the garment Wll Ье biq Wr]en co]TDleted Кпltt ng а garmeni at an ]ncorrect tens on W proc]Uce d Sappointing resu tS and mау Wel requйe а c]fferent а'l oul ' О' а1 tlа- ле .р. ,'дd, 11 ano,,.t .t ( о, square on а bigger need е f your frst square was smаl or Sma еr need eS f your fБt SQUale Was Ьlo When your square measu eS ]Осm (.1п)ЬЪqп -, ,n9 -1.6 o.1.1 ёl^, о, ,r. -"еоlе, ,о , rr.eb lor (o,d,a |l ,оч , J,o rао ,,ge ,oL, пдеdо <2е ё , -1 Ье, -na, ' |he оа. q| 1,6. 1 о.е..а l о'lF ,-е о' |^о.о е ,oL л |l oed|odoJ5,od..l,epda l|l.

] 2 pass the needle Lrnder both stlands of the frst st tch of the Upper р есе (erлerg ng between the frst Se о ld .l l ,е, о- lh. оо.| p.Le ас -.о 1, "_d d agram ],2 I




lnslructons are given for the frst size, The fiqures W th n the brackets refer to the larger S zes Where ony опе {gure is gVen this appleS to ai the sizes.

yarn amounts

The уаrп arnol]nts grven for each design are l]ased on average requ rements When Usng the correct уаrп

Finishing your garment

When Sewing up youl garment pease take care and all1ebtof time to folow the nstructions gven Wth

1,з Then take the neede back пtо the centre of the first Siich on the ower ресе ancl emerglnq Lrp throLrgh the centre of the next sttch to the left as shown n diаgrагп 1,Э


the Upper ресе take the пееdе down behinc] ] e f,. I lло ,IIJ-оS о. г . -6, ll, 1 то ,, е,еп Тhеп crossng to the lower ресе take the needte down through the centre of lhe ast Slitch Worked erР,g'lqIlougl",eo| ,.n6,,, t h пeoeat irom ' to ' to ёпd



еd'l de,9l \Л..-gg.<I l.ld,]о_,9eTaT,,el)

sttch for vert са seams and the graft пg technique ol i-o,|lol lalo, 5^oJdp, ,odт( Shoлn o.|ow lo о|\е

Joining horizontal or shoulder Seams.


Diagram ],4 shows а fnished Sеапr, With the сiаrk thread representlng the Sltched row These ехаmр]еs ýhow slocking Sttch pieces sewn together bui the principe ls the Sarne for any kn]tted falrr с


А. ,о Ьё ,.+, edgA -o ео9о S d-г g d- lад.оhт-J о )оао.,/о,. o,i,о |т,ё;оlд _р through the centre о' the first stlch of the ower ресе as shown n diagram 1 1,

l L", lh.

Joining vertical seams (i.e. side or sleeve seamS) Mattress stitch 1.5

With rght sde о{ Work fac ng ау the lwo pieces 1о Ье ]oned fat and edge to edge, Workng from lhe front and eilher опе sltch or half а sttch п frоrп the edge on each ресе depending оп What fabrc yc]U are sewng togethet пSеl1 the neeclle frorn the front through the centre of st]tch slcj]ng t under two roWS as i]Ustrated п 1,5 ] б and ],7 l\ve rесоrпгпепd a ,о, ,"l" d -L, . l l.on ed , \оА /r'ne, о,r rq "' garter Sttch and rnoss Siitclr, but only haf а sttc]r


лhе, ,о:,го,lo,,^o '|. о.t,оодооа16,1 ) с|.оss to the opposte plece of wоrk and slde the

needle Under two roWS at а tme Bepeat this action Make SUre lhat you don't m Ss any rows апd that the work гпаtсhеs at bolh sides.

Опсе the gаrmепi iS соrпр]еtе place а c]amp cloth over а thick towe, Place the garment onto the damp coth pn out the gаrгпелt to the measurements given rnakng SUre ihat епоugh pins are Usec] so 1hat the out пе ol the garrnent rernains smooth cover Wth damp с otrrs and leave to dry naturaly

Washing lnStructionS

check the Ьаi band fol the WaSh пg nstructions. After rashing reshape Whiе st] Wetапddrуfat away from direct heat.





Little Pumps worked in Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk


То fit ап average size ЬаЬуЪ


for the а9е indicatёd.

MATERlALS Little pumps in blue К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino Silk dk маiп shade 194 seesaw contrast shade ,i 60 rubadub Little pumps in red К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk Main shade 192 teddy red contrast shade 160 rubadUb М1 lйаkе опе stitch - pick uр loop between апd next stitch and work nto the back of this



p2tog irselt the right hand пееd е purways tl]rough the 1st and 2nd sttcheý оп the eft hand needie and рUrl thегп together to for.n а s ngle St


Yfwd Ь.iпg уаrп to tront between need еý then yоч will also need 1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needles (or the size required to give the correct tension). ,1 pair of ЗУаmm (UK,l0 - USA3) Knitting Nёёdlеs for the upper edging (or needles 2 Sizes smaller than уоu use for the main knittin9). Stitch Holder. 2 buttons.


ease take а ttle t me now io kn t а stock ng stitch tenson square. Usin9 4mm needles cast on 22 stitches and Work 28 юWs iп stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row рчrl). This should now measure 1ocm. (4in) square, l' oL ýquare isn't the согrесt Width please refer to page 2 Р


сm cent mеtrеs, dk doutlle knttng, g grammes, in псh(еs), k knt, mm mil гпеtrеS,0 no rоWS,

р pur, st(ý) Sttch(es), wS Wrong side, K2tog nsert the right hand needle through the 2nd and 1st sttches оп the lefi hand needle and kn t them together to form а s п9]е Sttch,


take yarn очеr the top of right hand needle to form а Sngle Sttch,




Usrng your mа п needles and contrast уаrл cast on 5 |5:7] StS 1st RоW (this Will Ье the right S de of the Work rS) Kn t to епd. Th s row forms gаrtеr Sttch. cont nue iп gаftеr sttch fоr the rеmа пdеr of the

Work ' row straiqht. Work 8 rowý increasing 1 St at each end of ]st and fo]ow]no 4th гоW' YoU W поW have 9l9:11l sts оп the needle, Work 7 [1З:]Зl rоWs increasing 1 st at each end of 1St and every fo owing бth rоW' You \,vill поW have 1З [15i17l StS оп the needle, Work 9 [9:1З] гоWS Stгagt]t

Тое Shaping Work б rows decreas]ng Т st at each end of Т st and every fo low ng alteTnate row YoU W поW have 7 [9:i 1l Sts оп the need]e,



1-2 years

1 1

cast off







50g ball 50g ball 509 ball 50g ball

rегпа п ng 7 J9:11lstý

UPPER РАRТ Using your mа n needles and contrast yaan cast оп 5 sts 1st BoW. (lncrease in next St) 4 t mes, k], YoU w поw have 9 ýtý оп the needle. Wo,|,g r gd.1el cllloh доrk 7 [9 l']lou\\ псrеаS пg Т st at each end of 2пd and every fo ow]ng 2пd rоW YoU W Inow have 15I17: 19] Sts on the need е, Work 2 [2:0] roWS Straght. change to mа n yarn and Work iп stocking stitch for the remainder of the Uрреr раrt aS fo oWS:1st BoW. К4 [4:5], гп], k7 [9:9], m1, k4 [4 5] You Wi now have 17 [19:21] sts оп the needle Work з rolvs Straiqht,

Upper Shaping Beginning Wth the rý of the Work {ас пg yoJ divide fоr the Upper as fol]ows

Next RoW. К7 IB:9], turп eave rеm ] 0 [] ] :'2] sts on а sttch hoder yоu \,\/ill come back to these ]0 [11 ] 2] stý ater to Wоrk the Second s de of the Uрреr,

Next Bow. P2tog, purl to епd. YoU W l поч/ have б [7 В] sts оп the needle, Next RоW. Кпt to ast 2 sts k2tog You W поW have 5 [6 7] StS оп the need е, Work 17 [19 21l rows straic]ht,


shape Heel


Next Rоw. КЗ I4i5], k2tog. YoU Will поW 4 [5:6] Sts оп the needle, Next RoW. P2tog, р2 [З:4], YoU Wil поW have З [4:5] StS оп the needle,

For 2nd апd Зrd sizes only Next Rоw. К|2l3], k2to9, YoU Wil поW |3l4] sts on the needle, For all з sizёs

cast ofi rеmаiпiпg з




have 7 [8i9] Stý оп the needle. Next RоW. PUr to,ast 2 ýtS, р2lо9, vo,1 поW have б [7i8] StS оп the needle, Next RоW. K2to9, knt to епd, You Will have 5 [6i7] StS оп the needle, Work 17 [19:21]rows Stra ght.



Will поW

4 [5:6] stý оп the needle. Next Rоw. Р2 [З:4], p2to9. YoU Will поW З Кi5] Stý оп the needle,


Will поW


[З:4] StS оп the need е.

have have

folowýi- Work in garter stitch Unt l Stгар iS of Sufficient lenoth to gо across foot and ]cm, (У4lп) оVеr edge of upper, f]nish пg atter а Ws rоW'

Fоr all 3 sizes cast off remaning 3

Next RoW.


К1 , }б/r'd, k2tog,

Wоrk 2 rоWS Straight iп gаrtеr stitch, cast ofi knitways,

[З]4] StS,

Using your Smaller поеd eS апd contrast pick Up and knit StS for Uрреr фging аS follows:-

[З:4] With the rS of the Wогk fac]ng you, rеjо]п to the 10 [11|,12] StS left оп а Stitch holder, caýt off з sts and knit to end, you w Ll поw

Shape Heel Next RoW. K2tog, kЗ [4i5], YoU

Fоr 2пd and Зrd sizes only Next RоW. K2tog, k[2|З], YоU


and beginning at ]nside of hee edge р]сk uр and

WththerSof theWorkfacngyou

strap for Right Рчmр Next Bow. cast off 27 [ЗO:З3] StS, (1


rеmаiпS оп needle), k2, cast off remaning


knit 18 [20i22] sts еVепlу up Straight edge, 7 StS around Shaped edge and 18 Р0:22] еVепlу down Straight edge, You Wil now 4з [47:51]StS on the neede, 1st Rоw. Knit, 2пd Rоw. К15 [17:19], k2tog. k2, k2tog, kl k2tog, k2, k2tog, k15 [17:19], YoU Wi] поW have З9 [4Зi47] sts оп the needle-

needle, With rS facing rе]оiп уаrп to rегпаiпiпg 3 Sts and Work the remainder of the Strap aS follows:Work in gаrtеr Stitch until Strap is of sufficient length to go across foot and 1сm, (y4in) очеr edoe of Uрреr, finish пg after а WS row. Next Bow. К1 , y,fwd, k2tog, Wоrk 2 roWS Straight iп gагtеr Stitch

Left Рчmр strap 'or cast off 9 [10:11] sts, (1 St Next Row.


ýtS have

remainý оп пееdlе), k2, cast off rеrпа пiпg 27 [ЗO:З3] sts, YоU Will now have З StS on the needle, With rs facing reioin уаrп to rеmаiпiпg З StS and WorK the remainder of the Strap aS

cast off knit\Mays,

Join heel Seam, With ýеаm at centre of heel оп the sole, SeW upper part of pump ечепlу all round Sole, SeW оп buttoný, See ball band for washino and care nstructions,


Little Ruby and Little Nапсу Cardies worked in Sublime ВаЬу cashmere merino silk dk

"{* *


то Fit chest

0-6 months 41

16 45

р ease take


ttle t mе now to knit а tens оп

sqUare, tJsing 4mm needles cast on 22 Stitches and Work 28 rows iп stocking stitch (1 row knit, ,1 row purl). ThiS should mеаSurе '1ocm, (4in) square. lf your square isn't the correct Width please refer to page 2.



18 7 15 6

20 8



9у, 2о




















50g balls




пееdlе and purl them together to form а S ngle st tch, Yrn take the yarn over the top of the r ght hand needle then br пg уаrп to front between need eS to fоrm а s пg е st tcr],

circle the size уоu WiSh to make L|TTLE RUBY cABDlE вАск []S пg уоur Smalier needles cast on 50 |56i6Oi66l

s W ll Ье the right Sde of the Work - ý) Knit, Th s гоw forms oarter sttoh Repeat ]t опсе, change to уоur mаiп пееdlеS and beginning With о kпl[ low wolk tne rema noel оt Ine оасл n (th

56 22 60


MATERlALS Little RчЬу cardie К001 ВаЬу cashmere merino silk dk shade 192 teddy red Little Nancy cardie К001 ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk shade 194 see SaW

1St Row.



cm centimekes, dk double knitt]ng, g gгагпmеS, in nch(es), k knt, mm firili]metres,0 по rows or Sttches, р pur, st(s) sttch(es), K2to9 insert the гight hand needLe through the 2nd апd 1st sttches оп the eft hand needle апd knt 1hem together to form а single stltch. P2tog insert the rght hand need е рurlwауS thгough the 1St and 2nd St]tches on the eft hand




yоu will also need 1 Pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needles for the mаiп knitting (or thё ýize required to give the correct tension). 1 Pair of 374mm (UK10 - USA3) Knitting Needles for the edgings {or а need|e 2 Sizes Smaller than you use for the mаiп knitting). З Buttons Little Ruby cardie. 4 Buttons 'or for Little Nancy cardie,


18 50

Actual Size Full Length (approximately) Long Sleeve Length (adjUstablё) Short Sleeve Length

6-12 months 46









50q balls

Stockng Stitch as follows: cont пuе uпt l back measures В [9]12 ] 5]сm, {З [З%|4Зli6]iп), lniýhing after а pur row So that the rght Side of Work faces you for the beginn ng of the armhole shaping, The back shou d measure approximately 2З [25]27:ЗO]сm, (9 [9З/а i 1 0Зlа 1 1 З/а]iп) across at thiS point, |

Shape Armholes Work 5 [5:6:6] roWS decreasing 1 St at each end of every row YoU Wil] поW have 40 [46: 48:54] StS оп the пееd]е, Work on these 40 146:48:54] StS unt armho eS measure 10 [1 1 i] 2 1Зlсm, (4 [4Уа: 4Зlа|51а]iп) Sтaight down from top of пееd е to beginning of аrrпhо е shap пg (don't гпеаSUrе around the curve) finishing аflеr а purl rоW'

Shape ShouldeБ cast off 4 [5:5:7] SlS at Ьеgiпп пg of пехt

2 rows, YоU Wi] поW have З2 [36]ЗВi40] sts on the need]e, cast off 5 [6:6i7] StS at beginn ng of neХt 2 roWS. You Wil now have 22 [24]26:26] StS оп the needle, cast off remain пq 22 [24|26:26l sts.


LEFT FRОNТ Us nq уоUr Sma ler пееd eS cast оп 2З [26: 2В З1] StS, Wоrk 2 roWS п ganer stitch, change to your mа n needles апd Wоrk the rеmа nder of the left fгопt as tollows], 'l St Rоw. Knit, 2nd Row' (К1, р2) 4 times, (k ], р1) twice, k1,

рб |9|11|14]. These 2 rоWS set pattern Repeat them unt l eft front measures same as Back to armhole, lnish пg after а Wrong Sde

Shape Armhole and Neck Next Row, K2to9, (armhole edge), pattern to last 2 sts k2tog (neck edge), You Wi now have 21 [24:26:29] StS on tr]e needle, Next RoW. Pattern to last 2 sts, p2to9, You W ll поW have 20 {2З 25 2В] sts оп the needle,

Work З [З:4:4] rоWs decreas ng 1 st at drг . оlе ео9е , е,/еry ,oW АТ SAME Т \,4Е decreasing 1 st at neck edge in 1St and fo lowing a]ternate row, YoU Will now have 15 11Bil9i22] StS оп the need е, Work 5 [7:В:6] rows decreasing ] St at neck edge опу iп 2nd [2nd:lSt:]St] and every followng aternate row YoU Wi поW have 1З [15:15]19] StS оп the needle, Work 13 [1ЗilЗ]17] roWS decreas пg 1 St at песk edge оп у n ] St and every folowing 4th row You Wll now have 9 [11|11i14] Sts оп the need е Work Straight unt left frопt аrmhоlе measures the Same aS Back armhole, fin sh пg after а wrong sde row

Shape shoUlder Next RoW, cast ofi 415 5]7] StS п pattern, pattern to епd, YoU W поW have 5 [6iб 7] sts оп the needle, Next Row. Pattern, cast off rema ning 5 [6:6:7] StS iп pattern,

RlGHT FвоNт Using your Smaller need eS cast on 2З {26: 28 З1] Sts, Wоrk 2 rows п garter stitch,


change to уоur main need es and Work the

rеmаiпdеr of the right front as followsi1st RoW. Knit, 2nd RоW. Рб [gil l i14], (k] p])tWce,k], (р2, kl)4 t meý, These 2 rоWS Set раttегп. Repeat thern until right lront measures Same aS Back to armhole lnishing after а Wrong -Side row

shape Neck and ArmhoIe

Next RоW, K2tog (neck edge), pattern to last 2 StS, k2tog (armho е edge), YoU W ll now have 21 [24|26i29] StS оп the need е, Next Rоw. P2tog, pattern to end, YoU Wil rоw ha,e 20 12З:25:2В] r, on lhe пееdе, Work З [Зi4i4] roWS decreasing ] st at neck edqe - l\l d^d lollovl/nq alle,naтp,oW Д SAME T|ME decreas пg 1 st at аrmhоlе edge п every rоW' You Will поW have 15 [18il9i22] Sts оп the needle,

Work 5 [7]В:6] rows decreas пg 1 St at neck edge оп у in 2nd [2nd:l St ] St] and every followlng аtеrпаtе row, YoU Will now have ]З []5i15|19] StS оп the needle, Wоrk 1З [1З:13:17] rows dесrеаSiпg Т st at песk edge оп у in 1St and every fo lowing 4th rоW You W l now have 9 [1] il1;14] StSonthe needle, Wоrk Straight uпtil right front аrгпhо е measures the same as Back armho е, fnishing after а rght s de rоW,

