November 2015 Edition of All Things Country Magazine.

Page 1


Volume Ten • Number Five

y r o t s i H n i e m i T t s r Fi


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Happy Thanksgiving from Cabins of Birch Hollow!

Notes From the Editor

From the keyboard of Pam Hedge

The Holidays Are Upon Us Cozy Fireplace, Custom Musical Decor

Our Blues Moon Deluxe Cabin is secluded with great views!! View from Balcony!

I try not to dwell on it because I was raised in the Air Force and was hardly around my grandparents or family, at least until Dad retired. So, when I get sad, I think of my grandparents who watched as we flew off to Japan in 1963 and didn’t come home again until 1967. There were no Skype sessions or Facebook site to keep in touch. I remember my parents waking me early in the mornings whenever my grandmother called from Idaho. It was just something we did back in those days. And wrote lots of letters.

Balcony Swing

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So, I can’t feel bad. I get to see frequent pictures online and get to chat with my kidlet and that eases the hurt when it happens.Veterans Day happens in November and

I never fail to thank all of the servicemen, their wives and children for the service they provide to our country. It’s not just those that ship overseas, it’s their wives and kids that stay home and carry on while they are serving. Thank you all. •••••• It’s been a tough few months in the area. Over this past weekend, a student from Powell County High School was killed in an accident. This is the third student death in the past few months. It’s hard to lose anyone, even harder to lose a child. I can’t imagine and won’t pretend to. I continue to keep Aaron Williams in my prayers, he is the young man from Montgomery County that is currently at Cardinal Hill after a car accident several months ago. Hug your kiddos tightly, that’s all I can say. •••••• There have been other tragedies as well. Madison County lost one of their finest last week, due to violence from a break-in he was investigating. It’s the first officer from Madison County that has been killed and the entire community has rallied around his family

and provided much needed support. We will continue to keep his wife and young son in our prayers, along with all the co-workers he leaves behind. Add to that the paramedic that was killed over in Nicholasville and it’s just been a sad, sad time around Central Kentucky. Our emergency workers work to save the public every single day and it’s tragic when their lives are taken in the line of duty. I know I have a cousin in West Palm Beach, Florida that is with the Sheriff’s Department and we all worry about him all the time. It’s sad that so many police officers are having to watch their backs to avoid from getting killed. We need to all pray for our country. •••••• November is the month of my mom’s birth. She has been gone since 2000, but November always seems to bring back memories of her. We had several “November” birthdays in addition to mom, my sister Roben’s birthday is on the 26th and my cousin Jon Beck’s birthday is on the 24th. Our Thanksgiving dinner always included birthday cake. And yes, I

istory First Time in H


FREE .... Thank An Advertiser Today!

Our Cover

Our front page picture was taken by Lauren Rothenhauser of Illumi Studio during the Community Celebration that was held at Estill County High School on Saturday, November 7 to honor the Marching Engineers for their state win. miss those days. I think we all miss the togetherness of days gone past. People are just too spread out anymore. •••••• November 28th is Small Business Saturday. I preach it all the time, and will again now. PLEASE try to spend at least $100 locally this year on your holiday gifts. Our friends and neighbors appreciate it.Yes it’s our friends and neighbors that own those small businesses. Blessings to you,

-- The Pam Person

Pam S. Hedge & Clayton C. Hedge • Owners •

All Things Country is a specialty magazine published monthly and is registered as a business trade name in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This magazine is furnished FREE to customers at businesses in over twenty Kentucky counties. Articles published in this magazine which are contributed from an outside source express the opinions of their authors only and may not express the viewpoint(s) of the management or staff of All Things Country. Such articles that are accepted for publication herein may be edited at the sole discretion of the publisher. Responsibility for products advertised in this magazine lies with the advertisers themselves. Though All Things Country will not knowingly publish fraudulent materials or fraudulently obtained materials, we are not liable for any damages arising from the purchase or use of products advertised herein.

60 Thornburg Bend, Irvine, KY 40336

Subscriptions are available. Send $15.00 for six months of home delivery to address listed below.

Published Monthly at the AlpacaBerry Farm in Palmer, KY.

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For Advertising Information, please contact All Things Country at 606-895-4018 or by emailing

All Things Country Magazine 60 Thornburg Bend Irvine, KY 40336 Copyright © 2006-2015

Central Kentucky Advertising Dave Severson - 606-643-5048 Eastern Kentucky Advertising Michelle Wallace - 606-207-1011 -- November 2015

November 2015 --

Hot Tub!

November is officially the kick off to the holiday season for many. Personally, I wait until December - but that’s me. It’s not because I want to, it’s just the month of November is awfully busy and with the kidlet and grandkidlet living so far away, the holidays take on a whole new meaning.


Volume Ten • Number Five


Congratulations to all of the Estill County High School Marching Engineers on winning State! We’d also like to congratulate all the Marching Band Parent Boosters for their dedication in getting the kids to their competitions and for all the work they put into this each year!


Congratulations to BERGMAN HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST our State Champs! 233 Main Street Irvine 513-205-9113

Estill County Marching Engineers Irvine Richmond Berea London Photo Credits: Above, Nelson Benton Photography. Below: Lauren Rothenhauser of Illumi Studio

Visit Us Online

November 2015 --

(Hey Wyatt)

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Congratulations to the Estill County Marching Engineers for their winning season and for making history!

Brown Farm meats Farm Fresh Pork Products Located at Discount Tobacco in Irvine

Congratulations from your friends and family at MWMH!! -- November 2015


Congrats to the Estill County Marching Engineers!



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CONGRATS to ALL Members of Estill Engineers Marching Band for winning


She Tells Her Grandma That She’s Just Been Cheated On So Grandma Tells Her To Do This This is a good lesson for all of us, no matter what stage of life you’re in. You’ll see what I mean. A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her – her husband had cheated on her and she was devastated. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as soon as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her grandmother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her granddaughter, she asked, ‘Tell me what you see.’ ‘Carrots, eggs, and coffee,’ she replied. Her grandmother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The grandmother then asked the granddaughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg. Finally, the grandmother asked the granddaughter to sip the coffee. The granddaughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The granddaughter then asked, ‘What does it mean, grandmother?’ Her grandmother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After

they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water. “Which are you?” she asked her granddaughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity? Do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain.. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy. The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can’t go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you’re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Tequila Sunrise

Inspiration Point


Anyone Spending $100 or more between Novembe r 1 -20 will be entered into a drawing for a Thanksgiving Ba sket full of goodies! Watch for our Ope n House in December!

Longaberger Baskets Handmade Soaps - Cast Iron Quilts - Collectible Glass Jewelry - Tools - Coins - Candles Avon Products - Jams & Jellies


Living on the Edge


Seeking VendorS with interesting collectibles & kentucky-made products.


Why store it when you can sell it? BooTHS For renT



November 2015 --

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We have many new cabins at Red River Gorge Cabin Rentals - from one bedroom to eight bedrooms. Most with hot tubs, many with games rooms too!

May we all be like the COFFEE.

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Red River Gorge Turns Pink


to catering our meals on Saturday. The resort itself is more than large enough for a group gathering, or a wedding - which was happening at the Cliffview Lodge just down the road from the Activity Center. It was a busy place, and that’s good. Most of the guests took home brochures to plan future visits and were quite impressed with the cabins they had rented.

Story By Pam Hedge Photos Contributed

ver the weekend of November 6-8, Plexus Ambassadors from twelve different states descended on the Red River Gorge and turned it Pink. Weekend in the Woods, Turning the Gorge Pink, was held at the Activity Center at Cliffview Resort. There were visitors from as far away as Mississippi, Michigan and Illinois, coming to Kentucky for the first time to listen to two days of training by some of the top Plexus Jewels in the company. Friday afternoon was started with a Meet and Greet session, where all of these guests got to meet, many for the first time. The Plexus community is a large one, and most everyone has ‘met’ through social media but never in person, or only see each other once or twice a year.


