Portfolio Master of Architecture, Panagiotis Koukaroudis

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PORTF0LIO Koukaroudis Panagiotis Master of Architecture_2004-2010 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki_Greece #1

PROJECT 1 \\\ DIPLOMA PROJECT | SUSTAINABLE OFFICE BUILDING \\\ topic : office building location : Thessaloniki, Greece size : approx. 3.500 sq.m. The office building of a construction company placed on the west entrance of Thessaloniki on a contaminated site (7.500 sq. meters ), which has been used in the past by a logistic company and it has very low environmental value. The aim of these project was to design a sustainable office building that is independent in energy section , mitigates the environmental impacts, has low energy consumption, reduces and controls the natural resourses consumption and finally offers high quality of indoor environment. The basic idea of the project was to turn to advantage the prevailing winds , the orientation and the view of the site. The company has 100-120 employees and building has room offices, show room, restaurant , auditorium, 3d models lab, library, archive , brainstorm rooms , atrium, underground parking spaces, cyclist facilities and small wastewater system named living machines

# 2 design principle | division of a triangular volume based on the prevailling winds direction

prevailing winds | software Ecotect

#3 sketches | wind performance



3D visualizations

*publication 1 | techincal magazine "KTIRIO" 06/2011: http://www.ktirio.gr/default.aspx?action=showarchitectsDipDetails&id=1344 *publication 2 | architectural website e-magazine http://www.greekarchitects.gr

sections | atrium natural ventilation


3D visualizations

energy efficiency | solar energy


water efficiency | wastewater management (living machines system)

#6 3D Section

ground floor plan

1st floor plan


PROJECT 2 \\\ Residence A \\\ topic : housing location : Thessaloniki, Greece size : 75 sq.m. status : undergraduate project The purpose of this studio is to design a house for a couple with one child in a suburb of Thessaloniki at a 250sq.m corner site.



1st Floor


PROJECT 3 \\\ Residence B \\\ topic : Loft location : Thessaloniki, Greece size : 50 sq.m. status : undergraduate project How do you design a small loft for a couple? The purpose of this project is to design a 60sq.m house without interior walls (except the W.C.). The design principle is to make seperate the public and private space inside the house using different levels but in a way that they can communicate.

# 10



# 11

PROJECT 4 \\\"Residence" C \\\ topic : "housing" location : Thessaloniki, Greece size : 20 sq.m. status : undergraduate project The context of this studio was the design of a space for isolation and meditation where the mind and the view can cross the finite space. Thus, the proposal is a 20sq.m observation tower in the forest with the basic amenities and sanitary application. This forest is located at the mountain of Hortiatis, 20km near to the city of Thessaloniki.

# 12


ground floor plan

1st, 2nd, 3rd floor plan

4th floor plan

# 13

PROJECT 5 \\\ Small scale hotel and spa complex \\\ topic : hotel location : Thermi - Thessaloniki, Greece size : approx. 2000 sq.m. status : undergraduate project The proposal is dealing with the ground morphology, the view,the appropriate orientation and the functioal format of the building.The main concept is a complex of buildings which are gradually developed according to the hill slope and they take advantage of the amazing view of Thermis Barrier. Furthermore, the balneal station, which is accessible from visitors besides the hotel's residents, has a direct connection to the lake's water.

# 14

# 15


3D visualizations

1st level plan

# 16 ground floor plan



# 17


# 18

\\\ Nature and space constructions \\\

Suspended structures

Tensile membranes

# 19

Folding structure

# 20

# 21

Τρισδιάστατες απεικονίσεις

3D visualizations

Aris Konstantinidis | weekend beach house Anavissos # 22

House at Ekalli, Athens # 23

PROJECT 7 \\\ Urban planning for technology cities \\\

project area

topic : masteplanning location : Pilea-Thessaloniki, Greece size : approx. 2 sq.km. status : undergraduate project The development site is located in the east side of the city of Thessaloniki and it comprises incompatibl uses. The proposal consists of nine clusters of different uses (education-research-technological activities). In the line of technological development, we create a website which supports the previous activities online.

urban design model | stellar galaxy

layer 1 | building environment

layer 2 | natural environment stellar galaxy + clusters

layer 3 | road system

# 24

cluster 3 | university buildings & research facilities cluster 2 | future use

cluster 1 | farmland

cluster 4 | student dormitories

cluster 5-6 | residences cluster 8 | residences cluster 7 | shopping centre

cluster 9 | urban park

# 25

PROJECT 8 \\\ Urban design on the city edge\\\ topic : urban design location : Thessaloniki, Greece size : approx. 1.3 sq.km. status : undergraduate project The area of study is at the west side of Thessaloniki and has low environmental value. Furthermore , there is no social consistency due to the unorganized multicultural character of the area. The targets are the environmental enhancement , the development of the public spaces and the establishment of new land uses. land uses

map of road network

# 26 a complex of urban squares and pedestrianized streets

university building

redesign the back facades

# 27

PROJECT 9 \\\ Urban design \\\ topic : urban design location : Thessaloniki, Greece size : approx. 0.2 sq.km. status : undergraduate project The objective of this studio is to create an urban space at the east coast side of Thessaloniki. The land uses should be strictly residences and a few, small commercial stores close to the seaside.

# 28

# 29


3D visualizations

PROJECT 10 \\\ Conservation and reuse of historic buildings and settlements \\\ topic : restoration location : Thessaloniki, Greece size : approx. 2.400 sq.m. (site) status : undergraduate project The objectives of this studio are the observation, the analysis and the understanding of the historical and esthetic quality of the "Chateau Mon Bonheur" building. Furthermore, during the courses we learnt special techniques and materials which are used for the restoration. Finally, we established a new public library in the existing building and designed some new small pavilions in the site.

# 30

# 31


# 32



# 33

PROJECT 11 \\\ Thesis | International Systems for the Evaluation of Sustainability | L.E.E.D. + B.R.E.E.A.M. \\\ We are in the beginning of the solar age and architects should learn to design for this new era. Obviously, it is necessary to adopt the sustainable way of thinking in building constructions, considering that building performance has high environmental impacts. For that reason, architects and all engineers generally, should be educated properly in sustainable practices and environmental issues equally. Sustainable architecture isn't a fashion statement or a marketing stunt. It is the new philosophy, which encloses the ideas of holistic design, spherical approach and integration. It is being realized that developments should anticipate high quality constructions. On the one hand, the public demands more luxurious buildings. On the other hand, architects, as the producers of the building environment, should insist for more flexible and simple structures that mitigate the impacts of buildings on the environment and lower the costs. Furthermore, architects should pay attention to materials' grey energy (the amount of energy required for the manufacture, transport, storage, sale and disposal of a product) because it plays major role to the life cycle of a building. Designers should also take in consideration the human resources and the consequences to the community. All of these above are included and evaluated by the Systems for the Evaluation of Sustainability. These assessment methods optimize the design procedure, enable buildings to be recognized according to their environmental benefits, ensure that the best environmental practice is incorporated in buildings and stimulate the demand for sustainable buildings. The evaluation is carried out following a simple system of points which are awarded in different categories according to performance. These credits added together to produce a single overall score that leads marks such as "passed, good, very good, excellent, silver, gold, platinum e.t.c." Worldwide, certification systems are being developed to establish a more comparable basis and objectively provable criteria for evaluating buildings. Each one of these has its own "character" which depends on the origin. This theses analyzes and compares two S.E.S. known under the abbreviation B.R.E.E.A.M. |Gr. Britain (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and L.E.E.D. | U.S.A. (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

# 34

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PORTFOLIO Koukaroudis Panagiotis Master of Architecture_2004-2010 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki_Greece # 36

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