Shape Shoulder Next RоW caýt off 4 [5:5i7] sts in pattern, pattern to end, YoU Wil now have 5 [6]6:7] sts оп the пееdlе Next FloW' Pattern, cast off rеmаiп ng 5 [6i6:7] StS in pattern,

SLEEVES (Both alike) -s|,9 \oLr sт]аlдr l eed'es (asl on ЗЗ lЗ5:

З7:З9] Sts, Work З roWS in gafter Stitch, Next RoW. - P2tog, уrп, repeat frоrп 'to ast ýt, р1. chanqe to your та,- ^eed eS and beg .ning

а knit row Work in Stock ng Sttch for the rema nder of the sleeve as fo owsi Wоrk 4 roWS Straght, Work 2,1 [29i25|17] rowý iпсгеаs пg 1 st at each end of 1ýt and every follow пg 20th [14th:Bth:Bth] rоW (there Wi Ье 19 [1З:7:7] roWS ýtгaight between each increase row) You Will now have з7 [41]45;45] StS оп With

the needle

Fоr Зrd and 4th sizes опlу Work [10:З0] rоWs ncreasing 1 St at each end of [1OthilOth] and every follow]ng loilOth] row (there Wil Ье [9|9] rоWs Straight between each iпсrеаSе row), YoU Wil now have [47i51] StS on the needle, Fоr all 4 sizes Work Wthout further Shaping unti sleeve is 15 [17:20|24]cm (6 [67,:В|9У,]п), nnishing after а Wrong side rоW'

shape Sleeve Тор

Wоrk 5 [5:6i6] roWS decreas пg 1 st at each end of every row, YoU W Ll поW have 27 [З1: З5iЗ9] Sts on the needle, place marker thread at each end of ]ast row These 5 [5:6:6] rows W ll match to 5 [5|616] decrease rоWS оп body When sew]ng the sleeves into аrгпhоlеs, Work 1 [1ioio] rоWS Straight, cast o{f 2 sts at beginn]ng of each of neХt 8 [41,12:14] roWS, YoU Wll поW have 11 [2З: 11]11] StS оп the needle, caýt off З sts at beg nning of each of next 2 [6i2i2] rоWS, You Will now have 5 StS on the needle, cast ofi remaining 5 StS,


Jo п both Shoulder ýеагпs then pck Up and kn]t StS for r]ght front Ьогdеr aS fo lows:- With right s de of the Work fac пg you, Using your sma ler need]es pick Up and knt 15 [16:2З:З2] Stý evenly up Stra]ght edge,21 |2Зi25:28] sts ечепlу uр ýhaped edge, 20 [2Зi26:26] StS from

22 I24 26:26] cast ofi StS at back of neck, 21 I2Зi25:28] sts evenly down Shaped edge and 15 [16:2З:З2l sts evenly down straight edge, You Wll now have 92 [101i]22i146] Sts оп the needle Work 2 roWS in garter Sttch, Next Row. Р1 Ю:1|1], ' p2toq, угп, rеJэеаt from ' to last st, р1 . Wоrk 2 rоWS ]п gaПer Stitch, cast off as fo]lows: cast off 2 StS, 'S р St frоm right hand пееdlе back onto eft hand, cast оп 2 StS cast off 5 sts, repeat from . to end, Fasten ofi,

то мАкЕ UP SeW sleeves into armhoes matching the 5 [5: 6:6] decrease roWS оп body to the 5 [5:6:6] decrease roWS marked at the Ьеgiпп пg oi the ý eeve top, SeW sleeves п pos tion, Jo]n side апd sleeve Seams, SeW оп buttons us пg eyelets in Ьоrdеr fоr buttonhoes, Pin out garment to the measurement given алd cover With damp с othý until dry (геfеr to page 2), See bal band for Wash]ng and further саrе instructions.


Work as g Ven fоr the Back of Little Ruby


LEFT FRОNТ Work as given for the Left Front of Ltlle RUlэу card]e to ",

Shape Armhole Next Row. K2tog (armhole edge), pattern to

end, YoU W ll now have 22 [25:27|З0] StS on the needle, Next Row. Pattern to last 2 ýts, p2to9, YoU W] now have 21 [24i26:29] Sts оп the needie, Work З [Зi4:4] rows decreas]ng ] St at аrmhое edge iп every rоW' Yоu W ll now have 18 [21:22|25] StS on the need]e. Wo." SIlaig^, Unt' arlho е .пёаь-.еS э [6 7|7]ап, (2 l2|r|2Уа:2З/а]iп) f nish пg after а rght

Side rоW.

Shape Neck Next Row. cast off З [4i5:5] StS in раttеrп, oattern to e^d, Yo- Wlll now ha\,e'5l17: 17]20] Stý оп the пееd е.

Wol( 4 rows оесlеds -9 every rоW YoU оп the needle.


1 St

.- п.^" edge


now have 11 []З:lЗi16] sts

Wo.( J lowc decleas ^9


sl а- пе(" edge in

1St and fol]owing alternate гоW YoU Wl now have 9 [1 1 i] 1]14] sts on the needle,

every rоW' YoU W ll now have 11 [1З:lЗi16] ýtS оп the needle. Wo.k J ,ows dесrеаs -9 l st aL -eck edQe |п ]St and follow]ng аltеrпаtе rоW You W l поW have 9 [] 1]11i] 4] sts оп the needle, Work straght unt rght front armhoe гпеаsUrеS Same aS Back armhole finish пg аftеr а right sde rоW.

Shape Shoulder Next BoW. cast ofi 4 [5i5:7] Sts п patterrl,

Work straght unt] ]eft front аrгпhоlе mеаsчrеs Same aS Back armhoe, finishing after а Wгопg S de row.

pattern to end, Yоч Wil now have 5 [6i6:7] StS оп the need]e, Next Row. Pattern, Caýt oif remaining 5 [6;6:7] StS in pattern,

shape Shoulder

SLEEVES (Both alike)

Next RоW. caýt off 4

15:5:7] sts in раltеrп, pattern to end, YoU Will now have 5 |6:6:7] sts

on the needle, Next Rоw. Pattern, cast off remaining 5 [6i6:7] sts in pattern,

Using уоur Smaller needles cast оп З7 Кl i 47]51] ýtS Work 2 rows in gаdеr Stitch. change to уочr гпаiп need]es. Beginning With а knit rоW Work the remainder of 1he 5eeve, Sto.hlng а5 to,|oм,S


Shape Slеечё Тор


Work as given Jor the Rght Frопt of Little RUЬу cardie to ".

Shape Armhole Next RоW. Patlern to ast 2 sts, k2tog {armhoe edge), YоU W]] now have 22 [25: 27:З0] sts on the need]e, Next RoW. P2tog pattern to end, YoU Wili 1oW Яа\е 2] 29_ ч-S о ] l-e needic,

J24:26 Work 3 [З:4:4] rоWs decreasing 1 St at armhoe edge in every row, You Wil] поW have ] В [21 22:25] Sts оп the needle, .neaSUJeý 5 Wo.( Slraig-t.nLi,



7.7lcl| (2 |2|2:2З/а2З/а] п), fin Shing after а WronQ S]de rоW' Shape Neck Next BoW. cast off З I4i5:5]


StS in patterгl,

раttеrп to епd. You Will now have 15 [17: 17i20] Stý оп the needle. Next RоW. Pattern, Work а rorvS dec,.aslnq ' с- а, 1е(k pogp

Work 5 |5:6:6] roWS decreas пg ] St at each end of every row YoU W l now have 27 [З1: З5:З9] sts on the need е. place mаrkеr thread at each end of last row These 5 [5|6i6] rоWS W matchto 5 [5|66] de(,ease roWs on bod) Ф^е' Selting -*е sleeves into аrmhо es, Work 1 |1:0l0] roWS ýtraight, cast off 2 Sts at beginning of each of next 8 [4 12]14] roWS, YоU Wi now have 11 12З: 11i11] Sts on the пееd е, cast oif 3 ýtS at beg ппiпg of each of next 2 [6]2:2] rows, Yоч Wil] now have 5 StS оп 1he needle, cast o1f remaining 5 StS,


Join both shou|der seams then using your Sma er needles pck Up and kп t ýttches for neckband as follows:, Wth right Side of VоUr Work facing you pick up and knit 14 116 ] 7:22] sts еVепlу uр right Side of neck, 21 [2Зi25:25]


StS from 22 l24i26]26] cast off sts at back oi песk and 14 [16il7i22] StS еVепlу down left side of neck, YoU Will поW have 49 [55:59i69]

sts оп the пееdlе, Work 2 roWS in garter Stitch, cast ofi knitwayý,

Work 2 rоWs in gаrtеr Stitch, cast off as fo lowsi- cast ofi 2 sts ' Slip ýt from right hand needle back опtо left hand пееd]е, cast оп 2 ýtS, cast oif 5 StS, repeat from * to епd, FаStеп otf,

caýt off aS follows|- cast off 2 StS, ' ýlip St


то мАкЕ UP

Using your Smalier need]es рiсk uр апd knt StS for left front Ьоrdеr aS followsi- With right side of your Work facing you апd Starting at top of neckband pick Up апd knit З StS evenly down neckband апd 23 [26:З5:З8] sts evenly down front edge, YоU Wi] поW have 26 Р9] З8i4Т] StS оп the needle, Wой 2 roWS in 9arter Stitch, NеП HoW. Р1 Рil i0], - p2tog, yrn, гереаt from 'to ast St, р1, Work 2 rows iп qarter Sttch,

RlGHT FRОNТ BORDER US ng your smаllег пееdlеý р ck Up and knit sts ior right front Ьоrdеr as fo lowsi- Wth right

side of уоuг Wогk facing уоu and ýtart пg at lower edge of right front pick up and kп 1 2З [26iЗ5i38] StS ечепlу Uр frопt edge and З StS ечепlу along песkЬапd. Yоч Will поW have 26 |29iЗ8i41] StS оп the пееdlе, Work 2 roWS iп 9аlеr Stitch. Next Row. Р'1 I0:1:0l, ' o2tog, yrn, reoeal frоrп ' to last st, р1 ,

(9 [9Зlз:1

1 :1 1 З/а]iп)






2З [25:27.5:30]сm (9 I9З/а:11:1 1%]in)

lя а *:


SeW S eeves nto аrmhоlеS matchlng the 5 [5| бi6] dесrеаSе roWS on body to the 5 [5i6:6] decrease roWS mайеd at the beginning of the Sleeve top, sew Sleeves in poýit on, Join side and Sleeve Seams, SeW оп buttons Us]nq eyelets in Ьоrdеr for buttonholes. Pin out gаrmепt to the mеаsurегпепt g чеп апd cover With damp cloths untl dry (rеfеr to page 2). See tra l band for Wash ng and furthеr саrе instructions,



2З [25i27.5:30]сm

from right hand needle back onto left hand пееdlе, cast оп 2 StS, cast off 5 StS, rереаt frоrп - to епd, Fаýtеп ofi,


Б,Е тт с,] Б

=!q о9

Captain Cable sweater and Captain Cable Тапk worked in Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk




0-6 monthS

то fit chest


16 44 17у4 26 10у4

Actual measurement Full length

Sleeve length

MATERlALS captain cable Sweater К001 Sublimё ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk Shade 160 rubadub captain cable Tank К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk Shade 195 puzzle

cm centl..etres cN саЬ]е need е, dk doub е knitt пg, g grammes, in inch(es), k kn t mm millmetres 0 по sttches оr t mes, patt pattern р pur, st(s) sttch(es), tog together K2tog insert the rght hand needle through the 2пd and ]st st]tches оп the eft hand


stitch Holders.


Please take а ttle t me now to kn t а Stock ng St tch tension square Using 4mm needles cast оп 22 stitches апd Work 28 rows in Stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl), This should поW measure 1ocm, (4in) square. ]f your Square Sn't the соrrесt Wdth р ease refer to paqe 2,

need е and knit them together to fоrг. а S пglе Stitch, P2tog - ]nsert the right hand need е рuгWауS through 1St апd 2пd Sttches оп left hand need е and pur them together to fоrгп а ý ngle


С4В СаЬ е 4 Back s р пехt 2 Sts to back оп cN, k2 theл k2 from cN ТЗВ Twist З Back - S ip next St to back оп cN, k2 then р1 trom cN, ТЗF TWiSt З Front - S] р next 2 StS to front оп cN, р1 then k2 from cN,

circle the size you WiSh to make CAPTA|N CABLE SWEATER вАск

Lslnq,o-, .г

а el

,-ёdе" L.-l

on,]ro ["7:











2о 28




11\ъ 20









50g balls





50q balls



you will alýo need 1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needles for the main knitting (or the size reqUired to give the correct tension). 1 pair of З7аmm (UK10 - USАЗ) Knitting Needles for the песk edging (or а пееdlе 2 sizes smaller than you use for the main


1-2 years

1st RoW.




29 15 24




W l Ье the rght s de of tr]e Work - rs) ' k], р1, repeat frorn 'to last st k] 2nd Rоw. Р1, ' k] , р1 , repeat from ' to end These 2 roWS form 1х1 riЬ, Cha, 9. 1о ,о-' .о ^ ^eAdle, а^о 1,1,o, . aS (th S

fo loWS

Next RоW. РUr, decreasing

1 st at сепtrе of

row fог all 4 Sizes, YoU W поW have 4В [56: 60:64] Sts оп the пееdlе, Next RоW. Knit, -rе5е _,олS lо.-l .а/ \-_). .e,e.Se 5-о.l- -9

sttch). \l\.Jlk 42 142|42|64] roWS mоте п TeV st,St The back Shou d measure аррrохlгaаtеу 22125|27 29)сm, (ВЗ/а [9З/.1] 1 0З/а:1 1 i',] n) across at tr]S point, "'

Shape ArmhoIes Work б [6:6 8] roWS dесrеаS п9 ] st at each end о{ every row, YoU W l now have Зб [z14 4В|4В] Sts оп the need е, Work on these Зб [44:4B:4Bl StS unt armhoes measure ]0 []2]1З:14]сiп, (4 [4Зlа 5r/r:57rln) strac]ht down from the top о{ the need е to the beg nn пg of the armhole Shaping (don t measure aroL]nd the curve) fn sh пq аftеr а kn]t rоw


Shape Shoulders cast off 4 [6:6]6] sts at beg nning of next


2 rows, Yotr Will поW have 28 [З2:З6|З6] sts оп the needle, Next RоW. cast ofi 5 [6:7:7] sts, (р], k]) В [9i10]10] tmes, pur]to end. You W Lnow have 2З 126:29:29] StS оп the пееdlе, Next RоW. cast ofl 5 [6:7:7] sts, (р1, kl) В [9:10:10] tmes, р1, YoU Wil now have 1В [20i22|22] Stý оп the need е, cast ofi rеmаппg 18 |20:22i22] sts,





sth Rоw' Р20 [24:26:2В] ТЗВ, р2, ТЗF, р20 |24|26 28], бth RоW. К20 [24|26 2В], р2, k4, р2, k20 I24| 26|2а].

7th Rоw. Р] 9 [23i25]27], ТЗВ, р4, ТЗЕ р19 [2Зi25|27]8th Яоw. К19 |2З:25|271, р2, k6, р2, k]9 [2З:

|22 24|26).



1oth Rоw. К]В I22:24i26] р2, k8 р2 11th Rоw' Р17 [21:2З:25] ТЗВ, рВ, ТЗЕ р17 |21|2З|25]. 12th RoW. К17 I21|2З|25], р2, k1o, р2, k17 [21 2З|25].



