k of Philippians was written illegally arrested and beaten, placed in fellowship. How wonderful to do it face Apostle Paul from a Roman stocks, and humiliated publicly. But even to face in a venue such as we enjoyed in around 60-63 A.D. brought joy to Paul,being Germany! Shortly after The Exchange seminar, All Exchange material is currently he While Exchange is those memories professionally translated into Spanish. Mandy struck up a conversation with he sake of the Gospel and about because it was through his sufferings passionate This summer, BWM missionaries James a guest who had brought her child to Fellowship involves keeping your r his faithfulnesspartnering to Christ, withthat many of the believers at Philippi had and Amy Greenwood are hosting us for AWANA. Mandy asked Alyssa, “What brother in your prayers (1:9-11). mfort in the Lord and rejoiced opportunity to hear the Gospel. Thus, a training event in Argentina for local is your religious background?” She local churches all over the esire was that the same joy when he remembered them, he rejoiced. pastors, missionaries and lay people. replied, know nothing! If I were The “I high priest in the OldtoTestament globe to train and study the Bible, I’d have to start at the church at Philippi—thus, he mobilize Plans are in place to train in Peru next wore a special garment, the ephod, ove believers forjoyful Spirit-filled summer BWM missionaries Buddy very beginning.” Ding, ding! Mandy enge them concerning How do we keepwith a brother on our mind? his heart. On itofwere twelve stones with and Loren Fitzgerald. immediately thought The Exchange relational evangelismPaul’s and epistle reminds us of the need of the names of the twelve tribes of Israel discipleship. The ministry continuingThe communication, written Exchange Message either App onis them, a jewel for each trib Exchangeengraved training all about isCalling both a digital and regularly actually in ngly, thewas first area of developed or verbal. and tract emailing (Exodus 28:15-29). utilizing relationships to He carried the peop an excellent nt that Paul chapter to learn about whatpresentation andgives for ainlocal church. over his heart as he tool that believers can use authentically connect with ns relates to “fellowship in is happening in our “For the missionary to show their friends the prayed; so did Paul. As founder,often I was burdened We, as Baptists, refer to ensure brother’s life is aduring a gospel unbelievers. Investing in Gospel One of the deepest that every member of the church serving in a foreign land as any time vital link inconversation. ongoing It can be people, through spending morefellowships wouldwe be are able eating, to give a clear, concise, Christian characterized by differences found in the app store by ving an activity together; Even better compelling gospel presentation. fellowship. God time and giving more truth, and joys we can searching for “exchange used Dr. and thethan long-distance cally means “toDavid haveCummins in of food, language and culture, experience in this life message.” The app is being has proven to be much more deputation ministry of Baptist World aul, however, is referring communication is into facegetting together with other developed a source for throne of grac Mission as the catalyst to get the ministry successful than relying at onthe brief e than the Philippians to-face discussion— The Exchange Bible studies of The Exchange into its current form. praying with and for believers for reinforcement booksfor in a digital encounters with the Gospel. utual church One creating venue Nearlyfunction. twenty years ago, BWM asked us aand one another. of their relationship is vitally format. This enhancement to train all of the st encouragements to deputizing joyful missionaries keeping one another has the potential of being to their leaving for their fields. important.” g in the prior midst of ministry on our minds. an effective means of utilizing The When we think of It was at Dr. Cummins’ urging that I Bible study and invited Alyssa to do it it bringsexpanded is to know that Exchange materials on the mission our four-lesson evangelistic praying with her. She responded, “You wouldfor other fieldinvolves without the having expense and effort of Fellowship your hren whoBible stand us,evangelism course studywith into an too do Christians, that with me?we Yes!” As often often think of praying printing, storing, and(1:7-8). distributing the mirrored the same truths. brother on your heart we have athat common goal, happens, the evil one began interfere needs, for their physical andtofinancial paper books. Please pray for these new urpose and a common when—after Lesson One—Alyssa noticed how often Paul used but Paul focused on theirand spiritual needs In 2010, I resigned my church toHave begin youendeavors. her husband, who had been having Gospel. For the missionary The Exchange. Since those early the days,phrase “you all” as he writes? This is specifically in the area of having a Continued on page 3. oreign land byused all over Exchange training is all about utilizing The characterized Exchange has been more thanrelationships an evidence that he was from deeper biblical love. He prayed for their to authentically connect the world and been translated into food, language andhasculture, southern Turkey. There Investing are at least nine discernment (v. 9), their integrity (v. 