Asset Protection Trust - Panama Legal Center

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PROTECT YOUR ASSET NOW! THE IMPORTANCE OF ASSET PROTECTION HAS NEVER BEEN GREATER! In this digital age and as you work hard to accumulate wealth, it only seems logical to make sure your assets are fully protected from any unforeseen claims / liabilities. Shield assets by having an OFFSHORE TRUST is the securest option available. whether to shield your assets from creditors, divorce settlement, lawsuits, judgements and or probate ta best way is via an OFFSHORE TRUST. Global Asset Protection is like an umbrella insurance policy that is designed to protect the assets of the owners / bene ciary from all creditors’ claims. Global asset protection trust is one hundred percent legalized strategy and many business companies and individuals are utilizing the OFFSHORE TRUST to shield their assets wo Almost 35% of people with over $1 million have used asset protection trust, according to a recent study and this strategy has proved extremely bene cial to them

BULLS EYE ASSET PROTECTION STRATEGY we consult with you to fully understand your needs We set up a customized O shore Trust for you We Setup an O shore bank account for you in Panama You transfer desired assets to your own TRUST in Panama

Panama Legal Center Has Helped Protect Millions Of Dollars For Its Clients ( protection/) O shore Asset Protection shields your real estate holdings, securities, investment accounts, bank accounts, etc. By going o shore, creditors, attorneys and government agencies are not privy to your holding in your o shore accounts especially if the o shore country has bank secrecy and t protection set up is con dential, private and anonymos. We establish, manage and administer O shore companies, trust and foundations that shield your assets from creditors, divorce, law suits and judgments.

Put our know-how and 20 years experience to shield your assets NOW! Top Reasons To Protect Your Assets » Creditors, Civil lawsuits and Judgement »Back taxes and Government Seizure » Divorce Proceeding »Will, Probate / Estate tax Collection OFFSHORE PROTECTION TRUST, ia an IRONCLAD asset protection strategy and it provides e ective protection of your assets. Such trusts are established in jurisdictions outsid U.S., such as PANAMA, that provides stringent privacy, protection and anonymity for trusts. Another words, since your trust is in a foreign jurisdiction such as Panama, it’s gove the laws of Panama jurisdiction rather than by U.S. laws and courts.

Panama O shore Trust Does Not Recognize U.S. Judgments Against Assets Of Trust Established In Panama Jurisdictio O shore Asset protection plan helps to insulate / protect assets in a legal manner. Its goal is to shield and protect your wealth from creditors, judgments, Lawsuits, and litigation.

What’s Best Strategy To Protect Your Assets?






When assets are protected in a foreign legal jurisdiction that does not recognize foreign court orders, the said judgment would not be recognized. Separating assets using an o sh jurisdiction is the biggest legal hurdle one can create to shield wealth from lawsuits and creditors in USA or other countries. It is important to form a TRUST in a jurisdiction that does not r USA judgments such as Republic of Panama. Country of Panama is known as “TAX HAVEN” for various reasons. One of the top reasons is that courts in Panama do not recognize U.S. courts judgment and therefore any ju rendered in USA, is not enforceable in Panama.

Why Choose An O shore Trust? An o shore asset protection provides formidable asset protection when comparing to domestic LLCs and trusts. A domestic trust is subject to seizure by USA authorities when t judgement. However there are few OFFSHORE JURISDICTIONS such as Panama that provide Ironclad asset protection since Panama does not recognize foreign judgement. The judgement rendered in the USA and or a creditor would face a substantial hurdle to collect assets held in a Panama Trust. We at, panamalegalcenter set up a Bulls Eye o shore Panama to make sure your assets held in your Panama Trust is fully protected. We create a formidable barrier to shield your assets from those who are pursuing your hard wealth.

We Create A Bullet Proof Asset Protection For You in Panama! You as the owner of the Panama Trust, control the day-to-day activities of your trust and its activities.

