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Saving Gas - The Top 5 Tips For Squeezing Every Dollar From The Pump

By Thomas R. Buff

Here we go again. We are faced with skyrocketing gas prices with no relief in sight. The five-dollar mark for a gallon of gas can become an everyday norm. Every motorist is not only fed up with the high prices of gasoline but also with the thousands of adds that promote gas pinching gadgets and gimmicks that claim will save you a pile of money in gas savings. The reality is that you can improve your fuel economy up to 35 percent by simply following these five tips that do not involve infomercial adds or wacky contraptions. These tests are performed under real world conditions and are recommended by ASE certified Master Automobile Technicians. Follow these simple tips and you will see a substantial savings at the pump.

1. Slow Down – slowing down is not only sound advice but is a proven fact to save gas. In a typical car every 10 miles and hour over 60 mph is similar to the price of gasoline going up about 50 cents a gallon. The reason behind this is all about friction. Traveling faster makes the job of overcoming friction together resulting in more gasoline used. In fact, if a car gets 28 mpg at 65 mph, driving at 75 will drop it too 24 mpg. What is the perfect speed for improving gas mileage? Most experts claim it is between 55 and 60 mph.

2. Check your tire pressure – According to studies, 86% of motorist do not check their tire inflation. The results are typically underflated tires, which cause a tire to rest on both of its shoulders or sides as compared to the center where the tread is located. Tires that are under inflated by a mere 6 psi can reduce fuel economy up to 2 percent.

3. Tune- Up – A neglected engine is a major cause of gas guzzling. By simply replacing a clogged air filter it can improve gas mileage by 10 percent. Remember, an engine has to breath properly in order to burn fuel efficiently. A basic tune-up that includes replacing the spark plugs, fuel filter, and air filter is a good way to improve gas mileage instantly.

4. Use cruise control – When driving on a highway, cruise control can save you up to 14 percent in gasoline usage. Driving at a constant speed reduces acceleration input or “surging”. The automobiles computer will feed gasoline at a slow and steady pace when acceleration is needed. So, if you have cruise control, use it. You will increase your gas mileage.

5. Buy a more fuel-efficient vehicle – Getting a new car or truck may not be on your agenda but with high gas prices and a weak economy, this is the time to buy. May automobile manufactures are offering huge rebates to entice the motoring public to buy cars. There are many new vehicles that offer a huge saving in miles per gallon without sacrificing safety. So, think long and hard about your transportation needs and research the advantage of owning a hybrid, electric or a gas-sipping automobile with a four-cylinder engine.

Although these are simple tips they may just save you a pile of money in gas savings. In this day and age any savings are helpful. Happy Motoring!

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