10) with unbelievers. languages. It has even been ABOUT THE AUTHOR her with multiple other believers for throughin this letter—he instances in ofpeople, the phrase and their fruitfulness (v. an 11). Jeff Musgrave has a B.A. and M.A.As we soug and printed in Georgia—the t of theirtranslated relationship is vitally spending more time and out, because in Bibletogether from Bob Jones He country! Over 7,000 believers have didbeen not want to leave anyone the Lord atUniversity. the European Retre was recently privilege toincluding many giving more truth, has planted and pastored Highlands Baptist trainedmy in 185 seminars, he loved them and longed for them. for each other and for our ministries, we Church in Centennial, Colorado, for 26 ple BWMof families their administrators proven to be much more the BWM at missionaries, were forging stronger links in fellowship years before founding The Exchange successful than relying on and in office staff. My wife Anna and I ean retreat Germany—a nine years ago. He also on the that we though separated byserves great ministry brief tell encounters withare thetruly bound in have received hundreds of storiesHow from can we minded of three vital areas of BWM Board. He and his wife Anna Gospel. A perfect example love to other Christians? For one thing, we distances. believers who have led friends, family, have four married children and six at Paul demonstrates in our to Christ using is this story from Mandy in neighbors and coworkers are concerned about them. The believers grandchildren. Apple Valley, California. The Exchange training. at Philippi were concerned about Paul and Paul’s rejoicing in the fellowship in the sent Epaphroditus to minister to him. Paul Gospel kept the believers on Paul’s mind nvolves having your was also greatly concerned about in Paul’s heart and in Paul’s
How Terrorism is Eroding Religious Liberty in France
rance has always been a land of major challenges for those who love the Lord, share the Gospel and teach the whole counsel of God. From its very beginning, French history has been marred with a fierce antagonism against true Christianity. The Roman occupation of Gaul, the tyrannical rule of the Romish church over Europe, weak and greedy French princes and kings (including Louis XIV), fanatical elements during the French revolution and subsequently, militant humanists and atheists, all systematically and ferociously persecuted true Christians and religious groups considered non grata. On numerous occasions, the word genocide must be applied.
the State to curb the foreign destabilization of French society by radical Islam.
Some forms of Islam have generated perilous situations. The seeming apathy of non-radical Muslims toward the exactions of Muslim terrorists is puzzling to many French people. Terrorist acts can occur anywhere at any time. Several took place in the metropolitan area where we currently serve the Lord. No worshiper can feel entirely safe, and there are now urban areas where it is no longer safe to enter. Worse still, intimidation is being utilized as part of a strategy to force non-Muslims to move out of neighborhoods already settled by an African majority. The media are now reporting a sharp rise in vandalism of church buildings and synagogues. A new word, christianophobia, has been coined alongside the infamous term antisemitism.
But French Christians have learned to gracefully master the adverse conditions a sovereign and benevolent God has allowed them to face. Whenever the Word of the Lord was proclaimed in France, the Church of Christ arose and served the Almighty God again and again. The martyrs have paved the way through the centuries.
Through immigration, both legal and illegal, and through the mere process of procreation, the percentage of Muslims is dramatically rising in France. Their Mullahs openly state that they need no majority to impose sharia law. In a Christ-like manner, we prayerfully and kindly witness to everyone, including our Muslim neighbors. Practically, we take every reasonable precaution to protect individuals and small groups of believers in our vulnerable church facilities.
Nowadays, two foes are challenging the lives of Christians: (1) the rise of militant Islam, and (2) the questionable reaction of
A second area of concern is the State’s reaction to radical Islam, which appears highly questionable both in its form and its
anticipated results. Sadly, France appears to be moving toward a union of Church and State, in which the State would train the “clerics,” appoint them, probably pay them and finance the facilities of religious groups. In one word, the State would control the Church. Since the State does not want to single out the main source of the problems (i.e., radical Islam), all religious groups would be subjected to the mandates of the State. As Christians, we will need to find biblical responses to this growing erosion of the separation of Church and State. Thankfully, our serenity as Christ’s disciples does not rest upon our own strength, nor on human devices, but in a daily communion with almighty God and on the fervent prayers of the saints. By God’s grace, we staunchly cling to the exhortations of 1 Corinthians 15:58, to be steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bernard and Bernice Dodeler have served in France since 1972 and are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year.
PROMOTION TO GLORY Ray Virtue, our dear brother in Christ and faithful BWM missionary to Germany, was promoted into the presence of the Lord on Thursday, January 24, after a long and brave battle with cancer. Ray was 76 years old. He and his wife Marleen served in Hamburg, Germany, as church planters for 38 years. Despite his failing health in the last several years, Ray continued to use the strength and ability the Lord gave him. He continued preaching,
teaching and sharing the love of Christ with others around the city of Hamburg and at Bibel Baptisten Gemeinde (Bible Baptist Church). He is the only pastor they have ever known and will be greatly missed there. Dr. Kevin Brosnan, BWM’s field administrator for Europe, was among the 200-plus people who attended Ray’s memorial service in Hamburg on February 1. The service included many sincere and well-deserved tributes to a loving husband, caring father and dedicated pastor. As Ray’s mission administrator since 2009, Brother Brosnan characterized his life and ministry with
the words carefulness, consistency and commitment. Anyone who knew Ray would agree that he modeled these Christian graces in his selfless dedication to the high calling of a missionary. The Lord answered Ray’s prayer to be able to complete his book on the doctrine of salvation in the German language, and Marleen is using recent donations to see the work published. After selling her home in Hamburg, Marleen plans to move closer to her daughter’s family in Germany. Please continue in prayer for Marleen, the family and the church during this time of earthly separation.
n 1958 Pastor Mosie Lister wrote the words to a gospel song entitled, “Till the Storm Passes By.” Popular among many in the South over the past half century, missionary Tom Jackson heartily sang its words in the late 1970s as he led the funeral procession down the aisle of his home church on the way to the cemetery to bury his wife. How do I know the story? Tom, a 50-year-veteran missionary to Liberia, was a member of the church I pastored in North Carolina. Tom went through many African storms on his way to Glory. He and his second wife, June, were martyred in Liberia in 1990 during a devastating civil war. For him, the tempest ultimately “passed by” on that spring day outside the town of Bahn when he gave his life for the cause of the Gospel. He safely entered Heaven’s harbor—the Lord had kept him safe until the storm passed by.
Ben Sinclair. Charles had been our piano tuner as a young man, before marrying his dear wife and having his sweet family and before God called him to Cameroon. Suddenly, the “storm” descended upon him, and his life was snuffed out. Nonetheless, a faithful Savior was with him and received him safely to Glory. Whether or not related to the death of a loved one, the martyrdom of a saint, or faithfulness in communicating the Gospel, the tempests of life will come to each of us. They will rage, but they will die away—and the great God, whom we serve, will “keep us safe till the storm passes by.” But He will do much more. He will give us fruit as we stand true to Him by faith.
Tom and June Jackson are buried in the jungle of Northeast Liberia. Charles Wesco’s body was brought home to Indiana. At both of their memorial services, I thought of Tom a few years ago while standing separated by 28 years, I wept; but I rejoiced as well. You in the pulpit of the Elandsfontein Baptist Church in see, the fruit of the lives of these saints lives on, despite Johannesburg, South Africa. Outside raged the most the trials they weathered. Today, there are believers and dramatic African thunderstorm I have ever witnessed. churches functioning vibrantly for Christ in Liberia because Our BWM missionary introduced me above the roar of of the ministry of a man who trusted God to keep and use the rain on the metal roof, and for 40 him till the storm passed by. Also, there minutes, I shared the unsearchable riches of They will rage, are young people being called into fullChrist—all at the top of my lungs. After the but they will die time missionary ministry through the Word preaching was concluded, the gale gradually of God and the testimony of the Wescos. died away and three precious souls came to away—and the Christ. Hallelujah! great God, whom Dear saint, be faithful in the midst of your storm. Keep sounding the Gospel above In late October of last year, my mind once we serve, will the din. By faith, look forward to the again traveled to Tom and his song when we “keep us safe fruit that will come once the storm has received news of the martyrdom of Charles exhausted its energy against the bedrock till the storm Wesco, a dear friend from South Bend, of His Word and His grace. Indiana, and a coworker of BWM missionary
passes by.”
Equipping Missionaries (continued) marriage difficulties, decided to separate; Alyssa was too overwhelmed to keep studying. But Mandy continued to reach out to Alyssa, and after a few months, Alyssa texted to let Mandy know that she and her husband BJ had decided to get back together. The following Sunday, they were both in church, and BJ, who had said he would never step foot in church, asked if there was someone in the church who could do that Bible study with him. They
both trusted Christ as Savior, and as baby Christians, invited another needy couple to do The Exchange Bible study with them. All four followed the Lord in believer’s baptism. There are needy people everywhere. Jesus is still in the saving business. The Gospel is still powerful, and The Exchange is excited to be a part of what God is doing all over the world.