Training started on Saturday morning at 8:30, with a session geared towards Men put on by Josh Pilgrim. It was very well attended and lots of great information was shared, not just with the men but with all the women that also chose to attend this session. And Opportunity of a Lifetime meeting followed, with several guests from the area attending to get a quick overview about The beautiful cake made by Loretta Friend, sister of Ambassador Theresa just what Plexus is about. After a catered lunch by The Delaware of Irvine. Gorge Cafe, a full afternoon of training sessions were presented to all of those present. It was very informative held at Lakeside Cabin for the brave souls who weren’t too tired, and everyone seemed to be happy about everything they were nor too cold to stand around the fire. learning in each session. It was well worth the time of each Ambassador present. A Dinner With The Jewels was held Saturday While most of the guests headed for their homes early on evening before wrapping up the sessions for the day. A bonfire was Sunday morning, there was a group from Tennessee that wanted to enjoy the zipline tour, that is located within Cliffview Resort. Of course, I went along to make sure everything went okay. Marie Roberts, one of those zip lining, was fulfilling a bucket list item. She has lost 85 pounds since starting Plexus and this was the first time she’d ever been light enough to take the tour. She overcame a big fear of heights to do this as well, and we were all just so proud of her for accomplishing her goal. The guides at Red River Gorge Zipline Tours are always fantastic, but they even took a little extra time with Marie to help calm her fears so she could finish. We about lost her on tower four because it’s pretty high up in the air. She was a trooper though and off we went. It was the highlight of my weekend. Guests were welcomed at the Opportunity of a Lifetime Meeting held on Saturday morning.

Angela Smith of the Glasgow, Kentucky area takes her selfie with Stephanie Maness, Missy Hall and Lisa McKeever.


We can’t say that our weekend went without a few glitches, which we expected. There was a missed flight resulting in an extra trip over to Lexington’s airport (thanks Dave Severson), there was one camper who almost cut his finger off chopping firewood and had to go to Clark County’s ER (thanks to them for taking such good care), there were a few that got lost finding the Gorge and winding up at the Nada Tunnel. But, all in all, a great time was had by everyone who attended and pictures filled up social media as they all traveled home. I can’t wait to see most of them again at Super Saturday in Nashville this coming January. I must add that the entire crew at Cliffview Resort, Red River Gorge Zipline Tours, Red River Gorge Cabin Rentals and The Gorge Cafe did an awesome job accommodating this event, from Cherilyn Morgan of Lexington with Diamond helping people Ambassador Debra Lawson of Mississippi. with directions

Some of my favorite ladies! Robin Easterday, Holly Honnold, Kellie Yielding, Marie Roberts, Renee Bronzetti, Sherril Bruckner and Shawn Downie traveled from Tennessee, Ohio and Michigan to be at Weekend in the Woods.

A ziplining tour was enjoyed by a few of the ladies before heading home on Sunday. Marie Roberts, back left, lost 85 pounds to be under the weight limit and this was on her bucket list.

The trainers were treated to a room at the Lakeside Retreat. There are 12 bedrooms in this luxury cabin. -- November 2015

November 2015 --

The visiting Jewels, which are Ambassadors in the the top three tiers of Plexus, kicked off the weekend of training with a Question and Answer Panel. Questions Josh Pilgrim, Stephanie Maness, Missy Hall, Lisa McKeever and Debra were asked by those in the audience and then each Lawson traveled from across the United States to put on two days of Plexus of the speakers were given a few minutes to answer. Everyone’s journey in Plexus is different, so it was very training sessions for over 60 ambassadors from 12 states. enlightening to hear the different approaches by each of them. Those traveling in for the training were Debra Lawson, Diamond Ambassador from Mississippi; Lisa McKeever, Sapphire Ambassador from New Jersey and Emerald Ambassadors Missy Hall from Oklahoma; Josh Pilgrim from Georgia and Stephanie Maness from Tennessee. A delicious barbecue was enjoyed by all later Friday evening before everyone retreated to their cabins and rooms to rest up for Saturday.

For those wondering, Plexus is a line of allnatural supplements and vitamins. Dave and I have been using Plexus products since January and have seen a big difference in just about everything in our lives. If you’d like to know more, email me at or call me at 606-895-4018 and I’ll give you more information.


Cheese Pie

Mix ranch mix in cream cheese. Add rotel, then chicken and mix well. Chill in refrigerator.

1 pound hamburger, fried and drained

1 large egg (don’t forget egg) 2 8-oz. packages of cream cheese, softened ¼ cup heavy cream 1 tbsp. freshly grated lemon 4 teaspoons pure vanilla extract ½ cup sugar Chocolate pie crust

Serve on wheat Ritz crackers of you can make a sandwich out of it.

From Dorothy Knox Clay City, Kentucky

From Bonnie L. Bowling Cincinnati, Ohio

Mix 2 cans dark kidney beans, 2 cans mini diced tomatoes, 1 can whole kernel corn and 1 package of taco mix. Do not drain vegetables. Mix all together and cook in kettle 15 minutes on stove. Serve with sour cream and tortilla chips. Sure is good on these cold evenings.

Salsa for Canning From Lida Gilbert Olive Hill, Kentucky

From Jeanetta Jackson Georgetown, Kentucky 5 lbs. potatoes 4 stalks celery 3 eggs, boiled and cut up 1 green pepper 1 sweet onion

Combine all ingredients except cumin and cilantro in a large pot and bring to a boil, stirring frequently, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add spices and simmer for another 20 minutes stirring occasionally.

2 large cans of chicken, drained 1 large cream cheese, room temperature 1 can of rotel, drained 1 pkg. of dry ranch dip (make sure it is dip mix not dressing mix).


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Salad dressing to smooth out according to your judgment.

Chicken Dip

From Kathy Wells Mt. Sterling, Kentucky

From Cheryl Spivey Clay City, Kentucky

1 pkg. boneless thin pork chops 2-3 cans Golden Mushroom soup 1 onion potatoes, sliced Brown the chops, then place a layer in baking dish of the chops, onion, potatoes and soup. Repeat another layer of same. Cover. Bake 350° for 1-½ hours. The longer it cooks, the more tender the chops. Let set about 20 minutes after taking out of oven.

Corn Salad

From Terry Richmond Vanceburg, Kentucky 2 15-oz. cans of corn 1 cup chopped purple onion 1 cup chopped green bell pepper 1 cup Miracle Whip 1 bag barbecue corn chips Mix first four ingredients together. Top with crushed barbecue corn chips.


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Every now and then I get it out And read each precious page Words cannot describe the way it makes me feel.

For Christmas, fathers day, and birthdays I’ve received a lot of gifts Folks are always buying me gifts from a store. But each letter each child writes me Goes straight to their Grandpa’s heart And no other gift on earth could please me more.

I Miss Being Young

MUFFLER SHOP HOURS: Tuesday-Friday, 8 to 5 Saturday, 7 to 2

Like sleeping soundly thru the night Not answering natures call, I guess its just plain being young That I miss most of all.


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I have this homemade scrapbook That my grandkids made for me And it lets me know their love for me is real.

I don’t know how my body Ever ended up like this, Sometimes I sit and think about Some of the things I miss.

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I’ve seen lots of different places And met lots of different people But there’s a special thing that gives me peace of mind.

If I had a billion dollars And a million acre ranch That scrapbook would be worth ten times as much.




I’ve collected many memories In my more than sixty years And I know I’m one that life has treated kind.

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Grandpa’s Scrapbook

To see the sparkle in their eyes When they give me a hug There is nothing warmer than a grandchild’s touch.