т3Е р4, Т3в,

|24|26|2а], р2, k4, р2, |24|2В|2В],

ТЗЕ р2, ТЗВ,


k2, р2,

125|27 |29],

2,1st RoW. Р21 |25i27]29], ТЗЕ ТЗВ,

27 |29l.


|2З:25,27), р2, k6, р2,

р2О |24|26|2В1, 20th RoW. h2] 125|27 |29],




бth RoW. К19 k19 |2З|25 .27], ,17th RoW. Р19 р19 [2З|25 27], 18th Rоw. К20 k2a |24|2е2а1. 19th RoW, Р20

2nd BoW. К22 [26:28:З0], р4 k22 [26|28:30] Зrd RоW' Р2] [25:27:29] ТЗВ, ТЗЕ р21 [25l

gth RоW. Р18 [22:24:26], ТЗВ, р6,

kB, р2,






1sth Row. Р]В |22:2а 26], т3п р6, ТЗВ,

Usinq yoL' S^]alle, 1еео е5 caS| оп ZB [э6: 60:64] sts, 1St RоW. (К1, р1) 11[1З:14:15]tmеS k4, (р1, k1) 11 [1З:l4i15] tmes 2nd RоW' (Р1, k1)11 |]З|1415] t]mes, р4 (k], р1) 1 1 [1З:14:15] tmes Cna tgё Io vo_, -lаlг -eed eS and Wo,L aS foloWS:-

4th Rоw. К21 |25|27|29l р2 k2, р2 k21

р17 |21|2З|25]. 14th Rоw. КlВ |22:24|26],



Pattern 1st RoW. Р22 [26|28iЗ0], С4В, р22

зth BoW. Р17 |21|2З|25], IзF р8, тзв,

р21 125|27|29], 22nd RоW. К22 [26|2В]З0], р4, k22 126| 2в з0], Frоm 1St to 22nd row forms cable рапе and rеч st st pattern Work пg in саЬ е рапеl and rev StSt as Set, rереаt thеrп 1 [] |] |2l t mes mоrе, '*

Shape ArmholeS 1st RоW. P2tog, р20

[24 26i28], С4В, р2О Р4,26|28), p2to9. You Will now have 46 154:58:62] StS оп the needle,

2nd Rоw K2tog, k19 12З|25|27], р4,

k19 |2З,25 271, k2tog, You W ll поW have 44 [52:56:60] StS оп the needle, 3rd RоW. P2toq, р] 7 [21]23 25], ТЗВ Т3Е р17 121|2З|251, p2tog, YoU W l now have 42 [50:54|58] StS оп the пееdlе, 4th Row. K2to9, k16I2o22|24], р2, k2, р2, k16 |2О|22:24), k2tog, You Will поW have 40 И8i52 56] Stý on the need е. sth Rоw. P2tog, р14 []8i20l22], ТЗВ р2 qave TJE p'l ['В 20:z2l, p2lo9, lou W l -oW ЗВ [46:50:54] StS оп the needle, бlh RoW. K2tog, klЗ [17:19:21], р2, k4, р2, klЗ [17119 21], k2tog, You Will поW have Зб [44i48:52] Sts оп the needle,

Neck shaping

Beginning Wth the rght Side of Wоrk facing you divide for the neck as fo ows:- P2to9, 0 [0:0:1]tmes, р12 [161Вi18], p2tog (neck edge) k4, s р the remaining 1В [22|24:26] Sts onto а sttch holder you wil come back to these 18 [22:24|26] StS lаtеr to Work the second side of the neck, yo! w now have 17 [21 i2З:24]sts оп the needle, Next RоW. \2, р2, l.nit lo asl 0 [0:0:2 c}s, k2tog 0 [0:0:1] tiгпеS, YoU W] поW have 17 |21:2Зi2З] StS on the needle, Next BoW. Р11 [15:17:Т 7], p2tog, k4, You Will поW have 16 [20 22:22] StS оп the need]e. Next Rоw. К2, р2, knit to епd. Work 14 [16ilВ:lВ] roWS decreasing 1 St at neck edge опlу аS Ьеfоrе in next and every iollowing aternate rоW YoU Will поW have 9 [12:1З:lЗ] sts оп the needle cont nUe W]thout shaping Unt l front armhoe mеаsurеs same as Back armhole to shou]der fn Shing after а knit rоW,

Shape Shoulder Next Row. cast otf 4 [6:6i6] StS pattern to end You W] поW have 5 [6]7:7] Sts оп the needle, Next RоW. Pattern, cast off rema п ng 5 [6:7:7] ýtS in pattern. то work the second ýide of the neck return the 18 [22|24:26] sts ]eft оп а Stitch ho der опtо the main need е. With the rlght Side of the Work facing you, rejo п уаrп to rеmаlп пg 1В [22i24i26] Sts and Work aS follows:Next RоW. К4, p2tog (neck edge), р12 [16: 1818], p2tog 0 [0:0:1] times, You Willnow have 17 [21:2Зi24] sts оп the need е. Next RoW. (K2tog) 0 [0|0|1] t]mes, knit to last 4 Sts, р2, k2, You W поW have 17 [21i2Зi2З] sts оп the needle, Next Row. К4, p2tog, р1 1 [15:'17:17]. YoU W -oW have '6 [20:22:22] SIS о^ the needle, Next Rоw. Knit to last 4 StS, р2, k2, Wоrk 14 [16:1В:lВ] rоWS decreas п9 ] st at песk edqe on у as before ]n next and every

Using our exquisite ltalian ЬаЬу cashmere mеriпо siik dk, made frоm the фhеst quality natural fibres, we have created the most adorable range of easy ЬаЬу hand knits. This reassuringly soft and smooth уаrп is the gentlest, natural blend next to your baby's skin.

We have created 14 delightful sailor-inspired styles for girls and boys designed to mix and match with all their summеr outfits iп the jolly summer colours of gorgeous red, sailor blue, zingy lime and heavenly aqua. These stunning colours and sýles look charming and chic dressed uр to go to the yacht club or а smart garden раrtуl ltЪ the stylish little design touches that make our ЬаЬу hand knits soooo

Sublime. Fоr this book we have been inspired Ьу quirky vintage details - there аrе sailor style cables, charming white stripes, and pretty lacy edges - оftеп finished off with the simplest white buttons. Oh, and we have kept these designs fabulously easy to knit.

Sublime batэy hand knits - fоr the vetry best rlressed babies аrоuпd,

io]lowing alternate rоW, You Wil now have 9 [12ilЗ:lЗ] sts оп the needle, Work Without Shap ng Until front armho]e measures same as Back аrmhое to shou det finishing after а pur row.

Fоr all 4 Sizes Cast off rеmа п пg 9

FRоNт []

1:1]:11] Sts.

Work the Frопt of capta п СаЬ е Tank aS given for Front of capta п СаЬ е Sweater to ",

то мАкЕ UP

to ond, YoU Will now have 5 [6:7:7] StS оп the needie, Next BoW. Pattern, cast off геmаiпiпg 5 [6:7:7] sts,

Jo]n Shoulder seams, Jo п side апd Sleeve SеаrпS SeW sleeve tops into аrгпhоlеs гпаtсh п9 6 [6:6:8] decrease rows оп the body to the б [6iбiВ] decrease roWS rnarked at the beg пп ng of the s eeve top, Р п out garmeлt to the rneasurement g Ven and cover Wrth damp с oths Uпt dry (refer to page 2). See Ьа l Ьапо lor ?vasring о, d ,U(ne. са,е -SLrUcllo^c,

SLEEVES (Both alike)


Shape Shoulder Next Row, cast off 4

[6 6:6] StS, pattern

U5 ^9 /our sп allpr needles Uаъt о. З5 .J5i З7:З9] Sts and Work 2 rows in ]х1 rЬ

Сhапgе to your mаiп needles and Work n rev st-st for the гemainder of the s eeves as followsi Work 29 [З7 45:55] roWS ]ncreas пg ] st at each елd of gth [5th:5th:7th] and every fo owng 20th [Bth:l0th:8th] rоW (there Will Ье 19 [7 9:7] rows between each псrеаsе row) and you Will поW have З9 [45 47:5З] sts оп the needle. Work Without further shaping unt L s eeve mеаsurеs 15 [17i20:24]cm, (6 [67ri8i9lr]in), fn shing after а knit rоW

Shape Sleeve Тор

WoIb б Jb:o В] row1 oeL.eaJing l Sl аl еdсh end of every row. YоU W поWhаче27[З3: З5:37] sts on the need е, расе marker threads at each епd of laýt rоw These б [6i6:В] decrease rоWs Will rnatch to 6 [6,6 8' ое, rеа>е .oWS оп ooov \,\пеa SеWlпg the sleeve into armho е, cast ofi 4 [5]Зi4] sts at beginning of each of the next 2 [2:В 4] roWS. YoU W now have 19 [2З:11:21] Sts оп the need е,

Fоr '' st, 2nd and 4th sizes опlу Caýt ofi 5 Iб 5] sts at beg nn ng of each of the пехt 2 [2|2] roWS, You Wi поW have 9 [11:1]] sts оп the needle,


Work Back of capta п СаЬе Тапk as g ven for Back of captain СаЬ]е Sweater to


shape Armholes Next Bow. К4 (аrгпhо е edge), p2tog, рUrl to

last б Sts, p2tog (armhole edge), k4, YoU W l поW Have Zб [с4:58:62] sтs оп lпе .еео е, Next Rоw. (2, р2, k2-og, k. t Lo last б cтs, k2tog, р2, k2, You Will поW have 44 |52]56:60] sts on the лееdlе Work 4 [4i4|6] rows decreas пg ] st as before at each end of every row You Will now have Зб [44:48 48] sts on the need е. Work оп these Зб [44 48:48] sts unt l аrгпhоlе measures 10 [12ilЗi14]сm, (4 [4Зlа:5%:57чl п), Straoht down from the top of the пееdlе to the beginning of 1he аrгпhоlе Shap ng (don't meaýure аrоuпd the curve), fn shing аftеr а knit row,

Shарё Shoulders CaSt off 4 [6i6:6] StS at beg пп ]п9 of neХ1 2 rows, YoL] W now have 2В [З2:36:З6] the needle Next BoW. cast off 5 [6i7:7] sts, (р1, k])8 10 ]0] times, pattern to end, YoU W поW have 2З [26:29:29] sts оп the need е. Next RоW' Caýt ofi 5 [6i7i7l Sts, (р1, k1) В J9]10:10l times, р1, You Will now have 1В [20:22:22] sts оп the need]e, CaSt off remaining 18 [20i22 22] stý.


Shape Armholes 1st RoW. К4, p2tog, р]6 |20:22:24], С4В,

р16 |2а|22|24), p2tog, k4, YoU Wil поW have 46 [54]58:62] StS оп the need е, 2nd RoW. К2, р2, k2tog, k15 [19i21 l2З], р4, k]5 [19i2li2З], k2log, р2, k2 Yоu Will now have 44 [52i56i60] sts оп the need е, Зrd RoW. К4, p2tog, рlЗ [] 7:] 9 2]], ТЗВ, ТЗF, рlЗ [17i19:21], p2tog, k4, YoU Wil поW have 42 [50:54:5В] Sts оп the needle4th RoW. К2, р2, k2tog, k]2 [16ilВ:20], р2, k2, р2, k12 I16 18:20], k2tog, р2, k2. You Wil now have 40 [48 52:56] StS оп the needle, sth RoW, К4, p2tog, рТ0 |] 4:] 6 18], ТЗВ, р2, ТЗF, р10 [14:16:18], p2tog k4, You W now have З8 [46]50:54] Sts оп the needle, бth RоW. К2 р2 k2tog, k9 [1З:15:17], р2, k4, р2, k9 [1З:15:18], k2tog, р2, k2 YоU W поW have Зб [44:48|52] Sts оп the need е,

Neck Shaping Ве9 nn пg With the rght s de of the Work fac ng you d Vide for the neck aS fol ows| К4, (p2tog)0 [0:0:1]times, рВ [12:14i14], p2tog {песk edge), k4, s р the remaining ] В [22: 24:26] StS onto а Sttch hoder, YoU Wi] come back to these 1а |22|24|26) StS lаtеr to Work the second side of the neck. you поw have 17 [21]2З:24]Sts оп the needle, Next RoW. л2, о., l^, l lo |a:t [a:l 6. 5l5, /oU W -ои, 1,2log 0 [0 0:'] l 1 ёs р ,, "_, have 17 [21:2З:2З] StS оп the need е, Next RoW. К4, рur to ast б sts, p2tog, k4. You W now have ,16 [20:22:22] Sts оп the need е, Next RoW. К2, р2, knit to last 4 Sts р2, k2. Work 14 [16:18ilВ] rоWS decreasng 1Stat neck edge on у aS before in next and every fo]]owng alternate rоW, YoU W now have 9 [12]1З:lЗ] sts on the neede. work wthout furth-ar shaping until iront measures same as Back armho е to should,or




Next Rоw. К4 (neck edge), p2tog, рuг to last

Shaping, finiýhing аftеr а knit row

4 [4:4:6] StS, (p2tog)0 [oioi1] t]meý, k4, YoU W l поW have 17 [21:2Зi24] Stý оп the пееdlе, Next Rоw. К2, р2, knit to last 4 StS, р2, k2, Next RоW. К4, p2tog, purl to last 4 StS, k4, You Wil] now have 16 [20:22:2З] StS оп the пееdlе, Next Rоw. К2, р2, kn t tO last 4 StS, р2, k2, Wоrk 14 [16i18:18] rоWS dесrеаsiпg 1 St at песk edge опlу aS Ьlеfоге п пеК and every follow]ng аltегпаtе row, You Will now have 9 [12il3i13] ýtS оп the пееdlо, Work Without fчrthег Shaping until front armhole measures same as Back агmhоlе to

shape shoulder Next RоW. cast off 4

[6:6:6] StS iп pattern, раttеrп to епd, YоU Will поW have 5 [6|7i7] StS

оп the пееdlе, Next RoW. Pattern

cast оtf.еrпаliпg 5 [6:7:7]

StS in ратtеrп side of the песk rеtuгп the

то work the second 18 [22i24:26] sts left оп а Stitch holder onto the main needles, Wilh the rigЦt Side of The Wo,l.. facing you. rejoin уаrп to rema]ning 18 [22i24|26] StS and proceed as fo]lowsi-

Shoulder shaping, finishing аftеr а pur row

shape shoulder Next Rоw. cast off 4 [&6i6] StS п pattorn,

pattern to епd. You W ll now have 5 [6:7i7] StS оп the пееdlе, Next RоW. Pattern, cast off remainiпg 5 [6:7i7] Sts iп patt,

то мАкЕ UP Join shoulder and ýide seams, Рiп out garmont to the measurement given апd cover With damp clothý until dry See ball Ьапd for Washing and further care instructions.




ojI N '.. ф:

Фs (!о 22 P5i27i291cm \ВЗА |Ф/а





1 1




Еа тФ ýБ


Stripey Sailor Girl and Little Sailor Girl

SlzES Age

то Fit chest

in Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere

Actual l\ЛеаsUrеmепt

merino silk dk

FUll Length (approximate'y) Sleeve Length (approximatёly)



MATERlALS Stripey Sailor Girl К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk main shade 194 Seesaw contrast shade 0з vanilla Little Sailor GirI К001 SUblime ЬаЬу cashmere mёriпо silk dk mаiп shade 160 rubadub contrast shade 05 Waterlily

AS long aS you kn t Stccking st tch at the above tens оп 22 stitches and 28 rows of pattern ,1ocm, should aIso measure {4in), using

4mm needles.

you r,vill also need ,t pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needles for the main knitting (or the Size required to give the correct tension), 1 pair ot 374mm (UK'i 0 - USАЗ) Knitting Nёedles for the Ьоrdёrs (or а needle 2 slzes Smaller than уоч use for the main knitting). 5 [5:5:6] Buttons for stripey Sailor Girl and 3 [З:З;4] Buttons for Little Sailor Girl.

K2tog nsert the right hand пеео]е through the

2пd апd 1st sttches оп the left hand needle and knLt them together to form а s пg е Stitch. K3tog insert the rgrrt hand need е kn tways through the ]St 2пd and Зrd Sttches оп the left hand needle and {nit them together to fоrгп



Pease take а

ABBREVlATloNS С contrast, сm centr.netres, dk doube kn tting g grammes. in псh(еs), k knLt М гпап, mm m metres р pUr st{S) Sttch(es), tog

]tt е t mе поW to knit а Stock ng

stitch tension SqUare, USing 4mm needles cast on 22 Stitches and Work 28 rows iп ,1 Stocking stitch (1 гоW knit, row purl). This should поW measure 10сm, (4in) square. f your square Sn't the corect Width please refer to page 2

P2tog inseat the rght hand need е purlways through the 1st and 2nd Sttches оп the elt hand needle and pur thern togetr]er to torm а ý]ng е sttch. Wrap 1 Si р nexi St tch ontc r ght hand .eed]e ano take уаrп to opposile s de о1 Work between need eS, SLip Same Sttch back onto






16 45

monthS 46 18 50




years 56











11у, 20








21 аl/ц


15 6

17 бу,


















50g ballS 50g balls 50g balls 50q balls

hand needle

circle the size you Wish to make STR|PEY SAlLoR GlRL вАск

Stripe sequence Wоrk2 roWS nN/],2roWS


US пg уоUr SmaLler need eS and М cast оп

49 [55:61:67l Sts Change to С and proceed aS {о loWS:1st RоW. (th S Will ое the rght S de oi the Work


rS) Кп t,

ThiS row lo.mS garter Sttch, 2nd Bow. Knit Start ng Wth Nl апd Working stripe Sеquегсе аý g Ven WorK б roWS lп gаrtе, St tch, Change to your main needles and uS пg М, beg пп пg W th а <nit rovr'. WorK п Stock пg sttch fог the rema]nder of the l]ack as

to o\a/S cont nLre unt the back measUres 11 [1З:

16 2] ]cm, (411 [51,!:6l!:8L,i]n) fnshngaftera pur row So that the r cjht S de of Wоrk faces

р 1J

you for the beginn пg of the аrгпhо]е Shap пgS, The back shou d mеаýUrе аррrохiгпаtеlу 22 [25i28:30]cm, (ВЗlа [9З/а : 1 1 1 1 З/а]]п), асrоss :

at th]s po]nt

48|61] You W lnow have 54 |67:77|9Зl sts оп

the need]e. 8th BoW Kn t, change to your mа п needles and usinQ М, k23 [26:29:32] SlS, cast off rеrпа ning З1 [41 48 61] sts, YoU Wi поW have 23 [26;29:З2] StS оп the need е, Workt^g о. ,e-all. ^g 2J [26 29 З2] sls reloin yarn, pur] to end, Ве0 ппiпg With а knit rоW Work in stocking stitch unt] left front mеаsчrеs the same as the Back to shape armholes, fn Sh пg after а purl rоW |

Shape Armholes Work б [6:6:В] roWS decreas пg 1 St at each епd о{ every row, YoU Will поW have З7 |4З| 49i51] StS оп the пееdlе, Wоrk оп these З7 [43i49i5l]StS unti] armhoeS measure 1 0 [] 2 1 З: 1 4]сm, \4 |4ЗА |5|а |5|2]iп), Straight down frоrп the top of the needle to the beginning of the armho е Shap пg (don't measure around the сurче), f]nishing аftеr а -рur rоW |

Shape ShочldеБ CaSt otf З [4:5:5] StS at beoinn по of next 2 rоWS, You Will поW have 31 [З5 З9|41] sts оп

cast ofi 4

[5|5:6] Sts at beginn ng of next 2 roWS, YoU Will поW have 23 [25 29|29] sts оп

the needle. CaSt ofi remainino 2З [25]29]29l sts




К25 [28i3- J1l, kЗlоg "Jа l4a:

51:64], You W the needle, 2nd BoW. Kn t

nowhave60 [73|8З|99]

StS оп

change to М, Зrd RоW. К24 |27:ЗO:ЗЗ], k3tog, k3З I43] 50:6З]. You W поW have 5В [71:81:97] StS оп 4th Bow. Knit, change to С, sth BoW. К2З [26i29:З2], kЗtog, kЗ2 |42: 49:62], YoU Wil now have 56 [69: 79|95] Sts бth яоw knit, change to М, 7th RоW. К22 {25:2В З1], k3tog, kЗ1