WHY WAIT? ( Shield Your Assets TODAY! MITT ROMNEY FAILURE Mitt Romney decided to be President of the USA in 2012. Mitt was doing well in his political campaign against Barak Obama. However a month before election, in Oct. 2012, ABC News reve presidential candidate Mitt Romney has held $8 Million in an O shore account in Cayman Islands Mitt Romney’s mistake was the country that he chose to hold some of his assets. Cayman Islands has no bank secrecy for his account holders. But if Mitt had his bank account Panama, he would never be exposed to public due to Panama superior & strict secrecy law. Mitt failure to choose the right jurisdiction cost him to lose his presidential candidacy. In this global crisis, WHY AREN’T YOU PROTECTING YOUR ASSETS? Protect your wealth from lawsuits, snoopy government and worldwide political & nancial crisis NOW!

WHY USE PANAMA TRUST JURISDICTION? Panama is a democratic & independent country located in Central America. Panama jurisdiction is much superior when compared to other countries because it economic and system has been designed as a pro investor country to attract foreign investments. Panama tax system is very e cient and does not impose any capital nor pro t tax. An inve form a corporation or a trust in Panama and earn millions of dollars on his investment without paying a dime to Panama government.

The Foreign Investor Tax Liability In Panama = 0 Bear in mind that by having no tax liability in Panama, an investor can bene t substantially in terms of saving his capital and increasing its assets. That is why Panama is consid IDEAL “TAX HAVEN” country in the world. That’s why so many corporations have been formed in Panama to take advantage of its tax exemption. No other countries ha exemption, period. In addition to Panama tax exemption, Panama provides best asset protection, bank secrecy and corporate privacy laws that is much superior to other countries. Panama’s strict banking secrecy has been designed to attract foreign investors in order Panama can grow. At panamalegalcenter ( do-business-in-panama/) we understand that Panama o ers the best investment environment for foreign capital and is best country to form a trust. Based on the above logical we believe country of Panama is the ideal place to set up a business and trust.

Republic of Panama Advantages Ironclad Asset protection Stable economy for more than 75 years US Dollar currency Corporate privacy Panama Security Very low in ation Panama canal Financial hub Political Stability Financial Stability Favorable environment to foreign investors Pro growth & pro investment country Investor’s TAX HAVEN bene ts & exemption Bank secrecy laws Advanced telecommunication & Internet Good infrastructure & logistics Retirees discounts & bene ts Free trade zone in Colon Investment hub for many foreigners h bi i A i




ASSET PROTECTION TRUST - PANAMA LEGAL CENTER Import / export hub in Latin America Close proximity to USA and other Latin America countries And much more…

It is a fact that, over 500,000 Private Foundation and Corporations have been established to date in Panama mainly due to its global asset protection, tax exemption and secrecy laws.

Multinational Companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Google, etc. all saving on U.S. taxes and bene t within the current USA law loopholes. All large U.S. companies have trust and corporations in o shore countries to bene t from foreign tax laws and privacy. WHY NOT YOU? You too also can take advantage of the existing tax USA loopholes and set up your own private TRUST in Panama! Switzerland and Cayman Islands do not have bank secrecy laws anymore and both countries disclose their o shore clients to U.S. Government. However PANAMA is the only co the world that provides full bank secrecy and con dentiality to its o shore clients.

WHY CHOOSE PANAMA PRIVATE TRUST? Panama Trust (Foundation) is recognized all over the world and your asset protection is one hundred percent. Panama’s unique corporate law and bank secrecy regula established in 1995 via Law 25 that was modeled after Swiss Private Foundation. Panama’s Foundation primary purpose is to provide asset protection for estate planning purpos maintaining con dentiality of its owner and bene ciaries. In the Panama Private Foundation there are no government reporting requirement or tax liabilities. Therefore Pana records remain con dential and anonymous at all times. Another word, by going o shore, speci cally setting up a trust in Panama, your assets remain safe and secure and out of hands of unwanted people and government. Yes, all yo would be secured in your Panama Trust and no one would have access to your assets except you and your designated bene ciaries.

WHY CHOOSE PANAMA LEGAL CENTER? As a leading o shore service provider in Panama and with more than 15 years of experience, we can provide foreign investors expertise and tools to fully protect their assets.

