1 minute read
Pandora's Box Winter 2021
Jessica Wang
Hush, say the ashes Just ashes, just ashes Locked in a faraway place He lies among stardust and broken Dead things, temple where sacred Words sing.
His voice is a whisper and hollow Of meaning, of words he once said No more. It’s his language, our language Has roots through The sea, but I—I was born On the shore.
Softly he passes No thoughts, just a sigh, Silently passed long ago My father, forgive me, for not reaching Out, for the parts of you I’ll never know.
My father, console me, tell me It’s alright; I forgot what it felt To feel. I’ll carry your dreams And this whisper of mine I miss you, I love you, I’ll heal.
So on shiftless wings They stole him away No hazel, no laughter, no light Left me with ashes An empty sea yearning Asleep in the wandering night.