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Hazleton Native Publishes Christmas Themed Book

After over 20 years in the making, one local woman's vision for a Christmas tale has now become a book for children. Orison Publishing released The Tiniest Angel’s Gift, written by Paulette DeBella, this September under their imprint Little Blessing Books. Born and raised in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, DeBella taught elementary language arts for two years in a Scranton Diocese elementary school and after that for nearly 20 years in the Hazleton Area School District. She took a break from teaching in 2021 to raise her daughter. While on that break, DeBella unearthed an idea for a children’s Christmas story that had taken its root nearly two decades prior. The first twinkling of The Tiniest Angel’s Gift came to light when DeBella was a teenager visiting her sister’s home during Christmas time in 1999. Her sister had a manger scene under the Christmas tree and sitting on the roof of the stable was a statue of an angel. One “twinkle” light had fallen off a branch and into the angel’s outstretched hand. That still small scene inspired her. She went home that evening and wrote the entire original manuscript in one sitting. It wasn’t until 2022, 23 years later, that through a teaching colleague, she got in touch with Orison Publishing. With that first connection, the journey to realizing the story’s true worth began to reveal itself and ultimately led to its publication. (To read more about the inspiration behind this story visit DeBella’s blog at www. bunnbunnbooks.com.)
The Tiniest Angel’s Gift focuses on the character of Christina. Christina has a big problem. It's almost time for Jesus’ birth, and she's the only one without a gift! As she watches Mary and Joseph settle in the stable, little Christina comes up with the brightest idea to show her love. In this heartwarming tale, the tiniest angel plays one of the biggest roles in the miracle of Christmas. This beautifully illustrated story reminds us that everyone has a purpose and a special gift to share with others. The Tiniest Angel’s Gift is sure to become a cherished part of many families’ Christmas traditions. The book is available in paperback and as an eBook at Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Autographed copies are also available at DeBella’s website, www. BunnBunnBooks.com.