2nd Row. PUrl to last 2 sts, p2tog, Yоu W ll now have 2' [24:27 З0] S S о, t,e ^eedle,

Work 4 |4i4i6] rоWs decreas]ng 1 st at аrmhоlе edge ]n every rоW Yоu Wll now have 17 |2О 2З|241StS оп the needle, Wo,( оп llese 17 I2а|2З 2z) STS Llt l а.пlоlе measures 5 [7i8i8]сгп (2 [2Зlа:З:З]п), f niShing


Using уоur smаllеr needles and М cast оп 62 [75:85:101]Sts, Change to С. 1st RoW. (this Wi Ье the rght Side of the WoIb

Shape Armho'e Next BoW. K2tog (аrгпhоlе edge) knit to end, You Will now have 22 [25 28i3l]sts оп the


Shape Neck Next Rоw. cast off З [4:5:5] StS, pur] to end, YoU W lnow have 14 [16il8i 19] sts оп the

needle, Work 4 [4;6;4] roWS decreasino 1 St at песk edge n every row You Will now have 10 [12: 12i15] sts оп the need е, Work 5 [5:З:7] rows decreasing 1 St at neck edge ]n next and every following aternate row. YoU W поW have 7 [9:10:1,1] StS оп the needle, Work Straght Unt l аrmhо е mеаSurеS sагпе aS Back аrmhоlе tO Shoulder Shaping, finishing after а purl row

Shape Shoulder Next BoW. cast ofi 3 [4|5|5] sts, knit to епd. YoU Wil поW have 4 [5:5|6] StS оп the needle, Next BoW. Рur.

cast off гemaining 4 I5]5i6]



Using vour S^,]a ler needes and М (aSt оп 62 [75:85:101]StS. change to С, 1St RoW. (this W Ье the rght Sde oithe Wоrk - Б) К34 144|51:64], kЗtоg, k25 [2В:Зl:З4], YоU Will поW have 60 [7Зi8З:99] sts on the need е. 2пd RоW. Кп t

change to N.,4, Зrd Row. К3З [4З,50:6З], kЗtоg, k24 [27 ЗO:ЗЗ], You Will поW have 58 [71 |81:97] StS on

the пееdlе, 4th RoW. (Buttonhoe RoW) К27 {ЗO]З4|З7], caýt off 1 St, (kб [9:10:10], cast ofi 1 St) З [3|Зi4]timеS, k5 [6i9i10]. change to С, sth RoW. Кб [7:Т0:11], cast оп 1 st, (k7 [10|11:11], caston 1 St)З [Зi3:4] tmes, k1 [1i2:2], kЗtоg, k2З [26i29:З2], You W ll поW have 56 [69|79:95] StS on the needle, бth RoW. Knit. change to М, 7th Rоw. КЗ1 И1:4В:61], kЗtоg, k22 [25: 28:З1], Yоu W! поW have 54 [67|77i9З] StS оп the need е.

8th Row. Knit. change to your mап пееdlеS апd Using М, cast ofi З1 [41|48i61] StS, kn t to end, YoU Will ,oW have 2 j St5 on 1.е пееоlе [26:29iЗ2] Work оп rеmа ning 2З |26:29|З2] StS and purl to end, Beginning With а knit row Work ]п stock ng Stitch unt] the rght front measures the same aS the Back to Shape armho]es, fin]Shing after а pur row

Shape Armhole Next RoW. Кп t to last 2 sts, k2tog {armhole edge), You Wi] поW have 22 [25|28iЗl]sts оп

the needle, Next RоW. P2tog, рчr] to end, YoU Will поW have 21 [24|27iЗ0] sts on the пееdlе, Wоrk 4 К|4|6] roWS decreasing 1 St at

аrmhоlе edge п every row YoU Will поw have 17 [20:2З:24] Stý оп the needle, Work on these 17 [20:2З:24] sts until аrmhоlе mеаsurеS 5 [7:8:8]сm, (2 {2Зlа|3|З]iп), fnishing after а pur row

Shape Neck Next RоW. cast ofi З [4i5i5] sts, knit to end.

YoU W lпоW have 14 |16j18:19] StS оп the needle, Work 4 [4:6:4] roWS decreasing 1 St at neck edge in ечеrу row, YoU Will now have 10 [12i 12i15] Sts оп the needle, Work 5 [5:З:7] roWS decreasing 1 St at neck edge in пехt and every fol]ow ng aIternate rоW' You Wi l now have 7 [9:] 0:1 1] StS on the пееdlе, Work straight unti armhoe meaýures Same aS Back armhoe to Shoulder Shap ng, finishing


shape shoUlder Next Rоw cast ofi З

[4 5]5] StS,

purlto end.

You Wil now have 4 |5:5i6] sts on the needle,

Next Row. Knt,

cast off rеmаiпiпg 4

15:5:6] sts,

SLEEVES (Both alike) your Smaller need]es and N.4 cast on ЗЗ [ЗЗiЗ5:З7] ýtS, Beqinning Wth С and Working in Stripe Seq-e^ce aS 9ive1 'о, ЬасЬ WorL,8loWS , []S пg

change to your mаiп need eS апd Using


beginning Wth а knit rоW Wоrk in stock ng stitch iоr the remainder of the s eeves as fo ows:Work 25 [29:З5:47] roWS increasing 1 St at each епd of sth [5th|5th:5th] and every foi oW пg 1oth [6thiбth|6th] гоW (there W l Ье 9 [5:5:5l roWS Straiqht lэеtwееп each increase rоW), Yоu Wi поWhачеЗ9 [4З 47:5З] StSon the needle. Wo,k W ll-oul '-nhel Shao п9 --I, Tne Sleeve S 15 [17i20|24]сm, (6 [6%:8l97zlin), iin 5hing after а рчr гоW

Shape Sleeve тор Work 6 [6iбi8l roWS decгeasing 1 st at each е^о о- every IoW vo- Wll поW have 27 [Зl: З5:З7] Stý on the needle, рlасе rnarker threads at each end ol ast row These б [6:6:В] rоWS Wi] match to б [6:6|8] decrease ToWS on body When Sewing sleeve nto armhole. cast ofi 2 sts at beg пп пg of each of the next 6 [2i4i8] rоWS. You W lnow have 15127:27: 21] StS оп the need е cast off З StS at beg nn пg of each of the neХt 2 [6:6:4] гоWS. You W lnow have 9 [9|9]9] StS оп the needle. cast ofi remaining 9 sts,

NEcKBAND Join both shoulder seamý, sew front Ьоrdеrs п position to front edge, Тhеп Us пg your Smаllеr needles and М, pck up and knit Sts Jor neckband as fol oWSi With right s de of Work fac ng pick uр and kn t б StS lrom edge of right front border, 18 [18i]9i20] StS evenly along r]ght side of neck, 2З |25|29 29) StS from cast off StS at back of песk, 18 [18|19|20] SlS ечеп у аопg left side of neck and б sts frоm edge of eft frопt border You Wi поW have


[7З:79:В1] ýtS оп the need]e, 1st Rоw' Knit, change to С, Work 2 roWS in gаftеr st tch,

Chanqe to М, Next RoW. Кз, cast off 1 St, kп t to end, Next Row. Кп t to ast з sts, cast оп 1 st, kЗ, change to С, Work 2 roWS iп garter Sttch, Сhапgе to М, Work 1 row in gаdег Stitch.

cast off kn]twayý,

то мАкЕ UP Jo п Side and Sleeve seams, SeW Sleeve tops into armholes matching the б [6i6:В] decrease rоWs оп the blody to the б [6 6:В] dесrеаSе roWS marked at the beginning of the Seeve tops, SeW оп BUttonS, Рiп out garment to the mеаSurегпепt given, cover With damp clo1hS and leave Until dry, See Ьа Ьапd for Washing

and further саrе nstruct ons.


Wоrk as given for Back of Stгipey Sailor G rl to

shape Shoulders cast off 5 |6:6:7] StS at beginn ng of the next

2 rоWS, YoU W l поW have 27 [Зl i37iЗ7] StS on the needle, cast off 5 |6:7:7] ýtS at Ье9iпп ng of the пехt 2 rоWS, YoU W l поW have ,17 [19i2З]2З] sts on the needle, cast off remaining 17 [19:2З:23] StS,

LЕFТ FBONT Us пg уоur Smаlеr needles and ]20 [1З6|155i175] sts.


cast оп

Сhапgе to С, 1st RоW. (th S W l Ье the right Side of the Work rs) К25 [2В:Зl:З4], kЗtog, k65 [74: В9 10З], kЗtоg, k24 I28 29|З2], YoU W ll поW have 116 [1З2 151 171]StS оп the needle, 2пd RoW. кп t change to м, Зrd RоW. К24 I27iЗOiЗЗ], k3tog, kбЗ |72: 87]101], kЗtоg, k2ЗI27 2В|З1]. YoUWll now have 112 [128 147 167] StS оп the needle, 4th RoW. Knit, change to С, 5th RoW. К2З [26i29:З2], КЗtоg, k61 [70: 85:99], kЗtоg, k22 [26i27|З0], Yоu Wi лоW ha\,e l08 [,124,14З,l6З] SIS оr Ihе needle, бth RoW. Knit. Change to 7th RoW. К22 [25:2В:31], kЗtоg, k59 [68; ВЗ|97], kЗtоg, k21 [25i26i29], You Wi] лоW have 104 [']20 1З9 159] StS оп the needle, 8th RoW. Knit, Сhапgе to уоur main need]es and Using lM, k2З [26:29:З2], cast of rеmа n пg 81 {94i 1'10i127] StS, YoU W l поW have 2З [26i29:З2] sts оп the пееd е. Work on remain ng 2З [26|29:З2] Sts aS fo]oWS:- reioin уаrп рUr to end, Beginning With а knit rоW Wоrk in Stocking N.,,1,


stitch until the left front measures the same as the Back to Shape аrmhоlеs, fin shing after а рUrl rоW'

Shape Armhole апd Neck 1st Row. K2tog (аrrпhоlе edge), knit to last

2 s|s (neck edge), increase in next St р1, You W l now have 2З [26:29iЗ2] StS оп the need е, 2nd Rоw. К2, Dur] to last 2 StS, p2tog, You Wil now have 22 [25:2В:З1] Sts оп the needle, Зrd BoW. K2tog, kn t to last 4StS, k2to9, iпсrеаsе iп next st, р1 , YoU Wi]L поW have 21|24,27 ЗOl StS оп the need е. 4th Bow. КЗ, pur to ast 2 StS, p2tog, You W] поW ,а/е 20 [2З 26 29] St" о^ tl е need е, 5th RoW. K2tog, knit to last 5 StS, k2tog, ]псrеаSе in пехt St, р2, YoU Will поW have 19 |22 25 2В] StS on the needle, бth Rоw. К4, pur to ast 2 StS, p2tog, You Will поw have 'В [2],2а:27| sls о' 'hp гееd'е,

For 4th size опlу Next Row. K2tog knit to ]ast б StS, k2to9, increase n пехt st, kз, you will now have [26] sts оп the need е, Next Rоw. К5, Durl to LaSt 2 StS, p2tog, YoU Wil] поW have [25] Sts оп the needle,

For all 4 sizes Wo,b б |'8:18:24l row5 dес,ёаs пg 1 S| aS before at песk edge оп у in 1st and every followino 4th rоW Ат SAME T|ME ncreaýe 1 St аý before at песk edge in 1St and every fo low пg aternate rоW, YoU Will now have 22 |25,2a,Зll Sts оп the needle Work 1 [,1:9i1] rows decreasing 1 ýt aS before at neck edge in 1St [1stiЗrd:lSt] and every fo!oW пg 0 [0:4th:0] rоW' YoU Will поW have 21 [24i26:З0] Sts оп the need е, Work Without fufiher shaping Untl аrmhоlе measures same as Back armhoe to shou der Shap п9, finishing atter а pur rоW

Shape ShouldeБ Next Row. cast ofi 5 [6iбi7] StS, k4 [5i6:6],


purl to end, YoU W ll now have 16 [1В:20i2З] sts on the needle, Next RoW. К1] [12:1З 16], р5 [6|7|7], Next RoW. ca9t off 5 [6:7:7] StS, рur to end, YoU W L now have,11 [12]1З:16] sts оп the

shape collar Next Next Next Next

RoW. К9 [10:1 1]1З], Wrap 1, turn, RоW. Pur, RоW. К7 [8i9:11], Wrар 1, turn,

Bow. РUrl, Work б [6:8i10] rowý more, Workng 2 StS ess

in every Wrap 1 Next RoW. Knit across all sts, cast on 9 [11i 12:12] StS, YoU W Ll now have 20 [2З]25]2В] StS on the needle, cont пUе п Stocking Stitch Unti] collar гпеаsUrеS В [9:11ilЗ]сm, (З [З/ri4%:5r/а п), finishing after а pur rоW

Cast off,

RlGнт FRоNт

US ng уоur smaller needles and М 120 [1Зб 155:175] StS.

casl on

change to С. 1st BoW. (th S WiI] Ье the right s de of the Work - rS) k24 J2Вi29iЗ2], kзtоg, k65 [74iВ9il OЗ], kЗtоg, k25 128:З1 iЗ4], YoLl W now have 116 [1З2:151 171]StS оп the



2nd Rоw. Knit, change to N/. Зrd RoW, \2З [27:28iЗ'| .Зlо9, "6J l72:B7i 101], kЗtоg, k24 I27i3O:ЗЗ], YоU W now have 112 [128:147i167] StS оп the needle, 4th Rоw' (Butlonhole BoW) К27 [ЗO:З4:З7], cast otf 1 St, (k8 [9:12:12], cast ofi ] St) 2 [2: 2|З] tmes, knt to end, change to С, sth Row. К22 [26:27:З0], kЗtоg kn t to last 45 |5Оi60:76] sts, cast оп 1 st, (k9 [10:1З:lЗ], cast оп 1 St) 2 [2 2:З] t mes, k1 [] :2|2], kЗtоg, k2З [26i29:З2], You Wi now have 108 [124| 14З]l6З] Stý оп the needle, бth Rоw. Кп t

change to lv] 7th BoW. К21 [25:26:29], kЗtоg, k59 [68 ВЗi97], kЗtog, k22 [25:2Вi31], YoU WiL поW

have '04 [l20: з9:'5q sLb о, tbe,eedle 8th row. Kn t, change to your гпаiп needles апd US ng М, cast off В1 [94|110:127] Sts, knittoend, You W ll now have 2З I26i29 32] sts оп the needle, Wо,л о. "^-а ^.g 2З'26:)9:']2' ,lS a^d oUrL to end, Beginning With а knt row Work in Stock пg stitch unt the rght front measures the Same а9 the Back to shape armholes, finishing аftеr а purl row.

Shape Neck and Armhole ,lst BoW. псrеаSе n lst St (neck edoe), knit to ]ast 2 StS, k2tog (armhole edge), YoU W l now have 2З [26i29i32] sts оп the need]e,

2nd RoW. P2tog, рurltо last 2 sts k2, Yоu Wll по\,\ nave 22 .25:2B,J'] ъL5 о1 ttse ^eedle, 3rd Rоw. Р1. ]ncrease п next st, k2tog, knit to ast 2 sts, k2tog, YoU Will now irave 21 [24: 2/ il() sTs оп lne neeoe. 4th Row. P2tog, purl to last З Sts, kЗ, YoU W ll поW have 20 I2З:26i29] StS оп the needle, sth Row. Р2, increase п neХt st, k2tog kn]t to last 2 StS, k2tog. You Will now have 19 |22i 25:28] StS on the need е. бth Rоw. P2tog, purlto last 4 StS, k4, You W ^оц have '8 l2,1:24:27' STS о, the ,eedle


Fоr 4th Size опlу Next RоW' КЗ, iпсrеаSе iп next St, k2tog, knit to ]ast 2 StS, k2tog, YоU W lnow have Р6] sts оп the needle,

Next Rоw. P2tog, purl to last 5 Stý, k5, YoU

Will поW have [25] StS оп the need]e,

Fоr all 4 sizes Work 16 [1В:lВ]24] rоWS increasing 1 St at песk eoge as Ьеlо,е lп - sl and even ulowing alternate row Ат SAME T|ME decrease 1 St at ^eck edqe aS oe'ore ^ 'ST а^о everv fo low,ng

4th rоW You Will now have 22 [25i28iЗ1] sts оп the needle, Work 1 [1:9il]roWS descreasing 1 St at neck edge aS before in lýt [1St:Зrdilst] and every following 0 [0:4th|0] row You Wil] now have 21 [24:26|З0] sts оп the noedle, Wоrk Without further Shaping unt] armhole measures same as Back armhole to shou der Shaping, finishing аftег а knit row

YoU Will поWhаVе11[12:13|16] ýtS on the needle,

SLEEVES (Both alike)

Shape collar

то мАкЕ UP

NExt Nёxt Next Next

Work as given fоr Sleeves of Stripey Salor Gir,

Row. Р9 [10;11:1З], Wrap 1, turn. Rоw. Knit, ,1, RоW. Р7 [8|9i,11], Wrap tчrп.

