Pandore magazine may june 2017 issue

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PANDORE Magazine




HOLIDAYS SANTORINI, the volcanic island


Contributors GROUP PUBLISHER Clin D’Oeil Association CREATIVE DIRECTORS Ridah Aziz, Kevin Lopez, Josephine Picquet , Romain Chaillot, Claude Serra, Pamela Massari, Safaa Gad.


Photography : Ridah Aziz


A very big thank you to everyone who has been supporting this project since the beginning, to the people working at Clin D’oeil Asscociation for their legal support, to Ridah Aziz who had the idea of creating this webzine accessible to all, and to our readers for their support. Also a big thanks to Mireille Gautier for all the english transcription she has done for this issue.


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EDITOR’s LETTER Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be? Danielle Laporte When you were a kid, you were daring, you had no problem connecting with the world. You didn’t care about being a size 4 or 14, you were speaking your truth, you had energy to burn: you never walked, you ran. You didn’t laugh quietly: you burst out laughing. You didn’t care about what other people thought. You were an artist, you colored outside the lines, you painted 6-legged red elephants with twisted teeth, flowers bigger than houses and green oceans meeting a purple sky beautified by a smiling sun. You gave the genuine image you had of the world, no illicit substance required. You were happy. When you grow up, you become aware of the world around you, it makes its way into your mind with its codes of conduct. Imagination becomes a dream beyond reach and you lock yourself in boxes. You can’t help it: it’s called survival instinct. I read somewhere that we spend our life in boxes: we enter a box, we drive to work in a box, we work in a box, we go home and live in a box and we die in a box. And we call it a life. Boxes are fine. Pandore is a box. But it’s never closed because artists create it with the right keys to open your spirit and appetite - appetite for creation, discovery and food. Here, at Pandore, we’re not scared of the crack that lets the light in. Because dissidence is the universal code that opens all doors. It’s the condition for revival and surprise. So, Claude teaches us that the real color of gold is blue, and Safaa, that the bikini doesn’t come from the fashion but the automobile industry. Ridah shows us the diversity of a revolutionary Paris and dazzles us in black and white, but Joséphine prefers to mix colors and colors our lips outside the lines to cheat. And Romain, casually made a culinary work of art out of a sea monster. Have you realized that an artist always goes outside and over the lines? Go ahead, ask Lou Escobar. You hold the illusion of a small box divided into sections. But Pandore is a window to the world, created by adults who easily remember what they were before the world happened to them…because they have never changed. They are the patients zero: they spread the “virus” of living but they give you the cure: just live. Thug Life. All you have to do is look into Pandore’s Box and inhale the sun of Santorini while listening to the latest Depeche Mode’s album whispering in your ears: “Where’s the revolution?” It’s in our pages and lays in one word: passion. Enjoy the read and the ride.

Mireille Gautier

Let yourself be taken away in the culinary world of Patricia Richer, a French chef who moved to Costa Rica to create a French cuisine that always reaches perfection when it comes to flavors and its associations, offering a delightful gourmet’s experience to her guests. Settled in downtown San José, she wants to share French gastronomy by creating its first Table d’hôtes: “La Terrasse”. Patricia Richer welcomes you in her antique 1927 house in the historic district of San José for a convivial and romantic moment, for a unique French dinner, bringing “a little bit of France” in the capital.

