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Ornamental Millet

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Foliage Celosia

STANDING TALL IN GARDENS AND CONTAINERS. The bright green, purple and bronze foliage of ornamental millet provides a stunning focal point in garden beds and in combination with other plants, and even in containers for more dramatic appeal.



Pennisetum glaucum Colour Group: Chartreuse/burgundy Height: 90-120 cm Spread: 25-35 cm Containers: 13 to 18 cm pot Plug crop time (weeks): 2-3 Transplant to finish (weeks): 4-5 Young leaves are chartreuse with a subtle burgundy overlay, while mature foliage becomes dominantly burgundy, especially in full sun. Plants end the season with nearly the same bronze-purple colour as Purple Majesty. Jester flowers 7 to 10 days later than Purple Baron and Purple Majesty, and stays compact longer. Best grown warm.

Jade Princess

Pennisetum glaucum Colour Group: Chartreuse/brown Height: 60-75 cm Spread: 45-60 cm Containers: 10 to 18 cm pot Plug crop time (weeks): 2-3 Transplant to finish (weeks): 4-5 Intense chartreuse foliage and rich brown, pollenless panicles have a controlled, mounded shape that is more compact than others in the assortment, so plants ship well. Seed can be direct-sown into finish containers and plants are well-suited to pot sizes up to gallons, plus the crop finishes fast. Bushy plant habit is perfect for large containers and landscapes. NOTE: Jade Princess requires warmer temperatures (above 60°F/16°C) than other millets to perform well.

FANTASTIC APPEALPurple Baron Pennisetum glaucum Colour Group: Green/dark purple Purple Majesty Height: 75-100 cm Pennisetum glaucum Spread: 25-35 cm Colour Group: Green/dark purple Containers: 13 to 18 cm pot Height: 120-150 cm Plug crop time (weeks): 2-3 Spread: 20-30 cm Transplant to finish (weeks): 4-5 Containers: 13 to 18 cm pot Large, thick flower spikes grow on plants that Plug crop time (weeks): 2-3 are better-branched at the base than Purple Transplant to finish (weeks): 4-5 Majesty. Slightly darker purple than Purple Young plants are green. Stem and midrib Majesty, with leaves that are shorter and wider of the foliage first turn purple after about for easier shipping, on a plant that is about 8 leaves have developed. Foliage turns dark two-thirds the mature height. Young plants purple when plants are moved from the are green; stem and midrib begin to develop greenhouse outside into full sun. Also makes purple colour as they mature. Shows best a good cut flower. All-America Selections colour in full sun. National Winner.

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