How to Immigrate to Panama From South Africa - Panama Legal Center

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By contacting panamalegalcenter and speaking to one of our quali ed immigration specialists, you be amazed how easy it would be to move to Panama and enjoy the easy going lifestyle. We can advise you what plan best suit you and also cost e ective. Panama friendly nations visa ia very popular when it comes to immigrating to Panama from South A with this in mind, We recommend that you contact us and we fully explore various options for immigrating to Panama. Panama is a tropical country with friendly Panamanians welcoming people from all over the world. If you are from South Africa, you are welcomed in Panama and soon you’ll nd as your HOME FOR LIFE. You may come to Panama for a visit and tour the country. In Panama, o cial language is Spanish and you can learn Spanish language fairly soon to comm with Panamanians. However there are many Panamanians that speak uid English and enjoy your social life in Panama.

HOW A SOUTH AFRICAN CITIZEN CAN GET PANAMA WORK PERMIT? Every foreigner from any country who wish to work in the Republic of Panama, needs to apply and receive his/her work permit. Work permits are processed via Panama Ministry of Labor ( Trabajo ) in Panama City. Our experience immigration attorneys would apply for Panama work permit for citizens of South Africa once we process their Panama residency visa. Our attorneys have the experience and know-how about Panama immigration services and Panama work permit.So you can relax and enjoy beaches in Panama while we process your work permit application in Panama. Panama work permit may take up to three months due to over ow of applications. Once we expedite your residency visa approval via Panama Friendly Nations Visa, our attorneys will le with the Ministry of Labor to get your Panama work permit. In order for Ministry of Labor to issue a Work Permit, the applicant must qualify under certain labor law.

What Is Panama Work Permit? If you are not a Panamanian citizen and wish to reside & work in Panama, you need to have 2 types of documents:

1. Panama Residency Card 2. Panama Work Permit Card Panama residency card can be processed via Panama Immigration o

ce while Panama Work Permit must be obtained via Panama Ministry of Labor. In most cases in

obtain Panama work permit, rst, you need to apply and obtain your Panama residency card and then can apply to get your work permit. However in a few example, you can rst get your Panama work permit and then your residency card. Either way, you need to have a Panamanian attorney to represent you to get your Panama work permit. Learn more about how to do business in Panama

TOP 10 WAYS TO GET PANAMA WORK PERMIT If you wish to work in Panama, we can qualify you under a law that is applicable to your own situation. Below we list most popular options available that include:

1. If You Have received Panama residency via Friendly Nations Visa Program With Panama Friendly Nations Visa Residency, you may apply to receive your Work Permit to work for a Panamanian company.

2. If You Are Married To a Panamanian Citizen This the easiest & simple way to receive Panama Work Permit

3. If 10% or Less Of The Work Force Are Foreigners A Panamanian company can hire you if less than 10% of its total work force are foreign workers. Your minimum salary must be $850. per month and you can work for that comp maximum period of 6 years. However, You can not work for another company with the same Work Permit.

4. If You Work In The City of Knowledge ( CIUDAD DE SABOR ) Under the Law of The City of Knowledge( CIUDAD DE SABOR ) located in Clayton, foreign workers are allowed to work for a maximum of 6 years within Panama’s City of Know foreign Company located within the City of Knowledge, can hire up to 5 foreign workers.

5. If You Are Parents To Children Born in Panama All parents of Panama born children ( minimum of 5 years old ) are eligible to apply and receive Panama Work Permit. The work permit is good for one year and must be renew year. This Panama work permit is exempt from quotas and company sponsorship requirements.

6. If You Are Highly Skilled Worker All professional and skilled workers can apply to receive their Panama Work Permit. Under this category, all applicants must hold a bachelor’s or post-graduate degree. This wor is good for one year and must be renewed each year.

7. If You Are A Domestic Worker A Panamanian citizen or resident can sponsor a foreign domestic worker to receive his / her Panama Work Permit. This category includes workers such as maids, cooks, ch gardeners, nannies and butlers. This work permit is good for one year and can be renewed 4 times.

8. If You Are An Italian Citizen FREE Republic of Panama and Italy have signed a treaty and it allows Italian Nationals to obtain Panama Work Permit. This type of work permit isCHAT! for inde nite time and also is exem quota and sponsorship.

9 If You Are Working Under Marrakech Treaty



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