The Threat of the Freshwater Wars. What if, starting tomorrow, you had to carry on your back the amount of water you typically use everyday. Would you change your habits? But what’s the point? You don’t care because you pay for that service. It’s such a luxury to open that faucet! Our water runs from mountains to irrigate our fields and wet our whistle; and it is necessary for livestock farming. But what if our northern neighbor cut us off from this blue gold? Ahah! Tensions guaranteed. Whoever controls upstairs, controls downstairs. This is how hydro-politic tensions are born. One quarter of our planet population lives in countries with a lack of surface water with this frightening number: hydric stress is reached if you live below 500 m3 per person, per year. The average in France is 30000 m3 per person, per year (daily: 3 liters for drinking, 30 liters for washing, 3000 liters for food production). Just a little water stress they say…What wonderful poetry of words. We stress out when we don’t have water to fill our glass, as if we were experiencing a dry period. There’s even a diagonal “thirst-line” stretching from Gibraltar to North-East China with the same problem: a decrease of water resources. Some countries are thus being called “hydro-dominant” and they affirm their power: Ethiopia over Egypt with the Nile, Turkey acting like a real water tower with Mesopotamia, the Euphrates and Tigris with Syria, Iraq and Iran; China, from the Himalayas and Tibet over India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia with the Brahmaputra (a real femoral artery), the Indus River (an issue between India and Pakistan), the Ganges, the Mekong River, Slovakia over Hungary with the Danube, Mauritania with Senegal fighting over the Senegal River; Syria, Israel and Palestine with the Jordan River. In Bolivia, there was a social revolt when they privatized water. In Peru, martial law has been established. Local issues tensions between states concerning international waterways and underground reservoirs are real powder kegs. We have to realize that overpopulated countries like India or China tend to have the same eating habits as Westerners. We know that it takes 15000 liters of water to produce 1 kilogram of meat, 1000 liters of water for a liter of milk! Irrigation and water diversion programs on large canals are going strong such as the Blue River towards the Yellow River in China for hydroelectric stations replacing coal, or the construction of the Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia. Between global warming, booming demographics, growing urbanization and industrialization, waves of tensions are to be foreseen. But hey, hang in there! Let’s stay hopeful and drink to it. Cheers!

Claude Serra

PARIS The multiple faces city

Guerlain and Lancôme introduced projects entitled “Les Parisiennes” (Parisian Women). It’s Pandore Magazine’s turn. I wanted to show the diversity of the City of Light. Parisian models have extraordinary professionalism and simplicity. If you want to meet people in Paris, going to parks waiting for the first to arrive and jumping on him or her is not enough. You have to know how to spot places organizing activities that allow for dialogue. So if you love walks, Les Invalides in the 7th arrondissement or Les Jardins de Serres d’Auteuil in the 16th are perfect. For every kind of festivities, go to the 9th arrondissement at Le Pigalle or also at the 11th, at Le Motel. To drink and chat, Le Persiffleur in the 18th can welcome you, or if you are more in a cinema mood, you have Le Louxor, Le Studio 28 and Le Filmothèque in Le quartier Latin in the 10th, 18th, and 5th arrondissements. But, to take pictures, it’s better to rent a studio or a beautiful haussmannian apartment like they did for “Les Parisiennes”. Chat with them and let the magic of the French capital happen, as it will have the power it always had as one of the most loaded cultural hub in the world. Match the models with atypical urban places of the city and add a little sprinkle of black and white, as Romain would say. Finally, let yourself be swept away by their look and their smiles…They will talk to you like the streets belonging to the 21st Parisian revolutionaries do. Ridah Aziz

Lou Escobar A photographer interview Lou Escobar is a French Photographer living in Marseille. 1. Any passions? I’m very curious in general, that’s why I can say that I don’t have any particular favorite passions. It depends on the time in my life or the people I meet… 2. What bothers you the most in life and in the fashion business? I try to keep it together most of the time. I don’t want to waste my energy on conflicts. Now, as everyone, I’m sometimes tired and the stupidity of some people can bother me. 3. What can you do that most people can’t? Leave and start all over again. 4. God created women. What would you have created? God created this Goddess! I would have done the same thing, but I would have made the animals talk. 5. Is there a dream that you often have that you really want to come true? Eyes closed or wide open? Because nowadays, when I sleep, my dreams are all over the place. 6. Apart from 2be3, what do you play on repeat on your MP3? The same answer as question 1. No particular favorites. 7. What photoshoot left its mark on you the most? One that I’ve done or one that has already been done? 8. Tell me a story in which you ended up being totally ridiculous… I went to the bathroom with a mic that was broadcasting into a party room. 9. When is your short film coming out? (or let’s be crazy, your long film). Do you think about it? I’m gonna give myself a year to perfect my style. The scripts are here. In a corner of my mind. But yeah, I wanna play with the big guys pretty soon.

