(https://www.panamalegalcenter.com/o shore-trust/)
WHERE IS BEST OFFSHORE TRUST JURISDICTION? According to all professionals, PANAMA is considered the best jurisdiction for setting up OFFSHORE TRUST
The Winner Is: PANAMA As one of the trusted providers of nancial services in PANAMA, Panama Legal Center (“PLC” can advise and provide all the services necessary for the formation and administration of an o s trust. There is no doubt in anyone ‘s mind that OFFSHORE TRUST in the right jurisdiction is the best ASSET PROTECTION vehicle. The reason for this argument is that an o shore trust is domicile of U.S. courts and an o shore trust is not subject to any U.S. court jurisdiction. This is not only our opinion but is opinion of all asset protection advisors and experts. For example, Let’s say a USA court has issued a judgement against an individual or a com whatever amount of money for whatever reasons. This U.S. court is enforceable ONLY in the good old USA but is not recognized or enforceable in the OFFSHORE jurisdiction, es in Republic of Panama. The reason for that is very simple. Let’s assume that you have established an OFFSHORE TRUST in the Republic of Panama and have transferred your a this o shore trust. Keep in mind, the o shore trust company in Panama, located outside USA court jurisdiction. Therefore, your o shore trust in Panama has a TRUSTEE a TRUSTEE has nothing to do with USA courts and or judgement and not obligated to comply with any U.S. court. Your TRUSTEE in Panama only obligated to the BYLAWS of the T your assets in the Panama Trust will be out of harm’s way and is fully protected under the Panama Law and your TRUST bylaws. We set up an o shore company in Panama 100% owned by your trust and you will be the manager of the OFFSHORE COMPANY.
OFFSHORE TRUST Protect your assets, eliminate your taxes, increase your investment freedom and much more with an o shore trust. Your assets such as stocks, bonds or real estate holdings will be safe in the Panama O shore Trust and this alone would brings you peace of mind. The only person who has acce TRUST is you or any designated person you choose. In case of any court decision for seizure of yours assets or your company, your TRUSTEE is here to protect your assets from any foreign interference. Our resea experience has shown that PANAMA TRUST ASSETS CAN NOT BE TOUCHED and U.S. court judgement in Panama is not enforceable, Period. In fact, Panama Trusts have prote clients assets from any U.S. court challenge in the past.
Top Bene ts Of Panama O shore Trust Panama O shore Trust has many advantages over a domestic trust that is established in the USA. We will list summary bene ts of PANAMA OFFSHORE TRUST as follows;
1. Panama o shore trust is private & anonymous. Panama Trust provides privacy & con dentiality for its trustee, owners and bene ciaries and an outside entity pierce the Panama con dentiality shield inherent to Panama O shore Trust. 2. Panama o shore Trust is only bound by its Panama bylaws. Panama trust is only bound by its own TRUST by laws and is not obligated to comply to any other o foreign or domestic. Panama O shore Trust is not bound by any foreign court judgement. Any judgement issued by USA courts, etc. is not enforceable in Panam Panama O shore Trust is not subject to any USA seizure or order. Panama O shore Trust has no obligation to comply with any U.S. court and is 100 percent independent of any foreign jurisdiction & is bound solely to its own bylaws. CHAT! FREE to its investors in th 3. Panama O shore Trust enjoys Panama Tax Exemption ( Panama is a TAX HAVEN country ). Panama is a country that provide tax exemption Panama trust. Panama does not impose any types of taxes to its trusts and or companies that do business outside RepublicCONSULTATION of Panama. 4. Panama O shore Trust provides asset protection. One of the bene ts of Panama O shore Trust is, full asset protection to its owners, bene ciaries and settlers
trust. 5. Panama O shore Trust can be used during estate planning strategy and as asset protection tool. When attorneys and advisers looking to set up estate plannin high net worth individual, Panama Trust is the ideal vehicle for such task.
SERVICES OFFERED BY PANAMA LEGAL CENTER (https://www.panamalegalcenter.com/) We provide all the services required for the formation and administration of trusts, including the following: Initial con dential consultation with in-house experts to ascertain how PANAMA LEGAL CENTER (https://www.panamalegalcenter.com/) can assist with a new st or the review of an existing structure. This meeting is free of charge. Liaison with professional advisers in other jurisdictions in order to establish the most practical and tax-e cient arrangement for the client. The provision of corporate trustee services through PANAMA LEGAL CENTER (https://www.panamalegalcenter.com/) Trustees (Panama) Trustee services include the day-to-day administration of the trust assets. This may involve liaising with banks, brokers, other nancial intermediaries and speci consultants. Accounting services. We provide regular nancial statements if required under the relevant trust law or at the request of the settler or bene ciaries. Procurement and coordination of tax advice when required for the trust, the trustees, the settler and the bene ciaries, including, where relevant, the preparatio submission and agreement of tax returns and assessments. Formation and administration of companies which may be used either on their own or in conjunction with trusts.