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By Bobby Joe Hedge of Olive Hill

Tire & Lube Center, Inc. HUGE TIRE SALE


Sale Storewide ut o h g u thro November!


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Time was I could remember Without leaving myself notes Now I’m lucky to remember Even with the things I’ve wrote. If I can see to read at all The letters must be bold, that’s just some of the perks That go along with growing old. I guess the things I’m speaking of Are happening to you too, Now we can only dream about The things we use to do. I’d almost bet, the final words That roll off of my tongue, Are I’m glad I lived to be this old, But I miss being young.

October’s Winner! Thyme on Broadway

The October 2015 winner our Abby Track contest is Hasof Re-Opened! Angel Campbell of Stanton, Kentucky. Angel found the A Abby Track on page 6 in the picture of Mark and Laura Ashley Johnson. Angel wins two ziplining passes to Red River Gorge Zipline Tours near Slade. Congratulations and thanks so much for entering the contest. And yes, we know it was also located on the Hardy Gas ad on page 29. My errors are very public! Story by Pam Hedge

n Irvine business has re-opened after former owner Sherry Reams took a break from the business a few months ago and local residents have been patiently waiting for it’s return. Thyme officially re-opened on September 8th, after a few weeks of anticipation as the news spread about the new owners. Yes, I said new owners. That is because Thyme on Broadway was recently purchased by Mark and Laura Ashley Johnson. Now, most people in Estill County know Laura Ashley, she is the former Laura Ashley Dennis and known to so many in the area. We actually met Laura Ashley through Relay for Life years ago, and many members of her family have now become friends through various organizations that we all belong to.

Of course, she up and moved on all of us a couple of years ago after meeting Mark Johnson, who works as an Engineer on a project in Easterm Washington. And get this ... he’s from the same valley we are from out west. He’s from Asotin, on the Washington side of the Snake River, Dave and I are from Lewiston, on the Idaho side. But, we all considered “The Valley” home for many, many years. So, we were sad Laura moved, but happy she had met Mark. Since that time, they’ve married and continued to come back to Estill County for visits, although they live in the Tri-Cities area of Washington State. Thyme on Broadway has always been a place Laura Ashley loved and she never missed it during her visits ‘home.’ The entire community is pleased that Thyme has re-opened and that a former resident has invested in her hometown. We were all a bit afraid that Thyme wouldn’t re-open. And to those of us that are coffee lovers, well that just wasn’t good news.

The business, which is located at 131 Broadway in downtown Irvine, is much more than coffee though. I’ve pretty much learned when I visit that I walk away with more than coffee every time. They open at 6:30 am Monday through Saturday for the early coffee crowd, and they begin serving from their breakfast menu starting at 7 am. The menu at Thyme offers high quality ingredients and healthier options for the community.

Join the Thyme on Broadway Coffee Rewards Club!


Enjoy a delicious, healthy salad, just one of the many items they offer for lunch.

You might wonder how Laura Ashley and Mark run this from Eastern Washington State? They have an excellent staff that oversees it’s operation. The manager is Laura’s mother Phyllis Dennis. Former employee Brittany Brinegar is Assistant Manager and Lead Barista is John Isaacs. In fact, they tried keeping as many former employees as they could. Their culinary team consists of Lori McKinney, Eldina Howell, Mandy Neal, Marla Marrs, Chris Winthrow, Brenda Clair and Laura’s aunt, Rebecca Wolfinbarger. I’m sure you’ll find that Estine Tipton, mayor of Ravenna and Laura’s grandmother, does some of the baking from time to time as well. And who doesn’t love Estine’s cooking?

Mark and Laura Ashley Johnson, new owners of Thyme on Broadway in Irvine.

Of course, anyone that knows me, knows how much I push supporting local businesses and Mark and Laura Ashley have really taken a great step in that direction. They offer Brown Farm Meats for their breakfast sandwiches and are great supporters of Ravenna Greenhouse, Take It Personal and All Things Country Magazine, along with other businesses throughout the community.

They welcome groups and children are welcome as well. Thyme offers a lounge-type setting with free Wi-Fi, so you can enjoy your tablets while sipping on a delicious coffee beverage. They offer take-out, which Dave and I have taken advantage of many times since Thyme originally opened. They also offer catering services to any business, any day of the week. Give them a call at 606-723-9776 or email them at for more information on their catering services.

Monthly Abby Tracks Contest

Can You Find Abby’s paw print?

Somewhere in this edition of All Things Country Magazine is a paw print left behind by our dog Abby. Once you find it, send your name, address and phone number, (PLUS YOUR FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE) to the following address: Silo Mill Gift Shop, 325 Richmond Road, Irvine, KY 40336

THIS MONTH’S PRIZE: Candleberry hot maple toddy candle, plus a christmas ornament, Provided By Silo Mill Gift Shop Entries must be received by November 30th to get in the drawing.

Deli Smoothies Groceries Coffee Shop Supplies We are a convenience store and gift shop with full service coffee shop, breakfast & lunch sandwiches & wraps for lunch, groceries & camping supplies.

EBT Accepted • New Inventory Our grocery store offers restaurant quality frozen steaks, marinated chicken and marinated salmon. 769 Natural Bridge Rd. • Slade, KY 40376 606-663-2549 WE ARE OPEN DAILY 9am to 9pm! -- November 2015

November 2015 --

Potato Salad

7 quarts peeled, cored, chopped tomatoes 4 cups seeded chopped peppers 4 cups chopped onions 6 cloves garlic (chopped), optional 2 cups bottled Lemon or Lime juice 2 tbsp. salt 1 tbsp. pepper 2 tbsp. cumin 2 tbsp cilantro (fresh or dried ) ¼ cup oil



Mix all ingredients, pour into pie crust and bake for 40 minutes at 350°. Chill for 2 hours.

Pork Chop Casserole


Uncle Bob’s

On OCTOBER 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail on his first voyage across the Atlantic.

Taco Soup

Send us your Short Stories, Poetry & Recipes

OCTOBER 2015 -- www.aTCky.

Recipes from our readers...


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Did you know? On the Road Again ....

• The Pilgrims sailed on the

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Pictured are, front left to right: Sonya Dennis King, Ann Crabtree Wilson, Pam Martin Tipton. Back left to right, Jim Dennis & JC Wilson. Jim, Pam & Sonya traveled to Germantown, Ohio to visit with aunt Ann Wilson and took her an All Things Country Magazine.


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November 2015 --

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ship, which was known by the name of ‘Mayflower’. • They celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day at Plymouth, Massachusetts. • The Wampanoag Indians were the people who taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate the land. • The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days.


Wilderness Wanderings . . .

By Bill Gordon Stanton, KY

Witch Hazel My walk in the woods today marked the transition from fall to winter. This particular event takes place quite suddenly each year, mostly because of a day or two of blustery, windy weather. I’m referring to the final leaf drop, when all the leaves are off, save the stubborn oaks and a scattering of beeches on the protected hillsides. The past few days have been windy, and it’s

hundred feet of rope and chain and it is now being cut into firewood. Many of the natural cavity bird houses for sale this Christmas season will have cavities from this recycled tree. Besides finding some additional firewood, I am marking each Sugar Maple tree I find that is close to my meadow edges and accessible walking trails. Perhaps this spring we will begin tapping these trees for the wonderful sugary sap that will be boiled down to pure maple syrup. It takes about fifty gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup, a timeconsuming source of good, honest work that yields the heavenly delicious organic sweetener that many people nowadays have never even tasted.