1. Any passions? Makeup of course, but also cinema, history and geography 2. What bothers you the most in life and in the fashion business? I can’t stand people who are full of themselves 3. What can you do that most people can’t? I am empathic 4. God created women. What would you have created? I’m not God. So probably nothing better than what he created 5. Is there a dream that you often have that you really want to come true? That’s a secret ;) 6. Apart from Tino Rossi, what do you play on repeat on your MP3? Lana Del Rey and Elvis ;) 7. What photoshoot left its mark on you the most? My first “real” job 8. Tell me a story in which you ended up being totally ridiculous… When I fell flat on my face in the subway WHAT IF… 1. You were someone else… Natalie Portman, because she’s involved in many things. She has a strong and exemplary personality 2. You wished something for a humanitarian cause… No more suffering in the world 3. You won the lottery or something like that… If I won the lottery, I would give the money to those who deserve it more than I do 4. You were an actor or an actress… I would certainly suck! 5. You were President … I’d be lost! Politics is not my thing

WHAT IF… 1. You were someone else I would be myself in another dimension. 2. You wished something for a humanitarian cause No. Everything that we live as shocking as it may be, is meant to be. We’re going somewhere. Even in misery and war. 3. You won an Oscar or another award? I would certainly give it to my mother. So that she could put it on the piano alongside my brothers’ and sisters’ trophies, which are as important. 4. You were an actor or an actress Another tricky question! Physically speaking, I’m inspired a lot! Psychologically speaking, I love Ellen Page, the image she gives to the media. And excuse me if I may shock some people, but also Kristen Stewart. Because I really want to make love to her! 5. You were President … (((You’ve reached the voicemail of…))) No, really, I love this old mate José Mujica. Because for me, he’s the personification of the most humanitarian president.

IN YOUR LIFE: 1. What is your nickname and why? My real last name is Escobar. You can imagine the rest. 2. Who’s your best friend? Do I really have to give particular names? I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. 3. Who’s the best in his or her role? My mother! She will never change! I take her as she is and love her! 4. Who are your sources of inspiration? Any particular artists? I think I’m evolving with time and with the things I see. But Cinema above anything else is a real source of inspiration. Coppola, Larry Clark, Tarantino, Dolan and many others unknown to the public but who deserve as much to be mentioned. 5. With whom would you trade places? I wouldn’t like to trade my place. 6. Your favorite motto? Those who speak the most experience the least. 7. Where are you now, in your life? I’m just starting the beginning, artistically speaking. 8. Your favorite place? Where there’s no signal (phone or internet). 9. What’s your best memory? And of your projects? Hey! What’s that question? There are so many of them! Everyday that goes by is in itself a wonderful memory. Even if some moments are sometimes more intense, like when I travel for example, because everything is so surprising and full of good vibes! I’m creating my future best moments! Time will tell! 10. Do you trust people? Yes, you must have trust to go through times. It’s not always natural in everyone, so maybe, it’s very weak at first, but can grow into it. I also think that we don’t trust enough, we torture ourselves, especially in our time, with existential questions that can eat our brains out. And many people don’t go for their own dreams due to lack of confidence. We are semi gods with equal chances and gifts.

A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING 1. Do you know any recipes? Yes! Even many! I often cook Spanish food, first because I love it and also because that’s the one I’m the best at! 2. Do you have clothes that you bought but never dared to wear? A very short leather skirt with fringes.. 3. Do you believe in love? Of course! Even if sometimes, I tell myself that I struggled a lot and that I’m not very good at it. 4. Your favorite color? I really like green! Any kind of green, kaki… but I also like brown, burgundy red, dark blue, light grey. But no special love for the other colors. 5. Are you sporty? I’ve been hyperactive since I was a child. If I’m not on a bike, not roller-skating or walking, I have all these tensions piling up and it’s not good. So I try my best to exercise every week! 6. A life principle? What is a life principle? 7. When was the last time you made your bed? This morning! Because when I get out of the shower, it’s like a compulsion, I feel better after making it. 8. What household chores have you never done? I do them all! I grew up with a mother obsessed with cleanliness; I know the ins and outs of cleaning even if I am messy. TO CONCLUDE… What question would you have liked me to ask you and what is the answer? I think we’re good! You’ve asked me a good amount of them already!