RоW. Knit, Work б [6i8|10] roWS mоrе, Working 2 StS less iп every Wrар 1. Next Rоw. Purl across ali Sts, cast оп 9 [11 12|12] Stý. You Wil] поW have 20 {23]25:28] StS оп the пееdlе, Сопtiпче in stocking Stitch unt l соllаr measlres 8 I9:1 1 il З]сm, (3 l3Уd4%|5%]iп) finishing after а pur row :

Shape Shoulders Next Row. cast off 5 [6:6|7] StS, р4 [5:6:6], knit io end. You Wil поW have 16 [18|20|2З]

sts оп the пееdlе, Next RоW. Р1 1 [12ilЗi16], k5 [6i7i7], Next Rоw. cast off 5 [6|7|7] sts knit to end,

cast ofi,

Join shoulder seams, Join side апd sleeve Seams. SeW s]eeve tops into armholes matching the б [6:6i8] decrease roWS оп the body to the б [6|6:В] decrease rows malked at the beginning of the Sleeve tops, Join Sailor collar seam. SeW borders in position evenly along front edge, evenly аlопg neck edge and evenly аlопg to halfi,vay асrоss sailor collar, reverse Sewing for collar Join Ьоrdеr Seam. SeW оп buttons, Pin out garment to the mеаSчrеmепt given апd сочеr With damp cloths until drу (reier to page 2), See ball Ьапd fоr Washino апd fuгthеr care instructions,


Фa ý;-



Ел ýБ

Rф г(о


22 [25:28:30]cm |8ЗА Ig%

|1 1



Boater Bill and Boater ВоЬ

SlzES Age



то Fit chest

worked iп Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk



Actual Size Fчll Length

sleeve Length

6-12 months 46 18 48











20 8





50g balls



50g balls



Please take а ttle time now to kn t а Stocking St tch tenson Square. Usiпg 4mm needles cast оп 22 stitches and Work 28 rows in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl). This should поW measure 10сm, (4in), square. lf уоur square isn't the correct Wdth please refer to page 2, AS Long aS you knit Stocking Sttch ai the аlэоVе tension, pattern tens оп Should Ье 24 ,i stitchёs and 28 rows to 0cm, (4in) When slightly stretched using 4mm needles, f your square isn't the correct Width pease refer to oage 2-


9у, 15 6


you will also need 1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needles for the main knitting (or the Size required to give the correct tension). 1 pair of З%mm (UK10 - USA3) Knitting Needles lor the edgings (or а needle 2 sizes smaller than you use tor the main knitting). 2 Stitch holders and з buttons for Boater Bill.


19 28

Boater воЬ К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk з З Shade 192 Teddy



17 24

MATERlALS Boater Bill К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk з з shade 19з Sailor Blue

й'. """,ri

2-э yearS


cm centimetres, dec decrease(inq), dk doub е

knitt ng, g gran,]mes, in inch(es) k kп t, mm m metres, О по Sttches or roWS, р purl, patl oatle п, st(s).tlt("S, tog too,the,, Patt2tog if 2nd stltch on left hand needle s to Ье 'knit' then k2tog if itЪ to Ье,рurl' then p2tog. K2to9 insed the rght hand needle througr] the 2nd апсl 1st stitches оп the left and needle and knit together to fоrm а s ngle Stitch P2tog lnsert the right hand пееd е purlways

through the ]St and 2nd Stitches on the eft hand needle and pur together to form а S п9lе stitch,

circle the size you wish to make






2пd RoW. ' Р1, k1, repeat frоm " to ast




р1, ] st апd 2nd rоWs lorm r Ь Work l row nrib, 4th RоW. ('..,Аасё row], чо Lo ond i,, ,ea"inq 1 St in centre of row. You W Ll поW have 52 [5В:64;70] Sts оп the needle, proceed as followsi 1st RоW. Кпt,

2nd Bow. Pur, Repeat 1st and 2пd rows twice, Change to your ma n needles апd Wоrk the rеmа]пdеr of the back as follows: Pattern 1st RoW. К0 rереаt frогп


0:2] рЗ [З:2:З], ' k4, рЗ,

ast 0 [З 6:2] StS, k0 [З]4i2],

вАск Us пg уоUr Smaller need eS cast on 51 [57:6З:69] Sts

р0 [0:2:0], 2nd RоW. К0 [0:2 0], р0 [З 4|2], kЗ ра, rереаt from ' to ]ast З [6] 2:5] Sts, kЗ [З:2iЗ],

1х'1 rib

р0 [З:Oi2] These 2 roWS fоrm patt

,lst BoW. lthls W l Ье the rght side of the Work - rs), К], - р1, k], repeat from " to епd,

Bepeat them Until t]ack measures ] 4 [17: 20:25]cm, (5% [6% В:9Зlа]п), Whеп Sl]ghtly

Strelched, finishing аftеr а Wrong S de rоW So that the rght side of the Work faces you fоr the Ьеgiпп ng of the armhoe Shaping, The back Shou]d measure аррrох mately 22 |2а:27:29]сm, (Br/a [97,:] ф/аi117,]iп), асrоsý at this point,

Shape ArmhoIes Work 4 [5i5iбl rоWS dec 1 st at each end of every rоW' You W now have 44 [48]54]58l оп the needle, '* Work on these 44 [48i54i5В] StS unt the armholes mеаSUrе 7 [8:9:10]сm, (2Зl4 [Зi З7ri4]iп) Straight down from the top of the needle to the beginning of the аrmhоlе shaping (don't meaýUre around the curve), fn Shing atter а Wrопg Side row.

Neck Shaping Beg ппiпg Wth the right Side of the Wоrk fac ng уоu divide for the песk as fo oWS: Patt 14 [15:17:19], turn, Slip rеmаiпiпg З0 Р3i З7:З9] StS onto а Stitch ho der, YoU Will соmе back to these З0 [З3iЗ7iЗ9] StS later to Work The SeLo^o side о' ^ес., WorK а furtner 2 rоWs dec 1 ýt at песk edge in every гоW YоU Wi] поW have 12 l1З]15:17] Sts оп the пееdlе, Work 5 rows straioht.


otf ]n patt,

то work the second side of the neck rеturп the 30 [ЗЗiЗ7:З9] StS eft оп а stitch hо]dеr onto lhe main needle, W th the right Sde of the Wo,L, t.L^9 r'oL, S о firчт '6.1B:20i20] 5t5 onto а st]tch holder апd ]eave at centr-" back of the neck you will come back to these lб [18 20:20J StS ldle. Iоr песk ео9, 9, qеjо ^ уаrп 1о the remaining 14 [15 ] 7:] 9] Stý and pat1 to end, Wогk а fudher 2 roWS decreas no 1 st at neck edqe ln every rоW' You Wi] поW ha/e 12 {'о l5, 7 SLs оп Ihе ^еео е, Wo,. 1 row Straght,

Shoulder Edging change to уоUr Sma er need]es апd Work

8 rows in stockinq stitch, cast off,


15:17] StS оп the needle Work 7 [7|7:11l гоWS straght, cast off in patt

work the front aS 0 чеп fоr Back Unti front iS 8 [8 8|12] rows less than Back to neck

SLEEVES (Both alike)

Shap nq,

Neck Shaping Beg nn пg With the right side of the Work fac]ng you, divde for the neck aS fo ows:- Patt 17 [18:20i22], turn slip гегпапп927 |З0: З4:З6] StS onto а Stitch hоldег, YoU Will соmе back to these 27 [З0 З4:З6] StS ater to Work the second ýide of neck, patt 1 rоw back then Work 2 roWS dec 1 st at neck edge in every гоW. YoU Wil] поW have 15 [16:1В:20] StS оп the needle. work а further 5 rows dec 1 st at neck edge in ]St, Зrd апd 5th rows. YoU Will ^oW ho /е ' 2 ,'З:] э: l 7] bts о- the геео е, Worb З [З:З:7l rows straight,

Shoulder Edging Сhапgе to уоuг smaller need еý and proceed aS fo oWý:-

Wоrk 3 roWS n Stocking Sttcl], Next RoW. Р2, caýt off 1 St, р4 [5i6]7] cast off 1 St, р2 [2:Зj4],

Next RoW. КЗ [З]4:5], cast оп cast on 1 St, k2

1 St,

k5 [6:7:В],

Веgiпп пg Wth 2nd rоW of Stocking stitch Work

З roWS, cast off, то work the ýecond side of the neck return the 27 [30iЗ4:З6] StS left оп а Stitch holder onto the mап need е. Wth right Side of the Wоrk facng you, S]p flrst 10 [12:14:14] StS onto а stitch holder and leave at centre front of the пе.I Yo- Wi||corre bacl. to these l0 [12i 14|14] StS later for песk edg пg, Rejo n уаrп to the remaining 17 |1В 2a|221Sts and patt to end, patt ] rоw back then work 2 rows dec 1 ýt at песk edge in every rоW' You W поW have 15 [16]1В:20] Sts оп the need е, Wоrk а

'_4ne'5 roWSo^(, ь- а, necledge,,5т,

Зrd and sth rowý. You


поW have 12 [1З:

Using уочr smaler needleý cast оп З7 [З7i З9:41] StS, Work З roWS п 1х1 r Ь as set for Back. 4th BoW. Rib to end increas]no 1 st ln сепtrе of row You Wi l now have зВ Iз8:40| 42] StS оп the пееdlе, Proceed aS follows:'1 ýt RoW. Кпit, 2nd RoW, PUr Bepeat 1ýt and 2nd roWS twice, Сhап9е to уоUr main needleý and Work the rеmаiпdеr of the seeve as follows|-

Pattern 1st RoW. К0 [0|] |2], рЗ, - k4, р3 repeat from ' to ast 0 [0:1|2] sts, k0 [0|1 i2], 2nd RoW. Р0 [0i1:2], ' kЗ, р4, repeat frогп * to ast З [З:4i5] StS, k3, р0 [0],1:2], These 2 rоWs forn,] patt, Wоrk 11 []З:19|31] roWS ncreasing 1 St at еасh end of 1St апd every fo oW ng 10th [6thi бthiбth] row (there W ll Ье 9 15:5:5] rоWS stra]ght between each increase row), You Wi l now l'ave 42 [а4:48:54, sis о1 I,е 1ееое, Work 12 [16:16i16] roWS ncreasing 1 st at each end of ']oth [8th:8th]Bth] and fol]ow пg 0 [8th]8th:Bth] row (there Wi] Ье 9 [7:7]7] rows Straght ЬеlWееп each ncrease row), YoU W ^oW ha,e д4 [4В:52:с8] \-S ог the ^ееое,


i,lout tunher shaoing L.T Ihе S,ee,e ls 1 5 [1 7|20i24]cm, (6 [67,:B:97r]in), finishin9 atter а Wrопg Side row Wo+,


Shape sleeve тор Wоrk 4 |5:5:6] rows dec J st at each end of every row Yоч will поw have зб [З8i42:46] ýtS оп 1he need е, расе marker threads at each end of ast row. These 4 [5i5i6] roWS W] match to 4 [5:5:6]


dесrеаSе rоWS оп body When Sewing the sleeve into armho е, Wоrk 0 [1:1:0] roWS Skа ght. cast ofi 2 [4]З:4] StS iп patt at Ьеgiппiпg of each of the next 2 [2:4|4] гоWS YouWll noW have 32 [3О:ЗOiЗ0] StS оп the needle. cast otf З 14:4:4] StS in patt at beginning of each of the next б [4:4:4] roWS, You WilI noW have 14 StS оп the needle, cast off rеmапiпq 14 sts п patt.


Jo п the right shoulder Seam thеп USing уоUr Sma ler needles and yarn р ck Up and kп t StS around neck Shaping aS follows:With riqht Side of the Work fac]ng уоu, pick Up and knit 7 StS ечеп]у down Side edge of Shoulder edging, '10 [10:10:14] StS evenly ,]0 front neck, of left Side down [12:14|14] StS Ieft оп а stitch hоIdег at сепtrе front neck, 14 [14|14:18] StS evenly Up right Slde of frопt песk, 7 StS evenly down right Side of back neck 16 [18i2О 20] StS left on а stitch holder at centre back neok and knt З Sts even у Uр eft Side of back neck and 7 StS еVепlу up Sde edge of Shoulder edging, You Wil] поW have 74 [78:82:90] StS оп the need]e, Beg]nning With 2nd rоW of Stocking St]tch Work

з roWS. Next RоW. К4 cast off 1 St, knlt to end, Next Rоw. Рurl to ast 4 StS, cast оп 1 St, р4, Wоrk 4 гоWS in Stocking Stitch,



то мАкЕ


Plac пq left front Shoulder edgin9 оVеr left back shoulder edging ioin together at Side edge, SeW Sleeve tops into armholeS гnatching the 4 [5:5:6] dесгеаSе rоWS оп the body to the 4 [515:6] decrease roWS marked at the beginnlng of the sleeve top, Join Side and pin out s]eeve sеаrпs, sew оп buttons, gагmепt to the measurernent glven and cover W\b dаг"р 0lоIпS unTJ dry,,e,er то oage 2).



See bal band for Washing and fudher care nstructions,

Back аrгпhоLе to Shou]der Shaping, fnishing after а Wrопg S de rоW


Shape Shoulder Next RоW. cast off 6 [6:7i8]


-Work aS qiven for the Back of Воаtеr Bill to Wo,|. о,,] Ihese 44 [/8:54:581 SlS Untl thp armhoLes гпеаSUrе 1О [1 ]i']2:]3]сm, (4 [4%i 4зlа:57а] п) Stra]ght down fгоm the top of the needle to the beqinning of the аrmhо е shapin9 (don't measure агоuпd the счrче), finish пg after а Wrong S de rоW

Shape ShoUlders cast otf б [6i7:8] sts in patt at Ьеgiппiпg of

next 2 roWS, YoU W]l поW have З2 [36:40:42] sts оп the need]e, cast off б [7:8:9] S,tS п patt at beginning of next 2 roWS. YoU Will по\N haye 2О |22|24|241 sts оп the need е. cast off remaininq 20 |22|24|241 sIs lп patt,


-B]l1 to Boater Back of for the aS Work Qiven Wоrk оп these 44 [4В:54|5В] StS until armholes

measure 2 I2|З|4]сг|, |ЗА |ЗА:lУа|1|2)iо), finishing after а Wrong Side rоW

Neck shaping Beginning With the right Side of the Work patt facing уоu, divide fоr the песk as fol]owsi,еrа 1 гg 2О |22 2Ы271, oalt2tog, rur", Slip 22 |24:21:29) StS onto а Stitch holder Yоu Wi]l согпе back to these 22124|27|29) StS later to work the second side of neck. yоu V'illl поw bave 2' [2]:26:28l STS о1 l^е need|e, Wo,|" 5 L5:7:7l rovls оес ' St al ,eck edge п every rоW, YoU Will поW have 16 [1B:19:21]StS оп the needle, Work а further 7 [9|7:7] roWS dec 1 St at песk edge п ]St апd every following ']2 [1Зl15:17] alternate rоW You Wil поW have sts оп the needle, а,rгl'оlе rгеаS.rеS Sa,ne aS Wor\ Stralg'']t


StS in patt, patt to

end. you w ll now h ave б [7]8i9] sts оп the needle,

Next RoW. Patt.

cast off remaining б [7:8i9] StS in patt, то work the second side of the neck return the 22 |24:27:29] StS left оп а Stitch holder onto the mаiп пееd е. Wlth right Side of the Wоrk faclng уоu, re]oin уаrп and patt2tog, patt to end. You WiIl now have 21 |2З]26:28] StS on the needle, Wоrk 5 [5:7:7] rоWS dec 1 St at гес" бо9е г every,oW YoJ W', гоW l,ave 16 [18:']9:21]StS оп the пееdlе, Work 7 [9:7|7] roWS dec J St at neck edge in 1St and every follow по alternate rоw you will поw have 12 [13:15i] 7] StS оп the пееdlе, Wo,k Slra9l-t ,.1| а,гг,оlе ,]еаSUrеS Sаr,е aS Back armhole to Shoulder Shap]n9, finiýhing аftеr а right Side rоW,

Shape shoulder Next RoW. cast of б Jбi7:8] Sts in patt, patt to end, Yоu Will now have б I7|8i9] StS оп the need е. Next Rоw. Patt, cast off rеmаiп]пg б l7:В:9] StS п patt.

sLEEVES (Both alike) Work aS qiчеп for the SleeVeS of Boater В

NEcK EDGlNG Left side


Using your Smaller needles pick up and kп t StS for песk edging aS fol]owsiW]th the rght Side of the Work facing you, plck Uр апd knit 26 [28;28:2В] StS evenly down left Slde of песk to centre of V Ве9 пп ng With 2.о row о' Slochlg St tcr wor[ 9 roWS,



Captain Cardie & Boater ВоЬ



Right Side Join right shouldsr seam then USiпg уоur smaller needles pick Uр and knit Stý for песk edging aS followsiWith the right Side of the Wоrk facing you and ýtarting at centre of v pick Up and knit 26 [28: 28:28] StS ечепlу Uр гight side of front neck апd 2О L22|24|24] sls lrom cast off sts at back of neck, YoU Wil] поW have 46 [5О|52i52] sts


оп the needle, Beginning With 2nd row of stocking ýtitch Work 9 roWS.



то мАкЕ UP

Join left shoulder and лесk edging Seams.

SeW sleeve topý into armholes matching the

4 [5i5:6] decrease rоWý оп the body to the 4 [5:5|6] decrease rоWS marked at the beginning of the sleeve top, Join side and Sleeve Seams, P]acing left over right SeW neck edging in poýition, Pin out garment to the mеаsчrеmепt given and сочеr With damp cloths until dry (reier to page 2). See ba]l band for Washing and furthеr саrе inýtructions.

-с оФ ф ,..



с! Фг





Ел тт ýБ


124|27 |29]сm

(8Vп |9|z:


Ф/д : 1



22 |24|27 |29]сm |8ЗА |9Vа:


Ф/а : 1





LittIe Margot and Little Anna Wraps worked in Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk





то fit chest


Actual Size


17 19

FUll length (approximately) % Sleeve leпgth


Сар sleeve length п/]АтЕRlАLS Little Margot Wrap К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere mеriпо silk dk shade 'l95 puzzle Little Аппа Wrap К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere mеriпо silk dk shade 194 seesaw


cm cenlimetes dk doube kn tting g graтmes in inch(es), k Knil mm m netTes, 0 no stitchies), t гпеs or го,л,s, р p.]i, st(s) Sttch(es), tog together K2tog .Scr-t the right hand neede throllgh the 2nd апс ] st st]tches оп the eft hand need е

yоu will also пеёd 1 pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) knitting needles for the main knitting {or the size required to give the соrrёсt tension), 1 Pair ot З%mm (UKl0 - USАЗ) knitting пееdlёs for the edgings (or а needle 2 sizes smaller than уоu use for the mаiп knitting). Bibbon and press fastener for Little Margot Wrap, 2 buttons for Little Anna Wrap.