been like a snowstorm of leaves, with the ground covered in swirling masses of leaves reminding me so much of foamy surf rushing onto the beach on a strong storm surge tide. Today, for the first time since April, I can see through the woods. The leaf blanket has been removed, and through the eyes of a nature detective, some of the secrets in the wilderness are revealed. I’m always on the lookout for deadfalls that have blown to ground, a ready source of firewood, and today I spied several that will be within reach using long ropes attached to my pickup truck. I will not cut down any of the dead trees that are scattered throughout my wilderness acres, they are the favored sources of nesting habitat for cavity-nesting birds and mammals. I’ll wait until the wind or ice pulls them down. Once on the ground, they get sawn up and added to the woodpile. Any old woodpecker holes will be cut out and saved for bird houses, the remaining wood will warm the house, then the ashes recycled into the garden for next year’s vegetables. I’ve got a big old beech that I dragged out of the woods with a couple

Estill Arts Council’s

Christmas Arts & Crafts Show 12th Annual Event Coming December 5

The 12th annual “Christmas Arts & Crafts Show” will be Sat., Dec. 5 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Central Office Gymnasium, 253 Main Street in Irvine. The Estill Arts Council will offer unique gifts for sale from local artists and craftsmen, live entertainment, free children arts activities, a silent auction of arts and crafts items, concession stand with chili and hot dogs, and 50/50 pot.

and growing up my mom always had a bottle of witch hazel in the medicine cabinet. My dad used it as after shave, we put it on insect bites, and as a teen I used it as a facial wipe for treating acne. It is still used today in many commercial healthcare products and hemorrhoid preparations. The seeds are edible and were a favorite of the hunter-gatherer tribes. I think the seeds taste like pistachios, but it is very difficult to collect any appreciable amount. When the seeds are mature and ready to pop out, the process takes only a few days for all of them to be ejected from the pods. Timing is the critical issue. I shot some photos of the blossoms on a Sunday. Four days later, Thursday, I went back to the same patch Continued on Page 15

Holiday Gift Certificates! Hairspray on sale

Performa, Amplify & Vavoom Full Service Salon For the Whole Family • COLOR • CUTS • PERMS • HIGHLIGHTS • LOW-LIGHTS • FACIALS • WAXING

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Beth Abshear

of plants to collect some of the fruit pods so I could extract the seeds and germinate them in planting pots (and eat a few too). In that short stretch of time all the pods had burst open and the seeds ejected. I was hoping to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies, and add in some Hickory nut meats I’ve collected, and some Witch Hazel seeds. Oh well, better luck next year. Foraging is NOT like shopping at your neighborhood Kroger supermarket.

15 Bond St. • Irvine • 606-723-8646 Brenda Adams

Only original artwork, handmade crafts, and baked goods (individually wrapped) are eligible for entry. No canned goods can be sold unless home based processing has been approved. Demonstrations are encouraged.

See YOU in the woods, sometime soon.

Wild Bill

“There is a way that nature speaks, the land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough to pay attention to the story.” ~ Linda Hogan

Calling All Singers

Looking for new members! Estill County Community Chorus practice season has begun at Irvine United Methodist Church, Main St., Irvine. Age not a factor, nor is musical training.

Singers meet every Thursday at 7pm (except Thanksgiving). Membership dues are $25.00 per person or $35.00 per 2 family members. Scholarships available. Carol Anne Wilson, Conducting Nancy Farmer, Pianist/Accompanist Ann Siudmak, Assistant Pianist

Area artists and craftsmen can get an application form from the Citizens Guaranty Bank (River Drive), Estill County Public Library, or Ravenna Greenhouse. The cost of a 10’ x 10’ space will be $15 for Estill Arts Council members and $20 for non-Estill Arts Council members before Nov. 6. Entries postmarked after Nov. 6 will be an additional $10. For more information call 606 723-5694 or 606 723-4678. Proceeds from the event will be used to support the activities and programs of the Estill Arts Council.

Estill Arts Council presents

Christmas Arts & Crafts Show Saturday, December 5, 2015 10am to 4pm

Central Office Gym on Main St., Irvine, KY

Everyone Welcome!

Arts & Crafts for Purchase • 50/50 Pot Silent Auction Items • Food Concessions Children’s Art Activities • Demonstrations ~ Music of the Season ~ Donations at the door: $1.00 or 1 Can of Food


Call Carol Anne at 859-556-0163 or email at for more information.

Booth registration forms available at Citizens Guaranty Bank, Ravenna Greenhouse or the Estill County Library or by calling 723-5694 or 723-4678 -- November 2015

November 2015 --

Native Americans held this shrub in high regard. It has many medicinal qualities and is good for treating a wide variety of skin rashes and bruises. An extract made from the bark and leaves is an astringent,

Wanderings, Continued from Page 14


Gorgeous Views!

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Marcum & Wallace Hospital receives ACR Lung Cancer Screening Designation


Marcum & Wallace Hospital (MWMH) in Irvine is now a designated CT Lung Cancer Screening Center by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and participating in the Lung Cancer Screening Registry.

Participation in the registry is voluntary and allows the MWMH imaging facility to compare its lung cancer screening performance to other facilities nationwide. Healthcare providers and radiology staff can use these objective comparisons to advance our lung cancer screening practice, target specific areas for improvement, implement quality improvement programs, and improve patient care. “Screening is an important tool in the fight against lung cancer,” said Marcum & Wallace Radiology Director Sharon Whitaker. “An annual CT screening for people at high risk for lung cancer can save lives through early detection. This designation shows our commitment to patients of our region. Low dose CT screening for lung cancer carried out safely, efficiently and equitably will save tens of thousands of lives a year.” The ACR Lung Cancer Screening Registry (LCSR) is approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to meet Medicare quality reporting requirements. As part of the ACR National Radiology Data Registry (NRDR®), the LCSR leads the effort in developing benchmarks and comparisons to help imaging facilities improve quality of patient care. For additional information about a CT Lung Cancer Screening, contact Sharon Whitaker, Radiology Director, 606726-2178.

s i l l E l e i n a D er c Offi

9th Annual Estill County Community Chorus

MWMH Radiology Director Sharon Whitaker with Kim Benton, RT(CT) (M). Marcum and Wallace Memorial Hospital is a designated CT Lung Cancer Screening center.

PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WHILE YOU WAIT Most Insurance Accepted • Drive Thru Window

Camargo PharmaCy 3404 Camargo rd.

mt. Sterling, Ky


Words from the past .....

Christmas Concert

God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready guard and defend it. ~ Daniel Webster

Sunday, December 6, 2015 v 3pm

We need an America with the wisdom of experience. But we must not let America grow old in spirit. ~ Hubert H. Humphrey

Irvine United Methodist Church 243 Main Street, Irvine Carol Anne Wilson, Director Nancy Farmer, Accompanist

Special Guests: Estill County Dulcimer Club

Hours: M-F, 8:30-5:30 • Saturdays, 9:00-1:00

Donations to Estill County Community Chorus are tax deductible and accepted at the door. Make checks payable to Estill Arts Council.

Information is not knowledge. ~ Albert Einstein

Call 859-556-0163 or Email: for more information

Joanna Conner, R. Ph. • Donna Patton, CPht. Chris Ann Patton & Crystal Mills, Techs



The Constitution of the United States is the result of the collected wisdom of our country. ~ Thomas Jefferson


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It’s the perfect time to get ready for the Fall weather. And the IronStrike Harvest Homecoming sales event is making it easy to add a cozy new fireplace, stove or insert to your home.


Promotion runs from now through November 30, 2015 Offers available in the U.S. and Canada through participating IronStrike dealer locations only. This offer does not apply to fireplaces installed for new construction builders unless purchased at or through a participating retail dealer. Contact your local dealer for more details. Offers may not be combined.

D & J HARDWARE 20 South Irvine Rd., Irvine

(606) 723-3200

Open Monday – Saturday 8am-6pm -- November 2015

November 2015 --



Participate in Small Business Saturday on November 28 As the Christmas season approaches, you have a chance as a small business owner to engage local customers to do their shopping where the tax dollars and purchases benefit our community.