The Right Spot

The Atlantis That’s how Santorini could be called. This island disappeared after a massive volcanic eruption that left its mark even in Malta. The island collapsed and triggered a tidal wave, burying everything on its path, leaving no chance to those who had the time to leave before the eruption. Don’t get me wrong; this island is probably the most popular destination in Europe and around the world. Asians and Americans love it and so do I. Because let’s be honest, it’s probably the only place in the world where you can sleep in a 5-star hotel on the top of a 300 meter high cliff facing a caldera, and what tops that? Where else can you contemplate 5000 years of history, an endless deep blue sea, asking yourself “when will the next eruption occur?” because the little island right in the middle of this giant hollow is the volcano resurfacing. (You can swim in it by the way, we did it! It’s just incredible).

If you go sailing, come back to Amoudi Bay port at nightfall right after contemplating the sunset on the open seas. Magical moment. Make a stop at Amoudi Tavern where you can eat octopus, caught on the same morning and dried under the burning sun of the Aegean Sea. Take the ATV you rented the day before, go back to your hotel and enjoy a beautiful night under the Milky Way. On the next day, go wander on the famous and unique Red Beach with its gigantic red cliff that lands on a beach full of tourists. Then, visit the south of the island and Vihada Beach which seems to be the perfect spot for a science-fiction movie with its lunar landscape, allowing you to escape the crowd.

Then at night, go to the north of the island and to Oia, this famous Greek village where people literally applause the most beautiful sunset of the world! And you want to hear good news? All of this is just 4 hours away from Paris.

KĂŠvin Lopez




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OMBRË LIPS Tips from the pro

Spring is here, days are longer and sunrays are warming our skin… dreamy!!! I feel like leaving for Bali, to discover its colors, its culture and its heavenly beaches. That’s what inspired this look. We’re going to talk about lips and today’s trend, because, yes, makeup brands Smashbox, Make Up For Ever, Lancôme et even Givenchy love it too: the Ombré lip. Beyond the universal trend, it allows endless combinations of different colors and textures but also the correction of a too-thin lip or, conversely, one too generous. Let me suggest you a makeup for that “vacation feel”: 1- Complexion must be bright and fresh, use light foundation, put aside thick one that you use in winter, then put a little life on your cheeks with a touch of blush or tanning cream. 2- As for the eyes, just a little mascara will do it because we’re going to bring out the lips. 3- The lips: you’ll need 2 pencils, 2 lipsticks of different colors. First, draw the line of the upper lip with a pencil, then fill the lip with a fuchsia lipstick. Do the same thing on the lower lip with an orange lipstick. It doesn’t get any easier than this! Know that you can do more complex Ombré lips 1- Begin with a dark colored pencil and draw the line from the corner to the center of the lip. 2- Then put on a lighter colored lipstick, at the center of the lip (blending the two products of course) Second possible option: 1- Apply a nude lipstick as usual 2- Apply another lipstick, with a brighter color, for example: pink, orange, or coral at the center of the lips.

When to wear an Ombré lip? Anytime! In winter, it’s best to choose nude or very dark colors, but with the coming of spring, let’s have fun with them! A party, a festival, a pool party -- no limits! Don’t hesitate to match the colors with your clothes, blue glasses, bandana, skirt; this will bring more power to your makeup. So with all these colors, don’t you feel like going to Bali with me??? My must have products: Joséphine Picquet


Romain’s Recipe

Warm Octopus Pressé with Capers, Candied Lemons and Citrus Fruits Vinaigrette For a while now, I’ve taken the habit to go to the market of my city’s marina twice a week to enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables and fish. Just moored, fishermen are busy putting wild fish still alive on ice stands. This is where I met Marcel, a fisherman of 30 years, who became my friend. Both passionate about gastronomy, it didn’t take long before we shared our recipes and made new ones up, with new arrivals everyday. Last Tuesday, it was octopus! I know what you are about to say: “Octopus is hard to cook!” It’s true that usually, you have to beat it to tender it and cook it for hours, cut it in pieces and so on… But I’m going to give you tips, octopus will hold no mysteries for you anymore and you’ll make this original recipe in no time at all. What I like about this recipe is the incredible effect it has on guests; I bet you they’ll be impressed! The recipe: Warm Octopus Pressé with Capers, Candied Lemons and Citrus Fruits Vinaigrette. To start, don’t hesitate to ask your fish merchant to clean out the beast so that all you’ll have to do is let it rest a night in the freezer instead of beating the tentacles for hours to tender it. Grab a terrine or a cake pan, you’ll need it for the second step of the recipe.

