6 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Clean Drinking Water

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6 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Clean Drinking Water

Clean drinking water should be the right of every living thing on Earth. According to the CDC, 785 million people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water. Even in some places in a few first-world countries, potable water is treated not as a right but as a commodity, denying many of a crucial, life-saving beverage. We tend to take clean water for granted. With man-made climate change on the verge of changing the world forever, potable water is something everyone needs to have access to right now. Here are all the reasons why everyone needs clean drinking water and why they need it now.

Water is Vital to Environmental Sustainability Keeping a source of clean, drinking water is an important part of environmental sustainability. As we mentioned, every living thing on the planet relies on the existence of clean water to keep them alive. With an untainted source of water, everything within its radius will live and flourish. Trees need a clean source of water to live. While trees can filter pollution using their roots, they can also absorb chemicals that can lead to plant malnutrition. Animals also need clean water to live. Beyond humans, other animals need to consistently hydrate to have enough energy. Many animals keep the balance within their ecosystems. These ecosystems help clean our air, provide fertile soil, and many more.

Humanity can’t live near dirty water sources too. Tainted water can result in different diseases that can adversely affect a person’s health. These include diseases like cholera, malaria, dengue, and more.

Drinking Water is Essential for Human Survival Humans are among the most water-intensive animals in the world. The human body can’t live more than three days without water. Even just after a full day of not drinking water, deleterious effects such as dizziness, nausea, and dehydration. Bodily fluids also rely on water to keep the right balance. The human body is packed full of water, with up to 60% of it made of the aforementioned liquid. Water is a vital instrument in regulating the body, from proper blood circulation to absorption of vitamins and minerals in your food. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water every day. If you’re doing physically intensive activities, you would need more to rehydrate and replace lost fluids. Clean drinking water will keep you alive. You cannot function without water, much less drinking water.

Water Consumption Helps Get Rid of Toxins Water consumption helps get rid of different types of toxins in the body. Though water by itself does not necessarily clear the toxins in your body, it helps keep your kidneys and liver in their best shape. Without clean water, the kidneys and liver can shut down and cause several issues in the body. As you drink water, the kidney and liver filter most toxic substances in the body. They also help absorb nutrients in the body and are crucial in proper urine and bowel movement. Both organs also release water-soluble substances together with excess water in your body, relieving itself of toxins through your urine. Without drinking water, your body reuses whatever excess it has in storage. Less water means a higher saturation of toxins, resulting in darker color urine. Over time, the amount of water the body releases won’t be enough to move the toxins that your organs filter, which can cause infections over time.

Proper Hydration Helps Keep Your Skin Healthy Proper hydration will help to keep your skin cells healthy and strong by helping your body keep its natural homeostasis. Cells in the body try to maintain a specific balance to keep themselves alive. Without water, you run the risk of increased cell death and lower overall skin health. Without adequate water intake, your skin will look less radiant due to the build-up of oxides. You get a duller color, with more prominent wrinkles and pores due to bad hydration. With the right levels of water in the body, your skin can stay elastic and supple, giving it a softer feel that is less likely to crack or get irritations.

Dirty water is not useful for drinking. The human body does not have a way to combat bacteria in contaminated water without shutting down or getting overwhelmed by bacteria and viruses. This will also result in your skin suffering long-term.

Clean Water Improves Crop Yield Clean drinking water is a vital resource not only for the human body but for agriculture too. When it comes to food production, clean water is an essential component that helps improve crop yield and quality. Clean water helps crops grow healthier by reducing the stress experienced by agricultural products. Contaminated water increases oxidative stress in plants, which is damages plant cells. As tainted water comes through all membranes of the plant, it affects the overall health of the produce. These will result in lower crop yields and stunted growth for the crop itself. Many think that agricultural water doesn’t need to be all clean, but that’s a common misconception. While plants are hardier to diseases that humans are susceptible to, they still need clean water to help them reach their full potential. Higher crop yields can help feed more people, which is great for people in general.

Clean Water is Important for Human Dignity Most of humanity depends on having clean water to sustain a good quality of living. From drinking water to toilets, clean water is vital for survival, especially for third-world countries. As many as 2.4 billion people lack access to clean water that they can use for personal hygiene purposes, including flushing toilets and bathing. Humanity has a history with hygiene and sanitation, with much of what are now first-world countries discovering the onset of diseases due to dirty water. Disease-riddled water can be the primary cause of illnesses like cholera, typhoid, and diarrhoea. Clean drinking water allows for a minimum standard of hygiene for people. It lets people bathe and clean their environment without the undue risk of diseases. Potable water allows people to wash their clothes and keep their homes sanitized. While water is an essential element to life, it’s also a vital component of human dignity. People can stay clean, feel fresh, and move away from living in squalor. Everyone needs clean drinking water to survive. It is a literal part of life that everyone should have inalienable access to. It is also in everyone’s best interest to keep our water sources clean before it’s too late. Reference: https://cremensugar.com/health/clean-drinking-water/

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