2 minute read

You Gotta Work Through It

by John Degenhart, DC

In 42 years of seeing so many beautiful patients, I’ve heard so many stories. People living in pain, will say to themselves, “you gotta work through it” or another phrase is, “maybe it’ll go away”. Let me offer you my observations.

At any age, if you overdo an activity, like shoveling snow for hours, raking leaves for hours or planting flowers for hours; it is normal for muscles to fatigue and soreness to develop. But this human body was constructed so beautifully that it has internal mechanisms to heal itself. So in three days or so your pai should subside. When a sudden pain occurs, and it doesn’t go away, that is when you should not say to yourself, “you gotta work through it” or “maybe it’ll go away”.

I always rejoice when a patient says to me “my lower back area has hurt me for three years. That it affected my knee. I thought I just was getting older and I just had to live with the pain. I was nervous about coming to a chiropractor, but since you adjusted my right side, my back pain is gone and my knee pain even went away. I didn’t have to live in pain for years!”

So maybe you are living in pain and some of it can be improved upon. I love what I do. If you tried exercises and pain killers and your back and neck pain persists, come in and give us a chance to help you.

This country was built by strong people who pushed hard to overcome obstacles. I want you to be physically and mentally productive for as long as possible. Get your spine gently adjusted, you will be so excited to golf, hunt, clean, and travel for years to come!

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