л lo , пi d l." о, scJare, Using 4mm needles cast оп 22 stitches and Work 28 rows in stocking stitch (1 row knit, '| row рurl). This should now ,о^<'о, measure 10сm. (4in) square, l, , , Р 9ase Iоr е


lle |lrr'

sг't the соrrесt Width



ease refer to раq-" 2

and kп t them together to fоrгп а s ng е St tch, PsSo pass S pped Sttch cver oess th,o S pped St tch from the nghi hand needle over


ii ^,, о-,.,д


YfWd сrпq уаrп to front bet\r'r'een need es tr]en :ake yarn очеr the top о' the r]ght hand need е iп form а s поLё sttch 51 S с one St tch kn tways nsear the rght hand necd е into next st tch as f tc kn]t but ]Ust S ip t ofi tr]е left hand needle cnto tre r]gr]t hand needle Wthout Work пg,

circle the Size you Wish to make L|TTLE MARGOT WRAP вАск

L]Slng уоUr Sгпа еr need eS cast о,] 67 [79|

6-12 months 46 18 48




20 54

56 22 59




11у, 16


20 8

cm in



сm ln


10 4 2

















50g balls





50g balls



W] Ье tlre right S de of Work - rS), К], - ,4Wd k5, pass 4tb, Зrd 2пd апо ] St Sts ove, sth st, !,fwd, k] , repea: tcm " tc erd YoL] W now havc,15 [5З:57 65] sts оп tre гееd е Prcceed aS 1о ows] 1st Row. ' К] , р1 , гереаt frогп to ast st, k1 ThS rоч/ fоrтS a]oss Sttch, v/ork 8 roWS ]п moss-Sttch ncreas ng 2 sts even у асгоss ast row for ] st апd Зrd Sizes on]y. Vоu !^/ поV/ have 47 [5з]59:65l sts о. 1st RоW.


о, , -пd, ,, ёо|ос ,,d \о+,оiп Stock пg sttch fоr rema пdег of back ,J,/o,k ]в []8iз2 з8] rows, The back Shou d поW measure apprcХ matey


21,5 [24:27:ЗO]спr, (8rl, [9|r:10',/а]] across at th S polnt,

Shape Аrmhоlеs

] З,/r]iп)

Work 4 :5 5:6] rows decreas ng ] St at еа.г enc о'е,",еry гоw You W now have З9 [4з: 49:5З] Sts оп tle need е Work оп tгеsе З9 [4З:49 5Зl StS Unt аrгпhоеs гпеаsUте

10 [1 1 :12:1З]сm, (4 [47а 4%:57а]]п), stra ght down from the top of the need е to the beg ппiпg of armhoie Shaping (don't measure аrоUпd the сurче), finishing аftеr а purl rоW'

Shape ShoUldeБ Cast off 4 [5:6 7] sts at beginning of пехt 2 rowý. YoU Wil now have З1 [3З:З7 :З9] Sts оп the needle, cast off 5 [5|6 7] StS at beginning of next 2 roWS. You Wil now have 21 [2Зi25 :25] StS оп the needle, cast ofi remaining 21 [2З|25i25] StS,

LEFT FRОNТ Using уоur ýmaler need еý cast on 49 [55: 61i67] Sts, 1st Row. (this Wil] Ье the r]ght Side of Work rs) k], '},fwd, k5, pass 4th, 3rd 2nd and 1St StS over 5th St, \,,fwd k1, repeat fгоm ' to епd, You W l поW have З3 [З7i4l i45] StS оп the needle, Work 9 roWS iп moýS Stitch псrеаs пg 0 [1: 2:З] StS even у acroýý ast rоW. YoU Will now have 3З [З8|4З:48] StS оп the needle, Сhапgе to your mа]п лееdlеS and proceed aS followsi

Shape Front 1st RoW. Кпit to ast 7 StS, k2tog (front edge), (k] , р] ) twice, k] , YoU Will now have З2 [З7

42|47] Stý an the пееd]е, 2nd BoW. К1, (р1, k1) twice, рurl to епd, 1St апd 2nd roWS form Stocking-Sttch, front Shaping and moss-st tch border, Keeping continuity of Stock ng-St]tch and moSS-Sttch border Work 16 I16:20|22] roWS dесrеаS п9 1 St at front edge aS before n 1St and every folowing altefnate row. Yоu W поW t]ave 24 [29|З2iЗ6] sts оп the need е,

For Зrd and 4th sizes only '1 st RoW. Knit to last 7 sts, k2tog, (kl, р1) twice k,1, YoU Will now have [Зl:З5l StS оп пееdlе, 2nd RоW. К1, (р], []) twlce, pUrlto end,


Зrd Rоw. Кп t to last 5 StS, (k1 , р1) tW се, k] 4th RoW. К1 , (р1 , k]) tW се, purl to епd,


1st to 4th rоW forms front shaping, Repeat frогп 1St to 4th row [1i2] times then ]St апd 2nd roWS опсе, You Wil now have [29:З2] StS оп the пееdlе,

Fоr all 4 Sizes

Shаре Armhole 1st Rоw. K2tog (armhole edge), knit to last 5 [7 5 5] StS, (k2tog) 0 [1:0:0] times (k1, р1) twice, k] . YoU Wi] now have 2З [27|28|З1] StS

оп the needle, 2nd RoW. К1 (р1 kl)twice, рur to LaSt 2 StS, p2tog. YоU Wil] поW have 22 [26:27:З0] StS оп the пеёdlе, Wогk 2 [ЗiЗ:4l гоWs decreasing 1 St at SA\.4t ll\,4r arnho,e edge i,] every rоw decreasing 1 St at front edge aS before п 1St and fo owing 0 [2nd:Oio] гоW. You W] поW have 19 [21 i2З|25] StS оп the needle,


Fоr 2пd size опlу Work 3 rоWS decreasing 1 st at fгопt edge only aS before n 2nd row Yоu W lпоW have [20] Sts оп the need е.

For all 4 sizes Кеер пg armhoe edge Straight Work 19 [17 22:21] гоWS decreas пg 1 St at fгопt edge aS oefo,e in З.d ['ýIi2nd:lSt] a^d eve1 Ъl]о"чпq 4th rоW YoU Wll now have 14 [15:17:]9] Stý оп tle ,eed е, Wo,k straghт Until frо^т drmhoA measures same as back armhoe to shoulder Shap пg, fin ýh пg atter а pur row

Shape ShoUlder '|st RoW. cast off 4 [5]6:7] sts, pattern to end YoU W ll поW have 10 [10]11i12] Stson the needle, 2nd BoW. Pattern

Зrd Bow. cast off 5 [5iб 7] Sts, (р], k1) tw]ce, you \\7ill now have 5 sts on the needle, 4th RоW. К1 , (р1 , k]) twice, cast оп 1 St (cast on St to Ье USed fоr Sewing Ьоrdеr to back o,f neck), You Will now have б StS оп the needle,

sth Row. (Р1, k1) З times, бth Bow. (К1, р1) З times,

5th and бth roWS form moss-Stitch, continue in moss-stitch until border s of sufiiclent length to fit hаlf\л/ау асrоýs back of neck, finish]ng after а Wгопg S]de row CaSt ofi in moss-Stitch,

RlGHT FRоNт Uý.q уоur sг d le, пеео eS cdst о" 19


61:67] StS, 1ýt RoW. (thiý Wil Ье the right Side of Work - r9 k1, 'yl.!,r'd, k5, paSS 4th, Зrd 2пd ald'St SlS о\,еr 5Ih St, yf\дd, Ь1, lереаt'эrг to end, YoU Wi now have 33 [37:41:45] StS оп the need е Wогk 9 roWS in moss St tch псrеаs пq 0 [1 i 2|Зl StS eveniy across ]ast row You Will поW have 3З |ЭВ:4Э:4В] StS оп the пееdlе, change to уоur main need eS and proceed as


Shape Frопt **

1St Bow. К1, (р1, kT) twce, S1, k], pSSo (front edge), kn t to end. YoU Will now have З2 IЗ7|42|47] Sts on the needle, 2пd RоW' РUr to ast 5 StS, (k1, р1) twice, k] 1st and 2nd гоws form moss stitch border front Shaping and Stock п9 Stitch, Кеер пg cont nuity of moSS-Sttch Ьогdеr апd Stocking stitch Work 16 |16:20]22] roWS decreasing 1 St at front edge aS Ьеiоrе iп 1St and every following alternate rоW, YoU Will have 24 [29iЗ2iЗбl StS оп the пееd е

Fоr Зrd and 4th sizes опIу 'lst RоW. К], (р1, k1) twce, S1, k], pSSo, knit to end, Yоu Will поW have [Зl i35] sts оп the need е. 2пd RoW. РUrl

to ast 5 sts,

(k1 , рТ ) tW



Зrd Row. К1 , (р1 , k]) tW се knit to епd, 4th RoW. Purlto ast 5 Sts, (k1, pl)twice, k]


1st to 4th row fоrгпý front Shaping, Repeat fгоm 1St to 4th row [1|2] times then 1st and 2nd rows опсе. you w ll поw have [29|З2l StS оп the needle.


Fоr all 4 Sizes

shape Armhole

1st Rоw. К1 , (р1 , k1) twice, (S1, k1 , pSSo) 0 [1|OlO] times, knit to last 2 StS, k2tog (аrrлhое edge), You Will поW have 2З [27: 2ВlЗ'1] StS оп the need е, 2nd Rо$,/. P2tog, рud to last 5 StS (kl, р1) twice, k1 , You Will now have 22 [26:27iЗ0] StS

оп the needle, Wo1 2 [3 з:а] ,ows decreaslng l St а1 front edge aS before in 1St and follow]ng 0 [2ndi0:0] row АТ SAME T|ME decreasing 1 St at armhole edge in every rоW, YoU W ll поW have 1s |21|2З|251sts оп the пееdlе,

Fоr 2nd size опlу Work З ,oWS dесrеаSiгg ' St al t,onl edge you will now have опIу as before iп 2nd rоw. [20] sts оп the needLe.

Fоr all 4 Sizes

Keeping armhole edge stralght Wоrk 19l17i 22|21] roWS decreasing 1 St at front edge aS Ье'о,е iг зrd [1St:2гd: lSll апо every lollowlng 4th rоW. You Will now have 14 [15:17|,19] StS оп the need е, Work Straght untilfront armhole mеаSUгеS Sагпе aS back аrmhоlе to Shou]der Shap пg, iinish]ng after а knit rоW,

Shape Shoulder 1st Rоw. cast ofi 4 [5:6]7] Stý, pattern to end. Yоu Will поW have 10 [10:1 1 i12] sts оп the needle, 2nd BoW. Pattern, 3rd RоW. caSI oft 5 15:6:7] StS, {о1, k') Iwice YoU W]ll now have 5 StS on the needle, 4th RоW' К,1, (р1 , k1) twice, cast оп 1 ýt, (cast оп St to Ье USed for sewing border to back of neck), You Will now have б Sts оп the needle, 5th RoW. (Р1, k1) 3 times. бth Rоw. (К1, р1) З tirnes, 5th апd бth rоWs form moss-Stitch, continue n ггоS5-SIitсь _ntil boroer iS о' Suftcient lenqth to fit hali\дay асrоSS back of


neck, finishinq аftеr а Wrong Side row -' cast off in rnoss-Stitch,

SLEEVES (both alike)

Using уоu Smаlеr needles cast оп 55 [55:

55i6l]StS, ,lst RоW. (th]S Will Ье the right Side of

' yfwd. k5, pasý

4th, Зrd, 2пd апd 1St StS оVеr 5th St, уt\л/d, k1, repeat frоm ' to end, Yоu Will поW have 37 [З7:З7:41]StS on the needle. Work 7 rоWS п moSS Stitch, increasing 2 StS on last row fоr 3rd sze only, YoU Wi]l now have З7 [З7 З9i41] StS оп the пееd е. cl-ange Iо }oL, ma|^ need е> ald Wo,L,ing ,п Stocking-Stitch Work 15 [17:21:29] roWS increas ng 1 St at each епd of 7th [5th]9thi5th] and every following Bth [6th:6th:Bth] row (there Will Ье 7 [5:5i7] rоWS Straight between each increase row), Yоu Wil now have 41 [43:45i49] sts оп the needle, Wоrk Without further Shарlпg untll the Sleeve iS '10 [11i13:16]сгп, (4 14r д:5l/аiбr/а]iп), fniShing Wor]<


rS), К1,

after а рur row.

shape Sleeve Тор

-- Wоrk 4 at each [5:5:6] roWS decreasing 1 St end ot ечеrу row. YoU W,l ,oW have ЗЗ [ЗЗ, З5iЗ7] StS оп the need е, place mагkег threads at each end oi last row, These 4 [5i5|6] roWS WilI match to the 4 [5:5i6] decrease roWS оп body When Sewing the sleeves nto the armholes, Work 0 11:1 ,0] roWS Wlthout Shap п9, CaSt off 2 StS at Ьеqiппiпg of each of neXt 2 [2:6i4] roWS, YoU Wil поW have 29 [29| 2З|29] StS оп the needle. cast off З StS at beginning of each of next

8 [8:6i8] rоWS, you wi l поw have 5 sts оп the need е, *' cast off remaininq 5 StS,

то мАкЕ UP

Joln both shoulder seams Jain side and S eeve Seams, SeW Sleeve tops into armholes match пg the 4 15:5:6] decrease roWS оп thё

body to the 4 15:5|6] decrease roWS marked at the Ьеgiппiпg of the Sleeve top. Join border Seam апd plac п9 Seam to centre back of neck SeW Ьоrdеr in pobition tO ]eft and r]ght pin fronts, sew оп press tаstепеr and ribbons, out gаrmепt to the mеаsurеmепt given and cover With damp cloths unti dry (rеfег to page 2), See Ьа] band for Washjng and further саге instructions,


Wo h aS gi\en 'o,lhe Вас|, о- Lilt|e \Уа,9о' Wrap,

LEFT FRONT work as oiven for the Left Front of Little Маrgоt Wrap.


Using your Smаllеr need eS cast on 49 [55: 6,1:67] sts, ,lst RоW. (th S Will Ье the right Side of Work - rS) k1, ' },fwd, k5, paSS 4th, Зrd, 2пd and 1St Sts очеr sth St, Л4/d, k1 , rереаt from to end. YoU Will поW have ЗЗ [З7:41i45] StS on the needJe, wоrkз rows п moss-stitch Next RоW. К1, р1, caýt off 1 St, moss-stitch ,12 [15:18:21], cast off ] St, пross-St]tch 15 [16:17:18], Next Rоw. N,4oss-stitch 16 |17]18;19], cast on 1 St, moss-Stitch 1З [16:19:22], cast оп 1 St,

р1, k1, Work 4 rоWS п mQss-Stitch increasing 0 IT ] 2:З] Stý evenly across LaSt rоW, Yоu Wi l поW have З3 [З8:4З]48] ýtS оп the пееd е, Сhапgе to your main needleý and ргосееd aS foloWS|-

Shape Frопt complete from


to "- aS given for Right Front

oi Little Margot Wrар,

SLEEvES (Both alike}

Using уоUr sma lеr needles cast оп 61 [6']: 67i7З] StS,

stocking-stitch proceed aS followý;-

1st Rоw. (this Will Ье the right side of

k1, yfwd, k5, paSS 4th, Зrd, 2nd

- €) and lst Sts Work


очеr sth st, уf\л/d, k1 , rереаt from to end, You Will now have 41 [41:45:49] StS оп

Shapo Sl€€ve Тор complete from -- to -- aS given for S|eeves of

the needle, Work 7 rowý in mosý-st increasing 2 sts ечепlу а]опg last row for 2пd size only, YoU Will поW have 4,1 [4Зi45:49] sts оп the needle. change to уоUr main ne€d]es and Working in

Little lvlargot Wrap,

то мАкЕ UP Join both shoulder seams, Join side and Sleeve seams. SeW sleeve tops into armholes

mаtсhiпg the 4 [5:5i6] decreaýe rows оп the body to the 4 I5i5:6] decrease rows mark€d at the beginning of the Sleeve top. Join Ьоrdеr Sсаrп and placing seam to centre back of neck SeW border in position Using cast оп St, SeW оп buttons. Pin out garment to the mеаSurеmепt given апd cover With damp cloths until dry (rЫеr to page 2). S€е ball band for Wash]ng and further саrе instructions.



NT: ёý

ýlt) ё ]. Nco ь_

21 ,5


|8З/а |gY2



ОЗА : 1


3,s lс'rs lт:ч?



tеэ деа





Captain Gardie and Little AdmiralWeskit


то Fit chest


worked in Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere mеriпо silk dk

Actual size







18 24



24 38




15 6






50g ballS



50g balls 50g ball 50g ball


уоUr Square ]Sn't the Соrrесt Wdth р ease rеfеr to page 2 AS опg aS yol] knit stockng stjtch at the above tenson the tenslon over the rь and cable patterns should Ье 30 stitches and 28 roWS to 1Осm, (4iп), using 4mm пёеdlеS.

yоч will also пееd ,| pair of 4mm (UK8 - USA6) Knitting Needles for the main knittin9 (or the size required to give the соrrёсt tenýion), 1 pair of ЗУ4mm (UK'l0 - USАЗ) Knitting Needles for front borders and edgings (or а needle 2 sizes smаllёr than уоu use for the main knitting). 1 З%mm (UK10 - USАЗ) 80cm circular Needle for the fюnt bordeБ (it required). саЬlё Needle. 4 [4:5:5] buftons.