DO NOT DRINK & DRIVE! No Texting Either

Christmas Trees, Decorations & More!

Research from business articles and economists show that buying locally with independent businesses is good for the economy…it actually generates double the economic activity versus shopping at a national chain. This holiday season, participate in Small Business Saturday on November 28. Most of the communities in our distribution area plan special events for Small Business Saturday, so make sure you watch for details in each of your areas. It really is a great day to take advantage of shopping local and spending the day visiting with local people.

Thanksgiving Blessings To You & Your Family Most Major Insurance Accepted

~ Walk Ins Welcome ~

Estill Medical Clinic Donna isfort, APRN

275 N. Court Street, Irvine 606-723-2167

Henry is the lead sponsor of the Charlie Daniels’ Volunteer Jam 40th Anniversary to benefit The Journey Home Project program for veterans. It has made donations to many medical charities, including the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital, the Roger Maris Cancer Center and the Ronald McDonald House. Within its industry, Henry supports the NRA, as well as many wildlife conservation and youth shooting sports organizations.

In addition, more than 80 percent of the survey respondents cited keeping American jobs and maintaining America’s strength in the global economy as reasons to support American-made products.

The company’s Guns for Great Causes program includes a range of activities that benefit individuals and organizations of all sizes.

Pictures With Santa December 5th All Fall Flags, Banners & Lawn Decorations

Buy One - Get One 1/2 OFF (Of Equal or Lesser Value)

218 River Drive - Irvine

Examples of how the company has made a difference include a donation of two Henry rifles to a Missouri high school fundraiser to send the school choir to perform at Carnegie Hall, as well as a donation of 100 Henry rifles custom embellished with the Kansas state flower to benefit a sick 4 year old girl from Sedan, Kan.

Henry Repeating Arms is one of many companies that support American troops via the USO and a multitude of charitable military organizations -- such as the Marine Corp Scholarship Fund, Operation Homefront and Paralyzed Veterans of America. Anthony Imperato, president of Henry Repeating Arms, has personally thanked many veterans for their service with a gift of a Henry Military Service Tribute Edition rifle. Extraordinary customer service is a key foundation of the company’s success. Henry’s Extreme Customer Service policy means that all customer service issues are handled in-house by a staff operating with a mandate from Mr. Imperato to do whatever it takes to make certain the customer is satisfied. The policy includes an unlimited lifetime guarantee on products, and Mr. Imperato responds personally to customer emails seven days a week. For more information on Henry’s Guns for Great Causes program, visit

Ornament Sale Saturday, November 28


% 20 OFF ALL ORNAMENTS Get Ready for all those Ornament Exchanges!

Open Mon-Fri, 8 to 5:30; Sat, 8 to 5; Sun, 1 to 4

Scavenger Hunt


Estill County Kentucky


Join the Estill County Chamber of Commerce as we celebrate “shopping small” on Small Business Saturday! Saturday, November 28th is your opportunity to “shift your shopping” to support small and independent businesses in Irvine, Ravenna, and Estill County! Our participating businesses will have great deals, door prizes, extended hours, and the small town service you won’t find anywhere else! Visit to find out which of our outstanding Chamber member businesses are participating!

325 Richmond Rd. • Irvine


Visit Us Online!

Shop Small on Small Business Saturday November 28th


Follow the link on our website to FlowerShopNet work or log in directly to

Ravenna Florist & Greenhouse 408 Main St.

Ravenna, KY

1-866-408-3559 or 1-606-723-2175

Find us on Faceboo k floristGH -- November 2015

November 2015 --

(NewsUSA) – “Made in America” matters; almost 80 percent of Americans would prefer to buy an American-made product instead of one made abroad, based on data from a national survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center. The findings appeared in an article in the February 2013 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.

Henry Repeating Arms, maker of repeating firearms based on the design that was patented in 1860, is one example of a company that takes pride in its American roots and gives back to the country and communities.

Small Business Saturday - November 28


How American-Made Products Benefit Many



You always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc. This is the first time I’ve ever heard this twist on the story. Gives you something to think about. Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband’s employer’s home. My friend, Arlene, was nervous about th e weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house. The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband’s employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely. As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment.. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts. Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny. He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up? Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally, she could stand it no longer. She casually mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value. A smile crept across the man’s face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. She had seen many pennies before! What was the point of this? ‘Look at it.’ He said. ‘Read what it says.’ She read the words ‘ United States of America ‘ ‘No, not that; read further.’ ‘One cent?’ ‘No, keep reading.’ ‘In God we Trust?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘And?’ ‘And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin. Whenever I find a coin, I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him? Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God’s way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful! When I was out shopping today, I found a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. I read the words, ‘In God We Trust,’ and had to laugh. Yes, God, I get the message. It seems that I have been finding an inordinate number of pennies in the last few months, but then, pennies are plentiful! And, God is patient..


COLLISION CENTER Bobby Patrick, Owner

From Our Home To Your Home! 508 Frames Branch Rd. Clay City, KY 40312



From Our Family to Yours ... Dentistr y Completetanton of S e, D.M.D.

Happy Thanksgiving!

w Adam D. Sto3-6021 606-66 nton

(NewsUSA) – With more and more people moving to urban areas or just looking to minimize and simplify their lives, smallspace living is on the rise. This trend toward scaling back is great news for cat lovers. But sharing your small home with a cat isn’t without its challenges. Here’s how to make sure you and your feline friend live in harmony when space is at a premium.

Give your cat a “territory.” Cats are territorial animals, just like their counterparts in the wild. Domestic cats don’t need acres of grassland, but they should have a special place in your small home. Let your cat pick his or her favorite spot -- it may be a windowsill, a high perch or a dark

Happy Thanksgiving Wolfe County

in St., Sta 210 N. Ma

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850 Hwy 191, Campton, KY

Sticks, Stones & Stitches: An AppAlAchiAn crAftS Store

Quilts • Handmade Soaps Wood Crafts • Paintings Alpaca Products • Stitch Work Kentucky Agates • Jewelry

Estill Co. Clerk Sherry Fox and her entire staff wish you a

Happy Thanksgiving!


20 Black Creek Rd. Clay City, KY

Country Kitchen 606-663-4179

Fresh Pies Daily! 91 South Main, Stanton 606-359-0719

Monday-Saturday – 10 am - 4 pm Closed On Sundays

Davis and Davis Funeral Home, LLC

May Your Day Be Blessed

Limited Space, Big Love: Solutions for Cat Lovers in Tight Quarters

David and Megan Davis, Owners

777 West College Ave., Stanton • 606-663-9480

Obituary Line: 606-663-9580

Warm Up with a Bowl of Chili! We have Bread Bowls too.

steaks from the grill! Fridays & Saturdays, 4-8pm Your Choice of: Rib Eye • Prime Rib • New York • Sirloin

Any steak, cooked on our outside grill, including baked potato & salad. Drink & dessert included. HOURS: Monday – Thursday 6am-9:30pm Friday & Saturday 6am-10pm • Sunday 7am-10pm

Home of the Fresh Fried Green Tomatoes

Come in & give our Homemade Soups a Try!

hiding spot -- and set up a comfortable bed or blanket. Intrusions into this space, whether from humans or other pets, should be kept to a minimum.

Forget about “off-limits.” In a small space, your cat will need a lot of freedom to explore. Don’t expect furniture, tables or even kitchen counters to be off limits. Instead, keep food, breakables and anything else you don’t want your cat to get into behind closed cabinet doors and let your cat roam free.

Choose a cat litter made for tight quarters. The litter box can be the trickiest part of sharing a small home with a cat. You need a litter that delivers powerful odor control and makes it easy to keep the box clean. World’s Best Cat Litter harnesses the concentrated power of corn for long-lasting performance and keeps odor under control even in the tightest spaces. As a bonus for apartment dwellers who dread trash trips, this all-natural litter alternative is also flushable* and septic-safe. Cats can be the perfect pets for people living in tight quarters. It just takes a little planning and compromise to keep everyone purring and content! *The State of California encourages the disposal of cat feces in trash and discourages flushing feces in toilets or disposing of them in drains.

