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Teraja & Melilas School Council
TheM2studentshavebeenlearningabout computational thinking and how it is appliedineverydayanddigitalscenarios. To demonstrate their understanding they have created websites about the four aspects of computational thinking: Decomposition, Abstraction, Pattern Recognition and Algorithms. Additionally, they have created teaching resources, such as videos and diagrams that they have embedded on their sites. Their websites will be shared with the students inM1andP7.
Making cross-curricular links is a valuable learning experience for students. In M1,thestudentshavedevelopedinteractiveScratchpresentationstosharetheir knowledge and understanding of the human body systems that they have been learning about in Science. Embedded in the task was learning about and applying machine learning to create an algorithm to use in their coding of their presentations.
As part of P5’s investigation into natural disasters they have been engaging in a series of natural disaster simulations. The simulations provide an opportunity to explore the impact of a variety of disasters. The students have learned about high and low risk locations and how town planners can improve the outcomes of the communitythroughrelocationandreinforcementofstructures.
A special whole school assembly was held on the 27th of February at Rampayoh where the Panaga Chinese community showcased amazing talents from across generations. Among them was a presentation set in the Tang Dynasty (Time period 618 – 907) with Felix (M1) assuming the role of a Mandarin teacher to the younger students of Panaga School, teaching them beautiful Tang Poetry followed by a gripping live performance by Mr Zeng (Ferik’s grandad) playing the Chinese string instrumentcalledJinghu.Whatasplendidwaytowelcometheyearoftherabbit!
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International Day is a sensational day on our Panaga School calendar, where we take the opportunity to celebrate who we are and where we have similarities and differences to others. This is International Mindedness in action. Acceptance of self and others helps build a more peaceful world. International Mindedness is fundamental to all teaching and learning at Panaga School.
Thank you to everybody in the Panaga School community for contributing to a wonderful InternationalAssembly and Day. Special thanks to our Parent andTeacherAssociation (PTA) for your organisation and donation, that enable the attendance of Lion Dancers.
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Congratulations to Saul who is the winner of the Canadian Skittles game. Saul guessed that Brunei fits intoCanada1732times.