October 7
m, NC
Byron, GA
September 23
First Baptist Church ITINERARIES July 28 Rockford, IL
ptist A
Woodcrest Baptist Church Pat Delaney Furlough Replacement andFridley, MN April 25–August 27
No meetings scheduled Administrative trip September 30 South Africa, Kenya, Madagascar, Church Calvary Baptist Church Ghana
Mike Martin Winona, MN
Kevin Brosnan October 14
Heritage Hills Baptist Church NC Baptist Winston–Salem, Church
April 14 Bible College First Baptist Church WV Rochelle, IL
Grace Pelzar, SC
November 2
October 21
Dave Canedy Baptist College C April 26–28
Administrative Trip Fort Thomas, AZ
June 3–7
April 28 Heritage Baptist Church Roscoe, IL
Faith Baptist Church May 5 Warren, MI Oak Ridge Baptist Church
Martinsville Baptist Tabernacle October Martinsville, Indiana
Baptist Church May 15–21
April 10–14
Oak Ridge, TN
27-November 6 June 16
AdministrativeCatawba Trip Springs Christian Church Apex, NC Mexico July 1–9
November 11Administrative trip
Heartland Baptist Church Dominican Republic OH
BWM Soul Winning Seminar Marysville, Marquette Manor Baptist Church Downers Grove, IL
June 9
November 25Bud Steadman
14 Church st Church Lighthouse Baptist ChurchMeadowlake April Baptist Rock Lake Baptist L Mobile, AL Lake Mills, WI South Bend, IN June 20–July 2
Administrative Trip British Columbia, Canada
June 23
January 20
The Baptist Wilds Christian Camp Spring Meadow Church Brevard, NC Franklin, TN
Harbour Baptist Church January Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Church June 30 MI
Administrative Trip Brooklyn, NY
July 21
June 9
October 28 Baptist Church Lighthouse South Bend,Baptist IN Community Church June 9 MI (AM) Saginaw, Community Baptist Church
October 28 IN South Bend,
Ashley JuneBaptist 11–12 Church FBFI National Meeting Belding, MI (PM)
Schedule an administrator or director at he Boo your church!by the
Red Rocks Baptist Church Morrison, CO October 29-31
Camp Bible Institute JuneCoBeAc 16 Calvary Baptist Prudenville, MI Church Huntsville, AL
October June 2330
Calvary Baptist Church IFBAM Conference Huntsville, Belding, MI AL
June 30
November 11 Church Calvary Baptist Huntsville, Grace BaptistALChurch July 2–23 Norfolk, VA Mission Trip Russia
*All BWM administrators will attend the *All Annual Meeting October BWM administrators will attend8-10, the BWM Spring Board Meeting April 2018. 8-9 at Crosspointe Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, and the Orientation Seminar April 14-19 at Camp Joy in Whitewater, Wisconsin.
Call (256) 353-2221.
April 28
Faith Baptist Church
Mission Trip United Kingdom and Ireland
May 31 Bud Steadman Grace Baptist Christian School Graduation
September 3-19 West Columbia, SC
ptist Church Russian Baptist FellowshipKorea, Philippines Brooklyn, NY n, PA September 23
Emmanuel Baptist Church Kings Mountain, NC (AM)
aptist Church PA
This publication is available at
September 23 Morningside Baptist Church Greenville, SC (PM)
BWM administrators and prison a directors offer a wonderful suffering for t blend of passionate persecuted fo preaching and current Paul found co field experiences. Please contact the missioninif Him. you His de would like to schedule any permeate the of these men for your next wrote to chall conference.
Davison, MI Plainville Baptist Church Plainville, MAMay 7–28
New Life Baptist Church Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
st Church July 18–23
April 26–27
Grace Baptist Church Church West Haven Baptist West Columbia, SC Clemmons, NC
Very interestin encourageme 1 of Philippia the Gospel.” to fellowship talking or hav FOLLOW the BWM word bas common.” Pa to much more enjoying a mu of the greates Christian livin and the trials we have bret with whom w a common pu labor in the G serving in a fo differences of getting toget reinforcemen important. It be with multi annual Europ time to be rem fellowship tha text.
Canada Office PO Box 51 • Milton ON L9T 2Y3 Phone (905) 876-9936
iversity C
Steve Anderson September
October June 2 11-14
Hillcrest Baptist Church Elmira, NY 26
Hillsdale Baptist Church Tampa, FL
This publication is available at baptistworldmission.o
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