This project studies and analyzes the main urban planning features in one of the most ageing neighbourhood in Dubai. AI-Satwa, is a traditional neighbourhood that somehow still preserves some of its cultural, social and urban fabric.
This project considers studying the main physical and social components in AI-Satwa and developing the site to match the sustainable neighbourhood design standards through a linear process. This process includes four phases: (1) Planning Study Analysis, (2) Setting Vision, Goals and Strategies to achieve a sustainable neighbourhood, (3) Developing Options and Concept Plan, (4) Developing Master Plan including socio-economic, physical, and environmental planning aspects. Since Al-Satwa has a strategic site, as it is located behind one of the most vibrant roads in the city, Shiekh Zayed Road. However, lately AI-Satwa residents are facing urban violence resembled in the fear of being displaced and destruction of the
urban fabric and quality of life. We look into Al Satwa' Case.