New TIPS Program Focuses on Preventing Youth Sports Injuries (NewsUSA) – It’s recognized as a “silent epidemic” among our nation’s youth. We’re talking sports-related injuries. Every day nearly 8,000 young athletes sustain an injury bad enough to send them to an emergency room, and -- if that’s not chilling enough -- just look at these numbers from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: • In the past year alone, 48 youths died due to sports injuries. • About 30,000 high school athletes are hospitalized every year. • Concussions account for 90 percent of high schoolers’ 300,000 annual head injuries. That explains why a new program called “Athletic TIPS” (Towards Injury Prevention in Sports) has garnered the support of everyone from health care professionals to athletic directors to sports stars like football legend Michael Strahan. The retired New York Giants defensive end, in fact, narrates the introductory video on behalf of the not-for-profit group behind the initiative. The program’s goal? To foster “a safer experience” for athletes at the kindergarten through college levels by focusing on the recognition, prevention and management of sports-related injuries -- all done through community workshops, online learning, and other grassroots initiatives. “Athletic TIPS answers a critical need for educating schoolage athletes, their parents, and advisors about sports-related injuries,” says Ed Goren, the former vice-chairman of Fox Sports Media Group, who’s backing the initiative. “Hopefully, parents will feel more confident encouraging their sons and daughters to reap sports’ substantial benefits and life lessons.” The workshops target four key areas: concussion recognition and prevention; nutrition in sports management; preventing dehydration and heat-related conditions; and recognizing, managing, and preventing musculoskeletal injuries. To learn more or schedule an Athletic TIPS Community Workshop in your area, visit -- November 2015

November 2015 --

Pennies .....


Thank You For Reading All Things Country Magazine ... We appreciate your support!

! ! ! n e p O w No

Create a Homemade Harvest with Mouthwatering Autumn Sandwiches (NewsUSA) – As autumn temperatures move in, sidewalks are painted orange with freshly fallen foliage, cozy sweaters are taken out of storage and mouths begin to water for hearty dishes packed with fall-friendly ingredients. There’s much more than pumpkin to freshen up your food: Make the most out of your fresh farmer’s market picks and create seasonal sandwiches with these simple add-ins that blend all of your favorite autumn flavors.

Happy Thanksgiving Tropical Tans

19 Washington St. Stanton, Kentucky

206 Main Street

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Downtown Irvine

Playtime Daycare, Pre-School & Childcare


67 River Dr. Irvine, Kentucky

Steam Engine is a sister restaurant to Apollo Pizza of Richmond.

Begin the Holiday Season with your family and friends. Come join us and experience the charm and festive traditions of Christmas in the City of Grayson, Kentucky

Irvine, KY


November 2015 --

SUBSCRIBE TODAY!! $30 Per Year. Call 606-895-4018

We are thankful for the privilege of caring for your smile!

Kentucky River Dentistry 161 Richmond Rd. Irvine, KY 606-723-4112 Open 7 Days A Week

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Now Open!

Call In Orders Welcome %

10 Discount to Cabin Rentals

Lee, Wolfe & Powell County Residents - Show ID for 20% Off!

FuLL BReakFaSt On WeekenDS! -- View menu, order & pay online!

Thanksgiving Greetings!


Tire & Lube Center, Inc.

Wes Miller, Owner 6020 Winchester Rd., Clay City, KY


Offer to God thanksgiving, And pay your vows to the Most High. - Psalm 50:14

Warren F. Toler Funeral Home 99 Cedar Grove Dr., Irvine 606-723-2183 Obituary Line: 606-723-4242



1000 Dry Branch Road • Irvine 606.726.0551 Bobby Worsham OffeRIng pROMpt, cOuRteOuS SeRvIce! -- November 2015


For Details Call: Grayson Tourism at 606-474-8740


Thanksgiving Blessings To All of our Friends Tamara L. rice, cPa 2214 Richmond Rd

December 4, 5 & 6

Children’s Activities Featuring Anna, Elsa and Olaf Christmas Market e Handmade Crafts Gallery of Trees e Nativity Walk Tree Lighting & Caroling Parade • Live Music e Santa & Mrs. Claus Food Vendors e Luminarias Where’s Rudolph? Scavenger Hunt


* Butter-up: Pumpkin may be the star of autumn, but butternut squash is quick on its heels. Easy to prepare and packed with vitamins A and C, butternut squash adds a hearty sweetness to any dish. Give your sandwiches a seasonal makeover by creating custom spreads and sauces blended with butternut squash. From a roasted squash, manchego and balsamic-onion grilled cheese to a tangy goat cheese and squash spread on your favorite panini, this quick addition is sure to give any sandwich an extra burst of flavor. * Gobble up extra protein: When the leaves start to fall, turkey takes center stage as the go-to protein for sandwiches, snacks and, of course, Thanksgiving dinner. But why wait for leftovers to enjoy a classic turkey sandwich? Lean turkey options help elevate sandwiches while still packing a nutritional punch. “Look for turkey products that are lower in sodium and fat without sacrificing the amount of protein you get in each serving,” says registered dietitian and cookbook author Jessica Fishman Levinson MS, RDN CDN. “A great option is Simply Delicious Slow Roasted Turkey Breast from Land O’Frost, which offers 8 grams of protein for only 50 calories per serving.” Simply Delicious is certified as heart-healthy by the American Heart Association and contains no artificial flavors, by-products or added hormones. * Apple a day: Apple picking is a favorite autumn past time, but what do you do with all those freshly picked apples after the pie is made? Use everyone’s favorite seasonal fruit to brighten up a warm grilled panini or gourmet grilled cheese with a layer of homemade apple chutney or apple butter. With these tips in in mind, you’ll be able to incorporate your favorite seasonal flavors into an endless array of sandwich combinations. For coupons and more information about Simply Delicious products from Land O’Frost, visit


Christmas in Cliffview Christmas in Cliffview is approaching quickly! Our special day will be on December 12, 2015 at the Activities Center in Cliffview Resort. Each year the event is held for the residents of Lee and Wolfe counties free of charge. The entire event is funded by the donations of Cliffview Resort, and other businesses in the area.

There will be a meal, and fun activities for the kids, Santa may even stop by! For the past three years we have grown bigger with each year, more shining faces light up with excitement and joy when they hear those sleigh bells ringing and Santa walks through the door. Nothing is more satisfying than to see friends and families come together and celebrate such a joyous season. As previously stated this event is funded entirely on donations. This is where your help is needed. Below you will find a list of items we will be needing. If you or your business can afford to make a small donation including any of the below items or a monetary contribution, it would go a long way in putting smiles on the faces of many!