For 6 people: Ingredients you’ll need to cook the octopus: -2kg of octopus -1 lemon -1 yellow onion -1 head of garlic -10 cilantro seeds -1 star anise -1 stalk of celery -2 cloves -1 cinnamon stick -10gr of coarse salt

Ingredients for the Vinaigrette: -20cl of olive oil -10gr of fine capers -2 lemons - Juice of 2 oranges -1/2 candied lemon -Salt and pepper -1 bunch of dill -1 fennel bulb -1 bunch of pink radish

Octopus cooking time: 2h Resting time in the fridge: 7h Prep time: 15 minutes Step one: Put the frozen octopus in a pan that can contain twice the volume of the octopus in water, it has to be completely covered by water, and then add the pre-cut aromatic garnish, the onion, and the celery. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2 hours. Step two: When the octopus is cooked, take it out of the stock and cut it into 4 pieces lengthwise while it’s still hot, and put it in the mold, pressing it. Cut a piece of baking paper or plastic wrap, put it in the baking pan to facilitate the unmolding and put a weight on it. Refrigerate for 7 hours. Step three: Citrus fruit vinaigrette Prep time: 5 minutes Press the lemon and orange juices, then add salt, pepper to taste and let dissolve. Whisk adding olive oil little by little. Chop the capers and the candied lemon. (You can make your own candied lemon by marinating it in salt and vinegar for a day). Step four: Let’s move to the presentation of your plate -- a step that will blow your guests’ minds. The art of this dish is in the pan that you will unmold. It looks like a block of tentacles and is not very appealing at first sight, but when you’ll put it on a plate, I’m sure you’ll be impressed. Sharpen your knife in order to be precise then cut into thin slices lengthwise and put it in a hot plate like a Carpaccio, then add the vinaigrette and the thinly sliced crudities to bring freshness to the dish. Wine recommendation: I’ll opt for a white “Côte de Provence”. Romain Chaillot


2017 BIKINIS The story of the bikini Swimsuits Trends

Brought out to the public in 1946, the bikini, introduced as “The world’s smallest swimsuit” shook up the old women dressing rules. But it was not until movie stars like Brigitte Bardot or Jayne Mansfield dared to wear it, that the bikini found its place in the fashion world. It was Louis Réard, a French automotive engineer who imagined the bikini! His professional field had nothing to do with lingerie; his interest for women’s underwear came from his mother who owned a shop near “Les Folies Bergères” in Paris. A keen observer, Louis Réard, couldn’t help to notice that women folded their swimsuit to avoid inelegant suntan lines. That’s how he came up with the idea of the world’s smallest swimsuit. In 1946, the engineer presented the result of his work at the Molitor swimming pool. To make an impression, he chose to give it the name of “bikini”, a reference to the atoll located in the Pacific Ocean, on which occurred the first American nuclear test. This little piece of fabric would drop a veritable bombshell on our society’s dress codes.

2017 bikini trends It’s warm and hot, summer is finally here! In 2017, women’s swimsuits are inspired from fashion trends seen on the catwalks. We noticed that those printed “ethnic chic” swimsuits inspired by African or American Indian cloths were the stars of the season. These exotic prints are everywhere on every women’s swimsuits. Color wise, pastel is trendy this season, but don’t think that fluorescent colors should be left behind! They are perfect to showcase your tan. Flashy colors should be in every suitcases! Black swimsuits are a sure thing for those who want to look chic while lying on a beach towel. One- or two-piece bathing suit in 2017? Though fashionable women have sidelined it for a while in favor of the trikini, the one-piece swimsuit is now no longer reserved for swimmers! On the contrary, it can be worn with jewelry and can show off daringly deep cleavage for a sophisticated look at the beach bar! The two-piece suit, is favored by those who like to avoid effort! It’s also the most prevalent women’s swimsuit on beaches, as it allows for a nice tan without lines! Its comfort is also appreciated, and for those comfortable in their skin - curvy or skinny - the bikini is the choice to make! Saafa Gad

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