How artificial intelligence can be beneficial for mobile application development

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How Artificl Intelligenfe Ccn e eneificl for Mooeile Applifcton Development As a technology maniac, you must be well-aware of the term ‘articial intelligence’. Involving a machine with the potental to copy intelligent behavior, AI allows the iOS users to get the best essence of natural language processing, machine learning, machine vision, knowledge management etc. So, if you are in the vogue to develop some new app and create a ripple in the industry, it’s tme for you to roll your eyes through the post, as it’s going to take you through a new saddle, giving you a sound idea about the new technology on board namely ‘Articial Intelligence’ and how it’s going to be beneicial in moeile cpplifcton development.

The founder and CEO of Blonde 2.0, Ayelet Nof was quite appropriate in this regard. “Machines are lacking an emotonal understanding that enables them the emotonal capacity to interact with us as humans. Thousands of new ‘smart’ apps and devices are being launched every day. However, no mater how smart they are, they lack the ability to interact and engage with us on an emotonal level.” At the same tme, Bryan Kraner, one of the best selling authors and Keynote & TED speaker, “Computers in our hands and on our heads will start to shif via true AI and voice recogniton to provide a higher level of digital assistance that truly understands our contextual experiences.

In other words, we need to be beter understood by technology and receive beter experiences based on things like locaton and tming. The sofware will have to adapt in order to deliver these experiences.” This is where AI paves in and makes sure the users experience an array of groundbreaking features to stay on par with the current technological gush. There is no doubt that Artificl Intelligenfe is almost going to bring in a change to the entre world like no other technology has ever done. Especially, with the smart assistants like Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant and Alexa, there’s literally been a surge in the demands for iOS devices. Customers fonduft while purfhcsingHave you got a signiicant number of downloads for the app you have developed lately? Well, then it’s tme for you to increase your revenue. It’s quite obvious that getng hold of new customers is not easy all the tme; however, the best way you can retain your old customers is by up-selling to your existng customers. When it will work as a crucial propeller to the growth of your app, it will also act as a perfect soluton to the problem of acquiring new customers in a costly and tme-consuming manner. Nevertheless, the marketers should be perfectly targeted and informed about exactly when and what they put on sale for the users. AI, with its amazing trait, can manage the data in a jify. Right from segregatng between those who can be identied as hot leads and ‘who is not’ to looking over the behavior of the users, AI can give you the perfect clue about which features your endeavor towards moeile cpplifcton development should ofer to the users. EndorsementA recent research says that a big segment of users happens to cast aside an app just within three months from the inital download. And, the reason is quite simple. Either they are not satsied with the features ofered in the applicaton or they ind something beter. With the technology becoming more and more advanced day by day, the users always tend to expect something out of the box. Demands for customized and tailor-made experiences are always on air and something lighter is simply not going to meet the expectatons of the users. However, with Articial Intelligence on board, you can easily put on a learning algorithm to keep an eye on the choices your users make while using your applicaton. Netlix and Youtube are the best examples of such applicatons that have initated similar algorithms and are already in practce to use AI to perk up the user experience.

Right fontentWhether it’s a push noticaton, email or in-app message, the content of the message should be fastdiously researched, writen and in agreement before it’s sent to the top users. Right from obtaining the right phrase to making sure there is enough space for customizaton, it has to be perfectly ordered. A recent study has revealed that a signiicant amount of business content will be scrutnized by machines by this year itself. With AI operatng within the background, the mobile app marketers are certainly going to see a surge in the overall user engagement. Stll, like several new technologies, AI has its limitatons, but, provided it’s used quite wisely, the users are surely going to experience the best innovatons ever. Ultmately, AI takes the estmaton away, giving the app marketers the much-required conidence that they’re delivering the correct message, to the correct user, at the correct tme, via the correct channel. What is the wait for? Give your intellect a sharp rufe and create simply wonders for your customers through the magic of AI! Panacea Infotech is one of the leading moeile cpp development fompcnies in Pune, ofering a complete soluton for an array of mid and big scale ventures. You can take recourse to us in order to bring in the much-required perfecton in your apps.

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