Competencies Required for Becoming a Computer Networking Professional As more companies are adopting advanced computer technologies and establishing superior networking systems, the need for computer networking professionals is also increasing. Practically every company today relies of computer systems technologists to ensure that all the devices are connected, and working smoothly. The communication systems at work are quite complex and keeping them at work always is a more complex job. As the information transferring and sharing needs of each organization are different, the communication systems are tailor-made and are upgraded whenever required. However, they can sometimes breakdown or lines can be broken or hardware and software systems may create problems. In order to keep them under control and make them perform in the expected manner, the organizations need computer technology professionals who are knowledgeable, well trained and have the ability to deal with technical issues. Job Prospects As mentioned earlier, the demand for computer networking professionals is constantly increasing. The growth in this field is faster than the average and higher as compared to other sectors. So, it is a good time to enter the work and build rewarding careers in the field of information technology. Growth in this field can be attributed to many factors; (1) Computer networks are integral part of the business world as well as in personal life; (2) Keeping up with current technology is a must to survive the competition; (3) Making best possible use of technology is important to keep ahead of competition and; (4) There is a shortage of highly knowledgeable and skilled computer networking professionals. Therefore, professionals with strong educational background, hands-on practical and understanding of ethics in technology and the environment are in great demand. Employers, in addition to this, also look for strong customer skills while hiring them. Prerequisites for Becoming a Computer Networking Professional In order to become computer networking professionals, the candidates are required to gain following competencies (education and skills). Education A formal education in computer systems technology - networking is the minimum requirement to seek employment in the industry. A post-secondary computer networking course can help you gain the knowledge and skills required to work on the growing mesh of internet, intranet, extranet and telecoms, computers and hardware and software. Centennial College's three-year post-secondary program in computer systems technology incorporates the latest in computer systems, offering them in-depth knowledge about Centennial College
operating systems, configuration and troubleshooting wired and wireless networks, in order to have full control of the computing and communicating technology. In order to apply for this program, students will need to submit secondary school diploma certificate or equivalent and scores of English Grade 12 C or University and Mathematics 11 M or 12 C or University or equivalent. Hands-on Practical In addition to theoretical understanding, the professionals need to have substantial hands-on experience, in order to become employable. Centennial College's program also incorporates computer networking training through hands-on lab and industry field placements. The program also offers an optional co-op component, allowing academically qualified students enhance their education by working three terms as paid employees in the field. Skills The professionals are also expected to possess strong technical problem solving, communication, technical report writing and project management skills along with strong technology fundamentals and hands-on experience.
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