Please take а lttle time поW to kn t а Stocking st]tch tепSоп squаге, Using 4mm needles cast on 22 stitches and work 28 юWs in stocking stitch (,| row knit, 1 row purl). This



сm cent metres, cN cable needle, dk doub]e knitting, g grаmrпеS, in inch(es), k knit, mm mi] imetres, о по stitches, times or гоWs, р purl, st(s) sttch(es), tog together, wS Wrong Sde,

пSеrt the right hand пееdlе tr]rоugh the 2ncl and ]st stitches оп the left hand need е and kn]t them together to form а S]ng е Sttch,


P2tog nsert the right hand пееd е purLways

through the 1st and 2nd stitches оп the e-ft hand пееd|е and pur them together to fоrm а single St tch, Rib2tog f 2nd Sttch оп lelt hand need е S to be'knit' then k2tog, if itЪ to be'pur then


ТЗВ slip neХt

ýt to back on

cN, k2 then




MATERlALS captain cardie KoO,t Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk ,19з sailor Ьluе shade Little Admiral Weskit КOО'1 SUblime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk 2 colour А shade 192 teddy red ,160 1 rubadub colour В shade 1 colour с shade 03 vanilla

should now measure 10сm, (4in), Square.



Sleeve Length



56 22


Full Length

6-12 months 46 18


32 12у2











1 1

from cN. Т3F Sl р next 2 sts 1о front оп cN, р1 then k2 1rom cN, Т5В Slip next З StS to back оп cN. k2 then р1 k2 frогп cN,

circle the size you Wish to make cAPTAlN cARDlE вАск US ng уоUr main needles cast on 69 [77:


Pattern 1st Rоw. (this Will lэе the right s de of the Wоrk - rs) Р1 [0 0|2], k2 [2|0:2]. ' рз, k2, repeat frогп to ast 1 [0:Зi2] StS, р1 [0:З:2], 2nd RoW. К1 I0|З]2] р2, k3, repeat frогп 'to last З [2 Оi4] Sts, р2 [2:0:2], kl [0i0|2] зrd and 4th RоWs. д" lsl апо 2nd row5, sth RоW. (Р2, k2) 0 [0:0]1] t mes, (р1, ТЗF, р1, ТЗВ) 1 [0:0:0] t mes, рЗ I0:З]З], k2, ' рЗ, ТЗЕ р1, Т3В, рЗ, k2, repeat from 'to ]ast 11 [0iЗ:7] StS, рЭ [О|З:З], [гЗt, р1, ТЗВ, р]) 1 [OiOiO]t]mes, (k2, р2) 0 [0:0il]tmes,

бth Rоw' (К2, р2) 1 Ю]Oil]tmes, (k], р2) 1 [0:0:0] tmes, k4 [0iЗi3], - р2 k4, (р2, kl) twice, kЗ, rереаt from " to last 13 [2 5i9] StS, р2, k4 [0:З:З], (р2, k] ) 1 [0|0:0] times, (р2, k2)

1 [0]0il]tmes, 7th RoW. (Р2, k2) 0 [0:0:1]tmes, (р2, Т5В) 1 |0]0:0] tmes, р4 [0:З:З], k2, - р4, Т5R, р4, k2, rереаt 1rоrп - to last 1Т [0iЗ|7] StS, р4 Ю] З|З], [t5R, р2) 1 [0i0 0] times, (k2, р2) 0 Ю: 0:'1] times. 8th Rоw. AS бth row gth RоW. (Р2, k2) 0 [0:0:1ltmes, (р1, тзв, р1, ТЗD ] [0|0i0] times рЗ [0|Зi3], k2, 'рЗ, -ЗГ pJ, k2, €peat +от ' то |ast TJB, 11 [0 З|7] Sts рЗ [0|З:З], ОЗВ, р], ТЗЕ р1) 1 Ю:0:0] t mes, (k2, р2) 0 [0:0:1] times, 10th and 1,|th RoWS. AS 2nd and эrd roWS, 12th Row. К1 [0:З:2], 'р2, k3, repeat from to last З [2:0i4l sts, р2 |2:0i2l, k1 [0:0:2l, These 12 roWS iопп 2хЗ гiЬ W]th cable panels,


Repeat them once mоrе and then 1St to 1Oth roWS again,

Rib Раttёrп 1st Bow. Р1

[0:З 2], ' k2, рЗ, repeat from last З [2i0:4l StS, k2 Р]Oi2], р1 [0:0i2],

t to

2nd Row. КТ [0|0i2], р2 [2i0:2],'kЗ, р2,

rереаt from - to last 1 [0:3:2] ýtS, k1 [0:3:2]. These 2 roWS form rib, work in r Ь fоr the геmаiпdеr of the back as follows: contnue until back measures 14 [16i19: 24]сm, |5У, IбУа:7|,|9У,] n), finishing atter а WS rоW so that the right Side of the Work faces уоU for the Ьеа ппiпо of аrmhое Shaping, The back Should гпеаSUrе approximatey

2З [26i28iЗO]сm, (9 [10%:] 1i11%]iп), across at this point.


Shape Armholes Work 9 [1 1 |12|15] rowý decreas пg 1 St at each end of every row, Yоu Wil] now have 51 [55i59i61] StS оп the needle, Continue Without Shap пg Until аrгпhоlеs measure 1 0 [1 2: 1 3i 1 4]спr, |4 |4З/а |5|а |5|,lin), ýtгaight down from the top of the need е to the

Ьеgiппiпg of the armho е shap пg (don't гпеаsurе aTound the сurче), f]n Sh пg аftеr а Wý

shape Shoulders cast ofi 7 [7:7:В] StS in riЬ at beg nning оf next 2 rоWS YoU W] поW have з7 [41i45i45l StS оп

Rib Pattern '|st RоW. Р1 [0:З:2] 'k2, рЗ, гереаt from'to last З Sts, k2, рТ


2nd Row. К1, р2, ' kЗ, р2, repeat from t to ast 1 [0|З 2] StS, k1 Ю:З:2], тhеsё 2 roWS fогm rb, work in rib for the remaincJer of the left front as

the needle, cast off 7 [7:8:8] sts iп riЬ at beg nning of next 2 roWS, YoU W] now have 2з [27:29i29l sts оп the needle, cast off rеmа п пg 2З [27i29]29l sts iп гiЬ,



You Wi] поW have 28 [З2|З5i39] StS on the need е. Wolk З rоW, то,е оесrеаSlпg l St ат а.rг-оlе edge iп every rоW. You Will now have 25 [29] з2:збl sts on the neeclle

Using уоur ma n need es cast оп 29 [З3:36:40]


Pattern 1st RоW. (this Will Ье the гght side of the Work в) Р1 [0|0:2], k2 [2|0|2], - рЗ, k2,

repeat from ' to last ýt, р1 2nd BoW. К1 , " р2, kЗ, repeat from - io last З [2|0:4] StS, р2 [2:0:2], k1 J0:0:2], зrd апd 4th RoWs. AS 1st and 2пd rows. 5th RоW. (Р2, k2) 0 [0:0:1] times, (р1, ТЗЕ р1 Т3В) 1 [0|0:0] times, рЗ [0:З:З], k2, ' рЗ, ТЗF, р1, ТзВ, рз, k2, repeat from " to last St, р1, бth RоW. К1, - р2, k4, (р2, k1) tw]ce, k3, ,1З repeat from 'to ast I2:5i9] StS, р2, k4 [0: 3:З], (р2, k1)1 [0:0i0] tmes, (р2, k2) 1 [0:0:1] times. 7th RoW. (Р2, k2) 0 [0:0:1] tiгlres, (р2, I5R) Т [0 0]0] tiгпеS, р4 [0]З:Э], k2, ' р4, Т5В, р4 k2, repeat frоrп ' to ]аSt St, р1, 8th RоW' AS бth rоW. gth RoW. (Р2, k2) 0 [0 0:1] times, (р1, Т3В, р1, ТЗF) 1 Ю:OiO] tiпres, рЗ [0|З|З], k2, ' рЗ, ТЗВ, р1 ТЗЕ рЗ, k2, repeat from - to ast St,

р1, 10th and 11th RoWs. As 2nd and Зrd roWS 1Дh RoW. К1, - р2, kЗ, rереаt from - to laýt З [2 0|4] StS, р2 [2:0:2], k1 [0:0:2] These 12 roWS 1опп 2хЗ rib With саЬ е рапеlS. Repeat thеrп опсе гпоrе апd then lst to 1oth roWS аоа n

cont пuе until left front measuTes same as back to аrmhоёs finishing after а WS rоW. '-

Shape Armhole Next Row. R b2to9 (armhole edge), riЬ to end,

Neck Shaping 1st RоW. Bib2tog, rib to ast 5 StS, p2tog, k2, р1 (песk edge), You Wil now have 23 [27: ЗO:З4] StS оп the need е. 2nd BoW. К1 р2, k1, riЬ to ast 2 Sts, rib2tog, You Wil] now have 22 [26:29:ЗЗ] ýtS оп the

3rd RоW. Bib2tog, rib to laýt 4 [5]5:5] StS, р1 [0:0|0], (p2tog) 0 [1il i]] t mes, k2, р1, You Wil] поW have 21 [24:27|31] StS оп the need е,

4th Rоw. К1, р2, k1, rib to ast 2 StS, rib2tog, Yоu Wil now have 20 [2Зi26|З0] sts оп the need е,

Work ] [Зi4:7] rоWS decreasing J St at а,rгhо]е edge T every ro\]! А- SAME Тlп,4Е decreasing 1 St at neck edge aS before оп пехt апd following 0 [0:2nd]4th] row YoU W l поW trоvе 18 []9i2Oi2]] 5|S оп 11е пеео е, Wоrk ]6 |1В:19:1В] rows decreasing 1 St at песk edge оп у as before in 4th Рпd:Зrdi2пd] and every follow пg 4th rоW You W now have 14 [14:15:]6l Sts оп the пееdlе, Work оп these ] 4 [14:15:16] StS unt L left front mеаsurеý ýаmе as Back to shou der shaping, finishino after а ws row,


Shape Shoulder Next Bow. cast off 7 [7|7:В] StS iп rb, rb to епd. You Wil поW have 7 [7:В:8] sts оп the needle, Next RoW. Bib, cast off rеmаiпiпg 7 |7|8|В] StS in rib,


US пg your mаiп needles cast оп 29 [ЗЗ,З6:а0] stS,

Pattern 1st RoW.

the right Side of the р3, k2, гереаt trom to

(th S Will Ье


Work - Б) Р1, k2, ast 1 ЮiЗi2] StS, р1 [0:З:2]. 2пd RоW. К1 [0:3i2], р2, kЗ, repeat from ' to last 3 StS, р2, k1 , зrd апd 4th RoWý, AS 1St and 2пd rowý, sth Rоw. Р1, k2, ' рз, ТЗЕ р1, ТзВ, рз, k2, repeat "o.т] 'to las| 11 lO:J:/] StS, рЗ [0:З,Зl [ГЗЕ р l , ТЗВ p1l ' I0,0:0l I,neS. rk2, р2)

0 [0:0il]times, бth RоW' (К2, р2) 1 [0|0|1] times, (k1, р2) 1 [o:o|o]t mes, k4 [0:З|З], ' р2 k4,(p2,k1) twce, kЗ, rереаt frогп to last З Sts, р2 k1, 7th RоW. Р1, k2, р4, Т5R, р4, k2, repeat frоm to last 1,1 [0:З]7] StS, р4 [0|З|3], fI5R, р2) 1 [0i0:0] tгпеS, (k2 р2) 0 [0:0|1] tmes. 8th RоW' AS бth rоW' gth RоW' Р1, k2, - рЗ, Т3В, р1 , ТЗП рЗ, k2, repeat irom to ]ast 11 ю:зi7] StS, рз юiзiз], tтзВ, р1, Т3П р1) 1 Р:0:0] times, (k2, р2) 0 [0i0|1] times, 1oth апd 11th BoWs. AS 2пd and 3гd rоWS, * 12th RоW. К1 Ю]З|2], р2, kЗ repeat 1rоm to ast З StS, р2, k1, These 12 roWS forrn 2х3 rib With cable panels Rереаt them опсе rпоrе and thеп 1St to 10th rоWý а9а п,

Rib Pattern lst Rоw' Р1, " k2, рЗ, repeat fгоm - to ast 3 [2:0|4] StS, k2 |2|0:2], р1 [0i0:2], 2nd Row. К1 Ю|0|2], р2 [2:0:2], kЗ, р2, repeat from to last St, kl These 2 rоWS form r]b.



work in riь for the rema]nder of the riqht front as folows|-

continue uпt l right lront measures sагпе as back to аrгпhоlеS finishing after а WS rоW


Shape Armhole Next RoW. Rib to last 2 SlS, rib2tog (аrmhоlе edge), YоU will поw have 2в [З2|З5:З9] sts on the needle, Work З rоWS mоrе decreasing J St at аrгпhоlе edge iп every rоW YoU Wi] поW have 25 [29| 32:З6] StS оп the needle,

Neck Shaping

1St RоW. (песk edge) Р1 , k2, p2tog, riЬ to ast 2 StS, rib2tog, You Wil поW have 2З [27:ЗO|З4] sts on the пееdlе. 2nd RoW. Rib2tog, r Ь to last 4 StS, k,1 , р2, k,1 , YoU Will поW have 22126|29|ЗЗ] sts оп the пёеdlе. Зrd RоW. РТ, k2, (p2tog) 0 [1:1:1l t гпеS, р1 [ОiОiО], rib to last 2 StS, rib2tog, You Wll now have 21 J24i27iЗ1l StS оп the needle, 4th BoW. Rlb2tog, rib to last 4 StS, k1, р2, k1 Yоu W ll now have 20 [2З:26iЗ0] StS on the needle Work 1 IЗ:4i7] roWS decreas ng 1 St at песk edge aS before in nejt and folowlng 0 [0:2nd| 4th] rоW AI SАМF T|ML оесlеаSгg 1 "t at armhole edge iп every row, Yоч W ll now have 18 [19:20|21]StS оп the needle. Wо,h 16 [18:19:lB] ,oWS de(,easi-g l St at neck edge опlу aS before iп 4th [2пd|Зrdi2пd] and every folowing 4th row YoU Will now have 14 [14i15:16] StS оп the needle Wоrk оп these 14 [14|15:16] StS untl r]ght front measures sаmе as Back to shоuldег shaping, iinishing after а rS rоW,

shape Shoulder Next RоW. cast ofi 7 [7:7i8] StS iп

sLEEVES (Both alike)

Using your main needle s cast оп 49 [49:51:55] sts.

Pattern 1st RоW. (this W l Ье the right S de of the t Work Б) КО [0:0:1], р1 [] l2|З], k2, рЗ, k2, repeat from


last 1 11i2|4] StS,p] [1|2:з],

k0 [0:0:1], 2пd BoW. Р0 Ю|0:1], k1 [] i2]З], р2, kЗ, repeat frогO 'to ast 3 [З]4:6] StS, р2, k1 [1:2:Зl, р0 [0:0:1], 3rd and 4th BoWS. AS 'Sl апо 2^d rоws sth RоW. К0 Ю|0:1], р1 [1:2:З], k2, ' р3, ТЗЕ frоm tO ast 1 [1:2i4] k2, repeat ТЗВ, р1, рЗ, StS, р1 [] i2:З], k0 |0iOi1], бth RoW. Р0 [0:0:1], k] |1:2:З], ' р2, k4, t (р2, k1) twice, kЗ, repeat from to last З lЗ 4:6] sts, р2, kl |1|2|З], р0 I0i0|1], 7th RoW. КО [0:0|1], р1 11i2:З], k2, ' р4, T5R, р4, k2, repeat frоrп ' to last 1 {1:2:4] StS, р1 [1l2|З], k0 [0|0|1], 8th Rоw. AS бth rоW, gth RоW, КО |0|0:1], р1 [1:2|З], k2,'рЗ ТЗВ, р1, ТЗП р3, k2, repeat from 'to last 1 [1:2:4] StS, р1 [1i2]З], k0 Ю:0:1], ,11th RoWs. AS 2пd and Зrd roWS, 10th and ,12th HoW. Р0 [0:0]1], kl 11;2:З],'р2, kЗ, repeat from ' to ast З [З]4i6] StS, р2, k1 [1:2 З], р0 [0:0:1], These 12 roWS form 2х3 riЬ Wth саЬ е panels, Working ]п iЬ With cable рапе s Work 10 [5: siJ О] rоWS ncreasing 1 St at each end of next and every fo lowing 4th [2nd|2nd;4th] rоW (there W ll Ье З |1il lз] roWS Straight between each increase rоW) Working extra Stý in 2хЗ rЬ. You Wil now have 55 [55:57i61] StS оп the

need е,

rit], riЬ to

епd, YoU Will now have 7 [7i8:8] StS on the needle. Next RоW. Rib. cast off rеmаiп пg 7 [7 В:В] sts п rih.

Fоr 2nd and Зrd sizes опlу Work 5 roWS iпсrеаSп9 1 St at each end of 4th row, Working ехtга sts in 2хз riь you wi] поW have 157|59] sts оп the needle.

Fоr a|l 4 sizeý


Rib Pattern

1St RoW. К1 [0:0:0], р3 Ю:1:2], - k2, рЗ, rереаt frоm - to ast 1 [2:3:4] StS, k1 12 2|2), р0 [0i1:2]. 2nd RoW. К0 [0:1:2], р1 12|2|2], " kЗ, р2, repeat frоrп ' to ast 4 I0:1:2] stý, kЗ I0:1 2] р1 [0|0:0]. These 2 rows form rib. work in rib for the rema nder of the sleeve as follows:Wоrk 9 "З:21:21] ,oW) ^cleas -9 ' S| dl each end of Зrd [1St]lst:lSt] and every following бth [4thi4th|4th] row (thеге W] Ье 5 [З:3|З] rows Straght between each increase rоW), Working increased StS n 2хЗ rt], You Will поW have 59 [65:71:7Зl sts оп the needle.

