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Your Chance to Become a Citizen Scientist

Give Back and Get Involved in Citizen Science

“Our goal is literally to inspire a network of hope – one place, one community, one vision at a time – but together around the world.”


— Dr Sylvia Earle, oceanographer, marine biologist and explorer.

Travel is always the best educator and we offer the chance to enrich your curiosity and expand your knowledge and understanding of the places we travel to. There is no better learning opportunity than being in the field with subject matter experts.

Our Citizen Science Program is designed to be an interactive forum for like-minded travellers to share new discoveries and deepen their connection to the natural world in a relaxed, informal and fun environment – both on board our ships, on our fascinating shore expeditions and in our Zodiacs.

You can make a difference because your participation enables us to provide invaluable data to the scientific community. You too can become an ambassador for the protection of our majestic but fragile blue planet by sharing what you have learned, when you return home.

How does it work?

Members of our passionate Expedition Team, together with a Citizen Science Coordinator, will be on hand to introduce and assist you with the projects being conducted on your voyage.

Expert guidance on the collection, storage and sharing of new scientific data will not only greatly enhance your voyage experience, but also help you gain more knowledge of our ever-changing natural environment.

From the biggest mammals to the smallest marine creatures, the important part you play in our Citizen Science projects will help protect and preserve the planet for generations to come.

Our projects

Our seven dynamic and diverse Citizen Science projects – focusing on whales, seabirds, microplastics, weather patterns, phytoplankton, polar fjordlands and marine biodiversity – have been hand-picked for their groundbreaking work and global achievements:

• Happywhale • Seabird surveys • Microplastic survey • NASA Globe – Cloud Observations • Secchi disk • Fjord Phyto • iNaturalist

*Citizen Science projects are location and weather dependent and not all projects are able to be operated on every voyage.

© M Bassano

© J Pride

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