We are also looking for volunteers to help with decorations, cooking, cleanup and many other tasks! If you would like to offer your help please send an email to christie@redrivergorgecabinrentals. com with your contact information and what you would like to help with! We would like to thank you all in advance for your help! Food Items Needed: Garlic bread Roast Beef Drinks (Soda, fruit juice, water, coffee, etc.) Desserts (Cakes, brownies, cookies, etc.) Potatoes Green Beans Salad dressing (Ranch, Italian, French)

By Brianna Gee of Grayson, Kentucky Almost 8 months ago I lost my uncle unexpectedly. The subject is still raw on our hearts, as it would be on any family. He was taken too soon from this world, only being the age of 31. He left behind a legacy of four beautiful children who love and adore him and are a spitting image of his charisma and charm. He left behind 5 nieces and nephews who have loved him unconditionally through his hardest and best days. What’s hardest to know is that he left behind a nephew that will never know, without the vague memories we try to explain, how much of an impact he made on all of our worlds. My personal lifelong account of me and my uncle’s relationship is one often untold. Our disappointments were many and our conversations varied from love to anger in a matter of seconds. He was a head strong man with weak minded decisions. He battled with drug addictions that often tore our family into shreds. I was there when he had a little too much to drink. I was there, hiding, clinging to my brother, when his arguments became heated with my grandmother. I was there when he wrecked his truck that freezing night. I was always there to see his lowest points when so many times they were supposed to be hidden. Since I was the one always there, since I was the one who always new, I became the niece that whenever he looked into my eyes he felt heartache and guilt. Whenever he looked into my eyes he saw my disappointment and inability to understand why he acted the way he did. Why he had to turn to drugs. Why he had to cause so many sleepless nights and stopping hearts when the telephone

Area Church

DIRECTORY Wisemantown United Methodist Church Greg McClellan, Pastor Sunday Service - 11am

Our Door is Open to You 1358 Wisemantown Road • Irvine, Kentucky Power Up at Summer Camp! Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center 125 Aldersgate Camp Road Ravenna, KY 40472 (606)723-5078

Register Online



Children Welcome!

Sunday School 10am Sunday Worship, 11am Sunday Evening, 6pm

Terry Barnes, Pastor 859-200-4232

262 Broadway, Irvine, KY

rang late at night. I asked questions with my eyes that he himself couldn’t answer. Although his addictions tore our family apart and that seemed like it could possibly be the worse thing in the world to possibly bear at the time, we found out that there was something much worse than the heartache we were already suffering: losing him completely. Not until I no longer had him to tell me how beautiful I looked for the dance, or to threaten the date I went with, or to talk about the world and a brighter tomorrow with while on four wheeler rides, I realized how much I truly and deeply loved and adored him. I loved the way he laughed. I loved the way he cracked a joke or how he would get to the point of amusement that he would almost spit out his drink. I loved the way he felt the need to protect me and hold me in his arms or how even though he may not go to church any other time of year he always brought out his best suit for Mother’s Day and Easter. I loved how he would get so into those Easter egg hunts and always found a way to cheat. I loved his hugs. I loved the way he loved his children. I loved him. And forever I will. He revealed to me how to be patient with those you love and even though you may not understand their ways to always express tenderness and kindness. He taught me through his mistakes and revealed to me how this world can be filled with beauty and joy and heartache and heavy burdens. He showed me, though he may have never realized it, how to love, how to laugh, how to dream. For he did all those things. I have watched my mother for 8 months now cry herself to sleep. I’ve watched her conquer the hardest of days and stand next to a casket that she wishes more than every fiber in her being wasn’t upholding the body she knew it did. I watched all of our nightmares turn into a reality. I have sat, at the age of 16, on the front row of a funeral service. I have sung along to the words of Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing at the top of my lungs while the tears groggle my voice. I have had to be the shoulder to lean on when my own was too weak. I have had to hold my tears inside so that I could be strong for someone else. I have had to battle the addiction I have to his memory. I have had to conquer the sorrow that grows inside of me daily. And I have had to plea with my Heavenly Father to give me strength to carry a broken family. I know many are facing the same battle I am. Addictions tear apart families. But the worst addiction is the one that accompanies the mind when a mother puts to rest her youngest son, or when a sister tells her baby brother goodbye, or when a son asks his daddy why he left him so soon, or when a niece wishes she could have more time to correct all the judgements she had made, or when a nephew wishes he would have asked him a few more tips on how to score a date with that girl. That’s the true challenge. And the only rehab to help you is in the form of time. Waking up and going on another day, creating new memories without him along your side, that’s how you stop being addicted to a memory. However, I’ll be honest I relapse more than I should. And I don’t think I’ll ever stop craving. I’ll never stop remembering.

HealtHy Foods and local Goods! Vitamins • minerals • herbs

essential Oils • DiFFUsers bUlK sPiCes & Grains

FOr YOUr hOliDaY baKinG: • Unique Sugars • Natural Sweeteners • Course & Fine Sea Salt • Dutch Process Cocoa • Cacao Nibs and Powder

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240 Redwing Drive Winchester, Kentucky



November 2015 --

If you would like to make a donation or have us pick up your donation, please give us a call at Red River Gorge Cabin Rentals (606) 668-3272.

Addicted to Your Memory


Body Shops

Animal Clinic of Estill Co. PLLC

Linda K. Grimes, DVM

Science Diet & Eukanuba Pet Foods • Health Certificates • Medicine & Surgery


1995 Richmond Road Irvine, Kentucky 40336


Attorney AT LAW


Rodney G. davis Attorney At LAw

200 Main Street, Irvine

COLLISION CENTER Bobby Patrick, Owner

508 Frames Branch Rd. Clay City, KY 40312



Arthur’s Body Shop, Inc. Rick Arthur - 859-353-1334 Bill Arthur - 606-723-3305

226 N. Second St., Richmond





Whitaker Bank Uniquely Kentucky

STANTON 606-663-2283


524 Broadway, Irvine


CLAY CITY 606-663-2276

24 Hour Wrecker Service!

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CAMPTON 606-668-9911 MEMBER

People Serving People Since 1912




DB Barber Shop Vada Barnes, Owner Drop-Ins Welcome!

Tuesday - Friday, 10am til last haircut is done!

2596 Dry Branch Road - Irvine 606-723-4019

Certified Accountants

the offices of Glenda Gay Oliver Certified Public Accountant

SILO MILL GIFT SHOP 325 Richmond Road • Irvine


Individual Income Tax • Business Income Tax Payroll Service • Financial Statements • Tax Planning Estate Taxes • New Business Organization

Call us Today 606-895-4018


Energy Cooperatives

Insurance Services

Inside Ravenna Florist & Greenhouse

408 Main St. Ravenna, KY

With one simple call or click you can save energy, help the environment, and earn bill credits. Our SimpleSaver program can annually credit your electric bill up to $30 or more. Join today and you may be eligible for an additonal one-time $20 sign-on bonus. SimpleSaver • 1-800-305-5493

Food Marts

Mart 82 Food DAILY Lunch Specials Open 7 Days A Week!


2214 Richmond Road • Irvine, KY 40336


HoncHell’s, Inc. Clothing For Men & Boys


Funeral Homes

Warren F. Toler Funeral Home

11-1/2 acres fenced; 3,300 sq. ft., 4 BR, 3 bath, LR, DR, den, large laundry, furnished sunroom with deck. A 1,150 sq. ft. detached garage, small barn and pond. $329,000.


Big “E” Insurance Service, Inc.

114 River Drive

606-723-2183 Obituary Line: 606-723-4242

GORGE BEVERAGES & ICE Locally Owned by Paul & Jodee King

Coldest Beverages in the Gorge! Ice • PoP • SnackS • SmokeS

123 KY 1036 Zachariah, Kentucky



Monday - Thursday, 8-10 Friday & Saturday, 8-11

C & S Carryout

The Beer Trailer!

Larry & Barsha Honchell, Owners

1266 Richmond Road • Irvine, KY

Monday-Thursday, 8am-10pm • Friday-Saturday, 8am-11pm • Closed Sundays

1163 N. Kentucky 11 Torrent, Kentucky


Cindy Stevenson

Elkins insurancE Group Red River Realty & Auction Ovie & Josie Hollon, Broker and Agents


See us for all your real estate and insurance needs

Medical Clinics

Estill Medical Clinic Most Major Insurance Accepted ~ Walk Ins Welcome ~

Donna Isfort, APRN 275 North Court Street Irvine, KY 40336 606-723-2167

Contact us today to find out about pre-planning services.

99 Cedar Grove Drive Irvine, KY

Irvine, KY 40336

606-723-2135 • 800-303-2135 606-723-4400 (Fax)

Pre-Planning Makes Sense.....