Fоr 4th size опlу Work 12 roWS ncreasing ,1 St а1 each end of бth and following бth rоW (there Wil Ье 5 roWS 5Il а ght Ьеlwееп each 1crease ,o!\,l, WoJ k ^g increased sts п 2хЗ rib, Yotr will now have [77] sts оп the nёedle,

Jo n both ShoU der Seams, With right s de of the Work fac пg you, Uý п9 уоUг sma er need eS оr с rсu]аr needle f required, Startng at ower edge of right front, pick up and knit 4З [4В:56:68] StS evenly up ýtraight edge, 2В [З4:З6:38] ýtS evenly up shaped edge, 20 l22i26i26] StS from 2З L27 |29 291casI oft Sts at back of neck, 2В [З4:З6:З8] StS even у down shaped edge and 4З [4В:56:68] Sts еVеп у down Straight edge, YoU Will поW have ]62 [1В6:210:2З8] sts оп the need е, lst RoW. Р2, ' k2, р2, repeat fгоm - to end. 2nd Row. - К2, р2 repeat from " to ast 2 sts, k2,

These 2 roWS form 2х2 rib, wоrk n 2х2 rib for the rеmа nder of border аý

Shape Slёече Тор

'' Work 9


,oWS dec,eas,ng


each end of ечегу low, You W] now have 41 [4З]47:47] Sts оп the needle, place гпаrkеr threads at each end of last row These 9 [11i] 2i15] rowý W matchto9[11| 12:15] decrease roWS оп body When SeW пg the Sleeves пtо the armhoes, cast off 4 sts п riЬ at beginning of the next 4 Р:8:8] rows. YoU W now have 25 [35:15: ]5] sts оп the needle, cast off 5 ýtS п rib at beg пп пg of the next 4 [6:2|2] roWS, YoU Wi поW have 5 ýts on the needle, cast off rema n пg 5 sts n rЬ


поW have 53 [61i67i75] StS on

the needle. Work 7 [9:1 1:1З] roWS decreasing 1 st at each епd of every row Yоu W l поW have З9 |4З:45 49] StS оп the needle, continue Without Shap ng until armholes mеаSurе ] 0 [1 2: 1 З| 1 4] сm, (4 |4З/а |5Уа |5%)in), Straight down from the top of the пееdlе to the beginning о{ the armhoe Shap пg (don't mеаsurе around the curve), fin shing аftеr а ws

Shape Shoulders caýt off 4 [4i4|5] Sts iп rib at beginning of next 4 roWS, YoU Wi now have 2з [27i29i29l Stý on the needle,

cast off rema



2з |27:29:29] sts n



work 1 row more 4th RoW. Bib 122

Using А Work as g]Ven for Left Frопt of capta п card е to '*,

5th Row. Rib З [4:4:4], cast оп 1 St, (rib 11 [] 2]] 1:14], cast оп 1 ýt) З [З:4:4] t mes,

Shape Аrmhоlе Next RoW. cast off 8 Sts in rib (аrmhое edge), rib to епd. YoU W now have 21 [25:2ВiЗ2l sts

1142|157 |17З], cast oif 1 St, (rib 10 [] 1:1OilЗ], cast otf 1 St) З [Зi4:4]times, riЬ 2 [З:З:З],

rib to end,

Fоr all 4 Sizes continue Without fuгthеr Shap ng Uпt Sleeve measures 15 [17:20|24]cm, (6 [67,|8]9%]in) finish ng after а WS row

rоWs, YoU

work з rows mоrе, oast off iп riь

то мАкЕ UP Join side and sleeve seams, SeW Sleeve tops into аrгпhоlеs matching the 9 [11il2i15] dесrеаSе roWS on the body to the 9 [11:12|15] roWS marked at the beg ппiпg of Sleeve top. SeW оп buttons. Р п out garment to the measurement g чеп, сочеr With damp с oths and eave until dry (re{er to page 2), See Ьа Ьапd for ,\,asl^inq and fL(her саrё inST,Jctons L|TTLE ADM|RAL WESKIT вАск

Using А Work aS given for the Back of captain Cardie to -',

Shape Armholes cast off 8 Sts п rib at beginning of next 2

оп the need е,

Next воw. R Ь, Wo./ 2 IoWS oeL,easlng

alTno|e eoge n every rоW You Wi now have 19 [2З:26:З0] 1 St аI

stý on the needle,

Neck Shaping 1ýt RоW. Bib2tog, riЬ to last 5 StS, p2tog, k2, р'1 (песk edge), YoU Will now have 28] StS оп the need е,

2nd RoW. К1, р2, k1,



7 [21 i24i

to ast 2 Sts, nb2tog,

YoU Will now have 16 120:2З:27] StS оп the need]e, Зrd Row. R b2tog, riЬ to ast 4 [5]5|5] StS, р1 [0:0:0], {p2toq) 0 [1:]:1l t mes, k2, р1, YoU Will now have 15 [18i21:25] StS оп the need е. 4th BoW. К1, р2, k1, rib to aýt 2 Sts, rib2tog, YoU W ll поW have 14 [17i2oi24] sts оп the needle, Work 1 [З:5:7] roWS decreasing 1 St at

a,lhoe edqe .

е\еry low АГ




decreasing 1 st at neck edge aS Ьеfоrе on next and fo lowing 0 [Oi2ndi4th] rоW YоU W


поW hаче 12 [1З:l З:15] StS on the needle, Wo," 16118:'8:18' loWS dесrеаSп9 1 Sl al neck edge оп у аý before ]п 4th [2ndi2nd:2nd] and every following 4th row, YoU Wi l поW have В [8]8|10] StS оп the neede. Work оп these В [В|В|10l StS Unt l lett front

measurcs same as Back to shочldег shapin9, f]nish пq after а WS row.

shape Shoulder Next RоW' cast otf 4 И:4:5]

to Ll now have 4I4]4i5] sts оп the StS iп r Ь, rib

end, YoU W needle, Next RoW. Rib,

cast off rеmа ning 4 [4|4i5] StS



RlGнт FRоNт US nq А Work as q Ven fоr Riqht Frопt of capta п Card]e to -'. Next Row. Brb,

Зrd Bow. Р1 , k2, (p2tog) 0 11:1 :1] times, р1 [0:0:0], rib to last 2 StS, r b2tog, YoU Wi l now have 15 [1Вi21:25] sts on the needle, 4th Rоw. Rib2tog, r Ь to ast 4 StS, k,1 , р2, k1 YoU Will now have 14



7:20:24] StS оп the

Work ] [3:5:7] rowý decreasing 1 St at neck edge aS be{ore on next апd io lowing 0 [0|2пd| 4thl rоW АТ SAME Т N,4E decreasino 1 St at аrmhо]е edge ]n every row. YоU Wil now have 12 [1З:lЗ:15] Sts оп the need]e. Work 16 []8]]8:]8] rоWý decreasing 1St at neck edge on у aS before iп 4th [2nd:2nd:2nd] and every fo lowing 4th rоW' YoU W ll поW have 8 [8:8:10] StS оп the needle. Wоrk оп these 8 [В:В:10] StS unt l right frопt mеаsurеs same аý Back to shoulder shap п9, fin Shing after а rs row

Shape Shoulder Next RoW. cast off 4

5l StS in riЬ, riЬ to end, YoU Wi поW have 4 [4i4i5] StS оп the [4:4

пееd е.

Shape Afmhole Next Row. CaSt off 8 StS n rЬ (armhole edge), rib to end. Yоч Wil] now have 21 [25i2ВiЗ2] Stý on the пёёd еWol( 2 rows de(reasng 1 St al a,-hoe edge iп every rоW' You Wil now have 19 [23|26|30] sts оп the пееd е,

Neck Shaping 1st Rоw. Р1, k2, p2tog (песk edge), riЬ to last 2 StS ib2tog, YоU Wll поW have 17 |21|24 2В] sts оп the пееd е, 2nd RоW. Rib2tog, rib to last 4 sts, k], р2, k] . You W l now have 16 [20i2З|27] StS оп the need е.


Next RoW. Rib,

cast off remalning 4

14:4:5] Sts in


FRОNТ ВОRDЕR Jо]п both Shou dег Seams, With right Side of the Work fac п9 уоU, US]пg уоUr Srnaller needles оr сirсulаr needle if requ rеd and В, Stating at lower edge of right front, pck up and kn t 4З |4В:56:6В] sts еVеп]у Up Straight edge, 28 [З4:ЗбiЗ8] StS ечепlу чр Shaped edge,2а |22|26|26) sts {rom 2З [27|29:29] cast off StS at back of neck, 2В [З4iЗ6:З8] StS ечепlу down shaped edge and 4З [48i56:68] StS ечепlу down Straight edge. YoU Wll now have 162 |186]210i238l StS on

the needle 1St RoW. Р2, * k2, р2 rереаt from 'to end, 2пd RоW. ' К2, р2, repeat frоm - to last 2 StS, k2. These 2 rows form 2х2 riЬ, wod< in 2х2 rib for the rеmа nder of Ьоrdеr as follows:Work 1 rоW mоrе in В, change to С and рrосееd aS follows:4th HoW. вЬ 122 1142157|17З1, cast off 1 St, (riЬ 10 [11:10:1З], cast Off 1 ýt) З [Зi4i4] times, r]b 2 [З:З:З], 5th RоW' R Ь З [4:4:4], cast on ] St, (riЬ 11 [12i] 1 :14], cast оп 1 St) 3 [3i4:4] times, rlb to end, change to В and wоrk З rows, cast off п r]ь Using В.

ARMHoLE EDGlNGS (Both alike) With the rght Side of the Work facing уоu, using your Smаllеr needles and В pick Up and kn]t 66 I78|82:90] StS ечепlу а l round armhoe edge, Wo.kl^g lп 2.(2 ,ib aS set {о. Frопt Borde" proceed as fo lowsi

work з rows пвСhапgе to с and wоrk 2 Сhапgе to В апd work з Cast otf п rЬ using В,


то мАкЕ UP Join Side апd armhole edging seams, SeW оп buttons, Рiп out garment to the гпеаSurеmепt g Vеп, cover With damp cloths апd lеаче unt l dry (rЫеr to page 2), See bal band for Washing and further care instructoný,

/ z'4i"! l



i i 1


l L

Не'll look shipshape апd Bristol fashion in this nautical inspired cardie (with its big white buttons), теаm it with cotton trews and а trusty White tee,


ьб .. со .ý

trл б.q

(D (\N

Rф ЁS Esq



тт ýь





2З [25,5:27,5;З0.5]сm

23 [25,5:27,5:З0.5]сm

(9 [10:1

(9 [10:] ] :12]in)

captain card е

Little deck shoes worked in Sublime ЬаЬу саshmеrе merino silk dk




Litt е Admiral Weskit




months то fit ап avorage size baby's foot for the age indicated.

6-12 months

1-2 уеаБ

MATERlALS Little red deck shoes

К001 SUblime ЬаЬу cashmere mеriпо silk dk shade 192 teddy red Little blue deck shoeý К001 Sublime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk Shade 193 sailor blue Little green deck Shoes К001 sub|ime ЬаЬу cashmere merino silk dk shade 195 puzzle

you will also need

1 раir of 4mm (UK8 - UsA6) Knitting Needles (оr the Size required to give the correct tension). Stitch holder. 4 Buttons.

50g ball 50g ball 50g ba|l

TENSloN Please take а little t]me now to knit а Stock ng Stitch tension Square, USing 4mm needles cast on 21 stitches and Work 41 rows in garter Stitch {Every BoW Knit). ThiS should р.З


поW mеаsчrе 10cm, (4in) Square. lf your square sn't the correct width please refer to page 2,


cm cent mеtrеS, dec decrease(ing), dk doube knitt]ng, g grаmmеS, in inch(es), k knit, mm гпillirnеtrеs, st(s) Stitch(es), K2tog nsed the rght hand needle through the 2nd and 1st stitches оп the left hand пееdlе апd kn t thегп together to fоrm а Single Stitch. М,1 Make опе Stitch - picк Up loop ЬеIwеег last and next sttch and work into the back of this loop, Wrap 1 S р next Sttch onto rght hand needle and take yarn to oppos]te Side of Work between needles, Slip Same stitch back onto eft hand needle,

L|TTLE DEcK SHoES (Both alike) cast оп 25 [29:ЗЗ] sts, 1st RoW. (th]S Wil Ье the right Side of the


rs), Knit, cont пuе iп qarter Sttch for the геmа пdеr ol the Shoe as iollows:2nd Rоw. К1, m1, k]1 [1Зi15], m1, k1, m1, kl1 113:15], m1, k1, You Will поW have 29 [ЗЗ:З7] StS оп the пееdlе, зrd RoW. Knit,


4th Rоw К1, m], k12 [14:16], гп1, kЗ, m1, k12 |] 4|16], m1 , k1 , YoU W ll now have ЗЗ [З7:41] sts оп the needle, sth Rоw. Knit. бth RоW. К], m], klЗ 115:17], m], k5, m,1

поW have 38 [42:46] sts оп the need е, 8th Row. AS 7th row. You Wi now have [41:45] sts оп the пееd е,


[15|17], m1, k1, YoU Wil] now have 37 [41:45] Sts on the needle, 7th RoW. Knit

8th BoW. К1, m1, k14 [16]18], ml, k7, m1, k14 [16]18], m1, k1, You Wll поW have 41 145]49] StS оп the needle. gth RоW. Knit, ,1oth k1 ,

Row. К16 |,18:20], m], k1, m], k7, m1, ml, k16 [1 8i20], yоu wi! now have

45 [49i5З] Sts оп the needle, Work 4 [4:6] rоWs Straght, Next RоW. К14 [16|18], (k2tog) 3 t]mes, k5 (k2tоg)З times, k]4 [16:18], YoU Will поW have З9 [4З:47] Sts оп the пееdlе. Nёxt RoW. Knit.

Shape lnstep 1st Row. К2З [25i27], Wrар 1 turп, 2nd RoW. К7, Wrар 1 turn. 3rd RоW. К8, Wrap 1, tUrn, 4th Row. К9, Wгар 1 turn, sth Bow. К10 Wrap 1 , turп, бth Bow. К11 , Wrар 1 , turn, 7th Rоw. К10, k2toq Wrap 1 turп, YoU W

9th RoW. Knit to end, 10th Ноw. К10 [1 1]12], Sl]p these 10 [1 1:12] StS onto а st tch holder (уоu Wil come back to these 10 [,11|,12] StS аtеr to Wоrk the other side of the Shoe), cast ofi 17 [19:21] StS, k9 [10:1]], YoU W ll now have 10 [Т 1 12] Sts оп the needle 11th RoW. Knit to end, cast оп 12 |13:15] ýtS, yоч wil now have 22124|27] sts оп the need е,

Work 4 гоws straioht,

cast off knitways, oast оп 12 [1З:15] sts then us]ng Same

needles and yarn, With rS fac ng knit асrоSS 10 [1 ] iТ 2] StS left оп а St tch hоldег, YoU W поW have 22 [24i27l ýtS on the needle,

Wоrk 4 roWS Straiqht, CaSt off Knitways.



то мАкЕ UP



Join foot апd back sеаm оп each shoe, with Straps crossed attach end of each Strap to top of Shoe and SeW buttons in posLtion. See ball Ьапd for Washing and care lnstructions

a ,r, .\t*h-{,,"r,a' _


Boater ВоЬ has а trendy vee песk - knitted iп stocking Stitch it creates а stylish roll,



,.' \.Д






ц, \}'

А dashino waistcoat for а dashing boyl Perfect for when Grandma needs mе to look smаrt.




<\r/Lb{/mo ln true Sublime style - t s UuOy











tl lt J Jty

lJl l q lU

he' wear it everyday.

Pretty feet need the softest апd moSt stylish of Iittle shoes!

i', :


Đ? nostalgic little cardie with easy knit and purl texture and pretty lace edgings. Show it off with her billowing white dresses and sweet little pumps. L,ir* R rD. ,ar ll Bv Sarah Hatton


Every litile girl wants to Ье а pretty Ьаllеriпа апd hеrе's the реrfесt little hand knit (with its three quafter sleeves), tied with а deljcate riЬЬоп. Little \,4argot wrap bv sarah Hatton

Wrар up hеr tiny toes too in these matching little grееп shoes. Little grееп deck shoes bv sarah Hatton

our short sleeved ballet cardie, with its pretty scalloped edges апd реаrlу buttons is а quick weekend knit. (We give great instructions for those delicate little edgings). Little Anna wrap Ьу Sаrаh Hatton


Short and sweet thls vintagenspired cardie, with it's adorable ittle sleeves is the perfect cover up over fаiфаlе dresses for those cool Summer parties,



How sýlish is this little пчmЬеr, with its crisp white sailor-striped Ьоrdеrs and buttons? Dress it with her Summer frocks or pretty white bloomers. Stripey Sаilоr Girl bv sаrаh Hatton




Sublime сап Ье else nothing WhiOh With greatnes* а of possibility all Ьеуопd is and БЙраrеО calculation, measurement and imttation,

\о о о\



Mixed 5ources


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rе WF29ND Un]ted Kingdorn Flanshaw Lапе Wakeflelc] WeSl Yorksh

JJto,oJ,oo-оо ;;;iЪ,)болоо, '"' "йfi;;ьiр ' zзl iй ' '"' ""'*!oiot,sz'

WдЕN NG Ronn.Ucl.. ol'h









w]thin 7 workng days) c,lii"" 'n"li""'u "Ъ -,"pt"s

Rёfl WРбЗ4


Just the easiest first cable knit give it а try! Captain Calэle Tank Ьу Sarah Hatton





l 1






l li,t (nitted in easy stocking stitch. This сhаrгпiпg little ,intage sailor cardie makes ап adorable outfrt fоr )unday lunch at the yacht club,

!..-' чк*




With the gorgeous gаrtеr stitch toes and stylish pumps mix and match book. ,i l,1 1-'11 . ]




Little Ruby and Little Nancy Cardies


Captain GаЬlе Sweater and Stripey Sailor Girl and Little Sailor Girl. . . . . 13


.....18 Little Margot апd Little Аппа wraps .,.,.,.22 Boater Bill and Boater

Captain Cardie and Little Admiral Weskit.

. . 26

Little deck shoes


jiJ ]{

*Ё },

.-.-l с

The sixth little







ВаЬу саshmеrе mеriпо silk dk 14 designs for babies frоm 0 to З years wiih designs Ьу Sarah Hatton

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