1 minute read



The Sixth Form is the time when you take ownership of your own learning and shape your future beyond school. Life inside and outside of the classroom takes on a different, more independent and more rewarding perspective, as you immerse yourself in your chosen subjects. Your academic life will transform in many ways:


•You have more time to work on your own •The work becomes more interesting and independent •The classes usually become smaller •The relationship with your teachers becomes less formal and more collaborative •You have more autonomy and freedom of action

And when you begin to prepare for university and choose courses, you hold your own destiny in your hands.

In addition, an independent boarding school offers you a multitude of ways to fulfil yourself outside the classroom: sport, music, drama, a wealth of enrichment and societies, opportunities for service and overseas tours and expeditions. Furthermore, you are given much greater responsibility not only for yourself but also in taking charge over the care of others. The closeness of our community and an extended Sixth Form social life also ensure that you form friendships that will last well beyond your time at school.

However, your academic work is clearly your first priority. Read this booklet and study what we have to offer you in the Sixth Form.

I look forward to seeing you in the Sixth Form in September. Remember, I am always available for consultation if I can help. In the meantime, good luck with your GCSEs.

Mr J Bamforth

Head of Sixth Form Tel: 0118 9766 723 Email: james.bamforth@pangbourne.com

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