Panama Legal Center experienced attorneys and advisors successfully have been providing professional asset protection services to foreign individuals & corporations. If you con of panamalegalcenter ( advisors in Panama, they will respond in a timely manner to meet your nancial obj There is always a potential of loss of some assets in your own country, whether due to a civil litigation, divorce proceeding, estate planning strategy, probate or dispute. For the above reasons, we highly recommend that an individual need to set up an o shore trust in a very selected country such as Panama to achive the followings:

1. Asset protection 2. Privacy 3. Tax exemption 4. Diversi cation According to Warren Bu et, one of the most renowned U.S. investor:

Diversi cation Is A Protection Against Ignorance Obviously diversi cation of the assets is the wisest choice when it comes to investing and setting up an OFFSHORE TRUST IN PANAMA is one of them. Today, more than ever, Americans are concerned with preserving their hard earned assets from lawsuits, judgement and taxman. O shore Asset protection strategies are e ec one hundred percent legal. The objective to shield assets OFFSHORE where assets are protected and are out of reach of U.S. creditors and judgments. In today’s increasingly world, protecting assets must be your

rst security task. High net worth individuals and professionals such as doctors, dentists, accountants and business owners are e

vulnerable to civil / criminal lawsuits, and judgments. In fact, civil litigation has been on a steady rise in the past 30 years. O shore Asset Protection helps protect you from potential creditors who might start a lawsuit against you and ultimately by court order seize your assets. However once y transferred your assets to a Trust located in a foreign country ( o shore ), creditors no longer be able to seize your assets. YOUR ASSETS LOCATED IN AN OFFSHORE T UNTOUCHABLE Generally speaking, chances are a person who start suing you to win a judgment against you for a certain amount of money. At this point plainti ’s attorney, with the judgeme hand, moves to nd your assets. First he will do a thorough search to look for your assets in the USA in order to execute the judgment. The attorney will anywhere to nd asse your name whether personal or under a company controlled by you. However, if you have set yo a trust in Panama and have transferred your assets to your o shore trust, nothing to seize in the USA. Let’s assume that he discovers that you have a trust in Panama, the judgment rendered in the USA is not recognized in Panama and therefo enforceable in Panama. This means, the attorney can not collect on USA judgment in Panama. Simply because Panama trust protects your assets from any third parties. words, YOUR ASSETS ARE SECURE & SAFE AT ALL TIMES IN PANAMA.

O shore Asset Protection Is Like An Umbrella Insurance Policy That Protects Your Asse From Creditors & Taxman In U.S. In conclusion, by setting up an O shore Trust, you use a foreign country such as Panama laws to create an IRON CLAD SHIELD to protect your assets. Moreover, when your owned by an OFFSHORE TRUST in Panama jurisdiction, your trust in Panama provides privacy & asset protection that makes your assets immune to foreign seizure.

WHY DO YOU NEED ASSET PROTECTION? Asset protection is not a choice anymore, it is an essential part of daily life security and

nancial independence. According to the recent study, for




security and


nancial independence. According to the recent study, for

every 300 persons living in the USA, there is one attorney. Attorneys make


their living by starting personal and corporate litigation. There are two types of litigation;

1. Real damage lawsuit 2. Frivolous lawsuit As you may know, many lawsuits are designed to intimidate the defendant in order to fork over his assets to the plainti . Litigation attorneys normally make their money on the b percentage of judgement or settlement. The larger amount of settlement, the plainti attorney will collect more money. Litigation attorneys may collect up to 30-40% of the judge So if you are a high net worth individual or a professional, chances are soon or later, you may face a lawsuit in the USA. For this urgent reason, you need to be prepared and prot assets by SETTING UP AN OFFSHORE TRUST AND TRANSFERRING YOUR ASSETS TO YOUR OFFSHORE TRUST.

WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO PROTECT ASSETS? In this digital age and GOOGLE SEARCH era, it only seems logical to make sure your assets are fully protected from any future liabilities. By having an OFFSHORE TRUST, your asset protected from creditors, divorce settlement, lawsuits, judgement and or probate taxes. AN OFFSHORE TRUST ESTABLISHED IN PANAMA SHIELDS YOUR ASSETS FROM SEIZURE. O shore asset protection trust is one hundred percent legal and is the best strategy to protect assets worldwide. According to the recent study, almost 35% of people with over $ in net worth, have used this powerful & active tool to nancially bene t.

Best Strategies To Protect Your Assets 1. PLAN AHEAD – Planning and having the right strategy is of utmost important. Anyone who is interested in protecting his / her asset, need to plan as soon as po since no one knows when a lawsuit will be served upon them. I am not emphasizing this for you to panic but life reality is full of surprises and more surprises. W recommend that you be start planning how to achieve your nancial goal and protect your hard earned assets. 2. SET UP AN OFFSHORE TRUST – Once you understand the urgent need to protect your assets, you need to nd THE BEST COUNTRY ( OFFSHORE JURISDICTION ) up an o shore trust. At this time, there are few countries left that provide asset protection to its TRUST. One must study and review pros and cons of each o sh jurisdiction in order to decide the best foreign country to set up an o shore trust. The following countries may be of interest to you: PANAMA, COOK ISLANDS, B SINGAPORE. Based on our years of experience and setting up many o shore trusts, we can attest that PANAMA o ers the best OFFSHORE ASSET PROTECTION to trusts. 3. TRANSFER ASSETS TO THE OFFSHORE TRUST – Once you have established your o shore trust in a foreign country, it is time to legally transfer, assets you desi your o shore trust. By implementing transfer of assets to your o shore trust, you are taking out your assets from the USA territory and putting them in a foreig country trust that WILL PROTECT YOUR ASSETS FROM SEIZURE. Your o shore trust, when is set up in the right country such as Panama, will be the IRON CLAD SH against any U.S. judgement. 4. HAVE NOTHING UNDER YOUR NAME – The less your assets are registered under your name, the more asset protection you have. In fact, we believe that you d need to have any assets under your name and you should transfer all your assets to the o shore trust.

WHY ASSET PROTECTION IS IMPORTANT? Let’s be serious about asset protection. Assuming you had a run in your business, hit the jackpot and made lots of money. At this time, rst thing you need to do is to focus: “ PRESERVE YOUR ASSETS“. My father used to tell me that money does not grow on trees and you need to work to earn your money. This is a fact and reality. Now that you have made it, protecting your ass be your number one priority. High net worth individuals and professionals such as medical doctors and or successful corporations need to plan ahead to protect your asset. One could wake up and face a disastrous situation which is too late. Lawsuits and judgments may come and knock at your door when you least expected. Essentially, we recommend high net worth individual to set up an o shore asset protection strategy. The following sequence applies to OFFSHORE ASSET PROTECTION;

1. First, Plan To Protect Your Asset 2. Second, Utilize The Best Asset Protection Strategy 3. Third, Set Up Your Asset Protection In The Right Jurisdiction. When planning to protect your assets, you need to be sure your strategy is legal, feasible & achieva example choosing the right plan & the right country or jurisdiction is one of crucial details for e ective asset protection. E ective planning ensures that no matter what happens to you, you will remain in control of your assets. The goal is to prevent or signi cantly reduce risk by protecting your busi personal assets from future creditors. An IRON CLAD asset protection plan would shield your assets from creditors.

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need An O shore Trust: » Creditors, Civil lawsuits and Judgments » Taxes and Government Seizure » Divorce Proceeding » Will, Probate / Estate tax Collection AN OFFSHORE TRUST, when set up correctly shields assets from any types of creditors stem from your home country. USA creditors and judgments are not recognized in certain jurisdiction such as PANAMA. Republic of Panama Trust provides; asset protection & stringent privacy and anonymity for its trust owners. Additionally a Panama Trust is governed solely based on the Panama jurisdiction and by laws of the Trust, not by the USA laws and courts. An OFFSHORE ASSET PROTECTION TRUST allows you to protect your assets without losing control of your assets. You can manage your assets from anywhere and change your be at any time. YOU ALWAYS CONTROL YOUR ASSETS.