What Is the Di erence Between An O shore Trust and A Domestic Trust? OFFSHORE TRUST FOR U.S. CITIZENS Bear in mind that all the trusts are equal and is set up to protect its owners and bene ciaries. However the di erence between a domestic trust and an o shore trust is de simple jurisdiction. An o shore trust is not bound by USA court orders & is not obligated to comply while a domestic trust is bound by the U.S. court order and must com Panama o shore trust, is independent of any entity whatsoever and would never obligated to hand over its assets to any demand of any U.S. court. All provisions of Trust are there to protect one’s assets that are held in the OFFSHORE TRUST. Panama Trust, only relationship is among the following parties: TRUSTEE(S) BENEFICIARIES SETTLERS Panama by laws & provisions are written legal documents that are registered in the PANAMA PUBLIC REGISTER and is binding between parties and is called the “Trust Deed.” All th held by the o shore trust in Panama belongs to the Panama O shore Trust only and is not bound by any other court, jurisdictions. The Trustee of the Panama O shore Tr comply with the Panama Trust Deed. Panama O shore Trust Notarized By Laws speci es that the trustee is to act on behalf of the bene ciaries of the Panama O shore Trus protect assets from all predators, foreign & domestic. The trustee of an o shore trust has a duciary duty to comply with the bylaws of the Trust set out in the TRUST DEED on On the contrary a domestic trust is bound by the U.S. laws and courts and it must turn over its assets when ordered by any USA courts. In this case domestic trust must comply Courts decision and its assets are vulnerable to seizure.
TOP 3 REASONS TO SET UP AN OFFSHORE TRUST IRON CLAD ASSET PROTECTION By forming an o shore trust in Panama, you create an IRONCLAD ASSET PROTECTION. Your o shore trust will shield all your asset held in Panama trust against USA credi judgments.
ELIMINATION OF TAX An o shore trust in Panama will eliminate your taxes or reporting requirements to U.S. agencies. In fact, your trust in Panama does not impose any taxes on your assets.
OFFSHORE INVESTMENT You can use your o shore trust in Panama and increase value of your portfolio. Your o shore trust in Panama is private and anonymous and you always are in charge of your trust.
Where To Set Up An O shore Trust? To be clear, there are few choices left to choose from since USA has cracked down on o shore jurisdictions however countries such as Panama, Belize and Cook Islands remain OFFSHORE JURISDICTION choices.
According to all professional advisors, PANAMA is considered the best jurisdiction for setting up an OFFSHORE TRUST The main reason for this is O shore trusts are selected for low or exemption taxes on assets of trust. Another words, one seeks to protect his / her assets mainly for two factors:
1. TAX
Therefore when a high net worth individual decides to protect its assets from U.S. courts and litigation, he would investigate what countries o er the best solution to suit his n CONSULTATION HAVEN country such as Republic of Panama o ers the best solution at this point. One may ask why Panama?The answer is very simple; Panama o ers to investors something other country can o er FIRST PANAMA does not impose any types of tax to foreign investors while the investor is doing business outside Panama For example if you are doing
other country can o er. FIRST, PANAMA does not impose any types of tax to foreign investors while the investor is doing business outside Panama. For example, if you are doing with other countries and doing import / export, you will pay ZERO TAXES to the government of Panama. I MEAN ZERO. NADA. That means you will keep all the pro ts in your comp do not owe any amount of money to the Panama government. This is because Panama tax laws and regulation. Panama permits all foreign companies to set up corporations and Panama without ever have to pay any taxes to the Panama government. The only tax that you need to pay is annual FRANCHISE TAX of $350. to the government of Panama. corporation. For such TAX EXEMPTION reason, millions of foreign investors form trusts in Panama. The other reasons investors choose a certain o shore jurisdiction is because a certain country has speci c laws that protects its TRUST & CORPORATIONS from foreign interfere seizure. Panama o ers such luxury to its foreign investors. Panama jurisdiction clearly stands above the rest of the above jurisdictions in terms of asset protection. Third reason for investors to choose a certain jurisdiction is for PRIVACY, CONFIDENTIALITY & ANONYMITY. Panama is the real winner among other mentioned jurisdictions and of the above to the foreign investors. Panama Law is designed to keep investors identity anonymous and private. FOR MORE INFORMATION & TRUE ANSWERS BY EXPERIENCED ADVISORS You can inquire about OFFSHORE ASSET PROTECTION, ESTATE PLANNING, OFFSHORE BANKING, OFFSHORE TRUST & OFFSHORE COMPANY GET IN TOUCH WITH US TODAY FREE CONSULTATION OUR PROFESSIONALS ARE HERE TO ASSIST YOU 1 (507) 6231- 8616 34 EMAIL: info@panamalegalcenter.com
How Does An O shore Trust Work? For those who wish to preserve their wealth against uncertainty such as claims, lawsuits, taxes, etc. For those who wish to plan their estate to maximize the bene ts of their wealth for family members For those who wish to transfer wealth to their heirs in accordance with their wishes
How To Set Up An O shore Trust? Panama Legal Center is a trusted name in Panama and is located in the nancial district of Panama City. We have the experience and the know how to assist you to achieve yo Whether you are looking for o shore asset protection, o shore trust or other types of services, our quali ed English speaking advisors & sta are here to help you. Our mission to satisfy our clients and meet their goal. We are transparent, trustworthy and provide the best service and support to our clients. We will guide you through the set up process and set up a Panama Trust to suit your speci c needs. YOU CAN TRUST US.
