1 minute read
Windows AV
I woke up one startling morning With the sun hitting my eyes. And yet, I lay there, blinded, With no energy to try.
Getting up meant hours of working, Filled with overwhelming stress; The deadlines all competing As each night I get less rest.
It was strange to have my best friends All back home, so close once more; But we were stuck with voice calls, Doubting what these calls were for.
There was nothing new to say now, So the phones went silent, still. We all turned to our own devices For our loneliness we couldn’t fll.
As the quarantine progressed, Day by day, and week by week, I began to miss my friends so Once again, we started to speak.
We played board games over Zoom calls, Went to bed at two or three, The late lighting so abysmal But we were glowing, charged with glee.
I could hear the birds were chirping, The stars had vanished from the night; The trees were more than outlines As my window flled with light.
It may have been past two or three For by then, it’s hard to tell. But it reminded me that stars Must also say farewell.
These times are new, we must adapt. Who knows what happens next? So let us not forget our friends, When all we need is send a text.