Panama O shore Trust is legal and e ective and it shields your assets worldwide. In addition, Panama Trust is easy to establish and maintain. There are no Panama r requirements and or you do not even need to visit Panama.

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Obviously there are many legitimate arguments for establishing an o shore asset protection trust. However we do recommend that you set up an OFFSHORE TRUST IN PAN insure your assets remain protected at all times.

BENEFITS OF ASSET PROTECTION; COMPLETE GUIDE As we discussed above, asset protection is a strategy to protect wealth from creditors and judgments. Asset protection strategy can be applied to personal assets of an individual or a company and its bene ts to prohibit assets held in TRUST to be seized by anyone other than the Trustee and bene ciaries of the trust. Trustee of the trust always is in control of the trust and by laws of the trust designed to shield its assets. Asset protection planning & strategy is legal, however we recommend to work with an experienced and knowledgeable adviser in order to achieve your nancial objective. You need to fully discuss your nancial situation with your adviser in order a right asset protection strategy can be put in place. The asset protection provides many bene ts to high net worth individuals, professionals as well as corporations. ELIMINATING RISK OF ASSET SEIZURE BY U.S. CREDITORS – If assets are positioned in an OFFSHORE TRUST IN A RIGHT JURISDICTION, it will be almost impossible for the creditor t from the o shore trust. An experienced adviser will do his home work and after analyzing your assets, will set up an o shore trust in Panama with the right clause and by la foreign asset protection trust, also known as an o shore trust, provides IRON CLAD protection for your assets when properly set up. A Panama O shore Trust provides the most protection for trusts and their assets. U.S. JUDGEMENT NOT ENFORCEABLE – Panama o shore trust do not recognize U.S. Courts and U.S. judgments have no value in Panama. In Panama, only Panama law and by the O shore Trust will be applied. by law. For example, if a U.S. plainti

wishes to collect from a Panama Trust, he must

rst initiate a civil law suit in Panama, regardles

judgement from USA. Plainti litigation is not going anywhere in Panama due to the assets held in a Panama Trust only responsible to its Trustee & Bene ciaries. ESTATE PLANNING STRATEGY – TRUST PRIVACY & ANONYMITY – TRUST TAX EXEMPTION – TRUST FULL CONTROL –


WE SET UP AN IRON CLAD ASSET PROTECTION IN PANAMA “TAX HAVEN” JURISDICTION we consult with you to fully understand your needs we set up a Foundation / Corporation in Panama We set up a customized O shore Trust for you We Setup an O shore bank account for you in Panama You transfer desired assets to your own TRUST in Panama

Panama Legal Center Has Helped Its Clients To Protect Their Assets ( O shore Asset Protection shields your real estate holdings, securities, investment accounts, bank accounts, etc. from creditors and judgments. By setting up an o shore trust, creditors, attorneys and government agencies are not privy to your holding in your o shore trust. Republic of Panama provides privacy & anony its trusts. Our professional advisors establish, manage and administer O shore company & trust in Panama to protect your assets from creditors, divorce, law suits and judgments.

Panama O shore Trust do not recognize U.S. judgments Learn more about doing business in Panama


Put our know-how and 20 years of experience to protect your assets NOW! O shore Asset protection plan helps to insulate / protect assets in a legal manner. Its goal is to shield and protect your wealth from creditors, judgments, Lawsuits, and litigation.

What Is The Best Strategy To Protect Assets? When assets are registered in a trust in a foreign legal jurisdiction, U.S. judgment would not be recognized. By having an o shore trust, you create the biggest legal hurdle for creditors.

CHAT! FREE CONSULTATION O shore asset protection provides formidable asset protection than domestic LLCs and trusts. Domestic trust vehicles are readily accessible to seizure through US co Get Button rulings and judgments. Many o shore asset protection jurisdictions such as Panama do not recognize foreign judgments. Therefore a judgement creditor would face



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