How Much Does It Cost To Set Up An O shore Trust? Cost of setting an OFFSHORE TRUST varies and it depends on the type of trust and complexity of the trust, whether is revocable or irrevocable and all the clauses you like to be in the TRUST. In the USA, an attorney may charge you $20,000. or much more to set up a domestic or an o shore trust but you do not need to pay that much to start an o shore tru First, you need to know what jurisdiction ( what country ) best serve you to set up an o shore trust. Second, you need to nd the right entity ( a professional company ) that ca the PRIVATE TRUST at a reasonable rate. After many years of setting up OFFSHORE TRUSTS for foreign investors and analyzing bene ts of many o shore jurisdiction, we are co that the BEST JURISDICTION TO SET UP AN OFFSHORE TRUST IS PANAMA. REPUBLIC of PANAMA provides the best bene ts to foreign individuals and corporation as far as OF TRUST. We are a team of professional advisors and attorneys and can set up a PRIVATE OFFSHORE TRUST for you with as little as $3,500. Once your o shore trust is ready to go, we will a to transfer assets that need to be transferred to this trust so you have peace of mind.
OFFSHORE TRUST TAXATION Bear in mind that one of the main reasons most investors set up an o shore trust in a foreign jurisdiction is of TAX EXEMPTION. Due to tax codes and high tax rates on wealthy in and corporations, individuals looking to certain TAX EXEMPT countries to protect their hard earned assets without paying high taxes to the government. For example, in NEW YORK CITY, USA, individuals have to pay FEDERAL, STATE and CITY TAXES. This means a person who resides in Manhattan must pay 3 di erent taxes to three agencies of government. Another words, your income is being taxed approximately 50% or more before you can see the NET INCOME. This high taxation makes people twice NYC. However, in most cases, individuals have no choice because of their job location and profession. By setting up an OFFSHORE TRUST in a jurisdiction such as PANAMA, you will bene t from the followings;
1. Your assets will be safe and you are not being taxed whatsoever by Panama government 2. Your assets are protected from lawsuits, judgments, etc. which means you have asset protection from creditors 3. Your assets remain PRIVATE & ANONYMOUS and no one knows about your o shore trust. 4. You will have complete control over your trust & its assets at all times
HOW TO START AN OFFSHORE TRUST? https://www.panamalegalcenter.com/offshore-trust/
ENJOY ITS GLOBAL BENEFITS O shore trust set up occurs when assets are transferred to a trustee in an o shore jurisdiction. The trustee becomes the legal owner and is responsible for managing the asset distributing them to the bene ciaries of the o shore trust. The creation of OFFSHORE TRUST is very popular mostly due to its tax exempt status and privacy issues. The legal entity known as Trust is a legal act whereby a Grantor transfers his assets to a trustee for its administration according to the instructions. These assets, while in OF TRUST, no longer will be owned by the individual Grantor or considered as part of his personal wealth therefore these assets held in OFFSHORE TRUST may not be seized in its co origin. Practically any types of assets of can be transferred to an OFFSHORE TRUST. In addition, o shore trust provides high degree of con dentiality & privacy as they are establis private document without requiring registration with any government entities. The only requirement is the presence of an NOTARY PUBLIC to authenticate the signature of the and administrator, pledging to ensure the authencity & con dentiality of the OFFSHORE TRUST.
Our Quali ed Advisors Can Assist You To Establish An O shore Trust In Panama O shore trusts are widely used throughout the world to guarantee asset protection and succession of wealth. Panama O shore Trusts are recognized as the best asset pr jurisdiction & structure in the world.
Panama Trust Characteristics: Asset Protection: All assets would be protected from the settlor’s and bene ciaries’ creditors. Estate Planning: Trusts in Panama may have perpetual life for generations of their heirs. Panama Con dentiality & Privacy: Panama is one of the best jurisdictions in the world Taxation: All assets held in Trust are tax exempt in Panama Foreign Entities: Foreigners may set up trusts in Panama with foreign bene ciaries Easy to Set Up: A Panama trust may be formed in one day. English Language: Even though Panama is a Spanish speaking country, all trust documents may be written in English. All Types Of Assets Can Be Included:
(https://www.panamalegalcenter.com/contact-us/) Stocks & Bond Investment portfolios Real Estate Properties Intellectual properties Bank Accounts & cash Life Insurance Policies & Annuities Most other types of asset Advantages of Panama O shore Trust
Wealth protection worldwide Tailored to speci c individual & family requirements Recognized in all common law jurisdictions An important tool in international business, capital gains and estate tax planning Used by corporations for employee bene t plans, retirement and stock option schemes, insurance plans and special nancing arrangement. FOR MORE INFORMATION, EMAIL US: