Panlibus Magazine issue 40 | summer 2016

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The BIG 40!

Celebrating 11 years and 40 issues of innovative ideas and creative solutions.

Supporting students to succeed Focusing on engagement for better results all round

Working together on Library Search Capita partners with libraries to develop the ground-breaking full library discovery solution

Benchmarking for success The whys and hows of this increasingly popular and powerful practice



The summer issue 2016

The future of Library Search

Hello and welcome to Panlibus Magazine, issue 40, summer 2016. This 40th issue marks over a decade of Panlibus Magazine.

18-19 What is benchmarking?

4-6 Better engagement = better results Librarian Michael Smalle reflects on his role providing a distinctive point of contact for first-year students at the University of Limerick.

15 Libraries: where will we be in another 10 years …? From the iPod Nano to nanobots, Karen Reece looks back at the technology of 2005 and speculates on what’s to come.

8-9 Adding a Chrome finish to the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham How switching to Chrome devices saved around £400,000 – and how Insight Media helped make the transition smooth and successful.

17-18 What is benchmarking? More than a buzzword! Ian Downie, Director, International Business Development, collectionHQ, explains how libraries can harness the power of this popular business practice.

10 The future of Library Search Paula Keogh with the latest news from the Capita’s Product Development team on the exciting new tool that widens the net but narrows the search. 13 The Summer Reading Challenge news from Solus Discover what this year’s challenge has in store and learn all about the Big Friendly Read app. 14 Celebrating 40 instalments of innovation and inspiration for libraries Ceri McCall reflects on the birth of Panlibus and its aims: to showcase everything brilliant about libraries and be THE magazine librarians rely on for fresh thinking.

21 Events, training and webinars See you soon! Capita’s summer programme has something for everyone. 20 Partner news What’s happening with bibliotheca, OverDrive, Inc., Talis Aspire, D-Tech International Ltd, plus Summer Reading Challenge news from The Reading Agency and Solus. 23 Nielsen LibScan data Spotlight on Crime, Thriller and Adventure books.

Looking back, it’s exciting to see how far we’ve come, but it’s even more thrilling to think about all the possibilities the future holds! On page 14, Ceri McCall, our first Editor, remembers how Panlibus began with the vision of redeveloping and reshaping libraries, and how much has been achieved, while on page 15, Karen Reece sees future technology built on personalisation, connectedness and the concept of a digital place to supplement the physical place. The focus is very much on the future for university libraries, too. On page 4, Michael Smalle talks about his challenging yet rewarding role engaging with and supporting students so that they make the most of the library, with an emphasis on self-directed lifelong learning. Inspiring the librarians of tomorrow, perhaps? Collaboration is key as Capita continues to look to the future in designing cutting-edge technology using an iterative agile development process. On page 10, Paula Keogh reports on the progress being made in creating Library Search, Capita’s innovative new full library discovery tool – and what’s next. The future inevitably means change, but it doesn’t have to be costly. Turn to page 8 and discover how the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, supported by Insight Media, achieved serious savings with a major migration project. As libraries look for the best way forward in enhancing services for users, what could make better sense than to base performance targets and strategy on evidence and results? On page 18, Ian Downie, collectionHQ, explains why libraries should use benchmarking to identify strengths and weaknesses, assess performance and improve turnover – and how to set this powerful process in motion using three simple steps. We’re always looking for inspiration, so please get in touch if you have any stories, ideas or experiences you’d like to share.

Victoria Wilson Editor, Panlibus Magazine

Panlibus Magazine is a Capita production

ISSN 1749-1002 6190 Knights Court Solihull Parkway Birmingham Business Park B37 7YB United Kingdom 0870 400 5000

The views expressed in this magazine are those of the contributors for which Capita accepts no responsibility. Readers should take appropriate advice before acting on any issue raised. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. ©Capita. All rights reserved. Capita and the Capita logo are trademarks of Capita or its licensors in the United Kingdom and/or other countries. Other companies and products mentioned may be the trademarks of their respective owners. | Issue 40 Summer 2016 | Panlibus Magazine


Better engagement, better results

Better engagement = better results Michael Smalle Librarian: First Year Student Engagement and Success University of Limerick

In a role that is growing in popularity and necessity throughout the UK and Ireland, institutions are employing specialist staff specifically to focus on increasing engagement between their library functions and students to improve the overall success rates of universities and colleges. Here we meet Michael Smalle as he discusses his role of Librarian: First Year Student Engagement and Success at the University of Limerick. I’ve now been working with the students and Glucksman Library at the University of Limerick (UL) for nearly 12 months, and the role is becoming increasingly popular. Prior to taking up this role, I worked in Archives and Special Collections in the university in my home city of Galway, as well as working in the public library there. Prior to a career in librarianship, I was a teacher and teacher trainer for over 10 years. Most of this included preparing international students for third level as well as mentoring new teachers in lesson planning and classroom management. So you can see that I’ve gained much experience from both sides of the institution: libraries and teaching. I think this gives me a greater understanding of why and how students need to engage more effectively with the library functions during their time at university, and how this can directly affect their academic success.

From concept to fruition Research indicates that certain conditions in institutions improve first-year student transition, engagement, retention and success, so I’m certain this was the key driver behind employing someone in my role. As first-year students transition to third-level education, their

identity is challenged to develop a “new identity and role required as a university student” (Whannell & Whannell, 2015: 45).1 It is similarly noted that this developing identity can be influenced by barriers such as social class, gender and/or age (Baxter & Britton, 2001; Tett, 2000; Waller, 2006; Wiley, 1991).2 As Tinto (2012, p.4)3 points out, “no one rises to low expectations”, and students must be supported both academically and socially with frequent assessment and feedback in an environment which fosters active participation. With student attrition recognised as a problem in higher education, it is vital that institutions support a sense of belonging, promote student well-being and provide holistic support to help improve engagement and retention. In this context, UL formed a cross divisional ‘virtual’ Student Engagement and Success Unit in 2015 to provide targeted support for new entrants. In 2015, UL had a first-year new-entrant cohort of approximately 2,700 students with an overall student body in excess of 14,000.

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) in Ireland has ‘statutory responsibility… for the effective governance and regulation of higher education institutions and the higher education system’. A report released by the HEA in 20104 noted nonprogression of new entrants across all Irish higher education institutions (HEIs) as 15%. UL filled three positions including a First Year Experience and Retention Co-ordinator, a Librarian for First Year Student

Engagement and Success, and an Educational Developer. Together this unit provides support during orientation, specifically during the first seven weeks of term and throughout the remainder of the first year. The First Year Experience and Retention Co-ordinator, and Librarian for First Year Student Engagement and Success are student-facing roles and identifiable points of contact for all new students but particularly for students at risk. Equally, the remit of these roles is to develop initiatives to support student engagement, information and digital literacy, and critical thinking in a supported academic and social environment. This support is aligned to the institutional policies of UL, as well as graduate attributes which facilitates students to be knowledgeable, proactive, creative, responsible, collaborative and articulate. In promoting their roles and supporting students, the unit has been creating content to advertise their presence across campus. In the initial development of these roles, an awareness-raising activity was undertaken to promote how such roles can support first-year students’ transition to UL. As well as engaging with students at orientation, the roles operate in classrooms, lecture halls and providing one-toone support and consultations. In conjunction with other universities in Ireland, the unit is currently working on developing a massive open online course (MOOC) to improve the transition from second- to third-level education. This MOOC focuses on preparing students to succeed at university. Students will follow lessons which promote critical and creative thinking, as well as developing communication skills and key concepts in digital literacy. Furthermore, the unit is looking at reordering orientation for the next academic year and planning the introduction of Digital Ambassadors to promote peer-to-peer support.

Whannell, R & Whannell, P (2015) Identity theory as a theoretical framework to understand attrition for university students in transition. Student Success Vol 6, Issue 2 (43-52)


Baxter & Britton, 2001; Tett, 2000; Waller, 2006; Wiley, 1991 in Whannell, R & Whannell, P (2015) Identity theory as a theoretical framework to understand attrition for university students in transition. Student Success Vol 6, Issue 2 (43-52) 2

Tinto, V (2002) Enhancing student success: taking the classroom success seriously. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, Vol 3, Issue 1 (1-8). [Accessed 26 November 2015] 3

Higher Education Authority (2010) A Study of Progression in Irish Higher Education. Dublin



Panlibus Magazine | Issue 40 Summer 2016 |

Better engagement, better results

Daily business My role as First Year Student Engagement and Success provides a distinctive and highly visible point of contact for first-year students. Students transitioning from second level to third level face a whole new way of looking for and critically evaluating information as well as understanding the research process. These students usually have mixed experiences with independent study and using technology, so targeted support is vital for their retention and academic success. I regularly meet with students for one-to-one get-togethers to provide individual consultation on looking for and evaluating information, citing and referencing and using the libguides. Contact time with students varies. I present on the library resources to large groups in lecture halls; I offer one-to-one consultations; I give classes on referencing and searching. I also field a substantial amount of questions using email and, from time to time, last-minute phone calls from students in a panic. The overall goal is to encourage a student’s own voice and to instil in each of them the idea of self-directed lifelong learning. The role also delivers information and digital literacy classes to new students with an emphasis on student-centred learning. My feeling is that good habits are essential to instil in the students from day one. As such,

proper note taking, academic integrity and the confidence to develop a research strategy are key skills. The classes I run are very studentcentred, and I promote self-directed learning as much as possible. Because these classes are slotted into an already hectic schedule for students, it’s important to make the most of the short time available. The last few minutes of class are reserved for a one-minute feedback paper whereby students reflect on their own learning, and I get a sense of how the lessons can be fine-tuned. One unique programme running at the Glucksman Library at UL is that of the Peer Advisors. The student Peer Advisors work in the library at the start of the academic year, and their role is to support new students and to help with all queries at the start of term. The Peer Advisors are hired from the student body because of their knowledge of the way things work at UL. This year we had Peer Advisors from each faculty, undergraduates and postgraduates. This is a programme that has been running very successfully since 2010. This year, I extended their role by getting them involved in writing blogs about their experience of starting university as well as writing for the UL magazine, An Focal. The aim here is twofold. Firstly, to increase and promote the student voice. Secondly, the students act as ambassadors for the library by highlighting how they personally took advantage of all the supports and resources available. They

were involved in some classes I gave imparting advice on studying, and finding and using information. Later in the semester, we did a few roadshows called ‘Peer Advisors Across Campus’, where we set up a stall in different areas of the university and had the Peer Advisors engage at critical times during the semester. We ran two very successful coffee mornings in October, where students could drop into the library and informally meet their librarians and peers. As with all events, the idea with this was to provide support in a timely and relevant manner.

Reflecting on the past year I have been in this role almost an entire academic year now, and I can honestly say that I have drawn on many of the skills and knowledge I’ve gained throughout my entire working career so far. My previous experience as a teacher, as well as my background in using technology to create content, has definitely been useful. It has allowed me to use a lot of my skills in a new way and to think creatively about how I engage with students both in the classroom and online. My colleagues are very supportive of this new role, and the ethos of the library itself is very forward thinking. There is a real emphasis on collaboration and a healthy exchange of information and ideas. | Issue 40 Summer 2016 | Panlibus Magazine


Better engagement, better results

Focusing on the future The role of Librarian: First Year Student Engagement and Success has many longterm goals and metrics set to ensure the role performs and develops in a way that benefits the students and institution as a whole. The objectives include: • Developing the content of my libguide ‘First Year Experience’ • Increased involvement for open days • Reorganising Orientation as part of the Student Engagement Unit • Student Engagement Unit delivering talks to prospective students and parents on the realities of being a third-level student • Piloting the MOOC at second level and possibly third level • Launching a new popular reading and vinyl collection • Collaborating on classes with the Writing Centre The metrics set to ensure the role continues to deliver a high standard of service include: • Quality audits based upon student feedback • Quality and quantity of questions for Peer Advisors during the first 10 weeks of term


• Quality and quantity of questions received through the Ask Us/Tell Us form on the website. • Statistics on borrowing, usage data and how students are engaging with physical resources and multimedia • Statistics on students entering library and peak-time usage • On-paper exercises at the end of classes, enabling both student and teacher reflection • Statistics focusing on the types of questions posed during one-to-one consultations

I feel very strongly that my position has contributed to cultivating a learning environment that promotes critical thinking, social engagement, life skills and ability to engage with the campus community. With the impact this is having on outcomes at the University of Limerick and the success of our students, I can only see how this role and positions like it will continue to be recruited and grow throughout universities in Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and beyond.

The overall goal is to encourage a student’s own voice and to instil in each of them the idea of self-directed lifelong learning.

To watch the content generated by the Glucksman Library, visit YouTube: and discover the library’s website at

Having a designated First Year Librarian ensures that the library has somebody to engage with the wider campus. A huge part of this role is in collaborating with other services to ensure an holistic experience for new students. Liaising with student affairs, the Centre for Teaching and Learning and the Information Technology division, as well as the International Office and Mature Office to name just a few, means that student expectations can be met.

Panlibus Magazine | Issue 40 Summer 2016 |

You can contact Michael Smalle directly with any queries you may have relating to his role by emailing

FIND OUT MORE You can read about first-hand experiences of UL students in some of the entries for the UL Library blog:

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Adding a Chrome finish

Adding a Chrome finish to the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham switched from Windows XP to Google Chromebooks and saved around £400,000 A major migration Barking and Dagenham Libraries People’s Network offers their citizens internet access, email and a range of learning and office resources across 110 Chromebooks and 37 PCs spanning six library branches. Residents and guests can access a vast array of customer services from any of these service points. Owing to Microsoft’s Windows XP support being dropped a couple of years ago, the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD) undertook a major migration project in their libraries to move towards a rollout of Chromebooks and Chromeboxes before support for their Windows products ceased.

Throughout the council and in its libraries, meeting rooms and reception areas, LBBD was running 3,500 Windows XP desktops and 800 XP laptops, and was in the process of retiring these in favour of reduced quantities of 2,000 Samsung 303Cs Chromebooks and 300 Chromeboxes. The council had already rolled out approximately 350 of these Chromebooks to its staff.

Serious savings Compared with the cost of upgrading to new Windows machines, the potential saving in excess of £400,000 was one of the key factors when deciding to launch into switching to Chromebooks and Chromeboxes. The switch

offered a combination of lower hardware costs, lower support costs and more energy-efficient devices. Rupert Hay-Campbell, ICT and Information Governance Officer at the council, explained that LBBD would be paying around £200 per Chrome device, compared with £500 to £600 for a Windows laptop, and £340 to £350 for a standard Windows desktop. Hay-Campbell also added that the council made further savings as the overall number of devices is now lower because most staff are now using laptops, rather than some individuals having both a desktop and a laptop. Sheyne Lucock, Head of the council’s outsourcing contract Elevate East London, explained that the Windows XP support cut-off was the catalyst for the migration to Chrome devices.

“Our strategy is based on the browser. We believe all our business systems, calendar, email and other productivity apps will be browser based in future,” he explained. “Therefore, we needed to look at whether we continue with an estate that is largely Windows desktop-based, so rather sedentary with lots of PCs sitting on lots of desks, or whether we look at this as an opportunity to do IT a little bit differently.”


Panlibus Magazine | Issue 40 Summer 2016 |

Adding a Chrome finish

Hay-Campbell noted that the move to Chromebooks was helped by guidance from the government’s ‘IT security’ body CESG, which was published in the autumn of 2013: “This clarified how to do this kind of stuff securely. It gave us confidence that the Chromebooks weren’t going to give us problems in terms of connecting onto the central government networks,” he said.

Taking control

When LBBD decided to go with the new Chrome devices, this required an enhancement of the iCAM Workstation Control solution which Insight Media had implemented several years earlier across the borough’s libraries. The iCAM solution provided efficient management and secure access to conventional Windows PCs in the LBBD Peoples’ Network environment. Even though these Chrome devices are very different to the existing public PCs, they still required controls to manage access to the newer devices in a very similar way to conventional public computers. Insight Media developed a solution to provide the same levels of authentication, access control, session restrictions, session management and management information for the Chrome devices.

Roll-out Initially, the Device Management solution was installed at an LBBD pilot site, and the feedback garnered was very positive. Following a few minor tweaks in response to the feedback and development process, the module was quickly rolled out to all sites successfully within the authority.

pre-booking and controlling sessions in exactly the same way on Chrome devices as users were used to with Windows PCs. Moreover, with LBBD charging an annual subscription for PC time in libraries, it was a pivotal requirement that iCAM could continue to manage these subscriptions on Chrome devices. Vashti said:

Another key consideration identified by the libraries using Chromebooks was the additional benefits of Chrome providing a much faster speed. There is no server to go via and users are on the internet immediately. Vashti Thorne, Customer Services Manager at LBBD, worked closely with Insight Media and was instrumental in the implementation and testing of the Device Management module. Vashti’s view was that the libraries wanted the ability to book Chromebooks and handle them like any standard PC. It was also crucial that staff were able to continue allocating,

“Working with Insight Media on the Chrome project proved to be an interesting and successful development, and was successfully achieved within a very short timescale. The Chrome devices within the libraries have been well received by the public and they find them easy to use.”

Working with Barking and Dagenham Libraries, Insight Media created a new Device Management module. Device Management implements a new virtual network to manage next-generation devices which use the same existing servers, iCAM database, web interfaces and self-service kiosks in a similar way to conventional Windows PCs and Mac clients. This new module is designed and implemented as an extension to the existing iCAM solution and requires no additional training from the staff as it manages Chrome devices just like Windows PCs.

FIND OUT MORE 0844 335 6350 | Issue 40 Summer 2016 | Panlibus Magazine


The future of Library Search

The future of Library Search

The early stages of development are always exciting and fast paced, and for full library discovery, the new Library Search solution it has proved no different.

We’ve had some genuinely fascinating discussions already about how we might personalise the experience, how we make sure we help users serendipitously discover resources without limiting the information available to them and how we embed Library Search into the top layer of end-user search habits as their first port of call. Should users see Library Search as a search box in their existing online library experience, or should Library Search be a destination in its own right? All of these are areas being carefully reviewed by our development team as part of the iterative agile development process we use at Capita for all product development.

Back in January we held a series of strategic events to discuss in detail the white paper we launched which compiled high-level research into the ‘discovery’ arena in the UK thus far.

The development partner libraries working with us on the full library discovery solution, Library Search, have been already been involved for several months, advising us on

Paula Keogh Libraries Sales Manager Capita

We have spent the first half of 2016 focusing on creating a new – and most importantly, better – way of liberating data from within your library collections, and it’s been a fantastically interesting experience so far.

As Anthony Whitford, Head of Development at Capita Libraries, notes, “Having a suite of ‘Software as a Service’ applications, like we do at Capita Libraries, allows for the development of our solutions to be highly responsive to the market drivers right now – not from 6 or 12 months ago. Therefore, we actively encourage as much involvement from our existing customers in the development process as possible because we are confident we will develop a tool that responds to their needs.” These events illustrated both the level of interest in making searching for vital data better for end users and the range of views on how we could improve it.

what factors are most important to them and which key elements of the service they want to test first.

Right now, for example, this collaborative approach means that we can together investigate, identify and integrate with the priority data sources, mediate with thirdparty system providers to enable technical connections, test the system as it develops and allow a forum for detailed feedback from library staff and users. How do we do this? We hold regular webinars for our development partners to make sure that we achieve that fine balance between garnering vital, timely feedback and letting people get on with their day jobs! Because we’ve used the agile development approach for many years now (originally starting with the Prism solution then of course, more recently, Soprano, the web-based staff LMS interface), we know how powerful it is when approaching what in this case is a newer concept in the UK – full library discovery. Only when we have the commitment and participation from our development partners and our strategic event attendees do we truly start to address the needs directly that you and your end users have. It’s been a privilege to take part in these discussions over the months, and with another round of strategic events recently completed, this time including non-Capita LMS libraries, we’re delighted to have even more to discuss as our next round of 6-8 weekly agile development gets underway. Watch out for some of our development partners starting to trial Library Search at their own institutions in the run-up to the new academic year. We can’t wait!

Discover more: If you’d like to find out more about the concept of full library discovery, you can download the white papers online at If you’d like to get in touch with the Capita Libraries team or would like to find out more about Library Search, please email



Panlibus Magazine | Issue 40 Summer 2016 |

Discover more…

Give your users the full picture with Library Search

Today’s library users expect to have everything a library has to offer at their fingertips. However, library discovery tools typically only search a fraction of all the resources a library has to offer.

Introducing Library Search from Capita: enhancing the discovery experience

Now, by widening the net but narrowing the search, Library Search takes the unearthing of often inaccessible and under-utilised resources, such as archives and historical records, to the next level by providing a single search box that enables users to discover everything the library has to offer.

Download your free copy of Capita’s full library discovery briefing report Dedicated to the precise needs of both academic and public libraries, there are two to choose from.

Simply visit:


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Satisfying students’ expectations

Satisfying students’ expectations Denise Crouch Head of Sales and Marketing LapSafe® The University of Sussex is a leading research university that has around 14,000 students. Situated near Brighton, in the South of England, it was the first of the new wave of UK universities, receiving its Royal Charter in 1961.

Meeting students’ demands Based upon a student feedback survey, students requested more computers to be made available in the university library, but at the same time students said that they wanted more desk space. This prompted the decision to look for an automated laptop loan system that would enable the desks to be kept free and more devices to be readily available. The key decision makers in this process were the university’s Library and IT Services team members. David Guest, Senior Information Delivery Manager, said “We thought long and hard about what service to introduce and what devices to loan to students, and eventually we chose to loan Chromebooks because they are much easier to manage centrally”.

Selecting the best The university didn’t have an existing relationship with LapSafe® but had attended several trade shows and industry events where they had seen the LapSafe® Diplomat™ library management system (LMS) being demonstrated. The intelligent electronic functionality of the Diplomat MS can be

fully integrated with most LMSs allowing devices to be loaned to borrowers with no staff interaction. It was an important factor for the University of Sussex that the system selected for implementation could be easily used by both the staff and the students. To gain a better understanding of how the service would work, the university’s Library and IT Services team spoke to several other universities about their experience with the Diplomat LMS. The feedback they received was both positive and informative. David explains: “The sales process went smoothly and LapSafe was always available to answer our questions. Once we had made our decision to order, it took a little longer than we had initially anticipated to get from order to installation, mainly due to our understanding of the process and that we ordered during the summer period, which was LapSafe’s busiest time of year.

“However, all in all, the service we received was excellent and the installation was very smooth. Both the staff and the students here at the University of Sussex love the service. Students love the convenience of being able to use the devices wherever they are in the library, and they now ask for more of this service.

Built-in benefits “One of the best things we like about this product is the charging. We chose LapSafe’s SmartLine™ product, which means that devices do not need to charge using their AC adaptors and the charging is built in. We have a small amount of Chromebooks, and they are turned around really quickly, but even when a student

has used a device for several hours, they are charged up again very quickly once returned and ready for the next user. That’s where it has worked really well day in and day out for the last year without any problems at all.” Of the other benefits experienced by the University of Sussex, David comments, “One of the beauties of the service is that it integrates into the university’s existing LMS. This means that when we need to run reports on how the laptop service is being used, all the reports already exist as part of the LMS. It also means there is little training required for the library staff.” On average, the library processes about 400 Chromebook loans per week or 1,600 loans per month, and given that they only have a 24-bay Diplomat LMS loaning out 24 devices, you can see just how popular this system is. What’s more, the library is open 24 hours a day, and at busy times of the day this system supports itself without taking up valuable staff time.

Plans for the future The University of Sussex have already taken the decision to double the number of Chromebooks loaned in the library, and an additional 24 bay will be installed in the summer of 2016 along with additional towers for their existing installations. David concludes, “We found it very useful talking to other users of the service. It was really helpful to get a little bit of feedback about the kind of issues that they faced and what had worked well for them.

“There is also no real substitute for a real live demo, so when we saw the service in action at an industry event, it really told us what we needed to know and showed us how the service could work for us. There are always going to be issues introducing this type of facility, but LapSafe® has been very quick to help us sorting out any problems very efficiently.” To discover more about the case study between Lapsafe and the University of Sussex, please visit to watch the video case study.

FIND OUT MORE 0800 130 3456 | Issue 40 Summer 2016 | Panlibus Magazine


The BIG 40

Celebrating 40 instalments of innovation Ceri McCall Original Editor of Panlibus Magazine Capita Ceri McCall looks back to the beginning of Panlibus Magazine’s existence and how the library sector has succeeded in the face of adversity over the last 11 years. As the firstever editor of Panlibus Magazine, her dynamic and innovative approach to starting a brandnew publication has meant that Panlibus has most definitely stood the test of time over a decade later.

One of our ambitions was to see every issue of Panlibus standing proudly on library shelves. To be THE magazine that aspiring and seasoned librarians relied upon for fresh thinking. It’s 2016; it clearly has stood the test of time, and so too have libraries! As the original, proud editor of Panlibus, I made it my mission to showcase everything that was utterly brilliant about libraries and the difference your staff and the whole sector make. We published the wisdom of Jimmy Wales (Founder of Wikipedia), Bill Oldroyd (The European Library), Roy Clare (Museums,

Technology has multiplied our reach; from the physical to the virtual world, librarians sprinkle moments of inspiration that enable people to rethink their future. Since Ceri has moved on from editing Panlibus Magazine, she has flourished in many marketing roles at strategic and director levels throughout various elements of Capita’s IT business. Her time spent working with libraries provided a deep insight into the challenges facing public sector organisations, as well as demonstrating to her the passion that regularly shines through from people in the public sector, particularly in libraries and education.

Ceri: The year 2005 marked the birth of Panlibus. First things first, we needed a name. Perhaps you have wondered how we came to choose ‘Panlibus’? Well, here it is. Pan (all things), Li (abbreviated library), bus (business) – ‘Voila’, Panlibus. We quickly secured an ISSN number (of course), brainstormed article ideas, asked industry experts and off we set. So that’s how, 11 years ago, a bunch of techies, librarians and avid library users came up with the vision and to go with that name:

“to create a dynamic magazine that makes people (re)think”. We all knew of the challenges facing libraries at the time, but we all felt that it was time to change and start looking towards redeveloping and reshaping libraries. This mantra became our editorial guide.


Libraries and Archives Council (MLA)) and many more. We became a focal point that drew attention to talent in the industry. It was the culmination of ideas, backed by insight into real best practice throughout the library sector. What a combination. Readers wrote to us, people engaged and quickly Panlibus took on a life of its own.

The BIG 40 Many would say turning 40 means you’re in your prime; for Panlibus Magazine, I hope this holds true. In this 40th issue of Panlibus Magazine, Karen Reece takes a step back and step forward in time looking at our journey, your journey and that of our library users. It has certainly been a decade to remember. Focusing on the achievements of the magazine, Panlibus has continued to grow, Capita came on board, five further editors have been at the helm, we now reach over 3,000 readers in 25 countries worldwide, and the magazine has a digital incarnation.

A decline in numbers; yet a legacy lives on For over 15 years, pundits have debated and speculated about the death of libraries. It is true that we have seen a decline in library branches across the UK, but the legacy of libraries goes way, way beyond that of book loans and physical premises.

Panlibus Magazine | Issue 40 Summer 2016 |

Community centres, places of safety and outreach activities have touched the lives of millions of children, teenagers and adults. Technology has multiplied our reach; from the physical to the virtual world, librarians sprinkle moments of inspiration that enable people to rethink their future.

That is talent: librarian talent. What the libraries sector has achieved in the last 11 years should give us all confidence for the next decade, and beyond. Regardless of the challenges, lives have still been touched and the strength of passion has shone through. Turn that page to reach the next chapter in your library’s future. You won’t be disappointed.

Where will we be in another 10 years...?

Karen Reece Head of Libraries Capita What were you doing in autumn 2005? Also, what technology were you using then? If you are anything like me, you probably have very little idea. However, using the adage that you need to celebrate the past in order to define the future, I checked.

for sharing videos… and YouTube was born. Also, over that side of the pond, a new website was starting to take hold just one year after it was launched, and at this point Facebook was still hoping to compete with MySpace, the most popular website in the world. I wonder just exactly what became of that company? We certainly don’t need to wonder whatever happened to Facebook – in March 2016, the social media website averaged over one billion daily active users.

Libraries: where will we be in another 10 years...? On checking that the iPod Nano was released in 2005, I think I bought my first Apple device in 2005. Subsequently, the downloads of songs first topped 200 million in the same year. I can recall my excitement in getting my hands on that wonderful Apple packaging for the first time, and I’ve been a convert ever since. However, a number of other technology-related events happened in 2005: in America three ex-PayPal employees launched a new website

However, the more pressing question here is, how will this affect libraries? We’ve seen a number of advances in the last few years. Firstly, the increase in importance placed upon personalisation in communication between libraries and customers. This innovation is now about not only having a social media presence but also having a personality and voice in that online persona; it’s about engaging in two-way communications personalised to the user’s or customer’s need. In the public library space, this approach can also help you build a community around the library and its functions, encouraging a wider reach for your library and attracting new or long-lost customers.

It’s also interesting looking at what didn’t exist in 2005: no smartphones, no (reliable) Wi-Fi, very few laptops, and RFID was still considered cutting-edge and used mainly in retail and manufacturing. Why am I listing past technological milestones? Well, believe it or not, all of this was happening as the first issue of Panlibus Magazine was launched.

As this is issue 40, what do I think that we will be talking about by the time we get to issue 80? The trends that we see around us currently at work and in our personal lives will all evolve – that much is certain – but to what extent remains unknown. If we think about some of the phrases that are being bandied about at the moment, the ‘internet of things’, virtual and augmented realities, data warehousing, autonomous machines, wearable technology, nanobots, etc., all of these will have some say in shaping the technology that we will use in the future as well as the way in which we consume information and interact with technology.

In academia, however, digital technologies are already making it easier for libraries to connect with their students, providing them with more relevant content and libraries with the option to communicate with the individual in the way that they choose. As the newer technologies emerge, then more libraries are looking at virtual reality, with a real and practical use for either exploring physical spaces (such as libraries themselves) or using virtual reality for storytelling (see for an extraordinary example) or enhancing academic digital literacy skills. The cost of the virtual reality technology has dropped significantly as Google Cardboard has proved, a new technology which can even be printed out on the 3D printer to allow library users to experience the virtual environment. The future technology for libraries is built on three main strands that I can see: • Personalisation • Connectedness • T he concept of a digital place to supplement the physical place. The technology to support this will be embraced over the next 11 years, and there will be plenty of failed ideas and fashionable flash-in-the-pans that we’ll all have to consider over that time. As Heraclitus said a very long time ago:

“the only thing that is constant is change”. | Issue 40 Summer 2016 | Panlibus Magazine



The power of benchmarking

What is benchmarking? Ian Downie Director, International Business Development collectionHQ

Benchmarking, by definition, is:

“A measurement of the quality of an organisation’s policies, products, programs, strategies, etc., and their comparison with standard measurements, or similar measurements of its peers.”1 The practice can be used in most businesses, from major sports brands to utility companies, and it is becoming increasingly popular in public libraries. Introducing benchmarking can greatly contribute to the success of your library by helping to see what is working well for peer libraries and identifying where your own strengths and weaknesses lie.

Why benchmark?


Fundamentally, benchmarking can be used to set performance targets and support strategy.

Besides the regular use of benchmarking to assess performance and adjust actions accordingly, the practice is probably most commonly used as a strategic tool.

Setting peer-based performance targets By selecting peer libraries carefully and implementing the benchmarking process methodically, the practice can help to identify where your library is performing well and where it could do better based on average results from libraries in your peer group. It is advantageous to select peer libraries of a similar size with similar goals and objectives to your library, which will help to set relevant performance targets. This peer-based approach to setting targets is also a great way to increase library collaboration and boost staff morale. There’s nothing like a little friendly competition to motivate teams and strengthen bonds.

Prior to implementing targets and amending processes based on what you’ve learned from peers, use benchmarks to analyse your library’s overall performance by drawing opportunities from what you identify as its strengths and weaknesses. If you find that your turnover is below the average of your peers, then turn this into an opportunity to investigate why. Are your staff members using an evidence-based tool, like collectionHQ, to ensure your shelves are filled with the right material in the right quantity to satisfy customer demand? Are your teams keeping on top of the removal of overused items that have become worn and are unappealing to library users?

1 | Issue 40 Summer 2016 | Panlibus Magazine


The power of benchmarking

Benchmarking gives senior management the opportunity to improve the library as a service to users based on evidence and results.

How do you benchmark? While the theory of benchmarking makes sense, it is important to follow a methodical roll-out of the practice and to adopt a suitable methodology for improvements. We’ve come up with a few simple steps to help you and your team succeed as you embark on your benchmarking project: 1. Select areas to benchmark Successful benchmarking begins by first of all selecting the areas where you would like to assess performance. Any quantifiable key performance indicators can be selected to compare with results at other libraries. For example, you could look at circulation, turnover, collection development, supply of popular authors and much more. Within collectionHQ, you can access a number of performance tools which provide the perfect basis for identifying the areas to benchmark by revealing trends of where your performance is improving and where your results are more stagnant. Any areas with notable trends are good contenders for benchmarking.

2. Identify and access peer data and processes Once you have defined what you want to benchmark, it is time for the informationgathering part of the process. At this point you must identify how you will gain access to peer data and processes. This usually determines the peer libraries you will choose from in terms of your contacts and access to information. collectionHQ supports this process by offering access to peer data via its Discovery tool. Discovery provides the ability to benchmark your supply of popular items on a title, author, subject and genre level against hundreds of other libraries on a local, regional and national scale. Once you have recognised the high-performing titles at peer libraries, you will then have the option to take direct action and purchase copies of those titles either to meet an unidentified demand at your library or to introduce your users to undiscovered hot titles.

This year, 2016, marks 21 years since EBSM was first introduced to libraries in the UK, and it is now used in hundreds of public libraries worldwide. The four phases of EBSM can be applied to improve your collection in line with your benchmarks: Assessment, Acclimatisation, Consolidation and Excellence. The repeatable EBSM framework uses data from a library’s own ILS/LMS database along with local target settings as its evidence base. The EBSM toolset then uses this evidence base to perform complex comparisons between the locally set targets and the current situation. This then provides your library with a series of action plans to help library staff drive performance towards targets. The benefits are clear: a well-planned benchmarking project which identifies underperforming areas of a collection and adopts an evidence-based methodology to address these can improve performance at public libraries.

3. Methodology to improve

Discover more with our white paper

Introducing new processes to improve your library’s performance in line with benchmarking requires careful roll-out of a methodology.

With the EBSM methodology now in use at more than 450 public libraries worldwide, and by reading our new white paper, you too can discover the improvements and increased efficiencies that have been achieved by libraries using the methodology. To request a copy, please email

Evidence-based Stock Management (EBSM) is a methodology which applies ‘Big Data’ to help librarians make more informed and more efficient decisions.



Panlibus Magazine | Issue 40 Summer 2016 |

The Diplomat™ LMS

Intelligent lockers make a smart addition to your Capita LMS! More and more libraries are offering the opportunity to borrow a laptop or similar device for short periods of time. Offering this type of service is a great way to enhance the users experience and present a value-added extra to your library service. Manually loaning out the devices is time consuming and often restricts when the device are available. So how can this service be automated? The LapSafe® Diplomat™ LMS self-service device loan lockers makes device loans easy to manage. It allows users to borrow devices at any time of the day or night offering 24 x 7 x 365 access whether staff are present or not. The Diplomat™ LMS integrates with most library management systems including the popular Capita LMS. It always deploys the best-charged device and loans laptops or similar devices just like a library book.

Deploys best charged device

Various ID options

Only issues the device with the most charge.

Biometric, MiFare™, magstripe and barcode.

SmartLine™ with PowaSave™

19” touch screen interface

LapSafe®’s unique integrated charging.

Easy to use and fully customisable.

Manchester Metropolitan University, Oxford Brookes University and Dublin City University are just a few customers using the Diplomat with Capita LMS

Call the experts today to book a free demonstration on 0800 130 3456

Partner news

Partner news Pay-per-use eaudiobooks and ebooks now available within Cloud Library bibliotheca is delighted to announce that it has plans to expand the Cloud Library product with the inclusion of pay-per-use pricing models, allowing customers to significantly extend their collection with no up-front cost and no risk. At BookExpo America, bibliotheca met with key publishers to continue securing content for the model. Several great publishers are already on-board, including Blackstone Audio and Hachette Audio. Working diligently with eAudiobook partner Findaway, bibliotheca expects to offer a wide range of eAudiobooks and eBooks under the new pay-per-use model. Unlike traditional ownership-driven digital models, where the content is paid for up-front in full and then loaned to library users over time, pay-per-use has no up-front costs at all. Instead, libraries can offer an extended range of titles and are only charged when a title is downloaded. This new and exciting model represents the perfect way to complement the up-front purchased collection, allowing libraries to offer a much more diverse collection of material with practically no risk. “For the past five years we have offered libraries a huge collection of digital material from which to choose,” explained Tom Mercer,


Director of Digital Products for bibliotheca. “However, many of the more niche titles are missed as the return on an up-front investment cannot be justified. This new pay-per-use model allows libraries to offer a practically unlimited collection of titles, knowing that they will only incur cost if a title is ever loaned.” The pay-per-use model will sit alongside the up-front payment model within the Cloud Library, allowing libraries to mix and match how they wish to purchase content. For example, if a title purchased using the payper-use model gains popularity, it can then be purchased outright, allowing libraries to try and test stock at their will. Additionally, libraries are able to provide a monthly cap on their pay-peruse title stock to ensure that their collection budget is suitably managed. This new model will be available to all Cloud Library customers later this year. Currently bibliotheca is establishing a pilot group of leading libraries to help test the new model. For more information, the team can be reached via

UJA-Federation has hosted the Publishing dinner for nearly 50 years to recognise professionals in the industry for demonstrating leadership and philanthropy, both at work and in the community. Under Potash’s leadership, OverDrive has become the leading global platform for eBooks, audiobooks and other digital media for libraries, schools and retailers worldwide. Active in the electronic publishing industry since the 1980s with innovative CD-ROM and print-to-digital conversion services, Potash launched OverDrive’s content distribution service in 2000. He has built a global network spanning more than 50 countries and serving more than 90% of U.S. libraries with one of the largest digital content catalogues in the world. Visit to discover more about OverDrive.

Steve Potash of OverDrive, Inc., is honoured by UJA-Federation of New York’s publishing division

Talis are pleased to announce that Auckland University of Technology (AUT) has selected to implement Talis Aspire to deliver their online reading lists and copyright-cleared content service. Established as a university in 2010, AUT enrolled 28,314 students (19,582 equivalent full-time) in 2014, offering 224 distinct qualifications. The library houses 241,228 printed books and serials and 178,598 electronic resources with 2,946, 514 downloads. AUT is the fourth university in New Zealand to implement Talis Aspire. Half the higher education institutions in New Zealand are now using Talis to manage and deliver their online reading lists and copyright-cleared content services. Talis help universities in eight countries, including over 60% of all UK universities, to manage and deliver learning resources online. The cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) system hosts nearly 500,000 reading lists, with over 20 million references, serving in excess of 176 million views of reading lists by students each year. For more information about Talis, please visit

UJA-Federation of New York has honoured Steve Potash, President and CEO of OverDrive, Inc., at its Publishing Division Dinner on Tuesday 24 May 2016, at The Pierre in New York City. Potash is the first professional solely dedicated to digital to be honoured by UJA-Federation.