Wide Selection of Domestic & Imported Beers Snacks - Cigarettes - Camping Supplies


Winchester/Clark County

Richard Snowden

Tamara L. rice, cPa

Clothing For Men


SHOP as Pins & Needles LOCAL Embroidery & Monogramming as you 423-2175 can!!! EMBROIDERY



Farm meats

Raising Hogs for Over 45 Years! Federally Inspected & USDA Certified

Find Us at Discount Tobacco, 389 Richmond Rd. in Irvine Monday-Friday, 9-6 Saturday, 9-12 We now accept Email: VISA, Mastercard,

606-643-5107 or 606-643-5758

Debit, and EBT!


Hardy GaS COMPaNy, INC. 141 Richmond Rd • Irvine, Kentucky • 723-2496

PROPANE AND NATURAL GAS APPLIANCE SALES AND SERVICE Buck Gas Logs, Radient Heaters, Gas Ranges, Gas Water Heaters

Now serving all of Powell, Lee, Estill counties and most of Madison, Jackson and Clark. Large assortment of pilot assemblies, thermo couples, switches and gas valves. Gas tanks for sale too!

Remember what Pepper says, “Always heat and cook on a fire, not on a wire.”

We Encourage You To Shop Local!

Business & Service Directory

Animal Care


6701 Wagersville Rd. Irvine, Ky. 40336 Turquoise and agate jewelry, belt buckles, knives, hats, belts and many more novelty items for the horse Lover. Open Saturday and Sunday Daylight till 7:00 p.m. and many additional hours through the week, just give us a call!


By The Moons November 2015

12th-13th ���������� Poor planting days. 14th-16th ���������� Good days for planting peas, squash, corn, tomatoes, and other aboveground crops in southern Florida, Texas, and California. 17th-18th ���������� A good time to kill plant pests or do plowing. Poor for planting. 19th-20th ���������� Favorable days for planting aboveground crops where climate allows.


21st-22nd ��������� Seeds planted now will grow poorly and yield little.

of Irvine

Electronic Tax Preparation Year Round Full Service Accounting

Pamela Crouch Bradley - Office Manager, Tax Professional 209 River Drive, Suite A Irvine, Kentucky

606-726-0453 (Fax) 606-726-0471



& Recovery


Olive Hill, Kentucky


Cox Trucking Ltd. Co. Jason Cox

Irvine, Kentucky

606-723-5394 606-643-5019 VENDOR MALL

23rd-24th ���������� Fine for planting beans, peppers, cucumbers, melons, and other aboveground crops where climate is suitable. Plant root crops where climate permits. 25th-26th ���������� Any seed planted now will tend to rot. 27th-28th ���������� Start seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets, and other root crops where climate is suitable. 29th-30th ���������� Grub out weeds, briars, and other plant pests.

December 2015

1st-3rd �������������� A barren period. Favorable for killing plant pests, cultivating, or taking a short vacation. 4th-6th �������������� Plant flowers. Fine for sowing hay, fodder crops, and grains. Favorable days for planting root crops. 7th-8th �������������� Start seedbeds. Good days for transplanting. Plant carrots, beets, onions, turnips, Irish potatoes, and other root crops in the South. 9th-11th ������������ Do no planting.

You can find out more about planting by the moons by visiting or you can pick up a copy of the Farmer’s Almanac at most farm or book stores.

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” - Dr. Seuss

custom cooPs by cAPt. cLAy




---------------------------------------------------------------------------Stop by Sticks, Stones & Stitches in Stanton and see the exciting new items available to visitors in Powell County. Great gift ideas for gifts too. 91 S. Main Street, Stanton. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Alpaca Fleece for Sale. Quality blankets, straight off the animal. We can tumble it for you to eliminate most debris. Give us a call. 606-895-4018. AlpacaBerry Farm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------GOOD SEASONAL FIREWOOD For Sale. $75.00 pickup load. Call 859-771-5350. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Come to Raggedy Ann’s for some good deals. M-S, 105. 606-481-1738. Sofa, $145.00; Bassett Love Seat, 2 outdoor benches, antique bed with tall headboard, Jenny Lynn full bed, small air conditioner, $50; Bunk bed - full on bottom, twin on top; old open sign - cheap. Shoes, clothing, home decor, coffee/end tables. Primitive stand with marble top, hand painted gourds. Antique drop leaf table, 4 chairs and small cabinet to match. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Irvine Flea Market. Open 6 days a week, 9-5. Lots of antiques, furniture, knives, guitars and strings. Winchester Road, Irvine, Kentucky. 606-726-9512. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------



PLEXUS offers a generous compensation plan. Get healthy, feel better and make a second income. Call 606-895-4018 for more information or visit




Rock Castles Landscaping Why not let us quote your waterfall or pond project before you sign on the dotted line with anyone else? (606) 416-3911. http:// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Shop with Joyce Marcum Realty. Our office has more lists and sells in Estill County than anyone-ever!! Call or text James Woolery 859-358-0691 Call or text Joyce at 859-624-0088 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

PINE RIDGE - WOLFE COUNTY For Sale: 2 acres +/-, 3 bedroom house, 1 bath, kitchen/ dining, living room, cellar, natural gas, city water, garage. $49,900. Call 606-668-6122 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ROGERS/WOLFE COUNTY - 25 acre farm. Mostly woods, some cleared. City water and electric available. Close to Natural Bridge, Mill Creek Lake, Red River Gorge, Mountain Parkway and schools. 606-668-6122. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

“Two things are infinite: the universe and

human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” - Albert Einstein Serta 2 Piece Sofa & Loveseats Starting at $79900


Dinette Sets Starting at $ 29900


Buy - Sell - Trade

OVER 40 BOOTHS TO CHOOSE FROM WE BUY ESTATES Monday-Saturday - 9am to 6pm & Sundays - 1 to 5pm 105 Richmond Rd.

MattreSS SetS Twin, Starting at $149 Full, Starting at $199 Queen, Starting at $249

723-3310 Irvine, Kentucky

Primitive Home De





Call for More Information 606-359-3260

Several Styles Available!

Winchester/Clark County 11-1/2 acres fenced; 3,300 sq. ft., 4 BR, 3 bath, LR, DR, den, large laundry, furnished sunroom with deck. A 1,150 sq. ft. detached garage, small barn and pond. $329,000. 859-749-6842 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your Ad Here

30 Words for $20.00 • 606-895-4018


cor Christmas Layaway Lots of Ch ris tm as Gifts Available! 6 OR 12 MOnTHS SAMe AS CASH!

LIQUIDATORS We Are Located Behind McDonald’s in Stanton!

of Stanton

65 W. Pendleton st. • 606-663-4075 -- November 2015

Business & Service Directory

Tack & Saddle Repair


Marcum & Wallace Hospital is a designated CT Lung Screening Center Quality Improvement for Excellent Patient Care

Eligibility Criteria • 55 to 74 years of age • At least 30 years, pack-a-day history of smoking • Former smokers must have quit within the past 15 years All patients will be required to participate in a shared decision making process prior to scheduling for a CT Lung Screening scan. (Protocol is three annual screens with Low Dose CT Lung Screening) All patients will be encouraged to participate in a smoking cessation program if they currently are smokers. For additional information about a CT Lung Cancer Screening, contact Sharon Whitaker, Radiology Director, 606-726-2178.

MWMH Radiology Director Sharon Whitaker with Kim Benton, RT(CT)(M) with the 64-slice CT scanner at Marcum & Wallace Hospital. The hospital is a designated CT Lung Cancer Screening center.

Visit Us Online

60 Mercy Court Irvine, KY 40336

(606) 723-2115 * 24 Hour Emergency Care *

* 24 Hour Lab and Radiology Services *

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