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Language Leaders
The week of the 13th March was an extremely busy week for the Language Leaders. For most of them, it was their second teaching experience.After they taught P2 and P3, many of them commented on how easy it was to teach P2 and P3.This time they were asked to teach inTeraja, from P4 all the way to P7. For P4 and P5, the students had to teach colours in Mandarin or French. For P6 and P7 classes, the students were asked to teach Miss Steph’s normal French class.They were told to teach regular adjective endings in the singular and plural form.This topic is quite complicated.They were provided with the lesson material for guidance.The students also had a very short time to prepare for their lessons, unlike the last time where they a nearly two months.Afurther challenge was that they could not choose who they wanted to work with.Although there were nerves at the start of the lessons, once they got started the nerves disappeared.The students were great and some lessons were graded as ‘OUTSTANDING’.Approximately, 85% of the students learned the vocabulary/grammar taught by the Language Leaders. We are extremely proud of their achievements. It is a first in the five years that this programme is running that the students taught two lessons in one academic year as well as taughtTeraja students.
Issue 134 | 28th April 2023
Bella, Betty and Vidisha teaching P7 French
Anika, Folu, Dylan and Raff teaching P6 French
Noel and Oliver teaching P4 in Mandarin
M1 pupils have been finishing the chemistry topic ‘Chemical Reactions’. Including investigations into the conservation of mass during chemical reactions and thermal decomposition.
M1 have started a new physics topic about ‘Light’. They have been studying the law of reflection and will go onto the law of refraction next week.
M2 continued learning about ecosystems.
M2Ahave been exploring the stability of a kelp forest ecosystem below the water.
M2B have also been carrying out ecological random sampling of ecosystems on land.
M2Aused quadrats to estimate the area of the World map which represents land under the tented area. They now know the importance of sample size.