Panlibus Magazine | Issue 40 Summer 2016 |

Auckland University of Technology selects Talis Aspire to deliver their online reading lists and copyrightcleared content service

Events, training and webinars

Events Escape the heat and sun by joining the Capita Libraries team at one of the many events we’re attending over the next few months… To ensure you don’t miss us, you can now book ahead to secure your time with the team. Simply email to book your appointment directly. We hope to see you soon…

CILIP Conference 2016 “Bringing the information world together” Tuesday 12 - Wednesday 13 July, Brighton Dome, Brighton Northern Collaboration Annual Conference 2016 “Delivering innovation, engagement and impact” Thursday 15 September, Hilton Hotel, Liverpool

CILIP Regional LMS Suppliers’ Showcase Wednesday 21 September, Jury’s Inn, Newcastle CILIP’s LMS Showcase – Autumn 2016 Friday 18 November, CILIP HQ, London To see all Capita’s upcoming events, please visit

Training Whether it’s a refresh of your existing knowledge around your LMS or a session for new staff members, we have just the thing to help you get the best from your system. Find out more about all of these upcoming courses online at

Merging in Decisions R4.1 14:00, Thursday 21 July

Managing Parameters in Alto 14:00, Tuesday 6 September

Scheduling in Decisions R4.1 14:00, Thursday 4 August

System Manager: Beginner 10:00–16:00, Tuesday 27 September

Exploring the Decisions Universes R4.1 14:00, Thursday 25 August If you can’t find a course here that fits your needs, we’ll arrange something dedicated to just you and your team. Get in touch with us by emailing

Webinars How could your library software solutions improve the service your library offers to users while delivering efficiency gains? Find out with one of our informative and free webinars. Prism Pro – Stock Purchase Request Form 14:00, Wednesday 27 July

Taking Stock of Soprano 14:00, Wednesday 14 September

Prism Pro – Online Borrower Joining Form 14:00, Wednesday 10 August

Chorus – Your LMS in a Hosted Environment 14:00, Wednesday 28 September

Prism Pro – ILL Request Form 14:00, Tuesday 30 August

Prism – Augmented Discovery: Surfacing Data from Other Sources 14:00, Wednesday 12 October

For further details on all of Capita Libraries’ events, training and webinars, or to get in touch with us, please visit | Issue 40 Summer 2016 | Panlibus Magazine



Nielsen LibScan public library borrowing data, periods 1-2 Looking at the Nielsen LibScan public library borrowing figures for period 1 (four weeks ending 30 January 2016), the data suggests a bright New Year for library loans. Compared with period 1 of 2015, there has been growth of 2.5%, the largest year-on-year monthly increase since 2014. Children’s Young Adult and Educational in particular had strong growth, with a rise of 5.4%. Could this be a signal that the trend of decreasing loans was beginning to reverse? Sadly not. The Nielsen LibScan borrowing figures for February brought us back down to earth. Overall there were more than 1m fewer loans than period 2, 2015. Fiction loans declined by 21.0%, Trade Non-Fiction by 27.0% and Children’s Young Adult and Educational by 15.3% year on year. The only category to see any significant growth was Health, Dieting and Wholefood, which bucked the trend with increased loans by 2.5k compared with the same period in 2015. Library loans have previously seen a significant increase in February after a quiet January; however, the opposite happened in 2016. It is possible that library users are visiting libraries earlier in the year. In fact, when you compare the loans of periods 1 and 2 for 2016 against the same period in 2015, the overall year-on-year decline reduces to 7.3%. This is still significant, but far less dramatic than it originally seems and more in keeping with the trend of the previous year.

Nielsen LibScan Top 10 (Periods 1-2) Position




Pub Date


Make Me: Jack Reacher

Lee Child


10 Sep 15


The Girl on the Train

Paula Hawkins


15 Jan 15


Even Dogs in the Wild

Ian Rankin


5 Nov 15


The Crossing

Michael Connelly


22 Oct 15


Rogue Lawyer

John Grisham


20 Oct 15


Career of Evil

Robert Galbraith


20 Oct 15


Personal: Jack Reacher

Lee Child


28 Aug 14


Cross Justice: Alex Cross

James Patterson


5 Nov 15


The Guilty

David Baldacci


19 Nov 15


Go Set a Watchman

Harper Lee


14 July 15

Make Me by Lee Child and The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins remain at number 1 and 2 respectively in the Nielsen LibScan loan charts, but there were new entries for Ian Rankin, John Grisham and Michael Connelly. Crime, Thriller and Adventure books were more popular than ever to library users, taking nine of the top 10 spots, although the most popular product class, Crime, Thriller and Adventure, fell by more than 160k loans year on year.

Looking deeper into the Crime, Thriller and Adventure figures for periods 1 and 2 in 2016 compared to 2015, the total loans for the bestselling books have actually increased by over 5%. However, the further you get towards ‘backlist’ and less immediately popular books, the loans decline by over 10% year on year.

FIND OUT MORE [© 2016 Nielsen Book Services Limited [trading as Nielsen BookScan and Nielsen LibScan]). For further information about Nielsen BookScan TCM Panel or LibScan panel, email:


Panlibus Magazine | Issue 40 Summer 2016 |

Cloud Library Discover the future of e-lending to public libraries in the UK

 Access online, at in-library Discovery Stations & via the easy-to-use app  Requires a one-time entry of a user’s library card  eBook and audiobook titles curated by digital experts in the UK  UK content available from all major publishers free to your users  Integrates with self-service software, providing recommended content.

All your users need is a library card and a device .

Contact and quote the offer code CLOUDJUNE16 to try the solution with free content and preferential pricing for the platform subscription.

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